  "name": "wedge_buffer",
  "type": "function",
  "description": "Returns a wedge shaped buffer originating from a point geometry.",
  "arguments": [ {"arg":"center","description":"center point (origin) of buffer. Must be a point geometry."},
                 {"arg":"azimuth","description":"angle (in degrees) for the middle of the wedge to point."},
                 {"arg":"width","description":"buffer width (in degrees). Note that the wedge will extend to half of the angular width either side of the azimuth direction."},
                 {"arg":"outer_radius","description":"outer radius for buffers"},
                 {"arg":"inner_radius","optional":true,"default":"0.0","description":"optional inner radius for buffers"}],
  "examples": [ { "expression":"wedge_buffer(center:=geom_from_wkt('POINT(1 2)'),azimuth:=90,width:=180,outer_radius:=1)", "returns":"A wedge shaped buffer centered on the point (1,2), facing to the East, with a width of 180 degrees and outer radius of 1."}]