# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ *************************************************************************** GdalTools_utils.py --------------------- Date : June 2010 Copyright : (C) 2010 by Giuseppe Sucameli Email : brush dot tyler at gmail dot com *************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * *************************************************************************** """ __author__ = 'Giuseppe Sucameli' __date__ = 'June 2010' __copyright__ = '(C) 2010, Giuseppe Sucameli' # This will get replaced with a git SHA1 when you do a git archive __revision__ = '$Format:%H$' # Utility functions # ------------------------------------------------- # getLastUsedDir() # setLastUsedDir( QString *file_or_dir path ) # ------------------------------------------------- from PyQt4.QtCore import QObject, QSettings, QFileInfo, SIGNAL, QDir, QCoreApplication from PyQt4.QtGui import QFileDialog from qgis.core import QgsApplication, QgsMapLayerRegistry, QgsRectangle, QgsProviderRegistry, QgsLogger from qgis.gui import QgsEncodingFileDialog from osgeo import gdal, ogr, osr import os # to know the os import platform import sys import string import re # Escapes arguments and return them joined in a string def escapeAndJoin(strList): joined = '' for s in strList: if s.find(" ") is not -1: escaped = '"' + s.replace('\\', '\\\\').replace('"', '\\"') + '"' else: escaped = s joined += escaped + " " return joined.strip() # Retrieves last used dir from persistent settings def getLastUsedDir(): settings = QSettings() lastProjectDir = settings.value("/UI/lastProjectDir", u".", type=unicode) return settings.value("/GdalTools/lastUsedDir", lastProjectDir, type=unicode) # Stores last used dir in persistent settings def setLastUsedDir(filePath): settings = QSettings() fileInfo = QFileInfo(filePath) if fileInfo.isDir(): dirPath = fileInfo.filePath() else: dirPath = fileInfo.path() settings.setValue("/GdalTools/lastUsedDir", dirPath) # Retrieves GDAL binaries location def getGdalBinPath(): settings = QSettings() return settings.value("/GdalTools/gdalPath", u"", type=unicode) # Stores GDAL binaries location def setGdalBinPath(path): settings = QSettings() settings.setValue("/GdalTools/gdalPath", path) # Retrieves GDAL python modules location def getGdalPymodPath(): settings = QSettings() return settings.value("/GdalTools/gdalPymodPath", u"", type=unicode) # Stores GDAL python modules location def setGdalPymodPath(path): settings = QSettings() settings.setValue("/GdalTools/gdalPymodPath", path) # Retrieves GDAL help files location def getHelpPath(): settings = QSettings() return settings.value("/GdalTools/helpPath", u"", type=unicode) # Stores GDAL help files location def setHelpPath(path): settings = QSettings() settings.setValue("/GdalTools/helpPath", path) # Retrieves last used encoding from persistent settings def getLastUsedEncoding(): settings = QSettings() return settings.value("/UI/encoding", u"System", type=unicode) # Stores last used encoding in persistent settings def setLastUsedEncoding(encoding): settings = QSettings() settings.setValue("/UI/encoding", encoding) def getRasterExtensions(): formats = FileFilter.allRastersFilter().split(";;") extensions = [] for f in formats: if string.find(f, "*.bt") is not -1 or string.find(f, "*.mpr") is not -1: # Binary Terrain or ILWIS continue extensions.extend(FileFilter.getFilterExtensions(f)) return extensions def getVectorExtensions(): formats = FileFilter.allVectorsFilter().split(";;") extensions = [] for f in formats: extensions.extend(FileFilter.getFilterExtensions(f)) return extensions class LayerRegistry(QObject): _instance = None _iface = None @staticmethod def instance(): if LayerRegistry._instance is None: LayerRegistry._instance = LayerRegistry() return LayerRegistry._instance @staticmethod def setIface(iface): LayerRegistry._iface = iface layers = [] def __init__(self): QObject.__init__(self) if LayerRegistry._instance is not None: return LayerRegistry.layers = self.getAllLayers() LayerRegistry._instance = self self.connect(QgsMapLayerRegistry.instance(), SIGNAL("removeAll()"), self.removeAllLayers) self.connect(QgsMapLayerRegistry.instance(), SIGNAL("layerWasAdded(QgsMapLayer *)"), self.layerAdded) self.connect(QgsMapLayerRegistry.instance(), SIGNAL("layerWillBeRemoved(QString)"), self.removeLayer) def getAllLayers(self): if LayerRegistry._iface and hasattr(LayerRegistry._iface, 'legendInterface'): return LayerRegistry._iface.legendInterface().layers() return QgsMapLayerRegistry.instance().mapLayers().values() def layerAdded(self, layer): LayerRegistry.layers.append(layer) self.emit(SIGNAL("layersChanged")) def removeLayer(self, layerId): LayerRegistry.layers = filter(lambda x: x.id() != layerId, LayerRegistry.layers) self.emit(SIGNAL("layersChanged")) def removeAllLayers(self): LayerRegistry.layers = [] self.emit(SIGNAL("layersChanged")) @classmethod def isRaster(self, layer): # only gdal raster layers if layer.type() != layer.RasterLayer: return False if layer.providerType() != 'gdal': return False return True def getRasterLayers(self): return filter(self.isRaster, LayerRegistry.layers) @classmethod def isVector(self, layer): if layer.type() != layer.VectorLayer: return False if layer.providerType() != 'ogr': return False return True def getVectorLayers(self): return filter(self.isVector, LayerRegistry.layers) def getRasterFiles(path, recursive=False): rasters = [] if not QFileInfo(path).exists(): return rasters # TODO remove *.aux.xml _filter = getRasterExtensions() workDir = QDir(path) workDir.setFilter(QDir.Files | QDir.NoSymLinks | QDir.NoDotAndDotDot) workDir.setNameFilters(_filter) files = workDir.entryList() for f in files: rasters.append(path + "/" + f) if recursive: for myRoot, myDirs, myFiles in os.walk(unicode(path)): for dir in myDirs: workDir = QDir(myRoot + "/" + dir) workDir.setFilter(QDir.Files | QDir.NoSymLinks | QDir.NoDotAndDotDot) workDir.setNameFilters(_filter) workFiles = workDir.entryList() for f in workFiles: rasters.append(myRoot + "/" + dir + "/" + f) return rasters def fillRasterOutputFormat(aFilter=None, filename=None): shortName = '' if aFilter is not None: supportedRasters = GdalConfig.getSupportedRasters() filterName = re.sub('^.*\] ', '', FileFilter.getFilterName(aFilter)) if filterName is supportedRasters: return supportedRasters[filterName]["SHORTNAME"] shortName = GdalConfig.SupportedRasters.long2ShortName(filterName) if shortName == '' and filename is not None: shortName = GdalConfig.SupportedRasters.filename2ShortName(filename) if shortName == '': shortName = "GTiff" return shortName def fillVectorOutputFormat(aFilter=None, filename=None): shortName = '' if aFilter is not None: supportedVectors = GdalConfig.getSupportedVectors() filterName = re.sub('^.*\] ', '', FileFilter.getFilterName(aFilter)) if filterName in supportedVectors: return supportedVectors[filterName]["SHORTNAME"] pass # shortName = GdalConfig.SupportedVectors.long2ShortName(filterName) if shortName == '' and filename is not None: pass # shortName = GdalConfig.SupportedVectors.filename2ShortName(filename) if shortName == '': shortName = "ESRI Shapefile" return shortName class UnsupportedOGRFormat(Exception): def __init__(self): msg = QCoreApplication.translate("GdalTools", "The selected file is not a supported OGR format") Exception.__init__(self, msg) def getVectorFields(vectorFile): hds = ogr.Open(unicode(vectorFile).encode('utf8')) if hds is None: raise UnsupportedOGRFormat() fields = [] names = [] layer = hds.GetLayer(0) defn = layer.GetLayerDefn() for i in range(defn.GetFieldCount()): fieldDefn = defn.GetFieldDefn(i) fieldType = fieldDefn.GetType() if fieldType == 0 or fieldType == 2: fields.append(fieldDefn) names.append(fieldDefn.GetName()) return (fields, names) # get raster SRS if possible def getRasterSRS(parent, fileName): ds = gdal.Open(fileName) if ds is None: return '' proj = ds.GetProjectionRef() if proj is None: return '' sr = osr.SpatialReference() if sr.ImportFromWkt(proj) != gdal.CE_None: return '' name = sr.GetAuthorityName(None) code = sr.GetAuthorityCode(None) if name is not None and code is not None: return '%s:%s' % (name, code) return '' # get raster extent using python API - replaces old method which parsed gdalinfo output def getRasterExtent(parent, fileName): ds = gdal.Open(fileName) if ds is None: return x = ds.RasterXSize y = ds.RasterYSize gt = ds.GetGeoTransform() if gt is None: xUL = 0 yUL = 0 xLR = x yLR = y else: xUL = gt[0] yUL = gt[3] xLR = gt[0] + gt[1] * x + gt[2] * y yLR = gt[3] + gt[4] * x + gt[5] * y return QgsRectangle(xUL, yLR, xLR, yUL) # get raster resolution def getRasterResolution(fileName): ds = gdal.Open(fileName) if ds is None: return gt = ds.GetGeoTransform() if gt is None: return else: xRes = abs(gt[1]) yRes = abs(gt[5]) return (xRes, yRes) # This class is used to replace the QFileDialog class. # Its static methods are used in place of the respective QFileDialog ones to: # 1. set the last used directory # 2. append the selected extension to the file name # 3. bypass the following bug: # when you use the 'filter' argument, the dialog is enlarged up to the longest filter length, # so sometimes the dialog excedes the screen width class FileDialog: @classmethod def getDialog(self, parent=None, caption='', acceptMode=QFileDialog.AcceptOpen, fileMode=QFileDialog.ExistingFile, filter='', selectedFilter=None, useEncoding=False): if useEncoding: dialog = QgsEncodingFileDialog(parent, caption, getLastUsedDir(), filter, getLastUsedEncoding()) else: dialog = QFileDialog(parent, caption, getLastUsedDir(), filter) dialog.setFileMode(fileMode) dialog.setAcceptMode(acceptMode) if selectedFilter is not None: dialog.selectNameFilter(selectedFilter[0]) if not dialog.exec_(): if useEncoding: return ('', None) return '' # change the selected filter value if selectedFilter is not None: selectedFilter[0] = dialog.selectedNameFilter() # save the last used dir and return the selected files files = dialog.selectedFiles() if files != '': setLastUsedDir(files[0]) if fileMode != QFileDialog.ExistingFiles: files = files[0] # append the extension if not already present if fileMode == QFileDialog.AnyFile: firstExt = None for ext in FileFilter.getFilterExtensions(dialog.selectedNameFilter()): if FileFilter.filenameMatchesFilterExt(files, ext): firstExt = None break if firstExt is None: firstExt = ext if firstExt is not None: if firstExt.startswith('*'): files += firstExt[1:] if useEncoding: encoding = dialog.encoding() # encoding setted yet by QgsEncodingFileDialog #setLastUsedEncoding(encoding) return (files, encoding) return files @classmethod def getOpenFileNames(self, parent=None, caption='', filter='', selectedFilter=None, useEncoding=False): return self.getDialog(parent, caption, QFileDialog.AcceptOpen, QFileDialog.ExistingFiles, filter, selectedFilter, useEncoding) @classmethod def getOpenFileName(self, parent=None, caption='', filter='', selectedFilter=None, useEncoding=False): return self.getDialog(parent, caption, QFileDialog.AcceptOpen, QFileDialog.ExistingFile, filter, selectedFilter, useEncoding) @classmethod def getSaveFileName(self, parent=None, caption='', filter='', selectedFilter=None, useEncoding=False): return self.getDialog(parent, caption, QFileDialog.AcceptSave, QFileDialog.AnyFile, filter, selectedFilter, useEncoding) @classmethod def getExistingDirectory(self, parent=None, caption='', useEncoding=False): return self.getDialog(parent, caption, QFileDialog.AcceptOpen, QFileDialog.DirectoryOnly, '', None, useEncoding) class FileFilter: @classmethod def getFilter(self, typeName): settings = QSettings() return settings.value("/GdalTools/" + typeName + "FileFilter", u"", type=unicode) @classmethod def setFilter(self, typeName, aFilter): settings = QSettings() settings.setValue("/GdalTools/" + typeName + "FileFilter", aFilter) # stores the supported raster file filter rastersFilter = '' # Retrieves the filter for supported raster files @classmethod def allRastersFilter(self): if self.rastersFilter == '': self.rastersFilter = QgsProviderRegistry.instance().fileRasterFilters() # workaround for QGis < 1.5 (see #2376) # removed as this is a core plugin QGis >= 1.9 return self.rastersFilter # Retrieves the filter for supported raster files to save # Skip *, *.zip and *.vrt and move tif to top # TODO: only the formats with GDAL_DCAP_CREATE @classmethod def saveRastersFilter(self): # move tif to top if available available = self.allRastersFilter().split(";;") filters = [] for f in available: if "*.tif" in f: filters.append(f) break for f in available: if "*.tif" in f or "*.zip" in f or "(*)" in f: continue filters.append(f) return ";;".join(filters) # Retrieves the last used filter for raster files # Note: filter string is in a list @classmethod def lastUsedRasterFilter(self): return [self.getFilter("lastRaster")] @classmethod def setLastUsedRasterFilter(self, aFilter): self.setFilter("lastRaster", aFilter[0]) # stores the supported vectors file filter vectorsFilter = '' # Retrieves the filter for supported vector files @classmethod def allVectorsFilter(self): if self.vectorsFilter == '': self.vectorsFilter = QgsProviderRegistry.instance().fileVectorFilters() return self.vectorsFilter # Retrieves the last used filter for vector files # Note: filter string is in a list @classmethod def lastUsedVectorFilter(self): return [self.getFilter("lastVector")] @classmethod def setLastUsedVectorFilter(self, aFilter): self.setFilter("lastVector", aFilter[0]) # Retrieves the extensions list from a filter string @classmethod def getFilterExtensions(self, aFilter): extList = [] # foreach format in filter string for f in aFilter.split(";;"): # gets the list of extensions from the filter exts = re.sub('\).*$', '', re.sub('^.*\(', '', f)) # if there is no extensions or the filter matches all, then return an empty list # otherwise return the list of estensions if exts != '' and exts != "*" and exts != "*.*": extList.extend(exts.split(" ")) return extList @classmethod def getFilterName(self, aFilter): if isinstance(aFilter, list): if len(aFilter): aFilter = aFilter[0] else: aFilter = "" return string.strip(re.sub('\ \(.*$', '', aFilter)) @classmethod def filenameMatchesFilterExt(self, fileName, ext): return re.match('.' + unicode(ext), fileName) is not None # Retrieves gdal information class GdalConfig: # retrieves and return the installed gdal version @classmethod def version(self): return Version(gdal.VersionInfo("RELEASE_NAME")) @classmethod def versionNum(self): return int(gdal.VersionInfo("VERSION_NUM")) # store the supported rasters info supportedRasters = None # retrieve the supported rasters info @classmethod def getSupportedRasters(self): if self.supportedRasters is not None: return self.supportedRasters # first get the GDAL driver manager if gdal.GetDriverCount() == 0: gdal.AllRegister() self.supportedRasters = dict() jp2Driver = None # for each loaded GDAL driver for i in range(gdal.GetDriverCount()): driver = gdal.GetDriver(i) if driver is None: QgsLogger.warning("unable to get driver " + unicode(i)) continue # now we need to see if the driver is for something currently # supported; if not, we give it a miss for the next driver longName = string.strip(re.sub('\(.*$', '', driver.LongName)) shortName = string.strip(re.sub('\(.*$', '', driver.ShortName)) extensions = '' description = driver.GetDescription() glob = [] metadata = driver.GetMetadata() if gdal.DMD_EXTENSION in metadata: extensions = unicode(metadata[gdal.DMD_EXTENSION]) if longName != '': if extensions != '': # XXX add check for SDTS; in that case we want (*CATD.DDF) #TODO fix and test #glob.append( QString("*." + extensions.replace("/", " *.")).split(" ")) glob.append(string.split("*." + string.replace(extensions, "/", " *."), sep=(" "))) # Add only the first JP2 driver found to the filter list (it's the one GDAL uses) if description == "JPEG2000" or description.startswith("JP2"): # JP2ECW, JP2KAK, JP2MrSID if jp2Driver is not None: continue # skip if already found a JP2 driver jp2Driver = driver # first JP2 driver found glob.append("*.j2k") # add alternate extension elif description == "GTiff": glob.append("*.tiff") elif description == "JPEG": glob.append("*.jpeg") else: # USGS DEMs use "*.dem" if description.startswith("USGSDEM"): glob.append("*.dem") elif description.startswith("DTED"): # DTED use "*.dt0" glob.append("*.dt0") elif description.startswith("MrSID"): # MrSID use "*.sid" glob.append("*.sid") else: continue self.supportedRasters[longName] = {'EXTENSIONS': glob, 'LONGNAME': longName, 'SHORTNAME': shortName, 'DESCRIPTION': description} return self.supportedRasters # store the supported vectors info supportedVectors = None # retrieve the supported vectors info @classmethod def getSupportedVectors(self): if self.supportedVectors is not None: return self.supportedVectors # first get the OGR driver manager QgsApplication.registerOgrDrivers() self.supportedVectors = dict() # for each loaded OGR driver for i in range(ogr.GetDriverCount()): driver = ogr.GetDriver(i) if driver is None: QgsLogger.warning("unable to get driver " + unicode(i)) continue driverName = driver.GetName() longName = '' glob = [] if driverName.startswith("AVCBin"): pass # myDirectoryDrivers += "Arc/Info Binary Coverage,AVCBin" elif driverName.startswith("AVCE00"): longName = "Arc/Info ASCII Coverage" glob.append("*.e00") elif driverName.startswith("BNA"): longName = "Atlas BNA" glob.append("*.bna") elif driverName.startswith("CSV"): longName = "Comma Separated Value" glob.append("*.csv") elif driverName.startswith("DODS"): pass # myProtocolDrivers += "DODS/OPeNDAP,DODS" elif driverName.startswith("PGeo"): pass # myDatabaseDrivers += "ESRI Personal GeoDatabase,PGeo" # on Windows add a pair to the dict for this driver if platform.system() == "Windows": longName = "ESRI Personal GeoDatabase" glob.append("*.mdb") elif driverName.startswith("SDE"): pass # myDatabaseDrivers += "ESRI ArcSDE,SDE" elif driverName.startswith("ESRI"): longName = "ESRI Shapefiles" glob.append("*.shp") elif driverName.startswith("FMEObjects Gateway"): longName = "FMEObjects Gateway" glob.append("*.fdd") elif driverName.startswith("GeoJSON"): pass # myProtocolDrivers += "GeoJSON,GeoJSON" longName = "GeoJSON" glob.append("*.geojson") elif driverName.startswith("GeoRSS"): longName = "GeoRSS" glob.append("*.xml") elif driverName.startswith("GML"): longName = "Geography Markup Language" glob.append("*.gml") elif driverName.startswith("GMT"): longName = "GMT" glob.append("*.gmt") elif driverName.startswith("GPX"): longName = "GPX" glob.append("*.gpx") elif driverName.startswith("GRASS"): pass # myDirectoryDrivers += "Grass Vector,GRASS" elif driverName.startswith("IDB"): pass # myDatabaseDrivers += "Informix DataBlade,IDB" elif driverName.startswith("Interlis 1"): longName = "INTERLIS 1" glob.append("*.itf") glob.append("*.xml") glob.append("*.ili") elif driverName.startswith("Interlis 2"): longName = "INTERLIS 2" glob.append("*.itf") glob.append("*.xml") glob.append("*.ili") elif driverName.startswith("INGRES"): pass # myDatabaseDrivers += "INGRES,INGRES" elif driverName.startswith("KML"): longName = "KML" glob.append("*.kml") elif driverName.startswith("MapInfo File"): longName = "Mapinfo File" glob.append("*.mif") glob.append("*.tab") elif driverName.startswith("DGN"): longName = "Microstation DGN" glob.append("*.dgn") elif driverName.startswith("MySQL"): pass # myDatabaseDrivers += "MySQL,MySQL" elif driverName.startswith("OCI"): pass # myDatabaseDrivers += "Oracle Spatial,OCI" elif driverName.startswith("ODBC"): pass # myDatabaseDrivers += "ODBC,ODBC" elif driverName.startswith("OGDI"): pass # myDatabaseDrivers += "OGDI Vectors,OGDI" elif driverName.startswith("PostgreSQL"): pass # myDatabaseDrivers += "PostgreSQL,PostgreSQL" elif driverName.startswith("S57"): longName = "S-57 Base file" glob.append("*.000") elif driverName.startswith("SDTS"): longName = "Spatial Data Transfer Standard" glob.append("*catd.ddf") elif driverName.startswith("SQLite"): longName = "SQLite" glob.append("*.sqlite") elif driverName.startswith("UK .NTF"): pass # myDirectoryDrivers += "UK. NTF,UK. NTF" elif driverName.startswith("TIGER"): pass # myDirectoryDrivers += "U.S. Census TIGER/Line,TIGER" elif driverName.startswith("VRT"): longName = "VRT - Virtual Datasource " glob.append("*.vrt") elif driverName.startswith("XPlane"): longName = "X-Plane/Flighgear" glob.append("apt.dat") glob.append("nav.dat") glob.append("fix.dat") glob.append("awy.dat") longName = string.strip(longName) if longName == '': continue self.supportedVectors[longName] = {'EXTENSIONS': glob, 'LONGNAME': longName, 'SHORTNAME': driverName} return self.supportedVectors class SupportedRasters: dict_long2shortName = dict() # retrieve the raster format short name by long format name @classmethod def long2ShortName(self, longName): if longName == '': return '' if longName in self.dict_long2shortName: return self.dict_long2shortName[longName] # first get the GDAL driver manager if gdal.GetDriverCount() == 0: gdal.AllRegister() shortName = '' # for each loaded GDAL driver for i in range(gdal.GetDriverCount()): driver = gdal.GetDriver(i) if driver is None: continue # if this is the driver we searched for then return its short name if FileFilter.getFilterName(driver.LongName) == longName: shortName = FileFilter.getFilterName(driver.ShortName) self.dict_long2shortName[longName] = shortName break return shortName # retrieve the raster format short name by using the file name extension @classmethod def filename2ShortName(self, fileName): if fileName == '': return '' shortName = '' # for each raster format search for the file extension formats = FileFilter.allRastersFilter().split(";;") for f in formats: for ext in FileFilter.getFilterExtensions(f): if FileFilter.filenameMatchesFilterExt(fileName, ext): longName = FileFilter.getFilterName(f) shortName = self.long2ShortName(longName) break if not shortName == '': break return shortName # class which allows creating version objects and compare them class Version: def __init__(self, ver): self.vers = ('0', '0', '0') if isinstance(ver, Version): self.vers = ver.vers elif isinstance(ver, tuple) or isinstance(ver, list): self.vers = map(str, ver) elif isinstance(ver, str): self.vers = self.string2vers(ver) @staticmethod def string2vers(string): vers = ['0', '0', '0'] nums = unicode(string).split(".") if len(nums) > 0: vers[0] = nums[0] if len(nums) > 1: vers[1] = nums[1] if len(nums) > 2: vers[2] = nums[2] return (vers[0], vers[1], vers[2]) def __cmp__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, Version): other = Version(other) if self.vers > other.vers: return 1 if self.vers < other.vers: return -1 return 0 def __str__(self): return ".".join(self.vers) def setProcessEnvironment(process): envvar_list = { "PATH": getGdalBinPath(), "PYTHONPATH": getGdalPymodPath(), "GDAL_FILENAME_IS_UTF8": "NO" } sep = os.pathsep for name, val in envvar_list.iteritems(): if val is None or val == "": continue envval = os.getenv(name) if envval is None or envval == "": envval = unicode(val) elif (platform.system() == "Windows" and val.lower() not in envval.lower().split( sep )) or \ (platform.system() != "Windows" and val not in envval.split(sep)): envval += "%s%s" % (sep, unicode(val)) else: envval = None if envval is not None: os.putenv(name, envval) def setMacOSXDefaultEnvironment(): # fix bug #3170: many GDAL Tools don't work in OS X standalone if platform.system() != "Darwin": return # QgsApplication.prefixPath() contains the path to qgis executable (i.e. .../Qgis.app/MacOS) # get the path to Qgis application folder qgis_app = u"%s/.." % QgsApplication.prefixPath() qgis_app = QDir(qgis_app).absolutePath() qgis_bin = u"%s/bin" % QgsApplication.prefixPath() # path to QGis bin folder qgis_python = u"%s/Resources/python" % qgis_app # path to QGis python folder # path to the GDAL framework within the Qgis application folder (QGis standalone only) qgis_standalone_gdal_path = u"%s/Frameworks/GDAL.framework" % qgis_app # path to the GDAL framework when installed as external framework gdal_versionsplit = unicode(GdalConfig.version()).split('.') gdal_base_path = u"/Library/Frameworks/GDAL.framework/Versions/%s.%s" % (gdal_versionsplit[0], gdal_versionsplit[1]) if os.path.exists(qgis_standalone_gdal_path): # qgis standalone # GDAL executables are in the QGis bin folder if getGdalBinPath() == '': setGdalBinPath(qgis_bin) # GDAL pymods are in the QGis python folder if getGdalPymodPath() == '': setGdalPymodPath(qgis_python) # GDAL help is in the framework folder if getHelpPath() == '': setHelpPath(u"%s/Resources/doc" % qgis_standalone_gdal_path) elif os.path.exists(gdal_base_path): # all GDAL parts are in the GDAL framework folder if getGdalBinPath() == '': setGdalBinPath(u"%s/Programs" % gdal_base_path) if getGdalPymodPath() == '': setGdalPymodPath(u"%s/Python/%s.%s/site-packages" % (gdal_base_path, sys.version_info[0], sys.version_info[1])) if getHelpPath() == '': setHelpPath(u"%s/Resources/doc" % gdal_base_path) # setup the MacOSX path to both GDAL executables and python modules if platform.system() == "Darwin": setMacOSXDefaultEnvironment()