 * This file has been generated automatically from                      *
 *                                                                      *
 * src/gui/qgstablewidgetitem.h                                         *
 *                                                                      *
 * Do not edit manually ! Edit header and run scripts/sipify.pl again   *

class QgsTableWidgetItem : QTableWidgetItem
This can be used like a regular QTableWidgetItem with the difference that a
specific role can be set to sort.

#include "qgstablewidgetitem.h"

Constructor for QgsTableWidgetItem.

    QgsTableWidgetItem( const QString &text );
Creates a new table widget item with the specified text.

    void setSortRole( int role );
Set the role by which the items should be sorted.
By default this will be set to Qt.DisplayRole

    int sortRole() const;
Get the role by which the items should be sorted.
By default this will be Qt.DisplayRole

    virtual bool operator <( const QTableWidgetItem &other ) const;


 * This file has been generated automatically from                      *
 *                                                                      *
 * src/gui/qgstablewidgetitem.h                                         *
 *                                                                      *
 * Do not edit manually ! Edit header and run scripts/sipify.pl again   *