BinaryMorphologicalOperation-dilate otbcli_BinaryMorphologicalOperation BinaryMorphologicalOperation (dilate) Feature Extraction Performs morphological operations on an input image channel ParameterRaster in Input Image The input image to be filtered. False OutputRaster out Feature Output Image Output image containing the filtered output image. ParameterNumber channel Selected Channel The selected channel index 1 ParameterNumber ram Available RAM (Mb) Available memory for processing (in MB) 128 ParameterSelection structype Structuring Element Type Choice of the structuring element type ball 0 ParameterNumber structype.ball.xradius The Structuring Element Radius The Structuring Element Radius 5 ParameterSelection filter Morphological Operation Choice of the morphological operation dilate 0 ParameterNumber filter.dilate.foreval Foreground Value The Foreground Value 1 ParameterNumber filter.dilate.backval Background Value The Background Value 0