Image Conversion Application
Brief Description
Convert an image to a different format, eventually rescaling the data and/or changing the pixel type.
Conversion, Image Dynamic
Long Description
This application performs an image pixel type conversion (short, ushort, char, uchar, int, uint, float and double types are handled). The output image is written in the specified format (ie. that corresponds to the given extension). The convertion can include a rescale usiong the image 2% minimum and maximum values. The rescale can be linear or log2.
[param] Input image (-in): Input image
[choice] Rescale type (-type): Transfer function for the rescaling
[group] None:
[group] Linear:
[group] Log2:
[param] Output Image (-out): Output image
[param] Available RAM (-ram): Available RAM
See also
Rescale application
Example of use
Input image: QB_Toulouse_Ortho_XS.tif
Rescale type: linear
Output Image: otbConvertWithScalingOutput.png uchar
otbcli_Convert -in QB_Toulouse_Ortho_XS.tif -type linear -out otbConvertWithScalingOutput.png uchar