# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ *************************************************************************** layer.py --------------------- Date : November 2012 Copyright : (C) 2012 by Victor Olaya Email : volayaf at gmail dot com *************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * *************************************************************************** """ __author__ = 'Victor Olaya' __date__ = 'November 2012' __copyright__ = '(C) 2012, Victor Olaya' # This will get replaced with a git SHA1 when you do a git archive __revision__ = '$Format:%H$' from sextante.admintools.geoserver.support import ResourceInfo, xml_property, write_bool, url from sextante.admintools.geoserver.style import Style class _attribution(object): def __init__(self, title, width, height): self.title = title self.width = width self.height = height def _read_attribution(node): title = node.find("title") width = node.find("logoWidth") height = node.find("logoHeight") if title is not None: title = title.text if width is not None: width = width.text if height is not None: height = height.text return _attribution(title, width, height) def _write_attribution(builder, attr): builder.start("attribution", dict()) if attr.title is not None: builder.start("title", dict()) builder.data(attr.title) builder.end("title") if attr.width is not None: builder.start("logoWidth", dict()) builder.data(attr.width) builder.end("logoWidth") if attr.height is not None: builder.start("logoHeight", dict()) builder.data(attr.height) builder.end("logoHeight") builder.end("attribution") def _write_default_style(builder, name): builder.start("defaultStyle", dict()) if name is not None: builder.start("name", dict()) builder.data(name) builder.end("name") builder.end("defaultStyle") def _write_alternate_styles(builder, styles): builder.start("styles", dict()) for s in styles: builder.start("style", dict()) builder.start("name", dict()) builder.data(s.name) builder.end("name") builder.end("style") builder.end("styles") class Layer(ResourceInfo): def __init__(self, catalog, name): super(Layer, self).__init__() self.catalog = catalog self.name = name resource_type = "layer" save_method = "PUT" @property def href(self): return url(self.catalog.service_url, ["layers", self.name + ".xml"]) @property def resource(self): if self.dom is None: self.fetch() name = self.dom.find("resource/name").text return self.catalog.get_resource(name) def _get_default_style(self): if 'default_style' in self.dirty: return self.dirty['default_style'] if self.dom is None: self.fetch() name = self.dom.find("defaultStyle/name") # aborted data uploads can result in no default style if name is not None: return self.catalog.get_style(name.text) else: return None def _set_default_style(self, style): if isinstance(style, Style): style = style.name self.dirty["default_style"] = style def _get_alternate_styles(self): if "alternate_styles" in self.dirty: return self.dirty["alternate_styles"] if self.dom is None: self.fetch() styles = self.dom.findall("styles/style/name") return [Style(self.catalog, s.text) for s in styles] def _set_alternate_styles(self, styles): self.dirty["alternate_styles"] = styles default_style = property(_get_default_style, _set_default_style) styles = property(_get_alternate_styles, _set_alternate_styles) attribution_object = xml_property("attribution", _read_attribution) enabled = xml_property("enabled", lambda x: x.text == "true") def _get_attr_text(self): return self.attribution_object.title def _set_attr_text(self, text): self.dirty["attribution"] = _attribution( text, self.attribution_object.width, self.attribution_object.height ) assert self.attribution_object.title == text attribution = property(_get_attr_text, _set_attr_text) writers = dict( attribution = _write_attribution, enabled = write_bool("enabled"), default_style = _write_default_style, alternate_styles = _write_alternate_styles )