/** \ingroup gui
 * \class QgsHistogramWidget
 * \brief Graphical histogram for displaying distributions of field values.
 * \note Added in version 2.9

class QgsHistogramWidget : QWidget
#include <qgshistogramwidget.h>


    /** QgsHistogramWidget constructor. If layer and fieldOrExp are specified then the histogram
     * will be initially populated with the corresponding values.
     * @param parent parent widget
     * @param layer source vector layer
     * @param fieldOrExp field name or expression string
    QgsHistogramWidget( QWidget *parent /TransferThis/ = 0, QgsVectorLayer* layer = 0, const QString& fieldOrExp = QString() );


    /** Returns the layer currently associated with the widget.
     * @see setLayer
     * @see sourceFieldExp
    QgsVectorLayer* layer();

    /** Returns the source field name or expression used to calculate values displayed
     * in the histogram.
     * @see setSourceFieldExp
     * @see layer
    QString sourceFieldExp() const;

    /** Sets the pen to use when drawing histogram bars. If set to Qt::NoPen then the
     * pen will be automatically calculated. If ranges have been set using @link setGraduatedRanges @endlink
     * then the pen and brush will have no effect.
     * @param pen histogram pen
     * @see pen
     * @see setBrush
    void setPen( const QPen& pen );

    /** Returns the pen used when drawing histogram bars.
     * @see setPen
     * @see brush
    QPen pen() const;

    /** Sets the brush used for drawing histogram bars. If ranges have been set using @link setGraduatedRanges @endlink
     * then the pen and brush will have no effect.
     * @param brush histogram brush
     * @see brush
     * @see setPen
    void setBrush( const QBrush& brush );

    /** Returns the brush used when drawing histogram bars.
     * @see setBrush
     * @see pen
    QBrush brush() const;

    /** Sets the graduated ranges associated with the histogram. If set, the ranges will be used to color the histogram
     * bars and for showing vertical dividers at the histogram breaks.
     * @param ranges graduated range list
     * @see graduatedRanges
    void setGraduatedRanges( const QgsRangeList& ranges );

    /** Returns the graduated ranges associated with the histogram. If set, the ranges will be used to color the histogram
     * bars and for showing vertical dividers at the histogram breaks.
     * @returns graduated range list
     * @see setGraduatedRanges
    QgsRangeList graduatedRanges() const;

    /** Returns the title for the histogram's x-axis.
     * @see setXAxisTitle
     * @see yAxisTitle
    QString xAxisTitle() const;

    /** Sets the title for the histogram's x-axis.
     * @param title x-axis title, or empty string to remove title
     * @see xAxisTitle
     * @see setYAxisTitle
    void setXAxisTitle( const QString& title );

    /** Returns the title for the histogram's y-axis.
     * @see setYAxisTitle
     * @see xAxisTitle
    QString yAxisTitle() const;

    /** Sets the title for the histogram's y-axis.
     * @param title y-axis title, or empty string to remove title
     * @see yAxisTitle
     * @see setXAxisTitle
    void setYAxisTitle( const QString& title );

  public slots:

    /** Refreshes the values for the histogram by fetching them from the layer.
    void refreshValues();

    /** Redraws the histogram. Calling this slot does not update the values
     * for the histogram, use @link refreshValues @endlink to do this.
    void refresh();

    /** Sets the vector layer associated with the histogram.
     * @param layer source vector layer
     * @see setSourceFieldExp
    void setLayer( QgsVectorLayer* layer );

    /** Sets the source field or expression to use for values in the histogram.
     * @param fieldOrExp field name or expression string
     * @see setLayer
    void setSourceFieldExp( const QString& fieldOrExp );


    /** Updates and redraws the histogram.
    virtual void drawHistogram();

    virtual void paintEvent( QPaintEvent * event );