# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ /*************************************************************************** KNearestConcaveHull.py ---------------------- Date : November 2014 Copyright : (C) 2014 by Detlev Neumann Dr. Neumann Consulting - Geospatial Services Email : dneumann@geospatial-services.de ***************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * ***************************************************************************/ """ __author__ = 'Detlev Neumann' __date__ = 'November 2014' __copyright__ = '(C) 2014, Detlev Neumann' # This will get replaced with a git SHA1 when you do a git archive __revision__ = '$Format:%H$' import os.path import math from qgis.PyQt.QtGui import QIcon from qgis.PyQt.QtCore import QVariant from qgis.core import (QgsApplication, QgsExpression, QgsFeature, QgsFeatureRequest, QgsFeatureSink, QgsField, QgsFields, QgsGeometry, QgsProcessing, QgsProcessingException, QgsProcessingParameterFeatureSink, QgsProcessingParameterFeatureSource, QgsProcessingParameterField, QgsProcessingParameterNumber, QgsPoint, QgsPointXY, QgsWkbTypes) from processing.algs.qgis.QgisAlgorithm import QgisAlgorithm class KNearestConcaveHull(QgisAlgorithm): KNEIGHBORS = 'KNEIGHBORS' INPUT = 'INPUT' OUTPUT = 'OUTPUT' FIELD = 'FIELD' def name(self): return 'knearestconcavehull' def displayName(self): return self.tr('Concave hull (k-nearest neighbor)') def shortDescription(self): return self.tr('Creates a concave hull using the k-nearest neighbor algorithm.') def icon(self): return QgsApplication.getThemeIcon("/algorithms/mAlgorithmConcaveHull.svg") def svgIconPath(self): return QgsApplication.iconPath("/algorithms/mAlgorithmConcaveHull.svg") def group(self): return self.tr('Vector geometry') def groupId(self): return 'vectorgeometry' def __init__(self): super().__init__() def initAlgorithm(self, config=None): self.addParameter(QgsProcessingParameterFeatureSource(self.INPUT, self.tr('Input layer'))) self.addParameter(QgsProcessingParameterNumber(self.KNEIGHBORS, self.tr('Number of neighboring points to consider (a lower number is more concave, a higher number is smoother)'), QgsProcessingParameterNumber.Integer, defaultValue=3, minValue=3)) self.addParameter(QgsProcessingParameterField(self.FIELD, self.tr('Field (set if creating concave hulls by class)'), parentLayerParameterName=self.INPUT, optional=True)) self.addParameter(QgsProcessingParameterFeatureSink(self.OUTPUT, self.tr('Concave hull'), QgsProcessing.TypeVectorPolygon)) def processAlgorithm(self, parameters, context, feedback): # Get variables from dialog source = self.parameterAsSource(parameters, self.INPUT, context) if source is None: raise QgsProcessingException(self.invalidSourceError(parameters, self.INPUT)) field_name = self.parameterAsString(parameters, self.FIELD, context) kneighbors = self.parameterAsInt(parameters, self.KNEIGHBORS, context) use_field = bool(field_name) field_index = -1 fields = QgsFields() fields.append(QgsField('id', QVariant.Int, '', 20)) current = 0 # Get properties of the field the grouping is based on if use_field: field_index = source.fields().lookupField(field_name) if field_index >= 0: fields.append(source.fields()[field_index]) # Add a field with the name of the grouping field # Initialize writer (sink, dest_id) = self.parameterAsSink(parameters, self.OUTPUT, context, fields, QgsWkbTypes.Polygon, source.sourceCrs()) if sink is None: raise QgsProcessingException(self.invalidSinkError(parameters, self.OUTPUT)) success = False fid = 0 # Get unique values of grouping field unique_values = source.uniqueValues(field_index) total = 100.0 / float(source.featureCount() * len(unique_values)) for unique in unique_values: points = [] filter = QgsExpression.createFieldEqualityExpression(field_name, unique) request = QgsFeatureRequest().setFilterExpression(filter) request.setSubsetOfAttributes([]) # Get features with the grouping attribute equal to the current grouping value features = source.getFeatures(request) for in_feature in features: if feedback.isCanceled(): break # Add points or vertices of more complex geometry points.extend(extract_points(in_feature.geometry())) current += 1 feedback.setProgress(int(current * total)) # A minimum of 3 points is necessary to proceed if len(points) >= 3: out_feature = QgsFeature() the_hull = concave_hull(points, kneighbors) if the_hull: vertex = [QgsPointXY(point[0], point[1]) for point in the_hull] poly = QgsGeometry().fromPolygonXY([vertex]) out_feature.setGeometry(poly) # Give the polygon the same attribute as the point grouping attribute out_feature.setAttributes([fid, unique]) sink.addFeature(out_feature, QgsFeatureSink.FastInsert) success = True # at least one polygon created fid += 1 if not success: raise QgsProcessingException('No hulls could be created. Most likely there were not at least three unique points in any of the groups.') else: # Field parameter provided but can't read from it raise QgsProcessingException('Unable to find grouping field') else: # Not grouped by field # Initialize writer (sink, dest_id) = self.parameterAsSink(parameters, self.OUTPUT, context, fields, QgsWkbTypes.Polygon, source.sourceCrs()) if sink is None: raise QgsProcessingException(self.invalidSinkError(parameters, self.OUTPUT)) points = [] request = QgsFeatureRequest() request.setSubsetOfAttributes([]) features = source.getFeatures(request) # Get all features total = 100.0 / source.featureCount() if source.featureCount() else 0 for in_feature in features: if feedback.isCanceled(): break # Add points or vertices of more complex geometry points.extend(extract_points(in_feature.geometry())) current += 1 feedback.setProgress(int(current * total)) # A minimum of 3 points is necessary to proceed if len(points) >= 3: out_feature = QgsFeature() the_hull = concave_hull(points, kneighbors) if the_hull: vertex = [QgsPointXY(point[0], point[1]) for point in the_hull] poly = QgsGeometry().fromPolygonXY([vertex]) out_feature.setGeometry(poly) out_feature.setAttributes([0]) sink.addFeature(out_feature, QgsFeatureSink.FastInsert) else: # the_hull returns None only when there are less than three points after cleaning raise QgsProcessingException('At least three unique points are required to create a concave hull.') else: raise QgsProcessingException('At least three points are required to create a concave hull.') return {self.OUTPUT: dest_id} def clean_list(list_of_points): """ Deletes duplicate points in list_of_points """ return list(set(list_of_points)) def find_min_y_point(list_of_points): """ Returns that point of *list_of_points* having minimal y-coordinate :param list_of_points: list of tuples :return: tuple (x, y) """ min_y_pt = list_of_points[0] for point in list_of_points[1:]: if point[1] < min_y_pt[1] or (point[1] == min_y_pt[1] and point[0] < min_y_pt[0]): min_y_pt = point return min_y_pt def add_point(vector, element): """ Returns vector with the given element append to the right """ vector.append(element) return vector def remove_point(vector, element): """ Returns a copy of vector without the given element """ vector.pop(vector.index(element)) return vector def euclidian_distance(point1, point2): """ Returns the euclidian distance of the 2 given points. :param point1: tuple (x, y) :param point2: tuple (x, y) :return: float """ return math.sqrt(math.pow(point1[0] - point2[0], 2) + math.pow(point1[1] - point2[1], 2)) def nearest_points(list_of_points, point, k): """ Returns a list of the indices of the k closest neighbors from list_of_points to the specified point. The measure of proximity is the Euclidean distance. Internally, k becomes the minimum between the given value for k and the number of points in list_of_points :param list_of_points: list of tuples :param point: tuple (x, y) :param k: integer :return: list of k tuples """ # build a list of tuples of distances between point *point* and every point in *list_of_points*, and # their respective index of list *list_of_distances* list_of_distances = [] for index in range(len(list_of_points)): list_of_distances.append((euclidian_distance(list_of_points[index], point), index)) # sort distances in ascending order list_of_distances.sort() # get the k nearest neighbors of point nearest_list = [] for index in range(min(k, len(list_of_points))): nearest_list.append((list_of_points[list_of_distances[index][1]])) return nearest_list def angle(from_point, to_point): """ Returns the angle of the directed line segment, going from *from_point* to *to_point*, in radians. The angle is positive for segments with upward direction (north), otherwise negative (south). Values ranges from 0 at the right (east) to pi at the left side (west). :param from_point: tuple (x, y) :param to_point: tuple (x, y) :return: float """ return math.atan2(to_point[1] - from_point[1], to_point[0] - from_point[0]) def angle_difference(angle1, angle2): """ Calculates the difference between the given angles in clockwise direction as radians. :param angle1: float :param angle2: float :return: float; between 0 and 2*Pi """ if (angle1 > 0 and angle2 >= 0) and angle1 > angle2: return abs(angle1 - angle2) elif (angle1 >= 0 and angle2 > 0) and angle1 < angle2: return 2 * math.pi + angle1 - angle2 elif (angle1 < 0 and angle2 <= 0) and angle1 < angle2: return 2 * math.pi + angle1 + abs(angle2) elif (angle1 <= 0 and angle2 < 0) and angle1 > angle2: return abs(angle1 - angle2) elif angle1 <= 0 < angle2: return 2 * math.pi + angle1 - angle2 elif angle1 >= 0 >= angle2: return angle1 + abs(angle2) else: return 0 def intersect(line1, line2): """ Returns True if the two given line segments intersect each other, and False otherwise. :param line1: 2-tuple of tuple (x, y) :param line2: 2-tuple of tuple (x, y) :return: boolean """ a1 = line1[1][1] - line1[0][1] b1 = line1[0][0] - line1[1][0] c1 = a1 * line1[0][0] + b1 * line1[0][1] a2 = line2[1][1] - line2[0][1] b2 = line2[0][0] - line2[1][0] c2 = a2 * line2[0][0] + b2 * line2[0][1] tmp = (a1 * b2 - a2 * b1) if tmp == 0: return False sx = (c1 * b2 - c2 * b1) / tmp if (sx > line1[0][0] and sx > line1[1][0]) or (sx > line2[0][0] and sx > line2[1][0]) or\ (sx < line1[0][0] and sx < line1[1][0]) or (sx < line2[0][0] and sx < line2[1][0]): return False sy = (a1 * c2 - a2 * c1) / tmp if (sy > line1[0][1] and sy > line1[1][1]) or (sy > line2[0][1] and sy > line2[1][1]) or\ (sy < line1[0][1] and sy < line1[1][1]) or (sy < line2[0][1] and sy < line2[1][1]): return False return True def point_in_polygon_q(point, list_of_points): """ Return True if given point *point* is laying in the polygon described by the vertices *list_of_points*, otherwise False Based on the "Ray Casting Method" described by Joel Lawhead in this blog article: http://geospatialpython.com/2011/01/point-in-polygon.html """ x = point[0] y = point[1] poly = [(pt[0], pt[1]) for pt in list_of_points] n = len(poly) inside = False p1x, p1y = poly[0] for i in range(n + 1): p2x, p2y = poly[i % n] if y > min(p1y, p2y): if y <= max(p1y, p2y): if x <= max(p1x, p2x): if p1y != p2y: xints = (y - p1y) * (p2x - p1x) / (p2y - p1y) + p1x if p1x == p2x or x <= xints: inside = not inside p1x, p1y = p2x, p2y return inside def extract_points(geom): """ Generate list of QgsPoints from QgsGeometry *geom* ( can be point, line, or polygon ) Code taken from fTools plugin :param geom: an arbitrary geometry feature :return: list of points """ multi_geom = QgsGeometry() temp_geom = [] # point geometry if geom.type() == 0: if geom.isMultipart(): temp_geom = geom.asMultiPoint() else: temp_geom.append(geom.asPoint()) # line geometry if geom.type() == 1: # if multipart feature explode to single part if geom.isMultipart(): multi_geom = geom.asMultiPolyline() for i in multi_geom: temp_geom.extend(i) else: temp_geom = geom.asPolyline() # polygon geometry elif geom.type() == 2: # if multipart feature explode to single part if geom.isMultipart(): multi_geom = geom.asMultiPolygon() # now single part polygons for i in multi_geom: # explode to line segments for j in i: temp_geom.extend(j) else: multi_geom = geom.asPolygon() # explode to line segments for i in multi_geom: temp_geom.extend(i) return temp_geom def sort_by_angle(list_of_points, last_point, last_angle): """ returns the points in list_of_points in descending order of angle to the last segment of the envelope, measured in a clockwise direction. Thus, the rightmost of the neighboring points is always selected. The first point of this list will be the next point of the envelope. """ def getkey(item): return angle_difference(last_angle, angle(last_point, item)) vertex_list = sorted(list_of_points, key=getkey, reverse=True) return vertex_list def concave_hull(points_list, k): """ Calculates a valid concave hull polygon containing all given points. The algorithm searches for that point in the neighborhood of k nearest neighbors which maximizes the rotation angle in clockwise direction without intersecting any previous line segments. This is an implementation of the algorithm described by Adriano Moreira and Maribel Yasmina Santos: CONCAVE HULL: A neighborhood_k-NEAREST NEIGHBORS APPROACH FOR THE COMPUTATION OF THE REGION OCCUPIED BY A SET OF POINTS. GRAPP 2007 - International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications; pp 61-68. :param points_list: list of tuples (x, y) :param k: integer :return: list of tuples (x, y) """ # return an empty list if not enough points are given if k > len(points_list): k = len(points_list) # the number of nearest neighbors k must be greater than or equal to 3 kk = max(k, 3) # delete duplicate points point_set = clean_list(points_list) # if point_set has less then 3 points no polygon can be created and an empty list will be returned if len(point_set) < 3: return None # if point_set has 3 points then these are already vertices of the hull. Append the first point to # close the hull polygon if len(point_set) == 3: return add_point(point_set, point_set[0]) # make sure that k neighbors can be found kk = min(kk, len(point_set)) # start with the point having the smallest y-coordinate (most southern point) first_point = find_min_y_point(point_set) # add this points as the first vertex of the hull hull = [first_point] # make the first vertex of the hull to the current point current_point = first_point # remove the point from the point_set, to prevent him being among the nearest points point_set = remove_point(point_set, first_point) previous_angle = math.pi # step counts the number of segments step = 2 # as long as point_set is not empty or search is returning to the starting point while (current_point != first_point) or (step == 2) and (len(point_set) > 0): # after 3 iterations add the first point to point_set again, otherwise a hull cannot be closed if step == 5: point_set = add_point(point_set, first_point) # search the k nearest neighbors of the current point k_nearest_points = nearest_points(point_set, current_point, kk) # sort the candidates (neighbors) in descending order of right-hand turn. This way the algorithm progresses # in clockwise direction through as many points as possible c_points = sort_by_angle(k_nearest_points, current_point, previous_angle) its = True i = -1 # search for the nearest point to which the connecting line does not intersect any existing segment while its is True and (i < len(c_points) - 1): i += 1 if c_points[i] == first_point: last_point = 1 else: last_point = 0 j = 2 its = False while its is False and (j < len(hull) - last_point): its = intersect((hull[step - 2], c_points[i]), (hull[step - 2 - j], hull[step - 1 - j])) j += 1 # there is no candidate to which the connecting line does not intersect any existing segment, so the # for the next candidate fails. The algorithm starts again with an increased number of neighbors if its is True: return concave_hull(points_list, kk + 1) # the first point which complies with the requirements is added to the hull and gets the current point current_point = c_points[i] hull = add_point(hull, current_point) # calculate the angle between the last vertex and his precursor, that is the last segment of the hull # in reversed direction previous_angle = angle(hull[step - 1], hull[step - 2]) # remove current_point from point_set point_set = remove_point(point_set, current_point) # increment counter step += 1 all_inside = True i = len(point_set) - 1 # check if all points are within the created polygon while (all_inside is True) and (i >= 0): all_inside = point_in_polygon_q(point_set[i], hull) i -= 1 # since at least one point is out of the computed polygon, try again with a higher number of neighbors if all_inside is False: return concave_hull(points_list, kk + 1) # a valid hull has been constructed return hull