@default<html><body><h2>Algorithm description</h2>
<html><body><h2>Opis algoritma</h2>
All files (*.*)QgsProcessingParameterMultipleLayersVse datoteke (*.*)There is not active layer.Ni aktivne plasti.Active layer is not a vector layer.Aktivna plast ni vektorska plast.Active layer is not editable (and editing could not be turned on).Aktivno plast ni možno urejati (urejanje ni možno vključiti).{0} files (*.{1})QgsProcessingParameterMultipleLayers{0} datotek (*.{1})All files (*.*)Vse datoteke (*.*)Selected algorithm and parameter configuration are not compatible with in-place modifications.Could not prepare selected algorithm.Ni mogoče pripraviti izbranega algoritma.Error adding processed features back into the layer.Napaka pri dodajanju procesiranega objekta nazaj v sloj.{0} files (*.{1})ParameterRaster{0} datotek (*.{1}){0} files (*.{1})ParameterVector{0} datotek (*.{1})Default extensionPrivzeti dodatek<h2>Input parameters</h2>
<h2>Vhodni parametri</h2>
<h2>Izhodna datoteka</h2><p align="right">Algorithm author: {0}</p><p align="right">Avtor logaritma: {0}</p><p align="right">Help author: {0}</p><p align="right">Avtor pomoči: {0}</p><p align="right">Algorithm version: {0}</p><p align="right">Različica algoritma {0}</p>ErrorNapakaSeems some outputs are temporary files. To create test you need to redirect all algorithm outputs to filesNekatere izhodne datoteke so začasne. Za test je potrebno vse algoritme preusmeriti v datoteke.APIsDialogPythonConsoleGenerating prepared API file (please wait)…Izdelava API datoteke (prosim počakajte)...AddModelFromFileActionAdd Model to Toolbox…Dodaj model v orodjarno...ToolsOrodjaOpen ModelAddModelFromFileActionOdpri modelProcessing models (*.model3 *.MODEL3)AddModelFromFileActionModeli za obdelavo (*.model3 *.MODEL3)The selected file does not contain a valid modelAddModelFromFileActionIzbrana datoteka ne vsebuje veljavnega modelaAddScriptFromFileActionAdd Script to Toolbox…Dodaj skripto v orodjarno...ToolsOrodjaAdd script(s)Dodaj skripteProcessing scripts (*.py *.PY)Skripte obdelav (*.py *.PY)Could not copy script '{}'
{}Skripte ni bilo mogoče kopiratiAddScriptFromTemplateCreate New Script from Template…Ustvari novo skripto iz predloge...AddScriptFromTemplateActionToolsOrodjaAddTableFieldIntegerCelo številoFloatDecimalno številoStringBesediloVector tableVektorska tabelaField nameIme poljaField typeVrsta poljaField lengthDolžina poljaField precisionNatančnostAddedDodanoAdd field to attributes tableDodaj polje v atributno tabeloAggregateVector geometryGeometrija vektorjaAggregateAgregacijaInput layerVhodni slojGroup by expression (NULL to group all features)Grupiraj z izrazom (Prazno kadar grupiramo vse geoobjekte)AggregatesModelInput expressionvhodni izrazAggregate functionagregirana funkcijaDelimiterLočiloOutput field nameIme izhodnega poljaTypeTipLengthDolžinaPrecisionNatančnostAlgorithmClassificationPolygon intersectionalgnamesPresek poligonaVectorize raster layeralgnamesVektoriziranje rasterskega slojaInterpolate (Inverse distance weighting)algnamesInterpolacija (Inverzna utežna razdalja)RGB to PCTalgnamesRGB v PCTRasterize vector layeralgnamesRasteriziran vektorski slojPolygon identityalgnamesIdentiteta poligonaPolygon dissolve (all polygons)algnamesRazdruževanje poligona (vsi poligoni)Polygon unionalgnamesZdruževanje poligonaInterpolate (Natural neighbor)algnamesInterpolacija (Naravni sosed)Merge raster layersalgnamesSpoji rasterske plastiRemove small pixel clumps (nearest neighbour)algnamesInterpolate (Nearest Neighbor)algnamesInterpolacija (Najbližji sosed)Interpolate (Cubic spline)algnamesInterpolate (Data metrics)algnamesReproject raster layeralgnamesReprojeciraj rasterski slojExport raster layeralgnamesIzvozi rasterski slojPCT to RGBalgnamesPCT v RGBExport vector layeralgnamesIzvozi vektorski slojPolygon dissolve (by attribute)algnamesRazdruževanje poligona (po atributih)Remove small pixel clumps (to no-data)algnamesInterpolate (Modified quadratic shepard)algnamesMerge vector layersalgnamesSpoji vektorske plastiReclassify (simple)algnamesPonono klasificiraj (enostavno)Execute SQL on vector layeralgnamesIzvedi SQL na vektorski plastiRaster layer informationalgnamesInformacije za rasterski slojContour linesalgnamesLinije plastnicCreate graticulealgnamesFire spreading simulationalgnamesSimulacija širjenja ognjaPolygon differencealgnamesRazlike poligonaCreate graticule from extentalgnamesPolygon symmetrical differencealgnamesPoligon simetrične razlikeVector layer informationalgnamesInformacija za vektorski slojPolygon updatealgnamesPosodobitev poligonaInterpolate (Average)algnamesInterpolacija (Povprečje)AlgorithmDialogRun as Batch Process…Zaženi paketno obdelavo...Unmatching CRS'sNeustrezen koordinatni sistemUnable to execute algorithmAlgoritma ni mogoče pognatiProcessing algorithm…<b>Algorithm '{0}' starting…</b>Parameters do not all use the same CRS. This can cause unexpected results.
Do you want to continue?Sloji uporabljajo različne koordinatne sisteme kar lahko povzroči nepričakovane rezultate.
Ali želite nadaljevati?Modify Selected FeaturesModify All FeaturesCancelPrekiniInput parameters:Vhodni parametri:Execution completed in {0:0.2f} secondsResults:Rezultati:Execution failed after {0:0.2f} secondsExecuting “{}”Wrong or missing parameter value: {0}Napačna ali mankajoča vrednosti parametra: {0}Algorithm '{0}' finishedAlgoritem '{0}' zaključenHTML output has been generated by this algorithm.
Open the results dialog to check it.S tem algoritmom je generiran HTML izhod.
Preverite rezultate.AlgorithmExecutorExecuting iteration {0}/{1}…Izvrševanje iteracije {0}/{1}…AlgorithmLocatorFilterProcessing AlgorithmsAlgoritmi procesiranjaMissing dependencyManjkajoča odvisnostAnimation3DWidgetFormObrazecKeyframeAdd keyframe + Remove keyframe - Edit keyframe……Duplicate keyframeInterpolationInterpolacijaLinearLinearnoInQuadOutQuadInOutQuadOutInQuadInCubicOutCubicInOutCubicOutInCubicInQuartOutQuartInOutQuartOutInQuartInQuintOutQuintInOutQuintOutInQuintInSineOutSineInOutSineOutInSineInExpoOutExpoInOutExpoOutInExpoInCircOutCircInOutCircOutInCirc>>RepeatPonavljanjeExport Animation FramesIzvozi sličice animacijeAnimationExport3DDialogExport 3D AnimationIzvozi 3D animacijoOutput HeightFrames Per SecondSličic na sekundoNumber of # represents number of digits (e.g. frame###.png -> frame001.png)Število # predstavlja število števk (npr. sličica###.png -> sličica001.png)Output DirectoryIzhodna potTemplatePredlogaOutput WidthIzhodna širina px pxAspectRaster terrain analysisAnalize rastra terenaElevation layerVišinski slojZ factorZ faktorAspectPogledAssignProjectionAssign projectionDoloči koordinatni sistemInput layerVhodni slojDesired CRSZahtevan koordinatni sistemLayer with projectionSloj v koordinatnem sistemuRaster projectionsProjekcije rastraBarPlotGraphicsGrafikaInput layerVhodni slojCategory name fieldPolje imena kategorijeValue fieldVrednostBar plotStolpični izrisHTML files (*.html)HTML datoteke (*.html) BasicStatisticsForFieldstats,statistics,date,time,datetime,string,number,text,table,layer,sum,maximum,minimum,mean,average,standard,deviation,count,distinct,unique,variance,median,quartile,range,majority,minority,summaryVector analysisVektorska analizaInput layerVhodni slojField to calculate statistics onPolje za statistično obdelavoStatisticsStatistikaHTML files (*.html)HTML datoteke (*.html) CountŠteviloNumber of unique valuesŠtevilo enoličnih vrednostiNumber of empty (null) valuesŠtevilo praznih (ničnih) vrednostiNumber of non-empty valuesŠtevilo nepraznih vrednostiMinimum valueNajmanjša vrednostMaximum valueNajvečja vrednostMinimum lengthNajmanjša dolžinaMaximum lengthNajvečja dolžinaMean lengthPovprečna dolžinaCoefficient of VariationKoeficient odstopanjaSumVsotaMean valuePovprečjeStandard deviationStandardni odklonRangeObmočjeMedianSredinaMinority (rarest occurring value)Majority (most frequently occurring value)First quartilePrvi kvartalThird quartileTretji kvartalInterquartile Range (IQR)Medkvartalni obseg (IQR)Basic statistics for fieldsOsnovna statistika poljAnalyzed field: {}Analizirana polja: {}Count: {}Število: {}Unique values: {}Enolične vrednosti: {}NULL (missing) values: {}NIČ (manjkajoče) vrednostiMinimum value: {}Najmanjša vrednost: {}Maximum value: {}Največja vrednost: {}Range: {}Obseg: {}Sum: {}Vsota: {}Mean value: {}PovprečjeMedian value: {}Srednja vrednost: {}Standard deviation: {}Standardni odklon: {}Coefficient of Variation: {}Koeficient odklona: {}Minority (rarest occurring value): {}Majority (most frequently occurring value): {}First quartile: {}Prvi kvartal; {}Third quartile: {}Tretji kvartal: {}Interquartile Range (IQR): {}Medkvartalni obseg (IQR)Minimum length: {}Najmanjša dolžina: {}Maximum length: {}Največja dolžina: {}Mean length: {}Srednja dolžina: {}BatchAlgorithmDialogBatch Processing - {0}Paketna obdelava - {0}Input parameters:Kriteriji:
Processing algorithm {0}/{1}…<b>Algorithm {0} starting…</b>Algorithm {0} correctly executed…Execution completed in {0:0.2f} secondsResults:Rezultati:Batch execution completed in {0:0.2f} seconds<h3>Parameters</h3>
Run as Single Process…BatchInputSelectionPanelSelect FilesIzberi datotekeSelect from Open Layers…Select Files…Select Directory…Select DirectoryIzberi mapoBatchOutputSelectionPanelSave FileShrani datotekoOutput DirectoryIzhodna potBatchPanelAutofill…Calculate by Expression…Add Values by Expression…Add Files by Pattern…BatchPanelFillWidgetFill DownCopy the first value down to all other rowsCalculates parameter values by evaluating an expressionAdds new parameter values by evaluating an expressionAdds files by a file pattern matchAdd Files by PatternAn array of values corresponding to each new row to addBooleanWidgetWrapperYesDaNoNeBoxPlotGraphicsGrafikaInput layerVhodni slojCategory name fieldPolje imena kategorijeValue fieldVrednostShow MeanPokaži povprečjeShow Standard DeviationPokaži Standardni odklonDon't show Mean and Standard DeviationAdditional Statistic LinesBox plotHTML files (*.html)HTML datoteke (*.html) BufferInput layerVhodni slojGeometry column nameIme stolpca geometrijeBuffer distanceDolžina obrisaDissolve by attributeRazgradi po atributihDissolve all resultsRazgradi vse rezultateProduce one feature for each geometry in any kind of geometry collection in the source fileAdditional creation optionsDodatne možnosti ustvarjanjaBufferObrisBuffer vectorsVektorji obrisaVector geoprocessingObdelava vektorjevCharacterWidget<p>Character: <span style="font-size: 24pt; font-family: %1">%2</span><p>Decimal: %3<p>Hex: 0x%4CheckValidityVector geometryGeometrija vektorjavalid,invalid,detectThe one selected in digitizing settingsInput layerVhodni slojMethodMetodaValid outputVeljaven izhodCount of valid featuresŠtevilo veljavnih geoobjektovInvalid outputNeveljaven izhodCount of invalid featuresŠtevilo neveljavnih geoobjektovError outputNapakaCount of errorsŠtevilo napakCheck validityPreveri veljavnostIgnore ring self intersectionsCheckboxesPanelSelect AllIzberi vseClear SelectionPočisti izbiroClipRasterByExtentInput layerVhodni slojClipping extentObseg obrezaveAssign a specified nodata value to output bandsAdditional creation optionsDodatne možnosti ustvarjanjaOutput data typeTip izhodne datotekeClipped (extent)Obrezano (obseg)Clip raster by extentObreži raster po obseguRaster extractionIzrez rastraUse Input Layer Data TypeClipRasterByMaskInput layerVhodni slojMask layerMaska slojaAssign a specified nodata value to output bandsCreate an output alpha bandIzdelaj alfa kanalMatch the extent of the clipped raster to the extent of the mask layerUse multithreaded warping implementationAdditional creation optionsDodatne možnosti ustvarjanjaOutput data typeTip izhodne datotekeClipped (mask)Obrezano (z masko)Clip raster by mask layerObreži raster z masko slojaRaster extractionIzrez rastraSource CRSIzvorni koordinatni sistemTarget CRSCiljni koordinatni sistemKeep resolution of input rasterOhrani resolucijo vhodnega rastraSet output file resolutionNastavi resolucijo izhodne datotekeX Resolution to output bandsY Resolution to output bandsUse Input Layer Data TypeClipVectorByExtentInput layerVhodni slojClipping extentObseg obrezaveAdditional creation optionsDodatne možnosti ustvarjanjaClipped (extent)Obrezano (obseg)Clip vector by extentObreži vektor po obseguVector geoprocessingObdelava vektorjevClipVectorByMaskInput layerVhodni slojMask layerMaska slojaAdditional creation optionsDodatne možnosti ustvarjanjaClipped (mask)Obrezano (z masko)Clip vector by mask layerObreži vektor z masko slojaVector geoprocessingObdelava vektorjevColorReliefUse strict color matchingUse closest RGBA quadrupletUse smoothly blended colorsInput layerVhodni slojBand numberŠtevilka pasuCompute edgesIzračunaj roboveColor configuration fileDatoteka barvnih nastavitevMatching modeUstrezni načinAdditional creation optionsDodatne možnosti ustvarjanjaColor reliefBarvni reliefRaster analysisAnalize rastraConcaveHullVector geometryGeometrija vektorjaInput point layerTočkovni sloj (1)Threshold (0-1, where 1 is equivalent with Convex Hull)Allow holesDovoli luknjeSplit multipart geometry into singleparts geometriesConcave hullConcave hull (alpha shapes)Creates a concave hull using the alpha shapes algorithm.Creating Delaunay triangles…Computing edges max length…Removing features…Odstranjevanje geoobjektov...Dissolving Delaunay triangles…Saving data…Shranjujem podatke...No Delaunay triangles created.ConfigDialogSearch…Iskanje...SettingNastavitveValueVrednostGeneralSplošnoModelsModelScriptsSkripteProvidersPonudnikiMenusMeniReset to defaultsPonastavi na privzetoWrong value for parameter "{0}":
{1}Wrong valueNepravilna vrednostContextGeneratorIterate over this layer, creating a separate output for every feature in the layer (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax) (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax) (x, y)(x,y) [optional][opcijsko]Open BatchOdpri Paketno obdelavoJSON files (*.json)JSON datoteke (*.json)An error occurred while reading your file.Wrong or missing parameter value: {0} (row {1})Napačna ali mankajoča vrednosti parametra: {0} (row {1})Wrong or missing output value: {0} (row {1})Save BatchShrani Paketno obdelavoYesDaNoNeDescriptionOpisShow advanced parametersPrikaži napredne parametre.[Enter name if this is a final result]Parent algorithmsHide advanced parameters'{0}' from algorithm '{1}'ErrorNapakaWrong or missing value for parameter '{}'CoordinateCaptureCoordinate CapturePoložaj (X,Y)Click on the map to view coordinates and capture to clipboard.Kopiranje koordinat v odložišče.Click to select the CRS to use for coordinate displayV katerem koordinatnem sistemu želite prikazati položajCoordinate in your selected CRS (lat,lon or east,north)Položaj v izbranem koordinatnem sistemu (dolžina,širina ali vzhod,sever)Coordinate in map canvas coordinate reference system (lat,lon or east,north)Položaj v primerjalnem koordinatnem sistemu (dolžina,širina ali vzhod,sever)Copy to ClipboardKopiraj v odložiščeClick to enable mouse tracking. Click the canvas to stopOmogoči sledenje z miško na zaslonu. Klik na zemljevidu ustavi sledenjeStart CaptureClick to enable coordinate captureOmogoči določanje položajaCreateAttributeIndexVector generalLastnosti vektorjaInput LayerVhodni slojAttribute to indexAtribut v indeksIndexed layerIndeksiran slojCreate attribute indexCan not create attribute index on "{}"Could not create attribute indexLayer's data provider does not support creating attribute indexesCreateConstantRasterRaster toolsRasterska orodjaDesired extentŽelen obsegTarget CRSCiljni koordinatni sistemPixel sizeVelikost točkeConstant valueStalna vrednostConstantKonstantaCreate constant raster layerCould not create raster output: {}Could not create raster output {}: {}CreateNewModelActionCreate New Model…Ustvari nov model...ToolsOrodjaCreateNewScriptActionCreate New Script…Ustvari novo skripto...ToolsOrodjaCrsWidgetWrapperSelect CRSIzberi koordinatni sistemDBManagerNo database selected or you are not connected to it.Podatkovna zbirka ne obstaja ali niste povezani.Select the table you want export to file.Izberite tabelo za izvoz.Select a vector or a tabular layer you want export.Query ({0})Poizvedba ({0})Layer ({0})Sloj ({0})QueryPoizvedbaDB ManagerUpravitelj podatkovnih skladiščInfoInfoTableTabelaPreviewPredogledProvidersPonudniki&Database&Podatkovna zbirka&SchemaS&hema&Table&TabelaDefaultPrivzeto&Refresh&Osveži&SQL Window&SQL okno&Import Layer/File…&Uvoz sloja/datoteke&Export to File…&Exit&IzhodDBManagerPluginUnable to find a valid unique fieldEnolično polje ne obstajaCopyKopirajDB ManagerUpravitelj podatkovnih skladiščSelect an empty schema for deletion.Prazna shema za brisanje.Select a table/view for deletion.Tabela/pogled za brisanje.Select a table to empty it.Tabela za praznenje.Select a table/view.Tabela/pogled.Server version: Različica strežnika: Host:Gostitelj:User:Uporabnik:Library:Knjižnica:<warning> geometry_columns table doesn't exist!
This table is essential for many GIS applications for enumeration of tables.<opozorilo>tabela z geometrijskim stolpcem ne obstaja!
Za številne GIS aplikacije je ta tabela pomembna.create new schemasizdelava novih shemcreate temporary tablesizdelava začasnih tabelNot connectedNi povezanoConnection detailsPodrobnosti povezaveGeneral infoSplošne lastnosti<warning> This user has no privileges!<opozorilo> Uporabnik nima ustreznih pravic!User has privileges:Uporabnik ima pravice:PrivilegesPraviceOwner:Lastnik:Comment:Komentar:Materialized View informationMaterializiran pogledcreate new objectsizdelava novih objektovaccess objectsdostop do objektovSchema detailsPodrobnosti sheme<warning> This user has no privileges to access this schema!<opozorilo> Uporabnik nima nima ustreznih pravic za to shemo!Relation type:Tip povezave:ViewPogledTableTabelaRows:Vrstice:Unknown (<a href="action:rows/count">find out</a>)neznano (<a href="akcija:vrstice/štetje">je bilo najdenih</a>)NameImeTypeTipNullpraznoDefaultPrivzetoColumn(s)Stolpec(i)FunctionFunkcija<warning> This is not a spatial table.<warning> To ni prostorska tabela.FieldsPoljaConstraintsPovezaveIndexesIndeksiTriggersSprožilnikiView definitionPregled definicijColumn:Stolpec:&Delete (Empty) Schema…Geometry:Geometrija:Qgis Geometry type:Qgis geometrijski tip:Dimension:Dimenzije:UndefinedNedoločenoSpatial ref:Prostorska referenca:Estimated extent:Pričakovan obseg:(unknown) (<a href="action:extent/get">find out</a>)(nepoznan) (<a href="akcija:obseg/pridobi">najden</a>)Extent:Obseg:<warning> {0} support not enabled!<warning> No spatial index defined (<a href="action:spatialindex/create">create it</a>)<warning> Prostorki indeks ni določen (<a href="action:spatialindex/create">ustvari</a>)Materialized view&Create Schema…&Ustvari shemo&Delete (Empty) SchemaDelete Selected ItemIzbriši označen element&Create Table…&Ustvari tabelo&Edit Table…&Uredi tabelo&Delete Table/View…&Izbriši tabelo/pogled&Empty Table…&Počisti tabelo&Move to Schema&Premakni v shemo&Change Logging…&Spremeni beleženje…Pages:Strani:Rows (estimation):Vrstic (pričakovano):Privileges:Pravice:<warning> This user doesn't have usage privileges for this schema!<opozorilo> Uporabnik nima pravi za dostop do sheme!Rows (counted):Vrstic (preštetih):<warning> This user has read-only privileges.<opozorilo> Uporabnik ima pravice samo za branje.<warning> There's a significant difference between estimated and real row count. Consider running <a href="action:vacuumanalyze/run">VACUUM ANALYZE</a>.<warning> Obstaja precejšnja razlika med pričakovanim in dejanskim številom vrstic. Optimizacija z <a href="action:vacuumanalyze/run">VACUUM ANALYZE</a>.<warning> No primary key defined for this table!<opozorilo> V tabeli ni določen enolični ključ!Scripts:Skripte:<warning> Version of installed scripts doesn't match version of released scripts!
This is probably a result of incorrect PostGIS upgrade.<warning> Različica nameščene skripte ne ustreza zadnji uradni različici!
Morda se je nepravilno izvedla posodobitev PostGIS.<warning> This user doesn't have privileges to read contents of geometry_columns table!
This table is essential for many GIS applications for enumeration of tables.<opozorilo>tabela z geometrijskim stolpcem ne obstaja!
Za številne GIS aplikacije je ta tabela pomembna.LengthDolžinaEnabledOmogočenoYesDaNoNe<a href="action:triggers/enable">Enable all triggers</a> / <a href="action:triggers/disable">Disable all triggers</a><a href="action:triggers/enable">Omogoči vse sprožilnike</a> / <a href="action:triggers/disable">Onemogoči vse sprožilnike</a>DefinitionDefinicijaRulesPravila&Table&Tabela"{0}" not found"{0}" ni najdenoFilename:Ime datoteke:SQLite version:SQLlite različica:&Re-connect&Ponovno poveži&Database&Podatkovna zbirka&Schema&ShemaCannot delete the selected item.Ni mogoče izbrisati izbranih postavk.No database selected or you are not connected to it.Niste izbrali podatkovne zbirke ali niste povezani.New schemaNova shemaEnter new schema nameIme nove shemeTable triggersSprožilnikiTable triggerSprožilnikSpatial IndexProstorski indeksCheckPreveriPrimary keyEnolični ključForeign keyPovezovalni ključUniqueEnoličnoExclusionIzjemaUnknownNeznanoTable IndexIndeksDatabase:Podatkovna zbirka:{0} is not supported yetError:
{0}Really remove connection to {0}?Really delete schema {0}?Select a table to edit.Izberite tabelo za urejanje.Really delete table/view {0}?Zares izbrišem tabelo/pogled {0}?Really delete all items from table {0}?Do you want to {0} all triggers?Do you want to {0} trigger {1}?Do you want to {0} spatial index for field {1}?SQLite list tables cache:Oracle Spatial:Oracle Prostor:Object type:Vrsta objekta:Creation Date:Ustvarjeno:Last Modification Date:Zadnja sprememba:CommentKomentarColumnStolpecStatusStatusValidatedPreverjenoGeneratedUstvarjenoCheck conditionPreveri stanjeForeign TableForeign columnOn DeleteOb brisanjuIndex TypeVrsta indeksaLast analyzedNazadnje analiziranoCompressionStiskanjeUniquenessEnoličnostActionUkrepEventDogodekRefresh Mode:Način osveževanja:Refresh Method:Metoda osveževanja:Build Mode:Način gradnje:Last Refresh Date:Nazadnje osveženo:Last Refresh Type:Način zadnje osvežitve:Fast Refreshable:Hitro osveženo:Staleness:Stale since:Compile State:Use no index:Neuporabljeni indeks:Executing SQLDB Manager…Update SQL Layer…Posodobi SQL plast...<warning> There is no entry in geometry_columns!<warning> Geometrijska polja so prazna!"{dbname}" not recognized as GPKG ({shortname} reported instead.)DBModelDatabasesPodatkovne zbirkeInvalid layerNeveljaven slojUnable to load the layer {0}DBTreeRename…Preimenuj...Delete…Briši...Add to CanvasRe-connectPonovno povežiRemoveOdstraniNew Connection…Nova povezava...%1 is an invalid layer - not loaded%1 ni veljaven sloj - ni naloženo%1 is an invalid layer and cannot be loaded. Please check the <a href="#messageLog">message log</a> for further info.%1 je neveljaven. Prosim preverite <a href="#messageLog">sporočila</a> za več informacij.Datasources2VrtVector generalLastnosti vektorjaInput datasourcesPodatkovni viriCreate "unioned" VRTDbManagerDlgAddGeometryColumnAdd geometry columnVstavi geometrijski stolpecNameImeTypeTipDimensionsDimenzijeSRIDKoordinatni sistemDbManagerDlgCreateConstraintAdd constraintDodaj povezavoColumnStolpecPrimary keyEnolični ključUniqueEnoličnoDbManagerDlgCreateIndexCreate indexUstvari indeksColumnStolpecNameImeDbManagerDlgCreateTableCreate TableUstvari tabeloSchemaShemaNameImeAdd fieldVstavi poljeDelete fieldBriši poljeUpGorDownDolPrimary keyEnolični ključCreate geometry columnUstvari geometrijsko poljeDimensionsDimenzijeSRIDKoordinatni sistemCreate spatial indexUstvari prostorski indeksDbManagerDlgDbErrorDatabase ErrorNapaka podatkovne zbirkeAn error occurredNapakaAn error occurred when executing a queryNapaka pri izvajanju poizvedbeQueryPoizvedbaDbManagerDlgExportVectorExport to vector fileIzvozi v vektorsko datotekoSave asShrani kotOptionsLastnostiReplace destination file (if exists)Nadomesti datoteko (če obstaja)Source SRIDIzvorni koordinatni sistemTarget SRIDCiljni koordinatni sistemEncodingKodna tabela……FormatOblikaDbManagerDlgFieldPropertiesField propertiesLastnosti stolpcaNameImeTypeTipCan be NULLDovoli ničelne vrednostiDefault value expression<html><head/><body><p>Properly quoted PostgreSQL expression (e.g. <code>4</code>, <code>'text'</code> or <code>nextval('foo_id_seq')</code><br/></p></body></html>LengthDolžinaCommentKomentarDbManagerDlgImportVectorImport vector layerUvoz vektorskega slojaInputDatoteka/sloj……Import only selected featuresUvoz le izbranih geoobjektovUpdate optionsPosodobi lastnostiOutput tableIzhodna tabelaSchemaShemaTableTabelaOptionsLastnostiPrimary keyEnolični ključGeometry columnGeometrijski stolpecSource SRIDIzvorni koordinatni sistemCommentKomentarTarget SRIDCiljni koordinatni sistemEncodingKodna tabelaCreate single-part geometries instead of multi-partPoenostavi geometrijoCreate spatial indexUstvari prostorski indeksReplace destination table (if exists)Prepiši preglednico (če obstaja)Convert field names to lowercasePretvori imena polj v male črkeDbManagerDlgSqlLayerWindow<html><head/><body><p>Avoid selecting feature by id. Sometimes - especially when running expensive queries/views - fetching the data sequentially instead of fetching features by id can be much quicker.</p></body></html>Avoid selecting by feature idIzogibaj se označevanju po enoličnem ključu elementaUpdateOsvežiNameImeDeleteIzbriši&Clear&PočistiColumn(s) with
unique valuesGeometry columnGeometrijski stolpecRetrieve
poljaSQL WindowSQL oknoSaved queryShranjena SQL poizvedbaSaveShraniExecute query (Ctrl+R)Zaženi poizvedbo (Ctrl+R)ExecuteIzvediCtrl+RCtrl+RLayer name (prefix)Ime novega sloja (predpona)TypeTipVectorVektorRasterRasterSet filterNastavi filterDbManagerDlgSqlWindowColumn(s) with
unique valuesPolje(a) z
enoličnimi vrednostmiSet filterNastavi filterDeleteIzbrišiCreate a viewUstvari pogled&Clear&PočistiLoad as new layerNaloži kot nov slojGeometry columnGeometrijski stolpecRetrieve
stolpceSQL WindowSQL okno<html><head/><body><p>Load SQL file</p></body></html>Load File<html><head/><body><p>Save the query as SQL file</p></body></html>Save As FileDatoteko shrani kot...QueryPoizvedbaRows affectedDuration (secs)Query HistoryLoadOdpriLayer name (prefix)Ime novega sloja (predpona)TypeTipVectorVektorRasterRasterSaved queryShranjena SQL poizvedbaSaveShraniExecute query (Ctrl+R)Zaženi poizvedbo (Ctrl+R)ExecuteIzvediCtrl+RCtrl+RCancel query (ESC)CancelPrekini<html><head/><body><p>Avoid selecting feature by id. Sometimes - especially when running expensive queries/views - fetching the data sequentially instead of fetching features by id can be much quicker.</p></body></html>Avoid selecting by feature idIzogibaj se označevanju po enoličnem ključu elementaNameImeDbManagerDlgTablePropertiesTable propertiesLastnosti tabeleColumnsStolpciTable columns:Podatkovni stolpci:Add columnVstavi stolpecAdd geometry columnVstavi geometrijski stolpecEdit columnUrejanjeDelete columnIzbriši stolpecConstraintsPovezavePrimary, foreign keys, unique and check constraints:Primarni ključ, ostali ključi, povezave:Add primary key / uniqueVstavi primarni ključ / enoličnoDelete constraintIzbriši povezavoIndexesIndeksiIndexes defined for this table:Indeksi za to tabelo:Add indexVstavi indeksAdd spatial indexVstavi prostorski indeksDelete indexIzbriši indeksCommentKomentarComment defined for this table:Add commentDodaj komentarDelete commentIzbriši komentarDbManagerQueryBuilderDlgColumnsPodatkovna poljaGroup byZdružiOrder byRazvrstiDataPodatekShow system tablesPokaži sistemske tabeleTablesTabeleSQL Query BuilderGraditelj SQL poizvedbeWhereKjerAggregatesVsoteFunctionsFunkcijeMathMatematičnoStrings functionsBesedilne funkcijeOperatorsOperatorjiColumns' valuesVrednosti poljOnly 10 first valuesSamo prvih 10 vrednostiSpatial indexProstorski indeksTable (with spatial index)Tabela (z geometrijskim indeksom)Table (Target)Tabela (cilj)Use spatial indexUporabi prostorski indeks&Reset&PonastaviDefineProjectionVector generalLastnosti vektorjaInput LayerVhodni slojLayer with projectionSloj v koordinatnem sistemuDefine layer projectionData source isn't a shapefile, skipping .prj/.qpj creationDelaunayVector geometryGeometrija vektorjaInput layerVhodni slojDelaunay triangulationDelaunay triangulacijaInput file should contain at least 3 points. Choose another file and try again.DeleteColumndrop,delete,remove,fields,columns,attributesVector tableVektorska tabelaFields to dropPolja za izbrisDrop field(s)Izbriši polje(a)Remaining fieldsField “{}” does not exist in input layerDeleteDuplicateGeometriesVector generalLastnosti vektorjadrop,remove,same,points,coincident,overlapping,filterInput layerVhodni slojCleanedPočiščenoCount of retained recordsCount of discarded duplicate recordsDelete duplicate geometriesIzbriši podvojene geometrije{} duplicate features removed{} podvojeni objekti odstranjeniDeleteModelActionDelete Model…Izbriši ModelAre you sure you want to delete this model from the current project?DeleteModelActionDelete ModelDeleteModelActionIzbriši ModelAre you sure you want to delete this model?DeleteModelActionAli ste prepričani, da želite izbrisati modelDeletePreconfiguredAlgorithmActionDelete Preconfigured Algorithm…Delete AlgorithmDeletePreconfiguredAlgorithmActionIzbriši algoritemAre you sure you want to delete this algorithm?DeletePreconfiguredAlgorithmActionAli ste prepričani, da želite izbrisati ta algoritem?DeleteScriptActionDelete Script…Izbriši skripto...Delete ScriptIzbriši skriptoAre you sure you want to delete this script?Ali zares želite pobrisati skripto?Can not find corresponding script file.DensifyGeometriesadd,vertex,vertices,points,nodesVector geometryGeometrija vektorjaVertices to addRazpoložljiva vozliščaDensify by countDensifiedDestinationSelectionPanel[Save to temporary file][Shrani v začasno datoteko][Save to temporary folder][Create temporary layer][Skip output]Save to GeoPackage…Shrani v Geopaket...Skip OutputPreskoči rezultatCreate Temporary LayerUstvari začasni slojSave to a Temporary FileShrani v začasno datotekoSave to File…Shrani v datoteko...Save to PostGIS Table…Shrani v PostGIS tabelo...Change File Encoding ({})…Shrani datotečno kodiranje ([])...GeoPackage files (*.gpkg);;All files (*.*)OutputFileGeopaket datoteke (*.gpkg);;Vse datoteke (*.*)Save to GeoPackageShrani v GeopaketLayer nameIme slojaSave fileShrani datotekoFile encodingKodiranje datotekeSelect DirectoryIzberi mapoDialogParametersParametriDialogObrazecLogLogCancelPrekini output tableizhodna tabelaSelect connection and schemaPovezava inshemaTable nameIme tabeleNew expressionNovi izrazNameImeExpressionIzrazPredefined formulaPrednastavljena formulaVariablesSpremenljivkeDirectorySelectorDialogAddDodajRemoveOdstraniRemove allOdstrani vseSelect directoryMapaDissolveInput layerVhodni slojDissolve fieldRazčleni poljeGeometry column nameIme stolpca geometrijeProduce one feature for each geometry in any kind of geometry collection in the source fileKeep input attributesCount dissolved featuresPreštej razgrajene geoobjekteCompute area and perimeter of dissolved featuresPridobi površino in obseg razgrajenih geoobjektovCompute min/max/sum/mean for attributeNumeric attribute to calculate statistics onAdditional creation optionsDodatne možnosti ustvarjanjaDissolvedZdruženoDissolvePoenostavljanjeVector geoprocessingObdelava vektorjevDistanceInputPanelDistance is in geographic degrees. Consider reprojecting to a projected local coordinate system for accurate results.DlgAddGeometryColumnDB ManagerUpravitelj podatkovnih skladiščField name must not be empty.Ime polja ne sme biti prazno.DlgAutofillAutofill settingsSamodejno zapolnjevanjeAutofill modeNačinDo not autofillNe zapolni samodejnoFill with numbersZapolni zs številkamiFill with parameter valuesZapolni z vrednostmi parametraParameter to useParameterDlgCancelTaskQueryDialogObrazecExecuting SQL…CancelPrekiniDlgConfigProcessing optionsNastavitve paketnih obdelavEnter setting name to filter listVnesite ime nastavitve na seznam filtrovDlgCreateIndexErrorNapakaPlease enter a name for the index.Prosim vnesite ime za indeks.DlgCreateTable&Create&UstvariDB ManagerUpravitelj podatkovnih skladiščNo field selected.Nobeno polje ni izbrano.Field is already at the top.Field is already at the bottom.A valid schema must be selected first.A valid table name is required.Zahtevano veljavno ime tabele.At least one field is required.Potrebno je vsaj eno polje.A name is required for the geometry column.Za stolpec geometrije je zahtevano ime.Table created successfully.Tabela je uspešno ustvarjena.DlgExportVectorChoose where to save the fileIzberite mesto za shranjevanje datotekeExport to fileIzvozi v datotekoOutput file name is requiredZahtevano je ime izhodne datotekeInvalid source srid: must be an integerNeveljaven vhodni koordinatni sistem: cela vrednostInvalid target srid: must be an integerNeveljaven izhodni koordinatni sistem: cela vrednostError {0}
{1}Napaka {0}
{1}Export finished.Izvoz končan.DlgFieldPropertiesDB ManagerUpravitelj podatkovnih skladiščField name must not be empty.Ime polja ne sme biti prazno.Field type must not be empty.Ime polja ne sme biti prazno.DlgFixedTableFixed tableFiksna tabelaDlgHelpEditionHelp EditorUrejevalnik pomočiSelect element to editIzberi element za urejanjeElement descriptionOpis elementaDlgHistoryHistoryZgodovinaDlgImportVectorChoose the file to importDatoteka za uvozImport to DatabaseUvozi v podatkovno zbirkoInput layer missing or not valid.Output table name is required.Invalid source srid: must be a valid crs.Invalid target srid: must be a valid crs.Error {0}
{1}Napaka {0}
{1}Import was successful.Uvoz je bil uspešen.DlgModelerExport as imageIzvozi kot slikoExport as PDF…Izvozi kot PDF...Export as SVG…Izvozi kot SVG...Edit model help…Uredi pomoč za model...Edit model helpSpremeni pomoč modelaProcessing ModelerModel za obdelavoNavigationNavigacijaOpen model (Ctrl+O)Odpri model (Ctrl+O)Ctrl+OCtrl+OSave modelShrani modelSave model (Ctrl+S)Shrani model (ctrl+S)Ctrl+SCtrl+SOpen model…Odpri modelSave model as…Shrani model kot...Save model as (Ctrl+S)Shrani model kot (Ctrl+S)Ctrl+Shift+SCtrl+Shift+RZoom to &100%Povečaj na &100%Ctrl+1Ctrl+1Zoom inPovečajCtrl++Ctrl++Zoom outZmanjšajCtrl+-Ctrl+-Export as image…Izvozi kot sliko...Export as Python Script…Izvozi kot Python skripto...Export as Python ScriptIzvozi kot Python skriptoRun model…Zaženi modelZoom fullPrikaži vseCtrl+0Ctrl+0Export as PDFIzvozi kot PDFExport as SVGIzvozi kot SVGRun model (F5)Odpri modelF5F5Save model in projectShrani model v projektDlgMultipleSelectionMultiple selectionVečkratno označevanjeDlgNumberInputEnter number or expressionŠtevilo ali izraz<html><head/><body><p>Enter expression in the text field. Double-click on elements in the tree to add their values to the expression.</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p>V polje vnesite izraz. Z dvojnim klikom na elementih v drevesu dodajate vrednosti izraza.</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">Warning</span>: if expression result is float value, but integer required, result will be rounded to integer.</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">Opozorilo</span>: v primeru, da je rezultat decimalno število, se bo rezultat zaokrožil na celo število.</p></body></html>DlgRenderingStylesDialogDialogOutputIzhodStyleStilDlgSqlLayerWindowQueryLayerColumn(s) with unique valuesEnolično polje(a)Column with unique valuesEnolično polje{0} rows, {1:.3f} secondsDlgSqlWindow{0} - {1} [{2}]{0} - {1} [{2}]QueryLayerColumn(s) with unique valuesEnolično polje(a)Column with unique valuesEnolično poljeSave SQL QuerySQL File (*.sql, *.SQL)Load SQL Query{0} rows, {1:.3f} secondsThere was an error creating the SQL layer, please check the logs for further information.View NameView nameDlgTablePropertiesDB ManagerUpravitelj podatkovnih zbirkNo columns were selected.Noben stolpec ni označen.Delete ColumnIzbriši stolpecAre you sure you want to delete column '{0}'?Ali zares želite izbrisati stolpec '{0}'?Delete ConstraintIzbriši relacijoAre you sure you want to delete constraint '{0}'?Ali zares želite izbrisati relacije '{0}'?No constraints were selected.Izbran ni noben omejevalnik.The selected table has no geometry.Izbrana tabela je brez geometrijskega stolpcaCreate Spatial IndexUstvari prostorsko kazaloCreate spatial index for field {0}?Ustvari prostorski indeks za polje {0}?No indices were selected.Delete IndexIzbriši indeksAre you sure you want to delete index '{0}'?Ali zares želite izbrisati indeks '{0}'?Add commentDodaj komentarTable successfully commentedDelete commentIzbriši komentarComment deletedKomentar izbrisanDlgVersioningSchemaShemaTableTabelaNew columnsNovi stolpciAdd Change Logging Support to a TableTable should be empty, with a primary keyPričakovana prazna tabela s primarnim ključemCreate a view with current content (<TABLE>_current)ustvari nov pogled s trenutno vsebino (<TABLE>_trenutni)Primary keyPrimarni ključid_histid_histStart timeZačetektime_startčas_začetekEnd timeKonectime_endčas_konecUser roleuser_roleSQL to be executedSQL poizvedbaDnDTreeBase configurationOsnovne nastavitveConfigure ContainerControl visibility by expressionVisibility ExpressionTitleNaslovColumn countŠtevilo stolpcevShow as group boxStyleStilContainer Background ColorBackground colorBarva ozadjaConfigure Relation EditorShow link buttonPokaži gumb povežiShow unlink buttonPokaži gumb prekini povezavoConfigure QML WidgetInsert QML code here…Free text…RectanglePravokotnikPie chartTortni grafikonBar chartQML CodeConfigure HTML WidgetHTML CodeConfigure FieldNastavitev poljaDockWidgetResults ViewerPregledovalnik rezultatovDualEdgeTriangulationReading points…WarningOpozoriloFile could not be written.Datoteke ni mogoče zapisati.EditModelActionEdit Model…Urejanje modela...Cannot edit model: {}EditScriptActionEdit Script…Urejanje skripte...Edit ScriptUrejanje skripteCan not find corresponding script file.EffectPropertiesWidgetFormObrazecEffect typeTip učinkaThis effect doesn't have any editable propertiesTa učinek nima lastnosti urejanjaEliminateSelectionVector geometryGeometrija vektorjaLargest AreaNajvečje območjeSmallest AreaNajmanjše območjeLargest Common BoundaryNajdaljša skupna mejaInput layerVhodni slojMerge selection with the neighbouring polygon with theEliminatedIzločenoEliminate selected polygonsIzloči označene poligone{0}: (No selection in input layer "{1}"){0}: (V vhodnem sloju "{1}" ni označenih geoobjektov)Could not replace geometry of feature with id {0}Geometrijo geoobjekta z id {0} ni bilo mogoče nadomestitiCould not commit changesSprememb ni bilo mogoče potrditiEnumModelerWidgetClear?Are you sure you want to delete all items?ExampleProcessingAlgorithmMy ScriptExample scriptsExample algorithm short descriptionInput layerVhodni slojOutput layerIzhodni slojExecuteSQLExecute SQLIzvedi SQL poizvedboVector generalLastnosti vektorjaAdditional input datasources (called input1, .., inputN in the query)Dodatni podatkovni viri (vhod1,..,vhodN v poizvedbi)SQL querySQL PoizvedbaUnique identifier fieldEnolično identifikacijsko poljeGeometry fieldGeometrijsko poljeAutodetectSamozaznavaNo geometryBrez geometrijeGeometry typeGeometrijski tipCRSKSSQL OutputIzhod SQLEmpty SQL. Please enter valid SQL expression and try again.Prazna poizvedba. Vnesite pravilen izraz in poskusite ponovno.ExecuteSqlNoneBrezOGR SQLOGR SQLSQLiteSQLiteInput layerVhodni slojSQL expressionSQL izrazSQL dialectSQL dialektAdditional creation optionsDodatne možnosti ustvarjanjaSQL resultRezultat SQLExecute SQLIzvedi SQL poizvedboVector miscellaneousVektor raznoEmpty SQL. Please enter valid SQL expression and try again.Prazna poizvedba. Vnesite pravilen izraz in poskusite ponovno.ExportGeometryInfoexport,add,information,measurements,areas,lengths,perimeters,latitudes,longitudes,x,y,z,extract,points,lines,polygons,sinuosity,fieldsVector geometryGeometrija vektorjaLayer CRSKoordinatni sistem slojaProject CRSKoordinatni sistem projektaEllipsoidalElipsoidnoInput layerVhodni slojCalculate usingZa izračun uporabiAdded geom infoDodana geometrijska informacijaAdd geometry attributesExportModelAsPythonScriptActionExport Model as Python Algorithm…ExtentFromLayerLayer toolsOrodja slojaInput layerVhodni slojExtract layer extentPridobi obseg slojaExtentObsegpolygon,vector,raster,extent,envelope,bounds,bounding,boundary,layer,round,roundedRound values toExtentSelectionPanel[Leave blank to use min covering extent][pustite prazno za uporabo najmanjšega možnega obsega]Use Canvas ExtentUse Layer Extent…Select Extent on CanvasUse Min Covering Extent from Input LayersExtractProjectionInput fileVhodna datotekaCreate also .prj fileIzdelaj tudi .prj datotekoWorld fileESRI Shapefile prj fileExtract projectionEkstrahiraj koordinatni sistemRaster projectionsProjekcije rastraThis algorithm can only be used with GDAL raster layersExtractSpecificVerticesVector geometryGeometrija vektorjaInput layerVhodni slojVertex indicesVerticesSkupek_vmesnih_točkExtract specific verticesEkstrahiraj določena vozliščapoints,vertex,nodestočke, vozlišče, vozlišča'{}' is not a valid vertex index'{}' ni veljaven indeks vozliščaFeatureSourceWidgetWrapperSelect fileDatotekaFieldsCalculatorField calculatorKalkulator poljaCreate a new fieldUstvari novo poljeOutput field nameIme izhodnega poljaOutput field typePodatkovni tipOutput field widthVelikost poljaWidth of complete output. For example 123,456 means 6 as field width.Velikost polja.Na primer123,456 je velikost polja 6.PrecisionNatančnostInput layerVhodni slojUpdate existing fieldObstoječe poljeOutput fileIzhodna datoteka……Vector tableVektorska tabelaFloatDecimalno številoIntegerCelo številoStringBesediloDateDatumResult field nameIme polja rezultatovField typeVrsta poljaField lengthDolžina poljaField precisionNatančnostCreate new fieldUstvari novo poljeFormulaIzrazCalculatedIzračunanoField name is not set. Please enter a field nameIme polja ni nastavljeno. Prosim vnesite ime poljaFieldsCalculatorDialog[Save to temporary file][Shrani v začasno datoteko]Save fileShrani datotekoUnable to execute algorithmAlgoritma ni mogoče pognatiProcessingObdelavaFieldsMapperattributes,tableFields mappingRefactoredParser error in expression "{}": {}Evaluation error in expression "{}": {}Refactor fieldsVector tableVektorska tabelaFieldsMappingModelSource expressionField nameIme poljaTypeTipLengthDolžinaPrecisionNatančnostFieldsMappingPanelDo you want to reset the field mapping?FieldsPyculatorVector tableVektorska tabelaIntegerCelo številoFloatDecimalno številoStringBesediloInput layerVhodni slojResult field nameIme polja rezultataField typeVrsta poljaField lengthDolžina poljaField precisionNatančnostGlobal expressionGlobalni izrazFormulaIzrazCalculatedIzračunanoFieldPyculator code execute error.Global code block can't be executed!
{1}FieldPyculator code execute error. Field code block can't be executed!
{1}FieldPyculator code execute error
Field code block does not return '{0}' variable! Please declare this variable in your code!Advanced Python field calculatorNapredni Python kalkulator poljFileDirectorySelectorSelect directoryMapaSelect fileDatotekaAll files (*.*)Vse datoteke (*.*)FileSelectionPanelSelect FolderIzberi mapoSelect FileIzberi datoteko{} files{} datoteke);;All files (*.*));;Vse datoteke (*.*)FileWidgetWrapperSelect fileDatoteka{} files{} datoteke);;All files (*.*));;Vse datoteke (*.*)All files (*.*)Vse datoteke (*.*)Select FileIzberi datotekoFindProjectioncrs,srs,coordinate,reference,system,guess,estimate,finder,determineVector generalLastnosti vektorjaInput layerVhodni slojTarget area for layerCRS candidatesKandidati KSFind projectionPoišči koordinatni sistemFound candidate CRS: {}No matching projections foundUjemajočega KS ni mogoče najtiFixedTableDialogAdd rowDodaj vrsticoRemove row(s)Odstrani vrstico(e)Remove allOdstrani vseFixedTablePanelFixed table {0}x{1}Fiksna tabela {0}x{1}FormFormObrazecInsertDodaj((sqrtkoren))^^--//>>**ANDIN<=<=LayersSlojiOperatorsOperatorjiacosacosasinasin<<sinsintantan>=>=atanatancoscoslog10log10ORALIlnVAdd…Dodaj...Save…Shrani...==!=!=++ExpressionIzrazPredefined expressionsPrednastavljeni izrazi poizvedbeVector layerVektorski slojInterpolation attributeInterpolacijski atributAttributeAtributTypeTipUse Z-coordinate for interpolationUporabi z-koordinate za interpolacijoToggle advanced modePreklopi napredni načinLower boundSpodnji pasUpper boundZgornji pasColorBarvaAdd rowDodaj vrsticoRemove rowOdstrani vrsticoMove upPremakni gorMove downPremik dolLoad colors from fileNaloži barve iz datotekeSave colors to fileShrani barve v datotekoGenerate color table automaticallySamodejna izdelava barvne lestviceRemove row(s)Odstrani vrstico(e) OpenOdpriSaveShraniLoad layers on completionNaloži sloje ob zaključkuIterate over this layerIteriraj po slojuAdvanced parametersNapredni parametriMinMin MaxMaksFieldsPoljaAdd new fieldVstavi poljeadddodajDelete selected fieldIzbriši označeno poljedeleteizbrišiMove selected field upPremakni označeno polje navzgorupgorMove selected field downPremakni označeno polje navzdoldowndolReset all fieldsPonastavi vsa poljaresetponastaviLoad fields from layerUvozi polja iz slojaLoad fields from selected layerUvozi polja iz izbranega slojaLoad FieldsequalsenakocontainsvsebujetouchesdotikaintersectssekawithinznotrajoverlapsprekrivacrossesprečkadisjointnepriključenaNumber of rows (pixels) in output rasterŠtevilo vrstic (pikslov) v izhodnem rastruColumnsPodatkovna poljaResolution of each pixel in output raster, in layer unitsResolucija posameznega piksla izhodnega rastra v enotah slojaPixel size XVelikost celice XNumber of columns (pixels) in output rasterŠtevilo stolpev (pikslov) izhodnega rastraRowsVrsticePixel size YVelikost celice Y……Remove itemOdstani elementAdd itemVstavi elementClear allAllow multiple selectionFixed number of rowsAdd columnDodaj poljeRemove columnGPKGDBPluginThere is no defined database connection "{0}".Povezave podatkovnih zbirk "{0}" ne obstajajo.GPKGDatabaseRun &VacuumZagon &Optimiziranja&Database&Podatkovna zbirkaNo database selected or you are not connected to it.Podatkovna zbirka ni izbrana ali niste povezani.GdalAlgorithmProviderActivateAktivirajGdalParametersPanelGDAL/OGR console call[temporary file][začasna datoteka]Invalid value for parameter '{0}'Neveljavna vrednost za parameter '{0}'GeometryByExpressionVector geometryGeometrija vektorjaPolygonPoligonOutput geometry typeOutput geometry has z dimensionOutput geometry has m valuesGeometry expressionGeometry by expressionModified geometryEvaluation error: {0}{} is not a geometryGeometryConvertVector geometryGeometrija vektorjaCentroidsCentroidiNodesVozliščaLinestringsLinijskeMultilinestringsVečlinijskePolygonsPoligoniInput layerVhodni slojNew geometry typeNov geometrijski tipConvertedPretvorjenoCannot convert from {0} to LineStringsCannot convert from {0} to MultiLineStringsCannot convert from Point to PolygonConvert geometry typeGeometryGeneratorWidgetBaseFormObrazecGeometry typeGeometrijski tipGlobePluginLaunch GlobeZagon globusa&Globe&GlobusGrass7AlgorithmCould not open GRASS GIS 7 algorithm: {0}
{1}ProcessingObdelavaGRASS GIS 7 region extentGRASS GIS 7 region cellsize (leave 0 for default)Output Rasters format options (createopt)Output Rasters format metadata options (metaopt)v.in.ogr snap tolerance (-1 = no snap)v.in.ogr min areav.out.ogr output typev.out.ogr output data source options (dsco)v.out.ogr output layer options (lco)Also export features without category (not labeled). Otherwise only features with category are exportedGRASS GIS 7 folder is not configured. Please configure it before running GRASS GIS 7 algorithms.GRASS GIS 7 execution commandsprocessInputs end. Commands: {}processCommands end. Commands: {}Grass7AlgorithmProviderActivateAktivirajGRASS7 folderGRASS7 mapaLog execution commandsLog console outputLocation of GRASS docsFor vector layers, use v.external (faster) instead of v.in.ogrCould not open GRASS GIS 7 algorithm: {0}ProcessingObdelavaCould not open GRASS GIS 7 algorithm: {0}
{1}Grass7UtilsGRASS GIS 7 execution console outputGRASS command crashed :( Try a different set of input parameters and consult the GRASS algorithm manual for more information.Suggest disabling the experimental "use v.external" option from the Processing GRASS Provider options.GRASS GIS 7 folder is not configured. Please configure it before running GRASS GIS 7 algorithms.GRASS GIS 7 binary {0} can't be found on this system from a shell. Please install it or configure your PATH {1} environment variable.GRASS 7 can't be found on this system from a shell. Please install it or configure your PATH environment variable.The specified GRASS 7 folder "{}" does not contain a valid set of GRASS 7 modules.
Please, go to the Processing settings dialog, and check that the GRASS 7
folder is correctly configuredObdelavaGrassAlgorithmr.horizon.height - Horizon angle computation from a digital elevation model.r.horizon.heightr.sunmask.datetime - Calculates cast shadow areas from sun position and elevation raster map.r.sunmask.datetimer.sunmask.position - Calculates cast shadow areas from sun position and elevation raster map.r.sunmask.positionr.in.lidar.info - Extract information from LAS filer.in.lidar.infoPerforms bilinear or bicubic spline interpolation with Tykhonov regularization.r.resamp.bsplineOutputs raster map layer values lying along user defined transect line(s).r.transectCalculates solar elevation, solar azimuth, and sun hours.r.sunhoursCalculates patch number index on a raster map, using a 4 neighbour algorithm.r.li.patchnumr.li.renyi.ascii - Calculates Renyi's diversity index on a raster mapr.li.renyi.asciir.blend.combine - Blends color components of two raster maps by a given ratio and export into a unique raster.r.blend.combinePerforms contextual image classification using sequential maximum a posteriori (SMAP) estimation.i.smapGenerates spectral signatures for land cover types in an image using a clustering algorithm.i.clusteri.eb.hsebal01.coords - Computes sensible heat flux iteration SEBAL 01. Inline coordinatesi.eb.hsebal01Computes biomass growth, precursor of crop yield calculation.i.biomassCalculates Optimum-Index-Factor table for spectral bandsi.oifCalculates shape index on a raster mapr.li.shapeCalculates Pielou's diversity index on a raster mapr.li.pielouComputes potential evapotranspiration calculation with hourly Penman-Monteith.i.evapo.pmr.li.shape.ascii - Calculates shape index on a raster mapr.li.shape.asciiIdentifies segments (objects) from imagery data.i.segmentComputes topographic correction of reflectance.i.topo.corrComputes evapotranspiration calculation Priestley and Taylor formulation, 1972.i.evapo.ptCalculates different types of vegetation indices.i.viGenerates statistics for i.smap from raster map.i.gensigsetComputes evaporative fraction (Bastiaanssen, 1995) and root zone soil moisture (Makin, Molden and Bastiaanssen, 2001).i.eb.evapfrActual evapotranspiration for diurnal period (Bastiaanssen, 1995). i.eb.etar.mask.rast - Creates a MASK for limiting raster operation.r.mask.rasti.topo.coor.ill - Creates illumination model for topographic correction of reflectance.i.topo.corr.illCalculates dominance's diversity index on a raster mapr.li.dominancer.walk.points - Creates a raster map showing the anisotropic cumulative cost of moving between different geographic locations on an input raster map whose cell category values represent cost from point vector layers.r.walk.pointsComputes broad band albedo from surface reflectance. i.albedoImports SPOT VGT NDVI data into a raster map.i.in.spotvgtPerforms Landsat TM/ETM+ Automatic Cloud Cover Assessment (ACCA).i.landsat.accaPerforms auto-balancing of colors for RGB images.i.colors.enhanceComputes evapotranspiration calculation modified or original Hargreaves formulation, 2001.i.evapo.mhPrincipal components analysis (PCA) for image processing.i.pcaCalculates top-of-atmosphere radiance or reflectance and temperature for Landsat MSS/TM/ETM+/OLIi.landsat.toarClassifies the cell spectral reflectances in imagery data.i.maxlikPerforms Tasseled Cap (Kauth Thomas) transformation.i.tasscapComputes temporal integration of satellite ET actual (ETa) following the daily ET reference (ETo) from meteorological station(s).i.evapo.timeNet radiation approximation (Bastiaanssen, 1995).i.eb.netradr.li.pielou.ascii - Calculates Pielou's diversity index on a raster mapr.li.pielou.asciiRegroup multiple mono-band rasters into a single multiband raster.i.groupRapidly fills 'no data' cells (NULLs) of a raster map with interpolated values (IDW).r.fill.statsImage fusion algorithms to sharpen multispectral with high-res panchromatic channelsi.pansharpenSoil heat flux approximation (Bastiaanssen, 1995).i.eb.soilheatfluxMosaics several images and extends colormap.i.image.mosaicCalculates Top of Atmosphere Radiance/Reflectance/Brightness Temperature from ASTER DN.i.aster.toarr.li.simpson.ascii - Calculates Simpson's diversity index on a raster mapr.li.simpson.asciir.stats.quantile.out - Compute category quantiles using two passes and output statisticsr.stats.quantile.outCalculates mean pixel attribute index on a raster mapr.li.mpaCalculates multiple linear regression from raster maps.r.regression.multir.topmodel.topidxstats - Builds a TOPMODEL topographic index statistics file.r.topmodel.topidxstatsr.category.out - Exports category values and labels associated with user-specified raster map layers.r.category.outCalculates Shannon's diversity index on a raster mapr.li.shannonFinds shortest path using timetables.v.net.timetableConverts a raster map layer into a height-field file for POV-Rayr.out.povImports E00 file into a vector mapv.in.e00Exports a vector map to a GRASS ASCII vector representation.v.out.asciiExports a vector map layer to PostGIS feature table. v.out.postgisConverts raster maps into the VTK-ASCII formatr.out.vtkA simple utility for converting bearing and distance measurements to coordinates and vice versa. It assumes a Cartesian coordinate systemm.cogoExports a GRASS raster to a binary MAT-Filer.out.matSplit lines to shorter segments by length.v.splitr.li.edgedensity.ascii - Calculates edge density index on a raster map, using a 4 neighbour algorithmr.li.edgedensity.asciiConverts (rasterize) a vector layer into a raster layer.v.to.rastComputes bridges and articulation points in the network.v.net.bridgeExport a raster layer into a GRASS ASCII text filer.out.asciiExports a raster map to a text file as x,y,z values based on cell centersr.out.xyzSelects vector objects from a vector layer and creates a new layer containing only the selected objects.v.extractConverts 3 GRASS raster layers (R,G,B) to a PPM image filer.out.ppm3Uploads raster values at positions of vector centroids to the table.v.what.rastCreates a vector map from an ASCII points file or ASCII vector file.v.in.asciiPerforms network maintenancev.netCalculates category or object oriented statistics (accumulator-based statistics)r.stats.zonalReclassifies a raster layer, selecting areas lower than a user specified sizer.reclass.areaExport a GRASS raster map as a non-georeferenced PNG imager.out.pngConverts 2D vector features to 3D by sampling of elevation raster map.v.draper.walk.coords - Creates a raster map showing the anisotropic cumulative cost of moving between different geographic locations on an input raster map whose cell category values represent cost from a list of coordinates.r.walk.coordsFills lake at given point to given level.r.lakeRe-projects a vector map from one location to the current locationv.projPerforms surface interpolation from vector points map by splines.v.surf.rstConverts raster map series to MPEG movier.out.mpegPerforms cluster identificationv.clusterProduces a vector map of specified contours from a raster map. r.contourIzdela vektorsko karto določenih plastnic iz rastraExports a vector map to SVG file.v.out.svgDecimates a point cloudv.decimater.li.shannon.ascii - Calculates Shannon's diversity index on a raster mapr.li.shannon.asciiCalculates patch density index on a raster map, using a 4 neighbour algorithmr.li.patchdensityCalculates mean patch size index on a raster map, using a 4 neighbour algorithmr.li.mpsCalculates standard deviation of patch area a raster mapr.li.padsdCalculate new raster map from a r.mapcalc expression.r.mapcalc.simpler.what.coords - Queries raster maps on their category values and category labels on a point.r.what.coordsCalculates edge density index on a raster map, using a 4 neighbour algorithmr.li.edgedensityCreates/modifies the color table associated with a raster map.r.colorsr.li.padcv.ascii - Calculates coefficient of variation of patch area on a raster mapr.li.padcv.asciiSplits a raster map into tilesr.tileCreates a fractal surface of a given fractal dimension.r.surf.fractalr.li.mps.ascii - Calculates mean patch size index on a raster map, using a 4 neighbour algorithmr.li.mps.asciiGenerates random surface(s) with spatial dependence.r.random.surfacer.what.points - Queries raster maps on their category values and category labels on a layer of points.r.what.pointsCreates a raster map layer showing buffer zones surrounding cells that contain non-NULL category values (low-memory alternative).r.buffer.lowmemCalculates contrast weighted edge density index on a raster mapr.li.cwedManages category values and labels associated with user-specified raster map layers.r.categoryCalculates range of patch area size on a raster mapr.li.padrangev.surf.rst.cvdev - Performs surface interpolation from vector points map by splines.v.surf.rst.cvdevCalculates richness index on a raster mapr.li.richnessr.stats.quantile.rast - Compute category quantiles using two passes and output rasters.r.stats.quantile.rastCreates a buffer around vector features of given type.v.bufferr.blend.rgb - Blends color components of two raster maps by a given ratio and exports into three rasters.r.blend.rgbCalculates coefficient of variation of patch area on a raster mapr.li.padcvGenerates rate of spread raster maps.r.rosCalculates Simpson's diversity index on a raster mapr.li.simpsonMakes each output cell value an accumulation function of the values assigned to the corresponding cells in the input raster map layers.r.series.accumulateComputes USLE R factor, Rainfall erosivity index.r.uslerInterpolates raster maps located (temporal or spatial) in between input raster maps at specific sampling positions.r.series.interpImagery (i.*)i.zcSlikovje (i.*)r.li.cwed.ascii - Calculates contrast weighted edge density index on a raster mapr.li.cwed.asciir.mask.vect - Creates a MASK for limiting raster operation with a vector layer.r.mask.vectCreates topographic index layer from elevation raster layerr.topidxCalculates Renyi's diversity index on a raster mapr.li.renyiResamples raster map layers using an analytic kernel.r.resamp.filterExports the color table associated with a raster map.r.colors.outQueries colors for a raster map layer. r.what.colorSplits a raster map into red, green and blue maps.r.rgbComputes USLE Soil Erodibility Factor (K).r.uslekr.li.dominance.ascii - Calculates dominance's diversity index on a raster mapr.li.dominance.asciiLocates the closest points between objects in two raster maps.r.distancer.li.padsd.ascii - Calculates standard deviation of patch area a raster mapr.li.padsd.asciir.walk.rast - Creates a raster map showing the anisotropic cumulative cost of moving between different geographic locations on an input raster map whose cell category values represent cost from a raster.r.walk.rastr.li.patchnum.ascii - Calculates patch number index on a raster map, using a 4 neighbour algorithm.r.li.patchnum.asciir.li.patchdensity.ascii - Calculates patch density index on a raster map, using a 4 neighbour algorithmr.li.patchdensity.asciiNumerical calculation program for transient, confined and unconfined solute transport in two dimensionsr.solute.transportCreates a latitude/longitude raster map.r.latlongSimulates TOPMODEL which is a physically based hydrologic model.r.topmodelSimulates elliptically anisotropic spread.r.spreadDrapes a color raster over an shaded relief or aspect map. r.shadeExports GRASS vector map layers to DXF file format.v.out.dxfGenerates a raster layer with contiguous areas grown by one cell.r.growConverts a raster layer to a PPM image file at the pixel resolution of the currently defined region.r.out.ppmGenerates random cell values with spatial dependence.r.random.cellsStream network extractionr.stream.extractMiscellaneous (m.*)m.cogoCreate a new vector map layer by combining other vector map layers.v.patchUstvari novo plast z uporabo obstoječe.Performs an affine transformation on a vector layer.v.transformReinterpolates using regularized spline with tension and smoothing.r.resamp.rstRecursively traces the least cost path backwards to cells from which the cumulative cost was determined.r.spreadpathCreates parallel line to input vector lines.v.parallelRecodes categorical raster maps.r.recodeHorizon angle computation from a digital elevation model.r.horizonExports GRASS raster map to GRIDATB.FOR map file (TOPMODEL)r.out.gridatbIndices for quadrat counts of vector point lists.v.qcountDetects the object's edges from a LIDAR data set.v.lidar.edgedetectionThins non-zero cells that denote linear features in a raster layer.r.thinImport GetFeature from WFSv.in.wfsProduces a raster layer of uniform random deviates whose range can be expressed by the user.r.surf.randomProduces the quantization file for a floating-point map.r.quantCreates a GRASS vector layer of a user-defined grid.v.mkgridExtracts terrain parameters from a DEM.r.param.scaleEkstrahira parametre terena iz DMRCreates a composite raster layer by using one (or more) layer(s) to fill in areas of "no data" in another map layer.r.patchRaster (r.*)r.what.pointsRaster (r.*)Transforms raster maps from RGB (Red-Green-Blue) color space to HIS (Hue-Intensity-Saturation) color space.i.rgb.hisCorrection of the v.lidar.growing output. It is the last of the three algorithms for LIDAR filtering.v.lidar.correctionGenerates watershed subbasins raster map.r.basins.fillOutputs a covariance/correlation matrix for user-specified raster layer(s).r.covarCompute quantiles using two passes.r.quantileVector (v.*)v.what.vectVektor (v.*)Classifies attribute data, e.g. for thematic mapping.v.classRandom location perturbations of GRASS vector pointsv.perturbChanges vector category values for an existing vector map according to results of SQL queries or a value in attribute table column.v.reclassReports statistics for raster layers.r.reportStatistično poročilo za rasterske plasti r.relief.scaling - Creates shaded relief from an elevation layer (DEM).r.relief.scalingr.relief.scaling - Ustvari senčen relief iz sloja višin (DMV)Randomly generate a 2D/3D vector points map.v.randomResamples raster layers to a coarser grid using aggregation.r.resamp.statsCalculates category or object oriented statistics.r.statisticsCreate points along input linesv.to.pointsStvori točku uzduž ulaznih linijaComputes minimum spanning tree for the network.v.net.spanningtreeComputes the shortest path between all pairs of nodes in the networkv.net.allpairsComputes vertex connectivity between two sets of nodes in the network.v.net.connectivityCreates Steiner tree for the network and given terminalsv.net.steinerv.net.report - Reports lines information of a networkv.net.reportPerforms visibility graph construction.v.net.visibilityCalculate error matrix and kappa parameter for accuracy assessment of classification result.r.kappaFlow computation for massive grids.r.terraflowComputes emissivity from NDVI, generic method for sparse land. i.emissivityCalculates univariate statistics from the non-null cells of a raster map.r.univarSurface interpolation from vector point data by Inverse Distance Squared Weighting.v.surf.idwConstruction of flowlines, flowpath lengths, and flowaccumulation (contributing areas) from a raster digital elevation model (DEM).r.flowIzdelava linij toka, dolžin in zbirnega območja iz rastra digitalnega modela višin (DMV)Generates raster layers of slope, aspect, curvatures and partial derivatives from a elevation raster layer.r.slope.aspectTests for normality for points.v.normalCalculates linear regression from two raster layers : y = a + b*x.r.regression.lineFinds the mode of values in a cover layer within areas assigned the same category value in a user-specified base layer.r.modeReports geometry statistics for vectors.v.reportBicubic or bilinear spline interpolation with Tykhonov regularization.v.surf.bsplineWatershed basin creation program.r.water.outletResamples raster map to a finer grid using interpolation.r.resamp.interpGenerates red, green and blue raster layers combining hue, intensity and saturation (HIS) values from user-specified input raster layers.r.hisProduces tilings of the source projection for use in the destination region and projection.r.tilesetr.li.richness.ascii - Calculates richness index on a raster mapr.li.richness.asciir.li.mpa.ascii - Calculates mean pixel attribute index on a raster mapr.li.mpa.asciiSets color rules based on stddev from a raster map's mean value.r.colors.stddevGenerate images with textural features from a raster map.r.texturer.li.padrange.ascii - Calculates range of patch area size on a raster mapr.li.padrange.asciiCreates a Delaunay triangulation from an input vector map containing points or centroids.v.delaunayGenerates area statistics for raster layers.r.statsTraces a flow through an elevation model on a raster map.r.drainProduces a convex hull for a given vector map.v.hullCreates points/segments from input vector lines and positions.v.segmentSamples a raster layer at vector point locations.v.sampleCreates a new map layer whose category values are based upon a reclassification of the categories in an existing raster map layer.r.reclassTransforms raster maps from HIS (Hue-Intensity-Saturation) color space to RGB (Red-Green-Blue) color space.i.his.rgbToolset for cleaning topology of vector map.v.cleanCalculates univariate statistics for attribute. Variance and standard deviation is calculated only for points if specified.v.univarZero-crossing "edge detection" raster function for image processing.i.zcPrints vector map attributesv.db.selectPerforms raster map matrix filter.r.mfilterPrints terse list of category values found in a raster layer.r.describeOverlays two vector maps.v.overlayPrekrivanje dveh vektorskih zemljevidovBuilds polylines from lines or boundaries.v.build.polylinesImports geonames.org country files into a GRASS vector points map.v.in.geonamesConverts vector polygons or points to lines.v.to.linesConverts LAS LiDAR point clouds to a GRASS vector map with libLAS.v.in.lidarImport ASCII x,y[,z] coordinates as a series of lines.v.in.linesv.kernel.vector - Generates a vector density map from vector points on a vector network.v.kernel.vectRectifies a vector by computing a coordinate transformation for each object in the vector based on the control points.v.rectifyv.kernel.rast - Generates a raster density map from vector points map.v.kernel.rastChange the type of geometry elements.v.typeImports Mapgen or Matlab-ASCII vector maps into GRASS.v.in.mapgenExports a vector map as GRASS GIS specific archive file.v.packRemoves outliers from vector point data.v.outlierEdits a vector map, allows adding, deleting and modifying selected vector features.v.editConverts a vector map to VTK ASCII output.v.out.vtkExtrudes flat vector object to 3D with defined height.v.extrudePerforms transformation of 2D vector features to 3D.v.to.3dv.build.check - Checks for topological errors.v.build.checkCreates a raster map from LAS LiDAR points using univariate statistics.r.in.lidarCalculates univariate statistics from a raster map based on vector polygons and uploads statistics to new attribute columns.v.rast.statsCount points in areas and calculate statistics.v.vect.statsUploads vector values at positions of vector points to the table.v.what.vectSurface area estimation for rasters.r.surf.areaCombines red, green and blue raster maps into a single composite raster map.r.compositeConverts a raster into a vector layer.r.to.vectPretvori raster v vektorski slojCreates a cross product of the category values from multiple raster map layers.r.crossFills no-data areas in raster maps using spline interpolation.r.fillnullsVisualization and animation tool for GRASS data.nvizCanonical components analysis (CCA) program for image processing.i.ccaExtracts quality control parameters from MODIS QC layers.i.modis.qcGenerates statistics for i.maxlik from raster map.i.gensigComputes the maximum flow between two sets of nodes in the network.v.net.flowv.net.nreport - Reports nodes information of a networkv.net.nreportCreates raster plane layer given dip (inclination), aspect (azimuth) and one point.r.planeSplits network by cost isolines.v.net.isoOutput basic information about a raster layer.r.infoDissolves boundaries between adjacent areas sharing a common category number or attribute.v.dissolveAllocates subnets for nearest centers (direction from center)v.net.allocComputes shortest distance via the network between the given sets of features.v.net.distanceFinds the nearest element in vector map 'to' for elements in vector map 'from'.v.distanceComputes strongly and weakly connected components in the network.v.net.componentsComputes degree, centrality, betweeness, closeness and eigenvector centrality measures in the network.v.net.centralityCreates a cycle connecting given nodes (Traveling salesman problem)v.net.salesmanFinds shortest path on vector networkv.net.pathCreates a raster map layer showing buffer zones surrounding cells that contain non-NULL category values.r.bufferFilters and generates a depressionless elevation layer and a flow direction layer from a given elevation raster layer.r.fill.dirGRASS raster map layer data resampling capability using nearest neighbors.r.resampleCreates shaded relief from an elevation layer (DEM).r.reliefUstvari senčen relief iz sloja višin (DMV)Rescales histogram equalized the range of category values in a raster layer.r.rescale.eqManages NULL-values of given raster map.r.nullMakes each cell category value a function of the category values assigned to the cells around itr.neighborsSediment transport and erosion/deposition simulation using path sampling method (SIMWE).r.sim.sedimentGenerates a raster layer of distance to features in input layer.r.grow.distanceTabulates the mutual occurrence (coincidence) of categories for two raster map layers.r.coinWatershed basin analysis program.r.watershedCreates a raster layer of Gaussian deviates.r.surf.gaussCreates a raster layer and vector point map containing randomly located points.r.randomSelects features from vector map (A) by features from other vector map (B).v.selectCreates a raster map containing concentric rings around a given point.r.circleRecategorizes data in a raster map by grouping cells that form physically discrete areas into unique categories.r.clumpCreates a Voronoi diagram from an input vector layer containing points.v.voronoiOutputs the raster layer values lying on user-defined line(s).r.profileOutputs basic information about a user-specified vector map.v.infoRandomly partition points into test/train sets.v.kcvTakes vector stream data, transforms it to raster and subtracts depth from the output DEM.r.carveBuilding contour determination and Region Growing algorithm for determining the building insidev.lidar.growingOverland flow hydrologic simulation using path sampling method (SIMWE).r.sim.waterCreates a raster layer of cumulative cost of moving across a raster layer whose cell values represent cost.r.costRescales the range of category values in a raster layer.r.rescaleComputes the viewshed of a point on an elevation raster map.r.viewshedCalculates the volume of data "clumps".r.volumeInverse Fast Fourier Transform (IFFT) for image processing.i.ifftVector based generalization.v.generalizeSurface generation program from rasterized contours.r.surf.contourOrodje za izdelavo reliefa iz rastra plastnicConverts to POV-Ray format, GRASS x,y,z -> POV-Ray x,z,yv.out.povSurface interpolation utility for raster layers.r.surf.idwVisualization(NVIZ)nvizMakes each cell value a function of attribute values and stores in an output raster map.v.neighborsConverts files in DXF format to GRASS vector map format.v.in.dxfFast Fourier Transform (FFT) for image processing.i.fftPerforms atmospheric correction using the 6S algorithm.i.atcorrExport a raster layer to the Virtual Reality Modeling Language (VRML)r.out.vrmlNumerical calculation program for transient, confined and unconfined groundwater flow in two dimensions.r.gwflowProfiler.profileProfilVector layerv.extractVektorski slojThe leakage coefficient of the river bed in [1/s]r.gwflowOutput formatv.out.asciiIzhodni formatCreate 3D vector mapv.in.mapgenNormalize (center and scale) input mapsi.pcaAttribute table column with values to interpolatev.surf.idwCombine tools with recommended follow-up toolsv.cleanRaster map containing live fuel moisture (%)r.rosOutput Mapr.fill.statsMap coordinates of starting point(s) (E,N)r.drainValue to write for "grown" cellsr.growName of input file with control pointsv.rectifyTykhonov regularization parameter (affects smoothing)v.surf.bsplineProblem areasr.fill.dirInput vector to layer (to)v.net.distanceName of input network vector mapv.kernel.vectA single value of the ground albedo coefficientr.sun.insoltimeRaster map containing midflame wind speed (ft/min, required with -s)r.spreadConversion factor from units to meters in destination projectionr.tilesetRaster layer to select the cells which should be processedr.neighborsName of input raster mapsi.albedoQuadratsv.qcountDo not skip features without categoryv.selectName of input 2D vector mapv.extrudeSet1 WHERE conditions of SQL statement without 'where' keywordv.net.connectivityUse raster values as categories instead of unique sequencer.to.vectName of input raster mapr.water.outletCategoryr.categoryKategorijaInput layerv.reportVhodni slojExport numeric attribute table fields as VTK scalar variablesv.out.vtkOutput RRR:GGG:BBB color values for each profile pointr.profileInput rasters (2 to 8)i.ccaName of the surface skin temperature [K]i.eb.etaClassificationv.classRazrediName of time of satellite overpass raster map [local time in UTC]i.eb.soilheatfluxWrite output as original input segments, not each path as one linev.net.pathCalculatedr.mapcalc.simpleIzračunanoName of real-sky diffuse radiation coefficient input raster mapr.sun.insoltimeYearr.sunhoursImport all objects into one layerv.in.dxfInput vector layer (v.lidar.growing output)v.lidar.correctionValue of DOY for ETo first dayi.evapo.timeImport only n pointsv.in.lidarTOPMODEL topographic index statistics filer.topmodel.topidxstatsEasting coordinate (point of interest)r.sunmask.positionName of input raster map(s) for view no.2r.out.mpegUse Night-timei.evapo.pmNumber of walkers, default is twice the number of cellsr.sim.waterEnhanced Bluei.pansharpenOnly import points of selected return type Options: first, last, midr.in.lidarRadius is in map units rather than cellsr.growOutput color values as RRR:GGG:BBBr.what.pointsFilteredr.mfilterThe x-part of the diffusion tensor in [m^2/s]r.solute.transportNames of satellite ETa Day of Year (DOY) raster maps [0-400] [-]i.evapo.timeLaker.lakeGroundwater sources and sinks in [m^3/s]r.solute.transportRepeat the starting coordinate at the end to close a loopm.cogoY shiftv.transformNumber of classes in the cloud temperature histogrami.landsat.accaGoodness Rasteri.segmentName of attribute column to store valuer.to.vectInput rastersi.smapSecondsr.sunhoursName for input raster map with starting seedsi.segmentNetwork Timetablev.net.timetableSink WHERE conditions of SQL statement without 'where' keywordv.net.flowApply filter only to zero data valuesr.mfilterValue of nearest cellr.grow.distanceB56composite (step 6)i.landsat.accaTime is local sidereal time, not Greenwich standard timer.sunhoursGoodness_of_fiti.smapSpacecraft sensori.landsat.toarFor horizon rasters, read from the DEM an extra buffer northward the present regionr.horizonShaper.li.shapeOblikaComma separated value list (for float rasters). Example: 1.4,3.8,13r.category.outNumber of partitionsv.kcvFilled (flooded) elevationr.terraflowCreate an integer raster layerr.surf.randomName of the runoff infiltration rate raster map [mm/hr]r.sim.waterName of the single-way atmospheric transmissivitymap [-]i.eb.netradDo not build topology for the output vectorv.cleanNet Radiationi.eb.netradFile containing recode rulesr.recodePrint the stats in shell script stylev.univarType of vegetation indexi.viSnakes alpha parameterv.generalizePrint raster history instead of infor.infoName of input 5th channel surface reflectance map [0.0-1.0]i.viString representing NULL valuer.what.pointsThreshold for connecting centers to the network (in map unit)v.netName of raster map(s) for ColornvizPreserve original cell values (By default original values are smoothed)r.fill.statsRaster layerr.resamp.rstRasterski slojDynamic label coefficients. Two pairs of category multiplier and offsets, for $1 and $2r.categoryPatch Area SDr.li.padsdUse dnorm independent tensionr.resamp.rstInput vector from points layer (from)v.net.distanceyearr.sunmask.datetimeletoName of raster mapr.what.pointsRaster value (for use=val)v.to.rastPrint APPROXIMATE percents (total percent may not be 100%)r.statsRasterizedv.to.rastRasteriziranoName of the output walkers vector points layerr.sim.waterColumn name(s) where values specified by 'upload' option will be uploadedv.distanceSpanningTreev.net.spanningtreeScale output to input and copy color rulesi.topo.corrName of raster map(s)r.univarImage acquisition date (yyyy-mm-dd)i.landsat.toarField separator (Special characters: pipe, comma, space, tab, newline)r.distanceSource Category valuesv.net.flowTopographic indexr.topidxRunoff infiltration rate unique value [mm/hr]r.sim.waterRaster map containing base ROS (cm/min)r.spreadMaximum bits for digital numbersi.viCreate NULL-value bitmap file validating all data cellsr.nullNumber of walkersr.sim.sedimentModifier for z coordinates, this string is appended to each z coordinatev.out.povEffective porosity [-]r.solute.transportSize of submatrix to process at one timei.smapmethodr.statisticsTruncate floating point datar.quantMaximum distance of spatial correlationr.random.surface'upload': Values describing the relation between two nearest featuresv.distanceNeighborhoodv.neighborsName of first raster map for blendingr.blend.rgbNumber of azimuth directions categorizedi.zcName of column to use for buffer distancesv.bufferPage lengthr.reportGroundwater budget for each cell [m^3/s]r.gwflowDXF vectorv.out.dxfReclass rule filev.reclassBasic informationr.infoQuantilesr.quantileNetwork_Connectivityv.net.connectivityUse start raster map values in output spread time raster mapr.spreadPercentile to calculatev.univarName of altitude corrected surface temperature raster map [K]i.eb.hsebal01Coordinatesv.net.visibilityInitial time for current simulation (0) (min)r.spreadWater sources and sinks in [m^3/s]r.gwflowPoints along linesv.to.pointsInput layer (A)v.selectSpline interpolation algorithmv.surf.bsplineMaximum number of iterations to compute eigenvector centralityv.net.centralityAdjusted stream pointsr.carveInline category label rulesr.categoryName of input arcs filev.netMethodi.pansharpenMetodaTopographic convergence index (tci)r.terraflowDistance threshold (default: in cells) for interpolationr.fill.statsRegularization weight in reclassification evaluationv.lidar.correctionEnhanced Redi.pansharpenTime step. Generate output for this time stepr.topmodelDo not include column names in outputv.db.selectFile containing segment rulesv.segmentColor layerr.out.vrmlRaster layer containing classification resultr.kappaFile containing spectral signaturesi.ccaFeature type to convert fromv.typeUse less memory, at a performance penaltyr.flowRotation around z axis in degrees counterclockwisev.transformSWIR is High Gaini.aster.toarText delimiterv.in.asciiCreate old (version 4) ASCII filev.out.asciiCreate Voronoi diagram for input areasv.voronoi.skeletonNeighborhood sizer.neighborsName of MODIS product typei.modis.qcIgnore values outside this range (lo,hi)r.seriesFinal Report Filei.clusterNumber of Steiner pointsv.net.steinerGroundwater filter velocity vector part in x direction [m/s]r.gwflowSort output statistics by cell countsr.statsInput imagery range [0,255]i.atcorrResampled Filterr.resamp.filterUse z in grid decimationv.decimateSlope length and steepness (LS) factor for USLEr.watershedMaximum distance between points in map unitsv.to.pointsName of attribute column used for heightv.to.3dNo header in the reportr.kappaInput raster layersr.crossName of input red channel surface reflectance map [0.0-1.0]i.viGROUP BY conditions of SQL statement without 'group by' keywordv.db.selectNumber of quadratsv.qcountPriestley-Taylor coefficienti.evapo.ptNumber of header lines to skip at top of input filev.in.asciiThreshold for the outliersv.outlierRainfall excess rate unique value [mm/hr]r.sim.waterCombinedv.patchDo not align output with the inputr.neighborsFilter range for z datav.in.lidarVectorizedr.to.vectRaster layer containing reference classesr.kappaResampled NNr.resampleFeature idsv.editEvapotranspirationi.evapo.ptAggregation methodr.resamp.statsInput elevation raster mapr.out.vtkLesser or greater than specified valuer.reclass.areaGaussian deviatesr.surf.gaussRaster map containing fine fuel moisture of the cell receiving a spotting firebrand (%, required with -s)r.spreadThreshold distance (coords,snap,query)v.editRows/columns overlap for segmentationr.resamp.rstPad Ranger.li.padrangeCharacter to represent no data cellr.profileOutput vertical record separatorv.db.selectWidth of tiles (columns)r.tileNumber of rows and columns in gridv.mkgridName of input file in Mapgen/Matlab formatv.in.mapgenSWIR is Low Gain 1i.aster.toarInput vector point layer (nodes)v.netNumber of floating-point subranges to collect stats fromr.statsBackward least costr.spreadpathName of reflectance raster maps to be corrected topographicallyi.topo.corrName of the elevation raster map [m]r.sim.waterList available layers and exitv.in.dxfConvex hullv.hullKonveksna obvojnicaRead floating-point map as integer (use map's quant rules)r.reportUnitsr.surf.areaEnoteInput raster(s)r.out.xyzRandom_Surfacer.random.surfaceMinimum number of points for approximation in a segment (>segmax)v.surf.rstList of cell values to be set to NULLr.nullFilter kernel(s)r.resamp.filterName of the sun zenith angle map [degrees]i.eb.netradpth percentile of the values (between 1 and 100)r.in.lidarName of blue channeli.pansharpenName of input temperature raster map [C]i.evapo.pmName for input raster map (blue)i.rgb.hisWhere to place the gridv.mkgridName of input raster map(s) for view no.3r.out.mpegSlope tolerance that defines a 'flat' surface (degrees)r.param.scaleOutput format is invisible = NULL, else current elev - viewpoint_elevr.viewshedName of second raster map for blendingr.blend.rgbThe status for each cell, = 0 - inactive cell, 1 - active cell, 2 - dirichlet- and 3 - transfer boundary conditionr.solute.transportName of input soil heat flux raster map [W/m2]i.evapo.ptTransport capacity [kg/ms]r.sim.sedimentMaximum memory to be used with -m flag (in MB)r.watershedSoil Heat Fluxi.eb.soilheatfluxData type of resulting layerr.planeRaster layer(s) to report onr.reportOperation to be performedv.netOnly do the work if the map is floating-pointr.nullSource of raster valuesv.to.rastSecond order partial derivative dxxr.slope.aspectMultiply the result by number of input pointsv.kernel.vectCorrect the coordinates to fit the VTK-OpenGL precisionv.out.vtkNames of meteorological station ETo raster maps [0-400] [mm/d or cm/d]i.evapo.timeRaster map to be sampledv.what.rastX shiftv.transformName of NDVI raster map [-]i.emissivitySimulating time duration LAG (fill the region) (min)r.spreadMaximum memory to be used in MBr.walk.rastRaster layer Er.mapcalc.simpleBasic sampling window size needed to meet certain accuracy (3)r.spreadInput lines layerv.to.pointsDirection in which you want to know the horizon heightr.horizonRayleigh atmosphere (diffuse sky irradiance)i.landsat.toarSoft mode (MODIS)i.albedoGeonamesv.in.geonamesName of input net radiation raster map [W/m2]i.evapo.ptLandsat input rastersi.landsat.toarColor Tabler.colors.outReport for cats fp ranges (fp maps only)r.statsName of soil sand fraction raster map [0.0-1.0]r.uslekRaster layer Dr.mapcalc.simpleColumn name to upload points count (integer, created if doesn't exists)v.vect.statsMethod for aggregate statisticsv.vect.statsThe size of moving window (odd and >= 3)r.textureSwitch the compression offv.packName of light use efficiency raster map (UZB:cotton=1.9)i.biomassUse this number of time loops if the CFL flag is off. The timestep will become dt/loops.r.solute.transportGridv.mkgridMrežaName of Day of Year raster map [1-366]i.biomassErrorsv.generalizeNapakeStatisticsv.univarStatistikaUse Z values for filtering, but intensity values for statisticsr.in.lidarName of column used as raster category labelsv.to.rastAnisotropy scaling factorv.surf.rstSort output by distancer.distanceGroundwater filter velocity vector part in y direction [m/s]r.gwflowName of raster map to be used for <blue>r.out.ppm3Partitionv.kcvName of the Mannings n raster mapr.sim.waterMaximum number of columns for a tile in the source projectionr.tilesetName of vector map to use as maskr.mask.vectSegmentsv.segmentSegmentiName of aerodynamic resistance to heat momentum raster map [s/m]i.eb.hsebal01Find the best Tykhonov regularizing parameter using a "leave-one-out" cross validation methodr.resamp.bsplineName of input DXF filev.in.dxfOffset for target elevation above the groundr.viewshedWHERE conditions of SQL statement without 'where' keywordv.what.rastBase rasterr.stats.zonalHorizonr.horizon.heightNon-zero data onlyr.crossResampled BSpliner.resamp.bsplineShift factor for inputr.series.accumulateAllocate a full quadratic linear equation system, default is a sparse linear equation systemr.gwflowName of raster map for which to edit null valuesr.null'from' feature typev.distanceName of raster map to use as maskr.mask.rastDisable loop supportv.generalizeUse the Courant-Friedrichs-Lewy criteria for time step calculationr.solute.transportBetweeness threshold in network generalizationv.generalizeMaximum distance between theoretical arc and polygon segments as multiple of bufferv.bufferField separator for RMS reportv.rectifyCloseness threshold in network generalizationv.generalizeFactor for output smoothnessv.voronoiSecond order partial derivative dxyr.slope.aspectFile containing category label rulesr.categoryRenyir.li.renyiSampling methodv.drapeTopographic index class. Generate output for this topographic index classr.topmodelRaster layer(s) to be quantizedr.quantASCIIv.in.asciiHigh gradient threshold for edge classificationv.lidar.edgedetectionCleanedv.cleanPočiščenoSampling locations vector pointsr.sim.waterVertical output (instead of horizontal)v.db.selectRemove NULL-value bitmap filer.nullColumn name to upload statistics (double, created if doesn't exists)v.vect.statsLists of tests (1-15): e.g. 1,3-8,13v.normalTransfer categories and attributesv.bufferInput map: accumulation mapr.stream.extractSimpsonr.li.simpsonTo WHERE conditions of SQL statement without 'where' keywordv.net.distancePrint range onlyr.infoName of input raster map(s) for view no.4r.out.mpegEast positive, offset from GMTr.sunmask.datetimeSolar Elevation Angler.sunhoursRaster layers to be patched togetherr.patchHuer.hisNiansaFolder to get horizon rastersr.horizonOutput raster resolutionr.in.lidarBarrierr.flowNumber of levels to be used for <red>r.compositeHeight of tiles (rows)r.tileMean curvature rasterr.resamp.rstPercentage of the points in the output of 'douglas_reduction' algorithmv.generalizeUnit cost layerr.costValue of the factor of reduction of soil noise (MSAVI2 only)i.viColor to use instead of NULL values. Either a standard color name, R:G:B triplet, or "none"r.shadeFactor for exaggerating reliefr.reliefDefault label or format string for dynamic labeling. Used when no explicit label exists for the categoryr.categoryMaximum random valuer.surf.randomAngle of major axis in degreesv.parallelRaster map specifying the lower accumulation limitr.series.accumulateMinimum random valuer.surf.randomMaximum number of cells to be createdr.random.cellsViewing elevation above the groundr.viewshed'to' vector mapv.distanceNumber of levels to be used for each componentr.compositeResolution of output raster mapr.projMinimum number of data cells within search radiusr.fill.statsPrint in shell script stylei.oifMultiplicative factor to convert elevation units to metersr.slope.aspectHalf-basinsr.watershedInput text file with category numbers/number ranges to be extractedv.extractSpread Timer.spreadRow value of the dry pixeli.eb.hsebal01Name of column with stop idsv.net.timetableThe transversal dispersivity length. [m]r.solute.transportScale factor for converting horizontal units to elevation unitsr.reliefName of rainfall and potential evapotranspiration data filer.topmodelDo not create attribute tablesv.in.dxfRaster map containing the 100-hour fuel moisture (%)r.rosMap(s) for x coefficientr.regression.multiPerturbedv.perturbExtract skeletons for input areasv.voronoi.skeletonName of vector points overlay file(s)nvizUse original Hargreaves (1985)i.evapo.mhQuantized raster(s)r.quantName of raster map to calculate statistics fromv.rast.statsName of the y-derivatives raster map [m/m]r.sim.waterFixed height for 3D vector featuresv.to.3dRead floating-point map as integerr.describeName of input file containing coordinate pairsr.profileRaster map from which to copy category tabler.categoryAccumulate input values along the pathr.drainGenerate unformatted reportr.volumeInput vector layerv.transformVhodni vektorski slojParallel linesv.parallelName of input diurnal net radiation raster map [W/m2/d]i.evapo.mhName for new PPM filer.out.ppm3Output aspect direction formatr.fill.dirInverse Fast Fourier Transformi.ifftGeneralization algorithmv.generalizeUse negative depth values for lake raster layerr.lake'from' vector mapv.distanceMinutesr.sunhoursMontgomery exponent for sloper.stream.extractName of existing vector mapv.typeDistance zone(s) (e.g. 100,200,300)r.bufferInput file formatv.in.asciiScale factor affects the origin (if no elevation map is given)r.out.vtkx-y extent of the Gaussian filteri.zcUse only valid pointsr.in.lidarName of the diurnal net radiation map [W/m2]i.eb.etaName of shaded relief or aspect raster mapr.shadeRebalance blue channel for LANDSATi.pansharpenImaginary part arraysi.fftShannonr.li.shannonOutput raster map as integeri.atcorrName of Net Radiation raster map [W/m2]i.eb.soilheatfluxName of column for 'attr' parameter (data type must be numeric)v.to.rastOnly print the range of the datar.describeThreshold for double pulse in region growingv.lidar.growingCreate VTK point data instead of VTK cell datar.out.vtkDisable wrapping to -180,180 for latlon outputv.projTextural measurement method(s)r.textureName of input raster map(s) for view no.1r.out.mpegDo not use SOLPOS algorithm of NRELr.sunhoursRandom seed (SEED_MIN >= value >= SEED_MAX) (default [random])r.random.cellsDo not report no data cellsr.reportName of real-sky beam radiation coefficient input raster mapr.sun.insoltimeSensitivity of Gaussian filteri.zcDo not copy attribute tablev.to.3dunitsv.reportenoteThe value to replace the null value byr.nullBluer.rgbModraFor horizon rasters, read from the DEM an extra buffer westward the present regionr.horizonFilter range for intensity values (min, max)r.in.lidarName of input raster map (image fft, real part)i.ifftBridgev.net.bridgeName of input wind speed raster map [m/s]i.evapo.pmUnique label for each watershed basinr.watershedData value multiplierr.circleSpline tension valuer.resamp.rstTime used for iterations [minutes]r.sim.waterCompositer.compositeLength of each spline step in the north-south directionv.surf.bsplineAssign unique categories to new pointsv.netOutput typev.out.svgPower parameter; greater values assign greater influence to closer pointsv.surf.idwQC Classificationi.modis.qcColor rulesr.colorsInput layer (A) Typev.selectLow threshold for terrain to object reclassificationv.lidar.correctionCalculate all textural measurementsr.textureCategory values. Example: 1,3,7-9,13r.mask.vectExpandedr.growLogarithmic scalingr.colorsPrint averaged values instead of intervalsr.statsPrint minimal region extent of selected vector features instead of attributesv.db.selectWater discharge [m3/s]r.sim.waterName of input vector map with training pointsv.kernel.vectFile containing reclass rulesr.reclassPreserve only every n-th pointv.decimateClump also diagonal cellsr.clumpTime step when computing all-day radiation sums [decimal hours]r.sun.insoltimeDip of planer.planeCreate buffer-like parallel linesv.parallelDo not create table in points modev.in.asciiNumber of quantilesr.stats.quantile.rastThe coordinate of the center (east,north)r.circleBase layer to take quant rules fromr.quantStop pointsr.walk.pointsEditedv.editAzimuth of the sun in degrees from northr.sunmask.positionName of column with route idsv.net.timetableHourr.sunhoursName of output eigenvector centrality columnv.net.centralityOnly write new color table if it does not already existr.colorsReportv.reportPoročajPrint raw indexes of fp ranges (fp maps only)r.statsOutput Directoryr.stats.quantile.rastIzhodna potSPOT NDVI Rasteri.in.spotvgtCalculate distance to nearest NULL cellr.grow.distanceRescaledr.rescaleTangential curvature rasterr.resamp.rstCalculate extended statisticsv.univarTolerance of arc polylines in map unitsv.parallelBase layer to be reclassifiedr.modeLAS informationr.in.lidar.infoTitle for error matrix and kappar.kappaQuadrat radiusv.qcountFile containing weightsr.neighborsInput vector line layer (arcs)v.net.visibilityThe type of solver which should solve the symmetric linear equation systemr.gwflowMaximum number of segments per flowliner.flowPielour.li.pielouDo not build topology in points modev.in.asciiRaster layer Br.mapcalc.simpleName of color tabler.colorsElevation units (overrides scale factor)r.reliefCopy input cell values on outputr.drainInput vector point layer (flow nodes)v.net.flowDo not import every n-th pointv.in.lidarName of output degree centrality columnv.net.centralityOutput partial derivatives instead of topographic parametersv.surf.rstSpline smoothing parameterr.fillnullsUse the low-memory version of the programr.sun.insoltimeName of illumination input base raster mapi.topo.corrGenerate n points for each individual areav.randomSize of processing window (odd number only, max: 69)r.param.scaleConcentration of inner sources and inner sinks in [kg/s] (i.e. a chemical reaction)r.solute.transportColumn value of the wet pixeli.eb.hsebal01Raster map containing aspect (degree, CCW from E)r.rosInterpolated IDWv.surf.idwCount cell numbers along the pathr.drainBeautify flat areasr.watershedAspect layer [decimal degrees]r.sun.insoltimeSWIR is Low Gain 2i.aster.toarAccumulatedr.series.accumulateCoordinates of outlet pointr.water.outletOutput world filer.out.pngName of the flow controls raster map (permeability ratio 0-1)r.sim.waterName of raster map containing slope (degree)r.rosClassifiedv.lidar.correctionVRMLr.out.vrmlUse maximum likelihood estimation (instead of smap)i.smapUse geodesic calculation for longitude-latitude locationsv.net.steinerVNIR is High Gaini.aster.toarTOPMODEL outputr.topmodelOutput file holding node sequencev.net.salesmanEstimate point density and distancev.outlierMap for y coefficientr.regression.multiCalculate sun position only and exitr.sunmask.positionDo not build vector topologyr.to.vectShifting value for z coordinatesv.extrudeName of soil clay fraction raster map [0.0-1.0]r.uslekOutput easting and northing in first two columns of four column outputr.transectBlendedr.blend.combineSmoothing parameterv.surf.rstMinimum radius for ring/circle map (in meters)r.circleMethod used for point interpolationv.to.linesNeighborsr.neighborsPacked archivev.packReverse transformation; 3D vector features to 2Dv.to.3dDo not copy attributesv.generalizeName of vector layerv.editExponent for distance weighting (0.0-4.0)r.param.scaleArc forward/both direction(s) cost column (name)v.net.bridgeFlow accumulationr.terraflowAggressive mode (Landsat)i.albedoPercent convergencei.clusterMinimum number of pixels in a classi.clusterCoordinate precisionv.out.svgNatančnost koordinateName of albedo raster map [0.0;1.0]i.eb.soilheatfluxApply grid-based decimationv.decimateAmount of memory to use in MBr.viewshedDiscard <trim> percent of the smallest and <trim> percent of the largest observations (0-50)r.in.lidarBuffer distance along minor axis in map unitsv.bufferBottom surface of the aquifer in [m]r.solute.transportUse colors from color tables for NULL valuesr.shadeName of the transport capacity coefficient raster map [s]r.sim.sedimentUnique stream ids (vect)r.stream.extractDestination projectionr.tilesetSuppress reporting of NULLs when all values are NULLr.statsOne cell (range) per liner.statsY-part of the hydraulic conductivity tensor in [m/s]r.gwflowGetFeature URL starting with 'http'v.in.wfsWater level (head) of the river with leakage connection in [m]r.gwflowError matrix and kappar.kappaMaximum radius for ring/circle map (in meters)r.circleLinesv.to.linesLinijeOutput distances in meters instead of map unitsr.grow.distanceDesired north-south resolutionr.resamp.rstNetwork_Salesmanv.net.salesmanOutput vector mapv.projList of contour levelsr.contourSampled raster values will be multiplied by this factorv.sampleScale factor for outputi.landsat.toarCreate hexagons (default: rectangles)v.mkgridWide report (132 columns)r.kappaName of input raster map (saturation)i.his.rgbWeighted input, do not perform the default scaling of input raster mapsi.segmentRaster map to query colorsr.what.colorMaskedr.mask.vectName of raster to drape over relief raster mapr.shadehourr.sunmask.datetimeuraBase ROSr.rosCoordinates of starting point(s) (a list of E,N)r.walk.coordsNumber of column used as categoryv.in.asciicoordinater.spreadpathUncompressed geonames file from (with .txt extension)v.in.geonamesThe piezometric head in [m]r.solute.transportOutput format is invisible = 0, visible = 1r.viewshedMaximum cumulative costr.walk.rastSplit by lengthv.splitrelatev.selectName of input E00 filev.in.e00Ditherr.compositeInput from ETM+ image taken before July 1, 2000i.atcorrGroundwater flowr.gwflowFeature type to convert tov.typeTiles Directoryr.tileNumber of bins to user.stats.quantile.rastBoundary condition status, 0-inactive, 1-active, 2-dirichletr.gwflowRandom rasterr.randomCalculate geometric distances instead of attribute statisticsv.univarInput file with one output raster map name and sample point position per line, field separator between name and sample point is 'pipe'r.series.interpNumber of cells that drain through each cellr.watershedInput points layerv.voronoiDayr.sunhoursName for sampling points output text file.r.sim.waterSnap added or modified features in the given threshold to the nearest existing featurev.editCorrect the coordinates to match the VTK-OpenGL precisionr.out.vtkTransport limited erosion-deposition [kg/m2s]r.sim.sedimentASTER (6 input bands:1,3,5,6,8,9)i.albedoInterpolation Gridr.resamp.bsplineName of instantaneous soil heat flux raster map [W/m2]i.eb.hsebal01Network_Flowv.net.flowInterpolate points between line verticesv.to.pointsName for output file to hold the reportr.reportName of attribute column with object heightsv.extrudeDiffusion increase constantr.sim.waterRaster map containing starting sourcesr.spreadName of the raster map used as maskv.surf.rstInput map is in Matlab formatv.in.mapgenModified elevationr.carveScientific formatr.reportNormalize values by sum of density multiplied by length of each segment.v.kernel.vectPatch Numberr.li.patchnumFlow liner.flowHistogram equalizationr.colorsFirst order partial derivative dx (E-W slope)r.slope.aspectdayr.sunmask.datetimedanAggregatedr.seriesFractal Surfacer.surf.fractalPatch Densityr.li.patchdensityCreate a 'flat' 2D hull even if the input is 3D pointsv.hullHeight for sampled raster NULL valuesv.extrudeRast statsv.rast.statsName of existing vector map with pointsv.vect.statsTo Category valuesv.net.distancemonthr.sunmask.datetimemesecMaximal tolerance valuev.generalizeInput rasters. Landsat4-7: bands 1,2,3,4,5,7; Landsat8: bands 2,3,4,5,6,7; MODIS: bands 1,2,3,4,5,6,7i.tasscapVector layer attribute column to use for comparisonv.sampleCoordinate for which you want to calculate the horizonr.horizon.heightInput input raster layerr.grow.distanceRandom vectorr.randomLow gradient threshold for edge classificationv.lidar.edgedetectionInput vectorv.decimateName of the rainfall excess rate (rain-infilt) raster map [mm/hr]r.sim.waterNumber of levels to be used for <green>r.compositeMorphometric parameter in 'size' window to calculater.param.scaleReport for cats floating-point ranges (floating-point maps only)r.reportRaster map from which to copy color tabler.colorsName of the Linke atmospheric turbidity coefficient input raster mapr.sun.insoltimeRectifiedv.rectifyTitle for output raster mapr.clumpType of column for z valuesv.randomStddev Colorsr.colors.stddevUse intensity values rather than Z valuesr.in.lidarRandomv.randomNaključnoOnly import points falling within current region (points mode)v.in.asciiNumber of column used as y coordinatev.in.asciiMaximum cell value of distributionr.random.surfacePrint extended metadata info in shell script stylev.infoAlways use cloud signature (step 14)i.landsat.accaPOV vectorv.out.povVNIR is Low Gain 1i.aster.toarInput raster layer with data gaps to fillr.fill.statsMonthr.sunhoursNetwork_Distancev.net.distanceRaster map containing fuel modelsr.rosLayer for y coefficientr.regression.lineCreate 3D outputv.randomPNG Filer.out.pngThreshold (comma separated for each tool)v.cleanFrom Category valuesv.net.distanceFind unresolved areas onlyr.fill.dirLayer without outliersv.outlierDiscretization error in map unitsv.kernel.vectUse SFD above this thresholdr.stream.extractThreshold water depth [m]r.sim.waterInline control pointsv.rectifyName of input 7th channel surface reflectance map [0.0-1.0]i.viStart angle for multidirectional horizonr.horizonOIF Filei.oifBypass second-pass processing, and merge warm (not ambiguous) and cold cloudsi.landsat.accaUse formfeeds between pagesr.reportRaster map containing elevation (m, required for spotting)r.rosStandard deviationr.surf.gaussStandardni odklonName of soil silt fraction raster map [0.0-1.0]r.uslekRegularization weight in gradient evaluationv.lidar.edgedetectionThis method will be applied to compute the accumulative values from the input mapsr.series.accumulateNumber of topographic index classesr.topmodel.topidxstatsFor horizon rasters, read from the DEM an extra buffer eastward the present regionr.horizonAggregate operationr.seriesRaster map containing directions of maximal ROS (degree)r.spreadName of the attribute column with smoothing parametersv.surf.rstDirection ROSr.rosName of vector lines/areas overlay map(s)nvizTop surface of the aquifer in [m]r.solute.transportMake NULL cells transparentr.out.pngOutput greyscale instead of colorr.out.ppmTrace elevationv.extrudeSigma (in cells) for Gaussian filterr.neighborsZ scalev.transformRefraction coefficientr.viewshedFlow path lengthr.flowValue to write for input cells which are non-NULL (-1 => NULL)r.growSimulation error [m]r.sim.waterOnly interpolate null cells in input raster mapr.resamp.bsplineNumber of column used as z coordinatev.in.asciiInput coded stream network raster layerr.basins.fillIncrement between contour levelsr.contourMethod used for reclassificationr.reclass.areaContoursr.contourPlastniceminuter.sunmask.datetimeminutaColumn name or expressionv.className of input text filei.atcorrRaster map used for zoning, must be of type CELLr.univarName of input movement direction map associated with the cost surfacer.drainFilter radius for each filter (comma separated list of float if multiple)r.resamp.filterGround truth training mapi.gensigsetUnit of measurer.coinNetwork Steinerv.net.steinerForce 2D output even if input is 3Dv.out.postgisName of starting raster points map (all non-NULL cells are starting points)r.walk.rastWeighting factor for water flow velocity vectorr.sim.waterResampled aggregatedr.resamp.statsSampling point position for each output map (comma separated list)r.series.interpNetwork Alloctionv.net.allocVector layer containing stream(s)r.carveBiomassi.biomassRecharge map e.g: 6*10^-9 per cell in [m^3/s*m^2]r.gwflowSmooth corners of area featuresr.to.vectThreshold for cell object frequency in region growingv.lidar.growingStream width (in meters). Default is raster cell widthr.carveName of two or more input raster mapsi.pcaInterpolation spline step value in east directionv.outlierTopographic correction methodi.topo.corrConvert from coordinates to bearing and distancem.cogoWeigh by line length or area sizev.univarRaster values to use for mask. Format: 1 2 3 thru 7 *r.mask.rastDo not build topologyv.rectifyConsider the effect of atmospheric refractionr.viewshedMinimum size of exterior watershed basinr.watershedTransformedv.transformShadedr.shadeKernelv.kernel.vectUse the current regionr.describeName of annual precipitation raster map [mm/year]r.uslerColumn prefix for new attribute columnsv.rast.statsASCII file for add toolv.editMinimum slope val. (in percent) for which aspect is computedr.slope.aspectName of existing vector map with areasv.vect.statsRaster layer Cr.mapcalc.simpleRead the input files in this number of chunksr.sun.insoltimeSet2 Category valuesv.net.connectivityGain (H/L) of all Landsat ETM+ bands (1-5,61,62,7,8)i.landsat.toarConsider earth curvature (current ellipsoid)r.viewshedNetwork Centralityv.net.centralityMPEG filer.out.mpegpoint vector defining sample pointsv.normalOverride projection check (use current location's projection)r.in.lidarColumn definition in SQL style (example: 'x double precision, y double precision, cat int, name varchar(10)')v.in.asciiDo not report cells where all maps have no datar.reportWrite output in degrees (default is radians)r.horizonPlaner.planeAlpha value is the order of the generalized entropyr.li.renyiManning's n unique valuer.sim.waterLower and upper accumulation limits (lower,upper)r.series.accumulatePADCVr.li.padcvKernel functionv.kernel.vectCumulative costr.walk.rastComma separated names of data layers to downloadv.in.wfsNeighborhood operationv.neighborsName for new column to which partition number is writtenv.kcvRoot Mean Square errors filev.rectifySpline tension parameterr.fillnullsPerform orthogonal 3D transformationv.rectifyNode cost column (number)v.net.timetableName of single-way transmissivity raster map [0.0-1.0]i.biomassLength (float) of each spline step in the east-west directionr.resamp.bsplineIntervisibilityr.viewshedMaximum query distance in map unitsv.what.vectNumber of column used as x coordinatev.in.asciiWrite each output path as one line, not as original input segmentsv.net.distanceAtmospheric correctioni.atcorrName of attribute column(s) used as transformation parameters (Format: parameter:column, e.g. xshift:xs,yshift:ys,zrot:zr)v.transformGeneralizedv.generalizeSecond order partial derivative dyyr.slope.aspectMake outside corners straightv.bufferSet computation region to match the new raster mapr.in.lidarWrite output in compass orientation (default is CCW, East=0)r.horizonForce segments to be exactly of given length, except for last onev.splitSensible Heat Fluxi.eb.hsebal01Write SURFER (Golden Software) ASCII gridr.out.asciiSnapping threshold for boundariesv.overlayQuality factor (1 = highest quality, lowest compression)r.out.mpegPrint area totalsr.statsOutput field separatorv.db.selectIntensityr.hisTexture files directoryr.textureInput raster map to be used as maskr.resamp.rstCategory values (for Integer rasters). Example: 1,3,7-9,13r.category.outCirclesr.circleInput rasterr.out.vtkUse 8 neighbors (3x3 neighborhood) instead of the default 4 neighbors for each pixeli.segmentGenerate vector points as 3D pointsr.randomName of input raster map (intensity)i.his.rgbValue of DOY for the first day of the period studiedi.evapo.timePercent of disturbed land, for USLEr.watershedName of raster map as a display backdropr.spreadInterpolation method, currently only linear interpolation is supportedr.series.interpThe maximum distance to consider when finding the horizon heightr.horizonInput map: map with real depressionsr.stream.extractStarting coordinate pairm.cogoOutput at-sensor radiance instead of reflectance for all bandsi.landsat.toarClumpsr.clumpType of solver which should solve the symmetric linear equation systemv.surf.bsplineAdd comments to describe the regionr.out.ppm3Zero crossingi.zcXYZ Filer.out.xyzProfile curvaturev.surf.rstConvertedv.in.wfsPretvorjenoVTK Filev.out.vtkAnisotropy angle (in degrees counterclockwise from East)v.surf.rstCopy only n pointsv.decimateName of the ground albedo coefficient input raster mapr.sun.insoltimeDepressionless DEMr.fill.dirSampling density for additional computing (range: 0.0 - 1.0 (0.5))r.spreadAttribute(s) to include in output SVGv.out.svgInclude a category for cloud shadowsi.landsat.acca3D vectorv.drapeConvergence factor for MFD (1-10)r.watershedPercentile to calculate (comma separated list if multiple) (requires extended statistics flag)r.univarValues to query colors for (comma separated list)r.what.colorDrainr.drainSink Category valuesv.net.flowField separator. Special characters: pipe, comma, space, tab, newliner.univarDo not expect a header when reading in standard formatv.in.asciiElevation biasr.out.povSeparate output for each angle (0, 45, 90, 135)r.textureInclude category labels in the outputr.distanceNumber of passes through the datasetr.basins.fillElevation raster map for height extractionv.drapeResidual Mapr.regression.multiCover rasterr.stats.zonalHeight-field type (0=actual heights 1=normalized)r.out.povName of input atmospheric pressure raster map [millibars]i.evapo.ptForce center at zeror.colors.stddevOutput integer category values, not cell valuesr.what.pointsOffset along minor axis in map unitsv.parallelThe output data ranger.rescaleObject modifier (OBJECT_MODIFIER in POV-Ray documentation)v.out.povlognormalv.normalRadius of sphere for points and tube for linesv.out.povBounding box for selecting featuresv.editLines are labelledm.cogoNetwork_Components_Pointv.net.componentsNumber of quantization stepsr.describeThe input data range to be rescaledr.rescaleInput vector line layer (network)v.net.flowScaling factor for attribute column valuesv.bufferFirst order partial derivative dy (N-S slope)r.slope.aspectInterpolated splinev.surf.bsplineAlternate spatial reference systemv.in.wfsName of attribute column(s) to be exportedv.out.asciiValue of DOY for the last day of the period studiedi.evapo.timeSampling intervals (by row and col)i.clusterThe name of the column whose values are to be used as new categoriesv.reclassUse only first point in grid cell during grid-based decimationv.decimatey_inputr.spreadpathElevation layer [meters]r.sun.insoltimeRound floating point datar.quantThe number of points to allocater.randomCivil time zone value, if none, the time will be local solar timer.sun.insoltimeWeight according to area (slower)r.resamp.statsClusteredv.clusterRead fp map as integer (use map's quant rules)r.statsName of input raster map containing longitudes [decimal degrees]r.sun.insoltimeOnly import points of selected class(es) (comma separated integers)v.in.lidarLambda coefficients for combining walking energy and friction costr.walk.rastEvaporative Fractioni.eb.evapfrSampledv.what.rastArc typev.netString to represent null cell (GRASS grid only)r.out.asciiIgnore values outside this range (min,max)r.series.accumulateSort the result (ascending, descending)v.reportOperator to usev.selectMapgenv.in.mapgenName of instantaneous net radiation raster map [W/m2]i.eb.hsebal01Do not align the current region to the elevation layerr.slope.aspectFractal dimension of surface (2 < D < 3)r.surf.fractalB45ratio: Desert detection (step 10)i.landsat.accaThe distance between two samples (>= 1)r.textureThreshold for connecting nodes to the network (in map unit)v.net.distanceNames of satellite ETa raster maps [mm/d or cm/d]i.evapo.timeDissolvedv.dissolveZdruženoOnly do the work if the map is integerr.nullOverlayv.overlayPreklopElevation layerr.out.vrmlVišinski slojNull value indicatorv.db.selectOutput is the interpolation errorr.surf.idwImage creation date (yyyy-mm-dd)i.landsat.toarName of background vector mapv.editTypedv.typePrint map region onlyv.infoSet the flow stabilizing scheme (full or exponential upwinding).r.solute.transportInput thinned ridge network raster layerr.basins.fillColumn to be updated with the query resultv.what.vectX Back Coordinatesr.spreadInput vector line layer containing visible pointsv.net.visibilityNumber of intermediate images to producer.surf.fractalRaster layer Ar.mapcalc.simpleWHERE condition of SQL statement without 'where' keyword'v.net.allpairsSolute Transportr.solute.transportAlbedoi.albedoCluster separationi.clusterPercent of map to keep in memoryr.in.lidarPrint category labelsr.statsPage widthr.reportŠirina straniFeature typev.net.bridgeVrsta datotekeNumber of cells between flowlinesr.flowName of attribute column(s), comma separatedv.db.selectMaximum dangle length of skeletons (-1 will extract the center line)v.voronoi.skeletonName for output raster map (comma separated list if multiple)r.series.interpScale to apply to intensity valuesr.in.lidarBasinr.water.outletDrainage directionr.watershedBlended Bluer.blend.rgbNo flat areas allowed in flow directionr.carveImport subregion onlyv.in.lidarValue to calculatev.reportOnly 'terrain' pointsv.lidar.correctionUse closest colorr.compositeBuildingsv.lidar.growingName of input elevation raster mapr.walk.rastOnly one point per cat in grid cellv.decimateWidth and height of boxes in gridv.mkgridName of input elevation raster map [m a.s.l.]i.evapo.pmArear.surf.areaPovršinaName of soil organic matter raster map [0.0-1.0]r.uslekConstrain model through central window cellr.param.scaleMorphometric parameterr.param.scaleConversion factor from units to meters in source projectionr.tilesetFormular.mapcalc.simpleIzrazFilledr.fillnullsMax ROSr.rosColumn name of points map to use for statisticsv.vect.statsDistancev.distanceRazdaljaSegmentation methodi.segmentData is Landsat-5 TMi.landsat.accaPrint cell countsr.statsMinimum input data value to include in interpolationr.fill.statsQuantile to calculate for method=quantiler.seriesMaximum distance to neighborsv.clusterStream power index a * tan(b)r.watershedName of raster map to be used for <green>r.out.ppm3Output header rowr.what.pointsAzimuth of the planer.planeName of the difference map of temperature from surface skin to about 2 m height [K]i.eb.netradClustering methodv.clusterFrom WHERE conditions of SQL statement without 'where' keywordv.net.distanceMean Patch Sizer.li.mpsEstimates Mapr.regression.multiInvert selection by layers (don't import layers in list)v.in.dxfX scalev.transformReal part arraysi.fftLayer to cleanv.cleanCharacter representing no data cell valuer.reportMaximum number of iteration used to solver the linear equation systemr.gwflowPrint only class breaks (without min and max)v.className of degree latitude raster map [dd.ddd]i.biomassReport null objects as *r.distanceUse the 'Knight's move'; slower, but more accurater.walk.rastReprojected rasterr.projReprojeciran rasterski slojName of file containing start and end pointsv.net.pathDistance filter remains flat before beginning exponentr.random.surfaceName for input raster map (green)i.rgb.hisPrint raster array information in shell script styler.infoInput layer (B) Typev.selectName of fPAR raster mapi.biomassConstant elevation (if no elevation map is specified)r.out.vtkCoordinates of starting point(s) (E,N)r.costMinimum number of cells in a segmenti.segmentThe initial piezometric head in [m]r.gwflowNetwork_Allpairsv.net.allpairsMaximum memory to be used (in MB)v.to.rastLandsat 5+7 (6 input bands:1,2,3,4,5,7)i.albedoCategory number modev.build.polylinesMake outside corners roundv.parallelName for output ASCII file or ASCII vector name if '-o' is definedv.out.asciiName of color definition column (with RRR:GGG:BBB entries)v.to.rastName of input file containing signaturesi.smapName of input blue channel surface reflectance map [0.0-1.0]i.viElevation coordinate of a point on the planer.planePercentage weight of first map for color blendingr.blend.rgbName of second raster mapr.coinNorthing coordinate (point of interest)r.sunmask.positionName of the detachment capacity coefficient raster map [s/m]r.sim.sedimentImport only every n-th pointv.in.lidarFloating point range: dmin,dmaxr.quantRaster layer with starting point(s) (at least 1 cell > 0)r.lakeThinnedr.thinOutput values as percentagesr.colors.outUse polydata-vertices for elevation grid creationr.out.vtkMultiply the density result by this numberv.kernel.vectMAT Filer.out.matCWEDr.li.cwedUse a full filled quadratic linear equation system, default is a sparse linear equation system.r.solute.transportGenerate recode rules based on quantile-defined intervalsr.quantileLogarithmic-absolute scalingr.colorsThe calculation time in secondsr.gwflowSet1 Category valuesv.net.connectivityInput cover raster layerr.randomMetricr.growName of sensible heat flux raster map [W/m2]i.eb.evapfrSlope factor determines travel energy cost per height stepr.walk.rastAdd points on nodesv.net.componentsProduces shell script outputr.tilesetNo. of day of the year (1-365)r.sun.insoltimeReclassifiedv.reclassProduces web map server query string outputr.tilesetData point position for each input mapr.series.interpUpdatedv.what.vectPosodobljenoGenerate binary raster mapr.circleEdgesv.lidar.edgedetectionWrite MODFLOW (USGS) ASCII arrayr.out.asciiInput feature typev.what.rastAngle step size for multidirectional horizonr.horizonSatellite sensori.tasscapName of input minimum air temperature raster map [C]i.evapo.mhOnly do the work if the map doesn't have a NULL-value bitmap filer.nullUse circular neighborhoodr.neighborsBuffer distance in map unitsv.bufferLandscape structure configuration filer.li.simpsonPatchedr.patchNumber of times to repeat the filterr.mfilterFilter radius (vertical) for each filter (comma separated list of float if multiple)r.resamp.filterName of input green channel surface reflectance map [0.0-1.0]i.viCalculate and store the groundwater filter velocity vector part in y direction [m/s]r.solute.transportAttribute columnv.normalSpotting Distancer.rosMaximum length of surface flow, for USLEr.watershedThe y-part of the hydraulic conductivity tensor in [m/s]r.solute.transportTemporal integrationi.evapo.timeArc backward direction cost column (number)v.net.timetableDesired east-west resolutionr.resamp.rstTurn on cache reportingr.what.pointsExport PostGIS topology instead of simple featuresv.out.postgisStorage type for resultant raster mapr.in.lidarLocations of real depressionsr.watershedRescaling range for output maps. For no rescaling use 0,0i.pcaRaster Values Filer.what.pointsLength (float) of each spline step in the north-south directionr.resamp.bsplineBand number of MODIS product (mod09Q1=[1,2],mod09A1=[1-7],m[o/y]d09CMG=[1-7], mcd43B2q=[1-7])i.modis.qcDifference in x,y,z direction for moving feature or vertexv.editLiDAR input files in LAS format (*.las or *.laz)v.in.lidarName of raster map to which apply the maskr.mask.vectSlope rasterr.resamp.rstLook-ahead parameterv.generalizeDegree threshold in network generalizationv.generalizeNumber of significant digitsr.out.vtkReport zero distance if rasters are overlappingr.distanceOutput triangulation as a graph (lines), not areasv.delaunayAdditional stream depth (in meters)r.carveName of the critical shear stress raster map [Pa]r.sim.sedimentMaximum visibility radius. By default infinity (-1)r.viewshedScale to apply to z datar.in.lidarAutomatic wet/dry pixel (careful!)i.eb.hsebal01Write raster values as z coordinater.to.vectThe leakage coefficient of the drainage bed in [1/s]r.gwflow3Dv.to.3d3DSlopev.surf.rstNagibType of componentsv.net.componentsName of two input raster for computing inter-class distancesr.distanceName of precipitation raster map [mm/month]i.evapo.mhUse scale dependent tensionv.surf.rstMaximum segment lengthv.splitTry to calculate an optimal radius with given 'radius' taken as maximum (experimental)v.kernel.vectStarting value and step for z bulk-labeling. Pair: value,step (e.g. 1100,10)v.editRaster layer Fr.mapcalc.simpleName of input maximum air temperature raster map [C]i.evapo.mhName of input average air temperature raster map [C]i.evapo.mhRedr.rgbRdečaRestrict points to areas in input vectorv.randomMinimum pixels to consider digital number as dark objecti.landsat.toarArc forward/both direction(s) cost column (number)v.net.timetablePPMr.out.ppm3D Vectorv.extrude3D vektorEnhanced Greeni.pansharpenApply post-processing filter to remove small holesi.landsat.accaDelete stream segments shorter than cellsr.stream.extractStatistic to use for raster valuesr.in.lidarFor horizon rasters, read from the DEM an extra buffer southward the present regionr.horizonVector points layerv.qcountDelaunay triangulationv.delaunayDelaunay triangulacijaInvert colorsr.colorsReset to standard color rangei.colors.enhanceCleaning toolv.cleanName of raster map to use for masking. Only cells that are not NULL and not zero are interpolatedr.resamp.bsplineCropping intensity (upper brightness level)i.colors.enhanceInformationv.infoInformacijaName of input relative humidity raster map [%]i.evapo.pmCover values extracted from the category labels of the cover mapr.stats.zonalInput vector to reprojectv.projClumps layer (preferably the output of r.clump)r.volumeWater levelr.lakeVodni nivosecondr.sunmask.datetimesekundaSolar Azimuth Angler.sunhoursSolar azimuth in degreesi.topo.corr.illColor rules filer.colorsFiltering optionv.outlierName of vector mapv.build.checkPrint extended metadata information in shell script styler.infoLower left easting and northing coordinates of mapv.mkgridLength unitsv.splitNew coordinate reference systemv.projInterpolation spline step value in north directionv.outlierShadowsr.sunmask.positionName of output closeness centrality columnv.net.centralityValue of the slope of the soil line (MSAVI2 only)i.viElevation raster layer [meters]r.sunmask.positionCentroidsr.volumeCentroidiName of TOPMODEL parameters filer.topmodelNetwork_Isov.net.isoAllow only horizontal and vertical flow of waterr.watershedSediment flux [kg/ms]r.sim.sedimentInput visibility raster map in km (optional)i.atcorrUse only points in current regionv.normalCompute upslope flowlines instead of default downhill flowlinesr.flowCoefficients for walking energy formula parameters a,b,c,dr.walk.rastY Back Coordinatesr.spreadQuery toolv.editNeighborhood diameter in map unitsv.neighborsFilter range for z data (min, max)r.in.lidarVector points to be spatially perturbedv.perturbTilesetr.tilesetInterpolated rastersr.series.interpMaximum number of sub-signatures in any classi.gensigsetAlso import quality map (SM status map layer) and filter NDVI mapi.in.spotvgtSnakes beta parameterv.generalizeFlow directionr.terraflowInput layersv.patchVhodni slojiSubtract raster values from the Z coordinatesr.in.lidarCreate inverse maskr.mask.vectNumber of cells tiles should overlap in each directionr.tilesetName for output PostGIS datasourcev.out.postgisEnable disk swap memory option (-m): Operation is slowr.watershedMinimum number of points to create a clusterv.clusterThe relaxation parameter used by the jacobi and sor solver for speedup or stabilizingr.solute.transportOutput shaded relief layerr.reliefResultant rasterr.stats.zonalIgnore the map extent of DXF filev.in.dxfName of red channeli.pansharpenName of input air temperature raster map [K]i.evapo.ptName of USLE R equationr.uslerLayer number or name with walking connectionsv.net.timetableMaximum z height for 3D outputv.randomInput point layer (nodes)v.net.spanningtreeMaximum number of iteration used to solve the linear equation systemv.surf.bsplineDesired new category value (enter -1 to keep original categories)v.extractExclude border edgesr.li.edgedensityElevation raster for height extractionv.extrudeRaster Value Filer.what.coordsGRIDATBr.out.gridatbWatershedsr.basins.fillThe horizon information input map basenamer.sun.insoltimeThe height of the river bed in [m]r.gwflowDry/Wet pixels coordinates are in image projection, not row/coli.eb.hsebal01Units of distancer.bufferDo not create attribute tablev.voronoiNOAA AVHRR (2 input bands:1,2)i.albedoKernel radius in map unitsv.kernel.vectName of QC type to extracti.modis.qcNearestv.distanceMethod of object-based statisticr.stats.zonalThe value of the patch typer.li.edgedensityMovement Directionsr.walk.rastSkip earlier feature IDs and start downloading at this onev.in.wfsRaster map containing maximal spotting distance (m, required with -s)r.spreadMODIS (7 input bands:1,2,3,4,5,6,7)i.albedoScale factor for inputr.series.accumulateFormat for reporting the sloper.slope.aspectSkip first n pointsv.in.lidarName of raster map containing wind directions (degree)r.rosNumber of points to be createdv.randomY scalev.transformIgnore zero (0) data cells instead of NULL cellsr.bufferEnable Single Flow Direction (D8) flow (default is Multiple Flow Direction)r.watershedAltitude of the sun in degrees above the horizonr.sunmask.positionLandsat 8 (7 input bands:1,2,3,4,5,6,7)i.albedoThree (r,g,b) raster maps to create RGB valuesr.out.vtkRouting using SFD (D8) directionr.terraflowColor using standard deviation bandsr.colors.stddevSampling distance step coefficientr.horizonMinimum flow accumulation for streamsr.stream.extractErosion-deposition [kg/m2s]r.sim.sedimentThe x-part of the hydraulic conductivity tensor in [m/s]r.solute.transportRescale output raster map [0,255]i.atcorrDistribution meanr.surf.gaussPerform 3D transformationv.rectifyMaximum number of rows for a tile in the source projectionr.tilesetSource projectionr.tilesetSlide of computed point toward the original pointv.generalizeCreate grid of points instead of areas and centroidsv.mkgridInput vector point layer (first set of nodes)v.net.connectivitySize of point cacher.what.pointsSeed for random number generationv.randomRegression coefficientsr.regression.multiMaximum input data value to include in interpolationr.fill.statsSampling interpolation methodv.sampleMean curvaturev.surf.rstMosaic Rasteri.image.mosaicSet negative ETa to zeroi.evapo.ptRaster map to be queriedr.transectOutput is radiance (W/m2)i.aster.toarEnd angle for multidirectional horizonr.horizonColumn name of nearest feature (used with upload=to_attr)v.distanceOutput text filem.cogoResampled interpolatedr.resamp.interpFixed height for 3D vector objectsv.extrudeName of the water depth raster map [m]r.sim.sedimentSun elevation in degreesi.landsat.toarX-part of the hydraulic conductivity tensor in [m/s]r.gwflowName of input filem.cogoInterpolated RSTv.surf.rstModify only first found feature in bounding boxv.editGenerate points also for NULL categoryr.randomBlended Greenr.blend.rgbCopy also attribute tablev.patchNode methodv.kernel.vectRaster map containing the 1-hour fuel moisture (%)r.rosSuppress reporting of any NULLsr.statsInclude no data valuesr.out.xyzCosts for isolinesv.net.isoColumn for Z valuesv.randomASCII file to be importedv.in.linesStore only the coordinates, throw away categoriesv.decimateCreation optionsv.out.postgisRaster map containing the 10-hour fuel moisture (%)r.rosCreate reclass map with statistics as category labelsr.stats.zonalBufferv.bufferObrisInput from ETM+ image taken after July 1, 2000i.atcorrInput raster layer to fillr.fillnullsNetwork_Pathv.net.pathPrint topology information onlyv.infoDay of Year of satellite overpass [0-366]i.aster.toarLidarv.in.lidarSink-watershedr.terraflowUSLE R Rasterr.uslerScale factor sampled raster valuesv.extrudeFilter radius (horizontal) for each filter (comma separated list of float if multiple)r.resamp.filterName of starting raster points mapr.costParameter(s) of distribution (uniform: maximum; normal: mean and stddev)v.perturbType of output aspect and slope layerr.slope.aspectCross productr.crossLength of each spline step in the east-west directionv.surf.bsplineThe input raster map is a cost surface (direction surface must also be specified)r.drainPower coefficient for IDW interpolationr.fill.statsCategory valuesv.net.steinerName of the attribute column with values to be used for approximationv.surf.rstName of the x-derivatives raster map [m/m]r.sim.waterRecodedr.recodeReverse selectionv.selectMultiband rasteri.groupPreserve only n points per grid cellv.decimateAlgorithm to use for classificationv.class3-D lengths instead of 2-Dr.flowName of input bounding/constraining raster mapi.segmentNumber of levels to be used for <blue>r.compositeNetwork Visibilityv.net.visibilityEasting coordinate of a point on the planer.planeDo not export attribute tablev.out.postgisKeep null values in output raster layerr.walk.rastForce 2D clusteringv.clusterConsider spotting effect (for wildfires)r.spreadEmissivityi.emissivity'to' feature typev.distanceTime-series outputr.sim.waterList of percentilesr.stats.quantile.rastRaster map containing maximal ROS (cm/min)r.spreadThe methods to usev.rast.statsField separator. Special characters: pipe, comma, space, tab, newlineString representing NULL valuer.what.pointsName of input net solar radiation raster map [MJ/m2/h]i.evapo.pmScale factor for elevationv.out.vtkCost allocation mapr.costVector map to be queriedv.what.vectFilter filer.mfilterCalculation time (in seconds)r.solute.transportCoordinates of stopping point(s) (a list of E,N)r.walk.coordsInput layer (B)v.selectDistance decay exponentr.random.surfaceVoronoiv.voronoiName of vector polygon mapv.rast.statsDo not automatically add unique ID as category to each pointv.in.lidarFirst pulse vector layerv.lidar.growingTerrain blocking overland surface flow, for USLEr.watershedCover raster layerr.statisticsAlign the current region to the input raster mapr.recodeSaturationr.hisNasičenostOutput will be filtered input bandsi.pcaRichnessr.li.richnessDo not make caps at the ends of polylinesv.bufferUnivariate resultsr.univarThrow away every n-th pointv.decimateTopological errorsv.build.checkResampled RSTr.resamp.rstMinimum distance or -1.0 for no limitv.distanceWidth of hole edge used for interpolation (in cells)r.fillnullsPerform cross-validation procedure without raster approximation [leave this option as True]v.surf.rst.cvdevRoot Zone Soil Moisturei.eb.evapfrRandom seed (SEED_MIN >= value >= SEED_MAX)r.random.surfaceIllumination Modeli.topo.corr.illVegetation Indexi.viInput vector mapv.db.selectName of topographic index statistics filer.topmodelMaximum distance from point to networkv.kernel.vectInterpolation method to user.projVertical scaler.surf.areaAngle of rotation (in degrees counter-clockwise)v.mkgridSuppress warningsm.cogoPrint correlation matrixr.covarPrint x and y (column and row)r.statsName of the emissivity map [-]i.eb.netradRadius of buffer in raster cellsr.growLidar Rasterr.in.lidarA single value of the orientation (aspect), 270 is southr.sun.insoltimeConcentration sources and sinks bounded to a water source or sink in [kg/s]r.solute.transportName of the Mannings n valuer.sim.sedimentPercent of solar radiance in path radiancei.landsat.toarMaximum segment length in meters in output vector mapv.projName of file that contains the weight to calculate the indexr.li.cwedInput map: elevation mapr.stream.extractStart pointsr.walk.pointsFilter range for z data (min,max)v.decimateElevationr.watershedVišinaInput altitude raster map in m (optional)i.atcorrPolygon for selecting featuresv.editNetwork_Components_Linev.net.componentsName of output povray file (TGA height field file)r.out.povStatistic for interpolated cell valuesr.fill.statsList of point coordinatesv.editHigh threshold for object to terrain reclassificationv.lidar.correctionName of input crop height raster map [m]i.evapo.pmUse line nodes or vertices onlyv.to.pointsInput raster layerr.to.vectName of base raster mapr.stats.quantile.rastInteger range: min,maxr.quantInput raster layer(s)r.seriesPreserve relative colors, adjust brightness onlyi.colors.enhanceZ shiftv.transformList of layers to importv.in.dxfCalculate and store the groundwater filter velocity vector part in x direction [m/s]r.solute.transportName of input raster map containing latitudes [decimal degrees]r.sun.insoltimeUse positive flow accumulation even for likely underestimatesr.watershedCoordinates for query (east, north)r.what.coordsRaster layer with rasterized contoursr.surf.contourIgnore broken line(s) in points modev.in.asciiName of column with walk lengthsv.net.timetableToolv.editSet2 WHERE conditions of SQL statement without 'where' keywordv.net.connectivityName of column with stop timestampsv.net.timetableProcess bands serially (default: run in parallel)i.pansharpenName of vector points map for which to edit attributesv.what.vectValue of water availability raster map [0.0-1.0]i.biomassAttributesv.db.selectPodatkovna poljaName of input vector map to packv.packName of raster maps(s)r.colorsName of soil heat flux raster map [W/m2]i.eb.evapfrName of input vector mapv.univarRaster map specifying the upper accumulation limitr.series.accumulateMaximum distance between points on isoline (to insert additional points)v.surf.rstNumber of values printed before wrapping a line (only SURFER or MODFLOW format)r.out.asciiGRASS Asciir.out.asciiColumn namev.univarSediment concentration [particle/m3]r.sim.sedimentincidence angle raster mapr.sun.incidoutx_inputr.spreadpathMaximum distance or -1.0 for no limitv.distanceDTM from contoursr.surf.contourCoordinates of stopping point(s) (E,N)r.costMinimum z height for 3D outputv.randomForce output to 'double' raster map type (DCELL)r.recodeWeighting factor for each input map, default value is 1.0r.seriesAspect rasterr.resamp.rstRemove existing color tabler.colorsSignature Filei.gensigsetUncertainty Mapr.fill.statsMinimum contour levelr.contourCumulative percent importance for filteringi.pcaNormalityv.normalSegmented Rasteri.segmentVector layer defining sample pointsv.sampleInput file with one input raster map name and data point position per line, field separator between name and sample point is 'pipe'r.series.interpError break criteria for iterative solvers (jacobi, sor, cg or bicgstab)r.gwflowTransect definition: east,north,azimuth,distance[,east,north,azimuth,distance,...]r.transectMaximum contour levelr.contourWide report, 132 columns (default: 80)r.coinInput elevation layerr.topidxMaximum distance of spatial correlation (value(s) >= 0.0)r.random.cellsName of the Day Of Year (DOY) map [-]i.eb.netradSFD (D8) flow (default is MFD)r.terraflowCoordinate identifying the viewing positionr.viewshedCovariance reportr.covarUse the extent of the input for the raster extentr.in.lidarHAPEX-Sahel empirical correction (Roerink, 1995)i.eb.soilheatfluxValue of the height independent friction velocity (u*) [m/s]i.eb.hsebal01Minimum angle between two consecutive segments in Hermite methodv.generalizeOverlapping Windowsv.surf.rstUse polydata-trianglestrips for elevation grid creationr.out.vtkTransect filer.transectDeclination value (overriding the internally computed value) [radians]r.sun.insoltimeName of input raster layerr.surf.idwLayer Numberv.db.selectNumber of vertex points per grid cellv.mkgridName of input nir channel surface reflectance map [0.0-1.0]i.viStream segmentsr.watershedCenters point layer (nodes)v.net.timetableSelectedv.selectIzbranoQuadtree Segmentationv.surf.rstThe type of solver which should solve the linear equation systemr.solute.transportName of Surface temperature raster map [K]i.eb.soilheatfluxLayer for x coefficientr.regression.lineInput raster to reprojectr.projSolar zenith in degreesi.topo.corrCategories layerr.modeName of input SPOT VGT NDVI HDF filei.in.spotvgtArc backward direction cost column (name)v.net.bridgeSampling distance step coefficient (0.5-1.5)r.sun.insoltimeMovement directionsr.costCompression level of PNG file (0 = none, 1 = fastest, 9 = best)r.out.pngName of first raster mapr.coinMaximum distance to the networkv.net.pathInitial number of classes (1-255)i.clusterDominancer.li.dominanceInclude column names in output (points mode)v.out.asciiProfile coordinate pairsr.profileDon't index points by raster cellv.surf.idwCurvature tolerance that defines 'planar' surfacer.param.scaleCoincidence reportr.coinLongitude outputr.latlongTension parameterv.surf.rstName of input raster map containing friction costsr.walk.rastName of input raster map (hue)i.his.rgbString representing no data cell valuer.statsInput raster map converted to reflectance (default is radiance)i.atcorrAspectv.surf.rstPogledNetwork_Cutv.net.flowInformation reportv.infoLatLongr.latlongDo not ignore zero elevationr.sunmask.positionMultiplier for z-valuesr.resamp.rstCategoriesr.describeKategorijeName of green channeli.pansharpenValue option that sets the area size limit [hectares]r.reclass.areaCreate a FCELL map (floating point single precision) as outputr.series.accumulateTykhonov regularization weightv.outlierCross Validation Errorsv.surf.rst.cvdevThe initial concentration in [kg/m^3]r.solute.transportNReportv.net.nreportPrint types/names of table columns for specified layer instead of infov.infoName of input raster map representing data that will be summed within clumpsr.volumeNumber of fp subranges to collect stats fromr.reportOutput format (printf-style)r.what.colorShow the category labels of the grid cell(s)r.what.pointsAtmospheric correction methodi.landsat.toarThe type of groundwater flowr.gwflowPercent to brightenr.shadeVertical scaling factorr.param.scaleName of input raster map(s)i.oifGreenr.rgbZelenaName of existing 3d raster mapnvizCost assigned to null cells. By default, null cells are excludedr.walk.rastLAS input filer.in.lidarNorthing coordinate of a point on the planer.planeMaximum memory to be used (in MB). Cache size for raster rowsr.resamp.bsplineRuntime statisticsr.terraflowConversion factor for values used for approximationv.surf.rstField separatorv.out.asciiBlended Redr.blend.rgbPropagate NULLsr.seriesImport polyface meshes as 3D wire framev.in.dxfSVG Filev.out.svginput raster layerr.growDo not perform region cropping optimizationr.projName of the input slope raster map (terrain slope or solar panel inclination) [decimal degrees]r.sun.insoltimeBounding boxesv.patchMaximum length of segment on networkv.kernel.vectInput raster maps use as extension the number of the band instead the codei.landsat.toarThe y-part of the diffusion tensor in [m^2/s]r.solute.transportUnique stream ids (rast)r.stream.extractOverlap of tilesr.tileWater depth [m]r.sim.waterName of output vectorv.in.e00Output tessellation as a graph (lines), not areasv.voronoiMean Pixel Attributer.li.mpaRaster map containing midflame wind velocities (ft/min)r.rosAssume z coordinate is ellipsoidal height and transform if possiblev.projModer.modeNačinMaximum number of points in a segmentv.surf.rstName of surface temperature raster map [K]i.eb.netradRow value of the wet pixeli.eb.hsebal01Name of column used to dissolve common boundariesv.dissolveOnly import points of selected return typev.in.lidarAngle range for same direction detectionv.lidar.edgedetectionName of file containing initial signaturesi.clusterBase raster layerr.statisticsInput raster map containing smoothingr.resamp.rstDifference threshold between 0 and 1i.segmentSparse points layerv.surf.bsplineSlope steepness (S) factor for USLEr.watershedColors filer.what.colorThe height of the drainage bed in [m]r.gwflowReclass rules text (if rule file not used)r.reclassName for output PostGIS layerv.out.postgisNumber of iterationsv.generalizeName of Landsat metadata file (.met or MTL.txt)i.landsat.toarExtend colors to full range of data on each channeli.colors.enhanceOffset along major axis in map unitsv.parallelInsolation time [h]r.sun.insoltimeMaximum number of vertices in segmentv.splitMaximum number of features to downloadv.in.wfsAngle step size for multidirectional horizon [degrees]r.sun.insoltimeNetworkv.netOmrežjeName of input raster map (image fft, imaginary part)i.ifftPrint grid coordinates (east and north)r.statsNumber of significant digits (floating point only)v.out.vtkSimilarity calculation methodi.segmentName of elevation raster mapr.terraflowCumulative error tolerance for eigenvector centralityv.net.centralityACCA Rasteri.landsat.accaMinimum deviation in map unitsv.perturbUse base raster resolution instead of computational regionr.in.lidarPolylinesv.build.polylinesName of NDVI raster map [-1.0;+1.0]i.eb.soilheatfluxSource WHERE conditions of SQL statement without 'where' keywordv.net.flowInput linesv.parallelName of vector points layer for queryr.what.pointsAmount of overland flow per cellr.watershedName of cover raster mapr.stats.quantile.rastNumber of random categories matching vector objects to extractv.extractRescaled equalizedr.rescale.eqSunshine Hoursr.sunhoursUse zero (0) for transparency instead of NULLr.patchRectification polynomial orderv.rectifyInput vector (v.lidar.edgedetection output)v.lidar.growingMinimum number of points for a contour line (0 -> no limit)r.contourProfile curvature rasterr.resamp.rstDissolve common boundariesv.extractInterpolate values from the nearest four cellsv.what.rastDistribution of perturbationv.perturbName of the evaporative fraction mapi.eb.etaValue to represent no data cellr.out.vtkOutliersv.outlierColumn value of the dry pixeli.eb.hsebal01Maximum number of iterationsr.thinName for input raster map (red)i.rgb.hisLandscape structure configurationr.li.simpsonWater diffusion constantr.sim.waterSidev.parallelThree (x,y,z) raster maps to create vector valuesr.out.vtkLeast cost pathr.drainInput raster layer to thinr.thinEdge Densityr.li.edgedensityTime interval for creating output maps [minutes]r.sim.waterUniformly distributed cell valuesr.random.surfaceClose added boundaries (using threshold distance)v.editRetardation factor [-]r.solute.transportTo feature typev.net.distanceSnap points to networkv.netFor horizon rasters, read from the DEM an extra buffer around the present regionr.horizonReject Thresholdi.maxlikName of input surface reflectance QC layer [bit array]i.modis.qcNumber of classes to definev.classVertical exaggerationr.out.vrmlName of input topographic index raster mapr.topmodel.topidxstatsNullRasterr.nullAzimuth of the sun in degrees to the east of northr.reliefValue of the actual vapour pressure (e_act) [KPa]i.eb.hsebal01Layer number or name ('-1' for all layers)v.bufferAdd new vertices, but do not splitv.splitName of output betweenness centrality columnv.net.centralityStatistics Filer.stats.quantile.outNumber of interpolation pointsv.surf.idwTangential curvaturev.surf.rstSun elevation angle (degrees, < 90.0)i.aster.toarError break criteria for iterative solverv.surf.bsplineTopographic index ln(a / tan(b))r.watershedDeviationsv.surf.rstResolution along profiler.profileOutput vectorv.surf.bsplineSuppress page headersr.reportDo not incorporate the shadowing effect of terrainr.sun.insoltimeSpecific yield in [1/m]r.gwflowRegularization weight in residual evaluationv.lidar.edgedetectionSeed point coordinatesr.lakeUse structured grid for elevation (not recommended)r.out.vtkMinimal difference of z valuesv.decimateNames of ASTER DN layers (15 layers)i.aster.toarVector layer containing starting point(s)r.drainName of raster map to be used for <red>r.out.ppm3Do not expect header of input datav.editUse Hargreaves-Samani (1985)i.evapo.mhName of attribute column to be updated with the query resultv.what.rastName of raster map to be used for high resolution panchromatic channeli.pansharpenForce output of integer valuesr.out.asciiInterpret distance as map units, not number of cells (Do not select with geodetic coordinates)r.fill.statsMinimum distance between points (to remove almost identical points)v.surf.rstColumn to be queriedv.what.vectMakes each output cell value a function of the values assigned to the corresponding cells in the input raster layers. Input rasters layers/bands must be separated in different data sources.r.seriesA single value of inclination (slope)r.sun.insoltimeCalculates geomorphons (terrain forms) and associated geometry using machine vision approach.r.geomorphonUse extended form correctionr.geomorphonUse meters to define search units (default is cells)r.geomorphonInner search radiusr.geomorphonMost common geomorphic formsr.geomorphonInput polygons layerv.voronoi.skeletonCreates a Voronoi diagram (or compute the center line or the skeleton) from an input vector layer containing polygons.v.voronoi.skeletonOuter search radiusr.geomorphonFlatness distance, zero for noner.geomorphonFlatness threshold (degrees)r.geomorphonr.sun.insoltime - Solar irradiance and irradiation model (daily sums).r.sun.insoltimeBeam irradiance [W.m-2]r.sun.incidoutGlobal (total) irradiance/irradiation [W.m-2]r.sun.incidoutIrradiation raster map [Wh.m-2.day-1]r.sun.insoltimer.sun.incidout - Solar irradiance and irradiation model ( for the set local time).r.sun.incidoutLocal (solar) time (decimal hours)r.sun.incidoutDiffuse irradiance [W.m-2]r.sun.incidoutGround reflected irradiance [W.m-2]r.sun.incidoutIrradiance/irradiation raster map [Wh.m-2.day-1]r.sun.insoltimeThe longitudinal dispersivity length. [m]r.solute.transportGridCreate gridgrid,lines,polygons,vector,create,fishnet,diamond,hexagonVector creationPointTočkaLineLinijaRectangle (polygon)Diamond (polygon)Hexagon (polygon)Grid typeVrsta mrežeGrid extentObseg mrežeHorizontal spacingVertical spacingHorizontal overlayVertical overlayGridMrežaInvalid grid spacing: {0}/{1}Horizontal spacing is too large for the covered areaInvalid overlay: {0}/{1}Vertical spacing is too large for the covered areaTo preserve symmetry, hspacing is fixed relative to vspacing
hspacing is fixed at: {0} and hoverlay is fixed at: {1}
hoverlay cannot be negative. Increase hoverlay.GridAveragePoint layerZ value from fieldThe first radius of search ellipseThe second radius of search ellipseAngle of search ellipse rotation in degrees (counter clockwise)Minimum number of data points to useNODATA marker to fill empty pointsAdditional creation optionsDodatne možnosti ustvarjanjaOutput data typeTip izhodne datotekeInterpolated (moving average)Grid (Moving average)Raster analysisAnalize rastraGridDataMetricsMinimumNajmanjšeMaximumMaksimumRangeObmočjeCountŠteviloAverage distanceAverage distance between pointsPoint layerZ value from fieldData metric to useThe first radius of search ellipseThe second radius of search ellipseAngle of search ellipse rotation in degrees (counter clockwise)Minimum number of data points to useNODATA marker to fill empty pointsAdditional creation optionsDodatne možnosti ustvarjanjaOutput data typeTip izhodne datotekeInterpolated (data metrics)Grid (Data metrics)Raster analysisAnalize rastraGridInverseDistancePoint layerZ value from fieldWeighting powerSmoothingThe first radius of search ellipseThe second radius of search ellipseAngle of search ellipse rotation in degrees (counter clockwise)Maximum number of data points to useMinimum number of data points to useNODATA marker to fill empty pointsAdditional creation optionsDodatne možnosti ustvarjanjaOutput data typeTip izhodne datotekeInterpolated (IDW)Grid (Inverse distance to a power)Raster analysisAnalize rastraGridInverseDistanceNearestNeighborPoint layerZ value from fieldWeighting powerSmoothingThe radius of the search circleMaximum number of data points to useMinimum number of data points to useNODATA marker to fill empty pointsAdditional creation optionsDodatne možnosti ustvarjanjaOutput data typeTip izhodne datotekeInterpolated (IDW with NN search)Grid (IDW with nearest neighbor searching)Raster analysisAnalize rastraGridLinearPoint layerZ value from fieldSearch distance NODATA marker to fill empty pointsAdditional creation optionsDodatne možnosti ustvarjanjaOutput data typeTip izhodne datotekeInterpolated (Linear)Grid (Linear)Raster analysisAnalize rastraGridNearestNeighborPoint layerZ value from fieldThe first radius of search ellipseThe second radius of search ellipseAngle of search ellipse rotation in degrees (counter clockwise)NODATA marker to fill empty pointsAdditional creation optionsDodatne možnosti ustvarjanjaOutput data typeTip izhodne datotekeInterpolated (Nearest neighbor)Grid (Nearest neighbor)Raster analysisAnalize rastraHeatmapheatmap,kde,hotspotInterpolationInterpolacijaHeatmap (Kernel Density Estimation)QuarticTriangularTriangularUniformUniformTriweightTriweightEpanechnikovEpanechnikovRawScaledPoint layerRadiusRadijRadius from fieldHeatmapPixelSizeWidgetWrapperResolution of each pixel in output raster, in layer unitsResolucija posameznega piksla izhodnega rastra v enotah slojaHelpEditionDialogCannot open help file: {0}ProcessingObdelava<h2>Algorithm description</h2>
<h2>Input parameters</h2>
Vhodni parametri
Izhodna datotekaAlgorithm descriptionShort descriptionInput parametersOutputsIzhodiAlgorithm created byAlgorithm help written byAlgorithm versionDocumentation help URLHillshadeRaster terrain analysisAnalize rastra terenaElevation layerVišinski slojZ factorZ faktorAzimuth (horizontal angle)Vodoravni kotVertical angleNavpični kotHillshadeSenčenjeHistoryDialogClearPočistiConfirmationPotrditevClear historyPočisti zgodovinoSave As…Save historyShrani zgodovinoAre you sure you want to clear the history?Ali želite počistiti zgodovino?Save FileShrani datotekoCreate Test…Log files (*.log *.LOG)HelpPomočShow helpHistoryDialogPythonConsoleDialogObrazecReloadPonovno naložiSaveShraniHubDistanceLinesVector analysisVektorska analizaMetersMetriFeetČevljiMilesMiljeKilometersKilometriLayer unitsEnote slojaSource points layerSloj vhodnih točkDestination hubs layerHub layer name attributeMeasurement unitEnota merjenjaHub distanceDistance to nearest hub (line to hub)Same layer given for both hubs and spokesHubDistancePointsVector analysisVektorska analizaMetersMetriFeetČevljiMilesMiljeKilometersKilometriLayer unitsEnote slojaSource points layerSloj vhodnih točkDestination hubs layerHub layer name attributeMeasurement unitEnota merjenjaHub distanceDistance to nearest hub (points)Same layer given for both hubs and spokesHypsometricCurvesRaster terrain analysisAnalize rastra terenaDEM to analyzeDMV za analizoBoundary layerStepKorakUse % of area instead of absolute valueHypsometric curvesFeature {0} does not intersect raster or entirely located in NODATA areaFeature {0} is smaller than raster cell sizeAreaPovršinaElevationVišinaIdwInterpolationInterpolationInterpolacijaInput layer(s)Distance coefficient PKoeficient dolžine POutput raster sizeNumber of columnsŠtevilo stolpcevNumber of rowsŠtevilo vrsticExtentObsegInterpolatedIDW interpolationIDW interpolacijaYou need to specify at least one input layer.Morate določiti vsaj en vhodni slojImportIntoPostGISDatabasePodatkovna zbirkaLayer to importSloj za uvozDatabase (connection name)Podatkovna zbirka (ime povezave)Schema (schema name)Shema (ime sheme)Table to import to (leave blank to use layer name)Tabela za uvoz (prazno pri uporabi imena obstoječega sloja)Primary key fieldGeometry columnGeometrijski stolpecEncodingKodna tabelaOverwritePrepišiCreate spatial indexUstvari prostorski indeksConvert field names to lowercasePretvori imena polj v male črkeDrop length constraints on character fieldsCreate single-part geometries instead of multi-partPoenostavi geometrijoExport to PostgreSQLExports a vector layer to a PostgreSQL databaseimport,postgis,table,layer,into,copyError importing to PostGIS
{0}ImportIntoSpatialiteDatabasePodatkovna zbirkaLayer to importSloj za uvozFile databaseFile podatkovna zbirkaTable to import to (leave blank to use layer name)Tabela za uvoz (prazno pri uporabi imena obstoječega sloja)Primary key fieldGeometry columnGeometrijski stolpecEncodingKodna tabelaOverwritePrepišiCreate spatial indexUstvari prostorski indeksConvert field names to lowercasePretvori imena polj v male črkeDrop length constraints on character fieldsCreate single-part geometries instead of multi-partPoenostavi geometrijoExport to SpatiaLiteExports a vector layer to a SpatiaLite databaseimport,table,layer,into,copyError importing to Spatialite
{0}InPlaceAlgorithmLocatorFilterEdit Selected FeaturesMissing dependencyManjkajoča odvisnostInfoViewerDB ManagerUpravitelj podatkovnih skladiščInterpolationDataWidgetPointsTočkeStructure linesStrukturiraj linijeBreak linesRazlomi linijeKNearestConcaveHullConcave hull (k-nearest neighbor)Creates a concave hull using the k-nearest neighbor algorithm.Vector geometryGeometrija vektorjaInput layerVhodni slojNumber of neighboring points to consider (a lower number is more concave, a higher number is smoother)Field (set if creating concave hulls by class)Concave hullKeepNBiggestPartsVector geometryGeometrija vektorjaPolygonsPoligoniParts to keepPartsKeep N biggest partsKonsole::TerminalDisplay<qt>Output has been <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flow_control">suspended</a> by pressing Ctrl+S. Press <b>Ctrl+Q</b> to resume.</qt>Konsole::Vt102EmulationNo keyboard translator available. The information needed to convert key presses into characters to send to the terminal is missing.LayerPropertiesWidgetFormObrazecSymbol layer typeVrsta simbolaThis layer doesn't have any editable propertiesSloj nima nastavljivih lastnostiEnable layerOmogoči sloj……LayerSelectionDialogSelect ExtentOznači obsegUse extent fromUporabi obseg izLine3DSymbolWidgetFormObrazecHeightVišinaExtrusionAbsoluteRelativeTerrainTerenAltitude clampingAltitude bindingVertexVmesna točkaCentroidWidthŠirinaRender as simple 3D linesLinesToPolygonsline,polygon,convertVector geometryGeometrija vektorjaLines to polygonsLinije v poligonePolygonsPoligoniOne or more line ignored due to geometry not having a minimum of three vertices.MainWindow&Edit&Urejanje&View&PogledSelectOznačiMeasureMerjenjeSave ToOpen FromImport/Export&Decorations&Okrasje&Layer&Sloj&Plugins&Vtičniki&Help&Pomoč&Settings&Nastavitve&Raster&RasterVect&orVekt&orCtrl+NCtrl+NCase sensitiveLoči velike in male črkeWhole wordReplaceFind what:Replace with:FindProcessing Script EditorToolbarOpen Script…Open ScriptSave Script…Save ScriptSave Script as…Save Script asRun ScriptZaženi skriptoIncrease Font SizeDecrease Font SizeFind && &ReplaceCtrl+OCtrl+OCtrl+SCtrl+SCtrl+Shift+SCtrl+Shift+RCutIzrežiCopyKopirajPastePrilepiUndoRazveljaviRedoUveljaviCtrl+PCtrl+PMenu ToolbarOrodna vrsticaPreview ModeNačin predogledaCreate LayerIzdelaj slojAdd LayerVstavi slojStatusbarStatusna vrsticaManage Layers ToolbarUpravljanje slojevDigitizing ToolbarAdvanced Digitizing ToolbarMap Navigation ToolbarAttributes ToolbarOrodna vrstica podatkovnih poljPlugins ToolbarOrodna vrstica vtičnikovHelp ToolbarOrodna vrstica pomočiRaster ToolbarOrodna vrstica rastrovLabel ToolbarOrodna vrstica napisovVector ToolbarOrodna vrstica vektorjevDatabase ToolbarOrodna vrstica podatkovnih zbirkWeb ToolbarOrodna vrstica spleta&New&Novo&Save&ShraniExit QGISIzhodCtrl+QCtrl+Q&Undo&RazveljaviCtrl+ZCtrl+Z&Redo&UveljaviCtrl+Shift+ZCtrl+Shift+ZCut FeaturesIzreži geoobjekteCtrl+XCtrl+XCopy FeaturesKopiraj geoobjekteCtrl+CCtrl+CPaste FeaturesPrilepi geoobjekteCtrl+VCtrl+VAdd FeatureVstavi elementCtrl+.Ctrl+.Move Feature(s)Premakni element(e)Reshape FeaturesPreoblikuj geoobjekteSplit FeaturesRazdeli geoobjekteSplit PartsRazdeli deleDelete SelectedIzbriši označenoAdd RingDodaj obročAdd PartDodaj delSimplify FeaturePoenostavi elementDelete RingBriši obročDelete PartBriši delMerge Selected FeaturesSpoji označene geoobjekteMerge Attributes of Selected FeaturesZdruži podatke označenih geoobjektovRotate Point SymbolsVrtenje simbolovOffset Point SymbolReverse lineTrim/Extend Feature&Snapping Options…Pan MapPremakni zemljevidZoom InPovečajZoom OutZmanjšajSelect Features by PolygonOznači geoobjekte (poligon)Select Features by FreehandProstoročno označi geoobjekteSelect Features by RadiusOznači geoobjekt (krog)Deselect Features from All LayersPočisti označeno na vseh slojihSelect All FeaturesOznači vse geoobjekteCtrl+ACtrl+PInvert Feature SelectionObrni označenoIdentify FeaturesInformacijaCtrl+Shift+ICtrl+Shift+IMeasure LineMerjenje linijCtrl+Shift+MCtrl+Shift+MMeasure AreaMerjenje površineCtrl+Shift+JCtrl+Shift+JMeasure AngleMerjenje kotaCtrl+Shift+FCtrl+Shift+FCtrl+JCtrl+JZoom LastPrejšnji pogledZoom NextNaslednji pogledShow information about a feature when the mouse is hovered over itPrikaz informacij nad elementom ob prehodu miškeCtrl+BCtrl+BShow BookmarksZaznamkiCtrl+Shift+BCtrl+Shift+BRefreshOsvežiText AnnotationBesedilo opombeForm AnnotationOpomba obrazcaMove AnnotationPremakni opomboLabelingOznakeLayer Labeling OptionsLastnosti labelF6F6Save Layer AsLayer &Properties…Layer PropertiesLastnosti slojaShow in OverviewShow All in OverviewHide All from OverviewToggle Full Scr&een ModeToggle Panel &VisibilityCtrl+TabToggle Map OnlyCtrl+Shift+Tab&Properties…Project PropertiesLastnosti projektaMove Label and DiagramRotate Label
Ctrl (Cmd) increments by 15 deg.&Copyright Label…Copyright Label&North Arrow…North Arrow&Scale Bar…Scale BarCopy StyleKopiraj slogPaste StylePrilepi slog&Grid…Ctrl+Alt+VExport Project to DXF…Import Layers from DWG/DXF…&Add Circle by a Center Point and Another Point&Add Rectangle from ExtentAdd &Rectangle from Center and a Point&Add Regular Polygon from Center and a PointAdd &Regular Polygon from 2 PointsAdd Rectangle &from 3 Points (Distance from 2nd and 3rd point)Add rectangle from 3 points (Distance from 2nd and 3rd point)Add Rectangle &from 3 Points (Distance from projected point on segment p1 and p2)Add rectangle from 3 points (Distance from projected point on segment p1 and p2)Mesh Calculator…Add Mesh Layer...New Virtual Layer…Nov navidezni sloj...New Virtual LayerNov navidezni slojAdd Circle &from 2 Tangents and a PointAdd Regular &Polygon from Center and a CornerNew &Print Layout…New &Report…CloseZapriRevert…Copy LayerPaste Layer/Group&Vertex Tool (Current Layer)Vertex Tool (Current Layer)Ctrl+F3Hide Deselected LayersNew GeoPackage Layer…Ctrl+Shift+NCtrl+Shift+NAdd Arc&GIS MapServer Layer…Add Ar&cGIS FeatureServer Layer…Select Features by Value…Select Features by ValueCopy and Move Feature(s)&Layout Extents…Layout ExtentsObseg postavitve&Data Source ManagerOpen Data Source ManagerCtrl+LCtrl+PAdd Circle from &2 PointsAdd circle from 2 pointsAdd Circle from &3 PointsAdd circle from 3 pointsAdd Circle by a center point and another point&Add Ellipse from Center and 2 PointsAdd Ellipse from center and 2 pointsAdd Ellipse from &Center and a PointAdd Ellipse from center and a pointAdd Ellipse from &ExtentAdd Ellipse from extentAdd Ellipse from &FociAdd Ellipse from fociAdd rectangle from extentAdd rectangle from center and a pointAdd regular polygon from center and a pointAdd regular polygon from 2 pointsAdd &Circle from 3 TangentsAdd circle from 3 tangentsAdd circle from 2 tangents and a pointAdd regular polygon from center and a cornerNew &3D Map ViewNew 3D Map ViewLayout Manager…Show Layout ManagerNew Print LayoutNew ReportClose ProjectRevert Project to Saved versionAdd Circular StringPaste Features As&MeshNew Project&Open…Open ProjectOdpri projektSave ProjectShrani projektSave &As…Save Project AsExport Map to &Image…Save Map as ImageShrani karto kot slikoExport Map to &PDF…Save Map as PDF&Vertex Tool (All Layers)Vertex Tool (All Layers)Show Map TipsNew Bookmark…New Shapefile Layer…New SpatiaLite Layer…Raster Calculator…Add Vector Layer…Add Raster Layer…Add PostGIS Layers…Add SpatiaLite Layer…Add MSSQL Spatial Layer…Add DB2 Spatial Layer…Add Oracle Spatial Layer…Add WMS/WMTS Layer…&Save As…Filter…Manage and Install Plugins…&Options…Custom Projections…Keyboard Shortcuts…Style Manager…Interface Customization…Embed Layers and Groups…&Title Label…Title LabelCreates a title label that is displayed on the map canvas.Add WFS Layer…Add WCS Layer…Select Features by Expression…Open Field Calculator…Add Delimited Text Layer…Add/Edit Virtual Layer…Vstavi/Uredi navidezni sloj...New Vector Layer…Temporary Scratch Layer…Začasni poskusni sloj...Add from Layer Definition File…Save As Layer Definition File…New Temporary Scratch Layer…Nov začasni poskusni sloj...Align Rasters…Add Circular String by RadiusDiagram OptionsLayer Diagram OptionsModify Attributes of Selected FeaturesUredi podatke za izbrane geoobjekteModify the Attributes of all Selected Features SimultaneouslyHkrati spremeni podatke izbranih geoobjektovF3F3Ctrl+Shift+ACtrl+Shift+ALayoutsPostavitveAdd CircleAdd EllipseVstavi elipsoAdd RectangleVstavi pravokotnikAdd Regular PolygonSnapping ToolbarOrodna vrstica magnetenjaData Source Manager ToolbarNew &Map ViewNew Map ViewCtrl+Shift+VCtrl+Shift+VCtrl+Shift+RCtrl+Shift+RCtrl+Shift+DCtrl+Shift+DCtrl+Shift+LCtrl+Shift+LCtrl+Shift+OCtrl+Shift+OCtrl+Shift+WCtrl+Shift+WToggle EditingVključi/izključi urejanjeToggles the editing state of the current layerOmogoči urejanje trenutnega slojaSave for Selected Layer(s)Shrani za izbrane sloj(e)Save edits to current layer, but continue editingShrani spremembe in nadaljuj urejanjeRemove Layer/GroupOdstrani sloj/skupino slojevAPI DocumentationFull Histogram StretchShow/Hide Labels And Diagrams
Click or marquee on feature to show label and diagram
Shift+click or marquee on label or diagram to hide it
Acts on currently active editable layerHTML AnnotationHTML napisiSVG AnnotationSVG napisiIncrease BrightnessPovečaj svetlostDecrease BrightnessZmanjšaj svetlostIncrease ContrastPovečaj kontrastDecrease ContrastZmanjšaj kontrastNeed Commercial Support?Paste features in clipboard into a new temporary scratch layer.Prilepi geoobjekte iz odložišča v nov začasni sloj NormalObičajnoNormal preview modeSimulate Photocopy (Grayscale)Simulate photocopy (grayscale)Simulate Fax (Mono)Simulate fax (mono)Simulate Color Blindness (Protanope)Simulate color blindness (protanope)Simulate Color Blindness (Deuteranope)Simulate color blindness (deuteranope)Set Scale Visibility of Layer(s)Nastavitev merila plastiShow Selected LayersPrikaži označene slojeHide Selected LayersSkrij označene slojeStatistical SummaryStatistikaShow statistical summaryPrikaži statistični povzetekAdd circular stringAdd circular string by radiusReport an issueCtrl+DCtrl+DNew from TemplateNovo iz predlogeShape Digitizing ToolbarSet CRS of Layer(s)Nastavitev koordinatnega sistema za sloj(e)Ctrl+Shift+CCtrl+Shift+CSet Project CRS from LayerPrivzemi koordinatni sistem iz slojaShow All LayersPrikaži vse slojeCtrl+Shift+UCtrl+Shift+UHide All LayersSkrij vse slojeCtrl+Shift+HCtrl+Shift+HOpen Field CalculatorOdpri kalkulatorAdd Delimited Text LayerDodaj sloj iz besedilne datotekePaste features in clipboard into a new OGR vector layer.Prilepi geoobjekte iz odložišča v nov OGR vektorski sloj.Project ToolbarOrodna vrstica projektaCtrl+Alt++Ctrl+Alt+-Select Feature(s)Select Features by area or single clickOznači geoobjekte z območjem ali klikomZoom to Native Resolution (100%)&Povečava v naravni velikosti (100%)F5F5Ctrl+Shift+2Ctrl+FCtrl+FF11F11Ctrl+Shift+PCtrl+Shift+PLocal Histogram StretchLokalni histogramStretch histogram of active raster to view extentsHistogram aktivnih slojevHelp ContentsVsebina pomočiF1F1QGIS Home PagePodpora na spletnih stranehCtrl+HCtrl+HCheck QGIS VersionRazličicaCheck if your QGIS version is up to date (requires internet access)Posodobitev programa (potreben dostop do spleta)AboutVizitkaQGIS SponsorsSponzorjiRotate LabelVrtenje oznakeChange LabelSpremeni oznakoPython ConsoleUkazni pozivStretch Histogram to Full DatasetPrilagodi Histogram podatkovnnemu setuThis is here just to avoid shortcut conflicts, the shortcut is caught in QgsCustomizationZaradi izogibanja konfliktov pri prilagoditvah bližnjicCtrl+MCtrl+MEmbed layers and groups from other project filesVključi sloje in skupine iz ostalih projektovCreates a copyright label that is displayed on the map canvas.Ustvari oznako za pravice kopiranja, ki je prikazana na zemljevidu."Creates a north arrow that is displayed on the map canvas""Kreira oznako severa n azemljevidu"Creates a scale bar that is displayed on the map canvasUstvari merilni trak na zemljeviduAdd WFS LayerVstavi WFS slojFeature ActionUkazRun Feature ActionIzvedi akcijoPan Map to SelectionPovleci zemljevid k označenemuOffset CurveKrivulja dstopanjaGridMrežaPin/Unpin Labels and DiagramsPin/Unpin Labels and Diagrams
Click or marquee on label/diagram to pin
Shift unpins, Ctrl (Cmd) toggles state
Acts on all editable layersHighlight Pinned Labels and DiagramsNew Blank ProjectNov prazen projektLocal Cumulative Cut StretchLokalni komulativni presekLocal cumulative cut stretch using current extent, default limits and estimated values.Lokalni komulativni presek ob uporabi trenutnega obsega, privzetih omejitvah in pričakovanih vrednostih.Full Dataset Cumulative Cut StretchPopolni komulativni presekCumulative cut stretch using full dataset extent, default limits and estimated values.Komulativni presek ob uporabi trenutnega obsega, privzetih omejitvah in pričakovanih vrednostih.Show/Hide Labels and DiagramsDuplicate Layer(s)Podvoji sloj(je)Save for All LayersShrani za vse slojeRollback for All LayersRazveljavi za vse slojeCancel for All LayersPrekini za vse slojeRollback for Selected Layer(s)Razveljavi za označen sloj(e)Current EditsTrenutno urejaniCancel for Selected Layer(s)Prekini za izbrane sloj(e)Save Layer EditsShrani spremembe slojaRotate Feature(s)Zavrti element(e)Select features using an expressionZa označevanje geoobjektov uporabi izrazAdd/Edit Virtual LayerVstavi/Uredi navidezni slojFill RingPolnilo obročaAdd ArcGIS MapServer LayerAdd ArcGIS FeatureServer LayerDodaj sloj Ar&cGIS geoobjektni strežnikOpen &RecentOdpri &nedavnePro&jectZoom &FullZoom to &LayerPovečava na obseg &slojaZoom to &SelectionPovečava na obseg izbranih elementovOpen &Attribute TableOdpri podatkovno tabeloCtrl+Alt+PNew temporary scratch layerProcessing AlgorithmsAlgoritmi procesiranjaProcessing Algorithms ToolbarManageConnectionsDialogManage ConnectionsUpravljaj povezaveSave to fileShrani v datotekoBrowseBrskajLoad from fileNaloži iz datotekeLoadOdpriSaveShranieXtensible Markup Language (*.xml *.XML)Load ConnectionsNaloži povezaveSaved to {0}.File {0} exists. Overwrite?Save ConnectionsShrani povezaveLoading ConnectionsNalaganje povezavMap3DConfigWidgetConfigure 3D Map RenderingTerrainTerenTile resolutionElevationVišinaVertical scale px pxSkirt height map unitsMap themeTerrain shadingLightsMax. ground errorMap tile resolutionMax. screen errorZoom levels00Show labelsShow map tile infoShow bounding boxesShow camera's view centerCameraField of View°°TypeTipMapLayerWidgetWrapperSelect fileDatotekaMatrixModelerWidgetClear?Are you sure you want to clear table?Enter column nameColumn nameMeanAndStdDevPlotGraphicsGrafikaInput tableVhodna tabelaCategory name fieldPolje imena kategorijeValue fieldVrednostPlotHTML files (*.html)HTML datoteke (*.html) Mean and standard deviation plotMesh3DSymbolWidgetFormObrazecHeightVišinaAltitude clampingAbsoluteRelativeTerrainTeren……Add back facesMessageBarProgressExecuting algorithm <i>{0}</i>Problem executing algorithmMetaSearchMetaSearch pluginSearch Metadata CatalogsMetaSearch plugin helpGet Help on MetaSearchMetaSearchDialogMetaSearchSearchIskanjeFindSet globalMap extent-1809090-90180180 FromKeywordsKljučne besedeXmaxX maxYmaxY maksXminX MinYminY minResultsRezultatiView Search Results as XML>>Service InfoGetCapabilities ResponseNew…Edit…Delete…Briši...Save…Shrani...Add Default ServicesLoad…Server TimeoutResults Paging<<Add WCSAdd WMS/WMTS<<Add WFSTypeTipTitleNaslovDouble-click to see full record information>>Add DataAdd ArcGIS MapServerAdd ArcGIS FeatureServerDodaj Ar&cGIS geoobjektni strežnikAdd GIS FileServicesSettingsNastavitveShowPrikažiresults at a timeNo services/connections defined. To get started with MetaSearch, create a new connection by clicking 'New' or click 'Add default services'.Loading connectionsNalaganje povezavSearch errorConnection errorSearch keywordsNew Catalog ServiceEdit Catalog ServiceRemove service {0}?Delete Service{0} exists. Overwrite?Search error: {0}Connection error: {0}0 resultsShowing {0} - {1} of %n result(s)number of resultsCoordinate Transformation ErrorEnd of results. Go to start?NavigationNavigacijaStart of results. Go to end?Connection {0} exists. Overwrite?Error getting response: {0}Unable to locate record identifierError connecting to service: {0}Value Error: {0}Unknown Error: {0}Saving serverGetRecords errorCSW Connection errorsecondssekundRecord parsing errorMinimumBoundingGeometryVector geometryGeometrija vektorjaEnvelope (Bounding Box)Minimum Oriented RectangleMinimum Enclosing CircleConvex HullInput layerVhodni slojField (optional, set if features should be grouped by class)Geometry typeGeometrijski tipBounding geometryMinimum bounding geometrybounding,box,bounds,envelope,minimum,oriented,rectangle,enclosing,circle,convex,hull,generalizationModelerAlgorithmProviderModels folderModelerAlgorithmProviderModelsModelerAlgorithmProviderModelCould not load model {0}ModelerAlgorithmProviderProcessingPaketna obdelavaCould not load model {0}
{1}ModelerAlgorithmProviderModelerDialogSearch…Iskanje...Enter model name hereVnesite ime modelaNameImeGroupSkupinaEnter group name hereVnesite ime skupineInputsVhodiAlgorithmsAlgoritmiEnter algorithm name to filter listVnesi ime algoritma na seznam filtrovSave Model?There are unsaved changes in this model. Do you want to keep those?Model doesn't contain any algorithm and/or parameter and can't be executedModel was saved inside current projectSave Model As ImageShrani model kot slikoPNG files (*.png *.PNG)PNG datoteke (*.png *.PNG)Save Model As PDFPDF files (*.pdf *.PDF)Save Model As SVGSVG files (*.svg *.SVG)Save Model As Python ScriptPlease a enter model name before savingUnable to save edits. Reason:
{0}Model was correctly savedSave ModelShrani modelI/O errorV/I napakaCan't save modelModela ni mogoče shranitiThe selected model could not be loaded.
See the log for more information.Open ModelOdpri modelProcessing models (*.model3 *.MODEL3)Modeli za obdelavo (*.model3 *.MODEL3)Successfully exported model as image to <a href="{}">{}</a>Export as Script Algorithm…Successfully exported model as PDF to <a href="{}">{}</a>Successfully exported model as SVG to <a href="{}">{}</a>Processing scripts (*.py *.PY)Skripte obdelav (*.py *.PY)Successfully exported model as python script to <a href="{}">{}</a>Model was correctly saved to <a href="{}">{}</a>Could not load model {0}ProcessingObdelavaParametersParametriModel PropertiesVariablesSpremenljivkeModel VariablesModelerNumberInputPanelExpression Based InputModelerParameterDefinitionDialogParameter nameIme parametraCheckedParent layerAllowed data typeAnyNumberŠteviloStringBesediloDate/timeAccept multiple fieldsDefault field name, or ; separated list of field names for multiple field parametersPrivzeto ime polja ali ločen seznam imen polj za več parametrov poljGeometry typeGeometrijski tipGeometry Not RequiredPointTočkaLineLinijaPolygonPoligonAny Geometry TypeData typeRasterRasterDefault valuePrivzeta vrednost00TypeTipFileDatotekaAny Map LayerVector (No Geometry Required)Vector (Point)Vector (Line)Vector (Polygon)Vector (Any Geometry Type)Linked inputMin valueNajmanjša vrednostMax valueNajvečja vrednostNoneBrezFolderZemlejvidMandatoryUnable to define parameterInvalid parameter nameNeveljavno ime parametraWrong or missing parameter valuesNapačne vrednosti parametrovThe parameter `{}` is not registered, are you missing a required plugin?{} Parameter DefinitionParent layoutNumber typeFloatDecimalno številoIntegerCelo številoMultilineTextPanel[Use text below]MultipleFileInputDialogAll files (*.*)Vse datoteke (*.*)Add fileRemove file(s)Remove allOdstrani vseSelect File(s)MultipleInputDialogSelect AllIzberi vseClear SelectionPočisti izbiroToggle SelectionAdd File(s)…All files (*.*)Vse datoteke (*.*){0} files (*.{1}){0} datotek (*.{1})Select File(s)Add Directory…MultipleInputPanel0 elements selected{0} elements selectedNearestNeighbourAnalysisVector analysisVektorska analizaInput layerVhodni slojNearest neighbourNajbližji sosedHTML files (*.html)HTML datoteke (*.html) Observed mean distanceExpected mean distanceNearest neighbour indexNumber of pointsZ-ScoreNearest neighbour analysisAnaliza najbližnjega sosedaNewConnectionDialogCreate a new Catalog connectionNameImeURLURLAuthenticationAvtentikacijaIf the service requires basic authentication, enter a user name and optional passwordČe servis zahteva osnovno avtentikacijo vnesite uporabniško ime in gesloUser nameUporabniško imePasswordGesloSave ConnectionShrani povezavoBoth Name and URL must be provided.Vpisati morate ime in URL.Name cannot contain '/'.'/' je neveljaven znak imena.Overwrite {0}?NewPreconfiguredAlgorithmActionCreate Preconfigured Algorithm…NumberInputPanelNot setbrezOffsetCurveInput layerVhodni slojGeometry column nameIme stolpca geometrijeOffset distance (left-sided: positive, right-sided: negative)Additional creation optionsDodatne možnosti ustvarjanjaOffset curveOdmik krivuljeVector geoprocessingObdelava vektorjevOgr2OgrTableToPostGisListDatabase (connection name)Podatkovna zbirka (ime povezave)Input layerVhodni slojShape encodingSchema nameIme shemeTable name, leave blank to use input nameIme tabele, pustite prazno za uporabo vhodnega imenaPrimary keyEnolični ključPrimary key (existing field, used if the above option is left empty)Group N features per transaction (Default: 20000)Overwrite existing tableAppend to existing tableAppend and add new fields to existing tableDo not launder columns/table namesContinue after a failure, skipping the failed recordKeep width and precision of input attributesAdditional creation optionsDodatne možnosti ustvarjanjaImport layer/table as geometryless table into PostgreSQL databaseUvozi sloj/tabelo kot ne geometrijsko tabelo v PostgreSQL podatkovno zbirkoVector miscellaneousVektor raznoSelect features using a SQL "WHERE" statement (Ex: column='value')Ogr2OgrToPostGisListDatabase (connection name)Podatkovna zbirka (ime povezave)Input layerVhodni slojShape encodingOutput geometry typeGeometry column nameIme stolpca geometrijeVector dimensionsDistance tolerance for simplificationMaximum distance between 2 nodes (densification)Select features by extent (defined in input layer CRS)Clip the input layer using the above (rectangle) extentObreži vhodni sloj z uporabo zgornjega (pravokotnika) obsegaGroup N features per transaction (Default: 20000)Overwrite existing tableAppend to existing tableAppend and add new fields to existing tableDo not launder columns/table namesDo not create spatial indexContinue after a failure, skipping the failed featureAdditional creation optionsDodatne možnosti ustvarjanjaExport to PostgreSQL (available connections)Exports a vector layer to an existing PostgreSQL database connectionimport,into,postgis,database,vectorVector miscellaneousVektor raznoAssign an output CRSReproject to this CRS on output Reprojeciraj izhodno datoteko v KSOverride source CRSSchema (schema name)Shema (ime sheme)Table to import to (leave blank to use layer name)Tabela za uvoz (prazno pri uporabi imena obstoječega sloja)Primary key (new field)Primary key (existing field, used if the above option is left empty)Promote to MultipartKeep width and precision of input attributesSelect features using a SQL "WHERE" statement (Ex: column='value')OgrToPostGisInput layerVhodni slojShape encodingOutput geometry typeAssign an output CRSReproject to this CRS on output Reprojeciraj izhodno datoteko v KSOverride source CRSHostGostiteljPortVrataUsernameUporabniško imeDatabase nameIme podatkovne zbirkePasswordGesloSchema nameIme shemeTable name, leave blank to use input nameIme tabele, pustite prazno za uporabo vhodnega imenaPrimary key (new field)Primary key (existing field, used if the above option is left empty)Geometry column nameIme stolpca geometrijeVector dimensionsDistance tolerance for simplificationMaximum distance between 2 nodes (densification)Select features by extent (defined in input layer CRS)Clip the input layer using the above (rectangle) extentObreži vhodni sloj z uporabo zgornjega (pravokotnika) obsegaFields to include (leave empty to use all fields)Select features using a SQL "WHERE" statement (Ex: column='value')Group N features per transaction (Default: 20000)Overwrite existing tableAppend to existing tableAppend and add new fields to existing tableDo not launder columns/table namesDo not create spatial indexContinue after a failure, skipping the failed featurePromote to MultipartKeep width and precision of input attributesAdditional creation optionsDodatne možnosti ustvarjanjaExport to PostgreSQL (new connection)Exports a vector layer to a new PostgreSQL database connectionimport,into,postgis,database,vectorVector miscellaneousVektor raznoOneSideBufferRightDesnoLeftLevoInput layerVhodni slojGeometry column nameIme stolpca geometrijeBuffer distanceRazdalja obrisaBuffer sideStran obrisaDissolve by attributeRazgradi po atributihDissolve all resultsRazgradi vse rezultateProduce one feature for each geometry in any kind of geometry collection in the source fileAdditional creation optionsDodatne možnosti ustvarjanjaOne-sided bufferEnostranski obrisOne side bufferEnostranski obrisVector geoprocessingObdelava vektorjevOpenModelFromFileActionOpen Existing Model…ToolsOrodjaOpen ModelAddModelFromFileActionOdpri modelProcessing models (*.model3 *.MODEL3)AddModelFromFileActionModeli za obdelavo (*.model3 *.MODEL3)OpenScriptFromFileActionOpen Existing Script…ToolsOrodjaOpen ScriptAddScriptFromFileActionProcessing scripts (*.py *.PY)AddScriptFromFileActionSkripte obdelav (*.py *.PY)OracleDBPluginThere is no defined database connection "{0}".Povezave podatkovnih zbirk "{0}" ne obstajajo.OrderByDialogBaseDefine OrderExpressionIzrazAsc / DescNULLs handlingOrthogonalizerectangle,perpendicular,right,angles,square,quadrilateraliseVector geometryGeometrija vektorjaMaximum angle tolerance (degrees)Maximum algorithm iterationsOrthogonalizeOrthogonalizedError orthogonalizing geometryOtbAlgorithmProcessingObdelavaIncorrect value for parameter '{}'. No EPSG code found in '{}'OTB currently support only gdal and ogr provider. Parameter '{}' uses '{}' providerOtbAlgorithmProviderActivateAktivirajOTB folderOTB application folderSRTM tiles folderGeoid fileMaximum RAM to useLogger levelProcessingObdelavaLoading OTB '{}'.'{}' is not valid. Possible values are '{}'Cannot activate OTB provider'{}' does not exist. OTB provider will be disabledNo OTB algorithms found in '{}'. OTB will be disabledCannot find '{}'. OTB will be disabledOtbUtilsProcessingObdelavaPGDatabase&Table&TabelaRun &Vacuum AnalyzeZagon &OptimiziranjaRun &Refresh Materialized ViewSelect a table for vacuum analyze.Select a materialized view for refresh.PGTableDo you want to {0} rule {1}?Table rulePravila za tabeloParameterAggregatesAggregatesVsoteAggregatedParser error in expression "{}": {}Evaluation error in expression "{}": {}ParameterHeatmapPixelSizeOutput raster sizeWeight from fieldKernel shapeOblika jedraDecay ratio (Triangular kernels only)Output value scalingHeatmapToplotna kartaCould not create destination layerError adding feature with ID {} to heatmapCould not save destination layerParameterRasterCalculatorExpressionExpressionIzrazReference layer(s) (used for automated extent, cellsize, and CRS)Cell size (use 0 or empty to set it automatically)Output extentOutputIzhodRaster calculatorSpreminjanje rastraNo reference layer selected nor CRS providedNo reference layer selected nor extent box providedNo reference layer selected nor cellsize value providedOutput '%1' from algorithm '%2'Error parsing formulaParameterVectorVrtDestinationVirtual vectorNavidezni vektorVirtual stringNavidezno besediloBuild virtual vectorZgradi navidezni vektorInvalid datasource: {}Neveljaven podatkovni vir: {}ParameterVrtDestinationInput layersVhodni slojiResolutionLočljivostPlace each input file into a separate bandAllow projection differenceDovoli različne koordinatne sistemeAdd alpha mask band to VRT when source raster has noneOverride projection for the output fileResampling algorithmNodata value(s) for input bands (space separated)VirtualNavidezenNearest NeighbourNajbližji sosedBilinearBilinearnoCubic ConvolutionB-Spline ConvolutionLanczos Windowed SincAveragePovprečnoModeNačinHighestNajvečjaLowestNajnižjaParametersPanel[Not selected]Python identifier: ‘{}’Open output file after running algorithmPhongMaterialWidgetFormObrazecDiffuseAmbientSpecularShininessPixelSizeWidgetWrapperResolution of each pixel in output raster, in layer unitsResolucija posameznega piksla izhodnega rastra v enotah slojaPoint3DSymbolWidgetFormObrazecShapeOblikaRadiusRadijSizeVelikostLengthDolžinaModelModelOverwrite model materialMinor radiusTop radiusBottom radius……Altitude clampingAbsoluteRelativeTerrainTerenXXYDaZTranslationScaleMeriloRotationVrtenjePointDistanceVector analysisVektorska analizaLinear (N*k x 3) distance matrixLinearna(N*kx3) matrikaStandard (N x T) distance matrixStandardna (N x T) matrikaSummary distance matrix (mean, std. dev., min, max)Razdalje skupaj (srednja, std. dev, min, max)Input point layerVhodni točkovni sloj (1)Input unique ID fieldEnolično poljeTarget point layerTočkovni sloj (2)Target unique ID fieldEnolično poljeOutput matrix typeTip matrikeUse only the nearest (k) target pointsUporabi le najbližje (k) točkeDistance matrixMatrika razdaljInput point layer is a MultiPoint layer - first convert to single points before using this algorithm.Target point layer is a MultiPoint layer - first convert to single points before using this algorithm.PointsAlongLinesInput layerVhodni slojGeometry column nameIme stolpca geometrijeDistance from line start represented as fraction of line lengthAdditional creation optionsDodatne možnosti ustvarjanjaPoints along linesVector geoprocessingObdelava vektorjevPointsDisplacementVector geometryGeometrija vektorjaInput layerVhodni slojMinimum distance to other pointsDisplacement distanceHorizontal distribution for two point caseDisplacedPoints displacementPointsFromLinesVector creationRaster layerRasterski slojVector layerVektorski slojPoints along linesGenerate points (pixel centroids) along linePointsFromPolygonsVector creationRaster layerRasterski slojVector layerVektorski slojPoints inside polygonsGenerate points (pixel centroids) inside polygonsPointsInPolygonVector analysisVektorska analizaPolygonsPoligoniPointsTočkeWeight fieldUtežnostno poljeClass fieldKlasifikacijsko poljeCount field nameCountŠteviloCount points in polygonPointsLayerFromTablepoints,create,values,attributesVector creationInput layerVhodni slojX fieldY fieldZ fieldZ poljeM fieldTarget CRSCiljni koordinatni sistemPoints from tableCreate points layer from tablePointsToPathsInput point layerVhodni točkovni sloj (1)Group fieldOrder fieldVector creationjoin,points,lines,connectDate format (if order field is DateTime)PathsDirectory for text outputPoints to pathPolarPlotGraphicsGrafikaInput layerVhodni slojCategory name fieldIme kategorijeValue fieldVrednostPolar plotHTML files (*.html)HTML datoteke (*.html) PoleOfInaccessibilityfurthest,point,distant,extreme,maximum,centroid,center,centreVector geometryGeometrija vektorjaInput layerVhodni slojToleranceOdstopanjePointTočkaPole of inaccessibilityError calculating pole of inaccessibilityPolygon3DSymbolWidgetFormObrazecNo cullingFrontBackHeightVišinaExtrusionAbsoluteInvert normals (experimental)……Altitude bindingRelativeTerrainTerenAltitude clampingCulling modeAdd back facesVertexVmesna točkaCentroidEdgesWidthŠirina px pxColorBarvaPolygonizecreate,lines,polygons,convertVector geometryGeometrija vektorjaProcessing lines…Noding lines…Polygonizing…Saving polygons…No polygons were created!Input layerVhodni slojKeep table structure of line layerPolygons from linesPolygonizePostGISThere is no defined database connection "{0}".Povezave podatkovnih zbirk "{0}" ne obstajajo.Action canceled by userPostGISExecuteAndLoadSQLDatabasePodatkovna zbirkaDatabase (connection name)Podatkovna zbirka (ime povezave)SQL querySQL PoizvedbaUnique ID field nameGeometry field nameOutput layerIzhodni slojPostgreSQL execute and load SQLExecutes a SQL command on a PostgreSQL database and loads the result as a tablepostgis,table,databaseThis layer is invalid!
Please check the PostGIS log for error messages.PostGISExecuteSQLDatabasePodatkovna zbirkaDatabase (connection name)Podatkovna zbirka (ime povezave)SQL queryPoizvedbaPostgreSQL execute SQLExecutes a SQL command on a PostgreSQL databasepostgis,databaseError executing SQL:
{0}PostGisDBPluginThere is no defined database connection "{0}".Povezave podatkovnih zbirk "{0}" ne obstajajo.PostprocessingLoading resulting layersNalaganje plasti z rezultatiError loading result layer:The following layers were not correctly generated.You can check the 'Log Messages Panel' in QGIS main window to find more information about the execution of the algorithm.PreconfiguredAlgorithmDialogOKV reduUnable to execute algorithmAlgoritma ni mogoče pognatiMissing parameter value: {0}Wrong or missing parameter valuesNapačne vrednosti parametrovPreconfiguredAlgorithmProviderPreconfigured algorithmsPreconfiguredAlgorithmProviderPrepareAPIDialogErrorNapakaDoneKončanoProcessingError: Algorithm {0} not found
ProcessingPaketna obdelavaUnable to execute algorithm
{0}Warning: Not all input layers use the same CRS.
This can cause unexpected results.Pozor: Vsi vhodni sloji nimajo enakega koordinatnega sistema. To lahko privede do napak.There were errors executing the algorithm.[Preconfigure]Fields MapperA mapping of field names to field type definitions and expressions. Used for the refactor fields algorithm.Error: Provider {0} could not be activated
Results: {}&Analysis Tools&Analitična orodja&Research Tools&Raziskovalna orodja&Geoprocessing Tools&Geografska orodjaG&eometry ToolsGeo&metrijska orodja&Data Management Tools&Podatkovna orodjaMissing AlgorithmThe algorithm "{}" is no longer available. (Perhaps a plugin was uninstalled?)Missing DependencyProjectionsProjekcijeConversionPretvarjanjeExtractionIzvleciAnalysisAnalizeMiscellaneousOstale možnostiInvalid algorithm ID for menu: {}……<h3>Missing dependency. This algorithm cannot be run :-( </h3>
{0}A numeric parameter, including float or integer values.A raster layer parameter.A vector layer parameter, e.g. for algorithms which change layer styles, edit layers in place, or other operations which affect an entire layer.Map LayerAn expression parameter, to add custom expressions based on layer fields.ExpressionIzrazAn enumerated type parameter.A file or folder parameter, for use with non-map layer file sources or folders.File/FolderVector FieldA vector layer destination parameter.A generic file based destination parameter.A folder destination parameter.A raster layer destination parameter.Multiple InputA vector feature parameter, e.g. for algorithms which operate on the features within a layer.Vector FeaturesA feature sink destination parameter.Feature SinkA freeform string parameter.A boolean parameter, for true/false values.A vector field parameter, for selecting an existing field from a vector source.A map extent parameter.A geographic point parameter.A coordinate reference system (CRS) input parameter.Raster LayerA mesh layer parameter.Mesh LayerVector LayerBooleanCRSKSA numeric range parameter for processing algorithms.RangeObmočjePointTočkaEnumExtentObsegA table (matrix) parameter for processing algorithms.MatrixVector DestinationFile DestinationFolder DestinationRaster DestinationStringBesediloA authentication configuration parameter.Authentication ConfigurationAn input allowing selection of multiple sources, including multiple map layers or file sources.NumberŠteviloA numeric parameter representing a distance measure.DistanceRazdaljaA numeric parameter representing a map scale.ScaleMeriloA raster band parameter, for selecting an existing band from a raster source.Raster BandA print layout parameter.Print LayoutA print layout item parameter.Print Layout ItemA generic map layer parameter, which accepts either vector or raster layers.Could not load parameter %1 of type %2.ProcessingConfigGeneralSplošnoKeep dialog open after running an algorithmUse filename as layer nameUporabi ime datoteke kot ime slojaShow tooltip when there are disabled providersOutput folderIzhodna mapaShow layer CRS definition in selection boxesWarn before executing if parameter CRS's do not matchStyle for raster layersSlog rasterskih plastiStyle for point layersSlog točkovnih plastiStyle for line layersSlog črtnih plastiStyle for polygon layersSlog poligonskih plastiPre-execution scriptPost-execution scriptDo not filter (better performance)Skip (ignore) features with invalid geometriesStop algorithm execution when a geometry is invalidInvalid features filteringNepravilno filtriranje geoobjektovShow algorithms with known issuesProcessingPlugin&Run Model…&Edit Model…ProcessingObdelavaPro&cessing&ToolboxGraphical &Modeler…&History…&Results ViewerEdit Features In-PlaceOptionsMožnostiProcessingToolboxProcessing ToolboxOrodjarna paketnih obdelavEnter algorithm name to filter listVnesi ime algoritma na seznam filtrov<html><head/><body><p>You can add more algorithms to the toolbox, <a href="enable"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#0000ff;">enable additional providers.</span></a> <a href="close"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#0000ff;">[close]</span></a></p></body></html>Search…Iskanje...Execute…Execute as Batch Process…Edit Rendering Styles for Outputs…{} completeError executing algorithm<h3>This algorithm cannot be run :-( </h3>
{0}ProjectProviderProject modelsProjectProviderModels embedded in the current projectProjectProviderCould not load model from projectProjectProviderProcessingObdelavaPropertyAssistantBaseOutputIzhodInputVhodtodoSourceVirValues fromFetch value range from layerApply transform curvePropertyColorAssistantColor when NULLColor rampBarvna lestvicaPropertyGenericNumericAssistantOutput fromOutput when NULLExponenttodoPropertySizeAssistantSize fromSize when NULLExponenttodoScale methodVrsta povečavePythonPython warningPython version:Python verzija:QGIS version:Različica programa:Couldn't load plugin '{0}'{0} due to an error when calling its classFactory() method{0} due to an error when calling its initGui() methodError while unloading plugin {0}Couldn't load server plugin {0}{0} due to an error when calling its serverClassFactory() methodPython errorPython napakaAn error has occurred while executing Python code:See message log (Python Error) for more details.Stack traceView message logPython Path:{0} - plugin has no initProcessing() method{0} due to an error when calling its initProcessing() methodPythonConsolePython ConsoleUkazni pozivCompile APIsPrevedi APIsSavedShranjenoDoneKončanoHide EditorSkrij urejevalnikCheck SyntaxPreveri sintaksoRun ScriptZaženi skriptoUndoRazveljaviRedoUveljaviFind TextPoišči besediloOpen in External EditorCutIzrežiCopyKopirajPastePrilepiCommentKomentarUncommentBrez komentarjaHide/Show Object InspectorSelect AllIzberi vseOpen Script…Save As…Object Inspector…Options…Help…Enter text to find…Saving prepared file…Error preparing file…<b>"{0}"</b> was not found.<b>"{0}"</b> ni najdeno.URL copied to clipboard.URL je kopiran v odložišče.Connection error: Napačna povezava: [Temporary file saved in {0}] [Začasna datoteka je shranjena v {0}]## Script error: {0}## Kodna napaka: {0}## Script executed successfully: {0}## Kda se je uspešno izvedla: {0}Cannot execute file {0}. Error: {1}
Ni mogoče izvesti datoteke {0}. Napaka: {1}
Hey, type something to run!Natipkajte nekaj za zagnati!Python Console: Save fileUkazna vrstica: Shrani datotekoScript was correctly saved.Koda je uspešno shranjena.Click on button to restore all tabs from last session.Obnovi vse zavihke.Restore tabsObnovi zavihkeCloseZapriList all tabsSeznam zavihkovNew EditorNov urejevalnikClose TabZapri zavihekClose AllZapri vseClose OthersZapri ostaleSave AsShrani kotThe file {0} could not be opened. Error: {1}
Untitled-{0}neimenovano-{0}Python Console: Save FileUkazna vrstica: Shrani datotekoThe file <b>'{0}'</b> has been modified, save changes?Unable to restore the file:
Python Console
Use iface to access QGIS API interface or Type help(iface) for more info
Security warning: typing commands from an untrusted source can lead to data loss and/or leakHide/Show ToolbarPrikaži/Skrij orodno vrsticoDouble-click on item to executeShow EditorPokaži urejevalnikClear ConsoleRun CommandEnter SelectedVstavi izbranoObject InspectorSaveShraniFind NextPoišči naslednjeFind PreviousPoišči prejšnjeCase SensitiveLoči velike in male črkeWhole WordBesedaWrap AroundOpen FileOdpri datotekoThe file <b>{0}</b> could not be saved. Error: {1}Save File AsShrani datoteko kotRun SelectedShare on CodepadHistory saved successfully.Zgodovina je uspešno shranjena.Session and file history cleared successfully.Zgodovina je uspešno počiščena.History cleared successfully.Zgodovina je uspešno počiščena.Command HistoryZgodovinaShowPrikažiClear FilePočisti datotekoClear SessionPočistiPython Console - Command HistoryUkazna vrstica - Zgodovina ukazovAdd API pathDodaj API potRemove API pathOdstrani API potThe file <b>"{0}"</b> has been deleted or is not accessibleThe file <b>"{0}"</b> is read only, please save to different file first.QCoreApplicationCountŠteviloCount DistinctCount MissingMinMin MaxMaksSumVsotaMeanSrednjaMedianSredinaStdevStdev SampleRangeObmočjeMinorityMajorityQ1Q3InterQuartileRangeMin LengthMax LengthConcatenateCollectArray AggregateQCoreApplication.QCoreApplication.QCoreApplication.QCoreApplication.QCoreApplication.selfIdleNeaktivnoQCoreApplication.QCoreApplication.QCoreApplication.QCoreApplication.selfIdleNeaktivnoQCoreApplication.selfErrorNapakaQGISAlgorithmThis algorithm creates a new point layer with a given number of random points, all of them within the extent of a given layer. A distance factor can be specified, to avoid points being too close to each other.
qgisThis algorithm takes a line or polygon layer and attempts to orthogonalize all the geometries in the layer. This process shifts the nodes in the geometries to try to make every angle in the geometry either a right angle or a straight line.
The angle tolerance parameter is used to specify the maximum deviation from a right angle or straight line a node can have for it to be adjusted. Smaller tolerances mean that only nodes which are already closer to right angles will be adjusted, and larger tolerances mean that nodes which deviate further from right angles will also be adjusted.
The algorithm is iterative. Setting a larger number for the maximum iterations will result in a more orthogonal geometry at the cost of extra processing time.
qgisThis algorithm takes a polygon layer and creates a new polygon layer in which multipart geometries have been removed, leaving only the n largest (in terms of area) parts.
qgisThis algorithm generates a histogram with the values of a raster layer.
The raster layer must have a single band.
qgisThis algorithm imports a vector layer into a PostGIS database, creating a new table.
Prior to this a connection between QGIS and the PostGIS database has to be created (for example with the DB Manager).
qgisThis algorithm takes a vector layer and generates a new one that contains only a subset of the features in the input layer.
The subset is defined randomly, using a percentage or count value to define the total number of features in the subset.
The percentage/count value is not applied to the whole layer, but instead to each category. Categories are defined according to a given attribute, which is also specified as an input parameter for the algorithm.
qgisThis algorithm takes a vector layer and generate a new one with the minimum enclosing circle that covers all the input features.
As an alternative, the output layer can contain not just a single circle, but one for each input feature, representing the minimum enclosing circle that covers each of them.
qgisThis algorithm creates a polygon layer with the delaunay triangulation corresponding to a points layer.
qgisThis algorithm updates existing geometries (or creates new geometries) for input features by use of a QGIS expression. This allows complex geometry modifications which can utilize all the flexibility of the QGIS expression engine to manipulate and create geometries for output features.
For help with QGIS expression functions, see the inbuilt help for specific functions which is available in the expression builder.
qgisCreates an index to speed up access to the features in a layer based on their spatial location. Support for spatial index creation is dependent on the layer's data provider.
qgisThis algorithm moves the geometries within a layer, by offsetting them with a specified x and y displacement.
qgisThis algorithm takes a polygon or line layer and generates a new one in which the geometries have a larger number of vertices than the original one. The geometries are densified by adding regularly placed extra nodes inside each segment so that the maximum distance between any two nodes does not exceed the specified distance.
E.g. specifying a distance 3 would cause the segment [0 0] -> [10 0] to be converted to [0 0] -> [2.5 0] -> [5 0] -> [7.5 0] -> [10 0], since 3 extra nodes are required on the segment and spacing these at 2.5 increments allows them to be evenly spaced over the segment.
If the geometries have z or m values present then these will be linearly interpolated at the added nodes.
The distance is expressed in the same units used by the layer CRS.
qgisThis algorithm allows performing algebraic operations using raster layers.
The resulting layer will have its values computed according to an expression. The expression can contain numerical values, operators and references to any of the layers in the current project. The following functions are also supported:
- sin(), cos(), tan(), atan2(), ln(), log10()
The extent, cell size, and output CRS can be defined by the user. If the extent is not specified, the minimum extent that covers selected reference layer(s) will be used. If the cell size is not specified, the minimum cell size of selected reference layer(s) will be used. If the output CRS is not specified, the CRS of the first reference layer will be used.
The cell size is assumed to be the same in both X and Y axes.
Layers are referred by their name as displayed in the layer list and the number of the band to use (based on 1), using the pattern 'layer_name@band number'. For instance, the first band from a layer named DEM will be referred as DEM@1.
When using the calculator in the batch interface or from the console, the files to use have to be specified. The corresponding layers are referred using the base name of the file (without the full path). For instance, if using a layer at path/to/my/rasterfile.tif, the first band of that layer will be referred as rasterfile.tif@1.
qgisThis algorithm takes a points layer and generates a polygon layer containing the voronoi polygons corresponding to those input points.
qgisThis algorithm creates geometries which enclose the features from an input layer.
Numerous enclosing geometry types are supported, including bounding boxes (envelopes), oriented rectangles, circles and convex hulls.
Optionally, the features can be grouped by a field. If set, this causes the output layer to contain one feature per grouped value with a minimal geometry covering just the features with matching values.
qgisThis algorithm reprojects a vector layer. It creates a new layer with the same features as the input one, but with geometries reprojected to a new CRS.
Attributes are not modified by this algorithm.
qgisThis algorithm computes a buffer area for all the features in an input layer. The size of the buffer for a given feature is defined by an attribute, so it allows different features to have different buffer sizes.
qgisThis algorithm generates a concave hull polygon from a set of points. If the input layer is a line or polygon layer, it will use the nodes.
The number of neighbours to consider determines the concaveness of the output polygon. A lower number will result in a concave hull that follows the points very closely, while a higher number will have a smoother shape. The minimum number of neighbour points to consider is 3. A value equal to or greater than the number of points will result in a convex hull.
If a field is selected, the algorithm will group the features in the input layer using unique values in that field and generate individual polygons in the output layer for each group.
qgisThis algorithm takes a vector layer and an attribute and generates a set of vector layers in an output folder. Each of the layers created in that folder contains all features from the input layer with the same value for the specified attribute.
The number of files generated is equal to the number of different values found for the specified attribute.
qgisThis algorithm counts the different values that appear in a specified attributes for features of the same class.
Classes are defined according to a given attribute. For all layers that share the same value of this attribute, the values of a second attribute are analyzed.
The resulting layer contains the same features as the input layer, but with an additional attribute containing the count of unique values for that class.
qgisThis algorithm truncates a layer, by deleting all features from within the layer.
Warning - this algorithm modifies the layer in place, and deleted features cannot be restored!
qgisThis algorithm generates a table with frequency analysis of the values of a selected attribute from an input vector layer
qgisThis algorithm generates a histogram with the values of the attribute of a vector layer.
The attribute to use for computing the histogram must be a numeric attribute.
qgisThis algorithm takes a vector layer with multipart geometries and generates a new one in which all geometries contain a single part. Features with multipart geometries are divided in as many different features as parts the geometry contain, and the same attributes are used for each of them.
qgisThis algorithm computes geometric properties of the features in a vector layer. It generates a new vector layer with the same content as the input one, but with additional attributes in its attributes table, containing geometric measurements.
Depending on the geometry type of the vector layer, the attributes added to the table will be different.
qgisThis algorithm creates a new point layer with random points inside the polygons of a given layer. The number of points in each polygon can be defined as a fixed count or as a density value. The count/density value is taken from an attribute, so it can be different for each polygon in the input layer.
qgisCreates points at regular intervals along line or polygon geometries. Created points will have new attributes added for the distance along the geometry and the angle of the line at the point.
An optional start and end offset can be specified, which controls how far from the start and end of the geometry the points should be created.
qgisThis algorithm performs a SQL database query on a PostGIS database connected to QGIS and loads the query results as a new layer.
qgisThis algorithm creates a new vector layer that only contains matching features from an input layer. The criteria for adding features to the resulting layer is defined based on the values of an attribute from the input layer.
qgisThis algorithm adds a new attribute to a vector layer.
The name and characteristics of the attribute are defined as parameters.
The new attribute is not added to the input layer but a new layer is generated instead.
qgisThis algorithm calculates the pole of inaccessibility for a polygon layer, which is the most distant internal point from the boundary of the surface. This algorithm uses the 'polylabel' algorithm (Vladimir Agafonkin, 2016), which is an iterative approach guaranteed to find the true pole of inaccessibility within a specified tolerance (in layer units). More precise tolerances require more iterations and will take longer to calculate.
The distance from the calculated pole to the polygon boundary will be stored as a new attribute in the output layer.
qgisThis algorithm sets the style of a vector layer. The style must be defined in a QML file.
qgisThis algorithm creates a new point layer with a given number of random points, all of them within a given extent. A distance factor can be specified, to avoid points being too close to each other.
qgisThis algorithm computes a buffer area for all the features in an input layer, using a fixed distance.
The segments parameter controls the number of line segments to use to approximate a quarter circle when creating rounded offsets.
The end cap style parameter controls how line endings are handled in the buffer.
The join style parameter specifies whether round, miter or beveled joins should be used when offsetting corners in a line.
The miter limit parameter is only applicable for miter join styles, and controls the maximum distance from the offset curve to use when creating a mitered join.
qgisThis algorithm takes a line or polygon layer and generates a point layer with points representing specific vertices in the input lines or polygons. For instance, this algorithm can be used to extract the first or last vertices in the geometry. The attributes associated to each point are the same ones associated to the line or polygon that the point belongs to.
The vertex indices parameter accepts a comma separated string specifying the indices of the vertices to extract. The first vertex corresponds to an index of 0, the second vertex has an index of 1, etc. Negative indices can be used to find vertices at the end of the geometry, e.g., an index of -1 corresponds to the last vertex, -2 corresponds to the second last vertex, etc.
Additional fields are added to the points indicating the specific vertex position (e.g., 0, -1, etc), the original vertex index, the vertex’s part and its index within the part (as well as its ring for polygons), distance along the original geometry and bisector angle of vertex for the original geometry.
qgisThis algorithm computes basic statistics from the values in a given band of the raster layer.
qgisThis algorithm creates a new point layer with random points inside the polygons of a given layer. The number of points in each polygon can be defined as a fixed count or as a density value, and it will be the same for all polygons.
qgisThis algorithm performs a SQL database query on a SpatiaLite database.
qgisThis algorithm computes the concave hull of the features in an input layer.
qgisThis algorithm snaps the geometries in a layer. Snapping can be done either to the geometries from another layer, or to geometries within the same layer.
A tolerance is specified in layer units to control how close vertices need to be to the reference layer geometries before they are snapped.
Snapping occurs to both nodes and edges. Depending on the snapping behavior, either nodes or edges will be preferred.
Vertices will be inserted or removed as required to make the geometries match the reference geometries.
qgisThis algorithm takes a vector layer and selects a subset of its features. No new layer is generated by this algorithm.
The subset is defined randomly, using a percentage or count value to define the total number of features in the subset.
The percentage/count value is not applied to the whole layer, but instead to each category. Categories are defined according to a given attribute, which is also specified as an input parameter for the algorithm.
qgisReturns the closure of the combinatorial boundary of the input geometries (ie the topological boundary of the geometry). For instance, a polygon geometry will have a boundary consisting of the linestrings for each ring in the polygon. Only valid for polygon or line layers.
qgisThis algorithm imports a vector layer into a SpatiaLite database, creating a new table.
qgisThis algorithm takes a polygon layer and removes holes in polygons. It creates a new vector layer in which polygons with holes have been replaced by polygons with only their external ring. Attributes are not modified.
An optional minimum area parameter allows removing only holes which are smaller than a specified area threshold. Leaving this parameter as 0.0 results in all holes being removed.
qgisThis algorithm creates a new vector layer with the same attributes of the input layer and the raster values corresponding on the point location.
If the raster layer has more than one band, all the band values are sampled.
qgisThis algorithm removes any features which do not have a geometry from a vector layer. All other features will be copied unchanged.
qgisThis algorithm takes an input vector layer and creates a new vector layer that is an extended version of the input one, with additional attributes in its attribute table.
The additional attributes and their values are taken from a second vector layer. A spatial criteria is applied to select the values from the second layer that are added to each feature from the first layer in the resulting one.
The algorithm calculates a statistical summary for the values from matching features in the second layer (e.g. maximum value, mean value, etc).
qgisThis algorithm clips a vector layer using the polygons of an additional polygons layer. Only the parts of the features in the input layer that falls within the polygons of the clipping layer will be added to the resulting layer.
The attributes of the features are not modified, although properties such as area or length of the features will be modified by the clipping operation. If such properties are stored as attributes, those attributes will have to be manually updated.
qgisThis algorithm creates a selection in a vector layer. The criteria for selected features is defined based on the values of an attribute from the input layer.
qgisThis algorithm takes a polygon or line layer and generates a new one in which the geometries have a larger number of vertices than the original one.
If the geometries have z or m values present then these will be linearly interpolated at the added nodes.
The number of new vertices to add to each feature geometry is specified as an input parameter.
qgisThis algorithm generates basic statistics from the analysis of a values in a field in the attribute table of a vector layer. Numeric, date, time and string fields are supported.
The statistics returned will depend on the field type.
Statistics are generated as an HTML file.
qgisThis algorithm takes a vector layer and generates a new one that contains only a subset of the features in the input layer.
The subset is defined randomly, using a percentage or count value to define the total number of features in the subset.
qgisThis algorithm allows editing the structure of the attributes table of a vector layer. Fields can be modified in their type and name, using a fields mapping.
The original layer is not modified. A new layer is generated, which contains a modified attribute table, according to the provided fields mapping.
qgisThis algorithm modifies the type of a given attribute in a vector layer, converting a text attribute containing numeric strings into a numeric attribute.
qgisThis algorithm sets the M value for geometries in a layer.
If M values already exist in the layer, they will be overwritten with the new value. If no M values exist, the geometry will be upgraded to include M values and the specified value used as the initial M value for all geometries.
qgisThis algorithm creates a virtual layer that contains a set of vector layer.
The output virtual layer will not be open in the current project.
qgisThis algorithm creates a new point layer, with points placed in the lines of another layer.
For each line in the input layer, a given number of points is added to the resulting layer. A minimum distance can be specified to avoid point being too close to each other.
qgisThis algorithm sets an existing layer's projection to the provided CRS. Contrary to the "Assign projection" algorithm, it will not output a new layer.
For shapefile datasets, the .prj and .qpj files will be overwritten - or created if missing - to match the provided CRS.
qgisThis algorithm combines selected polygons of the input layer with certain adjacent polygons by erasing their common boundary. The adjacent polygon can be either the one with the largest or smallest area or the one sharing the largest common boundary with the polygon to be eliminated. Eliminate is normally used to get rid of sliver polygons, i.e. tiny polygons that are a result of polygon intersection processes where boundaries of the inputs are similar but not identical.
qgisThis algorithm buffers lines by a specified distance on one side of the line only.
The segments parameter controls the number of line segments to use to approximate a quarter circle when creating rounded buffers.
The join style parameter specifies whether round, miter or beveled joins should be used when buffering corners in a line.
The miter limit parameter is only applicable for miter join styles, and controls the maximum distance from the buffer to use when creating a mitered join.
qgisOffsets nearby point features by moving nearby points by a preset amount to minimize overlapping features.
qgisThis algorithm takes a polygon layer and a line layer and measures the total length of lines and the total number of them that cross each polygon.
The resulting layer has the same features as the input polygon layer, but with two additional attributes containing the length and count of the lines across each polygon. The names of these two fields can be configured in the algorithm parameters.
qgisThis algorithm finds duplicated geometries and removes them. Attributes are not checked, so in case two features have identical geometries but different attributes, only one of them will be added to the result layer.
qgisThis algorithm creates a selection in a vector layer. The criteria for selecting features is based on a QGIS expression.
For more information about expressions see the <a href ="{qgisdocs}/user_manual/working_with_vector/expression.html">user manual</a>
qgisThis algorithm sets the Z value for geometries in a layer.
If Z values already exist in the layer, they will be overwritten with the new value. If no Z values exist, the geometry will be upgraded to include Z values and the specified value used as the initial Z value for all geometries.
qgisThis algorithm takes a points layer and a polygon layer and counts the number of points from the first one in each polygons of the second one.
A new polygons layer is generated, with the exact same content as the input polygons layer, but containing an additional field with the points count corresponding to each polygon.
An optional weight field can be used to assign weights to each point. If set, the count generated will be the sum of the weight field for each point contained by the polygon.
Alternatively, a unique class field can be specified. If set, points are classified based on the selected attribute, and if several points with the same attribute value are within the polygon, only one of them is counted. The final count of the point in a polygon is, therefore, the count of different classes that are found in it.
Both the weight field and unique class field cannot be specified. If they are, the weight field will take precedence and the unique class field will be ignored.
qgisThis algorithm rasterizes map canvas content.
A map theme can be selected to render a predetermined set of layers with a defined style for each layer.
Alternatively, a single layer can be selected if no map theme is set.
If neither map theme nor layer is set, the current map content will be rendered.
The minimum extent entered will internally be extended to be a multiple of the tile size.
qgisThis algorithm takes a polygon layer and creates a line layer, with lines representing the rings of the polygons in the input layer.
qgisThis algorithm generates a report with information about the unique values found in a given attribute (or attributes) of a vector layer.
qgisThis algorithm generates a points layer based on the values from an input table.
The table must contain a field with the X coordinate of each point and another one with the Y coordinate. A CRS for the output layer has to be specified, and the coordinates in the table are assumed to be expressed in the units used by that CRS.
The attributes table of the resulting layer will be the input table.
qgisThis algorithm sets the style of a raster layer. The style must be defined in a QML file.
qgisThis algorithm creates a new point layer, with points representing the centroid of polygons of an input layer.
The attributes associated to each point in the output layer are the same ones associated to the original polygon.
NOTE: This algorithm is deprecated and the generic "centroids" algorithm (which works for line and multi geometry layers) should be used instead.
qgisThis algorithm creates point features where the lines in the Intersect layer intersect the lines in the Input layer.
An ID field is specified for each of the input layers. Each point in the resulting layer will have the ID's of both input layers, allowing to identify them.
If no Input Unique and Intersect Unique ID fields are specified then the point features are given the values of the last field (i.e. the last field/column in the attribute table) of the intersecting lines.
qgisThis algorithm performs a SQL database query on a PostGIS database connected to QGIS.
qgisThis algorithm combines multiple vector layers of the same geometry type into a single one.
If attributes tables are different, the attribute table of the resulting layer will contain the attributes from all input layers. New attributes will be added for the original layer name and source.
The layers will all be reprojected to match the coordinate reference system of the first input layer.
qgisThis algorithm takes a vector layer and selects a subset of its features. No new layer is generated by this algorithm.
The subset is defined randomly, using a percentage or count value to define the total number of features in the subset.
qgisThis algorithm computes a new vector layer with the same features of the input layer, but with an additional attribute. The values of this new attribute are computed from each feature using a mathematical formula, based on the properties and attributes of the feature.
qgisThis algorithm generates a new layer based on an existing one, with a different type of geometry.
Not all conversions are possible. For instance, a line layer can be converted to a point layer, but a point layer cannot be converted to a line layer.
See the "Polygonize" or "Lines to polygons" algorithm for alternative options.
qgisGiven a layer with source point and another one representing destination points, this algorithm computes the distance between each source point and the closest destination one.
The resulting layer can contain only source points with an additional field indicating the distance to the nearest point and the name of the destination point, or lines linking each source point with its nearest destination point.
qgisThis algorithm creates a new point layer, with points representing the centroid of the geometries in an input layer.
The attributes associated to each point in the output layer are the same ones associated to the original features.
qgisThis algorithm splits the lines or polygons in one layer using the lines in another layer to define the breaking points. Intersection between geometries in both layers are considered as split points.
Output will contain multi geometries for split features.
qgisThis algorithm performs nearest neighbor analysis for a point layer.
Output is generated as an html file with the computed statistical values.
qgisThis algorithm creates a new vector layer that only contains matching features from an input layer. The criteria for adding features to the resulting layer is based on a QGIS expression.
For more information about expressions see the <a href ="{qgisdocs}/user_manual/working_with_vector/expression.html">user manual</a>
qgisThis algorithm takes a vector layer and an attribute and adds a new numeric field. Values in this field correspond to values in the specified attribute, so features with the same value for the attribute will have the same value in the new numeric field. This creates a numeric equivalent of the specified attribute, which defines the same classes.
The new attribute is not added to the input layer but a new layer is generated instead.
qgisThis algorithm generates a polygon layer using as polygon rings the lines from an input line layer.
The attribute table of the output layer is the same as the one from of the input line layer.
qgisThis algorithm adds a new attribute to a vector layer, with values resulting from applying an expression to each feature. The expression is defined as a Python function.
qgisThis algorithm takes a polygon or line vector layer and combines their geometries into new geometries. One or more attributes can be specified to dissolve only geometries belonging to the same class (having the same value for the specified attributes), alternatively all geometries can be dissolved.
If the geometries to be dissolved are spatially separated from each other the output will be multi geometries. In case the input is a polygon layer, common boundaries of adjacent polygons being dissolved will get erased.
qgisThis algorithm creates a table containing a distance matrix, with distances between all the points in a points layer.
qgisThis algorithm creates a vector layer with a grid covering a given extent. Elements in the grid can be points, lines or polygons.
The size and/or placement of each element in the grid is defined using a horizontal and vertical spacing.
The CRS of the output layer must be defined. The grid extent and the spacing values must be expressed in the coordinates and units of this CRS.
The top-left point (minX, maxY) is used as the reference point. That means that, at that point, an element is guaranteed to be placed. Unless the width and height of the selected extent is a multiple of the selected spacing, that is not true for the other points that define that extent.
qgisThis algorithm takes a vector layer and generates a new one that has the exact same content but without the selected columns.
qgisThis algorithm takes a lines layer and creates a polygon layer, with polygons generated from the lines in the input layer.
qgisThis algorithm generates a polar plot based on the value of an input vector layer.
Two fields must be entered as parameters: one that define the category (to group features) and another one with the variable to plot (this has to be a numeric one)
qgisThis algorithm computes hypsometric curves for an input Digital Elevation Model. Curves are produced as table files in an output folder specified by the user.
qgisGiven an input raster layer and a value, this algorithm generates a new layer with the same extent and cell size as the input one, and all cells with the specified value.
qgisCreates an index to speed up queries made against a field in a table. Support for index creation is dependent on the layer's data provider and the field type.
qgisThis algorithm takes an input vector layer and creates a new vector layer that is an extended version of the input one, with additional attributes in its attribute table.
The additional attributes and their values are taken from a second vector layer. A spatial criteria is applied to select the values from the second layer that are added to each feature from the first layer in the resulting one.
qgisConverts a point layer to a line layer, by joining points in a defined order.
Points can be grouped by a field to output individual line features per group.
qgisThis algorithm take a vector or table layer and aggregate features based on a group by expression. Features for which group by expression return the same value are grouped together.
It is possible to group all source features together using constant value in group by parameter, example: NULL.
It is also possible to group features using multiple fields using Array function, example: Array("Field1", "Field2").
Geometries (if present) are combined into one multipart geometry for each group.
Output attributes are computed depending on each given aggregate definition.
qgisThis algorithm assigns a color index to polygon features in such a way that no adjacent polygons share the same color index, whilst minimizing the number of colors required.
An optional minimum distance between features assigned the same color can be set to prevent nearby (but non-touching) features from being assigned equal colors.
The algorithm allows choice of method to use when assigning colors. The default method attempts to assign colors so that the count of features assigned to each individual color index is balanced.
The 'by assigned area' mode instead assigns colors so that the total area of features assigned to each color is balanced. This mode can be useful to help avoid large features resulting in one of the colors appearing more dominant on a colored map.
The 'by distance between colors' mode will assign colors in order to maximize the distance between features of the same color. This mode helps to create a more uniform distribution of colors across a map.
A minimum number of colors can be specified if desired. The color index is saved to a new attribute named color_id.
qgisThis algorithm performs a validity check on the geometries of a vector layer.
The geometries are classified in three groups (valid, invalid and error), and a vector layer is generated with the features in each of these categories.
By default the algorithm uses the strict OGC definition of polygon validity, where a polygon is marked as invalid if a self-intersecting ring causes an interior hole. If the "Ignore ring self intersections" option is checked, then this rule will be ignored and a more lenient validity check will be performed.
qgisThis algorithm allows creation of a shortlist of possible candidate coordinate reference systems for a layer with an unknown projection.
The expected area which the layer should reside in must be specified via the target area parameter.
The algorithm operates by testing the layer's extent in every known reference system and listing any in which the bounds would fall near the target area if the layer was in this projection.
qgisThis algorithm generates raster XYZ tiles of map canvas content.
Tile images can be saved as individual images in directory structure, or as single file in MBTiles format.
Tile size is fixed to 256x256.
qgisThis algorithm takes a map layer and generates a new vector layer with the minimum bounding box (rectangle polygon with N-S orientation) that covers the input layer. Optionally, the extent can be enlarged to a rounded value.
qgisQOCISpatialDriverUnable to initializeQOCISpatialDriverNi mogoče inicializiratiUnable to logonPrijava ni možnaUnable to begin transactionTransakcijej ni mogoče pričetiUnable to commit transactionTransakcije ni mogoče zapisatiUnable to rollback transactionTransakcije ni mogoče razveljavitiQOCISpatialResultUnable to bind column for batch executeNi mogoče povezati polja za paketno obdelavoUnable to execute batch statementPaketne obdelave ni mogoče izvestiUnable to goto nextNadaljevanje ni mogočeUnable to alloc statementNepravilen stavekUnable to prepare statementStavka ni mogoče pripravitiUnable to get statement typeNepravilen tip stavkaUnable to bind valueNepravilna vrednostUnable to execute statementStavka ni mogoče izvestiQObjectQGIS starting in non-interactive mode not supported.
You are seeing this message most likely because you have no DISPLAY environment variable set.
Zagon v neinteraktivnem načini ni podprt.
Najpogosteje se to sporočilo pojavi, če ni določena zaslonska spremenjljivka (DISPLAY).Invalid globalsettingsfile path: %1Successfully loaded globalsettingsfile path: %1Moved verticesPremaknjena vozliščaNo active vector layerManjka aktivni vektorski slojTo select features, choose a vector layer in the layers panelCRS Exceptionizjema koordinatnega sistemaSelection extends beyond layer's coordinate systemPython is not enabled in QGIS.Python nii omogočen v QGIS.PluginsVtičnikiPlugin "%1" is not compatible with this version of QGIS.
It will be disabled.Vtičnik "%1" ni kompatibilen z obstoječo različico programa.
Vtičnik bo onemogočen.Loaded %1 (package: %2)Naložen %1 (paket: %2)Library name is %1
Ime knjižnice je %1Failed to load %1 (Reason: %2)Napaka nalaganja %1 (Razlog: %2)Attempting to resolve the classFactory function
Poskus razrešitve the classFactory funkcijeLoaded %1 (Path: %2)Naložen %1 (Pot: %2)Loading PluginsThere was an error loading a plugin. The following diagnostic information may help the QGIS developers resolve the issue:
%1.Unable to find the class factory for %1.Ni mogoče najti razreda za %1.Plugin %1 did not return a valid type and cannot be loadedVtičnik %1 ni vrnil pravilnega tipa zato ne more biti naloženPlugin %1The plugin will be disabled because it crashed QGIS during last startup. Please report an issue and re-enable the plugin when the problem has been solved.Error when reading metadata of plugin %1Napaka pri branju metapodatka dodatka %1Could not open CRS database %1
Error(%2): %3Nemogoče je odpreti koordinatni sistem podatkovne baze %1
Napaka(%2): %3CRSKoordinatni sistemProject points (Cartesian)Projeciraj točke (kartezijsko)bearing,azimuth,distance,angleProjectedProjeciranaThis algorithm projects point geometries by a specified distance and bearing (azimuth), creating a new point layer with the projected points.
The distance is specified in layer units, and the bearing in degrees clockwise from North.Bearing (degrees from North)Projection distanceRazdalja KSGenerated CRSA CRS automatically generated from layer info get this prefix for descriptionSamodejni koordinatni sistemSaved user CRS [%1]Shranjen uporabniški koordinatni sisetm [%1]Imported from GDALUvoženo iz GDALCaught a coordinate system exception while trying to transform a point. Unable to calculate line length.Napaka pri transformaciji točke. Ne morem izračunati dolžine linije.Caught a coordinate system exception while trying to transform linestring. Unable to calculate break point.Caught a coordinate system exception while trying to transform a point. Unable to calculate geodesic line.Caught a coordinate system exception while trying to transform a point.Caught a coordinate system exception while trying to transform a point. Unable to calculate polygon area.Napaka pri transformaciji točke. Ne morem izračunati poligona.Cannot convert '%1' to doubleNi mogoče pretvoriti '%1' v dvojno številoCannot convert '%1' to intNi mogoče pretvoriti '%1' v celo številoCannot convert '%1' to native intCannot convert '%1' to DateTime%1 ni mogoče pretvoriti v datum in časCannot convert '%1' to Date%1 ni mogoče pretvoriti v datumCannot convert '%1' to Time%1 ni mogoče pretvoriti v časCannot convert '%1' to intervalCannot convert '%1' to gradient rampCannot convert '%1' to arrayCannot convert '%1' to mapCannot convert '%1' to booleanNi mogoče pretvoriti '%1' v bitDomain max must be greater than domain minNajvečja domena morra biti večja od najmanjšeExponent must be greater than 0Exponent mora biti večji od 0Cannot find layer with name or ID '%1'No such aggregate '%1'Could not calculate aggregate for: %1Cannot use relation aggregate function in this contextCannot find relation with id '%1'Cannot use aggregate function in this contextInvalid pair of array, length not identicalFunction replace requires 2 or 3 argumentsInvalid regular expression '%1': %2Neveljaven izraz '%1': %2Function `raster_value` requires a valid raster layer.Function `raster_value` requires a valid raster band number.Function `raster_value` requires a valid point geometry.Function `attribute` requires one or two parameters. %1 given.Function `is_selected` requires no more than two parameters. %1 given.Function `num_selected` requires no more than one parameter. %1 given.Could not extract file path from layer `%1`.Could not open sqlite database %1. Error %2. Invalid formatting parameter: '%1'. It must be empty, or 'suffix' or 'aligned'.Invalid axis name: '%1'. It must be either 'x' or 'y'.Point index is out of rangeFunction make_point requires 2-4 argumentsFunction make_polygon requires an argumentSegment must be greater than 2Number of edges/sides must be greater than 2Option can be 0 (inscribed) or 1 (circumscribed)Option can be 0 (distance) or 1 (projected)Index is out of rangeIndeks izven veljavnega obsegaFunction `wedge_buffer` requires a point value for the center.Function `tapered_buffer` requires a line geometry.Function `buffer_by_m` requires a line geometry.Function `azimuth` requires exactly two parameters. %1 given.Function `azimuth` requires two points as arguments.line_substring requires a curve geometry inputNumber of places must be positiveCannot convert '%1:%2:%3' to colorNi mogoče pretvoriti '%1:%2:%3' v barvoCannot convert '%1:%2:%3:%4' to colorNi mogoče pretvoriti '%1:%2:%3:%4' v barvo"%1" is not a valid color ramp"%1" ni veljavna barvna lestvicaCannot convert '%1:%2:%3:%4:%5' to colorNi mogoče pretvoriti '%1:%2:%3:%4:%5' v barvoCannot convert '%1' to colorNi mogoče pretvoriti '%1:%2:%3:%4:%5' v barvo {1'?}Unknown color component '%1'A minimum of two colors is required to create a rampTransform error caught in transform() function: %1Cannot find layer %1Layer %1 has invalid data providerInvalid band number %1 for layer %2Invalid raster statistic: '%1'Exception: %1Izjema: %1GEOSGEOSsegment %1 of ring %2 of polygon %3 intersects segment %4 of ring %5 of polygon %6 at %7segment %1obroča %2 poligona %3 preseka segmenta %4 obroča %5 poligona %6 u %7ring %1 with less than four pointsobroč %1 z manj kot štirimi točkamiring %1 not closedobroč %1 ni sklenjenline %1 with less than two pointslinija %1 z manj kot dvema točkamaline %1 contains %n duplicate node(s) at %2number of duplicate nodeslinija %1 vsebuje %n podvojeno vozlišče pri %2linija %1 vsebuje %n podvojeni vozlišči pri %2linija %1 vsebuje %n podvojena vozlišča pri %2linija %1 vsebuje %n podvojenih vozlišč pri %2segments %1 and %2 of line %3 intersect at %4segmenti %1 in %2 črt %3 se sekajo pri %4Ring %1 of polygon %2 not in exterior ringTopology validation errorGEOS ErrorRepeated pointGEOS ErrorHole lies outside shellGEOS ErrorHoles are nestedGEOS ErrorInterior is disconnectedGEOS ErrorSelf-intersectionGEOS ErrorRing self-intersectionGEOS ErrorNested shellsGEOS ErrorDuplicate ringsGEOS ErrorToo few points in geometry componentGEOS ErrorInvalid coordinateGEOS ErrorRing is not closedGEOS ErrorPolygon %1 has no ringsPolygon %1 lies inside polygon %2Unknown geometry type %1Nepoznani geometrijski tip %1Geometry validation was aborted.Geometrijsko preverjanje je prekinjeno.Geometry has %1 errors.%1 geometrijskih napak.Geometry is valid.Geometrija je pravilna.invalid linenevaljavna vrsticaShapeOblikaNode ItemMapZemljevidPictureSlikaLabelOznakaLorem ipsumScale BarNorth ArrowNorth Arrow %1RectanglePravokotnikEllipseElipsaTriangleTrikotnikPolygonPoligonPolylineLinijaHTMLHTMLAttribute TablePodatkovna tabelaConsoleKonzolainfiniteneskončno--WZEVSJNSNo QGIS data provider plugins found in:
Podatkovni ponudnik ni najden v:
No vector layers can be loaded. Check your QGIS installationNe morem naložiti vektorski sloj. Preverite pravilnost namestitve programaNo Data ProvidersNi podatkovnih ponudnikovNo data provider plugins are available. No vector layers can be loadedDodatki podatkovnih ponudnikov niso na vojo. Ne morem naložiti vektorske slojeInvalid data provider %1Unable to instantiate the data provider plugin %1Ni mogoče določiti podatkovnega ponudnika za vtičnik %1No QGIS auth method plugins found in:
No authentication methods can be used. Check your QGIS installationNo Authentication MethodsNo authentication method plugins are available.Failed to load %1: %2Napačno nalaganje %1: %2Unable to instantiate the auth method plugin %1OGR driver for '%1' not found (OGR error: %2)OGR krmilnik za '%1' ne obstaja (OGR napaka: %2)unsupported type for field %1nepravilen tip polja %1Invalid variant type for field %1[%2]: received %3 with type %4Nevveljaven variant tip polja %1[%2]: je bil sprejet %3 s tipom %4OGROGRReserved attribute name ogc_fid replaced with %1By default, BNA files are created in multi-line format. For each record, the first line contains the identifiers and the type/number of coordinates to follow. Each following line contains a pair of coordinates.column_name1[,column_name2, …] A list of (String) columns that must be compressed with ZLib DEFLATE algorithm. This might be beneficial for databases that have big string blobs. However, use with care, since the value of such columns will be seen as compressed binary content with other SQLite utilities (or previous OGR versions). With OGR, when inserting, modifying or querying compressed columns, compression/decompression is done transparently. However, such columns cannot be (easily) queried with an attribute filter or WHERE clause. Note: in table definition, such columns have the 'VARCHAR_deflate' declaration type.If the database is of the SpatiaLite flavor, and if OGR is linked against libspatialite, this option can be used to control if a spatial index must be created.If the format of the geometry BLOB is of the SpatiaLite flavor, this option can be used to control if the compressed format for geometries (LINESTRINGs, POLYGONs) must be used.column_name1[,column_name2, …] A list of (String) columns that must be compressed with ZLib DEFLATE algorithm. This might be beneficial for databases that have big string blobs. However, use with care, since the value of such columns will be seen as compressed binary content with other SQLite utilities (or previous OGR versions). With OGR, when inserting, modifying or queryings compressed columns, compression/decompression is done transparently. However, such columns cannot be (easily) queried with an attribute filter or WHERE clause. Note: in table definition, such columns have the 'VARCHAR_deflate' declaration type.Path to the GCT: the GCT file describes the GeoConcept types definitions: In this file, every line must start with //# followed by a keyword. Lines starting with // are comments.Defines the feature to be created. The TYPE corresponds to one of the Name found in the GCT file for a type section. The SUBTYPE corresponds to one of the Name found in the GCT file for a sub-type section within the previous type section.By default, the driver will read the first lines of each sheet to detect if the first line might be the name of columns. If set to FORCE, the driver will consider the first line as the header line. If set to DISABLE, it will be considered as the first feature. Otherwise auto-detection will occur.MS Office Open XML spreadsheet [XLSX]Open Document Spreadsheet [ODS]Feature geometry not imported (OGR error: %1)Geometrija ni bila uvožena (OGR napaka: %1)Feature creation error (OGR error: %1)Napaka pri ustvarjanju elementov (OGR napaka: %1)Failed to transform a point while drawing a feature with ID '%1'. Writing stopped. (Exception: %2)Med izrisovanjem elementa ID '%1' napačna transformacija točke. Zapisovanje je ustavljeno. (Izjema: %2)Feature write errors:Napaustrezen element:Stopping after %1 errorsUstavljeno po %1 napakah
Only %1 of %2 features written.Samo %1 od %2 geoobjektov je bilo zapisanih.Arc/Info ASCII CoverageArc/Info ASCII SlojAtlas BNAAtlas BNAComma Separated ValueVrednosti ločene z vejico (CSV)ESRI ShapefileESRI prostorska datotekaFMEObjects GatewayPovezava z FME objektiEmpty filename givenDatoteka je brez imenaNew BNA files are created by the systems default line termination conventions. This may be overridden here.The BNA writer will try to recognize ellipses and circles when writing a polygon. This will only work if the feature has previously been read from a BNA file. As some software packages do not support ellipses/circles in BNA data file, it may be useful to tell the writer by specifying ELLIPSES_AS_ELLIPSES=NO not to export them as such, but keep them as polygons.Limit the number of coordinate pairs per line in multiline format.Set the number of decimal for coordinates. Default value is 10.By default, the geometry of a feature written to a .csv file is discarded. It is possible to export the geometry in its WKT representation by specifying GEOMETRY=AS_WKT. It is also possible to export point geometries into their X,Y,Z components by specifying GEOMETRY=AS_XYZ, GEOMETRY=AS_XY or GEOMETRY=AS_YX.Create the associated .csvt file to describe the type of each column of the layer and its optional width and precision.Double-quote strings. IF_AMBIGUOUS means that string values that look like numbers will be quoted.Write a UTF-8 Byte Order Mark (BOM) at the start of the file.Comma Separated Value [CSV]Set to YES to resize fields to their optimal size.Z DA polja prilagodite na optimalno velikost.DBF FileDBF datotekaSet to YES to write a bbox property with the bounding box of the geometries at the feature and feature collection level.GeoJSONGeoJSONWhether to start records with the RS=0x1E character (RFC 8142 standard). Defaults to NO: Newline Delimited JSON (geojsonl).
If set to YES: RFC 8142 standard: GeoJSON Text Sequences (geojsons).GeoJSON - Newline Delimitedwhether the document must be in RSS 2.0 or Atom 1.0 format. Default value : RSSThe encoding of location information. Default value : SIMPLE. W3C_GEO only supports point geometries. SIMPLE or W3C_GEO only support geometries in geographic WGS84 coordinates.If defined to NO, only <entry> or <item> elements will be written. The user will have to provide the appropriate header and footer of the document.Value put inside the <title> element in the header. If not provided, a dummy value will be used as that element is compulsory.Value put inside the <description> element in the header. If not provided, a dummy value will be used as that element is compulsory.Value put inside the <link> element in the header. If not provided, a dummy value will be used as that element is compulsory.Value put inside the <updated> element in the header. Should be formatted as a XML datetime. If not provided, a dummy value will be used as that element is compulsory.Value put inside the <author><name> element in the header. If not provided, a dummy value will be used as that element is compulsory.Value put inside the <id> element in the header. If not provided, a dummy value will be used as that element is compulsory.GeoRSSGeoRSSIf provided, this URI will be inserted as the schema location. Note that the schema file isn't actually accessed by OGR, so it is up to the user to ensure it will match the schema of the OGR produced GML data file.This writes a GML application schema file to a corresponding .xsd file (with the same basename). If INTERNAL is used the schema is written within the GML file, but this is experimental and almost certainly not valid XML. OFF disables schema generation (and is implicit if XSISCHEMAURI is used).This is the prefix for the application target namespace.Can be set to TRUE to avoid writing the prefix of the application target namespace in the GML file.Defaults to 'http://ogr.maptools.org/'. This is the application target namespace.If not specified, GML2 will be used.only valid when FORMAT=GML3/GML3Degree/GML3.2) Default to YES. If set to NO, the <gml:boundedBy> element will not be written for each feature.Default to YES. If YES, the output will be indented with spaces for more readability, but at the expense of file size.Geography Markup Language [GML]Geografska oblika [GML]Human-readable identifier (e.g. short name) for the layer contentHuman-readable description for the layer contentName for the feature identifier columnName for the geometry columnIme stolpca geometrijeIf a spatial index must be created.Generic Mapping Tools [GMT]Generična oblika [GMT]By default when writing a layer whose features are of type wkbLineString, the GPX driver chooses to write them as routes. If FORCE_GPX_TRACK=YES is specified, they will be written as tracks.By default when writing a layer whose features are of type wkbMultiLineString, the GPX driver chooses to write them as tracks. If FORCE_GPX_ROUTE=YES is specified, they will be written as routes, provided that the multilines are composed of only one single line.If GPX_USE_EXTENSIONS=YES is specified, extra fields will be written inside the <extensions> tag.Only used if GPX_USE_EXTENSIONS=YES and GPX_EXTENSIONS_NS_URL is set. The namespace value used for extension tags. By default, 'ogr'.Only used if GPX_USE_EXTENSIONS=YES and GPX_EXTENSIONS_NS is set. The namespace URI. By default, 'http://osgeo.org/gdal'.By default files are created with the line termination conventions of the local platform (CR/LF on win32 or LF on all other systems). This may be overridden through use of the LINEFORMAT layer creation option which may have a value of CRLF (DOS format) or LF (Unix format).GPS eXchange Format [GPX]GPS izmenjevalni format [GPX]INTERLIS 1INTERLIS 1INTERLIS 2INTERLIS 2Allows you to specify the field to use for the KML <description> element.Allows you to specify the AltitudeMode to use for KML geometries. This will only affect 3D geometries and must be one of the valid KML options.Keyhole Markup Language [KML]Google [KML]Use this to turn on 'quick spatial index mode'. In this mode writing files can be about 5 times faster, but spatial queries can be up to 30 times slower.Mapinfo TABMapinfo TABMapinfo MIFMapInfo MIFDetermine whether 2D (seed_2d.dgn) or 3D (seed_3d.dgn) seed file should be used. This option is ignored if the SEED option is provided.Override the seed file to use.Indicate whether the whole seed file should be copied. If not, only the first three elements will be copied.Indicates whether the color table should be copied from the seed file.Override the master unit name from the seed file with the provided one or two character unit name.Override the sub unit name from the seed file with the provided one or two character unit name.Override the number of subunits per master unit. By default the seed file value is used.Override the number of UORs (Units of Resolution) per sub unit. By default the seed file value is used.ORIGIN=x,y,z: Override the origin of the design plane. By default the origin from the seed file is used.Microstation DGNMicrostation DGNShould all the low level geometry primitives be returned as special IsolatedNode, ConnectedNode, Edge and Face layers.If enabled, numeric attributes assigned an empty string as a value will be preserved as a special numeric value. This option should not generally be needed, but may be useful when translated S-57 to S-57 losslessly.Should LNAM and LNAM_REFS fields be attached to features capturing the feature to feature relationships in the FFPT group of the S-57 file.Should additional attributes relating features to their underlying geometric primitives be attached. These are the values of the FSPT group, and are primarily needed when doing S-57 to S-57 translations.Should attribute values be recoded to UTF-8 from the character encoding specified in the S57 DSSI record.S-57 Base fileS-57 osnovna datotekaSpatial Data Transfer Standard [SDTS]Prostorski prenos podatkov [SDTS]Can be used to avoid creating the geometry_columns and spatial_ref_sys tables in a new database. By default these metadata tables are created when a new database is created.By default when creating new .csv files they are created with the line termination conventions of the local platform (CR/LF on Win32 or LF on all other systems). This may be overridden through the use of the LINEFORMAT option.Creation of data source failed (OGR error: %1)Opening of data source in update mode failed (OGR error: %1)Overwriting of existing layer failed (OGR error: %1)Creation of layer failed (OGR error: %1)Opening of layer failed (OGR error: %1)No available replacement for internal fieldname ogc_fid foundCreation of field %1 failed (OGR error: %2)Created field %1 not found (OGR error: %2)BNA records may contain from 2 to 4 identifiers per record. Some software packages only support a precise number of identifiers. You can override the default value (2) by a precise value.Field separator character.Override the type of shapefile created. Can be one of NULL for a simple .dbf file with no .shp file, POINT, ARC, POLYGON or MULTIPOINT for 2D, or POINTZ, ARCZ, POLYGONZ or MULTIPOINTZ for 3D; POINTM, ARCM, POLYGONM or MULTIPOINTM for measured geometries and POINTZM, ARCZM, POLYGONZM or MULTIPOINTZM for 3D measured geometries. MULTIPATCH files are supported since GDAL 2.2.Set the encoding value in the DBF file. The default value is LDID/87. It is not clear what other values may be appropriate.Maximum number of figures after decimal separator to write in coordinates. Defaults to 15. Truncation will occur to remove trailing zeros.If defined to YES, extension fields will be written. If the field name not found in the base schema matches the foo_bar pattern, foo will be considered as the namespace of the element, and a <foo:bar> element will be written. Otherwise, elements will be written in the <ogr:> namespace.XML content that will be put between the <channel> element and the first <item> element for a RSS document, or between the xml tag and the first <entry> element for an Atom document.Only valid when FORMAT=GML3/GML3Degree/GML3.2. Default to YES. If YES, SRS with EPSG authority will be written with the 'urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG::' prefix. In the case the SRS is a geographic SRS without explicit AXIS order, but that the same SRS authority code imported with ImportFromEPSGA() should be treated as lat/long, then the function will take care of coordinate order swapping. If set to NO, SRS with EPSG authority will be written with the 'EPSG:' prefix, even if they are in lat/long order.Allows you to specify the field to use for the KML <name> element.The DOCUMENT_ID datasource creation option can be used to specified the id of the root <Document> node. The default value is root_doc.(multiples of 512): Block size for .map files. Defaults to 512. MapInfo 15.2 and above creates .tab files with a blocksize of 16384 bytes. Any MapInfo version should be able to handle block sizes from 512 to 32256.xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax: Define custom layer bounds to increase the accuracy of the coordinates. Note: the geometry of written features must be within the defined box.Should update files be incorporated into the base data on the fly.Should multipoint soundings be split into many single point sounding features. Multipoint geometries are not well handled by many formats, so it can be convenient to split single sounding features with many points into many single point features.Should a DEPTH attribute be added on SOUNDG features and assign the depth of the sounding. This should only be enabled when SPLIT_MULTIPOINT is also enabled.Controls the format used for the geometry column. Defaults to WKB. This is generally more space and processing efficient, but harder to inspect or use in simple applications than WKT (Well Known Text).Controls whether layer and field names will be laundered for easier use in SQLite. Laundered names will be converted to lower case and some special characters(' - #) will be changed to underscores.SQLiteSQLiteInsert the content of the EPSG CSV files into the spatial_ref_sys table. Set to NO for regular SQLite databases.Used to force the SRID number of the SRS associated with the layer. When this option isn't specified and that a SRS is associated with the layer, a search is made in the spatial_ref_sys to find a match for the SRS, and, if there is no match, a new entry is inserted for the SRS in the spatial_ref_sys table. When the SRID option is specified, this search (and the eventual insertion of a new entry) will not be done: the specified SRID is used as such.SpatiaLiteSpatiaLiteOverride the header file used - in place of header.dxf.Override the trailer file used - in place of trailer.dxf.AutoCAD DXFAutocad DXFIndicates the GeoConcept export file extension. TXT was used by earlier releases of GeoConcept. GXT is currently used.GeoconceptGeoconceptWhen this option is set, the new layer will be created inside the named FeatureDataset folder. If the folder does not already exist, it will be created.Set name of geometry column in new layer. Defaults to 'SHAPE'.Nastavi ime geometrijskega stolpca. Privzeto 'SHAPE'.Name of the OID column to create. Defaults to 'OBJECTID'.Ime enoličnega stolpca. Privzeto 'OBJECTID'.ESRI FileGDBESRI datoteka GDBBy default, the driver will try to detect the data type of fields. If set to STRING, all fields will be of String type.Cannot overwrite a OGR layer in placeOGR sloja ni močoče prepisatiFailed to transform, writing stopped. (Exception: %1)Napaka pri transformaciji, zapisovanje ustavljeno. (Izjema: %1)Unable to load %1 providerNi mogoče naložiti ponudnika %1Provider %1 has no %2 methodPonudnik %1 se ne odziva na %2 metodoLoaded from ProviderNaloženo od ponudnikaLoading of layer failedNeuspelo nalaganje slojaCreation error for features from #%1 to #%2. Provider errors was:
%3Napačni geoobjekti #%1 v #%2. Napaka ponudnika je:
%3Import was canceled at %1 of %2Uvoz je prekinjen prii %1 od %2Vector importUvoz vektorjaOnly %1 of %2 features written.Samo %1 od %2 geoobjektov je zapisanih.Write access denied. Adjust the file permissions and try again.Pisanje zavrnjeno. Prilagodite dovoljenja datotekam in ponovno poskusite.Building PyramidsGradnja piramidThe file was not writable. Some formats do not support pyramid overviews. Consult the GDAL documentation if in doubt.Datoteka je bila zaklenjena za pisanje. Nekateri formati ne podpirajo pregledov piramid .Poglejte v GDAL dokumentacijo, če ste v dvomih.Building pyramid overviews is not supported on this type of raster.Pregled gradnje piramide ni podprt na tem tipu rasterja.Multiband colorVečpasovna barvaPaletted/Unique valuesSingleband graySamostojni pas sivaSingleband pseudocolorSamostojni pas psevdo barvaSingleband color dataSamostojni pas barvi podatkiHillshadeSenčenjeAll RampsVse lestviceNo symbolsSingle symbolCategorizedKategoriziranoGraduatedPostopnoRule-basedPo pravilihPoint displacementZamenjava točkePoint clusterInverted polygons2.5 DSimple linePreprosta linijaMarker lineLinija s simboliArrowPuščicaHashed lineSimple markerPreprosti simbolFilled markerSVG markerSVG simbolRaster image markerFont markerPisavaEllipse markerElipsaVector field markerSimple fillPreprosto polniloGradient fillPolniloShapeburst fillSVG fillSVG polniloCentroid fillSrediščno polniloLine pattern fillPolnilo linijePoint pattern fillPolnilo točkeGeometry generatorRaster HistogramRasterski histogramPixel ValueVrednost pikslovFrequencyPogostostInternal CompassInterni kompasShows a QtSensors compass readingPrikaže QTSensors kompasVersion 0.9Različica 0.9Coordinate CaptureBranje koordinatCapture mouse coordinates in different CRSBranje koordinat v različnih koordinatnih sistemihVectorVektorVersion 0.1Verzija 0.1eViseVisAn event visualization tool - view images associated with vector featuresOrodje za vizualizacijo dogodkov - prikaže slike povezane z vektorsko značilnostjoPackage layersgeopackage,collect,merge,combine,stylesDatabasePodatkovna zbirkaDestination GeoPackageGeoPackage files (*.gpkg)Overwrite existing GeoPackageSave layer styles into GeoPackageLayers within new packageThis algorithm collects a number of existing layers and packages them together into a single GeoPackage database.No output file specified.Removing existing file '%1'Could not remove existing file '%1'GeoPackage driver not found.Creation of database failed (OGR error: %1)Packaging raster layers is not supported.Packaging plugin layers is not supported.Packaging mesh layers is not supported.Error obtained while packaging one or more layers.Packaging layer failed: %1Could not retrieve existing layer style: %1 Could not set existing layer style: %1 Could not save layer style: %1 Could not save layer style -- error loading: %1 %2Version 1.1.0Različica 1.1.0WarningOpozoriloGeoreferencer GDALGeoreferenciranjeGeoreferencing rasters using GDALGeoreferenciranje rastrov z uporabo GDAL knjižniceRasterRasterCould not reproject view extent: %1Obsega pogleda %1 ni bilo mogoče reprojeciratiCould not reproject layer extent: %1Obsega pogleda %1 ni bilo mogoče reprojeciratiVersion 3.1.9Različica 3.1.9Fit to a linear transform requires at least 2 points.Za linearno transformacijo sta potrebni najmanj 2 točki.Fit to a Helmert transform requires at least 2 points.Za Helmert transformacijo sta potrebni najmanj 2 točki.Fit to an affine transform requires at least 4 points.Za affine transformacijo so potrebne najmanj 4 točke.Fitting a projective transform requires at least 4 corresponding points.Za projekcijsko transformacijo so potrebne najmanj 4 točke.GlobeGlobusOverlay data on a 3D globePodatki na 3D globusuVersion 1.0Verzija 1.0GPS ToolsOrodja za GPSTools for loading and importing GPS dataOrodja za odpiranje in uvoz podatkov iz GPS napraveHeatmapToplotna kartaOfflineEditingUrejanje brez povezaveAllow offline editing and synchronizing with databaseDovoli urejanje brez povezave in sinhronizacijo s podatkovno zbirkoEqual to (=)Greater than (>)Less than (<)Not equal to (≠)Greater than or equal to (≥)Less than or equal to (≤)Between (inclusive)Not between (inclusive)Case insensitiveContainsVsebujeDoes not containIs missing (null)Is not missing (not null)Starts withEnds withGDAL/OGR VSIFileHandlerGDAL/OGR VSIFileHandlerThis raster file has no bands and is invalid as a raster layer.Rasterska datoteka je berz pasov in predstavlja neveljavni rasterski sloj.Cannot get GDAL raster band: %1Ni mogoče odpretii GDAL rasterski pas: %1Nearest NeighbourNajbližji sosedAveragePovprečnoGaussGaussCubicKubičnoCubic SplineCubic SplineLanczosLanczosModeNačinNoneBrezCouldn't open the data source: %1Ne morem odpreti podatkovnega vira: %1Parse error at line %1 : %2Napaka v vrstici %1 : %2GPS eXchange format providerPonudnik oblik GPS eXchangeChoose GRASS installation path (GISBASE)Izberite GRASS instalacijsko pot (GISBASE)GISBASE is not set.GISBASE ni nastavljena.%1 is not a GRASS mapset.%1 ni GRASS nabor kart.Cannot start %1Mapset is already in use.Nabor kart je v uporabi.Mapset lock failed (%1)Temporary directory %1 exists but is not writableZačasna mapa %1 obstaja, vendar vanjo ni mogoče zapisovatiCannot create temporary directory %1Ne morem narediti začasne mape %1Cannot create %1Ne morem narediti %1Cannot remove mapset lock: %1Ne morem odstraniti zaščite karte: %1Cannot create table: %1Cannot read vector map regionNe morem prebrati področja vektorske karteCannot find module %1Ne moren najti modul %1Cannot open GISRC fileNe morem odpreti GISRC datotekeCannot run moduleNe morem zagnati modulacommand: %1 %2
stdout: %3
stderr: %4Attempt to copy from different location.Delete confirmationAre you sure you want to delete %1 %2?Cannot insert, statement: '%1' error: '%2'Loading of the MSSQL provider failedNalaganje MSSQL ponudnika ni uspeloUnsupported type for field %1Neveljaven tip za polje %1Creation of fields failedPolja niso narejenaOGR[%1] error %2: %3OGR[%1] napaka %2: %3Unable to create the datasource. %1 exists and overwrite flag is false.Podatkovnega vira nii mogoče ustvariti. %1 obstaja in ni označen za prepis.Unable to get driver %1Manjka krmilnik %1Arc/Info Binary CoverageArc/Info binarni slojDODSDODSCouchDBGeoJSON Newline Delimited JSONOpenFileGDBESRI Personal GeoDatabaseEsri Personal podatkovna zbirkaLayer %2 of %1 exists and overwrite flag is false.ESRI ArcSDEESRI ArcSDEESRI ShapefilesESRI prostorske datoteke (.shp)GeoPackageGrass VectorGrass VektorInformix DataBladeInformix DataBladeIngresIngresMapinfo FileMapinfo datotekaMySQLMySQLMSSQLMSSQLOracle SpatialOracle SpatialODBCODBCOGDI VectorsOGDI VectorsPostgreSQLPostgreSQLSystematic Organization of Spatial Information [SOSI]SQLite/SpatiaLiteStorage and eXchange FormatUK. NTF2UK. NTF2U.S. Census TIGER/LineU.S. Census TIGER/LineVRT - Virtual DatasourceVRT - Navidezni podatkovni virX-Plane/FlightgearX-Plane/FlightgearOpen Document SpreadsheetMS Office Open XML spreadsheetMS Excel formatEDIGEONAS - ALKISWAsPPCI Geomatics Database FileDatoteka PCI Geomatics podatkovne zbirkeGPSTrackMakerCzech Cadastral Exchange Data FormatOpenStreetMapOpenStreetMapSpecial Use Airspace FormatOpenAir Special Use Airspace FormatPlanetary Data Systems TABLEHydrographic Transfer FormatScalable Vector GraphicsArc/Info GenerateGeospatial PDFSEG-YSEG-P1UKOOA P1/90URI %1 doesn't end with .shpError updating styleConnection to database failed: %1Error executing the delete query.Cannot find layer_styles layerInvalid style identifierNo style corresponding to style identifierNot enough data to deserializeNot enough memoryUnsupported geometry typeUnsupported operationNepodprta operacijaCorrupt dataFailureUnsupported SRSInvalid handleNon existing featureSuccessUspešnoGDAL result code: %1Layer not found: %1GeoPackage Database (*.gpkg)GeoPackage podatkovna zbirka (*.gpkg)Cannot open transaction on %1, since it is is not currently openedAll filesVse datotekeDuplicate field (10 significant characters): %1Podvojeno polje (10 pomembnih znakov): %1Creating the data source %1 failed: %2Ustvarjanje podatkovnega vira %1 ni uspelo: %2Unknown vector type of %1Nepoznan vektorski tip %1field %1 with unsupported type %2 skippedpolja %1 nepodptega tipa %2 so bila izvzetacreation of field %1 failedPoje %1 ni bilo ustvarjenoCouldn't create file %1.qpjNe morem zapisati datoeke %1.qpjFetching features failed.
SQL: %1
Error: %2OracleOracleConnection to database failedPovezava s podatkovno zbirko ni uspelaNo owner name foundIme lastnika ni najdenoCreation of data source %1 failed:
%2Ustvarjanje podatkovnega vira %1 ni uspelo:
%2Loading of the layer %1 failedNalaganje sloja %1 ni uspeloField name clash found (%1 not remappable)Ime polja neveljaven (%1 ni mogoče prikazati na zemljevidu)%1 not owner of the table %2.%1 ni lastnik tabele %2.Unable to determine number of geometry columns of layer %1.%2:
%3Unable to delete layer %1.%2:
%3Ni mogoče izbrisati sloj %1.%2:
%3Unable to clean metadata %1.%2:
%3Metapodatkov ni mogoče počistiti %1.%2:
%3Could not connect to databasePovezava s podatkovno zbirko ni uspelaUnable to check layer style existence [%1]Unable to create layer style table [%1]Unable to check style existence [%1]Unable to find layer style table [%1]Layer style table does not exist [%1]Could not load layer style table [%1]Cannot fetch new layer style id.Could not prepare insert/update [%1]Could not execute insert/update [%1]Could not reset default status [%1]Could not retrieve style [%1]Style not foundCould not verify existence of layer style table [%1]No style for layer foundNo styles found in layer table [%1]no result bufferObris kjer ni rezultataFetching from cursor %1 failed
Database error: %2Branje od kurzorja %1 neuspešno
Napaka podatkovne zbirke: %2PostGISPostGISInfinite filter rectangle specifiedUnable to delete layer %1:
%2Ni mogoče izbrisati sloj %1:
%2Unable to delete schema %1:
%2Unable to save layer style. It's not possible to create the destination table on the database. Maybe this is due to table permissions (user=%1). Please contact your database adminUnable to save layer style. It's not possible to create the destination table on the database. Maybe this is due to table permissions. Please contact your database adminSave style in databaseShranite slog v podatkovno zbirkoA style named "%1" already exists in the database for this layer. Do you want to overwrite it?Operation aborted. No changes were made in the databaseOperacija prekinjena brez sprememb v podatkovni zbirkiUnable to save layer style. It's not possible to insert a new record into the style table. Maybe this is due to table permissions. Please contact your database administrator.No styles available on DB, or there is an error connecting to the database.Unable to delete view %1:
%2Unable to save layer style. It's not possible to insert a new record into the style table. Maybe this is due to table permissions (user=%1). Please contact your database administrator.Connection to database failed using username: %1Uporabnik: %1 se ne more povezati s podatkovno zbirkoError executing query: %1Poizvedba: %1 ni pravilnaError executing the select query for related styles. The query was loggedError executing the select query for unrelated styles. The query was loggedError executing the delete query. The query was loggedError executing the select query. The query was loggedNapačna izvedba poizvedbe. Poizvedba je logiranaConsistency error in table '%1'. Style id should be uniqueSQLite error: %2
SQL: %1SQLite napaka: %2
SQL: %1SQLite error getting feature: %1SQLite ni prepoznal elemnta: %1creation of data source %1 failed. %2izdelava podatkovnega vira %1 ni uspešna. %2loading of the layer %1 failednapaka pri nalaganju sloja %1creation of fields failedpolja niso narejenaUnable to initialize SpatialMetadata:
Prostorskih metapodatkov ni mogoče inicializirati:
Could not create a new database
Ni mogoče ustvariti nove podatkovne zbirkeUnable to activate FOREIGN_KEY constraints [%1]Ni mogoče aktivirati povezave [%1]Unable to delete table %1
Tabele %1 ni mogoče izbrisati
Could not load styles from %1 (Query: %2)Style with id %1 not found in %2 (Query: %3)Error looking for style. The query was loggedUnable to save layer style. It's not possible to create the destination table on the database.Cannot find layer %1.Cannot open %1.Operation abortedError executing loading style. The query was loggedNo styles available on DBError loading styles. The query was loggedThe extra plugin path '%1' does not exist!Couldn't load SIP module.Ne morem naložiti SIP modula.Python support will be disabled.Python-ova pomoč bo neomogočena.Couldn't set SIP API versions.Couldn't load PyQt.Couldn't load PyQGIS.Ne morem naložiti PyQGIS.Couldn't load QGIS utils.Ne morem naložiti pomožnih programov.An error occurred during execution of following code:Python version:Python različica:QGIS version:Različica programa:Python path:Pot do Python:Python errorProgramska napakaUndefinedNedoločenoHiddenSkritoTitleNaslovGroupSkupinaFrameOkvirScalebarMeriloText TableSubgrouppodskupinaSymbolSimbolSymbol labelOznaka simbolaTopology CheckerPreverjanje topologijeA Plugin for finding topological errors in vector layersVtičnik poišče topološke napake v vektorskih plastehUsing fix %1.Uporabljen popravek %1.Topology pluginTopološki vtičnikSelect automatic fixSamodejno popravljanjeintersecting geometriesgeometrijsko sekanjeMove blue featureMove red featureDelete blue featureDelete red featureUnion to blue featureUnion to red featurefeatures too closegeoobjekti so preblizuSnap to segmentpoint not covered by segmenttočka ni pokrita s segmentomDelete pointBriši točkosegment too shortprekratek segmentDelete featureinvalid geometryneveljavna geometrijadangling endnedoločeni konecduplicate geometrypodvoji geometrijopseudo nodepsevdo vozliščeoverlapsprekrivanjagapsvrzelipoint not coveredtočka ni pokritaline ends not covered by pointlinija ni zaključena s točkopoint not in polygontočka ni poligonpolygon does not contain pointpoligon brez točkemultipart featurevečdelni elementSave style to DB (%1)Shrani slog v podatkovno skladišče (%1)Delete Auxiliary FieldUnable to remove auxiliary field (%1)Could not save metadataCould not save symbology because:
%1Slogov ni bilo mogoče shraniti zaradi:
%1Attribute index %1 out of bounds [0;%2]Podatkovno kazalo %1 presega meje [0;%2]ErrorNapakaGlobalFormObrazecProjectProjektLoad layer into projectSloja ni mogoče naložiti v projektload,open,layer,raster,vector,projectnaloži, odpri, sloj, raster, vektor, projektModeler toolsModelirna orodjaThis algorithm loads a layer to the current project.Ta algoritem naloži sloje v trenutni projekt.LayerSlojLoaded layer nameIme sloja naloženoInvalid input layerNeveljaven vhodni slojInvalid (empty) layer nameNeveljavno (prazno) ime slojaMap SettingsMap Tool CaptureLayoutPostavitevAtlasAtlasLayout ItemAlgorithmModelModelFeature IDElement IDlinearlinearnoradialradialnoconicalkoničnofeatureelementviewportpadrepeatponovireflectodrazCould not allocate sufficient memory for shapeburst fillNo renderer for drawing.Simplify transform error caught: %1empty capabilities documentDom ExceptionDom IzjemaCould not get WMS capabilities: %1 at line %2 column %3
This is probably due to an incorrect WMS Server URL.
Response was:
%4Could not get WMS capabilities in the expected format (DTD): no %1 or %2 found.
This might be due to an incorrect WMS Server URL.
Tag: %3
Response was:
%4Generated default styleStyle was missing in capabilitiesField contains a color.Combo box with values that can be used within the column's type. Must be supported by the provider.Polje za vpis/izbiro vrednosti se lahko uporablja za tip stolpca. Nujna je podpora od ponudnika.Read-only field that generates a UUID if empty.Read-only field that generates a UUID if empty.LegendLegendaRaster image fillCouldn't load PyQGIS Server.Couldn't load qgis.user.NOTICE: %1BlurDrop ShadowInner ShadowStackOuter GlowInner GlowSourceVirTransformColoriseGRASS %1GRASS %1 (Geographic Resources Analysis Support System)Version 2.0Verzija 2.0GRASS editExtract by attributeEkstrahiraj z atributomextract,filter,attribute,value,contains,null,fieldVector selectionSelection attributeIzbrana poljaOperatorOperator==≠>><<≥≤begins withzačne zcontainsvsebujeis nullje praznois not nullni praznodoes not containne vsebujeValueVrednostExtracted (attribute)Ekstrahirano (atribut)Extracted (non-matching)This algorithm creates a new vector layer that only contains matching features from an input layer. The criteria for adding features to the resulting layer is defined based on the values of an attribute from the input layer.Field '%1' was not found in INPUT sourceOperator '%1' can be used only with string fields.CountŠteviloCount (distinct)Count (missing)Minimum (earliest)Maximum (latest)Range (interval)SumVsotaMeanSrednjaMedianSredinaSt dev (pop)St dev (sample)Output no data valueRange boundariesmin < value <= maxmin <= value < maxmin <= value <= maxmin < value < maxUse no data when no range matches valueOutput data typeTip izhodne datotekeReclassified rasterInvalid band number for RASTER_BAND (%1): Valid values for input raster are 1 to %2logical,booleanTreat nodata values as falseOverlap analysisvector,overlay,area,percentage,intersectionOverlay layersOutput layerIzhodni slojThis algorithm calculates the area and percentage cover by which features from an input layer are overlapped by features from a selection of overlay layers.
New attributes are added to the output layer reporting the total area of overlap and percentage of the input feature overlapped by each of the selected overlay layers.Preparing %1True pixel countFalse pixel countCould not create raster output: %1Could not create raster output %1: %2Raster boolean ORCalculates the boolean OR for a set of input raster layersThis algorithm calculates the boolean OR for a set of input rasters. If any of the input rasters have a non-zero value for a pixel, that pixel will be set to 1 in the output raster. If all the input rasters have 0 values for the pixel it will be set to 0 in the output raster.
The reference layer parameter specifies an existing raster layer to use as a reference when creating the output raster. The output raster will have the same extent, CRS, and pixel dimensions as this layer.
By default, a nodata pixel in ANY of the input layers will result in a nodata pixel in the output raster. If the 'Treat nodata values as false' option is checked, then nodata inputs will be treated the same as a 0 input value.Raster boolean ANDCalculates the boolean AND for a set of input raster layersThis algorithm calculates the boolean AND for a set of input rasters. If all of the input rasters have a non-zero value for a pixel, that pixel will be set to 1 in the output raster. If any of the input rasters have 0 values for the pixel it will be set to 0 in the output raster.
The reference layer parameter specifies an existing raster layer to use as a reference when creating the output raster. The output raster will have the same extent, CRS, and pixel dimensions as this layer.
By default, a nodata pixel in ANY of the input layers will result in a nodata pixel in the output raster. If the 'Treat nodata values as false' option is checked, then nodata inputs will be treated the same as a 0 input value.Reclassify by layerraster,reclassify,classes,calculatorThis algorithm reclassifies a raster band by assigning new class values based on the ranges specified in a vector table.Layer containing class breaksMinimum class value fieldMaximum class value fieldOutput value fieldInvalid field specified for MIN_FIELD: %1Invalid field specified for MAX_FIELD: %1Invalid field specified for VALUE_FIELD: %1Invalid value for minimum: %1Invalid value for maximum: %1Invalid output value: %1Reclassify by tableThis algorithm reclassifies a raster band by assigning new class values based on the ranges specified in a fixed table.Reclassification tableFilteredFilters away vertices based on their %1, returning geometries with only vertex points that have a %1 ≥ the specified minimum value and ≤ the maximum value.
If the minimum value is not specified than only the maximum value is tested, and similarly if the maximum value is not specified than only the minimum value is tested.
Depending on the input geometry attributes and the filters used, the resultant geometries created by this algorithm may no longer be valid.MinimumNajmanjšeMinimum valueNajmanjša vrednostMaximumMaksimumMaximum valueNajvečja vrednostFilter vertices by M valueFilter vertices by Z valuefilter,points,vertex,mm-valuefilter,points,vertex,zz-valueInvalid value for TABLE: list must contain a multiple of 3 elements (found %1)RangeObmočjeMinorityMajorityVarietyQ1Q3IQRFirstLastRename GRASS %1Preimenuj GRASS %1Cannot delete %1Cannot rename %1 to %2Ni mogoče preimenovati %1 v %2Recent colorsStandard colorsProject colorsBarve projektaDelete ConnectionIzbriši povezavoAre you sure you want to delete the connection to %1?Delete ObjectDelete TableIzbriši tabeloAre you sure you want to delete [%1].[%2]?Are you sure you want to truncate [%1].[%2]?
This will delete all data within the table.Are you sure you want to delete %1.%2?Truncate TableAre you sure you want to truncate %1.%2?
This will delete all data within the table.Refresh Materialized ViewAre you sure you want to refresh the materialized view %1.%2?
This will update all data within the table.Delete SchemaIzbriši shemoSchema '%1' contains objects:
Are you sure you want to delete the schema and all these objects?Are you sure you want to delete the schema '%1'?Are you sure you want to delete %1?Unable to reproject.Reprojeciranje ni možno.Cell size must not be zero.No common intersecting area.Unable to open input file: %1Unable to create output file: %1Un-named Color SchemeAccessible Color SchemeOpen LinkCopy Link AddressSend Email To…Copy Email AddressCannot open database %1 by driver %2Cannot describe table %1GRASS vector map %1 does not have topology. Build topology?GRASS vektorska karta %1 nima topologije. Napravim topologijo?Key column '%1' not found in the table '%2'SecureProtocolsTlsV1SslV3TlsV1SslV3SslV2(Organization not defined)System Root CASystem Root AuthoritiesFile CAAuthorities from FileDatabase CAAuthorities in DatabaseConnection CAAuthorities from connectionDefaultPrivzetoTrustedUntrustedCertificate is valid.Root CA rejected the certificate purpose.Certificate is not trusted.Signature does not match.Certificate Authority is invalid or not found.Purpose does not match the intended usage.Certificate is self-signed, and is not found in the list of trusted certificates.Certificate has been revoked.Path length from the root CA to this certificate is too long.Certificate has expired or is not yet valid.Certificate Authority has expired.Validity is unknown.SHA1, with EMSA1SHA1, with EMSA3MD5, with EMSA3MD2, with EMSA3RIPEMD160, with EMSA3EMSA3, without digestSHA224, with EMSA3SHA256, with EMSA3SHA384, with EMSA3SHA512, with EMSA3Unknown (possibly Elliptic Curve)Digital SignatureNon-repudiationKey EnciphermentData EnciphermentKey AgreementKey Certificate SignCRL SignEncipher OnlyDecipher OnlyServer AuthenticationClient AuthenticationCode SigningEmail ProtectionIPSec EndpointIPSec TunnelIPSec UserTime StampingOCSP SigningAny or unspecifiedCertificate AuthorityCertificate IssuerTLS/SSL ServerTLS/SSL Server EVTLS/SSL ClientCRL SigningUndetermined usageUnable to Get Issuer CertificateUnable to Decrypt Certificate SignatureUnable to Decode Issuer Public KeyUnable to Get Local Issuer CertificateUnable to Verify First CertificateCertificate Signature FailedCertificate Not Yet ValidCertificate ExpiredInvalid Not Before FieldInvalid Not After FieldSelf-signed CertificateSelf-signed Certificate In ChainCertificate RevokedInvalid CA CertificatePath Length ExceededInvalid PurposeCertificate UntrustedCertificate RejectedSubject Issuer MismatchAuthority Issuer Serial Number MismatchNo Peer CertificateHost Name MismatchUnspecified ErrorCertificate BlacklistedNo ErrorNo SSL SupportClient certificate is NULL.Client certificate key is NULL.Private key does not match client certificate public key.Authentication ManagerMaster Password <-> KeyChain storage plugin. Store and retrieve your master password in your KeyChainMaster Password <-> Password Manager storage plugin. Store and retrieve your master password in your Password ManagerMaster Password <-> Wallet/KeyRing storage plugin. Store and retrieve your master password in your Wallet/KeyRingMaster Password <-> KeyChain storage plugin. Store and retrieve your master password in your Wallet/KeyChain/Password ManagerAuthentication methodCould not set trust policy for imported certificatesAuthorities ManagerCould not store sort by preferenceCould not store default trust policy.Could not store 'CA file path' in authentication database.Could not store 'CA file allow invalids' setting in authentication database.Could not set trust policy for imported certificates.Could not remove 'CA file path' from authentication database.Could not remove 'CA file allow invalids' setting from authentication database.Authentication SystemDISABLED. Resources authenticating via the system can not be accessedMaster password already set.Master password not cleared because it is not set.Master password cleared (NOTE: network connections may be cached).Master password FAILED to be cleared.Master password resetMaster password reset: NO current password hash in databaseMaster password FAILED to be reset (database backup: %1)Cached authentication configurations for session clearedRemove ConfigurationsAre you sure you want to remove ALL authentication configurations?
Operation can NOT be undone!Authentication configurations removed.Authentication configurations FAILED to be removed.Active authentication database erased.Authentication database FAILED to be erased.Delete PasswordIzbriši gesloDo you really want to delete the master password from your %1?Master password was successfully deleted from your %1Password helper deleteMaster password is not set and cannot be stored in your %1.Master password has been successfully stored in your %1.Password helper writeYour %1 will be <b>used from now</b> on to store and retrieve the master password.Your %1 will <b>not be used anymore</b> to store and retrieve the master password.Erase DatabaseAre you sure you want to ERASE the entire authentication database?
Operation can NOT be undone!
(Current database will be backed up and new one created.) (backup: %1)RESTART QGISFile not foundDatoteka ne obstajaCould not store sort by preference.Authentication IdentitiesAuthentication SSL ConfigsConfiguration loaded from databaseConfiguration not found in databaseTrusted Authorities/IssuersEntry token invalid : '%1'. The token will not be saved to file.Project translationA hidden field will be invisible - the user is not able to see its contents.VLayerExpression SorterDisplays a combo box containing values of attributes used for classification.
Only available when the layer uses a categorized symbol renderer.Error: %1 on line %2, column %3Napaka: %1 v vrstici %2, stolpec %3WFSWFSunable to convert '%1' element to a valid expression: it is not supported yet or it has invalid arguments'%1' binary operator not supported.invalid left operand for '%1' binary operatorinvalid right operand for '%1' binary operatoronly one operand for '%1' binary operatorNo OGC Geometry found%1:PropertyName expected, got %2%1:Literal expected, got %2'%1' is an invalid or not supported content for %2:Literalinvalid operand for '%1' unary operatorNode type not supported: %1This use of unary operator not implemented yet<BBOX> is currently supported only in form: bbox($geometry, geomFromWKT('…'))Unary operator %1 not implemented yetBinary operator %1 not implemented yetNode type not supported in expression translation: %1Unary operator '%1' not implemented yetLiteral type not supported: %1Unable to translate spatial operator: at least one must refer to geometry.spatial operator: the other operator must be a geometry constructor functiongeom_from_wkt: argument must be string literalgeom_from_gml: argument must be string literalgeom_from_gml: unable to parse XMLspatial operator: unknown geometry constructor functionSpecial columns/constants are not supported.%1: Last argument must be string or integer literalFunction %1 should have 1 or 2 arguments%1: First argument must be string literal%1: invalid WKTFunction %1 should have 4 or 5 arguments%1: Argument %2 must be numeric literal%1 Argument %2 must be numeric literalFunction %1 should have 1 argument%1: Argument must be string literalST_GeomFromGML: unable to parse XMLFunction %1 should have 2 argumentsFunction %1 should have 3 argumentsFunction %1 3rd argument should be a numeric value or a string made of a numeric value followed by a stringJoins are only supported with WFS 2.0%1:Function expected, got %2missing some required sub-elements in %1:PropertyIsBetweensecond|secondslist of words separated by | which reference yearsminute|minuteslist of words separated by | which reference minuteshour|hourslist of words separated by | which reference minutes hoursday|dayslist of words separated by | which reference daysweek|weekswordlist separated by | which reference weeksmonth|monthslist of words separated by | which reference monthsyear|yearslist of words separated by | which reference yearsMinimum lengthNajmanjša dolžinaSplit lines by maximum lengthsegments,parts,distance,cut,chopThis algorithm takes a line (or curve) layer and splits each feature into multiple parts, where each part is of a specified maximum length.
Z and M values at the start and end of the new line substrings are linearly interpolated from existing values.Splits lines into parts which are no longer than a specified length.Maximum line lengthNajvečja dolžina linijMaximum lengthNajvečja dolžinaMean lengthPovprečna dolžinaFunction '%1' is not declared by the WFS serverColumn '%1' references a non existing tableColumn '%1' references a non existing field%1 to %2 arguments1 argument%1 arguments%1 arguments or more1 argument or more0 argument or moreStyle ManagerUrejanje simbolovTessellate3d,triangleVector geometryGeometrija vektorjaTessellatedThis algorithm tessellates a polygon geometry layer, dividing the geometries into triangular components.The output layer consists of multipolygon geometries for each input feature, with each multipolygon consisting of multiple triangle component polygons.Feature ID %1 could not be divided into triangular components.HeightVišinaExtrusionHeightAdd autoincremental fieldDodaj polje samodejnošteviloThis algorithm adds a new integer field to a vector layer, with a sequential value for each feature.
This field can be used as a unique ID for features in the layer. The new attribute is not added to the input layer but a new layer is generated instead.
The initial starting value for the incremental series can be specified.
Optionally, grouping fields can be specified. If group fields are present, then the field value will be reset for each combination of these group field values.
The sort order for features may be specified, if so, then the incremental field will respect this sort order.add,create,serial,primary,key,unique,fieldsVector tableVektorska tabelaIncrementedPovečanoField nameIme poljaStart values atGroup values bySort expressionRazvrsti izrazSort ascendingRazvrsti naraščajočeSort nulls firstAssign projectionDodeli koordinatni sistemassign,set,transform,reproject,crs,srs,warpdodeli, nastavi, transformiraj, reprojeciraj, KS, pretvoriVector generalLastnosti vektorjaAssigned CRSDodeljen KSThis algorithm assigns a new projection to a vector layer. It creates a new layer with the exact same features and geometries as the input one, but assigned to a new CRS. E.g. the geometries are not reprojected, they are just assigned to a different CRS. This algorithm can be used to repair layers which have been assigned an incorrect projection.
Attributes are not modified by this algorithm.BoundaryMejaboundary,ring,border,exteriorReturns the closure of the combinatorial boundary of the input geometries (ie the topological boundary of the geometry). For instance, a polygon geometry will have a boundary consisting of the linestrings for each ring in the polygon. Only valid for polygon or line layers.No boundary for feature %1 (possibly a closed linestring?)'Bounding boxesbounding,boxes,envelope,rectangle,extentBoundsOmejitveThis algorithm calculates the bounding box (envelope) for each feature in an input layer.See the 'Minimum bounding geometry' algorithm for a bounding box calculation which covers the whole layer or grouped subsets of features.BufferObrisbuffer,grow,fixed,variable,distanceInput layerVhodni slojDistanceRazdaljaBuffer distanceRazdalja obrisaSegmentsSegmentiEnd cap styleStil zaključka linijeRoundZaokroženoFlatRavnoSquareKvadratnoJoin styleSlog vozliščMiterKoničastoBevelKvadratnoMiter limitDissolve resultRazgradi rezultatBufferedObrisanThis algorithm computes a buffer area for all the features in an input layer, using a fixed or dynamic distance.
The segments parameter controls the number of line segments to use to approximate a quarter circle when creating rounded offsets.
The end cap style parameter controls how line endings are handled in the buffer.
The join style parameter specifies whether round, miter or beveled joins should be used when offsetting corners in a line.
The miter limit parameter is only applicable for miter join styles, and controls the maximum distance from the offset curve to use when creating a mitered join.Could not load source layer for INPUTError calculating buffer for feature %1Napaka pri izračunu obrisa za geoobjekt %1ProcessingPaketna obdelavaCentroidsCentroidicentroid,center,average,point,middleThis algorithm creates a new point layer, with points representing the centroid of the geometries in an input layer.
The attributes associated to each point in the output layer are the same ones associated to the original features.Create point on surface for each partError calculating centroid for feature %1 part %2: %3Error calculating centroid for feature %1: %2ClipObrežiclip,intersect,intersection,maskobreži, presek, presečišče, maskaVector overlayOznačitev vektorjevOverlay layerThis algorithm clips a vector layer using the features of an additional polygon layer. Only the parts of the features in the Input layer that fall within the polygons of the Overlay layer will be added to the resulting layer.The attributes of the features are not modified, although properties such as area or length of the features will be modified by the clipping operation. If such properties are stored as attributes, those attributes will have to be manually updated.ClippedObrezanoCould not create the combined clip geometry: %1Convex hullKonveksna obvojnicaconvex,hull,bounds,boundingConvex hullsThis algorithm calculates the convex hull for each feature in an input layer.See the 'Minimum bounding geometry' algorithm for a convex hull calculation which covers the whole layer or grouped subsets of features.Cannot calculate convex hull for a single Point feature (try 'Minimum bounding geometry' algorithm instead).DissolvePoenostavljanjedissolve,union,combine,collectDissolve field(s)This algorithm takes a vector layer and combines their features into new features. One or more attributes can be specified to dissolve features belonging to the same class (having the same value for the specified attributes), alternatively all features can be dissolved in a single one.
All output geometries will be converted to multi geometries. In case the input is a polygon layer, common boundaries of adjacent polygons being dissolved will get erased.Unique ID fieldsDissolvedZdruženoGEOS exception: taking the slower route ...The algorithm returned no output.Collect geometriesunion,combine,collect,multipart,parts,singleCollectedThis algorithm takes a vector layer and collects its geometries into new multipart geometries. One or more attributes can be specified to collect only geometries belonging to the same class (having the same value for the specified attributes), alternatively all geometries can be collected.All output geometries will be converted to multi geometries, even those with just a single part. This algorithm does not dissolve overlapping geometries - they will be collected together without modifying the shape of each geometry part.See the 'Promote to multipart' or 'Aggregate' algorithms for alternative options.Drop geometriesIzbriši geometrijeremove,drop,delete,geometry,objectsDropped geometriesThis algorithm removes any geometries from an input layer and returns a layer containing only the feature attributes.Drop M/Z valuesdrop,set,convert,m,measure,z,25d,3d,valuesZ/M DroppedThis algorithm can remove any measure (M) or Z values from input geometries.Drop M ValuesDrop Z ValuesExtentObsegThis algorithm creates a new vector layer that contains a single feature with geometry matching an extent parameter.
It can be used in models to convert an extent into a layer which can be used for other algorithms which require a layer based input.Create layer from extentextent,layer,polygon,create,newExtract by expressionIzvleci z izrazomextract,filter,expression,fieldExpressionIzrazMatching featuresUjemajoči geoobjektiNon-matchingThis algorithm creates a new vector layer that only contains matching features from an input layer. The criteria for adding features to the resulting layer is based on a QGIS expression.
For more information about expressions see the <a href ="{qgisdocs}/user_manual/working_with_vector/expression.html">user manual</a>Extract/clip by extentObreži z obsegomclip,extract,intersect,intersection,mask,extentClip features to extentObreži geoobjekte z obsegomExtractedThis algorithm creates a new vector layer that only contains features which fall within a specified extent. Any features which intersect the extent will be included.
Optionally, feature geometries can also be clipped to the extent. If this option is selected, then the output geometries will automatically be converted to multi geometries to ensure uniform output geometry types.Where the features (geometric predicate)intersectcontaindisjointnepriključenaequaltouchoverlapare withincrosscreating new selectionnovo označevanjeadding to current selectionvstavi k označenemuselecting within current selectionremoving from current selectionodstrani iz trenutno označenegaSelect features fromOznači geoobjekte izBy comparing to the features fromModify current selection byIzbrano spremeni zSelect by locationOznači po prostoruselect,intersects,intersecting,disjoint,touching,within,contains,overlaps,relationThis algorithm creates a selection in a vector layer. The criteria for selecting features is based on the spatial relationship between each feature and the features in an additional layer.Extract features fromEkstrahiraj geoobjekte izExtracted (location)Izvlečeno (lokacijsko)Extract by locationIzvleci po lokacijiextract,filter,intersects,intersecting,disjoint,touching,within,contains,overlaps,relationThis algorithm creates a new vector layer that only contains matching features from an input layer. The criteria for adding features to the resulting layer is defined based on the spatial relationship between each feature and the features in an additional layer.All files (*.*)Vse datoteke (*.*)Fix geometriesPopravi geometrijerepair,invalid,geometry,make,validFixed geometriesPopravljene geometrijeThis algorithm attempts to create a valid representation of a given invalid geometry without losing any of the input vertices. Already-valid geometries are returned without further intervention. Always outputs multi-geometry layer.
NOTE: M values will be dropped from the output.makeValid failed for feature %1 Fixing geometry for feature %1 resulted in %2, geometry has been dropped.Join attributes by field valuejoin,connect,attributes,values,fields,tablesCreate separate feature for each matching feature (one-to-many)Take attributes of the first matching feature only (one-to-one)Table fieldInput layer 2Vhodni sloj 2Table field 2Layer 2 fields to copy (leave empty to copy all fields)Join typeDiscard records which could not be joinedJoined field prefixJoined layerUnjoinable features from first layerNumber of joined features from input tableNumber of unjoinable features from input tableThis algorithm takes an input vector layer and creates a new vector layer that is an extended version of the input one, with additional attributes in its attribute table.
The additional attributes and their values are taken from a second vector layer. An attribute is selected in each of them to define the join criteria.%1 feature(s) from input layer were successfully matched%1 feature(s) from input layer could not be matchedInvalid join fieldsJoin by lines (hub lines)Vector analysisVektorska analizajoin,connect,lines,points,hub,spoke,geodesic,great,circleHub layerHub ID fieldHub layer fields to copy (leave empty to copy all fields)Spoke layerSpoke ID fieldSpoke layer fields to copy (leave empty to copy all fields)Create geodesic linesDistance between vertices (geodesic lines only)Distance between verticesSplit lines at antimeridian (±180 degrees longitude)Hub linesThis algorithm creates hub and spoke diagrams by connecting lines from points on the Spoke layer to matching points in the Hub layer.
Determination of which hub goes with each point is based on a match between the Hub ID field on the hub points and the Spoke ID field on the spoke points.
If input layers are not point layers, a point on the surface of the geometries will be taken as the connecting location.
Optionally, geodesic lines can be created, which represent the shortest path on the surface of an ellipsoid. When geodesic mode is used, it is possible to split the created lines at the antimeridian (±180 degrees longitude), which can improve rendering of the lines. Additionally, the distance between vertices can be specified. A smaller distance results in a denser, more accurate line.Creates lines joining two point layers, based on a common attribute value.Same layer given for both hubs and spokesInvalid ID fieldNeveljaven ID poljaLine intersectionsPresek linijline,intersectionlinija,presekIntersect layerSloj presekaIntersect fields prefixIntersectionPresekThis algorithm extracts the overlapping portions of features in the Input and Overlay layers. Features in the output Intersection layer are assigned the attributes of the overlapping features from both the Input and Overlay layers.Overlay fields to keep (leave empty to keep all fields)Overlay fields prefixInput fields to keep (leave empty to keep all fields)Intersect fields to keep (leave empty to keep all fields)GEOS geoprocessing error: intersection failed.GEOS geoprocessing error: difference failed.GEOS geoprocessing error: unary union failed.IntersectionsPresečiščaThis algorithm creates point features where the lines in the Intersect layer intersect the lines in the Input layer.Mean coordinate(s)Povprečenje koordinatmean,average,coordinateWeight fieldUtežnostno poljeUnique ID fieldEnolično poljeMean coordinatesSrednje koordinateThis algorithm computes a point layer with the center of mass of geometries in an input layer.
An attribute can be specified as containing weights to be applied to each feature when computing the center of mass.
If an attribute is selected in the <Unique ID field> parameter, features will be grouped according to values in this field. Instead of a single point with the center of mass of the whole layer, the output layer will contain a center of mass for the features in each category.Negative weight value found. Please fix your data and try again.Merge linesline,merge,join,partsMergedThis algorithm joins all connected parts of MultiLineString geometries into single LineString geometries.
If any parts of the input MultiLineString geometries are not connected, the resultant geometry will be a MultiLineString containing any lines which could be merged and any non-connected line parts.Error merging lines for feature %1Merge vector layersSpoji vektorske plastivector,layers,collect,merge,combineInput layersVhodni slojiDestination CRSIzhodni koordinatni sistemThis algorithm combines multiple vector layers of the same geometry type into a single one.
If attributes tables are different, the attribute table of the resulting layer will contain the attributes from all input layers. New attributes will be added for the original layer name and source.
If any input layers contain Z or M values, then the output layer will also contain these values. Similarly, if any of the input layers are multi-part, the output layer will also be a multi-part layer.
Optionally, the destination coordinate reference system (CRS) for the merged layer can be set. If it is not set, the CRS will be taken from the first input layer. All layers will all be reprojected to match this CRS.Using specified destination CRS %1Error retrieving map layer.All layers must be vector layers!Taking destination CRS %1 from layerAll layers must have same geometry type! Encountered a %1 layer when expecting a %2 layer.Found a layer with M values, upgrading output type to %1Found a layer with Z values, upgrading output type to %1Found a layer with multiparts, upgrading output type to %1Setting output type to %1%1 field in layer %2 has different data type than in other layers (%3 instead of %4)Packaging layer %1/%2: %3Error obtained while merging one or more layers.Minimum enclosing circlesminimum,circle,ellipse,extent,bounds,boundingNumber of segments in circlesThis algorithm calculates the minimum enclosing circle which covers each feature in an input layer.See the 'Minimum bounding geometry' algorithm for a minimal enclosing circle calculation which covers the whole layer or grouped subsets of features.Multipart to singlepartsVečdelno v enodelnomulti,single,multiple,split,dumpSingle partsThis algorithm takes a vector layer with multipart geometries and generates a new one in which all geometries contain a single part. Features with multipart geometries are divided in as many different features as parts the geometry contain, and the same attributes are used for each of them.Order by expressionorderby,sort,expression,fieldOrderedThis algorithm sorts a vector layer according to an expression. Be careful, it might not work as expected with some providers, the order might not be kept every time.Oriented minimum bounding boxbounding,boxes,envelope,rectangle,extent,oriented,angleThis algorithm calculates the minimum area rotated rectangle which covers each feature in an input layer.See the 'Minimum bounding geometry' algorithm for a oriented bounding box calculation which covers the whole layer or grouped subsets of features.Promote to multipartmulti,single,multiple,convert,force,partsMultipartsThis algorithm takes a vector layer with singlepart geometries and generates a new one in which all geometries are multipart. Input features which are already multipart features will remain unchanged.This algorithm can be used to force geometries to multipart types in order to be compatible with data providers with strict singlepart/multipart compatibility checks.See the 'Collect geometries' or 'Aggregate' algorithms for alternative options.Raster layer unique values reportcount,area,statisticsRaster analysisAnalize rastraUpdatedPosodobljenoBand numberŠtevilka pasuValue for nodata or non-intersecting verticesScale factorTransform error while reprojecting feature {}Drape (set Z value from raster)Set M value from rasterThis algorithm sets the M value for every vertex in the feature geometry to a value sampled from a band within a raster layer.Sets the M value for vertices to values sampled from a raster layer.3d,vertex,vertices,elevation,height,sample,dem,update,featureThis algorithm sets the z value of every vertex in the feature geometry to a value sampled from a band within a raster layer.The raster values can optionally be scaled by a preset amount.Sets the z value for vertices to values sampled from a raster layer.drape,vertex,vertices,sample,dem,update,feature,measureUnique values reportHTML files (*.html)HTML datoteke (*.html) Unique values tableCRS authority identifierWidth in pixelsHeight in pixelsTotal pixel countNODATA pixel countThis algorithm returns the count and area of each unique value in a given raster layer.Invalid band number for BAND (%1): Valid values for input raster are 1 to %2Analyzed fileband<p>%1: %2</p>
<p>%1: %2 (%3)</p>
ProjectionProjekcija<p>%1: %2 (%3 %4)</p>
units per pixelPixel countAreaPovršinaCleanedPočiščenoRemove duplicate verticespoints,valid,overlapping,vertex,nodesThis algorithm removes duplicate vertices from features, wherever removing the vertices does not result in a degenerate geometry.
The tolerance parameter specifies the tolerance for coordinates when determining whether vertices are identical.
By default, z values are not considered when detecting duplicate vertices. E.g. two vertices with the same x and y coordinate but different z values will still be considered duplicate and one will be removed. If the Use Z Value parameter is true, then the z values are also tested and vertices with the same x and y but different z will be maintained.
Note that duplicate vertices are not tested between different parts of a multipart geometry. E.g. a multipoint geometry with overlapping points will not be changed by this method.ToleranceOdstopanjeTolerance distanceUse Z ValueRemove null geometriesremove,drop,delete,empty,geometryNon null geometriesNull geometriesThis algorithm removes any features which do not have a geometry from a vector layer. All other features will be copied unchanged.
Optionally, the features with null geometries can be saved to a separate output.Rename layerPreimenuj slojchange,layer,name,titlespremeni sloj, ime, naslovThis algorithm renames a layer.Ta algoritem spremeni ime slojaNew nameNovo imeSelected featuresOznačeni geoobjektiExtract selected featuresselection,save,byThis algorithm creates a new layer with all the selected features in a given vector layer.
If the selected layer has no selected features, the newly created layer will be empty.Simplifysimplify,generalize,douglas,peucker,visvalingamSimplifiedThis algorithm simplifies the geometries in a line or polygon layer. It creates a new layer with the same features as the ones in the input layer, but with geometries containing a lower number of vertices.
The algorithm gives a choice of simplification methods, including distance based (the "Douglas-Peucker" algorithm), area based ("Visvalingam" algorithm) and snapping geometries to a grid.Distance (Douglas-Peucker)Snap to gridLepi na mrežoArea (Visvalingam)Simplification methodSmoothsmooth,curve,generalize,round,bend,cornersSmoothedThis algorithm smooths the geometries in a line or polygon layer. It creates a new layer with the same features as the ones in the input layer, but with geometries containing a higher number of vertices and corners in the geometries smoothed out.
The iterations parameter dictates how many smoothing iterations will be applied to each geometry. A higher number of iterations results in smoother geometries with the cost of greater number of nodes in the geometries.
The offset parameter controls how "tightly" the smoothed geometries follow the original geometries. Smaller values results in a tighter fit, and larger values will create a looser fit.
The maximum angle parameter can be used to prevent smoothing of nodes with large angles. Any node where the angle of the segments to either side is larger than this will not be smoothed. For example, setting the maximum angle to 90 degrees or lower would preserve right angles in the geometry.
If input geometries contain Z or M values, these will also be smoothed and the output geometry will retain the same dimensionality as the input geometry.IterationsOffset linesoffset,linestringOffsetZamikThis algorithm offsets lines by a specified distance. Positive distances will offset lines to the left, and negative distances will offset to the right of lines.
The segments parameter controls the number of line segments to use to approximate a quarter circle when creating rounded offsets.
The join style parameter specifies whether round, miter or beveled joins should be used when offsetting corners in a line.
The miter limit parameter is only applicable for miter join styles, and controls the maximum distance from the offset curve to use when creating a mitered join.Offsets lines by a specified distance.Maximum node angle to smoothError smoothing geometry %1Snap points to gridsnapped,grid,simplify,round,precisionSnappedThis algorithm modifies the coordinates of geometries in a vector layer, so that all points or vertices are snapped to the closest point of the grid.
If the snapped geometry cannot be calculated (or is totally collapsed) the feature's geometry will be cleared.
Note that snapping to grid may generate an invalid geometry in some corner cases.
Snapping can be performed on the X, Y, Z or M axis. A grid spacing of 0 for any axis will disable snapping for that axis.X Grid SpacingY Grid SpacingZ Grid SpacingM Grid SpacingError snapping geometry %1Napaka pri magnetenju geometrije %1Split with linessplit,cut,linesSplit layerGeodesic line split at antimeridianbreak,cut,dateline,180,-180,longitude,geographic,ellipsoidSplits lines into multiple geodesic segments when the line crosses the antimeridian (±180 degrees longitude).This algorithm splits a line into multiple geodesic segments, whenever the line crosses the antimeridian (±180 degrees longitude).
Splitting at the antimeridian helps the visual display of the lines in some projections. The returned geometry will always be a multi-part geometry.
Whenever line segments in the input geometry cross the antimeridian, they will be split into two segments, with the latitude of the breakpoint being determined using a geodesic line connecting the points either side of this segment. The current project ellipsoid setting will be used when calculating this breakpoint.
If the input geometry contains M or Z values, these will be linearly interpolated for the new vertices created at the antimeridian.SplitThis algorithm splits the lines or polygons in one layer using the lines in another layer to define the breaking points. Intersection between geometries in both layers are considered as split points.String concatenationstring,concatenation,mergeThis algorithm concatenates two strings together.Input 1Input 2ConcatenationSpojMaximum nodes in partsSubdividesubdivide,segmentize,split,tessellateSubdivides the geometry. The returned geometry will be a collection containing subdivided parts from the original geometry, where no part has more then the specified maximum number of nodes.
This is useful for dividing a complex geometry into less complex parts, which are better able to be spatially indexed and faster to perform further operations such as intersects on. The returned geometry parts may not be valid and may contain self-intersections.
Curved geometries will be segmentized before subdivision.SubdividedError calculating subdivision for feature %1Transecttransect,station,lines,extend,Length of the transectAngle in degrees from the original line at the verticesAngle in degreesSide to create the transectsLeftLevoRightDesnoBothThis algorithm creates transects on vertices for (multi)linestring.
A transect is a line oriented from an angle (by default perpendicular) to the input polylines (at vertices).Field(s) from feature(s) are returned in the transect with these new fields:
- TR_FID: ID of the original feature
- TR_ID: ID of the transect. Each transect have an unique ID
- TR_SEGMENT: ID of the segment of the linestring
- TR_ANGLE: Angle in degrees from the original line at the vertex
- TR_LENGTH: Total length of the transect returned
- TR_ORIENT: Side of the transect (only on the left or right of the line, or both side)
Target CRSCiljni koordinatni sistemReprojectedReprojeciranoReproject layerReprojeciraj slojtransform,reprojection,crs,srs,warpThis algorithm reprojects a vector layer. It creates a new layer with the same features as the input one, but with geometries reprojected to a new CRS.
Attributes are not modified by this algorithm.Translatemove,shift,transform,z,m,values,addTranslatedThis algorithm moves the geometries within a layer, by offsetting them with a specified x and y displacement.Z and M values present in the geometry can also be translated.Array of translated featurestranslate,parallel,offset,duplicate,grid,spaced,moved,copy,features,objects,step,repeatThis algorithm creates copies of features in a layer, by creating multiple translated versions of each feature. Each copy is incrementally displaced by a preset amount in the x/y/z/m axis.Creates multiple translated copies of features in a layer.Number of features to createStep distance (x-axis)Offset distance (x-axis)Step distance (y-axis)Offset distance (y-axis)Step distance (z-axis)Offset distance (z-axis)Step distance (m values)Offset distance (m values)DWG/DXF importNot yet implemented %1PageStranDelete style %1 from %2Delete StyleIzbriši stilAre you sure you want to delete the style %1?Paper sizeVelikost papirjastring besedilo Page widthŠirina straniPage heightVišina straniNumber of pagesŠtevilo straniSymbol sizeVelikost simbolaPage numberPosition (X)Position (Y)WidthŠirinaRotation angleTransparencyProsojnostOpacityProsojnostBlend modePrekrivanjeExclude item from exportsFrame colorBarva okvirjaBackground colorBarva ozadjaPrint layout map extent to layerlayout,composer,composition,visibleCreates a polygon layer containing the extent of a print layout map item.Print layoutMap itemOverride CRSMap widthMap heightMap rotationThis algorithm creates a polygon layer containing the extent of a print layout map item (or items), with attributes specifying the map size (in layout units), scale and rotatation.
If the map item parameter is specified, then only the matching map extent will be exported. If it is not specified, all map extents from the layout will be exported.
Optionally, a specific output CRS can be specified. If it is not specified, the original map item CRS will be used.Cannot find layout with name "%1"Cannot find matching map item with ID %1Error reprojecting map to destination CRSMap scaleExtent minimum XExtent minimum YExtent maximum XExtent maximum YAtlas marginPicture source (URL)Source URLSVG background colorSVG stroke colorSVG stroke widthLegend titleNumber of columnsŠtevilo stolpcevFill colorBarva polnilaSecondary fill colorLine colorBarva črtLine widthŠirina linijelist of map layer names separated by | charactersImena na seznamu slojev karte so ločena z znakom |Grid %1No matching recordsDistribute Items by LeftDistribute Items by Horizontal CenterDistribute Horizontal Spacing EquallyDistribute Items by RightDistribute Items by TopDistribute Items by Vertical CenterDistribute Vertical Spacing EquallyDistribute Items by BottomResize Items to NarrowestResize Items to WidestResize Items to ShortestResize Items to TallestResize Items to SquareAlign Items to LeftAlign Items to CenterAlign Items to RightAlign Items to TopAlign Items to Vertical CenterAlign Items to BottomExporting %1 of %2Exporting section %1Cannot write to %1. This file may be open in another application or may be an invalid path.Printing %1 of %2Printing section %1Layer %1Sloj %1Change Grid ResolutionChange Grid OffsetA6A5A4A3A2A1A0B6B5B4B3B2B1B0LegalLetterANSI AANSI BANSI CANSI DANSI EArch AArch BArch CArch DArch EArch E1Arch E2Arch E31920×10801280×8001024×768ReportPoročajGroup: %1 - %2SectionidentifierIdentifier element is required.languageLanguage element is required.typeType element is required.titleTitle element is required.abstractAbstract element is required.licenseAt least one license is required.crsA valid CRS element is required.extentA valid CRS element for the spatial extent is required.A valid spatial extent is required.authorA project author is required.creationThe project creation date/time is required.contactsAt least one contact is required.linksAt least one link is required.keywordsKeyword vocabulary cannot be empty.Keyword list cannot be empty.Contact name cannot be empty.Kontaktno ime ne more biti prazno.Link name cannot be empty.Ime povezave ne more biti prazno.Link type cannot be empty.Link url cannot be empty.modelPrepare algorithm: %1Running %1 [%2/%3]Input Parameters:Vhodni parametri:Error encountered while running %1OK. Execution took %1 s (%2 outputs).Model processed OK. Executed %1 algorithms total in %2 s.Output '%1' from algorithm '%2'Minimum X of %1%1, minimum XMinimum Y of %1%1, minimum YMaximum X of %1%1, maximum XMaximum Y of %1%1, maximum YThe model you are trying to run contains an algorithm that is not available: <i>%1</i>Error creating algorithm from createInstance()Incorrect parameter value for %1Duplicate parameter %1 registered for alg %2Duplicate output %1 registered for alg %2Could not load source layer for %1: no value specified for parameterCould not load source layer for %1: %2 not foundCould not load source layer for %1: invalid valueCould not create destination layer for %1: no value specified for parameterCould not create destination layer for %1: %2Could not create destination layer for %1: invalid valueEncountered a transform error when reprojecting feature with id %1.Feature (%1) has invalid geometry. Please fix the geometry or change the Processing setting to the "Ignore invalid input features" option.Feature (%1) has invalid geometry and has been skipped. Please fix the geometry or change the Processing setting to the "Ignore invalid input features" option.Error transforming extent geometryError transforming point geometryPython identifier: ‘%1’Invalid number parameter "%1": min value %2 is >= max value %3!Minimum value: %1Maximum value: %1Default value: %1Could not create memory layerCould not create layer %1: %2<html><body><h2>Algorithm description</h2>
<html><body><h2>Opis algoritma</h2>
<h2>Input parameters</h2>
<h2>Vhodni parametri</h2>
Izhodna datoteka<p align="right">Algorithm author: %1</p><p align="right">Help author: %1</p><p align="right">Algorithm version: %1</p>Feature could not be written to %1%1 feature(s) could not be written to %2Features could not be written to %1Unable to zip contentUnable to save zip file '%1'Unable to execute%1 '%2': %3Could not create transform to calculate true northCould not transform bounding box to target CRSThe source spatial reference system (CRS) is not valid. The coordinates can not be reprojected. The CRS is: %1Izvorni koordinatni sistem ni veljaven. Koordinate ne morejjo biti projecirane. Koordinatni sistem je: %1The destination spatial reference system (CRS) is not valid. The coordinates can not be reprojected. The CRS is: %1Ciljni koordinatni sistem ni veljaven. Koordinate ne morejjo biti projecirane. Koordinatni sistem je: %1forward transformtransformacija naprejinverse transforminverzna transformacija%1 of
%2PROJ: %3
Error: %4%1 of
%2PROJ: %3 +to %4
Error: %5Stroke colorBarva obrobeStroke widthDebelinaPlacement distancePlacement priorityPlacement z-indexDiagram is an obstacleShow diagramAlways show diagramPie chart start angleKBMBMBGBTBbytes%1: Not a vector layer.Cannot get memory layer.%1: Not a raster layer.%1: Not a mesh layer.Font sizeVelikost pisaveBold styleItalic styleDraw underlineText colorDraw strikeoutFont familyPisava[<b>family</b>|<b>family[foundry]</b>],<br>e.g. Helvetica or Helvetica [Cronyx]Font style[<b>font style name</b>|<b>Ignore</b>],<br>e.g. Bold Condensed or Light ItalicFont size unitsText transparencyText opacityFont caseLetter spacingWord spacingText blend modeWrap characterAutomatic word wrap line lengthLine heightVišina linijeLine alignmentDraw direction symbolLeft direction symbolRight direction symbolDirection symbol placementReverse direction symbolFormat as numberNumber of decimal placesDraw + signDraw bufferNariši obrisBuffer unitsEnote obrisaBuffer colorBarva obrisaBuffer transparencyProsojnost obrisaBuffer opacityProsojnost obrisaBuffer join styleNačin združevanja obrisovBuffer blend modeNačin prekrivanja obrisaDraw shapeShape typeShape SVG pathShape size typeShape size (X)Shape size (Y)Shape size unitsShape rotation typeShape rotationShape offsetShape offset unitsShape radiiSymbol radii unitsShape transparencyShape opacityShape blend modeShape fill colorShape stroke colorShape stroke widthShape stroke width unitsShape join styleDraw shadowShadow offset angleShadow offset distanceShadow offset unitsShadow blur radiusShadow blur unitsShadow transparencyShadow opacityShadow scaleShadow colorShadow blend modeCentroid of whole shapeOffset quadrantint<br>celo število<br>Offset unitsLabel distanceOddaljenost oznakeLabel distance unitsOffset rotationCurved character anglesdouble coord [<b>in,out</b> as 20.0-60.0,20.0-95.0]Repeat distanceRepeat distance unitLabel prioritydouble [0.0-10.0]dvojno število [0.0-10.0]Feature is a label obstacleObstacle factorPredefined position orderComma separated list of placements in order of priority<br>Line placement optionsComma separated list of placement options<br>Horizontal alignmentHorizontalna poravnavaVertical alignmentNavpična poravnavaLabel rotation (deprecated)Label rotationScale based visibilityMinimum scale (denominator)Maximum scale (denominator)Limit font pixel sizeMinimum pixel sizeMaximum pixel sizeLabel z-indexShow labelPrikaz oznakeAlways show labelLabelingOznačevanjebool [<b>1</b>=True|<b>0</b>=False]int [<= 0 =>]int [>= 0]int [>= 1]double [<= 0.0 =>]double [>= 0.0]double [0.0-1.0]dvojno število [0.0-10.0] {0.0-1.0]?}double [0.0-360.0]dvojno število [0.0-10.0] {0.0-360.0]?}string of variable lengthint [0-100]int [1-10000] {0-100]?}string [<b>r,g,b,a</b>] as int 0-255 or #<b>AARRGGBB</b> as hex or <b>color</b> as color's namestring [<b>r,g,b</b>] as int 0-255 or #<b>RRGGBB</b> as hex or <b>color</b> as color's namedouble coord [<b>X,Y</b>]double size [<b>width,height</b>]double offset [<b>x,y</b>]metersdistancemetrikilometersdistancefeetdistancečevljiyardsdistancemilesdistancemiljedegreesdistancestopinjecentimetersdistancemillimetersdistance<unknown>distance<neznano>nautical milesdistancenavtične miljemmrendermmpxrender%render%ptrenderinrenderunknownrenderneznanomrendermmdistancemkmdistancekmftdistanceftyddistancemidistancedegdistancecmdistancemmdistancemmNMdistancesquare metersareasquare kilometersareasquare feetareasquare yardsareasquare milesareahectaresareaacresareasquare nautical milesareasquare degreesareasquare millimetersareasquare centimetersarea<unknown>area<neznano>m²areakm²areaft²areayd²areami²areahaareaac²areaNM²areadeg²areacm²areamm²areadegreesanglestopinjeradiansanglegonangleminutes of arcangleseconds of arcangleturnsangle<unknown>angle<neznano>°angle° radangle gonangle′angle minutes″angle seconds trangle turnmillimetersrendermeters at scalerenderinunit inchmap unitsrenderv enotah zemljevidapixelsrenderpikslipercentrenderpointsrendertočkinchesrender<unknown>render<neznano>pxmmmmcmmmftftptpicapixelspikslimillimeterscentimetersmetersmetriinchesfeetčevljipointstočkpicasProfile folder doesn't existqgis.db doesn't exist in the user's profile folderUnable to open qgis.db for update.Could not save alias to database: %1Geometry error: One or more input features have invalid geometry.failedadd featuresDodaj geoobjektedelete featuresIzbriši geoobjektechange geometryspremeni geometrijochange attribute valuespremeni podatkovno vrednostadd attributedodaj podatkovno poljedelete attributeizbriši podatkovno poljerename attributePreimenuj atributecustom transactionpoljubna transakcijaparser error: %1evaluation error: %1%1 check failedvalue is NULLvrednost je NULLvalue is not uniquevrednost ni unikatnaError zip file does not exist: '%1'Napaka zip datoteka ne obstaja: '%1'Error zip filename is emptyNapaka, manjka ime stisnjene datotekeError output dir does not exist: '%1'Napaka, izhodna mapa ne obstaja: '%1'Error output dir is not a directory: '%1'Error output dir is not writable: '%1'Failed to create a subdirectory %1/%2Could not write to %1Ne morem zapisati v %1Error reading file: '%1'Error getting files: '%1'Error opening zip archive: '%1' (Error code: %2)Error input file does not exist: '%1'Error adding file '%1': %2Error creating data source '%1': %2Error creating zip archive '%1': %2Symbol nameIme simbolaSymbol fill colorSymbol stroke colorSymbol stroke widthSymbol stroke styleSymbol offsetMarker character(s)Symbol widthŠirina simbola Symbol heightVišina simbola Preserve aspect ratio between width and heightSymbol fill styleOutline join styleAngle for line fillsGradient typePrehodGradient modeGradient spreadReference point 1 (X)Reference point 1 (Y)Reference point 2 (X)Reference point 2 (Y)Reference point 1 follows feature centroidReference point 2 follows feature centroidBlur radiusInteger between 0 and 18Distance between linesShade whole shapeMaximum distance for shapeburst fillIgnore rings in featureSymbol file pathHorizontal distance between markersVertical distance between markersHorizontal displacement between rowsVertical displacement between columnsCustom dash pattern[<b><dash>;<space></b>] e.g. '8;2;1;2'Line cap styleMarker placementPoložaj simbolaMarker intervalOffset along lineAverage line angles overHorizontal anchor pointVodoravna prijemna točkaVertical anchor pointNavpična prijemna točkaLayer enabledArrow line widthArrow line start widthArrow head lengthArrow head thicknessArrow head typeArrow typeRoot pathstring of variable length representing root path to attachmentDocument viewer contentstringtekstKey/Value fieldList fieldArcGIS Feature ServerArcGIS Map ServerDB2Delimited TextLočeno besediloGeoNodeDelete %1…Delete GeoPackageAre you sure you want to delete '%1'?The GeoPackage '%1' cannot be deleted because it is in the current project as '%2', remove it from the project and retry.Delete LayerThe layer <b>%1</b> exists in the current project <b>%2</b>, do you want to remove it from the project and delete it?Are you sure you want to delete layer <b>%1</b> from GeoPackage?The layer <b>%1</b> was successfully deleted. Compact database (VACUUM) <b>%2</b> now?The layer <b>%1</b> cannot be renamed because this feature is not yet implemented for this kind of layers.The layer <b>%1</b> cannot be deleted because this feature is not yet implemented for this kind of layers.Rename LayerThe layer <b>%1</b> is loaded in the current project with name <b>%2</b>, do you want to remove it from the project and rename it?Layer URI %1 is not valid!The layer <b>%1</b> exists in the current project <b>%2</b>, do you want to remove it from the project and rename it?There was an error opening %1!Error renaming layerFailed to open source layer %1! See the OGR panel in the message logs for details.
Failed to import layer %1! See the OGR panel in the message logs for details.
Delete FileDelete Layer “%1”…Are you sure you want to delete layer '%1' from datasource?Delete %1 “%2”…Delete %1The %1 '%2' cannot be deleted because it is in the current project as '%3', remove it from the project and retry.Delete File “%1”…Are you sure you want to delete file '%1'?The layer '%1' cannot be deleted because it is in the current project as '%2', remove it from the project and retry.Virtual LayerAdd Virtual LayerWCSWCSLayer '%1' not foundAdd unique value index fieldDodaj enolično vrednost primarnega ključacategorize,categories,category,reclassify,classes,createClass fieldKlasifikacijsko poljeOutput field nameIme poljaLayer with index fieldIndeksirano poljeClass summaryThis algorithm takes a vector layer and an attribute and adds a new numeric field. Values in this field correspond to values in the specified attribute, so features with the same value for the attribute will have the same value in the new numeric field. This creates a numeric equivalent of the specified attribute, which defines the same classes.
The new attribute is not added to the input layer but a new layer is generated instead.
Optionally, a separate table can be output which contains a summary of the class field values mapped to the new unique numeric value.Invalid field name %1Neveljavno ime polja %1Extract verticespoints,vertex,nodestočke, vozlišče, vozliščaThis algorithm takes a line or polygon layer and generates a point layer with points representing the vertices in the input lines or polygons. The attributes associated to each point are the same ones associated to the line or polygon that the point belongs to.Additional fields are added to the point indicating the vertex index (beginning at 0), the vertex’s part and its index within the part (as well as its ring for polygons), distance along original geometry and bisector angle of vertex for original geometry.VerticesSkupek_vmesnih_točkHelp location is not configured!QGIS HelpQGIS pomočTrying to open help using key '%1'. Full URI is '%2'…geometry simplification failed - skippinggeometry's coordinates are too close to each other and simplification failed - skippingpolygon rings self-intersect or intersect each other - skippingTriangulation failed. Skipping polygon…3D3DMissing Relation in configurationInvalid relationrepresentValue() with inconsistent layer parameter w.r.t relation referencingLayerrepresentValue() with inconsistent fieldIndex parameter w.r.t relation referencingFieldIdxCannot find referenced layerInvalid referenced field (%1) configured in relation %2Transform error caught: %1Transformacijska napaka: %1%1 unavailable layers found: * %1Multi-ring buffer (constant distance)buffer,grow,multiple,rings,distance,donutThis algorithm computes multi-ring ('donuts') buffer for all the features in an input layer, using a fixed or dynamic distance and rings number.Number of ringsDistance between ringsPoint on surfacecentroid,inside,withinPointTočkaReturns a point guaranteed to lie on the surface of a geometry.Error calculating point on surface for feature %1 part %2: %3Error calculating point on surface for feature %1: %2Rotaterotate,around,center,pointRotatedThis algorithm rotates feature geometries, by the specified angle clockwiseOptionally, the rotation can occur around a preset point. If not set the rotation occurs around each feature's centroid.Rotation (degrees clockwise)Rotation anchor pointCould not transform anchor point to destination CRSCould not calculate centroid for feature %1: %2Segmentize by maximum distancestraighten,linearize,densify,curves,curved,circularSegmentizedThis algorithm segmentizes a geometry by converting curved sections to linear sections.
The segmentization is performed by specifying the maximum allowed offset distance between the originalcurve and the segmentized representation.
Non-curved geometries will be retained without change.Maximum offset distanceSegmentize by maximum anglestraighten,linearize,densify,curves,curved,circular,angleThis algorithm segmentizes a geometry by converting curved sections to linear sections.
The segmentization is performed by specifying the maximum allowed radius angle between vertices on the straightened geometry (e.g the angle of the arc created from the original arc center to consecutive output vertices on the linearized geometry).
Non-curved geometries will be retained without change.Maximum angle between vertices (degrees)Edit form configeVis Event Id TooleVis enolično poljeThis tool only supports vector data.No active layers found.Label marginMap LayersMap themeTable source layerDelete holesIzbriši luknjeremove,delete,drop,holes,rings,fillThis algorithm takes a polygon layer and removes holes in polygons. It creates a new vector layer in which polygons with holes have been replaced by polygons with only their external ring. Attributes are not modified.
An optional minimum area parameter allows removing only holes which are smaller than a specified area threshold. Leaving this parameter as 0.0 results in all holes being removed.Remove holes with area less thanImport geotagged photosexif,metadata,gps,jpeg,jpgVector creationInput folderScan recursivelyPhotosInvalid photos tableCreates a point layer corresponding to the geotagged locations from JPEG images from a source folder. Optionally the folder can be recursively scanned.
The point layer will contain a single PointZ feature per input file from which the geotags could be read. Any altitude information from the geotags will be used to set the point's Z value.
Optionally, a table of unreadable or non-geotagged photos can also be created.Directory %1 does not exist!Could not open %1Could not retrieve geotag for %1No metadata found in %1Insert ExpressionVstavi izrazExplode linesRazbij linijesegments,partsThis algorithm takes a lines layer and creates a new one in which each line is replaced by a set of lines representing the segments in the original line. Each line in the resulting layer contains only a start and an end point, with no intermediate nodes between them.
If the input layer consists of CircularStrings or CompoundCurves, the output layer will be of the same type and contain only single curve segments.ExplodedRazbitoFeature filterfilter,proxy,redirect,routeThis algorithm filters features from the input layer and redirects them to one or several outputs.Swap X and Y coordinatesinvert,flip,swap,latitude,longitudeSwappedThis algorithm swaps the X and Y coordinate values in input geometries. It can be used to repair geometries which have accidentally had their latitude and longitude values reversed.Invalid URI for PostgreSQL provider: There was an error opening the database <b>%1</b>: %2There was an error querying the database <b>%1</b>: %2Invalid URI for GeoPackage OGR provider: Could not connect to the database: Unable to save project. It's not possible to create the destination table on the database. <b>%1</b>: %2Unable to insert or update project (project=%1) in the destination table on the database: %2Invalid URI for GeoPackage OGR provider: %1Could not connect to the database: %1Could not remove project %1: %2Could not rename project %1: %2Table qgis_projects does not exist or it is not accessible.The project '%1' does not exist in schema '%2'.Unable to save project. It's not possible to create the destination table on the database. Maybe this is due to database permissions (user=%1). Please contact your database admin.Unable to insert or update project (project=%1) in the destination table on the database. Maybe this is due to table permissions (user=%2). Please contact your database admin.DifferenceRazlikaThis algorithm extracts features from the Input layer that fall outside, or partially overlap, features in the Overlay layer. Input layer features that partially overlap feature(s) in the Overlay layer are split along those features' boundary and only the portions outside the Overlay layer features are retained.Attributes are not modified, although properties such as area or length of the features will be modified by the difference operation. If such properties are stored as attributes, those attributes will have to be manually updated.Symmetrical differenceSimetrična razlikaThis algorithm extracts the portions of features from both the Input and Overlay layers that do not overlap. Overlapping areas between the two layers are removed. The attribute table of the Symmetrical Difference layer contains original attributes from both the Input and Difference layers.Tapered buffersvariable,distance,length,line,bufferThis algorithm creates tapered buffers along line geometries, using a specified start and end buffer diameter corresponding to the buffer diameter at the start and end of the linestrings.Start widthEnd widthError buffering geometry %1: %2Variable width buffer (by M value)This algorithm creates variable width buffers along lines, using the M value of the line geometries as the diameter of the buffer at each vertex.UnionUnijaThis algorithm checks overlaps between features within the Input layer and creates separate features for overlapping and non-overlapping parts. The area of overlap will create as many identical overlapping features as there are features that participate in that overlap.An Overlay layer can also be used, in which case features from each layer are split at their overlap with features from the other one, creating a layer containing all the portions from both Input and Overlay layers. The attribute table of the Union layer is filled with attribute values from the respective original layer for non-overlapping features, and attribute values from both layers for overlapping features.Create wedge buffersarc,segment,circular,circle,sliceBuffersThis algorithm creates wedge shaped buffers from input points.
The azimuth parameter gives the angle (in degrees) for the middle of the wedge to point. The buffer width (in degrees) is specified by the width parameter. Note that the wedge will extend to half of the angular width either side of the azimuth direction.
The outer radius of the buffer is specified via outer radius, and optionally an inner radius can also be specified.
The native output from this algorithm are CurvePolygon geometries, but these may be automatically segmentized to Polygons depending on the output format.Azimuth (degrees from North)Wedge width (in degrees)Outer radiusInner radiusZonal histogramraster,unique,values,count,area,statisticsRaster layerRasterski slojVector layer containing zonesSummaries to calculateOutput column prefixExtract Z valuesadd,z,value,elevation,height,attribute,statistics,statsExtracts z values from geometries into feature attributes.
By default only the z value from the first vertex of each feature is extracted, however the algorithm can optionally calculate statistics on all of the geometry's z values, including sums, means, and minimums and maximumsExtracts z values (or z value statistics) from geometries into feature attributes.Extract M valuesadd,m,value,measure,attribute,statistics,statsExtracts m values from geometries into feature attributes.
By default only the m value from the first vertex of each feature is extracted, however the algorithm can optionally calculate statistics on all of the geometry's m values, including sums, means, and minimums and maximumsExtracts m values (or m value statistics) from geometries into feature attributes.Output zonesThis algorithm appends fields representing counts of each unique value from a raster layer contained within zones defined as polygons.a|an|and|as|at|but|by|en|for|if|in|nor|of|on|or|per|s|the|to|vs.|vs|via.|:Reset to Defaultsstr: layer IDstr: layer namestr: layer sourcePath to a raster layerPath to a mesh layerPath to a vector layerPath to a vector, raster or mesh layer1 for true/yes0 for false/noA valid QGIS expression string, e.g "road_name" = 'MAIN RD'str: CRS auth ID (e.g. 'EPSG:3111')str: CRS PROJ4 (e.g. 'PROJ4:…')str: CRS WKT (e.g. 'WKT:…')str: layer ID. CRS of layer is used.str: layer name. CRS of layer is used.str: layer source. CRS of layer is used.QgsCoordinateReferenceSystemQgsMapLayer: CRS of layer is usedQgsProcessingFeatureSourceDefinition: CRS of source is usedCRS as an auth ID (e.g. 'EPSG:3111')CRS as a PROJ4 string (e.g. 'PROJ4:…')CRS as a WKT string (e.g. 'WKT:…')Path to a layer. The CRS of the layer is used.list[float]: list of 2 float valueslist[str]: list of strings representing floatsstr: as two comma delimited floats, e.g. '1,10'Two comma separated numeric values, e.g. '1,10'str: as an 'x,y' string, e.g. '1.5,10.1'Point coordinate as an 'x,y' string, e.g. '1.5,10.1'str: as string representation of int, e.g. '1'Number of selected option, e.g. '1'Comma separated list of options, e.g. '1,3'str: as comma delimited list of x min, x max, y min, y max. E.g. '4,10,101,105'str: layer ID. Extent of layer is used.str: layer name. Extent of layer is used.str: layer source. Extent of layer is used.QgsMapLayer: Extent of layer is usedQgsProcessingFeatureSourceDefinition: Extent of source is usedA comma delimited string of x min, x max, y min, y max. E.g. '4,10,101,105'Path to a layer. The extent of the layer is used.str: as comma delimited list of valuesA comma delimited list of valuesPath to a fileThe name of an existing field; delimited list of existing field namesPath for new vector layerPath for new filePath for an existing or new folderPath for new raster layerString valueAn existing QGIS authentication ID stringlist[str]: list of layer IDslist[str]: list of layer nameslist[str]: list of layer sourcesA numeric valueA numeric value representing the scale denominatorInteger value representing an existing raster band numberstr: destination vector file, e.g. 'd:/test.shp'str: 'memory:' to store result in temporary memory layerstr: using vector provider ID prefix and destination URI, e.g. 'postgres:…' to store result in PostGIS tablestr: name of print layout in current projectName of print layout in current projectstr: UUID of print layout itemstr: id of print layout itemUUID or item id of layout itemUsing classes:Warning: Class %1 (%2) overlaps with class %3 (%4)K-means clusteringclustering,clusters,kmeans,pointsNumber of clustersCluster field nameDBSCAN clusteringClusters point features using a density based scan algorithm.clustering,clusters,density,based,pointsMinimum cluster sizeMaximum distance between clustered pointsTreat border points as noise (DBSCAN*)ClustersClusters point features based on a 2D implementation of Density-based spatial clustering of applications with noise (DBSCAN) algorithm.
The algorithm requires two parameters, a minimum cluster size (“minPts”), and the maximum distance allowed between clustered points (“eps”).Building spatial indexAnalysing clustersFeature %1 is a %2 feature, not a point.Calculates the 2D distance based k-means cluster number for each input feature.
If input geometries are lines or polygons, the clustering is based on the centroid of the feature.Collecting input pointsNumber of geometries is less than the number of clusters requested, not all clusters will get dataCalculating clustersThere are at least %1 duplicate inputs, the number of output clusters may be less than was requestedClustering did not converge after %1 iterationsClustering converged after %1 iterationsRaster pixels to polygonsvectorize,polygonize,raster,convert,pixelsThis algorithm converts a raster layer to a vector layer, by creating polygon features for each individual pixel's extent in the raster layer.
Any nodata pixels are skipped in the output.Creates a vector layer of polygons corresponding to each pixel in a raster layer.Vector polygonsRaster pixels to pointsvectorize,polygonize,raster,convert,pixels,centersThis algorithm converts a raster layer to a vector layer, by creating point features for each individual pixel's center in the raster layer.
Any nodata pixels are skipped in the output.Creates a vector layer of points corresponding to each pixel in a raster layer.Vector pointsMap CanvasPlatno karteExtend linesPodaljšaj linijelinestring,continue,grow,extrapolateExtendedPodaljšanoThis algorithm extends line geometries by a specified amount at the start and end of the line. Lines are extended using the bearing of the first and last segment in the line.Extends LineString geometries by extrapolating the start and end segments.Start distanceZačetekEnd distanceKonecError calculating extended lineNapaka pri izračunu podaljšanja linijeReverse line directionswap,reverse,switch,flip,linestring,orientationReversedThis algorithm reverses the direction of curve or LineString geometries.Reverses the direction of curve or LineString geometries.Error reversing lineAlgorithm ID: ‘%1’Warning: Algorithm has known issuesMeshNetwork analysisVector layer representing networkPath type to calculateShortestNajkrajšaFastestNajhitrejšaDirection fieldSmerValue for forward directionVrednost za naprejValue for backward directionValue for both directionsDefault directionPrivzeta smerForward directionNaprejBackward directionBoth directionsSpeed fieldPolje hitrostiDefault speed (km/h)Privzeta hitrost (km/h)Topology toleranceTopološko odstopanjeLoading points…Array of offset (parallel) linesoffset,parallel,duplicate,create,spaced,copy,features,objects,step,repeatThis algorithm creates copies of line features in a layer, by creating multiple offset versions of each feature. Each copy is offset by a preset distance.Creates multiple offset copies of lines from a layer.Offset step distanceStep distanceShortest path (layer to point)network,path,shortest,fastestThis algorithm computes optimal (shortest or fastest) route from multiple start points defined by vector layer and given end point.Vector layer with start pointsEnd pointShortest pathNajkrajša potBuilding graph…Calculating shortest paths…There is no route from start point (%1) to end point (%2).Shortest path (point to layer)This algorithm computes optimal (shortest or fastest) route between given start point and multiple end points defined by point vector layer.Start pointZačetna točkaVector layer with end pointsShortest path (point to point)This algorithm computes optimal (shortest or fastest) route between given start and end points.Travel costCalculating shortest path…There is no route from start point to end point.Writing results…Running OpenCL program: %1Error running OpenCL program: %1 - %2Error loading OpenCL program sourcesError loading OpenCL library: %1Error %1 initializing OpenCL device: %2No OpenCL device could be found.No OpenCL platform found.Error setting default platform.Active OpenCL device: %1Error %1 searching for OpenCL device: %2Could not load OpenCL program from path %1.Build logs not available!Error building OpenCL program: %1Error %1 building OpenCL program in %2Error loading OpenCL program source from path %1OpenCL has been disabled, you can re-enable it in the options dialog.Interpolate point on linelinestring,reference,referencing,distance,interpolateInterpolated pointsThis algorithm creates a point geometry interpolated at a set distance along line or curve geometries.
Z and M values are linearly interpolated from existing values.
If a multipart geometry is encountered, only the first part is considered when interpolating the point.
If the specified distance is greater than the curve's length, the resultant feature will have a null geometry.Interpolates a point along lines at a set distance.Line substringlinestring,curve,split,shorten,shrink,portion,part,reference,referencing,distance,interpolateSubstringThis algorithm returns the portion of a line (or curve) which falls between the specified start and end distances (measured from the beginning of the line).
Z and M values are linearly interpolated from existing values.
If a multipart geometry is encountered, only the first part is considered when calculating the substring.Returns the substring of lines which fall between start and end distances.3D MapNo 3D maps definedCan not open srs database (%1): %2%1 [optional]Categorize using expressionStyle database (leave blank to use saved symbols)Use case-sensitive match to symbol namesIgnore non-alphanumeric characters while matchingCategorized layerNon-matching categoriesNon-matching symbol namesCreate categorized renderer from stylesfile,database,symbols,names,category,categoriesCartographySets a vector layer's renderer to a categorized renderer using matching symbols from a style database. If no style file is specified, symbols from the user's current style library are used instead.
The specified expression (or field name) is used to create categories for the renderer. A category will be created for each unique value within the layer.
Each category is individually matched to the symbols which exist within the specified QGIS XML style database. Whenever a matching symbol name is found, the category's symbol will be set to this matched symbol.
The matching is case-insensitive by default, but can be made case-sensitive if required.
Optionally, non-alphanumeric characters in both the category value and symbol name can be ignored while performing the match. This allows for greater tolerance when matching categories to symbols.
If desired, tables can also be output containing lists of the categories which could not be matched to symbols, and symbols which were not matched to categories.Sets a vector layer's renderer to a categorized renderer using symbols from a style database.An error occurred while reading style file: %1Matched %1 categories to symbols from file.No categories could be matched to symbols in file.
%1 categories could not be matched:
%1 symbols in style were not matched:No raster layer for entry %1Band number %1 is not valid for entry %2Could not allocate required memory for %1Could not obtain driver for %1Could not create output %1Request started [url: %1]Request failed [error: no reply - url: %1]Request failed [error: %1 - url: %2]Request error [status: %1 - reason phrase: %2] for %3Request finished [url: %1]Error %1ASF label %1Delete duplicates by attributedrop,remove,field,value,same,filterField to match duplicates byFiltered (no duplicates)Filtrirano (brez dvojnikov)Filtered (duplicates)Filtrirano (dvojniki)Count of retained recordsCount of discarded duplicate recordsRemoves duplicate rows by a field value (or multiple field values). The first matching row will be retained, and duplicates will be discarded.
Optionally, these duplicate records can be saved to a separate output for analysis.Removes duplicate rows by a field value (or multiple field values).Field %1 not found in INPUT layer, skippingNo input fields foundExplode HStore Fieldfield,explode,hstore,osm,openstreetmapThis algorithm creates a copy of the input layer and adds a new field for every unique key in the HStore field.
The expected field list is an optional comma separated list. By default, all unique keys are added. If this list is specified, only these fields are added and the HStore field is updated.HStore fieldExpected list of fields separated by a commaInvalid HStore fieldForce right-hand-ruleclockwise,counter,orientation,ring,repair,invalid,geometry,make,validReorientedThis algorithm forces polygon geometries to respect the Right-Hand-Rule, in which the area that is bounded by a polygon is to the right of the boundary. In particular, the exterior ring is oriented in a clockwise direction and the interior rings in a counter-clockwise direction.Forces polygon geometries to respect the Right-Hand-Rule.Extract binary fieldThis algorithm extracts contents from a binary field, saving them to individual files.
Filenames can be generated using values taken from an attribute in the source table or based on a more complex expression.This algorithm extracts contents from a binary field, saving them to individual files.blob,binaries,save,file,contents,field,columnBinary fieldFile nameIme datotekeDestination folderInvalid binary fieldDestination folder %1 does not existError evaluating filename: %1Could not open %1 for writingExtracted %1BLOBA widget for interacting with binary (BLOB) fields.ContentImagePodobaSVGSVGRaster layer zonal statisticscount,area,statistics,stats,zones,categories,minimum,maximum,mean,sum,totalZones layerZones band numberReference layerReferenčni slojStatisticsStatistikaCalculates statistics for a raster layer's values, categorized by zones defined in another raster layer.This algorithm calculates statistics for a raster layer's values, categorized by zones defined in another raster layer.
If the reference layer parameter is set to "Input layer", then zones are determined by sampling the zone raster layer value at the centroid of each pixel from the source raster layer.
If the reference layer parameter is set to "Zones layer", then the input raster layer will be sampled at the centroid of each pixel from the zones raster layer.
If either the source raster layer or the zone raster layer value is NODATA for a pixel, that pixel's value will be skipped and not including in the calculated statistics.Invalid band number for ZONES_BAND (%1): Valid values for input raster are 1 to %2Scalebar is not linked to a mapThe scalebar “%1” is not linked to a map item. This scale will be misleading.North arrow is not linked to a mapThe north arrow “%1” is not linked to a map item. The arrow orientation may be misleading.Overview is not linked to a mapThe map “%1” includes an overview (“%2”) which is not linked to a map item.Picture source is missing or corruptThe source for picture “%1” could not be loaded or is corrupt:<p>%2Densify by intervaladd,vertex,vertices,points,nodesGeometries are densified by adding additional vertices on edges that have a maximum distance of the interval parameter in map units.Creates a densified version of geometries.Interval between vertices to addIntervalintervalDensifiedPolygons to linesPoligoni v linijeline,polygon,convertLinesLinijeConverts polygons to linesConverts polygons to lines.Raster surface volumesum,volume,area,height,terrain,dem,elevationBase levelMethodMetodaCount Only Above Base LevelCount Only Below Base LevelSubtract Volumes Below Base LevelAdd Volumes Below Base LevelSurface volume reportSurface volume tableVolumeThis algorithm calculates the volume under a raster grid's surface.
Several methods of volume calculation are available, which control whether only values above or below the specified base level are considered, or whether volumes below the base level should be added or subtracted from the total volume.
The algorithm outputs the calculated volume, the total area, and the total number of pixels analysed. If the 'Count Only Above Base Level' or 'Count Only Below Base Level' methods are used, then the calculated area and pixel count only includes pixels which are above or below the specified base level respectively.
Units of the calculated volume are dependent on the coordinate reference system of the input raster file. For a CRS in meters, with a DEM height in meters, the calculated value will be in meters³. If instead the input raster is in a geographic coordinate system (e.g. latitude/longitude values), then the result will be in degrees² × meters, and an appropriate scaling factor will need to be applied in order to convert to meters³.Calculates the volume under a raster grid's surface.<p>%1: %2 %3</p>
Authentication requiredZahtevana prijavaGeometry type not recognisedResolving newEmptyDataSource(...) failedNo SLD1.0 conversion yet for stretch algorithm %1Unable to export 3D animation. Add at least 2 keyframesUnable to export 3D animation (invalid duration).Filename template is emptyWrong filename template format (must contain #)Filename template must contain all # placeholders in one continuous group.Export canceledLayer has unknown CRSAdd X/Y fields to layerAdds X and Y (or latitude/longitude) fields to a point layer. The X/Y fields can be calculated in a different CRS to the layer (e.g. creating latitude/longitude fields for a layer in a project CRS).Adds X and Y (or latitude/longitude) fields to a point layer.add,create,latitude,longitude,columns,attributesAdded fieldsCoordinate systemKoordinatni sistemField prefixMultipoint features are not supported - please convert to single point features first.Could not transform point to destination CRSJoin attributes by nearestjoin,connect,attributes,values,fields,tables,proximity,closest,neighbour,neighbor,n-nearest,distanceMaximum nearest neighborsMaximum distanceNajvečja razdaljaThis algorithm takes an input vector layer and creates a new vector layer that is an extended version of the input one, with additional attributes in its attribute table.
The additional attributes and their values are taken from a second vector layer, where features are joined by finding the closest features from each layer. By default only the single nearest feature is joined,but optionally the join can use the n-nearest neighboring features instead.
If a maximum distance is specified, then only features which are closer than this distance will be matched.
The output features will contain the selected attributes from the nearest feature, along with new attributes for the distance to the near feature, the index of the feature, and the coordinates of the closest point on the input feature (feature_x, feature_y) to the matched nearest feature, and the coordinates of the closet point on the matched feature (nearest_x, nearest_y).
This algorithm uses purely Cartesian calculations for distance, and does not consider geodetic or ellipsoid properties when determining feature proximity.Joins a layer to another layer, using the closest features (nearest neighbors).Points along geometrycreate,interpolate,points,lines,regular,distance,byThis algorithm creates a points layer, with points distributed along the lines of an input vector layer. The distance between points (measured along the line) is defined as a parameter.
Start and end offset distances can be defined, so the first and last point will not fall exactly on the line's first and last nodes. These start and end offsets are defined as distances, measured along the line from the first and last nodes of the lines.Creates regularly spaced points along line features.Start offsetEnd offsetCould not use operation specified in project between %1 and %2. (Wanted to use: %3).No coordinate operations are available between these two reference systemsCannot create transform between %1 and %2, missing required grid %3Cannot normalize transform between %1 and %2Using non-preferred coordinate operation between %1 and %2. Using %3, preferred %4.Cannot create transform between %1 and %2: %3QTermWidgetColor Scheme ErrorCannot load color scheme: %1QgisAppMultiple Instances of QgisAppProgram že delujeChecking databasePreverjanje podatkovne zbirkeReading settingsBranje nastavitevSetting up the GUINastavitve grafičnega vmesnikaCtrl+5Ctrl+5Show Undo/Redo PanelCtrl+4Ctrl+4Show Advanced Digitizing PanelCtrl+6Ctrl+6Show Statistics PanelCtrl+7Ctrl+7Show Bookmarks PanelCtrl+3Ctrl+3Show Style PanelSnapping and Digitizing OptionsMožnosti magnetenja in risanjaProject Snapping SettingsNastavitve magnetenja projektaChecking provider pluginsPreverjanje vtičnikovStarting PythonZaganjanje programRestoring loaded pluginsOsveževanje naloženih vtičnikovInitializing file filtersInicializacija datotečnih filtrovRestoring window stateOsveževanje oknaPopulate saved stylesQGIS Ready!Program je pripravljen!Zoom in to canvasZoom in to canvas (secondary)Zoom out of canvasZoom in (secondary)Shift+F6Open Attribute Table (Selected Features)Odpri atributno tabelo (Označeni geoobjekti)Ctrl+F6Open Attribute Table (Visible Features)Odpri atributno tabelo (vidni geoobjekti)Loading layersMinimizePomanjšajCtrl+MMinimize WindowCtrl+MMinimizes the active window to the dockZmanjšaj aktivno oknoZoomPovečajToggles between a predefined size and the window size set by the userIzberite predizbrano velikost ali lastno velikost oknaBring All to FrontVse v ospredjeBring forward all open windowsVsa odprta okna v ospredjeCurrent EditsTrenutno spremenjenoErrorNapakaFailed to open Python console:Neuspešno odpiranje Python konzole:Multiple instances of QGIS application object detected.
Please contact the developers.
Več instanc programa.
Prosimo kontaktirajte razvijalce.Ctrl+2Ctrl+2Show Browser PanelCtrl+0Ctrl+0Show GPS Information PanelQGIS - %1 ('%2')QGIS - %1 ('%2')PanelsDodatna oknaToolbarsOrodjaWindowOkno&Database&Podatkovna zbirka&Web&SpletRenderPrikažiToggle map renderingVključi/izključi prikaz karteCRS status - Click to open coordinate reference system dialogCRS status -Kliknite, da odprete dialog za koordinatni sistemReadyPripravljenPrivate qgis.dbInterno podatkovno skladišče qgis.dbQGISQGISLayer StylingCtrl++Ctrl++Ctrl+=Ctrl+-Ctrl+-Ctrl+Alt+=&User Profiles ° °Ctrl+KTrigger LocatorTransforms are not installed: %1 Missing datum transformsOverviewPregledLayersPlastiManage Map ThemesLayer OrderVrstni red slojevCtrl+9Ctrl+9Show Layer Order Panel< Blank >< Prazno >http://qgis.org/en/site/about/sponsorship.htmlQGIS versionRazličica programaQGIS code revisionKodna različicaCompiled against QtPrevedeno z QtRunning against QtIzvaja se QtCompiled against GDAL/OGRPrevedeno GDAL/oGRRunning against GDAL/OGRZaganja GDAL/OGRPostgreSQL Client VersionRazličica PostgreSQL odjemalcaSpatiaLite VersionRazličica SpatialLiteQWT VersionQWT različicaPROJ.4 VersionPROJ.4 RazličicaQScintilla2 VersionQScintilla2 RazličicaThis copy of QGIS writes debugging output.Program zahteva zapis rezultat razhroščevanja.Invalid Data SourceNeveljaven podatkovni vir%1 is not a valid or recognized data source%1 je prepoznan kot neveljavni podatkovni virVectorVektor%1 is an invalid layer - not loaded%1 ni veljaven sloj - ni naloženo%1 is an invalid layer and cannot be loaded. Please check the <a href="#messageLog">message log</a> for further info.%1 je neveljaven. Prosim preverite <a href="#messageLog">sporočila</a> za več informacij.QGIS filesQGIS datotekeDiagram PropertiesCannot create new layer.Cannot copy styleCannot parse styleCannot paste styleNo legend entries selectedSelect the layers and groups you want to remove in the legend.Izberite sloje in skupine slojev, ki jih želite odstraniti iz legendeRemove layers and groupsOdstrani plasti in skupine plastiRemove %n legend entries?number of legend items to remove%n legend entries removed.number of removed legend entries%1 (%2 type unsupported)%1 (%2 nepodprt tip)Cannot copy style to duplicated layer.https://qgis.org/en/site/getinvolved/development/bugreporting.htmlThe layer %1 is not a valid layer and can not be added to the map. Reason: %2Map %1Zemljevid %1Project extent is not valid.Obseg projekta ni veljaven.3D view currently does not support unprojected coordinate reference systems (CRS).
Please switch project's CRS to a projected CRS.3D Map %1Do you want to save the current project? %1Ali želite shraniti trenutni projekt? %1Active TasksUntitled ProjectUndo/RedoRazveljavi/PonoviAdvanced DigitizingNapredno risanjeBrowserBrskanjeBrowser (2)RaziskovalecGPS InformationGPS informacijeLog MessagesZabeležena sporočilaQGIS starting…Preferences…Open Active Profile FolderNew Profile…Filter Legend by Map ContentOpen the Layer Styling panelCompiled against PROJRunning against PROJAdd Virtual LayerCalculating raster expression…Revert ProjectAre you sure you want to discard all unsaved changes the current project?Save Project AsLayer ExportedSave RasterCannot write raster. Error code: %1Merging features…Združujem geoobjekte...Create %1 TitleNo features could be successfully pasted.Error copying layerError pasting layerStop EditingThe following tasks are currently running which depend on layers in this project:
Please cancel these tasks and retry.Current CRS: %1No projectionNi projekcijeAdd Point FeatureAdd Line FeatureAdd Polygon FeatureAdd RecordMap ViewsA view with this name already existsPogled s tem imenom že obstajaInvalid LayerNeveljavni slojDefault failed to open: %1Priveto ni mogoče odpreti: %1Default not found: %1Privzeto ne obstaja: %1Open Template ProjectOdpri predlogo za projektAuto-open ProjectSamodejno odpiranje projektaFailed to open: %1Napaka pri odpiranju: %1Not valid project file: %1Nevljavna projektna datoteka: %1Project failed to open: %1Projekta %1 ni mogoče odpreti.Default template has been reopened: %1Privzeta predloga je ponovno odprta: %1File not found: %1Datoteka ne obstaja: %1Loading project: %1Nalagam projekt: %1Unable to open projectProjekta ni možno odpretiSecurity warningVarnostno opozoriloproject macros have been disabled.makroji v projektu so onemogočeni.Ctrl+8Ctrl+8Show Overview PanelCtrl+1Ctrl+1Show Layers PanelProject loadedProjekt je naloženChoose a QGIS project fileIzberite datoteko QGIS projektaSaved project to: %1Projekt je shranjen kot: %1Unable to save project %1Projekta %1 ni mogoče shranitiUnable to load %1Ne morem odpreti %1Default system font substituted.Privzeta sistemska pisava je zamenjana.LabelingOznačevanjeFont for layer <b><u>%1</u></b> was not found (<i>%2</i>). %3Pisava za sloj <b><u>%1</u></b> ne obstaja (<i>%2</i>). %3Open labeling dialogOdpri označevanjeCRS was undefineddefaulting to project CRS %1 - %2nastavljam KS projekta %1 - %2defaulting to CRS %1 - %2RotationVrtenjeAdd GroupVstavi skupinoFilter legend by expressionFiltriraj legendo z izrazomExpand AllRazširi vseCollapse AllStrni vseQGIS code branchCompiled against GEOSPrevedeno GEOSRunning against GEOSIzvajjanje GEOSNo support%1 doesn't have any layers.%1 is not a valid or recognized data source.RasterRasterCannot get virtual layer select dialog from provider.Raster calculatorSpreminjanje rastraCalculation complete.Could not create destination file.Could not read input layer.Could not parse raster formula.Insufficient memory available for operation.Invalid band number for input layer.Choose a QGIS Project File to OpenIzberi QGIS projektDo you want to open the backup file
instead?QGZ filesOpen a ProjectOdpri projektThe loaded project file on disk was meanwhile changed. Do you want to overwrite the changes?
Last modification date on load was: %1
Current last modification date is: %2Insufficient permissionsThe project file is not writable.Datoteka projekta ni zapisovalna.DXF export completedDXF izvoz je zaključenDXF export failedDXF izvoz ni uspelLoad templateOdpri predlogoCould not read template fileCould not load template fileNo action selectedRun feature action<br><b>%1</b>Commit ErrorsPotrdi napakeCommit errorsPotrdi napakeCould not commit changes to layer %1Sprememb sloja %1 ni mogoče potrditiErrors: %1
Napake: %1Show morePrikaži večPlease select a vector layer firstNajprej izberite vektorski slojExport to vector file failed.
Error: %1Izvoz v vektorsko datoteko ni bil uspešen.
Napaka: %1No Layer SelectedNi izbranih slojevTo delete features, you must select a vector layer in the legendZa izbris geoobjektov je potrebno izbrati vektorski slojNo Vector Layer SelectedVektorski sloj ni izbranDeleting features only works on vector layersIzbris geoobjektov je možen samo v vektorskih slojihProvider does not support deletionPonudnik ne omogoča brisanjaData provider does not support deleting featuresPonudnik ne dopušča brisanje geoobjektovLayer not editableSloja ni mogoče urejatiThe current layer is not editable. Choose 'Start editing' in the digitizing toolbar.Sloj je samo za branje. Vključite urejanje v orodni vrstici.No Features SelectedBrez označenih geoobjektovFeatures deletedGeoobjekti so izbrisaniProblem deleting featuresTežava pri brisanju geoobjektov%n feature(s) deleted.number of features deleted%n element(ov) izbrisanih.AbortPrekiniTitle can not be empty!Naziv je obvezen!Title already exists!Naslov že obstaja!No active layerManjka aktivni slojNo active layer found. Please select a layer in the layer listManjka aktivni sloj. Izberite sloj iz seznama slojevNot enough features selectedOznačeno je premalo geoobjektovThe merge tool requires at least two selected featuresZa združevanje je potrebno izbrati dva geoobjektaMerged feature attributesSpoji podatke elementov • %1The following tasks are currently running in the background:
Do you want to try canceling these active tasks?Layer Diagram PropertiesSuccessfully saved raster layer to <a href="%1">%2</a>Error saving layer definition fileSave as QGIS Layer Style FileQGIS Layer Style FileQGIS slogovne datotekeSuccessfully saved vector layer to <a href="%1">%2</a>Save ErrorNapaka pri shranjevanjuLoading “%1”Security warning: executing a script from an untrusted source can lead to data loss and/or leak. Continue?Don't show this again.Layer SavedSuccessfully saved scratch layer to <a href="%1">%2</a>Could not make temporary scratch layer permanent.
Error: %1Save Scratch LayerDelete %n feature(s) from layer "%1"Some of the selected features are outside of the current map view. Would you still like to continue?A problem occurred during deletion from layer "%1". %n feature(s) not deleted.print layoutreportPoročiloEnter a unique %1 title(a title will be automatically generated if left empty)%1 copy%1 kopirajSet as atlas feature for %1Nastavi element atlasa za %1Duplicate featureDuplicate feature and digitizeThe merge tool requires at least two selected features.Invalid resultCould not store value '%1' in field of type %2Modifying features can only be done for layers in editing mode.Merge failedZdruževanje ni uspeloAn error occurred during the merge operation.Merged featuresGeoobjekti so združeniCould not store value '%1' in field of type %2.No active vector layerManjka aktivni vektorski slojTo invert selection, choose a vector layer in the legendFeatures cutIzrezani geoobjektiFeatures pastedGeoobjekti so prilepljeniPaste featuresPrilepi geoobjekte%1 features were successfully pasted.Geometry ValidationEdit first feature in attribute tableEdit previous feature in attribute tableEdit next feature in attribute tableEdit last feature in attribute tableOS VersionRemote layerloading %1, please wait …Download with "Protocol" source type has failed, do you want to try the "File" source type?Layer creation failed: %1Calculating mesh expression…Mesh calculatorCould not evaluate the formula.Invalid or incompatible datasets used.Could not parse mesh formula.Enable MacrosOmogoči makreOriginal source URI: %1%1 of %2 features could be successfully pasted. Geometry collapsed due to intersection avoidance.%1 geometries collapsed due to intersection avoidance.PastedPrilepljenoPaste as Scratch LayerLayer nameIme slojaNo features in clipboard.V odložišču ni geobjektovMultiple geometry types found, features with geometry different from %1 will be created without geometry.Cannot create field %1 (%2,%3)Polja %1 (%2,%3) ni mogoče ustvaritiStart editing failedUrejanje ni mogočeProvider cannot be opened for editingPonudnik ne omogoča urejanjaDo you want to save the changes to layer %1?Ali želite shraniti spremenjen sloj v %1?Problems during roll backTežava pri vračanju nazaj (roll back)Could not %1 changes to layer %2
Errors: %3
Ne morem %1 spreminjati slojev %2
Napake: %3rollbackrazveljavicancelprekiniSaveShraniallvseRollbackRazveljaviCancelPrekiniCurrent editsTrenutno urejani%1 current changes for %2 layer(s)?%1 sprememb za %2 sloj(ev)?Filter on Joined FieldsYou are about to set a subset filter on a layer that has joined fields. Joined fields cannot be filtered, unless you convert the layer to a virtual layer first. Would you like to create a virtual layer out of this layer first?Required LayersThe following layers are marked as required by the project:
Please deselect them (or unmark as required) and retry.The following tasks are currently running which depend on this layer:
Please cancel these tasks and retry.copykopirajPlugin layerSloj vtičnikaMemory layerSpomiski slojDuplicate layer: Podvoji sloj: %1 (duplication resulted in invalid layer)%1 (neveljacen sloj zaradi podvojenih vrednosti)Layer duplication completeNote that it's using the same data source.Set scale visibility for selected layersNastavitev merila za označene plastiCouldn't load Python support library: %1Ni mogoče naložiti Python knjižnice: %1Couldn't resolve python support library's instance() symbol.Nemogoče je prepoznati simbole Python knjižnice.Python support ENABLED :-) Omogočena podpora za python :-) There is a new version of QGIS availableNova različica QGIS-a je na razpolagoYou are running a development version of QGISUporabljate razvojno različico QGIS-aYou are running the current version of QGISNajnovejša različica QGIS-aQGIS Version InformationInformacije o različici QGIS-aUnable to get current version information from serverZadnja različica na strežniku ni dosegljivaStyle ManagerUrejanje simbolovKeyboard ShortcutsCustom ProjectionsInterface CustomizationPrilagoditev izgleda vmesnikaTo perform a full histogram stretch, you need to have a raster layer selected.To change brightness or contrast, you need to have a raster layer selected.Ko je izbran rasterski sloj lahko spreminjate osvetlitev in ostrino.Save ProjectShrani projektClose ProjectThis project includes one or more temporary scratch layers. These layers are not saved to disk and their contents will be permanently lost. Are you sure you want to proceed?Task failedNetwork request to %1 timed out, any data received is likely incomplete.QGIS Authentication%1 PanelTransactionCannot duplicate feature in not editable mode on layer %1%1 children on layer %2 duplicated%1 features on layer %2 duplicated
%3Digitize the duplicate on layer %1Duplicate digitizedFeature on layer %2 duplicated
%3TemplatesTemplate NameName for the templateTemplate not savedThe template can not have an empty name.Overwrite templateThe template %1 already exists, do you want to replace it?OverwritePrepišiTemplate savedTemplate %1 was savedSave as Local Filehttps://qgis.org/en/site/forusers/commercial_support.htmlLayer is not validNeveljaven slojLayer %1Sloj %1The merge features tool only works on vector layers.Orodje za združevanje geoobjektov deluje na vektorskih plastehMerging features can only be done for layers in editing mode.Združevanje geoobjektov se lahko izvaja za plasti v urejevalnem načinu.Please select a layer in the layer listInvalid layerNeveljaven slojTo select all, choose a vector layer in the legend.To select features, choose a vector layer in the legend.The layer is not a valid layer and can not be added to the mapNeveljavnega sloja ni mogoče dodati na zemljevidProject has layer(s) in edit mode with unsaved edits, which will NOT be saved!V projektu so sloj(i) v urejevalnem načinu, ki niso shranjeni!%n feature(s) selected on layer %1.number of selected features%n element označen na sloju %1.%n elementa označena na sloju %1.%n elementi označeni na sloju %1.%n elementov označenih na sloju %1.Open a GDAL Supported Raster Data SourceOdpiranje rastrov (GDAL podpora)Error adding valid layer to map canvasNeveljaven sloj za zemljevidRaster layerRasterski sloj%1 is not a supported raster data source%1 neveljavena rasterska datotekaUnsupported Data SourceNepodprta podatkovna strukturaExit QGISIzhod iz programaDo you really want to quit QGIS?Ali želite zapustiti program?New profile nameNovo ime profilaTask completeThis project file was saved by an older version of QGIS. When saving this project file, QGIS will update it to the latest version, possibly rendering it useless for older versions of QGIS.Project file is olderProjekt je starejši Please check the <a href="#messageLog">message log</a> for further info.WarningOpozoriloThis layer doesn't have a properties dialog.Za sloj ni mogoče nastavljati lastnosti.Proxy authentication requiredZahtevana proxy prijavaFailed to run Python script:The current layer has no selected featuresTrenutni sloj je brez izbranih geoobjektovCurrent clockwise map rotation in degreesMessagesError loading layer definitionQgisAppInterfaceAttributes changedSprememba podatkovQgisCustomWidgetsQGIS custom widgetsQgs25DRendererWidgetThe 2.5D renderer only can be used with polygon layers.
'%1' is not a polygon layer and cannot be rendered in 2.5D.Select Wall ColorSelect Roof ColorSelect Shadow ColorBarva senceQgs25DRendererWidgetBaseFormObrazecHeightVišinaAngleKotAdvanced Configuration……Roof colorWall color<html><head/><body><p>Walls will have a different color based on their aspect to make them appear to differently reflect the solar radiation.</p><p><br/></p><p>If this option is enabled, make sure that <span style=" font-style:italic;">simplification </span>is disabled on the rendering tab or some colors may be wrong at small scales.</p></body></html>Shade walls based on aspectShadowSencaColorBarvaSizeVelikost°°<html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">Advanced Styling</span><br/>This page helps to configure the 2.5D effect as easily as possible with some basic parameters.</p><p>Once you have finished the basic styling, you can convert this to another renderer (single, categorized, graduated) and fine-tune the appearance to your liking.</p><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">Overlay problems</span></p><p>Features are rendered based on their distance to the camera. It is sometimes possible that parts of a feature are in front of another feature by mistake. This happens if any part of the overlapped feature is closer to the camera than the overlapping feature.</p><p>In such cases you can avoid rendering problems by cutting the feature in front into smaller pieces.</p></body></html>Qgs3DAlgorithmsQGIS (3D)Qgs3DAnimationExportDialogSelect directory for 3D animation framesQgs3DAnimationWidget<none>Export AnimationUnable to export 3D animationExporting frames...AbortPrekiniKeyframe timeKeyframe time [seconds]:There is already a keyframe at the given timeQgs3DMapCanvasDockWidgetZoom FullPrikaži vseSave as Image…Configure…Nastavi...AnimationsIdentifyIdentificirajSave as ImageSuccessfully saved the 3D map to <a href="%1">%2</a>Choose a file name to save the 3D map canvas to an image3D ConfigurationLoading %1 tilesQgs3DMapConfigWidgetFlat terrainDEM (Raster layer)OnlineQgs3DRendererRulePropsWidgetRule PropertiesDescriptionOpisFilterSitoElseCatch-all for other featuresTestPreveriSymbolSimbolTest FilterFilter expression parsing error:
Izločene napake:Filter returned %n feature(s)number of filtered featuresQgsAboutAboutVizitkaAbout QGISO programuLicenseLicenca<html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css">
p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
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<p style=" margin-top:16px; margin-bottom:12px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px; font-size:x-large; font-weight:600;"><span style=" font-size:x-large;">QGIS</span></p></body></html><html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css">
p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
</style></head><body style=" font-family:'Lucida Grande'; font-size:13pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;">
<p style=" margin-top:16px; margin-bottom:12px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px; font-size:x-large; font-weight:600;"><span style=" font-size:x-large;">QGIS</span></p></body></html>QGIS is licensed under the GNU General Public LicenseQGIS uporablja GNU General Public Licensehttp://www.gnu.org/licenseshttp://www.gnu.org/licensesQGIS Home PageSpletna stran programaJoin our user mailing listPridruži se uporabnikom na e-poštnem seznamuabout:blanko:praznoWhat's NewNovostiProvidersPonudnikiDevelopersRazvijalciContributorsPrispevkiTranslatorsPrevajalciDonorsDonatorji<p>For a list of individuals and institutions who have contributed money to fund QGIS development and other project costs see <a href="http://qgis.org/en/site/about/sponsorship.html#list-of-donors">http://qgis.org/en/site/about/sponsorship.html#list-of-donors</a></p>Available QGIS Data Provider PluginsProgramski dodatkiAvailable QGIS Authentication Method PluginsAvailable Qt Database PluginsDodatki za podatkovno zbirkoAvailable Qt Image PluginsDodatki za slikovno gradivoQt Image Plugin Search Paths <br>Pod do dodatka za slikeDevelopers MapQgsAbstractDataSourceWidget&Add&VstaviAdd selected layers to mapVstavi izbrano plast na zemljevidClose this dialog without adding any layerQgsAbstractFileContentSourceLineEdit……Select File…Embed File…Extract Embedded File…From URL…Embedded fileSuccessfully extracted file to <a href="%1">%2</a>QgsActionLocatorFilterActionsUkaziActiveQgsActionMenu&ActionsNot supported on your platformQgsActionScopeRegistryCanvasAvailable for the action map tool on the canvas.Field ScopeAvailable for individual fields. For example in the attribute table.Feature ScopeAvailable for individual features. For example on feature forms or per row in the attribute table.Layer ScopeAvailable as layer global action. For example on top of the attribute table.QgsActiveLayerFeaturesLocatorFilterActive Layer FeaturesQgsAddAttrDialogAdd FieldInvalid field name. This field name is reserved and cannot be used.Neveljaven ime polja. Naveden ime ni mogoče uporabiti.No name specified. Please specify a name to create a new field.Ni imena. Prosim določite ime novega poljaQgsAddAttrDialogBaseN&ame&ImeCommentKomentarTypeTipAdd FieldPrecisionNatančnostLengthDolžinaProvider typeMaximum number of digits after the decimal place. For example 123.45 requires a field precision of 2.Total length of field (including the number of digits after the decimal place for decimal fields).<br>For example 123.45 requires a decimal field length of 5, and 123456 requires an integer field length of 6.QgsAddTabOrGroupAdd Tab or Group for %1QgsAddTabOrGroupBaseDialogObrazecCreate categorySkupinaaskota tabzaviheka group in containerskupina v zabojuNumber of columnsŠtevilo stolpcevQgsAdvancedDigitizingDockWidgetSome constraints are incompatible. Resulting point might be incorrect.Do Not Snap to Common Angles%1, %2, %3, %4°…Construction modepress c to toggle on/offDistanceRazdaljapress d for quick accessLock distancepress Ctrl + d for quick accessContinuously lock distanceToggles relative angle to previous segmentpress Shift + a for quick accessAngleKotpress a for quick accessLock anglepress Ctrl + a for quick accessContinuously lock angleToggles relative x to previous nodepress Shift + x for quick accessX coordinatepress x for quick accessLock x coordinatepress Ctrl + x for quick accessContinuously lock x coordinateToggles relative y to previous nodepress Shift + y for quick accessY coordinatepress y for quick accessLock y coordinatepress Ctrl + y for quick accessContinuously lock y coordinateSnapping must be enabled to utilize perpendicular modeMagnetenje mora biti vključeno za uporabo pravokotnega načinaSnapping must be enabled to utilize parallel modeMagnetenje mora biti vključeno za uporabo vzporednega načinaPerpendicularpress p to switch between perpendicular, parallel and normal modeParallelParalelnoCAD tools are not enabled for the current map toolCAD tools can not be used on geographic coordinates. Change the coordinates system in the project properties.QgsAdvancedDigitizingDockWidgetBaseAdvanced DigitizingNapredno risanjeErrorNapaka<html><head/><body><p>Enable advanced digitizing tools</p></body></html>……daxxyyToggle FloaterQgsAdvancedDigitizingFloaterBasedaxx--yyQgsAfsConnectionItemConnection failed: %1Povezava neuspešna: %1. {1?}RefreshOsvežiEdit Connection…Uredi povezavo...Delete Connection…Modify ArcGIS Feature Server ConnectionQgsAfsFolderItemConnection failed: %1Povezava neuspešna: %1. {1?}QgsAfsItemGuiProviderView Service InfoQgsAfsProvidergetLayerInfo failedCould not retrieve layer extentCould not parse spatial referenceFailed to determine geometry typegetObjectIds failed: %1 - %2Failed to determine objectIdFieldName and/or objectIdsSourceVirQgsAfsRootItemNew Connection…Nova povezava...Create a New ArcGIS Feature Server ConnectionQgsAfsServiceItemConnection failed: %1Povezava neuspešna: %1. {1?}QgsAfsSourceSelectErrorNapakaFailed to retrieve service capabilities:
%1: %2QgsAggregateToolButtonExcludeQgsAlignRasterDialogAlign RastersRaster layers to align++//--Output sizeReference layerReferenčni slojCell sizeGrid offsetMrežaAdd aligned rasters to map canvasCRSCRSClip to ExtentObreži z obsegom [best reference]Failed to align rasters:QgsAlignRasterLayerConfigDialogConfigure Layer ResamplingNearest neighbourNajbližji sosedBilinear (2x2 kernel)Cubic (4x4 kernel)Cubic B-Spline (4x4 kernel)Lanczos (6x6 kernel)AveragePovprečnoModeNačinMaximumMaksimumMinimumNajmanjšeMedianSredinaFirst Quartile (Q1)Third Quartile (Q3)Browse…Rescale values according to the cell sizeInput raster layer:Output raster filename:Ime izhodnega rastra:Resampling method:Select output fileGeoTIFFGeoTIFFQgsAllLayersFeaturesLocatorFilterFeatures In All LayersOpen form…Attributes changedPodatkovno polje je spremenjenoQgsAmsConnectionItemConnection failed: %1Povezava neuspešna: %1. {1?}RefreshOsvežiEdit Connection…Uredi povezavo...Delete Connection…Modify ArcGIS Map Server ConnectionQgsAmsFolderItemConnection failed: %1Povezava neuspešna: %1. {1?}QgsAmsItemGuiProviderView Service InfoQgsAmsProviderCould not parse spatial referenceSourceVirService InfoLayer InfoUnexpected image size for block. Expected %1x%2, got %3x%4QgsAmsRootItemNew Connection…Nova povezava...Create a New ArcGIS Map Server ConnectionQgsAmsServiceItemConnection failed: %1Povezava neuspešna: %1. {1?}QgsAmsSourceSelectErrorNapakaFailed to retrieve service capabilities:
%1: %2QgsAmsTiledImageDownloadHandlernetwork request update failed for authentication configNetworkOmrežjeTile request error (Status: %1; Content-Type: %2; Length: %3; URL: %4)WMSWMSReturned image is flawed [Content-Type: %1; URL: %2]QgsAngleMagnetWidget°°Snap to No snappingBrez magnetenjaQgsAnnotationWidgetBaseFormOblikaFrame styleSlog okvirjaFixed map positionFiksiran položaj na zemljeviduContents MarginsTopVrh mm mmBottomDnoLeftLevoRightDesnoAllows the annotation to be associated with a map layer. If set, the annotation will only be visible when the layer is visible.Map markerSimbol na zemljeviduLinked layerQgsAppDirectoryItemGuiProviderNewNovoDirectory…Create DirectoryDirectory nameThe path “%1” already exists.Could not create directory “%1”.GeoPackage…New GeoPackageCreated <a href="%1">%2</a>ShapeFile…New ShapeFileLayer creation failed: %1Add as a FavoriteRename Favorite…Preimenuj favorita...Remove FavoriteHide from BrowserFast Scan this DirectoryOpen Directory…Open in Terminal…Properties…Directory Properties…favorite “%1”Rename FavoritePreimenuj favoritaQgsAppLayerTreeViewMenuProvider&Expand All&Razširi vse&Collapse All&Strni vse&Stretch Using Current Extent&Prilagodi trenutnemu obseguZoom to &Visible ScaleSet &Project CRS from LayerNastavi &koordinatni sistem sloja iz slojaMake Permanent…Save Features As…Save Selected Features As…Edit Symbol…&Open Attribute Table&Odpri podatkovno tabeloPaste Layer/GroupCopy Group&Remove Group…&Set Group CRS…&Set Group WMS Data…ExportIzvozCopy Layer&Duplicate Layer&Remove Layer…Change Data Source…&Set Layer Scale Visibility…Set CRSSet Layer CRS…Save as QGIS Layer Style File…&Properties…Save as Layer Definition File…&Filter…Save As…Edit Virtual Layer…Uredi navidezni sloj...&Toggle Items&Show All Items&Hide All ItemsSymbol Selector&Zoom to Native Resolution (100%)&Povečava v naravni velikosti (100%)Copy StyleKopiraj slogPaste StylePrilepi slogStylesSlogQgsAppMissingGridHandlerNo transform available between %1 and %2This grid is part of the “<i>%1</i>” package, available for download from <a href="%2">%2</a>.This grid is available for download from <a href="%1">%1</a>.<p>No transform is available between <i>%1</i> and <i>%2</i>.</p><p>This transformation requires the grid file “%3”, which is not available for use on the system.%4</p>DetailsPodrobnostiNo Transformations AvailableCannot use preferred transform between %1 and %2This transformation requires the grid file “%1”, which is not available for use on the system.This grid is part of the <i>%1</i> package, available for download from <a href="%2">%2</a>.<p>Current transform “<i>%1</i>” has an accuracy of %2 meters, while the preferred transformation “<i>%3</i>” has accuracy %4 meters.</p><p>Current transform “<i>%1</i>” has an unknown accuracy, while the preferred transformation “<i>%2</i>” has accuracy %3 meters.</p><p>The preferred transform between <i>%1</i> and <i>%2</i> is not available for use on the system.</p>Preferred Transformation Not Available<p>No transform is available between <i>%1</i> and <i>%2</i>.</p><p style="color: red">%3</p>Cannot use project transform between %1 and %2<p>This project specifies a preset transform between <i>%1</i> and <i>%2</i>, which is not available for use on the system.</p><p>The operation specified for use in the project is:</p><p><code>%1</code></p>Project Transformation Not AvailableQgsApplicationExceptionIzjemaunknown exceptionneznana izjemaApplication state:
QGIS_PREFIX_PATH env var: %1
Prefix: %2
Plugin Path: %3
Package Data Path: %4
Active Theme Name: %5
Active Theme Path: %6
Default Theme Path: %7
SVG Search Paths: %8
User DB Path: %9
Auth DB Path: %10
match indentation of application statematch indentation of application state[ERROR] Can not make qgis.db private copy[NAPAKA] z qgis.db ni mogoče narediti lastne kopijeCan not make '%1' user writableCould not open qgis.dbqgis.db ni mogoče odpretiMigration of private qgis.db failed.
%1Migracija zasebne qgis.db ni uspela
%1Update of view in private qgis.db failed.
%1Posodobitev pogleda v zasebni datoteki qgis.db ni uspela.
%1QgsArcGisAsyncParallelQuerynetwork request update failed for authentication configNetworkOmrežjeQgsArcGisAsyncQuerynetwork request update failed for authentication configQgsArcGisServiceSourceSelect&Build query&Izdelava poizvedbeCreate a New %1 ConnectionModify %1 ConnectionAre you sure you want to remove the %1 connection and all associated settings?Ali želite odstraniti povezavo %1 s pripadajočimi nastavitvami?Confirm DeletePotrditev brisanjaNo LayersBrez plastiThe query returned no layers.QgsArcGisServiceSourceSelectBaseServer ConnectionsPovezava na strežnikConnect to selected databasePoveži z izbrano podatkovno bazoC&onnectP&ovežiCreate a new database connectionUstvari novo povezavo podatkovne zbirke&New&NovoEdit selected database connectionUredi izbrano povezavo podatkovne zbirkeEditUrejanjeRemove connection to selected databaseOdstrani povezavo do izbrane podatkovne zbirkeRemoveOdstraniLoad connections from fileOdpri povezave iz datotekeLoadOdpriSave connections to fileShrani povezave v datotekoSaveShraniFi<erDisplay WFS FeatureTypes containing this word in the title, name or abstractUse title for layer nameUporabi naslov za ime slojaOnly request features overlapping the current view extentImage EncodingCoordinate Reference SystemKoordinatni sistemChange…Spremeni...QgsArrowSymbolLayerWidgetBaseFormObrazecCurved arrowsSingle……Single, reversedDoubleOffsetZamikArrow typeHead thicknessHead length<html><head/><body><p>Plain: the arrow will be displayed entirely</p><p>Left/Exterior half: only the half of the head that is on the left of the arrow for straight arrows, or the one toward the exterior for curved arrows will be displayed</p><p>Right/Interior half: only the half of the head that is on the right of the arrow for straight arrows, or the one toward the interior for curved arrows will be displayed</p></body></html>PlainLeft/Exterior halfRight/Interior halfArrow width at start<html><head/><body><p>If checked, one arrow will be rendered for each consecutive points (each 2 points for a straight arrow or 3 points for a curved arrow).</p><p>If unchecked, the arrow will be defined by extermum points of the line (the middle point will be used as a control point for a curved arrow)</p></body></html>Repeat arrow on each segmentHead typeArrow widthQgsAttributeActionDialogGenericGeneričnoPythonPythonMacMacWindowsWindowsUnixUnixOpen URLAdd New ActionEcho attribute's valuePonovi podatkovno vrednostAttribute ValueRun an applicationPoženi postopekRun applicationGet feature idIdentificiraj elementFeature IDElement IDSelected field's value (Identify features tool)Izbrana podatkovna vrednostField ValueClicked coordinates (Run feature actions tool)Klikljene koordinateClicked CoordinateOpen fileOdpri datotekoSearch on web based on attribute's valueIskanje podatkovne vrednosti v spletuSearch WebList feature idsDuplicate selected featuresPodvoji označene geoobjekteDuplicate selectedEdit ActionQgsAttributeActionDialogBaseAttribute ActionsPostopki s podatkiThis list contains all actions that have been defined for the current layer. Add actions by entering the details in the controls below and then pressing the Add to action list button. Actions can be edited here by double clicking on the item.Seznam postopkov v trenutnem sloju.TypeTipDescriptionOpisShort TitleAction ScopesOn Notification<html><head/><body><p>If not empty, this will enable provider notification listening and the action will be executed when the notification message matched the specified value. </p></body></html>Only when editableAdd a new actionShow in Attribute TableLayoutPostavitevSeparate ButtonsCombo BoxActionPostopekAction ListCreate Default ActionsCaptureSnemajRemove the selected actionOdstrani izbran ukazMove the selected action upPremakni ukaz navzgorMove the selected action downPremakni ukaz navzdolQgsAttributeActionPropertiesDialogSelect an actionFile dialog window titleIzbira postopkaImages( %1 ); All( *.* )Choose Icon…Additional variablesQgsAttributeActionPropertiesDialogBaseFormObrazecInserts the selected field into the actionVstavi izbrano polje v ukazInsertDodajBrowse for actionPoišči ukazeClick to browse for an actionKlikni za iskanje ukazovClicking the button will let you select an application to use as the actionProgram, ki se uporablja za izvajanje ukaza<html><head/><body><p>The action text defines what happens if the action is triggered.<br/>The content depends on the type.<br/>For the type <span style=" font-style:italic;">Python</span> the content should be python code<br/>For other types it should be a file or application with optional parameters</p></body></html>TypeTipDescriptionOpisIconOznačbeShort NameKratko imeGenericGeneričnoEnter the name of an action here. The name should be unique (QGIS will make it unique if necessary).……Execute if notification matchesAction Text<html><head/><body><p>If specified, listen to data source notification and performs action if notification message matches the specified value.</p><p>E.g. to match message beginning with <span style=" font-weight:600;">whatever </span>use <span style=" font-weight:600;">^whatever</span></p></body></html>Enable only when editablePythonPythonMacMacWindowsWindowsUnixUnixOpenOdpriAction ScopesCaptures any output from the actionRezultat ukazaCaptures the standard output or error generated by the action and displays it in a dialog boxRezultat ukaza se prikaže v pogovornem oknuCapture outputZajem izhodaEnter the action name hereIme dejanjaMandatory descriptionLeave empty to use only iconQgsAttributeDialog%1 - Feature AttributesQgsAttributeFormAttributes changedPodatkovno polje je spremenjenoApply changes to edited features?Shrani spremembe urejanja geoobjektov?No matching features foundUpdated multiple feature attributesUnsaved multiedit changes: <a href="#apply">apply changes</a> or <a href="#reset">reset changes</a>.&Reset Form&Flash Features&Zoom to Features&Select FeaturesSelect FeaturesAdd to Current SelectionDodaj k označenemuRemove from Current SelectionOdstrani iz označenegaFilter Current SelectionFiltriraj označenoFilter FeaturesFilter Within ("AND")Filtriraj znotraj("AND")Extend Filter ("OR")Razširi filter ("OR")The python init function (<code>%1</code>) does not accept three arguments as expected!<br>Please check the function name in the <b>Fields</b> tab of the layer properties.No feature joinedJoin settings do not allow editingJoin settings do not allow upsert on editJoined layer is not toggled editableMultiedit Attributes%n matching feature(s) selectedmatching featuresEdits will be applied to all selected features.Attribute changes for multiple features applied.Changes could not be applied.Failed to create widget with type '%1'CloseZapriThe python init function (<code>%1</code>) could not be found!<br>Please check the function name in the <b>Fields</b> tab of the layer properties.QgsAttributeLoadValuesLoad Values from LayerLayerSlojDescriptionOpisValueVrednostSelect data from attributes in selected layer.Izberi podatkovna polja v označenem sloju.View AllPokaži vseInsert NULL value on topPrestavi ničelne vrednosti na vrhQgsAttributeRelationEditFormObrazecRelationCardinalityFor a many to many (N:M) relation, the direct link has to be selected. The in-between table will be hidden.QgsAttributeTableDelegateAttribute changedPodatkovno polje je spremenjenoQgsAttributeTableDialogAttribute TablePodatkovna tabelaInvert selection (Ctrl+R)Preobrni označeno (Ctrl+R)Copy selected rows to clipboard (Ctrl+C)Kopiraj označene vrstice v odložišče (Ctrl+C)Ctrl+CCtrl+CZoom map to the selected rows (Ctrl+J)Označeno prikaži na zemljevidu (Ctrl+J)Ctrl+JCtrl+JPan map to the selected rows (Ctrl+P)Premakni zemljevid na izbrane vrsticeCtrl+PCtrl+PToggle editing mode (Ctrl+E)Omogoči urejanje (Ctrl+E)Ctrl+ECtrl+EReload the tableSelect features using an expressionOznači geoobjekte z uporabo izrazaDeselect all (Ctrl+Shift+A)Ctrl+Shift+ACtrl+Shift+ASelect all (Ctrl+A)Označi vse (Ctrl+A)Toggle multi edit modeCtrl+ACtrl+PSelect/filter features using form (Ctrl+F)Paste features from clipboard (Ctrl+V)Prilepi geoobjekte iz odložišča (Ctrl+V)Ctrl+VCtrl+VNew fieldCtrl+WCtrl+WFilterFilterFilters the visible features according to the current filter selection and filter string.Poišči vidne geoobjekte glede na filter in označeno.ApplyUveljaviTable ViewTabelarični pregled==Update AllAdvanced Filter (Expression)Napredno filtriranje (izraz)Use the Expression Builder to define the filterUporabi urejevalnik izrazov za definicijo filtriranjaSelect/filter features using formCtrl+FCtrl+FShow All FeaturesPrikaži vse geoobjekteShow Selected FeaturesPrikaži označene geoobjekteField FilterShow Edited and New FeaturesPrikaži urejane in nove geoobjekteShow Features Visible On MapPrikaz geoobjektov vidnih na zemljeviduDelete field (Ctrl+L)New field (Ctrl+W)The filter defines which features are currently shown in the list or on the tableFilter definira geoobjekte, ki bodo prikazani na seznamu al v podatkovni tabeliSwitch to form viewForm ViewObrazecSwitch to table viewFilter all the features which have been edited but not yet savedPoišči vse zapise, ki so bili urejani in še niso shranjeniToggle editing modeVključi način urejanjaSave editsSave edits (Ctrl+S)Delete selected featuresIzbriši izbrane geoobjekteSelect allIzberi vseInvert selectionObrni označenoDeselect allOdznači vseMove selection to topPrestavi označeno na vrhPan map to the selected rowsZoom map to the selected rowsCut selected rows to clipboardIzreži označene vrstice v odložiščeCut selected rows to clipboard (Ctrl+X)Izreži označene vrstice v odložišče (Ctrl+X)Ctrl+XCtrl+XCopy selected rows to clipboardKopiraj označene vrstice v odložiščePaste features from clipboardPrilepi geoobjekte iz odložiščaDelete fieldBriši poljeConditional formattingDock Attribute TableActionsUkaziAdd featureVstavi elementOpen field calculatorOpen field calculator (Ctrl+I)Urejanje podatkovnih polj (Ctr+I)Ctrl+ICtrl+I %1 :: Features Total: %2, Filtered: %3, Selected: %4An error occurred while trying to update the field %1An error occurred while evaluating the calculation string:
%1Update AttributesExpression Based FilterFiltriranje z izrazomFailed to add field '%1' of type '%2'. Is the field name unique?Parsing errorLočilna napakaEvaluation errorIzvedbena napakaDelete featureUpdate FilteredPosodobi filtriranoMultiedit is not supported when using custom UI formsSearch is not supported when using custom UI formsCalculating fieldAttribute addedPodatkovno polje vstavljenoAdd FieldDeleted attributePodatkovno polje je izbrisanoThe attribute(s) could not be deletedPodatkovnih polj ni mogoče izbrisatiAttribute errorPodatkovna napakaError filteringNaka filtriranjaGeometryless feature addedDodan je element brez geometrijeUpdate SelectedCtrl+RCtrl+RQgsAttributeTableFilterModelActionsUkaziQgsAttributeTableModelextra columnFeature ID: %1QgsAttributeTableViewSelect AllIzberi vseQgsAttributeTypeDialogEdit Widget PropertiesGeneralSplošnoAliasAliasCommentKomentarEditableOmogočeno urejanjeLabel on topOznaka na vrhuWidget TypeConstraintsPovezaveUniqueEnoličnoNot null<p>Enforcing the unique constraint prevents committing features which do not meet the constraint.</p><p>Unenforced constraints display a warning to users, but do not prevent committing the feature.</p>Enforce unique constraintExpression descriptionOptional descriptive name for expression constraint<p>Enforcing the not null constraint prevents committing features which do not meet the constraint.</p><p>Unenforced constraints display a warning to users, but do not prevent committing the feature.</p>Enforce not null constraintExpressionIzraz<p>Enforcing the expression constraint prevents committing features which do not meet the constraint.</p><p>Unenforced constraints display a warning to users, but do not prevent committing the feature.</p>Enforce expression constraintDefaultsDefault valuePrivzeta vrednostPreviewPredogled<p>With this option checked, the default value will not only be used when the feature is first created, but also whenever a feature's attribute or geometry is changed.</p><p>This is often useful for a last_modified timestamp or to record the username that last modified the feature.</p>Apply default value on updateThe provider for this layer has a NOT NULL constraint set on the field.The provider for this layer has a UNIQUE constraint set on the field.QgsAttributesFormInitCodePython Init Code ConfigurationThe function code of the function can be loaded from the source code entered
in this dialog, from an external python file or from the environment (for example
from a plugin or from startup.py).
An example is:
from qgis.PyQt.QtWidgets import QWidget
def my_form_open(dialog, layer, feature):
geom = feature.geometry()
control = dialog.findChild(QWidget,"MyLineEdit")
Reference in function name: my_form_open
Python Init functionPhyton inicializacijska funkcijaThe function code of the function can be loaded from the source code entered
in this dialog, from an external python file or from the environment (for example
from a plugin or from startup.py).
An example is:
from qgis.PyQt.QtWidgets import QWidget
def my_form_open(dialog, layer, feature):
geom = feature.geometry()
control = dialog.findChild(QWidget,"MyLineEdit")
Reference in function name: my_form_open
External fileFunction nameIme funkcijeEnter the name of the form init function.Load from external fileProvide code in this dialogLoad from the environmentSelect Python FilePython files (*.py *.PY)QgsAttributesFormPropertiesFormObrazecSelect attribute layout editorAutogenerateSamodejno ustvariDrag and drop designerUrejanje zgrabi spustiProvide ui-filePriskrbite ui datotekoQGIS forms can have a Python function that is called when the form is opened.
Use this function to add extra logic to your forms.……Edit UIUporabniški vmesnikAvailable WidgetsForm Layout%1 (%2)RelationsPovezaveOther WidgetsQML WidgetHTML WidgetHide form on add feature (global settings)Show form on add feature (global settings)Hide form on add featureShow form on add feature# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
QGIS forms can have a Python function that is called when the form is
Use this function to add extra logic to your forms.
Enter the name of the function in the "Python Init function"
An example follows:
from qgis.PyQt.QtWidgets import QWidget
def my_form_open(dialog, layer, feature):
geom = feature.geometry()
control = dialog.findChild(QWidget, "MyLineEdit")
Many to one relationSelect edit formIzberite obrazec za urejanjeUI fileDatoteka uporabniškega vmesnikaInvert selectionObrni označenoQgsAuthAuthoritiesEditorCertificate Authorities EditorCertificate Authorities and Issuers <i>(Root/File certificates are read-only)</i>Certificates fileFile of concatenated CAs and/or Issuers……Import certificate(s) to authentication databaseUvoz certifikata za avtentikacijo podatkovne zbirkeRemove certificate from authentication databaseIzbris certifikata za avtentikacijo podatkovne zbirkeShow information for certificateGroup by organizationRefresh certificate tree viewCommon NameSplošno imeSerial #Expiry DateTrust PolicyERROR storing CA(s) in authentication databaseNapaka hrambe certifikata za avtentikacijo podatkovne zbirkeCertificate id missingRemove Certificate AuthorityAre you sure you want to remove the selected Certificate Authority from the database?
Operation can NOT be undone!Certificate could not be found in database for id %1:ERROR removing cert(s) trust policy from authentication database.ERROR removing CA from authentication database for id %1:ERROR removing cert trust policy from authentication database for id %1:Default Trust PolicyChanging the default certificate authority trust policy to 'Untrusted' can cause unexpected SSL network connection results.Default policyQgsAuthBasicEditOptionalOpcijeRequiredZahtevanoRealmPodročjeShowPrikažiUsernameUporabniško imePasswordGesloQgsAuthBasicMethodBasic authenticationQgsAuthCertInfoCertificate InfoCertificate HierarchyTextLabelBesediloOznakeCertificate InformationTrust policySave certificate trust policy change to databaseSaveShrani<b>Setup ERROR:</b>
Could not populate QCA certificate collectionCould not set QCA certificateInvalid population of QCA certificate chain.<br><br>Validity message: %1Missing CAFieldPoljeValueVrednostGeneralSplošnoDetailsPodrobnostiSubject InfoIssuer InfoPublic Key InfoExtensionsPEM TextTypeTipMissing CA (incomplete local CA chain)self-signedRootUsage typeSubjectIssuerNot valid afterPublic keySignature algorithmCountry (C)State/Province (ST)Locality (L)Organization (O)Organizational unit (OU)Common name (CN)Splošno ime (SI)Email address (E)Distinguished nameEmail LegacyIncorporation CountryIncorporation State/ProvinceIncorporation LocalityURIURIDNSIP AddressXMPPEmail: DNS: Alternate namesAlternative imenaVersionSerial #Not valid beforeMD5 fingerprintSHA1 fingerprintCRL locationsIssuer locationsOCSP locationsAlgorithmKey sizeExponentVerifyEncryptDecryptKey agreementExportIzvozKey usageCertificate Authority: %1YesDaNoNeChain Path Limit: %1Basic constraintsExtended key usageSubject key IDAuthority key IDQgsAuthCertInfoDialogCertificate InformationQgsAuthCertManagerAuthentication Certificate EditorsIdentitiesServersAuthoritiesNote: Editing writes directly to authentication databaseCertificate ManagerQgsAuthConfigEditAuthenticationAvtentikacijaClearPočistiOptional URL resourceNote: Saving writes directly to authentication databaseRequiredZahtevanoIdIdResourceNameImeAuthentication config id not loaded: %1QgsAuthConfigEditorEdit Authentication ConfigurationsAdd new authentication configurationRemove selected authentication configurationEdit selected authentication configurationAuthentication ConfigurationsIDIDNameImeURIURITypeTipVersionConfigRemove ConfigurationAre you sure you want to remove '%1'?
Operation can NOT be undone!QgsAuthConfigIdEditFormObrazecGeneratedUstvarjeno<html><head/><body><p>Unlock to edit the ID</p><p><span style=" font-style:italic;">7-character alphanumeric only</span></p><p><span style=" font-weight:600; color:#a80b0a;">Editing may break things!</span></p></body></html>……QgsAuthConfigSelectAuthentication ConfigurationEdit selected configurationDelete selected configurationDeleteIzbrišiDismissCreate a new authentication configurationNewNovoEditUrejanjeAuthentication config id not loaded: %1Missing authentication method description<ul><li><b>Method type:</b> %1</li><li><b>Configuration ID:</b> %2</li></ul>Configuration '%1' not in databaseNo authenticationRemove AuthenticationAre you sure that you want to permanently remove this configuration right now?
Operation can NOT be undone!QgsAuthConfigUriEditDialogObrazecEdit Authentication Configuration IDNote: Button actions above affect authentication databaseAuthentication Config ID String EditorNo authcfg in Data Source URIAdding authcfg to URI not supportedQgsAuthEditorWidgetsInput master passwordClear cached master passwordReset master passwordClear cached authentication configurationsRemove all authentication configurationsErase authentication databaseClear network authentication access cacheAutomatically clear network authentication access cache on SSL errorsStore/update the master password in your %1Clear the master password from your %1Integrate master password with your %1Enable password helper debug logAuth cache clearedNetwork authentication cache has been clearedQgsAuthEditorsAuthentication EditorsConfigurationsNastavitveManagementInstalled PluginsManage CertificatesUtilitiesNote: Editing writes directly to authentication databaseQgsAuthEsriTokenEditTokenRequiredZahtevanoQgsAuthEsriTokenMethodESRI token based authenticationQgsAuthIdentCertEditIdentitySelect identity…Organization not definedQgsAuthIdentCertMethodPKI stored identity certificateQgsAuthIdentitiesEditorIdentity Certificates EditorUser Identity BundlesImport identity bundle to authentication databaseRemove identity bundle from authentication databaseShow information for bundleGroup by organization……Refresh identity bundle tree viewCommon NameSplošno imeSerial #Expiry DateCertificate BundlesERROR storing identity bundle in authentication database.Certificate id missing.Remove Certificate IdentityAre you sure you want to remove the selected certificate identity from the database?
Operation can NOT be undone!ERROR removing cert identity from authentication database for id %1:QgsAuthImportCertDialogImport Certificate(s)PEM/DER-formatted ……Import(s) can contain multiple certificatesPEM textFileDatotekaTrust policyValidation ResultsAllow invalid certificatesImport Certificate AuthoritiesImportUvozCertificates found: %1
Certificates valid: %2
Authorities/Issuers: %1%2Open Certificate FileAll files (*.*);;PEM (*.pem);;DER (*.der)QgsAuthImportIdentityDialogImport IdentityKeyKljučCertRequiredZahtevano……Validation ResultsOptional passphraseShowPrikažiBundlePKI PEM/DER Certificate PathsPKI PKCS#12 Certificate BundleValid: %1Invalid: %1Open Client Certificate FileAll files (*.*);;PEM (*.pem);;DER (*.der)Open Private Key FileOpen PKCS#12 Certificate BundlePKCS#12 (*.p12 *.pfx)Missing componentsManjkajoče komponenteFailed to read client certificate from fileFailed to load client certificate from fileExtra certificates found with identity%1 thru %2Failed to load client private key from filePrivate key password may not matchQCA library has no PKCS#12 supportFailed to read bundle fileIncorrect bundle passwordFailed to decode (try entering password)Bundle empty or can not be loadedBundle client cert can not be loadedQt cert could not be created from QCA certQt private key could not be created from QCA keyFile not foundDatoteka ne obstajaQgsAuthManagerOpening of authentication db FAILEDQCA's OpenSSL plugin (qca-ossl) is missingNo authentication method plugins foundNo authentication method plugins could be loadedAuth db directory path could not be createdAuth db is not readable or writable by userAuth db could not be created and openedAuthentication system is DISABLED:
%1Master password set: FAILED to verify, reset to previousMaster password: FAILED to access databaseMaster password: FAILED to find just one master password record in databaseMaster password: FAILED to verify against hash in databaseMaster password: failed 5 times authentication system DISABLEDMaster password: hash FAILED to be stored in databaseMaster password reset FAILED: could not clear current password from databaseMaster password reset FAILED: could not store new password in databaseMaster password reset FAILED: could not verify new password in databaseMaster password reset FAILED: could not re-encrypt configs in databaseMaster password reset FAILED: could not verify password can decrypt re-encrypted configsMaster password reset FAILED: could not re-encrypt settings in databaseMaster password reset FAILED: could not re-encrypt identities in databaseMaster password reset: could not remove old database backupConfig ID is emptyStore config: FAILED because config is invalidStore config: FAILED because pre-defined config ID is not uniqueStore config: FAILED because config string is emptyUpdate config: FAILED because config is invalidUpdate config: FAILED because config is emptyUpdate config: FAILED to prepare queryAuthentication database contains duplicate configuration IDsNo authentication database foundCould not back up authentication databaseAuthentication database could not be deletedAuthentication database could not be initializedFAILED to create auth database config tablesFAILED to create auth database cert tablesAuthentication database contains duplicate settingsAuthentication database contains duplicate certificate identityRetrieve certificate identity bundle: FAILED to create private keyRetrieve certificate identity bundle: FAILED to create certificateAuthentication database contains duplicate certificate bundlesAuthentication database contains duplicate SSL cert custom configs for host:port, id: %1, %2Authentication database contains duplicate SSL cert custom configs for host:port: %1Authentication database contains duplicate certificate authoritiesAuthentication database contains duplicate cert trust policiesPassword HelperOpening %1 for DELETE…Opening %1 for READ…Opening %1 for WRITE…Delete password failed: %1.Retrieving password from your %1 failed: %2.Empty password retrieved from your %1.Storing password in your %1 failed: %2.Your %1 will be <b>used from now</b> on to store and retrieve the master password.Your %1 will <b>not be used anymore</b> to store and retrieve the master password.There was an error and integration with your %1 system has been disabled. You can re-enable it at any time through the "Utilities" menu in the Authentication pane of the options dialog. %2Error in %1: %2Master password has been successfully read from your %1Master password stored in your %1 is not validMaster password has been successfully written to your %1Master password could not be written to your %1Authentication database contains duplicate setting keysAuthentication database contains duplicate identity IDsUnable to establish authentication database connectionAuth db query exec() FAILEDAuth db query FAILEDAuth db FAILED to start transactionAuth db FAILED to rollback changesQgsAuthMethodPluginsDialogObrazecInstalled authentication method pluginsMethodMetodaDescriptionOpisWorks withQgsAuthOAuth2ConfigCustomPrilagojenoPredefinedAuthorization CodeImplicitResource OwnerHeaderGlavaForm (POST only)URL QueryQgsAuthOAuth2EditConfigureNastavitveGrant FlowExport configurationImport configurationScopeRequest TimeoutRedirect URLAuthorization-related timeout secondsDescriptionOpisOptionalOpcijeAPI KeyRequiredZahtevanoRequest URLOptional (space delimiter)Access MethodUsernameUporabniško imeAdvancedNaprednoPasswordGesloResource access token methodPersist between launchesToken URLClient SecretClient IDToken SessionRefresh Token URL…… number//SubdirectoryDefinedDefined configurations are JSON-formatted files, with a single configuration per file. This allows configurations to be swapped out via filesystem tools without affecting user configurations. It is recommended to use the Configure tab’s export function, then edit the resulting file. See QGIS documentation for further details.Add extra config directory to parseSoftware StatementConfiguration UrlRegisterExtra initial request parametersKeyKljučValue (unencoded)TokensRemove cached tokensSelect extra directory to parseSelect software statement fileJSON Web Token (*.jwt)ID: %1
Grant flow: %2
Description: %3No predefined configurations found on diskSave OAuth2 Config FileSelect OAuth2 Config FileDownloading configuration failed with error: %1Configurations files can be placed in the directories:Configuration files can be placed in the directories:
%1QgsAuthOAuth2MethodOAuth2 authenticationAuthenticator linking (login) has failedLinking succeeded, but authenticator access FAILED: null objectLinking apparently succeeded, but authenticator FAILED to verify it is linkedLinking succeededOpen browser requestedClose browser requestedNetwork reply finishedNetwork reply finished but no reply object accessibleResults: %1Network error but no reply object accessibleNetwork error: %1Network error but no reply object attributes foundNetwork error, HTTP status: %1Attempting token refresh…Token refresh FAILED: authcfg emptyBackground token refresh underway for authcfg: %1Background token refresh FAILED for authcfg %1: could not get authenticator objectToken refresh finished but no reply object accessibleToken refresh error: %1QgsAuthPkcs12EditOptional passphraseShowPrikažiRequiredZahtevanoBundle……CAsKeyKljučAdd bundle CAs to the connectionAddDodajAdd also root (self-signed) CARootMissing componentsManjkajoče komponenteQCA library has no PKCS#12 supportFailed to read bundle fileIncorrect bundle passwordFailed to decode (try entering password)Bundle empty or can not be loadedBundle client cert can not be loaded%1 thru %2Valid: %1Invalid: %1Open PKCS#12 Certificate BundlePKCS#12 (*.p12 *.pfx)<ul><li>Serial #: %1</li><li>Expiry date: %2</li></ul>QgsAuthPkcs12MethodPKI PKCS#12 authenticationQgsAuthPkiPathsEditRequiredZahtevanoCAsOptional passphrase……ShowPrikažiAdd bundle CAs to the connectionAddDodajAdd also root (self-signed) CARootKeyKljučCertMissing componentsManjkajoče komponenteFailed to load certificate from file%1 thru %2Valid: %1Invalid: %1Open Client Certificate FileAll files (*.*);;PEM (*.pem);;DER (*.der)<ul><li>Serial #: %1</li><li>Expiry date: %2</li></ul>Open Private Key FileQgsAuthPkiPathsMethodPKI paths authenticationQgsAuthServersEditorServer Exceptions/SSL Configs EditorServer Certificate Exceptions and SSL ConfigurationsAdd new server certificate configurationRemove selected server certificate configurationEdit selected server certificate configurationGroup by organization……Common NameSplošno imeHostGostiteljExpiry DateSSL Server ConfigurationsSSL custom config id missingSSL custom config host:port missingRemove SSL Custom ConfigurationAre you sure you want to remove the selected SSL custom configuration from the database?
Operation can NOT be undone!ERROR removing SSL custom config from authentication database for host:port, id %1:SSL custom config id missing.SSL custom config host:port missing.QgsAuthSettingsWidgetFormObrazecConfigurationsNastavitveChoose or create an authentication configurationConfigurations store encrypted credentials in the QGIS authentication database.BasicConvert to configurationStoreShraniWarning text!OptionalOpcijePasswor&d&User name&Uporabniško ime<div>Warning: credentials stored as plain text in %1.</div>project filedatoteka projektauser settingsConverted config %1Couldn't create a Basic authentication configuration!QgsAuthSslConfigDialogCustom Certificate ConfigurationQgsAuthSslConfigWidgetFormObrazecCertificateNameImehost:port (required)Show information for certificate??ServerStrežnikCustom SSL configurationFieldPoljeProtocolProtokolPeer verificationVerify peer certsDo not verify peer certsPeer verification depth (0 = complete cert chain)Ignore errorsQgsAuthSslErrorsDialogCustom Certificate ConfigurationSSL Errors occurred accessing URL:SSL ErrorsShow information for certificate chainConnection certificatesConnection trusted CAsSave SSL server e&xceptionWARNING: Only save SSL configurations when necessary.QgsAuthSslImportDialogConnected to %1: %2Socket CONNECTEDSocket DISCONNECTEDSocket ENCRYPTEDProtocolProtokolSession cipherSocket ERRORSocket unavailable or not encryptedOpen Server Certificate FileAll files (*.*);;PEM (*.pem);;DER (*.der)Could not load any certs from fileCould not load server cert from fileCertificate does not appear for be for an SSL server. You can still add a configuration, if you know it is the correct certificate.QgsAuthSslTestDialogCustom Certificate Configuration<html><head/><body><p>Save a custom SSL server configuration, importing certificate from server or file. WARNING: Only save configurations when necessary.</p></body></html>Import CertificateFrom serverhttps://www.example.com:ConnectPovežiTimeout secFrom filePEM/DER formatted file……QgsAuthTrustedCAsDialogTrusted Certificate AuthoritiesTrusted Certificate Authorities/Issuers (used in secure connections)……Group by organizationCommon NameSplošno imeSerial #Expiry DateAuthorities/IssuersQgsBinaryWidgetWrapperEmbed File…Clear Contents…Save Contents to File…Binary (%1)Save Contents to FileAll filesVse datotekeSaved content to <a href="%1">%2</a>Embed FileClear ContentsAre you sure you want the clear this field's content?QgsBlendModeComboBoxNormalObičajnoLightenSvetloScreenEkranDodgeIntenzivnoAdditionSeštevanjeDarkenTemnoMultiplyPomnoženoBurnZažganoOverlayPrekritoSoft lightRahlo svetloHard lightZelo svetloDifferenceRazlikaSubtractOdštetoQgsBlockingNetworkRequestNetworkOmrežjeRedirect loop detected: %1empty response: %1network request update failed for authentication configQgsBlurWidgetStack blur (fast, doesn't support high dpi)Gaussian blur (quality, supports high dpi)QgsBookmarkLocatorFilterSpatial BookmarksQgsBookmarksImport/Export BookmarksUnable to open bookmarks database.
Database: %1
Driver: %2
Database: %3Ne morem odpreti podatkovne zbirke.
Podatkovna zbirka: %1
Krmilnik: %2
Podatkovna zbirka: %3IDIDNameImeProjectProjektxMinxMinyMinyMinxMaxxMaksyMaxyMaksSRIDKoordinatni sistemNew bookmarkNov zaznamekAdd BookmarkDodaj zaznamekExport BookmarksIzvozi zaznamekXML files (*.xml *.XML)XML datoteke (*.xml *.XML)Are you sure you want to delete %n bookmark(s)?number of rowsAli ste prepričani, da želite izbrisati %n zaznamek?Ali ste prepričani, da želite izbrisati %n zaznamka?Ali ste prepričani, da želite izbrisati %n zaznamke?Ali ste prepričani, da želite izbrisati %n zaznamkov?Reprojected extent is empty.Reprojecirani obseg je prazen.&Export&ImportSpatial BookmarksDelete BookmarksEmpty ExtentImport BookmarksUnable to create the bookmark.
Driver: %1
Database: %2Zaznamka ni mogoče ustvariti. Krmilnik: %1 Podatkovna zbirka: %2QgsBookmarksBaseSpatial BookmarksAddDodajAdd bookmarkDodaj zaznamekDeleteIzbrišiDelete bookmarkIzbriši zaznamekZoom toPovečaj naZoom to bookmarkPovečaj na zaznamekQgsBrowserDirectoryPropertiesBasePathMapaQgsBrowserDockWidgetType here to filter visible items…Case SensitiveLoči velike in male črkeFilter Pattern SyntaxSintaksa vzorca filtraNormalObičajnoWildcard(s)Nadomestni znakiRegular ExpressionPravilen izrazAdd directory to favoritesDodaj mapo med priljubljeneQgsBrowserDockWidgetBaseBrowserBrskanjeRefreshOsvežiAdd LayersVstavi plastiAdd Selected LayersVstavi izbrane plastiFilter BrowserShow PropertiesPrikaži lastnostiEnable/disable properties widgetCollapse AllZapri vseOptionsLastnostiQgsBrowserLayerPropertiesErrorNapakaQgsBrowserLayerPropertiesBaseMetadataMetapodatkiPreviewPredogledAttributesPodatkovna poljanoticeQgsBrowserModelProject HomeDom projektaHomeDomovFavoritesPriljubljenoQgsBrowserPropertiesDialogLayer PropertiesLastnosti slojaDirectory PropertiesLastnosti mapeQgsBrowserPropertiesDialogBaseDialogObrazecQgsBrushStyleComboBoxSolidPolnoNo BrushBrezHorizontalVodoravnoVerticalNavpičnoCrossPrekrižanoBDiagonalDiagonalno v desnoFDiagonalDiagonalno v levoDiagonal XDiagonalno XDense 1Gostota 1Dense 2Gostota 2Dense 3Gostota 3Dense 4Gostota 4Dense 5Gostota 5Dense 6Gostota 6Dense 7Gostota 7QgsBusyIndicatorDialogQGISQGISQgsCalendarConfigDlgBaseFormObrazecA calendar widget to enter a date.Kolendar za vnos datumov.Date formatOblika datuma<html><head/><body><p>Example formats:</p><table border="0" style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px;" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0" bgcolor="#f6f6f6"><thead><tr><td style=" vertical-align:top; padding-left:10; padding-right:15; padding-top:5; padding-bottom:5;"><p align="center"><span style=" font-family:'Open Sans,sans-serif'; font-size:12px; font-weight:600; color:#363534;">Format</span></p></td><td style=" vertical-align:top; padding-left:10; padding-right:15; padding-top:5; padding-bottom:5;"><p align="center"><span style=" font-family:'Open Sans,sans-serif'; font-size:12px; font-weight:600; color:#363534;">Result</span></p></td></tr></thead><tr><td bgcolor="#f6f6f6" style=" vertical-align:top; padding-left:10; padding-right:10; padding-top:3; padding-bottom:3;"><p><span style=" font-family:'Open Sans,sans-serif'; font-size:11px; color:#66666e; background-color:#f6f6f6;">dd.MM.yyyy</span></p></td><td bgcolor="#f6f6f6" style=" vertical-align:top; padding-left:10; padding-right:10; padding-top:3; padding-bottom:3;"><p><span style=" font-family:'Open Sans,sans-serif'; font-size:11px; color:#66666e; background-color:#f6f6f6;">21.05.2001</span></p></td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="#ffffff" style=" vertical-align:top; padding-left:10; padding-right:10; padding-top:3; padding-bottom:3;"><p><span style=" font-family:'Open Sans,sans-serif'; font-size:11px; color:#66666e; background-color:#ffffff;">ddd MMMM d yy</span></p></td><td bgcolor="#ffffff" style=" vertical-align:top; padding-left:10; padding-right:10; padding-top:3; padding-bottom:3;"><p><span style=" font-family:'Open Sans,sans-serif'; font-size:11px; color:#66666e; background-color:#ffffff;">Tue May 21 01</span></p></td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="#f6f6f6" style=" vertical-align:top; padding-left:10; padding-right:10; padding-top:3; padding-bottom:3;"><p><span style=" font-family:'Open Sans,sans-serif'; font-size:11px; color:#66666e; background-color:#f6f6f6;">hh:mm:ss.zzz</span></p></td><td bgcolor="#f6f6f6" style=" vertical-align:top; padding-left:10; padding-right:10; padding-top:3; padding-bottom:3;"><p><span style=" font-family:'Open Sans,sans-serif'; font-size:11px; color:#66666e; background-color:#f6f6f6;">14:13:09.042</span></p></td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="#ffffff" style=" vertical-align:top; padding-left:10; padding-right:10; padding-top:3; padding-bottom:3;"><p><span style=" font-family:'Open Sans,sans-serif'; font-size:11px; color:#66666e; background-color:#ffffff;">h:m:s ap</span></p></td><td bgcolor="#ffffff" style=" vertical-align:top; padding-left:10; padding-right:10; padding-top:3; padding-bottom:3;"><p><span style=" font-family:'Open Sans,sans-serif'; font-size:11px; color:#66666e; background-color:#ffffff;">2:13:9 pm</span></p></td></tr></table><p><a href="http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-5.0/qtcore/qdatetime.html#toString"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#0000ff;">Reference documentation</span></a></p></body></html><html><head/><body><p>Primeri oblik:</p><table border="0" style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px;" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0" bgcolor="#f6f6f6"><thead><tr><td style=" vertical-align:top; padding-left:10; padding-right:15; padding-top:5; padding-bottom:5;"><p align="center"><span style=" font-family:'Open Sans,sans-serif'; font-size:12px; font-weight:600; color:#363534;">Format</span></p></td><td style=" vertical-align:top; padding-left:10; padding-right:15; padding-top:5; padding-bottom:5;"><p align="center"><span style=" font-family:'Open Sans,sans-serif'; font-size:12px; font-weight:600; color:#363534;">Result</span></p></td></tr></thead><tr><td bgcolor="#f6f6f6" style=" vertical-align:top; padding-left:10; padding-right:10; padding-top:3; padding-bottom:3;"><p><span style=" font-family:'Open Sans,sans-serif'; font-size:11px; color:#66666e; background-color:#f6f6f6;">dd.MM.yyyy</span></p></td><td bgcolor="#f6f6f6" style=" vertical-align:top; padding-left:10; padding-right:10; padding-top:3; padding-bottom:3;"><p><span style=" font-family:'Open Sans,sans-serif'; font-size:11px; color:#66666e; background-color:#f6f6f6;">21.05.2001</span></p></td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="#ffffff" style=" vertical-align:top; padding-left:10; padding-right:10; padding-top:3; padding-bottom:3;"><p><span style=" font-family:'Open Sans,sans-serif'; font-size:11px; color:#66666e; background-color:#ffffff;">ddd MMMM d yy</span></p></td><td bgcolor="#ffffff" style=" vertical-align:top; padding-left:10; padding-right:10; padding-top:3; padding-bottom:3;"><p><span style=" font-family:'Open Sans,sans-serif'; font-size:11px; color:#66666e; background-color:#ffffff;">Tue May 21 01</span></p></td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="#f6f6f6" style=" vertical-align:top; padding-left:10; padding-right:10; padding-top:3; padding-bottom:3;"><p><span style=" font-family:'Open Sans,sans-serif'; font-size:11px; color:#66666e; background-color:#f6f6f6;">hh:mm:ss.zzz</span></p></td><td bgcolor="#f6f6f6" style=" vertical-align:top; padding-left:10; padding-right:10; padding-top:3; padding-bottom:3;"><p><span style=" font-family:'Open Sans,sans-serif'; font-size:11px; color:#66666e; background-color:#f6f6f6;">14:13:09.042</span></p></td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="#ffffff" style=" vertical-align:top; padding-left:10; padding-right:10; padding-top:3; padding-bottom:3;"><p><span style=" font-family:'Open Sans,sans-serif'; font-size:11px; color:#66666e; background-color:#ffffff;">h:m:s ap</span></p></td><td bgcolor="#ffffff" style=" vertical-align:top; padding-left:10; padding-right:10; padding-top:3; padding-bottom:3;"><p><span style=" font-family:'Open Sans,sans-serif'; font-size:11px; color:#66666e; background-color:#ffffff;">2:13:9 pm</span></p></td></tr></table><p><a href="http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-5.0/qtcore/qdatetime.html#toString"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#0000ff;">Referenčna dokumentacija</span></a></p></body></html>QgsCategorizedSymbolRendererModelall other valuesvse ostale vrednostiSymbolSimbolValueVrednostLegendLegendaQgsCategorizedSymbolRendererWidgetColumnStolpecSymbolSimbolChange…Spremeni...Color rampBarvna lestvicaClassifyRazdeliAddDodajDeleteIzbrišiDelete AllIzbriši vseAdvancedNaprednoMatch to Saved SymbolsMatch to Symbols from File…Symbol Levels…Data-defined Size Legend…Merge CategoriesUnmerge CategoriesClassify CategoriesKategorije klasifikacijeHigh number of classes. Classification would yield %1 entries which might not be expected. Continue?Delete ClassificationIzbriši klasifikacijoThe classification field was changed from '%1' to '%2'.
Should the existing classes be deleted before classification?Klasifikacija je spremenjena iz '%1' na '%2'.
Ali želite izbrisati obstoječe razrede?Matched SymbolsMatched %1 categories to symbols.No categories could be matched to symbols in library.Match to Symbols from FileXML files (*.xml *.XML)XML datoteke (*.xml *.XML)An error occurred while reading file:
%1Matched %1 categories to symbols from file.No categories could be matched to symbols in file.QgsCharacterSelectorBaseCharacter SelectorIzbira pisaveFontPisavaCurrent font family and styleTrenutni slog pisaveQgsCheckBoxConfigDlgBaseFormObrazecRepresentation for checked statePredstavitev potrjenega stanjaRepresentation for unchecked statePredstavitev nepotrjenega stanjaQgsCheckableComboBoxSelect AllIzberi vseDeselect AllOdznači vseQgsCodeEditorCSSCSS EditorCSS urejevalnikQgsCodeEditorExpressionExpression EditorUrejevalnik izrazovQgsCodeEditorHTMLHTML EditorHTML urejevalnikQgsCodeEditorPythonPython EditorPython urejevalnikQgsCodeEditorSQLSQL EditorSQL Urejevalnik QgsCollapsibleGroupBoxBasicShift-click to expand, then collapse othersShift-klik razširi in strne ostaleCtrl (or Alt)-click to toggle allCtrl (ali Alt)-klik preklopi vseQgsCollapsibleGroupBoxPluginA collapsible group boxA collapsible group box with save state capabilityQgsColorBrewerColorRampDialogColorBrewer RampLestvica ColorBrewerQgsColorBrewerColorRampWidgetBaseColorBrewer RampLestvica ColorBrewerColorsBarveScheme nameIme shemePreviewPredogledQgsColorButtonSelect ColorIzbira barveNo colorNi barveLinked colorClear ColorDefault ColorPrivzeta barvaUnlink ColorCopy ColorKopiraj barvoPaste ColorPrilepi barvoPick ColorIzberi barvoChoose Color…Izberi barvo...QgsColorButtonPluginSelect colorIzberi barvoQgsColorDialogResetPonastaviSelect ColorIzbira barveQgsColorDialogBaseColor PickerIzbirnik barveImport colors from fileUvoz barv iz datotekeImport Colors…Uvozi barveExport Colors…Izvozi barve...Export colors to fileIzvoz barv v datotekoPaste ColorsPrilepi barvePaste colors from clipboardPrilepi barve iz odložiščaImport Palette…Uvozi paleto...New Palette…Nova paleta...Import palette from fileUvozi paleto iz datotekeRemove PaletteOdstrani paletoRemove current paletteOdstrani trenutno paletoCreate a new paletteUstvari novo paletoCopy ColorsKopiraj barveCopy selected colorsKopiraj označene barveQgsColorEffectWidgetOffIzključenoBy lightnessPo svetlostiBy luminosityPo osvetljenostiBy averagePo povprečjuQgsColorRampButtonSelect Color RampOznači barvno lestvicoEdit RampUredi lestvicoAll Color RampsVse barvne lestviceInvert Color RampObrni barvno lestvicoClear Current RampPočisti trenutno lestvicoDefault Color RampPrivzeta barvna lestvicaRandom Color RampNaključna barvna lestvicaShuffle Random ColorsCreate New Color Ramp…Edit Color Ramp…Save Color Ramp…GradientPrehodCatalog: cpt-cityKatalog: cpt-cityColor presetsRandomNaključnoCatalog: ColorBrewerKatalog: ColorBrewerColor ramp typeTip barvne lestvicePlease select color ramp type:Izberite vrsto barvne lestvice:Save Color RampShrani barvno lestvicoColor ramp with name '%1' already exists. Overwrite?Barvna lestvica z imenom '%1' že obstaja. Prepišem?QgsColorRampShaderWidgetOptionsMožnostiChange Color…Spremeni barvo...Change Opacity…Spremeni prosojnost...DiscreteDiskretnoLinearLinearnoExactTočnoContinuousZveznoEqual IntervalEnakomernoQuantileLoad Color MapBarveThe color map for band %1 has no entries.Load Color Map from FileTextfile (*.txt)Besedilna datoteka (*.txt)The following lines contained errors
Naslednje vrstice vsebujejo napake
Read access denied. Adjust the file permissions and try again.
Branje ni dovoljeno. Prilagodite dovoljenja datoteke in ponovno poskusite..
Save Color Map as FileQGIS Generated Color Map Export FileProgram je pripravil datoteko barvne lestviceWrite access denied. Adjust the file permissions and try again.
Pisanje ni omogočeno. Prilagodite dovoljenja datoteke in ponovno poskusite.
ValueVrednostValue for color stopValue <=Vrednost <=Maximum value for classValue =Vrednost =Value for colorVrednost barveOpacityProsojnostChange color opacity [%]Spremeni prosojnost [%]QgsColorRampShaderWidgetBaseFormObrazecValueVrednostColorBarvaLabelNapisColor rampBarvna lestvicaInterpolationInterpolacijaClassifyRazdeliAdd values manuallyRočno dodaj vrednostiRemove selected row(s)Load color map from bandLoad color map from fileExport color map to fileIf checked, any pixels with a value out of range will not be renderedClip out of range valuesObreži vrednosti izven razponaModeNačinClassesRazrediUnit suffixLabel unit
suffixQgsColorSchemeListSelect Palette FileIzberi barvno paletoImport ColorsUvozi barveError, file does not exist or is not readable.Napaka, datoteka ne obstaja ali pa je ni mogoče prebratiError, no colors found in palette file.Napaka, v paleti barv ni barv.Palette fileDatoteka paleteExport ColorsIzvozi barveError writing palette file.Napaka pri zapisovanju palete.QgsColorSchemeModelColorBarvaLabelOznakaQgsColorSliderWidget%%QgsColorSwatchDelegateSelect ColorIzbira barveSelect colorIzberi barvoQgsColorTextWidgetrgb( %1, %2, %3 )rgb( %1, %2, %3 )rgba( %1, %2, %3, %4 )rgba( %1, %2, %3, %4 )#RRGGBB#RRGGBB#RRGGBBAA#RRGGBBAArgb( r, g, b )rgb( r, g, b )rgba( r, g, b, a )rgba( r, g, b, a )QgsCompassPluginShow compassPrikaži kompas&About&VizitkaQgsCompassPluginGuiPixmap not foundNe najdem pixmapQgsCompassPluginGuiBaseInternal CompassInterni kompasAzimutAzimutQgsCompoundColorWidgetSelect Palette FileIzberi barvno paletoImport Color PaletteUvozi barvno paletoError, file does not exist or is not readable.Napaka, datoteka ne obstaja ali pa je ni mogoče prebrati.Palette file is not readable.Datoteke palete ni mogoče prebrati.No colors found in palette file.Ni barv v paleti barv.Remove Color PaletteOdstrani paleto barvAre you sure you want to remove %1?Ali ste prepričani da želite odstraniti %1?Create New PaletteUstvari novo paletoEnter a name for the new palette:Ime nove palete:New paletteNova paletanew_paletteNova_paletaQgsCompoundColorWidgetBaseHHSJVRGBKOpacityProsojnostHTML notationHTML zaznamekColor rampBarvna lestvicaColor wheelColor swatches……Add current colorRemove selected colorColor pickerIzbirnik barveSample average radius px pxSample color<i>Press space to sample a color from under the mouse cursor</i>CurrentTrenutnoOldAdd color to swatchImport Colors…Uvozi barveExport Colors…Izvozi barve...Import Palette…Uvozi paleto...New Palette…Nova paleta...Import colors from fileUvoz barv iz datotekeExport colors to fileIzvoz barv v datotekoPaste ColorsPrilepi barvePaste colors from clipboardPrilepi barve iz odložiščaImport palette from fileUvozi paleto iz datotekeRemove PaletteOdstrani paletoRemove current paletteOdstrani trenutno paletoCreate a new paletteUstvari novo paletoCopy ColorsKopiraj barveCopy selected colorsKopiraj označene barveShow in Color ButtonsQgsConfigCacheError when loading project file '%1': %2 QgsConfigureShortcutsDialogKeyboard ShortcutsSearch…Iskanje...ActionUkrepShortcutBližnjicaChangeSpremembaSet NoneSet DefaultLoad…Save…Shrani...XML fileXML datotekaAll filesVse datotekeCannot write file %1:
%2.Ne morem zapisati datoteke %1:
%2.Save ShortcutsShrani bližnjiceSaving ShortcutsShrani bližnjiceLoad ShortcutsNaloži bližnjiceLoading ShortcutsNalaganje bližnjicCannot read file %1:
%2.Ne morem prebrati datoteke %1:
%2.Parse error at line %1, column %2:
%3Napaka pri razčlenjanju v vrstici %1,stolpca %2:
%3The file is not an shortcuts exchange file.Datoteka ni bližnjica za izmenjavo datotek.The file contains shortcuts created with different locale, so you can't use it.Datoteka vsebuje bližnjice, ustvarjene z različnimi parametri, tako je da ne morete uporabljati.NoneBrezSet default (%1)Nastavi privzeto(%1)Input: Vhod:Change ShortcutSpremeni bližnjicoThis shortcut is already assigned to action %1. Reassign?Ta bližnjica je že povezana z akcijo%1. Prerazporedim?QgsCptCityBrowserModelNameImeInfoInfoQgsCptCityColorRampDialogError - cpt-city gradient files not found.
You have two means of installing them:
1) Install the "Color Ramp Manager" python plugin (you must enable Experimental plugins in the plugin manager) and use it to download latest cpt-city package.
You can install the entire cpt-city archive or a selection for QGIS.
2) Download the complete archive (in svg format) and unzip it to your QGIS settings directory [%1] .
This file can be found at [%2]
and current file is [%3]Selections by themeIzbira po temiAll by authorVse od avtorjaAll Ramps (%1)Vse lestvice (%1)%1 Directory Details%1 Gradient DetailsYou can download a more complete set of cpt-city gradients by installing the "Color Ramp Manager" plugin (you must enable Experimental plugins in the plugin manager).
Download More Cpt-city GradientsQgsCptCityColorRampDialogBaseCpt-city Color RampSelection and PreviewLicenseLicencaPalettePaletaPathMapaInformationInformacijaAuthor(s)Avtor(ji)SourceVirDetailsPodrobnostiSave as standard gradientShrani kot standarni gradientQgsCptCityColorRampItemcolorsbarvediscreteDiskretnocontinuousZveznocontinuous (multi)zvezno (več)variantsrazličiceQgsCrashDialogDialogObrazecCopy ReportKopiraj poročiloTell us something about when you got the crashReport DetailsReload QGISZnova zaženi QGISQuitZapriHeaderGlavaMessageSporočiloHelp MessageSporočilo pomočiOh Uh!Ojoj!:( QGIS Crashed:( QGIS se je zrušilSorry. It looks something unexpected happened that we didn't handle and QGIS crashed.Keen to help us fix bugs? <a href="http://qgis.org/en/site/getinvolved/development/bugreporting.html#bugs-features-and-issues">Follow the steps to help our developers.</a><br><br>You can also send us a helpful bug report using the Copy Report button <br>and opening a ticket at <a href="https://github.com/qgis/QGIS/issues">QGIS Issue Tracker</a>QgsCredentialDialogEnter CredentialsPrijavaUsernameUporabniško imePasswordGesloVerify passwordPreveri gesloStore master password in your password managerDo not forget it: NOT retrievable!Saved for session, until app is quit.Password attempts: #Poizkusov: #Erase authentication database?Izbris avtenticirane podatkovne zbirke?TextLabelBesediloNapisRealmObmočjeRequiredZahtevanoStore/update the master password in your %1Enter CURRENT master authentication passwordSet NEW master authentication passwordPassword attempts: %1QgsCustomLayerOrderWidgetControl rendering orderNadzor prikaza na zaslonuQgsCustomProjectionDialogQGIS Custom ProjectionQGIS Prilagojena projekcijanew CRSnov koordinatni sistemThe proj4 definition of '%1' is not valid.Projektna definicija '%1' ni veljavna.This proj projection definition is not valid.Northing and Easting must be in decimal form.Internal Error (source projection invalid?)Interna napaka (vir projekcija neveljaven?)ErrorNapakaQgsCustomProjectionDialogBaseCustom Coordinate Reference System DefinitionDefinicija prilagojenega koordinatnega sistemaDefineDefinirajIDIDYou can define your own custom Coordinate Reference System (CRS) here. The definition must conform to the proj4 format for specifying a CRS.Tukaj lahko definirate svoj koordinatni sistem. Opredelitev mora ustrezati proj4 format za določanje CRS.NameImeParametersParametriCopy parameters from existing CRSKopiraj parametre iz obstoječega KSTestTestUse the text boxes below to test the CRS definition you are creating. Enter a coordinate where both the lat/long and the transformed result are known (for example by reading off a map). Then press the calculate button to see if the CRS definition you are creating is accurate.Uporabite polja z besedilom (spodaj) za testiranje definicije CRS, ki ga ustvarjate. Vpišite koordinate, kjer so širina/dolžina in transformiran rezultat znani podatki. Nato pritisnite gumb za izračun da vidimo, če je definicija CRS, ki jo ustvarjate, točna.Geographic / WGS84Geografski / WGS84Destination CRS Destinacija KSNorthSeverEastVzhodAdd new CRSDodaj nov koordinatni sistemCalculateIzračunajRemove CRSOdstrani koordinatni sistemQgsCustomizationDialogObject nameIme objektaLabelOznakaChoose a customization INI fileIzberite INI datoteko prilagoditveCustomization files (*.ini)Prilagoditvene datoteke (*.ini)QgsCustomizationDialogBaseInterface CustomizationPrilagoditev izgleda vmesnikaEnable customizationOmogoči prilagoditvetoolBarorodna vrsticaCatchUjemiSwitch to catching widgets in main applicationPrestavi gradnike v glavno aplikacijoSaveShraniSave to fileShrani v datotekoLoadNaložiLoad from fileNaloži iz datotekeExpand AllRazširi vseCollapse AllStrni vseCheck AllPreveri vseQgsDashSpaceDialogCustom Dash PatternQgsDashSpaceWidgetDashČrticaSpaceRazmikQgsDashSpaceWidgetBaseDash Space PatternVzorec razmika črtDashČrticaSpaceRazmikQgsDataDefinedRotationDialogRotationVrtenjeQgsDataDefinedSizeDialogSizeVelikostQgsDataDefinedSizeLegendWidgetData-defined Size LegendLegend not enabledLegenda ni omogočenaSeparated legend itemsCollapsed legendZdružena legendaTitleNaslovManual size classesAdd a classLegend Symbol…Simbol legende...……Remove selected classOptions (collapsed only)Align symbolsPoravnaj simboleBottomDnoCenterSredinaValueVrednostLabelOznakaAdd Size ClassEnter value for a new classQgsDataDefinedValueBaseDialogDialogObrazec……LabelOznakaQgsDataDefinedWidthDialogWidthŠirinaQgsDataSourceManagerDialogData Source ManagerBrowserBrskanjeCannot get %1 select dialog from source select provider %2.Data Source Manager | %1Add %1 layerQgsDataSourceSelectDialogDialogObrazecOptionsMožnostiRefreshOsvežiFilter BrowserCollapse AllStrni vseSelect a Data SourceType here to filter visible items…Case SensitiveLoči velike in male črkeFilter Pattern SyntaxSintaksa vzorca filtraNormalObičajnoWildcard(s)Nadomestni znakiRegular ExpressionPravilen izrazQgsDateTimeEditclearPočistiQgsDateTimeEditConfigFormObrazecDateDatumTimeČasDate timeISO date timeQt ISO Date formatISO 8601extended format: either <code>yyyy-MM-dd</code> for dates or <code>yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss</code> (e.g. 2017-07-24T15:46:29), or with a time-zone suffix (Z for UTC otherwise an offset as [+|-]HH:mm) where appropriate for combined dates and times.FormatOblikaExamples resultExpressionIzrazDate outputIzhodni datumthe day as number without a leading zero (1 to 31)the day as number with a leading zero (01 to 31)the abbreviated localized day name (e.g. 'Mon' to 'Sun'). Uses the system locale to localize the name, i.e. the long localized day name (e.g. 'Monday' to 'Uses the system locale to localize the name, i.e. the month as number without a leading zero (1-12)the month as number with a leading zero (01-12)the abbreviated localized month name (e.g. 'Jan' to 'Dec'). Uses the system locale to localize the name, i.e.the long localized month name (e.g. 'January' to 'December'). Uses the system locale to localize the name, i.e.the year as two digit number (00-99)the year as four digit numberTime outputthe hour without a leading zero (0 to 23 or 1 to 12 if AM/PM display)the hour with a leading zero (00 to 23 or 01 to 12 if AM/PM display)the hour without a leading zero (0 to 23, even with AM/PM display)the hour with a leading zero (00 to 23, even with AM/PM display)the minute without a leading zero (0 to 59)the minute with a leading zero (00 to 59)the second without a leading zero (0 to 59)the second with a leading zero (00 to 59)the milliseconds without leading zeroes (0 to 999)the milliseconds with leading zeroes (000 to 999)use AM/PM display.will be replaced by eitheroruse am/pm display.will be replaced by either the timezone (for example "CEST")Field Format……Widget DisplayDefaultPrivzetoCustomPrilagojenoCalendar popupPojavno okno koledarjaAllow NULL valuesDovoli prazne vrednostiPreviewPredogledQgsDateTimeEditPluginDefine dateNastavi datumQgsDateTimeEditWrapperDate/time edit widget could not be initialized because provided widget is not a QDateTimeEdit.UI formsThe usual date/time widget QDateTimeEdit cannot be configured to allow NULL values. For that the QGIS custom widget QgsDateTimeEdit needs to be used.field widgetsQgsDatumTransformDialogTransformationAccuracy (meters)Source TransformDestination TransformUnknownNeznanoFile '%1' not found in directory '%2'Datoteka '%1' v mapi '%2' ne obstajaQgsDatumTransformDialogBaseSelect Datum TransformationsDestination CRSIzhodni koordinatni sistemSource CRSIzvorni koordinatni sistemHide deprecated transformationsIf checked, the selected transformation will become the default choice in all new projectsMake defaultQgsDatumTransformTableModelSource CRSIzvorni koordinatni sistemOperationSource Datum TransformDestination Datum TransformDestination CRSIzhodni koordinatni sistemQgsDatumTransformTableWidgetBaseFormObrazec……QgsDb2ConnectionItemDB2 Spatial Extender is not enabled or set up.Refresh ConnectionEdit Connection…Uredi povezavo...Delete ConnectionIzbriši povezavo%1: Not a valid layer!%1: Ni veljaven sloj!%1: Not a vector layer!%1: Ni vektorski sloj!Import to DB2 databaseUvoz v DB2 podatkovno zbirkoFailed to import some layers!
Nekateri sloji niso pravilno uvoženi!
Import was successful.Uvažanje je uspelo.QgsDb2NewConnectionSaving PasswordsShranjevanje geselWARNING: You have opted to save your password. It will be stored in plain text in your project files and in your home directory on Unix-like systems, or in your user profile on Windows. If you do not want this to happen, please press the Cancel button.
OPOZORILO: Potrdili ste shranjevanje gesla, kar lahko predstavlja varnostni problem.Save ConnectionShrani povezavoError: %1.Napaka: %1.Connection to %1 was successful.Povezava z %1 je bila uspešnaConnection failed: %1.Povezava neuspešna: %1.Should the existing connection %1 be overwritten?Ali naj prepišem obstoječo povezavo %1?QgsDb2NewConnectionBaseConnection InformationInformacije povezaveDriverGonilnikHostGostiteljPortVrata&Test ConnectionDatabasePodatkovna zbirkaCreate a New DB2 ConnectionUstvari novo DB2 povezavoNameImeService/DSNStoritev/DSNAuthenticationAvtentikacijaQgsDb2Provider8 Bytes integer8 bajtov celo število4 Bytes integer4 bajti celo število2 Bytes integer2 bajta celo številoDecimal number (numeric)Decimalno število (numeric)Decimal number (decimal)Decimalno število (decimal)Decimal number (real)Decimalno število (real)Decimal number (double)Decimalno število (double)DateDatumTimeČasDate & TimeDatum & ČasText, fixed length (char)Besedilo fiksne dolžine (char)Text, variable length (varchar)Text, variable length large object (clob)Text, variable length large object (dbclob)QgsDb2RootItemNew Connection…Nova povezava...QgsDb2SchemaItemDB2 *** %1 as %2 in %3as geometryless tablekot negeometrijska tabelaQgsDb2SourceSelectAdd Db2 Table(s)Dodaj DB2 tabele&Set Filter&Nastavi sitoSet FilterFilterWildcardKončnicaRegExpRegExpAllVseSchemaShemaTableTabelaTypeTipGeometry columnGeometrijski stolpecPrimary key columnEnolično določeno poljeSRIDSRIDSqlSqlAre you sure you want to remove the %1 connection and all associated settings?Ali želite odstraniti povezavo %1 s pripadajočimi nastavitvami?Confirm DeletePotrditev brisanjaLoad ConnectionsNaloži povezaveXML files (*.xml *.XML)XML datoteke (*.xml *.XML)Select TableIzberi tabeloYou must select a table in order to add a layer.Da lahko dodate sloj, morate izbrati tabelo.DB2 ProviderPonudnik DB2DB2GSE.ST_GEOMETRY_COLUMNS Not FoundDB2GSE.ST_GEOMETRY_COLUMNS not found. The DB2 Spatial Extender is not enabled or set up.StopUstaviConnectPovežiQgsDb2SourceSelectDelegateSelect…Označi...QgsDb2TableModelSchemaShemaTableTabelaTypeTipGeometry columnGeometrijski stolpecSRIDSRIDPrimary key columnEnolično določeno poljeSelect at idIDSqlSqlDetecting…Odkrivanje...Select…Označi...Enter…Vnesi...Disable 'Fast Access to Features at ID' capability to force keeping the attribute table in memory (e.g. in case of expensive views).Onemogoči 'Hiter dostop do geoobjektov pri ID' lastnost za obdelavo geoobjektov v spominu (v primeru potratnih poizvedb).QgsDbSourceSelectBaseAdd PostGIS LayersVstavi PostGIS slojeConnectionsPovezaveConnect to selected databasePoveži z izbrano podatkovno zbirkoConnectPovežiCreate a new database connectionUstvari novo povezavo podatkovne zbirkeNewNovoEdit selected database connectionUredi izbrano povezavo podatkovne zbirkeEditUrediRemove connection to selected databaseOdstrani povezavo do izbrane podatkovne zbirkeRemoveOdstraniLoadLoad connections from fileOdpriSave connections to fileShrani povezave v datotekoSaveShraniAlso list tables with no geometryPrikaži tudi neprostorske tabeleKeep dialog openSearch optionsMožnosti iskanjaSearchIskanjeSearch modeNačin iskanjaSearch in columnsTip iskanjaQgsDecorationCopyrightDialogCopyright Label DecorationOblika oznake za avtorske praviceInsert an Expression…&Placement&PostavitevMargin from edgeRobHorizontalVodoravnoEnable Copyright LabelCopyright label textBesedilo napisa avtorskih pravicVerticalNavpičnoFontPisavaTop LeftLevo zgorajTop CenterTop RightDesno zgorajBottom LeftLevo spodajBottom CenterBottom RightDesno spodajCopyright Label Text FormatQgsDecorationGridNo active layerNi aktivnega slojaGet Interval from LayerPlease select a raster layer.Prosim izberite rastrski slojLayer CRS must be equal to project CRS.KS sloja mora biti enak KS projekta.Invalid raster layerNeveljaven rastrski slojQgsDecorationGridDialogInterval XVodoravni intervalInterval YNavpični intervalGrid PropertiesLastnosti mrežeEnable GridDraw AnnotationGrid typeVrsta mrežeLine symbolLinijski simbolAnnotation directionSmer zaznamkaDistance to map frameOdddaljenost do roba zemljevidaCoordinate precisionNatančnost koordinateFontPisavaMarker symbolSimbol oznakeOffset XVodoravni zamikOffset YNavpični zamikUpdate Interval / Offset fromPosodobitveni interval / Odmik odCanvas ExtentsObsegActive Raster LayerAktivni rasterski slojLineLinijaMarkerSimbolHorizontalVodoravnoVerticalNavpičnoBoundary directionUsmerjenostHorizontal and VerticalVodoravno in navpičnoQgsDecorationLayoutExtent%1: %2%1: %2QgsDecorationLayoutExtentDialogLayout Extents PropertiesShow Layout ExtentsFontPisavaSymbolSimbolLabel extentsQgsDecorationNorthArrowDialogNorth Arrow DecorationOznaka severaSizeVelikost mm mmCustom SVG……ColorBarvaFillPolniloHorizontalVodoravnoVerticalNavpičnoAutomaticSamodejnoPreview of north arrowPredogled severne oznakeAngleKotEnable North ArrowOmogoči oznako za severStrokePlacementPostavitevMargin from edgeRobPlacement on screenPostavitev na zaslonuTop LeftLevo zgorajTop RightDesno zgorajBottom LeftLevo spodajBottom RightDesno spodajSelect SVG fileIzberite SVG datotekoSelect North Arrow Fill ColorIzberi barvo polnila severne oznakeSelect North Arrow Outline ColorIzberi barvo obrobe severne oznakeFile not foundDatoteka ne obstajaPixmap not foundNe najdem pixmapQgsDecorationScaleBarTick DownNavzdolTick UpNavzgorBarTrakBoxOkvirkmkmmmmmcmmmmilesmiljemileinchesfootfeetčevljidegreedegreesstopinjeQgsDecorationScaleBarDialogScale Bar DecorationOblikovanje merilnega trakuScale bar styleSlog merilaSelect the style of the scale barIzberite slog merilaMargin from edgeRobTick DownNavzdolEnable Scale BarFillPolniloOutlineObrobaTick UpNavzgorBoxOkvirBarTrakFont of barFontPisavaHorizontalVodoravnoVerticalNavpičnoColor of barBarva trakaSize of barVelikost trakaPlacementPoložajAutomatically snap to round number on resizePri povečavi samodejno lepi na celo število meters/kmMetrov/km feet/miles čevlji/milje degrees stopinjeTop LeftLevo zgorajTop RightDesno zgorajBottom LeftLevo spodajBottom RightDesno spodajSelect Scale Bar Fill ColorIzberi barvo polnila grafičnega merilaSelect Scale Bar Outline ColorIzberi barvo obrobe grafičnega merilaQgsDecorationTitleDialogTitle Label DecorationEnable Title LabelTitle label textHorizontalVodoravnoVerticalNavpičnoInsert an Expression…&Placement&PostavitevMargin from edgeRobBackground bar colorFontPisavaSelect Background Bar ColorTop LeftLevo zgorajTop CenterTop RightDesno zgorajBottom LeftLevo spodajBottom CenterBottom RightDesno spodajTitle Label Text FormatQgsDefaultRasterLayerLegendfollowing %1 items
not displayednaslednji %1 elementi
niso prikazaniQgsDelAttrDialogBaseDelete FieldsIzbriši poljaProvider fields can only be deleted when the layer is in edit mode.Polja ponudnika se lahko izbriše le v načinu urejanja.Provider does not support deleting fields.Ponudnik ne omogoča brisanja polj.QgsDelimitedTextProviderFile type string in %1 is not correctly formattedFile cannot be opened or delimiter parameters are not valid%0 field %1 is not defined in delimited text fileInvalid record format at line %1Invalid WKT at line %1Invalid X or Y fields at line %1%1 records discarded due to invalid format%1 records have missing geometry definitions%1 records discarded due to invalid geometry definitions%1 records discarded due to incompatible geometry typesErrors in file %1The following lines were not loaded into QGIS due to errors:There are %1 additional errors in the fileDelimited text file errorsInvalid subset string %1 for %2The file has been updated by another application - reloadingWhole number (integer)Celo število (integer)Decimal number (double)Decimalno število (double)Text, unlimited length (text)Besedilo z neomejeno dolžino (text)Whole number (integer - 64 bit)QgsDelimitedTextSourceSelectNo layer nameNi imena slojaPlease enter a layer name before adding the layer to the mapProsimo, vnesite ime plasti pred dodajanjem plasti na zemljevidNo delimiters setUse one or more characters as the delimiter, or choose a different delimiter typeInvalid regular expressionPlease enter a valid regular expression as the delimiter, or choose a different delimiter typeInvalid delimited text filePlease enter a valid file and delimiterChoose a Delimited Text File to OpenText filesTekstovne datotekePlease select an input fileFile %1 does not existPlease enter a layer nameProsim vnesi ime slojaAt least one delimiter character must be specifiedRegular expression is not valid^.. expression needs capture groupsDefinition of filename and delimiters is not validNo data found in file%1 badly formatted records discardedX and Y field names must be selectedX and Y field names cannot be the sameimeni polj X in Y ne moreta biti enakaThe WKT field name must be selectedThe CRS must be selected%1 badly formatted records discarded from sample dataAll filesVse datotekeQgsDelimitedTextSourceSelectBaseCreate a Layer from a Delimited Text FileUstvari sloj iz besedilne datotekeLayer nameIme slojaName to display in the map legendIme za prikaz v legendi karteName displayed in the map legendPrikazano ime na zemljeviduField names are read from the first record. If not selected then fields are numberedThe file is a comma separated value file, fields delimited by commas and quoted by "Each line in the file is split using a regular expression to define the end of each fieldTabTabulatorSpaceRazmikCommaVejicaFile nameIme datotekeEncodingKodna tabelaSelect the file encodingRecord and Fields OptionsX and Y coordinates are expressed in degrees/minutes/secondsDMS coordinatesGeometry fieldGeometrijsko poljeName of the field containing well known text valueGeometry typeGeometrijski tipDetectPointTočkaLineLinijaPolygonPoligonNumber of header lines to discardThe number of lines to discard from the beginning of the fileFirst record has field namesPrva vrstica vsebuje imena poljCSV (comma separated values)File FormatFields are defined by the specified delimiter, quote, and escape charactersCustom delimitersRegular expression delimiterOthersDetect field typesGeometry DefinitionWell known text (WKT)<p align="left">X field</p><p align="left">Y field</p>Geometry CRSLayer SettingsUse a spatial index to improve performance of displaying and spatially selecting featuresUse spatial indexUporabi prostorski indeksUse an index to improve performance of subset filters (set in layer properties)Use subset indexWatch for changes to the file by other applications while QGIS is runningWatch fileSample DataGeometry is a point defined by X and Y coordinate fieldsPoint coordinatesGeometry is read as a well known text string from the selected fieldsThe file contains only attribute information - it will not be displayed on the mapNo geometry (attribute only table)Trim leading and trailing spaces from fieldsTrim fieldsDiscard empty fields in each recordDiscard empty fieldsNumber fields use comma for a decimal separatorDecimal separator is commaComma character is one of the delimitersTab character is one of the delimitersSpace character is one of the delimitersColon character is one of the delimitersSemicolon character is one of the delimitersSemicolonPodpičjeDelimiters to use when splitting fields in the text file. The delimiter can be more than one character. These characters are used in addition to the comma, tab, space, colon, and semicolon options.The escape character(s) force the next character to be treated as a normal character (that is not a delimiter, quote, or new line character). If the escape character is the same as a quote character, it only escapes itself and only within quotes.QuoteThe quote character(s) enclose fields which may include delimiters and new lines"EscapeExpressionIzrazRegular expression used to split each line into fieldsSample dataColonStolpecName of the field containing x valuesIme polja vsebuje x vrednostiName of the field containing y valuesIme polja vsebuje y vrednostiQgsDetailedItemWidgetBaseFormObrazecHeading LabelNaslovna oznakaDetail labelPodrobnosti oznakeCategory labelOznaka kategorijeQgsDiagramPropertiesPie chartTortni grafikonNo diagramsText diagramBesedilni diagramHistogramHistogramSelect Background ColorSelect Pen ColorHeightVišinax-heightx-višinaAreaPovršinaDiameterDiagram PropertiesExpression Based AttributeTopZgorajTransparent BackgroundTransparent StrokeProsojni okvirRightDesnoBottomSpodajLeftLevoThe diagram type '%1' is unknown. A default type is selected for you.Bar length: Scale linearly, so that the following value matches the specified bar length:Bar lengthSizeVelikostScale linearly between 0 and the following attribute value / diagram size:Diagrams: No attributes added.You did not add any attributes to this diagram layer. Please specify the attributes to visualize on the diagrams or disable diagrams.QgsDiagramPropertiesBaseLowNizkaHighVisokaBackground colorBarva ozadjaLine colorBarva linijeLine widthŠirina linijeBar widthŠirina stolpcaScale dependent visibilityOd merila odvisen prikazShow all diagramsSizeVelikostFixed sizeStalna velikostSize unitsVelikost enotAttributePodatkovno poljeOpacityProsojnost……FontPisavaControls how diagrams are drawn on top of each other. Diagrams with a higher z-index are drawn above diagrams and labels with a lower z-index.Always showVedno prikažiDiscourage diagrams and labels from covering featuresShow diagramControls whether specific diagrams should be shownControls whether specific diagrams should always be rendered, even when they overlap other diagrams or map labelsAlways show all diagrams, even when they overlap with each other or other map labelsScale linearly between 0 and the following attribute value / diagram sizeScaleMeriloIncrease size of small diagramsPovečaj velikost malih grafikonovMinimum sizeNajmanjša velikostPlacementPostavitevXXYDaDistanceRazdaljaOptionsLastnostiCoordinatesAround pointOkoli točkeOver pointLabel placementpostavitev oznakBar OrientationOrientacija stolpične grafikonaLegendLegendaFormatOblikaStart angleVisibilityVidljivostMaximum valueNajvečja vrednostFindScaled sizeVelikost merilaDiagram z-indexAbove lineNad linijoBelow linePod linijoOn lineNa linijoLine orientation dependent positionOd orientacije linije odvisen položajPriorityPrioritetaLabels are placed in an equal radius circle around point features.Labels are placed at a fixed offset from the point.Over LineAround LineInside PolygonAround CentroidOver CentroidUsing PerimeterUpGorDownDolRightDesnoLeftLevoShow legend entries for diagram attributesLegend Entries for Diagram Size…AttributesPodatkovna poljaAutomated placement settings (apply to all layers)RenderingPrikazAvailable attributesRazpoložljiva podatkovna poljaAdd expressionDodaj izrazAdd selected attributesRemove selected attributesAssigned attributesDodeljena podatkovna poljaDrag and drop to reorderZgrabi in spusti za novo razvrstitevColorBarvaQgsDirectoryParamWidgetNameImeSizeVelikostDateDatumPermissionsDovoljenjaOwnerLastnikGroupSkupinaTypeTipfoldermapafiledatotekaQgsDiscoverRelationsDlgBaseDiscover RelationsNameImeReferencing LayerReferencing FieldReferenced LayerReferenced FieldReferenčno poljeStrengthMočQgsDisplayAngleBaseAngleKotQgsDockWidgetPluginA dock widgetQgsDualViewSort by preview expressionExpression Based PreviewColumn PreviewStolpec za predogledCould not set column '%1' as preview column.
Parser error:
%2&Sort…&AutosizeCopy Cell ContentZoom to FeaturePan to FeatureFlash FeatureRun Layer ActionOpen Form&Hide Column&Set Width…&Organize Columns…Set column widthEnter column widthConfigure Attribute Table Sort OrderLoading features…Attribute TablePodatkovna tabelaDefined sort order in attribute tableSort ascendingRazvrsti naraščajočeAbortPrekini%1 features loaded.%1 geoobjektov naloženih.QgsDualViewBase……ExpressionIzrazColumn PreviewStolpec za predogledTextLabelBesediloNapisHighlight currently edited feature on mapAutomatically pan to currently edited featureAutomatically zoom to currently edited featureQgsDummyConfigDlgBaseFormObrazecDummy TextQgsDwgImportBaseDWG/DXF ImportLayerSlojVisibleVidnoGroup nameIme skupineMerge layersImportUvozSource drawingTarget packageSelect GeoPackage DatabaseReloadPonovno naložiLayers to Import into ProjectDeselect AllOdznači vseSelect AllIzberi vseImport Drawing into GeoPackageCRSCRSLoad layersExpand block referencesUse curvesQgsDwgImportDialogSelect the coordinate reference system for the dxf file. The data points will be transformed from the layer coordinate reference system.Drawing file was meanwhile updated (%1 > %2).Drawing file unavailable.Could not open layer listSelect DWG/DXF fileDXF/DWG filesDrawing import completed.Drawing import failed (%1)QgsDwgImporterSQL statement failed
Database: %1
SQL: %2
Error: %3Could not start transaction
Database: %1
Error: %2Could not commit transaction
Database: %1
Error: %2Drawing %1 is unreadableCould not open database [%1]Query for drawing %1 failed.Could not retrieve drawing name from database [%1]Recorded last modification date unreadable [%1]Drawing already uptodate in database.Imported drawingsHeadersLine typesLayer listDimension stylesText stylesApplication dataBLOCK entitiesPOINT entitiesLINE entitiesPOLYLINE entitiesTEXT entitiesHATCH entitiesINSERT entitiesCould not load geopackage driverCreating database…Creation of datasource failed [%1]Creating tables…Creation of drawing layer %1 failed [%2]Creation of field definition for %1.%2 failed [%3]Creation of field %1.%2 failed [%3]Importing drawing…Could not update drawing record [%1]Updating database from %1 [%2].File %1 is not a DWG/DXF fileNo error.Unknown error.error opening file.unsupported version.error reading metadata.error in file header read process.error in header vars read process.error in object map read process.error in classes read process.error in tables read process.error in block read process.error in entities read process.error in objects read process.Could not update comment in drawing record [%1]Could not add %3 %1 [%2]header recorddotted linetypes - dot ignoredline typelayerslojField %1 not foundLine width defaultdimension styletext styleCould not create geometry [%1]Could not add %2 [%1]block%1 entities processed.pointRAY entitiesXLINE entitiesCould not create circular string from %2 [%1]arccircleline stringpolygonCould not create line from %2 [%1]splineKNOT entitiesTRACE entities3DFACE entitiesDIMALIGN entitiesDIMLINEAR entitiesDIMRADIAL entitiesDIMDIAMETRIC entitiesDIMANGULAR entitiesDIMANGULAR3P entitiesDIMORDINAL entitiesLEADER entities0x%1: %2 instead of %3 loops foundVIEWPORT entitiesIMAGE entitiesimage linkscommentsExpanding block reference %1/%2…Could not copy feature of block %2 from layer %1 [Errors: %3]DWG/DXF importNot logging more errors%1 write errors during block expansion%1 block insertion expanded.QgsDxfExportDialogDXF filesDXF datotekeSelect the coordinate reference system for the dxf file. The data points will be transformed from the layer coordinate reference system.Export as DXFIzvozi v DXFQgsDxfExportDialogBaseSymbology modeIzvoz simbolovSymbology scaleVelikost simbolovSave asShrani kotDXF ExportNo symbologyBrez simbolaFeature symbologySimbolSymbol layer symbologySimbologija slojaCRSCRSSelect AllIzberi vseDeselect AllOdznači vseMap themesExport features intersecting the current map extentIzvoz geoobjektov, ki so v trenutnem obsegu zemljevidaForce 2d output (eg. to support polyline width)Export labels as MTEXT elementsEncodingKodna tabelaUse layer title as name if setUporabi naslov sloja kot ime (če obstaja)QgsEditorWidgetRegistryClassificationRazrediRangeObmočjeUnique ValuesValue MapEnumerationPreštevanjeHiddenSkritoText EditUrejanje besedilaCheckboxPotrditveno poljeValue RelationUuid GeneratorAttachmentPriponkaKey/ValueListSeznamBinary (BLOB)QgsEditorWidgetRegistry: Factory not valid.QgsEditorWidgetRegistry: Factory with id %1 already registered.ColorBarvaRelation ReferenceRelacijska referencaDate/TimeQgsEditorWidgetWrapperNot NULLNi praznoUniqueEnoličnoConstraint checks passedQgsEffectDrawModeComboBoxRender onlyModifier onlyRender and modifyQgsEffectStackCompactWidgetDraw effectsNariši učinkeCustomize effectsQgsEffectStackPropertiesDialogEffect PropertiesLastnosti učinkaQgsEffectStackPropertiesWidgetEffects PropertiesLastnosti učinkovQgsEffectStackPropertiesWidgetBaseEffectsUčinekAdd new effectDodaj nov učinekRemove effectOdstrani učinekMove upPremakni gorMove downPremik dolQgsEllipseSymbolLayerWidgetSelect Fill ColorBarva polnilaTransparent FillProsojno polniloTransparent StrokeProsojni okvirSelect Stroke ColorIzberi barvo obrobeQgsEmbeddedLayerSelectDialogSelect Layers to EmbedIzberi sloje za vstavljanjeQgsEncodingFileDialogEncoding:Kodna tabela:Cancel &AllPrekini &VseQgsEncodingSelectionDialogEncodingKodna tabelaSelect EncodingIzberi kodno tabeloSystemSistemQgsErrorDialogErrorNapakaQgsErrorDialogBaseDialogPogovorno oknoAlways show detailsVedno dovoli prikaz podrobnostiDetails >>Podrobnosti >><!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd">
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<p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-family:'DejaVu Sans'; font-size:10pt;">Summary</span></p></body></html><!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd">
<html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css">
p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
</style></head><body style=" font-family:'Ubuntu'; font-size:11pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;">
<p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-family:'DejaVu Sans'; font-size:10pt;">Detailed report.</span></p></body></html>QgsExpressionNo root node! Parsing failed?Neveljavno vozlišče! Ločilna napaka?function help for %1 missingPomoč za %1 manjkagroupskupina%1 %2%1 %2SyntaxSintaksaoperatoroperatorfunctionfunkcijaArgumentsArgumentiExamplesPrimeriNotesZapiskiRastersRastriRecord and Attributesempty geometrygeometry: %1map layerfeature: %1interval: %1 daysgradient rampdate: %1time: %1datetime: %1GeneralSplošnoOperatorsOperatorjiConditionalsPogojiFields and ValuesPolja in vrednostiMathMatematičnoConversionsPretvarjanjeDate and TimeDatum in časStringBesediloColorBarvaGeometryGeometrijaVariablesSpremenljivkeFuzzy Matching[ ] marks optional componentsRecent (%1)Pogosto (%1)<i>NULL</i>'%1…'%1…%1…expressionizrazAggregatesVsoteArraysMap LayersMapsFiles and PathsIf represent_value is called with 1 parameter, it must be an attribute.represent_value must be called with exactly 1 or 2 parameters.QgsExpressionBuilderDialogBaseExpression String BuilderQgsExpressionBuilderWidgetSearch…Iskanje..."""Define a new function using the @qgsfunction decorator.
The function accepts the following parameters
: param [any]: Define any parameters you want to pass to your function before
the following arguments.
: param feature: The current feature
: param parent: The QgsExpression object
: param context: If there is an argument called ``context`` found at the last
position, this variable will contain a ``QgsExpressionContext``
object, that gives access to various additional information like
expression variables. E.g. ``context.variable( 'layer_id' )``
: returns: The result of the expression.
The @qgsfunction decorator accepts the following arguments:
: param args: Defines the number of arguments. With ``args = 'auto'`` the number of
arguments will automatically be extracted from the signature.
With ``args = -1``, any number of arguments are accepted.
: param group: The name of the group under which this expression function will
be listed.
: param handlesnull: Set this to True if your function has custom handling for NULL values.
If False, the result will always be NULL as soon as any parameter is NULL.
Defaults to False.
: param usesgeometry : Set this to True if your function requires access to
feature.geometry(). Defaults to False.
: param referenced_columns: An array of attribute names that are required to run
this function. Defaults to [QgsFeatureRequest.ALL_ATTRIBUTES].
"""Show ValuesShow HelpNew FileNew file name:Recent (%1)Pogosto (%1)Map LayersRelationsPovezaveParser ErrorsEval ErrorFunkcijska napakaExpression is invalid <a href=more>(more info)</a>Neveljaven izraz <a href=več>(več informacij)</a>Inserts the relation ID for the relation named '%1'.Current value: '%1'Inserts the layer ID for the layer named '%1'.More Info on Expression ErrorLoad First 10 Unique ValuesLoad All Unique ValuesSaving…QgsExpressionBuilderWidgetBaseFormObrazecEqual operatorEnačaj==Addition operatorplus++Subtraction operatorminus--Division operatordeljenje//Multiplication operatorkrat**Power operatorpotenca^^String ConcatenationZdruževanje besedila||||Open Bracket Oklepaj ((Close Bracket Zaklepaj ))'\n'Show HelpRun the current editor text in QGIS (also saves current script).
Use this when testing your functions.
Saved scripts are auto loaded on QGIS startup.Save and Load FunctionsHelpPomočOutput preview is generated <br> using the first feature from the layer.Preogled je izdelan<br> z uporabo prvega elementa v sloju..Output preview: ExpressionIzrazNew LineExpected Format:string [r,g,b,a] as int 0-255 or #RRGGBBAA as hex or color as color's nameValuesVrednostiAll Unique10 SamplesFunction EditorCreate a new function file based on the template file.
Change the name of the script and save to allow QGIS to auto load on startup.QgsExpressionBuilderWidgetPluginEdit expressionUredi izrazQgsExpressionCalculatorLocatorFilterCopy “%1” to clipboardKopiraj "%1" v odložiščeCalculatorKalkulatorQgsExpressionLineEditExpression DialogQgsExpressionNodeBinaryOperatorCan't perform /, *, or % on DateTime and IntervalQgsExpressionNodeColumnRefColumn '%1' not foundStolpec '%1'' ni najdenQgsExpressionNodeIndexOperator[] can only be used with map or array values, not %1QgsExpressionNodeLiteral[unsupported type: %1; value: %2]QgsExpressionNodeUnaryOperatorUnary minus only for numeric values.Predznak minus samo za številčne vrednosti.QgsExpressionSelectionDialog%n matching feature(s) selectedmatching featuresZoomed to %n matching feature(s)number of matching featuresNo matching features foundQgsExpressionSelectionDialogBaseSelect by Expression&CloseZoom to Features……Select FeaturesAdd to Current SelectionDodaj k označenemuRemove from Current SelectionOdstrani iz označenegaFilter Current SelectionFiltriraj označenoQgsExtentGroupBoxExtentlayerslojmap viewuser defineduporabniško določendrawn on canvasnonenoben%1 (current: %2)QgsExtentGroupBoxPluginA group box to enter a map extentQgsExtentGroupBoxWidgetFormObrazecWestZahodEastVzhodMap Canvas ExtentCalculate from LayerDraw on CanvasCurrent Layer ExtentNorthSeverSouthJugQgsExternalResourceConfigDlgFormObrazecPathMapaDefault path<html><head/><body><p>When not empty, always open the file selector at the root of this path for searching new files. If empty, the last used path of this editor widget will be used. If this editor widget has never been used by the user, the project path will be used.</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p>If you want to make the attribute to store only relative paths, toggle one of these options.</p></body></html>Relative pathsRelativna pot<html><head/><body><p>Set exclusive file selection methods.</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p>If this option is checked, the attribute can only store filenames (this is the default choice).</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p>If this option is checked, the attribute can only store directories and not filenames. The file selector will let you choose only directories and not files.</p></body></html>Relative to project path……<html><head/><body><p>If possible, this option makes the storage of the filenames with relative paths from the current QGIS project path.</p><p>For example, if your QGIS project is in <span style=" font-style:italic;">"/home/user/my_project.qgs"</span> and your filename is <span style=" font-style:italic;">"/home/user/data/files/test.pdf"</span>, the attribute will only store <span style=" font-style:italic;">"data/files/test.pdf"</span>.</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p>If possible, this option makes the storage of the filenames with relative paths from the default path set just above.</p><p>For example, if your default path is <span style=" font-style:italic;">"/home/user/data/"</span> and your filename is <span style=" font-style:italic;">"/home/user/data/files/test.pdf"</span>, the attribute will only store <span style=" font-style:italic;">"files/test.pdf"</span>.</p></body></html>Relative to default pathStorage ModeFile pathsDirectory paths<html><head/><body><p>This option displays file paths as clickable hyperlinks. When you click on the file path, the file should normally be opened by the default viewer defined in your operating system.</p></body></html>Use a hyperlink for document path (read-only)<html><head/><body><p>By default, the hyperlink is only displayed with the name of the file and not the full path. If you check this option, hyperlinks will be displayed with the complete path.</p></body></html>Display the full pathDisplay button to open file dialogFilterSito<html><head/><body><p>Filter syntax is borrowed from Qt <a href="http://doc.qt.io/qt-4.8/qfiledialog.html#getOpenFileName"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#0000ff;">QFileDialog::getOpenFileName</span></a><span style=" font-family:'Courier New,courier';">.</span></p><p>If you want simple filter on all pdf files, just use:</p><p><span style=" font-family:'Courier New,courier';">*.pdf</span></p><p>If you want one filter for multiple file extensions (on .pdf, .odt and .doc files):</p><p><span style=" font-family:'Courier New,courier';">*.pdf *.odt *.doc</span></p><p>If you want to describe your filter, use parentheses:</p><p><span style=" font-family:'Courier New,courier';">Text documents (*.pdf, *.odt, *.doc)</span></p><p>If you want multiple filters, separate them with ';;':</p><p><span style=" font-family:'Courier New,courier';">"Images (*.png *.xpm *.jpg);;Text files (*.txt);;XML files (*.xml)"</span></p></body></html>HeightVišinaAutoSamodejnoDisplay Resource PathIntegrated Document Viewer px pxWidthŠirinaSpecify the size of the preview. If you leave it set to Auto, an optimal size will be calculated.TypeTipNo contentImagePodobaWeb viewSpletni pogledSelect a directoryQgsFavoritesItemGuiProviderAdd a Directory…Add Directory to FavoritesQgsFeatureActionRun ActionsQgsFeatureListComboBoxJust start typing what you are looking for.QgsFeatureSelectionDlgDialogObrazecQgsFieldCalculatorNot available for layerZa sloj nii na voljoOnly update %1 selected featuresCould not add the new field to the provider.Ne morem dodati novo polje ponudniku.Evaluation ErrorCreate New FieldCalculating fieldAn error occurred while evaluating the calculation string:
%1Whole number (integer)Celo število (integer)Decimal number (double)Decimalno število (double)Text (string)Tekst (string)DateDatumTimeČasDate & TimeDatum & ČasText, unlimited length (text)Besedilo z neomejeno dolžino (text)BooleanBinary object (BLOB)Binarni objekt (BLOB)<geometry>Please enter a field nameProsim navedite ime polja
The expression is invalid see (more info) for details
Neveljaven izraz QgsFieldCalculatorBaseOnly update selected featuresPosodobi samo označene geoobjekteThis layer does not support adding new provider fields. You can only add virtual fields.Create a new fieldUstvari novo poljeOutput field nameIme izhodnega poljaOutput field lengthOutput field typePodatkovni tip<p>A virtual field will be recalculated every time it is used. Its definition will be saved in the project file. It will not be saved in the dataprovider and therefore its values not be available in other software.</p>Create virtual fieldUstvari navidezno poljePrecisionNatančnostField CalculatorKalkulator poljaYou are editing information on this layer but the layer is currently not in edit mode. If you click OK, edit mode will automatically be turned on.Update existing fieldObstoječe poljeMaximum number of digits after the decimal place. For example 123.45 requires a field precision of 2.Total length of field (including the number of digits after the decimal place for decimal fields).<br>For example 123.45 requires a decimal field length of 5, and 123456 requires an integer field length of 6.QgsFieldComboBoxPluginA combo box to list the fields of a layerA combo box to list the fields of a layer.QgsFieldConditionalFormatWidgetConditional Style Rule ExpressionQgsFieldConditionalWidgetFormObrazecFieldPoljeNew RuleNovo praviloCondition@valueConditional Format RulesBackgroundOzadjeTextBesediloIconIkonaBold text
(data defined only, overrides Style)Povdarjeno besedilo
(podatki določajo slog, prekrije slog)BKItalic text
(data defined only, overrides Style)Poševno besedilo
(podatki določajo slog, prekrije slog)IPUnderlined textPodčrtano besediloUUStrikeout textPrečrtano besediloSJNameImePresetDoneKončanoFull row……CancelPrekiniDeleteIzbrišiQgsFieldExpressionWidgetExpression DialogQgsFieldExpressionWidgetPluginAn editable combo box to enter an expressionAn editable combo box to enter an expression. A button allows opening the expression dialog. Expression are evaluated to detect errors.QgsFileDownloaderNetwork request %1 timed outOmrežna zahteva %1 je poteklaNo output filename specifiedIme izhodne datoteke ni vnešenoCannot open output file: %1Download failed: %1QgsFileDownloaderAlgorithmDownload filefile,downloader,internet,url,fetch,get,httpsFile toolsThis algorithm downloads a URL on the file system.URLURLFile destinationNo URL specifiedOutput file doesn't exist.%1 downloaded.%1 of %2 downloaded.QgsFileDownloaderDialogDownloadDownloading %1.Download FileDownloading %1 of %2 %3.QgsFileWidgetFull path to the file(s), including name and extensionBrowseBrskajSelected files:<br><ul><li>%1</li></ul><br>Select a fileIzberi datotekoSelect one or more filesSelect a directoryCreate or select a fileQgsFilterAlgorithmConfigurationWidgetOutput NameFilter ExpressionFinal OutputOutputs and filtersAdd OutputRemove Selected OutputsQgsFindFilesByPatternDialogFind Files by PatternQgsFindFilesByPatternWidgetFileDatotekaDirectoryMapaCancelPrekiniFind FilesQgsFindFilesByPatternWidgetBaseFormObrazecFind FilesFile patternPattern to match, e.g. *.shpLook inSearch recursivelyQgsFirstRunDialogWelcome to QGISLet's get started!Welcome to QGIS 3<html><head/><body><p><a href="http://changelog.qgis.org/en/qgis/version/3.4-LTR/"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#2a76c6;">Check out </span></a>the change log for all the new stuff.</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-style:italic;">You are running a dev version. We would love your feedback and testing.</span></p></body></html>Ready to go?Import settings from QGIS 2.I want a clean start. Don't import my QGIS 2 settings.Settings will be imported into the default profile and you will only see this screen once.Welcome to QGIS %1QgsFontButtonText FormatFontPisavaAaFont size (%1)Font size (pt)Recent FontsConfigure Format…Copy FormatPaste FormatCopy ColorKopiraj barvoPaste ColorPrilepi barvoQgsFontButtonPluginSelect fontQgsFontMarkerSymbolLayerWidgetSelect Symbol Fill ColorSelect Symbol Stroke ColorQgsFormAnnotationDialogDeleteBrisanjeQt designer fileQt designer datotekaQgsFormAnnotationDialogBaseForm AnnotationOpomba obrazca……QgsGCPListModelmap unitsenote zemljevidapixelspiksliVisibleVidljivostIDIDSource XVir XSource YVir YDest. XCilj XDest. YCilj YdX (%1)dY (%1)Residual (%1)QgsGCPListWidgetRecenterCentrirajRemoveOdstraniQgsGPXProviderBad URI - you need to specify the feature type.Slab URI - podati morate specifikacijo tipa elementa.GPS eXchange fileGPS eXchange datotekaDigitized in QGISDigitalizirano v QGIS-uQgsGdalLayerItemCould not delete file.Datoteke ni mogoče izbrisati.File deleted successfully.Datoteka uspešno izbrisana.QgsGdalProviderDataset DescriptionOpis podatkovnega setaBand %1Pas %1X: %1 Y: %2 Bands: %3X: %1 Y: %2 Pasovi: %3DimensionsVelikostGDAL Driver DescriptionOpis GDAL gonilnikaGDAL Driver MetadataMetapodatki GDAL gonilnikaCompressionStiskanjeMore informationVeč informacijMask band (exposed as alpha band)OriginIzhodiščePixel SizeVelikost točkeBandKanalFormat not supportedNeveljaven formatCannot read dataNe morem prebrati podatkovCannot get GDAL raster band: %1Ni mogoče odpretii GDAL rasterski pas: %1QgsGdalSourceSelect Additional credential options are required as documented <a href="%1">here</a>.Open GDAL Supported Raster Dataset(s)Add raster layerDodaj rasterski slojNo layers selected.Nobena plast ni označena.No protocol URI entered.Ni vnesen URI protokol.No protocol bucket and/or key entered.QgsGdalSourceSelectBaseAdd Raster Layer(s)Dodaj rasterski sloj(e)Source typeVrsta viraF&ileProtoco&l: HTTP(S), cloud, etc.SourceVirRaster Dataset(s)ProtocolProtokolTypeTip&URIBucket or containerObject key……AuthenticationAvtentikacijaQgsGenericProjectionSelectorBaseCoordinate Reference System SelectorIzbirnik koordinatnega sistemaQgsGeoNodeConnectionItemEdit Connection…Uredi povezavo...Delete ConnectionIzbriši povezavoModify GeoNode connectionUredi GeoNode povezavoQgsGeoNodeNewConnectionCreate a New GeoNode ConnectionUstvari novo GeoNode povezavoTest connectionPreiskus povezave
Connection to %1 was successful,
%1 is a valid GeoNode instance.
Connection failed,
please check whether %1 is a valid GeoNode instance.
Invalid URLNapačen URLYour URL doesn't contain a protocol (e.g. http or https). Please add the protocol.QgsGeoNodeRequest%1 of %2 bytes of request downloaded.Redirect loop detected: %1GeoNodeEmpty capabilities: %1Request failed: %1QgsGeoNodeRootItemNew Connection…Nova povezava...QgsGeoNodeSourceSelectTitleNaslovNameImeTypeTipWeb ServiceModify GeoNode ConnectionAre you sure you want to remove the %1 connection and all associated settings?Ali želite odstraniti povezavo %1 s pripadajočimi nastavitvami?Delete GeoNode ConnectionGeoNodeLayerSlojWMSWMSWFSWFSXYZConnect to GeoNodeCannot get any feature services.Load ConnectionsNaloži povezaveXML files (*.xml *.XML)XML datoteke (*.xml *.XML)MapZemljevidQgsGeoPackageAbstractLayerItemRename Layer '%1'…Delete LayerThe layer <b>%1</b> was successfully deleted.QgsGeoPackageCollectionItemRemove ConnectionAdd ConnectionCreate a New Layer or Table…Compact Database (VACUUM)Could not delete GeoPackage.GeoPackage deleted successfully.GeoPackage importYou cannot import layer %1 over itself!%1: %2%1: %2Cannot Overwrite LayerSloja ni mogoče prepisatiDestination layer <b>%1</b> already exists. Overwriting with raster layers is not currently supported.Overwrite LayerPrepiši slojDestination layer <b>%1</b> already exists. Do you want to overwrite it?Import to GeoPackage databaseUvoz v GeoPackage podatkovno zbirkoImport was successful.Uvažanje je uspelo.Failed to import some vector layers!
Failed to import some raster layers!
%1: Not a valid layer!%1: Ni veljaven sloj!Failed to import some layers!
Nekateri sloji niso pravilno uvoženi!
Database compact (VACUUM)Vacuuming %1There was an error compacting (VACUUM) the database <b>%1</b>: %2Layer path is empty: layer cannot be deleted!There was an error deleting the layer %1: %2Layer URI is empty: layer cannot be deleted!QgsGeoPackageConnectionItemRemove ConnectionCreate a New Layer or Table…Compact Database (VACUUM)QgsGeoPackageProjectStorageDialogConnectionPovezavaProjectProjektManage ProjectsRemove ProjectSave project to GeoPackageLoad project from GeoPackageOverwrite projectA project with the same name already exists. Would you like to overwrite it?Remove projectDo you really want to remove the project "%1"?QgsGeoPackageRasterWriterTaskSaving %1QgsGeoPackageRootItemNew Connection…Nova povezava...Create Database…Ustvari podatkovno zbirko...QgsGeomColumnTypeThreadRetrieving tables of %1…Scanning column %1.%2.%3…Table retrieval finished.Pridobivanje tabel je zaključeno.Table retrieval stopped.QgsGeometryAngleCheckResulting geometry is degenerateFailed to delete vertexUnknown methodNepoznana metodaDelete node with small angleNo actionMinimal angleQgsGeometryAreaCheckFailed to merge with neighbor: %1Unknown methodNepoznana metodaMerge with neighboring polygon with longest shared edgeMerge with neighboring polygon with largest areaMerge with neighboring polygon with identical attribute value, if any, or leave as isDelete featureNo actionMinimal areaQgsGeometryCheckerDialogCheck GeometriesSetupResultRezultatQgsGeometryCheckerFixDialogFix ErrorsNextNaprejFixSkipSelect how to fix error "%1":<b>Fixed:</b> %1<span color="red"><b>Fixed failed:</b> %1</span><b>Error is obsolete</b>QgsGeometryCheckerFixSummaryDialogSummaryLayerSlojObject IDErrorNapakaCoordinatesValueVrednostThe following checks reported errors:%1 errors were fixed%1 new errors were found%1 errors were not fixed%1 errors are obsoleteQgsGeometryCheckerPluginGeometry CheckerCheck geometries for errorsVectorVektorVersion 0.1Verzija 0.1Check Geometries…QgsGeometryCheckerResultTabFormObrazec<b>Geometry check result:</b>Object IDErrorNapakaWhen a row is selected, move canvas toLayerSlojCoordinatesValueVrednostResolutionLočljivostAttributeExportIzvozTotal errors: 0FeatureElementDon't &moveHighlight contour of selected featuresOznači linije izbranih geoobjektovFix selected errors using default resolutionFix selected errors, prompt for resolution methodError resolution settingsShow selected features in attribute tablePrikaži izbrane geoobjekte v podatkovni tabeliAttribute to use when merging features by attribute value:The following checks reported errors:Total errors: %1, fixed errors: %2Fixed: %1Fix failed: %1Select Output FileRemove LayerCheck Errors OccurredExport ErrorsFailed to export errors to %1.Do you want to fix %1 errors?Fix ErrorsSet Error ResolutionsSelect default error resolutions:One or more layers have been removed.QgsGeometryCheckerSetupTabFormObrazecOnly selected featuresSamo označeni geoobjektiSelf intersectionsDuplicate nodesPolygon with less than 3 nodesInput vector layersAllowed geometry typesPointTočkaMultipointVečtočkovniLineLinijaMultilineVečlinijskoPolygonPoligonMultipolygonVečpoligonskoGeometry validitySelf contactsGeometry propertiesLines must not have danglesGeometry conditionsMinimum angle between segments (deg)Minimal segment length (map units)Minimal polygon area (map units sqr.)No sliver polygonsMaximum thinnessMax. area (map units sqr.)Topology checksPoints must be covered by linesLines must not intersect with features of layerCheck for overlaps smaller than (map units sqr.)Points must properly lie inside a polygon<i>Note: Topology checks are performed in the current map CRS.</i>Polygons must follow boundaries of layerToleranceOdstopanjeOutput vector layersCreate &new layers&Modify input layersFormatOblikaOutput directoryFilename prefixPredpona imena datotekePolygons and multipolygons may not contain any holesMultipart objects must consist of more that one part<html><head/><body><p>Thinness is the ratio between the area of the minimum square containing the polygon and the area of the polygon itself. A square has thinness 1. Default: 20.</p></body></html>Check for duplicatesLines must not intersect any other linesCheck for gaps smaller than (map units sqr.)Check for features within other featuresBrowseBrskajRunZaženiAbortPrekinichecked_Select Output DirectoryCheck GeometriesThe selected input layers cannot contain a layer also selected for a topology check.<b>Building spatial index…</b><b>Waiting for running checks to finish…</b>The chosen output directory contains one or more input layers.Input layer '%1' is not allowed to be in editing mode.<b>Preparing output…</b>Failed to create one or more output layers:
%1The following output layers are in a format that does not support editing features:
The geometry check can be performed, but it will not be possible to fix any errors. Do you want to continue?The specified output format cannot be recognized.QgsGeometryContainedCheckContained check failed for (%1): the geometry is invalidContained check failed for (%1, %2): %3Unknown methodNepoznana metodaDelete featureNo actionWithinZnotrajQgsGeometryDangleCheckUnknown methodNepoznana metodaNo actionDangleQgsGeometryDegeneratePolygonCheckUnknown methodNepoznana metodaDelete featureNo actionPolygon with less than three nodesQgsGeometryDuplicateCheckDuplicate check failed for (%1): the geometry is invalidDuplicate check failed for (%1, %2): %3Unknown methodNepoznana metodaNo actionRemove duplicatesOdstrani podvojene vrednostiDuplicatePodvojiQgsGeometryDuplicateNodesCheckResulting geometry is degenerateFailed to delete vertexUnknown methodNepoznana metodaDelete duplicate nodeNo actionDuplicate nodeQgsGeometryFollowBoundariesCheckUnknown methodNepoznana metodaNo actionPolygon does not follow boundariesQgsGeometryGapCheckGap check: %1Failed to merge with neighbor: %1Unknown methodNepoznana metodaAdd gap area to neighboring polygon with longest shared edgeNo actionGapQgsGeometryGeneratorSymbolLayerWidgetPolygon / MultiPolygonLineString / MultiLineStringPoint / MultiPointQgsGeometryHoleCheckUnknown methodNepoznana metodaRemove holeNo actionPolygon with holeQgsGeometryIsValidCheckIs ValidQgsGeometryLineIntersectionCheckUnknown methodNepoznana metodaNo actionIntersectionPresekQgsGeometryLineLayerIntersectionCheckUnknown methodNepoznana metodaNo actionIntersectionPresekQgsGeometryMissingVertexCheckUnknown methodNepoznana metodaNo actionAdd missing vertexMissing VertexQgsGeometryMultipartCheckUnknown methodNepoznana metodaConvert to single part featureDelete featureNo actionMultipart object with only one featureQgsGeometryOverlapCheckOverlap check failed for (%1): the geometry is invalidOverlap check between features %1 and %2 %3Failed to compute intersection between overlapping features: %1Could not find shared edges between intersection and overlapping featuresUnknown methodNepoznana metodaRemove overlapping area from neighboring polygon with shortest shared edgeNo actionOverlapQgsGeometryPointCoveredByLineCheckUnknown methodNepoznana metodaNo actionPoint not covered by lineQgsGeometryPointInPolygonCheckPoint in polygon check failed for (%1): the geometry is invalidUnknown methodNepoznana metodaNo actionPoint not in polygonQgsGeometrySegmentLengthCheckUnknown methodNepoznana metodaNo actionMinimal segment lengthQgsGeometrySelfContactCheckUnknown methodNepoznana metodaNo actionSelf contactQgsGeometrySelfIntersectionCheckResulting geometry is degenerateUnknown methodNepoznana metodaSplit feature into a multi-object featureSplit feature into multiple single-object featuresNo actionSelf intersectionQgsGeometrySliverPolygonCheckSliver polygonQgsGeometryTypeCheckUnknown geometry typeNepoznana geometrijska vrstaUnknown methodNepoznana metodaConvert to corresponding multi or single type if possible, otherwise delete featureDelete featureNo actionGeometry typeGeometrijski tipQgsGeometryTypeCheckErrorOverlap with %1 at feature %2QgsGeometryValidationDockBaseGeometry ValidationNextNaprejPreviousNazajZoom To FeatureZoom To ProblemDetailed DescriptionQgsGeometryValidationModel%1: %2%1: %2%1: %n ErrorsQgsGeometryValidationServiceRunning geometry validation checks before saving…Geometry ValidationGeometry errors have been found. Please fix the errors before saving the layer.Geometry errors have been found.QgsGeonodeSourceSelectBaseAdd GeoNode LayerGeoNode ConnectionsConnect to selected serviceC&onnectP&ovežiCreate a new service connection&New&NovoEdit selected service connectionEditUrejanjeRemove connection to selected serviceRemoveOdstraniLoad connections from fileOdpri povezave iz datotekeLoadOdpriSave connections to fileShrani povezave v datotekoSaveShraniUse title for layer nameUporabi naslov za ime slojaFilterSitoDisplay WFS FeatureTypes containing this word in the title, name or abstractQgsGeorefConfigDialogA5 (148x210 mm)A5 (148x210 mm)A4 (210x297 mm)A4 (210x297 mm)A3 (297x420 mm)A3 (297x420 mm)A2 (420x594 mm)A2 (420x594 mm)A1 (594x841 mm)A1 (594x841 mm)A0 (841x1189 mm)A0 (841x1189 mm)B5 (176 x 250 mm)B5 (176 x 250 mm)B4 (250 x 353 mm)B4 (250 x 353 mm)B3 (353 x 500 mm)B3 (353 x 500 mm)B2 (500 x 707 mm)B2 (500 x 707 mm)B1 (707 x 1000 mm)B1 (707 x 1000 mm)B0 (1000 x 1414 mm)B0 (1000 x 1414 mm)Legal (8.5x14 inches)Ameriško (8.5x14 inčev)ANSI A (Letter; 8.5x11 inches)ANSI A (Letter; 8.5x11 inčev)ANSI B (Tabloid; 11x17 inches)ANSI B (Tabloid; 11x17 inčev)ANSI C (17x22 inches)ANSI C (17x22 inches)ANSI D (22x34 inches)ANSI D (22x34 inches)ANSI E (34x44 inches)ANSI E (34x44 inches)Arch A (9x12 inches)Arch A (9x12 inches)Arch B (12x18 inches)Arch B (12x18 inches)Arch C (18x24 inches)Arch C (18x24 inches)Arch D (24x36 inches)Arch D (24x36 inches)Arch E (36x48 inches)Arch E (36x48 inches)Arch E1 (30x42 inches)Arch E1 (30x42 inches)QgsGeorefConfigDialogBaseConfigure GeoreferencerNastavitve georeferenciranjaShow IDsPrikaži IDjeShow coordinatesPixelsPiksliUse map units if possibleUporabi enote zemljevida, če je to možnoPoint TipPDF MapPDF ReportLeft marginLevi rob mm mmRight marginDesni robResidual UnitsShow Georeferencer window dockedZakleni oknoPaper sizeVelikost papirjaQgsGeorefDescriptionDialog<h2>Description</h2><p>This plugin can georeference raster files and set projection. You select points on the raster and give their world coordinates, and the plugin will compute the world file parameters. The more coordinates you can provide the better the result will be.</p>QgsGeorefDescriptionDialogBaseDescription georeferencerOpis georeferenciranja<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd">
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<p style="-qt-paragraph-type:empty; margin-top:12px; margin-bottom:12px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px; font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:10pt;"></p></body></html><!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd">
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<p style="-qt-paragraph-type:empty; margin-top:12px; margin-bottom:12px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px; font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:10pt;"></p></body></html>QgsGeorefPlugin&Georeferencer…QgsGeorefPluginGuiGeoreferencerGeoreferenciranjeAll other files (*)Vse ostale datoteke (*)Raster loaded: %1Raster naložen: %1Georeferencer - %1Georeferenciranje - %1Georeference SuccessfulRaster was successfully georeferenced.Transform: Pretvarjanje: Invalid TransformGDAL scripting is not supported for %1 transformation.No GCP points are available to save.Raster PropertiesPlease load raster to be georeferenced.Write ErrorCould not write to GCP points file %1.Transform FailedFailed to calculate linear transform parameters.Failed to compute GCP transform: Transform is not solvable.Could not write to %1.Ne morem zapisati v %1.Copy to ClipboardKopiraj v odložiščeGDAL ScriptGDAL skriptaNo Raster LoadedNoben raster naloženNot Enough GCPsNi dovolj primerjalnih točk%1 transformation requires at least %2 GCPs. Please define more.GCP fileDatoteka primerjalnih točkHelpPomočReset GeoreferencerPonastavi georeferenciranjeReset georeferencer and clear all GCP points?Ponastavi georeferenciranje in počisti primerjalne točkeGCP file successfully loaded.Primerjalne točke uspešno naložene.PanelsOknaToolbarsOrodne vrsticeCurrent transform parametrisationTrenutna parametrizacija pretvorbeCoordinate: Koordinate:Current map coordinateTrenutne koordinate zemljevidaNoneBrezCoordinate of image(column/line)Koordinate slike (stolpec/vrstica)Save GCPsShrani primerjalne točkeSave GCP points?Shranim primerjalne točke?<p>The selected file already seems to have a world file! Do you want to replace it with the new world file?</p><p>Izbrana datoteka že ima world datoteko! Ali jo želite zamenjati z novo world datoteko?</p>Open Raster%1 is not a supported raster data source.Load GCP PointsInvalid GCP file. File could not be read.Save GCP PointsGeoreferenceSave World Filemap unitsv enotah kartepixelspiksliTransformation parametersParametri pretvorbeTranslation xTransformiran xTranslation yTransformiran yScale xPovečava xScale yPovečava yRotation [degrees]Vrtenje [stopinje]Mean error [%1]Napaka [%1]ResidualsRezidenčnoIDIDEnabledOmogočenoPixel XPixel YMap XMap YRes X (%1)Res Y (%1)Res Total (%1)yesdanoneTranslation (%1, %2)Transformacija (%1, %2)Scale (%1, %2)Povečava (%1, %2)Rotation: %1Vrtenje: %1Mean error: %1Povprečna napaka: %1%1%1Please set transformation type.Please set output raster name.LinearLinearnoHelmertHelmertPolynomial 1Polinom 1Polynomial 2Polinom 2Polynomial 3Polinom 3Thin plate spline (TPS)Thin plate spline (TPS)ProjectiveProjekcijskoNot setNi nastavljenoQgsGeorefPluginGuiBaseGeoreferencerGeoreferenciranjeFileDatotekaViewPogledEditUrejanjeSettingsNastavitve GCP tableTabela primerjalnih točkHistogramHistogramOpen rasterOdpri rasterCtrl+OCtrl+OZoom InPovečajCtrl++Ctrl++Zoom OutPomanjšajCtrl+-Ctrl+-Zoom to LayerPrikaži slojCtrl+Shift+FCtrl+Shift+FPanPomakniTransformation settingsNastavitve transformacijeAdd PointDodaj točkoAdd pointDodaj točkoCtrl+ACtrl+ADelete PointIzbriši točkoDelete pointIzbriši točkoCtrl+DCtrl+DClose GeoreferencerZapri georeferenciranjeClose georeferencerZapri georeferenciranjeQuitIzhodStart GeoreferencingZačni georeferenciranjeStart georeferencingZačni georeferenciranjeCtrl+GCtrl+GGenerate GDAL ScriptUstvari GDAL skriptoGenerate GDAL scriptUstvari GDAL skriptoCtrl+CCtrl+CLink Georeferencer to QGISPoveži georeferncer z programomLink QGIS to GeoreferencerPoveži program z georeferencerjemCtrl+SCtrl+SLoad GCP pointsOdpri primerjalne točkeCtrl+LCtrl+PMove GCP PointPremakni primerjalno točkoLocal Histogram StretchLokalni histogramFull Histogram StretchReset GeoreferencerPonastavi georeferenciranjeCtrl+PCtrl+POpen Raster…Transformation Settings…Save GCP Points as…Save GCP points as…Load GCP Points…Configure Georeferencer…Raster Properties…Move GCP pointPremakni primerjalno točkoZoom NextNaslednji pogledZoom LastZadnji pogledQgsGlobeLayerPropertiesFactoryGlobeGlobusQgsGlobePluginDialogCustom…Poljubno...TMSTMSWMSWMSworld.tifRasterRasterTimeoutAdd TMS ImageryDodaj TMS slikovjeTMS URL:TMS URL:Add WMS ImageryDodaj WMS slikovjeURL:URL:Add Raster ImageryDodaj rastrsko slikovjeAdd TMS ElevationDodaj TMS digitalni model višinAdd Raster ElevationDodaj raster višinQgsGlobePluginDialogGuiBaseGlobe SettingsNastavitev globusaElevationVišinaMapZemlejvidOverride Date / Time (UTC)dd.MM.yyyy HH:mmdd.MM.yyyy HH:mmAddVstaviRemoveOdstraniVertical scaleVideoVideoAnti AliasingSamplesVzorci[Leave empty for maximum][Pustite prazno za največ]StereoStereoStereo ModeNačin stereoScreen distance (m)Razdalja zaslona (m)Screen width (m)Širina zaslona (m)Split stereo horizontal separation (px)Razdelitev stereo vodoravne separacije (px)Split stereo vertical separation (px)Razdelitev stereo navpične separacije (px)Split stereo vertical eye mappingRazdelitev stereo navpične očesne kartografijeSensitivityScreen height (m)Višina zaslona (m)Sk&yAmbient lightingImagerySlikovje<html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-style:italic;">Change requires a restart of the globe plugin</span></p></body></html>Eye separation (m)Ločitev očesa (m)Reset to defaultsPonastavi na privzetoAdvancedNaprednoScrollingInvert scroll wheelEnable feature identificationEnable frustum highlightingSplit stereo horizontal eye mappingRazdelitev stereo vodoravne očesne kartografijeQgsGlobeVectorLayerPropertiesPageFormObrazecAltitudeVišinaClampingTerrain following behaviorTerrain following techniqueTechniqueGranularity at which to sample the terrainBindingElevation data resolution at which to sample terrain heightResolutionLočljivostVertical offset to apply to geometry ZOffsetZamikScale factor to apply to geometry ZScaleMeriloE&xtrusionHeight [m]Height [m]Extrusion height, either a numeric value, or a field expression00Wall gradientWall coloring gradientWhether the top cap of the extruded geometry should be flatFlattenEnable &labelingDeclutterLightingRendering mode:Rendering method for the layerRasterizedRasteriziranoModel (Simple)Model (preprost)Model (Advanced)Model (napreden)Rasterize the layer to a texture, and drape it on the terrainRender the layer features as modelsNoneBrezTerrainTerenRelativeAbsoluteDo not clamp Z values to the terrain (but still apply the offset, if applicable)Sample the terrain under the point, and set the feature's Z to the terrain height, ignoring the feature's original Z valueSample the terrain under the point, and add the terrain height to the feature's original Z valueThe feature's Z value describes its height above "height zero", which is typically the ellipsoid or MSLMapZemljevidDrapeGPUSceneClamp geometry to the map model's elevation dataClamp geometry to the terrain's scene graphClamp geometry to the terrain as they are rendered by the GPUClamp geometry at draw time using projective texturingVertexVmesna točkaCentroidClamp every vertex independentlyClamp to the centroid of the entire geometryQgsGlobeWidgetGlobeGlobusLayersPlastiSync extentReload sceneGlobe settingsCloseZapriQgsGlowWidgetSelect Glow ColorQgsGmlGML Getfeature network request update failed for authcfg %1GML Getfeature network reply update failed for authcfg %1Loading GML data
%1Nalagam GML podatke
%1AbortPrekiniGML Getfeature network request failed with error: %1NetworkOmrežjeQgsGmlSchemaCannot guess schemaQgsGpsDetectorinternal GPSinterni GPSlocal gpsdlokalni gpsd%1: %2%1: %2QgsGpsDeviceDialogNew device %1Nova naprava %1Delete DeviceAre you sure that you want to delete this device?Ste prepričani, da želite odstraniti napravo?QgsGpsDeviceDialogBaseGPS Device EditorGPS upravljalec napraveDevicesNapravaDeleteIzbrišiNewNovoUpdateOsvežiDevice nameIme napraveThis is the name of the device as it will appear in the listsTo ime je ime naprave in bo prikazano na seznamuCommandsUkaziTrack downloadPrenos stezeRoute uploadNaloži cestoWaypoint downloadPrenesi kažipotThe command that is used to download routes from the deviceUkaz, ki se uporablja za prenos cest iz napraveRoute downloadPrenesi cestoThe command that is used to upload waypoints to the deviceUkaz, ki se uporablja za nalaganje kažipota v napravoTrack uploadNaloži stezoThe command that is used to download tracks from the deviceUkaz, ki se uporablja za prenos stez iz napraveThe command that is used to upload routes to the deviceUkaz, ki se uporablja za nalaganje cest v napravoThe command that is used to download waypoints from the deviceUkaz, ki se uporablja za prenos kažipota iz napraveThe command that is used to upload tracks to the deviceUkaz, ki se uporablja za nalaganje stez v napravoWaypoint uploadNaloži kažipot<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd">
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<p style=" margin-top:12px; margin-bottom:12px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:9pt;">In the download and upload commands there can be special words that will be replaced by QGIS when the commands are used. These words are:</span><span style=" font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:9pt; font-style:italic;">%babel</span><span style=" font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:9pt;"> - the path to GPSBabel<br /></span><span style=" font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:9pt; font-style:italic;">%in</span><span style=" font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:9pt;"> - the GPX filename when uploading or the port when downloading<br /></span><span style=" font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:9pt; font-style:italic;">%out</span><span style=" font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:9pt;"> - the port when uploading or the GPX filename when downloading</span></p></body></html><!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd">
<html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css">
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<p style=" margin-top:12px; margin-bottom:12px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:9pt;">U naredbama za slanje i preuzimanje mogu biti specijalne riječi koje će QGIS zamijeniti prilikom korištenja. Ove su riječi:</span><span style=" font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:9pt; font-style:italic;">%babel</span><span style=" font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:9pt;"> - putanja do GPSBabel<br /></span><span style=" font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:9pt; font-style:italic;">%in</span><span style=" font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:9pt;"> - ime GPX datoteke kod slanja ili port kod preuzimanja<br /></span><span style=" font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:9pt; font-style:italic;">%out</span><span style=" font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:9pt;"> - port kod slanaj ili ime GPX datoteke kod preuzimanja</span></p></body></html>QgsGpsInformationWidget/gps/gpsNo path to the GPS port is specified. Please enter a path then try again.Do GPS-a ni določene poti. Prosim vnesite pot in ponovno poskusite.Timed out!Čas se je iztekel!Failed to connect to GPS device.Napaka pri povezavi z GPS napravo.Connected!Povezano!Dis&connect&Prekini povezavoConnected to GPS device.Povezava z GPS napravo.Error opening log file.Napaka pri odpiranju log datoteke.Connecting…Track ColorConnecting to GPS device %1…Disconnected…&Connect&PovezavaDisconnected from GPS device.Prekinjena povezava z GPS napravo.%1 m%1 m%1 km/h%1 km/hNot availableAutomaticSamodejnoManualRočno3D3D2D2DNo fixNi satelitovDifferentialDiferenčnaNon-differentialNediferenčnaNo positionBrez položajaValidVeljavnoInvalidNeveljavniAdd FeatureVstavi elementSave Layer EditsShrani spremembe slojaThe feature could not be added because removing the polygon intersections would change the geometry type.An error was reported during intersection removal.Cannot close a line feature until it has at least two vertices.Ne morem zaključiti linije dokler nima vsaj 2 vozlišča.Cannot close a polygon feature until it has at least three vertices.Ne morem zaključiti element poligona dokler nima najmanj 3 vozlišče.Feature addedElement dodanCould not commit changes to layer %1
Errors: %2
Sprememb ni mogoče shraniti. Sloj %1
Napake: %2
Cannot add feature. Unknown WKB type. Choose a different layer and try again.Ne morem dodati elementa. Neznan WKB tip. Izberite drug sloj in ponovno poskusite.NMEA filesNMEA datotekeSave GPS log file As&Add feature&Vstavi element&Add Point&Vstavi točko&Add Line&Vstavi linijo&Add Polygon&Vstavi poligonQgsGpsInformationWidgetBaseGPS ConnectPovezava GPS&Add feature&Vstavi elementQuick status indicator:
green = good or 3D fix
yellow = good 2D fix
red = no fix or bad fix
gray = no data
2D/3D depends on this information being availableIndikatorji stanja:
zelena = dobro ali 3D povezava
rumena = dobro 2D povezava
rdeče = brez povezave ali slaba povezava
siva = brez podatkov
2D/3D je odvisna od razpoložljivih podatkovAdd track pointVstavi točkoReset trackPonastavi stezo……0000000000Log fileMap CenteringWhen leavingNeverNikoliAlwaysVednoLine widthDebelina linije px pxLine colorBarva črtFilteringDistance threshold (meters)Acquisition interval (seconds)PositionPoložajSignalSignalSatelliteSatelitOptionsMožnostiDebugRazhroščevanje&Connect&Povezavalatitude of position fix (degrees)zemljepisna širina položaja (stopinje)LongitudeZemljepisna dolžinalongitude of position fix (degrees)zemljepisna dolžina položaja (stopinje)antenna altitude with respect to geoid (mean sea level)višina antene glede na geoid (povprečna nadmorska višina)AltitudeVišinaLatitudeZemljepisna širinaTime of fixČas pozicioniranjadate/time of position fix (UTC)datum/čas pozicioniranja (UTC)speed over groundhitrost nad tlemiSpeedHitrosttrack direction (degrees)smer sledenja (stopinje)DirectionSmerHorizontal Dilution of PrecisionVodoravno redčenje natančnostiHDOPHDOPVertical Dilution of PrecisionNavpično redčenje natančnostiVDOPVDOPPosition Dilution of PrecisionPoložaj redčenje natančnostiPDOPPDOPGPS receiver configuration 2D/3D mode: Automatic or ManualNastavite GPS sprejemnika 2D/3D način: Samodejno ali RočnoModeNačinposition fix dimensions: 2D, 3D or No fixpozicioniranje položaja: 2D, 3D ali brez pozicijeDimensionsVelikostquality of the position fix: Differential, Non-differential or No positionkakovost pozicioniranja: Diferenčna, Nedefirenčna, Brez pozicijeQualityKvalitetaposition fix status: Valid or Invalidstanje pozicioniranja: Veljavno ali NeveljavnoStatusStatusnumber of satellites used in the position fixštevilo satelotov v pozicioniranjuSatellitesSatelitiH accuracyV accuracyConnectionPovezavaAutodetectSamozaznavaSerial deviceSerijska napravaRefresh serial device listOsveži seznam serijskih napravPortVrataHostGostiteljDeviceNapravagpsdgpsdInternalInterniDigitizingRisanjeTrackStezaAutomatically add pointsSamodejno dodajanje točkTrack width in pixelsŠirina steze v točkahsave layer after every feature addedshrani sloj za vsak dodan elementAutomatically save added featureSamodejno shrani dodane elementesave GPS data (NMEA sentences) to a fileshrani GPS podatke (NMEA stavki) v datotekobrowse for log filebrskanje log datoteke% of map extent% obseg azemljevidaCursorKurzorSmallMaloLargeVelikoQgsGpsPlugin&GPS Tools&GPS orodja&Create new GPX layer&Nov GPX slojCreates a new GPX layer and displays it on the map canvasUstvari nov GPX sloj in ga prikaži na kartiImport GPS FileCould not start GPSBabel.Convert GPS FileGPS eXchange fileGPS eXchange datotekaUnable to create a GPX file with the given name. Try again with another name or in another directory.Ni mogoče ustvariti i GPX datoteke. Poskusite z drugim imenom ali v drugi mapi.GPX LoaderGPX nalagačUnable to read the selected file.
Please reselect a valid file.Ne morem prebrati izbrane datoteke. Prosim ponovno izberite veljavno datoteko.Save New GPX File AsSave New GPX FileCould not start GPSBabel!Ne morem zagnati GPSBabel!Download from GPSPrenesi iz GPS naparaveDownloading data…Upload to GPSNaloži na GPSUploading data…CancelPrekiniImporting data…Could not import data from %1!
Ne morem uvoziti podatke iz %1!
Could not convert data from %1!
Ne morem pretvoriti podatke iz %1!
This device does not support downloading of %1.Ta naprava ne podpira prenosa %1.Could not download data from GPS!
Ne morem prenesti podatke s GPS-a!
This device does not support uploading of %1.Ta naprava ne podpira nalaganja %1.Error while uploading data to GPS!
Napaka pri prejemanju podatka na GPS!
QgsGpsPluginGuiGPX files (*.gpx)WaypointsTočkeRoutesPotiTracksStezeChoose a file name to save underIzberite ime datoteke za shranjenje GPS eXchange formatGPS izmenjevalna oblikaSelect GPX fileIzberi GPX datotekoSelect file and format to importIzberite datoteko in obliko za uvozWaypoints from a routeWaypoints from a trackRoute from waypointsTrack from waypointsSteza iz točkGPS eXchange format (*.gpx)GPS eXchange format (*.gpx)QgsGpsPluginGuiBaseGPS ToolsGPS orodjaLoad GPX fileGPX datotekaFileDatotekaFeature typesVrsta datotekeWaypointsTočkeRoutesPotiTracksStezeImport other fileOstale datotekeFile to importDatotekaBrowse…Save As…Edit devices…Feature typeVrsta datotekeLayer nameIme slojaGPX output fileGPX datoteka(Note: Selecting correct file type in browser dialog important!)(Opomba: Zelo pomembno je izbrati pravilno vrsto datoteke!)Download from GPSPrenesi iz GPS naparaveGPS deviceGPS napravaPortVrataRefreshOsvežiOutput fileIzhodna datotekaUpload to GPSNaloži na GPSData layerPodatkovni slojEdit devicesUrejanje napravGPX ConversionsGPX pretvorbeGPX input fileGPX vhodna datotekaConversionPretvarjanjeQgsGradientColorRampDialogSelect Ramp ColorTransparentProsojnoDiscreteDiskretnoContinuousZveznoGradient file : %1Gradientna datoteka : %1License file : %1Licenčna datoteka : %1QgsGradientColorRampDialogBaseGradient Color RampColor &1Color &2&TypeGradient StopRelative &position %%&Delete StopPlotHueNiansaSaturationNasičenostLightnessOpacityProsojnost&InformationQgsGradientFillSymbolLayerWidgetSelect Gradient ColorTransparentProsojnoQgsGraduatedHistogramWidgetRanges are overlapping and can't be edited by the histogramRanges have gaps and can't be edited by the histogramQgsGraduatedSymbolRendererModelSymbolSimbolValuesVrednostiLegendLegendaQgsGraduatedSymbolRendererWidgetColumnStolpecSymbolSimbolChange…Spremeni...Legend formatTemplate for the legend text associated with each classification.
Use "%1" for the lower bound of the classification, and "%2" for the upper bound.Precision of upper and lower values in label text.
Positive is number of decimal places
Negative rounds to powers of 10Precision Check to remove trailing zeroes after the decimal point from the upper and lower values in the legend.TrimMethodMetoda<html><head/><body><p>Choose between color and size graduation. </p><p><br/></p><p>If you want to combine both, use a data-defined size for the symbol and graduate by color.</p></body></html>Color rampBarvna lestvicaSize fromtodoClassesRazrediModeNačinSymmetric ClassificationAroundCreate class astride symmetry valueDelete AllIzbriši vseEqual IntervalEnakomernoQuantile (Equal Count)Kvatizacija (Enakomerno štetje)Natural Breaks (Jenks)Naravni presledkiStandard DeviationStandardi odklonPretty BreaksPrimerni presledkiClassifyRazdeliAdd classVstavi skupinoDeleteIzbrišiAdvancedNaprednoLink class boundariesHistogramHistogramSymbol Levels…Data-defined Size Legend…Select MethodApply ClassificationLink Class BoundariesNo color ramp defined.Natural break classification (Jenks) is O(n2) complexity, your classification may take a long time.
Press cancel to abort breaks calculation or OK to continue.Rows will be reordered before linking boundaries. Continue?QgsGrassGRASS was not found in '%1' (GISBASE), provider and plugin will not work.GRASS errorCannot add mapset %1 to search path:Cannot close mapset. %1Ne morem zapreti nabora kart. %1Cannot create new mapset directoryNe morem ustvariti nov direktorij nabora kartCannot copy %1 to %2Cannot write regionNe morem zapisati regijeno mapset openCannot query raster
%1Cannot delete %1 %2: %3Cannot start moduleModula ni mogoče zagnaticommand: %1 %2ukaz: %1 %2Problem in GRASS initialization, GRASS provider and plugin will not work : %1Cannot remove mapset %1 from search path: %2Cannot read raster map region (%1/%2/%3)Cannot get projectionProjekcije ni mogoče dobitiCannot get raster extentNeprepoznan rasterski obsegCannot get map infoNeprepoznan zemljevidCannot get colorsNeprepoznane barveCannot create new vector: %1Ne morem ustvariti nov vektor: %1QgsGrassElementDialogCancelPrekiniOKV redu<font color='red'>Enter a name!</font><font color='red'>Vpišite ime!</font><font color='red'>This is name of the source!</font><font color='red'>To je ime izvora!</font><font color='red'>Exists!</font><font color='red'>Obstaja!</font>OverwritePrepišiQgsGrassFeatureIterator<not editable (layer %1)>QgsGrassImportItemCancelPrekinicancelingQgsGrassImportProgressProgress: %1Napredovanje: %1QgsGrassItemActionsGRASS OptionsGRASS možnostiNew mapsetNovi nabor kartOpen mapsetAdd mapset to search pathRemove mapset from search pathRenamePreimenujDeleteIzbrišiNew Point LayerNov točkovni slojNew Line LayerNov linijski slojNew Polygon LayerNov poligonski slojCannot create new mapset: %1QgsGrassMapcalcMapcalc toolsMapcalc orodjaAdd mapDodaj kartoAdd constant valueDodaj konstantno vrednostAdd operator or functionDodaj operator ali funkcijoAdd connectionDodaj povezavoSelect itemIzberi postavkoDelete selected itemBriši izbrano postavkoOpenOdpriSaveShraniSave asShrani kotAdditionSeštevanjeSubtractionOdštevanjeMultiplicationMnoženjeDivisionDeljenjeModulusModuliExponentiationPotenciranjeEqualEnakoNot equalNi enakoGreater thanVečje odGreater than or equalVečje ali enako odLess thanManjše odLess than or equalManjše ali enako odAndInOrAliAbsolute value of xAbsolutna vrednost xInverse tangent of x (result is in degrees)Inverzni tangens od X (rezultat je v stopinjah)Inverse tangent of y/x (result is in degrees)Inverzni tangens od Y/X (rezultat je v stopinjah)Current column of moving window (starts with 1)Trenutni stolpec pri premikanju okna (začne z 1)Cosine of x (x is in degrees)Kosinus od X (X je v stopinjah)Convert x to double-precision floating pointPretvori x v dvojno-natančnost plavajoče vejiceCurrent east-west resolutionTrenutna vzhod-zahod resolucijaExponential function of xEksponencialna funkcija od Xx to the power yx na potenco yConvert x to single-precision floating pointPretvori x v enojno-natančnost plavajoče vejiceDecision: 1 if x not zero, 0 otherwiseIzbira: 1, če x ni nič, drugače 0Decision: a if x not zero, 0 otherwiseIzbira: a, če x ni nič, drugače 0Decision: a if x not zero, b otherwiseIzbira: a, če x ni nič, drugače bDecision: a if x > 0, b if x is zero, c if x < 0Izbira: a, če x > 0, b, če je x nič, c, če je x < 0Convert x to integer [ truncates ]Pretbori x v število (skrajšano)Check if x = NULLPreveri če x = NULLNatural log of xNaravni logaritem od XLog of x base bLogaritem od x z osnovo bLargest valueNajvečja vrednostMedian valueSrednja vrednostSmallest valueNajmanjša vrednostMode valueVrednost modula1 if x is zero, 0 otherwise1 , če je x nič, drugače 0Current north-south resolutionTrenutna sever-jug resolucijaNULL valueNULL vrednostRandom value between a and bNaključna vrednost med a in bRound x to nearest integerZaokroži x na najbližje celo številoCurrent row of moving window (Starts with 1)Trenutna vrstica pri premikanju okna (Začne z 1)Sine of x (x is in degrees)sin(x)Sinus x (x je v stopinjah)Square root of xsqrt(x)koren iz xTangent of x (x is in degrees)tan(x)Tangens x (x je v stopinjah)Current x-coordinate of moving windowTrenutna X koordinata pri premikanju oknaCurrent y-coordinate of moving windowTrenutna Y koordinata pri premikanju oknaOutputIzhodWarningOpozoriloCannot check region of map %1Ne morem preveriti regijo karte %1Cannot get region of map %1Ne morem dobiti regije karte %1No GRASS raster maps availableCannot create 'mapcalc' directory in current mapset.Ne morem ustvariti direktorija 'mapcalc' v trenutnem naboru kart.New mapcalcNovi mapcalcEnter new mapcalc name:Vnesite ime novemapcalc:Enter vector nameVnesite ime vektorjaThe file already exists. Overwrite?Datoteka že obstaja. Jo želite prepisati?Save mapcalcShrani mapcalcFile name emptyIme datoteke je praznoCannot open mapcalc fileNe morem odpreti datoteke mapcalcThe mapcalc schema (%1) not found.Sheme mapcalc (%1) ni bilo mogoče najti.Cannot open mapcalc schema (%1)Ne morem odpreti sheme mapcalc (%1)Cannot read mapcalc schema (%1):Ne morem prebrati sheme mapcalc (%1):
at line %2 column %3
v vrstici %2 stolpca %3QgsGrassMapcalcBaseMain WindowOutputIzhodEnter constant valueQgsGrassMapsetItemtopology missingtopology version not supportedtopology version 6topološka različica 6emptyprazno%1 layer type not supported%1 plast ni podprtaCannot create provider %1 : %2Provider is not valid %1 : %2Cannot get default location region.Cannot delete %1Import to GRASS mapsetFailed to import some layers!
Nekateri sloji niso pravilno uvoženi!
Import to GRASS mapset failedFailed to import %1 to %2: %3QgsGrassModuleModule: %1Modul: %1WarningOpozoriloThe module file (%1) not found.Datoteka modula (%1) ni bila najdena.Cannot open module file (%1)Ne morem odpretii datoteke modula (%1)Cannot read module file (%1)Ne morem prebrati datoteke modula (%1)
at line %2 column %3
v vrstici %2 stolpca %3Module %1 not foundModul %1 ni bilo mogoče najtiCannot find man page %1Ne moren najti strani%1Please ensure you have the GRASS documentation installed.Prosim preverite ali imate nameščeno GRASS dokumentacijo.Not available, description not found (%1)Ni dostopno, opisa ni mogoče najti(%1)Not available, cannot open description (%1)Ni dostopno, ne morem odpreti opisa (%1)Not available, incorrect description (%1)Ni dostopno, netočen opis (%1)RunZaženiCannot get input regionNe morem dobiti vhodne regijeInput %1 outside current region!Vhod %1 je izven trenutne regiije!Use Input RegionUporebi vhodno regijoOutput %1 exists! Overwrite?Izhod %1 obstaja! Ga želite prepisati?Cannot find module %1Ne moren najti modul %1Cannot start module: %1Ne morem zagnati modul %1StopUstavi<B>Successfully finished</B><B>Uspešno zaključeno</B><B>Finished with error</B><B>Zaključeno z napako</B><B>Module crashed or killed</B><B>Modul se je prekinil</B>QgsGrassModuleBaseGRASS ModuleGRASS ModulOptionsMožnostiOutputIzhodManualRočnoTextLabelBesediloOznakaRunZaženiView outputPrikaži izhodCloseZapriQgsGrassModuleFileFileDatoteka%1: missing value%1: manjkajoča vrednost%1: directory does not exist%1: direktorij ne obstajaQgsGrassModuleGdalInputOGR/PostGIS/GDAL InputOGR/PostGIS/GDALCannot find layeroption %1Ne morem najti 'možnost isloja' %1Cannot find whereoption %1Ne morem najti 'možnosti kje' (where option) %1PasswordGesloSelect a layerIzberi sloj%1: no input%1: ni vhodaQgsGrassModuleInputInputVhodCannot find typeoption %1Ne morem najti 'možnostitipa' %1Cannot find values for typeoption %1Ne morem najti vrednosti za 'možnosttipa' %1Cannot find layeroption %1Ne morem najti 'možnostisloja' %1GRASS element %1 not supportedGRASS element %1 ni podprtUse region of this mapUporabi regijo te karteSublayerno inputcurrent map does not contain features of required typegeometry type not selectedQgsGrassModuleOptionUnknown outputTypeBrowseBrskajOutput fileIzhodna datotekaGeoTIFFGeoTIFFCannot parse version_min %1Neprepoznana različica min %1Cannot parse version_max %1Neprepoznana različica maks %1%1: missing value%1: manjkajoča vrednostQgsGrassModuleSelectionSelected categoriesIzbrane kategorijeManual entryRočni vnoslayer selectionAdd to canvas layerQgsGrassModuleStandardOptionsCannot get region of map %1Ne morem dobiti regije karte %1Cannot find module %1Ne moren najti modul %1Cannot start module %1Ne morem zagnati modul %1commandCannot read module description (%1):Ne morem prebrati opisa modula (%1):
at line %2 column %3
v vrstici %2 stolpca %3RegionPovršinaInput layersVhodni slojiCurrent map canvasCannot find key %1Ne morem najti ključ %1Option '%1' should be configured as fieldThis module has no options<< Hide advanced options<< Skrij napredne možnostiShow advanced options >>Prikaži napredne možnosti >>Item with key %1 not foundPostavko s ključem %1 ni bilo mogoče najtiItem with id %1 not foundPostavko z id %1 ni bilo mogoče najtiQgsGrassModuleVectorFieldAttribute fieldPodatkovno polje'layer' attribute in field tag with key= %1 is missing.'sloj' atribut v polju s ključem = %1 manjka.QgsGrassNewMapsetDatabasePodatkovna zbirkaNo writable locations, the database is not writable!Ni lokacije za zapisovanje, PZ ni zapisovalna!Enter location name!Vpišite ime lokacije!The location exists!Lokacija že obstaja!Selected projection is not supported by GRASS!GRASS ne podpira izbrano projekcijo!Cannot create projection.Ne morem ustvariti projekcije.Cannot reproject previously set region, default region set.Ne morem reprojecirati prej nastavljene regije, nastavljena bo privzeta regija.North must be greater than southSever mora biti večji od jugaEast must be greater than westVzhod mora biti večji od zahodaRegions file (%1) not found.Datoteka regije (%1) ni bilo mogoče najti.Cannot open locations file (%1)Ne morem odpreti datoteko lokacije (%1)Cannot read locations file (%1):Ne morem prebrati datoteko lokacije (%1):
at line %2 column %3
v vrstici %2 stolpca %3Cannot create QgsCoordinateReferenceSystemNe morem ustvariti Qgs koordinatni sistemCannot reproject selected region.Ne morem reprojecirati izbrane regije.Cannot reproject regionNe morem reprojecirati regijeLocationMapaMapsetZemljevidiCannot create new GRASS database directoryIzhodne poti GRASS podatkovne zbirke ni mogoče ustvaritiCannot create new mapset: %1New mapset successfully createdThe mapset already existsNabor kart že obstajaCannot create new location: %1Ne morem ustvariti nove lokacije: %1New mapsetNovi nabor kartNew mapset successfully created, but cannot be opened: %1Uspešno ustvarjen nov nabor kart, vendar se ga ne da odpreti: %1New mapset successfully created and set as current working mapset.Uspešno ustvarjen nov nabor kart in je nastavljen kot trenutno delujoči nabor kart.QgsGrassNewMapsetBaseNew MapsetNovi nabor kartGRASS DatabaseGRASS podatkovna zbirkaBrowse…Database ErrorNapaka podatkovne zbirkeThe GRASS location is a collection of maps for a particular territory or project.NorthSeverWestZahodEastVzhodSouthJugThe GRASS region defines a workspace for raster modules. The default region is valid for one location. It is possible to set a different region in each mapset. It is possible to change the default location region later.New mapsetNovi nabor kartExisting mapsetsThe GRASS mapset is a collection of maps used by one user. A user can read maps from all mapsets in the location but he can open for writing only his mapset (owned by user).DatabasePodatkovna zbirkaLocationMapaOpen new mapsetGRASS LocationGRASS LokacijaDatabase directoryPot do podatkovne zbirke<html><head/><body><p>GRASS data are stored in tree directory structure. The GRASS database is the top-level directory in this tree structure.</p></body></html>Select locationIzberi lokacijoCreate new locationUstvari novo lokacijoLocation ErrorNapaka lokacijeProjectionProjekcijaProjection ErrorNapaka projekcijeNot definedNi definiranoDefault GRASS RegionPrivzeta GRASS regijaSet current QGIS extentNastavi trenutni obseg QGIS-aSetNastaviRegion ErrorNapaka regijeMapsetNabor kartMapset ErrorNapaka nabora kartOwnerLastnikCreate New MapsetUstvari novi nabor kartQgsGrassOptionsGRASS versionDefaultPrivzetoSelect ColorIzbira barveCurrently selected GRASS installation is not validChoose a directory with configuration files (default.qgc, *.qgm)QgsGrassOptionsBaseGRASS OptionsGRASS možnostiModulesBrowserBrskanjeRegionPovršinaModules interface configurationDefaultPrivzetoGeneralSplošnoThe version of GRASS which was used to build the GRASS provider and plugin in QGIS. Exactly the same version must be used on runtime.GRASS installationCustomPrilagojenoBrowseBrskajGIsbase errorDebug modeImportUvozCRS transformationApproximate CRS transformation is fast but it may be inaccurate.Create a link to the external data for GDAL data sources with the same CRS as target mapset by r.external, instead of making copy of data.Create link to external data if possibleLayersPlastiShow virtual topological layersPrikaži navidezne topološke plastiRegion borderColorBarvaWidthŠirinaQgsGrassPluginOpen GRASS toolsOdpri GRASS orodjeDisplay Current Grass RegionPrikaži trenutno GRASS regijoOpen MapsetNew MapsetNovi nabor kartClose MapsetOpen GRASS ToolsDisplays the current GRASS region as a rectangle on the map canvasPrikaži trenutino GRASS regijo kot pravokotnik na karti&GRASS&GRASSGRASSGRASSAdd Closed BoundaryGRASS init errorWarningOpozoriloNew vector nameNovo ime vektorjaGRASS OptionsGRASS možnostiAdd PointDodaj točkoAdd LineAdd BoundaryAdd CentroidCannot create new vector: %1Ne morem ustvariti nov vektor: %1New vector created but cannot be opened by data provider.Novi vektorski sloj je bil ustvarjen, vendar ga ponudnik ne more odpreti.Cannot open the mapset. %1Ne morem odpreti nabor kart %1Cannot open GRASS mapset. %1Ne morem odpreti GRASS nabor kart. %1QgsGrassProviderWhole number (integer)Celo število (integer)Decimal number (real)Decimalno število (real)TextBesediloCannot restore record with cat %1Cannot delete orphan record with cat %1GRASS %1 vector providerQgsGrassRasterImportData type %1 not supportedWriting band %1/%2Cannot convert block (%1) to data type %2QgsGrassRasterProvidercellhd file %1 does not existGroups not yet supportedSkupine še niso podprteCannot read raster%1 bytes expected but %2 byte were read from qgis.d.rastFormat not supportedNeveljaven formatCannot read dataNe morem prebrati podatkovGRASS raster providerQgsGrassRegionBaseExtentObmočjeNorthSeverWestZahodRegionPovršinaEastVzhodSelect the extent by dragging on canvasSizeVelikostN-SE-WSouthJugResolutionLočljivostColumnsPoljaRowsVrsticeQgsGrassSelectSelect GRASS Vector LayerIzberite GRASS vektorski slojSelect GRASS Raster LayerIzberite GRASS rasterski slojSelect GRASS Mapcalc SchemaSelect GRASS MapsetIzberite GRASS nabor kartChoose existing GISDBASEIzberite obstoječo GIS PBWrong GISDBASE, no locations available.Napačna GIS PB, lokacije ni na voljo.Wrong GISDBASENapačna GIS PBSelect a map.Izberite karto.No mapNi karteNo layerNi slojaNo layers available in this mapNa tej karti plasti niso na voljoQgsGrassSelectBaseAdd GRASS LayerDodaj GRASS slojGisdbasePodatkovno skladiščeLocationLokacijaMapsetZemljevidiMap nameIme karteSelect or type map name (wildcards '*' and '?' accepted for rasters)Izberite ali vpišite ime karte (wildcards '*' in '?' dovoljeno za rasterje)LayerSlojBrowse…QgsGrassShellCtrl+Shift+VCtrl+Shift+VCtrl+Shift+CCtrl+Shift+CWarningOpozoriloCannot rename the lock file %1Ni mogoče preimenovati zaklenjene datoteke %1QgsGrassToolsGRASS ToolsGRASS orodjaGRASS Tools: %1/%2GRASS orodja: %1/%2Close mapsetRegionPovršinaCannot start command shell (%1)Ne morem zagnati ukazne lupinel (%1)WarningOpozoriloGRASS Shell is not compiled.GRASS lupina ni skompilirana.The config file (%1) not found.Datoteka config (%1) ni bila najdena.Cannot open config file (%1).Ne morem odpreti config datoteke (%1).Cannot read config file (%1):Ne morem prebrati config datoteke (%1):
at line %2 column %3
v vrstici %2 stolpca %3%1 errors found%1 errorsQgsGrassToolsBase&GRASS Tools<html><head/><body><p>No mapset is open. You can open a GRASS mapset from the browser using the mapset item's context menu action <span style=" font-style:italic;">Open mapset</span>.</p></body></html>Modules……Reload treeRun debugClose debugFilterSitoQgsGrassVectorCannot open vector on level 2Cannot open vectorQgsGrassVectorImportWriting featuresQgsGrassVectorMapLayerNo field infoVirtual topology symbol fieldDriver is not openThe table for this field already existsCannot create field infoCannot create link to the table.Created table %1 could not be deletedErrors updating restored column, update interrupted%1 field cannot be deleted, it is temporary virtual field used for topology symbol.no tableTable does not existFeature invalidCannot select record from tableCannot check if record existsField %1 not found in cached attributesQgsGroupWMSDataDialogBaseShort nameKratko imeA name used to identify the group layer. The short name is a text string used for machine-to-machine communication.The title is for the benefit of humans to identify group layer.The abstract is a descriptive narrative providing more information about the group layer.TitleNaslovSet Group WMS DataAbstractAbstraktnoQgsGuiVectorLayerToolsAdd featureVstavi elementStart editing failedUrejanje ni mogočeProvider cannot be opened for editingPonudnik ne omogoča urejanjaDo you want to save the changes to layer %1?Ali želite shraniti spremenjen sloj v %1?ErrorNapakaProblems during roll backTežava pri vračanju nazaj (roll back)Commit ErrorsPotrdi napakeCommit errorsPotrdi napakeCould not commit changes to layer %1Sprememb sloja %1 ni mogoče potrditiStop EditingErrors: %1
Napake: %1Show morePrikaži večQgsHandleBadLayersBrowseBrskajApply fixes to unavailable layers (remaining unavailable layers will be removed from the project).Layer nameIme slojaTypeTipProviderPonudnikAuth configDatasourcePodatkovni virnonenobenEditUrejanjeSelect File to Replace '%1'Select New Directory of Selected FilesThere are still %n unhandled layer(s). If they are not fixed, they will be disabled/deactivated until the project is opened again.unhandled layersPlease select exactly one file.Prosim izberite samo eno datoteko.Apply ChangesUnhandled layer will be lost.Nedokončan sloj bo izgubljen.QgsHandleBadLayersBaseHandle Unavailable LayersQgsHandleBadLayersHandlerImport all unavailable layers unmodified (you can fix them later).Remove all unavailable layers from the projectKeep Unavailable LayersRemove Unavailable LayersHandle unavailable layers%1 of %2 unavailable layers were not fixable.QgsHashedLineSymbolLayerWidgetAll RingsExterior Ring OnlyInterior Rings OnlyQgsHeatmapRendererWidgetThe heatmap renderer only applies to point and multipoint layers.
'%1' is not a point layer and cannot be rendered as a heatmap.QgsHeatmapRendererWidgetBaseFormObrazecAutomaticSamodejnoRadiusRadijRendering qualityKvaliteta prikazovanja<html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-style:italic;">Best</span></p></body></html><html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-style:italic;">Fastest</span></p></body></html>Color rampBarvna lestvicaMaximum valueNajvečja vrednostWeight points byQgsHillShadeWidgetFormObrazec˚˚AltitudeVišinaAzimuthZ FactorBandKanalMultidirectionalQgsHillshadeRendererRenderingPrikazQgsHistogramWidgetBaseFormObrazecLoad ValuesHistogram binsShow mean valueShow standard deviationQgsHtmlAnnotationDialogHTML AnnotationHTML napisiDeleteIzbrišihtmlhtmlQgsIdentifyMenuIdentifyIdentificiraj%1 All (%2)QgsIdentifyResultsBaseIdentify ResultsRezultati indentifikacijeLayerSlojFIDAttributeAtributValueVrednostExpand New Results by DefaultClear ResultsPrint Selected HTML ResponseIdentify Feature(s)Identify Features by area or single clickIdentify Features by PolygonIdentify Features by FreehandIdentify Features by RadiusHelpPomočSelect identify modeModeNačinSelect view mode for raster layersViewPogledAuto open formExpand TreeCollapse TreeExpand New ResultsOpen FormCopy FeatureCopy Selected Feature to ClipboardPrint ResponseQgsIdentifyResultsDialogIdentify ResultsInformacijeFeatureElementValueVrednostCurrent layerTrenutni slojTop down, stop at firstOd zgoraj navzdol, ustavi pri prvemTop downOd zgoraj navzdolLayer selectionIzbira sloja(Derived)(Izpeljano)(Actions)(Ukazi)Edit feature formObrazec za urejanje elementovView feature formPreglej obrazecEdit Feature Form…View Feature Form…Zoom to FeatureCopy FeatureToggle Feature SelectionCopy Attribute ValueCopy Feature AttributesClear ResultsClear HighlightsHighlight AllHighlight LayerActivate LayerLayer Properties…Expand AllRazširi vseCollapse AllStrni vseTableTabelaTreeRazporeditev (drevesna)GraphTitleNaslovFormatOblikaNo attributes.Copy GetFeatureInfo request URLKopiranje GetFeaturesInfo zahteva URLPrint HTML ResponseCannot print this item.Attributes changedPodatkovno polje je spremenjenoQgsIdentifyResultsWebViewInvalid URLNapačen URLThe download URL is not valid: %1Save AsShrani kotPrintTiskajQgsIdentifyResultsWebViewItemLoading…QgsImageSourceLineEditAll filesVse datotekeSelect Image FileImage From URLEnter image URLEmbed Image FileExtract Image FileQgsImageWarperProgress IndicationQgsInvertedPolygonRendererWidgetThe inverted polygon renderer only applies to polygon and multipolygon layers.
'%1' is not a polygon layer and then cannot be displayedQgsInvertedPolygonRendererWidgetBaseFormObrazecSub rendererMerge polygons before rendering (slow)QgsJoinDialogThis option allows values of the joined fields to be automatically reloaded when the "Target Field" is changedThis option allows values of the joined layers to be editable if they're themselves editableAutomatically adds a matching row to the joined table, but if one already exists then update that matching row insteadAutomatically delete the corresponding feature of the linked layer if one existsQgsJoinDialogBaseAdd Vector JoinJoin layerPovezani slojJoin fieldPovezovalni stolpecTarget fieldStolpec za povezavo&Joined FieldsCustom Field &Name PrefixDynamic formEdi&table join layerUpsert on editDelete cascadeCache join layer in virtual memoryVirtualiziraj spojeni slojCreate attribute index on join fieldIzdelaj podatkovni indeksQgsLUDialogBaseEnter Class BoundsLower valueMinimalna vrednostUpper valueMaksimalna vrednostQgsLabelEngineConfigDialogAutomated Placement EngineSamodejno postavljanje oznakSearch methodMetodaChain (fast)Verižno (hitro)Popmusic TabuTabuPopmusic ChainVerigaPopmusic Tabu ChainTabu VerigaFALP (fastest)FALP (najhitreje)Number of candidatesŠtevilo kandidatovPointTočkaLineLinijaPolygonPoligonText renderingAllow truncated labels on edges of mapShow candidates (for debugging)Prikaži kandidateShow all labels for all layers (i.e. including colliding objects)Always Render Labels as Paths (Recommended)Always Render Labels as TextQgsLabelPropertyDialogExpression resultRezultat izrazaLayer default (%1)Font ColorBuffer ColorBarva obrisaLeftLevoCenterSredinaRightDesnoBottomDnoBaseHalfCapTopVrhQgsLabelPropertyDialogBaseTextBesediloFontPisavaAvailable typeface stylesSlogi pisaveSizeVelikostLabel PropertiesOsnovnoMinimum scale, i.e. most "zoomed out".StyleSlogUnderlined textPodčrtano besediloUUStrikeout textPrečrtano besediloSSBold text
(data defined only, overrides Style)Povdarjeno besedilo
(podatki določajo slog, prekrije slog)BKItalic text
(data defined only, overrides Style)Poševno besedilo
(podatki določajo slog, prekrije slog)IP˚˚DisplayPrikazScale-basedGlede na meriloShow labelPrikaz oznakIgnores priority and permits collisions/overlapsPrezri prioritete in dovoli prekrivanjaAlways show (exceptions above)Vedno prikaži (izjeme zgoraj)BufferObrisPositionPozicijaLabel distanceOddaljenost oznakeX CoordinateX koordinataY CoordinateY koordinataHorizontal alignmentHorizontalna poravnavaVertical alignmentNavpična poravnavaRotationVrtenjeDefaultPrivzetoQgsLabelingGuiIn edit mode, layer's relevant labeling map tool is:<br> Defined attribute field -> <i>enabled</i><br> Defined expression -> <i>disabled</i>Value < 0 represents a scale closer than 1:1, e.g. -10 = 10:1<br>Value of 0 disables the specific limit.This option is not compatible with line direction symbols.Follow label placementResult of the expression is not a geometryResult of the expression does not match configured geometry type.Change to %1QgsLabelingRulePropsWidgetDescriptionOpisFilterSitoRule PropertiesElseCatch-all for other featuresTestPreveriScale rangeMerilno območjeLabelsOznakeFilter expression parsing error:
Izločene napake:Test FilterFilter returned %n feature(s)number of filtered featuresQgsLabelingWidgetNo labelsSingle labelsRule-based labelingBlockingAutomated placement settings (applies to all layers)QgsLayerCapabilitiesModelLayerSlojIdentifiablePrepoznavaRead-onlySearchableRequiredZahtevanoLayers which are protected from inadvertent removal from the project.QgsLayerItemGuiProviderExport LayerTo File…Add Layer to ProjectAdd Selected Layers to ProjectDelete LayerDelete Selected LayersLayer Properties…File Properties…Item with path %1 no longer exists.Item Layer %1 cannot be deleted.QgsLayerMetadataFormatterFeesPlačiloLicensesRightsConstraintsPovezaveNo contact yet.IDIDNameImePositionPoložajOrganizationPodjetjeRoleEmailVoiceFaxAddressesCRSKSGeographicGeografskaProjectedProjeciranaSpatial ExtentX Minimum:Y Minimum:X Maximum:Y Maximum:Z Minimum:Z Maximum:Temporal ExtentInstant:Start:End:IdentifierParent IdentifierTitleNaslovTypeTipLanguageAbstractAbstraktnoCategoriesKategorijeKeywordsKljučne besedeVocabularyItemsElementNo history yet.ActionUkrepNo links yet.URLURLDescriptionOpisFormatOblikaMIME TypeSizeVelikostQgsLayerPropertiesWidgetOutline: %1Oris: %1QgsLayerStylingWidgetSymbologyOznačevanjeLabelsOznake3D ViewTransparencyProsojnostHistogramHistogramHistoryZgodovinaQgsLayerStylingWidgetBaseFormObrazecNot supported or no layerUndoRazveljavi……RedoUveljaviIf checked, the map canvas will automatically update whenever an option has been changed without the requirement to click ApplyLive updateQgsLayerTreeEmbeddedConfigWidgetBaseFormObrazecAvailable widgetsUsed widgetsAdd selected widgets->Remove selected widgets<-QgsLayerTreeLocatorFilterProject LayersSloji projektaQgsLayerTreeModel (%1 - %2) (%1)QgsLayerTreeOpacityWidgetOpacity sliderQgsLayerTreeViewBadLayerIndicatorProvider<b>Unavailable layer!</b><br>Layer data source could not be found. Click to set a new data sourceQgsLayerTreeViewDefaultActions&Add Group&Vstavi skupino&Remove&Odstrani&Show in Overview&Prikaži na preglednem zemljeviduRe&name GroupRe&name LayerShow Feature CountPrikaži število elementov&Zoom to Layer&Povečaj na obseg sloja&Zoom to Selection&Zoom to GroupPovečaj skupino&Move to Top-level&Prestavi sloj na vrhMove Out of &GroupMove to &Top&Group Selected&Izbrana skupinaMutually Exclusive GroupCheck and All its Children (⌘-click)Check and All its Children (Ctrl-click)Uncheck and All its Children (⌘-click)Uncheck and All its Children (Ctrl-click)Check and All its ParentsQgsLayerTreeViewEmbeddedIndicatorProviderEmbedded from <b>%1</b>QgsLayerTreeViewFilterIndicatorProviderFilterSitoQgsLayerTreeViewMemoryIndicatorProvider<b>Temporary scratch layer only!</b><br>Contents will be discarded after closing this project<b>Samo začasni poskusni sloj!</b><br>Vsebina bo zavržena po zaprtju tega projektaQgsLayerTreeViewNonRemovableIndicatorProviderLayer required by the projectQgsLayoutCreate %1Create ItemUstvari elementDelete ItemsIzbriši elementeDelete ItemGroup ItemsUngroup ItemsChange Item StackingQgsLayout3DMapWidgetBase3D MapScene SettingsCopy Settings from a 3D View…Camera PoseCenter XCenter ZCenter Y ° °HeadingPitchDistanceRazdaljaSet from a 3D View…QgsLayoutAddPagesDialogPortraitPokončnoLandscapeLežečeCustomPrilagojenoQgsLayoutAppMenuProviderGroupSkupinaUngroupRazdružiCopyKopirajCutIzrežiPastePrilepiPage Properties…Remove PageOdstrani stranRemove page from layout?Item Properties…QgsLayoutAtlasAtlas name eval error: %1LayoutPostavitevAtlas sort eval error: %1Atlas filename evaluation error: %1No matching atlas featuresManjkajo geoobjekti za atlasAtlas feature %1 of %2Atlas elementi %1 od %2QgsLayoutAtlasWidgetChange Atlas LayerChange Atlas FilenameAtlasAtlasCould not set filename expression to '%1'.
Parser error:
%2Expression Based FilenameToggle Atlas LayerToggle Atlas SortingChange Atlas SortNo matching atlas features found!Ustrezni geoobjekti za atlas ne obstajajo!Change Atlas FilterChange Atlas NameCould not set filter expression to '%1'.
Parser error:
%2Expression Based FilterFiltriranje z izrazomQgsLayoutAtlasWidgetBaseAtlas GenerationAtlasGenerate an atlasUstvari atlasConfigurationNastavitveSort directionSmer razvrščanja……Filter withFilterHidden coverage layerBrez naslovniceCoverage layerPage nameIme straniSort byRazvrsti poOutputIzhodSingle file export when possibleČe je mogoče izvozi samo eno datotekoImage export formatOutput filename expressionIzraz za ime datotekeQgsLayoutAttributeSelectionDialogAscendingNaraščajočeDescendingRazvrsti od Ž do AQgsLayoutAttributeSelectionDialogBaseSelect AttributesColumnsPodatkovna poljaResetPonastaviClearPočistiSortingRazvrščanjeQgsLayoutAttributeTableColumnModelTop centerBottom centerMiddle centerTop rightNa vrhu desnoBottom rightNa dnu desnoMiddle rightTop leftNa vrhu levoBottom leftNa dnu levoMiddle leftAutomaticSamodejno%1 mm%1 mmAttributeAtributHeadingAlignmentPoravnavaWidthŠirinaQgsLayoutAttributeTableWidgetTable PropertiesUse existing framesUporabi obstoječe okvirjeExtend to next pagePodaljšaj na naslednjo stranRepeat until finishedPonovi do koncaDraw headers onlyHide entire tableSkrij celotno tabeloShow set messageTruncate textWrap textLayer featuresGeoobjekti slojaSelect Header Font ColorSelect Content Font ColorSelect Grid ColorSelect Background ColorNo BackgroundShow only features intersecting %1 featureChange Table AttributesChange Table MapChange Table RowsChange Table MarginChange Table FontChange Font ColorChange Table Line WidthChange Table Grid ColorToggle Table GridToggled Table GridChange Table ColorCurrent atlas featureTrenutni geoobjekti atlasaRelation childrenToggle Visible Features OnlyToggle Table Filter DuplicatesToggle Empty Frame ModeToggle Background DisplayToggle Table Atlas FilterToggle Table Feature FilterChange Table Feature FilterExpression Based FilterFiltriranje z izrazomChange Table AlignmentChange Table Header ModeChange Table Wrap StringChange Table LayerChange Resize ModeSpremeni način spreminjanja velikostiChange Table SourceSpremeni vir tabeleChange Table Source RelationChange Empty Table BehaviorChange Table Wrap ModeChange Show Empty RowsChange Empty Table MessageQgsLayoutAttributeTableWidgetBaseAttribute TablePodatkovna tabelaAttribute tablePodatkovna tabelaSourceVirLayerSlojRelationMaximum rowsNajvečje število vrsticRemove duplicate rows from tableShow only features visible within a mapLinked mapShow only features intersecting atlas featureFilter withFilter……Main PropertiesOsnovne lastnostiRefresh Table DataAttributes…Feature FilteringAppearancePrikazOversized textWrap text onNova vrstica besedila priOn first frameOn all framesNo headerDisplay headerMessage to displayEmpty tables mm mmShow empty rowsBackground colorBarva ozadjaCell marginsShow GridPrikaži mrežoFonts and Text StylingTable HeadingTable ContentsLine widthŠirina linijeAdvanced Customization…ColorBarvaDraw horizontal linesDraw vertical linesAlignmentPoravnavaFollow column alignmentSledi poravnavi stolpcaLeftLevoCenterSredinaRightDesnoFontPisavaHeading fontContents fontFramesOkvirjiResize modeNačin spreminjanja velikostiAdd FrameDodaj okvirDon't export page if frame is emptyNe izvozi strani pri praznem okvirjuDon't draw background if frame is emptyNe nariši ozadja pri praznem okvirjuQgsLayoutColumnAlignmentDelegateTop leftNa vrhu levoTop centerTop rightNa vrhu desnoMiddle leftMiddle centerMiddle rightBottom leftNa dnu levoBottom centerBottom rightNa dnu desnoQgsLayoutColumnSortOrderDelegateAscendingNaraščajočeDescendingRazvrsti od Ž do AQgsLayoutColumnWidthDelegate mm mmAutomaticSamodejnoQgsLayoutDesignerBaseToolboxOrodjarna&Layout&PostavitevLayoutsPostavitve&Add Item&View&Pogled&Toolbars&Orodne vrstice&Panels&Preview&Edit&Urejanje&Items&Align Items&Distribute ItemsRe&sizeAtlasAtlasReportPoročajSettingsNastavitveMain WindowLayout ToolbarNavigation ToolbarActions ToolbarAtlas ToolbarReport Toolbar&CloseClose designerCtrl+QCtrl+QPan LayoutPZoomPovečavaZSelect/Move ItemSelect/Move itemIzberi/premakni objektVZoom &FullZoom fullPrikaži vseCtrl+0Ctrl+0Zoom &InZoom inPovečajCtrl++Ctrl++Zoom &OutZoom outZmanjšajCtrl+-Ctrl+-Zoom to &100%Povečaj na &100%Zoom to 100%Povečaj na 100%Ctrl+1Ctrl+1Zoom to WidthShow Ru&lersShow rulersPrikaži meriloCtrl+RCtrl+RToggle Full Scr&eenToggle full screen modeF11F11Add Pages…Show &GridShow gridPrikaži mrežne črteCtrl+'Ctrl+'S&nap to GridSnap to gridLepi na mrežoCtrl+Shift+'Ctrl+Shift+'Manage Guides…Show G&uidesShow guidesPrikaži pomožne črteCtrl+;Ctrl+;&Snap to GuidesSnap to guidesLepljenje na pomožne črteCtrl+Shift+;Ctrl+Shift+;&Clear GuidesClear guidesPočisti pomožne črteLayout Properties…Show Bounding BoxesShow bounding boxesCtrl+Shift+BCtrl+Shift+BS&mart GuidesSmart guidesPametni vodnikiCtrl+Alt+;Ctrl+Alt+;D&eselect AllDeselect allOdznači vseCtrl+Shift+ACtrl+Shift+A&Select AllSelect all itemsIzberi vse elementeCtrl+ACtrl+P&Invert Selection&Zamenjaj označenoInvert selectionObrni označenoSelect Next Item &BelowIzberi nasledni element &SpodajSelect next item belowIzberi nasledni element spodajCtrl+Alt+[Ctrl+Alt+[Select Next Item &AboveIzberi nasledni element &ZgorajSelect next item aboveIzberi nasledni element zgorajCtrl+Alt+]Ctrl+Alt+]Loc&k Selected ItemsCtrl+LCtrl+PUnl&ock AllUnlock All ItemsOdkleni vse elementeCtrl+Shift+LCtrl+Shift+LToggle Panel &VisibilityHide panelsCtrl+Tab&RaiseRaise selected itemsPovišaj izbrane objekteCtrl+]Ctrl+]&LowerLower selected itemsZnižaj izbrane objekteCtrl+[Ctrl+[Bring to &FrontMove selected items to topIzbrani objekti v ospredjeCtrl+Shift+]Ctrl+Shift+]Send to &BackMove selected items to bottomIzbrani objekti v ozadjeCtrl+Shift+[Ctrl+Shift+[Align &LeftAlign selected items leftPoravnaj izbrane objekte levoAlign &CenterAlign center horizontalPoravnaj sredinsko horizontalnoAlign &RightAlign selected items rightPoravnaj izbrane objekte na desnoAlign &TopAlign selected items to topPoravnaj izbrane objekte na vrhuAlign Center &VerticalAlign center verticalPoravnaj sredinsko vertikalnoAlign &BottomAlign selected items bottomPoravnaj izbrane objekte na konecDistribute &Left EdgesDistributes left edges of items equidistantlyDistributes horizontal centers of items equidistantlyDistribute &Right EdgesDistributes right edges of items equidistantlyDistribute &Top EdgesDistributes top edges of items equidistantlyDistribute &Vertical CentersDistributes vertical centers of items equidistantlyDistribute &Bottom EdgesDistributes bottom edges of items equidistantlyResize to &NarrowestResizes item width to match the narrowest selected itemResize to &WidestResizes item width to match the widest selected itemResize to &ShortestResizes item height to match the shortest selected itemResize to &TallestResizes item height to match the tallest selected item&Delete&BrišiDelete selected itemsBriši izbrane elementeResize to S&quareResizes items to squares&NormalObičajnoNormalObičajnoSimulate Photocopy (&Grayscale)Simulate Fax (&Mono)Simulate Color Blindness (&Protanope)Simulate Color Blindness (&Deuteranope)Show PagesShow pages&GroupGroup itemsZdruži objekteCtrl+GCtrl+G&UngroupUngroup itemsRazdruži objekteCtrl+Shift+GCtrl+Shift+G&Refresh&OsvežiRefresh viewOsveži pogledF5F5Edit Nodes ItemMove &ContentMove item contentPremakni postavko vsebineCPaste in P&lacePaste in placePrilepi v prostorCtrl+Shift+VCtrl+Shift+VSave as &Template…Save as templateShrani kot predlogo&Add Items from Template…Add items from template&Duplicate Layout…&Podvoji poročilo…Duplicate layout&Save Project&Shrani projektSave projectShrani projektCtrl+SCtrl+S&New Layout…New layoutNova postavitevCtrl+NCtrl+NLayout &Manager…&Print Atlas…Export Atlas as &Images…Export Atlas as S&VG…&Export Atlas as PDF…Export Report as &Images…Export Report as S&VG…&Export Report as PDF…&Print…&Print Report…Layout managerRename Layout…Preimenuj postavitev...Rename layoutPreimenuj postavitevDelete Layout…Izbriši poročilo...Delete layoutIzbriši poročiloExport as &Image…Export as imageIzvozi kot sliko&Export as PDF…&Izvozi kot PDF...Export as S&VG…Izvozi kot S%VG...&First FeatureCtrl+<P&revious FeatureCtrl+,&Next FeatureCtrl+.Ctrl+.&Last FeatureCtrl+>Export Atlas as PDFIzvozi atlas kot PDFAtlas &SettingsPreview &AtlasCtrl+Alt+/Export Report as ImagesExport Report as SVGIzvozi poročilo kot SVGExport Report as PDFIzvozi poročilo kot PDFReport &SettingsReport SettingsPrint LayoutCtrl+PCtrl+PPrint ReportNatisni poročiloPa&ge Setup…Page setupNastavitev straniCtrl+Shift+PCtrl+Shift+PLayout &Options…Layout OptionsDistributes the horizontal spacing equally between all itemsDistributes items equidistantly with respect to their vertical edgesDistribute Horizontal &CentersDistribute &Horizontal Spacing EquallyDistribute Vertical Spacing &EquallyQgsLayoutDesignerDialogQGIS Layout DesignerExport AtlasCu&t&IzrežiCutIzreži&Copy&KopirajCopyKopiraj&Paste&PrilepiPastePrilepi%1%%1%Fit LayoutFit Layout WidthZoom levelLayoutPostavitevGuidesItemsElementAtlasAtlasItem PropertiesReport OrganizerAdd %1Adds a new %1 to the layoutx: %1 %2y: %1 %2page: %1Add PagesSave templateShrani predlogoLayout templatesError creating template file.Save TemplateLoad templateOdpri predlogoCould not read template file.Ni mogoče prebrati predloge.%1 copy%1 kopirajDuplicating layout…Save Report As<p>The SVG export function in QGIS has several problems due to bugs and deficiencies in the underlying Qt SVG library. In particular, there are problems with layers not being clipped to the map bounding box.</p>Duplicate layoutLayout duplication failed.Delete LayoutAre you sure you want to delete the layout “%1”?Print layoutMemory Allocation ErrorNapaka pri določanju pomnilnikaPrinting the layout resulted in a memory overflow.
Please try a lower resolution or a smaller paper size.Export layoutSuccessfully exported layout to <a href="%1">%2</a>Image Export ErrorCannot write to %1.
This file may be open in another application.Trying to create image %1 (%2×%3 @ %4dpi ) resulted in a memory overflow.
Please try a lower resolution or a smaller paper size.Export to PDFPDF FormatPDF oblikaCould not create print device.Undo History%1 PanelLoad from TemplateNaloži iz predlogeDuplicate LayoutSuccessfully printed layout to %1.Successfully printed layout.Could not create print device for %1.Print LayoutExporting the PDF resulted in a memory overflow.
Please try a lower resolution or a smaller paper size.Export to SVGSVG FormatSVG oblikaCannot create layered SVG file %1.Exporting the SVG resulted in a memory overflow.
Please try a lower resolution or a smaller paper size.Atlas is not enabled for this layout!No matching atlas features found!Ustrezni geoobjekti za atlas ne obstajajo!AbortPrekiniPrinting maps…Printing AtlasPrint atlasPrint AtlasThe filename expression is empty. A default one will be used instead.Export Atlas to DirectoryExporting AtlasExport atlasSuccessfully exported atlas to <a href="%1">%2</a>Error encountered while exporting atlasTrying to create image of %2×%3 @ %4dpi resulted in a memory overflow.
Please try a lower resolution or a smaller paper size.PanelsOknaToolbarsOrodne vrsticePrinting “%1”Save Layout AsExporting “%1”Successfully printed atlas to %1.Atlas uspešno natisnjen v %1.Successfully printed atlas.Atlas uspešno natisnjen.Error encountered while printing atlas.Med tiskanjem atlasa je prišlo do napake.Export Atlas as ImageIzvozi atlas kot slikoUnable to write into the given output directory. Canceling.Rendering maps…Upodabljam karte...Error encountered while exporting atlas.Med izvozov atlasa je prišlo do napake.Export Atlas as SVGIzvozi atlas kot SVGCannot create layered SVG file.Exporting ReportIzvažam poročiloExport reportIzvozi poročiloSuccessfully exported report to <a href="%1">%2</a>Poročilo uspešno izvoženo v <a href="%1">%2</a>Error encountered while exporting reportMed izvozom poročila je prišlo do napakePrinting ReportTiskanje poročilaPrint reportNatisni poročiloPrinting the report resulted in a memory overflow.
Please try a lower resolution or a smaller paper size.Print ReportNatisni poročiloExport Atlas as PDFIzvozi atlas kot PDFRendering report…Upodabljam poročilo...Export Report as ImageIzvozi poročilo kot slikoExport Report as SVGIzvozi poročilo kot SVGError encountered while exporting report.Med tiskanjem poročila je prišlo do napake.Export Report as PDFIzvozi poročilo kot PDFSuccessfully printed report to %1.Poročilo uspešno natisnjeno na %1.Successfully printed report.Poročilo uspešno natisnjeno.Error encountered while printing report.Med tiskanjem poročila je prišlo do napake.Project Contains WMS LayersProjekt vsebuje WMS slojeSome WMS servers (e.g. UMN mapserver) have a limit for the WIDTH and HEIGHT parameter. Printing layers from such servers may exceed this limit. If this is the case, the WMS layer will not be printedDoločeni WMS strežniki (npr. UMN strežnik kart) imajo omejitev za parametre ŠIRINA in VIŠINA. Tiskanje plasti iz takšnih strežnikov lahko preseže te omejitve. Če je temu tako, plast WMS ne bo natisnjenaDon't show this message againTega sporočila ne kaži večExport as SVGIzvozi kot SVGIf you require a vector-based output file from QGIS it is suggested that you try exporting to PDF if the SVG output is not satisfactory.</p>Composition EffectsUčinki kompozicijeAdvanced composition effects such as blend modes or vector layer transparency are enabled in this layout, which cannot be printed as vectors. Printing as a raster is recommended.Print as rasterNatisni kot rasterForce VectorThis layout has the "Always export as vectors" option enabled, but the layout contains effects such as blend modes or vector layer transparency, which cannot be printed as vectors. The generated file will differ from the layout contents.Never show this message againTega sporočila ne prikaži večExport LayoutIzvozi postavitevTo create an image of %1x%2 requires about %3 MB of memory. Proceed?Ustvarjanje slike %1x%2 potrebuje okoli %3 MB pomnilnika. Nadaljujem?Always Export Text as Paths (Recommended)Always Export Text as Text Objectsatlasatlasreportporočilo&Duplicate Layout…&Podvoji postavitev…Delete Layout…Izbriši postavitev...Delete layoutIzbriši postavitevRename Layout…Preimenuj postavitev...Rename layoutPreimenuj postavitevNew Layout…Nova postavitev...New layoutNova postavitev&Duplicate Report…&Podvoji poročilo…Duplicate reportPodvoji poročiloDelete Report…Izbriši poročiloDelete reportIzbriši poročiloRename Report…Preimenuj poročilo...Rename reportPreimenuj poročiloNew Report…Novo poročilo...New reportNovo poročiloChecking LayoutThe layout generated the following warnings. Please review and address these before proceeding with the layout export.QgsLayoutFrame<Frame><Frame>QgsLayoutGuideCollectionMove GuideRemove Guide(s)Create GuideClear GuidesPočisti pomožne črteApply GuidesChange Guide VisibilityQgsLayoutGuideWidgetGuidesRemove Horizontal GuidesRemove Vertical GuidesGuides for page %1Remove All GuidesQgsLayoutGuideWidgetBaseCompositionTiskovinaGuides for page 1Horizontal GuidesAdd new guideRemove selected guideVertical GuidesResets all other pages' guides to match this pageApply to All PagesNastavi pri vseh stranehRemoves all guides from the current pageClear All GuidesQgsLayoutHtmlWidgetHTML PropertiesLastnosti HTMLUse existing framesUporabi obstoječe okvirjeExtend to next pagePodaljšaj na naslednjo stranRepeat on every pagePonovi na vsaki straniRepeat until finishedPonovi do koncaChange HTML UrlSpremeni HTML UrlSelect HTML documentIzberi HTML dokumentChange Resize ModeSpremeni način spreminjanja velikostiChange Evaluate ExpressionsChange Smart BreaksSpremeni pametne prelomeChange Page Break DistanceChange HTMLSpremeni HTMLChange User StylesheetToggle User StylesheetToggle Empty Frame ModeToggle Hide BackgroundChange HTML SourceSpremeni HTML virInsert ExpressionVstavi izrazQgsLayoutHtmlWidgetBaseHTML FrameHTML okvirHTML frameHTML okvirHTML SourceHTML virIf checked, expressions inside [% %] tags will be evaluated prior to rendering the HTMLEvaluate QGIS expressions in HTML sourcePreveri QGIS izraze v HTML viruRefresh HTMLOsveži HTML……SourceVirURLURLInsert an ExpressionUse Smart Page BreaksUser StylesheetFramesOkvirjiDon't export page if frame is emptyNe izvozi strani pri praznem okvirjuAdd FrameDodaj okvirResize modeNačin spreminjanja velikostiDon't draw background if frame is emptyNe nariši ozadja pri praznem okvirjuMaximum distanceNajvečja razdalja mm mmUpdate HTMLPosodobi HTMLQgsLayoutImageExportOptionsDialogImage Export OptionsNastavitve izvoza slikeExport resolutionIzvozna ločljivostPage heightVišina strani dpi dpiAutoSamodejno px pxPage widthŠirina straniTop margin (px)Export OptionsCrop to ContentLeftLevoRightDesnoBottomDnoIf checked, a separate world file which georeferences exported images will be createdGenerate world fileUstvari world datotekoIf unchecked, the generated images will not be antialiasedEnable antialiasingQgsLayoutItem<%1><%1><item><item>Change Item IDSpremeni ID elementaShow ItemPrikaži elementHide ItemSkrij elementLock ItemZakleni elementUnlock ItemOdkleni elementQgsLayoutItem3DMap3D Map %1Scene not setLoadingQgsLayoutItemAttributeTable<Attribute table frame><Attribute table frame>QgsLayoutItemGroup<Group><Group>Set Group VisibilityNastavi vidnost skupineMove groupPremakni skupinoResize GroupSpremeni velikost skupineQgsLayoutItemHtmlLayout HTML item<HTML frame>QgsLayoutItemLabelLayout label item<HTML Label><Label>%1…%1…QgsLayoutItemLegend<Legend>%1…%1…Legend SettingsQgsLayoutItemMapMap %1Zemljevid %1Grid %1Overview %1Rendering mapMap SettingsQgsLayoutItemMapGridGridMrežaQgsLayoutItemPicturePicture expression eval errorQgsLayoutItemPolygon<Polygon>QgsLayoutItemPolyline<Polyline>QgsLayoutItemPropertiesWidgetLayout ItemChange Frame ColorChange Background ColorMove ItemPremakni objektChange Item ReferenceResize ItemChange Frame Stroke WidthChange Frame Join StyleEnable FrameDisable FrameEnable BackgroundDisable BackgroundSelect Background ColorSelect Frame ColorChange Blend ModeChange OpacityChange Item IDSpremeni ID elementaRotateExclude from ExportsInclude in ExportsQgsLayoutItemShape<Ellipse><Rectangle><Triangle><Shape>QgsLayoutItemTextTable<Text table frame>QgsLayoutItemWidgetBaseGlobal OptionsNastavitvePosition and SizeYDa……PageStranHeightVišinaLock aspect ratio (including while drawing extent onto canvas)XXWidthŠirinaReference pointReferenčna točkaRotationVrtenje ° °FrameOkvirColorBarvaThicknessDebelinaJoin styleSlog vozliščBackgroundOzadjeItem IDIdentifikatorIdIdRenderingPrikazBlending modeNačin prekrivanjaExclude item from exportsOpacityProsojnostVariablesSpremenljivkeQgsLayoutItemsListViewCopy ItemDelete ItemItem Properties…QgsLayoutLabelWidgetLabel PropertiesOsnovnoSelect Font ColorIzberi barvo pisaveChange Label ModeChange Label TextChange Label FontChange Label AlignmentChange Label MarginChange Label ColorInsert ExpressionVstavi izrazInsert expressionVstavi izrazQgsLayoutLabelWidgetBaseLabel OptionsLastnosti oznakLabelOznakaRender as HTMLPrikaži kot HTMLMain PropertiesOsnovne lastnostiInsert an Expression…AppearancePrikazHorizontal alignmentHorizontalna poravnava mm mmTopVrhMiddleV sredinoBottomDnoVertical marginHorizontal marginFont colorBarva pisaveLeftLevoJustifyRightDesnoCenterSredinaVertical alignmentNavpična poravnavaFontPisavaQgsLayoutLegendLayersDialogBaseAdd Layer to LegendSearchIskanjeIf checked, only layers visible within the map will be listedShow visible layers onlyQgsLayoutLegendWidgetLegend PropertiesSelect Font ColorIzberi barvo pisaveSelect Stroke ColorBarva okvirjaChange Legend WrapChange Legend TitleChange Title AlignmentChange Column CountSplit Legend LayersLegend Column WidthResize Symbol WidthResize Symbol HeightResize WMS WidthResize WMS HeightChange Title SpaceChange Group SpaceChange Layer SpaceChange Symbol SpaceChange Label SpaceChange Title FontChange Group FontChange Layer FontChange Item FontChange Font ColorChange Box SpaceChange Column SpaceChange Line SpaceMoved Legend Item DownMove Legend Item UpChange Auto UpdateChange Legend MapResize Legend to ContentsChange Legend BordersResize Legend BordersChange Legend Border ColorAdd Legend Item(s)Remove Legend ItemUpdate LegendAdd Legend GroupGroupSkupinaOnly show items inside current %1 featureFilter out legend elements that lie outside the current %1 feature.Item textBesedilo postavkeLegend Item PropertiesEdit Legend ItemQgsLayoutLegendWidgetBaseLegend OptionsLastnosti legendeLegendLegenda&Title&NaslovTitle alignmentMapZemljevidResize to fit contentsWrap text onNova vrstica besedila pri……LeftLevoCenterSredinaRightDesnoAuto updateUpdate whole legend. Layers are added/removed according to main application legend. User defined labels will be deleted.Posodobi legendo. Plasti se dodajo oziroma odstranijo glede na osnovno legendo. lastne oznake bodo izbrisane.Add groupVstavi skupinoShow feature count for each class of vector layer.Pokaži število elementov za vsako postavko legende.Main PropertiesOsnovne lastnostiLegend ItemsKeeps the legend contents synchronized with the main application legend. Customization is not possible and must be done in the main application.Update AllFilter Legend by Map ContentFilter out legend elements that lie outside the current atlas feature.Only show items inside current atlas featureFontsPisaveTitle fontGroup fontSubgroup fontItem fontFont colorBarva pisaveColumnsPodatkovna poljaCountŠteviloEqual column widthsEnaka širina stolpcevAllow splitting layer items into multiple columns.Split layersRazdeli plastiSymbolSimbolSymbol widthŠirina simbola mm mmSymbol heightVišina simbola Draw stroke for raster symbolsStroke colorBarva obrobeThicknessDebelinaHairlineWMS LegendGraphicWMS podoba legendeLegend widthŠirina legendeLegend heightVišina legendeSpacingRazmikSpace above text using group style.Oddaljenost nad besedilom.Group spaceSpace above text using subgroup style.Oddaljenost nad besedilom.Subgroup spaceVelikost podskupineSpace above symbol and symbol label.Razmak med simbolom in oznako.Symbol spaceRazmak med simbolomSpace between symbol icon and symbol label (symbol label left margin).Razdalja med sliko simbola in oznako (levi rob oznake).Icon label spaceVelikost ikoneBox spaceVelikost okvirjaColumn spaceVelikost stolpcaLine spaceSpace below title.Razdalja pod naslovom.Title spaceNaslovQgsLayoutLocatorFilterProject LayoutsPostavitve projektaQgsLayoutManagerLayout %1Report %1QgsLayoutManagerBaseLayout Manager&Duplicate…Re&name…&Remove…&Show&PrikažiNew from TemplateNovo iz predlogeCreate…Open template directoryOdpri mapoUserUporabnikDefaultPrivzetoQgsLayoutManagerDialogLayout templatesSelect a TemplateEmpty layoutEmpty reportSpecificPosebnoOpen DirectoryOdpri direktorijRemove LayoutRemove LayoutsDuplicate LayoutTemplate file “%1” not found.Use <i>Settings --> Options --> Layouts --> Layout Paths</i> to configure the folders in which QGIS will search for print layout templates.Create LayoutCould not read template file “%1”.Invalid template file “%1”.Could not open or create local directory “%1”.Do you really want to remove the print layout “%1”?Do you really want to remove all selected print layouts?%1 copy%1 kopirajDuplicating layout…Layout duplication failed.QgsLayoutManagerModelThere is already a layout named “%1”.Rename LayoutPreimenuj postavitevQgsLayoutMapGridWidgetMap Grid PropertiesSolidPolnoCrossKrižciMarkersOznakeFrame and annotations onlySamo okvir in napisiDecimalDecimalnoDecimal with suffixDecimalno s predponoDegree, minuteStopinje, minuteDegree, minute with suffixDegree, minute alignedDegree, minute, secondDegree, minute, second with suffixDegree, minute, second alignedCustomPrilagojenoSelect Font ColorIzberi barvo pisaveSelect Grid Frame ColorSelect Grid Frame Fill ColorTransparent FrameNo FrameZebra (Nautical)Interior TicksExterior TicksInterior and Exterior TicksLine BorderLine Border (Nautical)Transparent FillProsojno polniloChange Frame DivisionsSpremeni mere okvirjaChange Annotation FormatSpremeni format napisovShow allPokaži vseShow latitude onlySamo geografska širinaShow longitude onlySamo geografska dolžinaInside frameNotranji okvirOutside frameZunanji okvirHorizontalVodoravnoVertical ascendingNavpični vzponVertical descendingNavpični spustDisabledOnemogočenoChange Annotation PositionChange Annotation DirectionAllVseLatitude/Y onlySamo širina/YLongitude/X onlySamo dolžina/XMap unitEnota zemljevidaMillimeterMilimeterCentimeterCentimeterChange…Spremeni...Change Grid IntervalChange Grid OffsetChange Cross WidthChange Frame WidthChange Grid Frame MarginChange Frame LeftChange Frame RightChange Frame TopChange Frame BottomChange Frame ThicknessChange Frame ColorChange Frame Fill ColorChange Frame StyleZebraZebraChange Grid UnitChange Grid Blend ModeChange Grid TypeChange Grid CRSToggle AnnotationsPreklopi napiseExpression Based AnnotationChange Annotation DistanceChange Annotation FontChange Grid Line StyleChange Grid Marker StyleChange Annotation ColorChange Annotation PrecisionQgsLayoutMapGridWidgetBaseMap OptionsLastnosti zemljevidaAppearancePrikazGrid typeVrsta mrežeCRSCRSChange…Spremeni...Interval unitsMap unitEnota zemljevidaMillimeterMilimeterCentimeterCentimeterIntervalintervalX XY Y OffsetZamikCross widthŠirina križca mm mmLine styleSlog črteMarker styleSlog oznakeBlend modePrekrivanjeFrameOkvirFrame styleSlog okvirjaFrame sizeVelikost okvirja
Frame line thicknessDebelina črtFrame fill colorsBarva polnilaLeft sideLeva stranRight sideDesna stranTop sideZgornji robBottom sideSpodnji robRight divisionsLeft divisionsTop divisionsBottom divisionsFrame marginDraw CoordinatesFormatOblika……LeftLevoRightDesnoTopVrhBottomDnoFontPisavaFont colorBarva pisaveDistance to map frameOdddaljenost do roba zemljevidaCoordinate precisionNatančnost koordinateQgsLayoutMapItemBlocksLabelsModelChange Label Blocking ItemsQgsLayoutMapLabelingWidgetLabel SettingsNastavitve oznakChange Label MarginChange Label VisibilityQgsLayoutMapLabelingWidgetBaseMap OptionsLastnosti zemljevidaPlacementPoložajNo labels will be placed within this distance of the map’s edges, or from any label-blocking items which are checked below.<b>Margin from map edges</b>……Allow truncated labels on edges of mapLabel Blocking ItemsAvoid placing labels under these itemsQgsLayoutMapWidgetMap PropertiesLastnosti karteBelow MapBelow Map LayerAbove Map LayerBelow Map LabelsAbove Map LabelsUse project CRSUporabi koordinatni sistem projektaSet layer list from a map themeControlled by %1atlasatlasAtlasAtlasReportPoročajUse one of the predefined scales of the project where the %1 feature best fits.No presets definedChange Map Preset(none)(nič)Change Map CRSSpremeni koordinatni sistem karteChange Overview StyleSet Atlas DrivenChange Atlas ModeChange Atlas MarginChange Atlas ScalesChange Map ScaleChange Map RotationChange Map ExtentChange Overview PositionMap Preset ChangedToggle Map ItemGrid %1Add Map GridRemove GridMove Grid UpMove Grid DownDraw "%1" gridRename GridToggle Grid DisplayOverview %1Add Map OverviewRemove Map OverviewMove Overview UpMove Overview DownDraw "%1" overviewOverview Display ToggledChange Overview MapChange Overview Blend ModeToggle Overview InvertedToggle Overview CenteredQgsLayoutMapWidgetBaseMap OptionsLastnosti zemljevidaMapZemljevidCRSCRS ° °……Draw map canvas itemsNariši objekte na zemljeviduScaleMeriloMap rotationLayersPlastiFollow map themeLock layersLock styles for layersExtentsObsegX minX minY minY minX maxX maxY maxY maksChange…Spremeni...Main PropertiesOsnovne lastnostiUpdate PreviewControlled by AtlasMargin around featureObroba okoli elementa%%Use one of the predefined scales of the project where the atlas feature best fits.Predefined scale (best fit)Fixed scaleFiksno meriloGridsRastriAdd a new gridRemove selected gridMove selected grid upMove selected grid downDraw gridPrikaži mrežoModify Grid…OverviewsAdd a new overviewRemove selected overviewMove selected overview upMove selected overview downDraw overviewPositionPoložajMap frameOkvir karteFrame styleSlog okvirjaBlending modeNačin prekrivanjaInvert overviewObrni pregledno kartoCenter on overviewSredina glede na pregledno kartoStacking layerUpdate Map PreviewSet to Map Canvas ExtentSet Map Extent to Match Main Canvas ExtentView Extent in Map CanvasView Current Map Extent in Main CanvasMove Map ContentPremakni vsebino zemljevidaInteractively Edit Map ExtentView Scale in Map CanvasSet Main Canvas to Match Current Map ScaleSet to Map Canvas ScaleSet Map Scale to Match Main Canvas ScaleLabel SettingsNastavitve oznakLabeling SettingsNastavitve označevanjaQgsLayoutModelItemElementQgsLayoutMouseHandlesMove ItemsPremakni elementeResize ItemsSpremeni velikost elementov%1 items selected%1 postavk izbranih1 item selected1 postavka izbranadx: %1 mm dy: %2 mmdx: %1 mm dy: %2 mmwidth: %1 mm height: %2 mmširina: %1 mm višina: %2 mmQgsLayoutMultiFrameChange Resize ModeSpremeni način spreminjanja velikosti<Multiframe><Multiframe>QgsLayoutNewItemPropertiesDialogNew Item PropertiesLastnosti novega elementaReference PointPosition and SizeHeightVišinaWidthŠirinaYDaXXLock aspect ratio (including while drawing extent onto canvas)PageStranQgsLayoutNewPageDialogInsert PagesVstavi stranPage SizeVelikost straniSizeVelikostWidthŠirinaOrientationUsmerjenostHeightVišinaLock aspect ratio (including while drawing extent onto canvas)page(s)StraniInsertDodajBefore PagePrejšnja stranAfter PageNaslednja stranAt EndNa koncuQgsLayoutObjectlist of map layer names separated by | charactersImena na seznamu slojev karte so ločeni z znakom |name of an existing map theme (case-sensitive)QgsLayoutPageCollectionResize to ContentsPovečaj na obseg vsebineMove ItemPremakni objektMove GuidesPremakni vodilaAdd PageDodaj stranRemove PageOdstrani stranRemove PagesOdstrani stranQgsLayoutPagePropertiesWidgetNew Item PropertiesLastnosti novega elementaBackgroundOzadjePage SizeVelikost straniWidthŠirinaLock aspect ratio (including while drawing extent onto canvas)……HeightVišinaSizeVelikostOrientationUsmerjenostIf checked, this page will not be included when exporting the layoutExclude page from exportsPortraitPokončnoLandscapeLežečeCustomPrilagojenoChange Page SizeSpremeni velikost straniChange Page BackgroundSpremeni ozadje straniInclude Page in ExportsVključi stran v izvozExclude Page from ExportsIzključi stran iz izvozaQgsLayoutPictureWidgetPicture PropertiesLastnosti slikeSelect Fill ColorBarva polnilaSelect Stroke ColorBarva okvirjaGrid northSever na mrežoTrue northGeografski severChange PictureSpremeni slikoChange Picture RotationSpremeni zasuk slikeSelect SVG or Image FileIzberi SVG ali slikovno datotekoSelect New Preview DirectoryChange Resize ModeSpremeni način spreminjanja velikostiChange PlacementSpremeni položajToggle Rotation SyncChange Rotation MapAdding Icons…Dodajanje ikon...AbortPrekiniCreating icon for file %1Sličica za datoteko %1Change Picture Fill ColorSpremeni barvo polnila slikeChange Picture Stroke ColorSpremeni barvo obrobe slikeChange Picture Stroke WidthSpremeni debelino obrobe slikeChange Picture North OffsetChange Picture North ModeQgsLayoutPictureWidgetBasePicture OptionsLastnosti slikePictureSlikaMain PropertiesOsnovne lastnostiImage sourceVir slike……Resize modeNačin spreminjanja velikostiZoomPovečavaStretchRaztegniClipObrežiZoom and resize framePovečaj in spremeni velikost okvirjaResize frame to image sizePrilagodi okvir velikosti slikePlacementPoložajTop leftNa vrhu levoTop centerTop rightNa vrhu desnoMiddle leftMiddleV sredinoMiddle rightBottom leftNa dnu levoBottom centerBottom rightNa dnu desnoSearch DirectoriesLoading previews…Nalagam predoglede...Add…Dodaj...Image RotationZasuk slikeImage search pathsMapa s slikamiRemoveOdstraniSVG ParametersParametri SVG mm mmStroke colorBarva obrobeStroke widthDebelinaFill colorBarva polnilaNorth alignmentSync with mapUskladi z zemljevidom ° °OffsetZamikQgsLayoutPolygonWidgetPolygon PropertiesLastnosti poligonaChange Shape StyleQgsLayoutPolygonWidgetBaseFormObrazecPolygonPoligonMain PropertiesOsnovne lastnostiChange…Spremeni...QgsLayoutPolylineWidgetPolyline PropertiesArrow PropertiesLastnosti puščiceSelect Arrow Head Stroke ColorSelect Arrow Head Fill ColorTransparent StrokeProsojni okvirTransparent FillProsojno polniloChange Shape StyleChange Arrow HeadChange Arrow WidthChange Arrow Fill ColorSpremeni barvo polnila puščiceChange Arrow Stroke ColorSpremeni barvo obrobe puščiceSet Arrow MarkerNastavi oznako puščiceSet Line MarkerNastavi oznako linijeSet SVG MarkerNastavi SVG simbolChange Start Marker FileChange End Marker FileStart marker svg fileZačetna označba svg datotekeEnd marker svg fileKončna označba svg datotekeQgsLayoutPolylineWidgetBaseFormObrazecPolylineLinijaMain PropertiesOsnovne lastnostiLine Style…Slog linije...Line MarkersOznake linijeArrow stroke colorBarva obrobe poščice mm mmArrow head widthVelikost puščiceStart markerZačetna oznaka……NoneBrezArrowPuščicaSVGSVGArrow stroke widthDebelina obrobe puščiceEnd markerKončna oznakaArrow fill colorBarva polnila puščiceSVG pathSVG potQgsLayoutPropertiesWidgetLayout PropertiesLastnosti postavitveResize to ContentsPovečaj na obseg vsebineSet Reference MapNastavi referenčni zemljevidSet Default DPINastavi privzet DPIQgsLayoutQptDropHandlerCould not read template file.Ni mogoče prebrati predloge.Load from TemplateNaloži iz predlogeQgsLayoutScaleBarWidgetScalebar PropertiesNastavitve merilaSingle BoxEnojni okvirDouble BoxDvojni okvirLine Ticks MiddleČrta se dotika sredineLine Ticks DownČrta se dotika spodajLine Ticks UpČrta se dotika zgorajNumericŠteviloLeftLevoMiddleV sredinoRightDesnoMap unitsEnote zemljevidaMetersMetriKilometersKilometriFeetČevljiYardsJardiMilesMiljeNautical MilesNavtične miljeCentimetersCentimetriMillimetersMillimetriSelect Fill ColorBarva polnilaTransparent FillProsojno polniloSelect Alternate Fill ColorIzberi alternativno barvo polnilaTransparent LineProsojna linijaScalebar FontPisava merilaSelect Line ColorIzberi barvo linijeSet Scalebar Line WidthNastavi debelino linije merilaSet Scalebar Segment SizeSet Scalebar SegmentsSet Scalebar HeightSet Scalebar FontSet Scalebar Fill ColorSet Scalebar Stroke ColorSet Scalebar Unit TextSet Scalebar Map Units per SegmentSet Scalebar StyleSet Scalebar Label SpaceSet Scalebar Box SpaceSet Scalebar AlignmentSet Scalebar UnitsSet Scalebar Join StyleSet Scalebar Cap StyleSet Scalebar Size ModeSet Scalebar MapQgsLayoutScaleBarWidgetBaseScalebar OptionsScalebarMeriloSt&yle&MapUnitsEnoteScalebar unitsEnote merila&Label for unitsSpecifies how many scalebar units per labeled unit. For example, if your scalebar units are set to "meters", a multiplier of 1000 will result in the scalebar labels in kilometers.Specifies the underlying units used for scalebar calculations, e.g., "meters" or "feet"Label unit multiplierSegmentsSegmentiNumber of scalebar units per scalebar segment units enoteHeightVišinaright desno left levo Fi&xed widthFit segment width mm mmDisplayPrikazBox marginOkvirAlignmentPoravnavaLabels marginOznakeLine widthŠirina linijeCap styleSlog zaključkovJoin styleSlog vozlišč……Secondary fill colorFill colorBarva polnilaMain PropertiesOsnovne lastnostiText used for labeling the scalebar units, e.g., "m" or "km". This should be matched to reflect the multiplier above.Fonts and ColorsLine colorBarva črtFontPisavaQgsLayoutShapeWidgetShape PropertiesRectanglePravokotnikEllipseElipsaTriangleTrikotnikChange Shape StyleChange Shape RadiusChange Shape TypeQgsLayoutShapeWidgetBaseFormObrazecShapeOblikaMain PropertiesOsnovne lastnostiCorner radiusRadij kotovStyleSlogChange…Spremeni...QgsLayoutTableNo matching recordsQgsLayoutTableBackgroundColorsDialogChange Table BackgroundSelect Background ColorNo BackgroundQgsLayoutTableBackgroundDialogTable Background ColorsFirst rowHeader rowEven columnsFirst columnEven rowsOdd columnsLast rowLast columnDefault cell backgroundOdd rows<html><head/><body><p>Check options to enable shading for matching cells. Options lower in this list will take precedence over higher options. For example, if both "<span style=" font-style:italic;">First row</span>" and "<span style=" font-style:italic;">Odd rows</span>" are checked, the cells in the first row will be shaded using the color specified for "<span style=" font-style:italic;">First row</span>".</p></body></html>QgsLayoutTableSortColumnsProxyModelDescendingRazvrsti od Ž do AAscendingNaraščajočeAttributeAtributSort OrderRazporediQgsLayoutViewCut ItemsIzreži elementePaste ItemsPrilepi elementeLock ItemsZakleni elementeUnlock ItemsOdkleni elementeDelete ItemsIzbriši elementeMove ItemPremakni objektQgsLayoutViewEllipticalRubberBandwidth: %1 %3 height: %2 %3QgsLayoutViewRectangularRubberBandwidth: %1 %3 height: %2 %3QgsLayoutViewToolAddItemAdd itemVstavi elementCreate %1Create ItemUstvari elementQgsLayoutViewToolAddNodeItemAdd itemVstavi elementQgsLayoutViewToolEditNodesSelectOznačiRemove Item NodeMove Item NodeAdd Item NodeQgsLayoutViewToolMoveItemContentSelectOznačiMove Item ContentZoom Item ContentQgsLayoutViewToolPanPanPomakniQgsLayoutViewToolSelectSelectOznačiQgsLayoutViewToolTemporaryKeyPanPanPomakniQgsLayoutViewToolTemporaryMousePanPanPomakniQgsLayoutViewToolZoomPanPomakniQgsLayoutViewTriangleRubberBandwidth: %1 %3 height: %2 %3QgsLayoutWidgetBaseCompositionTiskovinaGeneral SettingsReference mapSpecifies the master map for this composition, which is used to georeference composer exports and for scale calculation for item styles.Guides and Gridx: x: y: y: px pxGrid spacingPresledek mrežeGrid offsetMrežaSnap toleranceToleranca magnetenjaExport SettingsResize Layout to ContentIf checked, a separate world file which georeferences exported images will be createdSave world fileShrani world datotekoExport resolutionIzvozna ločljivost dpi dpiIf checked, exports from this layout will be rasterized.Print as rasterNatisni slikoIf checked, the layout will always be kept as vector objects when exported to a compatible format, even if the appearance of the resultant file does not match the layouts settings. If unchecked, some elements in the layout may be rasterized in order to keep their appearance intact.Always export as vectorsMargin unitsTop marginLeftLevoRightDesnoBottomDnoResize layoutVariablesSpremenljivkeQgsLegendFilterButtonEdit Filter Expression…Clear Filter ExpressionEdit filter expressionUrejanje izraza filtraEdit filter expression (current: %1)QgsLightsWidgetFormObrazec......XXZYDaIntensity<html><head/><body><p>Attenuation (A<span style=" vertical-align:sub;">0</span>+A<span style=" vertical-align:sub;">1</span>*D+A<span style=" vertical-align:sub;">2</span>*D<span style=" vertical-align:super;">2</span>)</p></body></html>ColorBarva<html><head/><body><p>A<span style=" vertical-align:sub;">0</span></p></body></html><html><head/><body><p>A<span style=" vertical-align:sub;">1</span></p></body></html><html><head/><body><p>A<span style=" vertical-align:sub;">2</span></p></body></html>Add LightIt is not possible to add more than 8 lights to the scene.Light %1QgsLimitedRandomColorRampDialogRandom Color RampNaključna barvna lestvicaQgsLimitedRandomColorRampWidgetBaseRandom Color RampNaključna barvna lestvicaHueNiansatodoSaturationNasičenostValueVrednostClassesRazrediPreviewPredogledQgsLocatorFiltersModelFilterSitoPrefixPredponaEnabledOmogočenoDefaultPrivzetoConfigurationNastavitveQgsLocatorWidgetType to locate (⌘K)Type to locate (Ctrl+K)<type here>Configure…Nastavi...QgsLockedFeatureValidation started.Preverjam.Validation finished (%n error(s) found).number of geometry errorsQgsManageConnectionsDialogSelect allIzberi vseClear selectionPočisti izbiroSelect connections to importPovezave za uvozImportUvozExportIzvozExport/Import ErrorNapaka pri izvozu/uvozuSave ConnectionsShrani povezaveSaving ConnectionsShranjevanje povezavLoading ConnectionsNalaganje povezavThe file is not a WMS connections exchange file.The file is not a WFS connections exchange file.The file is not a WCS connections exchange file.The file is not a PostGIS connections exchange file.The file is not a MSSQL connections exchange file.The file is not a DB2 connections exchange file.The file is not a GeoNode connections exchange file.The file is not a XYZ Tiles connections exchange file.The file is not a %1 connections exchange file.You should select at least one connection from list.Iz seznama je potrebno izbrati vsaj eno povezavo.XML files (*.xml *.XML)XML datoteke (*.xml *.XML)Cannot write file %1:
%2.Nezapisljiva datoteka %1:
%2.Cannot read file %1:
%2.Ne morem prebrati datoteke %1:
%2.Parse error at line %1, column %2:
%3Napaka pri razčlenjanju v vrstici %1,stolpca %2:
%3The file is not an Oracle connections exchange file.Connection with name '%1' already exists. Overwrite?Povezava '%1' že obstaja. Prepišem?QgsManageConnectionsDialogBaseManage ConnectionsUpravljaj povezaveSelect connections to exportIzberi povezavo za izvozQgsMapCanvasMap CanvasPlatno karteRenderingPrikazCanvas refresh: %1 msCannot zoom to selected feature(s)No extent could be determined.Obsega ni bilo mogoče določitiPan to feature id failedPremik na id geoobjekta ni uspelFeature does not have a geometryGeoobjekt nima geometrijeFeature geometry is emptyGeometrija geoobjekta je praznaZoom to feature id failedPovečava na id geoobjekta ni uspelaFeature not foundGeoobjekt ni najdenCannot pan to selected feature(s)QgsMapCanvasDockWidgetSet View ThemeView SettingsNastavitve pogledaChange Map CRS (%1)…Spremeni koordinatni sistem karte (%1)...No projectionNi projekcije(default)(privzeto)QgsMapCanvasDockWidgetBaseMap CanvasPlatno karteSet Map CRS…Nastavi koordinantni sistem karte...Set Map CRSNastavi koordinantni sistem karteRename View…Preimenuj pogled...Rename ViewPreimenuj pogledZoom to &SelectionPovečava na obseg izbranih elementovZoom to &LayerPovečava na obseg &slojaZoom &FullShow AnnotationsPrikaži napiseShow Cursor PositionPokaži pozicijo kurzorjaShow Main Canvas ExtentShow LabelsPrikaži napiseQgsMapCanvasSnappingUtilsIndexing data…Indeksiranje podatkov...QgsMapCanvasTracerDisabled - there are too many features displayed. Try zooming in or disable some layers.Tracing may not work correctly. Please check topology of the input layers.TracingSledenjeQgsMapCoordsDialogFrom Map CanvasQgsMapCoordsDialogBaseEnter Map CoordinatesVnesi koordinate karte<html><head/><body><p>Enter X and Y coordinates (DMS (<span style=" font-style:italic;">dd mm ss.ss</span>), DD (<span style=" font-style:italic;">dd.dd</span>) or projected coordinates (<span style=" font-style:italic;">mmmm.mm</span>)) which correspond with the selected point on the image. Alternatively, click the button with icon of a pencil and then click a corresponding point on map canvas of QGIS to fill in coordinates of that point.</p></body></html>Y / NorthY / SeverAutomatically hide georeferencer window X / EastX / VzhodQgsMapLayerSpecify CRS for layer %1Koordinatni sistem za sloj %1%1 at line %2 column %3%1 v vrstici%2 stolpca %3Loading style file %1 failed because:
%2Nalaganje slogovne datoteke %1 ni uspelo zaradi:
%2Cannot apply style with symbology to layer with a different geometry typeCould not save symbology because:
%1Slogov ni bilo mogoče shraniti zaradi:
%1The directory containing your dataset needs to be writable!Datoteka, ki vsebuje nabor podatkov, mora imeti dovoljenje za pisanje!LayerSlojStyle not found in databaseV podatkovni zbirki ni stilaMetadata not found in databaseV podatkovni zbirki ni metapodatkovLoading metadata file %1 failed because:
%2Created default metadata file as %1Created default style file as %1Ustvari privzeto slogovno datoteko kot %1ERROR: Failed to created default metadata file as %1. Check file permissions and retry.ERROR: Failed to created default style file as %1. Check file permissions and retry.NAPAKA: Privzete slogovne datoteke %1 ni mogoče ustvariti. Preverite dovoljenja in ponovno poskusite.User database could not be opened.Podatkovne zbirke ni mogoče odpreti.The metadata table could not be created.The style table could not be created.Tabela slogov ni bila ustvarjena.The metadata %1 was saved to databaseMetapodatek %1 je shranjen v podatkovno zbirkoThe style %1 was saved to databaseSlog %1 je bil shranjen v podatkovno zbirkoThe metadata %1 was updated in the database.Metapodatek %1 je bil posodobljen v podatkovni zbirkiThe style %1 was updated in the database.Slog %1 v podatkovni zbirki je bil posodobljen.The metadata %1 could not be updated in the database.The style %1 could not be updated in the database.Sloga %1 v podatkovni zbirki ni mogoče posodobiti.The metadata %1 could not be inserted into database.The style %1 could not be inserted into database.Sloga %1 ni mogoče vstaviti v podatkovno zbirko.Only vector and raster layers are supportedERROR: Failed to created SLD style file as %1. Check file permissions and retry.NAPAKA: SLD slogovna datoteak %1 ni ustvarjena. Preverite dovoljenja in ponovite.Unable to open file %1Datoteke %1 ni mogoče odpretiRoot <qgis> element could not be foundQgsMapLayerComboBoxPluginA combo box to list the layersA combo box to list the layers registered in QGIS. Layers might be filtered according to their type.QgsMapLayerModel%1 [%2]%1 (%2 - %3)%1 (%2) QgsMapLayerStyleCategoriesModelLayer ConfigurationIdentifiable, removable, searchable, display expression, read-onlySymbologyOznačevanje3D SymbologyLabelsOznakeFieldsPoljaAliases, widgets, WMS/WFS, expressions, constraints, virtual fieldsFormsObrazciActionsUkaziMap TipsNamigiDiagramsGrafikoniAttribute Table SettingsChoice and order of columns, conditional stylingRenderingPrikazScale visibility, simplify method, opacityCustom PropertiesGeometry OptionsGeometry constraints and validity checksAll Style CategoriesQgsMapLayerStyleGuiUtilsRemove CurrentOdstrani trenutnoAdd…Dodaj...Rename Current…Preimenuj trenutno...New StyleRename StyleStyle name:Ime sloga:QgsMapLayerStyleManagerdefaultprivzetoQgsMapLayerStyleManagerWidgetAddDodajRemove CurrentOdstrani trenutnoLoad StyleNaloži slogSave as DefaultShrani kot privzetoRestore DefaultNew StyleStyle name:Ime sloga:Save StyleShrani slogSave default style to: Shrani privzeti slog v: CancelPrekiniLocal DatabaseDatasource DatabaseDefault StylePrivzeta predlogaLoad default style from: Naloži privzeti slog iz: Loaded from ProviderPridobljeno od ponudnikaNo default style was found for this layerPrivzetega stila sloja ni bili mogoče najtiLoad layer properties from style fileNaloži lastnosti sloja iz slogovne datotekeQGIS Layer Style FileQGIS slogovne datotekeSLD FileSLD datotekaQgsMapRendererJobThere was a problem transforming the layer's extent. Layer skipped.Insufficient memory for image %1x%2Premalo pomnilnika za sliko %1x%2Insufficient memory for label image %1x%2LabelingOznačevanje%1 ms: %2RenderingPrikazQgsMapRendererTaskSaving as imageRendering to painterQgsMapSaveDialogSave Map as ImageShrani karto kot slikoAdvanced effects such as blend modes or vector layer transparency cannot be exported as vectors.
Rasterizing the map is recommended when such effects are used.Rasterize mapSave world fileShrani world datotekoDraw annotationsDraw active decorationsOutput heightOutput width px pxLock aspect ratio (including while drawing extent onto canvas)ResolutionLočljivost dpi dpiScaleMeriloExtentObsegDraw active decorations: %1nonenobenThe following layer(s) use advanced effects:
Rasterizing map is recommended for proper rendering.Save Map as PDFCopy to ClipboardKopiraj v odložiščeSave as imageCould not allocate required memory for imageSuccessfully copied map to clipboardKarta uspešno kopirana v odložiščeSave as PDFCould not copy the map to clipboardKarte ni bilo mogoče kopirati v odložiščeChoose a file name to save the map image asDatoteka za slikoSuccessfully saved map to <a href="%1">%2</a>Could not save the map to filePDF FormatPDF oblikaSave Map AsCould not save the map to PDFQgsMapSettingsActionSynchronize View Center with Main MapSynchronize View to SelectionScaleMerilo ° °Current clockwise map rotation in degreesRotationVrtenjeMagnifier levelStopnja povečaveMagnificationSynchronize scale×Multiplication factor for main canvas scale to view scaleScale FactorQgsMapThemesReplace ThemeAdd Theme…Remove Current ThemethemeThemeMap ThemesName of the new themeIme nove temeA theme with this name already exists.Tema s tem imenom že obstaja.Are you sure you want to replace the existing theme “%1”?Remove ThemeAre you sure you want to remove the existing theme “%1”?QgsMapToolAddFeatureadd featureVstavi elementAdd featureVstavi elementQgsMapToolAddPartNo feature selected. Please select a feature with the selection tool or in the attribute tableNi izbranega elementa. Prosim izberite element z orodjem za izbiro ali pa ga izberete v atributni tabeliSeveral features are selected. Please select only one feature to which an part should be added.Več geoobjektov je označenih. Prosim izberite samo geoobjekt, katerega del želite dodati.Part addedDodan je bil delCould not add part. %1Add partCoordinate transform error. Cannot transform the point to the layers coordinate systemAdd part: Feature geom is single part and you've added more than oneSelected feature is not multi part.Označen element ni večdelni.New part's geometry is not valid.Geometrija delov ni pravilna.New polygon ring not disjoint with existing polygons.Nov poligonski obroč ni sklenjen z obstoječimi poligoni.Several features are selected. Please select only one feature to which an island should be added.Nekateri geoobjekti so izbrani. Prosim izberite samo en geoobjekt, kateremu naj bo dodan otok.Selected geometry could not be foundIzbrane geometrije ni bolo mogoče najtiQgsMapToolAddRegularPolygonNumber of sides: QgsMapToolAddRingAdd ringCannot transform the point to the layers coordinate system.Ring addedDodan prstana problem with geometry type occurredthe inserted ring is not closedthe inserted ring is not a valid geometrythe inserted ring crosses existing ringsthe inserted ring is not contained in a featurean unknown error occurredCould not add ring since %1.QgsMapToolChangeLabelPropertiesChanged properties for labelLastnosti oznake so spremenjeneQgsMapToolCircle2TangentsPointErrorNapakaSegments are parallelsRadius of the circle: QgsMapToolCircle3TangentsErrorNapakaAt least two segments are parallelsQgsMapToolCircularStringRadiusRadius: QgsMapToolDeletePartDelete partIzbriši delPart of multipart feature deletedIzbrisan je bil del večdelnega elementaCouldn't remove the selected part.Brisanje izbranega dela ni bilo mogoče.QgsMapToolDeleteRingDelete ringDelete ring can only be used in a polygon layer.Ring deletedObroč izbrisanQgsMapToolDigitizeFeatureDigitize featureThe data provider for this layer does not support the addition of features.Ta sloj ne podpira dodajanje geoobjektov.Wrong editing tool, cannot apply the 'capture point' tool on this vector layerCannot transform the point to the layers coordinate systemTransponiranje točke k sloju koordinatnega sistema ni možnoWrong editing tool, cannot apply the 'capture line' tool on this vector layerWrong editing tool, cannot apply the 'capture polygon' tool on this vector layerThe feature cannot be added because it's geometry collapsed due to intersection avoidanceQgsMapToolEditNo active vector layerManjka aktivni vektorski slojLayer not editableSloj ni za urejanjeQgsMapToolFeatureActionTo run an action, you must choose an active vector layer.The active vector layer has no defined actionsAktivni sloj nima definiranih postopkovNo features at this position found.Na tej poziciji ni prepoznanih geoobjektov.All FeaturesQgsMapToolFillRingCannot transform the point to the layers coordinate systemTransponiranje točke k sloju koordinatnega sistema ni možnoRing added and filleda problem with geometry type occurredthe inserted Ring is not closedthe inserted Ring is not a valid geometrythe inserted Ring crosses existing ringsthe inserted Ring is not contained in a featurean unknown error occurredcould not add ring since %1.Ring filledNo ring found to fill.QgsMapToolIdentifyNo active layer. To identify features, you must choose an active layer.Brez aktivnega sloja. Za prepoznavanje geoobjektov morate izbrati aktivni sloj.Identifying on %1…Identifying done.Prepoznava končana.Scalar ValueVector ValueVector MagnitudeVector x-componentVector y-component(clicked coordinate X)(clicked coordinate Y)(clicked coordinate Z)new featurenov elementFeature IDElement IDClosest vertex numberClosest vertex XClosest vertex YClosest vertex ZClosest vertex MClosest XClosest YInterpolated ZInterpolated MPartsPart numberLength (Ellipsoidal, %1)Length (Cartesian)Area (Ellipsoidal, %1)Area (Cartesian)Perimeter (Ellipsoidal, %1)Perimeter (Cartesian)XXYDaZMVerticesSkupek_vmesnih_točkfirstXattributes get sorted; translation for lastX should be lexically larger than this oneprviXfirstYprviYlastXattributes get sorted; translation for firstX should be lexically smaller than this onezadnjiXlastYzadnjiYno datani podatkovErrorNapakaIdentify errorNapaka prepoznavanjaQgsMapToolIdentifyActionIdentifyIdentificirajShow Attribute TableNo features at this position found.Na tej poziciji ni prepoznanih geoobjektov.QgsMapToolIdentifyFeatureIdentify featureQgsMapToolMeasureAngleMeasure angleQgsMapToolMoveFeatureMove featureMove featuresSome of the selected features are outside of the current map view. Would you still like to continue?Feature movedElement je bil premaknjenFeature copied and movedQgsMapToolMoveLabelMove labelMoved labelPremaknjena oznakaQgsMapToolOffsetCurveCould not find a nearby feature in any vector layer.Generated geometry is not valid.Offset curveOdmik krivuljeCreating offset geometry failed: %1QgsMapToolOffsetPointSymbolThe selected point does not have an offset attribute set.Offset symbolQgsMapToolPanPanPomakniQgsMapToolPinLabelsPin labelsPinned labelPripete oznakeUnpinned labelNepripete oznakePinned diagramUnpinned diagramQgsMapToolPointSymbolNo point feature was detected at the clicked position. Please click closer to the feature or enhance the search tolerance under Settings->Options->Digitizing->Search radius for vertex editsQgsMapToolReshapeCannot transform the point to the layers coordinate systemTransponiranje točke k sloju koordinatnega sistema ni možnoReshapePreoblikujAn error was reported during intersection removalNapaka pri odstranjevanju preseka The feature cannot be reshaped because the resulting geometry is emptyQgsMapToolReverseLineReverse line geometryReverse lineLine reversed.Couldn't reverse the selected part.QgsMapToolRotateFeatureCould not find a nearby feature in the current layer.Features RotatedGeoobjekti so zavrteniQgsMapToolRotateLabelRotated labelZavrtena oznakaQgsMapToolRotatePointSymbolsThe selected point does not have a rotation attribute set.Rotate symbolRotiraj simbolQgsMapToolSelectSelect featuresQgsMapToolSelectionHandlerSelection radius:QgsMapToolShowHideLabelsShow/hide labelsHid labelsSkrij oznakeShowed labelsPrikaži oznakeCRS Exception: selection extends beyond layer's coordinate system.QgsMapToolSimplifyGeometry simplifiedPoenostavljanje geometrijeCould not find a nearby feature in the current layer.%1 feature(s): %2 to %3 vertices (%4%)Simplification failed!QgsMapToolSplitFeaturesCoordinate transform errorTransformacijska napakaCannot transform the point to the layers coordinate systemTransponiranje točke k sloju koordinatnega sistema ni možnoFeatures splitDeljenje geoobjektovNo features were splitIf there are selected features, the split tool only applies to those. If you would like to split all features under the split line, clear the selection.No feature split doneDeljenje elementa ni bilo izvedenoAn error occurred during splitting.Cut edges detected. Make sure the line splits features into multiple parts.Zaznana vozlišča. Zagotovite linijo , ki razdeli geoobjekte na več delov.Split featuresThe geometry is invalid. Please repair before trying to split it.Nepravilna geometrija. Prosim poopravite pred razdelitvijo.QgsMapToolSplitPartsCoordinate transform errorNapačni koordinatni sistemCannot transform the point to the layers coordinate systemTransponiranje točke k sloju koordinatnega sistema ni možnoParts splitNo parts were splitIf there are selected parts, the split tool only applies to those. If you would like to split all parts under the split line, clear the selection.No part split doneAn error occurred during splitting.Cut edges detected. Make sure the line splits parts into multiple parts.Split partsRazdeli deleThe geometry is invalid. Please repair before trying to split it.Nepravilna geometrija. Prosim poopravite pred razdelitvijo.Split errorNapaka pri deljenjuQgsMapToolTrimExtendFeatureTrim/Extend featureFeature trimmed/extended.Couldn't trim or extend the feature.QgsMapToolZoomZoomPovečavaQgsMapUnitScaleDialogAdjust Scaling RangeQgsMapUnitScaleWidgetBaseAdjust Scaling RangeScale only within the following map unit scale rangeMinimum scaleMaximum scaleScale RangeSize RangeMinimum sizeNajmanjša velikostMaximum size mm mmScale only within the following size rangeQgsMarkerLineSymbolLayerWidgetAll RingsExterior Ring OnlyInterior Rings OnlyQgsMasterPasswordResetDialogReset Master PasswordEnter CURRENT master authentication passwordRequiredZahtevanoEnter NEW master authentication passwordKeep backup of current databaseVzdržuj varnostno kopijo trenutne podatkovne zbirkeYour authentication database will be duplicated
and re-encrypted using new passwordQgsMdalSourceSelectOpen MDAL Supported Mesh Dataset(s)Add mesh layerNo layers selected.Nobena plast ni označena.QgsMdalSourceSelectBaseAdd Mesh Layer(s)SourceVirMesh datasetQgsMeasureBaseMeasureMerjenjeTotalSkupajSegmentsSegmentiInfoInfoCartesianKartezičniEllipsoidalElipsoidnoQgsMeasureDialog&New&Novo&ConfigurationThe calculations are based on:Izračuni temeljijo na:Cartesian calculation selected, so area is calculated using Cartesian calculations.No map projection set, so area is calculated using Cartesian calculations.Units are unknown.Both project CRS (%1) and measured area are in degrees, so area is calculated using Cartesian calculations in square degrees.Project ellipsoidal calculation is selected.Project ellipsoidal calculation is not selected.MeasureMerjenjeBoth project CRS (%1) and measured length are in degrees, so distance is calculated using Cartesian calculations in degrees.Distance is calculated in %1, based on project CRS (%2).The value is converted from %1 to %2.Area is calculated in %1, based on project CRS (%2).The coordinates are transformed to the chosen ellipsoid (%1), and the area is calculated in %2.The coordinates are transformed to the chosen ellipsoid (%1), and the distance is calculated in %2.Segments [%1]Segmenti [%1]SegmentsSegmentimap unitsv enotah zemljevidaQgsMeasureToolIncorrect Measure Results<p>This map is defined with a geographic coordinate system (latitude/longitude) but the map extents suggests that it is actually a projected coordinate system (e.g., Mercator). If so, the results from line or area measurements will be incorrect.</p><p>To fix this, explicitly set an appropriate map coordinate system using the <tt>Settings:Project Properties</tt> menu.<p> Ta zemljevid je določen z geografskim koordinatnim sistemom (zemljepisna dolžina / širina), vendar zemljevid razsežnostih predlaga, da je dejanski koordinatni sistem (npr. Mercator). Če je tako, bodo rezultati merite napačni. </ P> Da bi to preprečili, izrecno določite ustrezni koordinatnisistemi z uporabo <tt> Nastavitve: Lastnosti projekta </ tt> meni.Transform error caught at the MeasureTool: %1QgsMemoryProviderWhole number (integer)Celo število (integer)Decimal number (real)Decimalno število (real)Text (string)Tekst (string)DateDatumTimeČasDate & TimeDatum & ČasWhole number (smallint - 16bit)Celo število (smallint - 16bit)Whole number (integer - 32bit)Celo število (integer - 32bit)Whole number (integer - 64bit)Celo število (integer - 64bit)Decimal number (numeric)Decimalno število (numeric)Decimal number (decimal)Decimalno število (decimal)Decimal number (double)Decimalno število (double)Text, unlimited length (text)Besedilo z neomejeno dolžino (text)BooleanBinary object (BLOB)Binarni objekt (BLOB)Feature has too many attributes (expecting %1, received %2)Could not add feature with geometry type %1 to layer of type %2QgsMergeAttributesDialogSkip attributePreskoči atributIdIdMergeSpojiFeature %1Element %1ConcatenationSpojManual valueSkippedPreskočenQgsMergeAttributesDialogBaseMerge Feature AttributesTake attributes from selected featureUporabi podatkovna polja označenega elementaRemove feature from selectionOdstrani element iz izboraResets all fields to "Skip"Skip all fieldsQgsMergedBookmarksTableModelIn ProjectQgsMeshCalculatorDialogEnter mesh dataset fileExpression ValidExpression invalid or datasets type not supportedQgsMeshCalculatorDialogBaseMesh calculatorDatasetsResult LayerX minX minX maxX maxY maxY maksY minY minSelected Layer ExtentCurrent extentTrenutni obsegMask layerMaska slojaMask Layer Output datasetAll Selected Dataset Times End timeKonecStart timeZačetekMesh Calculator ExpressionOperatorsOperatorji<=<=>=>=//**++maxmaksimalno==>><<abs!=!=minminimalno(())IFANDINORALINOTNI^^sum (aggr)max (aggr)min (aggr)average (aggr)--NODATAQgsMeshDatasetGroupTreeModelGroupsSkupineQgsMeshLayer3DRendererWidget3D ViewEnable 3D RendererQgsMeshLayerPropertiesLayer Properties - %1Lastnosti sloja - %1UriVertex countFace countDataset groups countInvalid data providerNot assignedLoad mesh datasetsDatasets successfully added to the mesh layerCould not read mesh dataset.QgsMeshLayerPropertiesBaseRaster Layer PropertiesLastnosti rastrskega slojaInformationInformacijaSourceVir3D ViewLayer nameIme slojadisplayed asprikazano kotSet source coordinate reference systemUriAssign Extra Dataset to MeshSymbologyOznačevanjeQgsMeshMemoryDataProviderInvalid mesh definition, does not contain 2 sectionsInvalid mesh definition, vertex definition does not contain x, yInvalid mesh definition, face must contain at least 3 verticesInvalid mesh definition, vertex index must be positive valueInvalid mesh definition, missing vertex id defined in faceInvalid dataset definition, does not contain 3+ sectionsInvalid type definition, must be Vertex/Face Vector/Scalar NameUnable to add dataset group to invalid meshInvalid dataset definition, dataset metadata does not contain key: valueInvalid dataset definition, must contain at least 1 line (time)Invalid dataset definition, dataset scalar values must be xInvalid dataset definition, dataset vector values must be x, yDataset defined on vertices has {} values, but mesh {}Dataset defined on faces has {} values, but mesh {}QgsMeshRendererActiveDatasetWidgetYesDaIs validInvalid mesh layer selectedScalar datasetVector datasetNo mesh dataset selectedNoNeTimeČasData TypePodatkovni tipDefined on verticesDefined on facesIs vectorQgsMeshRendererActiveDatasetWidgetBaseFormObrazecDataset in Selected Group(s)>|>><<|<MetadataMetapodatkiTime Format OptionsQgsMeshRendererMeshSettingsWidgetBaseFormObrazecLine Width and ColorQgsMeshRendererScalarSettingsWidgetBaseFormObrazecOpacityProsojnostMinMin 00MaxMaks11LoadOdpriQgsMeshRendererVectorSettingsWidgetBaseFormObrazecLine Width and ColorFilter by MagnitudeMinMin MaxMaksDisplay Vectors on User GridX SpacingY Spacing px pxHead OptionsWidthŠirina% of Shaft LengthLengthDolžinaArrow LengthDefined by Min and MaxScaled to MagnitudeFixedFiksnoMinimumNajmanjšeMaximumMaksimumScale by a Factor ofQgsMeshTimeFormatDialogTime Display OptionsUse absolute timeUse relative timeUse absolute time Reference date/timeDate/time Formatdd.MM.yyyy hh:mm:ssdd.MM.yyyy hh:mmdd.MM.yyyy hhdd.MM.yyyydd/MM/yyyy hh:mm:ssdd/MM/yyyy hh:mmdd/MM/yyyy hhdd/MM/yyyyMM/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ssMM/dd/yyyy hh:mmMM/dd/yyyy hhMM/dd/yyyyOffset by hoursTime Formathh:mm:sshh:mm:ss.zzzhhd hh:mm:ssd hhdssQgsMessageBarRemaining messagesPreostala sporočilaClose AllZapri vseCloseZapriMessagesShow morePrikaži več%n moreunread messages%n večQgsMessageLogViewerQGIS LogQGIS LogGeneralSplošnoQgsMessageViewerQGIS MessageQGIS sporočiloDon't show this message againTega sporočila ne kaži večQgsMetadataWidgetTypeTipNameImeFarmingClimatology Meteorology AtmosphereLocationMapaIntelligence MilitaryTransportationStructureBoundariesMejeInland WatersPlanning CadastreGeoscientific InformationElevationVišinaHealthBiotaOceansEnvironmentOkoljeUtilities CommunicationEconomySocietyImagery Base Maps Earth CoverConstraintURLURLDescriptionOpisFormatOblikaMIMESizeVelikostdatasetDatasetPodatkiprojectprojektProjectProjektThis page describes the basic attribution of the %1. Please use the tooltips for more information.%1 categories.Contacts related to the %1.Links describe ancillary resources and information related to this %1.History about the %1.<html><head/><body><p>Keywords are optional, and provide a way to provide additional descriptive information about the %1. Edits made in the categories tab will update the category entry below. For the concept, we suggest to use a standard based vocabulary such as <a href="https://www.eionet.europa.eu/gemet/en/inspire-themes/"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#0000ff;">GEMET.</span></a></p></body></html>Set from %1layerslojundefined %1New LicenceNew RightCRS: %1 - %2Same as layer properties and provider.Same as layer properties but different than the provider.Same as the provider but different than the layer properties.Does not match either layer properties or the provider.CRS: Not set.postalNew HistoryOk, it seems valid according to the QGIS Schema.New CategoryNew Category:QgsMetadataWidgetBaseFormObrazecIdentificationA reference, URI, URL or some other mechanism to identify the parent resource that this resource is a part (child) of.Parent identifierA reference, URI, URL or some other mechanism to identify the resource.IdentifierSet from LayerReturns the human readable name of the resource, typically displayed in search results.TitleNaslovWhile a formal vocabulary is not imposed, it is advised to use the ISO 19115 MD_ScopeCode values. E.g. 'dataset' or 'series'. If unsure about which type to select, use 'dataset'.TypeTipCreation dateyyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ssAuthorAvtorUsually the returned string will follow either the ISO 639.2 or ISO 3166 specifications, e.g. 'ENG' or 'SPA', however this is not a hard requirement and the caller must account for non compliant values.LanguageFree-form description of the resourceAbstractAbstraktnoEncodingKodna tabelaCategoriesKategorijeISO categoriesCategories chosen will be added as a new entry in the keywords tab.Add selected ISO categories to metadataAdd a new custom category to the metadataRemove selected categories from metadataChosen categoriesKeywordsKljučne besedeAdds a list of descriptive keywords for a specified vocabulary.Removes a specified vocabulary.A set of descriptive keywords associated with the resource for a specified concept.ConceptAccessThe fees, licences and rights for this dataset.Any fees associated with using the resourceFeesPlačiloA list of licenses associated with the resourceLicensesAdd licenseRemove licenseLabelNapisList of attribution or copyright strings associated with the resourceRights (attribution or copyright)Add RightRemove RightConstraintsPovezaveExtentObsegCoordinate Reference System and spatial extent for this dataset.The coordinate reference system described by the layer's metadataCoordinate Reference SystemKoordinatni sistemSet CRS from LayerSet CRS from ProviderZ maximumZ minimumTemporal extent for this dataset.FromOdToDoContactPosition/title of contactName of contactIme kontaktaRole of contactRolePositionPoložajOrganization contact belongs to/representsNameImePhone numberFax numberFaxOrganizationPodjetjeElectronic mail addressVoiceAddressType of address, e.g 'postal'Free-form physical address componentPostal CodePostal (or ZIP) codeCityCity or locality nameIme mesta ali krajaAdministrative AreaAdministrative area (state, province/territory, etc.)CountryFree-form countryEmailAdd addressRemove AddressLinksa list of online resources associated with the resource.Add linkRemove linkHistoryZgodovinaValidationValidation is not enforced, but it's recommended to resolve any validation issues listed here.QgsMssqlConnectionItemEdit Connection…Uredi povezavo...Delete ConnectionIzbriši povezavo%1: Not a valid layer!%1: Ni veljaven sloj!%1: Not a vector layer!%1: Ni vektorski sloj!RefreshOsvežiShow Non-spatial TablesCreate Schema…Create SchemaSchema name:Ime sheme:Unable to create schema %1
%2Sheme ni mogoče ustvariti %1
%2Import to MSSQL databaseUvoz v MSSQL podatkovno zbirkoFailed to import some layers!
Nekateri sloji niso pravilno uvoženi!
Import was successful.Uvoz uspešen.QgsMssqlLayerItemDelete TableIzbriši tabeloTable deleted successfully.Tabela uspešno izbrisana.Truncate TableTable truncated successfully.QgsMssqlNewConnectionSave ConnectionShrani povezavoShould the existing connection %1 be overwritten?Ali se lahko obstoječa povezava %1 prepiše?Testing connection……Connection FailedHost name hasn't been specified.Error opening connectionQgsMssqlNewConnectionBaseProvider/DSNPonudnik/DSNHostGostiteljHEADS UP: You have opted to save your password. It will be stored in plain text in your project files and in your home directory on Unix-like systems, or in your user profile on Windows
Untick save if you don't wish to be the case.If checked, tables without a geometry column attached will also be shown in the available table lists.If checked, only estimated table metadata will be used. This avoids a slow table scan, but may result in incorrect layer properties such as layer extent.If checked, only tables which are present in the "geometry_columns" metadata table will be available. This speeds up table scanning, but requires users to manually manage the geometry_columns table and ensure that layers are correctly represented in the table.Test ConnectionList DatabasesSeznam podatkovnih zbirkDatabasePodatkovna zbirkaIf checked, all handling of records with invalid geometry will be disabled. This speeds up the provider, however, if any invalid geometries are present in a table then the result is unpredictable and may include missing records. Only check this option if you are certain that all geometries present in the database are valid, and any newly added geometries or tables will also be valid.Skip invalid geometry handlingUsernameUporabniško imeCreate a New MSSQL ConnectionConnection DetailsConnection nameIme povezaveLoginTrusted connectionSaveShraniPasswordGesloName of the new connectionIme nove povezaveDatabase DetailsOnly look in the geometry_columns metadata tableGlej samo v metapodatkovni tabeli geometry_columnsAlso list tables with no geometryPrikaži tudi tabele brez geometrijeUse estimated table parametersUporabi pričakovane parametreQgsMssqlProvider8 Bytes integer8 bajtov celo število4 Bytes integer4 bajti celo število2 Bytes integer2 bajta celo število1 Bytes integer1 bajt celo številoDecimal number (numeric)Decimalno število (numeric)Decimal number (decimal)Decimalno število (decimal)Decimal number (real)Decimalno število (real)Decimal number (double)Decimalno število (double)DateDatumTimeČasDate & TimeDatum & ČasText, fixed length (char)Besedilo fiksne dolžine (char)Text, limited variable length (varchar)Besedilo z omejeno variabilno dolžino (varchar)Text, fixed length unicode (nchar)Besedilo z fiksno dolžino unikodno (nchar)Text, limited variable length unicode (nvarchar)Besedilo z omejeno variabilno dolžino (varchar)Text, unlimited length (text)Besedilo z neomejeno dolžino (text)Text, unlimited length unicode (ntext)Besedilo z neomejeno dolžino (ntext)Could not add feature with geometry type %1 to layer of type %2Table [%1].[%2] already existsQgsMssqlRootItemNew Connection…Nova povezava...QgsMssqlSchemaItemRefreshOsveži%1 as %2 in %3%1 kot %2 v %3as geometryless tablekot negeometrijska tabelaQgsMssqlSourceSelectAdd MSSQL Table(s)Vstavi MSSQL,tabelo&Set Filter&Nastavi filterSet FilterPostavi filterWildcardNadomestni znakiRegExpLogični izrazAllVseSchemaShemaTableTabelaTypeTipGeometry columnGeometrijsko poljePrimary key columnEnolični ključSRIDSRIDSqlSqlAre you sure you want to remove the %1 connection and all associated settings?Ali res želite odstraniti povezavo %1 in vse nastavitve?Confirm DeletePotrdi brisanjeLoad ConnectionsNaloži povezaveXML files (*.xml *.XML)XML datoteke (*.xml *.XML)Select TableIzberi tabeloYou must select a table in order to add a layer.Da lahko dodate sloj, morate izbrati tabelo.MSSQL ProviderMSSQL PonudnikStopUstaviConnectPovežiQgsMssqlSourceSelectDelegateSelect…Označi...QgsMssqlTableModelSchemaShemaTableTabelaTypeTipGeometry columnGeometrijsko poljeSRIDSRIDPrimary key columnEnolični ključSelect at idOznači pri idSqlSqlDetecting…Odkrivanje...Select…Označi...Enter…Vnesi...Disable 'Fast Access to Features at ID' capability to force keeping the attribute table in memory (e.g. in case of expensive views).Onemogoči 'Hiter dostop do geoobjektov pri ID' lastnost za obdelavo geoobjektov v spominu (v primeru potratnih poizvedb).QgsMultiBandColorRendererWidgetNo enhancementBrez izboljšanjaStretch to MinMaxRaztegni med najmanjšim in največjimStretch and clip to MinMaxRaztegni in obreži med najmanjšo in največjo vrednostjoClip to MinMaxObreži med največjo in najmanjšo vrednostjoRedRdečaGreenZelenaBlueModraQgsMultiBandColorRendererWidgetBaseFormObrazecContrast
enhancementKontrastRed bandRdeči pasMinMin MaxMaksGreen bandZeleni pasBlue bandModri pasQgsMultiEditToolButtonSet field for all selected featuresNo Changes to CommitSet %1 for All Selected FeaturesReset to Original ValuesAll features in selection have equal value for '%1'Some features in selection have different values for '%1'Values for '%1' have unsaved changesQgsNativeAlgorithmsQGIS (native c++)QgsNetworkAccessManagerNetwork request %1 timed outOmrežna zahteva %1 je poteklaNetworkOmrežjeQgsNetworkContentFetcherHTTP fetch %1 failed with error %2QgsNetworkContentFetcherTaskFetching %1QgsNetworkReplyParserCannot find boundary in multipart content typeQgsNewAuxiliaryFieldDialogStringBesediloRealIntegerCelo številoNew Auxiliary FieldInvalid name. Auxiliary field '%1' already exists.Name is a mandatory parameter.Ime je obvezen parameter.QgsNewAuxiliaryFieldDialogBaseAuxiliary Storage : New Auxiliary FieldNew auxiliary field parametersTypeTipNameImeQgsNewAuxiliaryLayerDialogBaseAuxiliary Storage : Choose Primary KeySelect the primary key to use for joining with internal data storageQgsNewGeoPackageLayerDialogPointTočkaLineLinijaPolygonPoligonText dataBesediloWhole number (integer)Celo število (integer)Whole number (integer 64 bit)Decimal number (real)Decimalno število (real)DateDatumGeoPackageSelect Existing or Create a New GeoPackage Database File…Creation of database failed (OGR error: %1)Opening of database failed (OGR error: %1)Opening of file succeeded, but this is not a GeoPackage database.A table with the same name already exists. Do you want to overwrite it?Tabela s tem imenom že obstaja. Prepišem?OverwritePrepišiNo geometryBrez geometrijeMultiPointVečtočkovnoMultiLineMultiPolygonCircularStringCompoundCurveCurvePolygonMultiCurveMultiSurfaceDate & timeBooleanBinary (BLOB)Add FieldThe field cannot have the same name as the feature identifier.New GeoPackage LayerThe File already exists. Do you want to overwrite the existing file with a new database or add a new layer to it?Add New LayerLayer creation failed. GeoPackage driver not found.Creation of layer failed (OGR error: %1)Creation of field %1 failed (OGR error: %2)%1 is an invalid layer and cannot be loaded.%1 neveljavni sloj, ki ga ni mogoče naložiti.QgsNewGeoPackageLayerDialogBaseNew GeoPackage LayerCreate a spatial indexMaximum lengthNajvečja dolžinaNameImeAdd field to listTypeTip<html><head/><body><p>Field length / width</p></body></html>Include Z dimensionInclude M values<html><head/><body><p>Human-readable identifier (e.g. short name) for the layer content</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p>Name of the geometry column</p></body></html>Create a spatial index for this layer<html><head/><body><p>Existing or new GeoPackage database file name</p></body></html>Layer descriptionGeometry typeGeometrijski tipGeometry columnGeometrijski stolpec<html><head/><body><p>Table name in the database</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p>Human-readable description for the layer content</p></body></html>DatabasePodatkovna zbirkaNew FieldAdd to Fields ListTable nameIme tabeleFields ListRemove FieldAdvanced OptionsNapredne možnostiLayer identifier<html><head/><body><p>Geometry type</p></body></html>Feature id column<html><head/><body><p>Name of the feature id column</p></body></html>Delete selected fieldIzbriši označeno poljeLengthDolžinaQgsNewHttpConnectionCreate a New %1 ConnectionallvseoffizključenoQGISQGISUMNUMNGeoServerGeoi strežnikMaximumMaksimum1. OptionsSave ConnectionShrani povezavoSaving PasswordsShranjevanje geselWARNING: You have entered a password. It will be stored in unsecured plain text in your project files and your home directory (Unix-like OS) or user profile (Windows). If you want to avoid this, press Cancel and either:
a) Don't provide a password in the connection settings — it will be requested interactively when needed;
b) Use the Configuration tab to add your credentials in an HTTP Basic Authentication method and store them in an encrypted database.Ignore GetCoverage URI reported in capabilitiesIgnore axis orientationPrezri orientacijo osiShould the existing connection %1 be overwritten?Ali naj obsotječo povezavo %1 zamenjam?QgsNewHttpConnectionBaseAuthenticationAvtentikacijaURLURLVersionMax. number of featuresNameImeName of the new connectionIme nove povezaveHTTP address of the Web Map ServerHTTP naslov spletnega strežnika za mape (Web Map Server)Ignore GetFeatureInfo URI reported in capabilitiesWFS OptionsIgnore axis orientation (WFS 1.1/WFS 2.0)&Test ConnectionHTTPRefererIgnore GetMap/GetTile URI reported in capabilitiesIgnore axis orientation (WMS 1.3/WMTS)Invert axis orientationCreate a New ConnectionConnection Details<html><head/><body><p>Enter a number to limit the maximum number of features retrieved per feature request. If let to empty, no limit is set.</p></body></html>DetectEnable feature pagingPage sizeVelikost strani<html><head/><body><p>Enter a number to limit the maximum number of features retrieved in a single GetFeature request when paging is enabled. If let to empty, server default will apply.</p></body></html>WMS/WMTS OptionsSmooth pixmap transformDPI-&Mode&RefererQgsNewMemoryLayerDialogNew scratch layerNo geometryBrez geometrijePointTočkaLineString / CompoundCurvePolygon / CurvePolygonMultiPointVečtočkovnoMultiLineString / MultiCurveMultiPolygon / MultiSurfaceQgsNewMemoryLayerDialogBaseNew Temporary Scratch LayerNov začasni poskusni slojInclude M valuesGeometry typeGeometrijski tipLayer nameIme slojaInclude Z dimension<i><b>Warning:</b> Temporary scratch layers are not saved and will be discarded when QGIS is closed.</i>QgsNewNameDialogNew NameNovo imenameimebase nameEnter new %1Enter new %1 for %2Full namesPolna imena%n Name(s) %1 existsOverwritePrepišiQgsNewOgrConnectionConnection failed - Check settings and try again.
Extended error information:
%1Neusprešno povezovanje - preverite nastavitve in ponovno poskusite˘.
Več informacij o napaki:
%1Test ConnectionConnection to %1 was successful.Povezava z %1 je bila uspešnaSave ConnectionShrani povezavoShould the existing connection %1 be overwritten?Ali naj obsotječo povezavo %1 zamenjam?QgsNewOgrConnectionBaseCreate a New OGR Database ConnectionUstvari novo povezavo OGR podatkovne zbirkeConnection InformationPovezava&Test ConnectionAuthenticationAvtentikacija&Type&Name&Ime&Database&Podatkovna zbirkaName of the new connectionIme nove povezaveHostStrežnikPortPortQgsNewSpatialiteLayerDialogNo geometryBrez geometrijePointTočkaLineLinijaPolygonPoligonMultiPointVečtočkovnoMultiLineMultiPolygonText dataBesediloWhole numberCelo številoDecimal numberDecimalno številoNew SpatiaLite Database FileNova PZ datoteka (Spatiallite)SpatiaLiteSpatiaLiteSpatiaLite DatabasePodatkovna zbirka SpatiaLiteUnable to open the databasePodatkovne zbirke ni mogoče odpretiErrorNapakaFailed to load SRIDS: %1Napaka koordinatnih sistemov: %1New SpatiaLite LayerThe file already exists. Do you want to overwrite the existing file with a new database or add a new layer to it?OverwritePrepišiAdd New Layer@@Unable to open the database: %1Podatkovne zbirke %1 ni mogoče odpretiError Creating SpatiaLite TableFailed to create the SpatiaLite table %1. The database returned:
%2Error Creating Geometry ColumnNepravilno geometrijsko poljeFailed to create the geometry column. The database returned:
%1Ni mogoče ustvariti geometrijsko polje. Odgovor podatkovne zbirke:
%1Error Creating Spatial IndexNapaka prostorskega indeksaFailed to create the spatial index. The database returned:
%1Podatkovni indeks ni ustvarjen. Odgovor podatkovne zbirke:
%1%1 is an invalid layer and cannot be loaded.%1 neveljavni sloj, ki ga ni mogoče naložiti.QgsNewSpatialiteLayerDialogBaseDatabasePodatkovna zbirkaLayer nameIme slojaName for the new layerIme novega slojaGeometry columnGeometrijsko poljeTypeTipSpatial Reference IdKoordinatni sistemSpecify the coordinate reference system of the layer's geometry.Določite koordinatni sistem za geometrijski sloj.Add an integer id field as the primary key for the new layerDodaj Število kot enolični primarni ključCreate an autoincrementing primary keyUstvari samodejno številčen enoličen ključNew SpatiaLite LayerCreate a new SpatiaLite databaseUstvari novo podatkovno zbirko (SpatiaLite)……Geometry typeGeometrijski tip<html><head/><body><p>Geometry type</p></body></html>Include Z dimensionInclude M valuesNew FieldA field nameIme poljaAdd field to listAdd to Fields ListRemove FieldFields ListDelete selected fieldIzbriši označeno poljeAdvanced OptionsNapredne možnostiName of the geometry columnIme stolpca geometrijeNameImeQgsNewVectorLayerDialogText dataBesediloWhole numberCelo številoDecimal numberDecimalno številoDateDatumPointTočkaMultiPointVečtočkovnoLineLinijaPolygonPoligonESRI ShapefileESRI prostorska datotekaComma Separated ValueVrednosti ločene z vejico (CSV)GMLGMLMapinfo FileMapinfo datotekaSave Layer AsNew ShapeFile LayerThe layer already exists. Are you sure you want to overwrite the existing file?QgsNewVectorLayerDialogBaseFile formatOblika datotekeTypeTipLengthDolžinaAdd field to listDelete selected fieldIzbriši označeno poljeFile nameIme datotekeNameImeNew Shapefile LayerNew FieldPrecisionNatančnostAdd to Fields ListFields ListRemove FieldGeometry typeGeometrijski tipFile encodingKodiranje datotekeAdditional dimensionsNoneBrezZ (+ M values)M valuesQgsNullSymbolRendererWidgetNo symbols will be rendered for features in this layer.QgsOWSConnectionItemEdit…DeleteIzbrišiQgsOWSRootItemNew Connection…Nova povezava...QgsOWSSourceSelectAdd Layer(s) from a %1 ServerVstavi sloj(e) na strežniku %1Always cachePrefer cachePrefer networkAlways networkAre you sure you want to remove the %1 connection and all associated settings?Ali želite odstraniti povezavo %1 s pripadajočimi nastavitvami?Delete ConnectionIzbriši povezavoXML files (*.xml *.XML)XML datoteke (*.xml *.XML)Add WMS ServersSeveral WMS servers have been added to the server list. Note that if you access the Internet via a web proxy, you will need to set the proxy settings in the QGIS options dialog.Load ConnectionsNaloži povezaveCoordinate Reference System (%n available)crs countKoordinatni sistem (%n dostopen)Koordinatni sistem (%n dostopna)Koordinatni sistem (%n dostopni)Koordinatni sistem (%n dostopnih)Coordinate Reference SystemKoordinatni sistemCould not understand the response:
%1parse error at row %1, column %2: %3problem v vrstici %1, stolpcu %2: %3network error: %1omrežna napaka:%1QgsOWSSourceSelectBaseAdd Layer(s) from a ServerVstavi sloj(e) na strežnikuReadyPripravljenLayersPlastiConnect to selected serviceC&onnectP&ovežiCreate a new service connection&New&NovoEdit selected service connectionEditUrediLoad connections from fileOdpri povezave iz datotekeLoadOdpriSave connections to fileShrani povezave v datotekoSaveShraniAdds a few example WMS serversDodaj nekaj primerov za WMS strežnikIDIDNameImeTitleNaslovAbstractAbstraktnoTimeČasRemove connection to selected serviceRemoveOdstraniAdd Default ServersCoordinate Reference SystemKoordinatni sistemSelected Coordinate Reference SystemChange…Spremeni...FormatOblikaOptionsMožnostiLayer nameIme slojaTile sizeVelikost mrežeFeature limit for GetFeatureInfoOmejitve za prikaz informacijeCachePredpomnilnikCache preference
Always cache: load from cache, even if it expired
Prefer cache: load from cache if available, otherwise load from network. Note that this can return possibly stale (but not expired) items from cache
Prefer network: default value; load from the network if the cached entry is older than the network entry
Always network: always load from network and do not check if the cache has a valid entry (similar to the "Reload" feature in browsers)
Layer OrderVrstni red slojevMove selected layer UPPremakni izbrani sloj GORUpGorMove selected layer DOWNPremakni izbrani sloj DOLDownDolLayerSlojStyleSlogTilesetsSlojStylesSlogSizeVelikostCRSKoordiantni sistemServer SearchIskanje strežnikaSearchIskanjeDescriptionOpisURLURLAdd Selected Row to WMS ListQgsOfflineEditingCould not open the SpatiaLite databaseUnable to initialize SpatialMetadata:
Metapodatki niso prepoznani:
Creation of database failed. GeoPackage driver not found.Creation of database failed (OGR error: %1)Could not create a new database
Ni mogoče ustvariti novega podatkovne zbirkeUnable to activate FOREIGN_KEY constraintsNi mogoče aktivirati povezaveLayer %1 has unsupported geometry type %2.Layer %1 has unsupported Coordinate Reference System (%2).Filling SpatiaLite for layer %1 failed%1 (offline)Cannot make FID-name for GPKG Creation of layer failed (OGR error: %1)Creation of field %1 failed (OGR error: %2)Feature cannot be copied to the offline layer, please check if the online layer '%1' is still accessible.Offline Editing PluginUrejanje brez povezaveCould not open the SpatiaLite logging database%1: Unknown data type %2. Not using type affinity for the field.QgsOfflineEditingPluginCreate offline copies of selected layers and save as offline projectUstvari kopijo brez povezave za izbrane plasti in shrani kot projekt brez povezave&Offline Editing&Urejanje brez povezaveSynchronizeUskladiSynchronize offline project with remote layersUskladi projekt brez povezave s podatkovnim skladiščemConvert to Offline Project…Converting to Offline ProjectSynchronizing to Remote Layers%v / %m features copied%v / %m geoobjektov kopiranih%v / %m features processed%v / %m geoobjektov obdelanih%v / %m fields added%v / %m polj dodanih%v / %m features added%v / %m geoobjektov dodanih%v / %m features removed%v / %m geoobjektov odsstranjenih%v / %m feature updates%v / %m elementov spremenjenih%v / %m feature geometry updates%v / %m geometrijskih elementov posodobljenihQgsOfflineEditingPluginGuiSelect target database for offline dataIzberite podatkovno zbirko za podatkeSpatiaLite DBSpatiaLite podatkovna skladiščaAll filesVse datotekeGeoPackageOffline Editing PluginUrejanje brez povezaveConverting to offline project.Pretvarjam v lokalni projekt.Offline database file '%1' exists. Overwrite?Lokalno podatkovno zbirko '%1' obstaja. Prepišem?QgsOfflineEditingPluginGuiBaseCreate Offline ProjectUstvari lokalni projektStorage typeGeoPackageSpatiaLiteSpatiaLiteOffline dataLokalni podatkiBrowse…Select remote layersIzberite oddaljene plastiSelect allIzberi vseDeselect allOdznači vseOnly synchronize selected features if a selection is presentQgsOfflineEditingProgressDialogLayer %1 of %2..Sloj %1 od %2..QgsOfflineEditingProgressDialogBaseDialogNapredovanjeTextLabelTextLabelQgsOffsetUserInputBaseFormObrazecOffsetZamik……Join styleSlog vozliščQuadrant segmentsMiter limitCap styleSlog zaključkovQgsOffsetUserWidgetRoundZaokroženoMiterKoničastoBevelKvadratnoFlatRavnoSquareKvadratnoQgsOgrDataCollectionItemAdd ConnectionA connection with the same name already exists,
please provide a new name:Open %1FolderZemlejvidFileDatotekafoldermapafiledatotekaCould not delete %1.%1 deleted successfully.QgsOgrDbSourceSelectAdd %1 Layer(s)&Set Filter&Nastavi sitoWildcardKončnicaRegExpRegExpAllVseTableTabelaTypeTipGeometry columnGeometrijski stolpecSqlSql@@Are you sure you want to remove the %1 connection and all associated settings?Ali želite odstraniti povezavo %1 s pripadajočimi nastavitvami?Confirm DeletePotrditev brisanjaSelect TableIzberi tabeloYou must select a table in order to add a Layer.Izbrati morate tabelo, da lahko dodate sloj.QgsOgrDbTableModelTableTabelaTypeTipGeometry columnGeometrijski stolpecSqlSqlQgsOgrLayerItemLayer deleted successfully.Sloj je uspešno izbrisan.File deleted successfully.Datoteka uspešno izbrisana.QgsOgrProviderOGROGRBooleanAutogenerateSamodejno ustvariOGR error committing transaction: %1Data source is invalid (%1)Neveljaven podatkovni vir (%1)Whole number (integer)Celo število (integer)Whole number (integer 64 bit)Decimal number (real)Decimalno število (real)Text (string)Tekst (string)DateDatumTimeČasDate & TimeDatum & ČasOGR[%1] error %2: %3OGR[%1] napaka %2: %3JSON (string)Binary object (BLOB)Binarni objekt (BLOB)String ListOGR error creating wkb for feature %1: %2Feature has too many attributes (expecting %1, received %2)type %1 for attribute %2 not foundOGR error creating feature %1: %2type %1 for field %2 not foundOGR error creating field %1: %2Cannot delete feature id columnOGR error deleting field %1: %2Invalid attribute indexError renaming field %1: name '%2' already existsNapaka pri preimenovanju polja %1: ime '%2' že obstajaOGR error renaming field %1: %2Feature %1 for attribute update not found.Changing feature id of feature %1 is not allowed.Field %1 of feature %2 doesn't exist.Type %1 of attribute %2 of feature %3 unknown.OGR error setting feature %1: %2OGR error syncing to disk: %1OGR error changing geometry: feature %1 not foundOGR error creating geometry for feature %1: %2OGR error in feature %1: geometry is nullOGR error setting geometry of feature %1: %2Cannot reopen datasource %1Cannot reopen datasource %1 in update modeUnbalanced call to leaveUpdateMode() w.r.t. enterUpdateMode()Cannot reopen datasource %1 in read-only modePossible corruption after REPACK detected. %1 still exists. This may point to a permission or locking problem of the original DBF.Original layer could not be reopened.OGR error deleting feature %1: %2Shapefiles without attribute are considered read-only.QgsOgrSourceSelect Additional credential options are required as documented <a href="%1">here</a>.Open OGR Supported Vector Dataset(s)Are you sure you want to remove the %1 connection and all associated settings?Ali želite odstraniti povezavo %1 s pripadajočimi nastavitvami?Confirm DeletePotrditev brisanjaAdd vector layerDodaj vektorski slojNo database selected.Podatkovna zbirka ni izbrano.Password for Geslo zaPlease enter your password:Prosim vpišite geslo:No protocol URI entered.Ni vnesen URI protokol.No protocol bucket and/or key entered.No layers selected.Nobena plast ni označena.No directory selected.Direktorij ni izbran.Open an OGR Supported Vector LayerOdpri OGR podprti vektorski slojOpen DirectoryOdpri direktorijQgsOgrSourceSelectBaseAdd Vector LayerF&ile&DirectoryDa&tabaseEncodingKodna tabelaProtocolProtokol&URITypeTipSource TypeProtoco&l: HTTP(S), cloud, etc.Bucket or containerObject key……AuthenticationAvtentikacijaSourceVirVector Dataset(s)DatabasePodatkovna zbirkaConnectionsPovezaveNewNovoEditUrejanjeDeleteIzbrišiQgsOpacityWidget %%QgsOpacityWidgetPluginA widget for specifying an opacity value.QgsOptionDialogTemplateOptions Dialog TemplateGroupBoxQgsOptionsnot presentni prisotnoSystem value: %1Sistemska vrednost: %1Show all featuresPrikaži vse geoobjekteShow selected featuresPrikaži samo izbrane geoobjekteRemember last viewTable viewForm viewAllVseAlwaysVednoIf neededČe je potrebnoNeverNikoliLoad allNaloži vseCheck file contentsPreveri vsebino datotekeCheck extensionPreveri končnicoNoNeBasic scanOsnovno pregledFull scanPopolni pregledNo projection (or unknown/non-Earth projection)Ni projekcije (ali pa je neznana)<h1>Default projection for new projects</h1>Select a projection that should be used for new projects that are created in QGIS.MetersMetriKilometersKilometriFeetČevljiYardsJardiMilesMiljeNautical milesCentimetersCentimetriMillimetersMillimetriDegreesStopinjeMap unitsEnote zemljevidaSquare metersSquare kilometersSquare feetSquare yardsSquare milesHectaresAcresSquare nautical milesSquare centimetersSquare millimetersSquare degreesRadiansRadianiGon/gradiansMinutes of arcSeconds of arcTurns/revolutionsMaximum angleMaximum differenceNajvečja razlikaDistanceRazdaljaSnapToGridVisvalingamPlain text, no geometryPlain text, WKT geometryGeoJSONGeoJSONSet Selection ColorSet Canvas ColorSet Measuring Tool ColorSelect Grid ColorVertexVmesna točkaVertex and segmentSegmentDialogObrazecDockMiterKoničastoAccelerationSave Default ProjectShrani privzeti projektRestore UI DefaultsStretch to MinMaxRaztegni med najmanjšim in največjimStretch and Clip to MinMaxClip to MinMaxObreži med največjo in najmanjšo vrednostjoSample date: %1 money: %2 int: %3 float: %4Set ScaleCumulative pixel count cutMinimum / maximumMinimalno / maksimalnoMean +/- standard deviationPovprečje +/- standardni odklonSolidPolnoDotsPikeCrossesKrižciDetected active locale on your system: %1Zaznaj aktivne lokalne nastavitve na mojem sistemu: %1map unitsenote mapepixelspiksliSemi transparent circlePolprozorna krožnicaCrossKrižciNoneBrezQGIS filesQGIS datotekeSelect colorIzberi barvoThe text you entered is not a valid scale.Besedilo ne predstavlja veljavnega merila.OffIzključenoIdentify Highlight ColorQGISQGISGEOSGEOSRoundZaokroženoBevelKvadratnoYou must set a default projectMorate nastaviti privzeti projektCurrent project saved as defaultTrenutni projekt shrani kot privzetiError saving current project as defaultNi mogoče privzeti trenutnega projektaChoose a directory to store project template filesMapa za predlogeShow features visible on mapPrikaži geoobjekte vidne na zemljeviduQGIS restart requiredNo OpenCL compatible devices were found on your system.<br>You may need to install additional libraries in order to enable OpenCL.<br>Please check your logs for further details.Choose project file to open at launchIzberite projekt za zagonCreate Options - %1 DriverLastnosti - %1 krmilnikCreate Options - pyramidsLastnosti - piramideAre you sure to reset the UI to default (needs restart)?OverwritePrepišiIf UndefinedČe ni definiranoUnsetNi nastavljenoPrependAppendDodajChoose a directoryIzberi mapoClear CacheContent cache has been cleared.Connection authentication cache has been cleared.Enter scaleVnesi meriloScale denominatorZmanjšaj meriloLoad scalesNaloži merilaXML files (*.xml *.XML)XML datoteke (*.xml *.XML)Save scalesShrani merilaNo StretchNeraztegnjenoNone / PlanimetricQgsOptionsBaseOptionsMožnostiGeneralSplošnoSystemSistemData SourcesPodatkovni viriData sourcesPodatkovni viriRenderingPrikazColorsBarveCanvas & LegendZemljevid & legendaCanvas and legendZemljevid in legendaMap ToolsOrodja zemljevidaMap toolsOrodja zemljevidaDigitizingRisanjeGDALGDALCRSKoordinatni sistemNetworkOmrežjeApplicationProgramStyle <i>(QGIS restart required)</i>Oblika <i>(zahtevan ponovni zagon programa)</i>Icon sizeVelikost ikon161624243232FontPisavaSizeVelikostTimeout for timed messages or dialogs s sHide splash screen at startupSkrij zaslonsko sliko ob zagonuProject filesDatoteke projektaNewNovoMost recentNajpogostejeSpecificPosebnoOpen project on launchOdpri projekt ob zagonuCreate new project from default projectUstvari nov projekt iz privzetega projektaSet current project as defaultTrenutni projekt kot privzetoReset defaultPonastavi privzetoTemplate folderMapa predlogeResetPonastaviPrompt to save project and data source changes when requiredPrompt for confirmation when a layer is to be removedWarn when opening a project file saved with an older version of QGISPri odpiranju shranjenega projekta opozori, če je bil ta shranjen v starejši verziji QGIS-aEnable macrosOmogoči makreNeverNikoliAskVprašajFor this session onlyAlways (not recommended)Vedno (ni priporočeno)EnvironmentOkoljeApplyUveljaviVariableSpremeniljivkaValueVrednostCurrent environment variables (read-only - bold indicates modified at startup)Show only QGIS-specific variablesUse custom variables (restart required - include separators)Plugin pathsPot do vtičnikovPath(s) to search for additional C++ plugins librariesPot do knjižnic za C++ dodatkeSVG pathsSVG potiAuthenticationAvtentikacijaVariablesSpremenljivkaAdvancedNaprednoUI Theme48486464&Qt defaultCheck QGIS version at startupUse native color chooser dialogsWelcome PagePath(s) to search for Scalable Vector Graphic (SVG) symbolsPot za iskanje SVG (Scalable Vector Graphic) simbolovReset user interface to default settings (restart required)Feature attributes and tableAttribute table row cachePredpomnjenje podatkovne tabeleRepresentation for NULL valuesPredstavitev ničelnih vrednostiLayoutsPostavitvePrint layoutsLocatorOverride system &locale<b>Note:</b> Enabling / changing override on locale requires an application restartDetected active locale on your systemModeless data source manager dialogA modeless dialog allows you to interact with QGIS main window and dialogs.AccelerationConfigure GPU for processing algorithmsLocale (numbers, date and currency formats)User Interface TranslationShow group (thousand) separatorThis locale is used for number representation.Sample text for locale formattingSelect fileDatotekaSelect folderMapaAdd new pathRemove pathDocumentation pathsLower selected path priority……Path(s) to search for QGIS helpRaise selected path prioritySettingsNastavitveRemove variableAdd new variable&Use a default CRSEnter default datum transformations which will be used in any newly created projectAsk for datum transformation if several are availableAttribute table behaviorDefault viewCopy features asData source handlingScan for valid items in the browser dockPreglej veljavne elemente v brskalnikuScan for contents of compressed files (.zip) in browser dockPreglej vsebino stisnjenih datotek (.zip) v brskalnikuPrompt for raster sublayers when openingMap TipsNamigiDelay (ms)Color schemesDon't update rubber band during vertex editingEnable snapping on invisible features (not shown on the map canvas)Layout defaultsLayout Paths<html><head/><body><p>Changes on this page are dangerous and can break your QGIS installation in various ways. Any change you make is applied immediately, without clicking the <span style=" font-style:italic;">OK</span> button.</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p>Some of the internal C++ processing core algorithms and renderers can take advantage of an OpenCL compatible device to increase the performances.<br/><span style=" font-weight:600;">QGIS OpenCL support is highly experimental and can crash QGIS because of bugs in the underlying libraries, enable at your own risk!</span></p></body></html>The following OpenCL devices were found on this system (changing the default device requires QGIS to be restarted).Enable OpenCL accelerationImport Palette…Uvozi paleto...New Palette…Nova paleta...Import palette from fileUvozi paleto iz datoteke<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd">
<html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css">
p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
</style></head><body style=" font-family:'Noto Sans'; font-size:10pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;">
<p style="-qt-paragraph-type:empty; margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><br /></p></body></html>Remove PaletteOdstrani paletoRemove current paletteOdstrani trenutno paletoCreate a new paletteUstvari novo paletoShow in Color ButtonsHidden browser pathsPaths hidden from browser panelRendering behaviorObnašanje prikaza na ekranuBy default new la&yers added to the map should be displayedPrivzeto se novi slo&ji dodajo na karto, kjer so tudi prikazaniUse render caching where possible to speed up redrawsUporabi predpomnjenje prikaza kjer je mogoče, zaradi pohitritve risanjaRender layers in parallel using many CPU coresEnable feature si&mplification by default for newly added layersMagnification levelRendering qualityKvaliteta prikazovanjaMake lines appear less jagged at the expense of some drawing performancePrikaži linije manj nazobčaneCurve segmentationSegmentation toleranceTolerance typeRastersRastriRGB band selectionIzbira RGB pasuRed bandRdeči pasGreen bandZeleni pasBlue bandModri pasContrast enhancementIzboljšanje kontrastaSingle band grayEnostavni sivinski pasMulti band color (byte / band) Multi band color (> byte / band) Limits (minimum/maximum)Omejitve (najmanjše/največje)Open new attribute tables as docked windowsAdd PostGIS layers with double-click and select in extended modeAdd Oracle layers with double-click and select in extended mode<html><head/><body><p>When digitizing a new feature, default values are retrieved from the database. With this option turned on, the default values will be evaluated at the time of digitizing. With this option turned off, the default values will be evaluated at the time of saving.</p></body></html>Evaluate default valuesMax cores to useSimplification threshold (higher values result in more simplification)This algorithm is only applied to simplify on local sideSimplification algorithmMaximum scale at which the layer should be simplified (1:1 always simplifies)AlgorithmCumulative pixel count cut limits--%%Standard deviation multiplierDebuggingRazhroščevanjeShow these events in the Log Message panel (under Rendering tab)Map canvas refreshOsveževanje zemljevidaDouble-click action in legendDisplay classification attribute in layer titlesMinimum line / stroke width in millimeters.ZoomingSpecifies the change in zoom level with each move of the mouse wheel.
The bigger the number, the faster zooming with the mouse wheel will be.Remove selected scalePaste colorsPrilepi barveAdd colorDodaj barvoRemove colorOdstrani barvoCopy colorsKopiraj barveDefault map appearance (overridden by project properties)Selection colorIzbor barveOpen layer styling dockHighlight color<html><head/><body><p>The color used to highlight identified feature. The alpha channel is only used for polygons fill, lines and outlines are fully opaque.</p></body></html>BufferObrisLines / outlines buffer in millimeters.Debelina obrobe obrisa v milimetrih.Minimum widthNajmanjša širinaIf unchecked large numbers will be converted from m. to km. and from ft. to milesReset to default scalesPonastavi privzeto meriloDefault Z valueEnable snapping by defaultPrivzeto magnetenje omogočenoDisplay main dialog as (restart required)Snapping marker colorBarva označevalca magnetenjaShow snapping tooltipsPrikazuj nasvete magnetenjaMarker size (in millimeter)Grid colorGrid and guide defaultsGrid spacingPresledek mreže px pxPath(s) to search for extra print templatesSuppress attribute form pop-up after feature creationNe prikaži obrazca po vnosu elementaFill colorBarva polnilaPro&mpt for CRSUse pro&ject CRSDefault expiration period for WMS capabilities (hours)Max retry in case of tile or feature request errorsClear cache<html><head/><body><p>The connection cache stores all authentication connections data even when the connection fails.<br/>If you make any change to the authentication configurations or to the certification authorities, you should clear the authentication cache or<br/>restart QGIS. <br/>When this option is checked, the authentication cache will be automatically cleared every time an SSL error occurs and you choose to abort the connection.<br/></p></body></html>Automatically clear the connection authentication cache on SSL errors (recommended)Clear authentication connection cacheUse pro&xy for web accessRemove selected URLAdd URL to excludeExpression VariablesLocator FiltersAdvanced Settings EditorI will be careful, I promise!Background colorBarva ozadjaIgnore shapefile encoding declarationDisable OGR on-the-fly conversion from declared encoding to UTF-8Execute expressions on server-side if possible<b>Note:</b> Feature simplification may speed up rendering but can result in rendering inconsistenciesHigher values result in more simplificationSimplify on provider side if possiblePoenostavi na ponudnikovi strani, če je to mogočeExport colorsImport colors from fileUvoz barv iz datotekeLayer legendLegenda slojaOpen layer propertiesLastnosti odprtih slojevOpen attribute tableOdpri podatkovno tabeloWMS getLegendGraphic ResolutionIdentifyIdentificirajSearch radius for identifying features and displaying map tipsPoišči premer za identificiranje geoobjekta in prikaz napotkov na kartiMeasure toolOrodja za merjenjePreferred distance unitsRubberband colorBarva merilnega orodjaPreferred angle unitsUporabi raje kotne enoteMap update interval msDecimal placesDecimalna mestaKeep base unitObdrži osnovno enotoZoom factorFaktor približevanjaPredefined scalesPrednastavljena merilaAdd predefined scaleDodaj prednastavljeno meriloImport from fileUvozi iz datotekeExport to fileIzvozi v datotekoDefault fontGrid appearanceGrid style mmmmGrid offsetMrežax: x: y: y: Snap toleranceToleranca magnetenjaFeature creationValidate geometriesGeometrijsko preverjanjeReuse last entered attribute valuesUporabi zadnjo vnešeno podatkovno vrednostRubberbandMerilno orodjeLine colorBarva črtLine width in pixelsŠirina linije v pikslihLine widthŠirina linijeSnappingMagnetenjeDefault snap modePrivzeti način lepljenjaDefault snapping tolerancePrivzeta toleranca magnetenjaSearch radius for vertex editsObmočje okoli vozlišča za urejanjemap unitsenote zemljevidapixelspiksliPreferred area unitsVertex markersOznake vozliščMarker styleSlog oznakeShow markers only for selected featuresPrikaži oznake le za izbrane geoobjekteCurve offset toolMiter limitJoin styleSlog vozliščQuadrant segmentsGDAL driver optionsMožnosti GDAL gonilnikaEdit Pyramids OptionsLastnosti piramidEdit Create OptionsGDAL driversIn some cases more than one GDAL driver can be used to load the same raster format. Use the list below to specify which to use.V nekaterih primerih lahko obstajajo različni GDAL krmilnike za rastre. Iz seznama izberite krmilnik.NameImeFlagsZastaviceDescriptionOpisWhen a new layer is created, or when a layer is loaded that has no CRSWMS search addressWMS naslov iskanjaTimeout for network requests (ms)Omrežna zahteva se je iztekla (ms)Default expiration period for WMS-C/WMTS tiles (hours)User-AgentCache settingsNastavitve predpomnilnikaContentDirectoryMapaSize [KiB]HostGostiteljPortVrataProxy typeTip Proxy-aExclude URLs (starting with)Izloči URL (začni z)Default uses system's proxyCRS for New ProjectsWhen a new project is createdUse CRS from first layer addedDefault Datum TransformationsCRS for New LayersExtensionKončnicaQgsOptionsDialogBaseMissing ObjectsBase options dialog could not be initialized.
Missing some of the .ui template objects:
QgsOracleColumnTypeThreadRetrieving tables of %1…Scanning column %1.%2.%3…Table retrieval finished.Pridobivanje tabel je zaključeno.QgsOracleConnConnection to database failedPovezava s podatkovno zbirko ni uspelaOracleOracleCould not switch to workspace %1 [%2]Database connection was successful, but the accessible tables could not be determined.Poveza s podatkovno zbirko je bila uspešna, toda zaznane ni nobene primerne tabele.Unable to get list of spatially enabled tables from the databaseGeometrijskih tabel v podatkovni zbirki ni mogoče prepoznatiUnsupported geometry type %1 in %2.%3.%4 ignoredView %1.%2 doesn't have integer columns for use as keys.Connection failed %1s ago - skipping retrySQL: %1 [owner: %2 table_name: %3]
error: %4
Querying available tables failed.
SQL: %1
error: %2
SQL: %1
error: %2
PointTočkaMultipointVečtočkovniLineLinijaMultilineVečlinijskoPolygonPoligonMultipolygonVečpoligonskoNo GeometryBrez geometrijeUnknown GeometryNepoznana geometrijaQgsOracleConnectionItemRefreshOsvežiScanning tables for %1Edit Connection…Uredi povezavo...Delete ConnectionIzbriši povezavo%1: Not a valid layer!%1: Ni veljaven sloj!%1: Not a vector layer!%1: Ni vektorski sloj!Import to Oracle databaseUvoz v Oracle podatkovno zbirkoFailed to import some layers!
Nekateri sloji niso pravilno uvoženi!
Import was successful.Uspešno uvoženo.QgsOracleLayerItemDelete TableIzbriši tabeloTable deleted successfully.Tabela uspešno izbrisana.QgsOracleNewConnectionSaving PasswordsShranjevanje geselWARNING: You have opted to save your password. It will be stored in plain text in your project files and in your home directory on Unix-like systems, or in your user profile on Windows. If you do not want this to happen, please press the Cancel button.
OPOZORILO: Potrdili ste shranjevanje gesla, kar lahko predstavlja varnostni problem.Save ConnectionShrani povezavoConnection to %1 was successful.Povezava z %1 je bila uspešnaConnection failed - consult message log for details.Should the existing connection %1 be overwritten?Ali naj prepišem obstoječo povezavo %1?QgsOracleNewConnectionBaseConnection InformationPovezavaPasswordGesloUsernameUporabniško imeName of the new connectionIme nove povezaveSave passwordOnly look in metadata tableDatabasePodatkovna zbirkaSchemaShemaIf specified, only tables from the matching schema will be fetched and listed for the providerCreate a New Oracle ConnectionNameImeRestrict the displayed tables to those that are in the all_sdo_geom_metadata tableSave usernameWhen searching for spatial tables restrict the search to tables that are owned by the user.<html><head/><body><p>When searching for spatial tables restrict the search to tables that are owned by the user.</p></body></html>Only list the existing geometry types and don't offer to add others.Only existing geometry typesWorkspaceInclude additional geometry attributes<html><head/><body><p>Restricts the displayed tables to those that are in the all_sdo_geom_metadata view. This can speed up the initial display of spatial tables.</p></body></html>Only look for user's tablesAlso list tables with no geometryPrikaži tudi tabele brez geometrijePortVrata15211521&Test Connect&Preizkus povezaveHostGostiteljUse estimated table statistics for the layer metadata.Uporabi ocenjeno statistiko za metapodatke sloja.<html><head/><body><p>When the layer is setup various metadata is required for the Oracle table. This includes information such as the table row count, geometry type and spatial extents of the data in the geometry column. If the table contains a large number of rows determining this metadata is time consuming.</p><p>By activating this option the following fast table metadata operations are done:</p><p>1) Row count is determined from all_tables.num_rows.</p><p>2) Table extents are always determined with the SDO_TUNE.EXTENTS_OF function even if a layer filter is applied.</p><p>3) The table geometry is determined from the first 100 non-null geometry rows in the table.</p></body></html>Use estimated table metadataUporabi ocenjene metapodatke tabeleOptionsMožnostiQgsOracleOwnerItem%1 as %2 in %3%1 kot %2 v %3as geometryless tablekot negeometrijska tabelaQgsOracleProviderWhole numberCelo številoWhole big numberDecimal number (numeric)Decimalno število (numeric)Decimal number (decimal)Decimalno število (decimal)Decimal number (real)Decimalno število (real)Decimal number (double)Decimalno število (double)Text, fixed length (char)Besedilo fiksne dolžine (char)Text, limited variable length (varchar2)Text, unlimited length (long)DateDatumDate & TimeDatum & ČasFAILURE: Field %1 not found.OracleOracleRead attempt on an invalid oracle data sourceLoading comment for table %1.%2 failed [%3]Loading comment for columns of table %1.%2 failed [%3]Loading field types for table %1.%2 failed [%3]Invalid spatial index %1 on column %2.%3.%4 found - expect poor performance.Probing for spatial index on column %1.%2.%3 failed [%4]Retrieving fields from '%1' failed [%2]Unable to determine geometry column access privileges for column %1.%2.
The error message from the database was:
SQL: %4Unable to determine table access privileges for the table %1.
The error message from the database was:
SQL: %3The custom query is not a select query.Poizvedba ni pravilna.Unable to execute the query.
The error message from the database was:
SQL: %2Poizvedbe ni mogoče izvesti.
Napaka podatkovne zbirke:
SQL: %2Primary key field %1 not found in %2Primary key field '%1' for view not unique.Polje primarnega ključa '%1' za pogled ni unikatno.Key field '%1' for view not found.Polje ključa '%1' za pogled ni bilo najdeno.No key field for view given.ni ustreznega enoličnega polja.No key field for query given.Ni ustreznega enoličnega polja za poizvedbo.Evaluation of default value failedRetrieval of updated primary keys from versioned tables not supportedCould not start transactionCould not prepare get feature id statementCould not prepare insert statementCould not insert feature %1Could not retrieve feature id %1Could not commit transactionOracle error while adding features: %1Could not rollback transactionDeletion of feature %1 failedOracle error while deleting features: %1Adding attribute %1 failedSetting comment on %1 failedOracle error while adding attributes: %1Could not reload fields.Dropping column %1 failedOracle error while deleting attributes: %1Invalid attribute index: %1Error renaming field %1: name '%2' already existsNapaka pri preimenovanju polja %1: ime '%2' že obstajaRenaming column %1 to %2 failedOracle error while renaming attributes: %1Update of feature %1 failedOracle error while changing attributes: %1Could not update metadata for %1.%2.
SQL: %3
Error: %4Could not insert metadata for %1.%2.
SQL: %3
Error: %4Creation spatial index failed.
SQL: %1
Error: %2Rebuild of spatial index failed.
SQL: %1
Error: %2Drop created table %1 failed.
SQL: %2
Error: %3Lookup of Oracle SRID %1 failed.
SQL: %2
Error: %3Could not prepare update statement.No spatial index on column %1.%2.%3 found - expect poor performance.Oracle error while changing geometry values: %1Could not retrieve extents: %1
SQL: %2Could not execute query.
The error message from the database was:
SQL: %2Could not retrieve SRID of %1.
The error message from the database was:
SQL: %3Could not determine SRID of %1.
The error message from the database was:
SQL: %3%1 has no valid geometry types.
SQL: %2Could not determine geometry type of %1.
The error message from the database was:
SQL: %3Geometry type and srid for empty column %1 of %2 undefined.Geometrija in kooordinatni sistem za prazno polje %1 in %2 nista definirani.Feature type or srid for %1 of %2 could not be determined or was not requested.Tip elementa ali koordinatnbi sistem za %1 od %2 ni mogoče določiti.Editing and adding disabled for 2D+ layer (%1; %2)Urejanje in dodajanje za 2D + sloje (%1; %2)Could not determine table existence.Table %1 could not be dropped.Table %1 already exists.Table creation failed.Could not lookup authid %1:%2Could not lookup WKT.Could not determine new srid.CRS not found and could not be created.Could not insert metadata.Oracle SRID %1 not found.Oracle error: %1
SQL: %2
Error: %3Oracle error: %1
Error: %2QgsOracleRootItemNew Connection…Nova povezava...QgsOracleSourceSelectAdd Oracle Table(s)Vstaci Oracle tabele&Set Filter&Nastavi filterSet FilterNastavi filterWildcardKončnicaRegExpRegExpAllVseOwnerLastnikTableTabelaTypeVrstaGeometry columnGeometrijski stolpecPrimary key columnStolpec primarnega ključaSRIDKoordinatni sistemSqlSqlAre you sure you want to remove the %1 connection and all associated settings?Ali želite odstraniti povezavo %1 s pripadajočimi nastavitvami?Confirm DeletePotrditev brisanjaLoad ConnectionsNaloži povezaveXML files (*.xml *.XML)XML datoteke (*.xml *.XML)Select TableIzberi tabeloYou must select a table in order to add a layer.Da lahko dodate sloj, morate izbrati tabelo.Scanning tables for %1StopUstaviConnectPovežiQgsOracleSourceSelectDelegateSelect…Označi...Enter…Vnesi...QgsOracleTableModelOwnerLastnikTableTabelaTypeTipGeometry columnGeometrijski stolpecSRIDSRIDPrimary key columnEnolično določeno poljeSelect at idIDSqlSqlSpecify a geometry typeDoločite geometrijski tipEnter a SRIDKoordinatni sistemSelect a primary keyEnolični ključSelect…Označi...Enter…Vnesi...Disable 'Fast Access to Features at ID' capability to force keeping the attribute table in memory (e.g. in case of expensive views).Onemogoči 'Hiter dostop do geoobjektov pri ID' lastnost za obdelavo geoobjektov v spominu (v primeru potratnih poizvedb).QgsOrderByDialogAscendingNaraščajočeDescendingRazvrsti od Ž do ANULLs lastNULLs firstQgsOrganizeTableColumnsDialog[Action Widget]Organize Table columnsSelect AllIzberi vseDeselect AllOdznači vseQgsPGConnectionItemRefreshOsvežiDelete ConnectionIzbriši povezavoEdit Connection…Uredi povezavo...Create Schema…Create SchemaSchema name:Ime sheme:Unable to create schema.Sheme ni mogoče ustvariti.Unable to create schema %1
%2Sheme ni mogoče ustvariti %1
%2%1: %2%1: %2%1: Not a valid layer!%1: Sloj ni veljaven.Import to PostGIS databaseUvoz v PostGIS podatkovno zbirkoFailed to import some layers!
Nekateri sloji niso pravilno uvoženi!
Import was successful.Uvoz uspešen.Connection failedPovezava ni uspelaFailed to get schemasQgsPGLayerItemViewPogledTableTabelaRename %1…Preimenuj %1...Truncate %1Refresh Materialized ViewDelete %1%1 deleted successfully.viewpogledtabletabela%1 %2.%3%1 %2.%3Rename %1Preimenuj %1Unable to rename %1.Ni mogoče preimenovati %1.Unable to rename %1 %2
%3Ni mogoče preimenovati %1 %2
%3Truncate TableUnable to truncate table.Unable to truncate %1
%2Table truncated successfully.Refresh ViewOsveži pogledUnable to refresh the view.Unable to refresh view %1
%2Materialized view refreshed successfully.QgsPGRootItemNew Connection…Nova povezava...QgsPGSchemaItemas geometryless tablekot negeometrijska tabelaConnection failedPovezava ni uspelaFailed to get layersNapačno pridobljene plastiRefreshOsvežiRename Schema…Preimenuj shemo...Delete SchemaIzbriši shemoUnable to delete schema.Sheme ni mogoče izbrisati.Schema deleted successfully.Shema uspešno izbrisana.schema '%1'shema '%1'Rename SchemaPreimenuj shemoUnable to rename schema.Sheme ni mogoče preimenovatiUnable to rename schema %1
%2Ni mogoče preimenovati sheme %1
%2Schema renamed successfully.Shema preimenovana uspešnoViewPogledMaterialized viewTableTabela
%1 as %2 (srid %1) (unknown srid)QgsPalettedRendererModelValueVrednostColorBarvaLabelOznakaQgsPalettedRendererWidgetOptionsMožnostiChange labelSpremeni oznakoChange Color…Spremeni barvo...Change Opacity…Spremeni prosojnost...Change Label…Spremeni oznako...Advanced OptionsNapredne možnostiLoad Classes from LayerLoad Color Map from File…Export Color Map to File…Load Color Table from FileLoad Color TableSave Color Table as FileDelete ClassificationIzbriši klasifikacijoSelect ColorIzbira barveOpacityProsojnostChange color opacity [%]Spremeni prosojnost [%]LabelOznakaCould not interpret file as a raster color table.Text (*.clr)Write access denied. Adjust the file permissions and try again.
Pisanje ni omogočeno. Prilagodite dovoljenja datoteke in ponovno poskusite.
Calculating…The classification band was changed from %1 to %2.
Should the existing classes be deleted?ClassifyRazdeliQgsPalettedRendererWidgetBaseFormObrazecAdds all missing unique values from the rasterClassifyRazdeliAdd values manuallyRočno dodaj vrednostiRemove selected row(s)Delete AllIzbriši vseAdvanced optionsNapredne možnosti……CancelPrekiniBandPasColor rampBarvna lestvicaQgsPasswordLineEditHide textShow textQgsPasteTransformationsBasePaste TransformationsZlepi transformacije<b>Note: This function is not useful yet!</b><b>Opozorilo: Ta funkcija še ni uporabna!</b>SourceVirDestinationDestinacijaQgsPdfExportOptionsDialogPDF Export OptionsExport OptionsExport RDF metadataAdvanced OptionsNapredne možnostiDisables tiled rendering of raster layers. This setting may improve the export quality in some circumstances, at the cost of much greater memory usage during exports.Disable tiled raster layer exportsText exportIf checked, the layout will always be kept as vector objects when exported to a compatible format, even if the appearance of the resultant file does not match the layouts settings. If unchecked, some elements in the layout may be rasterized in order to keep their appearance intact.Always export as vectorsQgsPenCapStyleComboBoxSquareKvadratnoFlatRavnoRoundOkrogloQgsPenJoinStyleComboBoxBevelKvadratnoMiterKoničastoRoundZaokroženoQgsPenStyleComboBoxSolid LinePolna črtaNo PenBrez črteDash LineČrta s prehajanjemDot LineČrta pikaDash Dot LineČrta pika črticaDash Dot Dot LineČrta pika pika črticaQgsPgNewConnectiondisableizključiallowdovolipreferdaj prednostrequirezahtevajverify-caverify-fullSaving PasswordsShranjevanje geselWARNING: You have opted to save your password. It will be stored in unsecured plain text in your project files and in your home directory (Unix-like OS) or user profile (Windows). If you want to avoid this, press Cancel and either:
a) Don't save a password in the connection settings — it will be requested interactively when needed;
b) Use the Configuration tab to add your credentials in an HTTP Basic Authentication method and store them in an encrypted database.Save ConnectionShrani povezavoConnection to %1 was successful.Povezava z %1 je bila uspešnaConnection failed - consult message log for details.Should the existing connection %1 be overwritten?Ali naj obstoječo povezavo %1 zamenjam?QgsPgNewConnectionBaseConnection InformationInformacije povezovanjaAuthenticationAvtentikacijaServiceStoritevPortKanal (port)Name of the new connectionIme nove povezave54325432Restrict the displayed tables to those that are in the layer registries.Omeji prikaz tabel na registrirane tabele.Restricts the displayed tables to those that are found in the layer registries (geometry_columns, geography_columns, topology.layer). This can speed up the initial display of spatial tables.Prikaži samo registrirane tabele (geometrijski stolpci, geografski stolpci, topologija sloga). Lahko pohitri prikaz tabel.Only show layers in the layer registriesPrikaži samo registrirane plasti&Test ConnectionCreate a New PostGIS Connection&Name&ImeHos&t&Database&Podatkovna zbirkaSSL &modeRestrict the search to the public schema for spatial tables not in the geometry_columns tableOmejitev iskanja tabel: išči prostorske tabele v shemi public in ne v tabeli geometry_columnsWhen searching for spatial tables that are not in the geometry_columns tables, restrict the search to tables that are in the public schema (for some databases this can save lots of time)Pri iskanju prostorskih tabel, ki niso v tabeli geometry_columns, omeji iskanje tabel, ki so v shemi 'public' (s tem lahko prihranite čas)Only look in the 'public' schemaGlej samo v shemi 'public'Use estimated table statistics for the layer metadata.Uporabi ocenjeno statistiko za metapodatke sloja.<html>
<p>When the layer is setup various metadata is required for the PostGIS table. This includes information such as the table row count, geometry type and spatial extents of the data in the geometry column. If the table contains a large number of rows determining this metadata is time consuming.</p>
<p>By activating this option the following fast table metadata operations are done:</p>
<p>1) Row count is determined from results of running the PostgreSQL Analyze function on the table.</p>
<p>2) Table extents are always determined with the estimated_extent PostGIS function even if a layer filter is applied.</p>
<p>3) If the table geometry type is unknown and is not exclusively taken from the geometry_columns table, then it is determined from the first 100 non-null geometry rows in the table.</p>
</html>Allow saving/loading QGIS projects in the databaseUse estimated table metadataUporabi ocenjene metapodatke tabeleAlso list tables with no geometryPrikaži tudi tabele brez geometrijeDon't resolve type of unrestricted columns (GEOMETRY)Ne rešuj nepravilnih geometrijskih tipovQgsPgSourceSelectAdd PostGIS Table(s)Dodaj PostGIS tabelo(e)&Set Filter&Nastavi filterSet FilterFilterWildcardKončnicaRegExpRegExpAllVsiSchemaShemaTableTabelaCommentKomentarTypeTipGeometry columnGeometrijsko poljeFeature idSRIDKoordinatni sistemSqlSqlAre you sure you want to remove the %1 connection and all associated settings?Ste prepričani, da želite odstraniti %1povezavo in povezane nastavitve?Confirm DeletePotrditev brisanjaLoad ConnectionsNaloži povezaveXML files (*.xml *.XML)XML datoteke (*.xml *.XML)Select TableIzberi tabeloYou must select a table in order to add a layer.Da lahko dodate sloj, morate izbrati tabelo.Scanning tables for %1StopUstaviConnectPovežiQgsPgSourceSelectDelegateSelect…Označi...Enter…Vnesi...QgsPgTableModelSchemaShemaTableTabelaCommentKomentarColumnStolpecData TypePodatkovni tipSpatial TypeGeometrijski tipSRIDKoordinatni sistemFeature idCheck PK unicityEnable check for primary key unicity when loading views and materialized views. This option can make loading of large datasets significantly slower.Specify a geometry type in the '%1' columnEnter a SRID into the '%1' columnSelect columns in the '%1' column that uniquely identify features of this layerThis option is only available for views and materialized views.Select at idIDSqlSqlSelect…Označi...Enter…Vnesi...Disable 'Fast Access to Features at ID' capability to force keeping the attribute table in memory (e.g. in case of expensive views).Onemogoči 'Hiter dostop do geoobjektov pri ID' lastnost za obdelavo geoobjektov v spominu (v primeru potratnih poizvedb).QgsPluginDependenciesDialogPlugin Dependencies ManagerPlugin dependencies for <b>%s</b>NameImeInstalledNameščenoRequiredZahtevanoAvailableActionUkrepInstallUpgradeFix manuallyQgsPluginDependenciesDialogBaseDialogObrazecPlugin dependenciesQgsPluginInstallerThere is a new plugin availableNov vtičnik je na voljoThere is a plugin update availablePosodobitev vtičnika je na voljoQGIS Python Plugin InstallerNamestitev vtičnikaServer response is 200 OK, but doesn't contain plugin metatada. This is most likely caused by a proxy or a wrong repository URL. You can configure proxy settings in QGIS options.Status code:Statusna koda:Missing metadata fileManjka metapodatkovna datotekaError reading metadataNapaka pri branju metapodatkovUninstall (recommended)Odstrani (priporočeno)I will uninstall it laterOdstranil ga bom kasnejeObsolete plugin:Neveljaven vtičnik:QGIS has detected an obsolete plugin that masks its more recent version shipped with this copy of QGIS. This is likely due to files associated with a previous installation of QGIS. Do you want to remove the old plugin right now and unmask the more recent version?Error reading repository:Napačno prebran repozitorij:Are you sure you want to downgrade the plugin to the latest available version? The installed one is newer!Ste prepričani, da želite zamenjati vtičnik z zadnjo verzijo, ki je na voljo? Nameščen vtičnik je pravzaprav novejši!Plugin installation failedNamestitev vtičnika ni uspelaPlugin has disappearedVtičnik je izginilThe plugin seems to have been installed but I don't know where. Probably the plugin package contained a wrong named directory.
Please search the list of installed plugins. I'm nearly sure you'll find the plugin there, but I just can't determine which of them it is. It also means that I won't be able to determine if this plugin is installed and inform you about available updates. However the plugin may work. Please contact the plugin author and submit this issue.Vtičnik je bil nameščen, vendar ne vem kam. Verjetno paket dodatka vsebuje napačno ime direktorija.
Prosimo preglejte seznam nameščenih dodatkov. Verjetno boste našli dodatek tam, vendar sam ne morm ugotoviti, kateri od njih je. To tudi pomeni, da nemorem ugotoviti, ali je ta dodatek nameščen in vas obvestiti o razpoložljivih posodobitve. Kakorkoli dodatek lahko dela. Prosimo, obrnite se avtorja dodatka in predloži to vprašanje.Plugin installed successfullyVtičnik se je uspešno namestilPlugin reinstalled successfullyVtičnik je uspešno ponovno nameščenPython plugin reinstalled.
You need to restart QGIS in order to reload it.The plugin is not compatible with this version of QGIS. It's designed for QGIS versions:The plugin depends on some components missing on your system. You need to install the following Python module in order to enable it:Vtičnik je vezan na določene dele, ki pa jih ni na vašem sistemu. Za delovanje vtičnika morate namestiti naslednji Python modul:The plugin is broken. Python said:Vtičnik je pokvarjen. Python sporoča:Plugin uninstall failedNamestitev vtičnika ni uspelaAre you sure you want to uninstall the following plugin?Ali res želite odstraniti vtičnik?Warning: this plugin isn't available in any accessible repository!Opozorilo: vtičnik ni navoljo v nobenem repozitoriju!Plugin uninstalled successfullyVtičnik je bil uspešno odstranjenUnable to add another repository with the same URL!Ne morem dodati drug repozitorij z enakim URL naslovom!This repository is blocked due to incompatibility with your QGIS versionYou can't remove the official QGIS Plugin Repository. You can disable it if needed.Are you sure you want to remove the following repository?Ste prepričani, da želite odstraniti ta repozitorij?Aborted by userPrekinjeno s strani uporabnikaWrong password. Please enter a correct password to the zip file.The zip file is encrypted. Please enter password.Enter passwordFailed to unzip the plugin package
Probably it is brokenUpdate of network request with authentication credentials FAILED for configuration '{0}'If you haven't canceled the download manually, it was most likely caused by a timeout. In this case consider increasing the connection timeout value in QGIS options window.Too many redirectionsMissing __init__.pyIf you haven't canceled the download manually, it might be caused by a timeout. In this case consider increasing the connection timeout value in QGIS options.QGIS Official Plugin RepositoryUradni repozitorij za QGIS vtičnikeNothing to remove! Plugin directory doesn't exist:Nič ni za odstranit! Mapa vtičnika ne obstaja:Failed to remove the directory:Brisanje direktorija ni uspelo:Check permissions or remove it manuallyPreverite pravice ali ga odstranite ročnoPlugin dependency <b>%s</b> successfully installedPlugin dependency <b>%s</b> successfully upgradedError installing plugin dependency <b>%s</b>: %sError upgrading plugin dependency <b>%s</b>: %sQgsPluginInstallerFetchingDialogSuccessUspešnoResolving host name…Reševanje imena gostitelja...Connecting…Host connected. Sending request…Downloading data…Closing connection…QgsPluginInstallerFetchingDialogBaseFetching repositoriesPrenos repozitorijevOverall progressAbort FetchingRepositoryRepozitorijStateStanjeQgsPluginInstallerInstallingDialogUpdate of network request with authentication credentials FAILED for configuration '{0}'Installing…Resolving host name…Reševanje imena gostitelja...Connecting…Host connected. Sending request…Downloading data…Closing connection…Failed to unzip the plugin package. Probably it's broken or missing from the repository. You may also want to make sure that you have write permission to the plugin directory:Neuspešno razpakiranje vtičnika. Verjetno je pokvarjen ali pa manjka v repozitoriju. Prepričajte se, če imate pravice zapisovanja v imenik kjer so vtičniki:Aborted by userPrekinjeno s strani uporabnikaQgsPluginInstallerInstallingDialogBaseQGIS Python Plugin InstallerQGIS Python namestitev dodatkaInstalling plugin:Namestitev dodatka:Connecting…QgsPluginInstallerPluginErrorDialogno error message receivedni sporočila o napakiQgsPluginInstallerPluginErrorDialogBaseError loading pluginNapaka pri nalaganju dodatkaThe plugin seems to be invalid or have unfulfilled dependencies. It has been installed, but can't be loaded. If you really need this plugin, you can contact its author or <a href="http://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/qgis-user">QGIS users group</a> and try to solve the problem. If not, you can just uninstall it. Here is the error message below:Dodatek izgleda nevaljaven ali pa ima neizpolnjene odvisnosti. Nameščen je, vendar ga ni mogoče naložiti. Če res potrebujete ta dodatek, prosim kontaktirajte avtorja ali <a href="http://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/qgis-user">QGIS skupino uporabnikov</a> in poskusite rešiti problem. Če ne, ga lahko enostavno odstranite. Tukaj je še sporočilo o napaki:Do you want to uninstall this plugin now? If you're unsure, probably you would like to do this.Želite takoj odstraniti ta dodatek? Če niste prepričani, priporočamo, da ga odstranite.QgsPluginInstallerRepositoryDetailsDialogBaseRepository detailsPodrobnosti repozitorijaEnter a name for the repositoryVnesite ime repozitorijaNameImeEnter the repository URL, beginning with "http://" or "file:///"AuthenticationAvtentikacijaClearPočistiEditUrejanjeEnable or disable the repository (disabled repositories will be omitted)Omogoči ali onemogoči repozitorij (onemogočen repozitorij bo izpuščen)ParametersParametri?qgis=?qgis=URLURLEnabledOmogočenoQgsPluginManagerPluginsVtičnikiPlugin packages (*.zip *.ZIP)No PluginsNi dodatkaNo QGIS plugins found in %1Ni vtičnikov %1Only locally availablecategory: plugins that are only locally availableSamo lokalno dostopenReinstallablecategory: plugins that are installed and availableUpgradeablecategory: plugins that are installed and there is a newer version availablePosodobitveDowngradeablecategory: plugins that are installed and there is an OLDER version availableInstallablecategory: plugins that are available for installationThis plugin is incompatible with this version of QGISVtičnik ni kompatibilen s to različico programaPlugin designed for QGIS %1compatible QGIS version(s)This plugin requires a missing moduleTa dodatek potrebuje modul, ki pa manjkaThis plugin is brokenDodatek je pokvarjenThere is a new version availableNova različica je na voljoThis is a new pluginNovi vtičnikInstalled version of this plugin is higher than any version found in repositoryThis plugin is experimentalposkusni vtičnikThis plugin is deprecatedbug trackercode repositoryInstalled versionAvailable versionChangelogPlugin dependenciesUpgrade PluginDowngrade PluginInstall PluginReinstall PluginReload all RepositoriesOnly Show Plugins from Selected RepositoryClear FilterSecurity warning: installing a plugin from an untrusted source can lead to data loss and/or leak. Continue?Don't show this again.Average rating %1CategoryKategorijaTagsOznakeAuthorAvtorMore infoVeč informacijSearch…Iskanje...Sort by NameSort by DownloadsSort by VoteSort by StatusThis is a core plugin, so you can't uninstall it%1 rating vote(s)%1 downloads%1 prenosovhomepagedomača stranconnectedpovezanoThe repository is connectedRepozitorij je povezanunavailablenedostopnoThe repository is enabled, but unavailableRepozirorij je omogočen, vendar ni dostopendisabledonemogočenoThe repository is disabledOnemogočen repozitorijThe repository is blocked due to incompatibility with your QGIS versionZaradi nekompatibilnosti je vtičnik blokiranVote sent successfullySending vote to the plugin repository failed.<h3>Upgradable plugins</h3><p>Here are <b>upgradeable plugins</b>. It means more recent versions of installed plugins are available in the repositories.</p><h3>All Plugins</h3><p>On the left you see the list of all plugins available for your QGIS, both installed and available for download. Some plugins come with your QGIS installation while most of them are made available via the plugin repositories.</p><p>You can temporarily enable or disable a plugin. To <i>enable</i> or <i>disable</i> a plugin, click its checkbox or double-click its name…</p><p>Plugins showing in <span style='color:red'>red</span> are not loaded because there is a problem. They are also listed on the 'Invalid' tab. Click on the plugin name to see more details, or to reinstall or uninstall this plugin.</p><h3>Installed Plugins</h3><p>Here you only see plugins <b>installed on your QGIS</b>.</p><p>Click on the name to see details. </p><p>Click the checkbox or double-click the name to <i>activate</i> or <i>deactivate</i> the plugin.</p><p>You can change the sorting via the context menu (right click).</p><h3>Not installed plugins</h3><p>Here you see the list of all plugins available in the repositories, but which are <b>not yet installed</b>.</p><p>Click on the name to see details.</p><p>You can change the sorting via the context menu (right click).</p><p>A plugin can be downloaded and installed by clicking on it's name, and then click the 'Install plugin' button.</p><h3>New plugins</h3><p>Here you see brand <b>new</b> plugins which can be installed.</p><h3>Invalid plugins</h3><p>Plugins in this list here are <b>broken or incompatible</b> with your version of QGIS.</p><p>Click on an individual plugin; if possible QGIS shows you more information.</p><p>The main reasons to have invalid plugins is that this plugin is not build for this version of QGIS. Maybe you can download another version from <a href="http://plugins.qgis.org">plugins.qgis.org</a>.</p><p>Another common reason is that a python plugin needs some external python libraries (dependencies). You can install them yourself, depending on your operating system. After a correct install the plugin should work.</p>QgsPluginManagerBasePlugin ManagerUpravljanje vtičnikovAllVseInstalledNameščenoInstalled pluginsNameščeni vtičnikiNot installed plugins available for downloadRazpoložljivi vtičniki, ki še niso nameščeniUpgradeablePosodobitveInstalled plugins with more recent version available for downloadNewNovi vtičnikiNot installed plugins seen for the first timeInvalidNeveljavniBroken and incompatible installed pluginspokvarjeni ali nekompatibilni vtičnikiSettingsNastavitveNot installedNi nameščenoInstall from ZIPabout:blanko:praznoVote!Your VoteCurrent voteUpgrade all upgradeable pluginsPododobi vse vtičnikeUninstall the selected pluginOdstrani izbrani vtičnikInstall, reinstall or upgrade the selected pluginNamesti, odstrani ali osveži izbran vtičnikUpgrade AllUninstall PluginReinstall Plugin<html><head/><body><p>If you are provided with a zip package containing a plugin to install, please select the file below and click the <span style=" font-style:italic;">Install plugin</span> button.</p><p>Please note for most users this function is not applicable, as the preferable way is to install plugins from a repository.</p></body></html>ZIP file:Install PluginThe settings on this tab are only applicable for Python Plugins. No Python support detected, thus no settings available.Check for updates on startupPreveri za posodobitve na začetkuevery time QGIS startsvsakič, ko se program zaženeonce a dayenkrat dnevnoevery 3 daysvsakih 3 dnievery weekvsak tedenevery 2 weeksvsaka 2 tednaevery monthvsak mesec<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd">
<html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css">
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<p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-weight:600;">Note:</span> If this function is enabled, QGIS will inform you whenever a new plugin or plugin update is available. Otherwise, fetching repositories will be performed during opening of the Plugin Manager window.</p></body></html>Show also experimental pluginsPrikaži tudi poskusne vtičnike<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd">
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<p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-weight:600;">Note:</span> Experimental plugins are generally unsuitable for production use. These plugins are in early stages of development, and should be considered 'incomplete' or 'proof of concept' tools. QGIS does not recommend installing these plugins unless you intend to use them for testing purposes.</p></body></html><!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd">
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<p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-weight:600;">Note:</span> Experimental plugins are generally unsuitable for production use. These plugins are in early stages of development, and should be considered 'incomplete' or 'proof of concept' tools. QGIS does not recommend installing these plugins unless you intend to use them for testing purposes.</p></body></html>Show also deprecated plugins<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd">
<html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css">
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<p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-family:'DejaVu Sans'; font-size:9pt; font-weight:600;">Note:</span><span style=" font-family:'DejaVu Sans'; font-size:9pt;"> Deprecated plugins are generally unsuitable for production use. These plugins are unmaintained, and should be considered 'obsolete' tools. QGIS does not recommend installing these plugins unless you still need it and there are no other alternatives available.</span></p></body></html>Plugin repositoriesRepozitoriji z vtičnikiStatusStatusNameImeURLURLReload repository contents
(useful when you uploaded a plugin there)Reload RepositoryConfigure an additional plugin repositoryAdd a new plugin repositoryDodaj nov repozitorijAdd…Dodaj...Edit…Edit the selected repositoryUredi izbrani repozitorijRemove the selected repositoryOdstrani izbrani repozitorijDeleteIzbrišiQgsPoint3DSymbolWidgetSphereCylinderCubeConePlaneTorus3D Model3D modelOpen 3d Model FileInvalid FileError, file does not exist or is not readable.Napaka, datoteka ne obstaja ali pa je ni mogoče prebratiQgsPointClusterRendererWidgetCluster symbolRenderer SettingsThe point cluster renderer only applies to (single) point layers.
'%1' is not a (single) point layer and cannot be displayed by the point cluster renderer.QgsPointClusterRendererWidgetBaseFormObrazecDistanceRazdaljaRenderer Settings…RendererCluster symbolQgsPointDisplacementRendererWidgetRingConcentric ringsGridMrežaNoneBrezSelect ColorIzbira barveTransparent StrokeProsojni okvirCenter symbolRenderer SettingsThe point displacement renderer only applies to (single) point layers.
'%1' is not a (single) point layer and cannot be displayed by the point displacement renderer.QgsPointDisplacementRendererWidgetBaseFormObrazecLabel attributeLabel fontLabel colorUse scale dependent labelingMinimum map scaleFontPisavaDisplacement LinesSize adjustmentStroke widthDebelinaStroke colorBarva obrobeCenter symbolRenderer Settings… mm mmRendererPoint distance tolerancePlacement methodDistanceRazdaljaLabelsOznakeLabel distance factorQgsPostgresConnConnection to database failedPovezava s podatkovno zbirko ni uspelaPostGISPostGISerror in setting encodingnapačne nastavitve kodne tabeleundefined return value from encoding settingnedefinirana kodna tabelaYour PostGIS installation has no GEOS support. Feature selection and identification will not work properly. Please install PostGIS with GEOS support (http://geos.refractions.net)Vaša PostGIS namestitev nima podpore za GEOS.Izbira in identifikacija elementa ne bo delovala pravilno. Prosim, namestite PostGIS s podporo za GEOS (http://geos.refractions.net)Database connection was successful, but the accessible tables could not be determined.Poveza z podatkovno zbirko je bila uspešna, toda zaznane ni nobene primerne tabele.Database connection was successful, but the accessible tables could not be determined. The error message from the database was:
Poveza z podatkovno zbirko je bila uspešna, toda zaznane ni nobene primerne tabele. Sporočilo podatkovne povezave:
Cannot set WriteOwner permission to cert: %0 to allow removing itClient security failureCannot remove cert: %0SQL: %1
result: %2
error: %3
Unsupported spatial column type %1Database connection was successful, but the accessible tables could not be determined.
The error message from the database was:
%1Poveza z podatkovno zbirko je bila uspešna, toda zaznane ni nobene primerne tabele.
Sporočilo podatkovne povezave:
%1Unable to get list of spatially enabled tables from the databaseGeometrijskih tabel ni mogoče prepoznatiNo PostGIS support in the database.Podatkovna zbirka ne podpira PostGIS.Could not parse postgis version string '%1'Ni mogoče razrešiti postgis različice '%1'Connection error: %1 returned %2 [%3]Povezovalna napaka: %1 je vrnila %2 [%3]Erroneous query: %1 returned %2 [%3]Ogromna poizvedba: %1 vrstic %2 [%3]Query failed: %1
Error: no result bufferNeuspešna poizvedba: %1
Napaka: obris brez rezultatovQuery: %1 returned %2 [%3]Poizvedba: %1 je vrnila %2 [%3]%1 cursor states lost.
SQL: %2
Result: %3 (%4)Izgubljeno stanje kurzorja %1.
SQL: %2
Rezultat:%3 (%4)resetting bad connection.ponastavljanje slabe povezave.retry after reset succeeded.ponovi po uspešnem ponovnem zagonu.retry after reset failed again.ponovi po neuspešnem ponovnem zagonu.connection still bad after reset.povezava po ponastavitvah je še vedno slaba.bad connection, not retrying.slaba povezava, ne poskušam znova.NoneBrezGeometryGeometrijaGeographyGeografijaTopoGeometryPcPatchQuery could not be canceled [%1]PQgetCancel failedQgsPostgresProjectStorageDialogConnectionPovezavaSchemaShemaProjectProjektStorage of QGIS projects is not enabled for this database connection.Manage ProjectsRemove ProjectSave project to PostgreSQLLoad project from PostgreSQLErrorNapakaConnection failedPovezava ni uspelaFailed to get schemasOverwrite projectA project with the same name already exists. Would you like to overwrite it?Remove projectDo you really want to remove the project "%1"?QgsPostgresProviderinvalid PostgreSQL layerneveljaven PostgreSQL slojPostGISPostGISinvalid PostgreSQL topology layerneveljaven PostgreSQL topološki slojPostgreSQL layer has no primary key.Whole number (smallint - 16bit)Celo število (smallint - 16bit)Whole number (integer - 32bit)Celo število (integer - 32bit)Whole number (integer - 64bit)Celo število (integer - 64bit)Decimal number (numeric)Decimalno število (numeric)Decimal number (decimal)Decimalno število (decimal)Decimal number (real)Decimalno število (real)Decimal number (double)Decimalno število (double)Text, fixed length (char)Besedilo fiksne dolžine (char)Text, limited variable length (varchar)Besedilo z omejeno variabilno dolžino (varchar)Text, unlimited length (text)Besedilo z neomejeno dolžino (text)DateDatumTimeČasDate & TimeDatum & ČasArray of number (integer - 32bit)Array of number (integer - 64bit)Array of number (double)Array of textBooleanJSON (json)JSON (jsonb)PostgreSQL layer has unknown primary key type.FAILURE: Field %1 not found.unexpected formatted field type '%1' for field %2nepričakovana oblika polja '%1' za polje %2Field %1 ignored, because of unsupported type %2Zaradi nepoznanega tipa %2 je polje %1 neprepoznanoDuplicate field %1 found
Podvojeno polje %1Unable to access the %1 relation.
The error message from the database was:
SQL: %3Ne morem dostopati do relacije %1.
Sporočilo podatkovne zbirke:
SQL: %3PostgreSQL is still in recovery after a database crash
(or you are connected to a (read-only) slave).
Write accesses will be denied.PostgreSQL se še vedno obnavlja
(ali ste povezani samo za branje).
Popravki bodo zavrnjeni.Unable to determine table access privileges for the %1 relation.
The error message from the database was:
SQL: %3Ne morem določiti pravic dostopa do tabele za relacijo %1.
Sporočilo podatkovne zbirke:
SQL: %3The custom query is not a select query.Poizvedba ni pravilna.Unable to execute the query.
The error message from the database was:
SQL: %2Poizvedbe ni mogoče izvesti.
Napaka podatkovne zbirke:
SQL: %2The table has no column suitable for use as a key. QGIS requires a primary key, a PostgreSQL oid column or a ctid for tables.Unique column '%1' doesn't have a NOT NULL constraint.Key field '%1' for view/query not found.Primary key field '%1' for view/query not unique.Keys for view/query undefined.No key field for view/query given.Cannot find end of double quoted string: %1Cannot find separator: %1Error parsing hstore: %1Error parsing array: %1Error parsing array, missing curly braces: %1Unexpected relation type '%1'.Nepričakovan tip povezave '%1'.Map (hstore)Read attempt on an invalid PostgreSQL data sourceCannot parse widget configuration for field %1.%2.%3
Ignoring key candidate because of NULL values or inheritanceCould not execute queryCould not find topology of layer %1.%2.%3PostGIS error while adding features: %1PostGIS napaka pri vstavljanju geoobjektov: %1PostGIS error while deleting features: %1PostGIS napaka pri brisanju geoobjektov: %1PostGIS error while truncating: %1PostGIS error while adding attributes: %1PostGIS napaka pri vstavljanju podatkovnih polj: %1PostGIS error while deleting attributes: %1PostGIS napaka pri brisanju podatkovnih polj: %1Invalid attribute index: %1Error renaming field %1: name '%2' already existsNapaka pri preimenovanju polja %1: ime '%2' že obstajaPostGIS error while renaming attributes: %1PostGIS error while changing attributes: %1PostGIS napaka pr isprememinjaju podatkovnih polj: %1PostGIS error while changing geometry values: %1PostGIS napaka pri sprememinjaju geometrijskih vrednosti: %1result of extents query invalid: %1rezultat poizvedbe ni veljaven: %1Geometry type and srid for empty column %1 of %2 undefined.Geometrija in kooordinatni sistem za prazno polje %1 in %2 nista definirani.Feature type or srid for %1 of %2 could not be determined or was not requested.Tip elementa ali koordinatnbi sistem za %1 od %2 ni mogoče določiti.PostgreSQL version: unknownunknownneznanoPostgreSQL not connectedPostgreSQL/PostGIS provider
PostGIS %2Primary key is ctid - changing of existing features disabled (%1; %2)QgsPresetColorRampDialogColor Presets RampQgsPresetColorRampWidgetSelect ColorIzbira barveQgsPresetColorRampWidgetBaseColor Presets RampAdd colorDodaj barvoRemove colorOdstrani barvoCopy colorsKopiraj barvePaste colorsPrilepi barveImport colorsExport colorsPreviewPredogledQgsProcessingAlgRunnerTaskExecuting “%1”QgsProcessingAlgorithmDialogBaseRunZaženiText filesTekstovne datotekeHTML filesSave Log to FileQgsProcessingBooleanWidgetWrapperYesDaNoNeQgsProcessingCrsWidgetWrapperUse project CRSUporabi koordinatni sistem projektaAlways use the current project CRS when running the modelstring as EPSG code, WKT or PROJ format, or a string identifying a map layerQgsProcessingDialogBaseDialogObrazecParametersParameterLogLogSave Log to File……Copy Log to ClipboardClear LogCancelPrekiniQgsProcessingDistanceWidgetWrapperDistance is in geographic degrees. Consider reprojecting to a projected local coordinate system for accurate results.QgsProcessingEnumCheckboxPanelWidgetSelect AllIzberi vseClear SelectionPočisti izbiroQgsProcessingEnumPanelWidget……%1 options selectedQgsProcessingEnumWidgetWrapper[Not selected]selected option index (starting from 0), array of indices, or comma separated string of options (e.g. '1,3')QgsProcessingExpressionWidgetWrapperstring representation of an expressionQgsProcessingFeedbackProcessingObdelavaQGIS version: %1QGIS code revision: %1Qt version: %1GDAL version: %1GEOS version: %1PROJ version: %1%1 version: %2QgsProcessingFileWidgetWrapper%1 filesstring representing a path to a file or folderQgsProcessingLayoutItemWidgetWrapperUUID or ID of an existing print layout itemstring representing the UUID or ID of an existing print layout itemQgsProcessingLayoutWidgetWrapperName of an existing print layoutstring representing the name of an existing print layoutQgsProcessingMapLayerComboBoxSelect fileDatotekaSelected features onlySamo izbrani geoobjektiQgsProcessingMatrixParameterDialogAdd RowRemove Row(s)Remove AllOdstrani vseQgsProcessingMatrixParameterDialogBaseFixed tableFiksna tabelaQgsProcessingMatrixParameterPanel……Fixed table (%1x%2)QgsProcessingMatrixWidgetWrappercomma delimited string of values, or an array of valuesQgsProcessingModelerParameterWidgetUsing model inputUsing algorithm outputValueVrednostPre-calculated ValueModel InputAlgorithm Output“%1” from algorithm “%2”QgsProcessingMultipleSelectionDialogSelect AllIzberi vseClear SelectionPočisti izbiroToggle SelectionQgsProcessingMultipleSelectionDialogBaseMultiple selectionVečkratno označevanjeQgsProcessingNumericWidgetWrapperNot setNi nastavljenoQgsProcessingPointWidgetWrapperPoint as 'x,y'string of the format 'x,y' or a geometry value (centroid is used)QgsProcessingProgressDialogBaseDialogObrazecQgsProcessingProviderDuplicate algorithm name %1 for provider %2Missing parameter value %1This algorithm only supports disk-based outputs“.%1” files are not supported as outputs for this algorithmQgsProcessingRangeWidgetWrapperMinMin MaxMaksstring as two comma delimited floats, e.g. '1,10'QgsProcessingToolboxModelRecently usedQgsProjectLoading layer %1Nalagam sloj %1Unable to open %1Ne morem odpreti %1%1 at line %2 column %3%1 v vrstici%2 stolpca %3%1 for file %2%1 za datoteko %2Project Variables InvalidSpremenljivke projekta niso veljavneThe project contains invalid variable settings.Translated project saved with locale prefix %1Error saving translated project with locale prefix %1Unable to read file %1Unable to save project to storage %1Unable to create backup file %1Unable to save to file %1Ne morem shraniti v datoteko %1Unable to unzip file '%1'Zip archive does not provide a project fileCannot read unzipped qgs project fileUnable to write temporary qgs fileUnable to perform zip%1 is not writable. Please adjust permissions (if possible) and try again.Nedovoljeno pisanje %1. Prosim prilagodite dovoljenje in ponovno poskusite.Read Project FilePreberi projektProject file read error in file %1: %2 at line %3 column %4Unable to save auxiliary storage ('%1')Unable to save to file %1. Your project may be corrupted on disk. Try clearing some space on the volume and check file permissions before pressing save again.Ne morem shraniti v datoteko %1. Projekt je morda pokvarjen. Poskusite počistiti nekaj prostora in preverite dovoljenje preden pritisnete gumb ponovno shrani.QgsProjectHomeItemGuiProviderSet Project Home…Select Project Home DirectoryQgsProjectItemGuiProviderOpen ProjectOdpri projektFile Properties…QgsProjectLayerGroupDialogQGIS filesQGIS datotekeSelect Project FileIzberi datoteko projektaEmbed Layers and GroupsRecursive embedding is not supported. It is not possible to embed layers / groups from the current project.QgsProjectLayerGroupDialogBaseSelect Layers and Groups to EmbedProject fileProjektna datotekaQgsProjectPropertiesCoordinate System RestrictionOmejitve koordinatnega sistemaNo coordinate systems selected. Disabling restriction.Koordinatni sistem ni izbran.Onemogočanje omejitev.Decimal degreesDecimalne stopinjeDegrees, minutesDegrees, minutes, secondsMetersMetriFeetČevljiNautical milesDegreesStopinjeMap unitsEnote zemljevidaKilometersKilometriYardsJardiMilesMiljeCentimetersCentimetriMillimetersMillimetriSquare metersSquare kilometersSquare feetSquare yardsSquare milesHectaresAcresSquare nautical milesSquare centimetersSquare millimetersSquare degreesLayers are in edit mode. Stop edit mode on all layers to toggle transactional editing.Select Project Home PathSelection ColorFilter layers…CustodianOwnerLastnikUserUporabnikDistributorOriginatorPoint of contactPrincipal investigatorProcessorPublisherAuthorAvtorConditions unknownNo conditions applyNoneBrezCopyrightPatentPatent pendingTrademarkBlagovna znamkaLicenseLicencaIntellectual property rightsRestrictedOther restrictionsIn case of no other information to evaluate the map unit sized symbols, it uses default scale (on projected CRS) or default map units per mm (on geographic CRS).Default scale for legendUnknown unitsMap units (%1)CRS %1 was already selectedKoordinatni sistem %1 je že izbranCoordinate System RestrictionsOmejitve koordinatnega sistemaThe current selection of coordinate systems will be lost.
Proceed?Trenutno izbran koodinatni sistem bo izgubljen.
Nadaljujem?Select layoutLayout TitleSet ScaleGeneral TS file generatedTS file generated with source language %1.
- open it with Qt Linguist
- translate strings
- save it with the postfix of the target language (eg. de)
- release to get qm file including postfix (eg. aproject_de.qm)
When you open it again in QGIS having set the target language (de), the project will be translated and saved with postfix (eg. aproject_de.qgs).Select Restricted Layers and GroupsCustomPrilagojenoStart checking QGIS ServerUse short name for "%1"Some layers and groups have the same name or short nameDuplicate names:All names and short names of layer and group are uniqueSome layer short names have to be updated:All layer short names are well formedSome layer encodings are not set:All layer encodings are setEnter scaleVnesi meriloScale denominatorZmanjšaj meriloLoad scalesNaloži merilaXML files (*.xml *.XML)XML datoteke (*.xml *.XML)Save scalesShrani merilaSelect a valid symbolIzberite veljaven simbolInvalid symbol : Neveljaven simbol : Update layer "%1" encodingSelect %1 from pull-down menu to adjust radiiSelect ColorIzbira barveThe text you entered is not a valid scale.Besedilo ne predstavlja veljavnega merila.QgsProjectPropertiesBaseProject PropertiesLastnosti projektaGeneralSplošnoProject titleNaslov projektaDescriptive project nameOpisno ime projektaDefault project titlePrivzet naslov projektaSelection colorBarva izbranih elementovabsoluteabsolutnorelativerelativnoSemi-minorSemi-majorCRSKoordinatni sistemCoordinate Reference SystemKoordinatni sistemDefault stylesPrivzeti simboliVariablesSpremenljivkaChecking this setting avoids visible edge artifacts when rendering this project as separate map tiles. Rendering performance will be degraded.Avoid artifacts when project is rendered as map tiles (degrades performance)PrecisionNatančnostProject Predefined ScalesSource languageDatum TransformationsDefault SymbolsProject ColorsLayers CapabilitiesToggle SelectionShow spatial layers onlyService CapabilitiesPositionPoložajShort nameKratko imeAdd layout to excludeRemove selected layoutPublished layersGridsRastriTopVrhLeftLevoMin. scaleMinimalno meriloLast levelMax. scaleNajvečje meriloDeselect AllOdznači vseSelect AllIzberi vseTest ConfigurationLaunchZaženiWhen enabled, layers from the same database connection will be put into a transaction group. Their edit state will be synchronized and changes to these layers will be sent to the provider immediately. Only supported on postgres provider.Automatically create transaction groups where possibleWhen enabled, default values will be evaluated as early as possible. This will fill default values in the add feature form already and not only create them on commit. Only supported for postgres provider.Evaluate default values on provider sideExpression VariablesManualRočnoThe number of decimal places for the manual optionŠtevilo decimalnih mest pri ročni opcijidecimal placesdecimalna mestaLayerSlojMarkerSimbolLineČrtaFillPolniloColor RampBarvna lestvicaStyle ManagerUrejanje simbolovOptionsMožnostiRelationsPovezaveAssign random colors to symbolsNaključno pobarvaj simboleCopy colorsKopiraj barveAdd colorDodaj barvoPaste colorsPrilepi barveRemove colorOdstrani barvoThe web site URL of the service provider.TitleNaslovOnline resourceOnline podatkiE-MailE-poštaPhoneTelefonAbstractAbstraktnoFeesPlačiloAccess constraintsOmejitev dostopovKeyword listSeznam ključnih besedWMS capabilitiesAdd geometry to feature responseCoordinate DisplayMax. XNajvečji XMax. YNajvečji YUse Current Canvas ExtentUporabi trenutni obsegUsedUporabljenoWCS capabilitiesExclude layersIzključi plastiQuality for JPEG images ( 10 : smaller image - 100 : best quality )Use layer ids as namesData SourcesPodatkovni viri&Project homeSa&ve pathsMeasurementsUnits for distance measurementUnits for area measurementDisplay coordinates usingAutomatically sets the number of decimal places to use when displaying coordinatesManually set the number of decimal places to use when displaying coordinatesImport colorsMetadataMetapodatkiDefault StylesData sourcesPodatkovni viriQGIS ServerWMS/WFS/WCS Server ConfigurationGeneral SettingsOpen folder containing the project……Pro&ject fileBack&ground colorProject home path. Leave blank to use the current project file location.Set the project home pathEllipsoid
(for distance and area calculations)A&utomaticAdd predefined scaleDodaj prednastavljeno meriloRemove selected scaleImport from fileUvozi iz datotekeSave to fileShrani v datotekoGenerate Project Translation FileGenerate TS FileProject Coordinate Reference System (CRS)Koordinatni sistem projekta (KS)Ask for datum transformation if several are available (defined in global setting)Edit symbolOpacityProsojnostExport colorsTrust project when data source has no metadataZaupaj projektu tudi kadar podatki nimajo metapodatkov&Python Macros&PersonThe contact person e-mail for the service.The contact person name for the service.The name of the service provider.The title should be brief yet descriptive enough to identify this service.The contact person phone for the service.The abstract is a descriptive narrative providing more information about the service.List of keywords separated by comma to help catalog searching.Or&ganizationFees applied to the service.Access constraints applied to the service.The contact person position for the service.A name used to identify the root layer. The short name is a text string used for machine-to-machine communication.Ad&vertised extentMin. &XMin. &YExcl&ude layoutsAdd layer to excludeRemove selected layerAdd new CRSDodaj nov koordinatni sistemFetch all CRS's from layersRemove selected CRSGetFeatureInfo geometry precision (decimal places)INSPIRE (European directive)Service languageMetadata dateLast revision dateMetadata URLapplication/vnd.iso.19139+xmlapplication/vnd.ogc.csw.GetRecordByIdResponse_xmlapplication/vnd.ogc.csw_xmlURL mime/typeSegmentize feature info geometryScenario &2 - INSPIRE related fields using embedded service metadataScenario &1 - INSPIRE related fields using referenced external service metadataMaximum features for Atlas print requestsWMTS capabilitiesPNGJPEGMinimum scaleWFS capabilities (also influences DXF export)PublishedObjavljenoGeometry precision (decimal places)UpdatePosodobiInsertDodajDeleteIzbrišiMacrosMakrojiAdvertised URLPriporočen URLWidthŠirinaHeightVišinaMaximums for GetMap requestNajvečje število GetMap zahtevkovCRS restrictionsOmejitve koordinatnega sistemaDefault map units per mm in legendSpeed up project loading by skipping data checks in PostgreSQL layers. Useful in QGIS server context or project with huge database views or materialized views.QgsProjectPropertyKeyFailed to save project property %1QgsProjectSnappingSettingsCannot read individual settings. Unexpected tag '%1'QgsProjectionSelectionDialogDefine this layer's coordinate reference system:Definirajte koordinatni sistem tega sloja:This layer appears to have no projection specification.Izgleda da ta sloj nima specifikacije za projekcijo.By default, this layer will now have its projection set to that of the project, but you may override this by selecting a different projection below.Privzeto, sloj bo imel nastavljeno projekcijo projekta, vendar lahko nastavite svojo projekcijo (spodaj).QgsProjectionSelectionTreeWidgetResource Location ErrorNapaka prostorskega viraError reading database file from:
Because of this the projection selector will not work…User Defined Coordinate SystemsLasten koordinatni sistemGeographic Coordinate SystemsProstorski koordinatni sistemiProjected Coordinate SystemsProjeciran koordinatni sistemOtherOstaliExtent not knownExtentObseg<dt><b>%1</b></dt><dd>%2</dd>Proj4QgsProjectionSelectionWidgetinvalid projectionNeveljavna projekcijaSelect CRSIzberi koordinatni sistemLayer CRS: %1 - %2Project CRS: %1 - %2KS projekta: %1 - %2Default CRS: %1 - %2%1 - %2QgsProjectionSelectionWidgetPluginA widget to select a generic projection system.Gradnik za izbiro generičnega KSQgsProjectionSelectorBaseCoordinate Reference System SelectorIzbira koordinatnega sistemaFilterIskanjeRecently used coordinate reference systemsNedavno uporabljeni koordinatni sistemiUse this option to treat all coordinates as Cartesian coordinates in an unknown reference system.No projection (or unknown/non-Earth projection)Ni projekcije (ali pa je neznana)Coordinate Reference SystemKoordinatni sistemAuthority IDŠifra koordinatnega sistemaIDKODACoordinate reference systems of the worldKoordinatni sistemHide deprecated CRSsSkrij nepriporočene koordinatne sistemeQgsPropertyColorAssistantWidgetColor For Null ValuesTransparentProsojnoQgsPropertyGenericNumericAssistantWidget ° °Angle fromAngle when NULLQgsPropertyOverrideButtonVariableSpremeniljivkaPastePrilepiCopyKopirajClearPočistiDescription…ColorBarvaStore Data in the ProjectEdit…Assistant…booleanintcelo številodoubledvojno številostringtekstField type: Podatkovni tip: integercelo številointeger64unknown typenepoznan tipData defined overrideS podatki pogojenoexpressionizrazfieldpoljeDeactivateDeaktivirajActivateAktivirajAttribute FieldNo matching field types foundPodatkovni tip ne ustrezaProject ColorNo colors setExpressionIzrazNo variables setCurrent: Trenutno: Data Definition Descriptionundefinednedefiniranoproject colorParse error: %1Napaka ločevanja: %1'%1' field missing'%1' manjka polje<b><u>Data defined override</u></b><br><b><u>Prepiši s podadkovno definicijo</u></b><br><b>Active: </b>%1 <i>(ctrl|right-click toggles)</i><br><b>Aktiviraj: </b>%1 <i>(ctrl|levo-klik preklopi)</i><br>yesdanone<b>Usage:</b><br>%1<br><b>Uporaba:</b><br>%1<br><b>Expected input:</b><br>%1<br><b>Valid input types:</b><br>%1<br><b>Current definition (%1):</b><br>%2QgsPropertyOverrideButtonPluginA widget to define override for a corresponding propertyA widget to define override for a corresponding property.QgsPropertySizeAssistantWidgetFlannerySurfaceRadiusRadijExponentialLinearLinearnoQgsPuzzleWidgetQGISQGISWell done!
Now let's get back to work, shall we?QgsPyDataItem&Run ScriptOpen in External &EditorQgsQmlWidgetWrapperFailed to open temporary QML fileQgsQptDataItemNew Layout from TemplateQgsQueryBuilder&TestPreis&kus&Clear&PočistiSet provider filter on %1Search…Iskanje...Query ResultRezultat poizvedbeThe where clause returned %n row(s).returned test rowsPogoj je izpolnila %n vrstica.Pogoj sta izpolnili %n vrstici.Pogoj so izpolnile %n vrstice.Pogoj je izpolnilo %n vrstic.Error in query. The subset string could not be set.An error occurred when executing the query.Napaka pri izvajanju poizvedbe.
The data provider said:
Podatkovni ponudnik:
%1QgsQueryBuilderBaseQuery BuilderPoizvedbaDatasourcePodatkovni virFieldsPodatkovna polja<html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css">
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</style></head><body style=" font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:9pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;">
<p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">List of fields in this vector file</p></body></html><html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css">
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</style></head><body style=" font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:9pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;">
<p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">Popis polja u ovoj vektorskoj datoteci</p></body></html>ValuesVrednosti<html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css">
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<p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">List of values for the current field.</p></body></html><html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css">
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<p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">Popis vrijednosti u trenutnom polju.</p></body></html><html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css">
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<p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">Take a <span style=" font-weight:600;">sample</span> of records in the vector file</p></body></html><html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css">
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<p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">Uzmite <span style=" font-weight:600;">primjer</span> zapisa u vektorskoj datoteci</p></body></html>SamplePrimer<html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css">
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<p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">Retrieve <span style=" font-weight:600;">all</span> the record in the vector file (<span style=" font-style:italic;">if the table is big, the operation can consume some time</span>)</p></body></html><html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css">
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<p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">Povucite <span style=" font-weight:600;">sve</span> zapise u vektorskoj datoteci (<span style=" font-style:italic;">ako je tablica velika, ova operacija može potrajati neko vrijeme</span>)</p></body></html>AllVseUse unfiltered layerUporabi nefiltriran slojOperatorsOperatorji==<<NOTNIORALIANDIN%%INVSEBUJENOT INNE VSEBUJE!=!=>>LIKEPODOBNOILIKENI PODOBNO>=>=<=<=Provider specific filter expressionIzrazQgsQuickAttributeModelValue "%1" %4 could not be converted to a compatible value for field %2(%3).Cannot update featureFeature %1 could not be fetched after commitCannot delete featureDefault value expression for %1:%2 has parser error: %3Default value expression for %1:%2 has evaluation error: %3Feature could not be addedCould not save changes. Rolling back.Cannot start editingQgsQuickMapCanvasMapRenderingPrikazQgsQuickMapSettingsMap Canvas rotation is not supported. Resetting from %1 to 0.QgsQuickPositionKitUnable to create default GPS Position SourceQgsQuickUtilsscreen resolution: %1x%2 px
screen DPI: %1x%2
screen size: %1x%2 mm
screen density: %1QgsRangeConfigDlgEditableOmogočeno urejanjeSliderDrsnikDialKlicCurrent minimum for this value is %1 and current maximum is %2.Najmanjša vrednost je %1 in največja vrednost je %2.Attribute has no integer or real type, therefore range is not usable.Atribut ni ne integer in ne realni tip, zato območje vrednosti ni uporabno.QgsRangeConfigDlgBaseFormObrazecAllows setting of numeric values from a specified range. The edit widget can be either a slider or a spin box.Advanced OptionsNapredne možnostiStepKorakSuffixInactivePrecisionNatančnostNumber of decimal placesMaximumMaksimumAllow NULLMinimumNajmanjšeLocal minimum/maximum = 0/0Lokalno razmerje najmanjše/največje = 0/0QgsRasterBandComboBoxNot setbrezQgsRasterBandComboBoxPluginA combo box to list the bands from a raster layerA combo box to list the bands from a raster layer.QgsRasterCalcDialogEnter result fileVstavi datoteko z rezultatiExpression validVeljaven izrazExpression invalidNeveljaven izrazQgsRasterCalcDialogBaseOutput layerIzhodni slojX minX minY minY minY maxY maksColumnsStolpciRaster CalculatorRastrski kalkulatorRaster BandsResult LayerRowsVrsticeX maxX maxOutput formatIzhodna oblikaRaster Calculator ExpressionAdd result to projectVstavi rezultate v projektOutput CRSOperatorsOperatorji!=!=++**sqrtkorensinsin^^acosacos((--//coscosSelected Layer Extentasinasintantanatanatan))<<>>==ORALI - ORANDIN - AND<=<=>=>=log10log10lnVQgsRasterDataProviderFormat not supportedOblika ni podprtaValueVrednostTextBesediloHtmlHtmlFeatureElementQgsRasterFileWriterTaskSaving %1QgsRasterFormatSaveOptionsWidgetDefaultPrivzetoNo CompressionLow CompressionHigh CompressionJPEG CompressionCannot get create options for driver %1For details on pyramids options please see the following pagesNo help availablecannot validate pyramid optionsCannot validate creation options.ValidVeljavnoInvalid %1:
Click on help button to get valid creation options for this format.pyramid creation optioncreation optionProfile name:Ime profila:Use simple interfaceUporabi enostavni vmesnikUse table interfaceUporabi tabelarični vmesnikQgsRasterFormatSaveOptionsWidgetBaseFormObrazecNewNovoRemoveOdstraniResetPonastaviProfileProfilNameImeValueVrednostValidatePreveriHelpPomočInsert KEY=VALUE pairs separated by spacesQgsRasterHistogramWidgetVisibilityVidljivostMin/Max optionsAlways show min/max markersZoom to min/maxUpdate style to min/maxShow all bandsShow RGB/Gray band(s)Show selected bandDisplayPrikazDraw as linesDraw as lines (only int layers)ActionsUkaziResetPonastaviLoad min/maxEstimate (faster)Actual (slower)Current extentTrenutni obsegUse stddev (1.0)Use stddev (custom)Load for each bandRecompute HistogramBand %1Pas %1Choose a file name to save the map image asDatoteka za slikoQgsRasterHistogramWidgetBaseFormObrazec……Set min/max style forSave as image…MinMin Pick Min value on graphMaxMaksPick Max value on graphPrefs/ActionsSave plotCompute HistogramQgsRasterInterfaceIdentifyIdentificirajBuild PyramidsCreate DatasourcesRemove DatasourcesBandKanalQgsRasterLayerNot SetNi nastavljenoQgsRasterLayer createdQgsRasterSloj ustvarjenInformation from providerNameImeSourceVirPathMapaURLURLCRSCRSGeographicGeografskaProjectedProjeciranaExtentObsegUnitEnotaWidthŠirinan/ani na voljoHeightVišinaData typeIdentificationAccessBandsKanalBand countŠtevilo kanalovNumberŠteviloNo-DataMinMin MaxMaksContactsReferencesHistoryZgodovinaRasterRasterCould not determine raster data type.Ne morem ugotoviti vrsto podatkovnega tipa rasterja.Byte - Eight bit unsigned integerUInt16 - Sixteen bit unsigned integer Int16 - Sixteen bit signed integer UInt32 - Thirty two bit unsigned integer Int32 - Thirty two bit signed integer Float32 - Thirty two bit floating point Float64 - Sixty four bit floating point CInt16 - Complex Int16 CInt32 - Complex Int32 CFloat32 - Complex Float32 CFloat64 - Complex Float64 BandKanalCannot instantiate the '%1' data providerProvider is not valid (provider: %1, URI: %2<maplayer> not found.<maplayer> ni najden.QgsRasterLayerPropertiesNot SetNi nastavljenoLoad Style…Naloži stil...Save Style…Shrani stil...MetadataMetapodatkiLoad Metadata…Naloži metapodatke...Save Metadata…Shrani metapodatke...DescriptionOpisLarge resolution raster layers can slow navigation in QGIS.Rastri velike ločljivosti lahko upočasnijo delovanje programa.By creating lower resolution copies of the data (pyramids) performance can be considerably improved as QGIS selects the most suitable resolution to use depending on the level of zoom.Z ustvarjanjem kopije podatkov (piramide) z nižjo ločljivostjo se lahko delovanje občutno izboljša, ko QGIS izbere najprimernejšo ločljivost za uporabo, odvisno od stopnje povečave.You must have write access in the directory where the original data is stored to build pyramids.Za gradnjo piramid morate imeti pravice do pisanje v direktorij, kjer so shranjeni originalni podatki.Please note that building internal pyramids may alter the original data file and once created they cannot be removed!Prosimo, upoštevajte, da lahko z gradnjo notranjih piramid spremenite prvotne podatkovne zbirke in po njihovem oblikovanju jih ni mogoče odstraniti!Please note that building internal pyramids could corrupt your image - always make a backup of your data first!Prosimo, upoštevajte, da lahko z gradnjo notranjih piramid poškodujete svojo sliko, zato pred tem naredite varnostno kopijo vaših podatkov!Select ColorIzbira barveLayer Properties - %1Lastnosti sloja - %1Building PyramidsGradnja piramidImport Transparent PixelsUvozi prosojne piksleSave StyleShrani slogSave Layer Metadata as QMDSave MetadataShrani metapodatkeNearest neighbourNajbližji sosedSave as DefaultShrani kot privzetoBilinearBilinearnoCubicKubičnoAveragePovprečnoNoneBrezRedRdečaGreenZelenaBlueModraPercent TransparentOdstotek prosojnostiGraySivaIndexed ValueIndeksirana vrednostFromNeToUnot definedWrite access denied. Adjust the file permissions and try again.Pisanje zavrnjeno. Prilagodite dovoljenja datotekam in ponovno poskusite.The file was not writable. Some formats do not support pyramid overviews. Consult the GDAL documentation if in doubt.Datoteka je bila zaklenjena za pisanje. Nekateri formati ne podpirajo pregledov piramid .Poglejte v GDAL dokumentacijo, če ste v dvomih.Building pyramid overviews is not supported on this type of raster.Pregled gradnje piramide ni podprt na tem tipu rasterja.Building internal pyramid overviews is not supported on raster layers with JPEG compression and your current libtiff library.Pregled gradnje notranjih piramid ni podprt na tem rastrskem sloju z JPEG stiskanjem in z vašo trenutno libtiff knjižnjico.TextfileBesediln adatotekaSave FileShrani datotekoQGIS Generated Transparent Pixel Value Export FileQGIS je zgeneriral izvozno datoteko (Transparent Pixel Value Export File)ValueVrednostWrite access denied. Adjust the file permissions and try again.
Pisanje ni omogočeno. Prilagodite dovoljenja datoteke in ponovno poskusite.
Export Transparent PixelsIzvoz prosojnih pikslovOpen fileOdpri datotekoThe following lines contained errors
%1Sledeče vrstice vsebujejo napake
%1Read access denied. Adjust the file permissions and try again.
Branje ni dovoljeno. Prilagodite dovoljenja datoteke in ponovno poskusite..
Default StylePrivzeti slogLoad layer properties from style fileNaloži lastnosti sloja iz slogovne datotekeQGIS Layer Style FileQGIS slogovne datotekeSave layer properties as style fileShrani lastnosti sloja v slogovno datotekoStyled Layer DescriptorLoad layer metadata from metadata fileQGIS Layer Metadata FileLoad MetadataQMD FileQMD datotekaDefault MetadataStyleSlogRestore DefaultQgsRasterLayerPropertiesBaseRaster Layer PropertiesLastnosti rastrskega slojaResolutionsRender typeResamplingOversamplingTransparencyProsojnostDescriptionOpisKeyword listSeznam ključnih besedList of keywords separated by comma to help catalog searching.FormatOblikaData Url……Refresh layer at interval (seconds)Higher values result in more simplificationShort nameKratko imeAttributionAttribution's title indicates the provider of the layer.UrlUrlAttribution's url gives a link to the webpage of the provider of the data layer.MetadataUrlMetapodatkiThe URL of the metadata document.TypeTipLegendUrlSaturationNasičenostOffIzključenoBy lightnessPo svetlostiBy luminosityPo osvetljenostiBy averagePo povprečjuHueNiansaInformationInformacijaSourceVirSymbologyOznačevanjeRenderingPrikazQGIS ServerEdit QGIS Server settingsSet source coordinate reference systemBand RenderingColor RenderingBlending modeNačin prekrivanjaBrightnessSvetlostContrastKontrastGrayscaleSivineColorizeObarvajStrengthMoč%%Reset all color rendering options to defaultResetPonastaviZoomed: inoutA URL of the data presentation.A URL of the legend image.WMS Print layerPublish WMS/WMTS data source uriAdvertise as background layerNo data valueBrez podatkovnih vrednostiUse original source no data value.Original data source no data value, if exists.<src no data value>Additional user defined no data value.Additional no data valueTransparency bandProsojni pasAdd values from displayTransparent pixel listStopnja prosojnostiThe abstract is a descriptive narrative providing more information about the layer.A name used to identify the layer. The short name is a text string used for machine-to-machine communication.Embedded widgets in legendAdd values manuallyRočno dodaj vrednostiRemove selected rowIzbriši izbrano vrsticoDefault valuesPrivzete vrednostiImport from fileUvozi iz datotekeExport to fileIzvozi v datotekoLayer nameIme slojadisplayed asprikazano kotThumbnailSličicaLegendLegendaPalettePaletaMetadataMetapodatkiTitleNaslovThe title is for the benefit of humans to identify layer.AbstractAbstraktnoPyramidsPiramideGlobal OpacityNo Data ValueNi podatka za vrednostiCustom Transparency OptionsScale Dependent Visibility<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd">
<html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css">
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<p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-family:'Cantarell'; font-size:11pt;"><br /></span></p></body></html>Build PyramidsAveragePovprečnoNearest NeighbourNajbližji sosedResampling methodVzorčna metodaOverview formatExternalZunanjeInternal (if possible)External (Erdas Imagine)HistogramHistogramQgsRasterLayerSaveAsDialogFromOdTodoSelect Output DirectorySelect output directory&Izberite mapoThe layer %1 already exists in the target file, and overwriting layers in GeoPackage is not supported. Do you want to overwrite the whole file?Save Layer AsSave Raster LayerShrani rastrski slojThe directory %1 contains files which will be overwritten: %2All files (*.*)Vse datoteke (*.*)layerslojuser defineduporabniško določenResolution (current: %1)ločljivost (trenutna: %1)QgsRasterLayerSaveAsDialogBaseSave Raster Layer as…Output modeWrite out raw raster layer data. Optionally user defined no data values may be applied.Raw dataWrite out 3 bands RGB image rendered using current layer style.Rendered imageFormatOblikaCreate GDAL Virtual Format composed of multiple
datasets with maximum width and height specified below.Create VRTUstvari VRTCRSKoordiantni sistemFile nameIme datotekeAdd saved file to mapDodaj shranjeno datoteko na zemljevidLayer nameIme slojaExtentObsegResolutionLočljivostHorizontalVodoravnoColumnsPodatkovna poljaRowsVrsticeVerticalNavpičnoVRT TilesVRT ploščiceMaximum number of columns in one tile.Max columnsMaximum number of rows in one tile.Max rowsCreate OptionsPyramidsPiramideResolutionsPyramid resolutions corresponding to levels givenUse existingAdditional no data values. The specified values will be set to no data in output raster.No data valuesNičelne vrednostiAdd values manuallyRočno dodaj vrednostiLoad user defined fully transparent (100%) values Remove selected rowIzbriši izbrano vrsticoLayer ResolutionLayer SizeClear allQgsRasterMinMaxWidgetBaseFormObrazecMin / Max Value SettingsUse&r definedCumula&tive
count cut--%%Mean +/-
standard de&viation ×&Min / maxWhole rasterCurrent canvasUpdated canvasStatistics extentAccuracyActual (slower)Estimate (faster)QgsRasterProjectorApproximateExactTočnoQgsRasterPyramidsOptionsWidgetBaseFormObrazecInsert positive integer values separated by spacesExternal (GTiff .ovr)Internal (if possible)External (Erdas Imagine .aux)LevelsNivojiCreate OptionsResampling methodVzorčna metodaAveragePovprečnoNearest NeighbourNajbližji sosedCustom levelsOverview formatQgsRasterTransparencyWidgetFormObrazecNo data valueBrez podatkovnih vrednostiUse original source no data value.Original data source no data value, if exists.<src no data value>Additional user defined no data value.Additional no data valueNoneBrezTransparency bandProsojni pasExport to fileIzvozi v datotekoGlobal OpacityNo Data ValueNi podatka za vrednostiCustom Transparency OptionsTransparent Pixel List……Import from fileUvozi iz datotekeDefault valuesPrivzete vrednostiRemove selected rowIzbriši izbrano vrsticoAdd values from displayAdd values manuallyRočno dodaj vrednostiNot SetNi nastavljenonot definedTextfileBesedilna datotekaSave Pixel Values as FileQGIS Generated Transparent Pixel Value Export FileQGIS je zgeneriral izvozno datoteko (Transparent Pixel Value Export File)RedRdečaGreenZelenaBlueModraPercent TransparentOdstotek prosojnostiValueVrednostLoad Pixel Values from FileWrite access denied. Adjust the file permissions and try again.
Pisanje ni omogočeno. Prilagodite dovoljenja datoteke in ponovno poskusite.
The following lines contained errors
%1Sledeče vrstice vsebujejo napake
%1Read access denied. Adjust the file permissions and try again.
Branje ni dovoljeno. Prilagodite dovoljenja datoteke in ponovno poskusite..
GraySivaIndexed ValueIndeksirana vrednostFromOdToDoQgsRelReferenceConfigDlgBaseDialogObrazecOn map identification (for geometric layers only)Use a read-only line edit instead of a comboboxFiltersFiltriWhen activated, the filters will restrict the choices of fields to options that are Chain filtersAllow adding new featuresAllow NULL valueShow embedded formShow open form buttonRelationOrder by valueRazvrsti glede na vrednost……Display expression ⒾThis setting is not saved in the style. It is changing the display name on the referenced layer.QgsRelationCannot create relation. Unexpected tag '%1'Relation defined for layer '%1' which does not exist.Relation defined for layer '%1' which is not of type VectorLayer.QgsRelationAddDlg[Generated automatically]QgsRelationAddDlgBaseAdd RelationDodaj relacijoReferenced fieldReferencing layer (Child)Referenced layer (Parent)Referencing fieldRelationship strengthNameImeIdIdQgsRelationAggregateSearchWidgetWrapperRelation not validRelacija ni veljavnaQgsRelationEditorWidgetToggle editing mode for child layerSave child layer editsAdd child featureDuplicate child featureDelete child featureLink existing child featuresUnlink child featureZoom To FeatureZoom to child featureSwitch to form viewToggle EditingVključi/izključi urejanjeSave Child Layer EditsAdd Child FeatureDuplicate Child FeatureDelete Child FeatureLink Existing FeaturesForm ViewObrazecTable ViewTabelarični pregledSwitch to table viewReally delete entry?The entry on %1 is still linked to %2 features on %3. Do you want to delete it?DeleteIzbrišiReally delete entries?The %1 entries on %2 are still linked to %3 features on %4. Do you want to delete them?Delete FeatureUnlink FeatureQgsRelationEditorWidgetPluginRelation editorQgsRelationManagerDialogBaseDialogObrazecNameImeReferencing LayerReferencing FieldReferenced LayerReferenced Layer (Parent)Referenced FieldReferenčno poljeReferencing Layer (Child)IdIdStrengthMočAdd RelationDodaj relacijoDiscover RelationsRemove RelationQgsRelationReferenceWidgetHighlight featureScale and highlight featurePan and highlight featureOpen Related Feature FormAdd New EntrySelect on MapNo SelectionThe relation is not valid. Please make sure your relation definitions are OK.%1 (no selection)Relation %1 for %2.Identify a feature of %1 to be associated. Press <ESC> to cancel.QgsRelationReferenceWidgetPluginRelation referenceQgsRendererMeshPropsWidgetBaseFormObrazecLayer RenderingBlending modeNačin prekrivanjaShow ContoursNative Mesh RenderingShow VectorsTriangular Mesh RenderingQgsRendererPropsDialogBaseRenderer SettingsThis renderer doesn't implement a graphical interface.Prikazovalnik ne implementira grafičnega vmesnika.Layer RenderingLayerSlojFeatureElementOpacityProsojnostControl feature rendering order……Blending modeNačin prekrivanjaQgsRendererRasterPropertiesWidgetNearest neighbourNajbližji sosedBilinearBilinearnoCubicKubičnoAveragePovprečnoSelect ColorIzbira barveQgsRendererRasterPropsWidgetBaseFormObrazecThis renderer doesn't implement a graphical interface.Prikazovalnik ne implementira grafičnega vmesnika.Layer RenderingBlending modeNačin prekrivanjaBrightnessSvetlostSaturationNasičenostContrastKontrastGrayscaleSivineOffIzključenoBy lightnessPo svetlostiBy luminosityPo osvetljenostiBy averagePo povprečjuHueNiansaColorizeObarvajStrengthMoč%%Reset all color rendering options to defaultResetPonastaviResamplingZoomed inZoomed outOversamplingQgsRendererRulePropsWidgetFormObrazecElseLabelOznakaFilterSitoCatch-all for other featuresTestPreveriDescriptionOpisScale rangeMerilno območjeSymbolSimbolFilter expression parsing error:
Izločene napake:Test FilterFilter returned %n feature(s)number of filtered featuresQgsRendererWidgetRenderer OptionsCopyKopirajPastePrilepiChange Color…Spremeni barvo...Change Opacity…Spremeni prosojnost...Change Output Unit…Change Width…Change Size…Change Angle…OpacityProsojnostChange symbol opacity [%]Symbol unitEnota znakaSelect symbol unitIzberi enoto znakaMillimeterMilimeterMap unitEnota zemljevidaSymbol LevelsRavni simbolaData-defined Size LegendData-defined size is not enabled!QgsRendererWidgetContainerBaseFormObrazecGo backNazajQgsReportLayoutSectionWidgetBody: %1QgsReportOrganizerBaseLayout ManagerAdd sectionRemove selected sectionQgsReportOrganizerWidgetReportPoročajA static layout report section which consists of a single layout inserted into the reportStatic Layout SectionField Group SectionA report section which is repeated for every matching feature within a layerRemove SectionAre you sure you want to remove the report section?QgsReportSectionFieldGroupWidgetHeader: %1Footer: %1Body: %1QgsReportSectionModelSectionQgsReportSectionWidgetReport HeaderReport FooterQgsReportWidgetFieldGroupSectionBaseLayout ManagerEditUrejanjeFieldPoljeSort ascendingRazvrsti naraščajočeEdit the field group header layoutSort features ascendingly by field valueLayerSlojEdit the field group footer layoutInclude a footer layout after the last matching featureInclude footerVključi nogoSource field to iterate overIf unchecked, the header will only be shown when at least one matching feature is foundSource layer to iterate overInclude a header layout before the first matching featureInclude a separate layout for every matching feature foundEdit the field group body layoutIf unchecked, the footer will only be shown when at least one matching feature is foundShow footer when no matching
features are foundInclude headerShow header when no matching
features are foundInclude bodyQgsReportWidgetLayoutSectionBaseLayout ManagerEdit the static layoutEditUrejanjeInclude a static layout inserted into the reportInclude sectionQgsReportWidgetSectionBaseLayout ManagerEdit the report header layoutEditUrejanjeInclude a layout at the very beginning of the reportInclude report headerInclude a layout at the very end of the reportInclude report footerEdit the report footer layoutQgsRuleBased3DRendererModel(no filter)(brezi sita)LabelNapisRulePraviloQgsRuleBased3DRendererWidgetAdd ruleNovo praviloEdit ruleUrejanje pravilaRemove ruleOdstrani praviloCopyKopirajPastePrilepiRemove RuleEdit RuleQgsRuleBasedLabelingModel(no filter)(brezi sita)LabelOznakaRulePraviloMin. scaleMinimalno meriloMax. scaleNajvečje meriloTextBesediloQgsRuleBasedLabelingWidgetAdd ruleNovo praviloEdit ruleUrejanje pravilaRemove ruleOdstrani praviloCopyKopirajPastePrilepiRemove RuleEdit RuleQgsRuleBasedRendererModel(no filter)(brezi sita)<li><nobr>%1 features also in rule %2</nobr></li>LabelOznakaRulePraviloMin. scaleMinimalno meriloMax. scaleNajvečje meriloCountŠteviloDuplicate countPodvojenih vrednostiNumber of features in this rule.Število geoobjektov po pravilu.Number of features in this rule which are also present in other rule(s).QgsRuleBasedRendererWidgetAdd ruleNovo praviloRemove selected rulesEdit current ruleCount featuresPreštej geoobjekteSymbol Levels…Refine Selected RulesRemove RuleRefine Current RuleAdd Scales to RuleAdd Categories to RuleAdd Ranges to RuleEdit RuleAdd Categories to RulesAdd Ranges to RulesParent rule %1 must have a symbol for this operation.Simbol za nadrejeno pravilo %1 mora obstajati.Scale RefinementPlease enter scale denominators at which will split the rule, separate them by commas (e.g. 1000,5000):Prosim vstavite pravila za velikost ločena z vejici (npr 1000,5000):"%1" is not valid scale denominator, ignoring it."%1" ni veljaven za merilo zato ga zanemari.Symbol LevelsRavni simbolaCalculating feature count.Preštevanje elementov.AbortPrekiniQgsRunProcess<b>Starting %1…</b>ActionUkrepUnable to run command
%1Ne morem zagnati ukaza
%1DoneKončanoUnable to run command %1Ne morem zagnati ukaza
%1QgsSLConnectionItemDatabase does not existPodatkovna zbirka ne obstajaFailed to open databasePodatkovne zbirke ni mogoče odpretiFailed to check metadataNi mogoče preveriti metapodatkovFailed to get list of tablesNi mogoče pridobiti seznama tabelUnknown errorNeznana napakaDeleteBrisanje%1: %2%1: %2Failed to import layer!
%1: Not a valid layer!%1: Ni veljaven sloj!Import to SpatiaLite databaseUvoz v SpatiaLite podatkovno zbirkoFailed to import some layers!
Nekateri sloji niso pravilno uvoženi!
Import was successful.Uvažanje je uspelo.QgsSLLayerItemDelete LayerLayer deleted successfully.Sloj je uspešno izbrisan.QgsSLRootItemNew Connection…Nova povezava...Create Database…Ustvari podatkovno zbirko...New SpatiaLite Database FileNova datoteka (Spatiallite)SpatiaLiteSpatiaLiteCreate SpatiaLite databaseIzdelaj SpatiaLite podatkovno zbirkoFailed to create the database:
Napaka pri izdelavi podatkovne zbirke:
QgsSQLComposerDialogAn error occurred during evaluation of the SQL statement.SQL EvaluationThis is the SQL query editor. The SQL statement can select data from several tables,
but it must compulsory include the main typename%1 in the selected tables,
and only the geometry column of the main typename can be used as the geometry column of the resulting layer.QgsSQLComposerDialogBaseSQL Query ComposerSQL Statement<html><head/><body><p>This is the SQL query editor.</p></body></html>ColumnsPodatkovna poljaTable(s)JoinsPovezaveJoint layerON conditionWhere KjerOrder byRazvrstiDataPodatekTablesTabeleAggregatesVsoteFunctionsFunkcijeSpatial predicatesStrings functionsBesedilne funkcijeOperatorsOperatorjiColumns' valuesVrednosti poljOnly 10 first valuesSamo prvih 10 vrednostiQgsSQLStatement(no root)(ni vrh)No root nodeTable %1 is referenced by column %2, but not selected in FROM / JOIN.[unsupported type: %1; value: %2]QgsSVGFillSymbolLayerWidgetSelect Fill ColorBarva polnilaSelect Stroke ColorBarva okvirjaQgsScaleRangeWidgetMinimum (exclusive)Minimum scale, i.e. most "zoomed out". This limit is exclusive, that means the layer will not be displayed on this scale.Maximum scale, i.e. most "zoomed in". This limit is inclusive, that means the layer will be displayed on this scale.Maximum (inclusive)QgsScaleRangeWidgetPluginA widget to define the scale rangeA widget to define the scale range.QgsScaleVisibilityDialogScale visibility MeriloQgsScaleWidgetSet to current canvas scaleNastavi na trenutno meriloQgsScaleWidgetPluginA widget to define the scaleČarovnik za meriloA widget to define the scale.Čarovnik za merilo.QgsScrollAreaWidgetPluginScroll areaQgsSearchQueryBuilderSearch Query Builder&Test&Test&Clear&PočistiTest QueryQuery ResultRezultat poizvedbeSave Query to FileCould not open file for writing.Load Query from FileCould not open file for reading.File is not a valid xml document.File is not a valid query document.Select AttributeThere is no attribute '%1' in the current vector layer. Please select an existing attribute.Save query to an xml fileShrani poizvedbo kot xml datoteko&Save…&Load…Load query from xml fileOdpri poizvedbo iz xml datotekeFound %n matching feature(s).test resultNajden %n ustrezni element.Najdena %n ustrezna elementa.Najdeni %n ustrezni elementi.Najdenih %n ustreznih elementov.The query you specified results in zero records being returned.Vrnjeni so ničelni rezultati za to določeno poizvedbo.Query filesDatoteke s poizvedbamiAll filesVse datotekeQgsSearchWidgetToolButtonExclude FieldQgsSelectByFormDialogSelect Features by ValueZoomed to %n matching feature(s)number of matching featuresNo matching features foundQgsSelectLayerTreeModelThe source of this layer is a <b>WFS</b> server.<br>Some WFS layers are not suitable for offline<br>editing due to unstable primary keys<br>please check with your system administrator<br>if this WFS layer can be used for offline<br>editing.QgsSettingsLocatorFilterOptionsMožnostiProject PropertiesLastnosti projektaSettingsNastavitveQgsSettingsTreeSettingNastavitveTypeTipValueVrednostDescriptionOpisDelete Group…Delete GroupAre you sure you want to delete the %1 group?Delete Setting…Delete SettingAre you sure you want to delete the %1 setting?QgsShadowEffectWidgetSelect Shadow ColorBarva senceQgsShapeburstFillSymbolLayerWidgetSelect Gradient ColorTransparentProsojnoQgsSimpleFillSymbolLayerWidgetSelect Fill ColorBarva polnilaTransparent FillProsojno polniloTransparent StrokeProsojni okvirSelect Stroke ColorBarva okvirjaQgsSimpleLineSymbolLayerWidgetSelect Line ColorIzberi barvo linijeAll RingsExterior Ring OnlyInterior Rings OnlyCustom Dash PatternQgsSimpleMarkerSymbolLayerWidgetSelect Fill ColorBarva polnilaTransparent FillProsojno polniloSelect Stroke ColorBarva okvirjaTransparent StrokeProsojni okvirQgsSimplifyUserInputWidgetSimplify by distanceSimplify by snapping to gridSimplify by area (Visvalingam)SmoothLayer unitsEnote slojaPixelsPiksliMap unitsEnote zemljevidaQgsSingleBandGrayRendererWidgetBlack to whiteČrno beloWhite to blackBelo črnoNo enhancementBrez izboljšaveStretch to MinMaxRaztegni med najmanjšim in največjimStretch and clip to MinMaxRaztegni in obreži med najmanjšo in največjo vrednostjoClip to MinMaxObreži med največjo in najmanjšo vrednostjoQgsSingleBandGrayRendererWidgetBaseFormObrazecContrast
enhancementKontrastGray bandSivi pasMinMinMaxMaksColor gradientBarvni prehodQgsSingleBandPseudoColorRendererWidgetBaseFormObrazecBandKanalMinMin MaxMaksQgsSingleSymbolRendererWidgetSymbol Levels…Data-defined Size Legend…QgsSmartGroupConditionhas the taghas a part of name matchingdoes NOT have the taghas NO part of name matchingQgsSmartGroupConditionWidgetFormOblikaThe symbolQgsSmartGroupEditorDialogALL the constraintsany ONE of the constraintsEdit Smart GroupThe smart group name field is empty. Kindly provide a name.QgsSmartGroupEditorDialogBaseSmart Group EditorSmart group nameCondition matchesAdd ConditionConditionsPogojiQgsSnappingLayerDelegatevertexvertex and segmentsegmentpxQgsSnappingLayerTreeModelLayerSlojTypeTipToleranceOdstopanjeUnitsEnoteAvoid overlapvertexvertex and segmentsegmentpixelspiksliQgsSnappingWidgetFilter layers…Toggle SnappingEnable Snapping (S)SKeyboard shortcut: toggle snappingJSnapping ModeNačin magnetenjaSet Snapping ModeAll LayersActive LayerAdvanced ConfigurationOpen Snapping Options…Vertex and SegmentTopological EditingSnapping on IntersectionEnable TracingSnapping TypeTip magnetenjaVertexVmesna točkaSegmentSnapping Tolerance in Defined UnitsNastavitev enot tolerance magnetenjapxSnapping Unit Type: Pixels (px) or Map Units (mu)Enote magnetenja: Piksli (px) ali enote karteEdit advanced configurationEnable Topological EditingEnable Snapping on IntersectionOmogoči magnetenje na presečiščeEnable Tracing (T)TKeyboard shortcut: Enable tracingQgsSourceFieldsPropertiesFormObrazecToggle editing modeVključi način urejanjaClick to toggle table editingKliknite za urejanje tabeleNew fieldCtrl+NCtrl+NDelete fieldBriši poljeCtrl+XCtrl+XField calculatorKalkulator poljaIdIdNameImeTypeTipType nameIme tipaLengthDolžinaPrecisionNatančnostCommentKomentarAliasAliasEdit alias in the Form config tabAdded attributeVstavljeno poljeRename FieldPreimenuj poljeFailed to add field '%1' of type '%2'. Is the field name unique?Add FieldDeleted attributesRename attributePreimenuj atributFailed to rename field to '%1'. Is the field name unique?QgsSpatiaLiteConnectionunknown error causenepoznan vzrok napakeobsolete libspatialite: AbstractInterface is unsupportedtable info on %1 failedUNKNOWNNEZANOGEOMETRYGEOMETRIJAPOINTTOČKALINESTRINGLINIJAPOLYGONPOLIGONMULTIPOINTVEČTOČKOVNOMULTILINESTRINGVEČLINIJSKOMULTIPOLYGONVEČPOLIGONSKOGEOMETRYCOLLECTIONGEOMETRIJSKAZBIRKAQgsSpatiaLiteProviderBinary object (BLOB)Binarni objekt (BLOB)TextBesediloDecimal number (double)Decimalno število (double)Whole number (integer)Celo število (integer)Array of textArray of decimal numbers (double)Array of whole numbers (integer)Retrieval of spatialite version failedSpatiaLiteSpatiaLiteCould not parse spatialite version string '%1'AutogenerateSamodejno ustvariSQLite error: %2
SQL: %1SQLite napaka: %2
SQL: %1unknown causenepoznan vzrokJSON value must be an arrayField type is JSON but the value cannot be converted to JSON array: %1SQLite composite keys are not supported in query layer, using the first component only. %1SQLite error while trying to inject ROWID: %2
SQL: %1FAILURE: Field %1 not found.QgsSpatiaLiteSourceSelectAdd SpatiaLite Layer(s)&Update Statistics&Set Filter&Nastavi sitoWildcardNadomestniRegExpRegExpAllVseTableTabelaTypeTipGeometry columnGeometrijsko poljeSqlSqlAre you sure you want to update the internal statistics for DB: %1?
This could take a long time (depending on the DB size), but implies better performance thereafter.Confirm Update StatisticsUpdate StatisticsPosodobi vrednostiInternal statistics successfully updated for: %1Error while updating internal statistics for: %1@@Choose a SpatiaLite/SQLite DB to openIzberi SpatiaLite/SQLite DB za odpiranjeSpatiaLite DBSpatiaLite podatkovno skladiščeAll filesVse datotekeAdd ConnectionA connection with the same name already exists,
please provide a new name:Are you sure you want to remove the %1 connection and all associated settings?Ste prepričani, da želite odstraniti %1 povezavo in vse povezane nastavitve?Confirm DeletePotrditev brisanjaSelect TableIzberi tabeloYou must select a table in order to add a Layer.Izbrati morate tabelo, da lahko dodate sloj.SpatiaLite DB Open ErrorSpatiaLite DB napaka pri odpiranjuDatabase does not exist: %1Podatkovna zbirka ne obstaja: %1Failure while connecting to: %1
%2Napaka pri povezavi na: %1
%2SpatiaLite getTableInfo ErrorSpatiaLite getTableInfo napakaFailure exploring tables from: %1
%2Neuspešno raziskovanje tabele iz: %1
%2SpatiaLite metadata check failedFailure getting table metadata. Is %1 really a SpatiaLite database?
%2SpatiaLite ErrorNapakaUnexpected error when working with %1
%2QgsSpatiaLiteTableModelTableTabelaTypeTipGeometry columnGeometrijski stolpecSqlSqlPointTočkaMultipointVečtočkovniLineČrtaMultilineVečlinijskoPolygonPoligonMultipolygonVečpoligonskoQgsSpatialiteSridsDialogBaseSelect a SpatiaLite Spatial Reference SystemSRIDSRIDAuthorityAvtorstvoReference NameIme referenceSearchIskanjeiFilterSitoNameImeQgsStatisticalSummaryDockWidgetMissing (null) values%1 secondsQgsStatisticalSummaryWidgetBaseStatisticsStatistikaCancelPrekiniStatisticMetodaValueVrednostSelected features onlySamo izbrane geoobjektiCopy Statistics to ClipboardRecalculate Statistics……QgsStatisticsValueGathererFetching statistic valuesQgsStatusBarCoordinatesWidgetCoordinate:Koordinate:Current map coordinateKoordinate zemljevidaCoordinateKoordinateCurrent map coordinate (longitude,latitude or east,north)Toggle extents and mouse position displayVključi/izključi prikaz obsega in pozicije kazalcaQGIS ContributorsWorld MapQGIS HackfestsMap coordinates for the current view extentsKoordinate zemljevida za trenutni obsegMap coordinates at mouse cursor positionKoordinate zemljevida ob miškinem kazalcuExtents:Obseg:QgsStatusBarMagnifierWidgetMagnifierPovečavaMagnifier levelStopnja povečaveLock the scale to use magnifier to zoom in or out.Zakleni merilo ob približevanju ali oddaljevanjuQgsStatusBarScaleWidgetScaleMeriloCurrent map scaleMerilo karteCurrent map scale (formatted as x:y)Merilo karte (oblikovano kot x:y)QgsStyleExportImportDialogImportUvozExportIzvozImport Item(s)FileDatotekaURLURLSelect items to importExport Item(s)Export/import Item(s)Save StylesImport Symbols or Color RampsSelect Item(s) by GroupLoad StylesSelect AllIzberi vseClear SelectionPočisti izbiroImport from URLHTTP Error! Download failed: %1.You should select at least one symbol/color ramp.Izbrati morate najmanj en simbol/barvno lestvico.XML files (*.xml *.XML)XML datoteke (*.xml *.XML)Select by Group…Export SymbolsError when saving selected symbols to file:
%1Napaka pri shranjevanju izbranih simbolov v datoteko:
%1The selected symbols were successfully exported to file:
%1An error occurred during import:
%1Downloading style…QgsStyleExportImportDialogBaseStyles Import/ExportImport fromUvozi izLocationMapaAdditional tag(s)Add to favoritesDo not import embedded tagsTip: separate multiple tags with commasFetch ItemsSelect items to exportQgsStyleGroupSelectionDialogAllVseTagsOznakeSmart GroupsPametne skupineQgsStyleManagerDialogFilter symbols…GradientPrehodColor presetsRandomNaključnoCatalog: cpt-cityKatalog: cpt-cityCatalog: ColorBrewerKatalog: ColorBrewerShare MenuExport Item(s)…Import Item(s)…Group ActionsAdd to TagFilter color ramps…new symbolnov simbolnew markernova oznakanew linenova linijanew fill symbolSave SymbolColor Ramp TypeRemove SymbolExport Selected Symbols as PNGExport Selected Symbols as SVGAllVseAdd TagThe tag “%1” already exists.New tag could not be created — There was a problem with the symbol database.Remove GroupInvalid selection. Cannot delete system defined categories.
Kindly select a group or smart group you might want to delete.Create New Tag…Edit Smart GroupCannot save symbol without name. Enter a name.Shranitev simbola brez imena ni možna. Vnesite ime.Copy Selection to Default Style…MarkerSimbolLineLinijaFillPolniloImport ItemsAdditional tags to add (comma separated)Successfully imported %1 items.Successfully imported item.Import SymbolExport SymbolA symbol with the name “%1” already exists.
Overwrite?Import Color RampExport Color RampA color ramp with the name “%1” already exists.
Overwrite?Symbol with name '%1' already exists. Overwrite?Simbol z imenom %1 že obstaja. Prepišem?Symbol NameIme simbolaPlease enter a name for new symbol:Vnesite ime novega simbola:Please select color ramp type:Izberite vrsto barvne lestvice:new rampnova barvna letstvicanew gradient rampnew random rampnew preset rampSave Color RampShrani barvno lestvicoCannot save color ramp without name. Enter a name.Shranitev barvne lestvice brez imena ni možna. Vnesite ime.Color ramp with name '%1' already exists. Overwrite?Barvna lestvica z imenom '%1' že obstaja. Prepišem?Color Ramp NameIme barvne lestvicePlease enter a name for new color ramp:Prosim vnesite ime nove barvne lestvice:Remove ItemsDo you really want to remove %n item(s)?Do you really want to remove %n symbol(s)?Remove Color RampDo you really want to remove %n ramp(s)?FavoritesPriljubljenoTagsOznakeSmart GroupsPametne skupinePlease enter name for the new tag:New tagThere was an error while editing the smart group.You have not selected a Smart Group. Kindly select a Smart Group to edit.QgsStyleManagerDialogBaseStyle ManagerUrejanje simbolovModify selected tag or smart groupMarkerSimbolLineLinijaFillPolniloAdd itemVstavi elementRemove itemOdstani elementEdit itemUrejanje elementaCopies the selected items to the default style libraryCopy to Default Style…Icon ViewPushButtonList ViewAllVseColor RampBarvna lestvicaRemove Item(s)…Remove Item(s)Edit Item…Edit ItemAdd to FavoritesRemove from FavoritesClear TagsEdit Smart Group…Edit Smart GroupAdd Tag…Add TagAdd Smart Group…Modify GroupImport / ExportAdd Smart GroupAttach Selected Tag to SymbolsFinish TaggingExport Selected Symbol(s) as PNG…Export Selected Symbol(s) as PNGExport Selected Symbol(s) as SVG…Export Selected Symbol(s) as SVGRemoveOdstraniQgsStyleModelNot taggedNameImeTagsOznakeQgsStyleSaveDialogSave New StyleNameImeAdd to favoritesTag(s)Tip: separate multiple tags with commasSave New SymbolSave New Color RampQgsStyleXmlDataItemQGIS style library&Open Style…&Import Style…QgsSublayersDialogSelect Vector Layers to Add…Layer IDKoda slojaLayer nameIme slojaNumber of featuresŠtevilo geoobjektovGeometry typeGeometrijski tipSelect Raster Layers to Add…Select Layers to Add…Add layers to a groupDodaj sloje v skupinoUnknownNeznanoTypeVrstaSelect AllIzberi vseQgsSublayersDialogBaseSelect Layers to Load11QgsSubstitutionListDialogSubstitutionsZamenjaveQgsSubstitutionListWidgetXML files (*.xml *.XML)XML datoteke (*.xml *.XML)Import substitutionsSave SubstitutionsExport SubstitutionsCannot write file %1:
%2Nezapisljiva datoteka %1:
%2. {1:?} {2?}Load SubstitutionsImport SubstitutionsCannot read file %1:
%2Ne morem prebrati datoteke %1:
%2. {1:?} {2?}Parse error at line %1, column %2:
%3Napaka pri razčlenjanju v vrstici %1,stolpca %2:
%3The selected file is not a substitution list.QgsSubstitutionListWidgetBaseFormObrazecTextBesediloSubstitutionZamenjavaCase SensitiveLoči velike in male črkeWhole WordBesedaIf checked, only whole word matches are replaced……QgsSvgAnnotationDialogSVG AnnotationSVG napisiDeleteIzbrišiSelect SVG fileIzberite SVG datotekoSVG filesSVG datotekeQgsSvgCacheSVGSVGUnexpected MIME type %1 received for %2QgsSvgExportOptionsDialogSVG Export OptionsExport map layers as SVG groups (may affect label placement)Export OptionsText exportIf checked, the layout will always be kept as vector objects when exported to a compatible format, even if the appearance of the resultant file does not match the layouts settings. If unchecked, some elements in the layout may be rasterized in order to keep their appearance intact.Always export as vectorsExport RDF metadataCrop to ContentLeftLevoRightDesnoBottomDnoTop margin (mm)Advanced OptionsNapredne možnostiDisables tiled rendering of raster layers. This setting may improve the export quality in some circumstances, at the cost of much greater memory usage during exports.Disable tiled raster layer exportsQgsSvgMarkerSymbolLayerWidgetSelect Fill colorSelect Stroke ColorBarva okvirjaQgsSvgSelectorGroupsModelApp SymbolsAplikacijski simboliUser SymbolsUporabniški simboliQgsSvgSourceLineEditSVG filesSVG datotekeSelect SVG FileSVG From URLEnter SVG URLEmbed SVG FileExtract SVG FileQgsSymbol3DWidgetSorry, this symbol is not supported.QgsSymbolButtonSymbol SettingsConfigure Symbol…Copy SymbolPaste SymbolCopy ColorKopiraj barvoPaste ColorPrilepi barvoQgsSymbolButtonPluginSelect symbolQgsSymbolLegendNodeN/AQgsSymbolLevelsDialogSymbol LevelsRavni simbolaQgsSymbolLevelsDialogBaseSymbol LevelsRavni simbolaEnable symbol levelsOmogoči ravni simbolaDefine the order in which the symbol layers are rendered. The numbers in the cells define in which rendering pass the layer will be drawn.Razvrsti simbole. Številka v poljih določa na katerem nivoju bo simbol prikazan.QgsSymbolLevelsWidgetLayer %1Sloj %1QgsSymbolSelectorDialogSymbol SelectorQgsSymbolSelectorDialogBaseFormObrazecAdd symbol layerVstavi simbolRemove symbol layerOdstrani simbolLock layer's colorZakleni barve slojevDuplicates the current layerMove upPremakni gorMove downPremik dolQgsSymbolSelectorWidgetSymbol SelectorQgsSymbolsListWidgetClip Features to Canvas ExtentForce Right-Hand-Rule OrientationFilter symbols…Select ColorIzbira barveFavoritesPriljubljenoAll SymbolsVsi simboliSave SymbolPlease enter name for the symbol:Prosim vnesite ime za simbol:New symbolNov simbolSymbol with name '%1' already exists. Overwrite?Simbol z imenom %1 že obstaja. Prepišem?QgsTableWidgetUiBaseFormObrazecAdd entry……Remove entryQgsTaskManagerModelQueuedOn holdRunning (cannot cancel)RunningCompleteTerminated%1:%2 minutes%1 secondsEstimated time remaining: %1 (%1)Time elapsed: %1%1<br>%2QgsTaskManagerStatusBarWidget%1 active tasks runningQgsTextAnnotationDialogSelect Font ColorIzberi barvo pisaveDeleteBrišiQgsTextAnnotationDialogBaseAnnotation TextBKIPQgsTextEditConfigDlgFormObrazecMultilineVečlinijskoHTMLHTMLQgsTextFormatDialogText SettingsQgsTextFormatWidgetOver the feature's interiorOver the feature's boundaryFrom pointFrom symbol boundsSelect Fill ColorBarva polnilaSelect Text ColorSelect Buffer ColorIzberi barvo obrisaSelect Stroke ColorBarva okvirjaSelect Shadow ColorBarva sencePolygon / MultiPolygonLineString / MultiLineStringPoint / MultiPointTextBesediloFormattingOblikovanjeBufferObrisBackgroundOzadjeShadowSencaPlacementPoložajRenderingPrikaz%1 not found. Default substituted.Chosen fontIzbrana pisavaNo changeBrez spremembeAll uppercaseVse velike črkeAll lowercaseVse male črkeCapitalize first letterVelika začetnicaSize%1Velikost %1 X XFile not foundDatoteka ne obstajaSelect SVG fileIzberite SVG datotekoLeft of lineRight of lineAbove lineNad linijoBelow linePod linijoSubstitutionsZamenjaveQgsTextFormatWidgetBaseLayer Labeling SettingsLabel withText SampleLorem IpsumPreiskusno besediloSample textPrimerReset sample textPonastavi preiskusno besedilo……Preview text at specific map scaleSample background colorVzorec barve ozadjeTextBesediloText styleSlog besedilaFormattingOblikovanjeBufferObrisBackgroundOzadjeShadowSencaPlacementPoložajRenderingPrikazSpacingRazmikUnderlined textPodčrtano besediloUUStrikeout textPrečrtano besediloSJBold text
(data defined only, overrides Style)Povdarjeno besedilo
(podatki določajo slog, prekrije slog)BKItalic text
(data defined only, overrides Style)Poševno besedilo
(podatki določajo slog, prekrije slog)IPletterčrkaSpace in pixels or map units, relative to size unit choicewordbesedaStyleSlogAvailable typeface stylesSlogi pisavSizeVelikostType caseVelika začetnicaCapitalization style of textZačetnice besedilaColorBarvaBlend modePrekrivanjeFont is missing.Manjka pisava.If enabled, the label text will automatically be modified using a preset list of substitutesApply label text substitutesConfigure substitutesFontPisavaOpacityProsojnostMultiple linesVeč linijWrap on characterLine heightVišina linijeLine height spacing for multi-line text line linijaAlignmentPoravnavaWrap lines toParagraph style alignment of multi-line textLeftLevoCenterSredinaRightDesnoIf set, label text will automatically be wrapped to match the specified number of characters per line (if possible)No automatic wrapping charactersControls whether lines are automatically wrapped using the maximum number of characters in a line, or the minimumMaximum line lengthNajvečja dolžina linijMinimum line lengthLine direction symbolSimbol za smer linije>>Reverse directionNazaj<<left/rightlevo/desnoabovenadbelowpodFormatted numbersOblika števiDecimal places Decimalna mesta Show plus signPrikaži plus znakDraw text bufferNariši obris besedilaPen join styleColor buffer's fillBarva polnila obrisaDraw backgroundNariši ozadjeRadius X,YRadij X,Ysymbol unitsenot znakovStroke widthDebelinaFixedFiksnoSize YVelikost YLoad symbol parametersNaloži parametre simbolaShapeOblikaSize XVelikost XOffset X,YZamik X,YSync with labelUskladi z oznakoOffset of labelZamik oznakeSize typeVelikostStroke colorBarva obrobeFill colorBarva polnilaRotationVrtenjeRectanglePravokotnikSquareKvadratnoEllipseElipsaCircleKrogSVGSVGDraw drop shadowNariši sencoScaleMeriloBlur radiusBlur only alpha pixelsLabel's rotation is ignoredUse global shadow˚˚Lowest label componentDraw underNariši pod %%OffsetZamikLabels are placed in an equal radius circle around point features.Around pointOkoli točkeLabels are placed at a fixed offset from the point.Offset from pointOdmik od točkeUses 'ideal' cartographic placements, prioritizing label placement with best visual relationship with the point featureCartographicCurvedUkrivljenoParallelParalelnoHorizontalVodoravnoOffset from centroidOdmik od središčaHorizontal (slow)Vodoravno (počasi)Around centroidOkoli središčaFree (slow)Prosto (počasi)Using perimeterUsing perimeter (curved)Allowed label placement for lines. At least one position must be selected.Allowed positionsAbove lineNad linijoOn lineNa linijoBelow linePod linijoLine orientation dependent positionOd orientacije linije odvisen položajCentroidvisible polygonvidni poligonwhole polygonceloten poligonForce point inside polygonDistanceRazdaljaDistance offset fromabcabcQuadrantKvadrantPosition priorityRepeatPonavljanjeNo repeatinsideznotrajoutsidezunajMaximum angle between curved charactersData definedXXYDaCoordinateKoordinateUncheck to write labeling engine derived rotation on pin and NULL on unpinPreserve data rotation valueshorizontalvodoravnoverticalnavpičnoPriorityPrioritetaLowNizkaHighVisokaLabel optionsLastnosti oznakScale dependent visibilityOd merila odvisen prikazMaximum scale, i.e. most "zoomed in".Minimum scale, i.e. most "zoomed out".Labels will not show if smaller than this on screen px pxMinimum NajmanjšeLabels will not show if larger than this on screenMaximum NajvečjePixel size-based visibility (labels in map units)Label z-indexControls how labels are drawn on top of each other. Labels with a higher z-index are drawn above labels and diagrams with a lower z-index.Show all labels for this layer (including colliding labels)Always showVedno prikažiShow labelPrikaz oznakealwaysvednonevernikoliwhen rotation definedShow upside-down labelsFeature optionsLastnostiLabel every part of multi-part featuresOznaka na vsakem delu večdelnih geoobjektovMerge connected lines to avoid duplicate labelsZdruži spojene linije v izogib podvajanja oznakNumber of features sent to labeling engine, though not all may be labeledLimit number of features to be labeled to mm mmSuppress labeling of features smaller thanIzpusti oznake manjših geoobjektov odOnly draw labels which fit completely within featureObstaclesDiscourage labels from covering featuresLow weightControls how likely labels are to cover features in this layerHigh weightMinimize placing labels<html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">Generates or transforms the geometry to be used for labeling</span></p><p><br/></p><p>The expression will be applied to each feature while rendering and the label will be placed based on the expression result.</p></body></html>Geometry generator......QgsTileScaleWidgetFormObrazecZoom level: %1Resolution: %1Tile ScaleQgsTipGuiBaseQGIS Tips!QGIS namigi!<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd">
<html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css">
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</style></head><body style=" font-family:'Lucida Grande'; font-size:13pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;">
<p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-family:'Ubuntu'; font-size:10pt;">A nice tip goes here…</span></p></body></html>I've had enough tips, don't show this on start up any more!Ne prikaži namigov ob zagonu!QgsTransactionCould not create savepoint (%1)QgsTransformOptionsDialogDialogObrazecTransformation typeLinearLinearnoPolynomial 1Polinomsko 1Polynomial 2Polinomsko 2Polynomial 3Polinomsko 3Thin plate spline (TPS)Thin plate spline (TPS)Generate ESRI world file (.tfw)Ustavri ESRI world datoteko (.tfw)QgsTransformSettingsDialogTransformation SettingsTransformation typeNearest neighbourNajbližji sosedLinearLinearnoCubicKubičnoCubic SplineCubic SplineLanczosLanczosResampling methodVzorčna metodaTarget SRSIzbran KSOutput rasterSet target resolutionCreate world file only (linear transforms)Output SettingsSave GCP pointsShrani primerjalne točkeReportsGenerate PDF mapGenerate PDF reportHorizontalVodoravnoVerticalNavpičnoCompressionStiskanjeUse 0 for transparency when neededUporabi 0 za transparentnost , ko je to potrebnoTransformation ParametersLoad in QGIS when doneNaloži v programHelmertHelmertPolynomial 1Polinom 1Polynomial 2Polinom 2Polynomial 3Polinom 3Thin Plate SplineThin Plate SplineProjectiveProjekcijskoDestination RasterTIF filesPDF filesSave Map File AsSave Report File AsInvalid output file name.Neveljavno ime izhodne datoteke.Input raster can not be overwritten._modifiedGeoreferencer:QgsOpenRasterDialog.cpp - used to modify a user given file name_spremenjenoQgsUniqueValuesConfigDlgBaseFormObrazecThe user can select one of the values already used in the field. If editable, a line edit is shown with autocompletion support, otherwise a combo box is used.EditableOmogočeno urejanjeQgsUnitSelectionWidgetFormObrazecAdjust scaling rangeMillimeterMilimeterPointsTočkePixelsPiksliMeters at ScaleAdjust Scaling RangeMap UnitsInchesPercentageQgsUserProfileManagerUnable to fully delete user profile folderQgsUserProfileManagerWidgetFormObrazecAddDodajRemoveOdstraniProfiles FolderProfilesQgsValidityCheckResultsBaseTextLabelBesediloNapisQgsValidityCheckResultsWidgetRunning Checks…AbortPrekiniRunning ChecksCritical errors prevent this task from proceeding. Please address these issues and then retry.QgsValueMapConfigDlgSelect a FileLoad Value Map from FileCould not open file %1
Error was: %2QgsValueMapSearchWidgetWrapperPlease selectQgsValueMapWidgetFormObrazecCombo box with predefined items. Value is stored in the attribute, description is shown in the combo box.Polje za vpis/izbiro z vnaprej definiranimi postavkami. Vrednost je shranjena v atributu, opis pa je prikazan v polju.Load Data from LayerAdd "NULL" valueLoad Data from CSV FileValueVrednostDescriptionOpisRemove SelectedOdstrani označenoQgsValueRelationConfigDlgEdit Filter ExpressionQgsValueRelationConfigDlgBaseFormObrazecSelect layer, key column and value columnIzberi sloj, ključ in poljeLayerSlojKey columnEnolično poljeValue columnVrednostno poljeOrder by valueRazvrsti glede na vrednostAllow NULL valueNumber of columnsŠtevilo stolpcevAllow multiple selectionsDovoli več izbranihUse completerFilter expressionIzraz filtraQgsValueRelationSearchWidgetWrapperPlease select(no selection)(brez izbire)QgsValueRelationWidgetWrapper(no selection)(brez izbire)QgsVariableEditorTreeVariableSpremeniljivkaValueVrednostOverridden by value from %1QgsVariableEditorWidgetAdd variableRemove variableQgsVectorDataProviderCodec %1 not found. Falling back to system localeKodek %1 ni bil najden. Uporabljena bo sistemska jezikovna oznakaAdd FeaturesVstavi geoobjekteDelete FeaturesBriši geoobjekteChange Attribute ValuesSpremeni podatkeAdd AttributesVstavi podatkovna poljaDelete AttributesBriši podatkovna poljaRename AttributesPreimenuj atributeCreate Spatial IndexUstvari prostorsko kazaloCreate Attribute IndexesFast Access to Features at IDHiter dostop preko enoličnega poljaChange GeometriesSpremeni geometrijePresimplify GeometriesPresimplify Geometries with Validity CheckSimultaneous Geometry and Attribute UpdatesTransactionsCurved GeometriesQgsVectorFieldSymbolLayerWidgetX attributeXY attributeXLength attributeDolžinaAngle attributeKotHeight attributeVišinaQgsVectorFileWriterTaskSaving %1QgsVectorLayerERROR: no providerNAPAKA: ni ponudnikaERROR: layer not editableNAPAKA: urejanje sloja ni mogočeCommit errors:
%1Primary key attributesEnolični ključSymbologyOznačevanjeInformation from providerNameImePathMapaURLURLSourceVirStorageEncodingKodna tabelaGeometryGeometrijaCRSCRSGeographicGeografskaProjectedProjeciranaExtentObsegUnitEnotaFeature countunknownneznanoIdentificationAccessFieldsPoljaCountŠteviloFieldPoljeTypeTipLengthDolžinaPrecisionNatančnostContactsLinksHistoryZgodovinaCommentKomentarQgsVectorLayer3DRendererWidget3D ViewNo symbolsSingle symbolRule-basedPo pravilihQgsVectorLayerAndAttributeModelLayerSlojOutput layer attributeAttribute containing the name of the destination layer in the DXF output.QgsVectorLayerEditBufferSUCCESS: %n attribute(s) deleted.deleted attributes countUSPEŠNO: %n podatkovno polje izbrisano.USPEŠNO: %n podatkovni polji izbrisani.USPEŠNO: %n podatkovna polja izbrisana.USPEŠNO: %n podatkovnih polj izbrisanih.ERROR: %n attribute(s) not deleted.not deleted attributes countNAPAKA: %n podatkovno polje ni izbrisano.NAPAKA: %n podatkovni polji nista izbrisani.NAPAKA: %n podatkovna polja niso izbrisana.NAPAKA: %n podatkovnih polj ni izbrisanih.SUCCESS: %n attribute(s) added.added attributes countUSPEŠNO: %n atribut dodan.USPEŠNO: %n atributa dodana.USPEŠNO: %n atributi dodani.USPEŠNO: %n atributov dodanih.ERROR: %n new attribute(s) not addednot added attributes countNAPAKA: %n nov atribut ni bil dodanNAPAKA: %n nova atribut nista bila dodanaNAPAKA: %n novi atributi niso bili dodaniNAPAKA: %n novih atributov ni bilo dodanihSUCCESS: %n attribute(s) renamed.renamed attributes countERROR: %n attribute(s) not renamednot renamed attributes countERROR: the count of fields is incorrect after addition/removal of fields!ERROR: field with index %1 is not the same!Provider: %1Storage: %1expected fieldretrieved fieldSUCCESS: %1 attribute value(s) and %2 geometries changed.SUCCESS: %n attribute value(s) changed.changed attribute values countUSPEŠNO: %n vrednost atributa je bila spremenjena.USPEŠNO: %n vrednosti atributa sta bili spremenjeni.USPEŠNO: %n vrednosti atributa so bile spremenjene.USPEŠNO: %n vrednosti atributa je bilo spremenjenih.ERROR: %n attribute value change(s) not applied.not changed attribute values countNAPAKA: %n sprememba vrednosti atributa ni bila izvedena.NAPAKA: %n spremembi vrednosti atributa nista bili izvedeni.NAPAKA: %n spremembe vrednosti atributa niso bile izvedene.NAPAKA: %n sprememb vrednosti atributa ni bilo izvedenih.SUCCESS: %n feature(s) deleted.deleted features countUSPEŠNO: %n element izbrisan.USPEŠNO: %n elementa izbrisana.USPEŠNO: %n elementi izbrisani.USPEŠNO: %n elementov izbrisanih.ERROR: %n feature(s) not deleted.not deleted features countNAPAKA: %n element ni bil izbrisan.NAPAKA: %n elementa nista bila izbrisana.NAPAKA: %n elementi niso bili izbrisani.NAPAKA: %n elementov ni bilo izbrisanih.SUCCESS: %n feature(s) added.added features countUSPEŠNO: %n element dodan.USPEŠNO: %n elementa dodana.USPEŠNO: %n elementi dodani.USPEŠNO: %n elementov dodanih.ERROR: %n feature(s) not added.not added features countNAPAKA: %n element ni bil dodan.NAPAKA: %n elementa nista bila dodana.NAPAKA: %n elementi niso bili dodani.NAPAKA: %n elementov ni bilo dodanih.ERROR: %n feature(s) not added - provider doesn't support adding features.not added features countNAPAKA: %n geoobjekt ni bil dodan.NAPAKA: %n geoobjekta nista bila dodana.NAPAKA: %n geoobjekti niso bili dodani.NAPAKA: %n geoobjektov ni bilo dodanih.ERROR: %n feature(s) not added - geometry type is not compatible with the current layer.not added features countSUCCESS: %n geometries were changed.changed geometries countUSPEŠNO: %n geometrija je bila spremenjena.USPEŠNO: %n geometriji sta bili spremenjeni.USPEŠNO: %n geometrije so bile spremenjene.USPEŠNO: %n geometrij je bilo spremenjenih.ERROR: %n geometries not changed.not changed geometries countNAPAKA: %n geometrija ni bila spremenjena.NAPAKA: %n geometriji nista bili spremenjeni.NAPAKA: %n geometrije niso bile spremenjene.NAPAKA: %n geometrij ni bilo spremenjenih.
Provider errors:
Napak:QgsVectorLayerExporterTaskExporting %1QgsVectorLayerFeatureCounterCounting features in %1QgsVectorLayerLegendWidgetLegend Text FormatText FormatSet Labels from Expression…Text on SymbolsSymbolSimbolTextBesediloQgsVectorLayerLoadStyleDialogLoad Layer StyleStyles related to the layerSlogi za slojOther styles on the databaseOstali slogi v podatkovni zbirkiCategoriesKategorijeDelete StyleIzbriši stilLoad StyleNaloži slogLoad styleFileDatotekafrom filefrom database (%1)QGIS Layer Style File, SLD File%1: fail. %2%1: successError occurred while retrieving styles from databaseNapaka pri pridobivanju stilov iz podatkovne zbirkeQgsVectorLayerPropertiesLayer Properties - %1Lastnosti sloja - %1QGIS Layer Metadata FileLoad MetadataQMD FileQMD datotekaDefault MetadataStop editing mode to enable this.Ustavi urejanje in omogoči funkcijo.MetadataMetapodatkiLoad Metadata…Naloži metapodatke...Save Metadata…Shrani metapodatke...CreateClearPočistiDeleteIzbrišiExportIzvozNot supportedNi podprtoDistanceRazdaljaSnapToGridVisvalingamSave DependencyThis configuration introduces a cycle in data dependencies and will be ignored.Local DatabaseDatasource DatabaseNo default style was found for this layer.Load Layer Metadata from Metadata FileSave Layer Metadata as QMDSave MetadataShrani metapodatkeLoad Styles from DatabaseSpatial IndexProstorski indeksCreation of spatial index successfulProstorski indeks je uspešno ustvarjenCreation of spatial index failedProstorski indeks ni bil ustvarjenLoad default style from: Naloži privzeti sloj iz: CancelPrekiniDefault StylePrivzeta predlogaLoaded from ProviderPridobljenno od ponudnikaSave default style to: Shrani privzeti slog v: Edit Vector JoinAre you sure you want to clear auxiliary data for %1?Are you sure you want to delete auxiliary storage for %1?Are you sure you want to delete auxiliary field %1 for %2?Load StyleNaloži slogSave as DefaultShrani kot privzetoStyle savedSlog shranjenThe retrieved style is not a valid named style. Error message: %1Save StyleShrani predlogoStyleSlogLoad Style…Naloži stil...Save Style…Shrani stil...Restore DefaultallvseQgsVectorLayerPropertiesBaseLayer PropertiesLastnosti slojaLegendLegendaDescriptionOpisKeyword listSeznam ključnih besedList of keywords separated by comma to help catalog searching.DataUrlInformationInformacijaSourceVirSymbologyOznačevanje3D ViewSource FieldsAttributes FormFormObrazecAuxiliary StorageDependenciesQGIS ServerEdit QGIS Server settingsDigitizingRisanjeControl geometry and topology constraints for digitizing operations.SettingsNastavitveGeometry and Coordinate Reference SystemSet source coordinate reference systemCreate Spatial IndexUstvari prostorsko kazaloUpdate ExtentsProvider Feature FilterSettingNastavitveValueVrednostAdd new joinRemove selected joinEdit selected joinFeaturesZnačilnostiKeyKljučAuxiliary LayerAdd new fieldVstavi poljeRemove selected fieldTargetPropertyLastnostiNameImeFull NamePolno imeAuxiliary storage tables can contain additional data that should only belong to the project file. For instance, specific location or rotation for labels. Auxiliary data are saved in qgd files. New fields can be added from any data-defined widget when needed. Be aware that this information will NOT be saved in the data source but only in the project file.The feature display name is used in identify results, locator searches and the attribute table's dual view list.Lower values result in more data refreshing. Canvas updates are deferred in order to avoid refreshing multiple times if more than one layer has an auto update interval set.Automatic Fixes<html><head/><body><p>The geometry precision defines the maximum precision to of geometry coordinates that should be stored on this layer. A snap to grid algorithm will be applied on every geometry entering this layer, resulting in coordinates being rounded to multiples of this value. The operation is applied in this layer's coordinate reference system.</p></body></html>Geometry precisionRemove duplicate nodes[Units][No precision restriction]Geometry checksTopology checksInserts the selected field or expression into the map tipInsertDodajThe HTML map tips are shown when moving mouse over features of the currently selected layer when the 'Show Map Tips' action is toggled on. If no HTML code is set, the feature display name is used.Simplification threshold (higher values result in more simplification)Simplification algorithmMaximum scale at which the layer should be simplified (1:1 always simplifies)Refresh layer at interval (seconds)<html><head/><body><p>Some data providers can notify QGIS (e.g. PostgreSQL) with a message. If this is the case for this layer's data provider, notification will refresh the layer. </p></body></html>Refresh layer on notification<html><head/><body><p>Check if only a specific message must refresh the layer (i.e. not all data source notifications)</p></body></html>Only if message is<html><head/><body><p>Notification message that will refresh the layer.</p></body></html>Features in this layer may be updated when the layers selected below are changedSelected dependent layers should include any layers which may externally alter the data in this layer. For instance, layers with database triggers or custom PyQGIS scripting which alter this layer should be selected. Correctly specifying dependent layers allows QGIS to invalidate caches for this layer when the dependent layers are altered.Embedded Widgets in LegendA URL of the data presentation.FormatOblikaShort nameKratko imeAttributionAttribution's title indicates the provider of the layer.Attribution's title indicates the provider of the data layer.UrlUrlAttribution's url gives a link to the webpage of the provider of the data layer.MetadataUrlMetapodatkiUrlThe URL of the metadata document.A URL of the legend image.TypeTipLegendUrlimage/pngimage/jpegLabelsOznakeFieldsPoljaQuery BuilderOrodje za poizvedboDisplayPrikazRenderingPrikazVariablesSpremenljivkaData source encoding<b>Note:</b> Feature simplification may speed up rendering but can result in rendering inconsistenciesHigher values result in more simplificationpixelspiksliThis algorithm only is applied to simplify on local sideSimplify on provider side if possiblePoenostavi na ponudnikovi strani, če je to mogočeForce layer to render as a raster (may result in smaller export file sizes)The valid attribute names for this layerVeljavna podatkovna polja za ta slojThe abstract is a descriptive narrative providing more information about the layer.A name used to identify the layer. The short name is a text string used for machine-to-machine communication.Layer nameIme slojadisplayed asprikazano kotMetadataMetapodatki<html><head/><body><p>If the remove duplicate nodes option is activated, duplicate vertices will automatically be removed from geometries which are edited on this layer.</p></body></html>Display NameNazivHTML Map TipScale Dependen&t VisibilitySimplify &GeometryData DependenciesTitleNaslovThe title is for the benefit of humans to identify layer.AbstractAbstraktnoActionsUkaziJoinsPovezaveDiagramsGrafikoniQgsVectorLayerSaveAsDialogAutomaticSamodejnoNo geometryBrez geometrijeNo symbologyBrez simbolaFeature symbologySimbolSymbol layer symbologySimbologija slojaSave Layer AsSave Vector Layer AsThe layer already exists. Do you want to overwrite the whole file or overwrite the layer?Overwrite FileOverwrite LayerPrepiši slojThe file already exists. Do you want to overwrite it?The layer already exists. Do you want to overwrite the whole file, overwrite the layer or append features to the layer?Append to LayerThe layer already exists. Do you want to overwrite the whole file or append features to the layer?The existing layer has different fields. Do you want to add the missing fields to the layer?<Default><Privzeto>NameImeTypeTipReplace with displayed valuesUse %1Select the coordinate reference system for the vector file. The data points will be transformed from the layer coordinate reference system.Koordinatni sistem vektorske datoteke. Podatkovne točke bodo pretvorjene v koordinatni sistem sloja.QgsVectorLayerSaveAsDialogBaseEncodingKodna tabelaCRSKoordinatni sistemFile nameIme datotekeLayer nameIme slojaSelect fields to export and their export optionsReplace all selected raw field values by displayed valuesSymbology exportIzvoz simbolovGeometryGeometrijaGeometry typeGeometrijski tipForce multi-typeInclude z-dimensionExtentObsegDatasource OptionsLastnosti podatkovnega viraCustom OptionsPrilagojene lastnostiLayer OptionsLastnosti slojaSave Vector Layer as…FormatOblikaSave only selected featuresShrani samo izbrane geoobjekteSelect AllIzberi vseDeselect AllOdznači vseData sourcePodatkovni virLayerSlojAdd saved file to mapDodaj shranjeno datoteko na zemljevidScaleMeriloQgsVectorLayerSaveStyleDialogStyle nameDescriptionOpisOptionally pick an input form for attribute editing (QT Designer UI format), it will be stored in the databaseIzberite obrazec za urejanje (QT designer oblika), ki bo shranjen v podatkovno zbirkoUIUporabniški vmesnikSave Layer StyleUse as default style for this layerUporabi privzeti slog za ta slojFileDatotekaCategoriesKategorijeSave styleShrani slogQGIS Layer Style File (*.qml)SLD File (*.sld)As QGIS QML style fileAs SLD style fileIn database (%1)Qt Designer UI file (*.ui)Attach UI FileThe selected file does not appear to be a valid Qt Designer UI file.QgsVectorLayerToolsOnly %1 out of %2 features were copied.Some features have no geometry.Some could not be created on the layer.QgsVersionInfoConnection refused - server may be downPovezava prekinjena - strežnik ni dostopenThe host name %1 could not be resolved. Check your DNS settings or contact your system administrator.QgsVertexEditorVertex EditorRight click on an editable feature to show its table of vertices.When a feature is bound to this panel, dragging a rectangle to select vertices on the canvas will only select those of the bound feature.QgsVertexEditorModelxxyyzmmrVertex %1X CoordinateX koordinataY CoordinateY koordinataZ CoordinateZ koordinataM ValueM vrednostRadius ValueQgsVertexToolMoved vertexDeleted vertexGeometry has been cleared. Use the add part tool to set geometry for this feature.Validation finished (%n error(s) found).number of geometry errorsQgsVirtualLayerSourceSelectVirtual layer testNo errorWarningOpozoriloA virtual layer of this name already exists, would you like to overwrite it?QgsVirtualLayerSourceSelectBaseCreate a Virtual LayerUstvari virtualni slojLayer nameIme slojaEmbedded layersVključene plastiEmbedded layers can be added to have SQL queries with layers that are independent from layers loaded by the current QGIS project.
In particular, saving a virtual layer with embedded layers to a QLR file can be done to reuse its definition in another project.Local nameLokalno imeProviderPonudnikEncodingKodna tabelaSourceVirAdd a new embedded layerAddDodajImport layer definition from loaded layers of the current projectImportUvozRemove the selected embedded layerRemoveOdstraniQueryPoizvedba<html><head/><body><p>This is the SQL query editor. You can edit here an SQL query referring to any existing vector layers or embedded layers.</p><p>Virtual layers rely on SQLite and SpatiaLite. Any functions from SQLite or SpatiaLite can then be used in the query. To add or access geometries of a table, you can use "tablename.geometry", regardless of original geometry column's name.</p><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">Special comments:</span></p><p>Because it is not always possible to autodetect the data type of each column in a query, special comments can be used in the query to force a specific type.</p><p>Special comments must be placed on the right of a column name and have the form <tt>/*:type*/</tt> where type can be any of <span style=" font-style:italic;">int</span>, <span style=" font-style:italic;">real</span> or <span style=" font-style:italic;">text</span>. They can also be used to specify the type and SRID of the geometry column with the following syntax: <tt>/*:gtype:srid*/</tt> where <span style=" font-style:italic;">gtype</span> can be <span style=" font-style:italic;">point</span>, <span style=" font-style:italic;">linestring</span> or <span style=" font-style:italic;">polygon</span> (with an optional <span style=" font-style:italic;">multi</span> prefix) and <span style=" font-style:italic;">srid</span> is an integer identifier.</p><p>Example:</p><p><tt>SELECT id + 1 as id /*:int*/, ST_Centroid(geometry) as geom /*:point:4326*/ FROM tab</tt></p></body></html>……Unique identifier columnGeometryGeometrijaAutodetectSamozaznavaNo geometryBrez geometrijeGeometry columnGeometrijski stolpecgeometryGeometrijaTypeTipPointTočkaLineStringPolygonPoligonMultiPointVečtočkovnoMultiLineStringMultiPolygonCRSCRSTestPreveriQgsWCSConnectionItemEdit…DeleteBrisanjeQgsWCSRootItemNew Connection…Nova povezava...QgsWCSSourceSelectSelect a layerIzberi slojNo CRS selectedBrez koordinatnega sistemaQgsWFSDescribeFeatureTypeDownload of feature type failed: %1QgsWFSFeatureDownloaderLoading features for layer %1AbortPrekiniQGISQGISError when parsing GetFeature responseWFSWFSServer generated an exception in GetFeature responseRetrying request %1: %2/%3Download of features failed: %1QgsWFSFeatureHitsAsyncRequestWFSWFSDownload of feature count failed: %1QgsWFSFeatureHitsRequestDownload of feature count failed: %1QgsWFSNewConnectionErrorNapakaCould not get capabilitiesNetwork ErrorMrežna napakaCapabilities document is not validServer ExceptionStrežniška izjemaQgsWFSProgressDialogHideQgsWFSProviderWFSWFSSyntax error.Missing content at end of string.%1 is unexpected.%1 is expected instead.%1 or %2commaan identifierSQL query is invalid: %1Typename '%1' is ambiguous without prefixTypename '%1' is unknownJOINs are not supported by this serverFROM or JOIN clause should contain the table name '%1'DescribeFeatureType failed for url %1: %2Analysis of DescribeFeatureType response failed for url %1, typeName %2: %3Column '%1' is not a direct reference to a table column.Field '%1': a field with the same name already exists.The geometry field of a typename that is not the main typename is ignored in the selected fields.Max FeaturesSupports PagingSupports Joinsnot providedsupportedunsupportedDescribeFeatureType network request failed for url %1: %2DescribeFeatureType XML parse failed for url %1: %2It is probably a schema for Complex Features.Cannot find schema indicated in DescribeFeatureType response.Empty responseWFS service exception: %1Unsuccessful service response: %1Unhandled response: %1Analysis of DescribeFeatureType response failed for url %1: %2Cannot find schema root elementCannot find element '%1'Cannot find ComplexType element '%1'Cannot find attribute elementsGetCapabilities failed for url %1: %2Could not find typename %1 in capabilities for url %2WFS exception report (code=%1 text=%2)WFS poročilo izjem (koda=%1 besedilo=%2)missingmanjkaQgsWFSSharedDataSQL statement to OGC Filter error: Expression to OGC Filter error: Cannot create temporary SpatiaLite cacheWFSWFSCannot connect to temporary SpatiaLite cacheCannot create temporary id cacheProblem when updating WFS id cache: %1 -> %2Layer extent reported by the server is not correct. You may need to zoom again on layer while features are being downloadedDownload of features for layer %1 failed or partially failed: %2. You may attempt reloading the layer with F5Layer extent reported by the server is not correct. You may need to zoom on layer and then zoom out to see all features%1: The download limit has been reached.Zoom in to fetch all data.You may want to check the 'Only request features overlapping the view extent' option to be able to zoom in to fetch all data.QgsWFSSingleFeatureRequestDownload of feature failed: %1QgsWFSSourceSelect&Build query&Izdelava poizvedbeBuild queryIzdelaj poizvedboNetwork ErrorMrežna napakaCapabilities document is not validServer ExceptionStrežniška izjemaErrorNapakaNo LayersBrez plasticapabilities document contained no layers.Create a New WFS ConnectionModify WFS ConnectionLoad ConnectionsNaloži povezaveXML files (*.xml *.XML)XML datoteke (*.xml *.XML)Are you sure you want to remove the %1 connection and all associated settings?Ste prepričani, da želite odstraniti %1 povezavo in vse povezane nastaviteve?Confirm DeletePotrdite brisanjeServer exceptionDescribeFeatureType failedQgsWFSSourceSelectBaseAdd WFS Layer from a ServerDodaj WFS sloje iz strežnikaRemove connection to selected serviceRemoveOdstraniDisplay WFS FeatureTypes containing this word in the title, name or abstractOnly request features overlapping the view extentServer ConnectionsPovezava na strežnikConnect to selected serviceC&onnectP&ovežiCreate a new service connection&New&NovoEdit selected service connectionEditUrejanjeLoad connections from fileOdpri povezave iz datotekeLoadOdpriSave connections to fileShrani povezave v datotekoSaveShraniFilterSitoCoordinate Reference SystemKoordinatni sistemChange…Spremeni...Use title for layer nameUporabi naslov za ime slojaKeep dialog openQgsWFSTransactionRequestSending of transaction failed: %1QgsWMSConnectionItemFailed to parse WMS URIFailed to download capabilitiesFailed to parse capabilitiesEdit…DeleteBrisanjeQgsWMSRootItemNew Connection…Nova povezava...QgsWMSSourceSelectAre you sure you want to remove the %1 connection and all associated settings?Ali ste prepričani, da želite odstraniti %1 povezavo in vse povezane nastavitve?Confirm DeletePotrdi brisanjeLoad ConnectionsNaloži povezaveXML files (*.xml *.XML)XML datoteke (*.xml *.XML)Encoding %1 not supported.WMS ProviderWMS ponudnikFailed to parse WMS URIFailed to download capabilities:
The server you are trying to connect to does not seem to be a WMS server. Please check the URL.Instead of the capabilities string that was expected, the following response has been received:
%1Options (%n coordinate reference systems available)crs countMožnosti (na voljo %n koordinatni sistem)Možnosti (na voljo %n koordinatna sistema)Možnosti (na voljo %n koordinatni sistemi)Možnosti (na voljo %n koordinatnih sistemov)Select layer(s)Izberi sloj(e)Select layer(s) or a tilesetIzberite slojeSelect either layer(s) or a tilesetIzberite slojeCoordinate Reference System (%n available)crs countKoordinatni sistem (%n dostopen)Koordinatni sistem (%n dostopna)Koordinatni sistem (%n dostopni)Koordinatni sistem (%n dostopnih)No common CRS for selected layers.Ni skupnega koordinatnega sistema za izbrane sloje.No CRS selectedBrez koordinatnega sistemaNo image encoding selectedKodna tabela ni izbrana%n Layer(s) selectedselected layer count%n izbran sloj%n izbrana sloja%n izbrani sloji%n izbranih slojevTileset selectedSloji izbraniCould not understand the response. The %1 provider said:
%2WMS proxiesWMS zastopnik(proxies)Several WMS servers have been added to the server list. Note that if you access the internet via a web proxy, you will need to set the proxy settings in the QGIS options dialog.Na seznam je bilo dodanih nekaj WMS strežnikov.Upoštevajte, če želite dostopati do interneta preko proxy, morate v QGIS dialogu za možnosti nastaviti nastavitve za proxy.parse error at row %1, column %2: %3problem v vrstici %1, stolpcu %2: %3network error: %1omrežna napaka:%1The %1 connection already exists. Do you want to overwrite it?Povezava %1 že obstaja. Ali jo želite prepisati?Confirm OverwritePotrdite prepisQgsWMSSourceSelectBaseReadyPripravljenLayersPlastiC&onnectP&oveži&New&NovoEditUrejanjeAdds a few example WMS serversDodaj nekaj primerov za WMS strežnikIDIDNameImeTitleNaslovAbstractAbstraktnoSave connections to fileShrani povezave v datotekoSaveShraniLoad connections from fileOdpri povezave iz datotekeLoadOdpriOptionsMožnostiAdd Selected Row to WMS ListLayer nameIme slojaCoordinate Reference SystemKoordinatni sistemAdd Layer(s) from a WM(T)S ServerConnect to selected serviceCreate a new service connectionEdit selected service connectionRemove connection to selected serviceRemoveOdstraniAdd Default ServersImage EncodingTile sizeVelikost mrežeFeature limit for GetFeatureInfoOmejitve za prikaz informacije1010Change…Spremeni...Request step sizeLayer OrderVrstni red slojevMove selected layer UPPremakni izbrani sloj GORUpGorMove selected layer DOWNPremakni izbrani sloj DOLDownDolLayerSlojStyleSlogTilesetsSlojFormatOblikaTilesetCRSKoordinatni sistemServer SearchIskanje strežnikaSearchIščiDescriptionOpisURLURLUse contextual WMS LegendQgsWcsCapabilitiesempty capabilities document
Tried URL: %1
Poskusni URL: %1Capabilities request redirected.empty of capabilities: %1Download of capabilities failed: %1WCSWCSDownload of capabilities failed: network request update failed for authentication configDownload of capabilities failed: network reply update failed for authentication config%1 of %2 bytes of capabilities downloaded.%1 od %2 byte-ov sposobnosti prenešeno.ExceptionIzjemaCould not get WCS capabilities: %1Dom ExceptionDom izjemaCould not get WCS capabilities in the expected format (DTD): no %1 found.
This might be due to an incorrect WCS Server URL.
Tag: %3
Response was:
%4Version not supportedWCS server version %1 is not supported by QGIS (supported versions: 1.0.0, 1.1.0, 1.1.2)Could not get WCS capabilities: %1 at line %2 column %3
This is probably due to an incorrect WCS Server URL.
Response was:
%4QgsWcsDownloadHandlerWCSWCSNetwork request update failed for authentication configNetwork reply update failed for authentication configMap request error (Status: %1; Reason phrase: %2; URL: %3)Map request error:<br>Title: %1<br>Error: %2<br>URL: <a href='%3'>%3</a>)Map request error (Status: %1; Response: %2; URL: %3)Map request error (Title: %1; Error: %2; URL: %3)Map request error (Response: %1; URL: %2)Map request failed [error: %1 url: %2]Cannot parse multipart response: %1Expected 2 parts, %1 receivedMore than 2 parts (%1) receivedContent-Transfer-Encoding %1 not supportedNot logging more than 100 request errors.QgsWcsProviderCannot describe coverageCoverage not foundCannot calculate extentCannot get test dataset.Received coverage has wrong extent %1 (expected %2)WCSWCSReceived coverage has wrong size %1 x %2 (expected %3 x %4)Getting map via WCS.No data receivedCannot create memory fileDom ExceptionDom IzjemaCould not get WCS Service Exception at %1 at line %2 column %3
Response was:
%4Service ExceptionRequest contains a format not offered by the server.Request is for a Coverage not offered by the service instance.Value of (optional) UpdateSequence parameter in GetCapabilities request is equal to current value of service metadata update sequence number.Zahtevana vrednost (opcijska) parametra UpdateSequence v GetCapabilities je enaka kot trenutna vrednost storitve metapodatkov posodobljenih zaporednih števili.Value of (optional) UpdateSequence parameter in GetCapabilities request is greater than current value of service metadata update sequence number.Zahtevana vrednost (opcijska) parametra UpdateSequence v GetCapabilities je večja od trenutne vrednosit storitve metapodatkov posodobljenih zaporednih števili.Request does not include a parameter value, and the server instance did not declare a default value for that dimension.Request contains an invalid parameter value.No other exceptionCode specified by this service and server applies to this exception.Operation request contains an output CRS that can not be used within the output format.Operation request specifies to "store" the result, but not enough storage is available to do this.(No error code was reported)(Ni poročil o napaki)(Unknown error code)(Neznana napaka)The WCS vendor also reported: composed error message '%1'.Cannot verify coverage full extent: %1PropertyLastnostiValueVrednostName (identifier)TitleNaslovAbstractAbstraktnoFixed WidthFiksna širinaFixed HeightFiksna višinaNative CRSNative Bounding BoxWGS 84 Bounding BoxAvailable in CRSOmogočeno v koordinatnem sistemu(and %n more)crs(in še %n)(in še %n)(in še %n)(in še %n)Available in formatWCS InfoCoveragesCache StatsStatistika predpomnilnikaServer PropertiesLastnosti strežnikaKeywordsKljučne besedeOnline ResourceSpletni viriContact PersonStikFeesPlačiloAccess ConstraintsOmejen dostopImage FormatsFormati slikeGetCapabilitiesUrlGet Coverage Url <font color="red">(advertised but ignored)</font>And %1 more coveragesFormat not supportedOblika ni podprtaRead data errorRasterIO error: QgsWebPageLine %1: %2JavaScript%1 (line %2): %3QgsWelcomePageRecent ProjectsNedavni projektiNew QGIS version availablePin to ListUnpin from ListOpen Directory…RefreshOsvežiOpen “%1”…Remove from ListQgsWfsCapabilitiesWFS version %1 not supportedDownload of capabilities failed: %1QgsWfsConnectionItemEdit…DeleteIzbrišiModify WFS ConnectionQgsWfsLayerItemStylesSlogCopy StyleKopiraj slogCannot copy styleQgsWfsRequestWFSWFSRedirect loop detected: %1empty response: %1network request update failed for authentication configQgsWfsRootItemNew Connection…Nova povezava...Create a New WFS ConnectionQgsWmsCapabilitiesDownload%1 of %2 bytes of capabilities downloaded.%1 od %2 byte-ov sposobnosti prenešeno.Capabilities request redirected.Redirect loop detected: %1WMSWMSDownload of capabilities failed: network request update failed for authentication configDownload of capabilities failed: network reply update failed for authentication configempty of capabilities: %1Download of capabilities failed: %1QgsWmsImageDownloadHandlerWMSWMSMap request error (Status: %1; Reason phrase: %2; URL: %3)Returned image is flawed [Content-Type: %1; URL: %2]Map request error (Title: %1; Error: %2; URL: %3)Map request error (Status: %1; Response: %2; Content-Type: %3; URL: %4)Map request failed [error: %1 url: %2]Not logging more than 100 request errors.QgsWmsLegendDownloadHandlerRedirect loop detected: %1WMSWMSGetLegendGraphic request errorStatus: %1
Reason phrase: %2Returned legend image is flawed [URL: %1]QgsWmsProviderCannot parse URICannot calculate extentCannot set CRSNumber of layers and styles don't matchWMSWMSNumber of tile layers must be oneTile layer not foundTile layer or tile matrix set not foundGetting map via WMS.Getting tiles.%n tile requests in backgroundtile request count, %n cache hitstile cache hits, %n cache misses.tile cache missed, %n errors.errorsimage is NULLunexpected image sizeDom ExceptionDom IzjemaService ExceptionRequest contains a format not offered by the server.Request contains a CRS not offered by the server for one or more of the Layers in the request.Zahteva vsebuje: CRS ni ponujen s strani strežnika za enega ali več slojev, ki so zahtevani.Request contains a SRS not offered by the server for one or more of the Layers in the request.Zahteva vsebuje: SRS ni ponujen s strani strežnika za enega ali več slojev, ki so zahtevani.GetMap request is for a Layer not offered by the server, or GetFeatureInfo request is for a Layer not shown on the map.GetMap zahteva ni ponujena s strani strežnika, ali GetFeatureInfo zahteva za sloj ni prikazana na karti.Request is for a Layer in a Style not offered by the server.Zahteva se nanaša na sloj v oblikovanju in ni podprta s strani strežnika.GetFeatureInfo request is applied to a Layer which is not declared queryable.GetFeatureInfo zahteva je dodana k sloju, po katerim ni mogoče povpraševati.GetFeatureInfo request contains invalid X or Y value.GetFeatureInfo zahteva vsebuje nepravilno X in Y vrednost.Value of (optional) UpdateSequence parameter in GetCapabilities request is equal to current value of service metadata update sequence number.Zahtevana vrednost (opcijska) parametra UpdateSequence v GetCapabilities je enaka kot trenutna vrednost storitve metapodatkov posodobljenih zaporednih števili.Value of (optional) UpdateSequence parameter in GetCapabilities request is greater than current value of service metadata update sequence number.Zahtevana vrednost (opcijska) parametra UpdateSequence v GetCapabilities je večja od trenutne vrednosit storitve metapodatkov posodobljenih zaporednih števili.Request does not include a sample dimension value, and the server did not declare a default value for that dimension.Zahteva ne vključuje vzorca vrednosti dimenzije, prav tako tudi strežnik ni razglasil privzete vrednosti za dimenzijo.Request contains an invalid sample dimension value.Zahteva vsebuje nepravilen vzorec vrednosti dimenzije.Request is for an optional operation that is not supported by the server.Zahteva je za opcijsko operacijo in ni podprta s strani strežnika.(No error code was reported)(Ni poročil o napaki)(Unknown error code)(Neznana napaka)The WMS vendor also reported: Ponudnik WMS sporoča: PropertyLastnostiValueVrednostNameImeVisibilityVidljivostVisibleVidnoHiddenSkritoTitleNaslovAbstractAbstraktnoCan IdentifyIdentificiranoYesDaNoNeCan be TransparentTransparentnoCan Zoom InPribližanoCascade CountŠtetje kaskadFixed WidthFiksna širinaFixed HeightFiksna višinaAvailable in CRSOmogočeno v koordinatnem sistemu(and %n more)crs(in še %n)(in še %n)(in še %n)(in še %n)Available in styleDostopno v stiluLegendURLsWMS InfoServer PropertiesLastnosti strežnikaGet feature info request error (Title: %1; Error: %2; URL: %3)Selected LayersIzbrane plastiOther LayersOstale plastiTile Layer PropertiesCache StatsStatistika predpomnilnikaWMS VersionWMS verzijaKeywordsKljučne besedeOnline ResourceSpletni viriContact PersonStikFeesPlačiloAccess ConstraintsOmejen dostopImage FormatsFormati slikeIdentify FormatsIdentificiraj oblikeLayer CountŠtetje slojevTile Layer CountCould not get WMS Service Exception: %1 at line %2 column %3
Response was:
%4GetCapabilitiesUrlGetMapUrl <font color="red">(advertised but ignored)</font>GetFeatureInfoUrlGetFeatureInfoUrlGetLegendGraphicGetTileUrlTile templatesFeatureInfo templatesTileset PropertiesLastnosti razdelitveIdentifierTile modeWMTSWMS-CXYZInvalid tile modeSelectedIzbranoAvailable StylesCRSKoordiantni sistemBounding BoxOkvirAvailable TilesetsSelected tile matrix set ScaleMeriloTile size [px]Tile size [mu]Matrix sizeMatrix extent [mu]BoundsOmejitveWidthŠirinaHeightVišinaTopVrhLeftLevoBottomDnoRightDesno%n missing row(s)Layer's upper bound: %1%n missing column(s)Layer's left bound: %1Layer's lower bound: %1Layer's right bound: %1Cache statsStatistika prepomnilnikaHitsZadetkiMissesZgrešeniErrorsNapakeFormat not supportedOblika ni podprtaContext not fully specified (extent was defined but width and/or height was not).Cannot identifyResult parsing failed. %1 feature types were guessed from gml (%2) but no features were parsed.identify request redirected.Zahteva za prepoznavo je preusmerjena.Map getfeatureinfo error %1: %2Cannot parse getfeatureinfo: %1Map getfeatureinfo error: %1 [%2]%1 of %2 bytes of GetLegendGraphic downloaded.QgsWmsTiledImageDownloadHandlerTile request errorStatus: %1
Reason phrase: %2WMSWMSTile request error (Title: %1; Error: %2; URL: %3)Tile request error (Status: %1; Content-Type: %2; Length: %3; URL: %4)Returned image is flawed [Content-Type: %1; URL: %2]%n tile requests in backgroundtile request count, %n cache hitstile cache hits, %n cache misses.tile cache missed, %n errors.errorsNot logging more than 100 request errors.Tile request max retry error. Failed %1 requests for tile %2 of tileRequest %3 (url: %4)repeat tileRequest %1 tile %2(retry %3)QgsWmtsDimensionsBaseSelect DimensionsDimensionVelikostValueVrednostAbstractAbstraktnoDefaultPrivzetoQgsXyzConnectionDialogXYZ ConnectionConnection DetailsRefererOptional custom refererMax. Zoom LevelURL of the connection, {z}, {y}, and {z} will be replaced with actual values. Use {-y} for inverted y axis.http://example.com/{z}/{x}/{y}.pngNameImeName of the new connectionIme nove povezaveAuthenticationAvtentikacijaURLURLMin. Zoom LevelTile ResolutionUnknown (not scaled)Standard (256x256 / 96 DPI)High (512x512 / 192 DPI)QgsXyzLayerItemEdit…DeleteIzbrišiQgsXyzTileRootItemNew Connection…Nova povezava...Save Connections…Load Connections…Load ConnectionsNaloži povezaveXML files (*.xml *.XML)XML datoteke (*.xml *.XML)RandomExtractVector selectionNumber of selected featuresŠtevilo izbranih geoobjektovPercentage of selected featuresOdstotek izbranih geoobjektovInput layerVhodni slojMethodMetodaNumber/percentage of selected featuresŠtevilo/Odstotek izbranih geoobjektovExtracted (random)Selected number is greater than feature count. Choose a lower value and try again.Percentage can't be greater than 100. Set a different value and try again.Random extractRandomExtractWithinSubsetsVector selectionNumber of selected featuresŠtevilo izbranih geoobjektovPercentage of selected featuresOdstotek izbranih geoobjektovInput layerVhodni slojID fieldMethodMetodaNumber/percentage of selected featuresŠtevilo/Odstotek izbranih geoobjektovExtracted (random stratified)Selected number is greater that feature count. Choose lesser value and try again.Percentage can't be greater than 100. Set correct value and try again.Subset "{}" is smaller than requested number of features.Random extract within subsetsRandomPointsAlongLinesVector creationInput layerVhodni slojNumber of pointsMinimum distance between pointsCould not generate requested number of random points. Maximum number of attempts exceeded.Random pointsNaključne točkeRandom points along lineRandomPointsExtentVector creationInput extentNumber of pointsMinimum distance between pointsTarget CRSCiljni koordinatni sistemCould not generate requested number of random points. Maximum number of attempts exceeded.Random pointsNaključne točkeRandom points in extentRandomPointsLayerVector creationInput layerVhodni slojNumber of pointsMinimum distance between pointsCould not generate requested number of random points. Maximum number of attempts exceeded.Random pointsNaključne točkeRandom points in layer boundsRandomPointsPolygonsVector creationPoints countPoints densityInput layerVhodni slojSampling strategyExpressionIzrazMinimum distance between pointsRandom pointsNaključne točkeRandom points inside polygonsEvaluation error for feature ID {}: {}Could not generate requested number of random points. Maximum number of attempts exceeded.RandomSelectionVector selectionNumber of selected featuresŠtevilo izbranih geoobjektovPercentage of selected featuresOdstotek izbranih geoobjektovInput layerVhodni slojMethodMetodaNumber/percentage of selected featuresŠtevilo/Odstotek izbranih geoobjektovSelected (random)Selected number is greater than feature count. Choose a lower value and try again.Percentage can't be greater than 100. Set a different value and try again.Random selectionNaključna izbiraRandomSelectionWithinSubsetsVector selectionNumber of selected featuresŠtevilo izbranih geoobjektovPercentage of selected featuresOdstotek izbranih geoobjektovInput layerVhodni slojID fieldSelected (stratified random)Subset "{}" is smaller than requested number of features.MethodMetodaNumber/percentage of selected featuresŠtevilo/Odstotek izbranih geoobjektovSelected number is greater that feature count. Choose lesser value and try again.Percentage can't be greater than 100. Set a different value and try again.Random selection within subsetsNaključna izbira znotraj podsklopovRasterCalculatorRaster analysisAnalize rastraRasterLayerHistogramGraphicsGrafikaInput layerVhodni slojBand numberŠtevilka pasunumber of binsHTML files (*.html)HTML datoteke (*.html) HistogramHistogramRaster layer histogramRasterLayerStatisticsRaster analysisAnalize rastraInput layerVhodni slojBand numberŠtevilka pasuStatisticsStatistikaHTML files (*.html)HTML datoteke (*.html) Minimum valueNajmanjša vrednostMaximum valueNajvečja vrednostRangeObmočjeSumVsotaMean valuePovprečjeAnalyzed file: {} (band {})Minimum value: {}Najmanjša vrednost: {}Maximum value: {}Največja vrednost: {}Range: {}Obseg: {}Sum: {}Vsota: {}Mean value: {}PovprečjeStandard deviation: {}Standardni odklon: {}Sum of the squares: {}Standard deviationStandardni odklonSum of the squaresRaster layer statisticsRasterSamplingSample raster valuesRaster analysisAnalize rastraInput Point LayerRaster Layer to sampleOutput column prefixSampled PointsImpossible to sample data of multipart feature {}.Could not reproject feature {} to raster CRSRasterizeAlgorithmMinimum extent to renderTile sizeVelikost mrežeMap units per pixelMake background transparentMap theme to renderSingle layer to renderOutput layerIzhodni slojConvert map to rasterRaster toolsRasterska orodjalayer,raster,convert,file,map themes,tiles,renderRecordDialogRecord MetadataRectanglesOvalsDiamondsFixedRectangles, ovals, diamonds (fixed)Vector geometryGeometrija vektorjaRectanglesDiamondsOvalsInput layerVhodni slojBuffer shapeOblika obrisaWidthŠirinaHeightVišinaRotationVrtenjeNumber of segmentsOutputIzhodRectanglesOvalsDiamondsVariableRectangles, ovals, diamonds (variable)Vector geometryGeometrija vektorjaRectanglesDiamondsOvalsInput layerVhodni slojBuffer shapeOblika obrisaWidth fieldHeight fieldRotation fieldPodatkovno polje - vrtenjeNumber of segmentsOutputIzhodFeature {} has empty angle. Skipping…Feature {} has empty width or height. Skipping…RegularPointsVector creationInput extentPoint spacing/countInitial inset from corner (LH side)Začetni odmik kota (L stran)Apply random offset to point spacingDodaj naključni odmik med točkamiUse point spacingOutput layer CRSRegular pointsPravilne točkeReliefRaster terrain analysisAnalize rastra površjaElevation layerVišinski slojZ factorZ faktorGenerate relief classes automaticallyRelief colorsBarve reliefaReliefReliefFrequency distributionSpecify relief colors or activate "Generate relief classes automatically" option.ReliefColorsWidgetImport Colors and elevations from XMLXML files (*.xml *.XML)XML datoteke (*.xml *.XML)Error parsing XMLThe XML file could not be loadedExport Colors and elevations as XMLEnter lower elevation class boundVnesite spodnjo višinsko mejoElevationVišinaEnter upper elevation class boundVnesite zgornjo višinsko mejoSelect color for relief classBarva za reliefRenderingStyleFilePanelSelect Style FileQGIS Layer Style File (*.qml *.QML)RuggednessRaster terrain analysisAnalize rastra površjaElevation layerVišinski slojZ factorZ faktorRuggednessRobustnostRuggedness indexIndeks robustnostiSAGAAlgorithmThis algorithm allows performing algebraic operations on raster layers
It requires a base layer, and a set of additional layers. The base layer is identified as "a" in the formula, while the additional layers are identified as "b, c, d...", using the order in which they appear in the multiple selection dialog.
The resulting layer has the extent and cell size of the main layer.
The following operators and functions are available.
- Addition (+)
- Subtraction ( - )
- Multiplication (*)
- Division (/)
- Power (^)
- ln(x): returns natural logarithm of x.
- sin(x): returns the sine of x. x must be in radians
- cos(x): returns the cosine of x. x must be in radians
- tan(x): returns the tangent of x. x must be in radians
- asin(x): returns the arcsine of x, in radians
- acos(x): returns the arccosine of x, in radians
- atan(x): returns the arctangent of x, in radians
- atan2(x,y): returns the arctangent y/x, in radians
- abs(x): return the absolute value of x. abs(- 5)=5
- int(x): returns the integer part of x. int(5.4)=5
- mod(x,y): returns the modulus of x/y. mod(7,4)=3
- gt(x,y): true if x is greater than y
- lt(x,y): true if x is lower than y
- eq(x,y): true if x equals y. When using this function SAGA evaluates it in a per–cell basis. Therefore, eq(a,b) will not return 1 if grid a equals grid b. It will return 1 for those cells that have the same value in both grids, and zero otherwise.
- ifelse(condition, x, y) returns x if condition evaluates to true (condition=1) or y if it evaluates to false
sagaSLDatabaseRun &VacuumZagon &Optimiziranja&Database&Podatkovna zbirkaNo database selected or you are not connected to it.Ni izbrani podatkovno zbirko ali niste povezani.SagaAlgorithmUnsupported file formatNeveljavna datotekaSAGA execution commandsProcessingObdelavaInput layer {0} has more than one band.
Multiband layers are not supported by SAGAVhodni sloj {0} ima več kot en kanal. Sloji z več kanali v SAGA niso podprtiInput layers do not have the same grid extent.Vhodni sloji nimajo istega obsegaSagaAlgorithmProviderEnable SAGA Import/Export optimizationsLog execution commandsLog console outputProcessingPaketna obdelavaProblem with SAGA installation: unsupported SAGA version (found: {}, required: {}).Could not open SAGA algorithm: {}Could not open SAGA algorithm: {}
{}ActivateAktivirajProblem with SAGA installation: SAGA was not found or is not correctly installedSagaUtilsSAGA execution console outputScriptAlgorithmProviderScripts folder(s)ScriptsSkripteScriptEditorDialogUntitled Script{} - Processing Script EditorSave Script?There are unsaved changes in this script. Do you want to keep those?There are unsaved changes in the script. Continue?Open scriptOdpri skriptoProcessing scripts (*.py *.PY)Skripte obdelav (*.py *.PY)Save scriptI/O errorV/I napakaUnable to save edits:
{}Execution errorNo script foundSeems there is no valid script in the file.Unsaved changesScriptUtilsCould not import script algorithm '{}' from '{}'
{}ProcessingObdelavaSearchBarSearch BarXXFind:Najdi:<<>>……Match caseRegular expressionVeljaven izrazHighlight all matchesSelectByAttributecontainsvsebujeselect,attribute,value,contains,null,fieldVector selectionbegins withzačne zis nullje praznois not nullni praznodoes not containne vsebujecreating new selectionnovo označevanjeadding to current selectionvstavi k označenemuremoving from current selectionodstrani iz trenutno označenegaselecting within current selectionInput layerVhodni slojSelection attributeIzbrana poljaOperatorOperatorValueVrednostModify current selection byIzbrano spremeni zSelected (attribute)Field '{}' was not found in layerOperators {0} can be used only with string fields.Select by attributeOznači z atributomSelectByExpressionVector selectioncreating new selectionnovo označevanjeadding to current selectionvstavi k označenemuremoving from current selectionodstrani iz trenutno označenegaselecting within current selectionInput layerVhodni slojSelected (attribute)ExpressionIzrazModify current selection byIzbrano spremeni zSelect by expressionoznači z izrazomServiceAreaFromLayerNetwork analysisForward directionNaprejBackward directionBoth directionsShortestNajkrajšaFastestNajhitrejšaVector layer representing networkVector layer with start pointsPath type to calculateTravel cost (distance for "Shortest", time for "Fastest")Direction fieldSmerValue for forward directionVrednost za naprejValue for backward directionValue for both directionsDefault directionPrivzeta smerSpeed fieldPolje hitrostiDefault speed (km/h)Privzeta hitrost (km/h)Topology toleranceTopološko odstopanjeInclude upper/lower bound pointsService area (lines)Service area (boundary nodes)Service area (from layer)Loading start points…Building graph…Calculating service areas…ServiceAreaFromPointNetwork analysisForward directionNaprejBackward directionBoth directionsShortestNajkrajšaFastestNajhitrejšaVector layer representing networkStart pointZačetna točkaPath type to calculateTravel cost (distance for "Shortest", time for "Fastest")Direction fieldSmerValue for forward directionVrednost za naprejValue for backward directionValue for both directionsDefault directionPrivzeta smerSpeed fieldPolje hitrostiDefault speed (km/h)Privzeta hitrost (km/h)Topology toleranceTopološko odstopanjeInclude upper/lower bound pointsService area (lines)Service area (boundary nodes)Service area (from point)Building graph…Calculating service area…Writing results…SetMValueVector geometryGeometrija vektorjaSet M valueM Addedset,add,m,measure,valuesM ValueM vrednostSetRasterStyleRaster toolsRasterska orodjaRaster layerRasterski slojStyle fileStyledSet style for raster layerSetVectorStyleVector generalLastnosti vektorjaVector layerVektorski slojStyle fileStyledSet style for vector layerSetZValueVector geometryGeometrija vektorjaSet Z valueZ Addedset,add,z,25d,3d,valuesZ ValueSettingWrong parameter value:
{0}Specified path does not exist:
{0}SettingsDialogPythonConsoleEditorUrejevalnikAuto-save script before runningFont and ColorsPisava in barveReset to default colorsTypingAutomatic insertion of the 'import' string on 'from xxx'AutocompletionSamodejno dokončajGet autocompletion from current documentGet autocompletion from current document and installed APIsGet autocompletion from installed APIsAutocompletion thresholdSamodejnih prehodovAutomatic parentheses insertionSamodejno vstavi oklepajeFontPisavaSizeVelikostEnable Object Inspector (switching between tabs may be slow)ConsoleUkazna vrsticaConsole settingsEditor settingsAPIsAPIs APIs file settings for autocompletionDefaultPrivzetoKeywordClass nameFunctionFunkcijaDecoratorNumberŠteviloCommentKomentarComment blockCursorKurzorCaretlineSingle quoteDouble quoteTriple single quoteTriple double quoteBackgroundOzadjeMargin backgroundMargin foregroundErrorNapakaSelection backgroundSelection foregroundBrace backgroundBrace foregroundcharactersFrom doc and APIsFrom API filesFrom documentRun and DebugEdgeFold guideUsing preloaded APIs filePathMapaUsing prepared APIs fileCompile APIs…Python Console SettingsShowTestDialogUnit TestSimplifyUserInputWidgetBaseSimplification ToolMethodMetodaToleranceOdstopanjeIterationsNumber of smooth iterations. More iterations results in smoother geometries, at the expense of greatly increasing the number of vertices in those geometries.OffsetZamikOffset from existing vertices at which to insert smoothed vertices. Larger values result in "looser" smoothing, smaller values result in "tight" smoothing. %%SingleSidedBufferVector geometryGeometrija vektorjaLeftLevoRoundZaokroženoDistanceRazdaljaSideSegmentsSegmentiJoin styleSlog vozliščMiter limitSingle sided bufferEnostranski obrisBufferObrisError calculating single sided bufferNapaka pri izračunu enostranskega obrisaSlopeRaster terrain analysisAnalize rastra površjaElevation layerVišinski slojZ factorZ faktorSlopeNagibSnapGeometriesToLayerVector geometryGeometrija vektorjaInput layerVhodni slojReference layerReferenčni slojToleranceOdstopanjePrefer aligning nodes, insert extra vertices where requiredPrefer closest point, insert extra vertices where requiredPrefer aligning nodes, don't insert new verticesPrefer closest point, don't insert new verticesMove end points only, prefer aligning nodesMove end points only, prefer closest pointSnap end points to end points onlySnap to anchor nodes (single layer only)BehaviorSnapped geometrySnap geometries to layerThis mode applies when the input and reference layer are the same.Snapped {} geometries.SpatiaLiteDBPluginThere is no defined database connection "{0}".Povezave podatkovnih zbirk "{0}" ne obstajajo.SpatialIndexCreate spatial indexUstvari prostorski indeksVector generalLastnosti vektorjaInput LayerVhodni slojIndexed layerIndeksiran slojCould not create spatial indexLayer's data provider does not support spatial indexesSpatialJoinGeometric predicateGeografsko predvidiVector generalLastnosti vektorjaintersectspresekicontainsvsebujeequalsenakotouchesdotikanjoverlapsprekrivanjawithinznotrajcrossesprečkanjaCreate separate feature for each located feature (one-to-many)Take attributes of the first located feature only (one-to-one)Input layerVhodni slojJoin layerPovezani slojFields to add (leave empty to use all fields)Join typeDiscard records which could not be joinedJoined field prefixJoined layerUnjoinable features from first layerNumber of joined features from input tableJoin attributes by locationSpajanje prostorskih podatkovjoin,intersects,intersecting,touching,within,contains,overlaps,relation,spatialSpatialJoinSummaryVector generalLastnosti vektorjaintersectspresekicontainsvsebujeequalsenakotouchesdotikanjoverlapsprekrivanjawithinznotrajcrossesprečkanjacountuniqueminminimalnomaxmaksimalnorangesumvsotameanpovprečnomedianstddevstandarna deviacijaminoritymajorityq1q3iqremptypraznofilledmin_lengthmax_lengthmean_lengthInput layerVhodni slojJoin layerPovezani slojGeometric predicateGeografsko predvidiFields to summarise (leave empty to use all fields)Summaries to calculate (leave empty to use all available)Discard records which could not be joinedJoined layerJoin attributes by location (summary)summary,aggregate,join,intersects,intersecting,touching,within,contains,overlaps,relation,spatial,stats,statistics,sum,maximum,minimum,mean,average,standard,deviation,count,distinct,unique,variance,median,quartile,range,majority,minority,histogram,distinctSpatialiteExecuteSQLDatabasePodatkovna zbirkaFile DatabaseSQL queryPoizvedbaSpatiaLite execute SQLExecutes a SQL command on a SpatiaLite databaseError executing SQL:
{0}SplitRGBBandsSplit RGB bandsInput layerVhodni slojOutput R band layerOutput G band layerOutput B band layerRaster toolsRasterska orodjaSslErrorsUnable to Validate the Connection<html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:11pt; font-weight:600; color:#ff0000;">Warning</span><span style=" font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:11pt; color:#ff0000;">:</span><span style=" font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:8pt; color:#000000;"> One or more SSL errors have occurred validating the host you are connecting to. Review the following list of errors and click Ignore to continue, or Cancel to abort the connection.</span></p></body></html>View Certificate ChainIgnoreZanemariCancelPrekiniStatisticsByCategoriesInput vector layerVhodni vektorski slojVector analysisVektorska analizagroups,stats,statistics,table,layer,sum,maximum,minimum,mean,average,standard,deviation,count,distinct,unique,variance,median,quartile,range,majority,minority,histogram,distinct,summaryField to calculate statistics on (if empty, only count is calculated)Field(s) with categoriesStatistics by categoryStatistics by categoriesStringWidgetWrapperExpression based inputSumLinesVector analysisVektorska analizaLinesLinijePolygonsPoligoniLines length field nameLines count field nameLine lengthDolžina linijeSum line lengthsVsota dolžin linijSymbolLayerItemMarkerSimbolFillPolniloLineLinijaSymbolsGroupSelectionDialogBaseGroup Selection DialogCloseZapriSymbolsListWidgetFormOblikaOpen Library…Save SymbolUnitEnotaOpacityProsojnostFilter SymbolsStyle ManagerUrejanje simbolovIcon ViewPushButtonList ViewColorBarvaSizeVelikostRotationVrtenjeWidthŠirinaSymbol NameIme simbolaSave symbolShrani simbolAdvancedNapredno…… ° °T%3 request failed [error: %1 - url: %2]%4 request error [status: %1 - reason phrase: %2] for %3TableFieldWidgetWrapperInput parameter, or name of field (separate field names with ; for multiple field parameters)Could not load selected layer/table. Dependent field could not be populatedTextToFloatVector tableVektorska tabelaText attribute to convert to floatFloat from textText to floatTilesXYZAlgorithmBaseExtentObsegMinimum zoomMaximum zoomDPITile formatInvalid zoom levels range.Quality (JPG only)TilesXYZAlgorithmDirectoryUse inverted tile Y axis (TMS convention)Output directoryOutput html (Leaflet)HTML files (*.html)HTML datoteke (*.html) Generate XYZ tiles (Directory)You need to specify output directory.Tile widthTile heightRaster toolsRasterska orodjaTilesXYZAlgorithmMBTilesOutput file (for MBTiles)MBTiles files (*.mbtiles)Generate XYZ tiles (MBTiles)You need to specify output filename.Raster toolsRasterska orodjaTinInterpolationInterpolationInterpolacijaLinearLinearnoClough-Toucher (cubic)Clough-Toucher (kubični)Input layer(s)Interpolation methodMetoda interpolacijeOutput raster sizeNumber of columnsŠtevilo stolpcevNumber of rowsŠtevilo vrsticExtentObsegInterpolatedTriangulationTIN interpolationYou need to specify at least one input layer.Morate določiti vsaj en vhodni slojTopoColortopocolor,colors,graph,adjacent,assignCartographyInput layerVhodni slojMinimum number of colorsMinimum distance between featuresBy feature countBy assigned areaBy distance between colorsBalance color assignmentColoredTopological coloring{} colors requiredTopolTopology Checker for vector layerTopološko preverjanje vektorskih slojevTruncateTableempty,delete,layer,clear,featuresVector generalLastnosti vektorjaInput LayerVhodni slojTruncated layerTruncate tableCould not truncate table.UndoWidgetUndo/RedoRazveljavi/PonoviUndoRazveljaviRedoUveljaviUniqueValuesInput layerVhodni slojVector analysisVektorska analizaTarget field(s)Unique valuesEnolične vrednostiHTML reportHTML files (*.html)HTML datoteke (*.html) Total unique valuesSkupno število enoličnih vrednostiInvalid field name {}<p>Total unique values: <p>Unique values:</p>List unique valuesSeznam enoličnih vrednostiUserExpressionsUser expressionsThe user expression {0} is not validVariableDistanceBufferVector geometryGeometrija vektorjaInput layerVhodni slojDistance fieldSegmentsSegmentiDissolve resultRazgradi rezultatRoundZaokroženoEnd cap styleStil zaključka linijeJoin styleSlog vozliščMiter limitBufferObrisVariable distance bufferObris različnih razdaljVariableEditorDelegateA variable with the name "%1" already exists in this context.Rename VariableVectorLayerHistogramGraphicsGrafikaInput layerVhodni slojAttributeAtributnumber of binsHistogramHistogramHTML files (*.html)HTML datoteke (*.html) Vector layer histogramVectorLayerScatterplotGraphicsGrafikaInput layerVhodni slojX attributeX poljeY attributeY poljeScatterplotHTML files (*.html)HTML datoteke (*.html) Vector layer scatterplotVectorLayerScatterplot3DGraphicsGrafikaInput layerVhodni slojX attributeX poljeY attributeY poljeZ attributeHistogramHistogramHTML files (*.html)HTML datoteke (*.html) Vector layer scatterplot 3DVectorLayerWidgetWrapperSelect fileDatotekaVectorSplitVector generalLastnosti vektorjaInput layerVhodni slojUnique ID fieldEnolično poljeOutput directoryOutput layersIzhodne plastiSplit vector layerRazdeli vektorski slojCreating layer: {}Added {} features to layerVoronoiPolygonsVector geometryGeometrija vektorjaInput layerVhodni slojBuffer region (% of extent)Voronoi polygonsThere were no polygons created.Input file should contain at least 3 points. Choose another file and try again.WidgetBlurFormObrazecOpacityProsojnostBlend modePrekrivanjeBlur typeBlur strengthDraw modeWidgetCentroidFillFormOblikaForce point inside polygonDraw point on every part of multi-part featuresWhen unchecked, a single point will be drawn on the biggest part of multi-part featuresWidgetColorEffectFormObrazecColorizeObarvajContrastKontrastBrightnessSvetlostSaturationNasičenost%%OpacityProsojnostBlend modePrekrivanjeDraw modeGrayscaleSivineWidgetDrawSourceFormObrazecBlend modePrekrivanjeOpacityProsojnostDraw modeWidgetEllipseBaseFormObrazecLeftLevoHCenterVSredinaRightDesnoxxyyTopZgorajVCenterNSredinaBottomDno……Fill colorBarva polnilaStroke styleStroke colorBarva obrobeStroke widthDebelinaHairlineJoin styleSlog vozliščRotationZasukAnchor pointPrijemna točkaSymbol widthŠirina simbola Symbol heightVišina simbola OffsetZamik ° °WidgetFilledMarkerFormObrazecSizeVelikostRotationVrtenje ° °……OffsetZamikyyxxAnchor pointPrijemna točkaLeftLevoHCenterHSredinaRightDesnoTopVrhVCenterVSredinaBottomDnoWidgetFontMarkerFormObrazecJoin styleSlog vozliščRotationVrtenjeAnchor pointPrijemna točka……OffsetZamikxxyyFill colorBarva polnilaStroke colorBarva obrobeLeftLevoHCenterVSredinaRightDesnoTopZgorajVCenterNSredinaBottomSpodajStroke widthDebelinaNo strokeSizeVelikostFont familyPisava ° °Character(s)Type in characters directly, or enter a character's hexadecimal value.WidgetGlowFormObrazecColor rampBarvna lestvicaSpreadBlur radiusOpacityProsojnostSingle colorBlend modePrekrivanjeDraw modeWidgetGradientFillFormObrazecTwo colorDvobarvnoColor rampBarvna lestvicaGradient typePrehodLinearLinearnoRadialRadialnoConicalKoničnoCoord modeKoordinatni načinObjectObjekt……OffsetZamikViewportReference point 2SpreadReference point 1RotationVrtenjePadRepeatPonavljanjeReflectOdsevnoxxyy ° °CentroidWidgetHashedLineFormObrazecHash placement……with intervalv razmakih poon last vertex onlysamo na zadnje vozliščeon first vertex onlysamo na prvo vozliščeon central pointna središčno točkoon every curve pointon every vertexna vsako vozliščeLine offsetZamik linije ° °Hash rotationOffset along lineHash lengthRingsAverage angle overRotate hash to follow line directionWidgetLinePatternFillFormOblika……SpacingRazmikOffsetOdmik ° °RotationVrtenjeWidgetMarkerLineFormOblika……Marker placementPoložaj simbolawith intervalv razmakih poon every vertexna vsako vozliščeRingson last vertex onlysamo na zadnje vozliščeon first vertex onlysamo na prvo vozliščeOffset along lineon every curve pointRotate markerVrtenje simbolaLine offsetZamik linijeon central pointna središčno točkoAverage angle overWidgetPointPatternFillFormObrazecDistanceRazdaljaDisplacementHorizontalVodoravno……VerticalNavpičnoOffsetZamikWidgetRasterFillFormObrazec……xxyyImage widthCoord modeKoordinatni načinObjectObjektViewportOffsetZamikRotationVrtenjeOriginalOriginalnoOpacityProsojnost ° °WidgetRasterMarkerFormObrazecAnchor pointPrijemna točkaxxyyLock aspect ratioWidthŠirinaHeightVišinaLeftLevoHCenterHSredinaRightDesno……RotationVrtenjeSizeVelikostOpacityProsojnostTopVrhVCenterVSredinaBottomDnoOffsetZamik ° °UnitEnotaWidgetSVGFillFormOblika……Stroke colorBarva obrobeNo strokeStroke widthDebelinaFill colorBarva polnilaRotationVrtenjeTexture widthŠirina tekstureSVG GroupsSkupine SVGSVG SymbolsSimboli SVG ° °WidgetShadowEffectFormObrazecColorBarvaOpacityProsojnostOffsetZamikBlend modePrekrivanjeBlur radius˚˚Draw modeWidgetShapeburstFillFormObrazec……Two colorDvobarvnoGradient ColorsSet distanceOffsetZamikColor rampBarvna lestvicaxxyyWhole shapeShading StyleIgnore rings in polygons while shadingBlur strengthWidgetSimpleFillFormOblikaHairlineFill styleSlog polnilaOffsetZamik……Stroke colorBarva obrobexxyyJoin styleSlog vozliščStroke styleFill colorBarva polnilaStroke widthDebelinaWidgetSimpleLineFormOblika……ColorBarvaHairlineOffsetZamikJoin styleSlog vozliščRingsCap styleSlog zaključkovStroke widthDebelinaStroke styleUse custom dash patternLasten vzorecDraw line only inside polygonNariši linijo samo znotraj poligonaWidgetSimpleMarkerFormOblikaRotationVrtenjeSizeVelikostAnchor pointPrijemna točkaHairlineLeftLevo……Stroke widthDebelinaStroke colorBarva obrobeStroke styleFill colorBarva polnilaOffsetZamikxxyyHCenterVSredinaRightDesnoTopZgorajVCenterNSredinaBottomSpodajJoin styleSlog vozlišč ° °WidgetSvgMarkerFormOblikaAnchor pointPrijemna točkaLeftLevoHCenterVSredinaRightDesnoTopVrhVCenterVSredinaBottomDnoSizeVelikost……RotationVrtenjeOffsetZamikStroke widthDebelinaWidthŠirinaHeightVišinaLock aspect ratioxxyyStroke colorBarva obrobeNo strokeFill colorBarva polnilaSVG GroupsSkupineSVG ImageSlika ° °UnitEnotaWidgetSvgSelectorFormObrazecSVG ImagesSlikeSVG GroupsSkupineWidgetTransformFormObrazecShear X,YRotationVrtenje ° °Reflect horizontalReflect verticalTranslate X,Y%%Scale X,YMerilo X,YDraw modeWidgetVectorFieldBaseFormObrazecY attributeY poljeScaleMeriloX attributeX poljeVector field typeTip vektorjaHeight onlySamo višinaPolarPolarniCartesianKartezičniAngle unitsDegreesStopinjeRadiansRadianiAngle orientationUsmerjenostCounterclockwise from eastNasproti urinega kazalca iz vzhodaClockwise from northV smeri urinega kazalca iz severaDistance unitEnota razdaljeWidgetWrapper (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax) (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax) (x, y)(x,y) [optional][opcijsko]Select FileIzberi datotekoXMLDialogXML Request / ResponseRequestResponseZonalStatisticsRaster analysisAnalize rastraCountŠteviloSumVsotaMeanSrednjaMedianSredinaStd. dev.MinMin MaxMaksRangeObmočjeMinorityMajority (mode)VarietyVarianceAllVseRaster layerRasterski slojRaster bandVector layer containing zonesOutput column prefixStatistics to calculateZonal statisticsObmočna statistikaalgYou need to set either inline data positions or an input data positions file!You need to set either sampling data positions or an output sampling data positions file!You need to set input and output data positions parameters!You need to set at least source/sink_where or source/sink_cats parameters for each set!You need to set either inline configuration or a configuration file!Your configuration needs to be a "moving window" configuration!Your configuration needs to be a non "moving window" configuration!You need to set either start coordinates OR a start points vector layer!-c, -a, -n parameters are mutually exclusive!The step must be greater than zero!GRASS GIS 7 v.net requires a lines layer!You can't use original Hargreaves flag and precipitation parameter together!If you don't use original Hargreaves flag, you must set the precipitation raster parameter!The number of columns and the number of upload parameters should be equal!You need to set at least 'setnull' or 'null' parameters for this algorithm!You need to set either a rules file or write directly the rules!The start position must be inferior to the end position!You need to set either radius or x_radius and y_radius!You need to set x_radius and y_radius!You need to set either rules or a raster from which to copy categories!You need to set either inline rules or a rules file!You need to set either an input control point file or inline control points!You need to set either a fixed height value or the height column!You need to set either an input ASCII file or inline data!You need to set at least setX_where or setX_cats parameters for each set!algorithm_idUnique ID for algorithm.appinfoQGIS Desktop<p>QGIS is a user friendly Open Source Geographic Information System (GIS) licensed under the GNU General Public License. QGIS is an official project of the Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo). It runs on Linux, Unix, Mac OSX, Windows and Android and supports numerous vector, raster, and database formats and functionalities.</p>Geographic Information SystemA Free and Open Source Geographic Information SystemaspectInput layerVhodni slojBand numberŠtevilka pasuReturn trigonometric angle instead of azimuthReturn 0 for flat instead of -9999Compute edgesIzračunaj roboveUse Zevenbergen&Thorne formula instead of the Horn's oneAdditional creation optionsDodatne možnosti ustvarjanjaAspectPogledRaster analysisAnalize rastrabuildvrtBuild virtual rasterUstvari navidezni rasterRaster miscellaneouscheckDockValidate AllPreveri vseValidate ExtentPreveri obsegTopology not checked yetTopologija še ni preverjenaConfigureNastavitveShow topology errorsPrikaži topološke napakeTopology Checker PanelShow errorsPrikaži napakeSelect automatic fixSamodejno popravljanjeFix!Popravi!No errors were foundBrez napakInvalid first layerNeveljaven prvi slojTopology pluginTopološki vtičnikInvalid first geometryNeveljavna prva geometrijaTopology testTopološki testFeature not found in the layer.
The layer has probably changed.
Run topology check again.Invalid second layerNeveljaven drugi slojInvalid second geometryNeveljavna druga geometrijaInvalid conflictNeveljaven zaplet%1 errors were found%1 napak je bilo najdenihTopology fix errorNapaaka pri topološkem popravljanjuFixing failed!Popravljanje ni uspelo!Layer %1 not found in registry.Sloj %1 ne obstaja v registru.AbortPrekinicluster_colorColor of symbols within a cluster, or NULL if symbols have mixed colors.cluster_sizeNumber of symbols contained within a cluster.contourContourPlastnicaInput layerVhodni slojBand numberŠtevilka pasuInterval between contour linesVišinski interval med linijami plastnicAttribute name (if not set, no elevation attribute is attached)Produce 3D vectorTreat all raster values as validInput pixel value to treat as "nodata"Offset from zero relative to which to interpret intervalsAdditional creation optionsDodatne možnosti ustvarjanjaRaster extractionIzrez rastraContoursPlastnicecurrent_featureRepresents the feature currently being edited in the form or the table row. Can be used in a form/row context to filter the related features.current_geometryRepresents the geometry of the feature currently being edited in the form or the table row. Can be used in a form/row context to filter the related features.dataobjectCould not load layer: {0}
Check the processing framework log to look for errors.db_managerPostGISPostGISSpatiaLiteSpatiaLiteGeoPackageVirtual LayersNavidezni slojiProject layersSlogi v projektuOracle SpatialProstorski OracleeViseVis Database ConnectioneVis podatkovna povezavaeVis Event Id TooleVis enolično poljeeVis Event BrowsereVis pregledovalnik dogodkovCreate layer from a database queryUstvari sloj glede na poizvedbo v podatkovni zbirkiOpen an Event Browser and display the selected featureOpen an Event Browser to explore the current layer's featuresOdpri pregledovalnik dogodkov za raziskovanje geoobjektov trenutnega slojaeVisDatabaseConnectionGuiUndefinedNedoločenoNo predefined queries loadedPoizvedbe niso naloženeOpen FileOdpri datotekoNew Database connection requested…Zahtevana nova povezava s podatkovno zbirko...Error: You must select a database typeNapaka: Navesti morate vrsto podatkovne zbirkeError: No host name enteredNapaka: Vpisati morate ime gostiteljaError: No database name enteredNapaka: Vpisati morate ime podatkovne zbirkeConnection to [%1.%2] establishedPovezava na [%1.%2] je vzpostavljenaconnectedpovezanoTablesTabeleConnection to [%1.%2] failed: %3Povezava na [%1.%2] ni uspela: %3Error: Parse error at line %1, column %2: %3Napaka: Napaka pri razčlenjevanju v vrstici %1, stolpca %2: %3Error: Unable to open file [%1]Error: Query failed: %1Napaka: Poizvedba ni bila uspešna: %1Error: Could not create temporary file, process haltedNapaka: Ne morem ustvariti začasne datoteke, proces je ustavljenError: A database connection is not currently establishedNapaka: Povezava podatkovne zbirke trenutno ni bila ustvarjenaeVisDatabaseConnectionGuiBaseDatabase ConnectionPovezava s podatkovno zbirkoPredefined QueriesPoizvedbeLoad predefined queriesOdpri poizvedbeLoads an XML file with predefined queries. Use the Open File window to locate the XML file that contains one or more predefined queries using the format described in the user guide.Odprii XML datoteko poizvedbe. Uporabi okno "Odpri datoteko" za iskanje XML datoteke, ki vsebuje eno ali več poizvedb.The description of the selected query.Opis poizvedbe.Select the predefined query you want to use from the drop-down list containing queries identified from the file loaded using the Open File icon above. To run the query you need to click on the SQL Query tab. The query will be automatically entered in the query window.Izberite vnaprej definirano poizvedbo s spustnega seznama, ki je iz datoteke zgoraj ("Odpri datoteko"). Če želite zagnati poizvedbo, morate klikniti na zavihek SQL poizvedbe. Poizvedba bo samodejno vnesena v okno za poizvedbo.not connectedni povezave<html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css">
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<p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-style:italic;">Connection Status: </span></p></body></html><html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css">
p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
</style></head><body style=" font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:9pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal; text-decoration:none;">
<p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-style:italic;">Povezava: </span></p></body></html>Database HostStrežnik PZEnter the database host. If the database resides on your desktop you should enter ¨localhost¨. If you selected ¨MSAccess¨ as the database type this option will not be available. VnesiteStrežnik. Če se podatkovno zbirko nahaja v vašem sistemu, potem vnesite "localhost". Če izberete "MSAccess" za vrsto podatkovne zbirke, potem prejšnja možnost ne bo na voljo.Password to access the database.Geslo za dostop do podatkovne zbirke.Enter the name of the database.Vpišite ime podatkovne zbirke.UsernameUporabniško imeEnter the port through which the database must be accessed if a MYSQL database is used.Vpišite vrata skozi katerega dostopate do PZ, če uporabljate MySQL podatkovno bazo.Connect to the database using the parameters selected above. If the connection was successful a message will be displayed in the Output Console below saying the connection was established. Povezovanje na PZ z uporabo zgornjih parametrov. Če je bila povezava uspešna, se bo prikazalo sporočilo o uspešno vzpostavljeni povezavi.ConnectPovežiUser name to access the database.Uporabniško ime za dostop do PZ.Select the type of database from the list of supported databases in the drop-down menu.Izberite vrsto podatkovne zbirke.Database NamePodatkovna zbirkaPasswordGesloDatabase TypeVrsta podatkovne zbirkePortVrataSQL QuerySQL poizvedbaRun the query entered above. The status of the query will be displayed in the Output Console below.Run QueryZaženi poizvedboEnter the query you want to run in this window.V okno vnesite poizvedbo, ki jo želite zagnati.A window for status messages to be displayed.Okno za sporočila.Output ConsoleRezultateVisDatabaseLayerFieldSelectionGuiBaseDatabase File SelectionIzbira datoteke PZThe name of the field that contains the Y coordinate of the points.Ime stolpca za Y koordinato.The name of the field that contains the X coordinate of the points.Ime stolpca za X koordinato.Enter the name for the new layer that will be created and displayed in QGIS.Vpišite ime novega sloja, ki bo ustvarjen in prikazan v Qgis-u.Y CoordinateY koordinataX CoordinateX koordinataName of New LayerIme slojaeVisGenericEventBrowserGuiGeneric Event BrowserIskanje dogodkovFieldPoljeValueVrednostThis tool only supports vector data.No active layers found.Unable to connect to either the map canvas or application interface.An invalid feature was received during initialization.Event Browser - Displaying Records 01 of %1Event Browser - Displaying Records %1 of %2Attribute ContentsVsebina stolpcaSelect ApplicationIzberi aplikacijoAll ( * )Vse ( * )eVisGenericEventBrowserGuiBaseDisplayPrikazUse the Previous button to display the previous photo when more than one photo is available for display.Uporabite gumb "Nazaj" za prikaz predhodne slike, če je na voljo.Use the Next button to display the next photo when more than one photo is available for display.Uporabi gumb "Naprej" za prikaz naslednje slike, če je na voljo.All of the attribute information for the point associated with the photo being viewed is displayed here. If the file type being referenced in the displayed record is not an image but is of a file type defined in the “Configure External Applications” tab then when you double-click on the value of the field containing the path to the file the application to open the file will be launched to view or hear the contents of the file. If the file extension is recognized the attribute data will be displayed in green.Vse informacije o podatkovnih stolpcih za poi bodo skupaj s sliko prikazane tukaj. Če pa imamo za prikaz izbran drug tip dokumenta definiran v "Nastavitve aplikacij", bomo z dvojnim klikom na vrednost polja odprli dokument vezan na izbrano točko. Če je dokument veljavne oblike, bo atributni podatek prikazan v zeleni barvi.11Image display areaSlikaDisplay area for the image.Prikaz slike.OptionsMožnostiFile pathPot do datotekeAttribute containing path to filePolje s potjo do datotekePath is relativeRelativna potIf checked, the relative path values will be saved for the next session.Če je označeno, bo relativna pot shranjena za naslednjo sejo.Remember thisZapomni siReset to defaultPonastavi na privzetoResets the values on this line to the default setting.Ponastavi vrednosti te vrstice na privzete nastavitve.ResetPonastavi<html><head/><body><p>Use the drop-down list to select the field containing a directory path to the image. This can be an absolute or relative path.</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p>If checked the path to the image will be defined appending the attribute in the field selected from the “Attribute Containing Path to Image” drop-down list to the “Base Path” defined below.</p></body></html>Compass bearingSmer kompasa<html><head/><body><p>Use the drop-down list to select the field containing the compass bearing for the image.</p><p>This bearing usually references the direction the camera was pointing when the image was acquired. </p></body></html>Attribute containing compass bearingPolje za smer kompasaDisplay compass bearingPrikaz smer kompasaIf checked, the Display Compass Bearing values will be saved for the next session.Če je označeno, bodo vrednosti za prikaz smeri kompasa shranjene za naslednjo sejo.Compass offsetOdmik kompasaDefine the compass offset manually.Definiraj odmik kompasa ročno.ManualRočnoDefine the compass offset using a field from the vector layer attribute table.Določi odmik smeri z uporabo stolpca v tabeli. From AttributePodatkovni stolpecIf checked, the compass offset values will be saved for the next session.Če je označeno, bodo vrednosti odmikov kompasa shranjene za naslednjo sejo.Resets the compass offset values to the default settings.Ponastavi vrednosti za odmik kompasa na privzete nastavitve.Relative pathsRelativna potThe base path or url from which images and documents can be “relative”Osnovna pot ali URL za katere lahko imajo slike in dokumenti relativno potBase PathOsnovna potThe Base Path onto which the relative path defined above will be appended.Osnovna pot na katero se bo relativna pot, ki je določena zgoraj, dodala.If checked, the Base Path will be saved for the next session.Če je označeno, bo osnovna pot shranjena za naslednjo sejo.Enters the default “Base Path” which is the path to the directory of the vector layer containing the image information.Vnese privzeto "Osnovno pot", ki je pot do direktorija vektorskih plasti, ki vsebuje informacije o sliki.Replace entire path/url stored in image path attribute with user defined
Base Path (i.e. keep only filename from attribute)Zamenjaj pot / url, shranjeno v atributu za pot do slike , z uporabniško definirano potjo /url.
Osnovna pot (obdrži samo ime datoteke atributa )Apply Path to Image rules when loading docs in external applicationsUporabi pravila poti do slike, če se dokumenti nalagajo iz zunanje aplikacije<html><head/><body><p>If checked an arrow pointing in the direction defined by the attribute in the field selected from the drop-down list</p><p>to the right will be displayed in the QGIS window on top of the point for this image.</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p>A value to be added to the compass bearing.</p><p>This allows you to compensate for declination (adjust bearings collected using magnetic bearings to true north bearings). East declinations should be entered using positive values and west declinations should use negative values. </p></body></html><html><head/><body><p>Use the drop-down list to select the field containing the compass bearing offset.</p><p>This allows you to compensate for declination (adjust bearings collected using magnetic bearings to true north bearings). East declinations should be entered using positive values and west declinations should use negative values. </p></body></html><html><head/><body><p>If checked, the Base Path will append only the file name instead of the entire relative path (defined above) to create the full directory path to the file. </p></body></html>If checked, the current checkbox setting will be saved for the next session.Clears the checkbox on this line.<html><head/><body><p>If checked, the same path rules that are defined for images will be used for non-image documents such as movies, text documents, and sound files.</p><p>If not checked the path rules will only apply to images and other documents will ignore the Base Path parameter.</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p>Clicking on Save will save the settings without closing the Options pane.</p><p>Clicking on Restore Defaults will reset all of the fields to their default settings.</p><p>It has the same effect as clicking all of the “Reset to default” buttons. </p></body></html>Configure External ApplicationsNastavitve programovFile extension and external application in which to load a document of that typeDatoteka in program s katerim se odpira dokumentA table containing file types that can be opened using eVis. Each file type needs a file extension and the path to an application that can open that type of file. This provides the capability of opening a broad range of files such as movies, sound recording, and text documents instead of only images. Tabela z vsebovanimi tipi datotek bo lahko prikazana z uporabo eVis dodatkom. Vsak tip datoteke potrebuje končnico datoteke in pot do aplikacije za opiranje dokumenta. S tem je omogočeno odpiranje več različnih dokumentov kot so filmi, glasba, besedilo in ne samo slike.ExtensionKončnicaApplicationProgramAdd new file typeVstavi novo vrsto datotekeAdd a new file type with a unique extension and the path for the application that can open the file.Vstavi novo vrsto datoteke z unikatno končnico in pot do programa.Delete current rowIzbriši trenutno vrsticoDelete the file type highlighted in the table and defined by a file extension and a path to an associated application.Izbriše tip datoteke označen v tabeli.eVisImageDisplayWidgetZoom inPovečajZoom in to see more detail.Povečaj za pregled podrobnosti.Zoom outZmanjšajZoom out to see more area.Zmanjšaj za večje območje.Zoom to full extentPrikaz vseh elementovZoom to display the entire image.Popolni prikaz slike.expression%1: Field not found %2%1: function cannot be evaluated without a context.expressionsVectorVektorRasterRasterMeshPluginvtičnikfillnodataInput layerVhodni slojValidity maskVeljavnostna maskaBand numberŠtevilka pasuMaximum distance (in pixels) to search out for values to interpolateNumber of smoothing iterations to run after the interpolationDo not use the default validity mask for the input bandFilledFill nodataBrez podatkovRaster analysisAnalize rastraform_modeWhat the form is used for, like AddFeatureMode, SingleEditMode, MultiEditMode, SearchMode, AggregateSearchMode or IdentifyMode as string.fullextent_maxxMaximum x-value from full canvas extent (including all layers).fullextent_maxyMaximum y-value from full canvas extent (including all layers).fullextent_minxMinimum x-value from full canvas extent (including all layers).fullextent_minyMinimum y-value from full canvas extent (including all layers).gdal2tilesgdal2tilesInput layerVhodni slojTile cutting profileCopyright of the mapResampling methodVzorčna metodaThe spatial reference system used for the source input dataZoom levels to renderAvoid automatic generation of KML files for EPSG:4326URL address where the generated tiles are going to be publishedMercatorGeodeticRasterRasterAveragePovprečnoNearest neighbourNajbližji sosedBilinearBilinearnoCubicKubičnoCubic splineLanczos windowed sincAntialiasAllVseGoogleMapsOpenLayersLeafletNoneBrezWeb viewer to generateTitle of the mapTransparency value to assign to the input dataGoogle Maps API key (http://code.google.com/apis/maps/signup.html)Bing Maps API key (https://www.bingmapsportal.com/)Generate only missing filesGenerate KML for Google EarthOutput directoryRaster miscellaneousgdal2xyzInput layerVhodni slojBand numberŠtevilka pasuOutput comma-separated valuesXYZ ASCII fileCSV files (*.csv)Raster conversiongdal2xyzgdaladdoAveragePovprečnoGaussianAverage MPModeNačinInternal (if possible)External (GTiff .ovr)External (ERDAS Imagine .aux)Input layerVhodni slojOverview levelsRemove all existing overviewsResampling methodVzorčna metodaOverviews formatRaster miscellaneousPyramidizedBuild overviews (pyramids)Nearest NeighbourNajbližji sosedCubic ConvolutionB-Spline ConvolutionLanczos Windowed SincAverage in Mag/Phase SpacegdalcalcInput layer AInput layer BInput layer CInput layer DInput layer EInput layer FNumber of raster band for ANumber of raster band for BNumber of raster band for CNumber of raster band for DNumber of raster band for ENumber of raster band for FCalculation in gdalnumeric syntax using +-/* or any numpy array functions (i.e. logical_and())Set output nodata valueOutput raster typeVrsta izhodnega rastraAdditional creation optionsDodatne možnosti ustvarjanjaCalculatedIzračunanoRaster calculatorSpreminjanje rastraRaster miscellaneousgdalinfoInput layerVhodni slojForce computation of the actual min/max values for each bandRead and display image statistics (force computation if necessary)Suppress GCP infoSuppress metadata infoLayer informationHTML files (*.html)HTML datoteke (*.html) Raster informationRaster miscellaneousgdaltindexAutoSamodejnoWell-known text (WKT)EPSGProj.4Input filesVhodne datotekeField name to hold the file path to the indexed rastersStore absolute path to the indexed rastersSkip files with different projection referenceTransform geometries to the given CRSThe name of the field to store the SRS of each tileThe format in which the CRS of each tile must be writtenTile indexMrežni indeksRaster miscellaneousgrasslabels(1-256)(1-256)(Optional) column to read labelsPolje za podatke (opcijsko)3D-Viewer (NVIZ)3D-Pregledovalnik (NVIZ)3d Visualization3d VizualizacijaAdd a value to the current category valuesDodaj vrednost u trenutno kategorijo vrednostiAdd elements to layer (ALL elements of the selected layer type!)Dodaj elemente u sloj (SVI elementni tipa odabranog sloja!)Add missing centroids to closed boundariesDodaj centroide koje nedostaju zatvorenim granicamaAdd one or more columns to attribute tableDodaj jednu ili više kolona atributnoj tabliciAggregates data of an existing space time raster dataset using the time intervals of a second space time datasetAggregates temporally the maps of a space time raster dataset by a user defined granularityAggregationAllocate networkAlociraj mrežuAssign constant value to columnPridruži konstantnu vrijednost koloniAssign new constant value to column only if the result of query is TRUEPridruži novu konstantnu vrijednost koloni samo ako je rezultat upita ISTINAAssign new value as result of operation on columns to column in attribute tableDodaj novu vrijednost kao rezultat operacija nad kolonama koloni u atributnoj tabliciAssign new value to column as result of operation on columns only if the result of query is TRUEPridruži novu vrijednost koloni kao rezultat operacija nad kolonama samo ako je rezultat upita ISTINAAssigns a color table from an existing raster or raster3d map to each raster map of the space time raster datasetAssigns a predefined color table to each raster map of the space time raster datasetAttribute fieldPodatkovno poljeAttribute field (interpolated values)Polje atributa (interpolirane vrijednosti)Attribute field to (over)writePrepiši podatkovno poljeAttribute field to joinPolje za spajanjeAuto-balancing of colors for LANDSAT-TM rasterAuto-balansiranje boja za LANDSAT-TM rasterAuto-balancing of colors for RGB imagesBicubic or bilinear spline interpolation with Tykhonov regularizationBikubična ili bilinearna spline interpolacija s Tykhonov regularizacijomBilinear interpolation utility for raster mapsPomoći alat za bilinearnu interpolaciju rasterskih mapaBlend color components for two rasters by given ratioStopi komponente boja za dva rastera za dani odnosBlend red, green, raster layers to obtain one color rasterSpoji crveno, zeleno, rasterske slojeve za dobivanje rastera jedne bojeBreak (topologically clean) polygons (imported from non topological format, like ShapeFile). Boundaries are broken on each point shared between 2 and more polygons where angles of segments are differentSlomi (topološki čiste) poligone (uvezene iz netopoloških oblika, kao ShapeFile). Lome se granice na svakoj točki dijeljenoj izzmeđu 2 i više poligona gdje su kutevi segmenata različitiBreak lines at each intersection of vectorSlomi linije na svakom presjeku vektoraBrovey transform to merge multispectral and high-res panchromatic channelsBrovey transformacija za spajanje multispektralnih i pankromatskih kanala visoke rezolucijeBufferObrisBuild polylines from linesIzgradi polilinije iz linijaCalculate average of raster within areas with the same category in a user-defined base mapCalculate covariance/correlation matrix for user-defined rastersIzračunaj matricu kovarijance/korelacije za korisnički definirane rastereCalculate error matrix and kappa parameter for accuracy assessment of classification resultIzračunaj matricu pogreške i kapa parametar za procjenu točnosti rezultata klasifikacijeCalculate geometry statistics for vectorsIzračunaj statistiku geometrije za vektoreCalculate linear regression from two rasters: y = a + b*xIzračunaj linearnu regresiju iz dva rastera: y = a + b*xCalculate median of raster within areas with the same category in a user-defined base mapCalculate mode of raster within areas with the same category in a user-defined base mapCalculate optimal index factor table for LANDSAT-TM rasterCalculate raster surface areaIzračunaj površinu rasteraCalculate shadow maps from exact sun positionIzračunaj mape sjena iz točne pozicije SuncaCalculate shadow maps from sun position determinated by date/timeIzračunaj mape sjena iz pozicije Sunca određene datumom/vremenomCalculate statistics for rasterIzračunaj statistiku rasteraCalculate univariate statistics for numeric attributes in a data tableCalculate univariate statistics from raster based on vector objectsCalculate univariate statistics from the non-null cells of rasterCalculate univariate statistics of vector map featuresCalculate volume of data clumps, and create vector with centroids of clumpsCalculates category or object oriented statisticsCalculates different types of vegetation indicesCalculates multiple linear regression from raster mapsCalculates univariate statistics from the non-null cells for each registered 3D raster map of a space time 3D raster datasetCalculates univariate statistics from the non-null cells for each registered raster map of a space time raster datasetCalculates univariate statistics of attributes for each registered vector map of a space time vector datasetCategory or object oriented statisticsCatsCats (select from the map or using their id)Change category values and labelsIzmjeni vrijednosti i oznake kategorijeChange fieldIzmjeni poljeChange layer numberIzmjeni broj slojaChange resolutionIzmjeni rezolucijuChange the type of boundary dangle to lineChange the type of bridges connecting area and island or 2 islands from boundary to lineChange the type of geometry elementsIzmjeni tip elemenata geometrijeChoose appropriate formatOdaberi odgovarajući oblikColumn to store height valuesColumn with height valuesColumns managementCompares bit patterns with rasterUspoređuje uzorke bitova s rasteromCompress and decompress rasterKompresiranje i dekompresiranje rasteraCompress rasterKompresiraj rasterCompute category quantiles using two passes.Computes a coordinate transformation based on the control pointsIzračunava transformaciju koordinata temeljenu na kontrolnim točkamaComputes biomass growth, precursor of crop yield calculationComputes broad band albedo from surface reflectanceComputes cyclic accumulations of a space time raster datasetComputes emissivity from NDVI, generic method for sparse landConcentric circlesKoncentrične kružniceConnect nodes by shortest route (traveling salesman)Spoji čvorove najkraćim putem (putujući trgovac)Connect selected nodes by shortest tree (Steiner tree)Spoi odabrane čvorove najkraćim stablom (Steiner tree)Connect vector to databasePoveži vektor s podatkovno zbirkoConvert 2D vector to 3D by sampling rasterPretvori 2D vektor u 3D uzorkovanjem rasteraConvert 2D vector to 3D vector by sampling of elevation raster. Default sampling by nearest neighbourPretvorba 2D vektor v 3D vektor z uporabo višinskega rastra. Privzeto je uporabljena metoda najbližjega sosedaConvert GRASS binary vector to GRASS ASCII vectorPretvorba GRASS binarni vektor v GRASS ASCII vektorConvert a raster to vector within GRASSPretvori raster v vektor znotraj GRASSConvert a vector to raster within GRASSPretvorba vektor v raster znotraj GRASSConvert bearing and distance measurements to coordinates and vice versaKonvertiraj smjerni kut i dužinu u koordinate i obrnutoConvert boundaries to linesKonvertiraj granice u linijeConvert centroids to pointsKonvertiraj centroide u točkeConvert coordinatesKonvertiraj koordinateConvert coordinates from one projection to another (cs2cs frontend)Konvertiraj koordinate iz jedne projekcije u drugu (cs2cs sučelje)Convert lines to boundariesKonvertiraj linije u graniceConvert points to centroidsKonvertiraj točke u centroideConvert raster to vector areasKonvertiraj raster u vektorske površineConvert raster to vector linesKonvertiraj raster u vektorske linijeConvert raster to vector pointsKonvertiraj raster u vektorske točkeConvert vector to raster using attribute valuesKonveritraj vektor u raster korištenjem atributnih vrijednostiConvert vector to raster using constantKonveritraj vektor u raster korištenjem konstanteConverts LAS LiDAR point clouds to a GRASS vector map with libLAS.Converts a space time raster dataset into a 3D raster mapConvex hullKonveksna obvojnicaCopy a tableKopiraj tablicuCopy also attribute table (only the table of layer 1 is currently supported)Kopiraj također i atributnu tablicu (trenutačno je podržana samo tablica sloja 1)Count of neighbouring pointsBroj susjednih točakaCreate 3D volume map based on 2D elevation and value rastersStvori 3D mapu volumena temeljenu na 2D elevaciji i rasterima vrijednostiCreate a MASK for limiting raster operationStvorite MASKU za ograničavanje rasterskih operacijaCreate a MASK from raster map for limiting raster operationCreate a MASK from vector map for limiting raster operationCreate a map containing concentric ringsStvori mapu koja sadržava koncentrične kružniceCreate a raster planeStvori ravninu rasteraCreate and add new table to vectorStvori i dodaj novu tablicu na vektorCreate and/or modify raster support filesStvori i/ili modificiraj rasterske datoteke podrškeCreate aspect raster from DEM (digital elevation model)Stvori raster aspekta iz DEM-a (digitalni elevacijski model)Create cross product of category values from multiple rastersCreate fractal surface of given fractal dimensionCreate grid in current regionStvori mrežu u trenutnoj regijiCreate new GRASS location and transfer data into itCreate new GRASS location from metadata fileCreate new GRASS location from raster dataCreate new GRASS location from vector dataCreate new layer with category values based upon user's reclassification of categories in existing rasterSvori novi sloj s vrijednostima kategorije temeljenim na korisničkoj reklasifikaciji kategorija u postojećem rasteruCreate new location from .prj (WKT) fileCreate new raster by combining other rastersStvori novi raster kombinacijom drugih rasteraCreate new vector by combining other vectorsStvori novi vektor kombinacijom drugih vektoraCreate new vector with current region extentStvori novi vektor s trenutnim rasponom regijeCreate nodes on networkStvori čvorove na mrežiCreate parallel line to input linesStvori paralelnu liniju ulaznim linijamaCreate pointsStvori točkeCreate points along input linesStvori točku uzduž ulaznih linijaCreate points/segments from input vector lines and positionsStvori točke/segmente iz ulaznih vektorskih linija i pozicijaCreate quantization file for floating-point rasterStvori datoteku kvantizacije za raster s decimalnim vrijednostimaCreate random 2D vector pointsCreate random 3D vector pointsCreate random cell values with spatial dependenceCreate random pointsCreate random rasterIzdelaj naključni rasterCreate random vector point contained in rasterCreate raster images with textural features from raster (first series of indices)Create raster of distance to features in input layerUstvari raster oddaljenosti do geoobjektov v vhodnem slojuCreate raster of gaussian deviates with user-defined mean and standard deviationCreate raster of uniform random deviates with user-defined rangeCreate raster with contiguous areas grown by one cellCreate raster with textural features from raster (second series of indices)Create red, green and blue rasters combining hue, intensity, and saturation (his) values from rastersCreate shaded mapCreate slope raster from DEM (digital elevation model)Ustvari raster naklonov iz DMV (digitalni model višin)Create standard vectorsCreate surface from rasterized contoursUstvari relief iz rastra plastnicCreate vector contour from raster at specified levelsCreate vector contour from raster at specified stepsCreate watershed basinCreate watershed subbasins rasterCreates / modifies the color table for each raster map of the space time raster dataset according to user defined rulesCreates a latitude raster mapCreates a longitude raster mapCreates a raster map from LAS LiDAR points using univariate statistics.Creates a space time datasetCreates, edits, and lists groups of imagery data.Cut network by cost isolinesDXF vector layerDXF vektorski slojDatabasePodatkovna zbirkaDatabase connectionPovezava podatkovne zbirkeDatabase fileDatoteka podatkovne zbirkeDatabase managementUpravljanje podatkovne zbirkeDelaunay triangulation (areas)Delaunay triangulation (lines)Delaunay triangulation, Voronoi diagram and convex hullDelete category valuesDetects accumulation patterns in temporally accumulated space time raster datasets created by t.rast.accumulateDevelop images and groupDevelop mapDirectory of rasters to be linkedDisconnect vector from databaseDisplay general DB connectionDisplay list of category values found in rasterDisplay projection information from PROJ.4 projection description fileDisplay projection information from PROJ.4 projection description file and create a new location based on itDisplay projection information from a georeferenced file (raster, vector or image) and create a new location based on itDisplay projection information from georeferenced ASCII file containing WKT projection descriptionDisplay projection information from georeferenced ASCII file containing WKT projection description and create a new location based on itDisplay projection information from georeferenced file (raster, vector or image)Display projection information of the current locationDisplay raster category values and labelsDisplay results of SQL selection from databaseDisplay the HTML manual pages of GRASSDisplay vector attributesDisplay vector map attributes with SQLDissolves boundaries between adjacent areas sharing a common category number or attributeDownload and import data from WMS serverDrapes a color raster over an shaded relief or aspect mapDrop column from attribute tableE00 vector layerElevation raster for height extraction (optional)Execute any SQL statementExportIzvozExport 3 GRASS rasters (R,G,B) to PPM image at the resolution of the current regionExport from GRASSExport raster as non-georeferenced PNG image formatExport raster from GRASSExport raster series to MPEG movieExport raster to 8/24bit TIFF image at the resolution of the current regionExport raster to ASCII text fileExport raster to ESRI ARCGRIDExport raster to GRIDATB.FOR map file (TOPMODEL)Export raster to Geo TIFFExport raster to POVRAY height-field fileExport raster to PPM image at the resolution of the current regionExport raster to VTK-ASCIIExport raster to Virtual Reality Modeling Language (VRML)Export raster to binary MAT-FileExport raster to binary arrayExport raster to text file as x,y,z values based on cell centersExport raster to various formats (GDAL library)Export vector from GRASSExport vector table from GRASS to database formatExport vector to DXFIzvoz - vektor v DXFExport vector to GMLIzvoz - vektor v GMLExport vector to MapinfoExport vector to POV-RayExport vector to PostGIS (PostgreSQL) database tableExport vector to SVGExport vector to ShapefileExport vector to VTK-ASCIIExport vector to various formats (OGR library)Exports a raster map as GRASS GIS specific archive fileExports a space time vector dataset as GRASS GIS specific archive fileExports a vector map as GRASS GIS specific archive fileExports attribute tables into various formatExports space time raster datasetExports space time raster dataset as VTK time seriesExtract features from vectorExtract selected featuresExtractionObreži rasterExtracts a subset of a space time 3D raster datasetExtracts a subset of a space time raster datasetExtracts a subset of a space time vector datasetExtracts quality control parameters from MODIS QC layersExtracts terrain parameters from DEMEkstrahira parametre terena iz DMRExtrudes flat vector object to 3D with fixed heightExtrudes flat vector object to 3D with height based on attributeFast fourier transform for image processingFeature type (for polygons, choose Boundary)File managementFill lake from seed at given levelFill lake from seed point at given levelFill no-data areas in raster using v.surf.rst splines interpolationFilter and create depressionless elevation map and flow direction map from elevation rasterFilter imageFind nearest element in vector 'to' for elements in vector 'from'. Various information about this relation may be uploaded to attribute table of input vector 'from'Find shortest path on vector networkGRASS MODULESGRASS shellGaussian kernel densityGeneralizationGenerate raster of cumulative cost of moving between locations based on cost input raster and starting point(s) coordinatesGenerate raster of cumulative cost of moving between locations based on cost input raster and starting point(s) rasterGenerate raster of cumulative cost of moving between locations based on cost input raster and starting point(s) vectorGenerate raster of cumulative cost of moving between locations, based on elevation and friction input rasters and starting point(s) coordinatesGenerate raster of cumulative cost of moving between locations, based on elevation and friction input rasters and starting point(s) vectorGenerate surfaceGenerate vector contour linesUstvari vektorske linije plastnicGenerates area statistics for rastersGeoreferencing, rectification, and import Terra-ASTER imagery and DEM using gdalwarpGeoreferenciranje, rektifikacija, uvoz Terra-ASTER slikovja ali DMV z uporabo gdalwarpGraphical raster map calculatorHelpPomočHue Intensity Saturation (HIS) to Red Green Blue (RGB) raster color transform functionHydrologic modellingIdentifies segments (objects) from imagery data.Image fusion algorithms to sharpen multispectral with high-res panchromatic channelsImagerySlikovjeImportUvozImport ASCII rasterImport DXF vectorImport ESRI ARC/INFO ASCII GRIDImport ESRI E00 vectorImport GDAL supported rasterImport GDAL supported raster and create a fitted locationImport GRIDATB.FOR (TOPMODEL)Import MapGen or MatLab vectorImport OGR vectorImport OGR vector and create a fitted locationImport OGR vectors in a given data source combining them in a GRASS vectorImport SPOT VGT NDVIImport SRTM HGTImport US-NGA GEOnet Names Server (GNS) country fileImport all OGR/PostGIS vectors in a given data source and create a fitted locationImport attribute tables in various formatsImport binary MAT-File(v4)Import binary rasterImport from database into GRASSImport geonames.org country filesImport into GRASSImport loaded rasterImport loaded raster and create a fitted locationImport loaded vectorImport loaded vector and create a fitted locationImport only some layers of a DXF vectorImport raster from ASCII polygon/lineImport raster from coordinates using univariate statisticsImport raster into GRASSImport raster into GRASS from QGIS viewImport raster into GRASS from external data sources in GRASSImport text fileImport vector from gps using gpsbabelImport vector from gps using gpstransImport vector into GRASSImport vector points from database table containing coordinatesImports a raster map as GRASS GIS specific archive file (packed with r.pack).Imports a space time vector dataset from a GRASS GIS specific archive fileImports a vector map as GRASS GIS specific archive file (packed with v.pack).Imports space time raster datasetInput nodesInput tableVhodna tabelaInterpolate surfaceInverse distance squared weighting raster interpolationInverse distance squared weighting raster interpolation based on vector pointsInverse fast fourier transform for image processingJoin table to existing vector tableLandsat 4 bands 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7Landsat 4 kanali 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7Landsat 5 bands 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7Landsat 5 kanali 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7Landsat 7 bands 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7Landsat 7 kanali 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7Landsat 8 bands 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7Landsat 8 kanali 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7Layers categories managementUrejanje skupin plastiLiDAR input files in LAS format (*.las or *.laz)Line-of-sight raster analysisLink GDAL supported raster as GRASS rasterLink GDAL supported raster loaded in QGIS as GRASS rasterLink all GDAL supported rasters in a directory as GRASS rastersLists information about space time datasets and mapsLists registered maps of a space time raster datasetLists registered maps of a space time raster3d datasetLists space time datasets and maps registered in the temporal databaseLists temporal topology of a space time datasetLoaded layerLocate the closest points between objects in two raster mapsMODIS bands 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7Make each output cell function of the values assigned to the corresponding cells in the input rastersManage datasetsManage featuresManage image colorsManage map colorsManage maps in datasetsManage raster cells valueManage training datasetMap algebraMap type conversionMapGen or MatLab vector layerMaskMaximal tolerance value (higher value=more simplification)Merges several space time datasets into a single space time dataset.Metadata supportMetapodatkiMinimum size for each basin (number of cells)Modifies the metadata of a space time dataset.Mosaic up to 4 imagesName for new raster file (specify file extension)Name for new vector file (specify file extension)Name for output vector map (optional)Name for the output fileName for the output raster map (optional)Name of the output latitude raster mapName of the output longitude raster mapNeighborhood analysisNetwork analysisNetwork maintenanceNumber of rows to be skippedObserves specific locations in a space time raster dataset over a period of time using vector pointsOthersOutput GML fileOutput ShapefileIzlazna Shape datotekaOutput file for regression coefficientsOutput layer name (used in GML file)Output raster values along user-defined transect line(s)Outputs basic information about a raster mapOutputs basic information about a vector mapOverlayPreklopOverlay mapsPath to GRASS database of input location (optional)Path to the OGR data sourcePercentage of first layer (0-99)Perform affine transformation (shift, scale and rotate, or GPCs) on vectorPerforms a neighborhood analysis for each map in a space time raster datasetPerforms different aggregation algorithms from r.series on all or a subset of raster maps in a space time raster datasetPerforms spatio-temporal mapcalc expressions on temporally sampled maps of space time raster datasetsPerforms spatio-temporal r3.mapcalc expressions on temporally sampled maps of space time 3D raster datasetsPerforms transformation of 2D vector features to 3D with fixed heightPerforms transformation of 2D vector features to 3D with height based on attributePerforms transformation of 3D vector features to 2DPrint projection information from a georeferenced filePrint projection information from a georeferenced file and create a new location based on itPrint projection information of the current locationPrints attributes of vector maps registered in a space time vector datasetPrints/sets general temporal GIS database connection for current mapsetProjection conversion of vectorProjection managementPut geometry variables in databaseQuery raster mapsQuery rasters on their category values and labelsRandom location perturbations of vector pointsRandomly partition points into test/train setsRasterRasterRaster bufferRastrski obrisRaster file matrix filterRaster neighbours analysisRaster supportRe-project raster from a location to the current locationRebuild topology of a vector in mapsetRebuild topology of all vectors in mapsetRecategorize contiguous cells to unique categoriesReclass category valuesReclass category values using a column attribute (integer positive)Reclass category values using a rules fileReclass raster using reclassification rulesReclass raster with patches larger than user-defined area size (in hectares)Reclass raster with patches smaller than user-defined area size (in hectares)Reclassify raster greater or less than user-defined area size (in hectares)Recode categorical raster using reclassification rulesRecode rasterReconnect vector to a new databaseRed Green Blue (RGB) to Hue Intensity Saturation (HIS) raster color transformation functionRegion settingsRegister external data sources in GRASSRegisters raster, vector and raster3d maps in a space time datasetRegularized spline with tension raster interpolation based on vector pointsReinterpolate and compute topographic analysis using regularized spline with tension and smoothingRemove all lines or boundaries of zero lengthRemove bridges connecting area and island or 2 islandsRemove danglesRemove duplicate area centroidsRemove duplicate lines (pay attention to categories!)Remove existing attribute table of vectorRemove outliers from vector point dataRemove small angles between lines at nodesRemove small areas, the longest boundary with adjacent area is removedRemove vertices in threshold from lines and boundaries, boundary is pruned only if topology is not damaged (new intersection, changed attachment of centroid), first and last segment of the boundary is never changedRemoves space time datasets from temporal database.Rename column in attribute tableRenames a space time datasetReplaces gaps in a space time raster dataset with interpolated raster mapsReport and statisticsReportsReports and statisticsReproject raster from another LocationResample raster using aggregationResample raster using interpolationResample raster. Set new resolution firstRescale the range of category values in rasterSample a space time raster dataset at specific coordinates and write the output to file using different layoutsSample raster at site locationsSamples the input space time dataset(s) with a sample space time dataset and print the result to stdoutSamplingSave the current region as a named regionSelect features by attributesSelect features overlapped by features in another mapSelect maps from space time datasets by topological relationshipsSeparator (| , \t etc.)Set PostgreSQL DB connectionSet boundary definitions by edge (n-s-e-w)Set boundary definitions for rasterSet boundary definitions from rasterSet boundary definitions from vectorSet boundary definitions to current or default regionSet color rules based on stddev from a map's mean valueSet general DB connectionSet general DB connection with a schema (PostgreSQL only)Set raster color tableSet raster color table from existing rasterSet raster color table from set tablesSet raster color table from user-defined rulesSet region to align to rasterSet the region to match multiple rastersSet the region to match multiple vectorsSet user/password for driver/databaseSets the boundary definitions for a raster mapShifts temporally the maps of a space time datasetShow database connection for vectorShrink current region until it meets non-NULL data from rasterSimple map algebraSimplify vectorEnostaven vektorSnap lines to vertex in thresholdSnaps temporally the maps of a space time datasetSolar and irradiation modelSpatial analysisSpatial modelsSplit lines to shorter segmentsStatisticsStatistikaStores raster map values at spatial and temporal positions of vector points as vector attributesSum raster cell valuesSurface managementTables managementTabulate mutual occurrence (coincidence) of categories for two rastersTake vector stream data, transform it to raster, and subtract depth from the output DEMTasseled Cap (Kauth Thomas) transformation for LANDSAT-ETM 7 rasterTasseled Cap (Kauth Thomas) transformation for LANDSAT-OLI 8 rasterTasseled Cap (Kauth Thomas) transformation for LANDSAT-TM 4 rasterTasseled Cap (Kauth Thomas) transformation for LANDSAT-TM 5 rasterTasseled Cap (Kauth Thomas) transformation for MODIS rasterTemporalTemporal WHERE conditions without 'where' keywordTerrain analysisAnaliza terenaTests of normality on vector pointsText fileThin no-zero cells that denote line featuresToolset for cleaning topology of vector mapTopology managementTrace a flow through an elevation modelTransform cells with value in null cellsTransform featuresTransform imageTransform null cells in value cellsTransform or reproject vector from another LocationTransform value cells in null cellsType in map names separated by a commaUnregisters raster, vector and raster3d maps from the temporal database or a specific space time datasetUpdate raster statisticsUpdate vector map metadataUpgrade all vectors from GRASS 6 to GRASS 7Upgrade from GRASS 6Upload raster values at positions of vector points to the tableUpload vector values at positions of vector pointsVectorVektorVector bufferVektorski obrisVector geometry analysisVector intersectionVector non-intersectionVector subtractionVector supervised classification tool which uses attributes as classification parametersVector unionVector update by other mapsVegetation indicesVisibility graph constructionVoronoi diagram (area)Voronoi diagram (lines)Watershed AnalysisWhich column for the X coordinate? The first is 1Which column for the Y coordinate?Which column for the Z coordinate? If 0, z coordinate is not usedWork with vector pointsWrite only features link to a recordZero-crossing edge detection raster function for image processingCalculates geomorphons (terrain forms) and associated geometry using machine vision approachhillshadeInput layerVhodni slojBand numberŠtevilka pasuScale (ratio of vertical units to horizontal)Compute edgesIzračunaj roboveZ factor (vertical exaggeration)Azimuth of the lightAzimut osvetlitveAltitude of the lightVišina osvetlitveUse Zevenbergen&Thorne formula instead of the Horn's oneCombined shadingMultidirectional shadingAdditional creation optionsDodatne možnosti ustvarjanjaHillshadeSenčenjeRaster analysisAnalize rastraloadAlgorithmsScript folder {} does not existProcessingObdelavaScript folder changed into {}mergeMergeSpojiInput layersVhodni slojiGrab pseudocolor table from first layerPlace each input file into a separate bandInput pixel value to treat as "nodata"Assign specified "nodata" value to outputAdditional creation optionsDodatne možnosti ustvarjanjaOutput data typeTip izhodne datotekeRaster miscellaneousMergednearblackInput layerVhodni slojHow far from black (white)Search for nearly white pixels instead of nearly blackAdditional creation optionsDodatne možnosti ustvarjanjaNearblackNear blackNajbližje črniRaster analysisAnalize rastranotification_messageContent of the notification message sent by the provider (available only for actions triggered by provider notifications).ogr2ogrInput layerVhodni slojAdditional creation optionsDodatne možnosti ustvarjanjaConvertedPretvorjenoConvert formatVector conversionOutput file "{}" already exists.ogrinfoInput layerVhodni slojSummary output onlySuppress metadata infoLayer informationHTML files (*.html)HTML datoteke (*.html) Vector informationVector miscellaneousVektor raznooptionsDialogWarning!Opozorilo!You need to add some APIs file in order to compilePlease specify API file or check "Use preloaded API files"The APIs file was not compiled, click on "Compile APIs…"pansharpBilinearBilinearnoCubicKubičnoAveragePovprečnoSpectral datasetPanchromatic datasetResampling algorithmAdditional creation optionsDodatne možnosti ustvarjanjaOutputIzhodPansharpeningRaster miscellaneousNearest NeighbourNajbližji sosedCubic SplineCubic SplineLanczos Windowed SincparentInvalid CSW connections XML.Cannot parse XML file: {0}Cannot open file: {0}Loading ConnectionsNalaganje povezavChoose GeoPackage filepct2rgbInput layerVhodni slojBand numberŠtevilka pasuGenerate a RGBA fileRaster conversionPCT to RGBPCT v RGBpolygonizeInput layerVhodni slojBand numberŠtevilka pasuName of the field to createUse 8-connectednessVectorizedPolygonize (raster to vector)Raster conversionproximityGeoreferenced coordinatesPixel coordinatesInput layerVhodni slojBand numberŠtevilka pasuA list of pixel values in the source image to be considered target pixelsThe maximum distance to be generatedValue to be applied to all pixels that are within the -maxdist of target pixelsNodata value to use for the destination proximity rasterAdditional creation optionsDodatne možnosti ustvarjanjaOutput data typeTip izhodne datotekeProximity mapRaster analysisAnalize rastraDistance unitsProximity (raster distance)qgsquickdatetimeOkV redu(no date)qgsquickexternalresourceTake a photoAdd from galleryImage is not available: qgsquickfeatureformAdd feature on <i>%1</i>Edit feature on <i>%1</i>View feature on <i>%1</i>Delete featureReally delete this feature?rasterizeInput layerVhodni slojAdditional creation optionsDodatne možnosti ustvarjanjaVector conversionPixelsPiksliGeoreferenced unitsField to use for a burn-in valueA fixed value to burnOutput raster size unitsWidth/Horizontal resolutionHeight/Vertical resolutionOutput extentAssign a specified nodata value to output bandsOutput data typeTip izhodne datotekePre-initialize the output image with valueInvert rasterizationRasterizedRasteriziranoRasterize (vector to raster)rasterize_overInput layerVhodni slojAttribute fieldPodatkovno poljeExisting raster layerRasterize (write over existing raster)Vector conversionrearrange_bandsInput layerVhodni slojSelected band(s)Additional creation optionsDodatne možnosti ustvarjanjaOutput data typeTip izhodne datotekeConvertedPretvorjenoRearrange bandsRaster conversionThis algorithm creates a new raster using selected band(s) from a given raster layer.
The algorithm also makes it possible to reorder the bands for the newly-created raster.Use Input Layer Data TyperetileRetileBilinearBilinearnoCubicKubičnoInput filesVhodne datotekeTile widthTile heightOverlap in pixels between consecutive tilesNumber of pyramids levels to buildSource coordinate reference systemResampling methodVzorčna metodaAdditional creation optionsDodatne možnosti ustvarjanjaOutput data typeTip izhodne datotekeBuild only the pyramidsUse separate directory for each tiles rowOutput directoryCSV file containing the tile(s) georeferencing informationRaster miscellaneousColumn delimiter used in the CSV fileNearest NeighbourNajbližji sosedCubic SplineCubic SplineLanczos Windowed Sincrgb2pctInput layerVhodni slojNumber of colorsŠtevilo barvRGB to PCTRGB v PCTRaster conversionroughnessInput layerVhodni slojBand numberŠtevilka pasuCompute edgesIzračunaj roboveAdditional creation optionsDodatne možnosti ustvarjanjaRoughnessGrobostRaster analysisAnalize rastrarulesDialogTopology Rule SettingsNastavitev topoloških pravilCurrent RulesPravilaAdd RuleNovo praviloRulePraviloLayer #1Sloj #1Layer #2Sloj #2Layer1IDSloj1IDLayer2IDSloj2IDNo layerbrez slojaDelete RuleIzbriši praviloTestPreverisieveSieveSejanjeInput layerVhodni slojThresholdUse 8-connectednessDo not use the default validity mask for the input bandValidity maskVeljavnostna maskaRaster analysisAnalize rastraSievedslopeInput layerVhodni slojBand numberŠtevilka pasuRatio of vertical units to horizontalSlope expressed as percent instead of degreesCompute edgesIzračunaj roboveUse Zevenbergen&Thorne formula instead of the Horn's oneAdditional creation optionsDodatne možnosti ustvarjanjaSlopeNagibRaster analysisAnalize rastrasymbol_angleAngle of symbol used to render the feature (valid for marker symbols only).symbol_colorColor of symbol used to render the feature.topolTestTopology pluginTopološki vtičnikFirst geometry invalid in dangling line test.Failed to import first geometry into GEOS in dangling line test.Invalid second geometry in duplicate geometry test.Failed to import second geometry into GEOS in duplicate geometry test.Invalid second geometry in overlaps test.Failed to import second geometry into GEOS in overlaps test.Skipping invalid second geometry of feature %1 in overlaps test.Skipping invalid first geometry in pseudo line test.Failed to import first geometry into GEOS in pseudo line test.Invalid geometry in validity test.Invalid geometry in covering test.Second geometry missing.Manja druga geometrija.Second geometry missing or GEOS import failed.Missing geometry in multipart check.First layer not found in registry.Second layer not found in registry.must not have invalid geometriesmust not have danglesmust not have duplicatesmust not have pseudosmust not overlapmust not have gapsmust not have multi-part geometriesmust not overlap withmust be covered bymust be covered by endpoints ofend points must be covered bymust be insidemust containtpiInput layerVhodni slojBand numberŠtevilka pasuCompute edgesIzračunaj roboveAdditional creation optionsDodatne možnosti ustvarjanjaTerrain Ruggedness IndexTopographic Position Index (TPI)Raster analysisAnalize rastratranslateInput layerVhodni slojOverride the projection for the output fileAssign a specified nodata value to output bandsCopy all subdatasets of this file to individual output filesAdditional creation optionsDodatne možnosti ustvarjanjaOutput data typeTip izhodne datotekeConvertedPretvorjenoRaster conversionTranslate (convert format)Use Input Layer Data TypetriInput layerVhodni slojBand numberŠtevilka pasuCompute edgesIzračunaj roboveAdditional creation optionsDodatne možnosti ustvarjanjaTerrain Ruggedness IndexTerrain Ruggedness Index (TRI)Raster analysisAnalize rastravariable_helpCurrent QGIS version string.Current QGIS version number.Current QGIS release name.Short QGIS version string.Operating system name, e.g., 'windows', 'linux' or 'osx'.QGIS platform, e.g., 'desktop' or 'server'.Two letter identifier for current QGIS locale.Current user's operating system account name.Current user's operating system user name (if available).Title of current project.Full path (including file name) of current project.Folder for current project.Mapa trenutnega projekta.Filename of current project.Datoteka trenutnega projekta.Base name of current project's filename (without path and extension).Home path of current project.Coordinate reference system of project (e.g., 'EPSG:4326').Koordinatni sistem projekta (npr., 'EPSG:4326').Coordinate reference system of project (full definition).Koordinatni sistem projekta (celotna definicija).Project author, taken from project metadata.Avtor projekta v metapodatkih projekta.Project abstract, taken from project metadata.Povzetek projekta v metapodatkih projekta.Project creation date, taken from project metadata.Datum ustvarjenja projekta v metapodatkih projekta.Project identifier, taken from project metadata.Identifikator projekta v metapodatkih projekta.Project keywords, taken from project metadata.Ključne besede v metapodatkih projekta.Area unit for current project, used when calculating areas of geometries.Distance unit for current project, used when calculating lengths of geometries.Name of ellipsoid of current project, used when calculating geodetic areas and lengths of geometries.Name of current layer.ID of current layer.The current layer.Name of composition.Number of pages in composition.Current page number in composition.Composition page height in mm.Composition page width in mm.Composition resolution (DPI).Current atlas coverage layer ID.Current atlas coverage layer name.Total number of features in atlas.Current atlas feature number.Current atlas file name.Current atlas page name.Current atlas feature (as feature object).Current atlas feature ID.Current atlas feature geometry.Layout item user ID (not necessarily unique).layout item unique ID.Left position of layout item (in mm).Top position of layout item (in mm).Width of layout item (in mm).Height of layout item (in mm).ID of current map destination. This will be 'canvas' for canvas renders, and the item ID for layout map renders.Current rotation of map.Current scale of map.Trenutno merilo.Geometry representing the current extent of the map.Center of map.Width of map.Height of map.Coordinate reference system of map (e.g., 'EPSG:4326').Name of the coordinate reference system of the map.Coordinate reference system of map (full definition).Units for map measurements.Acronym of the coordinate reference system of the map.Acronym of the ellipsoid of the coordinate reference system of the map.Proj4 definition of the coordinate reference system.WKT definition of the coordinate reference system.List of map layer IDs visible in the map.List of map layers visible in the map.Stores the number of the current row.Shrani številko trenutne vrstice.Current grid annotation value.Current grid annotation axis (e.g., 'x' for longitude, 'y' for latitude).Last cursor position on the canvas in the project's geographical coordinates.Title of the legend.Naslov legende.Number of column in the legend.Število stolpcev v legendi.Boolean indicating if layers can be split in the legend.Characters used to wrap the legend text.Boolean indicating if the content of the legend is filtered by the map.Boolean indicating if the Atlas is filtered out of the legend.<p>An array with an item for each snapped point.</p><p>Each item is a map with the following keys:</p><dl><dt>valid</dt><dd>Boolean that indicates if the snapping result is valid</dd><dt>layer</dt><dd>The layer on which the snapped feature is</dd><dt>feature_id</dt><dd>The feature id of the snapped feature</dd><dt>vertex_index</dt><dd>The index of the snapped vertex</dd><dt>distance</dt><dd>The distance between the mouse cursor and the snapped point at the time of snapping</dd></dl>Number of parts in rendered feature's geometry.Current geometry part number for feature being rendered.Number of points in the rendered geometry's part. It is only meaningful for line geometries and for symbol layers that set this variable.Current point number in the rendered geometry's part. It is only meaningful for line geometries and for symbol layers that set this variable.Full path (including file name) of current model (or project path if model is embedded in a project).Folder containing current model (or project folder if model is embedded in a project).Name of current model.Ime modelaGroup for current model.Skupina modela.not setni nastavljeno<p>Current value: %1</p><p>Trenutna vrednost: %1</p>warpBilinearBilinearnoCubicKubičnoAveragePovprečnoModeNačinMaximumMaksimumMinimumNajmanjšeMedianSredinaInput layerVhodni slojSource CRSIzvorni koordinatni sistemTarget CRSCiljni koordinatni sistemNodata value for output bandsOutput file resolution in target georeferenced unitsResolucija izhodne datoteke v ciljnih georeferenciranih enotahResampling method to useVzorčna metodaAdditional creation optionsDodatne možnosti ustvarjanjaOutput data typeTip izhodne datotekeGeoreferenced extents of output file to be createdCRS of the target raster extentUse multithreaded warping implementationAdditional command-line parametersDodatni parametri ukazne vrsticeRaster projectionsProjekcije rastratransform,reproject,crs,srsWarp (reproject)ReprojectedReprojeciranoNearest NeighbourNajbližji sosedCubic SplineCubic SplineLanczos Windowed SincFirst QuartileThird QuartileUse Input Layer Data Type