Perform optical calibration TOA/TOC (Top Of Atmosphere/Top Of Canopy). Supported sensors: QuickBird, Ikonos, WorldView2, Formosat, Spot5, Pleiades
Long Description
The application allows to convert pixel values from DN (for Digital Numbers) to physically interpretable and comparable values. Calibrated values are called surface reflectivity and its values lie in the range [0, 1].
The first level is called Top Of Atmosphere (TOA) reflectivity. It takes into account the sensor gain, sensor spectral response and the solar illumination.
The second level is called Top Of Canopy (TOC) reflectivity. In addition to sensor gain and solar illumination, it takes into account the optical thickness of the atmosphere, the atmospheric pressure, the water vapor amount, the ozone amount, as well as the composition and amount of aerosol gasses.
It is also possible to indicate an AERONET file which contains atmospheric parameters (version 1 and version 2 of Aeronet file are supported.
[param] -ram <int32> Available memory for processing (in MB). Mandatory: False. Default Value: "128"
[param] -milli <boolean> Flag to use milli-reflectance instead of reflectance.
This allows to save the image with integer pixel type (in the range [0, 1000] instead of floating point in the range [0, 1]. In order to do that, use this option and set the output pixel type (-out filename uint16 for example). Mandatory: False. Default Value: "True"
[param] -clamp <boolean> Clamping in the range [0, 100]. It can be useful to preserve area with specular reflectance.. Mandatory: False. Default Value: "True"
[param] -rsr <string> Sensor relative spectral response file
By default the application gets these informations in the metadata. Mandatory: False. Default Value: ""
[param] -atmo <string> This group allows to set the atmospheric parameters.. Mandatory: True. Default Value: "0"