Stereo sensor model to elevation map Application
Brief Description
Convert a stereo sensor model to elevation map.
Image Manipulation, Stereo
Long Description
Produce an elevation map from a pair of stereo images along-track by implicit exploration of their epipolar lines.
[param] Reference (-ref): The reference image.
[param] Secondary (-sec): The secondary image.
[param] Output Image (-out): The output image.
[param] Available RAM (-ram): Set the maximum of available memory for the pipeline execution in mega bytes (optional, 256 by default)
[param] Radius (-r): Radius (in pixels) of the metric computation window (default is 3).
[param] Correlation Threshold (-ct): Threshold bellow which correlation is considered invalid (default is 0.7).
[param] Variance Threshold (-vt): Threshold on the master patch variance bellow which no height exploration is performed (default is 4).
[param] MinHeightOffset (-minh): Minimum height offset with respect to local initial height for height exploration (default is -20 meters).
[param] MaxHeightOffset (-maxh): Maximum height offset with respect to local initial height for height exploration (default is 20 meters).
[param] HeightStep (-step): Step of height exploration (default is 1 meter).
[param] AverageElevation (-ae): If no DEM is used, provide the initial height value (default is 0 meters)
[param] DEMDirectory (-dem): Use DEM tiles to derive initial height values (AverageElevation option is ignored in this case)
[param] GeoidFile (-geoid): Use a geoid file along with the DEM tiles
[param] ReferenceGaussianSmoothing (-rgs): (optional) Perform a gaussian smoothing of the reference image. Parameter is gaussian sigma (in pixels). Default is no smoothing.
[param] SecondaryGaussianSmoothing (-sgs): (optional) Perform a gaussian smoothing of the secondary image. Parameter is gaussian sigma (in pixels). Default is no smoothing.
[param] SubtractInitialHeight (-s): If activated, the elevation map will contain only the estimated height offset from the initial height (either average elevation or DEM)
See also
Example of use
Reference: sensor_stereo_left.tif
Secondary: sensor_stereo_right.tif
Output Image: StereoSensorModelToElevationMap.tif
DEMDirectory: DEM
GeoidFile: egm96.grd
otbcli_StereoSensorModelToElevationMap -ref sensor_stereo_left.tif -sec sensor_stereo_right.tif -out StereoSensorModelToElevationMap.tif -dem DEM -geoid egm96.grd