class QgsSimpleMarkerSymbolLayerV2 : QgsMarkerSymbolLayerV2 { %TypeHeaderCode #include %End public: /** Constructor for QgsSimpleMarkerSymbolLayerV2. * @param name symbol name, should be one of "square", "rectangle", "diamond", * "pentagon", "triangle", "equilateral_triangle", "star", "arrow", * "circle", "cross", "cross2", "line", "x", "arrowhead", "filled_arrowhead", * "semi_circle", "third_circle", "quarter_circle", "quarter_square", "half_square", * "diagonal_half_square", "right_half_triangle", "left_half_triangle" * @param color fill color for symbol * @param borderColor border color for symbol * @param size symbol size (in mm) * @param angle symbol rotation angle * @param scaleMethod scaling method for data defined scaling * @param penJoinStyle join style for outline pen */ QgsSimpleMarkerSymbolLayerV2( const QString& name = DEFAULT_SIMPLEMARKER_NAME, const QColor& color = DEFAULT_SIMPLEMARKER_COLOR, const QColor& borderColor = DEFAULT_SIMPLEMARKER_BORDERCOLOR, double size = DEFAULT_SIMPLEMARKER_SIZE, double angle = DEFAULT_SIMPLEMARKER_ANGLE, QgsSymbolV2::ScaleMethod scaleMethod = DEFAULT_SCALE_METHOD, Qt::PenJoinStyle penJoinStyle = DEFAULT_SIMPLEFILL_JOINSTYLE ); // static stuff static QgsSymbolLayerV2* create( const QgsStringMap& properties = QgsStringMap() ) /Factory/; static QgsSymbolLayerV2* createFromSld( QDomElement &element ) /Factory/; // implemented from base classes QString layerType() const; void startRender( QgsSymbolV2RenderContext& context ); void stopRender( QgsSymbolV2RenderContext& context ); void renderPoint( QPointF point, QgsSymbolV2RenderContext& context ); QgsStringMap properties() const; virtual QgsSimpleMarkerSymbolLayerV2* clone() const /Factory/; void writeSldMarker( QDomDocument &doc, QDomElement &element, const QgsStringMap& props ) const; QString ogrFeatureStyle( double mmScaleFactor, double mapUnitScaleFactor ) const; QString name() const; void setName( const QString& name ); QColor borderColor() const; void setBorderColor( const QColor& color ); /** Get outline join style. * @note added in 2.4 */ Qt::PenStyle outlineStyle() const; /** Set outline join style. * @note added in 2.4 */ void setOutlineStyle( Qt::PenStyle outlineStyle ); /** Get outline join style. * @note added in 2.16 */ Qt::PenJoinStyle penJoinStyle() const; /** Set outline join style. * @note added in 2.16 */ void setPenJoinStyle( Qt::PenJoinStyle style ); /** Get outline color. * @note added in 2.1 */ QColor outlineColor() const; /** Set outline color. * @note added in 2.1 */ void setOutlineColor( const QColor& color ); /** Get fill color. * @note added in 2.1 */ QColor fillColor() const; /** Set fill color. * @note added in 2.1 */ void setFillColor( const QColor& color ); double outlineWidth() const; void setOutlineWidth( double w ); void setOutlineWidthUnit( QgsSymbolV2::OutputUnit u ); QgsSymbolV2::OutputUnit outlineWidthUnit() const; void setOutlineWidthMapUnitScale( const QgsMapUnitScale& scale); const QgsMapUnitScale& outlineWidthMapUnitScale() const; bool writeDxf( QgsDxfExport& e, double mmMapUnitScaleFactor, const QString& layerName, QgsSymbolV2RenderContext* context, const QgsFeature* f, QPointF shift = QPointF( 0.0, 0.0 ) ) const; void setOutputUnit( QgsSymbolV2::OutputUnit unit ); QgsSymbolV2::OutputUnit outputUnit() const; void setMapUnitScale( const QgsMapUnitScale& scale ); QgsMapUnitScale mapUnitScale() const; QRectF bounds( QPointF point, QgsSymbolV2RenderContext& context ); protected: void drawMarker( QPainter* p, QgsSymbolV2RenderContext& context ); bool prepareShape( const QString& name = QString() ); bool prepareShape( const QString& name, QPolygonF &polygon ) const; bool preparePath( QString name = QString() ); /** Prepares cache image @return true in case of success, false if cache image size too large*/ bool prepareCache( QgsSymbolV2RenderContext& context ); }; class QgsSvgMarkerSymbolLayerV2 : QgsMarkerSymbolLayerV2 { %TypeHeaderCode #include %End public: QgsSvgMarkerSymbolLayerV2( const QString& name = DEFAULT_SVGMARKER_NAME, double size = DEFAULT_SVGMARKER_SIZE, double angle = DEFAULT_SVGMARKER_ANGLE, QgsSymbolV2::ScaleMethod scaleMethod = DEFAULT_SCALE_METHOD ); // static stuff static QgsSymbolLayerV2* create( const QgsStringMap& properties = QgsStringMap() ) /Factory/; static QgsSymbolLayerV2* createFromSld( QDomElement &element ) /Factory/; // implemented from base classes QString layerType() const; void startRender( QgsSymbolV2RenderContext& context ); void stopRender( QgsSymbolV2RenderContext& context ); void renderPoint( QPointF point, QgsSymbolV2RenderContext& context ); QgsStringMap properties() const; virtual QgsSvgMarkerSymbolLayerV2* clone() const /Factory/; void writeSldMarker( QDomDocument &doc, QDomElement &element, const QgsStringMap& props ) const; QString path() const; void setPath( const QString& path ); QColor fillColor() const; void setFillColor( const QColor& c ); QColor outlineColor() const; void setOutlineColor( const QColor& c ); double outlineWidth() const; void setOutlineWidth( double w ); void setOutlineWidthUnit( QgsSymbolV2::OutputUnit unit ); QgsSymbolV2::OutputUnit outlineWidthUnit() const; void setOutlineWidthMapUnitScale( const QgsMapUnitScale& scale); const QgsMapUnitScale& outlineWidthMapUnitScale() const; void setOutputUnit( QgsSymbolV2::OutputUnit unit ); QgsSymbolV2::OutputUnit outputUnit() const; void setMapUnitScale( const QgsMapUnitScale& scale ); QgsMapUnitScale mapUnitScale() const; bool writeDxf( QgsDxfExport& e, double mmMapUnitScaleFactor, const QString& layerName, QgsSymbolV2RenderContext* context, const QgsFeature* f, QPointF shift = QPointF( 0.0, 0.0 ) ) const; QRectF bounds( QPointF point, QgsSymbolV2RenderContext& context ); }; class QgsFontMarkerSymbolLayerV2 : QgsMarkerSymbolLayerV2 { %TypeHeaderCode #include %End public: QgsFontMarkerSymbolLayerV2( const QString& fontFamily = DEFAULT_FONTMARKER_FONT, QChar chr = DEFAULT_FONTMARKER_CHR, double pointSize = DEFAULT_FONTMARKER_SIZE, const QColor& color = DEFAULT_FONTMARKER_COLOR, double angle = DEFAULT_FONTMARKER_ANGLE ); ~QgsFontMarkerSymbolLayerV2(); // static stuff static QgsSymbolLayerV2* create( const QgsStringMap& properties = QgsStringMap() ) /Factory/; static QgsSymbolLayerV2* createFromSld( QDomElement &element ) /Factory/; // implemented from base classes QString layerType() const; void startRender( QgsSymbolV2RenderContext& context ); void stopRender( QgsSymbolV2RenderContext& context ); void renderPoint( QPointF point, QgsSymbolV2RenderContext& context ); QgsStringMap properties() const; virtual QgsFontMarkerSymbolLayerV2* clone() const /Factory/; void writeSldMarker( QDomDocument &doc, QDomElement &element, const QgsStringMap& props ) const; // new methods QString fontFamily() const; void setFontFamily( const QString& family ); QChar character() const; void setCharacter( QChar ch ); QRectF bounds( QPointF point, QgsSymbolV2RenderContext& context ); };