typedef QList QgsAttributeList; typedef QSet QgsFeatureIds; typedef QSet QgsAttributeIds; /** @note added in 1.7 */ struct QgsVectorJoinInfo { %TypeHeaderCode #include "qgsvectorlayer.h" %End /**Join field in the target layer*/ int targetField; /**Source layer*/ QString joinLayerId; /**Join field in the source layer*/ int joinField; /**True if the join is cached in virtual memory*/ bool memoryCache; /**Cache for joined attributes to provide fast lookup (size is 0 if no memory caching)*/ // TODO: needs conversion // QHash< QString, QgsAttributeMap> cachedAttributes; }; class QgsVectorLayer : QgsMapLayer { %TypeHeaderCode #include "qgsvectorlayer.h" %End public: QgsVectorLayer* __iter__(); %MethodCode sipRes = sipCpp; %End SIP_PYOBJECT __next__(); %MethodCode QgsFeature* f = new QgsFeature; if (sipCpp->nextFeature(*f)) sipRes = sipConvertFromInstance(f, sipClass_QgsFeature, Py_None); else { delete f; PyErr_SetString(PyExc_StopIteration,""); } %End enum EditType { LineEdit, UniqueValues, UniqueValuesEditable, ValueMap, Classification, EditRange, SliderRange CheckBox, /* @note added in 1.4 */ FileName, Enumeration, /* @note added in 1.4 */ Immutable, /* @note added in 1.4 */ Hidden, /* @note added in 1.4 */ TextEdit /* @note added in 1.4 */ Calendar, /* calendar widget @added in 1.5 */ DialRange, /* dial range @added in 1.5 */ ValueRelation, /* value map from an table @added in 1.8 */ UuidGenerator, /* uuid generator - readonly and automatically intialized @added in 1.9 */ }; struct RangeData { RangeData(); RangeData(QVariant theMin, QVariant theMax, QVariant theStep); QVariant mMin; QVariant mMax; QVariant mStep; }; struct ValueRelationData { ValueRelationData(); ValueRelationData( QString layer, QString key, QString value, bool allowNull, bool orderByValue ); QString mLayer; QString mKey; QString mValue; bool mAllowNull; bool mOrderByValue; }; /** Constructor */ QgsVectorLayer(QString baseName = 0, QString path = 0, QString providerLib = 0); /** Destructor */ virtual ~QgsVectorLayer(); /** Returns the permanent storage type for this layer as a friendly name. */ QString storageType() const; /** Capabilities for this layer in a friendly format. */ QString capabilitiesString() const; /** Returns a comment for the data in the layer */ QString dataComment() const; /** Set the primary display field to be used in the identify results dialog */ void setDisplayField(QString fldName=0); /** Returns the primary display field name used in the identify results dialog */ const QString displayField() const; /** Returns the data provider */ QgsVectorDataProvider* dataProvider(); /** Returns the data provider in a const-correct manner */ //const QgsVectorDataProvider* dataProvider() const; /** Sets the textencoding of the data provider */ void setProviderEncoding(const QString& encoding); /** Setup the coordinate system tranformation for the layer */ void setCoordinateSystem(); /** Joins another vector layer to this layer @param joinInfo join object containing join layer id, target and source field @param cacheInMemory if true: caches the content of the join layer in virtual memory @note added in 1.7 */ void addJoin( QgsVectorJoinInfo joinInfo ); /** Removes a vector layer join @note added in 1.7 */ void removeJoin( const QString& joinLayerId ); /** @note added in 1.7 */ const QList< QgsVectorJoinInfo >& vectorJoins() const; QgsLabel *label(); QgsAttributeAction *actions(); /** The number of features that are selected in this layer */ int selectedFeatureCount(); /** Select features found within the search rectangle (in layer's coordinates) */ void select(QgsRectangle & rect, bool lock); /** Select not selected features and deselect selected ones */ void invertSelection(); /** Invert selection of features found within the search rectangle (in layer's coordinates) */ void invertSelectionInRectangle( QgsRectangle & rect); /** Get a copy of the user-selected features */ QList selectedFeatures(); /** Return reference to identifiers of selected features */ const QSet &selectedFeaturesIds() const; /** Change selection to the new set of features */ void setSelectedFeatures(const QSet &ids); /** Returns the bounding box of the selected features. If there is no selection, QgsRectangle(0,0,0,0) is returned */ QgsRectangle boundingBoxOfSelected(); /** Copies the symbology settings from another layer. Returns true in case of success */ bool copySymbologySettings(const QgsMapLayer& other); /** Returns true if this layer can be in the same symbology group with another layer */ bool hasCompatibleSymbology(const QgsMapLayer& other) const; /** Returns a pointer to the renderer */ const QgsRenderer* renderer() const; /** Sets the renderer. If a renderer is already present, it is deleted */ void setRenderer(QgsRenderer * r /Transfer/); /** Return renderer V2. Added in QGIS 1.4 */ QgsFeatureRendererV2* rendererV2(); /** Set renderer V2. Added in QGIS 1.4 */ void setRendererV2(QgsFeatureRendererV2* r /Transfer/); /** Return whether using renderer V2. Added in QGIS 1.4 */ bool isUsingRendererV2(); /** set whether to use renderer V2 for drawing. Added in QGIS 1.4 */ void setUsingRendererV2(bool usingRendererV2); /** Draw layer with renderer V2. Added in QGIS 1.4 */ void drawRendererV2( QgsRenderContext& rendererContext, bool labeling ); /** Draw layer with renderer V2 using symbol levels. Added in QGIS 1.4 */ void drawRendererV2Levels( QgsRenderContext& rendererContext, bool labeling ); /** Returns point, line or polygon */ QGis::GeometryType geometryType() const; /** Returns true if this is a geometry layer and false in case of NoGeometry (table only) or UnknownGeometry @note added in 1.7*/ bool hasGeometryType() const; /**Returns the WKBType or WKBUnknown in case of error*/ QGis::WkbType wkbType() const; /** Return the provider type for this layer */ QString providerType() const; /** reads vector layer specific state from project file Dom node. * @note Called by QgsMapLayer::readXml(). */ virtual bool readXml( QDomNode & layer_node ); /** write vector layer specific state to project file Dom node. * @note Called by QgsMapLayer::writeXml(). */ virtual bool writeXml( QDomNode & layer_node, QDomDocument & doc ); /** Read the symbology for the current layer from the Dom node supplied. * @param QDomNode node that will contain the symbology definition for this layer. * @param errorMessage reference to string that will be updated with any error messages * @return true in case of success. */ bool readSymbology(const QDomNode& node, QString& errorMessage); /** Write the symbology for the layer into the docment provided. * @param QDomNode the node that will have the style element added to it. * @param QDomDocument the document that will have the QDomNode added. * @param errorMessage reference to string that will be updated with any error messages * @return true in case of success. */ bool writeSymbology(QDomNode&, QDomDocument& doc, QString& errorMessage) const; /** * Number of features in the layer. This is necessary if features are * added/deleted or the layer has been subsetted. If the data provider * chooses not to support this feature, the total number of features * can be returned. * @return long containing number of features */ virtual long featureCount() const; /** Update the feature count * @return long containing the number of features in the datasource */ virtual long updateFeatureCount() const; /** * Set the string (typically sql) used to define a subset of the layer * @param subset The subset string. This may be the where clause of a sql statement * or other defintion string specific to the underlying dataprovider * and data store. * @return true, when setting the string was successful, false otherwise (@note added in 1.4) */ virtual bool setSubsetString(QString subset); /** * Get the string (typically sql) used to define a subset of the layer * @return The subset string or QString::null if not implemented by the provider */ virtual QString subsetString(); void select(QList fetchAttributes = QList(), QgsRectangle rect = QgsRectangle(), bool fetchGeometry = true, bool useIntersect = false); bool nextFeature(QgsFeature& feature); /**Gets the feature at the given feature id. Considers the changed, added, deleted and permanent features @return true in case of success*/ bool featureAtId(int featureId, QgsFeature& f, bool fetchGeometries = true, bool fetchAttributes = true); /** Adds a feature @param f feature to add @param alsoUpdateExtent If True, will also go to the effort of e.g. updating the extents. @return True in case of success and False in case of error */ bool addFeature(QgsFeature& f, bool alsoUpdateExtent = TRUE); /** Update an existing feature @param f feature to update @return True in case of success and False in case of error @note added in 1.8 */ bool updateFeature(QgsFeature& f ); /** Insert a new vertex before the given vertex number, * in the given ring, item (first number is index 0), and feature * Not meaningful for Point geometries */ bool insertVertex(double x, double y, qint64 atFeatureId, int beforeVertex); /** Moves the vertex at the given position number, * ring and item (first number is index 0), and feature * to the given coordinates */ bool moveVertex(double x, double y, int atFeatureId, int atVertex); /** Deletes the vertex at the given position number, * ring and item (first number is index 0), and feature */ bool deleteVertex(qint64 atFeatureId, int atVertex); /** Deletes the selected features * @return true in case of success and false otherwise */ bool deleteSelectedFeatures(); /**Adds a ring to polygon/multipolygon features @return 0 in case of success, 1 problem with feature type, 2 ring not closed, 3 ring not valid, 4 ring crosses existing rings, 5 no feature found where ring can be inserted*/ int addRing(const QList& ring); /**Adds a new part to a multipart feature @return 0 in case of success, 1 if selected feature is not multipart, 2 if ring is not a valid geometry, 3 if new polygon ring not disjoint with existing rings, 4 if no feature was selected, 5 if several features are selected, 6 if selected geometry not found*/ int addPart( const QList& ring ); int addIsland( const QList& ring ) /Deprecated/; /**Translates feature by dx, dy @param featureId id of the feature to translate @param dx translation of x-coordinate @param dy translation of y-coordinate @return 0 in case of success*/ int translateFeature(qint64 featureId, double dx, double dy); /**Splits features cut by the given line @param splitLine line that splits the layer features @param topologicalEditing true if topological editing is enabled @return 0 in case of success, 1 if several intersections but only 1 split done, 2 if intersection too complex to be handled, else other error*/ int splitFeatures(const QList& splitLine, bool topologicalEditing = false); /**Changes the specified geometry such that it has no intersections with other \ polygon (or multipolygon) geometries in this vector layer @param geom geometry to modify @return 0 in case of success*/ int removePolygonIntersections(QgsGeometry* geom); /**Adds topological points for every vertex of the geometry @param geom the geometry where each vertex is added to segments of other features Note: geom is not going to be modified by the function @return 0 in case of success*/ int addTopologicalPoints(QgsGeometry* geom); /**Adds a vertex to segments which intersect point p but don't already have a vertex there. If a feature already has a vertex at position p, no additional vertex is inserted. This method is useful for topological editing. @param p position of the vertex @return 0 in case of success*/ int addTopologicalPoints(const QgsPoint& p); /**Inserts vertices to the snapped segments. This is useful for topological editing if snap to segment is enabled. @param snapResults results collected from the snapping operation @return 0 in case of success*/ int insertSegmentVerticesForSnap(const QList& snapResults); /** Set labels on */ void enableLabels( bool on ); /** Label is on */ bool hasLabelsEnabled( ); /** Returns true if the provider is in editing mode */ virtual bool isEditable() const; /** Returns true if the provider is in read-only mode @note added in version 1.6 */ virtual bool isReadOnly() const; /** Returns true if the provider has been modified since the last commit */ virtual bool isModified() const; /**Snaps a point to the closest vertex if there is one within the snapping tolerance @param point The point which is set to the position of a vertex if there is one within the snapping tolerance. If there is no point within this tolerance, point is left unchanged. @param tolerance The snapping tolerance @return true if the position of point has been changed, and false otherwise */ bool snapPoint(QgsPoint& point, double tolerance); /**Snaps to segment or vertex within given tolerance @param startPoint point to snap (in layer coordinates) @param snappingTolerance distance tolerance for snapping @param snappingResults snapping results. Key is the distance between startPoint and snapping target @param snap_to to segment / to vertex @return 0 in case of success */ int snapWithContext(const QgsPoint& startPoint, double snappingTolerance, QMultiMap& snappingResults /Out/, QgsSnapper::SnappingType snap_to); /**Synchronises with changes in the datasource @note added in version 1.6*/ virtual void reload(); /** Draws the layer using coordinate transformation * @return FALSE if an error occurred during drawing */ bool draw(QgsRenderContext& rendererContext); /** Draws the layer labels using coordinate transformation */ void drawLabels(QgsRenderContext& rendererContext); /** returns list of attributes */ QList pendingAllAttributesList(); /** returns fields list which are not commited */ const QMap &pendingFields(); /** returns feature count after commit */ int pendingFeatureCount(); /** Make layer read-only (editing disabled) or not @return false if the layer is in editing yet @note added in version 1.6 */ bool setReadOnly( bool readonly = true ); /** Sets whether some features are modified or not */ void setModified(bool modified = TRUE, bool onlyGeometryWasModified = FALSE); /** Make layer editable */ bool startEditing(); /** change feature's geometry @note added in version 1.2 */ bool changeGeometry(qint64 fid, QgsGeometry* geom); /** changed an attribute value (but does not commit it */ bool changeAttributeValue(qint64 fid, int field, QVariant value, bool emitSignal = true); /** add an attribute field (but does not commit it) returns true in case of success @note added in 1.2 */ bool addAttribute( const QgsField &field ); /** add an attribute field (but does not commit it) returns true in case of success @deprecated */ bool addAttribute( QString name, QString type ) /Deprecated/; /**Sets an alias (a display name) for attributes to display in dialogs @note added in version 1.2*/ void addAttributeAlias( int attIndex, QString aliasString ); /**Returns the alias of an attribute name or an empty string if there is no alias @note added in version 1.2*/ QString attributeAlias( int attributeIndex ) const; /**Convenience function that returns the attribute alias if defined or the field name else @note added in version 1.2*/ QString attributeDisplayName( int attributeIndex ) const; /** delete an attribute field (but does not commit it) */ bool deleteAttribute(int attr); /** Insert a copy of the given features into the layer (but does not commit it) */ bool addFeatures(QList features, bool makeSelected = TRUE); /** delete a feature from the layer (but does not commit it) */ bool deleteFeature(qint64 fid); /** Attempts to commit any changes to disk. Returns the result of the attempt. If a commit fails, the in-memory changes are left alone. This allows editing to continue if the commit failed on e.g. a disallowed value in a Postgres database - the user can re-edit and try again. The commits (in this version) occur in four distinct stages, (add features, change attributes, change geometries, delete features) so if a stage fails, it's difficult to roll back cleanly. Therefore any error message also includes which stage failed so that the user has some chance of repairing the damage cleanly. */ bool commitChanges(); const QStringList &commitErrors(); /** Stop editing and discard the edits */ bool rollBack(); /**get edit type*/ EditType editType(int idx); /**set edit type*/ void setEditType(int idx, EditType edit); /** set string representing 'true' for a checkbox @note added in 1.4 */ void setCheckedState( int idx, QString checked, QString notChecked ); /** return string representing 'true' for a checkbox @note added in 1.4 */ // FIXME: need SIP binding for QPair // QPair checkedState( int idx ); /** get edit form @note added in 1.4 */ QString editForm(); /** set edit form @note added in 1.4 */ void setEditForm( QString ui ); /** get annotation form @note added in 1.5*/ QString annotationForm() const; /** set annotation form for layer @note added in 1.5*/ void setAnnotationForm( const QString& ui ); /** get edit form init function @note added in 1.4 */ QString editFormInit(); /** set edit form init function @note added in 1.4 */ void setEditFormInit( QString function ); /**access value map*/ QMap &valueMap(int idx); /**access range */ RangeData &range(int idx); /**access relations * @note added in 1.8 **/ ValueRelationData &valueRelation( int idx ); /**Adds a new overlay to this class. QgsVectorLayer takes ownership of the object @note this method was added in version 1.1 */ void addOverlay( QgsVectorOverlay* overlay /Transfer/); /**Removes all overlays of a given type @note this method was added in version 1.1 */ void removeOverlay( const QString& typeName ); /**Returns pointers to the overlays of this layer @note this method was added in version 1.1 */ void vectorOverlays( QList& overlayList /Out/); /**Returns the (first) overlay of a type, e.g. diagram or label @note this method was added in version 1.1 */ QgsVectorOverlay* findOverlayByType( const QString& typeName ); /** * Create edit command for undo/redo operations * @param text text which is to be displayed in undo window */ void beginEditCommand(QString text); /** Finish edit command and add it to undo/redo stack */ void endEditCommand(); /** Destroy active command and reverts all changes in it */ void destroyEditCommand(); /** Execute undo operation. To be called only from QgsVectorLayerUndoCommand. */ // (not necessary) void undoEditCommand(QgsUndoCommand* cmd); /** Execute redo operation. To be called only from QgsVectorLayerUndoCommand. */ // (not necessary) void redoEditCommand(QgsUndoCommand* cmd); /** Returns the index of a field name or -1 if the field does not exist @note this method was added in version 1.4 */ int fieldNameIndex( const QString& fieldName ) const; /** Editing vertex markers @note public from version 1.4 */ enum VertexMarkerType { SemiTransparentCircle, Cross, NoMarker /* added in version 1.1 */ }; /** Draws a vertex symbol at (screen) coordinates x, y. (Useful to assist vertex editing.) @note public and static from version 1.4 */ static void drawVertexMarker( double x, double y, QPainter& p, QgsVectorLayer::VertexMarkerType type, int vertexSize ); /** Assembles mUpdatedFields considering provider fields, joined fields and added fields @note added in 1.7 */ void updateFieldMap(); /** Caches joined attributes if required (and not already done) @note added in 1.7 */ void createJoinCaches(); /**Returns unique values for column @param index column index for attribute @param uniqueValues out: result list @limit maximum number of values to return (-1 if unlimited) @note: this method was added in version 1.7*/ void uniqueValues( int index, QList& uniqueValues /Out/, int limit = -1 ); /**Returns minimum value for an attribute column or invalid variant in case of error @note added in 1.7*/ QVariant minimumValue( int index ); /**Returns maximum value for an attribute column or invalid variant in case of error @note added in 1.7*/ QVariant maximumValue( int index ); public slots: /** Select feature by its ID, optionally emit signal selectionChanged() */ void select(qint64 featureId, bool emitSignal = TRUE); /** Deselect feature by its ID, optionally emit signal selectionChanged() */ void deselect( qint64 featureId, bool emitSignal = TRUE ); /** Clear selection */ void removeSelection(bool emitSignal = TRUE); void triggerRepaint(); /** Update the extents for the layer. This is necessary if features are * added/deleted or the layer has been subsetted. */ virtual void updateExtents(); /** Check if there is a join with a layer that will be removed @note added in 1.7 */ void checkJoinLayerRemove( QString theLayerId ); signals: /** This signal is emited when selection was changed */ void selectionChanged(); /** This signal is emitted when modifications has been done on layer */ void layerModified(bool onlyGeometry); void editingStarted(); void editingStopped(); void attributeAdded(int idx); void attributeDeleted(int idx); void featureDeleted(qint64 fid); void layerDeleted(); void attributeValueChanged(qint64 fid, int idx, const QVariant &); void geometryChanged(qint64 fid, QgsGeometry & ); /** Signals emitted after committing changes \note added in v1.6 */ void committedAttributesDeleted( const QString& layerId, const QgsAttributeIds& deletedAttributeIds ); void committedAttributesAdded( const QString& layerId, const QList& addedAttributes ); void committedFeaturesAdded( const QString& layerId, const QgsFeatureList& addedFeatures ); void committedFeaturesRemoved( const QString& layerId, const QgsFeatureIds& deletedFeatureIds ); void committedAttributeValuesChanges( const QString& layerId, const QgsChangedAttributesMap& changedAttributesValues ); void committedGeometriesChanges( const QString& layerId, const QgsGeometryMap& changedGeometries ); private: // Private methods /** vector layers are not copyable */ QgsVectorLayer( const QgsVectorLayer & rhs ); };