%ModuleHeaderCode // fix to allow compilation with sip 4.7 that for some reason // doesn't add these includes to the file where the code from // ConvertToSubClassCode goes. #include %End /** * \ingroup networkanalysis * \class QgsEdgeProperter * \brief QgsEdgeProperter is a strategy pattern. * You can use it for customize arc property. For example look at QgsDistanceArcProperter or src/plugins/roadgraph/speedproperter.h */ class QgsArcProperter { %TypeHeaderCode #include %End %ConvertToSubClassCode if ( dynamic_cast< QgsDistanceArcProperter* > ( sipCpp ) != NULL ) sipClass = sipClass_QgsDistanceArcProperter; else sipClass = NULL; %End public: /** * default constructor */ QgsArcProperter(); /** * QgsGraphDirector call this method for fetching attribute from source layer * \return required attributes list */ virtual QgsAttributeList requiredAttributes() const; /** * calculate and return adge property */ virtual QVariant property( double distance, const QgsFeature& f ) const; };