Brief Description
Computes Structural Feature Set textures on every pixel of the input image selected channelTags
Textures,Feature ExtractionLong Description
This application computes SFS textures on a mono band imageParameters
- [param] -in <string> The input image to compute the features on.. Mandatory: True. Default Value: ""
- [param] -channel <int32> The selected channel index. Mandatory: True. Default Value: "1"
- [param] -ram <int32> Available memory for processing (in MB). Mandatory: False. Default Value: "128"
- [param] -parameters <string> This group of parameters allows defining SFS texture parameters. The available texture features are SFS'Length, SFS'Width, SFS'PSI, SFS'W-Mean, SFS'Ratio and SFS'SD. They are provided in this exact order in the output image.. Mandatory: True. Default Value: "0"
- [param] -out <string> Output image containing the SFS texture features.. Mandatory: True. Default Value: ""
OTB-TeamSee Also
otbSFSTexturesImageFilter classExample of use
in: qb_RoadExtract.tif
channel: 1
parameters.spethre: 50.0
parameters.spathre: 100
out: SFSTextures.tif