# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ *************************************************************************** SagaUtils.py --------------------- Date : August 2012 Copyright : (C) 2012 by Victor Olaya Email : volayaf at gmail dot com *************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * *************************************************************************** """ __author__ = 'Victor Olaya' __date__ = 'August 2012' __copyright__ = '(C) 2012, Victor Olaya' # This will get replaced with a git SHA1 when you do a git archive __revision__ = '$Format:%H$' import os import stat import traceback import subprocess from processing.tests.TestData import points from processing.core.ProcessingUtils import ProcessingUtils from processing.core.ProcessingConfig import ProcessingConfig from processing.core.ProcessingLog import ProcessingLog from qgis.core import * from PyQt4.QtCore import * class SagaUtils: SAGA_208 = "SAGA_208" SAGA_LOG_COMMANDS = "SAGA_LOG_COMMANDS" SAGA_LOG_CONSOLE = "SAGA_LOG_CONSOLE" SAGA_AUTO_RESAMPLING = "SAGA_AUTO_RESAMPLING" SAGA_RESAMPLING_REGION_XMIN = "SAGA_RESAMPLING_REGION_XMIN" SAGA_RESAMPLING_REGION_YMIN = "SAGA_RESAMPLING_REGION_YMIN" SAGA_RESAMPLING_REGION_XMAX = "SAGA_RESAMPLING_REGION_XMAX" SAGA_RESAMPLING_REGION_YMAX = "SAGA_RESAMPLING_REGION_YMAX" SAGA_RESAMPLING_REGION_CELLSIZE = "SAGA_RESAMPLING_REGION_CELLSIZE" SAGA_FOLDER = "SAGA_FOLDER" @staticmethod def sagaBatchJobFilename(): if ProcessingUtils.isWindows(): filename = "saga_batch_job.bat"; else: filename = "saga_batch_job.sh"; batchfile = ProcessingUtils.userFolder() + os.sep + filename return batchfile @staticmethod def sagaPath(): folder = ProcessingConfig.getSetting(SagaUtils.SAGA_FOLDER) if folder == None: folder ="" #try to auto-configure the folder if ProcessingUtils.isMac(): testfolder = os.path.join(str(QgsApplication.prefixPath()), "bin") if os.path.exists(os.path.join(testfolder, "saga_cmd")): folder = testfolder else: testfolder = "/usr/local/bin" if os.path.exists(os.path.join(testfolder, "saga_cmd")): folder = testfolder elif ProcessingUtils.isWindows(): testfolder = os.path.dirname(str(QgsApplication.prefixPath())) testfolder = os.path.join(testfolder, "saga") if os.path.exists(os.path.join(testfolder, "saga_cmd.exe")): folder = testfolder return folder @staticmethod def sagaDescriptionPath(): return os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),"description") @staticmethod def createSagaBatchJobFileFromSagaCommands(commands): fout = open(SagaUtils.sagaBatchJobFilename(), "w") if ProcessingUtils.isWindows(): fout.write("set SAGA=" + SagaUtils.sagaPath() + "\n"); fout.write("set SAGA_MLB=" + SagaUtils.sagaPath() + os.sep + "modules" + "\n"); fout.write("PATH=PATH;%SAGA%;%SAGA_MLB%\n"); elif ProcessingUtils.isMac(): fout.write("export SAGA_MLB=" + SagaUtils.sagaPath() + "/../lib/saga\n"); fout.write("export PATH=" + SagaUtils.sagaPath() + ":$PATH\n"); else: pass for command in commands: fout.write("saga_cmd " + command.encode("utf8") + "\n") fout.write("exit") fout.close() @staticmethod def executeSaga(progress): if ProcessingUtils.isWindows(): command = ["cmd.exe", "/C ", SagaUtils.sagaBatchJobFilename()] else: os.chmod(SagaUtils.sagaBatchJobFilename(), stat.S_IEXEC | stat.S_IREAD | stat.S_IWRITE) command = [SagaUtils.sagaBatchJobFilename()] loglines = [] loglines.append("SAGA execution console output") proc = subprocess.Popen(command, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stdin=subprocess.PIPE,stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, universal_newlines=True).stdout for line in iter(proc.readline, ""): if "%" in line: s = "".join([x for x in line if x.isdigit()]) try: progress.setPercentage(int(s)) except: pass else: line = line.strip() if line!="/" and line!="-" and line !="\\" and line!="|": loglines.append(line) progress.setConsoleInfo(line) if ProcessingConfig.getSetting(SagaUtils.SAGA_LOG_CONSOLE): ProcessingLog.addToLog(ProcessingLog.LOG_INFO, loglines) @staticmethod def checkSagaIsInstalled(ignoreRegistrySettings=False): if ProcessingUtils.isWindows(): path = SagaUtils.sagaPath() if path == "": return "SAGA folder is not configured.\nPlease configure it before running SAGA algorithms." cmdpath = os.path.join(path, "saga_cmd.exe") if not os.path.exists(cmdpath): return ("The specified SAGA folder does not contain a valid SAGA executable.\n" + "Please, go to the processing settings dialog, and check that the SAGA\n" + "folder is correctly configured") settings = QSettings() SAGA_INSTALLED = "/ProcessingQGIS/SagaInstalled" if not ignoreRegistrySettings: if settings.contains(SAGA_INSTALLED): return try: from processing import runalg result = runalg("saga:polygoncentroids", points(), False, None) if result is None or not os.path.exists(result['CENTROIDS']): return "It seems that SAGA is not correctly installed in your system.\nPlease install it before running SAGA algorithms." except: s = traceback.format_exc() return "Error while checking SAGA installation. SAGA might not be correctly configured.\n" + s; settings.setValue(SAGA_INSTALLED, True)