
 begin                : 27.4.2016
 copyright            : (C) 2016 by Matthias Kuhn
 email                : matthias@opengis.ch
 *                                                                         *
 *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
 *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
 *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
 *   (at your option) any later version.                                   *
 *                                                                         *

 * This is a container for configuration of the attribute table.
 * The configuration is specific for one vector layer.
 * \note added in QGIS 2.16

class QgsAttributeTableConfig
#include <qgsattributetableconfig.h>
     * The type of an attribute table column.
    enum Type
      Field,    //!< This column represents a field
      Action    //!< This column represents an action widget

     * Defines the configuration of a column in the attribute table.
    struct ColumnConfig
      //! Constructor for ColumnConfig
      QgsAttributeTableConfig::Type type;    //!< The type of this column.
      QString name; //!< The name of the attribute if this column represents a field
      bool hidden;  //!< Flag that controls if the column is hidden
      int width; //!< Width of column, or -1 for default width

     * The style of the action widget in the attribute table.
    enum ActionWidgetStyle
      ButtonList,   //!< A list of buttons
      DropDown      //!< A tool button with a dropdown to select the current action


     * Get the list with all columns and their configuration.
     * The list order defines the order of appearance.
    QVector<QgsAttributeTableConfig::ColumnConfig> columns() const;

    /** Returns true if the configuration is empty, ie it contains no columns.
    bool isEmpty() const;

    /** Maps a visible column index to its original column index.
     * @param visibleColumn index of visible column
     * @returns corresponding index when hidden columns are considered
    int mapVisibleColumnToIndex( int visibleColumn ) const;

     * Set the list of columns visible in the attribute table.
     * The list order defines the order of appearance.
    void setColumns( const QVector<QgsAttributeTableConfig::ColumnConfig>& columns );

     * Update the configuration with the given fields.
     * Any field which is present in the configuration but not present in the
     * parameter fields will be removed. Any field which is in the parameter
     * fields but not in the configuration will be appended.
    void update( const QgsFields& fields );

     * Returns true if the action widget is visible
    bool actionWidgetVisible() const;

     * Set if the action widget is visible
    void setActionWidgetVisible( bool visible );

     * Get the style of the action widget
    ActionWidgetStyle actionWidgetStyle() const;

     * Set the style of the action widget
    void setActionWidgetStyle( ActionWidgetStyle actionWidgetStyle );

     * Serialize to XML on layer save
    void writeXml( QDomNode& node ) const;

     * Deserialize to XML on layer load
    void readXml( const QDomNode& node );

     * Get the expression used for sorting.
    QString sortExpression() const;

     * Set the sort expression used for sorting.
    void setSortExpression( const QString& sortExpression );

    /** Returns the width of a column, or -1 if column should use default width.
     * @param column column index
     * @see setColumnWidth()
    int columnWidth( int column ) const;

    /** Sets the width of a column.
     * @param column column index
     * @param width column width in pixels, or -1 if column should use default width
     * @see columnWidth()
    void setColumnWidth( int column, int width );

    /** Returns true if the specified column is hidden.
     * @param column column index
     * @see setColumnHidden()
    bool columnHidden( int column ) const;

    /** Sets whether the specified column should be hidden.
     * @param column column index
     * @param hidden set to true to hide column
     * @see columnHidden()
    void setColumnHidden( int column, bool hidden );

     * Get the sort order
     * @note Added in 2.16
    Qt::SortOrder sortOrder() const;

     * Set the sort order
     * @note Added in 2.16
    void setSortOrder( Qt::SortOrder sortOrder );