 Server I/O filters class for QGIS Server for use by plugins
  begin                : 2014-09-10
  copyright            : (C) 2014 by Alessandro Pasotti
  email                : a dot pasotti at itopen dot it

 *                                                                         *
 *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
 *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
 *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
 *   (at your option) any later version.                                   *
 *                                                                         *

 * \ingroup server
 * \class QgsServerFilter
 * \brief Class defining I/O filters for QGIS Server and
 * implemented in plugins.
 * Filters can define any (or none) of the following hooks:
 *  * requestReady() - called when request is ready
 *  * responseComplete() - called when the response is complete
 *    after core services have returned to main loop
 *  * sendResponse() - called just before sending output to FGCI

class QgsServerFilter
#include "qgsserverfilter.h"
#include "qgsserverinterface.h"


    /** Constructor
     * QgsServerInterface passed to plugins constructors
     * and must be passed to QgsServerFilter instances.
    QgsServerFilter( QgsServerInterface* serverInterface );
    /** Destructor */
    virtual ~QgsServerFilter();
    /** Return the QgsServerInterface instance*/
    QgsServerInterface* serverInterface();
    /** Method called when the QgsRequestHandler is ready and populated with
    * parameters, just before entering the main switch for core services.*/
    virtual void requestReady();
    /** Method called when the QgsRequestHandler processing has done and
     * the response is ready, just after the main switch for core services
     * and before final sending response to FCGI stdout.
    virtual void responseComplete();
    /** Method called when the QgsRequestHandler sends its data to FCGI stdout.
     * This normally occours at the end of core services processing just after
     * the responseComplete() plugin hook. For streaming services (like WFS on
     * getFeature requests, sendResponse() might have been called several times
     * before the response is complete: in this particular case, sendResponse()
     * is called once for each feature before hitting responseComplete()
    virtual void sendResponse();
