class QgsSearchTreeNode { %TypeHeaderCode #include "qgssearchtreenode.h" %End public: //! defines possible types of node enum Type { tOperator = 1, tNumber, tColumnRef, tString, tNodeList, }; //! possible operators enum Operator { // binary opAND = 1, opOR, opNOT, // arithmetic opPLUS, opMINUS, opMUL, opMOD, opDIV, opPOW, opSQRT, opSIN, opCOS, opTAN, opASIN, opACOS, opATAN, opATAN2, // conversion opTOINT, opTOREAL, opTOSTRING, // coordinates opX, opY, opXAT, opYAT, // measuring opLENGTH, opAREA, opPERIMETER, // feature id opID, // comparison opISNULL, // IS NULL opISNOTNULL, // IS NOT NULL opEQ, // = opNE, // != resp. <> opGT, // > opLT, // < opGE, // >= opLE, // <= opRegexp, // ~ opLike, // LIKE opILike, // ILIKE opIN, // IN opNOTIN, // NOT IN // string handling opCONCAT, opLOWER, opUPPER, opREPLACE, opREGEXPREPLACE, opSTRLEN, opSUBSTR, opROWNUM }; //! constructors QgsSearchTreeNode( double number ); QgsSearchTreeNode( Operator o, QgsSearchTreeNode* left, QgsSearchTreeNode* right ); QgsSearchTreeNode( QString text, bool isColumnRef ); //! copy contructor - copies whole tree! QgsSearchTreeNode( const QgsSearchTreeNode& node ); //! destructor - deletes children nodes (if any) ~QgsSearchTreeNode(); //! returns type of current node Type type() const; //! node value getters Operator op() const; double number() const; QString columnRef() const; QString string() const; //! node value setters (type is set also) void setOp( Operator o ); void setNumber( double number ); void setColumnRef( const QString& str ); void setString( const QString& str ); //! children QgsSearchTreeNode* Left(); QgsSearchTreeNode* Right(); void setLeft( QgsSearchTreeNode* left ); void setRight( QgsSearchTreeNode* right ); //! returns search string that should be equal to original parsed string QString makeSearchString(); //! checks whether the node tree is valid against supplied attributes //! @note attributes and optional geom parameter replace with feature in 1.6 bool checkAgainst( const QMap& fields, QgsFeature &f ); //! @deprecated bool checkAgainst( const QMap& fields, const QMap& attributes, QgsGeometry* geom = 0 ) /Deprecated/; //! checks if there were errors during evaluation bool hasError(); //! returns error message const QString& errorMsg(); //! wrapper around valueAgainst() //! @note added in 1.4 //! @note attribute/geom replaced by feature in 1.6 bool getValue( QgsSearchTreeValue& value /Out/, QgsSearchTreeNode* node, const QMap& fields, QgsFeature &f ); //! @deprecated bool getValue( QgsSearchTreeValue& value /Out/, QgsSearchTreeNode* node, const QMap& fields, const QMap& attributes, QgsGeometry* geom = 0 ) /Deprecated/; //! return a list of referenced columns in the tree //! @note added in 1.5 QStringList referencedColumns(); //! return a list of all attribute nodes //! @note added in 1.5 QList columnRefNodes(); //! check whether there are any operators that need geometry (for area, length) //! @note added in 1.5 bool needsGeometry(); //! return quoted column reference (in double quotes) //! @note added in 1.5 static QString quotedColumnRef( QString name ); //! Set current row number within this tree. //! This value is stored only in the nodes being $rownum operator - in mNumber //! @note added in 1.6 void setCurrentRowNumber( int rownum ); protected: //! returns scalar value of node //! @note attribute/geom replaced by feature in 1.6 QgsSearchTreeValue valueAgainst( const QMap& fields, QgsFeature &f ); //! @deprecated QgsSearchTreeValue valueAgainst( const QMap& fields, const QMap& attributes, QgsGeometry* geom = 0 ) /Deprecated/; //! strips mText when node is of string type void stripText(); }; class QgsSearchTreeValue { %TypeHeaderCode #include "qgssearchtreenode.h" %End public: enum Type { valError, valString, valNumber }; QgsSearchTreeValue(); QgsSearchTreeValue( QString string ); QgsSearchTreeValue( double number ); QgsSearchTreeValue( int error, QString errorMsg ); static QgsSearchTreeValue compare( QgsSearchTreeValue& value1, QgsSearchTreeValue& value2, Qt::CaseSensitivity = Qt::CaseSensitive ); bool isNumeric(); bool isError(); QString& string(); double number(); };