 * This file has been generated automatically from                      *
 *                                                                      *
 * src/server/qgsserverinterface.h                                      *
 *                                                                      *
 * Do not edit manually ! Edit header and run scripts/sipify.pl again   *

class QgsServerInterface
Class defining interfaces exposed by QGIS Server and
made available to plugins.

This class provides methods to access the request handler and
the capabilities cache. A method to read the environment
variables set in the main FCGI loop is also available.
Plugins can add listeners (instances of QgsServerFilter) with
a certain priority through the registerFilter( QgsServerFilter* , int) method.

#include "qgsserverinterface.h"

    virtual ~QgsServerInterface();

    virtual QgsCapabilitiesCache *capabilitiesCache() = 0 /KeepReference/;
Get pointer to the capabiblities cache

:return: :py:class:`QgsCapabilitiesCache`

    virtual QgsRequestHandler *requestHandler() = 0 /KeepReference/;
Get pointer to the request handler

:return: :py:class:`QgsRequestHandler`

    virtual void registerFilter( QgsServerFilter *filter /Transfer/, int priority = 0 ) = 0;
Register a :py:class:`QgsServerFilter`

:param filter: the QgsServerFilter to add
:param priority: an optional priority for the filter order

    virtual void setFilters( QgsServerFiltersMap *filters /Transfer/ ) = 0;
Set the filters map

:param filters: the :py:class:`QgsServerFiltersMap`

    virtual QgsServerFiltersMap filters() = 0;
Return the list of current :py:class:`QgsServerFilter`

:return: QgsServerFiltersMap list of :py:class:`QgsServerFilter`

    virtual void registerAccessControl( QgsAccessControlFilter *accessControl /Transfer/, int priority = 0 ) = 0;
Register an access control filter

:param accessControl: the access control to register
:param priority: the priority used to order them

    virtual QgsAccessControl *accessControls() const = 0;
Gets the registered access control filters

    virtual QString getEnv( const QString &name ) const = 0;
Return an enrironment variable, used to pass  environment variables to Python

    virtual QString configFilePath() = 0;
Return the configuration file path

:return: QString containing the configuration file path

    virtual void setConfigFilePath( const QString &configFilePath ) = 0;
Set the configuration file path

:param configFilePath: QString with the configuration file path

    virtual void removeConfigCacheEntry( const QString &path ) = 0;
Remove entry from config cache

:param path: the path of the file to remove

    virtual QgsServiceRegistry *serviceRegistry() = 0 /KeepReference/;
Return the service registry

:return: :py:class:`QgsServiceResgistry`


 * This file has been generated automatically from                      *
 *                                                                      *
 * src/server/qgsserverinterface.h                                      *
 *                                                                      *
 * Do not edit manually ! Edit header and run scripts/sipify.pl again   *