/* MDAL - Mesh Data Abstraction Library (MIT License) Copyright (C) 2019 Vincent Cloarec (vcloarec at gmail dot com) */ #include "mdal_datetime.hpp" #include "mdal_utils.hpp" constexpr double MILLISECONDS_IN_SECOND = 1000; constexpr double MILLISECONDS_IN_MINUTE = 1000 * 60; constexpr double MILLISECONDS_IN_HOUR = 1000 * 60 * 60; constexpr double MILLISECONDS_IN_DAY = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24; constexpr double MILLISECONDS_IN_WEEK = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 7; //https://www.unidata.ucar.edu/software/netcdf-java/current/CDM/CalendarDateTime.html constexpr double MILLISECONDS_IN_EXACT_YEAR = 3.15569259747e10; //CF Compliant constexpr double MILLISECONDS_IN_MONTH_CF = MILLISECONDS_IN_EXACT_YEAR / 12.0; //CF Compliant MDAL::DateTime::DateTime() = default; MDAL::DateTime::DateTime( int year, int month, int day, int hours, int minutes, double seconds, MDAL::DateTime::Calendar calendar ) { DateTimeValues value{year, month, day, hours, minutes, seconds}; switch ( calendar ) { case MDAL::DateTime::Gregorian: setWithGregorianJulianCalendarDate( value ); break; case MDAL::DateTime::ProlepticGregorian: setWithGregorianCalendarDate( value ); break; case MDAL::DateTime::Julian: setWithJulianCalendarDate( value ); break; } } MDAL::DateTime::DateTime( double value, Epoch epoch ): mValid( true ) { switch ( epoch ) { case MDAL::DateTime::Unix: mJulianTime = ( DateTime( 1970, 01, 01, 0, 0, 0, Gregorian ) + RelativeTimestamp( value, RelativeTimestamp::seconds ) ).mJulianTime; break; case MDAL::DateTime::JulianDay: mJulianTime = int64_t( value * MILLISECONDS_IN_DAY + 0.5 ); break; } } std::string MDAL::DateTime::toStandartCalendarISO8601() const { if ( mValid ) { DateTimeValues value = dateTimeGregorianProleptic(); if ( value.year > 0 ) return toString( value ); } return ""; } double MDAL::DateTime::toJulianDay() const { return mJulianTime / MILLISECONDS_IN_DAY; } std::string MDAL::DateTime::toJulianDayString() const { return std::to_string( toJulianDay() ); } MDAL::DateTime MDAL::DateTime::operator+( const MDAL::RelativeTimestamp &duration ) const { if ( !mValid ) return DateTime(); return DateTime( mJulianTime + duration.mDuration ); } MDAL::DateTime MDAL::DateTime::operator-( const MDAL::RelativeTimestamp &duration ) const { if ( !mValid ) return DateTime(); return DateTime( mJulianTime - duration.mDuration ); } bool MDAL::DateTime::operator==( const MDAL::DateTime &other ) const { if ( !mValid && !other.mValid ) return true; return ( mValid && other.mValid ) && ( mJulianTime == other.mJulianTime ); } bool MDAL::DateTime::operator<( const MDAL::DateTime &other ) const { if ( !mValid && !other.mValid ) return false; return ( mValid && other.mValid ) && ( mJulianTime < other.mJulianTime ); } bool MDAL::DateTime::isValid() const { return mValid; } MDAL::DateTime::DateTime( int64_t julianTime ): mJulianTime( julianTime ), mValid( true ) {} MDAL::DateTime::DateTimeValues MDAL::DateTime::dateTimeGregorianJulianCalendar() const { // https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jour_julien DateTimeValues values; int Z = int( mJulianTime / MILLISECONDS_IN_DAY + 0.5 ); // integer part of julian days count double F = ( mJulianTime - MILLISECONDS_IN_DAY * ( Z - 0.5 ) ) / MILLISECONDS_IN_DAY; // fractional part of julian days count; int S; if ( Z < 2299161 ) S = Z; else { int alpha = int( ( Z - 1867216.25 ) / 36524.25 ); S = Z + 1 + alpha - int( alpha / 4 ); } int B = S + 1524; int C = int( ( B - 122.1 ) / 365.25 ); int D = int( 365.25 * C ); int E = int( ( B - D ) / 30.6001 ); values.day = B - D - int( 30.6001 * E ); if ( E < 14 ) values.month = E - 1; else values.month = E - 13; if ( values.month > 2 ) values.year = C - 4716; else values.year = C - 4715; values.hours = int( F / MILLISECONDS_IN_HOUR ); F = int( F - values.hours * MILLISECONDS_IN_HOUR ); values.minutes = int( F / MILLISECONDS_IN_MINUTE ); F = int( F - values.minutes * MILLISECONDS_IN_MINUTE ); values.seconds = int( F / MILLISECONDS_IN_SECOND ); return values; } MDAL::DateTime::DateTimeValues MDAL::DateTime::dateTimeGregorianProleptic() const { // https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jour_julien DateTimeValues values; int Z = int( mJulianTime / MILLISECONDS_IN_DAY + 0.5 ); // integer part of julian days count int F = int( mJulianTime - MILLISECONDS_IN_DAY * ( Z - 0.5 ) ) ; // fractional part of julian days count in ms; int alpha = int( ( Z - 1867216.25 ) / 36524.25 ); int S = Z + 1 + alpha - int( alpha / 4 ); int B = S + 1524; int C = int( ( B - 122.1 ) / 365.25 ); int D = int( 365.25 * C ); int E = int( ( B - D ) / 30.6001 ); values.day = B - D - int( 30.6001 * E ); if ( E < 14 ) values.month = E - 1; else values.month = E - 13; if ( values.month > 2 ) values.year = C - 4716; else values.year = C - 4715; values.hours = int( F / MILLISECONDS_IN_HOUR ); F = int( F - values.hours * MILLISECONDS_IN_HOUR ); values.minutes = int( F / MILLISECONDS_IN_MINUTE ); F = int( F - values.minutes * MILLISECONDS_IN_MINUTE ); values.seconds = int( F / MILLISECONDS_IN_SECOND ); return values; } void MDAL::DateTime::setWithGregorianCalendarDate( MDAL::DateTime::DateTimeValues values ) { // https://quasar.as.utexas.edu/BillInfo/JulianDatesG.html if ( values.month <= 2 ) { values.year--; values.month += 12; } int A = values.year / 100; int B = A / 4; int C = 2 - A + B; int E = int( 365.25 * ( values.year + 4716 ) ); int F = int( 30.6001 * ( values.month + 1 ) ); double julianDay = C + values.day + E + F - 1524.5; mValid = true; mJulianTime = int64_t( julianDay * MILLISECONDS_IN_DAY + ( values.hours ) * MILLISECONDS_IN_HOUR + values.minutes * MILLISECONDS_IN_MINUTE + values.seconds * MILLISECONDS_IN_SECOND ); } void MDAL::DateTime::setWithJulianCalendarDate( MDAL::DateTime::DateTimeValues values ) { // https://quasar.as.utexas.edu/BillInfo/JulianDatesG.html if ( values.month <= 2 ) { values.year--; values.month += 12; } int E = int( 365.25 * ( values.year + 4716 ) ); int F = int( 30.6001 * ( values.month + 1 ) ); double julianDay = values.day + E + F - 1524.5; mValid = true; mJulianTime = int64_t( julianDay * MILLISECONDS_IN_DAY + ( values.hours ) * MILLISECONDS_IN_HOUR + values.minutes * MILLISECONDS_IN_MINUTE + values.seconds * MILLISECONDS_IN_SECOND ); } void MDAL::DateTime::setWithGregorianJulianCalendarDate( MDAL::DateTime::DateTimeValues values ) { // https://quasar.as.utexas.edu/BillInfo/JulianDatesG.html mValid = true; if ( values.year > 1582 || ( values.year == 1582 && ( values.month > 10 || ( values.month == 10 && values.day >= 15 ) ) ) ) // gregorian calendar { setWithGregorianCalendarDate( values ); } else setWithJulianCalendarDate( values ); } std::string MDAL::DateTime::toString( MDAL::DateTime::DateTimeValues values ) const { int miliseconds = int( ( values.seconds - int( values.seconds ) ) * 1000 + 0.5 ); std::string msStr; if ( miliseconds > 0 ) { if ( miliseconds < 10 ) msStr = prependZero( std::to_string( miliseconds ), 3 ); else if ( miliseconds < 100 ) msStr = prependZero( std::to_string( miliseconds ), 2 ); else if ( miliseconds < 1000 ) msStr = std::to_string( miliseconds ); msStr = std::string( "," ).append( msStr ); } std::string strDateTime = prependZero( std::to_string( values.year ), 4 ) + "-" + prependZero( std::to_string( values.month ), 2 ) + "-" + prependZero( std::to_string( values.day ), 2 ) + "T" + prependZero( std::to_string( values.hours ), 2 ) + ":" + prependZero( std::to_string( values.minutes ), 2 ) + ":" + prependZero( std::to_string( int( values.seconds ) ), 2 ) + msStr; return strDateTime; } MDAL::RelativeTimestamp MDAL::DateTime::operator-( const MDAL::DateTime &other ) const { if ( !mValid || !other.mValid ) return RelativeTimestamp(); return RelativeTimestamp( mJulianTime - other.mJulianTime ); } MDAL::RelativeTimestamp::RelativeTimestamp() = default; MDAL::RelativeTimestamp::RelativeTimestamp( double duration, MDAL::RelativeTimestamp::Unit unit ) { switch ( unit ) { case MDAL::RelativeTimestamp::milliseconds: mDuration = int64_t( duration ); break; case MDAL::RelativeTimestamp::seconds: mDuration = int64_t( duration * MILLISECONDS_IN_SECOND + 0.5 ); break; case MDAL::RelativeTimestamp::minutes: mDuration = int64_t( duration * MILLISECONDS_IN_MINUTE + 0.5 ); break; case MDAL::RelativeTimestamp::hours: mDuration = int64_t( duration * MILLISECONDS_IN_HOUR + 0.5 ); break; case MDAL::RelativeTimestamp::days: mDuration = int64_t( duration * MILLISECONDS_IN_DAY + 0.5 ); break; case MDAL::RelativeTimestamp::weeks: mDuration = int64_t( duration * MILLISECONDS_IN_WEEK + 0.5 ); break; case MDAL::RelativeTimestamp::months_CF: mDuration = int64_t( duration * MILLISECONDS_IN_MONTH_CF + 0.5 ); break; case MDAL::RelativeTimestamp::exact_years: mDuration = int64_t( duration * MILLISECONDS_IN_EXACT_YEAR + 0.5 ); break; } } double MDAL::RelativeTimestamp::value( MDAL::RelativeTimestamp::Unit unit ) const { switch ( unit ) { case MDAL::RelativeTimestamp::milliseconds: return double( mDuration ); case MDAL::RelativeTimestamp::seconds: return mDuration / MILLISECONDS_IN_SECOND; case MDAL::RelativeTimestamp::minutes: return mDuration / MILLISECONDS_IN_MINUTE; case MDAL::RelativeTimestamp::hours: return mDuration / MILLISECONDS_IN_HOUR; case MDAL::RelativeTimestamp::days: return double( mDuration ) / MILLISECONDS_IN_DAY; case MDAL::RelativeTimestamp::weeks: return double( mDuration ) / MILLISECONDS_IN_WEEK; case MDAL::RelativeTimestamp::months_CF: return double( mDuration ) / MILLISECONDS_IN_MONTH_CF; case MDAL::RelativeTimestamp::exact_years: return double( mDuration ) / MILLISECONDS_IN_EXACT_YEAR; } return 0; } bool MDAL::RelativeTimestamp::operator==( const MDAL::RelativeTimestamp &other ) const { return mDuration == other.mDuration; } bool MDAL::RelativeTimestamp::operator<( const MDAL::RelativeTimestamp &other ) const { return mDuration < other.mDuration; } MDAL::RelativeTimestamp::RelativeTimestamp( int64_t ms ): mDuration( ms ) {}