# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ *************************************************************************** GrassUtils.py --------------------- Date : April 2014 Copyright : (C) 2014 by Victor Olaya Email : volayaf at gmail dot com *************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * *************************************************************************** """ __author__ = 'Victor Olaya' __date__ = 'April 2014' __copyright__ = '(C) 2014, Victor Olaya' # This will get replaced with a git SHA1 when you do a git archive __revision__ = '$Format:%H$' import stat import shutil import subprocess from qgis.core import QgsApplication from PyQt4.QtCore import * from processing.core.ProcessingConfig import ProcessingConfig from processing.core.ProcessingLog import ProcessingLog from processing.tools.system import * from processing.tests.TestData import points class Grass7Utils: GRASS_REGION_XMIN = 'GRASS7_REGION_XMIN' GRASS_REGION_YMIN = 'GRASS7_REGION_YMIN' GRASS_REGION_XMAX = 'GRASS7_REGION_XMAX' GRASS_REGION_YMAX = 'GRASS7_REGION_YMAX' GRASS_REGION_CELLSIZE = 'GRASS7_REGION_CELLSIZE' GRASS_FOLDER = 'GRASS7_FOLDER' GRASS_WIN_SHELL = 'GRASS7_WIN_SHELL' GRASS_LOG_COMMANDS = 'GRASS7_LOG_COMMANDS' GRASS_LOG_CONSOLE = 'GRASS7_LOG_CONSOLE' sessionRunning = False sessionLayers = {} projectionSet = False isGrass7Installed = False @staticmethod def grassBatchJobFilename(): '''This is used in Linux. This is the batch job that we assign to GRASS_BATCH_JOB and then call GRASS and let it do the work ''' filename = 'grass7_batch_job.sh' batchfile = userFolder() + os.sep + filename return batchfile @staticmethod def grassScriptFilename(): '''This is used in windows. We create a script that initializes GRASS and then uses grass commands ''' filename = 'grass7_script.bat' filename = userFolder() + os.sep + filename return filename @staticmethod def getGrassVersion(): # FIXME: I do not know if this should be removed or let the user enter it # or something like that... This is just a temporary thing return '7.0.0' @staticmethod def grassPath(): if not isWindows() and not isMac(): return '' folder = ProcessingConfig.getSetting(Grass7Utils.GRASS_FOLDER) if folder is None: if isWindows(): testfolder = os.path.dirname(str(QgsApplication.prefixPath())) testfolder = os.path.join(testfolder, 'grass7') if os.path.isdir(testfolder): for subfolder in os.listdir(testfolder): if subfolder.startswith('grass7'): folder = os.path.join(testfolder, subfolder) break else: folder = os.path.join(str(QgsApplication.prefixPath()), 'grass7' ) if not os.path.isdir(folder): folder = '/Applications/GRASS-7.0.app/Contents/MacOS' return folder @staticmethod def grassWinShell(): folder = ProcessingConfig.getSetting(Grass7Utils.GRASS_WIN_SHELL) if folder is None: folder = os.path.dirname(str(QgsApplication.prefixPath())) folder = os.path.join(folder, 'msys') return folder @staticmethod def grassDescriptionPath(): return os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'description') @staticmethod def createGrass7Script(commands): folder = Grass7Utils.grassPath() shell = Grass7Utils.grassWinShell() script = Grass7Utils.grassScriptFilename() gisrc = userFolder() + os.sep + 'processing.gisrc7' #FIXME: use temporary file # Temporary gisrc file output = open(gisrc, 'w') location = 'temp_location' gisdbase = Grass7Utils.grassDataFolder() output.write('GISDBASE: ' + gisdbase + '\n') output.write('LOCATION_NAME: ' + location + '\n') output.write('MAPSET: PERMANENT \n') output.write('GRASS_GUI: text\n') output.close() output = open(script, 'w') output.write('set HOME=' + os.path.expanduser('~') + '\n') output.write('set GISRC=' + gisrc + '\n') output.write('set GRASS_SH=' + shell + '\\bin\\sh.exe\n') output.write('set PATH=' + shell + os.sep + 'bin;' + shell + os.sep + 'lib;' + '%PATH%\n') output.write('set WINGISBASE=' + folder + '\n') output.write('set GISBASE=' + folder + '\n') output.write('set GRASS_PROJSHARE=' + folder + os.sep + 'share' + os.sep + 'proj' + '\n') output.write('set GRASS_MESSAGE_FORMAT=gui\n') # Replacement code for etc/Init.bat output.write('if "%GRASS_ADDON_PATH%"=="" set PATH=%WINGISBASE%\\bin;%WINGISBASE%\\lib;%PATH%\n') output.write('if not "%GRASS_ADDON_PATH%"=="" set PATH=%WINGISBASE%\\bin;%WINGISBASE%\\lib;%GRASS_ADDON_PATH%;%PATH%\n') output.write('\n') output.write('set GRASS_VERSION=' + Grass7Utils.getGrassVersion() + '\n') output.write('if not "%LANG%"=="" goto langset\n') output.write('FOR /F "usebackq delims==" %%i IN (`"%WINGISBASE%\\etc\\winlocale"`) DO @set LANG=%%i\n') output.write(':langset\n') output.write('\n') output.write('set PATHEXT=%PATHEXT%;.PY\n') output.write('set PYTHONPATH=%PYTHONPATH%;%WINGISBASE%\\etc\\python;%WINGISBASE%\\etc\\wxpython\\n') output.write('\n') output.write('g.gisenv.exe set="MAPSET=PERMANENT"\n') output.write('g.gisenv.exe set="LOCATION=' + location + '"\n') output.write('g.gisenv.exe set="LOCATION_NAME=' + location + '"\n') output.write('g.gisenv.exe set="GISDBASE=' + gisdbase + '"\n') output.write('g.gisenv.exe set="GRASS_GUI=text"\n') for command in commands: output.write(command + '\n') output.write('\n') output.write('exit\n') output.close() @staticmethod def createGrass7BatchJobFileFromGrass7Commands(commands): fout = open(Grass7Utils.grassBatchJobFilename(), 'w') for command in commands: fout.write(command + '\n') fout.write('exit') fout.close() @staticmethod def grassMapsetFolder(): folder = os.path.join(Grass7Utils.grassDataFolder(), 'temp_location') mkdir(folder) return folder @staticmethod def grassDataFolder(): tempfolder = os.path.join(tempFolder(), 'grassdata') mkdir(tempfolder) return tempfolder @staticmethod def createTempMapset(): '''Creates a temporary location and mapset(s) for GRASS data processing. A minimal set of folders and files is created in the system's default temporary directory. The settings files are written with sane defaults, so GRASS can do its work. The mapset projection will be set later, based on the projection of the first input image or vector ''' folder = Grass7Utils.grassMapsetFolder() mkdir(os.path.join(folder, 'PERMANENT')) mkdir(os.path.join(folder, 'PERMANENT', '.tmp')) Grass7Utils.writeGrass7Window(os.path.join(folder, 'PERMANENT', 'DEFAULT_WIND')) outfile = open(os.path.join(folder, 'PERMANENT', 'MYNAME'), 'w') outfile.write( 'QGIS GRASS GIS 7 interface: temporary data processing location.\n') outfile.close() # FIXME: in GRASS 7 the SQLite driver is default (and more powerful) Grass7Utils.writeGrass7Window(os.path.join(folder, 'PERMANENT', 'WIND')) mkdir(os.path.join(folder, 'PERMANENT', 'dbf')) outfile = open(os.path.join(folder, 'PERMANENT', 'VAR'), 'w') outfile.write('DB_DRIVER: dbf\n') outfile.write('DB_DATABASE: $GISDBASE/$LOCATION_NAME/$MAPSET/dbf/\n') outfile.close() @staticmethod def writeGrass7Window(filename): out = open(filename, 'w') out.write('proj: 0\n') out.write('zone: 0\n') out.write('north: 1\n') out.write('south: 0\n') out.write('east: 1\n') out.write('west: 0\n') out.write('cols: 1\n') out.write('rows: 1\n') out.write('e-w resol: 1\n') out.write('n-s resol: 1\n') out.write('top: 1\n') out.write('bottom: 0\n') out.write('cols3: 1\n') out.write('rows3: 1\n') out.write('depths: 1\n') out.write('e-w resol3: 1\n') out.write('n-s resol3: 1\n') out.write('t-b resol: 1\n') out.close() @staticmethod def prepareGrass7Execution(commands): if isWindows(): Grass7Utils.createGrass7Script(commands) command = ['cmd.exe', '/C ', Grass7Utils.grassScriptFilename()] else: gisrc = userFolder() + os.sep + 'processing.gisrc7' os.putenv('GISRC', gisrc) os.putenv('GRASS_MESSAGE_FORMAT', 'gui') os.putenv('GRASS_BATCH_JOB', Grass7Utils.grassBatchJobFilename()) Grass7Utils.createGrass7BatchJobFileFromGrass7Commands(commands) os.chmod(Grass7Utils.grassBatchJobFilename(), stat.S_IEXEC | stat.S_IREAD | stat.S_IWRITE) if isMac() and os.path.exists(Grass7Utils.grassPath() + os.sep + 'grass70.sh'): command = Grass7Utils.grassPath() + os.sep + 'grass70.sh ' \ + Grass7Utils.grassMapsetFolder() + '/PERMANENT' else: command = 'grass70 ' + Grass7Utils.grassMapsetFolder() \ + '/PERMANENT' return command @staticmethod def executeGrass7(commands, progress, outputCommands=None): loglines = [] loglines.append('GRASS GIS 7 execution console output') grassOutDone = False command = Grass7Utils.prepareGrass7Execution(commands) proc = subprocess.Popen( command, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, universal_newlines=True, ).stdout for line in iter(proc.readline, ''): if 'GRASS_INFO_PERCENT' in line: try: progress.setPercentage(int(line[len('GRASS_INFO_PERCENT') + 2:])) except: pass else: if 'r.out' in line or 'v.out' in line: grassOutDone = True loglines.append(line) progress.setConsoleInfo(line) # Some GRASS scripts, like r.mapcalculator or r.fillnulls, call # other GRASS scripts during execution. This may override any # commands that are still to be executed by the subprocess, which # are usually the output ones. If that is the case runs the output # commands again. if not grassOutDone and outputCommands: command = Grass7Utils.prepareGrass7Execution(outputCommands) proc = subprocess.Popen( command, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, universal_newlines=True, ).stdout for line in iter(proc.readline, ''): if 'GRASS_INFO_PERCENT' in line: try: progress.setPercentage(int( line[len('GRASS_INFO_PERCENT') + 2:])) except: pass else: loglines.append(line) progress.setConsoleInfo(line) if ProcessingConfig.getSetting(Grass7Utils.GRASS_LOG_CONSOLE): ProcessingLog.addToLog(ProcessingLog.LOG_INFO, loglines) return loglines # GRASS session is used to hold the layers already exported or # produced in GRASS between multiple calls to GRASS algorithms. # This way they don't have to be loaded multiple times and # following algorithms can use the results of the previous ones. # Starting a session just involves creating the temp mapset # structure @staticmethod def startGrass7Session(): if not Grass7Utils.sessionRunning: Grass7Utils.createTempMapset() Grass7Utils.sessionRunning = True # End session by removing the temporary GRASS mapset and all # the layers. @staticmethod def endGrass7Session(): shutil.rmtree(Grass7Utils.grassMapsetFolder(), True) Grass7Utils.sessionRunning = False Grass7Utils.sessionLayers = {} Grass7Utils.projectionSet = False @staticmethod def getSessionLayers(): return Grass7Utils.sessionLayers @staticmethod def addSessionLayers(exportedLayers): Grass7Utils.sessionLayers = dict(Grass7Utils.sessionLayers.items() + exportedLayers.items()) @staticmethod def checkGrass7IsInstalled(ignorePreviousState=False): if isWindows(): path = Grass7Utils.grassPath() if path == '': return 'GRASS GIS 7 folder is not configured.\nPlease configure \ it before running GRASS GIS 7 algorithms.' cmdpath = os.path.join(path, 'bin', 'r.out.gdal.exe') if not os.path.exists(cmdpath): return 'The specified GRASS GIS 7 folder does not contain a valid \ set of GRASS GIS 7 modules.\n' \ + 'Please, go to the Processing settings dialog, and \ check that the GRASS GIS 7\n' \ + 'folder is correctly configured' if not ignorePreviousState: if Grass7Utils.isGrass7Installed: return try: from processing import runalg result = runalg( 'grass7:v.voronoi', points(), False, False, '270778.60198,270855.745301,4458921.97814,4458983.8488', -1, 0.0001, 0, None, ) if not os.path.exists(result['output']): return 'It seems that GRASS GIS 7 is not correctly installed and \ configured in your system.\nPlease install it before \ running GRASS GIS 7 algorithms.' except: return 'Error while checking GRASS GIS 7 installation. GRASS GIS 7 might not \ be correctly configured.\n' + s Grass7Utils.isGrass7Installed = True