(dp0 S'ALG_DESC' p1 VThis algorithm computes the home range of one or more animals using a kernel density estimator and it uses the ad-hoc method to estimate the "h" parameter (href).\u000a\u000aR depencies: library "adehabitatHR" p2 sS'Home_ranges' p3 VA vector containing the home ranges corresponding to the smallest area on which the probability of relocating an animal is equal to value chosen for the "Percentage" parameter.\u000a p4 sS'ALG_CREATOR' p5 VFilipe S. Dias, filipesdias(at)gmail.com \u000a \u000a p6 sS'Layer' p7 VA vector containing the relocations of one or more animails. p8 sS'Field' p9 VThe field that contains the unique identifier (type "string") for each animal. p10 sS'Grid' p11 VThe size of the grid (number of cells) on which the utilization distribution is calculated by the kernel function. p12 sS'ALG_HELP_CREATOR' p13 VFilipe S. Dias, filipesdias(at)gmail.com p14 sS'Folder' p15 VThe ouput folder where the rasters containing the utilization distributions generated for each animal by the kernel funciton will be sent. p16 sS'Percentage' p17 VA single value giving the percentage level for home-range estimation. \u000a\u000aFor example, Percentage= 95 corresponds to the smallest area on which the probability to relocate the animal is equal to 0,95. p18 s.