# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ *************************************************************************** GdalAlgorithmRasterTest.py --------------------- Date : January 2016 Copyright : (C) 2016 by Matthias Kuhn Email : matthias@opengis.ch *************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * *************************************************************************** """ __author__ = 'Matthias Kuhn' __date__ = 'January 2016' __copyright__ = '(C) 2016, Matthias Kuhn' import nose2 import os import shutil import tempfile from qgis.core import (QgsProcessingContext, QgsProcessingFeedback, QgsRectangle) from qgis.testing import (start_app, unittest) import AlgorithmsTestBase from processing.algs.gdal.AssignProjection import AssignProjection from processing.algs.gdal.ClipRasterByExtent import ClipRasterByExtent from processing.algs.gdal.ClipRasterByMask import ClipRasterByMask from processing.algs.gdal.ColorRelief import ColorRelief from processing.algs.gdal.GridAverage import GridAverage from processing.algs.gdal.GridDataMetrics import GridDataMetrics from processing.algs.gdal.GridInverseDistance import GridInverseDistance from processing.algs.gdal.GridInverseDistanceNearestNeighbor import GridInverseDistanceNearestNeighbor from processing.algs.gdal.GridLinear import GridLinear from processing.algs.gdal.GridNearestNeighbor import GridNearestNeighbor from processing.algs.gdal.gdal2tiles import gdal2tiles from processing.algs.gdal.gdalcalc import gdalcalc from processing.algs.gdal.gdaltindex import gdaltindex from processing.algs.gdal.contour import contour from processing.algs.gdal.gdalinfo import gdalinfo from processing.algs.gdal.hillshade import hillshade from processing.algs.gdal.aspect import aspect from processing.algs.gdal.buildvrt import buildvrt from processing.algs.gdal.proximity import proximity from processing.algs.gdal.rasterize import rasterize from processing.algs.gdal.retile import retile from processing.algs.gdal.translate import translate from processing.algs.gdal.warp import warp from processing.algs.gdal.fillnodata import fillnodata from processing.algs.gdal.rearrange_bands import rearrange_bands from processing.algs.gdal.gdaladdo import gdaladdo from processing.algs.gdal.sieve import sieve from processing.algs.gdal.gdal2xyz import gdal2xyz from processing.algs.gdal.polygonize import polygonize from processing.algs.gdal.pansharp import pansharp from processing.algs.gdal.merge import merge from processing.algs.gdal.nearblack import nearblack from processing.algs.gdal.slope import slope testDataPath = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'testdata') class TestGdalRasterAlgorithms(unittest.TestCase, AlgorithmsTestBase.AlgorithmsTest): @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): start_app() from processing.core.Processing import Processing Processing.initialize() cls.cleanup_paths = [] @classmethod def tearDownClass(cls): for path in cls.cleanup_paths: shutil.rmtree(path) def test_definition_file(self): return 'gdal_algorithm_raster_tests.yaml' def testAssignProjection(self): context = QgsProcessingContext() feedback = QgsProcessingFeedback() source = os.path.join(testDataPath, 'dem.tif') alg = AssignProjection() alg.initAlgorithm() # with target srs self.assertEqual( alg.getConsoleCommands({'INPUT': source, 'CRS': 'EPSG:3111'}, context, feedback), ['gdal_edit.py', '-a_srs EPSG:3111 ' + source]) # with target using proj string custom_crs = 'proj4: +proj=utm +zone=36 +south +a=6378249.145 +b=6356514.966398753 +towgs84=-143,-90,-294,0,0,0,0 +units=m +no_defs' self.assertEqual( alg.getConsoleCommands({'INPUT': source, 'CRS': custom_crs}, context, feedback), ['gdal_edit.py', '-a_srs EPSG:20936 ' + source]) # with target using custom projection custom_crs = 'proj4: +proj=utm +zone=36 +south +a=63785 +b=6357 +towgs84=-143,-90,-294,0,0,0,0 +units=m +no_defs' self.assertEqual( alg.getConsoleCommands({'INPUT': source, 'CRS': custom_crs}, context, feedback), ['gdal_edit.py', '-a_srs "+proj=utm +zone=36 +south +a=63785 +b=6357 +towgs84=-143,-90,-294,0,0,0,0 +units=m +no_defs" ' + source]) # with non-EPSG crs code self.assertEqual( alg.getConsoleCommands({'INPUT': source, 'CRS': 'POSTGIS:3111'}, context, feedback), ['gdal_edit.py', '-a_srs EPSG:3111 ' + source]) def testGdalTranslate(self): context = QgsProcessingContext() feedback = QgsProcessingFeedback() source = os.path.join(testDataPath, 'dem.tif') translate_alg = translate() translate_alg.initAlgorithm() with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as outdir: # without NODATA value self.assertEqual( translate_alg.getConsoleCommands({'INPUT': source, 'OUTPUT': outdir + '/check.jpg'}, context, feedback), ['gdal_translate', '-of JPEG ' + source + ' ' + outdir + '/check.jpg']) # with None NODATA value self.assertEqual( translate_alg.getConsoleCommands({'INPUT': source, 'NODATA': None, 'OUTPUT': outdir + '/check.jpg'}, context, feedback), ['gdal_translate', '-of JPEG ' + source + ' ' + outdir + '/check.jpg']) # with NODATA value self.assertEqual( translate_alg.getConsoleCommands({'INPUT': source, 'NODATA': 9999, 'OUTPUT': outdir + '/check.jpg'}, context, feedback), ['gdal_translate', '-a_nodata 9999.0 ' + '-of JPEG ' + source + ' ' + outdir + '/check.jpg']) # with "0" NODATA value self.assertEqual( translate_alg.getConsoleCommands({'INPUT': source, 'NODATA': 0, 'OUTPUT': outdir + '/check.jpg'}, context, feedback), ['gdal_translate', '-a_nodata 0.0 ' + '-of JPEG ' + source + ' ' + outdir + '/check.jpg']) # with "0" NODATA value and custom data type self.assertEqual( translate_alg.getConsoleCommands({'INPUT': source, 'NODATA': 0, 'DATA_TYPE': 6, 'OUTPUT': outdir + '/check.jpg'}, context, feedback), ['gdal_translate', '-a_nodata 0.0 ' + '-ot Float32 -of JPEG ' + source + ' ' + outdir + '/check.jpg']) # with target srs self.assertEqual( translate_alg.getConsoleCommands({'INPUT': source, 'TARGET_CRS': 'EPSG:3111', 'OUTPUT': outdir + '/check.jpg'}, context, feedback), ['gdal_translate', '-a_srs EPSG:3111 ' + '-of JPEG ' + source + ' ' + outdir + '/check.jpg']) # with target using proj string custom_crs = 'proj4: +proj=utm +zone=36 +south +a=6378249.145 +b=6356514.966398753 +towgs84=-143,-90,-294,0,0,0,0 +units=m +no_defs' self.assertEqual( translate_alg.getConsoleCommands({'INPUT': source, 'TARGET_CRS': custom_crs, 'OUTPUT': outdir + '/check.jpg'}, context, feedback), ['gdal_translate', '-a_srs EPSG:20936 ' + '-of JPEG ' + source + ' ' + outdir + '/check.jpg']) # with target using custom projection custom_crs = 'proj4: +proj=utm +zone=36 +south +a=63785 +b=6357 +towgs84=-143,-90,-294,0,0,0,0 +units=m +no_defs' self.assertEqual( translate_alg.getConsoleCommands({'INPUT': source, 'TARGET_CRS': custom_crs, 'OUTPUT': outdir + '/check.jpg'}, context, feedback), ['gdal_translate', '-a_srs "+proj=utm +zone=36 +south +a=63785 +b=6357 +towgs84=-143,-90,-294,0,0,0,0 +units=m +no_defs" ' + '-of JPEG ' + source + ' ' + outdir + '/check.jpg']) # with non-EPSG crs code self.assertEqual( translate_alg.getConsoleCommands({'INPUT': source, 'TARGET_CRS': 'POSTGIS:3111', 'OUTPUT': outdir + '/check.jpg'}, context, feedback), ['gdal_translate', '-a_srs EPSG:3111 ' + '-of JPEG ' + source + ' ' + outdir + '/check.jpg']) # with copy subdatasets self.assertEqual( translate_alg.getConsoleCommands({'INPUT': source, 'COPY_SUBDATASETS': True, 'OUTPUT': outdir + '/check.tif'}, context, feedback), ['gdal_translate', '-sds ' + '-of GTiff ' + source + ' ' + outdir + '/check.tif']) # additional parameters self.assertEqual( translate_alg.getConsoleCommands({'INPUT': source, 'EXTRA': '-strict -unscale -epo', 'OUTPUT': outdir + '/check.jpg'}, context, feedback), ['gdal_translate', '-of JPEG -strict -unscale -epo ' + source + ' ' + outdir + '/check.jpg']) def testClipRasterByExtent(self): context = QgsProcessingContext() feedback = QgsProcessingFeedback() source = os.path.join(testDataPath, 'dem.tif') alg = ClipRasterByExtent() alg.initAlgorithm() extent = QgsRectangle(1, 2, 3, 4) with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as outdir: # with no NODATA value self.assertEqual( alg.getConsoleCommands({'INPUT': source, 'EXTENT': extent, 'OUTPUT': outdir + '/check.jpg'}, context, feedback), ['gdal_translate', '-projwin 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -of JPEG ' + source + ' ' + outdir + '/check.jpg']) # with NODATA value self.assertEqual( alg.getConsoleCommands({'INPUT': source, 'EXTENT': extent, 'NODATA': 9999, 'OUTPUT': outdir + '/check.jpg'}, context, feedback), ['gdal_translate', '-projwin 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -a_nodata 9999.0 -of JPEG ' + source + ' ' + outdir + '/check.jpg']) # with "0" NODATA value self.assertEqual( alg.getConsoleCommands({'INPUT': source, 'EXTENT': extent, 'NODATA': 0, 'OUTPUT': outdir + '/check.jpg'}, context, feedback), ['gdal_translate', '-projwin 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -a_nodata 0.0 -of JPEG ' + source + ' ' + outdir + '/check.jpg']) # with "0" NODATA value and custom data type self.assertEqual( alg.getConsoleCommands({'INPUT': source, 'EXTENT': extent, 'NODATA': 0, 'DATA_TYPE': 6, 'OUTPUT': outdir + '/check.jpg'}, context, feedback), ['gdal_translate', '-projwin 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -a_nodata 0.0 -ot Float32 -of JPEG ' + source + ' ' + outdir + '/check.jpg']) # with creation options self.assertEqual( alg.getConsoleCommands({'INPUT': source, 'EXTENT': extent, 'OPTIONS': 'COMPRESS=DEFLATE|PREDICTOR=2|ZLEVEL=9', 'DATA_TYPE': 0, 'OUTPUT': outdir + '/check.jpg'}, context, feedback), ['gdal_translate', '-projwin 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -of JPEG -co COMPRESS=DEFLATE -co PREDICTOR=2 -co ZLEVEL=9 ' + source + ' ' + outdir + '/check.jpg']) # with additional parameters self.assertEqual( alg.getConsoleCommands({'INPUT': source, 'EXTENT': extent, 'EXTRA': '-s_srs EPSG:4326 -tps -tr 0.1 0.1', 'DATA_TYPE': 0, 'OUTPUT': outdir + '/check.jpg'}, context, feedback), ['gdal_translate', '-projwin 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -of JPEG -s_srs EPSG:4326 -tps -tr 0.1 0.1 ' + source + ' ' + outdir + '/check.jpg']) def testClipRasterByMask(self): context = QgsProcessingContext() feedback = QgsProcessingFeedback() source = os.path.join(testDataPath, 'dem.tif') mask = os.path.join(testDataPath, 'polys.gml') alg = ClipRasterByMask() alg.initAlgorithm() with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as outdir: # with no NODATA value self.assertEqual( alg.getConsoleCommands({'INPUT': source, 'MASK': mask, 'OUTPUT': outdir + '/check.jpg'}, context, feedback), ['gdalwarp', '-of JPEG -cutline ' + mask + ' -crop_to_cutline ' + source + ' ' + outdir + '/check.jpg']) # with NODATA value self.assertEqual( alg.getConsoleCommands({'INPUT': source, 'MASK': mask, 'NODATA': 9999, 'OUTPUT': outdir + '/check.jpg'}, context, feedback), ['gdalwarp', '-of JPEG -cutline ' + mask + ' -crop_to_cutline -dstnodata 9999.0 ' + source + ' ' + outdir + '/check.jpg']) # with "0" NODATA value self.assertEqual( alg.getConsoleCommands({'INPUT': source, 'MASK': mask, 'NODATA': 0, 'OUTPUT': outdir + '/check.jpg'}, context, feedback), ['gdalwarp', '-of JPEG -cutline ' + mask + ' -crop_to_cutline -dstnodata 0.0 ' + source + ' ' + outdir + '/check.jpg']) # with "0" NODATA value and custom data type self.assertEqual( alg.getConsoleCommands({'INPUT': source, 'MASK': mask, 'NODATA': 0, 'DATA_TYPE': 6, 'OUTPUT': outdir + '/check.jpg'}, context, feedback), ['gdalwarp', '-ot Float32 -of JPEG -cutline ' + mask + ' -crop_to_cutline -dstnodata 0.0 ' + source + ' ' + outdir + '/check.jpg']) # with creation options self.assertEqual( alg.getConsoleCommands({'INPUT': source, 'MASK': mask, 'OPTIONS': 'COMPRESS=DEFLATE|PREDICTOR=2|ZLEVEL=9', 'OUTPUT': outdir + '/check.jpg'}, context, feedback), ['gdalwarp', '-of JPEG -cutline ' + mask + ' -crop_to_cutline -co COMPRESS=DEFLATE -co PREDICTOR=2 -co ZLEVEL=9 ' + source + ' ' + outdir + '/check.jpg']) # with multothreading and additional parameters self.assertEqual( alg.getConsoleCommands({'INPUT': source, 'MASK': mask, 'MULTITHREADING': True, 'EXTRA': '-nosrcalpha -wm 2048 -nomd', 'OUTPUT': outdir + '/check.jpg'}, context, feedback), ['gdalwarp', '-of JPEG -cutline ' + mask + ' -crop_to_cutline -multi -nosrcalpha -wm 2048 -nomd ' + source + ' ' + outdir + '/check.jpg']) def testContour(self): context = QgsProcessingContext() feedback = QgsProcessingFeedback() source = os.path.join(testDataPath, 'dem.tif') alg = contour() alg.initAlgorithm() with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as outdir: # with no NODATA value self.assertEqual( alg.getConsoleCommands({'INPUT': source, 'BAND': 1, 'FIELD_NAME': 'elev', 'INTERVAL': 5, 'OUTPUT': outdir + '/check.shp'}, context, feedback), ['gdal_contour', '-b 1 -a elev -i 5.0 -f "ESRI Shapefile" ' + source + ' ' + outdir + '/check.shp']) # with NODATA value self.assertEqual( alg.getConsoleCommands({'INPUT': source, 'BAND': 1, 'FIELD_NAME': 'elev', 'INTERVAL': 5, 'NODATA': 9999, 'OUTPUT': outdir + '/check.shp'}, context, feedback), ['gdal_contour', '-b 1 -a elev -i 5.0 -snodata 9999.0 -f "ESRI Shapefile" ' + source + ' ' + outdir + '/check.shp']) # with "0" NODATA value self.assertEqual( alg.getConsoleCommands({'INPUT': source, 'BAND': 1, 'FIELD_NAME': 'elev', 'INTERVAL': 5, 'NODATA': 0, 'OUTPUT': outdir + '/check.gpkg'}, context, feedback), ['gdal_contour', '-b 1 -a elev -i 5.0 -snodata 0.0 -f "GPKG" ' + source + ' ' + outdir + '/check.gpkg']) # with CREATE_3D self.assertEqual( alg.getConsoleCommands({'INPUT': source, 'BAND': 1, 'CREATE_3D': True, 'OUTPUT': outdir + '/check.shp'}, context, feedback), ['gdal_contour', '-b 1 -a ELEV -i 10.0 -3d -f "ESRI Shapefile" ' + source + ' ' + outdir + '/check.shp']) # with IGNORE_NODATA and OFFSET self.assertEqual( alg.getConsoleCommands({'INPUT': source, 'BAND': 1, 'IGNORE_NODATA': True, 'OFFSET': 100, 'OUTPUT': outdir + '/check.shp'}, context, feedback), ['gdal_contour', '-b 1 -a ELEV -i 10.0 -inodata -off 100.0 -f "ESRI Shapefile" ' + source + ' ' + outdir + '/check.shp']) # with additional command line parameters self.assertEqual( alg.getConsoleCommands({'INPUT': source, 'BAND': 1, 'EXTRA': '-e 3 -amin MIN_H', 'OUTPUT': outdir + '/check.shp'}, context, feedback), ['gdal_contour', '-b 1 -a ELEV -i 10.0 -f "ESRI Shapefile" -e 3 -amin MIN_H ' + source + ' ' + outdir + '/check.shp']) # obsolete OPTIONS param self.assertEqual( alg.getConsoleCommands({'INPUT': source, 'BAND': 1, 'OPTIONS': '-fl 100 125 150 200', 'OUTPUT': outdir + '/check.shp'}, context, feedback), ['gdal_contour', '-b 1 -a ELEV -i 10.0 -f "ESRI Shapefile" -fl 100 125 150 200 ' + source + ' ' + outdir + '/check.shp']) def testGdal2Tiles(self): context = QgsProcessingContext() feedback = QgsProcessingFeedback() source = os.path.join(testDataPath, 'dem.tif') alg = gdal2tiles() alg.initAlgorithm() with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as outdir: # with no NODATA value self.assertEqual( alg.getConsoleCommands({'INPUT': source, 'OUTPUT': outdir + '/'}, context, feedback), ['gdal2tiles.py', '-p mercator -w all -r average ' + source + ' ' + outdir + '/']) # with NODATA value self.assertEqual( alg.getConsoleCommands({'INPUT': source, 'NODATA': -9999, 'OUTPUT': outdir + '/'}, context, feedback), ['gdal2tiles.py', '-p mercator -w all -r average -a -9999.0 ' + source + ' ' + outdir + '/']) # with "0" NODATA value self.assertEqual( alg.getConsoleCommands({'INPUT': source, 'NODATA': 0, 'OUTPUT': outdir + '/'}, context, feedback), ['gdal2tiles.py', '-p mercator -w all -r average -a 0.0 ' + source + ' ' + outdir + '/']) # with input srs self.assertEqual( alg.getConsoleCommands({'INPUT': source, 'SOURCE_CRS': 'EPSG:3111', 'OUTPUT': outdir + '/'}, context, feedback), ['gdal2tiles.py', '-p mercator -w all -r average -s EPSG:3111 ' + source + ' ' + outdir + '/']) # with target using proj string custom_crs = 'proj4: +proj=utm +zone=36 +south +a=6378249.145 +b=6356514.966398753 +towgs84=-143,-90,-294,0,0,0,0 +units=m +no_defs' self.assertEqual( alg.getConsoleCommands({'INPUT': source, 'SOURCE_CRS': custom_crs, 'OUTPUT': outdir + '/'}, context, feedback), ['gdal2tiles.py', '-p mercator -w all -r average -s EPSG:20936 ' + source + ' ' + outdir + '/']) # with target using custom projection custom_crs = 'proj4: +proj=utm +zone=36 +south +a=63785 +b=6357 +towgs84=-143,-90,-294,0,0,0,0 +units=m +no_defs' self.assertEqual( alg.getConsoleCommands({'INPUT': source, 'SOURCE_CRS': custom_crs, 'OUTPUT': outdir + '/'}, context, feedback), ['gdal2tiles.py', '-p mercator -w all -r average -s "+proj=utm +zone=36 +south +a=63785 +b=6357 +towgs84=-143,-90,-294,0,0,0,0 +units=m +no_defs" ' + source + ' ' + outdir + '/']) # with non-EPSG crs code self.assertEqual( alg.getConsoleCommands({'INPUT': source, 'SOURCE_CRS': 'POSTGIS:3111', 'OUTPUT': outdir + '/'}, context, feedback), ['gdal2tiles.py', '-p mercator -w all -r average -s EPSG:3111 ' + source + ' ' + outdir + '/']) def testGdalCalc(self): context = QgsProcessingContext() feedback = QgsProcessingFeedback() source = os.path.join(testDataPath, 'dem.tif') alg = gdalcalc() alg.initAlgorithm() with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as outdir: output = outdir + '/check.jpg' # default execution formula = 'A*2' # default formula self.assertEqual( alg.getConsoleCommands({'INPUT_A': source, 'BAND_A': 1, 'FORMULA': formula, 'OUTPUT': output}, context, feedback), ['gdal_calc.py', '--calc "{}" --format JPEG --type Float32 -A {} --A_band 1 --outfile {}'.format(formula, source, output)]) # check that formula is not escaped and formula is returned as it is formula = 'A * 2' # <--- add spaces in the formula self.assertEqual( alg.getConsoleCommands({'INPUT_A': source, 'BAND_A': 1, 'FORMULA': formula, 'OUTPUT': output}, context, feedback), ['gdal_calc.py', '--calc "{}" --format JPEG --type Float32 -A {} --A_band 1 --outfile {}'.format(formula, source, output)]) # additional creation options formula = 'A*2' self.assertEqual( alg.getConsoleCommands({'INPUT_A': source, 'BAND_A': 1, 'FORMULA': formula, 'OPTIONS': 'COMPRESS=JPEG|JPEG_QUALITY=75', 'OUTPUT': output}, context, feedback), ['gdal_calc.py', '--calc "{}" --format JPEG --type Float32 -A {} --A_band 1 -co COMPRESS=JPEG -co JPEG_QUALITY=75 --outfile {}'.format(formula, source, output)]) # additional parameters formula = 'A*2' self.assertEqual( alg.getConsoleCommands({'INPUT_A': source, 'BAND_A': 1, 'FORMULA': formula, 'EXTRA': '--debug --quiet', 'OUTPUT': output}, context, feedback), ['gdal_calc.py', '--calc "{}" --format JPEG --type Float32 -A {} --A_band 1 --debug --quiet --outfile {}'.format(formula, source, output)]) def testGdalInfo(self): context = QgsProcessingContext() feedback = QgsProcessingFeedback() source = os.path.join(testDataPath, 'dem.tif') alg = gdalinfo() alg.initAlgorithm() self.assertEqual( alg.getConsoleCommands({'INPUT': source, 'MIN_MAX': False, 'NOGCP': False, 'NO_METADATA': False, 'STATS': False}, context, feedback), ['gdalinfo', source]) source = os.path.join(testDataPath, 'raster with spaces.tif') self.assertEqual( alg.getConsoleCommands({'INPUT': source, 'MIN_MAX': False, 'NOGCP': False, 'NO_METADATA': False, 'STATS': False}, context, feedback), ['gdalinfo', '"' + source + '"']) self.assertEqual( alg.getConsoleCommands({'INPUT': source, 'MIN_MAX': True, 'NOGCP': False, 'NO_METADATA': False, 'STATS': False}, context, feedback), ['gdalinfo', '-mm "' + source + '"']) self.assertEqual( alg.getConsoleCommands({'INPUT': source, 'MIN_MAX': False, 'NOGCP': True, 'NO_METADATA': False, 'STATS': False}, context, feedback), ['gdalinfo', '-nogcp "' + source + '"']) self.assertEqual( alg.getConsoleCommands({'INPUT': source, 'MIN_MAX': False, 'NOGCP': False, 'NO_METADATA': True, 'STATS': False}, context, feedback), ['gdalinfo', '-nomd "' + source + '"']) self.assertEqual( alg.getConsoleCommands({'INPUT': source, 'MIN_MAX': False, 'NOGCP': False, 'NO_METADATA': False, 'STATS': True}, context, feedback), ['gdalinfo', '-stats "' + source + '"']) self.assertEqual( alg.getConsoleCommands({'INPUT': source, 'MIN_MAX': False, 'NOGCP': False, 'NO_METADATA': False, 'STATS': False, 'EXTRA': '-proj4 -listmdd -checksum'}, context, feedback), ['gdalinfo', '-proj4 -listmdd -checksum "' + source + '"']) def testGdalTindex(self): context = QgsProcessingContext() feedback = QgsProcessingFeedback() source = os.path.join(testDataPath, 'dem.tif') alg = gdaltindex() alg.initAlgorithm() with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as outdir: commands = alg.getConsoleCommands({'LAYERS': [source], 'OUTPUT': outdir + '/test.shp'}, context, feedback) self.assertEqual(len(commands), 2) self.assertEqual(commands[0], 'gdaltindex') self.assertIn('-tileindex location -f "ESRI Shapefile" ' + outdir + '/test.shp', commands[1]) self.assertIn('--optfile ', commands[1]) # with input srs commands = alg.getConsoleCommands({'LAYERS': [source], 'TARGET_CRS': 'EPSG:3111', 'OUTPUT': outdir + '/test.shp'}, context, feedback) self.assertEqual(len(commands), 2) self.assertEqual(commands[0], 'gdaltindex') self.assertIn('-tileindex location -t_srs EPSG:3111 -f "ESRI Shapefile" ' + outdir + '/test.shp', commands[1]) self.assertIn('--optfile ', commands[1]) # with target using proj string custom_crs = 'proj4: +proj=utm +zone=36 +south +a=6378249.145 +b=6356514.966398753 +towgs84=-143,-90,-294,0,0,0,0 +units=m +no_defs' commands = alg.getConsoleCommands({'LAYERS': [source], 'TARGET_CRS': custom_crs, 'OUTPUT': outdir + '/test.shp'}, context, feedback) self.assertEqual(len(commands), 2) self.assertEqual(commands[0], 'gdaltindex') self.assertIn('-tileindex location -t_srs EPSG:20936 -f "ESRI Shapefile" ' + outdir + '/test.shp', commands[1]) self.assertIn('--optfile ', commands[1]) # with target using custom projection custom_crs = 'proj4: +proj=utm +zone=36 +south +a=63785 +b=6357 +towgs84=-143,-90,-294,0,0,0,0 +units=m +no_defs' commands = alg.getConsoleCommands({'LAYERS': [source], 'TARGET_CRS': custom_crs, 'OUTPUT': outdir + '/test.shp'}, context, feedback) self.assertEqual(len(commands), 2) self.assertEqual(commands[0], 'gdaltindex') self.assertIn('-tileindex location -t_srs "+proj=utm +zone=36 +south +a=63785 +b=6357 +towgs84=-143,-90,-294,0,0,0,0 +units=m +no_defs" -f "ESRI Shapefile" ' + outdir + '/test.shp', commands[1]) self.assertIn('--optfile ', commands[1]) # with non-EPSG crs code commands = alg.getConsoleCommands({'LAYERS': [source], 'TARGET_CRS': 'POSTGIS:3111', 'OUTPUT': outdir + '/test.shp'}, context, feedback) self.assertEqual(len(commands), 2) self.assertEqual(commands[0], 'gdaltindex') self.assertIn( '-tileindex location -t_srs EPSG:3111 -f "ESRI Shapefile" ' + outdir + '/test.shp', commands[1]) self.assertIn('--optfile ', commands[1]) def testGridAverage(self): context = QgsProcessingContext() feedback = QgsProcessingFeedback() source = os.path.join(testDataPath, 'points.gml') alg = GridAverage() alg.initAlgorithm() with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as outdir: # with no NODATA value self.assertEqual( alg.getConsoleCommands({'INPUT': source, 'OUTPUT': outdir + '/check.jpg'}, context, feedback), ['gdal_grid', '-l points -a average:radius1=0.0:radius2=0.0:angle=0.0:min_points=0:nodata=0.0 -ot Float32 -of JPEG ' + source + ' ' + outdir + '/check.jpg']) # with NODATA value self.assertEqual( alg.getConsoleCommands({'INPUT': source, 'NODATA': 9999, 'OUTPUT': outdir + '/check.jpg'}, context, feedback), ['gdal_grid', '-l points -a average:radius1=0.0:radius2=0.0:angle=0.0:min_points=0:nodata=9999.0 -ot Float32 -of JPEG ' + source + ' ' + outdir + '/check.jpg']) # with "0" NODATA value self.assertEqual( alg.getConsoleCommands({'INPUT': source, 'NODATA': 0, 'OUTPUT': outdir + '/check.jpg'}, context, feedback), ['gdal_grid', '-l points -a average:radius1=0.0:radius2=0.0:angle=0.0:min_points=0:nodata=0.0 -ot Float32 -of JPEG ' + source + ' ' + outdir + '/check.jpg']) # with additional parameters self.assertEqual( alg.getConsoleCommands({'INPUT': source, 'EXTRA': '-z_multiply 1.5 -outsize 1754 1394', 'OUTPUT': outdir + '/check.jpg'}, context, feedback), ['gdal_grid', '-l points -a average:radius1=0.0:radius2=0.0:angle=0.0:min_points=0:nodata=0.0 -ot Float32 -of JPEG -z_multiply 1.5 -outsize 1754 1394 ' + source + ' ' + outdir + '/check.jpg']) def testGridDataMetrics(self): context = QgsProcessingContext() feedback = QgsProcessingFeedback() source = os.path.join(testDataPath, 'points.gml') alg = GridDataMetrics() alg.initAlgorithm() with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as outdir: # without NODATA value self.assertEqual( alg.getConsoleCommands({'INPUT': source, 'OUTPUT': outdir + '/check.jpg'}, context, feedback), ['gdal_grid', '-l points -a minimum:radius1=0.0:radius2=0.0:angle=0.0:min_points=0:nodata=0.0 -ot Float32 -of JPEG ' + source + ' ' + outdir + '/check.jpg']) # with NODATA value self.assertEqual( alg.getConsoleCommands({'INPUT': source, 'NODATA': 9999, 'OUTPUT': outdir + '/check.jpg'}, context, feedback), ['gdal_grid', '-l points -a minimum:radius1=0.0:radius2=0.0:angle=0.0:min_points=0:nodata=9999.0 -ot Float32 -of JPEG ' + source + ' ' + outdir + '/check.jpg']) # with "0" NODATA value self.assertEqual( alg.getConsoleCommands({'INPUT': source, 'NODATA': 0, 'OUTPUT': outdir + '/check.jpg'}, context, feedback), ['gdal_grid', '-l points -a minimum:radius1=0.0:radius2=0.0:angle=0.0:min_points=0:nodata=0.0 -ot Float32 -of JPEG ' + source + ' ' + outdir + '/check.jpg']) # non-default datametrics self.assertEqual( alg.getConsoleCommands({'INPUT': source, 'METRIC': 4, 'OUTPUT': outdir + '/check.jpg'}, context, feedback), ['gdal_grid', '-l points -a average_distance:radius1=0.0:radius2=0.0:angle=0.0:min_points=0:nodata=0.0 -ot Float32 -of JPEG ' + source + ' ' + outdir + '/check.jpg']) # additional parameters self.assertEqual( alg.getConsoleCommands({'INPUT': source, 'EXTRA': '-z_multiply 1.5 -outsize 1754 1394', 'OUTPUT': outdir + '/check.tif'}, context, feedback), ['gdal_grid', '-l points -a minimum:radius1=0.0:radius2=0.0:angle=0.0:min_points=0:nodata=0.0 ' + '-ot Float32 -of GTiff -z_multiply 1.5 -outsize 1754 1394 ' + source + ' ' + outdir + '/check.tif']) def testGridInverseDistance(self): context = QgsProcessingContext() feedback = QgsProcessingFeedback() source = os.path.join(testDataPath, 'points.gml') alg = GridInverseDistance() alg.initAlgorithm() with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as outdir: # without NODATA value self.assertEqual( alg.getConsoleCommands({'INPUT': source, 'OUTPUT': outdir + '/check.jpg'}, context, feedback), ['gdal_grid', '-l points -a invdist:power=2.0:smothing=0.0:radius1=0.0:radius2=0.0:angle=0.0:max_points=0:min_points=0:nodata=0.0 -ot Float32 -of JPEG ' + source + ' ' + outdir + '/check.jpg']) # with NODATA value self.assertEqual( alg.getConsoleCommands({'INPUT': source, 'NODATA': 9999, 'OUTPUT': outdir + '/check.jpg'}, context, feedback), ['gdal_grid', '-l points -a invdist:power=2.0:smothing=0.0:radius1=0.0:radius2=0.0:angle=0.0:max_points=0:min_points=0:nodata=9999.0 -ot Float32 -of JPEG ' + source + ' ' + outdir + '/check.jpg']) # with "0" NODATA value self.assertEqual( alg.getConsoleCommands({'INPUT': source, 'NODATA': 0, 'OUTPUT': outdir + '/check.jpg'}, context, feedback), ['gdal_grid', '-l points -a invdist:power=2.0:smothing=0.0:radius1=0.0:radius2=0.0:angle=0.0:max_points=0:min_points=0:nodata=0.0 -ot Float32 -of JPEG ' + source + ' ' + outdir + '/check.jpg']) # additional parameters self.assertEqual( alg.getConsoleCommands({'INPUT': source, 'EXTRA': '-z_multiply 1.5 -outsize 1754 1394', 'OUTPUT': outdir + '/check.tif'}, context, feedback), ['gdal_grid', '-l points -a invdist:power=2.0:smothing=0.0:radius1=0.0:radius2=0.0:angle=0.0:max_points=0:min_points=0:nodata=0.0 ' + '-ot Float32 -of GTiff -z_multiply 1.5 -outsize 1754 1394 ' + source + ' ' + outdir + '/check.tif']) def testGridInverseDistanceNearestNeighbour(self): context = QgsProcessingContext() feedback = QgsProcessingFeedback() source = os.path.join(testDataPath, 'points.gml') alg = GridInverseDistanceNearestNeighbor() alg.initAlgorithm() with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as outdir: # without NODATA value self.assertEqual( alg.getConsoleCommands({'INPUT': source, 'OUTPUT': outdir + '/check.jpg'}, context, feedback), ['gdal_grid', '-l points -a invdistnn:power=2.0:smothing=0.0:radius=1.0:max_points=12:min_points=0:nodata=0.0 -ot Float32 -of JPEG ' + source + ' ' + outdir + '/check.jpg']) # with NODATA value self.assertEqual( alg.getConsoleCommands({'INPUT': source, 'NODATA': 9999, 'OUTPUT': outdir + '/check.jpg'}, context, feedback), ['gdal_grid', '-l points -a invdistnn:power=2.0:smothing=0.0:radius=1.0:max_points=12:min_points=0:nodata=9999.0 -ot Float32 -of JPEG ' + source + ' ' + outdir + '/check.jpg']) # with "0" NODATA value self.assertEqual( alg.getConsoleCommands({'INPUT': source, 'NODATA': 0, 'OUTPUT': outdir + '/check.jpg'}, context, feedback), ['gdal_grid', '-l points -a invdistnn:power=2.0:smothing=0.0:radius=1.0:max_points=12:min_points=0:nodata=0.0 -ot Float32 -of JPEG ' + source + ' ' + outdir + '/check.jpg']) # additional parameters self.assertEqual( alg.getConsoleCommands({'INPUT': source, 'EXTRA': '-z_multiply 1.5 -outsize 1754 1394', 'OUTPUT': outdir + '/check.tif'}, context, feedback), ['gdal_grid', '-l points -a invdistnn:power=2.0:smothing=0.0:radius=1.0:max_points=12:min_points=0:nodata=0.0 ' + '-ot Float32 -of GTiff -z_multiply 1.5 -outsize 1754 1394 ' + source + ' ' + outdir + '/check.tif']) def testGridLinear(self): context = QgsProcessingContext() feedback = QgsProcessingFeedback() source = os.path.join(testDataPath, 'points.gml') alg = GridLinear() alg.initAlgorithm() with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as outdir: # without NODATA value self.assertEqual( alg.getConsoleCommands({'INPUT': source, 'OUTPUT': outdir + '/check.jpg'}, context, feedback), ['gdal_grid', '-l points -a linear:radius=-1.0:nodata=0.0 -ot Float32 -of JPEG ' + source + ' ' + outdir + '/check.jpg']) # with NODATA value self.assertEqual( alg.getConsoleCommands({'INPUT': source, 'NODATA': 9999, 'OUTPUT': outdir + '/check.jpg'}, context, feedback), ['gdal_grid', '-l points -a linear:radius=-1.0:nodata=9999.0 -ot Float32 -of JPEG ' + source + ' ' + outdir + '/check.jpg']) # with "0" NODATA value self.assertEqual( alg.getConsoleCommands({'INPUT': source, 'NODATA': 0, 'OUTPUT': outdir + '/check.jpg'}, context, feedback), ['gdal_grid', '-l points -a linear:radius=-1.0:nodata=0.0 -ot Float32 -of JPEG ' + source + ' ' + outdir + '/check.jpg']) # additional parameters self.assertEqual( alg.getConsoleCommands({'INPUT': source, 'EXTRA': '-z_multiply 1.5 -outsize 1754 1394', 'OUTPUT': outdir + '/check.tif'}, context, feedback), ['gdal_grid', '-l points -a linear:radius=-1.0:nodata=0.0 -ot Float32 -of GTiff ' + '-z_multiply 1.5 -outsize 1754 1394 ' + source + ' ' + outdir + '/check.tif']) def testGridNearestNeighbour(self): context = QgsProcessingContext() feedback = QgsProcessingFeedback() source = os.path.join(testDataPath, 'points.gml') alg = GridNearestNeighbor() alg.initAlgorithm() with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as outdir: # without NODATA value self.assertEqual( alg.getConsoleCommands({'INPUT': source, 'OUTPUT': outdir + '/check.jpg'}, context, feedback), ['gdal_grid', '-l points -a nearest:radius1=0.0:radius2=0.0:angle=0.0:nodata=0.0 -ot Float32 -of JPEG ' + source + ' ' + outdir + '/check.jpg']) # with NODATA value self.assertEqual( alg.getConsoleCommands({'INPUT': source, 'NODATA': 9999, 'OUTPUT': outdir + '/check.jpg'}, context, feedback), ['gdal_grid', '-l points -a nearest:radius1=0.0:radius2=0.0:angle=0.0:nodata=9999.0 -ot Float32 -of JPEG ' + source + ' ' + outdir + '/check.jpg']) # with "0" NODATA value self.assertEqual( alg.getConsoleCommands({'INPUT': source, 'NODATA': 0, 'OUTPUT': outdir + '/check.jpg'}, context, feedback), ['gdal_grid', '-l points -a nearest:radius1=0.0:radius2=0.0:angle=0.0:nodata=0.0 -ot Float32 -of JPEG ' + source + ' ' + outdir + '/check.jpg']) # additional parameters self.assertEqual( alg.getConsoleCommands({'INPUT': source, 'EXTRA': '-z_multiply 1.5 -outsize 1754 1394', 'OUTPUT': outdir + '/check.tif'}, context, feedback), ['gdal_grid', '-l points -a nearest:radius1=0.0:radius2=0.0:angle=0.0:nodata=0.0 -ot Float32 -of GTiff ' + '-z_multiply 1.5 -outsize 1754 1394 ' + source + ' ' + outdir + '/check.tif']) def testHillshade(self): context = QgsProcessingContext() feedback = QgsProcessingFeedback() source = os.path.join(testDataPath, 'dem.tif') alg = hillshade() alg.initAlgorithm() with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as outdir: self.assertEqual( alg.getConsoleCommands({'INPUT': source, 'BAND': 1, 'Z_FACTOR': 5, 'SCALE': 2, 'AZIMUTH': 90, 'ALTITUDE': 20, 'OUTPUT': outdir + '/check.tif'}, context, feedback), ['gdaldem', 'hillshade ' + source + ' ' + outdir + '/check.tif -of GTiff -b 1 -z 5.0 -s 2.0 -az 90.0 -alt 20.0']) # paths with space source_with_space = os.path.join(testDataPath, 'raster with spaces.tif') self.assertEqual( alg.getConsoleCommands({'INPUT': source_with_space, 'BAND': 1, 'Z_FACTOR': 5, 'SCALE': 2, 'AZIMUTH': 90, 'ALTITUDE': 20, 'OUTPUT': outdir + '/check out.tif'}, context, feedback), ['gdaldem', 'hillshade ' + '"' + source_with_space + '" ' + '"{}/check out.tif" -of GTiff -b 1 -z 5.0 -s 2.0 -az 90.0 -alt 20.0'.format(outdir)]) # compute edges self.assertEqual( alg.getConsoleCommands({'INPUT': source, 'BAND': 1, 'Z_FACTOR': 5, 'SCALE': 2, 'AZIMUTH': 90, 'ALTITUDE': 20, 'COMPUTE_EDGES': True, 'OUTPUT': outdir + '/check.tif'}, context, feedback), ['gdaldem', 'hillshade ' + source + ' ' + outdir + '/check.tif -of GTiff -b 1 -z 5.0 -s 2.0 -az 90.0 -alt 20.0 -compute_edges']) # with ZEVENBERGEN self.assertEqual( alg.getConsoleCommands({'INPUT': source, 'BAND': 1, 'Z_FACTOR': 5, 'SCALE': 2, 'AZIMUTH': 90, 'ALTITUDE': 20, 'ZEVENBERGEN': True, 'OUTPUT': outdir + '/check.tif'}, context, feedback), ['gdaldem', 'hillshade ' + source + ' ' + outdir + '/check.tif -of GTiff -b 1 -z 5.0 -s 2.0 -az 90.0 -alt 20.0 -alg ZevenbergenThorne']) # with COMBINED self.assertEqual( alg.getConsoleCommands({'INPUT': source, 'BAND': 1, 'Z_FACTOR': 5, 'SCALE': 2, 'AZIMUTH': 90, 'ALTITUDE': 20, 'COMBINED': True, 'OUTPUT': outdir + '/check.tif'}, context, feedback), ['gdaldem', 'hillshade ' + source + ' ' + outdir + '/check.tif -of GTiff -b 1 -z 5.0 -s 2.0 -az 90.0 -alt 20.0 -combined']) # with multidirectional - "az" argument is not allowed! self.assertEqual( alg.getConsoleCommands({'INPUT': source, 'BAND': 1, 'Z_FACTOR': 5, 'SCALE': 2, 'AZIMUTH': 90, 'ALTITUDE': 20, 'MULTIDIRECTIONAL': True, 'OUTPUT': outdir + '/check.tif'}, context, feedback), ['gdaldem', 'hillshade ' + source + ' ' + outdir + '/check.tif -of GTiff -b 1 -z 5.0 -s 2.0 -alt 20.0 -multidirectional']) # defaults with additional parameters self.assertEqual( alg.getConsoleCommands({'INPUT': source, 'BAND': 1, 'EXTRA': '-q', 'OUTPUT': outdir + '/check.tif'}, context, feedback), ['gdaldem', 'hillshade ' + source + ' ' + outdir + '/check.tif -of GTiff -b 1 -z 1.0 -s 1.0 -az 315.0 -alt 45.0 -q']) def testAspect(self): context = QgsProcessingContext() feedback = QgsProcessingFeedback() source = os.path.join(testDataPath, 'dem.tif') alg = aspect() alg.initAlgorithm() with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as outdir: self.assertEqual( alg.getConsoleCommands({'INPUT': source, 'BAND': 1, 'TRIG_ANGLE': False, 'ZERO_FLAT': False, 'COMPUTE_EDGES': False, 'ZEVENBERGEN': False, 'OUTPUT': outdir + '/check.tif'}, context, feedback), ['gdaldem', 'aspect ' + source + ' ' + outdir + '/check.tif -of GTiff -b 1']) # paths with space source_with_space = os.path.join(testDataPath, 'raster with spaces.tif') self.assertEqual( alg.getConsoleCommands({'INPUT': source_with_space, 'BAND': 1, 'TRIG_ANGLE': False, 'ZERO_FLAT': False, 'COMPUTE_EDGES': False, 'ZEVENBERGEN': False, 'OUTPUT': outdir + '/check out.tif'}, context, feedback), ['gdaldem', 'aspect ' + '"' + source_with_space + '" ' + '"{}/check out.tif" -of GTiff -b 1'.format(outdir)]) # compute edges self.assertEqual( alg.getConsoleCommands({'INPUT': source, 'BAND': 1, 'TRIG_ANGLE': False, 'ZERO_FLAT': False, 'COMPUTE_EDGES': True, 'ZEVENBERGEN': False, 'OUTPUT': outdir + '/check.tif'}, context, feedback), ['gdaldem', 'aspect ' + source + ' ' + outdir + '/check.tif -of GTiff -b 1 -compute_edges']) # with ZEVENBERGEN self.assertEqual( alg.getConsoleCommands({'INPUT': source, 'BAND': 1, 'TRIG_ANGLE': False, 'ZERO_FLAT': False, 'COMPUTE_EDGES': False, 'ZEVENBERGEN': True, 'OUTPUT': outdir + '/check.tif'}, context, feedback), ['gdaldem', 'aspect ' + source + ' ' + outdir + '/check.tif -of GTiff -b 1 -alg ZevenbergenThorne']) # with ZERO_FLAT self.assertEqual( alg.getConsoleCommands({'INPUT': source, 'BAND': 1, 'TRIG_ANGLE': False, 'ZERO_FLAT': True, 'COMPUTE_EDGES': False, 'ZEVENBERGEN': False, 'OUTPUT': outdir + '/check.tif'}, context, feedback), ['gdaldem', 'aspect ' + source + ' ' + outdir + '/check.tif -of GTiff -b 1 -zero_for_flat']) # with TRIG_ANGLE self.assertEqual( alg.getConsoleCommands({'INPUT': source, 'BAND': 1, 'TRIG_ANGLE': True, 'ZERO_FLAT': False, 'COMPUTE_EDGES': False, 'ZEVENBERGEN': False, 'OUTPUT': outdir + '/check.tif'}, context, feedback), ['gdaldem', 'aspect ' + source + ' ' + outdir + '/check.tif -of GTiff -b 1 -trigonometric']) # with creation options self.assertEqual( alg.getConsoleCommands({'INPUT': source, 'BAND': 1, 'TRIG_ANGLE': False, 'ZERO_FLAT': False, 'COMPUTE_EDGES': False, 'ZEVENBERGEN': False, 'OPTIONS': 'COMPRESS=JPEG|JPEG_QUALITY=75', 'OUTPUT': outdir + '/check.tif'}, context, feedback), ['gdaldem', 'aspect ' + source + ' ' + outdir + '/check.tif -of GTiff -b 1 -co COMPRESS=JPEG -co JPEG_QUALITY=75']) # with additional parameter self.assertEqual( alg.getConsoleCommands({'INPUT': source, 'BAND': 1, 'TRIG_ANGLE': False, 'ZERO_FLAT': False, 'COMPUTE_EDGES': False, 'ZEVENBERGEN': False, 'EXTRA': '-q', 'OUTPUT': outdir + '/check.tif'}, context, feedback), ['gdaldem', 'aspect ' + source + ' ' + outdir + '/check.tif -of GTiff -b 1 -q']) def testSlope(self): context = QgsProcessingContext() feedback = QgsProcessingFeedback() source = os.path.join(testDataPath, 'dem.tif') alg = slope() alg.initAlgorithm() with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as outdir: self.assertEqual( alg.getConsoleCommands({'INPUT': source, 'BAND': 1, 'OUTPUT': outdir + '/check.tif'}, context, feedback), ['gdaldem', 'slope ' + source + ' ' + outdir + '/check.tif -of GTiff -b 1 -s 1.0']) # compute edges self.assertEqual( alg.getConsoleCommands({'INPUT': source, 'BAND': 1, 'COMPUTE_EDGES': True, 'OUTPUT': outdir + '/check.tif'}, context, feedback), ['gdaldem', 'slope ' + source + ' ' + outdir + '/check.tif -of GTiff -b 1 -s 1.0 -compute_edges']) # with ZEVENBERGEN self.assertEqual( alg.getConsoleCommands({'INPUT': source, 'BAND': 1, 'ZEVENBERGEN': True, 'OUTPUT': outdir + '/check.tif'}, context, feedback), ['gdaldem', 'slope ' + source + ' ' + outdir + '/check.tif -of GTiff -b 1 -s 1.0 -alg ZevenbergenThorne']) # custom ratio self.assertEqual( alg.getConsoleCommands({'INPUT': source, 'BAND': 1, 'SCALE': 2.0, 'OUTPUT': outdir + '/check.tif'}, context, feedback), ['gdaldem', 'slope ' + source + ' ' + outdir + '/check.tif -of GTiff -b 1 -s 2.0']) # with creation options self.assertEqual( alg.getConsoleCommands({'INPUT': source, 'BAND': 1, 'OPTIONS': 'COMPRESS=JPEG|JPEG_QUALITY=75', 'OUTPUT': outdir + '/check.tif'}, context, feedback), ['gdaldem', 'slope ' + source + ' ' + outdir + '/check.tif -of GTiff -b 1 -s 1.0 -co COMPRESS=JPEG -co JPEG_QUALITY=75']) # with additional parameter self.assertEqual( alg.getConsoleCommands({'INPUT': source, 'BAND': 1, 'EXTRA': '-q', 'OUTPUT': outdir + '/check.jpg'}, context, feedback), ['gdaldem', 'slope ' + source + ' ' + outdir + '/check.jpg -of JPEG -b 1 -s 1.0 -q']) def testColorRelief(self): context = QgsProcessingContext() feedback = QgsProcessingFeedback() source = os.path.join(testDataPath, 'dem.tif') colorTable = os.path.join(testDataPath, 'colors.txt') alg = ColorRelief() alg.initAlgorithm() with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as outdir: self.assertEqual( alg.getConsoleCommands({'INPUT': source, 'BAND': 1, 'COLOR_TABLE': colorTable, 'OUTPUT': outdir + '/check.tif'}, context, feedback), ['gdaldem', 'color-relief ' + source + ' ' + colorTable + ' ' + outdir + '/check.tif -of GTiff -b 1']) # paths with space source_with_space = os.path.join(testDataPath, 'raster with spaces.tif') self.assertEqual( alg.getConsoleCommands({'INPUT': source_with_space, 'BAND': 1, 'COLOR_TABLE': colorTable, 'OUTPUT': outdir + '/check out.tif'}, context, feedback), ['gdaldem', 'color-relief ' + '"' + source_with_space + '" ' + colorTable + ' ' + '"{}/check out.tif" -of GTiff -b 1'.format(outdir)]) # compute edges self.assertEqual( alg.getConsoleCommands({'INPUT': source, 'BAND': 1, 'COLOR_TABLE': colorTable, 'COMPUTE_EDGES': True, 'OUTPUT': outdir + '/check.tif'}, context, feedback), ['gdaldem', 'color-relief ' + source + ' ' + colorTable + ' ' + outdir + '/check.tif -of GTiff -b 1 -compute_edges']) # with custom matching mode self.assertEqual( alg.getConsoleCommands({'INPUT': source, 'BAND': 1, 'COLOR_TABLE': colorTable, 'MATCH_MODE': 1, 'OUTPUT': outdir + '/check.tif'}, context, feedback), ['gdaldem', 'color-relief ' + source + ' ' + colorTable + ' ' + outdir + '/check.tif -of GTiff -b 1 -nearest_color_entry']) # with creation options self.assertEqual( alg.getConsoleCommands({'INPUT': source, 'BAND': 1, 'COLOR_TABLE': colorTable, 'MATCH_MODE': 1, 'OPTIONS': 'COMPRESS=JPEG|JPEG_QUALITY=75', 'OUTPUT': outdir + '/check.tif'}, context, feedback), ['gdaldem', 'color-relief ' + source + ' ' + colorTable + ' ' + outdir + '/check.tif -of GTiff -b 1 -nearest_color_entry -co COMPRESS=JPEG -co JPEG_QUALITY=75']) # with additional parameter self.assertEqual( alg.getConsoleCommands({'INPUT': source, 'BAND': 1, 'COLOR_TABLE': colorTable, 'EXTRA': '-alpha -q', 'OUTPUT': outdir + '/check.tif'}, context, feedback), ['gdaldem', 'color-relief ' + source + ' ' + colorTable + ' ' + outdir + '/check.tif -of GTiff -b 1 -alpha -q']) def testProximity(self): context = QgsProcessingContext() feedback = QgsProcessingFeedback() source = os.path.join(testDataPath, 'dem.tif') alg = proximity() alg.initAlgorithm() with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as outdir: # without NODATA value self.assertEqual( alg.getConsoleCommands({'INPUT': source, 'BAND': 1, 'OUTPUT': outdir + '/check.jpg'}, context, feedback), ['gdal_proximity.py', '-srcband 1 -distunits PIXEL -ot Float32 -of JPEG ' + source + ' ' + outdir + '/check.jpg']) # with NODATA value self.assertEqual( alg.getConsoleCommands({'INPUT': source, 'NODATA': 9999, 'BAND': 2, 'OUTPUT': outdir + '/check.jpg'}, context, feedback), ['gdal_proximity.py', '-srcband 2 -distunits PIXEL -nodata 9999.0 -ot Float32 -of JPEG ' + source + ' ' + outdir + '/check.jpg']) # with "0" NODATA value self.assertEqual( alg.getConsoleCommands({'INPUT': source, 'NODATA': 0, 'BAND': 1, 'OUTPUT': outdir + '/check.jpg'}, context, feedback), ['gdal_proximity.py', '-srcband 1 -distunits PIXEL -nodata 0.0 -ot Float32 -of JPEG ' + source + ' ' + outdir + '/check.jpg']) # additional parameters self.assertEqual( alg.getConsoleCommands({'INPUT': source, 'BAND': 1, 'EXTRA': '-dstband 2 -values 3,4,12', 'OUTPUT': outdir + '/check.jpg'}, context, feedback), ['gdal_proximity.py', '-srcband 1 -distunits PIXEL -ot Float32 -of JPEG -dstband 2 -values 3,4,12 ' + source + ' ' + outdir + '/check.jpg']) def testRasterize(self): context = QgsProcessingContext() feedback = QgsProcessingFeedback() source = os.path.join(testDataPath, 'polys.gml') alg = rasterize() alg.initAlgorithm() with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as outdir: # with no NODATA value self.assertEqual( alg.getConsoleCommands({'INPUT': source, 'FIELD': 'id', 'OUTPUT': outdir + '/check.jpg'}, context, feedback), ['gdal_rasterize', '-l polys2 -a id -ts 0.0 0.0 -ot Float32 -of JPEG ' + source + ' ' + outdir + '/check.jpg']) # with NODATA value self.assertEqual( alg.getConsoleCommands({'INPUT': source, 'NODATA': 9999, 'FIELD': 'id', 'OUTPUT': outdir + '/check.jpg'}, context, feedback), ['gdal_rasterize', '-l polys2 -a id -ts 0.0 0.0 -a_nodata 9999.0 -ot Float32 -of JPEG ' + source + ' ' + outdir + '/check.jpg']) # with "0" INIT value self.assertEqual( alg.getConsoleCommands({'INPUT': source, 'INIT': 0, 'FIELD': 'id', 'OUTPUT': outdir + '/check.jpg'}, context, feedback), ['gdal_rasterize', '-l polys2 -a id -ts 0.0 0.0 -init 0.0 -ot Float32 -of JPEG ' + source + ' ' + outdir + '/check.jpg']) # with "0" NODATA value self.assertEqual( alg.getConsoleCommands({'INPUT': source, 'NODATA': 0, 'FIELD': 'id', 'OUTPUT': outdir + '/check.jpg'}, context, feedback), ['gdal_rasterize', '-l polys2 -a id -ts 0.0 0.0 -a_nodata 0.0 -ot Float32 -of JPEG ' + source + ' ' + outdir + '/check.jpg']) def testRetile(self): context = QgsProcessingContext() feedback = QgsProcessingFeedback() source = os.path.join(testDataPath, 'dem.tif') alg = retile() alg.initAlgorithm() with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as outdir: self.assertEqual( alg.getConsoleCommands({'INPUT': [source], 'OUTPUT': outdir}, context, feedback), ['gdal_retile.py', '-ps 256 256 -overlap 0 -levels 1 -r near -ot Float32 -targetDir {} '.format(outdir) + source]) # with input srs self.assertEqual( alg.getConsoleCommands({'INPUT': [source], 'SOURCE_CRS': 'EPSG:3111', 'OUTPUT': outdir}, context, feedback), ['gdal_retile.py', '-ps 256 256 -overlap 0 -levels 1 -s_srs EPSG:3111 -r near -ot Float32 -targetDir {} {}'.format(outdir, source) ]) # with target using proj string custom_crs = 'proj4: +proj=utm +zone=36 +south +a=6378249.145 +b=6356514.966398753 +towgs84=-143,-90,-294,0,0,0,0 +units=m +no_defs' self.assertEqual( alg.getConsoleCommands({'INPUT': [source], 'SOURCE_CRS': custom_crs, 'OUTPUT': outdir}, context, feedback), ['gdal_retile.py', '-ps 256 256 -overlap 0 -levels 1 -s_srs EPSG:20936 -r near -ot Float32 -targetDir {} {}'.format(outdir, source) ]) # with target using custom projection custom_crs = 'proj4: +proj=utm +zone=36 +south +a=63785 +b=6357 +towgs84=-143,-90,-294,0,0,0,0 +units=m +no_defs' self.assertEqual( alg.getConsoleCommands({'INPUT': [source], 'SOURCE_CRS': custom_crs, 'OUTPUT': outdir}, context, feedback), ['gdal_retile.py', '-ps 256 256 -overlap 0 -levels 1 -s_srs "+proj=utm +zone=36 +south +a=63785 +b=6357 +towgs84=-143,-90,-294,0,0,0,0 +units=m +no_defs" -r near -ot Float32 -targetDir {} {}'.format(outdir, source) ]) # with non-EPSG crs code self.assertEqual( alg.getConsoleCommands({'INPUT': [source], 'SOURCE_CRS': 'POSTGIS:3111', 'OUTPUT': outdir}, context, feedback), ['gdal_retile.py', '-ps 256 256 -overlap 0 -levels 1 -s_srs EPSG:3111 -r near -ot Float32 -targetDir {} {}'.format(outdir, source) ]) # additional parameters self.assertEqual( alg.getConsoleCommands({'INPUT': [source], 'EXTRA': '-v -tileIndex tindex.shp', 'OUTPUT': outdir}, context, feedback), ['gdal_retile.py', '-ps 256 256 -overlap 0 -levels 1 -r near -ot Float32 -v -tileIndex tindex.shp -targetDir {} '.format(outdir) + source]) def testWarp(self): context = QgsProcessingContext() feedback = QgsProcessingFeedback() source = os.path.join(testDataPath, 'dem.tif') alg = warp() alg.initAlgorithm() with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as outdir: # with no NODATA value self.assertEqual( alg.getConsoleCommands({'INPUT': source, 'SOURCE_CRS': 'EPSG:3111', 'OUTPUT': outdir + '/check.jpg'}, context, feedback), ['gdalwarp', '-s_srs EPSG:3111 -r near -of JPEG ' + source + ' ' + outdir + '/check.jpg']) # with None NODATA value self.assertEqual( alg.getConsoleCommands({'INPUT': source, 'NODATA': None, 'SOURCE_CRS': 'EPSG:3111', 'OUTPUT': outdir + '/check.jpg'}, context, feedback), ['gdalwarp', '-s_srs EPSG:3111 -r near -of JPEG ' + source + ' ' + outdir + '/check.jpg']) # with NODATA value self.assertEqual( alg.getConsoleCommands({'INPUT': source, 'NODATA': 9999, 'SOURCE_CRS': 'EPSG:3111', 'OUTPUT': outdir + '/check.jpg'}, context, feedback), ['gdalwarp', '-s_srs EPSG:3111 -dstnodata 9999.0 -r near -of JPEG ' + source + ' ' + outdir + '/check.jpg']) # with "0" NODATA value self.assertEqual( alg.getConsoleCommands({'INPUT': source, 'NODATA': 0, 'SOURCE_CRS': 'EPSG:3111', 'OUTPUT': outdir + '/check.jpg'}, context, feedback), ['gdalwarp', '-s_srs EPSG:3111 -dstnodata 0.0 -r near -of JPEG ' + source + ' ' + outdir + '/check.jpg']) # with "0" NODATA value and custom data type self.assertEqual( alg.getConsoleCommands({'INPUT': source, 'NODATA': 0, 'DATA_TYPE': 6, 'SOURCE_CRS': 'EPSG:3111', 'OUTPUT': outdir + '/check.jpg'}, context, feedback), ['gdalwarp', '-s_srs EPSG:3111 -dstnodata 0.0 -r near -ot Float32 -of JPEG ' + source + ' ' + outdir + '/check.jpg']) # with target using EPSG self.assertEqual( alg.getConsoleCommands({'INPUT': source, 'SOURCE_CRS': 'EPSG:3111', 'TARGET_CRS': 'EPSG:4326', 'OUTPUT': outdir + '/check.jpg'}, context, feedback), ['gdalwarp', '-s_srs EPSG:3111 -t_srs EPSG:4326 -r near -of JPEG ' + source + ' ' + outdir + '/check.jpg']) # with target using proj string custom_crs = 'proj4: +proj=utm +zone=36 +south +a=6378249.145 +b=6356514.966398753 +towgs84=-143,-90,-294,0,0,0,0 +units=m +no_defs' self.assertEqual( alg.getConsoleCommands({'INPUT': source, 'SOURCE_CRS': custom_crs, 'TARGET_CRS': custom_crs, 'OUTPUT': outdir + '/check.jpg'}, context, feedback), ['gdalwarp', '-s_srs EPSG:20936 -t_srs EPSG:20936 -r near -of JPEG ' + source + ' ' + outdir + '/check.jpg']) # with target using custom projection custom_crs = 'proj4: +proj=utm +zone=36 +south +a=63785 +b=6357 +towgs84=-143,-90,-294,0,0,0,0 +units=m +no_defs' self.assertEqual( alg.getConsoleCommands({'INPUT': source, 'SOURCE_CRS': custom_crs, 'TARGET_CRS': custom_crs, 'OUTPUT': outdir + '/check.jpg'}, context, feedback), ['gdalwarp', '-s_srs "+proj=utm +zone=36 +south +a=63785 +b=6357 +towgs84=-143,-90,-294,0,0,0,0 +units=m +no_defs" -t_srs "+proj=utm +zone=36 +south +a=63785 +b=6357 +towgs84=-143,-90,-294,0,0,0,0 +units=m +no_defs" -r near -of JPEG ' + source + ' ' + outdir + '/check.jpg']) # with non-EPSG crs code self.assertEqual( alg.getConsoleCommands({'INPUT': source, 'SOURCE_CRS': 'POSTGIS:3111', 'TARGET_CRS': 'POSTGIS:3111', 'OUTPUT': outdir + '/check.jpg'}, context, feedback), ['gdalwarp', '-s_srs EPSG:3111 -t_srs EPSG:3111 -r near -of JPEG ' + source + ' ' + outdir + '/check.jpg']) # with target resolution with None value self.assertEqual( alg.getConsoleCommands({'INPUT': source, 'SOURCE_CRS': 'EPSG:3111', 'TARGET_RESOLUTION': None, 'OUTPUT': outdir + '/check.jpg'}, context, feedback), ['gdalwarp', '-s_srs EPSG:3111 -r near -of JPEG ' + source + ' ' + outdir + '/check.jpg']) # test target resolution with a valid value self.assertEqual( alg.getConsoleCommands({'INPUT': source, 'SOURCE_CRS': 'EPSG:3111', 'TARGET_RESOLUTION': 10.0, 'OUTPUT': outdir + '/check.jpg'}, context, feedback), ['gdalwarp', '-s_srs EPSG:3111 -tr 10.0 10.0 -r near -of JPEG ' + source + ' ' + outdir + '/check.jpg']) # test target resolution with a value of zero, to be ignored self.assertEqual( alg.getConsoleCommands({'INPUT': source, 'SOURCE_CRS': 'EPSG:3111', 'TARGET_RESOLUTION': 0.0, 'OUTPUT': outdir + '/check.jpg'}, context, feedback), ['gdalwarp', '-s_srs EPSG:3111 -r near -of JPEG ' + source + ' ' + outdir + '/check.jpg']) # with additional command-line parameter self.assertEqual( alg.getConsoleCommands({'INPUT': source, 'EXTRA': '-dstalpha', 'OUTPUT': outdir + '/check.jpg'}, context, feedback), ['gdalwarp', '-r near -of JPEG -dstalpha ' + source + ' ' + outdir + '/check.jpg']) self.assertEqual( alg.getConsoleCommands({'INPUT': source, 'EXTRA': '-dstalpha -srcnodata -9999', 'OUTPUT': outdir + '/check.jpg'}, context, feedback), ['gdalwarp', '-r near -of JPEG -dstalpha -srcnodata -9999 ' + source + ' ' + outdir + '/check.jpg']) self.assertEqual( alg.getConsoleCommands({'INPUT': source, 'EXTRA': '-dstalpha -srcnodata "-9999 -8888"', 'OUTPUT': outdir + '/check.jpg'}, context, feedback), ['gdalwarp', '-r near -of JPEG -dstalpha -srcnodata "-9999 -8888" ' + source + ' ' + outdir + '/check.jpg']) self.assertEqual( alg.getConsoleCommands({'INPUT': source, 'EXTRA': '', 'OUTPUT': outdir + '/check.jpg'}, context, feedback), ['gdalwarp', '-r near -of JPEG ' + source + ' ' + outdir + '/check.jpg']) def testMerge(self): context = QgsProcessingContext() feedback = QgsProcessingFeedback() source = [os.path.join(testDataPath, 'dem1.tif'), os.path.join(testDataPath, 'dem1.tif')] alg = merge() alg.initAlgorithm() with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as outdir: # this algorithm creates temporary text file with input layers # so we strip its path, leaving only filename cmd = alg.getConsoleCommands({'INPUT': source, 'OUTPUT': outdir + '/check.tif'}, context, feedback) t = cmd[1] cmd[1] = t[:t.find('--optfile') + 10] + t[t.find('mergeInputFiles.txt'):] self.assertEqual(cmd, ['gdal_merge.py', '-ot Float32 -of GTiff ' + '-o ' + outdir + '/check.tif ' + '--optfile mergeInputFiles.txt']) # separate cmd = alg.getConsoleCommands({'INPUT': source, 'SEPARATE': True, 'OUTPUT': outdir + '/check.tif'}, context, feedback) t = cmd[1] cmd[1] = t[:t.find('--optfile') + 10] + t[t.find('mergeInputFiles.txt'):] self.assertEqual(cmd, ['gdal_merge.py', '-separate -ot Float32 -of GTiff ' + '-o ' + outdir + '/check.tif ' + '--optfile mergeInputFiles.txt']) # assign nodata cmd = alg.getConsoleCommands({'INPUT': source, 'EXTRA': '-tap -ps 0.1 0.1', 'OUTPUT': outdir + '/check.tif'}, context, feedback) t = cmd[1] cmd[1] = t[:t.find('--optfile') + 10] + t[t.find('mergeInputFiles.txt'):] self.assertEqual(cmd, ['gdal_merge.py', '-ot Float32 -of GTiff -tap -ps 0.1 0.1 ' + '-o ' + outdir + '/check.tif ' + '--optfile mergeInputFiles.txt']) # additional parameters cmd = alg.getConsoleCommands({'INPUT': source, 'NODATA_OUTPUT': -9999, 'OUTPUT': outdir + '/check.tif'}, context, feedback) t = cmd[1] cmd[1] = t[:t.find('--optfile') + 10] + t[t.find('mergeInputFiles.txt'):] self.assertEqual(cmd, ['gdal_merge.py', '-a_nodata -9999 -ot Float32 -of GTiff ' + '-o ' + outdir + '/check.tif ' + '--optfile mergeInputFiles.txt']) def testNearblack(self): context = QgsProcessingContext() feedback = QgsProcessingFeedback() source = os.path.join(testDataPath, 'dem.tif') alg = nearblack() alg.initAlgorithm() with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as outdir: # defaults self.assertEqual( alg.getConsoleCommands({'INPUT': source, 'OUTPUT': outdir + '/check.tif'}, context, feedback), ['nearblack', source + ' -of GTiff -o ' + outdir + '/check.tif ' + '-near 15']) # search white pixels self.assertEqual( alg.getConsoleCommands({'INPUT': source, 'WHITE': True, 'OUTPUT': outdir + '/check.tif'}, context, feedback), ['nearblack', source + ' -of GTiff -o ' + outdir + '/check.tif ' + '-near 15 -white']) # additional parameters self.assertEqual( alg.getConsoleCommands({'INPUT': source, 'EXTRA': '-nb 5 -setalpha', 'OUTPUT': outdir + '/check.tif'}, context, feedback), ['nearblack', source + ' -of GTiff -o ' + outdir + '/check.tif ' + '-near 15 -nb 5 -setalpha']) # additional parameters and creation options self.assertEqual( alg.getConsoleCommands({'INPUT': source, 'OPTIONS': 'COMPRESS=JPEG|JPEG_QUALITY=75', 'EXTRA': '-nb 5 -setalpha', 'OUTPUT': outdir + '/check.tif'}, context, feedback), ['nearblack', source + ' -of GTiff -o ' + outdir + '/check.tif ' + '-near 15 -co COMPRESS=JPEG -co JPEG_QUALITY=75 -nb 5 -setalpha']) def testRearrangeBands(self): context = QgsProcessingContext() feedback = QgsProcessingFeedback() source = os.path.join(testDataPath, 'dem.tif') with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as outdir: outsource = outdir + '/check.tif' alg = rearrange_bands() alg.initAlgorithm() # single band self.assertEqual( alg.getConsoleCommands({'INPUT': source, 'BANDS': 1, 'OUTPUT': outsource}, context, feedback), ['gdal_translate', '-b 1 ' + '-of GTiff ' + source + ' ' + outsource]) # three bands, re-ordered self.assertEqual( alg.getConsoleCommands({'INPUT': source, 'BANDS': [3, 2, 1], 'OUTPUT': outsource}, context, feedback), ['gdal_translate', '-b 3 -b 2 -b 1 ' + '-of GTiff ' + source + ' ' + outsource]) # three bands, re-ordered with custom data type self.assertEqual( alg.getConsoleCommands({'INPUT': source, 'BANDS': [3, 2, 1], 'DATA_TYPE': 6, 'OUTPUT': outsource}, context, feedback), ['gdal_translate', '-b 3 -b 2 -b 1 ' + '-ot Float32 -of GTiff ' + source + ' ' + outsource]) def testFillnodata(self): context = QgsProcessingContext() feedback = QgsProcessingFeedback() source = os.path.join(testDataPath, 'dem.tif') mask = os.path.join(testDataPath, 'raster.tif') with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as outdir: outsource = outdir + '/check.tif' alg = fillnodata() alg.initAlgorithm() # with mask value self.assertEqual( alg.getConsoleCommands({'INPUT': source, 'BAND': 1, 'DISTANCE': 10, 'ITERATIONS': 0, 'MASK_LAYER': mask, 'NO_MASK': False, 'OUTPUT': outsource}, context, feedback), ['gdal_fillnodata.py', '-md 10 -b 1 -mask ' + mask + ' -of GTiff ' + source + ' ' + outsource]) # without mask value self.assertEqual( alg.getConsoleCommands({'INPUT': source, 'BAND': 1, 'DISTANCE': 10, 'ITERATIONS': 0, 'NO_MASK': False, 'OUTPUT': outsource}, context, feedback), ['gdal_fillnodata.py', '-md 10 -b 1 ' + '-of GTiff ' + source + ' ' + outsource]) # nomask true self.assertEqual( alg.getConsoleCommands({'INPUT': source, 'BAND': 1, 'DISTANCE': 10, 'ITERATIONS': 0, 'NO_MASK': True, 'OUTPUT': outsource}, context, feedback), ['gdal_fillnodata.py', '-md 10 -b 1 -nomask ' + '-of GTiff ' + source + ' ' + outsource]) # creation options self.assertEqual( alg.getConsoleCommands({'INPUT': source, 'BAND': 1, 'OPTIONS': 'COMPRESS=JPEG|JPEG_QUALITY=75', 'OUTPUT': outsource}, context, feedback), ['gdal_fillnodata.py', '-md 10 -b 1 -of GTiff -co COMPRESS=JPEG -co JPEG_QUALITY=75 ' + source + ' ' + outsource]) # additional parameters self.assertEqual( alg.getConsoleCommands({'INPUT': source, 'BAND': 1, 'EXTRA': '-q', 'OUTPUT': outsource}, context, feedback), ['gdal_fillnodata.py', '-md 10 -b 1 -of GTiff -q ' + source + ' ' + outsource]) def testGdalAddo(self): context = QgsProcessingContext() feedback = QgsProcessingFeedback() source = os.path.join(testDataPath, 'dem.tif') with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as outdir: alg = gdaladdo() alg.initAlgorithm() # defaults self.assertEqual( alg.getConsoleCommands({'INPUT': source, 'LEVELS': '2 4 8 16', 'CLEAN': False, 'RESAMPLING': 0, 'FORMAT': 0}, context, feedback), ['gdaladdo', source + ' ' + '-r nearest 2 4 8 16']) # with "clean" option self.assertEqual( alg.getConsoleCommands({'INPUT': source, 'LEVELS': '2 4 8 16', 'CLEAN': True, 'RESAMPLING': 0, 'FORMAT': 0}, context, feedback), ['gdaladdo', source + ' ' + '-r nearest -clean 2 4 8 16']) # ovr format self.assertEqual( alg.getConsoleCommands({'INPUT': source, 'LEVELS': '2 4 8 16', 'CLEAN': False, 'RESAMPLING': 0, 'FORMAT': 1}, context, feedback), ['gdaladdo', source + ' ' + '-r nearest -ro 2 4 8 16']) # Erdas format self.assertEqual( alg.getConsoleCommands({'INPUT': source, 'LEVELS': '2 4 8 16', 'CLEAN': False, 'RESAMPLING': 0, 'FORMAT': 2}, context, feedback), ['gdaladdo', source + ' ' + '-r nearest --config USE_RRD YES 2 4 8 16']) # custom resampling method format self.assertEqual( alg.getConsoleCommands({'INPUT': source, 'LEVELS': '2 4 8 16', 'CLEAN': False, 'RESAMPLING': 4, 'FORMAT': 0}, context, feedback), ['gdaladdo', source + ' ' + '-r cubicspline 2 4 8 16']) # more levels self.assertEqual( alg.getConsoleCommands({'INPUT': source, 'LEVELS': '2 4 8 16 32 64', 'CLEAN': False, 'RESAMPLING': 0, 'FORMAT': 0}, context, feedback), ['gdaladdo', source + ' ' + '-r nearest 2 4 8 16 32 64']) # additional parameters self.assertEqual( alg.getConsoleCommands({'INPUT': source, 'LEVELS': '2 4 8 16', 'CLEAN': False, 'EXTRA': '--config COMPRESS_OVERVIEW JPEG'}, context, feedback), ['gdaladdo', source + ' ' + '-r nearest --config COMPRESS_OVERVIEW JPEG 2 4 8 16']) # without advanced params self.assertEqual( alg.getConsoleCommands({'INPUT': source, 'LEVELS': '2 4 8 16', 'CLEAN': False}, context, feedback), ['gdaladdo', source + ' ' + '-r nearest 2 4 8 16']) def testSieve(self): context = QgsProcessingContext() feedback = QgsProcessingFeedback() source = os.path.join(testDataPath, 'dem.tif') mask = os.path.join(testDataPath, 'raster.tif') with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as outdir: outsource = outdir + '/check.tif' alg = sieve() alg.initAlgorithm() # defaults self.assertEqual( alg.getConsoleCommands({'INPUT': source, 'OUTPUT': outsource}, context, feedback), ['gdal_sieve.py', '-st 10 -4 -of GTiff ' + source + ' ' + outsource]) # Eight connectedness and custom threshold self.assertEqual( alg.getConsoleCommands({'INPUT': source, 'THRESHOLD': 16, 'EIGHT_CONNECTEDNESS': True, 'OUTPUT': outsource}, context, feedback), ['gdal_sieve.py', '-st 16 -8 -of GTiff ' + source + ' ' + outsource]) # without default mask layer self.assertEqual( alg.getConsoleCommands({'INPUT': source, 'NO_MASK': True, 'OUTPUT': outsource}, context, feedback), ['gdal_sieve.py', '-st 10 -4 -nomask -of GTiff ' + source + ' ' + outsource]) # defaults with external validity mask self.assertEqual( alg.getConsoleCommands({'INPUT': source, 'MASK_LAYER': mask, 'OUTPUT': outsource}, context, feedback), ['gdal_sieve.py', '-st 10 -4 -mask ' + mask + ' -of GTiff ' + source + ' ' + outsource]) # additional parameters self.assertEqual( alg.getConsoleCommands({'INPUT': source, 'EXTRA': '-q', 'OUTPUT': outsource}, context, feedback), ['gdal_sieve.py', '-st 10 -4 -of GTiff -q ' + source + ' ' + outsource]) def testGdal2Xyz(self): context = QgsProcessingContext() feedback = QgsProcessingFeedback() source = os.path.join(testDataPath, 'dem.tif') with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as outdir: outsource = outdir + '/check.csv' alg = gdal2xyz() alg.initAlgorithm() # defaults self.assertEqual( alg.getConsoleCommands({'INPUT': source, 'BAND': 1, 'CSV': False, 'OUTPUT': outsource}, context, feedback), ['gdal2xyz.py', '-band 1 ' + source + ' ' + outsource]) # csv output self.assertEqual( alg.getConsoleCommands({'INPUT': source, 'BAND': 1, 'CSV': True, 'OUTPUT': outsource}, context, feedback), ['gdal2xyz.py', '-band 1 -csv ' + source + ' ' + outsource]) def testGdalPolygonize(self): context = QgsProcessingContext() feedback = QgsProcessingFeedback() source = os.path.join(testDataPath, 'dem.tif') with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as outdir: outsource = outdir + '/check.shp' alg = polygonize() alg.initAlgorithm() # defaults self.assertEqual( alg.getConsoleCommands({'INPUT': source, 'BAND': 1, 'FIELD': 'DN', 'EIGHT_CONNECTEDNESS': False, 'OUTPUT': outsource}, context, feedback), ['gdal_polygonize.py', source + ' ' + outsource + ' ' + '-b 1 -f "ESRI Shapefile" check DN' ]) self.assertEqual( alg.getConsoleCommands({'INPUT': source, 'BAND': 1, 'FIELD': 'VAL', 'EIGHT_CONNECTEDNESS': False, 'OUTPUT': outsource}, context, feedback), ['gdal_polygonize.py', source + ' ' + outsource + ' ' + '-b 1 -f "ESRI Shapefile" check VAL' ]) # 8 connectedness self.assertEqual( alg.getConsoleCommands({'INPUT': source, 'BAND': 1, 'FIELD': 'DN', 'EIGHT_CONNECTEDNESS': True, 'OUTPUT': outsource}, context, feedback), ['gdal_polygonize.py', source + ' ' + outsource + ' ' + '-8 -b 1 -f "ESRI Shapefile" check DN' ]) # custom output format outsource = outdir + '/check.gpkg' self.assertEqual( alg.getConsoleCommands({'INPUT': source, 'BAND': 1, 'FIELD': 'DN', 'EIGHT_CONNECTEDNESS': False, 'OUTPUT': outsource}, context, feedback), ['gdal_polygonize.py', source + ' ' + outsource + ' ' + '-b 1 -f "GPKG" check DN' ]) # additional parameters self.assertEqual( alg.getConsoleCommands({'INPUT': source, 'BAND': 1, 'FIELD': 'DN', 'EXTRA': '-nomask -q', 'OUTPUT': outsource}, context, feedback), ['gdal_polygonize.py', source + ' ' + outsource + ' ' + '-b 1 -f "GPKG" -nomask -q check DN' ]) def testGdalPansharpen(self): context = QgsProcessingContext() feedback = QgsProcessingFeedback() panchrom = os.path.join(testDataPath, 'dem.tif') spectral = os.path.join(testDataPath, 'raster.tif') with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as outdir: outsource = outdir + '/out.tif' alg = pansharp() alg.initAlgorithm() # defaults self.assertEqual( alg.getConsoleCommands({'SPECTRAL': spectral, 'PANCHROMATIC': panchrom, 'OUTPUT': outsource}, context, feedback), ['gdal_pansharpen.py', panchrom + ' ' + spectral + ' ' + outsource + ' ' + '-r cubic -of GTiff' ]) # custom resampling self.assertEqual( alg.getConsoleCommands({'SPECTRAL': spectral, 'PANCHROMATIC': panchrom, 'RESAMPLING': 4, 'OUTPUT': outsource}, context, feedback), ['gdal_pansharpen.py', panchrom + ' ' + spectral + ' ' + outsource + ' ' + '-r lanczos -of GTiff' ]) # additional parameters self.assertEqual( alg.getConsoleCommands({'SPECTRAL': spectral, 'PANCHROMATIC': panchrom, 'EXTRA': '-bitdepth 12 -threads ALL_CPUS', 'OUTPUT': outsource}, context, feedback), ['gdal_pansharpen.py', panchrom + ' ' + spectral + ' ' + outsource + ' ' + '-r cubic -of GTiff -bitdepth 12 -threads ALL_CPUS' ]) def testBuildVrt(self): context = QgsProcessingContext() feedback = QgsProcessingFeedback() source = os.path.join(testDataPath, 'dem.tif') alg = buildvrt() alg.initAlgorithm() with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as outdir: # defaults cmd = alg.getConsoleCommands({'INPUT': [source], 'OUTPUT': outdir + '/check.vrt'}, context, feedback) t = cmd[1] cmd[1] = t[:t.find('-input_file_list') + 17] + t[t.find('buildvrtInputFiles.txt'):] self.assertEqual(cmd, ['gdalbuildvrt', '-resolution average -separate -r nearest ' + '-input_file_list buildvrtInputFiles.txt ' + outdir + '/check.vrt']) # custom resolution cmd = alg.getConsoleCommands({'INPUT': [source], 'RESOLUTION': 2, 'OUTPUT': outdir + '/check.vrt'}, context, feedback) t = cmd[1] cmd[1] = t[:t.find('-input_file_list') + 17] + t[t.find('buildvrtInputFiles.txt'):] self.assertEqual(cmd, ['gdalbuildvrt', '-resolution lowest -separate -r nearest ' + '-input_file_list buildvrtInputFiles.txt ' + outdir + '/check.vrt']) # single layer cmd = alg.getConsoleCommands({'INPUT': [source], 'SEPARATE': False, 'OUTPUT': outdir + '/check.vrt'}, context, feedback) t = cmd[1] cmd[1] = t[:t.find('-input_file_list') + 17] + t[t.find('buildvrtInputFiles.txt'):] self.assertEqual(cmd, ['gdalbuildvrt', '-resolution average -r nearest ' + '-input_file_list buildvrtInputFiles.txt ' + outdir + '/check.vrt']) # projection difference cmd = alg.getConsoleCommands({'INPUT': [source], 'PROJ_DIFFERENCE': True, 'OUTPUT': outdir + '/check.vrt'}, context, feedback) t = cmd[1] cmd[1] = t[:t.find('-input_file_list') + 17] + t[t.find('buildvrtInputFiles.txt'):] self.assertEqual(cmd, ['gdalbuildvrt', '-resolution average -separate -allow_projection_difference -r nearest ' + '-input_file_list buildvrtInputFiles.txt ' + outdir + '/check.vrt']) # add alpha band cmd = alg.getConsoleCommands({'INPUT': [source], 'ADD_ALPHA': True, 'OUTPUT': outdir + '/check.vrt'}, context, feedback) t = cmd[1] cmd[1] = t[:t.find('-input_file_list') + 17] + t[t.find('buildvrtInputFiles.txt'):] self.assertEqual(cmd, ['gdalbuildvrt', '-resolution average -separate -addalpha -r nearest ' + '-input_file_list buildvrtInputFiles.txt ' + outdir + '/check.vrt']) # assign CRS cmd = alg.getConsoleCommands({'INPUT': [source], 'ASSIGN_CRS': 'EPSG:3111', 'OUTPUT': outdir + '/check.vrt'}, context, feedback) t = cmd[1] cmd[1] = t[:t.find('-input_file_list') + 17] + t[t.find('buildvrtInputFiles.txt'):] self.assertEqual(cmd, ['gdalbuildvrt', '-resolution average -separate -a_srs EPSG:3111 -r nearest ' + '-input_file_list buildvrtInputFiles.txt ' + outdir + '/check.vrt']) custom_crs = 'proj4: +proj=utm +zone=36 +south +a=6378249.145 +b=6356514.966398753 +towgs84=-143,-90,-294,0,0,0,0 +units=m +no_defs' cmd = alg.getConsoleCommands({'INPUT': [source], 'ASSIGN_CRS': custom_crs, 'OUTPUT': outdir + '/check.vrt'}, context, feedback) t = cmd[1] cmd[1] = t[:t.find('-input_file_list') + 17] + t[t.find('buildvrtInputFiles.txt'):] self.assertEqual(cmd, ['gdalbuildvrt', '-resolution average -separate -a_srs EPSG:20936 -r nearest ' + '-input_file_list buildvrtInputFiles.txt ' + outdir + '/check.vrt']) # source NODATA cmd = alg.getConsoleCommands({'INPUT': [source], 'SRC_NODATA': '-9999', 'OUTPUT': outdir + '/check.vrt'}, context, feedback) t = cmd[1] cmd[1] = t[:t.find('-input_file_list') + 17] + t[t.find('buildvrtInputFiles.txt'):] self.assertEqual(cmd, ['gdalbuildvrt', '-resolution average -separate -r nearest -srcnodata "-9999" ' + '-input_file_list buildvrtInputFiles.txt ' + outdir + '/check.vrt']) cmd = alg.getConsoleCommands({'INPUT': [source], 'SRC_NODATA': '-9999 9999', 'OUTPUT': outdir + '/check.vrt'}, context, feedback) t = cmd[1] cmd[1] = t[:t.find('-input_file_list') + 17] + t[t.find('buildvrtInputFiles.txt'):] self.assertEqual(cmd, ['gdalbuildvrt', '-resolution average -separate -r nearest -srcnodata "-9999 9999" ' + '-input_file_list buildvrtInputFiles.txt ' + outdir + '/check.vrt']) cmd = alg.getConsoleCommands({'INPUT': [source], 'SRC_NODATA': '', 'OUTPUT': outdir + '/check.vrt'}, context, feedback) t = cmd[1] cmd[1] = t[:t.find('-input_file_list') + 17] + t[t.find('buildvrtInputFiles.txt'):] self.assertEqual(cmd, ['gdalbuildvrt', '-resolution average -separate -r nearest ' + '-input_file_list buildvrtInputFiles.txt ' + outdir + '/check.vrt']) # additional parameters cmd = alg.getConsoleCommands({'INPUT': [source], 'EXTRA': '-overwrite -optim RASTER -vrtnodata -9999', 'OUTPUT': outdir + '/check.vrt'}, context, feedback) t = cmd[1] cmd[1] = t[:t.find('-input_file_list') + 17] + t[t.find('buildvrtInputFiles.txt'):] self.assertEqual(cmd, ['gdalbuildvrt', '-resolution average -separate -r nearest -overwrite -optim RASTER -vrtnodata -9999 ' + '-input_file_list buildvrtInputFiles.txt ' + outdir + '/check.vrt']) if __name__ == '__main__': nose2.main()