# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ *************************************************************************** __init__.py --------------------- Date : January 2016 Copyright : (C) 2016 by Matthias Kuhn Email : matthias@opengis.ch *************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * *************************************************************************** """ __author__ = 'Matthias Kuhn' __date__ = 'January 2016' __copyright__ = '(C) 2016, Matthias Kuhn' # This will get replaced with a git SHA1 when you do a git archive __revision__ = ':%H$' import os import sys import difflib import functools from PyQt4.QtCore import QVariant from qgis.core import QgsApplication, QgsFeatureRequest, QgsVectorLayer from nose2.compat import unittest # Get a backup, we will patch this one later _TestCase = unittest.TestCase class TestCase(_TestCase): def assertLayersEqual(self, layer_expected, layer_result, **kwargs): """ :param layer_expected: The first layer to compare :param layer_result: The second layer to compare :param request: Optional, A feature request. This can be used to specify an order by clause to make sure features are compared in a given sequence if they don't match by default. :keyword compare: A map of comparison options. e.g. { fields: { a: skip, b: { precision: 2 }, geometry: { precision: 5 } } { fields: { __all__: cast( str ) } } """ try: request = kwargs['request'] except KeyError: request = QgsFeatureRequest() try: compare = kwargs['compare'] except KeyError: compare = {} # Compare CRS _TestCase.assertEqual(self, layer_expected.dataProvider().crs().authid(), layer_result.dataProvider().crs().authid()) # Compare features _TestCase.assertEqual(self, layer_expected.featureCount(), layer_result.featureCount()) try: precision = compare['geometry']['precision'] except KeyError: precision = 17 for feats in zip(layer_expected.getFeatures(request), layer_result.getFeatures(request)): if feats[0].geometry() is not None: geom0 = feats[0].geometry().geometry().asWkt(precision) else: geom0 = None if feats[1].geometry() is not None: geom1 = feats[1].geometry().geometry().asWkt(precision) else: geom1 = None _TestCase.assertEqual( self, geom0, geom1, 'Features {}/{} differ in geometry: \n\n {}\n\n vs \n\n {}'.format( feats[0].id(), feats[1].id(), geom0, geom1 ) ) for attr_expected, field_expected in zip(feats[0].attributes(), layer_expected.fields().toList()): attr_result = feats[1][field_expected.name()] field_result = [fld for fld in layer_expected.fields().toList() if fld.name() == field_expected.name()][0] try: cmp = compare['fields'][field1.name()] except KeyError: try: cmp = compare['fields']['__all__'] except KeyError: cmp = {} # Skip field if 'skip' in cmp: continue # Cast field to a given type if 'cast' in cmp: if cmp['cast'] == 'int': attr_expected = int(attr_expected) if attr_expected else None attr_result = int(attr_result) if attr_result else None if cmp['cast'] == 'float': attr_expected = float(attr_expected) if attr_expected else None attr_result = float(attr_result) if attr_result else None if cmp['cast'] == 'str': attr_expected = str(attr_expected) if attr_expected else None attr_result = str(attr_result) if attr_result else None # Round field (only numeric so it works with __all__) if 'precision' in cmp and field_expected.type() in [QVariant.Int, QVariant.Double, QVariant.LongLong]: attr_expected = round(attr_expected, cmp['precision']) attr_result = round(attr_result, cmp['precision']) _TestCase.assertEqual( self, attr_expected, attr_result, 'Features {}/{} differ in attributes\n\n * Field1: {} ({})\n * Field2: {} ({})\n\n * {} != {}'.format( feats[0].id(), feats[1].id(), field_expected.name(), field_expected.typeName(), field_result.name(), field_result.typeName(), repr(attr_expected), repr(attr_result) ) ) def assertFilesEqual(self, filepath_expected, filepath_result): with open(filepath_expected, 'r') as file_expected: with open(filepath_result, 'r') as file_result: diff = difflib.unified_diff( file_expected.readlines(), file_result.readlines(), fromfile='expected', tofile='result', ) diff = list(diff) self.assertEqual(0, len(diff), ''.join(diff)) class _UnexpectedSuccess(Exception): """ The test was supposed to fail, but it didn't! """ pass def expectedFailure(*args): """ Will decorate a unittest function as an expectedFailure. A function flagged as expectedFailure will be succeed if it raises an exception. If it does not raise an exception, this will throw an `_UnexpectedSuccess` exception. @expectedFailure def my_test(self): self.assertTrue(False) The decorator also accepts a parameter to only expect a failure under certain conditions. @expectedFailure(time.localtime().tm_year < 2002) def my_test(self): self.assertTrue(qgisIsInvented()) """ if hasattr(args[0], '__call__'): # We got a function as parameter: assume usage like # @expectedFailure # def testfunction(): func = args[0] @functools.wraps(func) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): try: func(*args, **kwargs) except Exception: pass else: raise _UnexpectedSuccess return wrapper else: # We got a function as parameter: assume usage like # @expectedFailure(failsOnThisPlatform) # def testfunction(): condition = args[0] def realExpectedFailure(func): @functools.wraps(func) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): if condition: try: func(*args, **kwargs) except Exception: pass else: raise _UnexpectedSuccess else: func(*args, **kwargs) return wrapper return realExpectedFailure # Patch unittest unittest.TestCase = TestCase unittest.expectedFailure = expectedFailure def start_app(): """ Will start a QgsApplication and call all initialization code like registering the providers and other infrastructure. It will not load any plugins. You can always get the reference to a running app by calling `QgsApplication.instance()`. The initialization will only happen once, so it is safe to call this method repeatedly. Returns ------- QgsApplication A QgsApplication singleton """ global QGISAPP try: QGISAPP except NameError: myGuiFlag = True # All test will run qgis in gui mode # In python3 we need to convert to a bytes object (or should # QgsApplication accept a QString instead of const char* ?) try: argvb = list(map(os.fsencode, sys.argv)) except AttributeError: argvb = sys.argv # Note: QGIS_PREFIX_PATH is evaluated in QgsApplication - # no need to mess with it here. QGISAPP = QgsApplication(argvb, myGuiFlag) QGISAPP.initQgis() s = QGISAPP.showSettings() print(s) return QGISAPP def stop_app(): """ Cleans up and exits QGIS """ global QGISAPP QGISAPP.exitQgis() del QGISAPP