ConnectedComponentSegmentation otbcli_ConnectedComponentSegmentation Connected Component Segmentation Segmentation Connected component segmentation and object based image filtering of the input image according to user-defined criterions. ParameterRaster in Input Image The image to segment. False OutputVector out Output Shape The segmentation shape. ParameterString mask Mask expression Mask mathematical expression (only if support image is given) True ParameterString expr Connected Component Expression Formula used for connected component segmentation False ParameterNumber minsize Minimum Object Size Min object size (area in pixel) 2 True ParameterString obia OBIA Expression OBIA mathematical expression True ParameterNumber elev.default Default elevation This parameter allows setting the default height above ellipsoid when there is no DEM available, no coverage for some points or pixels with no_data in the DEM tiles, and no geoid file has been set. This is also used by some application as an average elevation value. 0 False