&Geoprocessing &Geoprocessing @default OGR Driver Manager OGR管理器 unable to get OGRDriverManager 無法得到OGR管理器 Open an OGR Supported Vector Layer 開啟OGR支持的向量圖層 is not a valid or recognized data source 不是有效或可識別的資料來源 Invalid Data Source 無效的資料來源 Invalid Layer 無效的圖層 %1 is an invalid layer and cannot be loaded. %1是一個無效的圖層,無法載入。 Save As 另存為 QGIS Project Read Error QGIS專案讀取錯誤 Try to find missing layers? 試著尋找丟失的圖層? Unable to open project 無法開啟專案 Choose a QGIS project file 選擇QGIS專案檔案 Saved project to: 專案另存為: Unable to save project 無法儲存專案 Unable to save project to 無法將專案儲存為 Unable to save project 無法儲存專案 Choose a filename to save the QGIS project file as 選擇檔案名來儲存QGIS專案檔案為 QGIS: Unable to load project QGIS: 無法載入專案 Unable to load project 無法載入專案 Saved map image to 地圖影像儲存為 No Layer Selected 沒有選中圖層 To delete features, you must select a vector layer in the legend 要刪除圖徵,必須在圖例中選擇向量圖層 No Vector Layer Selected 未選中向量圖層 Deleting features only works on vector layers 刪除圖徵只對向量圖層有效 Provider does not support deletion 供應者不支持刪除 Data provider does not support deleting features 資料供應者不支援刪除圖徵 Layer not editable 圖層不可編輯 Problem deleting features 刪除圖徵出錯 A problem occured during deletion of features 刪除圖徵時發生錯誤 Error Loading Plugin 載入附加元件出錯 There was an error loading %1. 載入%1時出現錯誤. No MapLayer Plugins 沒有MapLayer附加元件 No MapLayer plugins in ../plugins/maplayer 在../plugins/maplayer下沒有MapLayer附加元件 No Plugins 沒有附加元件 No plugins found in ../plugins. To test plugins, start qgis from the src directory 在../plugins中未發現任何附加元件。要測試附加元件,請從src目錄啟動qgis Name 名稱 Plugin %1 is named %2 附加元件%1命名為%2 Plugin Information 附加元件信息 QGis loaded the following plugin: QGis載入了以下的附加元件: Name: %1 名稱:%1 Version: %1 版本:%1 Description: %1 描述:%1 Unable to Load Plugin 無法載入附加元件 QGIS was unable to load the plugin from: %1 QGIS無法從%1載入附加元件 There is a new version of QGIS available QGIS有新版本 You are running a development version of QGIS 您正在使用QGIS的開發版本 You are running the current version of QGIS 您正在使用QGIS的目前版本 Would you like more information? 您想瞭解更多的資訊嗎? QGIS Version Information QGIS版本資訊 QGIS - Changes in SVN Since Last Release QGIS - 自上次發佈之後在SVN中又有更新 Unable to get current version information from server 無法從伺服器得到目前版本的資訊 Connection refused - server may be down 連接被拒絕 - 伺服器可能出現故障 QGIS server was not found 未找到QGIS伺服器 QGIS Browser Selection 選擇QGIS的瀏覽器 Enter the name of a web browser to use (eg. konqueror). 輸入您要使用的web瀏覽器的名稱(例如:konqueror). Enter the full path if the browser is not in your PATH. 如果瀏覽器不在您的PATH環境變數下,請輸入完整路徑. Layer is not valid 圖層無效 The layer is not a valid layer and can not be added to the map 該圖層不是一個有效的圖層,無法新增到地圖中 Save? 儲存? Do you want to save the current project? 您是否要儲存目前的專案? Extents: 範圍: Clipboard contents set to: 剪貼簿的內容設定為: Open a GDAL Supported Raster Data Source 開啟GDAL支持的影像資料來源 is not a valid or recognized raster data source 無效或不可識別的影像資料來源 is not a supported raster data source 不支持的影像資料來源 Unsupported Data Source 不支持的資料來源 New Bookmark 新的書籤 Enter a name for the new bookmark: 新書籤的名稱: Error 錯誤 Unable to create the bookmark. Your user database may be missing or corrupted 無法建立書籤。您的使用者資料庫丟失或損壞 BeataDialog Advanced search Copy selected rows Zoom to selected Move selected to top 將選中的記錄移動到頂端 Clear selection Invert selection 反向選擇 Toggle editing 切換編輯狀態 Search string parsing error 尋找字串解析錯誤 Search results 尋找結果 You've supplied an empty search string. 您輸入空的尋找字串。 Error during search 尋找時發生錯誤 Found %d matching features. No matching features found. 未找到符合的圖徵。 BeataDialogGui BEtter Attribute TAble Search 尋找 for in 在欄位 Actions... CoordinateCapture Coordinate Capture 擷取座標 Click on the map to view coordinates and capture to clipboard. 按一下地圖來檢視座標與複製至剪貼簿 &Coordinate Capture 擷取座標(&C) Click to select the CRS to use for coordinate display Coordinate in your selected CRS Coordinate in map canvas coordinate reference system Copy to clipboard 複製至剪貼簿中 Click to enable mouse tracking. Click the canvas to stop CoordinateCaptureGui Coordinate Capture Plugin CoordinateCaptureGuiBase QGIS Plugin Template QGIS附加元件範本 Plugin Template 附加元件範本 Dialog Done 完成 Name 名稱 Version 版本 Description 描述 Add 新增 Edit 編輯 Delete 刪除 Size 大小 ... ... Connect 連接 Browse 瀏覽 OGR Converter OGR轉換 Could not establish connection to: ' 無法建立連線至:' Open OGR file 開啟OGR檔案 OGR File Data Source (*.*) OGR檔案資料來源(*.*) Open Directory Input OGR dataset is missing! Input OGR layer name is missing! Target OGR format not selected! Output OGR dataset is missing! Output OGR layer name is missing! Choose a file name to save to 選擇檔案名儲存至 Could not establish connection to: '%1' Successfully translated layer '%1' Failed to translate layer '%1' Successfully connected to: '%1' fTools About fTools Version x.x-xxxxxx <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css"> p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } </style></head><body style=" font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:9pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;"> <p style="-qt-paragraph-type:empty; margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"></p></body></html> Help 說明 Web Close 關閉 Extract Nodes Input line or polygon vector layer Tolerance 容許範圍 Unique ID field Output point shapefile Geoprocessing Input vector layer 輸入向量圖層 Intersect layer Buffer distance Buffer distance field Dissolve field Dissolve buffer results Output shapefile Locate Line Intersections Input line layer Input unique ID field Intersect line layer Intersect unique ID field Output Shapefile Join Attributes Target vector layer Target join field Join data Join vector layer Join dbf table Join field Output table Only keep matching records Keep all records (includeing non-matching target records) Generate Centroids Weight field Number of standard deviations Std. Dev. Create Distance Matrix Input point layer Target point layer Target unique ID field Output matrix type Linear (N*k x 3) distance matrix Standard (N x T) distance matrix Summary distance matrix (mean, std. dev., min, max) Use only the nearest (k) target points: Output distance matrix Count Points In Polygons Input polygon vector layer Input point vector layer Output count field name PNTCNT Generate Random Points Input Boundary Layer Minimum distance between points Sample Size Unstratified Sampling Design (Entire layer) Use this number of points Stratified Sampling Design (Individual polygons) Use this density of points Use value from input field Random Selection Tool Input Vector Layer Randomly Select Number of Features Percentage of Features % % Projection Management Tool Input spatial reference system Output spatial reference system Use predefined spatial reference system Choose Import spatial reference system from existing layer Import spatial reference system: Generate Regular Points Input Coordinates X Min Y Min X Max Y Max Grid Spacing Use this point spacing Apply random offset to point spacing Initial inset from corner (LH side) Spatial Join Attribute Summary Take attributes of first located feature Take summary of intersecting features Mean 均值 Min 最小值 Max 最大值 Sum Output Shapefile: Random Selection From Within Subsets Input subset field (unique ID field) Sum Line Length In Polygons Output summed length field name LENGTH Input line vector layer Grid extent Update extents from layer Update extents from canvas Parameters 參數 X Lock 1:1 ratio Y Output grid as polygons Output grid as lines Vector Split Output folder List Unique Values Target field Unique values list Unique value count GeometryDialog Merge all Please specify input vector layer Please specify output shapefile Please specify valid tolerance value Please specify valid UID field Created output shapefile Would you like to add the new layer to the TOC? Singleparts to multipart Output shapefile Multipart to singleparts Extract nodes Polygons to lines Input polygon vector layer Export/Add geometry columns Input vector layer 輸入向量圖層 Simplify geometries Polygon centroids Output point shapefile Error processing specified tolerance! Please choose larger tolerance... Function not found Error writing output shapefile Unable to delete existing layer... Geoprocessing OK 確定 Exit 退出 0.0 0.0 Buffer 緩衝區 Browse 瀏覽 GeoprocessingDialog Dissolve all Please specify an input layer Please specify a difference/intersect/union layer Please specify valid buffer value Please specify dissolve field Please specify output shapefile Unable to create geoprocessing result. Created output shapefile Would you like to add the new layer to the TOC? Buffer(s) Create single minimum convex hull Create convex hulls based on input field Convex hull(s) Dissolve Erase layer Difference Intersect layer Intersect Difference layer Symetrical difference Clip layer Clip Union layer Union Gui Welcome to your automatically generated plugin! This is just a starting point. You now need to modify the code to make it do something useful....read on for a more information to get yourself started. Documentation: You really need to read the QGIS API Documentation now at: In particular look at the following classes: QgsPlugin is an ABC that defines required behaviour your plugin must provide. See below for more details. What are all the files in my generated plugin directory for? This is the generated CMake file that builds the plugin. You should add you application specific dependencies and source files to this file. This is the class that provides the 'glue' between your custom application logic and the QGIS application. You will see that a number of methods are already implemented for you - including some examples of how to add a raster or vector layer to the main application map canvas. This class is a concrete instance of the QgisPlugin interface which defines required behaviour for a plugin. In particular, a plugin has a number of static methods and members so that the QgsPluginManager and plugin loader logic can identify each plugin, create an appropriate menu entry for it etc. Note there is nothing stopping you creating multiple toolbar icons and menu entries for a single plugin. By default though a single menu entry and toolbar button is created and its pre-configured to call the run() method in this class when selected. This default implementation provided for you by the plugin builder is well documented, so please refer to the code for further advice. This is a Qt designer 'ui' file. It defines the look of the default plugin dialog without implementing any application logic. You can modify this form to suite your needs or completely remove it if your plugin does not need to display a user form (e.g. for custom MapTools). This is the concrete class where application logic for the above mentioned dialog should go. The world is your oyster here really.... This is the Qt4 resources file for your plugin. The Makefile generated for your plugin is all set up to compile the resource file so all you need to do is add your additional icons etc using the simple xml file format. Note the namespace used for all your resources e.g. (':/Homann/'). It is important to use this prefix for all your resources. We suggest you include any other images and run time data in this resurce file too. This is the icon that will be used for your plugin menu entry and toolbar icon. Simply replace this icon with your own icon to make your plugin disctinctive from the rest. This file contains the documentation you are reading now! Getting developer help: For Questions and Comments regarding the plugin builder template and creating your features in QGIS using the plugin interface please contact us via: <li> the QGIS developers mailing list, or </li><li> IRC (#qgis on freenode.net)</li> QGIS is distributed under the Gnu Public License. If you create a useful plugin please consider contributing it back to the community. Have fun and thank you for choosing QGIS. KDChartParams Legend 圖例 MapCoordsDialogBase Enter map coordinates 輸入地圖座標 X: X: Y: Y: &OK 確定(&O) &Cancel 取消(&C) Enter X and Y coordinates which correspond with the selected point on the image. Alternatively, click the button with icon of a pencil and then click a corresponding point on map canvas of QGIS to fill in coordinates of that point. from map canvas NavigationGui ... ... Stop 停止 Status 狀態 &OK 確定(&O) Alt+O Alt+O &Cancel 取消(&C) Alt+C Alt+C NewPostgisLayer Delete 刪除 Edit 編輯 New 新增 Connect 連接 Geometry column: 幾何欄位: Help 說明 F1 F1 Ok 確定 Cancel 取消 OgrConverterGuiBase OGR Layer Converter OGR檔案轉換工具 Source 來源(目錄、檔名不能有中文) Format 格式 File 檔案 Directory 目錄 Remote source 遠端來源 Dataset Browse 瀏覽 Layer 圖層 Target 目標(目錄、檔名不能有中文) OgrPlugin Run OGR Layer Converter 執行OGR檔案轉換工具 Replace this with a short description of the what the plugin does 用簡短的描述替換這行文字,說明附加元件的功能 OG&R Converter OGR檔案轉換工具 Translates vector layers between formats supported by OGR library OGR LIB支援向量圖層的格式轉換 Plugin Bottom Right 右下 Bottom Left 左下 Top Left 左上 Top Right 右上 metres 公尺 feet 英呎 degrees Tick Down 開口向下 Tick Up 開口向上 Bar 條狀 Box 矩形框 metres/km 公尺/公里 km 公里 PluginGuiBase Copyright Label Plugin 版權標籤附加元件 <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /></head><body style="font-size:10pt;font-family:helvetica"> <p style="margin-top:18px"><span style="font-size:19pt;font-weight:600">Description</span></p> <p>Enter your copyright label below. This plugin supports basic html markup tags for formatting the label. For example:</p> <p><span style="font-family:Courier New">&lt;B&gt; </span><span style="font-family:Courier New;font-weight:600">Bold text</span><span style="font-family:Courier New"> &lt;/B&gt;<br />&lt;I&gt; </span><span style="font-family:Courier New;font-style:italic">Italics</span><span style="font-family:Courier New"> &lt;/I&gt;</span></p> </body></html> <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /></head><body style="font-size:10pt;font-family:helvetica"> <p style="margin-top:18px"><span style="font-size:19pt;font-weight:600">描述</span></p> <p>在底部顯示您的版權標籤。該附加元件支援基本的html標記來格式化標籤。例如:</p> <p><span style="font-family:Courier New">&lt;B&gt; </span><span style="font-family:Courier New;font-weight:600">粗體</span><span style="font-family:Courier New"> &lt;/B&gt;<br />&lt;I&gt; </span><span style="font-family:Courier New;font-style:italic">斜體</span><span style="font-family:Courier New"> &lt;/I&gt;</span></p> </body></html> © QGIS 2004 © QGIS 2004 Placement 位置 Bottom Left 左下 Top Left 左上 Bottom Right 右下 Top Right 右上 Orientation 方向 Horizontal 水平 Vertical 垂直 Enable Copyright Label 顯示版權標籤 &OK 確定(&O) Alt+O Alt+O &Cancel 取消(&C) Alt+C Alt+C ... ... QGIS Plugin Template QGIS附加元件範本 <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /></head><body style="font-size:11pt;font-family:Arial"> <p style="margin-top:16px"><span style="font-size:16pt;font-weight:600">Description</span></p> <p>This plugin will help you to build a graticule shapefile that you can use as an overlay within your qgis map viewer.</p> </body></html> <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /></head><body style="font-size:11pt;font-family:Arial"> <p style="margin-top:16px"><span style="font-size:16pt;font-weight:600">描述</span></p> <p>該附加元件可以幫助您構建格網標線檔。您可以將它作為疊加圖層在地圖檢視中使用。</p> </body></html> Graticule Builder 格網標線工具 Latitude Interval: 緯度間距: Longitude Interval: 經度間距: North Arrow Plugin 指北針附加元件 Properties 屬性 Angle 角度 Enable North Arrow 顯示指北針 Placement on screen 螢幕位置 Preview of north arrow 預覽指北針 Icon 圖示 New Item 新專案 Plugin Template 附加元件範本 <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /></head><body style="font-size:12pt;font-family:Arial"> <p style="margin-top:16px"><span style="font-size:17pt;font-weight:600">Description</span></p> <p>This plugin was generated using QGIS internal plugin template. Please modify it according to your needs.</p> <p>Tim Sutton</p> <p>2004</p> </body></html> <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /></head><body style="font-size:12pt;font-family:Arial"> <p style="margin-top:16px"><span style="font-size:17pt;font-weight:600">描述</span></p> <p>該附加元件使用QGIS內部的附加元件範本生成。請根據您的需要作相應的修改。</p> <p>Tim Sutton</p> <p>2004</p> </body></html> Scale Bar Plugin 比例尺附加元件 <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /></head><body style="font-size:12pt;font-family:Arial"> <p style="margin-top:16px"><span style="font-size:17pt;font-weight:600">Description</span></p> <p>This plugin draws a scale bar on the map. Please note the size option below is a 'preferred' size and may have to be altered by QGIS depending on the level of zoom. The size is measured according to the map units specified in the project properties.</p> </body></html> <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /></head><body style="font-size:12pt;font-family:Arial"> <p style="margin-top:16px"><span style="font-size:17pt;font-weight:600">描述</span></p> <p>該附加元件會在地圖上繪製比例尺。請注意下面的大小選項,它僅是“預設”的尺寸,QGIS會根據不同的縮放層次來改變它。這個值根據專案屬性中指定的地圖單位來測量。</p> </body></html> Size of bar: 比例尺的大小: Select Colour 選擇顏色 Placement: 位置: Tick Down 開口向下 Tick Up 開口向上 Box 矩形框 Bar 條狀 Select the style of the scale bar 選擇比例尺樣式 Colour of bar: 比例尺的顏色: Scale bar style: 比例尺的樣式: Enable scale bar 顯示比例尺 Origin (Lower Left) 起點(左下角點) Latitude: 緯度: Longitude: 經度: End point (Upper Right) 終點(右上角點) Output (Shape) File 輸出檔(Shape) Graticule Size (units in degrees) 網格大小(單位:度) QFileDialog open files dialog 開啟文件對話方塊 Save file dialog 儲存檔對話方塊 Open an OGR Supported Data Source 開啟OGR支持的資料來源 Choose a QGIS project file to open 選擇QGIS專案檔案並開啟 Choose a QGIS project file 選擇QGIS專案檔案 save new vector files dialog 儲存新的向量檔對話方塊 Save experiment report to portable document format (.pdf) Load layer properties from style file (.qml) Save layer properties as style file (.qml) QObject QGis files (*.qgs) QGis文件(*.qgs) Choose a QGIS project file to open 選擇要開啟的QGIS專案檔案 No Data Provider Plugins No QGIS data provider plugins found in: 沒有資料來源附加元件 No vector layers can be loaded. Check your QGIS installation 沒有向量圖層能夠載入。請檢查您的QGIS安裝 No Data Providers 沒有資料來源 No data provider plugins are available. No vector layers can be loaded 沒有有效的資料來源附加元件。不能載入向量圖層 Choose a QGIS project file 選擇QGIS專案檔案 Open an OGR Supported Layer 開啟OGR支持的圖層 Project file read error 專案檔案讀取錯誤 at line column for file 文件 No proj4 projection string. Unable to set map units. 沒有proj4的投影定義字串。不能設定地圖單位. Unsupported map units of 不支援的地圖單位 No oid column in table 表中沒有OID欄位 The table has no primary key nor oid column. Qgis requires that the table either has a primary key or has a column containing the PostgreSQL oid. For better performance the column should be indexed 這個表既沒有主鍵也沒有OID欄位。Qgis要求表格需有一個主鍵 或是有一個欄位包含了PostgreSQL的OID。為了有更好的 執行效率,這個欄位應該建立索引 No suitable key column in view 檢視中沒有合適的關鍵字段 The view has no column suitable for use as a unique key. Qgis requires that the view has a column that can be used as a unique key. It should be derived from a column of type int4 and be either a primary key or have a unique constraint on it (an indexed column will give better performance). 目前檢視沒有一個欄位適合作為唯一關鍵值(key)。 Qgis要求檢視有一個欄位能用作唯一關鍵字段。它的類型必須是int4, 並且要是主鍵或者包含了唯一值(建過索引的欄位會有更好的執行效率). No primary key column in table 表中沒有主鍵欄位 The table has a primary key that is composed of more than one column. Qgis does not currently support this. Qgis不支持一個表格的主鍵由多個欄位構成。 Unable to save to file 無法儲存檔 Regular expressions on numeric values don't make sense. Use comparison insted. 在數值上使用規則運算式沒有意義。請使用比較運算。 Referenced column wasn't found: 引用的欄位未找到: Division by zero. 被0除。 No active layer 沒有啟動的圖層 To identify features, you must choose an layer active by clicking on its name in the legend 要識別圖徵,您必須在圖例上按一下一個圖層的名稱,啟動該圖層 Band 波段 action 動作 features found 圖徵被找到 1 feature found 1個圖徵被找到 No features found 未找到圖徵 No features were found in the active layer at the point you clicked 在目前啟動圖層的滑鼠點擊位置上未發現圖徵 Could not identify objects on 無法識別圖徵在 because 因為 To select features, you must choose an layer active by clicking on its name in the legend 要選取圖徵,您必須在圖例上按一下一個圖層的名稱,啟動該圖層 New centroid 新的質心 New point 新的點 New vertex 新轉折點 Undo last point 復原最後的點 Close line 閉合線 Select vertex 選擇轉折點 Select new position 選擇新的位置 Select line segment 選擇線段 New vertex position 新的轉折點位置 Release 取消 Delete vertex 刪除轉折點 Release vertex 取消轉折點 Select element 選擇元素 New location 新的區域 Release selected 取消選中的 Delete selected / select next 刪除選中的/選擇下一個 Select position on line 線上上選擇一個位置 Split the line 分割線 Release the line 取消線 Select point on line 線上上選擇一個點 Label 標籤 Length 長度 Area 面積 Project file read error: 專案檔案讀取錯誤: Fit to a linear transform requires at least 2 points. Fit to a Helmert transform requires at least 2 points. Fit to an affine transform requires at least 4 points. GPS eXchange format provider Caught a coordinate system exception while trying to transform a point. Unable to calculate line length. Caught a coordinate system exception while trying to transform a point. Unable to calculate polygon area. GRASS plugin QGIS couldn't find your GRASS installation. Would you like to specify path (GISBASE) to your GRASS installation? Choose GRASS installation path (GISBASE) GRASS data won't be available if GISBASE is not specified. CopyrightLabel 版權標籤 Draws copyright information 繪製版權資訊 Version 0.1 版本0.1 Version 0.2 版本0.2 Loads and displays delimited text files containing x,y coordinates 載入與顯示包含x,y座標的CSV純文字 Add Delimited Text Layer 新增CSV純文字圖層 Georeferencer 幾何校正(Georeferencer) Adding projection info to rasters 新增影像投影資訊 GPS Tools GPS工具 Tools for loading and importing GPS data 載入與匯入GPS資料工具 GRASS GRASS GRASS layer GRASS圖層 Graticule Creator 格網標線產生工具 Builds a graticule 建立格網標線 NorthArrow 指北針 Displays a north arrow overlayed onto the map 在地圖上顯示指北針 [menuitemname] [plugindescription] ScaleBar 比例尺 Draws a scale bar 繪製比例尺 SPIT PostGIS匯入工具 Shapefile to PostgreSQL/PostGIS Import Tool Shapefile匯出至PostGIS WFS plugin WFS附加元件 Adds WFS layers to the QGIS canvas 新增WFS至QGIS canvas Not a vector layer 不是向量圖層 The current layer is not a vector layer 目前的圖層是不向量圖層 Layer cannot be added to 不能新增圖層 The data provider for this layer does not support the addition of features. 該圖層的資料來源不支持圖徵的新增。 Layer not editable 圖層不可編輯 Cannot edit the vector layer. To make it editable, go to the file item of the layer, right click and check 'Allow Editing'. 無法編輯向量圖層。請確定它是可以編輯。在圖層的檔案項中,選取為'允許編輯'。 To select features, you must choose a vector layer by clicking on its name in the legend 要選取圖徵,您必須在圖例上按一下一個圖層的名稱,啟動該圖層 Python error Python錯誤 Couldn't load plugin 無法載入附加元件 due an error when calling its classFactory() method 當呼叫classFactory()方法發生錯誤 due an error when calling its initGui() method 當呼叫initGui()方法發生錯誤 Error while unloading plugin 卸除附加元件時發生錯誤 2.5D shape type not supported 不支援2.5D的Shape型態 Adding features to 2.5D shapetypes is not supported yet 增加圖徵至2.5DShape type尚未支援 Wrong editing tool 錯誤的編輯工具 Coordinate transform error 座標轉換錯誤 Cannot transform the point to the layers coordinate system 無法轉換點至圖層的座標系統 Error 錯誤 Cannot add feature. Unknown WKB type 無法新增圖徵,未知的WKB形態 Error, could not add island 錯誤,無法增加島形(island) An unknown error occured 發生未知的錯誤 Error, could not add ring 錯誤,不能新增環形(ring) km2 平方公里 ha m2 平方公尺 m 公尺 km 公里 mm 公釐 cm 公分 sq mile sq ft mile 英哩 foot 英呎 feet 英呎 sq.deg. degree degrees unknown 未知 Received %1 of %2 bytes 接收到 %1 bytes(共 %2 bytes) Received %1 bytes (total unknown) 接收到 %1 bytes(大小未知) Not connected 無連線 Looking up '%1' 尋找 '%1' Connecting to '%1' 連線至 '%1' Sending request '%1' 傳送請求指命 '%1' Receiving reply 接收回應資料 Response is complete 回應資料傳完 Closing down connection 關閉連線 Unable to open 無法開啟 Regular expressions on numeric values don't make sense. Use comparison instead. Geoprocessing functions for working with PostgreSQL/PostGIS layers Location: Metadata in GRASS Browser 位置: Location: 位置: <b>Raster</b> <b>影像</b> Cannot open raster header 無法開啟影像的檔頭 Rows Columns N-S resolution 南北向解析度 E-W resolution 東西向解析度 North South East West Format 格式 Minimum value 最小值 Maximum value 最大值 Data source 資料來源 Data description 資料描述 Comments 註記 Categories 類別 <b>Vector</b> <b>向量</b> Points Lines Boundaries 邊界 Centroids 質心 Faces Kernels Areas 面積 Islands Top Bottom yes no History<br> 歷史<br> <b>Layer</b> <b>圖層</b> Features 圖徵 Driver Database 資料庫 Table 表格 Key column GISBASE is not set. Cannot start 無法啟動 Mapset is already in use. Temporary directory 暫存目錄 exist but is not writable 存在但無法寫入 Cannot create temporary directory 無法建立暫存目錄 Cannot create 無法建立 Warning 警告 Cannot read raster map region Cannot read vector map region 無法讀取向量地圖區域 Cannot read region 無法讀取區域 original location: 原始位置: PostgreSQL Geoprocessing Quick Print PDF列印 Quick Print is a plugin to quickly print a map with minimal effort. Could not remove polygon intersection 無法移除多邊形的交叉 Created default style file as 建立預設樣式檔案為 Abort 放棄 is not writeable. 不是可寫入的。 Uncatched fatal GRASS error Couldn't load SIP module. Python support will be disabled. Couldn't load PyQt4. Couldn't load PyQGIS. An error has occured while executing Python code: Python version: Python path: An error occured during execution of following code: 當執行以下程式碼發生錯誤: Legend 圖例 Coordinate Capture 擷取座標 Capture mouse coordinates in different CRS Dxf2Shp Converter Dxf2Shp工具 Converts from dxf to shp file format 把dxf轉成shapfile格式 Interpolating... 內插... Interpolation plugin 內插工具 A plugin for interpolation based on vertices of a vector layer Version 0.001 版本 0.001 OGR Layer Converter OGR檔案轉換工具 Translates vector layers between formats supported by OGR library 使用OGR library轉換各種向量圖層 CRS Exception CRS意外 Loading style file 載入樣式檔 Could not save symbology because: 無法儲存符號設計結果,因為: Error Loading Plugin 載入附加元件出錯 There was an error loading a plugin.The following diagnostic information may help the QGIS developers resolve the issue: %1. Error when reading metadata of plugin 讀取附加元件的詮釋資料發生錯誤 Where is '%1' (original location: %2)? Error when reading metadata of plugin %1 No QGIS data provider plugins found in: %1 Referenced column wasn't found: %1 Location: %1 Location: %1<br>Mapset: %2 Couldn't open the data source: %1 Parse error at line %1 : %2 %1 is not a GRASS mapset. Cannot start %1/etc/lock Temporary directory %1 exists but is not writable Cannot create temporary directory %1 Cannot create %1 Cannot remove mapset lock: %1 Couldn't load plugin %1 %1 due an error when calling its classFactory() method %1 due an error when calling its initGui() method Error while unloading plugin %1 Georeferencer GDAL Adding projection info to rasters using GDAL QgisApp Loading QGIS... 啟動QGIS... Setting up QGIS gui... 設定QGIS的介面... Layers 圖層 Quantum GIS - Quantum GIS Loading plugins... 載入附加元件... Version 版本 with PostgreSQL support 支持PostgreSQL (no PostgreSQL support) (不支持PostgreSQL) Version 版本 Available Data Provider Plugins 有效的資料來源附加元件 No OGR Provider 沒有OGR供應者 No OGR data provider was found in the QGIS lib directory 在QGIS lib目錄下未發現OGR資料供應者 is not a valid or recognized data source 不是有效或可識別的資料來源 Invalid Data Source 無效的資料來源 Invalid Layer 無效的圖層 %1 is an invalid layer and cannot be loaded. %1是一個無效的圖層,無法載入。 No PostgreSQL Provider 沒有PostgreSQL供應者 No PostgreSQL data provider was found in the QGIS lib directory 在QGIS lib目錄下未發現PostgreSQL資料供應者 Saved map to: 地圖儲存為: Choose a filename to save the map image as 選擇一個地圖影像儲存的名稱 Saved map image to 地圖影像儲存為 No Layer Selected 沒有選中圖層 To open an attribute table, you must select a layer in the legend 要開啟圖層的屬性工作表,必須在圖例中選擇一個圖層 Error Loading Plugin 載入附加元件出錯 There was an error loading %1. 載入%1時出現錯誤. No MapLayer Plugins 沒有MapLayer附加元件 No MapLayer plugins in ../plugins/maplayer 在../plugins/maplayer下沒有MapLayer附加元件 No Plugins 沒有附加元件 No plugins found in ../plugins. To test plugins, start qgis from the src directory 在../plugins中未發現任何附加元件。要測試附加元件,請從src目錄啟動qgis Name 名稱 Plugin %1 is named %2 附加元件%1命名為%2 Plugin Information 附加元件信息 QGis loaded the following plugin: QGis載入了以下的附加元件: Name: %1 名稱:%1 Version: %1 版本:%1 Description: %1 描述:%1 Unable to Load Plugin 無法載入附加元件 QGIS was unable to load the plugin from: %1 QGIS無法從%1載入附加元件 There is a new version of QGIS available QGIS有新版本 You are running a development version of QGIS 您正在使用QGIS的開發版本 You are running the current version of QGIS 您正在使用QGIS的目前版本 Would you like more information? 您想瞭解更多的資訊嗎? QGIS Version Information QGIS版本資訊 Yes No QGIS - Changes in CVS Since Last Release QGIS - 在CVS中有新的變化 Unable to get current version information from server 無法從伺服器得到目前版本的資訊 Connection refused - server may be down 連接被拒絕 - 伺服器可能出現故障 QGIS server was not found 未找到QGIS伺服器 Error reading from server 讀取伺服器錯誤 Unable to connect to the QGIS Version server 無法連接到QGIS的版本伺服器 Extents: 範圍: Problem deleting features 刪除圖徵出錯 A problem occured during deletion of features 刪除圖徵時發生錯誤 No Vector Layer Selected 未選中向量圖層 Deleting features only works on vector layers 刪除圖徵只對向量圖層有效 To delete features, you must select a vector layer in the legend 要刪除圖徵,必須在圖例中選擇向量圖層 Quantum GIS is licensed under the GNU General Public License Quantum GIS is licensed under the GNU General Public License http://www.gnu.org/licenses http://www.gnu.org/licenses Map legend that displays all the layers currently on the map canvas. Click on the check box to turn a layer on or off. Double click on a layer in the legend to customize its appearance and set other properties. 目前地圖上顯示的所有圖層的圖例。按一下核取方塊顯示或隱藏圖層。在圖例上按兩下圖層來定制它的顯示並設定其它的屬性. Map overview canvas. This canvas can be used to display a locator map that shows the current extent of the map canvas. The current extent is shown as a red rectangle. Any layer on the map can be added to the overview canvas. 地圖全覽圖。這個區域用來顯示一個定點陣圖,它顯示了地圖檢視的目前範圍。目前範圍以紅色矩形框顯示。地圖上的任何一個圖層都能夠新增到全覽圖中. Map canvas. This is where raster and vector layers are displayed when added to the map 地圖顯示區。這是影像和向量圖層顯示的地方 &Plugins 附加元件(&P) Progress bar that displays the status of rendering layers and other time-intensive operations 進度條用來顯示繪製圖層的進度,以及其它一些耗時的操作的進度 Displays the current map scale 顯示目前的地圖比例 Shows the map coordinates at the current cursor postion. The display is continuously updated as the mouse is moved. 顯示目前滑鼠位置的地圖座標。這一顯示隨著滑鼠的移動連續更新. Render 繪圖 When checked, the map layers are rendered in response to map navigation commands and other events. When not checked, no rendering is done. This allows you to add a large number of layers and symbolize them before rendering. 當選中這一選項時,地圖圖層會在地圖移動或其它一些事件中被繪圖。不選中它,則不會進行繪圖。這可以讓您在繪圖以前新增大量的圖層並對它們進行符號化. Setting theme... 設定主題... QGIS Ready QGIS就緒 PostGIS editing support in provider 供應者支持PostGIS編輯 Create new vector layer (shapefile) for editing 新增向量圖層(shapefile)且編輯 Windows installer Windows安裝程式 Mac OSX binary Mac OSX 二進位程式 New options in the graticule builder plugin 格網標線工具的新選項 Enhancements to the GPS plugin GPS附加元件的改進 Man page Man page Save delimited text as shapefile 將分隔文本儲存為shapefile PostgreSQL query builder PostgreSQL查詢構造器 QGis files (*.qgs) QGis文件(*.qgs) Choose a QGIS project file 選擇QGIS專案檔案 Unable to save project 無法儲存專案 Unable to save project to 無法將專案儲存為 Toggle map rendering 切換地圖繪圖 This icon shows whether on the fly projection is enabled or not. Click the icon to bring up the project properties dialog to alter this behaviour. 這個圖示顯示了是否啟用動態投影。點擊這個圖示,開啟專案屬性對話方塊來改變它的設定. Projection status - Click to open projection dialog 專案狀態 - 點擊開啟專案對話方塊 On the fly projection support to automatically project layers from different coordinate systems 動態投影能夠將不同座標系下的圖層自動投影到目前座標系下 Map Composer for creating map layouts 地圖設計器用來建立地圖佈局 Toolbox for running GRASS tools from QGIS. The toolbox can be easily customized to add additional tools 在QGIS裡運行GRASS工具的工具箱。這個工具箱易於定制,來新增其它的工具 Handling of spatially enabled tables and views in PostgreSQL has been greatly improved. QGIS can now load any table in the database that contains a geometry column 處理PostgreSQL空間表和檢視的能力大大改善。QGIS現在能夠載入資料庫中任何包含幾何欄位的表格 PostgreSQL views containing a geometry column can be viewed in QGIS 包含幾何欄位的PostgreSQL檢視能夠在QGIS中瀏覽 Raster graphing tool to produce a histogram for a raster layer 影像圖表工具用來生成影像圖層的分佈圖 Raster query using the identify tool allows you to get the pixel values from a raster by making it the active layer and clicking on the point of interest 使用識別工具進行影像查詢,您可以在啟動的圖層上點擊感興趣的點,來獲得像元值 User preferences provides customizable settings for the digitizing line width, color, and selection color 用戶偏好設定提供了可定制的設定,包括數化的線寬、顏色和選中的顏色等 New symbols for use with point layers are available from the layer properties dialog 新的用於點圖層的符號可以在圖層屬性對話方塊中找到 Spatial bookmarks allow you to create and manage bookmarks for an area on the map. Bookmarks are persistent and global; meaning they are available for all projects 書籤功能允許您對地圖上的某一區域建立書籤並管理它們。書籤能夠被儲存並且是全域的;這意味著它們對整個專案都是有效的 Measure tool allows you to measure distances on the map with both segment length and total length displayed as you click 測量工具可以讓您在地圖上測量距離,您既可以得到線段的長度,也可以得到總長度 GPX loading times and memory consumption for large GPX (GPS) files has been drastically reduced 大的GPX (GPS)檔的載入時間和記憶體消耗大大減少 Many enhancements to the digitizing tools have been made, including the ability to capture data straight into PostgreSQL/PostGIS, and improvements to the definition of attribute tables for newly created layers 數化工具有了許多增強,包括新資料直接存入PostgreSQL/PostGIS的能力,以及為新建立的圖層定義屬性工作表的改進 The Raster Georeferencer plugin can be used to generate a world file for a raster. The plugin allows you to define known control points in the raster coordinate system. Once enough control points are defined, the world file can be generated and the raster properly displayed in QGIS or other GIS applications 影像幾合校正附加元件可以讓您為影像生成world檔。該附加元件能讓您在影像座標系下定義已知的控制點。一旦定義了足夠的控制點,就能夠產生world檔,並且這個影像圖層就能夠在QGIS或是其它的GIS應用程式中正確顯示 Improvements to the Mapserver export tool Mapserver匯出工具的改進 Open an OGR Supported Vector Layer 開啟OGR支持的向量圖層 QGIS Project Read Error QGIS專案讀取錯誤 Try to find missing layers? 試著尋找丟失的圖層? Open a GDAL Supported Raster Data Source 開啟GDAL支持的影像資料來源 Save As 另存為 Choose a QGIS project file to open 選擇QGIS專案檔案並開啟 Project file exists. 專案檔案已存在. The given project file exists. Do you wish to over-write it with a new one? 專案檔案已存在。您是否要取代它? Saved project to: 專案另存為: QGIS Browser Selection 選擇QGIS的瀏覽器 Enter the name of a web browser to use (eg. konqueror). 輸入您要使用的web瀏覽器的名稱(例如:konqueror). Enter the full path if the browser is not in your PATH. 如果瀏覽器不在您的PATH環境變數下,請輸入完整路徑. You can change this option later by selecting Preferences from the Settings menu. 您可以在以後從設定功能表中選擇選項來設定這個選項. Reading settings 讀取設定 Setting up the GUI 設定GUI Checking database 檢查資料庫 Restoring loaded plugins 恢復載入的附加元件 Initializing file filters 初始設定檔案篩檢程式 Restoring window state 恢復視窗狀態 QGIS Ready! QGIS就緒! &New Project 新增專案(&N) Ctrl+N Ctrl+N New Project 新增專案 &Open Project... 開啟專案(&O)... Ctrl+O Ctrl+O Open a Project 開啟專案 &Save Project 儲存專案(&S) Save Project &As... 專案另存為(&A)... Ctrl+A Ctrl+A Save Project under a new name 以新名稱儲存專案 &Print... 列印(&P)... Ctrl+P Ctrl+P Print 列印 Save as Image... 另存為影像... I I Save map as image 將地圖另存為影像 Export to MapServer Map... 輸出為MapServer地圖... M M Export as MapServer .map file 輸出為MapServer .map文件 Exit 退出 Ctrl+Q Ctrl+Q Exit QGIS 退出QGIS Add a Vector Layer... 加入向量圖層... V V Add a Vector Layer 加入向量圖層 Add a Raster Layer... 加入影像圖層... R R Add a Raster Layer 新增影像圖層 Add a PostGIS Layer... 加入PostGIS圖層... D D Add a PostGIS Layer 新增PostGIS圖層 New Vector Layer... 新增向量圖層... N N Create a New Vector Layer 建立新的向量圖層 Remove Layer 移除圖層 Ctrl+D Ctrl+D Remove a Layer 移除圖層 Add All To Overview 全部圖層加入全覽圖 + + Show all layers in the overview map 在全覽圖中顯示所有圖層 Remove All From Overview 移除全覽圖內所有的圖層 - - Remove all layers from overview map 移除全覽圖內所有的圖層 Show All Layers 顯示所有圖層 S S Show all layers 顯示所有圖層 Hide All Layers 隱藏所有圖層 H H Hide all layers 隱藏所有圖層 Project Properties... 專案屬性... Alt+P Alt+P Set project properties 設定專案屬性 Options... 選項... Alt+O Alt+O Change various QGIS options 改變QGIS選項 Custom Projection... 自訂投影... Alt+I Alt+I Manage custom projections 管理自訂投影 Help Contents 內容 F1 F1 Help Documentation 說明文檔 Qgis Home Page QGIS首頁 Ctrl+H Ctrl+H QGIS Home Page QGIS首頁 Qgis Sourceforge Qgis Sourceforge Alt+H Alt+H Visit QGIS SourceForge page Visit QGIS SourceForge page About 關於 About QGIS 關於QGIS Check Qgis Version 檢查QGIS版本 Check if your QGIS version is up to date (requires internet access) 檢查是否有新版本的QGIS (需要互聯網接入) Refresh 重新整理 Ctrl+R Ctrl+R Refresh Map 重新整理地圖 Zoom In 放大 z z Zoom Out 縮小 Z Z Zoom Full 全圖顯示 f f Zoom to Full Extents 全圖顯示 Zoom To Selection 縮放到選中的記錄 F F Zoom to selection 縮放到選中的記錄 Pan Map 平移地圖 Pan the map 地圖漫遊 Zoom Last 回到上一檢視 Zoom to Last Extent 回到上一檢視 Zoom To Layer 縮放到圖層範圍 Zoom to Layer 縮放到圖層範圍 Identify Features 識別圖徵 Click on features to identify them 點擊圖徵進行識別 Select Features 選取圖徵 Open Table 開啟表格 Measure Line 測量長度 Ctrl+M Ctrl+M Measure a Line 測量線的距離 Measure Area 測量面積 Alt+M Alt+M Measure an Area 測量面積 Show Bookmarks 顯示書籤 Ctrl+B Ctrl+B New Bookmark... 新的書籤... Alt+B Alt+B New Bookmark 新的書籤 Add WMS Layer... 加入WMS圖層... Add Web Mapping Server Layer 新增Web Mapping Server圖層 In Overview 在全覽圖中 Add current layer to overview map 將目前圖層新增到全覽圖中 Plugin Manager... 附加元件管理器... Open the plugin manager 開啟附加元件管理器 Capture Point 新增點 . . Capture Points 新增點 Capture Line 新增線 / / Capture Lines 新增線 Capture Polygon 新增多邊形 Ctrl+/ Ctrl+/ Capture Polygons 新增多邊形 Delete Seleced 刪除選中的記錄 Delete Selected 刪除選中的記錄 Add Vertex 新增轉折點 Delete Vertex 刪除轉折點 Move Vertex 移動轉折點 &File 檔案(&F) &Open Recent Projects 開啟最近的專案(&O) &View 檢視(&V) &Layer 圖層(&L) &Settings 設定(&S) &Help 說明(&H) File 檔案 Manage Layers 管理圖層 Help 說明 Digitizing 數化 Map Navigation 地圖瀏覽 Attributes 屬性 Plugins 附加元件 Ready 就緒 New features 新功能 Unable to open project 無法開啟專案 Unable to save project 無法儲存專案 Choose a filename to save the QGIS project file as 選擇檔案名來儲存QGIS專案檔案 QGIS: Unable to load project QGIS: 無法載入專案 Unable to load project 無法載入專案 No Map Layers 沒有地圖圖層 No layers to export. You must add at least one layer to the map in order to export the view. 沒有任何輸出。為了輸出檢視,您必須在地圖上至少新增一個圖層。 QGIS - Changes in SVN Since Last Release QGIS - 自上次發佈之後在SVN中又有更新 Layer is not valid 圖層無效 The layer is not a valid layer and can not be added to the map 該圖層不是一個有效的圖層,無法新增到地圖中 Save? 是否儲存? Do you want to save the current project? 您是否要儲存目前的專案? Clipboard contents set to: 剪貼簿的內容設定為: is not a valid or recognized raster data source 無效或不可識別的影像資料來源 is not a supported raster data source 不支持的影像資料來源 Unsupported Data Source 不支持的資料來源 Enter a name for the new bookmark: 新書籤的名稱: Error 錯誤 Unable to create the bookmark. Your user database may be missing or corrupted 無法建立書籤。您的使用者資料庫丟失或損壞 Ctrl+N New Project Ctrl+N Ctrl+O Open a Project Ctrl+O Ctrl+S Save Project Ctrl+S Save Project 儲存專案 Ctrl+A Save Project under a new name Ctrl+A Ctrl+P Print Ctrl+P M Export as MapServer .map file M Ctrl+Q Exit QGIS Ctrl+Q V Add a Vector Layer V R Add a Raster Layer R D Add a PostGIS Layer D N Create a New Vector Layer Ctrl+D Remove a Layer Ctrl+D + Show all layers in the overview map + - Remove all layers from overview map - S Show all layers H Hide all layers H P Set project properties F1 Help Documentation F1 Ctrl+H QGIS Home Page Ctrl+H Ctrl+R Refresh Map Ctrl+R Ctrl++ Zoom In Ctrl+- Zoom Out F Zoom to Full Extents F I Click on features to identify them I Ctrl+M Measure a Line Ctrl+M B Show Bookmarks Ctrl+B New Bookmark Ctrl+B W Add Web Mapping Server Layer W O Add current layer to overview map . Capture Points . / Capture Lines / Ctrl+/ Capture Polygons Ctrl+/ Ctrl+? Help Documentation (Mac) H Hide most toolbars H Cut Features 剪下圖徵 Cut selected features 剪下選取圖徵 Copy Features 複製圖徵 Copy selected features 複製選取圖徵 Paste Features 貼上圖徵 Paste selected features 貼上取選圖徵 Ctrl+T Hide most toolbars Ctrl+T Checking provider plugins 檢查提供的附加元件 Starting Python 啟動Python中 Python error Python錯誤 Error when reading metadata of plugin 讀取附加元件的詮釋資料發生錯誤 Provider does not support deletion 供應者不支持刪除 Data provider does not support deleting features 資料供應者不支援刪除圖徵 Layer not editable 圖層不可編輯 Toggle editing 切換編輯狀態 Toggles the editing state of the current layer 切換目前圖層的編輯狀態 Add Ring 新增環形(Ring) Add Island 新增島形(Island) Add Island to multipolygon 新增島形至多邊形中 Scale 比例 Current map scale (formatted as x:y) 目前的地圖比例(使用x:y表示) Map coordinates at mouse cursor position 在滑鼠的位置顯示地圖座標 Shows the map coordinates at the current cursor position. The display is continuously updated as the mouse is moved. 在目前的滑鼠位置顯示地圖座標,而且會隨著滑鼠移動持續更新。 The current layer is not editable. Choose 'Start editing' in the digitizing toolbar. 目前的圖層是無法編輯的,請在[數化工具列]中 選擇'開始編輯'。 Invalid scale 無效的比例 Network error while communicating with server 當與伺服器溝通時發生錯誤 Unknown network socket error 未知的網路封包錯誤 Unable to communicate with QGIS Version server 無法與QGIS版本伺服器連線溝通 Move Feature 移動圖徵 Split Features 分割圖徵 Map Tips 地圖提示工具 Show information about a feature when the mouse is hovered over it 當滑鼠移動至圖徵上時顯示其資訊 Current map scale 目前地圖比例 Project file is older 專案檔是舊版 <tt>Settings:Options:General</tt> Menu path to setting options Warn me when opening a project file saved with an older version of QGIS Ctrl-F Toggle fullscreen mode 切換至全螢幕 Toggle fullscreen mode Resource Location Error 資源位置發生錯誤 Error reading icon resources from: %1 Quitting... Overview 全覽圖 Legend 圖例 You are using QGIS version %1 built against code revision %2. This copy of QGIS has been built with PostgreSQL support. This copy of QGIS has been built without PostgreSQL support. This binary was compiled against Qt %1,and is currently running against Qt %2 Stop map rendering 停止地圖繪圖 Multiple Instances of QgisApp Multiple instances of Quantum GIS application object detected. Please contact the developers. Shift+Ctrl+S Save Project under a new name &Print Composer 列印管理(&P) Ctrl+P Print Composer Ctrl+P Print Composer 列印管理 &Undo 復原(&U) Ctrl+Z Undo the last operation 恢復至最後的一次操作 Cu&t 剪下(u&) Ctrl+X Ctrl+X Cut the current selection's contents to the clipboard 剪下目前選擇的內容至剪貼簿 &Copy 複製(&C) Ctrl+C Ctrl+C Copy the current selection's contents to the clipboard 複製目前選擇的內容至剪貼簿 &Paste 貼上(&P) Ctrl+V Paste the clipboard's contents into the current selection 貼上目前選擇的內容至剪貼簿 M Measure a Line M J Measure an Area Zoom to Selection 縮放至選取的大小 Ctrl+J Zoom to Selection Zoom Actual Size 縮放到實際大小 Zoom to Actual Size 縮放到實際大小 Add Vector Layer... 加入向量圖層... Add Raster Layer... 加入影像圖層... Add PostGIS Layer... 加入PostGIS圖層... W Add a Web Mapping Server Layer W Add a Web Mapping Server Layer 新增Web Mapping Server圖層 Open Attribute Table 開啟屬性工作表(&O) Save as Shapefile... 儲存為shapefile... Save the current layer as a shapefile 儲存目前的圖層為Shapefile Save Selection as Shapefile... 儲存選取部分為Shapefile... Save the selection as a shapefile 儲存選取部分為Shapefile Properties... 屬性 Set properties of the current layer 設定目前圖層的屬性 Add to Overview 新增到全覽圖 Add All to Overview 全部圖層加入全覽圖 Manage Plugins... 附加元件管理… Toggle Full Screen Mode 切換至全螢幕模式 Custom CRS... 自訂 座標參考系統(CRS)... Manage custom coordinate reference systems 管理自訂的座標參考系統(CRS) Minimize 最小化 Ctrl+M Minimize Window Ctrl+M Minimizes the active window to the dock 將目前的視窗縮小化至停駐位置 Zoom 縮放 Toggles between a predefined size and the window size set by the user Bring All to Front Bring forward all open windows &Edit 編輯(&E) Panels Toolbars 工具列 &Window 視窗(&W) Toggle extents and mouse position display This icon shows whether on the fly coordinate reference system transformation is enabled or not. Click the icon to bring up the project properties dialog to alter this behaviour. CRS status - Click to open coordinate reference system dialog Choose a file name to save the QGIS project file as Choose a file name to save the map image as 請選擇地圖影像的檔名為 Start editing failed 開始編輯失敗 Provider cannot be opened for editing 資料來源不能以可寫方式開啟 Stop editing 結束編輯 Do you want to save the changes to layer %1? 您想將改變的內容儲存至圖層 %1? Problems during roll back 資料復原時發生問題 Python Console Python主控台 Map coordinates for the current view extents Maptips require an active layer This release candidate includes over 265 bug fixes and enchancements over the QGIS 0.11.0 release. In addition we have added the following new features: HIG Compliance improvements for Windows / Mac OS X / KDE / Gnome Saving a vector layer or subset of that layer to disk with a different Coordinate Reference System to the original. Advanced topological editing of vector data. Single click selection of vector features. Many improvements to raster rendering and support for building pyramids external to the raster file. Overhaul of the map composer for much improved printing support. A new 'coordinate capture' plugin was added that lets you click on the map and then cut & paste the coordinates to and from the clipboard. A new plugin for converting between OGR supported formats was added. A new plugin for converting from DXF files to shapefiles was added. A new plugin was added for interpolating point features into ASCII grid layers. Plugin toolbar positions are now correctly saved when the application is closed. In the WMS client, WMS standards support has been improved. Complete API revision - we now have a stable API following well defined naming conventions. Ported all GDAL/OGR and GEOS usage to use C APIs only. The python plugin installer was completely overhauled, the new version having many improvements, including checking that the version of QGIS running will support a plugin that is being installed. Vector editing overhaul - handling of geometry and attribute edit transactions is now handled transparently in one place. Quantum GIS - %1 Quantum GIS - %1 ('%2') %1 is not a valid or recognized data source %1 Try to find missing layers? Saved project to: %1 Unable to save project to %1 Unable to save project %1 Unable to load project %1 Saved map image to %1 Could not commit changes to layer %1 Errors: %2 QGIS - Changes in SVN since last release Unable to communicate with QGIS Version server %1 Extents: %1 %1 is not a valid or recognized raster data source %1 is not a supported raster data source <p>This project file was saved by an older version of QGIS. When saving this project file, QGIS will update it to the latest version, possibly rendering it useless for older versions of QGIS.<p>Even though QGIS developers try to maintain backwards compatibility, some of the information from the old project file might be lost. To improve the quality of QGIS, we appreciate if you file a bug report at %3. Be sure to include the old project file, and state the version of QGIS you used to discover the error.<p>To remove this warning when opening an older project file, uncheck the box '%5' in the %4 menu.<p>Version of the project file: %1<br>Current version of QGIS: %2 Delete features Delete %n feature(s)? number of features to delete QgisAppBase Quantum GIS Quantum GIS &File 文件(&F) &Layer 圖層(&L) &View 檢視(&V) &Tools 工具(&T) &Help 說明(&H) File Management Toolbar 文件管理工具列 Data Toolbar 數據工具列 Map Navigation Toolbar 地圖漫遊工具列 Attribute Data Toolbar 屬性資料工具列 Help Toolbar 說明工具列 Open Project 開啟專案 &Open Project 開啟專案(&O) Open a previously saved QGIS project file. The layers (raster and vector) stored in the project file will be loaded and displayed on the map canvas 開啟先前儲存的QGIS專案檔案。專案檔案中儲存的圖層(影像和向量)會被載入並顯示在地圖上 Ctrl+O Ctrl+O Exit 退出 E&xit 退出(&x) Close all layers and exit QGIS 關閉所有圖層並退出QGIS Add a PostGIS Layer 新增PostGIS圖層 Add a &PostGIS Layer 新增PostGIS圖層(&P) Add a PostgreSQL layer to the map. This requires a properly configured and running PostgreSQL database and the PostGIS extensions. 新增PostgreSQL圖層至地圖上。這需要一個正確設定並運行良好的PostgreSQL資料庫,以及PostGIS地理擴充功能。 Refresh 重新整理 &Refresh 重新整理(&R) Refresh the map by clearing the map canvas and redrawing all visible layers 通過清除地圖顯示區並重繪所有可見圖層來重新整理地圖 Zoom to full extent 全幅顯示 Zoom to &full extent 全幅顯示(&f) Zoom to the full extent of all layers on the map. This brings everything on the map into full view 縮放到所有圖層的全幅範圍。這將使地圖上的所有內容都顯示在檢視範圍之內 Map Navigation Tools 地圖漫遊工具 Zoom in 放大 Zoom &In 放大(&I) Zoom in on the map. Drag the mouse (hold down the left button) to draw a rectangle around the area you want to zoom to, then release the mouse. 放大地圖。在您想要放大的區域周圍拖動滑鼠(按下左鍵)拉一個矩形框,然後釋放滑鼠。 Pan 移動 &Pan 移動(&P) Pan the map view by dragging the mouse (hold down the left button). The area displayed will change after the mouse is released. 通過拖動滑鼠(按下左鍵)來移動地圖檢視。釋放滑鼠後顯示區域會改變。 Zoom out 縮小 Zoom &Out 縮小(&O) Zoom out to view more of the map. Drag the mouse (hold down the left button) to draw a rectangle around an area. The current view will zoomed out and resized to "fit" in the rectangle. 縮小以瀏覽更多的地圖區域。在某個區域周圍拖動滑鼠(按下左鍵)拉一個矩形框。目前檢視會被縮小以"適應"這個矩形框. Zoom to selected features 放大至選中的圖徵 &Zoom to selected features 放大至選中的圖徵(&Z) Zoom to selected features in active layer 縮放到啟動圖層的選中圖徵上 Zoom to the extent of selected features on the active layer. The view will be zoomed so that all selected features are visible. If there are no selected features, the view is not changed. 在啟動圖層上,縮放到選中圖徵的範圍。檢視會被縮放,以至於所有選中的圖徵都能夠被看到。如果沒有選中的圖徵,那麼檢視不會改變. Identify 識別圖徵 I&dentify 識別圖徵(&d) Identify a feature on the active layer 在啟動圖層上識別一個圖徵 Identify a feature on the active layer (the active layer is the highlighted layer in the legend). Idenify searches for features near where the mouse is clicked and displays information about the results. The search radius can be customized on the QGIS Preferences dialog. 在啟動圖層(啟動圖層是在圖例中高亮顯示的圖層)上識別圖徵。它會在滑鼠點擊的附近位置尋找圖徵,並顯示找到的圖徵的資訊。搜尋半徑可以在QGIS選項對話方塊中設定. select features 選取圖徵 Select features on the active layer by dragging the mouse to create a box around the features of interest. When the mouse is released, the features are selected and drawn in a different color (default is yellow) 在啟動圖層上,用滑鼠在感興趣的圖徵周圍拖一個矩形框來選取圖徵。當滑鼠釋放後,這些圖徵被選中,並且以不同的顏色(預設是黃色)繪製 &About Quantum GIS 關於Quantum GIS (&A) Display the About QGIS dialog. About QGIS contains information about the current version, contributors, and available data provider plugins. 顯示QGIS的關於對話方塊。關於對話方塊包含了目前版本的資訊、貢獻者以及有效的資料供應者附加元件。 Test button 測試按鈕 Add a Vector Layer 加入向量圖層 Add a &Vector Layer 新增向量圖層(&V) Add a vector layer (e.g. Shapefile) 加入向量圖層(如:Shapefile) Add a vector layer to the map canvas. The supported formats are those provided by the OGR library. For a list of supported formats, see http://www.remotesensing.org/gdal/ogr/ogr_formats.html 在地圖中加入向量圖層。支援的格式是OGR庫提供的格式。要得到支持格式的列表,請參閱http://www.remotesensing.org/gdal/ogr/ogr_formats.html Attribute table 屬性工作表格 &Attribute table 屬性工作表(&A) Open the attribute table for the selected layer 開啟選中圖層的屬性工作表 Open the attribute table for the selected vector layer. The rows can be sorted by clicking on the column names in the header row. 開啟選中的向量圖層的屬性工作表。在首列點擊行名,會將所有的記錄進行排序. Previous 前一檢視 Zoom to &previous extent 返回前一檢視(&p) Zoom to last extent 返回前一檢視 Zoom to the last view. QGIS stores only one previous view so repeatedly clicking this button swaps the views. 返回前一檢視。QGIS只儲存一個先前檢視,所以反復點擊該按鈕會交換檢視. Test plugin functions 測試附加元件功能 Preferences 選項 &Preferences 選項(&P) QGIS User Preferences QGIS用戶的偏好設定 Open the options dialog to set QGIS preferences like web browser and identify search radius. 開啟選項對話方塊來設定QGIS的選項,如web瀏覽器和識別圖徵時尋找的半徑. Save Project 儲存專案 &Save Project 儲存專案(&S) Save the current map as a QGIS project. A QGIS project can later be opened and all layers and setting will be restored. 將目前地圖儲存為QGIS專案。QGIS專案能夠在以後被開啟,並且所有的圖層和設定會被恢復. Ctrl+S Ctrl+S Save Project As... 專案另存為... Save Project &As... 專案另存為(&A)... Save the current map as a new QGIS project. A QGIS project can later be opened and all layers and setting will be restored. 將目前地圖儲存為新的QGIS專案。QGIS專案能夠在以後被開啟,並且所有的圖層和設定會被恢復. New Project 新增專案 &New Project 新增專案(&N) Start a new QGIS project 開始新的QGIS專案 Create a new, empty QGIS project. All layers will be removed from the map canvas and a blank canvas will be created. 建立新的、空的QGIS專案。所有圖層會被移除,並且會建立一個空白的檢視區. Ctrl+N Ctrl+N Plugin Manager 附加元件管理 Plugin &Manager 附加元件管理(&M) Opens the Plugin Manager and allows you to view loaded plugins or load a new one. The Plugin Manager lists the available plugins and a description of the features each provides. 開啟附加元件管理器,您能夠查看已載入的附加元件,或是載入一個新的。附加元件管理器列出了所有可用的附加元件和它們的功能描述. Check QGIS Version 檢查QGIS版本 Check QGIS &Version 檢查QGIS版本(&V) Contacts the QGIS version server and provides information about the current version and any new features/changes available in the development version. 連接QGIS版本伺服器,獲取目前版本的資訊,以及開發版本中所有新的功能/改變. Export As Mapserver file 匯出為Mapserver格式 Export As &Mapserver file 匯出為Mapserver格式(&M) Creates a Mapserver file (.map) from the current QGIS view. The .map file can be used to create a Mapserver project. 從目前的QGIS檢視建立Mapserver檔(.map)。這個.map檔能夠用來建立Mapserver專案. Export to MapServer 匯出到MapServer Add a Raster Layer 新增影像圖層 Add a &Raster Layer 新增影像圖層(&R) Adds a raster layer to the map canvas. Supported raster formats include most of those provided by the GDAL library. See http://www.remotesensing.org/gdal/formats_list.html 向地圖中加入影像圖層。支援的影像格式包括了GDAL庫提供的大部分格式。請參閱http://www.remotesensing.org/gdal/formats_list.html Action 動作 &Contents 內容(&C) QGIS Help (HTML) QGIS說明(HTML) Open the QGIS Help Contents in a web browser 在瀏覽器中開啟QGIS說明檔 QGIS Home Page QGIS首頁 Open the QGIS home page in a web browser 在瀏覽器中開啟QGIS首頁 QGIS SourceForge Page QGIS SourceForge首頁 Open the QGIS SourceForge project page in a web browser 在瀏覽器中開啟QGIS的SourceForge首頁 Export As Image 匯出為圖像 E&xport As Image 匯出為圖像(&x) Save the current map view as a PNG image. The image size will be exactly the same as the size of the map canvas. 將目前地圖檢視儲存為PNG圖像。圖像的大小與地圖檢視區域的大小一致. Whats this? 這是什麼? &Whats this? 這是什麼(&W)? Whats this? - Click this tool and then click on a toolbar button or menu item to get more information 這是什麼? - 點擊這個工具,然後在按鈕或功能表專案上按一下以獲得更多的資訊 Shift+F1 Shitft+F1 Project Properties 專案屬性 Project &Properties 專案屬性(&P) Set project properties, including map units 設定專案屬性,包括地圖單位 Set properties for the current project, including map units 為目前專案設定屬性,包括地圖單位 Properties 屬性 &Properties 屬性(&P) Properties for the selected layer 選中圖層的屬性 Zoom to layer 放大至圖層 Zoom to &layer 放大至圖層(&l) Print 列印 &Print 列印(&P) Ctrl+P Ctrl+P Capture Point 建立點 Add All To Overview 全部圖層加入全覽圖 D D V V R R + + Remove All From Overview 移除全覽圖內所有的圖層 - - Show All Layers 顯示所有圖層 S S Hide All Layers 隱藏所有圖層 H H Capture Line 建立線 Capture Polygon 建立多邊形 Map Edit Tools 地圖編輯工具 Show all layers 顯示所有圖層 Add to overview 新增到全覽圖 Capture points 建立點 Plugins Toolbar 附加元件工具列 &Settings 設定(&S) &Export As Image 匯出為影像(&E) P&roject Properties 專案屬性(&r) Remove Layer 移除圖層 Toggle In Overview 關聯到全覽圖中 New Vectorlayer 新增向量圖層 Bookmarks Toolbar 書籤工具列 Capture (digitise) a point on the current layer. The layer must be in edit mode. 在目前圖層上建立(數化)一個點。這個圖層必須在編輯模式下。 Capture (digitise) a line on the current layer. The layer must be in edit mode. 在目前圖層上建立(數化)一條線。這個圖層必須在編輯模式下。 Capture (digitise) a polygon on the current layer. The layer must be in edit mode. 在目前圖層上建立(數化)一個多邊形。這個圖層必須在編輯模式下。 Measure 測量 Measure distances on the map canvas. 在地圖檢視上測量距離. Ctrl+M Ctrl+M Properties for the selected layer, including rendering and projection settings. 選中圖層的屬性,包括繪圖和專案設定. Zoom to the extent of the active layer 縮放至啟動的圖層 Open the Map Composer to create and print a map using the current layers and settings. 開啟地圖設計器來建立和列印地圖,使用目前的圖層和設定。 Add all layers to the overview map. 將所有圖層新增到全覽圖中。 Remove all layers to the overview map. 移除全覽圖內所有的圖層。 Toggle the visibility of all layers to on and redraw the map. 將所有圖層的可見性置為可見,並且重繪地圖。 Toggle the visibility of all layers to off and clear the map. 將所有圖層的可見性置為不可見,並且清空地圖。 Remove the active layer from the map. 從地圖中移除啟動的圖層。 Add or remove the active layer to the Overview map. 在全覽圖中新增或移除啟動的圖層。 Create a new vector layer (shapefile) for editing. 建立新的向量圖層(shapefile)且編輯。 DebugHook DebugHook DebugHook to which random stuff can be attached DebugHook to which random stuff can be attached Custom Projections 自訂投影 Create or manage custom projection definitions. 建立或管理自訂投影的設定. Show geospatial bookmarks 顯示書籤 Geospatial bookmarks... 書籤... Show the spatial bookmarks dialog and zoom to a bookmark or delete unwanted bookmarks. 顯示書籤對話方塊,用來縮放到書籤或是刪除不再需要的書籤. Create a new geospatial bookmark 建立新的書籤 New geospatial bookmark... 新書籤... Create a new geospatial bookmark for the current view 為目前檢視建立新的書籤 Ctrl+B Ctrl+B Create a new geospatial bookmark for the current view extent. 為目前檢視範圍建立新的書籤. MainWindow 主窗口 Legend 圖例 Map View 地圖檢視 QGIS QGIS QgsAbout About Quantum GIS 關於Quantum GIS Ok 確定 About 關於 Version 版本 What's New 新功能 Contributors 貢獻者 <h2>QGIS Contributors</h2> <h2>QGIS貢獻者</h2> Plugins 附加元件 <h2>Quantum GIS (qgis)</h2> <h2>Quantum GIS (qgis)</h2> <p align="center">Quantum GIS is licensed under the GNU General Public License<p> <p align="center">http://www.gnu.org/licenses</p> <p align="center">Quantum GIS is licensed under the GNU General Public License<p> <p align="center">http://www.gnu.org/licenses</p> QGIS Home Page QGIS首頁 Subscribe to the QGIS-User mailing list 訂閱QGIS-User郵寄清單 Providers 支援的資料來源 Developers 開發人員 <h2>QGIS Developers</h2> <h2>QGIS開發人員</h2> QGIS Browser Selection 選擇QGIS的瀏覽器 Name 名稱 Sponsors 贊助名單 Quantum GIS is licensed under the GNU General Public License Quantum GIS is licensed under the GNU General Public License <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css"> p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } </style></head><body style=" font-family:'Lucida Grande'; font-size:13pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;"> <p style=" margin-top:16px; margin-bottom:12px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px; font-size:x-large; font-weight:600;"><span style=" font-size:x-large;">Quantum GIS (QGIS)</span></p></body></html> http://www.gnu.org/licenses http://www.gnu.org/licenses Join our user mailing list 加入使用者郵件清單 <p>The following have sponsored QGIS by contributing money to fund development and other project costs</p> 以下是使用金錢來贊助QGIS專案開發的名單 Website 網站 Available QGIS Data Provider Plugins Available Qt Database Plugins Available Qt Image Plugins QgsAddAttrDialogBase Add Attribute 新增屬性 Name: 名稱: Type: 類型: OK 確定 Cancel 取消 QgsApplication Exception QgsAttributeActionDialog Name 名稱 Action 動作 Capture 截取 Select an action File dialog window title QgsAttributeActionDialogBase Form1 表單1 Name 名稱 Action 動作 This list contains all actions that have been defined for the current layer. Add actions by entering the details in the controls below and then pressing the Insert action button. Actions can be edited here by double clicking on the item. 該列表包含了為目前圖層定義的所有動作。在底部的控制項中輸入詳細內容,然後按插入動作按鈕來新增動作。只要按兩下相應的動作就能夠編輯它. Move up 上移 Move the selected action up 將選中的動作上移 Move down 下移 Move the selected action down 將選中的動作下移 Remove 移除 Remove the selected action 移除選中的動作 Name: 名稱: Enter the name of an action here. The name should be unique (qgis will make it unique if necessary). 在這裡輸入命名的名稱。這個名稱應該是唯一的(如果可能,qgis會把它作為唯一值). Enter the action name here 在這裡輸入動作的名稱 Action: 動作: Enter the action here. This can be any program, script or command that is available on your system. When the action is invoked any set of characters that start with a % and then have the name of a field will be replaced by the value of that field. The special characters %% will replaced by the value of the field that was selected. Double quote marks group text into single arguments to the program, script or command. Double quotes will be ignored if preceeded by a backslash 在這裡輸入動作。它可以是任何的程式、腳本或是系統中可用的動作。當動作調用的時候,任何以a%開頭並且包含一個欄位名稱的字串都會用這個欄位的值來替換。特殊字元%%會用選中欄位的值來替換。雙引號包圍的一組文本會作為程式、腳本或動作的一個參數。雙引號前如果有反斜線,則它會被忽略 Enter the action command here 在這裡輸入動作 Browse 瀏覽 Browse for action commands 瀏覽動作命令 Insert action 插入動作 Inserts the action into the list above 將動作插入到上面的列表中 Update action 更新動作 Update the selected action 更新選中的動作 Insert field 插入欄位 Inserts the selected field into the action, prepended with a % 將選中的欄位插入動作,並在前面加上a% The valid attribute names for this layer 有效的屬性名稱 Capture 截取 Capture output 截取輸出 Captures any output from the action 截取該動作的所有輸出 Captures the standard output or error generated by the action and displays it in a dialog box 截取該動作生成的標準輸出和錯誤,並在對話方塊中顯示 Enter the action here. This can be any program, script or command that is available on your system. When the action is invoked any set of characters that start with a % and then have the name of a field will be replaced by the value of that field. The special characters %% will be replaced by the value of the field that was selected. Double quote marks group text into single arguments to the program, script or command. Double quotes will be ignored if preceeded by a backslash Attribute Actions Action properties 動作資訊 Browse for action Click to browse for an action ... ... Clicking the button will let you select an application to use as the action QgsAttributeDialog (int) (dbl) (txt) ... ... Select a file QgsAttributeDialogBase Enter Attribute Values 輸入屬性值 OK 確定 Cancel 取消 1 1 Attribute 屬性 Value &OK 確定(&O) &Cancel 取消(&C) QgsAttributeTable <center>Run action</center> <center>運行動作</center> Run action Updating selection... Abort 放棄 QgsAttributeTableBase Attribute Table 屬性工作表 Start editing 開始編輯 Stop editing 結束編輯 &Close 關閉(&C) Alt+C Alt+C Ctrl+X Ctrl+X Delete attribute 刪除屬性 Ctrl+N Ctrl+N New attribute 新屬性 Ctrl+S Ctrl+S Invert selection 反向選擇 Ctrl+T Ctrl+T Move selected to top 將選中的記錄移動到頂端 Remove selection 取消選擇 Copy selected rows to clipboard (Ctrl+C) 將選中的列複製到剪貼簿 (Ctrl+C) Copies the selected rows to the clipboard 將選中的列複製到剪貼簿 Ctrl+C Ctrl+C Stop editin&g 結束編輯 (&g) Alt+G Alt+G Search for: 尋找: in 在欄位 Search 尋找 Adva&nced... 進階查詢(&n)... Alt+N Alt+N &Help 說明(&H) Zoom map to the selected rows 縮放地圖至選取的列 Search for 搜尋關鍵字 Zoom map to the selected rows (Ctrl-J) 縮放地圖至選取的列 Ctrl+J Toggle editing mode 切換編輯模式 Click to toggle table editing 按一下切換表格編輯 QgsAttributeTableDisplay select 選擇 select and bring to top 選擇並置於頂端 show only matching 只顯示符合的記錄 Search string parsing error 尋找字串解析錯誤 Search results 尋找結果 You've supplied an empty search string. 您輸入空的尋找字串。 Error during search 尋找時發生錯誤 No matching features found. 未找到符合的圖徵。 Stop editing 結束編輯 Do you want to save the changes? 您是否想儲存更改? Error 錯誤 Could not commit changes 無法提交更改 Attribute table - 屬性工作表- QGIS QGIS File 檔案 Close 關閉 Ctrl+W Edit 編輯 &Undo 復原(&U) Ctrl+Z Cu&t Ctrl+X Ctrl+X &Copy 複製(&C) Ctrl+C Ctrl+C &Paste 貼上(&P) Ctrl+V Delete 刪除 Layer 圖層 Zoom to Selection 縮放至選取大小 Ctrl+J Toggle Editing 切換編輯 Table 表格 Move to Top 移至頂端 Invert 反向選取 bad_alloc exception Filling the attribute table has been stopped because there was no more virtual memory left Attribute table - %1 Found %n matching feature(s). search results QgsBookmarks Really Delete? 確實要刪除? &Yes 是(&Y) &No 否(&N) Are you sure you want to delete the 您確定要刪除 bookmark? 該書籤? Error deleting bookmark &Delete &Zoom to Are you sure you want to delete the %1 bookmark? Failed to delete the %1 bookmark from the database. The database said: %2 QgsBookmarksBase Geospatial Bookmarks 書籤 Name 名稱 Project 專案 Extent 範圍 Id Id Zoom To 縮放 Zoom to the currently selected bookmark 縮放到目前選擇的書籤 Delete 刪除 Delete the currently selected bookmark 刪除目前選擇的書籤 Close 關閉 Close the dialog 關閉對話方塊 Help 說明 QgsCommunityRegPluginGuiBase QGIS Plugin QGIS Community Registration Plugin QGIS Community註冊附加元件 &OK 確定(&O) Alt+O Alt+O &Cancel 取消(&C) Alt+C Alt+C qgis.community.org qgis.community.org <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /></head><body style="font-size:12pt;font-family:Arial"> <p style="margin-top:16px"><span style="font-size:17pt;font-weight:600">Description</span></p> <p>This plugin will register you on the community.qgis.org users map.</p> </body></html> <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /></head><body style="font-size:12pt;font-family:Arial"> <p style="margin-top:16px"><span style="font-size:17pt;font-weight:600">Description</span></p> <p>該附加元件會將您註冊到community.qgis.org的用戶地圖上。</p> </body></html> Home URL: 首頁地址: Email: Email: Place Description: 位置描述: Name: 名稱: Longitude (dec. degrees): 經度(十進位度): Country: 國家: Image URL (50x50): 圖片位址(50x50): Latitude (dec. degrees): 緯度(十進位度): Get From Map 從地圖獲得 QgsComposer Choose a filename to save the map image as 選擇檔案名來儲存地圖影像 Choose a filename to save the map as 選擇檔案名來儲存地圖 for read/write 讀/寫 Big image 大型影像 To create image 建立影像 QGIS - print composer QGIS - 列印管理 Map 1 format 格式 SVG warning SVG警告 Don't show this message again 不要在顯示此訊息 SVG Format SVG格式 Move Content 移動項目 Move item content 移動項目內容 &Group 群組(&G) Group items 群組項目 &Ungroup 取消群組(&U) Ungroup items 取消項目群組(&U) Raise 上移一層 Raise selected items 取選項目上移一層 Lower 下移一層 Lower selected items 取選項目下移一層 Bring to Front 移至最上層 Move selected items to top 選取項目移至最上層 Send to Back 移至最下層 Move selected items to bottom 選取項目移至最下層 QGIS QGIS File 檔案 Close 關閉 Ctrl+W Edit 編輯 &Undo 復原(&U) Ctrl+Z Cu&t 剪下(&u) Ctrl+X Ctrl+X &Copy 複製(&C) Ctrl+C Ctrl+C &Paste 貼上(&P) Ctrl+V Delete 刪除 View 檢視 Layout 排版 Choose a file name to save the map image as 請輸入地圖影像的檔名 Choose a file name to save the map as 請輸入地圖的檔名 Project contains WMS layers 專案中包含WMS圖層 Some WMS servers (e.g. UMN mapserver) have a limit for the WIDTH and HEIGHT parameter. Printing layers from such servers may exceed this limit. If this is the case, the WMS layer will not be printed 一些WMS伺服器(例如UMN Mapserver)有限制高度與寬度的參數。當您在列印這些圖層時不能超過這限制。所以這些WMS圖層並不一定可以列印。 <p>The SVG export function in Qgis has several problems due to bugs and deficiencies in the %1 format (*.%2 *.%3) Qt4 svg code. Of note, text does not appear in the SVG file and there are problems with the map bounding box clipping other items such as the legend or scale bar.</p> Qt4 svg code. In particular, there are problems with layers not being clipped to the map bounding box.</p> To create image %1 x %2 requires circa %3 MB of memory If you require a vector-based output file from Qgis it is suggested that you try printing to PostScript if the SVG output is not satisfactory.</p> save template Save error Error, could not save file Load template Read error Error, could not read file Content of template file is not valid QgsComposerBase Map Composer 地圖設計器 General 一般 Composition 組成 Item 專案 Toolbar_2 工具條_2 Toolbar 工具條 Tools 工具 Open Template 開啟範本 &Open Template ... 開啟範本(&O)... Ctrl+O Ctrl+O Save Template As 範本另存為 Save Template &As... 範本另存為(&A)... Print 列印 &Print... 列印(&P)... Ctrl+P Ctrl+P Action 動作 Add new map 新增新地圖 Add new label 新增新標籤 Add new vect legend 新增新的向量圖例 Select/Move item 選擇/移動專案 Export as image 輸出為影像 Export as SVG 輸出為SVG Add new scalebar 新增新的比例尺 Refresh view 重新整理檢視 Zoom to full extent 全幅顯示 Zoom in 放大 Zoom out 縮小 MainWindow 主窗口 Zoom All 全圖顯示 Zoom In 放大 Zoom Out 縮小 Add Image 新增影像 Close 關閉 Help 說明 Zoom Full 全圖顯示 Add Map 新增地圖 Add Label 新增標籤 Add Vector Legend 新增向量圖例 Move Item 移動項目 Export as Image... 輸出成影像... Export as SVG... 輸出成SVG... Add Scalebar 新增比例尺 Refresh 重新整理 Move Content 移動項目 Move item content 移動項目內容 Group Group items 群組項目 Ungroup Ungroup items 取消項目群組(&U) Raise 上移一層 Raise selected items 取選項目上移一層 Lower Lower selected items 取選項目下移一層 Bring to Front 移至最上層 Move selected items to top 選取項目移至最上層 Send to Back 移至最下層 Move selected items to bottom 選取項目移至最下層 Load From template Save as template Align left Align selected items left Align center Align center horizontal Align right Align selected items right Align top Align selected items to top Align center vertical Align bottom Align selected items bottom QgsComposerItemWidgetBase Form Composer item properties 項目屬性設計 Color: 顏色: Frame... 框線顏色 Background... 背景 Opacity: 透明度: Outline width: 框線寬度: Frame 顯示框線 Position... QgsComposerLabelBase Label Options 標籤選項 Font 字體 Box 矩形框 QgsComposerLabelWidgetBase Label Options 標籤選項 Font 字體 Margin (mm): QgsComposerLegend Legend 圖例 QgsComposerLegendItemDialogBase Legend item properties Item text: QgsComposerLegendWidgetBase Barscale Options 比例尺選項 General 一般 Title: Font: Title... Layer... Item... Symbol width: Symbol height: Layer space: Symbol space: Icon label space: Box space: Legend items down up remove edit... update update all QgsComposerMap Map %d 地圖 %d Extent (calculate scale) 範圍(計算比例) Scale (calculate extent) 比例(計算範圍) Map %1 地圖 %1 Render 繪圖 Map 地圖 Map will be printed here QgsComposerMapBase Map options 地圖選項 <b>Map</b> <b>地圖</b> Set 設定 Width 寬度 Height 高度 Scale 比例 1 : 1 : Set Extent 設定範圍 Set map extent to current extent in QGIS map canvas 將地圖範圍設定為QGIS目前的地圖檢視範圍 Line width scale 線寬比例 Width of one unit in millimeters 一個單位的寬度(毫公尺) Symbol scale 符號比例 Font size scale 字體大小的比例 Frame 框線 Preview 預覽 QgsComposerMapWidget Cache 快取 Rectangle 矩形 Render 繪圖 QgsComposerMapWidgetBase Map options 地圖選項 <b>Map</b> <b>地圖</b> Width 寬度 Height 高度 Scale: 比例: 1: Map extent X min: Y min: X max: Y max: set to map canvas extent Preview 預覽 Update preview QgsComposerPicture Warning 警告 QgsComposerPictureBase Picture Options 圖片選項 Picture 圖片 ... ... Frame 框線 Angle 角度 Width 寬度 Height 高度 Browse 瀏覽 QgsComposerPictureWidget Select svg or image file Select new preview directory Creating icon for file %1 QgsComposerPictureWidgetBase Picture Options 圖片選項 Browse... 瀏覽... Width: 寬度: Height: 高度: Rotation: 旋轉: Search directories Add... Remove 移除 Preview 預覽 QgsComposerScaleBarWidget Single Box Double Box Line Ticks Middle Line Ticks Down Line Ticks Up Numeric Map %1 地圖 %1 QgsComposerScaleBarWidgetBase Barscale Options 比例尺選項 Segment size (map units): Map units per bar unit: Number of segments: Segments left: Style: Map: Height (mm): Line width: Label space: Box space: Unit label: Font... Color... QgsComposerScalebarBase Barscale Options 比例尺選項 Segment size 片段的大小 Number of segments 片段的數目 Map units per scalebar unit 每一比例尺單位代表的地圖單位 Unit label 單位標籤 Map 地圖 Font 字體 Line width 線的寬度 QgsComposerVectorLegend Layers 圖層 Group Render 繪圖 Legend 圖例 QgsComposerVectorLegendBase Vector Legend Options 向量圖例選項 Title 標題 Map 地圖 Font 字體 Box 矩形框 Column 1 行 1 New Item 新專案 Preview 預覽 Layers 圖層 Group ID ID QgsComposition Custom 自訂 A5 (148x210 mm) A5 (148x210 mm) A4 (210x297 mm) A4 (210x297 mm) A3 (297x420 mm) A3 (297x420 mm) A2 (420x594 mm) A2 (420x594 mm) A1 (594x841 mm) A1 (594x841 mm) A0 (841x1189 mm) A0 (841x1189 mm) B5 (176 x 250 mm) B5 (176 x 250 mm) B4 (250 x 353 mm) B4 (250 x 353 mm) B3 (353 x 500 mm) B3 (353 x 500 mm) B2 (500 x 707 mm) B2 (500 x 707 mm) B1 (707 x 1000 mm) B1 (707 x 1000 mm) B0 (1000 x 1414 mm) B0 (1000 x 1414 mm) Letter (8.5x11 inches) Letter (8.5x11 inches) Legal (8.5x14 inches) Legal (8.5x14 inches) Portrait 縱向 Landscape 橫向 Label 標籤 Warning 警告 QgsCompositionBase Composition 組成 Paper 紙張 Size 大小 Units 單位 Width 寬度 Height 高度 Orientation 方向 Resolution (dpi) 解析度(dpi) QgsCompositionWidget Landscape 橫向 Portrait 縱向 Custom 自訂 A5 (148x210 mm) A5 (148x210 mm) A4 (210x297 mm) A4 (210x297 mm) A3 (297x420 mm) A3 (297x420 mm) A2 (420x594 mm) A2 (420x594 mm) A1 (594x841 mm) A1 (594x841 mm) A0 (841x1189 mm) A0 (841x1189 mm) B5 (176 x 250 mm) B5 (176 x 250 mm) B4 (250 x 353 mm) B4 (250 x 353 mm) B3 (353 x 500 mm) B3 (353 x 500 mm) B2 (500 x 707 mm) B2 (500 x 707 mm) B1 (707 x 1000 mm) B1 (707 x 1000 mm) B0 (1000 x 1414 mm) B0 (1000 x 1414 mm) Letter (8.5x11 inches) Letter (8.5x11 inches) Legal (8.5x14 inches) Legal (8.5x14 inches) Solid Dots Crosses QgsCompositionWidgetBase Composition 組成 Paper 紙張 Orientation 紙張方向 Height 高度 Width 寬度 Units 單位 Size 大小 Print quality (dpi) 列印品質(dpi) Snapping 自動接合(Snapping) Snap to grid Grid resolution: Offset x: Offset y: Pen width: Grid color: Grid style: Print as raster QgsConnectionDialog Test connection 測試連接 Connection to 連接到 was successfull 成功 Connection failed - Check settings and try again 連接失敗 - 檢查設定並重試 General Interface Help: 通用介面説明: QgsConnectionDialogBase Create a New PostGIS connection 建立新的PostGIS連線 Connection Information 連接資訊 Name 名稱 Host 主機 Database 資料庫 Port Username 用戶名 Password 密碼 Name of the new connection 新連接的名稱 5432 5432 Save Password 儲存密碼 Test Connect 測試連接 Help 說明 F1 F1 OK 確定 Cancel 取消 QgsContColDialogBase Continuous color 連續色 Classification Field: 分類欄位: Minimum Value: 最小值: Outline Width: 框線寬度: ... ... Maximum Value: 最大值: QgsContinuousColorDialogBase Continuous color 連續色 ... ... Maximum Value: 最大值: Outline Width: 框線寬度: Minimum Value: 最小值: Classification Field: 分類欄位: Draw polygon outline QgsCoordinateTransform Failed 失敗 transform of 轉換 with error: 錯誤: The source spatial reference system (CRS) is not valid. The destination spatial reference system (CRS) is not valid. The coordinates can not be reprojected. The CRS is: %1 QgsCopyrightLabelPlugin Bottom Left 左下 Top Left 左上 Top Right 右上 &Decorations 地圖裝飾(&D) &CopyrightLabel 版權標籤 (&C) Creates a copyright label that is displayed on the map canvas. 在地圖檢視上建立版權標籤。 Copyright Label 版權標籤 Bottom Right 右下 &Copyright Label 版權標籤(&C) QgsCopyrightLabelPluginGuiBase Copyright Label Plugin 版權標籤附加元件 <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /></head><body style="font-size:10pt;font-family:helvetica"> <p style="margin-top:18px"><span style="font-size:19pt;font-weight:600">Description</span></p> <p>Enter your copyright label below. This plugin supports basic html markup tags for formatting the label. For example:</p> <p><span style="font-family:Courier New">&lt;B&gt; </span><span style="font-family:Courier New;font-weight:600">Bold text</span><span style="font-family:Courier New"> &lt;/B&gt;<br />&lt;I&gt; </span><span style="font-family:Courier New;font-style:italic">Italics</span><span style="font-family:Courier New"> &lt;/I&gt;</span></p> </body></html> <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /></head><body style="font-size:10pt;font-family:helvetica"> <p style="margin-top:18px"><span style="font-size:19pt;font-weight:600">描述</span></p> <p>在底部顯示您的版權標籤。該附加元件支援基本的html標記來格式化標籤。例如:</p> <p><span style="font-family:Courier New">&lt;B&gt; </span><span style="font-family:Courier New;font-weight:600">粗體</span><span style="font-family:Courier New"> &lt;/B&gt;<br />&lt;I&gt; </span><span style="font-family:Courier New;font-style:italic">斜體</span><span style="font-family:Courier New"> &lt;/I&gt;</span></p> </body></html> © QGIS 2004 © QGIS 2004 Placement 位置 Bottom Left 左下 Top Left 左上 Bottom Right 右下 Top Right 右上 Orientation 方位 Horizontal 水準 Vertical 垂直 Enable Copyright Label 顯示版權標籤 &OK 確定(&O) Alt+O Alt+O &Cancel 取消(&C) Alt+C Alt+C Help 說明 Color 顏色 © QGIS 2008 © QGIS 2008 <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css"> p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } </style></head><body style=" font-family:'Verdana'; font-size:10pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;"> <p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px; font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:9pt;"><span style=" font-size:12pt;">Description</span></p> <p style="-qt-paragraph-type:empty; margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px; font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:9pt;"></p> <p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px; font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:9pt;">Enter your copyright label below. This plugin supports basic html markup tags for formatting the label. For example:</p> <p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px; font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:9pt;"><span style=" font-weight:600;">&lt;B&gt; Bold text &lt;/B&gt; </span></p> <p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px; font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:9pt; font-weight:600;"><span style=" font-weight:400; font-style:italic;">&lt;I&gt; Italics &lt;/I&gt;</span></p> <p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px; font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:9pt; font-style:italic;"><span style=" font-style:normal;">(note: &amp;copy; gives a copyright symbol)</span></p></body></html> <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css"> p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } </style></head><body style=" font-family:'Verdana'; font-size:10pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;"> <p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">© QGIS 2008</p></body></html> QgsCustomProjectionDialog Delete Projection Definition? 刪除投影的定義? Deleting a projection definition is not reversable. Do you want to delete it? 刪除投影的 定義是不可恢復的。您要刪除它嗎? Abort 放棄 New 新增 QGIS Custom Projection QGIS自訂投影 This proj4 projection definition is not valid. Please correct before pressing save. proj4的投影定義無效。儲存前請先改正. This proj4 projection definition is not valid. Please give the projection a name before pressing save. 該proj4投影定義無效。在按下儲存之前,請給這個投影一個名稱. This proj4 projection definition is not valid. Please add the parameters before pressing save. 該proj4投影定義無效。在按下儲存之前,請新增參數. This proj4 projection definition is not valid. Please add a proj= clause before pressing save. 該proj4投影定義無效。在按下儲存之前,請新增 proj= 子句. This proj4 ellipsoid definition is not valid. Please add a ellips= clause before pressing save. 該proj4橢球定義無效。在按下儲存之前,請新增 ellips= 子句. This proj4 projection definition is not valid. 該proj4投影定義無效. Northing and Easthing must be in decimal form. 北向偏移和東向偏移必須是十進位形式. Internal Error (source projection invalid? 內部錯誤 - 原始投影無效? Internal Error (source projection invalid?) Please give the projection a name before pressing save. Please add the parameters before pressing save. Please add a proj= clause before pressing save. This proj4 ellipsoid definition is not valid. Please add a ellips= clause before pressing save. COMMENTED OUT 該proj4橢球定義無效。在按下儲存之前,請新增 ellips= 子句. Please correct before pressing save. QgsCustomProjectionDialogBase Form1 表單1 Name: 名稱: Ellipsoid: 橢球: Projection Family: 投影類別: Custom Projection Definition 自訂投影的定義 Parameters: 參數: Expected Parameters: 期望的 參數: |< |< < < 1 of 1 1 之 1 > > >| >| New 新增 Save 儲存 Delete 刪除 Close 關閉 Define 自訂 You can define your own custom projection here. The definition must conform to the proj4 format for specifying a Spatial Reference System. 您能夠在這裡定義自己的投影。空間參考系統的定義必須與proj4的格式一致. Test 測試 Transform from WGS84 to the chosen projection 將WGS84轉換為選擇的投影 Calculate 計算 Projected Corrdinate System 投影座標系統 Geographic / WGS84 地理座標系 / WGS84 North: 北向偏移: East: 東向偏移: Use the text boxes below to test the projection definition you are creating. Enter a coordinate where both the lat/long and the projected result are known (for example by reading off a map). Then press the calculate button to see if the projection definition you are creating is accurate. 用下面的文字方塊來測試您建立的投影。輸入一個座標(經度和緯度,並且投影後的結果您也知道,例如從地圖上讀取)。然後按下計算按鈕,看看您所建立的投影是否正確. Name 名稱 Parameters 參數 * S X North East Custom Coordinate Reference System Definition 自訂座標參考系統 You can define your own custom Coordinate Reference System (CRS) here. The definition must conform to the proj4 format for specifying a CRS. 您可以在這裡自訂您個人的座標參考系統(CRS),但必須使用proj4的格式來定義。 Use the text boxes below to test the CRS definition you are creating. Enter a coordinate where both the lat/long and the transformed result are known (for example by reading off a map). Then press the calculate button to see if the CRS definition you are creating is accurate. 使用下面的欄位來測試您自訂的CRS。輸入一個已知轉換結果的經緯度值,然後按「計算」按鈕,最後檢查一下您的定義是不是正確。 Destination CRS 目標地理座標系統(CSR) QgsDbSourceSelect Are you sure you want to remove the 您確實想刪除 connection and all associated settings? 連接和所有相關的設定? Confirm Delete 確認刪除 Yes No Select Table 選擇表格 You must select a table in order to add a Layer. 為了新增圖層,您必須選擇表格. Password for 密碼 Please enter your password: 請輸入您的密碼: Connection failed 連接失敗 Connection to %1 on %2 failed. Either the database is down or your settings are incorrect.%3Check your username and password and try again.%4%5 連接到%1在%2上失敗。可能是資料庫當機,也可能是您的設定不正確。%3檢查您的用戶名和密碼,然後重試。%4%5 using sql; 使用sql; has failed. The database said: 失敗。資料庫回應是: Type 類型 Name 名稱 Sql Sql Point layer 點圖層 Multi-point layer 多點圖層 Polygon layer 多邊形圖層 Waiting for layer type 等待圖層類型 Unknown layer type 未知的圖層類型 Wildcard RegExp All 所有 Schema Table 表格 Geometry column 幾合欄位 Accessible tables could not be determined Database connection was successful, but the accessible tables could not be determined. The error message from the database was: %1 No accessible tables found Database connection was successful, but no accessible tables were found. Please verify that you have SELECT privilege on a table carrying PostGIS geometry. Are you sure you want to remove the %1 connection and all associated settings? You must select a table in order to add a layer. Connection to %1 on %2 failed. Either the database is down or your settings are incorrect. Check your username and password and try again. The database said: %3 QgsDbSourceSelectBase Add PostGIS Table(s) 新增PostGIS表格 PostgreSQL Connections PostgreSQL連接 Connect 連接 New 新增 Edit 編輯 Delete 刪除 Help 說明 F1 F1 Add 新增 Close 關閉 Tables: 表格: Type 類型 Name 名稱 Sql Sql Encoding: 編碼: Search: 尋找: Search mode: 尋找模式: Search in columns: 在欄位中尋找: Search options... 尋找選項... QgsDbTableModel Schema Table 表格 Type 類型 Geometry column 幾合欄位 Sql Sql Point Multipoint Line Multiline 多行 Polygon 多邊形 Multipolygon QgsDelAttrDialogBase Delete Attributes 刪除屬性 OK 確定 Cancel 取消 New Item 新專案 QgsDelimitedTextPlugin &Delimited text 匯入CSV純文字(&D) &Add Delimited Text Layer 新增CSV純文字檔圖層(&A) Add a delimited text file as a map layer. 新增CSV純文字檔為地圖圖層。 The file must have a header row containing the field names. 檔案第一列必須有欄位名稱。 X and Y fields are required and must contain coordinates in decimal units. X和Y欄位是必須的,並且所包含的座標必須是十進位單位。 DelimitedTextLayer CSV純文字圖層 Add a delimited text file as a map layer. The file must have a header row containing the field names. X and Y fields are required and must contain coordinates in decimal units. QgsDelimitedTextPluginGui No layer name 沒有圖層名稱 Please enter a layer name before adding the layer to the map 新增圖層以前,請輸入圖層名稱 No delimiter 沒有分隔符號 Please specify a delimiter prior to parsing the file 解析檔前,請指定分隔符號 Choose a delimited text file to open 選擇CSV純文字檔開啟 Parse 分析 Description 描述 Select a delimited text file containing a header row and one or more rows of x and y coordinates that you would like to use as a point layer and this plugin will do the job for you! 請選擇包含分隔符號的純文字檔(CSV)。第一列須為欄位名稱且有X與Y座標的點資料,此附加元件會協助您把資料加入點圖層! Use the layer name box to specify the legend name for the new layer. Use the delimiter box to specify what delimeter is used in your file (e.g. space, comma, tab or a regular expression in Perl style). After choosing a delimiter, press the parse button and select the columns containing the x and y values for the layer. QgsDelimitedTextPluginGuiBase Create a Layer from a Delimited Text File 從CSV純文字檔建立圖層 Cancel 取消 &Help 說明(&H) Alt+H Alt+H Help on using the plugin 使用附加元件的說明 Opens the Delimited Text Plugin help in your configured browser 在已配置的瀏覽器中開啟分隔文字檔附加元件的說明 &Parse 解析(&P) Alt+P Alt+P Parse the header row and update the X and Y field lists 解析首列並更新X、Y欄位清單 Parse the header row of the input file and refresh the fields in the X and Y field drop-down lists. Use this button to refresh the field lists if you change the delimiter after selecting the delimited text file. 解析輸入檔的首列,並重新整理X、Y欄位下拉清單中的欄位名稱。在選擇了分隔文字檔以後,如果您改變了分隔符號,那麼請使用這個按鈕來重新整理欄位清單. &Add Layer 新增圖層(&A) Alt+A Alt+A Add layer using the delimiter, file, and x/y fields specified 使用分隔符號、檔和指定的x/y欄位來新增圖層 Creates a layer using the specified parameters and adds it to the map. The dialog remains open to allow adding of additional layers. 使用指定的參數建立圖層,並新增到地圖中。這個對話方塊會繼續開啟,以便新增其它的圖層. &Close 關閉(&C) Alt+C Alt+C Close the dialog 關閉對話方塊 Close the dialog without adding anything to the map. 關閉對話方塊,不新增任何圖層. <p align="right">X field</p> <p align="right">X欄位</p> Name of the field containing x values 包含x值的欄位名稱 Name of the field containing x values. Choose a field from the list. The list is generated by parsing the header row of the delimited text file. 包含x值的欄位名稱。從列表中選擇欄位。該列表通過解析文字檔的首列而生成的. <p align="right">Y field</p> <p align="right">Y欄位</p> Name of the field containing y values 包含y值的欄位名稱 Name of the field containing y values. Choose a field from the list. The list is generated by parsing the header row of the delimited text file. 包含y值的欄位名稱。從列表中選擇欄位。該列表通過解析文字檔的首列而生成的. Layer name 圖層名稱 Name to display in the map legend 顯示在地圖圖例中的名稱 Name displayed in the map legend 顯示在地圖圖例中的名稱 Delimiter 分隔符號 Delimiter to use when splitting fields in the text file. The delimiter can be more than one character. 在文字檔中分隔欄位的分隔符號。分隔符號可以是多個字元. Delimiter to use when splitting fields in the delimited text file. The delimiter can be 1 or more characters in length. 在文字檔中分隔欄位的分隔符號。分隔符號可以是一個或多個字元. Delimited Text Layer CSV純文字檔圖層 Delimited text file CSV純文字檔 Full path to the delimited text file CSV純文字檔的完整路徑 Full path to the delimited text file. In order to properly parse the fields in the file, the delimiter must be defined prior to entering the file name. Use the Browse button to the right of this field to choose the input file. CSV純文字檔的完整路徑。為了能正確地解析檔中的欄位,分隔符號必須在輸入檔案名稱之前定義。使用右邊的瀏覽按鈕來選擇輸入檔. ... ... Browse to find the delimited text file to be processed 瀏覽並找到將要處理的CSV純文字檔 Use this button to browse to the location of the delimited text file. This button will not be enabled until a delimiter has been entered in the <i>Delimiter</i> box. Once a file is chosen, the X and Y field drop-down boxes will be populated with the fields from the delimited text file. 使用這個按鈕來瀏覽CSV純文字檔的位置。這個按鈕只有在<i>分隔符號</i>框中輸入了分隔符號後才可用。一旦選擇了一個檔,X和Y欄位的下拉清單會用文字檔中的欄位來填充. Sample text 範例純文字內容 <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /></head><body style="font-size:12pt;font-family:Arial"> <p style="margin-top:16px"><span style="font-size:16pt;font-weight:600">Description</span></p> <p>Select a delimited text file containing x and y coordinates that you would like to use as a point layer and this plugin will do the job for you! </p> <p>Use the layer name box to specify the legend name for the new layer. Use the delimiter box to specify what delimeter is used in your file (e.g. space, commar or tab). Note this box accepts regular expressions so use \t for tab and so on. After choosing a delimiter, press the parse button an select the columns containing the x and y values for the layer.</p> </body></html> <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /></head><body style="font-size:12pt;font-family:Arial"> <p style="margin-top:16px"><span style="font-size:16pt;font-weight:600">Description</span></p> <p>選擇一個包含x和y座標的分隔文字檔,您希望將它作為一個點圖層來使用,該附加元件會幫您完成這個工作!</p> <p>用圖層名稱框來指定新圖層的圖例名稱。用分隔符號框來指定您的檔中使用的分隔符號(如空格、逗號或定位字元)。注意這個輸入框接受規則運算式,所以可以用\t表示定位字元等等。選擇了分隔符號後,按下解析按鈕。與此同時,必須為圖層選擇包含x和y值的欄位。</p> </body></html> Browse... 瀏覽... The delimiter is taken as is 分隔符號是 Plain characters 一般字元 The delimiter is a regular expression 分隔符號是正規化表示式(regular expression) Regular expression 正規化表示式(regular expression) <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css"> p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } </style></head><body style=" font-family:'Verdana'; font-size:10pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;"> <p style="-qt-paragraph-type:empty; margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"></p></body></html> QgsDelimitedTextProvider Save layer as... 圖層另存為... Note: the following lines were not loaded because Qgis was unable to determine values for the x and y coordinates: Error 錯誤 QgsDetailedItemWidgetBase Form Heading Label Detail label QgsDlgPgBufferBase Buffer features 對圖徵作環域分析 &Help 說明(&H) F1 F1 &OK 確定(&O) &Cancel 取消(&C) Buffer Settings: 環域分析設定: Buffer distance in map units: 環域分析距離(地圖單位): Table name for the buffered layer: 環域分析圖層的表格名稱: Create unique object id 建立唯一的Object ID public 公有 Geometry column: 幾何欄位: Spatial reference ID: 空間參考ID: Unique field to use as feature id: 用作圖徵ID的唯一值欄位: Schema: Schema: Add the buffered layer to the map? 是否將緩衝區圖層新增到地圖上? <h2>Buffer the features in layer: </h2> <h2>對該圖層的圖徵作緩衝區: </h2> Parameters 參數 QgsDlgVectorLayerProperties Single Symbol 單一符號 Graduated Symbol 漸進符號 Continuous Color 連續色 Single Marker 單一標記符號 Graduated Marker 漸進標記符號 Unique Value 唯一值 Unique Value Marker 唯一值標記符號 The source of the data (path name or database connection information) 資料來源(路徑名稱或資料庫連接資訊) This button opens the PostgreSQL query builder and allows you to create a subset of features to display on the map canvas rather than displaying all features in the layer 這個按鈕可以開啟PostgreSQL查詢構建器,它允許您建立圖層圖徵的子集顯示在地圖上,而不是顯示整個圖層的所有圖徵 The query used to limit the features in the layer is shown here. This is currently only supported for PostgreSQL layers. To enter or modify the query, click on the Query Builder button 這裡的查詢用來限制圖層上顯示的圖徵。目前只支持PostgreSQL圖層。要輸入或修改查詢,請點擊查詢構建器按鈕 In order for QGIS to support SVG markers under Windows, we need to build QGIS 為了讓Windows下的QGIS支援SVG標記符號,我們需要編譯QGIS using the commercial version of Qt. As this project is developed by volunteers 使用商業版的QT。因為這個專案是志願者開發的 donating their time, we don't have the financial resources to purchase Qt 捐獻他們時間,我們沒有資金來購買QT commercial. If you would like to help us, please visit the QGIS sourceforge 的商業版。如果您想幫助我們,請訪問QGIS sourceforge首頁 home page to make a donation 捐贈的首頁 No SVG Support 沒有SVG支持 Spatial Index 空間索引 Creation of spatial index successfull 建立空間索引成功 Creation of spatial index failed 建立空間索引失敗 General: 一般: Geometry type of the features in this layer : 這個圖層的圖徵的幾何類型: The number of features in this layer : 這個圖層的圖徵數目: Extents: 範圍: In layer spatial reference system units : 以圖層空間參考系統的單位計算: xMin,yMin xMin,yMin : xMax,yMax : xMax,yMax In project spatial reference system units : 以專案空間參考系統的單位計算: Layer Spatial Reference System: 圖層的空間參考系統: Project (Output) Spatial Reference System: 專案的(輸出的)空間參考系統: Attribute field info: 屬性欄位資訊: Field 欄位 Type 類型 Length 長度 Precision 精確度 QgsDlgVectorLayerPropertiesBase Layer Properties 圖層屬性 Apply 套用 Legend type: 圖例類型: Display name 顯示名稱 General 一般 Layer source 圖層的資料來源 TextLabel2 文本標籤2 Labels 標籤 Display labels 顯示標籤 Help 說明 Cancel 取消 OK 確定 Symbology 符號化 Visibility 可見性 Use scale dependent rendering 依比例繪圖 Maximum 1: 最大值1: Maximum scale at which this layer will be displayed. 圖層顯示的最大比例. Minimum 1: 最小值1: Minimum scale at which this layer will be displayed. 圖層顯示的最小比例. Display field 顯示欄位 Display field for the Identify Results dialog box 識別結果對話方塊中顯示的欄位 This sets the display field for the Identify Results dialog box 這裡設定了識別結果對話方塊中顯示的欄位 Use this control to set which field is placed at the top level of the Identify Results dialog box. 用這個控制項來設定某個欄位顯示在識別結果對話方塊的頂部. Subset: 子集: Query Builder 查詢構建器 Metadata 詮釋資料 Actions 動作 Spatial Reference System 空間參考系統 Change 改變 Spatial Index 空間索引 Create Spatial Index 建立空間索引 Create 建立 QgsEditReservedWordsBase Edit Reserved Words 編輯保留字 Status 狀態 Column name 欄位名稱 Index 索引 This shapefile contains reserved words. These may affect the import into PostgreSQL. Edit the column names so none of the reserved words listed at the right are used. You may also change any column name if desired. 這個shapefile包含保留字。這可能會影響PostgreSQL的匯入。編輯欄位名稱,使其沒有任何保留字。您可以改變任何一個欄位的名稱,如果您想這麼做的話. &Help 說明(&H) F1 F1 &OK 確定(&O) &Cancel 取消(&C) Reserved Words 保留字 Column Name 欄位名稱 QgsEditReservedWordsDialog Status 狀態 Column Name 欄位名稱 Index 索引 QgsEncodingFileDialog Encoding: 編碼: QgsFillStyleWidgetBase Form1 表單1 Fill Style 填滿樣式 PolyStyleWidget 多邊型樣式裝飾 Colour: 顏色: col QgsGPSDeviceDialog New device %1 新設備%1 Are you sure? 確定? Are you sure that you want to delete this device? 您確定要刪除這個設備? QgsGPSDeviceDialogBase GPS Device Editor GPS設備編輯器 Device name: 設備名稱: This is the name of the device as it will appear in the lists 這是設備的名稱,它會出現在列表中 Update device 更新設備 Delete device 刪除設備 New device 新設備 Close 關閉 Commands 命令 Waypoint download: 路線點下載: Waypoint upload: 路線點上載: Route download: 路徑下載: Route upload: 路徑上載: Track download: 軌跡下載: The command that is used to upload tracks to the device 該命令用來將軌跡上載到設備上 Track upload: 軌跡上載: The command that is used to download tracks from the device 該命令用來將軌跡從設備上下載下來 The command that is used to upload routes to the device 該命令用來將路徑上載到設備上 The command that is used to download routes from the device 該命令用來將路徑從設備上下載下來 The command that is used to upload waypoints to the device 該命令用來將路線點上載到設備上 The command that is used to download waypoints from the device 該命令用來將路線點從設備上下載下來 Device name <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css"> p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } </style></head><body style=" font-family:'Verdana'; font-size:10pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;"> <p style=" margin-top:12px; margin-bottom:12px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px; font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:9pt;">In the download and upload commands there can be special words that will be replaced by QGIS when the commands are used. These words are:<span style=" font-style:italic;">%babel</span> - the path to GPSBabel<br /><span style=" font-style:italic;">%in</span> - the GPX filename when uploading or the port when downloading<br /><span style=" font-style:italic;">%out</span> - the port when uploading or the GPX filename when downloading</p></body></html> QgsGPSPlugin &Gps GPS工具(&G) &Gps Tools GPS工具(&G) &Create new GPX layer 建立新的GPX圖層 (&C) Creates a new GPX layer and displays it on the map canvas 建立新的GPX圖層並顯示在地圖中 Gps Tools GPS工具 Save new GPX file as... 新的GPX檔另存為... GPS eXchange file (*.gpx) GPS交換檔 (*.gpx) Could not create file 無法建立文件 Unable to create a GPX file with the given name. 無法以給定的名稱建立GPX檔。 Try again with another name or in another 以其他名稱重試或另存 directory. 目錄。 GPX Loader GPX載入器 Unable to read the selected file. 無法讀取選中的文件。 Please reselect a valid file. 請重新選擇一個有效的檔。 Could not start process 無法啟動程式 Could not start GPSBabel! 無法啟動GPSBabel! Importing data... 匯入數據... Cancel 取消 Could not import data from %1! 無法從%1匯入資料! Error importing data 匯入資料錯誤 Not supported 不支持 This device does not support downloading 該設備不支援下載 Downloading data... 下載數據... Could not download data from GPS! 無法從GPS下載資料! Error downloading data 下載資料錯誤 This device does not support uploading of 該設備不支援上傳 Uploading data... 上傳數據... Error while uploading data to GPS! 上傳資料到GPS時發生錯誤! Error uploading data 上傳資料錯誤 Could not convert data from %1! Error converting data Unable to read the selected file. Please reselect a valid file. This device does not support downloading of %1. This device does not support uploading of %1. QgsGPSPluginGui Choose a filename to save under 選擇檔案名來儲存 GPS eXchange format (*.gpx) GPS交換檔 (*.gpx) Select GPX file 選擇GPX檔 Select file and format to import 選擇要匯入的檔和格式 Waypoints 路線點 Routes 路徑 Tracks 軌跡 QGIS can perform conversions of GPX files, by using GPSBabel (%1) to perform the conversions. This requires that you have GPSBabel installed where QGIS can find it. GPX is the %1, which is used to store information about waypoints, routes, and tracks. GPS eXchange file format Select a GPX file and then select the feature types that you want to load. This tool will help you download data from a GPS device. Choose your GPS device, the port it is connected to, the feature type you want to download, a name for your new layer, and the GPX file where you want to store the data. If your device isn't listed, or if you want to change some settings, you can also edit the devices. This tool uses the program GPSBabel (%1) to transfer the data. This tool will help you upload data from a GPX layer to a GPS device. Choose the layer you want to upload, the device you want to upload it to, and the port your device is connected to. QGIS can only load GPX files by itself, but many other formats can be converted to GPX using GPSBabel (%1). All file formats can not store waypoints, routes, and tracks, so some feature types may be disabled for some file formats. Choose a file name to save under Select a GPS file format and the file that you want to import, the feature type that you want to use, a GPX file name that you want to save the converted file as, and a name for the new layer. Select a GPX input file name, the type of conversion you want to perform, a GPX file name that you want to save the converted file as, and a name for the new layer created from the result. QgsGPSPluginGuiBase GPS Tools GPS工具 Load GPX file 載入GPX檔 <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /></head><body style="font-size:12pt;font-family:Arial"> <p style="margin-top:16px"><span style="font-size:17pt;font-weight:600">Description</span></p> <p>GPX is the <a href="http://www.topografix.com/gpx.asp">GPS eXchange file format</a>, which is used to store information about waypoints, routes, and tracks.</p> <p>Select a GPX file and then select the feature types that you want to load.</p> </body></html> <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /></head><body style="font-size:12pt;font-family:Arial"> <p style="margin-top:16px"><span style="font-size:17pt;font-weight:600">描述</span></p> <p>GPX is the <a href="http://www.topografix.com/gpx.asp">GPS交換檔格式</a>,它用來儲存路線點、路徑和軌跡的資訊。</p> <p>選擇GPX檔,然後選擇您想要載入的圖徵類型。</p> </body></html> File: 文件: Feature types: 圖徵類型: Waypoints 路線點 Routes 路徑 Tracks 軌跡 ... ... Import other file 匯入其它的文件 File to import: 要匯入的文件: Feature type: 圖徵類型: GPX output file: GPX輸出檔: Layer name: 圖層名稱: Download from GPS 從GPS下載 Edit devices 編輯設備 GPS device: GPS設備: Output file: 輸出檔案: Port: 埠: Upload to GPS 上載到GPS Data layer: 資料圖層: &OK 確定(&O) Alt+O Alt+O &Cancel 取消(&C) Alt+C Alt+C &Help 說明(&H) Browse... 瀏覽... Save As... 存檔為... (Note: Selecting correct file type in browser dialog important!) GPX Conversions Conversion: GPX input file: <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css"> p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } </style></head><body style=" font-family:'Verdana'; font-size:10pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;"> <p style="-qt-paragraph-type:empty; margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px; font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:9pt;"></p></body></html> Edit devices... Refresh 重新整理 QgsGPXProvider Bad URI - you need to specify the feature type. GPS eXchange file Digitized in QGIS QgsGenericProjectionSelector Define this layer's projection: 定義此圖層的投影方式: This layer appears to have no projection specification. 這個圖層沒有指定投影方式。 By default, this layer will now have its projection set to that of the project, but you may override this by selecting a different projection below. 預設會選擇使用專案設定的投影方式,但是您也可以在下面的座標參考系統中選取新的方式。 QgsGenericProjectionSelectorBase Projection Selector 選擇投影方式 QgsGeomTypeDialog Name 名稱 Type 類型 Real 實數 Integer 整數 String 字串 QgsGeomTypeDialogBase Type 類型 Point Line Polygon 多邊形 OK 確定 Cancel 取消 New Vector Layer 新增向量圖層 Attributes: 屬性: Add 新增 Column 1 欄位1 New Item 新專案 Remove 移除 Help 說明 File Format: 檔案格式: File format 檔案格式 Attributes 屬性 Name 名稱 ... ... Delete selected attribute 刪除選取的屬性 Add attribute 新增屬性 QgsGeorefDescriptionDialogBase Description georeferencer 幾何校正(Georeferencer)描述 <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css"> p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } </style></head><body style=" font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:12pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal; text-decoration:none;"> <p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-size:11pt; font-weight:600;">Description</span></p> <p style=" margin-top:12px; margin-bottom:12px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px; font-size:9pt;">This plugin can generate world files for rasters. You select points on the raster and give their world coordinates, and the plugin will compute the world file parameters. The more coordinates you can provide the better the result will be.</p></body></html> QgsGeorefPlugin &Georeferencer 幾何校正(&Georeferencer) <b>Georeferencer GDAL</b> Based on original Georeferencer Plugin <b>Developers:</b> Lars Luthman (original Georeferencer) <b>Links:</b> QgsGeorefPluginGui Choose a raster file 選擇影像影像檔 Raster files (*.*) 影像影像文件 (*.*) Error 錯誤 The selected file is not a valid raster file. 選擇的檔不是有效的影像檔。 The selected file already seems to have a 選擇的檔案似乎已經有一個 world file! If you want to replace it with a world文件! 如果您想用新的world檔 new world file, remove the old one first. 來替換它,請先將舊的檔刪除。 World file exists World檔案已存在 <p>The selected file already seems to have a 您選擇的檔案似乎已有 world file! Do you want to replace it with the world 檔!您真的要用建立新的world檔案覆蓋它 new world file?</p> ?</p> QgsGeorefPluginGuiBase Georeferencer 幾何校正(Georeferencer) Close 關閉 ... 瀏覽... Raster file: 影像影像檔案: <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /></head><body style="font-size:10pt;font-family:Sans Serif"> <p style="margin-top:16px"><span style="font-size:13pt;font-weight:600">Description</span></p> <p>This plugin can generate world files for rasters. You select points on the raster and give their world coordinates, and the plugin will compute the world file parameters. The more coordinates you can provide the better the result will be.</p> </body></html> <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /></head><body style="font-size:10pt;font-family:Sans Serif"> <p style="margin-top:16px"><span style="font-size:13pt;font-weight:600">Description</span></p> <p>該附加元件能為影像生成world檔。您在影像上選擇點,並給它們真實的座標,這個附加元件會算出world檔的參數。提供的點越多,結果會越好。</p> </body></html> Enter world coordinates 輸入world座標 Arrange plugin windows 自動排列附加元件視窗 Description... 說明... QgsGeorefWarpOptionsDialogBase Warp options 變形選項 Resampling method: 重採樣方法: Nearest neighbour 最鄰近採樣 Linear 線性 Cubic 立方卷積 OK 確定 Use 0 for transparency when needed 需要時使用0表示透明 Compression: QgsGraMaDialogBase graduated Marker 漸進標記符號 Mode: 模式: Classification Field: 分類欄位: Number of Classes: 分類數目: QgsGraMaExtensionWidget Lower 向下 Upper 向上 Label 標籤 Image 影像 Scale Factor 比例 係數 QgsGraSyDialogBase graduated Symbol 漸進符號 Number of Classes: 分類數目: Classification Field: 分類欄位: Mode: 模式: QgsGraduatedSymbolDialog Equal Interval Quantiles Empty QgsGraduatedSymbolDialogBase graduated Symbol 漸進符號 Classification Field: 分類欄位: Mode: 模式: Number of Classes: 分類數目: Delete class 刪除類別 Classify 分類 Classification field 分類欄位 Mode 模式 Number of classes 類別的數量 QgsGrassAttributes Warning 警告 Column Value Type 類型 Field 欄位 ERROR OK 確定 Layer 圖層 QgsGrassAttributesBase GRASS Attributes GRASS屬性 Tab 1 表1 result 結果 Update 更新 Update database record 更新資料庫記錄 New 新增 Add new category using settings in GRASS Edit toolbox 使用GRASS編輯工具箱中的設定來新增新的類別 Delete 刪除 Delete selected category 刪除選中的類別 QgsGrassBrowser Tools 工具 Add selected map to canvas 將選中的地圖新增到檢視中 Copy selected map 複製選中的地圖 Rename selected map 重新命名選中的地圖 Delete selected map 刪除選中的地圖 Set current region to selected map 設定目前區域為選中的地圖 Refresh 重新整理 Warning 警告 Cannot write new region New name Cannot copy map %1@%2 <br>command: %1 %2<br>%3<br>%4 Cannot rename map %1 Delete map <b>%1</b> Cannot delete map %1 QgsGrassEdit New vertex 新轉折點 New point 新的點 New centroid 新的質心 Select vertex 選擇轉折點 Select line segment 選擇線段 Select position on line 在線上選擇位置 Select element 選擇元素 Undo last point 撤銷最後的點 Close line 閉合線 Delete selected / select next 刪除選中的/選擇下一個 Release selected 釋放選中的 New location 新的區域 Select new position 選擇新的位置 New vertex position 新的轉折點位置 Release 釋放 Delete vertex 刪除轉折點 Release vertex 釋放轉折點 Split the line 分割線 Release the line 釋放線 Select point on line 在線上選擇點 Left: 左鍵: Middle: 中鍵: Rigth: 右鍵: Edit tools 編輯工具 New line 新的線 New boundary 新的邊界 Move vertex 移動轉折點 Add vertex 新增轉折點 Move element 移動元素 Split line 分割線 Delete element 刪除元素 Edit attributes 編輯屬性 Close 關閉 Warning 警告 You are not owner of the mapset, cannot open the vector for editing. Cannot open vector for update. Info The table was created Tool not yet implemented. Orphan record was left in attribute table. <br>Delete the record? Cannot delete orphan record: Background Highlight Dynamic Point Line Boundary (no area) Boundary (1 area) Boundary (2 areas) Centroid (in area) Centroid (outside area) Centroid (duplicate in area) Node (1 line) Node (2 lines) Color Column title 顏色 Type Column title 類型 Index Column title 索引 Type 類型 Length 長度 Next not used Manual entry No category Cannot check orphan record: %1 Cannot describe table for field %1 Left: %1 Middle: %1 Right: %1 QgsGrassEditAddVertex Select line segment 選擇線段 New vertex position 新的轉折點位置 Release QgsGrassEditAttributes Select element 選擇元素 QgsGrassEditBase GRASS Edit GRASS編輯 Category 類別 Mode 模式 Field (layer) 欄位(圖層) Settings 設定 Snapping in screen pixels 捕捉螢幕圖元 Symbology 符號化 Column 1 行 1 New Item 新專案 Table 表格 Add Column 新增欄位 Create / Alter Table 建立/更改表格 Tools 工具 Toolbar 工具條 New line 新的線 F2 F2 Close 關閉 New point 新的點 F1 F1 New boundary 新的邊界 F3 F3 New centroid 新的質心 F4 F4 Move vertex 移動轉折點 F5 F5 Add vertex 新增轉折點 F6 F6 Delete vertex 刪除轉折點 F7 F7 Split line 分割線 F10 F10 Move line 移動線 F9 F9 Delete line 刪除線 F11 F11 Edit attributes 編輯屬性 ActionGroup 動作組 Line width 線的寬度 Marker size 標記的大小 Layer 圖層 Disp Color 顏色 Type 類型 Index 索引 Column Length 長度 QgsGrassEditDeleteLine Select element 選擇元素 Delete selected / select next 刪除選中的/選擇下一個 Release selected QgsGrassEditDeleteVertex Select vertex 選擇轉折點 Delete vertex 刪除轉折點 Release vertex QgsGrassEditMoveLine Select element 選擇元素 New location 新的區域 Release selected QgsGrassEditMoveVertex Select vertex 選擇轉折點 Select new position 選擇新的位置 QgsGrassEditNewLine New vertex 新轉折點 New point 新的點 Undo last point Close line 閉合線 QgsGrassEditNewPoint New centroid 新的質心 New point 新的點 QgsGrassEditSplitLine Select position on line Split the line 分割線 Release the line Select point on line QgsGrassElementDialog Cancel 取消 Ok 確定 <font color='red'>Enter a name!</font> <font color='red'>This is name of the source!</font> <font color='red'>Exists!</font> Overwrite QgsGrassMapcalc Mapcalc tools 地圖計算工具 Add map 新增地圖 Add constant value 新增常數 Add operator or function 新增操作符或函數 Add connection 新增連接 Select item 選擇項目 Delete selected item 刪除選中的項目 Open 開啟 Save 儲存 Save as 另存為 Addition Subtraction Multiplication Division Modulus Exponentiation Equal Not equal Greater than Greater than or equal Less than Less than or equal And Or Absolute value of x Inverse tangent of x (result is in degrees) Inverse tangent of y/x (result is in degrees) Current column of moving window (starts with 1) Cosine of x (x is in degrees) Convert x to double-precision floating point Current east-west resolution Exponential function of x x to the power y Convert x to single-precision floating point Decision: 1 if x not zero, 0 otherwise Decision: a if x not zero, 0 otherwise Decision: a if x not zero, b otherwise Decision: a if x > 0, b if x is zero, c if x < 0 Convert x to integer [ truncates ] Check if x = NULL Natural log of x Log of x base b Largest value Median value Smallest value Mode value 1 if x is zero, 0 otherwise Current north-south resolution NULL value Random value between a and b Round x to nearest integer Current row of moving window (Starts with 1) Sine of x (x is in degrees) sin(x) Square root of x sqrt(x) Tangent of x (x is in degrees) tan(x) Current x-coordinate of moving window Current y-coordinate of moving window Warning 警告 Cannot get current region No GRASS raster maps currently in QGIS Cannot create 'mapcalc' directory in current mapset. New mapcalc Enter new mapcalc name: Enter vector name Save mapcalc File name empty Cannot open mapcalc file column Output 輸出 Cannot check region of map %1 Cannot get region of map %1 The file already exists. Overwrite? The mapcalc schema (%1) not found. Cannot open mapcalc schema (%1) Cannot read mapcalc schema (%1): %1 at line %2 column %3 QgsGrassMapcalcBase MainWindow 主窗口 Output 輸出 QgsGrassModule Run 運行 Stop 停止 Warning 警告 column Cannot get input region Use Input Region <B>Successfully finished</B> <B>Finished with error</B> <B>Module crashed or killed</B> Please ensure you have the GRASS documentation installed. Module: %1 The module file (%1) not found. Cannot open module file (%1) Cannot read module file (%1) %1 at line %2 column %3 Module %1 not found Cannot find man page %1 Not available, description not found (%1) Not available, cannot open description (%1) Not available, incorrect description (%1) Input %1 outside current region! Output %1 exists! Overwrite? Cannot find module %1 Cannot start module: %1 QgsGrassModuleBase GRASS Module GRASS模組 Options 選項 Output 輸出 Manual 手動 Run 運行 Close 關閉 View output 查看輸出 TextLabel 文字標籤 QgsGrassModuleField Attribute field QgsGrassModuleFile File 文件 %1:&nbsp;missing value %1:&nbsp;directory does not exist QgsGrassModuleGdalInput Warning 警告 PostGIS driver in OGR does not support schemas!<br>Only the table name will be used.<br>It can result in wrong input if more tables of the same name<br>are present in the database. Cannot find layeroption %1 Cannot find whereoption %1 %1:&nbsp;no input QgsGrassModuleInput Warning 警告 Use region of this map Cannot find typeoption %1 Cannot find values for typeoption %1 Cannot find layeroption %1 GRASS element %1 not supported %1:&nbsp;no input QgsGrassModuleOption %1:&nbsp;missing value QgsGrassModuleSelection Attribute field QgsGrassModuleStandardOptions Warning 警告 column Cannot get current region Cannot find module %1 Cannot start module %1 <br>command: %1 %2<br>%3<br>%4 Cannot read module description (%1): %1 at line %2 column %3 Cannot find key %1 Item with id %1 not found Cannot check region of map %1 Cannot set region of map %1 QgsGrassNewMapset Projection 投影 Mapset 地圖集(MapSet) Database 資料庫 Location 2 User's mapset System mapset Location 1 Enter path to GRASS database The directory doesn't exist! Enter location name! The location exists! Selected projection is not supported by GRASS! Warning 警告 Cannot create projection. Cannot reproject previously set region, default region set. North must be greater than south East must be greater than west column Cannot reproject selected region. Cannot reproject region Enter mapset name. The mapset already exists Database: Location: 位置: Mapset: Create location Create mapset Cannot open DEFAULT_WIND Cannot open WIND New mapset New mapset successfully created and set as current working mapset. Cannot create new mapset directory Cannot create QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem No writable locations, the database is not writable! Regions file (%1) not found. Cannot open locations file (%1) Cannot read locations file (%1): %1 at line %2 column %3 Cannot create new location: %1 New mapset successfully created, but cannot be opened: %1 QgsGrassNewMapsetBase Column 1 行 1 Example directory tree: 範例 目錄樹: Database Error 資料庫錯誤 Database: 資料庫: ... ... Select existing directory or create a new one: 選擇已有的目錄或建立新目錄: Location 區域(Location) Select location 選擇區域 Create new location 建立新區域 Location Error 區域錯誤 Projection Error 投影錯誤 Coordinate system 座標系統 Projection 投影 Not defined 未定義的 Set current QGIS extent 設定目前QGIS的範圍 Set 設定 Region Error 範圍錯誤 S W 西 E N New mapset: 新的地圖集: Mapset Error 地圖集錯誤 <p align="center">Existing masets</p> <p align="center">已有的地圖集</p> Location: 區域: Mapset: 地圖集: New Mapset 新的地圖集 GRASS Database Tree Comment 註解 <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd"> <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css"> p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } </style></head><body style=" font-family:'Lucida Grande'; font-size:13pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;"> <p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px; font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:9pt;">GRASS data are stored in tree directory structure. The GRASS database is the top-level directory in this tree structure.</p></body></html> Browse... 瀏覽... GRASS Location <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd"> <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css"> p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } </style></head><body style=" font-family:'Lucida Grande'; font-size:13pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;"> <p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px; font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:9pt;">The GRASS location is a collection of maps for a particular territory or project.</p></body></html> Default GRASS Region <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd"> <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css"> p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } </style></head><body style=" font-family:'Lucida Grande'; font-size:13pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;"> <p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px; font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:9pt;">The GRASS region defines a workspace for raster modules. The default region is valid for one location. It is possible to set a different region in each mapset. It is possible to change the default location region later.</p></body></html> Mapset 地圖集(MapSet) Owner <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd"> <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css"> p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } </style></head><body style=" font-family:'Lucida Grande'; font-size:13pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;"> <p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px; font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:9pt;">The GRASS mapset is a collection of maps used by one user. A user can read maps from all mapsets in the location but he can open for writing only his mapset (owned by user).</p></body></html> Create New Mapset QgsGrassPlugin GRASS GRASS &GRASS Open mapset New mapset Close mapset Add GRASS vector layer Add GRASS raster layer Open GRASS tools Display Current Grass Region Edit Current Grass Region Edit Grass Vector layer Adds a GRASS vector layer to the map canvas Adds a GRASS raster layer to the map canvas Displays the current GRASS region as a rectangle on the map canvas Edit the current GRASS region Edit the currently selected GRASS vector layer. GrassVector 0.1 0.1 GRASS layer GRASS圖層 Create new Grass Vector Warning 警告 GRASS Edit is already running. New vector name New vector created but cannot be opened by data provider. Cannot start editing. GISDBASE, LOCATION_NAME or MAPSET is not set, cannot display current region. Cannot open GRASS vector: %1 Cannot create new vector: %1 Cannot open vector for update. Cannot read current region: %1 Cannot open the mapset. %1 Cannot close mapset. %1 Cannot close current mapset. %1 Cannot open GRASS mapset. %1 QgsGrassRegion Warning 警告 GISDBASE, LOCATION_NAME or MAPSET is not set, cannot display current region. Cannot write region Cannot read current region: %1 QgsGrassRegionBase GRASS Region Settings GRASS區域設定 N W 西 E S N-S Res 南北向解析度 Rows Cols E-W Res 東西向解析度 Color 顏色 Width 寬度 OK 確定 Cancel 取消 QgsGrassSelect Select GRASS Vector Layer Select GRASS Raster Layer Select GRASS mapcalc schema Select GRASS Mapset Warning 警告 Cannot open vector on level 2 (topology not available). Choose existing GISDBASE Wrong GISDBASE, no locations available. Wrong GISDBASE Select a map. No map No layer No layers available in this map QgsGrassSelectBase Add GRASS Layer 新增GRASS圖層 Gisdbase Gisdbase Location 區域(Location) Browse 瀏覽 Mapset 地圖集(MapSet) Select or type map name (wildcards '*' and '?' accepted for rasters) 選擇或輸入地圖名稱(影像接受萬用字元'*'和'?') Map name 地圖名稱 Layer 圖層 OK 確定 Cancel 取消 QgsGrassShellBase GRASS Shell GRASS Shell Close 關閉 QgsGrassTools Modules 模組 Browser GRASS Tools GRASS工具 Warning 警告 GRASS Shell is not compiled. column GRASS Tools: %1/%2 The config file (%1) not found. Cannot open config file (%1). Cannot read config file (%1): %1 at line %2 column %3 Cannot start command shell (%1) QgsGrassToolsBase GRASS Tools GRASS工具 Modules 模組 Column 1 行 1 New Item 新專案 New Mapset 新的地圖集 &New 新增(&N) Ctrl+N Ctrl+N Open Mapset 開啟地圖集 &Open... 開啟(&O)... Ctrl+O Ctrl+O Grass Tools Modules Tree 1 1 Modules List QgsGridMakerPlugin &Graticules 格網標線工具(&G) &GraticuleMaker 格網標線產生工具(&G) Creates a graticule (grid) and stores the result as a shapefile 建立格網標線並儲存為shapefile Graticule Creator 格網標線產生工具 &Graticule Creator 格網標線產生工具 QgsGridMakerPluginGui QGIS - Grid Maker QGIS - 格網產生工具 Please enter the file name before pressing OK!. 按下OK前請輸入檔案名。 Longitude Interval is invalid - please correct and try again. 經度間隔無效 - 請改正並重試。 Latitude Interval is invalid - please correct and try again. 緯度間隔無效 - 請改正並重試。 Longitude Origin is invalid - please correct and try again.. 起始經度無效 - 請改正並重試。 Latitude Origin is invalid - please correct and try again. 起始緯度無效 - 請改正並重試。 End Point Longitude is invalid - please correct and try again. 終點經度無效 - 請改正並重試。 End Point Latitude is invalid - please correct and try again. 終點緯度無效 - 請改正並重試。 Choose a filename to save under 選擇檔案名稱來儲存 ESRI Shapefile (*.shp) ESRI Shapefile (*.shp) QgsGridMakerPluginGuiBase QGIS Plugin Template QGIS附加元件範本 &OK 確定(&O) Alt+O Alt+O &Cancel 取消(&C) Alt+C Alt+C Graticule Builder 格網標線工具 <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /></head><body style="font-size:11pt;font-family:Arial"> <p style="margin-top:16px"><span style="font-size:16pt;font-weight:600">Description</span></p> <p>This plugin will help you to build a graticule shapefile that you can use as an overlay within your qgis map viewer.</p> <p>Please enter all units in decimal degrees</p> </body></html> <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /></head><body style="font-size:11pt;font-family:Arial"> <p style="margin-top:16px"><span style="font-size:16pt;font-weight:600">描述</span></p> <p>該附加元件能夠幫助您構建格網標線shapefile,您可以將它作為套疊圖層在地圖中使用。</p> <p>所有的輸入都以十進位度為單位</p> </body></html> Origin (Lower Left) 起點(左下角點) #000.00000; #000.00000; Latitude: 緯度: Longitude: 經度: End point (Upper Right) 終點(右上角點) Output (Shape) File 輸出檔(Shape) ... ... Graticule Size (units in degrees) 格網大小(單位:度) Latitude Interval: 緯度間距: Longitude Interval: 經度間距: Type 類型 Point Line Polygon 多邊形 Origin (lower left) 起點 (左下角點) End point (upper right) 終點 (右上角點) Graticle size (units in degrees) 格網大小(以度為單位) Output (shape) file 輸出的(shape)檔 Save As... 存檔為... QGIS Graticule Creator QGIS格網標線產生工具 Graticle size 格網大小 Y Interval: y間距 X Interval: x間距 QgsHelpViewer Quantum GIS Help - Quantum GIS 說明 - Failed to get the help text from the database 從資料庫中獲取説明文本失敗 Error 錯誤 The QGIS help database is not installed QGIS説明資料庫沒有安裝 Quantum GIS Help This help file does not exist for your language:<p><b>%1</b><p>If you would like to create it, contact the QGIS development team Quantum GIS Help - %1 Failed to get the help text from the database: %1 QgsHelpViewerBase QGIS Help QGIS說明 &Home 家目錄(&H) Alt+H Alt+H &Forward 前進(&F) Alt+F Alt+F &Back 後退(&B) Alt+B Alt+B &Close 關閉(&C) Alt+C Alt+C QgsHttpTransaction WMS Server responded unexpectedly with HTTP Status Code %1 (%2) HTTP response completed, however there was an error: %1 Network timed out after %1 seconds of inactivity. This may be a problem in your network connection or at the WMS server. HTTP transaction completed, however there was an error: %1 Received %1 of %2 bytes 接收到 %1 bytes(共 %2 bytes) Received %1 bytes (total unknown) 接收到 %1 bytes(大小未知) Not connected 無連線 Looking up '%1' 尋找 '%1' Connecting to '%1' 連線至 '%1' Sending request '%1' 傳送請求指命 '%1' Receiving reply 接收回應資料 Response is complete 回應資料傳完 Closing down connection 關閉連線 Network timed out after %n second(s) of inactivity. This may be a problem in your network connection or at the WMS server. inactivity timeout QgsIDWInterpolatorDialogBase Dialog <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css"> p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } </style></head><body style=" font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:12pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;"> <p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-weight:600;">Inverse Distance Weighting</span></p> <p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px; font-weight:600;"><span style=" font-weight:400;">The only parameter for the IDW interpolation method is the coefficient that describes the decrease of weights with distance.</span></p></body></html> Distance coefficient P: QgsIdentifyResults <center>Run action</center> <center>運行動作</center> Identify Results - 結果 - Feature 圖徵 Value Run action (Derived) Identify Results - %1 QgsIdentifyResultsBase Identify Results 結果 Help 說明 F1 F1 Close 關閉 Feature 圖徵 Value QgsInterpolationDialog Triangular interpolation (TIN) Inverse Distance Weighting (IDW) QgsInterpolationDialogBase Output 輸出 ... ... Interpolation plugin 內插工具 Input 輸入 Input vector layer 輸入向量圖層 Use z-Coordinate for interpolation 使用z-Coordinate內插 Interpolation attribute 內插屬性 Interpolation method 內插方法 Number of columns 行數 Number of rows 列數 Output file 輸出檔案 QgsInterpolationPlugin &Interpolation 內插工具(&I) QgsItemPositionDialogBase Set item position Item reference point Coordinates x: y: Set Position Close 關閉 QgsLUDialogBase Enter class bounds 輸入分類的界限 Lower value 下界值 - - OK 確定 Cancel 取消 Upper value 上界值 QgsLabelDialog Auto QgsLabelDialogBase Form1 表單1 Source: 源: Field containing label: 包含標籤的欄位: Default label: 預設標籤: Preview: 字體預覽: QGIS Rocks! QGIS 真酷! Font Style 字體樣式 Font 字體 Font size units are in ... 字體大小的單位是... Points 點單位 Map units 地圖單位 % % Transparency: 透明度: Colour 顏色 Position 位置 X Offset (pts): X偏移量(pts): Y Offset (pts): Y偏移量(pts): Offset units are in ... 偏移量單位是... Buffer Settings 字體輪廓設定 Buffer Labels? 標籤是否使用字體輪廓? Size: 大小: Buffer size is in ... 字體輪廓大小是... Size is in map units 地圖單位大小 Size is in points 點單位大小 Alignment 對齊 Above 上方 Over 正中 Left 左方 Below 下方 Right 右方 Above Right 右上方 Below Right 右下方 Above Left 左上方 Below Left 左下方 Angle (deg): 角度(度): ° ° Use best judgement when labels collide 當標籤重疊時使用最佳判斷 Data Defined Style 定義樣式的資料 &Font family: 字體類型(&F): &Italic: 斜體(&I): &Underline: 底線(&U): &Bold: 粗體(&B): &Size: 大小(&S): X Coordinate: X座標: Y Coordinate: Y座標: Placement: 位置: &Colour: 顏色(&C): Font and Alignment 字體和對齊 Buffer and Position 字體輪廓和位置 Advanced Data Defined Style 進階的資料定義的樣式 Font size units 字體大小的單位 Font Alignment 字體對齊 Placement 位置 Buffer 字體輪廓 Buffer size units 字體輪廓大小的單位 Offset units 偏移量的單位 Data Defined Alignment 定義對齊的欄位 Data Defined Buffer 定義字體輪廓的欄位 Data Defined Position 定義位置的欄位 Source 來源 Field containing label 包含標籤的欄位 Default label 預設標籤 Data defined style 選擇定義樣式的欄位 Data defined alignment 選擇定義對齊方式的欄位 Data defined buffer 選擇定義字體輪廓的欄位 Data defined position 選擇定義位置的欄位 Font transparency 字體透明度 Color 顏色 Angle (deg) 角度(度) Buffer labels? 是否使用字體輪廓? Buffer size 字體輪廓大小 Transparency 透明度 X Offset (pts) X方向偏移(pts) Y Offset (pts) Y方向偏移(pts) &Font family 字體(&F) &Bold 粗體(&B) &Italic 斜體(&I) &Underline 底線(&U) &Size 大小(&S) Size units 大小單位 X Coordinate X座標 Y Coordinate Y座標 Multiline labels? 使用多行標籤 General 一般 Use scale dependent rendering 依比例繪圖 Maximum 最大值 Minimum 最小值 Minimum scale at which this layer will be displayed. Maximum scale at which this layer will be displayed. QgsLayerProjectionSelectorBase Layer Projection Selector 圖層投影選擇工具 OK 確定 <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /></head><body style="font-size:12pt;font-family:Bitstream Vera Sans"> <p style="margin-top:16px"><span style="font-size:18pt;font-weight:600">Define this layer's projection:</span></p> <p>This layer appears to have no projection specification. By default, this layer will now have its projection set to that of the project, but you may override this by selecting a different projection below.</p> </body></html> <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /></head><body style="font-size:12pt;font-family:Bitstream Vera Sans"> <p style="margin-top:16px"><span style="font-size:18pt;font-weight:600">定義該圖層的投影:</span></p> <p>這個圖層看起來沒有指定投影。預設情況下,它的投影會被設定為專案的投影。但是您也可以從下面選擇一個不同的投影來取代它。</p> </body></html> QgsLegend group 群組 &Properties 屬性(&P) &Zoom to layer extent 縮放到圖層的範圍 (&Z) &Add to overview 新增到全覽圖 (&A) &Remove from overview 從全覽圖中移除 (&R) &Remove 移除(&R) &Make to toplevel item Re&name 重新命名(&n) &Add group 新增群組(&A) &Expand all 全部展開(&E) &Collapse all 全部折疊 (&C) Show file groups 顯示檔案資料 &Open attribute table 開啟屬性工作表(&O) Allow Editing 放棄編輯 Save as shapefile... 儲存為shapefile... &Convert to... 轉換為(&C)... No Layer Selected 沒有選中圖層 To open an attribute table, you must select a vector layer in the legend QgsLegendItemBase Form1 表單1 CheckBox1 核取方塊 TextLabel1 文本標籤1 QgsLegendLayer &Zoom to layer extent 縮放到圖層的範圍 (&Z) &Zoom to best scale (100%) 縮放至最佳比例(&Z) &Show in overview 在全覽圖中顯示(&S) &Remove 移除(&R) &Open attribute table 開啟屬性工作表(&O) Save as shapefile... 儲存為shapefile... Save selection as shapefile... 儲存選擇區域為shapfile... &Properties 屬性(&P) Multiple layers 多個圖層 This item contains multiple layers. Displaying multiple layers in the table is not supported. 這個項目包含多個圖層。不支援在表格中顯示多個圖層。 QgsLegendLayerFile Attribute table - 屬性工作表 Save layer as... 圖層另存為... Start editing failed 開始編輯失敗 Provider cannot be opened for editing 資料來源不能以可寫方式開啟 Stop editing 結束編輯 Do you want to save the changes? 您是否想儲存更改? &Yes 是(&Y) &No 否(&N) Error 錯誤 Could not commit changes 無法提交更改 Problems during roll back 回滾時發生問題 Saving done Export to Shapefile has been completed Driver not found ESRI Shapefile driver is not available Error creating shapefile Layer creation failed &Zoom to layer extent 縮放到圖層的範圍 (&Z) &Show in overview 在全覽圖中顯示 &Remove 移除(&R) &Open attribute table 開啟屬性工作表(&O) Save as shapefile... 儲存為shapefile... Save selection as shapefile... 儲存選取部分為Shapefile... &Properties 屬性(&P) Layer attribute table contains unsupported datatype(s) Select the coordinate reference system for the saved shapefile. The data points will be transformed from the layer coordinate reference system. The shapefile could not be created (%1) QgsLineStyleDialogBase Select a line style 選擇線的樣式 Styles 樣式 Ok 確定 Cancel 取消 QgsLineStyleWidgetBase Form2 表單2 Outline Style 框線樣式 Width: 寬度: Colour: 顏色: LineStyleWidget 線形裝飾 col QgsLocationCaptureWidget Captured Pos: 截取的位置: Current Pos: 目前的位置: QgsLocationCaptureWidgetBase Form1 表單1 ZoomIn 放大 Pan 移動 Zoom Out 縮小 Capture Pos 截取位置 OK 確定 Captured Pos: 截取的位置: Current Pos: 目前的位置: QgsMapCanvas No active layer 沒有啟動的圖層 To select features, you must choose an layer active by clicking on its name in the legend 要選取圖徵,您必須在圖例上按一下一個圖層的名稱,啟動該圖層 To identify features, you must choose an layer active by clicking on its name in the legend 要識別圖徵,,您必須在圖例上按一下一個圖層的名稱,啟動該圖層 Error when projecting the view extent, you may need to manually zoom to the region of interest. 投影檢視區域範圍時出錯,您也許需要手動縮放到感興趣的區域. Could not draw 無法繪製 because 因為 Could not draw %1 because: %2 COMMENTED OUT Could not draw %1 because: %2 QgsMapLayer &Zoom to extent of selected layer 縮放至選中的圖層(&Z) &Remove 移除(&R) &Properties 屬性(&P) Toggle in Overview 放入全覽圖中 %1 at line %2 column %3 User database could not be opened. The style table could not be created. The style %1 was saved to database The style %1 was updated in the database. The style %1 could not be updated in the database. The style %1 could not be inserted into database. style not found in database Loading style file %1 failed because: %2 Could not save symbology because: %1 The directory containing your dataset needs to be writeable! Created default style file as %1 ERROR: Failed to created default style file as %1. Check file permissions and retry. QgsMapToolAddFeature Not a vector layer 不是向量圖層 The current layer is not a vector layer 目前的圖層是不向量圖層 2.5D shape type not supported 不支援2.5D的Shape型態 Adding features to 2.5D shapetypes is not supported yet 增加圖徵至2.5DShape type尚未支援 Layer cannot be added to 不能新增圖層 The data provider for this layer does not support the addition of features. 該圖層的資料來源不支持圖徵的新增。 Layer not editable 圖層不可編輯 Cannot edit the vector layer. To make it editable, go to the file item of the layer, right click and check 'Allow Editing'. 無法編輯向量圖層。請確定它是可以編輯。在圖層的檔案項中,選取為'允許編輯'。 Wrong editing tool 錯誤的編輯工具 Cannot apply the 'capture point' tool on this vector layer Coordinate transform error 座標轉換錯誤 Cannot transform the point to the layers coordinate system 無法轉換點至圖層的座標系統 Cannot apply the 'capture line' tool on this vector layer Cannot apply the 'capture polygon' tool on this vector layer Error 錯誤 Cannot add feature. Unknown WKB type 無法新增圖徵,未知的WKB形態 Could not remove polygon intersection 無法移除多邊形的交叉 QgsMapToolAddIsland Not a vector layer 不是向量圖層 The current layer is not a vector layer 目前的圖層是不向量圖層 Layer not editable 圖層不可編輯 Cannot edit the vector layer. To make it editable, go to the file item of the layer, right click and check 'Allow Editing'. 無法編輯向量圖層。請確定它是可以編輯。在圖層的檔案項中,選取為'允許編輯'。 Error, could not add island 錯誤,無法增加島形(island) Coordinate transform error 座標轉換錯誤 Cannot transform the point to the layers coordinate system 無法轉換點至圖層的座標系統 QgsMapToolAddRing Not a vector layer 不是向量圖層 The current layer is not a vector layer 目前的圖層是不向量圖層 Layer not editable 圖層不可編輯 Cannot edit the vector layer. To make it editable, go to the file item of the layer, right click and check 'Allow Editing'. 無法編輯向量圖層。請確定它是可以編輯。在圖層的檔案項中,選取為'允許編輯'。 Coordinate transform error 座標轉換錯誤 Cannot transform the point to the layers coordinate system 無法轉換點至圖層的座標系統 A problem with geometry type occured The inserted Ring is not closed The inserted Ring is not a valid geometry The inserted Ring crosses existing rings The inserted Ring is not contained in a feature An unknown error occured 發生未知的錯誤 Error, could not add ring 錯誤,不能新增環形(ring) QgsMapToolIdentify - %1 features found Identify results window title (clicked coordinate) No active layer 沒有啟動的圖層 To identify features, you must choose an active layer by clicking on its name in the legend Band 波段 WMS identify result for %1: %2 Length 長度 Area 面積 action 動作 No features found No features were found in the active layer at the point you clicked 在目前啟動圖層的滑鼠點擊位置上未發現圖徵 %1 - %n feature(s) found Identify results window title Could not draw %1 because: %2 COMMENTED OUT Could not identify objects on %1 because: %2 QgsMapToolMoveFeature Layer not editable 圖層不可編輯 Cannot edit the vector layer. To make it editable, go to the file item of the layer, right click and check 'Allow Editing'. 無法編輯向量圖層。請確定它是可以編輯。在圖層的檔案項中,選取為'允許編輯'。 QgsMapToolSelect No active layer 沒有啟動的圖層 To select features, you must choose a vector layer by clicking on its name in the legend 要選取圖徵,您必須在圖例上按一下一個圖層的名稱,啟動該圖層 CRS Exception CRS意外 Selection extends beyond layer's coordinate system. QgsMapToolSplitFeatures Split error An error occured during feature splitting No feature split done If there are selected features, the split tool only applies to the selected ones. If you like to split all features under the split line, clear the selection Not a vector layer 不是向量圖層 The current layer is not a vector layer 目前的圖層是不向量圖層 Layer not editable 圖層不可編輯 Cannot edit the vector layer. To make it editable, go to the file item of the layer, right click and check 'Allow Editing'. 無法編輯向量圖層。請確定它是可以編輯。在圖層的檔案項中,選取為'允許編輯'。 Coordinate transform error 座標轉換錯誤 Cannot transform the point to the layers coordinate system 無法轉換點至圖層的座標系統 QgsMapToolVertexEdit Snap tolerance 接合容許範圍 Don't show this message again 不要在顯示此訊息 Could not snap segment. Have you set the tolerance in Settings > Project Properties > General? QgsMapserverExport Overwrite File? Yes No %1 exists. Do you want to overwrite it? QgsMapserverExportBase Export to Mapserver 輸出到Mapserver Map file 地圖文件 Export LAYER information only 只匯出圖層信息 Map 地圖 Name 名稱 Height 高度 Width 寬度 dd 十進位度 feet 英呎 meters 公尺 miles 英里 inches 英寸 kilometers 公里 Units 單位 Image type 影像類型 gif gif gtiff gtiff jpeg jpeg png png swf swf userdefined 用戶定義 wbmp wbmp MinScale 最小比例 MaxScale 最大比例 Prefix attached to map, scalebar and legend GIF filenames created using this MapFile. It should be kept short. 用地圖檔(MapFile)建立的地圖、比例尺和圖例GIF檔案名的首碼。要盡可能的短. Web Interface Definition Web介面定義 Header 標題 Footer 頁腳 Template 範本 &Help 說明(&H) F1 F1 &OK 確定(&O) &Cancel 取消(&C) ... ... QGIS Project File QGIS專案檔案 QGIS project file to export to MapServer map format 將QGIS專案檔案輸出為MapServer地圖格式 Name for the map file to be created from the QGIS project file 地圖檔的名稱 If checked, only the layer information will be processed 如果選中,只有圖層資訊會處理 Path to the MapServer template file Prefix attached to map, scalebar and legend GIF filenames created using this MapFile Full path to the QGIS project file to export to MapServer map format QGIS project file Browse... 瀏覽... Save As... 存檔為... QgsMarkerDialogBase Choose a marker symbol 選擇標記符號 Directory 目錄 ... ... Ok 確定 Cancel 取消 New Item 新專案 QgsMeasure Increment 增量 Total 總計 Segments (in meters) 線段(公尺) QgsMeasureBase Measure 測量 New 新增 Close 關閉 Help 說明 Cl&ose 關閉(&o) Total: 總計: Segments QgsMeasureDialog Segments (in meters) 線段(公尺) Segments (in feet) Segments (in degrees) Segments QgsMeasureTool Incorrect measure results <p>This map is defined with a geographic coordinate system (latitude/longitude) but the map extents suggests that it is actually a projected coordinate system (e.g., Mercator). If so, the results from line or area measurements will be incorrect.</p><p>To fix this, explicitly set an appropriate map coordinate system using the <tt>Settings:Project Properties</tt> menu. QgsMessageViewer QGIS Message QGIS消息 Close 關閉 Don't show this message again 不要在顯示此訊息 QgsMessageViewerBase SPIT Message SPIT消息 Close 關閉 QgsMySQLProvider No GEOS Support! 沒有GEOS支持! Save layer as... 圖層另存為... Error 錯誤 QgsNewConnection Test connection 測試連接 Connection to %1 was successfull 成功連接到%1 Connection failed - Check settings and try again. Extended error information: 連接失敗 - 檢查設定然後重試。 詳細的錯誤資訊: Connection to %1 was successful Connection failed - Check settings and try again. Extended error information: %1 QgsNewConnectionBase Create a New PostGIS connection 建立新的PostGIS連接 OK 確定 Cancel 取消 Help 說明 F1 F1 Connection Information 連接資訊 Name 名稱 Host 主機 Database 資料庫 Port Username 用戶名 Password 密碼 Name of the new connection 新連接的名稱 5432 5432 Save Password 儲存密碼 Test Connect 測試連接 Only look in the 'public' schema Only look in the geometry_columns table Restrict the search to the public schema for spatial tables not in the geometry_columns table When searching for spatial tables that are not in the geometry_columns tables, restrict the search to tables that are in the public schema (for some databases this can save lots of time) Restrict the displayed tables to those that are in the geometry_columns table Restricts the displayed tables to those that are in the geometry_columns table. This can speed up the initial display of spatial tables. QgsNewHttpConnectionBase Create a New WMS connection 建立新的WMS連接 Connection Information 連接資訊 Name 名稱 URL URL Proxy Host 代理伺服器主機 Proxy Port 代理伺服器埠 Proxy User 代理伺服器使用者 Proxy Password 代理伺服器密碼 Your user name for the HTTP proxy (optional) HTTP代理的用戶名 (可選的) Password for your HTTP proxy (optional) HTTP代理的密碼 (可選的) Name of the new connection 新連接的名稱 HTTP address of the Web Map Server Web Map Server的HTTP地址 Name of your HTTP proxy (optional) HTTP代理的名稱 (可選的) Port number of your HTTP proxy (optional) HTTP代理的埠號 (可選的) OK 確定 Cancel 取消 Help 說明 F1 F1 Create a new WMS connection 建立WMS連線 Connection details 連線設定 QgsNewOgrConnection Test connection 測試連接 Connection failed - Check settings and try again. Extended error information: %1 Connection to %1 was successful QgsNewOgrConnectionBase Create a New OGR Database connection Connection Information 連接資訊 Save Password 儲存密碼 Test Connect 測試連接 <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd"> <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css"> p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } </style></head><body style=" font-family:'MS Shell Dlg 2'; font-size:8.25pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;"> <p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-size:8pt;">Type</span></p></body></html> Name 名稱 Host Database 資料庫 Port Username 用戶名 Password 密碼 Name of the new connection 新連接的名稱 OK 確定 Cancel 取消 Help 說明 F1 F1 QgsNorthArrowPlugin Bottom Left 左下 Top Right 右上 Bottom Right 右下 &Decorations 地圖裝飾(&D) &NorthArrow 指北針(&N) Creates a north arrow that is displayed on the map canvas 在地圖檢視中建立指北針 North Arrow 指北針 Pixmap Not Found Pixmap未找到 Top Left 左上 &North Arrow 指北針(&N) North arrow pixmap not found QgsNorthArrowPluginGui Pixmap Not Found Pixmap未找到 Pixmap not found QgsNorthArrowPluginGuiBase North Arrow Plugin 指北針附加元件 Properties 屬性 Angle 角度 Placement 位置 Set direction automatically 自動設定方向 Enable North Arrow 顯示指北針 Top Left 左上 Top Right 右上 Bottom Left 左下 Bottom Right 右下 Placement on screen 螢幕位置 Preview of north arrow 指北針預覽 Icon 圖示 ... ... New Item 新專案 &OK 確定(&O) Alt+O Alt+O &Cancel 取消(&C) Alt+C Alt+C Browse... 瀏覽... QgsOGRSublayersDialogBase Select OGR layers to load Sub layers list <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css"> p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } </style></head><body style=" font-family:'DejaVu Sans'; font-size:9pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;"> <p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px; font-family:'Sans Serif';">This is the list of all layers available in the datasource of the active layer. You can select the layers to load. The layers will be loaded when you press "OK".</p> <p style="-qt-paragraph-type:empty; margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px; font-family:'Sans Serif';"></p> <p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px; font-family:'Sans Serif';">The layer name is format dependant. Consult the OGR documentation or the documentation of your data format to determine the nature of the included information.</p> <p style="-qt-paragraph-type:empty; margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px; font-family:'Sans Serif';"></p> <p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px; font-family:'Sans Serif';"><span style=" font-weight:600;">Be advised: </span>selecting an already opened layer will not generate an error message and the layer will end up loaded twice!</p></body></html> 1 1 QgsOpenVectorLayerDialog Open an OGR Supported Vector Layer 開啟OGR支持的向量圖層 Open Directory Are you sure you want to remove the %1 connection and all associated settings? Confirm Delete 確認刪除 Password for 密碼 Please enter your password: 請輸入您的密碼: QgsOpenVectorLayerDialogBase Add vector layer Source type File Directory 目錄 Database 資料庫 Protocol Encoding : BIG5 BIG5-HKSCS EUCJP EUCKR GB2312 GBK GB18030 JIS7 SHIFT-JIS TSCII UTF-8 UTF-16 KOI8-R KOI8-U ISO8859-1 ISO8859-2 ISO8859-3 ISO8859-4 ISO8859-5 ISO8859-6 ISO8859-7 ISO8859-8 ISO8859-8-I ISO8859-9 ISO8859-10 ISO8859-11 ISO8859-12 ISO8859-13 ISO8859-14 ISO8859-15 IBM 850 IBM 866 CP874 CP1250 CP1251 CP1252 CP1253 CP1254 CP1255 CP1256 CP1257 CP1258 Apple Roman TIS-620 Type 類型 URI Source Dataset Browse 瀏覽 Connections New 新增 Edit 編輯 Delete 刪除 QgsOptions Detected active locale on your system: 偵測目前您的系統使用的語言區域值為: to vertex 自動接合 轉折點 to segment 自動接合 線段 to vertex and segment 自動接合 轉折點與線段 Semi transparent circle 半透明圓圈 Cross 十字 Show all features Show selected features Show features in current canvas Detected active locale on your system: %1 None 不透明 QgsOptionsBase QGIS Options QGIS選項 &Ok 確定(&O) Alt+O Alt+O &Cancel 取消(&C) &Appearance 外觀(&A) &Splash Screen 飛濺螢幕(&S) Hide splash screen at startup 啟動時隱藏QGIS畫面 &Icon Theme 圖示主題(&I) Theme 主題 <b>Note: </b>Theme changes take effect the next time QGIS is started <b>注意:</b>主題的更改會在下一次QGIS啟動時生效 &Rendering 繪圖與效能(&R) &Update During Drawing 繪製過程中更新(&U) Update display after reading 讀取後更新顯示 Map display will be updated (drawn) after this many features have been read from the data source 從資料來源中讀取這麼多圖徵後,地圖顯示會被更新 features 圖徵 (Set to 0 to not update the display until all features have been read) (如果設定為0,則要等所有圖徵讀取完成後才會更新顯示) &Selection 選擇(&S) Search Radius 搜尋半徑 Search Radius for Identifying Features 識別圖徵時的搜尋半徑 <html> <b>Note:</b> Specify the value in thousandths. The search radius is calculated as:<br> &nbsp;&nbsp;<i>(Map View Width) * ( Value/1000.0)</i> <br> By default QGIS uses a value of 5. Increase the value if you have trouble identifying features without zooming in very close. </html> <html> <b>注意:</b> 指定的值是千分值。搜尋半徑這樣計算:<br> &nbsp;&nbsp;<i>(地圖檢視的寬度) * (輸入值/1000.0)</i> <br> QGIS的預設值是5。如果在不放大的情況下識別圖徵有困難,請增大這個值。 </html> Help &Browser 說明瀏覽器(&B) Open help documents with 用它來開啟說明文檔 epiphany epiphany firebird firebird galeon galeon konqueror konqueror mozilla mozilla opera opera <b>Note:</b> The browser must be in your PATH or you can specify <br>the full path above <b>注意:</b>瀏覽器必須在您的PATH下,或者您可以指定完整路徑 SVG Options SVG選項 SVG oversampling factor SVG oversampling係數 <b>Note: </b>A higher value gives smoother SVG symbols, but can slow down rendering <b>注意:</b>值越高,SVG符號越光滑,但繪圖速度會變慢 ... ... Initial Visibility 初始可見性 New layers added to the map are not displayed 新增到地圖上的新圖層不顯示 <html> <b>Note:</b> Specify the value in thousandths. The search radius is calculated as:<br> &nbsp;&nbsp;<i>(Map View Width) * ( Value/1000.0)</i> <br> By default QGIS uses a value of 5. Increase the value if you have trouble identifying features without zooming in very close. </html> <html> <b>注意:</b> 指定的值是千分值。搜尋半徑這樣計算:<br> &nbsp;&nbsp;<i>(地圖檢視的寬度) * (輸入值/1000.0)</i> <br> QGIS的預設值是5。如果在不放大的情況下識別圖徵有困難,請增大這個值。 </html> Projection 投影 Select Global Default ... 選擇全域預設值... When layer is loaded that has no projection information: 圖層載入時沒有投影資訊: Prompt for projection. 提示選擇投影. Project wide default projection will be used. 使用專案預設的投影. Global default projection displayed below will be used. 使用下面顯示的全域預設投影. firefox firefox mozilla-firefox mozilla-firefox Default Map Appearance (Overridden by project properties) 預設地圖外觀 (專案屬性優先) Background Color: 背景色: Selection Color: 選擇顏色: &Splash screen 蹦現視窗(&Splash screen) Anti-aliasing 抗鋸齒功能 Make lines appear less jagged at the expense of some drawing performance 使用更多電腦運算能力讓繪圖更細緻,但是速度會較慢 By default new la&yers added to the map should be displayed 預設顯示新增圖層 (&y) &Update during drawing 繪製時更新 (&U) &Selection && Measuring 選取與測量(&S) Measure tool 測量工具 Ellipsoid for distance calculations: 計算距離的橢球: Search radius 搜尋半徑 Pro&jection 投影 (&j) When layer is loaded that has no projection information 載入的圖層沒有投影資訊時 Global default projection displa&yed below will be used. 將使用預設的全域投影(&y)。 <b>Note:</b> The browser must be in your PATH or you can specify the full path above <b>注意:</b> 瀏覽器必須在PATH環境變數下,或者在上面指定完整路徑 Appearance 外觀 Fix problems with incorrectly filled polygons 修正不正確的多邊形填滿問題 Continuously redraw the map when dragging the legend/map divider 當拖曳圖例或地圖時能繼續重繪地圖 &Map tools 地圖工具(&M) % % Panning and zooming 移動與縮放地圖 Zoom 縮放 Zoom and recenter 縮放且置中 Nothing 無動作 &General 一般(&G) Locale 語言區域設定 Locale to use instead 指定語言區域值 Additional Info 參考資訊 Detected active locale on your system: 偵測目前您的系統使用的語言區域值為: Selecting this will unselect the 'make lines less' jagged toggle Digitizing 數化 Rubberband 數化線(Rubberband) Line Width: 線的寬度: Line width in pixels 線寬像素 Line Colour: 線的顏色: Snapping 自動接合(Snapping) Zoom to mouse cursor 縮放至滑鼠指標 Project files 專案檔案 Prompt to save project changes when required 當專案檔案有變更時提醒存檔 Warn when opening a project file saved with an older version of QGIS 當開啟專案檔存成舊版的QGIS時提出警告 Default Map Appearance (overridden by project properties) 預設的地圖外觀(將會取代原專案內的設定) Selection color 選取的顏色 Background color 背景顏色 &Application 程式設定(&A) Icon theme 圖示主題 Capitalise layer names in legend 在圖例中使用大寫的圖層名稱 Display classification attribute names in legend 在圖例中顯示分類屬性名稱 Rendering behavior 繪圖行為設定 Number of features to draw before updating the display 在更新顯示之前的圖徵數目門檻值 <b>Note:</b> Use zero to prevent display updates until all features have been rendered <b>注意:</b> 可以將圖徵的數目設定為0來避免顯示更新,這樣情形會一直到所有的圖徵完成更新 Rendering quality 繪圖品質 Zoom factor 縮放係數 Mouse wheel action 滑鼠滾輪動作 Rubberband color 測量線的顏色 Ellipsoid for distance calculations 橢球系統的計算距離 <b>Note:</b> Specify the search radius as a percentage of the map width <b>注意:</b> 指定的半徑值是地圖寬度的百分比 Search radius for identifying features and displaying map tips 識別圖徵且顯示地圖提示的搜尋半徑 Line width 線寬 Line colour 線顏色 Default snap mode 預設接合模式 Default snapping tolerance in layer units 預設接合容許範圍(圖層單位) Search radius for vertex edits in layer units 搜尋預編輯轉折點半徑值(圖層單位) Vertex markers 轉折點標誌 Marker style 標誌樣式 Override system locale 取代Windows系統的語言區域設定 <b>Note:</b> Enabling / changing overide on local requires an application restart <b>注意:</b> 使用 / 改變 語言區域設定需要重新啟動程式 Proxy Proxy 伺服器 Use proxy for web access 存取網頁使用Proxy伺服器 Host 主機名稱 Port 連接埠 User 使用者帳號 Leave this blank if no proxy username / password are required 如果proxy伺服器不需帳號密碼,就不用輸入 Password 密碼 Open attribute table in a dock window 在停駐視窗中開啟屬性表 CRS CRS(座標參考系統) When layer is loaded that has no coordinate reference system (CRS) 當圖層載入後沒有座標參考系統(CRS) Prompt for CRS 沒有設定CRS時,出現CRS選取對話方塊 Project wide default CRS will be used 以專案用的CRS為預設值 Global default CRS displa&yed below will be used 全部使用以下CRS的設定內容(&y) Attribute table behaviour Enter attribute values Suppress attributes pop-up windows after each created feature Proxy type Exclude URLs: Add 新增 Remove 移除 QgsPasteTransformationsBase Paste Transformations <b>Note: This function is not useful yet!</b> Source Destination 目標 &Help 說明(&H) F1 F1 Add New Transfer &OK 確定(&O) &Cancel 取消(&C) QgsPatternDialogBase Select a fill pattern 選擇填滿樣式 Cancel 取消 Ok 確定 QgsPgGeoprocessing Buffer features in layer %1 對圖層%1中的圖徵作環域分析 Error connecting to the database 連接到資料庫時出錯 &Geoprocessing &Geoprocessing &Buffer Features 圖徵環域分析 (&B) A new layer is created in the database with the buffered features. 在資料庫中建立新的環域分析圖徵的圖層 Buffer features 對圖徵作環域分析 Unable to add geometry column 無法新增幾何屬性欄位 Unable to add geometry column to the output table 無法為輸出表新增幾何屬性欄位 Unable to create table 無法建立表格 Failed to create the output table 建立輸出表失敗 No GEOS support 沒有GEOS支持 Buffer function requires GEOS support in PostGIS 在PostGIS中環域分析功能需要GEOS支援 Not a PostgreSQL/PosGIS Layer 不是PostgreSQL/PosGIS圖層 is not a PostgreSQL/PosGIS layer. 不是PostgreSQL/PosGIS圖層。 Geoprocessing functions are only available for PostgreSQL/PosGIS Layers Geoprocessing功能只對PostgreSQL/PosGIS圖層有效 No Active Layer 沒有啟動的圖層 You must select a layer in the legend to buffer 您必須在圖例中選擇圖層來作環域分析 &Buffer features 對圖徵作環域分析 Not a PostgreSQL/PostGIS Layer Create a buffer for a PostgreSQL layer. A new layer is created in the database with the buffered features. Unable to add geometry column to the output table %1-%2 Failed to create the output table %1 %1 is not a PostgreSQL/PostGIS layer. Geoprocessing functions are only available for PostgreSQL/PostGIS Layers QgsPgQueryBuilder Table <b>%1</b> in database <b>%2</b> on host <b>%3</b>, user <b>%4</b> 表<b>%1</b>在資料庫<b>%2</b>中,主機<b>%3</b>,用戶<b>%4</b> Connection Failed 連接失敗 Connection to the database failed: 連接到資料庫失敗: Database error 資料庫錯誤 Failed to get sample of field values 欄位值採樣失敗 Query Result 查詢結果 The where clause returned 返回的where子句 rows. 列。 Query Failed 查詢失敗 An error occurred when executing the query: 執行查詢時發生錯誤: No Records 沒有記錄 The query you specified results in zero records being returned. Valid PostgreSQL layers must have at least one feature. 您指定的查詢返回了零條記錄。有效的PostgreSQL圖層至少應該有一個圖徵. No Query You must create a query before you can test it Error in Query Connection to the database failed: %1 <p>Failed to get sample of field values using SQL:</p><p>%1</p><p>Error message was: %2</p> The where clause returned %n row(s). returned test rows An error occurred when executing the query: %1 QgsPgQueryBuilderBase PostgreSQL Query Builder PostgreSQL查詢工具 Clear 清除 Test 測試 Ok 確定 Cancel 取消 Values All 查詢欄位所有值 Sample 查詢欄位取樣值 Fields 欄位 Datasource: 資料來源: Operators 運算符號 = = IN IN NOT IN NOT IN < < > > % % <= <= >= >= != != LIKE LIKE AND AND ILIKE ILIKE OR OR NOT NOT SQL where clause SQL where 子句 <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css"> p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } </style></head><body style=" font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:9pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;"> <p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">Retrieve <span style=" font-weight:600;">all</span> the record in the vector file (<span style=" font-style:italic;">if the table is big, the operation can consume some time</span>)</p></body></html> <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css"> p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } </style></head><body style=" font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:9pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;"> <p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">Take a <span style=" font-weight:600;">sample</span> of records in the vector file</p></body></html> <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css"> p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } </style></head><body style=" font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:9pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;"> <p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">List of values for the current field.</p></body></html> <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css"> p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } </style></head><body style=" font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:9pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;"> <p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">List of fields in this vector file</p></body></html> Datasource 資料來源 QgsPluginInstaller Couldn't parse output from the repository Couldn't open the system plugin directory Couldn't open the local plugin directory Fetch Python Plugins... Install more plugins from remote repositories Looking for new plugins... There is a new plugin available There is a plugin update available QGIS Python Plugin Installer Error reading repository: Nothing to remove! Plugin directory doesn't exist: Failed to remove the directory: Check permissions or remove it manually QgsPluginInstallerDialog QGIS Python Plugin Installer Plugins 附加元件 all repositories Status 狀態 Name 名稱 Version 版本 Description 描述 Install/upgrade plugin URL URL Delete 刪除 Close 關閉 Error reading repository: connected This repository is connected unavailable This repository is enabled, but unavailable disabled This repository is disabled This repository is blocked due to incompatibility with your Quantum GIS version orphans any status not installed plural installed plural upgradeable and news This plugin is not installed This plugin is installed This plugin is installed, but there is an updated version available This plugin is installed, but I can't find it in any enabled repository This plugin is not installed and is seen for the first time This plugin is installed and is newer than its version available in a repository This plugin is incompatible with your Quantum GIS version and probably won't work. The required Python module is not installed. For more information, please visit its homepage and Quantum GIS wiki. This plugin seems to be broken. It has been installed but can't be loaded. Here is the error message: not installed singular installed singular upgradeable singular new! singular invalid singular Note that it's an uninstallable core plugin installed version available version That's the newest available version There is no version available for download This plugin is broken This plugin requires a newer version of Quantum GIS This plugin requires a missing module only locally available Install plugin Reinstall plugin Upgrade plugin Downgrade plugin Are you sure you want to downgrade the plugin to the latest available version? The installed one is newer! Plugin installation failed Plugin has disappeared The plugin seems to have been installed but I don't know where. Probably the plugin package contained a wrong named directory. Please search the list of installed plugins. I'm nearly sure you'll find the plugin there, but I just can't determine which of them it is. It also means that I won't be able to determine if this plugin is installed and inform you about available updates. However the plugin may work. Please contact the plugin author and submit this issue. Plugin installed successfully Python plugin installed. Now you need to enable it in Plugin Manager. Plugin reinstalled successfully Python plugin reinstalled. You need to restart Quantum GIS in order to reload it. The plugin is designed for a newer version of Quantum GIS. The minimum required version is: The plugin depends on some components missing on your system. You need to install the following Python module in order to enable it: The plugin is broken. Python said: Plugin uninstall failed Are you sure you want to uninstall the following plugin? Warning: this plugin isn't available in any accessible repository! Plugin uninstalled successfully You are going to add some plugin repositories neither authorized nor supported by the Quantum GIS team, however provided by folks associated with us. Plugin authors generally make efforts to make their works useful and safe, but we can't assume any responsibility for them. FEEL WARNED! Unable to add another repository with the same URL! Are you sure you want to remove the following repository? Python plugin uninstalled. Note that you may need to restart Quantum GIS in order to remove it completely. QgsPluginInstallerDialogBase QGIS Python Plugin Installer Plugins 附加元件 List of available and installed plugins Filter: Display only plugins containing this word in their metadata Display only plugins from given repository all repositories Display only plugins with matching status Status 狀態 Name 名稱 Version 版本 Description 描述 Author Repository Install, reinstall or upgrade the selected plugin Install/upgrade plugin Uninstall the selected plugin Uninstall plugin Repositories List of plugin repositories URL URL Allow the Installer to look for updates and news in enabled repositories on QGIS startup Check for updates on startup Add third party plugin repositories to the list Add 3rd party repositories Add a new plugin repository Add... Edit the selected repository Edit... Remove the selected repository Delete 刪除 The plugins will be installed to ~/.qgis/python/plugins Close the Installer window Close 關閉 QgsPluginInstallerFetchingDialog Success Resolving host name... Connecting... Host connected. Sending request... Downloading data... 下載數據... Idle Closing connection... Error 錯誤 QgsPluginInstallerFetchingDialogBase Fetching repositories Overall progress: Abort fetching Repository State QgsPluginInstallerInstallingDialog Connecting... Installing... Resolving host name... Host connected. Sending request... Downloading data... 下載數據... Idle Closing connection... Error 錯誤 Failed to unzip the plugin package. Probably it's broken or missing from the repository. You may also want to make sure that you have write permission to the plugin directory: Aborted by user QgsPluginInstallerInstallingDialogBase QGIS Python Plugin Installer Installing plugin: Connecting... QgsPluginInstallerPluginErrorDialog no error message received QgsPluginInstallerPluginErrorDialogBase Error loading plugin The plugin seems to be invalid or have unfulfilled dependencies. It has been installed, but can't be loaded. If you really need this plugin, you can contact its author or <a href="http://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/qgis-user">QGIS users group</a> and try to solve the problem. If not, you can just uninstall it. Here is the error message below: Do you want to uninstall this plugin now? If you're unsure, probably you would like to do this. QgsPluginInstallerRepositoryDetailsDialog Name: 名稱: QgsPluginInstallerRepositoryDetailsDialogBase Repository details Name: 名稱: Enter a name for the repository URL: Enter the repository URL, beginning with "http://" Enable or disable the repository (disabled repositories will be omitted) Enabled QgsPluginManager Choose a directory 選擇目錄 No Plugins 沒有附加元件 No QGIS plugins found in 未發現QGIS附加元件 Name 名稱 Version 版本 Description 描述 &Select All 全選(&S) &Clear All [ incompatible ] No QGIS plugins found in %1 QgsPluginManagerBase QGIS Plugin Manger QGIS附加元件管理器 Plugin Directory 附加元件目錄 ... ... Name 名稱 Version 版本 Description 描述 Library Name 庫的名稱 To load a plugin, click the checkbox next to the plugin and click Ok 要載入附加元件,請點擊附加元件旁邊的核取方塊,然後點擊OK &Select All 全選(&S) Alt+S Alt+S C&lear All 全部清除(&l) Alt+L Alt+L &Ok 確定(&O) Alt+O Alt+O &Close 關閉(&C) Alt+C Alt+C QGIS Plugin Manager To enable / disable a plugin, click its checkbox or description &Filter Plugin Directory: Directory 目錄 QgsPointDialog Zoom In 放大 z z Zoom Out 縮小 Z Z Zoom To Layer 縮放到圖層範圍 Zoom to Layer 縮放到圖層範圍 Pan Map 平移地圖 Pan the map 地圖漫遊 Add Point 新增點 . . Capture Points 建立點 Delete Point 刪除點 Delete Selected 刪除選中的記錄 Linear 線性 Helmert Choose a name for the world file Warning 警告 Affine Not implemented! <p>An affine transform requires changing the original raster file. This is not yet supported.</p> Error 錯誤 Currently all modified files will be written in TIFF format. <p>A Helmert transform requires modifications in the raster layer.</p><p>The modified raster will be saved in a new file and a world file will be generated for this new file instead.</p><p>Are you sure that this is what you want?</p> -modified Georeferencer:QgsPointDialog.cpp - used to modify a user given file name Select GCPs file GCPs points (*.points) Information GCPs was not loaded. Error! <p>Modified raster file exists! Overwrite it?</p> World file exists World檔案已存在 <p>The selected file already seems to have a 您選擇的檔案似乎已有 world file! Do you want to replace it with the world 檔!您真的要用建立新的world檔案覆蓋它 new world file?</p> ?</p> Polynomial 1 <p>A Polynomial transform requires changing the raster layer.</p><p>The changed raster will be saved in a new file and a world file will be generated for this new file instead.</p><p>Are you sure that this is what you want?</p> Requires at least 3 points Polynomial 2 Requires at least 6 points Polynomial 3 Requires at least 10 points Thin plate spline (TPS) <p>The transform is not yet supported.</p> Could not write to Failed to compute GCP transform: Transform is not solvable. Choose a raster file 選擇影像影像檔 Raster files (*.*) 影像影像文件 (*.*) The selected file is not a valid raster file. 選擇的檔不是有效的影像檔。 QgsPointDialogBase Georeferencer 幾合校正(Georeferencer) Transform type: 轉換類型: Linear 線性 Zoom in 放大 Zoom out 縮小 Zoom to the raster extents 放大到影像範圍 Pan 移動 Add points 新增點 Delete points 刪除點 Generate world file and load layer 生成world檔並載入圖層 Generate world file 生成world檔 Cancel 取消 World file: World文件: ... 瀏覽... Modified raster: 修改後的影像: Reference points 設定參考點 Create 建立 Create and load layer 建立與載入圖層 Raster file: 影像影像檔案: Close 關閉 Save GCPs Load GCPs QgsPointStyleWidgetBase Form3 表單3 Symbol Style 符號樣式 Scale 比例 QgsPostgresProvider Unable to access relation No GEOS Support! 沒有GEOS支持! No suitable key column in table The table has no column suitable for use as a key. Qgis requires that the table either has a column of type int4 with a unique constraint on it (which includes the primary key) or has a PostgreSQL oid column. and Unable to find a key column and is suitable. and has a suitable constraint) and does not have a suitable constraint) No suitable key column in view 檢視中沒有合適的關鍵字段 Unknown geometry type Column 欄位 , which Qgis does not currently support. QGIS目前不支持。 Unable to get feature type and srid Error while adding features Error while deleting features Error while adding attributes Error while deleting attributes Error while changing attributes Error while changing geometry values unexpected PostgreSQL error Unable to access the %1 relation. The error message from the database was: %1. SQL: %2 Unable to determine table access privileges for the %1 relation. The unique index on column '%1' is unsuitable because Qgis does not currently support non-int4 type columns as a key into the table. The unique index based on columns %1 is unsuitable because Qgis does not currently support multiple columns as a key into the table. '%1' derives from '%2.%3.%4' and is not suitable (type is %1) Note: '%1' initially appeared suitable but does not contain unique data, so is not suitable. The view '%1.%2' has no column suitable for use as a unique key. Qgis requires that the view has a column that can be used as a unique key. Such a column should be derived from a table column of type int4 and be a primary key, have a unique constraint on it, or be a PostgreSQL oid column. To improve performance the column should also be indexed. The view you selected has the following columns, none of which satisfy the above conditions: Column %1 in %2 has a geometry type of %3, which Qgis does not currently support. Qgis was unable to determine the type and srid of column %1 in %2. The database communication log was: QgsPostgresProvider::Conn No GEOS Support! 沒有GEOS支持! Your PostGIS installation has no GEOS support. Feature selection and identification will not work properly. Please install PostGIS with GEOS support (http://geos.refractions.net) QgsProject Unable to open %1 Project file read error: %1 at line %2 column %3 %1 for file %2 Unable to save to file %1 %1 is not writeable. Please adjust permissions (if possible) and try again. Unable to save to file %1. Your project may be corrupted on disk. Try clearing some space on the volume and check file permissions before pressing save again. QgsProjectPropertiesBase Project Properties 專案屬性 Map Units 地圖單位 Meters 公尺 Feet 英呎 Decimal degrees 十進位度 &Help 說明(&H) F1 F1 &OK 確定(&O) &Cancel 取消(&C) Default project title 預設專案標題 &Apply 套用(&A) Alt+A Alt+A General 一般 Digitising Settings 數化選項設定 Line Width: 線的寬度: Snapping Tolerance: 捕捉容限: Line Colour: 線的顏色: Cursor display precision 指標顯示精確度 Automatic 自動 Automatically sets the number of decimal places in the mouse position display 在滑鼠位置的顯示中自動設定小數位數 The number of decimal places that are used when displaying the mouse position is automatically set to be enough so that moving the mouse by one pixel gives a change in the position display 顯示滑鼠位置時用到的小數位數自動設定為足夠大,這樣在滑鼠移動一個像素的時候,位置的顯示能夠有所變化 Manual 手動 Sets the number of decimal places to use for the mouse position display 為滑鼠位置的顯示設定小數位數 The number of decimal places for the manual option 手動選項的小數位數 decimal places 小數位 Map Appearance 地圖外觀 Selection Color: 選擇顏色: Project Title 專案標題 Projection 投影 Enable on the fly projection 啟用動態投影 Background Color: 背景色: Precision 精確度 Digitizing 數化 Descriptive project name 描述座作名稱 Enable topological editing 使用拓撲(topological)編輯 Snapping options... 自動接合(Snapping)選項... Avoid intersections of new polygons 避免新多邊形使用交叉 Title and colors 主題與顏色 Project title 專案主題 Selection color 選擇顏色 Background color 背景顏色 Map units 地圖單位 Coordinate Reference System (CRS) 座標參考系統(CRS) Enable 'on the fly' CRS transformation 開啟即時CRS轉換 QgsProjectionSelector QGIS SRSID: QGIS SRSID: PostGIS SRID: PostGIS SRID: User Defined Coordinate Systems 使用者定義座標系統 Geographic Coordinate Systems 地理座標系統 Projected Coordinate Systems 投影座標系統 Resource Location Error 資源位置錯誤 Error reading database file from: %1 Because of this the projection selector will not work... QgsProjectionSelectorBase Projection Selector 選擇投影方式 Projection 投影 Coordinate Systems 座標系統 Spatial Reference Id 空間參考的ID(SRID) Search 尋找 Find 尋找 Postgis SRID PostGIS SRID EPSG ID EPSG ID QGIS SRSID QGIS SRSID Name 名稱 Spatial Reference System 空間參考系統 Id Id Coordinate Reference System Selector Coordinate Reference System 座標參考系統 EPSG ID ID CRS ID : 100000 CRS ID : 3344 CRS ID : whatever QgsPublishToWebDialogBase Cancel 取消 QgsPythonDialog Python console Python主控台 >>> To access Quantum GIS environment from this python console use object from global scope which is an instance of QgisInterface class.<br>Usage e.g.: iface.zoomFull() QgsQuickPrint km 公里 mm 公釐 cm 公分 m 公尺 miles 英哩 mile 英哩 inches 英吋 foot 英呎 feet 英呎 degree degrees unknown 未知 Please wait while your report is generated COMMENTED OUT QgsRasterLayer Red Green Blue Not Set 未設定 Raster Extent: 影像範圍: Clipped area: 切割區域: <center><b>Raster Layer</b></center> <center><b>影像圖層</b></center> &Properties 屬性(&P) <center><b>Transparency</b></center> <center><b>透明度</b></center> Driver: 驅動: Dimensions: 尺寸: X: X: Y: Y: Bands: 波段: Data Type: 資料類型: GDT_Byte - Eight bit unsigned integer GDT_Byte - 8位元無符號整型 GDT_UInt16 - Sixteen bit unsigned integer GDT_UInt16 - 16位元無符號整型 GDT_Int16 - Sixteen bit signed integer GDT_Int16 - 16位元有符號整型 GDT_UInt32 - Thirty two bit unsigned integer GDT_UInt32 - 32位元無符號整型 GDT_Int32 - Thirty two bit signed integer GDT_Int32 - 32位元有符號整型 GDT_Float32 - Thirty two bit floating point GDT_Float32 - 32位浮點型 GDT_Float64 - Sixty four bit floating point GDT_Float64 - 64位浮點型 GDT_CInt16 - Complex Int16 GDT_CInt16 - Complex Int16 GDT_CInt32 - Complex Int32 GDT_CInt32 - Complex Int32 GDT_CFloat32 - Complex Float32 GDT_CFloat32 - Complex Float32 GDT_CFloat64 - Complex Float64 GDT_CFloat64 - Complex Float64 Could not determine raster data type. 無法確定影像資料的類型. Pyramid overviews: 快取顯示(Pyramid)全覽圖: Origin: 起點: Pixel Size: 圖元大小: Band Statistics (if gathered): 波段統計(如果收集了): Property 屬性 Value Band 波段 Band No 波段數 No Stats 沒有統計值 No stats collected yet 尚未收集統計值 Min Val 最小值 Max Val 最大值 Range 範圍 Mean 均值 Sum of squares 平方和 Standard Deviation 標準差 Sum of all cells 像元總和 Cell Count 像元數量 Write access denied 拒絕寫操作 Write access denied. Adjust the file permissions and try again. 拒絕寫操作。修改檔許可權然後重試. Average Magphase Average 平均值 Layer Spatial Reference System: 圖層的空間參考系統: Project Spatial Reference System: 專案的空間參考系統: out of extent 超出範圍 null (no data) 空值(no data) Building pyramids failed. 建立快取顯示檔(Pyramid)失敗. The file was not writeable. Some formats can not be written to, only read. You can also try to check the permissions and then try again. 檔必須是可寫入的。有些格式是不可寫入的,只能讀取。您還要檢查檔的許可權,然後再重試. Building pyramid overviews is not supported on this type of raster. 此類影像不支持建立快取顯示檔(Pyramid)的全覽圖. &Convert to... 轉換為(&C)... Dataset Description 資料集描述 No Data Value 沒有資料值 NoDataValue not set Band %1 %1 and all other files (*) X: %1 Y: %2 Bands: %3 QgsRasterLayer created Retrieving stats for %1 Calculating stats for %1 Retrieving using %1 QgsRasterLayerProperties Columns: 列: Rows: 行: No Data: No Data: <h3>Multiband Image Notes</h3><p>This is a multiband image. You can choose to render it as grayscale or color (RGB). For color images, you can associate bands to colors arbitarily. For example, if you have a seven band landsat image, you may choose to render it as:</p><ul><li>Visible Blue (0.45 to 0.52 microns) - not mapped</li><li>Visible Green (0.52 to 0.60 microns) - not mapped</li></li>Visible Red (0.63 to 0.69 microns) - mapped to red in image</li><li>Near Infrared (0.76 to 0.90 microns) - mapped to green in image</li><li>Mid Infrared (1.55 to 1.75 microns) - not mapped</li><li>Thermal Infrared (10.4 to 12.5 microns) - not mapped</li><li>Mid Infrared (2.08 to 2.35 microns) - mapped to blue in image</li></ul> <h3>多波段影像注釋</h3><p>這是一個多波段影像。您可以將它繪圖為灰度或彩色(RGB)。對於彩色影像,您可以為每個波段關聯任意的顏色。比如有一個七波段的landsat影像,您可以這樣繪圖:</p><ul><li>可見藍光 (0.45到0.52微公尺) - 未映射</li><li>可見綠光(0.52到0.60微公尺) - 未映射</li></li>可見紅光(0.63到0.69微公尺) - 映射為紅色</li><li>近紅外(0.76到0.90微公尺) - 映射為綠色</li><li>中紅外(1.55到1.75微公尺) - 未映射</li><li>熱紅外(10.4到12.5微公尺) - 未映射</li><li>中紅外(2.08到2.35微公尺) - 映射為藍色</li></ul> <h3>Paletted Image Notes</h3> <p>This image uses a fixed color palette. You can remap these colors in different combinations e.g.</p><ul><li>Red - blue in image</li><li>Green - blue in image</li><li>Blue - green in image</li></ul> <h3>色調影像注釋</h3> <p>這個影像使用了一個固定的色調。您可以將這些顏色重新映射為不同的組合。如</p><ul><li>紅色 - 映射為藍色</li><li>綠色 - 映射為藍色</li><li>藍色 - 映射為綠色</li></ul> <h3>Grayscale Image Notes</h3> <p>You can remap these grayscale colors to a pseudocolor image using an automatically generated color ramp.</p> <h3>灰度影像注釋</h3> <p>您可以將灰度重新映射為偽彩色,使用自動生成的色階。</p> Grayscale 灰階 Pseudocolor 偽彩色 Freak Out 反常 Palette 調色板 Not Set 未設定 Columns: 縱行: Rows: 橫列: No-Data Value: 無資料值: n/a n/a Write access denied 拒絕寫操作 Write access denied. Adjust the file permissions and try again. 拒絕寫操作。修改檔許可權然後重試. Building pyramids failed. 建立快取顯示檔(Pyramid)失敗. The file was not writeable. Some formats can not be written to, only read. You can also try to check the permissions and then try again. 檔必須是可寫入的。有些格式是不可寫入的,只能讀取。您還要檢查檔的許可權,然後再重試. Building pyramid overviews is not supported on this type of raster. 此類影像不支持建立快取顯示檔(Pyramid)的全覽圖. No Stretch 無延伸(No Stretch) Stretch To MinMax 延伸至最大/最小 Stretch And Clip To MinMax 延伸與修剪至最大/最小 Clip To MinMax 修剪至最大/最小 Discrete Equal interval Quantiles Description 描述 Large resolution raster layers can slow navigation in QGIS. By creating lower resolution copies of the data (pyramids) performance can be considerably improved as QGIS selects the most suitable resolution to use depending on the level of zoom. You must have write access in the directory where the original data is stored to build pyramids. Red Green Blue Percent Transparent 透明比例 Gray Indexed Value User Defined 使用者定義 No-Data Value: Not Set 無資料值 Save file 儲存檔案 Textfile (*.txt) 純文字檔 (*.txt) QGIS Generated Transparent Pixel Value Export File Open file Import Error The following lines contained errors Read access denied Read access denied. Adjust the file permissions and try again. Color Ramp Default Style 預設樣式 QGIS Layer Style File (*.qml) QGIS圖層樣式檔(*.qml) QGIS QGIS Colormap 色彩影射表 Linear 線性 Exact Please note that building internal pyramids may alter the original data file and once created they cannot be removed! Please note that building internal pyramids could corrupt your image - always make a backup of your data first! The file was not writeable. Some formats do not support pyramid overviews. Consult the GDAL documentation if in doubt. Custom color map entry 自訂色彩影射表 QGIS Generated Color Map Export File Load Color Map 載入色彩影射表 Saved Style 儲存樣式 The color map for Band %n failed to load Building internal pyramid overviews is not supported on raster layers with JPEG compression. Note: Minimum Maximum values are estimates or user defined Note: Minimum Maximum values are actual values computed from the band(s) <h3>Multiband Image Notes</h3><p>This is a multiband image. You can choose to render it as grayscale or color (RGB). For color images, you can associate bands to colors arbitarily. For example, if you have a seven band landsat image, you may choose to render it as:</p><ul><li>Visible Blue (0.45 to 0.52 microns) - not mapped</li><li>Visible Green (0.52 to 0.60 microns) - not mapped</li></li>Visible Red (0.63 to 0.69 microns) - mapped to red in image</li><li>Near Infrared (0.76 to 0.90 microns) - mapped to green in image</li><li>Mid Infrared (1.55 to 1.75 microns) - not mapped</li><li>Thermal Infrared (10.4 to 12.5 microns) - not mapped</li><li>Mid Infrared (2.08 to 2.35 microns) - mapped to blue in image</li></ul> COMMENTED OUT <h3>多波段影像注釋</h3><p>這是一個多波段影像。您可以將它繪圖為灰度或彩色(RGB)。對於彩色影像,您可以為每個波段關聯任意的顏色。比如有一個七波段的landsat影像,您可以這樣繪圖:</p><ul><li>可見藍光 (0.45到0.52微公尺) - 未映射</li><li>可見綠光(0.52到0.60微公尺) - 未映射</li></li>可見紅光(0.63到0.69微公尺) - 映射為紅色</li><li>近紅外(0.76到0.90微公尺) - 映射為綠色</li><li>中紅外(1.55到1.75微公尺) - 未映射</li><li>熱紅外(10.4到12.5微公尺) - 未映射</li><li>中紅外(2.08到2.35微公尺) - 映射為藍色</li></ul> <h3>Paletted Image Notes</h3> <p>This image uses a fixed color palette. You can remap these colors in different combinations e.g.</p><ul><li>Red - blue in image</li><li>Green - blue in image</li><li>Blue - green in image</li></ul> COMMENTED OUT <h3>色調影像注釋</h3> <p>這個影像使用了一個固定的色調。您可以將這些顏色重新映射為不同的組合。如</p><ul><li>紅色 - 映射為藍色</li><li>綠色 - 映射為藍色</li><li>藍色 - 映射為綠色</li></ul> <h3>Grayscale Image Notes</h3> <p>You can remap these grayscale colors to a pseudocolor image using an automatically generated color ramp.</p> COMMENTED OUT <h3>灰度影像注釋</h3> <p>您可以將灰度重新映射為偽彩色,使用自動生成的色階。</p> Default R:%1 G:%2 B:%3 Columns: %1 Rows: %1 No-Data Value: %1 Write access denied. Adjust the file permissions and try again. The following lines contained errors %1 The color map for band %1 failed to load Unknown style format: %1 QgsRasterLayerPropertiesBase Raster Layer Properties 影像圖層的屬性 &Cancel 取消(&C) &OK 確定(&O) &Apply 套用(&A) Alt+A Alt+A &Help 說明(&H) F1 F1 Symbology 符號設計 Appearance 外觀 Transparency: 透明度: <p align="right">Full</p> <p align="right">完全透明</p> None 不透明 Invert Color Map 反轉色彩影射表 0% 0% RGB RGB Band 波段 <b><font color="#00ff00">Green</font></b> <b><font color="#00ff00">綠</font></b> <b><font color="#ff0000">Red</font></b> <b><font color="#ff0000">紅</font></b> <b><font color="#0000ff">Blue</font></b> <b><font color="#0000ff">藍</font></b> Color 顏色 Grayscale 灰階 Gray 灰度 Std Deviations 標準差 Color Map 色彩影射表 Show As 顯示為 Three Band 三波段 Single Band 單波段 General 一般 Display Name: 顯示名稱: Show debug info as overlay on raster? 是否在套疊影像的時候顯示除錯資訊? Layer Source: 圖層的源: Thumbnail 縮圖 Columns: 縱行: No Data: 沒有資料: Rows: 橫列: Legend: 圖例: Palette: 調色板: Advanced Symbology 進階符號化 Red Green Blue Behaviour 行為 Exclude values outside the above ranges (after color mapping) 排除上面範圍以外的值(色彩影射以後) <b><font color="#ff0000">Please Note :</font> Advanced Symbology not implemented yet!</b> <b><font color="#ff0000">請注意:</font> 進階的符號化功能還沒有實現!</b> Metadata 詮釋資料 Pyramids 快取顯示檔(Pyramid) Resampling Method 重採樣方法 Average 平均值 Nearest Neighbour 最鄰近採樣 Build Pyramids 建立快取顯示檔(Pyramid) Pyramid Resolutions 快取顯示檔(Pyramid)的解析度 Visibility 可見性 Use scale dependent rendering 依比例繪圖 Maximum 1: 最大值1: Maximum scale at which this layer will be displayed. 圖層顯示的最大比例. Minimum 1: 最小值1: Minimum scale at which this layer will be displayed. 圖層顯示的最小比例. <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /></head><body style="font-size:12pt;font-family:Bitstream Vera Sans"> <p style="margin-top:14px"><span style="font-weight:600">Notes</span></p> </body></html> <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /></head><body style="font-size:12pt;font-family:Bitstream Vera Sans"> <p style="margin-top:14px"><span style="font-weight:600">注意</span></p> </body></html> <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /></head><body style="font-size:12pt;font-family:Bitstream Vera Sans"> <p style="margin-top:18px"><span style="font-size:22pt;font-weight:600">Description</span></p> <p>Large resolution raster layers can slow navigation in QGIS. By creating lower resolution copies of the data (pyramids) performance can be considerably improved as QGIS selects the most suitable resolution to use depending on the level of zoom. You must have write access in the directory where the original data is stored to build pyramids. </p> <p><span style="color:#ff0000">Please note that building pyramids may alter the original data file and once created they cannot be removed.</span></p> </body></html> <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /></head><body style="font-size:12pt;font-family:Bitstream Vera Sans"> <p style="margin-top:18px"><span style="font-size:22pt;font-weight:600">描述</span></p> <p>高解析度的影像圖層在QGIS會降低瀏覽速度。建立低解析度的資料複製(快取顯示檔-Pyramid),執行效率會有顯著提高,因為QGIS會根據縮放的級別來選擇最合適的解析度。要建立快取顯示檔(Pyramid),您必須對原始資料的儲存目錄有寫許可權。</p> <p><span style="color:#ff0000">請注意,建快取顯示檔(Pyramid)也許會修改原始資料檔案,而且它們一經建立就無法刪除。</span></p> </body></html> Histogram 分佈圖 Options 選項 Out Of Range OK? 超出範圍,OK? Allow Approximation 允許近似值 Chart Type 圖表類型 Bar Chart 長條圖 Line Graph 線形圖 X Range: X的範圍: Refresh 重新整理 Spatial Reference System 空間參考系統 Change 改變 Display 顯示 Grayscale Image 灰度影像 Color Image 彩色影像 <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /></head><body style="font-size:10pt;font-family:Arial"> <p style="margin-top:14px" dir="ltr"><span style="font-weight:600">Notes</span></p> </body></html> <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /></head><body style="font-size:10pt;font-family:Arial"> <p style="margin-top:14px" dir="ltr"><span style="font-weight:600">注釋</span></p> </body></html> DebugInfo 調試信息 Scale Dependent Visibility 依比例顯示 Column Count: 欄位數: Max 最大值 Min 最小值 00% Render as 繪圖至 ... ... Colormap 色彩影射表 Delete entry 刪除輸入 Classify 分類 1 1 2 2 Single band gray 單一波段灰階 Three band color 三波段色顏 RGB mode band selection and scaling RGB模式波段選擇與縮放比例 Red band 紅波段 Green band 綠波段 Blue band 藍波段 Custom min / max values 自訂最小/最大值 Red min 紅 最小值 Red max 紅 最大值 Green min 綠 最小值 Green max 綠 最大值 Blue min 藍 最小值 Blue max 藍 最大值 Single band properties 單一波段屬性 Gray band 灰階波段 Color map 色彩影射表 Invert color map 反轉色彩影射表 Use standard deviation 使用標準差 Note: 注意: Load min / max values from band 從波段載入最小/最大值 Estimate (faster) 估算(較快) Actual (slower) 實際(較慢) Load 載入 Contrast enhancement 對比增揚 Current 目前 Save current contrast enhancement algorithm as default. This setting will be persistent between QGIS sessions. 儲存目前對比增揚演算法為預設值。這個設定將會持續有效。 Saves current contrast enhancement algorithm as a default. This setting will be persistent between QGIS sessions. 儲存目前對比增揚演算法為預設值。這個設定將會持續有效。 Default 預設 TextLabel 文字標籤 Transparency 透明度 Global transparency 全域透明度 No data value 無資料值 Reset no data value 重設無資料值 Custom transparency options 自訂透明度選項 Transparency band 透明波段 Transparent pixel list 透明像素清單 Add values manually 手動新增值 Add Values from display 從顯示新增值 Remove selected row 移除選取的列 Default values 預設值 Import from file 從檔案匯入 Export to file 匯出成檔案 Number of entries Color interpolation 色彩內插 Classification mode 分類模式 Scale dependent visibility 依可見範圍調整比例大小(Scale dependent visibility) Maximum 最大值 Minimum 最小值 Layer source 圖層的資料來源 Display name 顯示名稱 Pyramid resolutions 快取顯示檔(Pyramid)解析度 Resampling method 重新取樣方式 Build pyramids 建立快取顯示檔(Pyramid) Line graph 折線圖 Bar chart 長條圖 Column count 縱行數 Out of range OK? 是否允許超出範圍? Allow approximation 允許近似值 Restore Default Style 還原預設樣式 Save As Default 儲存成預設值 Load Style ... 載入樣式... Save Style ... 儲存樣式... Default R:1 G:2 B:3 預設波段 R:1 G:2 B:3 Add entry Sort 排序 Load color map from band 載入波段的色彩影射表 Load color map from file 從檔案載入色彩影射表 Export color map to file 匯出色彩影射表 Generate new color map 建立新的色彩影射表 Coordinate reference system 座標參考系統(CRS) Change ... 改變... Legend 圖例 Palette 調色板 Notes 註釋 Build pyramids internally if possible 從內部建立快取顯示檔(Pyramid) <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd"> <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css"> p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } </style></head><body style=" font-family:'DejaVu Sans'; font-size:9pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;"> <p style="-qt-paragraph-type:empty; margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px; font-family:'Sans Serif';"></p></body></html> QgsRunProcess Unable to run command 不能運行命令 Unable to run the command 不能運行該命令 Starting 開始 Done 完成 Action 動作 <b>Starting %1...</b> Unable to run command %1 Unable to run command %1 QgsSOSSourceSelect Are you sure you want to remove the 您確實想刪除 connection and all associated settings? 連接和所有相關的設定? Confirm Delete 確認刪除 QgsSOSSourceSelectBase Server Connections 伺服器連線 &New 新增(&N) Delete 刪除 Edit 編輯 C&onnect 連線(&o) Name 名稱 Id Id QgsScaleBarPlugin metres/km 公尺/公里 feet 英呎 degrees km 公里 mm 毫公尺 cm 公分 m 公尺 foot 英呎 degree unknown 未知 Top Left 左上 Bottom Left 左下 Top Right 右上 Bottom Right 右下 Tick Down 開口向下 Tick Up 開口向上 Bar 條狀 Box 矩形框 &Decorations 地圖裝飾(&D) &ScaleBar 比例尺 (&S) Creates a scale bar that is displayed on the map canvas 在地圖檢視中建立比例尺 Scale Bar 比例尺 &Scale Bar 比例尺(&S) feet/miles 英呎/英哩 miles 英哩 mile 英哩 inches 英吋 QgsScaleBarPluginGuiBase Scale Bar Plugin 比例尺附加元件 &OK 確定(&O) Alt+O Alt+O &Cancel 取消(&C) Alt+C Alt+C <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /></head><body style="font-size:12pt;font-family:Arial"> <p style="margin-top:16px"><span style="font-size:17pt;font-weight:600">Description</span></p> <p>This plugin draws a scale bar on the map. Please note the size option below is a 'preferred' size and may have to be altered by QGIS depending on the level of zoom. The size is measured according to the map units specified in the project properties.</p> </body></html> <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /></head><body style="font-size:12pt;font-family:Arial"> <p style="margin-top:16px"><span style="font-size:17pt;font-weight:600">描述</span></p> <p>該附加元件會在地圖上繪製比例尺。請注意下面的大小選項,它是“預選”的尺寸,QGIS會根據不同的縮放層次來改變它。這個值根據專案屬性中指定的地圖單位來測量。</p> </body></html> Top Left 左上 Top Right 右上 Bottom Left 左下 Bottom Right 右下 Size of bar: 比例尺的大小: Select Colour 選擇顏色 Placement: 位置: Tick Down 開口向下 Tick Up 開口向上 Box 矩形框 Bar 條狀 Select the style of the scale bar 選擇比例尺樣式 Colour of bar: 比例尺的顏色: Scale bar style: 比例尺的樣式: Enable scale bar 顯示比例尺 Automatically snap to round number on resize 刻度取整 Click to select the colour 點擊選擇顏色 <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /></head><body style=" white-space: pre-wrap; font-family:Sans Serif; font-size:9pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal; text-decoration:none;"><p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">This plugin draws a scale bar on the map. Please note the size option below is a 'preferred' size and may have to be altered by QGIS depending on the level of zoom. The size is measured according to the map units specified in the project properties.</p></body></html> QgsScanGeometries Scanning Geometries 掃描幾何形狀 textLabel1 文本標籤1 QgsSearchQueryBuilder No matching features found. 未找到符合的圖徵。 Search results 尋找結果 Search string parsing error 尋找字串解析錯誤 No Records 沒有記錄 The query you specified results in zero records being returned. 您指定的查詢沒有返回任何記錄。 Search query builder 搜尋語法工具 Found %n matching feature(s). test result QgsServerSourceSelect PNG PNG JPEG JPEG Are you sure you want to remove the 您想移除 connection and all associated settings? 連線和所有相關的設定? Confirm Delete 確認刪除 Yes No WMS Provider WMS提供來源 Could not open the WMS Provider 無法開啟WMS來源 Select Layer 選擇圖層 You must select at least one layer first. 您至少要選擇一個圖層。 Coordinate Reference System (%1 available) 座標參考系統 (%1可用) Could not understand the response. The 無法解析WMS伺服器的回應。 provider said 伺服器回應 WMS proxies WMS Proxy伺服器 Coordinate Reference System 座標參考系統 There are no available coordinate reference system for the set of layers you've selected. 沒有您所選擇的座標參考系統。 Several WMS servers have been added to the server list. Note that if you access the internet via a web proxy, you will need to set the proxy settings in the QGIS options dialog. 已加入數個WMS伺服器至您的伺服器清單中。注意如果您需透過Proxy伺服器連線,您必須先在QGIS選項中設定prxoy主機資料。 Are you sure you want to remove the %1 connection and all associated settings? Coordinate Reference System (%n available) crs count Could not understand the response. The %1 provider said: %2 COMMENTED OUT Could not understand the response. The %1 provider said: %2 You must select at least one leaf layer first. QgsServerSourceSelectBase Add Layer(s) from a Server 新增伺服器上的圖層 C&lose 關閉(&l) Alt+L Alt+L Help 說明 F1 F1 Image encoding 影像編碼格式 Layers 圖層 ID ID Name 名稱 Title 標題 Abstract 摘要 &Add 新增 (&A) Alt+A Alt+A Server Connections 伺服器連線 &New 新增(&N) Delete 刪除 Edit 編輯 C&onnect 連線(&o) Ready 就緒 Coordinate Reference System 座標參考系統 Change ... 改變... Adds a few example WMS servers 新增幾個範例WMS伺服器 Add default servers 新增預設伺服器 QgsShapeFile The database gave an error while executing this SQL: ... (rest of SQL trimmed) is appended to a truncated SQL statement Scanning The database gave an error while executing this SQL: %1 The error was: %2 The error was: %1 QgsSiMaDialogBase QgsSiMaDialogBase QgsSiMaDialogBase Directory 目錄 ... ... New Item 新專案 Image 影像 Scale Factor (%) 比例係數(%) QgsSiSyDialogBase Single Symbol 單一符號 ... ... Label: 標籤: Outline Style: 框線樣式: Fill Color: 填滿顏色: Outline color: 框線顏色: Outline Width: 框線寬度: Fill Patterns: 填滿樣式: Clear 清除 Point Symbol 符號 Size 大小 QgsSingleSymbolDialog Solid Line Dash Line Dot Line Dash Dot Line Dash Dot Dot Line No Pen No Brush Solid Horizontal 水準 Vertical 垂直 Cross 十字 BDiagonal FDiagonal Diagonal X Dense1 Dense2 Dense3 Dense4 Dense5 Dense6 Dense7 Texture QgsSingleSymbolDialogBase Single Symbol 單一符號 Fill Patterns: 填滿樣式: Point Size 大小 Symbol 符號 Outline Width: 框線寬度: ... ... Fill Color: 填滿顏色: Outline color: 框線顏色: Outline Style: 框線樣式: Label: 標籤: Point Symbol 點符號 Area scale field 範圍比例欄位 Rotation field 旋轉欄位 Style Options 樣式選項 Outline style 框線樣式 Outline color 框線顏色 Outline width 框線寬度 Fill color 填滿顏色 Fill style 填滿樣式 Label 標籤 QgsSnappingDialog to vertex 至 轉折點 to segment 至 線段 to vertex and segment 至 轉折點與線段 QgsSnappingDialogBase Snapping options 自動接合(Snapping)選項 Layer 圖層 Mode 模式 Tolerance 容許範圍 QgsSpit Are you sure you want to remove the [ 您確實想刪除[ ] connection and all associated settings? ]連接和所有相關的設定? Confirm Delete 確認刪除 Yes No - Edit Column Names - 編輯欄位名稱 The following Shapefile(s) could not be loaded: 以下Shapefile(s)無法載入: REASON: File cannot be opened 原因: 文件無法開啟 REASON: One or both of the Shapefile files (*.dbf, *.shx) missing 原因: 缺少Shapefile (*.dbf, *.shx)文件 General Interface Help: 通用介面説明: PostgreSQL Connections: PostgreSQL連接: [New ...] - create a new connection [新增...] - 建立新連接 [Edit ...] - edit the currently selected connection [編輯...] - 編輯目前選中的連接 [Remove] - remove the currently selected connection [移除] - 移除目前選中的連接 -you need to select a connection that works (connects properly) in order to import files -when changing connections Global Schema also changes accordingly Shapefile List: [Add ...] - open a File dialog and browse to the desired file(s) to import [Remove] - remove the currently selected file(s) from the list [Remove All] - remove all the files in the list [SRID] - Reference ID for the shapefiles to be imported [Use Default (SRID)] - set SRID to -1 [Geometry Column Name] - name of the geometry column in the database [Use Default (Geometry Column Name)] - set column name to 'the_geom' [Import] - import the current shapefiles in the list [Quit] - quit the program [Help] - display this help dialog Import Shapefiles You need to specify a Connection first Connection failed - Check settings and try again You need to add shapefiles to the list first Importing files 匯入文件 Cancel 取消 Progress Problem inserting features from file: Import Shapefiles - Relation Exists File Name 檔案名稱 Feature Class 圖徵類 Features 圖徵 DB Relation Name Schema Add Shapefiles Shapefiles (*.shp);;All files (*.*) PostGIS not available <p>The chosen database does not have PostGIS installed, but this is required for storage of spatial data.</p> %1 of %2 shapefiles could not be imported. Password for 密碼 Please enter your password: 請輸入您的密碼: Are you sure you want to remove the [%1] connection and all associated settings? [Global Schema] - set the schema for all files to be imported into Password for %1 %1 Invalid table name. %1 No fields detected. %1 The following fields are duplicates: %2 Importing files %1 %1 <p>Error while executing the SQL:</p><p>%2</p><p>The database said:%3</p> The Shapefile: %1 will use [%2] relation for its data, which already exists and possibly contains data. To avoid data loss change the "DB Relation Name" for this Shapefile in the main dialog file list. Do you want to overwrite the [%2] relation? QgsSpitBase SPIT - Shapefile to PostGIS Import Tool SPIT - Shapefile to PostGIS的匯入工具 Shapefile to PostGIS Import Tool Shapefile to PostGIS的匯入工具 Help 說明 Import 匯入 Import the defined shapefiles to PostGIS 將選定的shapefile匯入到PostGIS中 Close 關閉 Shapefile List Shapefile文件列清單 Add 新增 Add a shapefile to the list of files to be imported 向將要匯入的檔列表中新增shapefile Remove 移除 Remove the selected shapefile from the import list 從匯入列表中移除選定的shapefile Remove All 全部移除 Remove all the shapefiles from the import list 移除匯入列表中所有的shapefile File Name 檔案名稱 Feature Class 圖徵類別 Features 圖徵 Global Schema 全域Schema Set the SRID to the default value 設定SRID為預設值 Use Default Geometry Column Name 使用預設的幾何欄位的名稱 Set the geometry column name to the default value 將幾何欄位的名稱設定為預設值 Geometry Column Name 幾何欄位的名稱 PostgreSQL Connections PostgreSQL連接 New 新增 Create a new PostGIS connection 建立新的PostGIS連接 Remove the current PostGIS connection 刪除目前的PostGIS連接 Connect 連接 Edit 編輯 Edit the current PostGIS connection 編輯目前的PostGIS連接 Import options and shapefile list 匯入選項與shapefile清單 Use Default SRID or specify here 使用預設的SRID或指定為 Use Default Geometry Column Name or specify here 使用預設的[幾何欄位]或指定為 Primary Key Column Name 主鍵(PK)欄位名稱 Connect to PostGIS 連連至PostGIS QgsSpitPlugin &Import Shapefiles to PostgreSQL Shapefiles匯出至PostGIS(&I) Import shapefiles into a PostGIS-enabled PostgreSQL database. The schema and field names can be customized on import 把shapefiles匯出至PostGIS資料庫中。在匯入時可自訂Schema與欄位名稱 &Spit shp匯出至PostGIS工具 QgsTINInterpolatorDialog Linear interpolation 線性內插 QgsTINInterpolatorDialogBase Triangle based interpolation 三角內插法 <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css"> p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } </style></head><body style=" font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:12pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;"> <p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">This interpolator provides different methods for interpolation in a triangular irregular network (TIN).</p></body></html> Interpolation method: 內插方法: QgsUValDialogBase Form1 表單1 Classification Field: 分類欄位: New Item 新專案 QgsUValMaDialogBase Form1 表單1 Classification Field: 分類欄位: New Item 新專案 QgsUniqueValueDialog Confirm Delete 確認刪除 The classification field was changed from '%1' to '%2'. Should the existing classes be deleted before classification? QgsUniqueValueDialogBase Form1 表單1 Classification Field: 分類欄位: Classify 分類 Classification field 分類欄位 Add class 新增類別 Delete classes 刪除類別 Randomize Colors 隨機上色 Reset Colors 重設顏色 QgsVectorLayer No features found 未發現圖徵 No features were found in the active layer at the point you clicked 在目前啟動圖層的滑鼠點擊位置上未發現圖徵 Attribute table - 屬性工作表 <center><b>Vector Layer</b></center> <center><b>向量圖層</b></center> &Open attribute table 開啟屬性工作表(&O) &Properties 屬性(&P) Start editing 開始編輯 Stop editing 結束編輯 Save as shapefile... 儲存為shapefile... Provider does not support deletion 供應者不支持刪除 Data provider does not support deleting features 資料供應者不支援刪除圖徵 Layer not editable 圖層不可編輯 The current layer is not editable. Choose 'start editing' in the legend item right click menu 目前圖層不可編輯。在相應的圖例項目上按右鍵,選擇“開始編輯” action 動作 Do you want to save the changes? 您是否想儲存更改? &Yes 是(&Y) &No 否(&N) Invert Selection... 反轉選中的記錄... Abort 放棄 Allow Editing 放棄編輯 Layer cannot be added to 不能新增圖層 The data provider for this layer does not support the addition of features. 該圖層的資料來源不支持圖徵的新增。 The current layer is not editable. Choose 'Allow editing' in the legend item right click menu. 目前圖層無法編輯。在圖例中按右鍵該項目,選擇'允許編輯'。 The current layer is not editable. Choose 'Allow editing' in the legend item right click menu 目前圖層無法編輯。在圖例中按右鍵該項目,選擇'允許編輯' Start editing failed 開始編輯失敗 Provider cannot be opened for editing 資料來源不能以可寫方式開啟 Error 錯誤 Could not commit changes 無法提交更改 Problems during roll back 回滾時發生問題 Warning 警告 Could not change attributes 無法改變屬性 Could not commit changes to geometries 無法提交幾何形狀的更改 ERROR: no provider ERROR: layer not editable SUCCESS: attribute %1 was added. ERROR: attribute %1 not added No renderer object Classification field not found SUCCESS: %n attribute(s) deleted. deleted attributes count ERROR: %n attribute(s) not deleted. not deleted attributes count SUCCESS: %n attribute(s) added. added attributes count ERROR: %n new attribute(s) not added not added attributes count SUCCESS: %n attribute value(s) changed. changed attribute values count ERROR: %n attribute value change(s) not applied. not changed attribute values count SUCCESS: %n feature(s) added. added features count ERROR: %n feature(s) not added. not added features count SUCCESS: %n geometries were changed. changed geometries count ERROR: %n geometries not changed. not changed geometries count SUCCESS: %n feature(s) deleted. deleted features count ERROR: %n feature(s) not deleted. not deleted features count Unknown renderer QgsVectorLayerProperties Transparency: 透明度: Single Symbol 單一符號 Graduated Symbol 漸進符號 Continuous Color 連續色 Unique Value 唯一值 The source of the data (path name or database connection information) 資料來源(路徑名稱或資料庫連接資訊) This button opens the PostgreSQL query builder and allows you to create a subset of features to display on the map canvas rather than displaying all features in the layer 這個按鈕可以開啟PostgreSQL查詢構建器,它允許您建立圖層圖徵的子集顯示在地圖上,而不是顯示整個圖層的所有圖徵 The query used to limit the features in the layer is shown here. This is currently only supported for PostgreSQL layers. To enter or modify the query, click on the Query Builder button 這裡的查詢用來限制圖層上顯示的圖徵。目前只支持PostgreSQL圖層。要輸入或修改查詢,請點擊查詢構建器按鈕 Spatial Index 空間索引 Creation of spatial index successfull 建立空間索引成功 Creation of spatial index failed 建立空間索引失敗 General: 一般: Storage type of this layer : 該圖層的儲存類型: Geometry type of the features in this layer : 該圖層的圖徵的幾何類型: The number of features in this layer : 這個圖層的圖徵數目: Editing capabilities of this layer : 該圖層的編輯能力: Extents: 範圍: In layer spatial reference system units : 以圖層空間參考系統的單位計算: xMin,yMin xMin,yMin : xMax,yMax : xMax,yMax In project spatial reference system units : 以專案空間參考系統的單位計算: Layer Spatial Reference System: 圖層的空間參考系統: Project (Output) Spatial Reference System: 專案的(輸出的)空間參考系統: Attribute field info: 屬性欄位資訊: Field 欄位 Type 類型 Length 長度 Precision 精確度 Source for this layer : 此圖層的來源: Layer comment: 圖層註解: Comment 註解 Default Style 預設樣式 QGIS Layer Style File (*.qml) QGIS圖層樣式檔(*.qml) QGIS QGIS Unknown style format: 未知的樣式格式: id 唯一值(ID) name 欄位名稱 type 資料型態 length 長度 precision 精確度 comment 註解 edit widget values line edit unique values 唯一值 unique values (editable) 唯一值(可編輯) value map classification 分類 range (editable) range (slider) file name 檔案名稱 Name conflict The attribute could not be inserted. The name already exists in the table. Creation of spatial index successful Saved Style 儲存樣式 Transparency: %1% Layer comment: %1 Storage type of this layer: %1 Source for this layer: %1 Geometry type of the features in this layer: %1 The number of features in this layer: %1 Editing capabilities of this layer: %1 xMin,yMin %1,%2 : xMax,yMax %3,%4 (Invalid transformation of layer extents) Load layer properties from style file (.qml) Unknown style format: %1 Save layer properties as style file (.qml) QgsVectorLayerPropertiesBase Layer Properties 圖層屬性設計 Legend type: 圖例類型: Layer source 圖層的資料來源 Help 說明 F1 F1 Settings 設定 OK 確定 Cancel 取消 TextLabel2 文本標籤2 Symbology 符號設計 Transparency: 透明度: General 一般 Use scale dependent rendering 依比例繪圖 Maximum 1: 最大值1: Minimum 1: 最小值1: Minimum scale at which this layer will be displayed. 圖層顯示的最小比例. Maximum scale at which this layer will be displayed. 圖層顯示的最大比例. Display name 顯示名稱 Use this control to set which field is placed at the top level of the Identify Results dialog box. 用該控制項來設定某個欄位顯示在識別結果對話方塊的頂部. Spatial Reference System 空間參考系統 Change 改變 Display field for the Identify Results dialog box 識別結果對話方塊中顯示的欄位 This sets the display field for the Identify Results dialog box 在此處設定識別結果對話方塊中顯示的欄位 Display field 顯示欄位 Subset 子集 Query Builder 查詢構建器 Spatial Index 空間索引 Create Spatial Index 建立空間索引 Create 建立 Metadata 詮釋資料 Labels 標籤設計 Display labels 顯示標籤 Actions 動作設計 Apply 套用 Restore Default Style 還原預設樣式 Save As Default 儲存預設樣式 Load Style ... 載入樣式... Save Style ... 儲存樣式... Legend type 圖例類型 Transparency 透明度 Options 選項 Maximum 最大值 Minimum 最小值 Change CRS 改變座標參考系統(CRS) Attributes 欄位屬性設計 New column 新增一欄 Ctrl+N Ctrl+N Delete column 刪除欄 Ctrl+X Ctrl+X Toggle editing mode 切換編輯模式 Click to toggle table editing 按一下切換表格編輯模式 QgsVectorSymbologyWidgetBase Form2 表單2 Label 標籤 Min 最小值 Max 最大值 Rivers 河流 1000 1000 10000 10000 Symbol Classes: 符號類別: Count: 數量: Mode: 模式: Field: 欄位: QgsWFSData Loading WFS data Abort 放棄 QgsWFSPlugin &Add WFS layer 新增WFS圖層(&A) QgsWFSProvider unknown received %1 bytes from %2 QgsWFSSourceSelect Are you sure you want to remove the 您確實想刪除 connection and all associated settings? 連接和所有相關的設定? Confirm Delete 確認刪除 Yes No Are you sure you want to remove the %1 connection and all associated settings? QgsWFSSourceSelectBase Title 標題 Name 名稱 Abstract 摘要 Coordinate Reference System 座標參考系統 Change ... 改變... Help 說明 F1 F1 &Add 新增 (&A) Alt+A Alt+A C&lose 關閉(&l) Alt+L Alt+L Server Connections 伺服器連接 &New 新增(&N) Delete 刪除 Edit 編輯 C&onnect 連接 (&o) Add WFS Layer from a Server 從伺服器上新增WFS圖層(&A) QgsWmsProvider Tried URL: 嘗試URL: HTTP Exception HTTP異常 WMS Service Exception WMS服務異常 DOM Exception DOM異常 This is probably due to an incorrect WMS Server URL. Could not get WMS Service Exception at %1: %2 at line %3 column %4 Request contains a Format not offered by the server. Request contains a CRS not offered by the server for one or more of the Layers in the request. Request contains a SRS not offered by the server for one or more of the Layers in the request. GetMap request is for a Layer not offered by the server, or GetFeatureInfo request is for a Layer not shown on the map. Request is for a Layer in a Style not offered by the server. GetFeatureInfo request is applied to a Layer which is not declared queryable. GetFeatureInfo request contains invalid X or Y value. Value of (optional) UpdateSequence parameter in GetCapabilities request is equal to current value of service metadata update sequence number. Value of (optional) UpdateSequence parameter in GetCapabilities request is greater than current value of service metadata update sequence number. Request does not include a sample dimension value, and the server did not declare a default value for that dimension. Request contains an invalid sample dimension value. Request is for an optional operation that is not supported by the server. The WMS vendor also reported: Server Properties: 伺服器屬性: Property 屬性 Value WMS Version WMS版本 Title 標題 Abstract 摘要 Keywords 關鍵字 Online Resource 線上資源 Contact Person 連絡人 Fees Access Constraints Image Formats 影像格式 Identify Formats Layer Count 圖層數量 Layer Properties: 圖層屬性: Selected 選中的 Yes No Visibility 可見性 Visible 顯示 Hidden 隱藏 n/a n/a Can Identify 可識別 Can be Transparent 可透明 Can Zoom In 可縮放 Cascade Count Fixed Width 固定寬度 Fixed Height 固定高度 WGS 84 Bounding Box WGS 84 邊框範圍 Available in style Name 名稱 Layer cannot be queried. 無法查詢該圖層 Dom Exception Tried URL: %1 Could not get WMS capabilities: %1 at line %2 column %3 Could not get WMS capabilities in the expected format (DTD): no %1 or %2 found (No error code was reported) (Unknown error code) GetFeatureInfoUrl Layer Properties: QuickPrint Replace this with a short description of the what the plugin does 用一個簡短的描述替換這行文字,說明附加元件的功能 QuickPrintGui Portable Document Format (*.pdf) quickprint km 公里 mm 公釐 cm 公分 m 公尺 foot 英呎 feet 英呎 degree degrees unknown 未知 Unknown format: %1 QuickPrintGuiBase QGIS Plugin Template QGIS附加元件範本 Plugin Template 附加元件範本 QGIS Quick Print Plugin QGIS PDF列印附加元件 Quick Print PDF列印 Map Title e.g. ACME inc. 地圖主題 Map Name e.g. Water Features 地圖名稱 Copyright 版權 Output 輸出 Use last filename but incremented. last used filename but incremented will be shown here Prompt for file name 檔案名稱提示 Note: If you want more control over the map layout please use the map composer function in QGIS. Page Size 紙張大小 QuickPrintPlugin Quick Print PDF列印 Replace this with a short description of the what the plugin does 用一個簡短的描述替換這行文字,說明附加元件的功能 &Quick Print PDF列印(&Q) Provides a way to quickly produce a map with minimal user input. 讓使用者在最少輸入的情形下提供快速產生一張地圖。 RepositoryDetailsDialog Name: 名稱: SplashScreen Quantum GIS - Quantum GIS Version 版本 VisualDialog Please specify input vector layer Please specify input field Check geometry validity Geometry errors Total encountered errors List unique values Unique values: Total unique values: Basics statistics Statistics output Nearest neighbour analysis Nearest neighbour statistics Observed mean distance : Expected mean distance : Nearest neighbour index : Feature %1 contains an unnested hole Feature %1 is not closed Feature %1 is self intersecting Feature %1 has incorrect node ordering [pluginname]Gui QGIS Plugin Template QGIS附加元件範本 Plugin Template 附加元件範本 [pluginname]GuiBase QGIS Plugin Template QGIS附加元件範本 Plugin Template 附加元件範本 <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /></head><body style="font-size:12pt;font-family:Arial"> <p style="margin-top:16px"><span style="font-size:17pt;font-weight:600">Description</span></p> <p>This plugin was generated using QGIS internal plugin template. Please modify it according to your needs.</p> <p>Tim Sutton</p> <p>2004</p> </body></html> <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /></head><body style="font-size:12pt;font-family:Arial"> <p style="margin-top:16px"><span style="font-size:17pt;font-weight:600">描述</span></p> <p>該附加元件使用QGIS內部的附加元件範本生成。請根據您的需要作相應的修改。</p> <p>Tim Sutton</p> <p>2004</p> </body></html> &OK 確定(&O) Alt+O Alt+O &Cancel 取消(&C) Alt+C Alt+C dxf2shpConverter Converts DXF files in Shapefile format Dxf轉成shapefile檔案格式 &Dxf2Shp Dxf轉成shp檔(&D) dxf2shpConverterGui QGIS Plugin Template QGIS附加元件範本 Polygon 多邊形 Point Browse 瀏覽 Choose a delimited text file to open 選擇開啟CSV檔案 Dxf Importer Dxf 匯入工具 Input Dxf file 輸入Dxf檔案 ... ... <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css"> p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } </style></head><body style=" font-family:'DejaVu Sans'; font-size:10pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;"> <p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px; font-family:'MS Shell Dlg 2'; font-size:8pt;"><span style=" font-size:10pt;">Output file</span></p></body></html> Output file type 輸出檔案 Polyline Export text labels 匯出文字標籤 Choose a DXF file to open 開啟選取DXF檔案 Choose a file name to save to 輸入儲存檔案名稱 Fields description: * Input DXF file: path to the DXF file to be converted * Output Shp file: desired name of the shape file to be created * Shp output file type: specifies the type of the output shape file * Export text labels checkbox: if checked, an additional shp points layer will be created, and the associated dbf table will contain informations about the "TEXT" fields found in the dxf file, and the text strings themselves --- Developed by Paolo L. Scala, Barbara Rita Barricelli, Marco Padula CNR, Milan Unit (Information Technology), Construction Technologies Institute. For support send a mail to scala@itc.cnr.it eVisDatabaseConnectionGuiBase Username 用戶名 Connect 連接 Password 密碼 Port eVisGenericEventBrowserGui Field 欄位 Value Warning 警告 Error 錯誤 eVisGenericEventBrowserGuiBase Display 顯示 Previous 前一檢視 1 1 Options 選項 Manual 手動 eVisImageDisplayWidget Zoom in 放大 Zoom out 縮小 Zoom to full extent 全幅顯示 fTools Quantum GIS version detected: This version of fTools requires at least QGIS version 1.0.0 Plugin will not be enabled. &Tools 工具(&T) &Analysis Tools Distance matrix Sum line lengths Points in polygon Basic statistics List unique values Nearest neighbour analysis Mean coordinate(s) Line intersections &Sampling Tools Random selection Random selection within subsets Random points Regular points Vector grid Select by location &Geoprocessing Tools Convex hull(s) Buffer(s) Intersect Union Symetrical difference Clip Dissolve Difference G&eometry Tools Export/Add geometry columns Check geometry validity Polygon centroids Extract nodes Simplify geometries Multipart to singleparts Singleparts to multipart Polygons to lines &Data Management Tools Export to new projection Define current projection Join attributes Join attributes by location Split vector layer About fTools gpsPage Longitude: 經度: No Latitude: 緯度: pluginname Replace this with a short description of the what the plugin does 用簡短的描述替換這行文字,說明附加元件的功能 [menuitemname] &[menuname] Replace this with a short description of what the plugin does