ClassificationMapRegularization otbcli_ClassificationMapRegularization Classification Map Regularization Learning Filters the input labeled image using Majority Voting in a ball shaped neighbordhood. ParameterRaster Input classification image The input labeled image to regularize. False OutputRaster io.out Output regularized image The output regularized labeled image. ParameterNumber ip.radius Structuring element radius (in pixels) The radius of the ball shaped structuring element (expressed in pixels). By default, 'ip.radius = 1 pixel'. 1 ParameterBoolean ip.suvbool Multiple majority: Undecided(X)/Original Pixels with more than 1 majority class are marked as Undecided if this parameter is checked (true), or keep their Original labels otherwise (false). Please note that the Undecided value must be different from existing labels in the input labeled image. By default, 'ip.suvbool = false'. True ParameterNumber ip.nodatalabel Label for the NoData class Label for the NoData class. Such input pixels keep their NoData label in the output image. By default, 'ip.nodatalabel = 0'. 0 ParameterNumber ip.undecidedlabel Label for the Undecided class Label for the Undecided class. By default, 'ip.undecidedlabel = 0'. 0 ParameterNumber ram Available RAM (Mb) Available memory for processing (in MB) 128