#!/usr/bin/env bash ########################################################################### # check_spelling.sh # --------------------- # Date : December 2016 # Copyright : (C) 2016 by Denis Rouzaud # Email : denis.rouzaud@gmail.com ########################################################################### # # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # # (at your option) any later version. # # # ########################################################################### # -r: deactivate interactive mode to fix errors # optional argument: list of files to be checked DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )" AGIGNORE=${DIR}/.agignore # GNU prefix command for mac os support (gsed, gsplit) GP= if [[ "$OSTYPE" =~ darwin* ]]; then GP=g fi # ARGUMENTS INTERACTIVE=$(tty -s && echo YES || echo NO) DEBUG=NO OUTPUTLOG="" while getopts ":rdl:" opt; do case $opt in r) INTERACTIVE=NO ;; d) DEBUG=YES ;; l) OUTPUTLOG=$OPTARG ;; \?) echo "Invalid option: -$OPTARG" >&2 exit 1 ;; esac done shift $(expr $OPTIND - 1) if [ ! $# -eq 0 ]; then EXCLUDE=$(cat $AGIGNORE |${GP}sed -e 's/\s*#.*$//' -e '/^\s*$/d' | tr '\n' '|' |${GP}sed -e 's/|$//') INPUTFILES=$(echo $@ | tr -s '[[:blank:]]' '\n' | egrep -iv "$EXCLUDE" | tr '\n' ' ' ) if [[ -z $INPUTFILES ]]; then exit 0 fi echo "Running spell check on files: $INPUTFILES" else INPUTFILES="." fi # regex to find escape string SPELLOKRX='(#\s*spellok|)$' # split into several files to avoid too long regexes SPLIT=6 ${GP}split --number=l/$SPLIT --numeric-suffixes --suffix-length=2 --additional-suffix=~ ${DIR}/spelling.dat spelling # global replace variables (dictionary) declare -A GLOBREP_ALLFILES=() declare -A GLOBREP_CURRENTFILE=() declare -A GLOBREP_IGNORE=() ERRORFOUND=NO for I in $(seq -f '%02g' 0 $(($SPLIT-1)) ) ; do [[ "$INTERACTIVE" =~ YES ]] && printf "Progress: %d/%d\n" $I $SPLIT SPELLFILE=spelling$I~ # if correction contains an uppercase letter and is the same as the error character wise, this means that the error is searched as a full word and case sensitive (not incorporated in a bigger one) CASEMATCH_FIXCASE=$(${GP}sed -rn '/^(\w+):\1(:\*)?$/Ip' $SPELLFILE | ${GP}sed -r 's/^(\w+):\1(:\*)?$/(\\b|_)\1(\\b|_)/I') REMAINS=$( ${GP}sed -r '/^(\w+):\1(:\*)?$/Id' $SPELLFILE) # for error or correction containing any non letter character (space, apostrophe) search is full word and case insensitive IGNORECASE_FIXSPECIALCHAR=$(echo "$REMAINS" | perl -ne "print if /^(\w*[ '])*\w*:\w+(?(1)|[' ])/" | ${GP}sed -r 's/^(.*?):.*?(:\*)?$/(\\b|_)\1(\\b|_)/' ) REMAINS=$( echo "$REMAINS" | perl -ne "print if not /^(\w*[ '])*\w*:\w+(?(1)|[' ])/") # This will try to look for misspelling within larger words. # Condition is hard to explain in words. # You can test it here: https://regex101.com/r/7kznVA/12 # adding :* in spelling.dat willextra words that should not be checked in longer words ca # remove those in spelling.dat ending with :* # following can be checked in longer words case insensitively IGNORECASE_INWORD=$(echo "$REMAINS" | perl -ne 'print if /^(\w)(\w)(\w)\w*(\w)(\w)(\w):(?:(?!\2\3\w|\w\1\2).)\w*?(?:(?!\5\6\w|\w\4\5)\w\w\w)$/' | cut -d: -f1 ) REMAINS=$( echo "$REMAINS" | perl -ne 'print if not /^(\w)(\w)(\w)\w*(\w)(\w)(\w):(?:(?!\2\3\w|\w\1\2).)\w*?(?:(?!\5\6\w|\w\4\5)\w\w\w)$/' | cut -d: -f1 ) # Trying with the rest as whole words case insensitively IGNORECASE_WHOLEWORD=$(echo "$REMAINS" | ${GP}sed -r 's/^/(\\b|_)/; s/$/(\\b|_)/' ) # or in camel case, case sensitively for word of at least 4 chars MATCHCASE_INWORD=$(echo "$REMAINS" | ${GP}sed -r '/^.{,3}$/d' | ${GP}sed -r 's/^(\w)(.*)/(\\b|_)(\l\1\L\2_|\u\1\U\2_|\u\1\L\2\U[_A-Z0-9])|\L[_a-z0-9]\u\1\L\2(\\b|\U[_A-Z0-9])|\L[_a-z0-9]\u\1\U\2\L(\\b|[_a-z0-9])/' ) if [[ "$DEBUG" =~ YES ]]; then echo "*** FIX CASE (case sensitive) ***" echo "$CASEMATCH_FIXCASE" echo "*** SPECIAL CHAR (case insensitive) ***" echo "$IGNORECASE_FIXSPECIALCHAR" echo "*** IN WORD (case insensitive) ***" echo "$IGNORECASE_INWORD" echo "*** WHOLE WORDS (case insensitive) ***" echo "$IGNORECASE_WHOLEWORD" echo "*** IN WORD CAMELCASE (case sensitive) **" echo "$MATCHCASE_INWORD" echo "*****" fi CASEMATCH_FIXCASE=$( echo "$CASEMATCH_FIXCASE" | ${GP}sed -r '/^\s*$/d' | tr '\n' '\|' | ${GP}sed -r 's/\|$//') IGNORECASE_FIXSPECIALCHAR=$(echo "$IGNORECASE_FIXSPECIALCHAR" | ${GP}sed -r '/^\s*$/d' | tr '\n' '\|' | ${GP}sed -r 's/\|$//') IGNORECASE_INWORD=$( echo "$IGNORECASE_INWORD" | ${GP}sed -r '/^\s*$/d' | tr '\n' '\|' | ${GP}sed -r 's/\|$//') IGNORECASE_WHOLEWORD=$( echo "$IGNORECASE_WHOLEWORD" | ${GP}sed -r '/^\s*$/d' | tr '\n' '\|' | ${GP}sed -r 's/\|$//') MATCHCASE_INWORD=$( echo "$MATCHCASE_INWORD" | ${GP}sed -r '/^\s*$/d' | tr '\n' '\|' | ${GP}sed -r 's/\|$//') IGNORECASE=$(echo "(${IGNORECASE_FIXSPECIALCHAR}|${IGNORECASE_INWORD}|${IGNORECASE_WHOLEWORD})" |${GP}sed -r 's/\(\|/(/' |${GP}sed -r 's/\|\|/|/g' |${GP}sed -r 's/\|\)/)/')'(?!.*'"${SPELLOKRX}"')' CASEMATCH=$(echo "(${CASEMATCH_FIXCASE}|${MATCHCASE_INWORD})" |${GP}sed -r 's/\(\|/(/' |${GP}sed -r 's/\|\|/|/g' |${GP}sed -r 's/\|\)/)/')'(?!.*'"${SPELLOKRX}"')' FILE=$INPUTFILES # init with input files (if ag is run with single file, file path is now in output) while read -u 3 -r LINE; do echo "$LINE" ERRORFOUND=YES NOCOLOR=$(echo "$LINE" | ${GP}sed -r 's/\x1B\[([0-9]{1,2}(;[0-9]{1,2})?)?[m|K]//g') if [[ "$NOCOLOR" =~ ^[[:alnum:]][[:alnum:]\/\._-]+$ ]]; then FILE=$NOCOLOR GLOBREP_CURRENTFILE=() fi if [[ "$NOCOLOR" =~ ^[0-9]+: ]]; then if [[ -z $FILE ]]; then echo "*** error: no file" exit 1 fi NUMBER=$(echo "$NOCOLOR" | cut -d: -f1) ERRORLINE=$(echo "$NOCOLOR" | cut -d: -f2) ERROR=$(echo "$LINE" | ${GP}sed -r 's/^.*?\x1B\[30;43m(.*?)\x1B\[0m.*$/\1/') ERRORNOCOLOR=$(echo "$ERROR" | ${GP}sed -r 's/\x1B\[([0-9]{1,2}(;[0-9]{1,2})?)?[m|K]//g') if [[ "$ERRORNOCOLOR" =~ ^[[:digit:]]+: ]]; then echo "*** error: could not find error in $LINE" >&2 else # if the error is not in IGNORECASE_INWORD, then it matched previous and next character (needs to remove them) # also make error small case and escape special chars: ( ) | ERRORSMALLCASE=$(echo ${ERROR,,} |${GP}sed -r 's/\(/\\(/g' |${GP}sed -r 's/\)/\\)/g' |${GP}sed -r 's/\|/\\|/g') if [[ ! "${ERRORSMALLCASE}" =~ $IGNORECASE_INWORD ]]; then if [[ ! -z $(ag --nonumbers --case-sensitive "^${ERRORSMALLCASE:1:-1}${ERRORSMALLCASE: -1}?:" scripts/spell_check/spelling.dat) ]]; then ERRORSMALLCASE=${ERRORSMALLCASE#?} ERROR=${ERROR#?} fi if [[ ! -z $(ag --nonumbers --case-sensitive "^${ERRORSMALLCASE::-1}:" scripts/spell_check/spelling.dat) ]]; then ERRORSMALLCASE=${ERRORSMALLCASE::-1} ERROR=${ERROR::-1} fi fi # get correction from spelling.dat CORRECTION=$(ag --nonumbers --case-sensitive "^${ERRORSMALLCASE}:" ${DIR}/spelling.dat | cut -d: -f2) if [[ -z $CORRECTION ]]; then echo "could not find correction for $ERROR" >&2 else # Match case MATCHCASE="$ERROR:$CORRECTION" CORRECTIONCASE=$(echo "$MATCHCASE" | ${GP}sed -r 's/([A-Z]+):(.*)/\1:\U\2/; s/([A-Z][a-z]+):([a-z])/\1:\U\2\L/' | cut -d: -f2) if [[ ! -z $OUTPUTLOG ]]; then echo "$FILE $NUMBER $ERROR $CORRECTIONCASE" >> $OUTPUTLOG fi if [[ "$INTERACTIVE" =~ YES ]]; then # Skip global replace if [[ ! -z ${GLOBREP_ALLFILES["$ERROR"]} ]]; then echo -e "replace \x1B[33m$ERROR\x1B[0m by \x1B[33m$CORRECTIONCASE\x1B[0m in \x1B[33m$FILE\x1B[0m" ${GP}sed -i -r "/${SPELLOKRX}/! s/$ERROR/$CORRECTIONCASE/g" $FILE continue elif [[ ( ! -z ${GLOBREP_CURRENTFILE["$ERROR"]} ) || ( ! -z ${GLOBREP_IGNORE["$ERROR"]} ) ]]; then echo "skipping occurrence" continue else # escape string SPELLOKSTR='//#spellok' if [[ "$FILE" =~ \.(txt|html|htm|dox)$ ]]; then SPELLOKSTR='' fi if [[ "$FILE" =~ \.(h|cpp|sip)$ ]]; then if [[ "$ERRORLINE" =~ ^\s*(\/*\|\/\/) ]]; then SPELLOKSTR='#spellok' fi fi if [[ "$FILE" =~ \.(py)$ ]]; then SPELLOKSTR='#spellok' fi SPELLOKSTR_ESC=$(echo "$SPELLOKSTR" | ${GP}sed -r 's/\//\\\//g') # Display menu echo "***" echo -e "Error found: \x1B[31m$ERROR\x1B[0m" echo -e " r) \x1B[4mr\x1B[0meplace by \x1B[33m$CORRECTIONCASE\x1B[0m at line $NUMBER" echo -e " f) replace all occurrences by \x1B[33m$CORRECTIONCASE\x1B[0m in current \x1B[4mf\x1B[0mile" echo -e " a) replace all occurrences by \x1B[33m$CORRECTIONCASE\x1B[0m in \x1B[4ma\x1B[0mll files" echo -e " p) a\x1B[4mp\x1B[0mpend \x1B[33m$SPELLOKSTR\x1B[0m at the end of the line $NUMBER to avoid spell check on this line" echo -e " t) \x1B[4mt\x1B[0mype your own correction" echo -e " c) skip and \x1B[4mc\x1B[0montinue" echo -e " o) skip all \x1B[4mo\x1B[0mccurences and continue" echo -e " e) \x1B[4me\x1B[0mxit" while read -n 1 n; do echo "" case $n in r) echo -e "replacing \x1B[33m$ERROR\x1B[0m by \x1B[33m$CORRECTIONCASE\x1B[0m in \x1B[33m$FILE\x1B[0m at line \x1B[33m$NUMBER\x1B[0m" ${GP}sed -i "${NUMBER}s/$ERROR/$CORRECTIONCASE/g" $FILE break ;; f) GLOBREP_CURRENTFILE+=(["$ERROR"]=1) echo -e "replacing \x1B[33m$ERROR\x1B[0m by \x1B[33m$CORRECTIONCASE\x1B[0m in \x1B[33m$FILE\x1B[0m" ${GP}sed -i -r "/${SPELLOKRX}/! s/$ERROR/$CORRECTIONCASE/g" $FILE break ;; a) GLOBREP_CURRENTFILE+=(["$ERROR"]=1) GLOBREP_ALLFILES+=(["$ERROR"]=1) echo -e "replace \x1B[33m$ERROR\x1B[0m by \x1B[33m$CORRECTIONCASE\x1B[0m in \x1B[33m$FILE\x1B[0m" ${GP}sed -i -r "/${SPELLOKRX}/! s/$ERROR/$CORRECTIONCASE/g" $FILE break ;; p) echo -e "appending \x1B[33m$SPELLOKSTR\x1B[0m to \x1B[33m$FILE\x1B[0m at line \x1B[33m$NUMBER\x1B[0m" ${GP}sed -i "${NUMBER}s/\$/ $SPELLOKSTR_ESC/" $FILE break ;; t) echo "Enter the correction: " read CORRECTION MATCHCASE="$ERROR:$CORRECTION" CORRECTIONCASE=$(echo "$MATCHCASE" | ${GP}sed -r 's/([A-Z]+):(.*)/\1:\U\2/; s/([A-Z][a-z]+):([a-z])/\1:\U\2\L/' | cut -d: -f2) echo -e "replacing \x1B[33m$ERROR\x1B[0m by \x1B[33m$CORRECTIONCASE\x1B[0m in \x1B[33m$FILE\x1B[0m at line \x1B[33m$NUMBER\x1B[0m" ${GP}sed -i "${NUMBER}s/$ERROR/$CORRECTIONCASE/g" $FILE break ;; c) break ;; o) GLOBREP_IGNORE+=(["$ERROR"]=1) break ;; e) exit 1 ;; *) invalid option;; esac done fi fi fi fi if [[ "$NOCOLOR" =~ ^\s*$ ]]; then FILE="" fi fi done 3< <( unbuffer ag --all-text --nopager --color-match "30;43" --numbers --nomultiline --ignore-case -p $AGIGNORE "${IGNORECASE}" $INPUTFILES unbuffer ag --all-text --nopager --color-match "30;43" --numbers --nomultiline --case-sensitive -p $AGIGNORE "${CASEMATCH}" $INPUTFILES ) rm -f $SPELLFILE done if [[ "$ERRORFOUND" =~ YES ]]; then echo -e "\x1B[1msome errors have been found.\x1B[0m" >&2 exit 1 else exit 0 fi