Projects a disparity map into a regular elevation map
Long Description
This application uses a disparity map computed from a stereo image pair to produce an elevation map on the ground area covered by the stereo pair. The needed inputs are : the disparity map, the stereo pair (in original geometry) and the epipolar deformation grids. These grids have to link the original geometry (stereo pair) and the epipolar geometry (disparity map).
[param] -io <string> This group of parameters allows setting the input and output images and grids.. Mandatory: True. Default Value: "0"
[param] -step <float> Spacing of the output elevation map (in meters). Mandatory: True. Default Value: "5"
[param] -hmax <float> Maximum elevation expected (in meters). Mandatory: True. Default Value: "100"
[param] -elev <string> This group of parameters allows managing elevation values. Supported formats are SRTM, DTED or any geotiff. DownloadSRTMTiles application could be a useful tool to list/download tiles related to a product.. Mandatory: True. Default Value: "0"
[param] -ram <int32> Available memory for processing (in MB). Mandatory: False. Default Value: "128"
[param] -inxml <string> Load otb application from xml file. Mandatory: False. Default Value: ""
[param] -outxml <string> Save otb application to xml file. Mandatory: False. Default Value: ""