# Macros/functions for debugging CMake # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # # Copyright (c) 2016, Larry Shaffer, <lshaffer (at) boundlessgeo (dot) com>> # Redistribution and use is allowed according to the terms of the BSD license. # For details see the accompanying COPYING-CMAKE-SCRIPTS file. # Dump current CMake variables to file # # Usage: # INCLUDE(CMakeDebugMacros) # DUMP_CMAKE_VARS() or DUMP_CMAKE_VARS("regex") # # regex: optional ARGV0 regular expression for filtering output variable names # # Outputs the result relative to the current CMake file being processed and # writes to a file with name "<file-basename>_cmake-vars.txt" to the current # build (binary) directory # function(DUMP_CMAKE_VARS) get_filename_component(_basename ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_FILE} NAME_WE) set(_out "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${_basename}_cmake-vars.txt") set(_cmake_vars "") get_cmake_property(_varNames VARIABLES) foreach(_varName ${_varNames}) if(ARGV0) string(REGEX MATCH "${ARGV0}" _match "${_varName}") if(_match) set(_cmake_vars "${_cmake_vars}\n\n${_varName}=${${_varName}}") endif() else() set(_cmake_vars "${_cmake_vars}\n\n${_varName}=${${_varName}}") endif() endforeach() message(STATUS "Dumping current CMake variables to ...\n ${_out}") file(WRITE "${_out}" "${_cmake_vars}") endfunction(DUMP_CMAKE_VARS)