/** \ingroup MapComposer * A scale bar item that can be added to a map composition. */ class QgsComposerScaleBar: QgsComposerItem { %TypeHeaderCode #include "qgscomposerscalebar.h" %End public: enum Alignment { Left, Middle, Right }; enum ScaleBarUnits { MapUnits, Meters, Feet, NauticalMiles }; /** Modes for setting size for scale bar segments */ enum SegmentSizeMode { SegmentSizeFixed, /*!< Scale bar segment size is fixed to a map unit*/ SegmentSizeFitWidth /*!< Scale bar segment size is calculated to fit a size range*/ }; QgsComposerScaleBar( QgsComposition* composition /TransferThis/ ); ~QgsComposerScaleBar(); /** return correct graphics item type. */ virtual int type() const; /** \brief Reimplementation of QCanvasItem::paint*/ void paint( QPainter* painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem* itemStyle, QWidget* pWidget ); //getters and setters int numSegments() const; void setNumSegments( int nSegments ); int numSegmentsLeft() const; void setNumSegmentsLeft( int nSegmentsLeft ); double numUnitsPerSegment() const; void setNumUnitsPerSegment( double units ); /** Returns the size mode for scale bar segments. * @see setSegmentSizeMode * @see minBarWidth * @see maxBarWidth * @note added in QGIS 2.9 */ SegmentSizeMode segmentSizeMode() const; /** Sets the size mode for scale bar segments. * @param mode size mode * @see segmentSizeMode * @see setMinBarWidth * @see setMaxBarWidth * @note added in QGIS 2.9 */ void setSegmentSizeMode( SegmentSizeMode mode ); /** Returns the minimum size (in millimeters) for scale bar segments. This * property is only effective if the @link segmentSizeMode @endlink is set * to @link SegmentSizeFitWidth @endlink. * @see segmentSizeMode * @see setMinBarWidth * @see maxBarWidth * @note added in QGIS 2.9 */ double minBarWidth() const; /** Sets the minimum size (in millimeters) for scale bar segments. This * property is only effective if the @link segmentSizeMode @endlink is set * to @link SegmentSizeFitWidth @endlink. * @param minWidth minimum width in millimeters * @see minBarWidth * @see setMaxBarWidth * @see setSegmentSizeMode * @note added in QGIS 2.9 */ void setMinBarWidth( double minWidth ); /** Returns the maximum size (in millimeters) for scale bar segments. This * property is only effective if the @link segmentSizeMode @endlink is set * to @link SegmentSizeFitWidth @endlink. * @see segmentSizeMode * @see setMaxBarWidth * @see minBarWidth * @note added in QGIS 2.9 */ double maxBarWidth() const; /** Sets the maximum size (in millimeters) for scale bar segments. This * property is only effective if the @link segmentSizeMode @endlink is set * to @link SegmentSizeFitWidth @endlink. * @param minWidth maximum width in millimeters * @see minBarWidth * @see setMaxBarWidth * @see setSegmentSizeMode * @note added in QGIS 2.9 */ void setMaxBarWidth( double maxWidth ); double numMapUnitsPerScaleBarUnit() const; void setNumMapUnitsPerScaleBarUnit( double d ); QString unitLabeling() const; void setUnitLabeling( const QString& label ); QFont font() const; void setFont( const QFont& font ); /**Returns the color used for drawing text in the scalebar. * @returns font color for scalebar. * @see setFontColor * @see font */ QColor fontColor() const; /**Sets the color used for drawing text in the scalebar. * @param c font color for scalebar. * @see fontColor * @see setFont */ void setFontColor( const QColor& c ); /**Returns the pen used for drawing the scalebar. * @returns QPen used for drawing the scalebar outlines. * @see setPen * @see brush */ QPen pen() const; /**Sets the pen used for drawing the scalebar. * @param pen QPen to use for drawing the scalebar outlines. * @see pen * @see setBrush */ void setPen( const QPen& pen ); /**Returns the primary brush for the scalebar. * @returns QBrush used for filling the scalebar * @see setBrush * @see brush2 * @see pen */ QBrush brush() const; /**Sets primary brush for the scalebar. * @param brush QBrush to use for filling the scalebar * @see brush * @see setBrush2 * @see setPen */ void setBrush( const QBrush& brush ); /**Returns the secondary brush for the scalebar. This is used for alternating color style scalebars, such * as single and double box styles. * @returns QBrush used for secondary color areas * @see setBrush2 * @see brush */ QBrush brush2() const; /**Sets secondary brush for the scalebar. This is used for alternating color style scalebars, such * as single and double box styles. * @param brush QBrush to use for secondary color areas * @see brush2 * @see setBrush */ void setBrush2( const QBrush& brush ); double height() const; void setHeight( double h ); void setComposerMap( const QgsComposerMap* map ); const QgsComposerMap* composerMap(); double labelBarSpace() const; void setLabelBarSpace( double space ); double boxContentSpace() const; void setBoxContentSpace( double space ); double segmentMillimeters() const; /**Left / Middle/ Right */ Alignment alignment() const; void setAlignment( Alignment a ); ScaleBarUnits units() const; void setUnits( ScaleBarUnits u ); /** Returns the join style used for drawing lines in the scalebar * @returns Join style for lines * @note introduced in 2.3 * @see setLineJoinStyle */ Qt::PenJoinStyle lineJoinStyle() const; /** Sets join style used when drawing the lines in the scalebar * @param style Join style for lines * @returns nothing * @note introduced in 2.3 * @see lineJoinStyle */ void setLineJoinStyle( Qt::PenJoinStyle style ); /** Returns the cap style used for drawing lines in the scalebar * @returns Cap style for lines * @note introduced in 2.3 * @see setLineCapStyle */ Qt::PenCapStyle lineCapStyle() const; /** Sets cap style used when drawing the lines in the scalebar * @param style Cap style for lines * @returns nothing * @note introduced in 2.3 * @see lineCapStyle */ void setLineCapStyle( Qt::PenCapStyle style ); /**Apply default settings*/ void applyDefaultSettings(); /**Apply default size (scale bar 1/5 of map item width) */ void applyDefaultSize( ScaleBarUnits u = Meters ); /**Sets style by name @param styleName (untranslated) style name. Possibilities are: 'Single Box', 'Double Box', 'Line Ticks Middle', 'Line Ticks Down', 'Line Ticks Up', 'Numeric'*/ void setStyle( const QString& styleName ); /**Returns style name*/ QString style() const; /**Returns the x - positions of the segment borders (in item coordinates) and the width of the segment @note python bindings not available on android */ %If (!ARM) void segmentPositions( QList >& posWidthList ) const; %End /**Sets box size suitable to content*/ void adjustBoxSize(); /**Adjusts box size and calls QgsComposerItem::update()*/ void update(); /**Returns string of first label (important for drawing, labeling, size calculation*/ QString firstLabelString() const; /** stores state in Dom element * @param elem is Dom element corresponding to 'Composer' tag * @param doc Dom document */ bool writeXML( QDomElement& elem, QDomDocument & doc ) const; /** sets state from Dom document * @param itemElem is Dom node corresponding to item tag * @param doc is Dom document */ bool readXML( const QDomElement& itemElem, const QDomDocument& doc ); /**Moves scalebar position to the left / right depending on alignment and change in item width*/ void correctXPositionAlignment( double width, double widthAfter ); //overriden to apply minimum size void setSceneRect( const QRectF &rectangle ); public slots: void updateSegmentSize(); /**Sets mCompositionMap to 0 if the map is deleted*/ void invalidateCurrentMap(); protected: /**Calculates with of a segment in mm and stores it in mSegmentMillimeters*/ void refreshSegmentMillimeters(); /**Returns diagonal of composer map in selected units (map units / meters / feet / nautical miles)*/ double mapWidth() const; };