// QMap is implemented as a Python dictionary. %MappedType QMap /DocType="dict-of-QgsPalLayerSettings.DataDefinedProperties-QgsDataDefined*"/ { %TypeHeaderCode #include #include #include %End %ConvertFromTypeCode // Create the dictionary. PyObject *d = PyDict_New(); if (!d) return NULL; // Set the dictionary elements. QMap::const_iterator i = sipCpp->constBegin(); while (i != sipCpp->constEnd()) { QgsDataDefined *t = i.value(); PyObject *kobj = sipConvertFromEnum(i.key(), sipType_QgsPalLayerSettings_DataDefinedProperties); PyObject *tobj = sipConvertFromType(t, sipType_QgsDataDefined, sipTransferObj); if (kobj == NULL || tobj == NULL || PyDict_SetItem(d, kobj, tobj) < 0) { Py_DECREF(d); if (kobj) { Py_DECREF(kobj); } if (tobj) { Py_DECREF(tobj); } else { delete t; } return NULL; } Py_DECREF(kobj); Py_DECREF(tobj); ++i; } return d; %End %ConvertToTypeCode PyObject *kobj, *tobj; SIP_SSIZE_T i = 0; // Check the type if that is all that is required. if (sipIsErr == NULL) { if (!PyDict_Check(sipPy)) return 0; while (PyDict_Next(sipPy, &i, &kobj, &tobj)) if (!sipCanConvertToType(tobj, sipType_QgsDataDefined, SIP_NOT_NONE)) return 0; return 1; } QMap *qm = new QMap; while (PyDict_Next(sipPy, &i, &kobj, &tobj)) { int state, k = SIPLong_AsLong(kobj); QgsDataDefined *t = reinterpret_cast(sipConvertToType(tobj, sipType_QgsDataDefined, sipTransferObj, SIP_NOT_NONE, &state, sipIsErr)); if (*sipIsErr) { sipReleaseType(t, sipType_QgsDataDefined, state); delete qm; return 0; } qm->insert(QgsPalLayerSettings::DataDefinedProperties(k), t); sipReleaseType(t, sipType_QgsDataDefined, state); } *sipCppPtr = qm; return sipGetState(sipTransferObj); %End }; class QgsPalLayerSettings { %TypeHeaderCode #include #include %End public: QgsPalLayerSettings(); QgsPalLayerSettings( const QgsPalLayerSettings& s ); ~QgsPalLayerSettings(); //! @note added in 2.4 static QgsPalLayerSettings fromLayer( QgsVectorLayer* layer ); enum Placement { AroundPoint, // Point / Polygon OverPoint, // Point / Polygon Line, // Line / Polygon Curved, // Line Horizontal, // Polygon Free // Polygon }; enum LinePlacementFlags { OnLine, AboveLine, BelowLine, MapOrientation, }; enum QuadrantPosition { QuadrantAboveLeft, QuadrantAbove, QuadrantAboveRight, QuadrantLeft, QuadrantOver, QuadrantRight, QuadrantBelowLeft, QuadrantBelow, QuadrantBelowRight }; enum UpsideDownLabels { Upright, // upside-down labels (90 <= angle < 270) are shown upright ShowDefined, // show upside down when rotation is layer- or data-defined ShowAll // show upside down for all labels, including dynamic ones }; enum DirectionSymbols { SymbolLeftRight, // place direction symbols on left/right of label SymbolAbove, // place direction symbols on above label SymbolBelow // place direction symbols on below label }; enum MultiLineAlign { MultiLeft, MultiCenter, MultiRight }; enum ShapeType { ShapeRectangle, ShapeSquare, ShapeEllipse, ShapeCircle, ShapeSVG }; enum SizeType { SizeBuffer, SizeFixed, SizePercent }; enum RotationType { RotationSync, RotationOffset, RotationFixed }; /** Units used for option sizes, before being converted to rendered sizes */ enum SizeUnit { Points, MM, MapUnits, Percent }; enum ShadowType { ShadowLowest, ShadowText, ShadowBuffer, ShadowShape }; // update mDataDefinedNames QMap in constructor when adding/deleting enum value enum DataDefinedProperties { // text style Size, Bold, Italic, Underline, Color, Strikeout, Family, FontStyle, FontSizeUnit, FontTransp, FontCase, FontLetterSpacing, FontWordSpacing, FontBlendMode, // text formatting MultiLineWrapChar, MultiLineHeight, MultiLineAlignment, DirSymbDraw, DirSymbLeft, DirSymbRight, DirSymbPlacement, DirSymbReverse, NumFormat, NumDecimals, NumPlusSign, // text buffer BufferDraw, BufferSize, BufferUnit, BufferColor, BufferTransp, BufferJoinStyle, BufferBlendMode, // background ShapeDraw, ShapeKind, ShapeSVGFile, ShapeSizeType, ShapeSizeX, ShapeSizeY, ShapeSizeUnits, ShapeRotationType, ShapeRotation, ShapeOffset, ShapeOffsetUnits, ShapeRadii, ShapeRadiiUnits, ShapeTransparency, ShapeBlendMode, ShapeFillColor, ShapeBorderColor, ShapeBorderWidth, ShapeBorderWidthUnits, ShapeJoinStyle, // drop shadow ShadowDraw, ShadowUnder, ShadowOffsetAngle, ShadowOffsetDist, ShadowOffsetUnits, ShadowRadius, ShadowRadiusUnits, ShadowTransparency, ShadowScale, ShadowColor, ShadowBlendMode, // placement CentroidWhole, OffsetQuad, OffsetXY, OffsetUnits, LabelDistance, DistanceUnits, OffsetRotation, CurvedCharAngleInOut, // (data defined only) PositionX, //x-coordinate data defined label position PositionY, //y-coordinate data defined label position Hali, //horizontal alignment for data defined label position (Left, Center, Right) Vali, //vertical alignment for data defined label position (Bottom, Base, Half, Cap, Top) Rotation, //data defined rotation RepeatDistance, RepeatDistanceUnit, // rendering ScaleVisibility, MinScale, MaxScale, FontLimitPixel, FontMinPixel, FontMaxPixel, // (data defined only) Show, AlwaysShow }; // whether to label this layer bool enabled; //-- text style QString fieldName; /** Is this label made from a expression string eg FieldName || 'mm' */ bool isExpression; /** Returns the QgsExpression for this label settings. */ QgsExpression* getLabelExpression(); QFont textFont; QString textNamedStyle; bool fontSizeInMapUnits; //true if font size is in map units (otherwise in points) QgsMapUnitScale fontSizeMapUnitScale; // scale range for map units for font size QColor textColor; int textTransp; QPainter::CompositionMode blendMode; QColor previewBkgrdColor; //-- text formatting QString wrapChar; double multilineHeight; //0.0 to 10.0, leading between lines as multiplyer of line height MultiLineAlign multilineAlign; // horizontal alignment of multi-line labels // Adds '<' or '>', or user-defined symbol to the label string pointing to the // direction of the line / polygon ring // Works only if Placement == Line bool addDirectionSymbol; QString leftDirectionSymbol; QString rightDirectionSymbol; DirectionSymbols placeDirectionSymbol; // whether to place left/right, above or below label bool reverseDirectionSymbol; bool formatNumbers; int decimals; bool plusSign; //-- text buffer bool bufferDraw; double bufferSize; // buffer size bool bufferSizeInMapUnits; //true if buffer is in map units (otherwise in mm) QgsMapUnitScale bufferSizeMapUnitScale; // scale range for map units for buffer size QColor bufferColor; bool bufferNoFill; //set interior of buffer to 100% transparent int bufferTransp; Qt::PenJoinStyle bufferJoinStyle; QPainter::CompositionMode bufferBlendMode; //-- shape background bool shapeDraw; ShapeType shapeType; QString shapeSVGFile; SizeType shapeSizeType; QPointF shapeSize; SizeUnit shapeSizeUnits; QgsMapUnitScale shapeSizeMapUnitScale; RotationType shapeRotationType; double shapeRotation; QPointF shapeOffset; SizeUnit shapeOffsetUnits; QgsMapUnitScale shapeOffsetMapUnitScale; QPointF shapeRadii; SizeUnit shapeRadiiUnits; QgsMapUnitScale shapeRadiiMapUnitScale; int shapeTransparency; QPainter::CompositionMode shapeBlendMode; QColor shapeFillColor; QColor shapeBorderColor; double shapeBorderWidth; SizeUnit shapeBorderWidthUnits; QgsMapUnitScale shapeBorderWidthMapUnitScale; Qt::PenJoinStyle shapeJoinStyle; //-- drop shadow bool shadowDraw; ShadowType shadowUnder; int shadowOffsetAngle; double shadowOffsetDist; SizeUnit shadowOffsetUnits; QgsMapUnitScale shadowOffsetMapUnitScale; bool shadowOffsetGlobal; double shadowRadius; SizeUnit shadowRadiusUnits; QgsMapUnitScale shadowRadiusMapUnitScale; bool shadowRadiusAlphaOnly; int shadowTransparency; int shadowScale; QColor shadowColor; QPainter::CompositionMode shadowBlendMode; //-- placement Placement placement; unsigned int placementFlags; bool centroidWhole; // whether centroid calculated from whole or visible polygon bool centroidInside; // whether centroid-point calculated must be inside polygon double dist; // distance from the feature (in mm) bool distInMapUnits; //true if distance is in map units (otherwise in mm) QgsMapUnitScale distMapUnitScale; double repeatDistance; SizeUnit repeatDistanceUnit; QgsMapUnitScale repeatDistanceMapUnitScale; // offset labels of point/centroid features default to center // move label to quadrant: left/down, don't move, right/up (-1, 0, 1) QuadrantPosition quadOffset; double xOffset; // offset from point in mm or map units double yOffset; // offset from point in mm or map units bool labelOffsetInMapUnits; //true if label offset is in map units (otherwise in mm) QgsMapUnitScale labelOffsetMapUnitScale; double angleOffset; // rotation applied to offset labels bool preserveRotation; // preserve predefined rotation data during label pin/unpin operations double maxCurvedCharAngleIn; // maximum angle between inside curved label characters (defaults to 20.0, range 20.0 to 60.0) double maxCurvedCharAngleOut; // maximum angle between outside curved label characters (defaults to -20.0, range -20.0 to -95.0) int priority; // 0 = low, 10 = high //-- rendering bool scaleVisibility; int scaleMin; int scaleMax; bool fontLimitPixelSize; // true is label should be limited by fontMinPixelSize/fontMaxPixelSize int fontMinPixelSize; // minimum pixel size for showing rendered map unit labels (1 - 1000) int fontMaxPixelSize; // maximum pixel size for showing rendered map unit labels (1 - 10000) bool displayAll; // if true, all features will be labelled even though overlaps occur unsigned int upsidedownLabels; // whether, or how, to show upsidedown labels bool labelPerPart; // whether to label every feature's part or only the biggest one bool mergeLines; bool limitNumLabels; // whether to limit the number of labels to be drawn int maxNumLabels; // maximum number of labels to be drawn double minFeatureSize; // minimum feature size to be labelled (in mm) bool obstacle; // whether features for layer are obstacles to labels of other layers //-- scale factors double vectorScaleFactor; //scale factor painter units->pixels double rasterCompressFactor; //pixel resolution scale factor // called from register feature hook void calculateLabelSize( const QFontMetricsF* fm, QString text, double& labelX, double& labelY, QgsFeature* f = 0 ); // implementation of register feature hook void registerFeature( QgsFeature& f, const QgsRenderContext& context, QString dxfLayer ); void readFromLayer( QgsVectorLayer* layer ); void writeToLayer( QgsVectorLayer* layer ); /** Get a data defined property pointer * @note added in 1.9, helpful for Python access */ QgsDataDefined* dataDefinedProperty( QgsPalLayerSettings::DataDefinedProperties p ); /** Set a property as data defined * @note added in 1.9, helpful for Python access */ void setDataDefinedProperty( QgsPalLayerSettings::DataDefinedProperties p, bool active, bool useExpr, const QString& expr, const QString& field ); /** Set a property to static instead data defined */ void removeDataDefinedProperty( QgsPalLayerSettings::DataDefinedProperties p ); /** Convert old property value to new one as delimited values * @note not available in python bindings; added in 1.9, as temporary solution until refactoring of project settings */ QString updateDataDefinedString( const QString& value ); /** Get property value as separate values split into Qmap * @note not available in python bindings; added in 1.9 */ QMap dataDefinedMap( QgsPalLayerSettings::DataDefinedProperties p ) const; /** Get data defined property value from expression string or attribute field name * @returns value inside QVariant * @note not available in python bindings; added in 1.9 */ QVariant dataDefinedValue( QgsPalLayerSettings::DataDefinedProperties p, QgsFeature& f, const QgsFields& fields ) const; /** Get data defined property value from expression string or attribute field name * @returns true/false whether result is null or invalid * @note not available in python bindings; added in 1.9 */ bool dataDefinedEvaluate( QgsPalLayerSettings::DataDefinedProperties p, QVariant& exprVal ) const; /** Whether data definition is active */ bool dataDefinedIsActive( QgsPalLayerSettings::DataDefinedProperties p ) const; /** Whether data definition is set to use an expression */ bool dataDefinedUseExpression( QgsPalLayerSettings::DataDefinedProperties p ) const; /** Map of current data defined properties */ QMap< QgsPalLayerSettings::DataDefinedProperties, QgsDataDefined* > dataDefinedProperties; /** Calculates pixel size (considering output size should be in pixel or map units, scale factors and optionally oversampling) * @param size size to convert * @param c rendercontext * @param unit SizeUnit enum value of size * @param rasterfactor whether to consider oversampling * @param mapUnitScale a mapUnitScale clamper * @return font pixel size */ int sizeToPixel( double size, const QgsRenderContext& c , SizeUnit unit, bool rasterfactor = false, const QgsMapUnitScale& mapUnitScale = QgsMapUnitScale() ) const; /** Calculates size (considering output size should be in pixel or map units, scale factors and optionally oversampling) * @param size size to convert * @param c rendercontext * @param unit SizeUnit enum value of size * @param rasterfactor whether to consider oversampling * @param mapUnitScale a mapUnitScale clamper * @return size that will render, as double * @note added in 1.9, as a better precision replacement for sizeToPixel */ double scaleToPixelContext( double size, const QgsRenderContext& c, SizeUnit unit, bool rasterfactor = false, const QgsMapUnitScale& mapUnitScale = QgsMapUnitScale() ) const; /** Map of data defined enum to names and old-style indecies * The QPair contains a new string for layer property key, and a reference to old-style numeric key (< QGIS 2.0) * @note not available in python bindings; added in 1.9 */ // QMap > dataDefinedNames() const; }; class QgsLabelCandidate { %TypeHeaderCode #include %End public: QgsLabelCandidate( QRectF r, double c ); QRectF rect; double cost; }; /** \ingroup core * Maintains current state of more grainular and temporal values when creating/painting * component parts of an individual label (e.g. buffer, background, shadow, etc.). */ class QgsLabelComponent { %TypeHeaderCode #include %End public: QgsLabelComponent(); // methods const QString& text(); void setText( const QString& text ); const QgsPoint& origin(); void setOrigin( QgsPoint point ); bool useOrigin() const; void setUseOrigin( bool use ); double rotation() const; void setRotation( double rotation ); double rotationOffset() const; void setRotationOffset( double rotation ); bool useRotation() const; void setUseRotation( bool use ); const QgsPoint& center(); void setCenter( QgsPoint point ); bool useCenter() const; void setUseCenter( bool use ); const QgsPoint& size(); void setSize( QgsPoint point ); const QgsPoint& offset(); void setOffset( QgsPoint point ); const QPicture* picture(); void setPicture( QPicture* picture ); double pictureBuffer() const; void setPictureBuffer( double buffer ); double dpiRatio() const; void setDpiRatio( double ratio ); }; /** * Class that stores computed placement from labeling engine. * @note added in 2.4 */ class QgsLabelingResults { %TypeHeaderCode #include %End public: QgsLabelingResults(); ~QgsLabelingResults(); //! return infos about labels at a given (map) position QList labelsAtPosition( const QgsPoint& p ) const; //! return infos about labels within a given (map) rectangle QList labelsWithinRect( const QgsRectangle& r ) const; private: QgsLabelingResults( const QgsLabelingResults& ); }; class QgsPalLabeling : QgsLabelingEngineInterface { %TypeHeaderCode #include %End public: enum DrawLabelType { LabelText, LabelBuffer, LabelShape, LabelSVG, LabelShadow }; QgsPalLabeling(); ~QgsPalLabeling(); QgsPalLayerSettings& layer( const QString& layerName ); void numCandidatePositions( int& candPoint, int& candLine, int& candPolygon ); void setNumCandidatePositions( int candPoint, int candLine, int candPolygon ); enum Search { Chain, Popmusic_Tabu, Popmusic_Chain, Popmusic_Tabu_Chain, Falp }; void setSearchMethod( Search s ); Search searchMethod() const; bool isShowingCandidates() const; void setShowingCandidates( bool showing ); const QList& candidates(); bool isShowingShadowRectangles() const; void setShowingShadowRectangles( bool showing ); bool isShowingAllLabels() const; void setShowingAllLabels( bool showing ); bool isShowingPartialsLabels() const; void setShowingPartialsLabels( bool showing ); //! @note added in 2.4 bool isDrawingOutlineLabels() const; void setDrawingOutlineLabels( bool outline ); // implemented methods from labeling engine interface //! called when we're going to start with rendering //! @deprecated since 2.4 - use override with QgsMapSettings virtual void init( QgsMapRenderer* mr ) /Deprecated/; //! called when we're going to start with rendering virtual void init( const QgsMapSettings& mapSettings ); //! called to find out whether the layer is used for labeling virtual bool willUseLayer( QgsVectorLayer* layer ); //! called to find out whether the layer is used for labeling //! @note added in 2.4 static bool staticWillUseLayer( QgsVectorLayer* layer ); static bool staticWillUseLayer( const QString& layerID ); //! clears all PAL layer settings for registered layers //! @note: this method was added in version 1.9 virtual void clearActiveLayers(); //! clears data defined objects from PAL layer settings for a registered layer //! @note: this method was added in version 1.9 virtual void clearActiveLayer( const QString& layerID ); //! hook called when drawing layer before issuing select() virtual int prepareLayer( QgsVectorLayer* layer, QStringList &attrNames, QgsRenderContext& ctx ); //! adds a diagram layer to the labeling engine virtual int addDiagramLayer( QgsVectorLayer* layer, const QgsDiagramLayerSettings *s ); //! hook called when drawing for every feature in a layer virtual void registerFeature( const QString& layerID, QgsFeature& feat, const QgsRenderContext& context = QgsRenderContext(), QString dxfLayer = QString::null ); virtual void registerDiagramFeature( const QString& layerID, QgsFeature& feat, const QgsRenderContext& context = QgsRenderContext() ); //! called when the map is drawn and labels should be placed virtual void drawLabeling( QgsRenderContext& context ); //! called when we're done with rendering virtual void exit(); //! return infos about labels at a given (map) position //! @deprecated since 2.4 - use takeResults() and methods of QgsLabelingResults virtual QList labelsAtPosition( const QgsPoint& p ) /Deprecated/; //! return infos about labels within a given (map) rectangle //! @deprecated since 2.4 - use takeResults() and methods of QgsLabelingResults virtual QList labelsWithinRect( const QgsRectangle& r ) /Deprecated/; //! Return pointer to recently computed results (in drawLabeling()) and pass the ownership of results to the caller //! @note added in 2.4 QgsLabelingResults* takeResults() /TransferBack/; //! called when passing engine among map renderers virtual QgsLabelingEngineInterface* clone() /Factory/; //! @note not available in python bindings // void drawLabelCandidateRect( pal::LabelPosition* lp, QPainter* painter, const QgsMapToPixel* xform ); //!drawLabel //! @note not available in python bindings // void drawLabel( pal::LabelPosition* label, QgsRenderContext& context, QgsPalLayerSettings& tmpLyr, DrawLabelType drawType ); static void drawLabelBuffer( QgsRenderContext& context, QgsLabelComponent component, const QgsPalLayerSettings& tmpLyr ); static void drawLabelBackground( QgsRenderContext& context, QgsLabelComponent component, const QgsPalLayerSettings& tmpLyr ); static void drawLabelShadow( QgsRenderContext& context, QgsLabelComponent component, const QgsPalLayerSettings& tmpLyr ); //! load/save engine settings to project file //! @note added in QGIS 1.9 void loadEngineSettings(); void saveEngineSettings(); void clearEngineSettings(); //! @deprecated since 2.4 - settings are always stored in project bool isStoredWithProject() const /Deprecated/; //! @deprecated since 2.4 - settings are always stored in project void setStoredWithProject( bool store ) /Deprecated/; protected: // update temporary QgsPalLayerSettings with any data defined text style values void dataDefinedTextStyle( QgsPalLayerSettings& tmpLyr, const QMap< QgsPalLayerSettings::DataDefinedProperties, QVariant >& ddValues ); // update temporary QgsPalLayerSettings with any data defined text formatting values void dataDefinedTextFormatting( QgsPalLayerSettings& tmpLyr, const QMap< QgsPalLayerSettings::DataDefinedProperties, QVariant >& ddValues ); // update temporary QgsPalLayerSettings with any data defined text buffer values void dataDefinedTextBuffer( QgsPalLayerSettings& tmpLyr, const QMap< QgsPalLayerSettings::DataDefinedProperties, QVariant >& ddValues ); // update temporary QgsPalLayerSettings with any data defined shape background values void dataDefinedShapeBackground( QgsPalLayerSettings& tmpLyr, const QMap< QgsPalLayerSettings::DataDefinedProperties, QVariant >& ddValues ); // update temporary QgsPalLayerSettings with any data defined drop shadow values void dataDefinedDropShadow( QgsPalLayerSettings& tmpLyr, const QMap< QgsPalLayerSettings::DataDefinedProperties, QVariant >& ddValues ); void deleteTemporaryData(); };