ComputeModulusAndPhase-two-TwoEntries otbcli_ComputeModulusAndPhase ComputeModulusAndPhase-two (TwoEntries) Miscellaneous This application computes the modulus and the phase of a complex SAR data. ParameterSelection nbinput Number Of inputs Choice about the number of input files used to store the real and imaginary part of the SAR image two 0 ParameterRaster Real part input Image file with real part of the SAR data. False ParameterRaster Imaginary part input Image file with imaginary part of the SAR data. False OutputRaster mod Modulus Modulus of the input: sqrt(real*real + imag*imag). OutputRaster pha Phase Phase of the input: atan2(imag, real). ParameterNumber ram Available RAM (Mb) Available memory for processing (in MB) 128