MeanShiftSmoothing otbcli_MeanShiftSmoothing Mean Shift filtering (can be used as Exact Large-Scale Mean-Shift segmentation, step 1) Image Filtering Perform mean shift filtering ParameterRaster in Input Image The input image. False OutputRaster fout Filtered output The filtered output image. OutputRaster foutpos Spatial image The spatial image output. Spatial image output is a displacement map (pixel position after convergence). ParameterNumber spatialr Spatial radius Spatial radius of the neighborhood. 5 ParameterNumber ranger Range radius Range radius defining the radius (expressed in radiometry unit) in the multi-spectral space. 15 ParameterNumber thres Mode convergence threshold Algorithm iterative scheme will stop if mean-shift vector is below this threshold or if iteration number reached maximum number of iterations. 0.1 ParameterNumber maxiter Maximum number of iterations Algorithm iterative scheme will stop if convergence hasn't been reached after the maximum number of iterations. 100 ParameterNumber rangeramp Range radius coefficient This coefficient makes dependent the ranger of the colorimetry of the filtered pixel : y = rangeramp*x+ranger. 0 ParameterBoolean modesearch Mode search. If activated pixel iterative convergence is stopped if the path . Be careful, with this option, the result will slightly depend on thread number True