language: python # This lets us use newer python versions from virtualenv python: "3.5" compiler: clang dist: trusty sudo: false cache: apt: true pip: true directories: - ${HOME}/.ccache timeout: 1000 env: global: - TRAVIS_TIMESTAMP=$(date +%s) - CCACHE_DIR=${HOME}/.ccache # Docker hub username and passowrd - secure: "b7eMDIolaAnq1voGKC1ez7Kcf+/A0WZDJEHBvNwk2KubBfrGOE83GMDrFNF4NqjIprqIAvVKj+TrX1ckCvs24re3IqUJo71TaF1IgxzDDPwSsmNh5UMmvZkeiJys9bWjqDO9wYR5ietNmIE18qyMc8ToJk8oKm6AXuAG2n6znmM=" - secure: "PHCp7F3nApp38Mz6b4/OLxgfBiikRGzPQDHg3R5LX+SQOll24c/DMtwpPwizNuFEiCFcRmJ9uc1t0HWEerIZe5uqm7AtE/nMXBsvDZ+hj4Tz/fEBF98a1k4WLYheN1exFidVkJgdAeiwMOOUQXw5KuIX62bxBdzsdcd0QGwxiXo=" matrix: fast_finish: true include: ########################################################## # # TESTS FOR STANDARD COMMITS # ########################################################## ########################################################## # QGIS TESTS ON BIONIC ########################################################## - os: linux if: type != cron services: docker env: - TRAVIS_CONFIG=linux - DOCKER_TAG=$( [[ $TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG =~ qgis/QGIS ]] && echo $TRAVIS_BRANCH | sed 's/master/latest/' || echo "latest" ) - DOCKER_BUILD_QGIS_IMAGE=false - DOCKER_BUILD_DEPS_FILE=qgis3-build-deps.dockerfile ########################################################## # CODE LAYOUT ########################################################## - os: linux if: type != cron env: - TRAVIS_CONFIG=code_layout addons: apt: sources: - sourceline: 'ppa:jonathonf/backports' # silversearcher-ag backport - sourceline: 'ppa:sergey-dryabzhinsky/packages' # doxygen packages: - doxygen - graphviz - txt2tags - pkg-config - xvfb - flip # used for spell checks - perl # sipify, lookahead regex in spell check script - silversearcher-ag - expect-dev # unbuffer - coreutils # dependencies for licensecheck - cpanminus - libyaml-tiny-perl - libio-socket-ssl-perl - libhttp-date-perl - libgetopt-long-descriptive-perl - libmoo-perl - libnamespace-clean-perl - libpath-tiny-perl - libpod-constants-perl - libscalar-list-utils-perl - libsort-key-perl - libstrictures-perl - libstring-escape-perl - libtry-tiny-perl ########################################################## # # DOCKER IMAGE BUILD JOBS ON CRON OR TAG # ########################################################## ########################################################## # BIONIC DOCKER BUILD ON CRON OR TAG ########################################################## - os: linux if: repo = qgis/QGIS AND (tag IS PRESENT OR type = cron) services: docker env: - TRAVIS_CONFIG=linux - DOCKER_TAG=$( echo $TRAVIS_BRANCH | sed 's/master/latest/' ) - DOCKER_BUILD_QGIS_IMAGE=true - DOCKER_BUILD_DEPS_FILE=qgis3-build-deps.dockerfile ########################################################## # COSMIC DOCKER BUILD ON CRON OR TAG ########################################################## - os: linux if: repo = qgis/QGIS AND (tag IS PRESENT OR type = cron) services: docker env: - TRAVIS_CONFIG=linux - DOCKER_TAG="$( echo $TRAVIS_BRANCH | sed 's/master/latest/' )_cosmic" - DOCKER_BUILD_QGIS_IMAGE=true - DOCKER_BUILD_DEPS_FILE=qgis3-build-deps-cosmic.dockerfile # OSX based build with QT4 and Python 2 # - os: osx # osx_image: xcode8.3 # MacOS 10.12: Sierra # cache: # pip: true # directories: # - $HOME/.ccache # env: # - TRAVIS_CONFIG=macos # - IGNORE_BUILD_FAILURES=YES # # allow_failures: # - os: osx git: depth: 120 notifications: irc: "" on_failure: change on_success: change skip_join: true webhooks: urls: - on_success: change # options: [always|never|change] default: always on_failure: always # options: [always|never|change] default: always on_start: never # default: never before_install: - ./.ci/travis/${TRAVIS_CONFIG}/ install: - ./.ci/travis/${TRAVIS_CONFIG}/ before_script: - ./.ci/travis/${TRAVIS_CONFIG}/ script: - ./.ci/travis/${TRAVIS_CONFIG}/