Slope Average Down

(c) 2010 by David G. Tarboton
This tool computes slope in a D8 downslope direction averaged over a user selected distance. Distance should be specified in horizontal map units.


Number of Processes
The number of stripes that the domain will be divided into and the number of MPI parallel processes that will be spawned to evaluate each of the stripes.
D8 Flow Direction Grid
Raster Grid
This input is a grid of flow directions that are encoded using the D8 method where all flow from a cells goes to a single neighboring cell in the direction of steepest descent.This grid can be obtained as the output of the "D8 Flow Directions" tool.
Pit Filled Elevation Grid
Raster Grid
This input is a grid of elevation values. As a general rule, it is recommended that you use a grid of elevation values that have had the pits removed for this input. Pits are generally taken to be artifacts that interfere with the analysis of flow across them. This grid can be obtained as the output of the "Pit Remove" tool, in which case it contains elevation values where the pits have been filled to the point where they just drain.
Downslope Distance
Input parameter of downslope distance over which to calculate the slope (in horizontal map units). Default 50.


Slope Average Down Grid
Raster Grid
This output is a grid of slopes calculated in the D8 downslope direction, averaged over the selected distance.