# coding=utf-8 """Plugin dependencies selection dialog .. note:: This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. """ __author__ = 'elpaso@itopen.it' __date__ = '2018-09-19' __copyright__ = 'Copyright 2018, GISCE-TI S.L.' import os from qgis.PyQt import QtWidgets, QtCore from .ui_qgsplugindependenciesdialogbase import Ui_QgsPluginDependenciesDialogBase from qgis.utils import iface class QgsPluginDependenciesDialog(QtWidgets.QDialog, Ui_QgsPluginDependenciesDialogBase): """A dialog that shows plugin dependencies and offers a way to install or upgrade the dependencies. """ def __init__(self, plugin_name, to_install, to_upgrade, not_found, parent=None): """Creates the dependencies dialog :param plugin_name: the name of the parent plugin :type plugin_name: str :param to_install: list of plugin IDs that needs to be installed :type to_install: list :param to_upgrade: list of plugin IDs that needs to be upgraded :type to_upgrade: list :param not_found: list of plugin IDs that are not found (unavailable) :type not_found: list :param parent: parent object, defaults to None :param parent: QWidget, optional """ super().__init__(parent) self.setupUi(self) self.setWindowTitle(self.tr("Plugin Dependencies Manager")) self.mPluginDependenciesLabel.setText(self.tr("Plugin dependencies for <b>%s</b>") % plugin_name) self.setStyleSheet("QTableView { padding: 20px;}") # Name, Version Installed, Version Required, Version Available, Action Checkbox self.pluginList.setColumnCount(5) self.pluginList.setHorizontalHeaderLabels([self.tr('Name'), self.tr('Installed'), self.tr('Required'), self.tr('Available'), self.tr('Action')]) self.pluginList.setRowCount(len(not_found) + len(to_install) + len(to_upgrade)) self.__actions = {} def _display(txt): if txt is None: return "" return txt def _make_row(data, i, name): widget = QtWidgets.QLabel("<b>%s</b>" % name) widget.p_id = data['id'] widget.action = data['action'] self.pluginList.setCellWidget(i, 0, widget) widget = QtWidgets.QTableWidgetItem(_display(data['version_installed'])) widget.setTextAlignment(QtCore.Qt.AlignHCenter | QtCore.Qt.AlignVCenter) self.pluginList.setItem(i, 1, widget) widget = QtWidgets.QTableWidgetItem(_display(data['version_required'])) widget.setTextAlignment(QtCore.Qt.AlignHCenter | QtCore.Qt.AlignVCenter) self.pluginList.setItem(i, 2, widget) widget = QtWidgets.QTableWidgetItem(_display(data['version_available'])) widget.setTextAlignment(QtCore.Qt.AlignHCenter | QtCore.Qt.AlignVCenter) self.pluginList.setItem(i, 3, widget) i = 0 for name, data in to_install.items(): _make_row(data, i, name) widget = QtWidgets.QCheckBox(self.tr("Install")) widget.setChecked(True) self.pluginList.setCellWidget(i, 4, widget) i += 1 for name, data in to_upgrade.items(): _make_row(data, i, name) widget = QtWidgets.QCheckBox(self.tr("Upgrade")) widget.setChecked(True) self.pluginList.setCellWidget(i, 4, widget) i += 1 for name, data in not_found.items(): _make_row(data, i, name) widget = QtWidgets.QLabel(self.tr("Fix manually")) self.pluginList.setCellWidget(i, 4, widget) i += 1 def actions(self): """Returns the list of actions :return: dict of actions :rtype: dict """ return self.__actions def accept(self): self.__actions = {} for i in range(self.pluginList.rowCount()): try: if self.pluginList.cellWidget(i, 4).isChecked(): self.__actions[self.pluginList.cellWidget(i, 0).p_id] = self.pluginList.cellWidget(i, 0).action except: pass super().accept()