@default <html><body><h2>Algorithm description</h2> <html><body><h2>Lýsing á reikniriti</h2> All files (*.*) QgsProcessingParameterMultipleLayers Allar skrár (*.*) There is not active layer. Ekkert lag er virkt. Active layer is not a vector layer. Virkt lag er ekki vektorlag. Active layer is not editable (and editing could not be turned on). Virkt lag er óbreytanlegt (og ekki var hægt að gera það breytanlegt). {0} files (*.{1}) QgsProcessingParameterMultipleLayers {0} skrár (*.{1}) All files (*.*) Allar skrár (*.*) Selected algorithm and parameter configuration are not compatible with in-place modifications. Could not prepare selected algorithm. Ekki tókst að undirbúa valið reiknirit. Error adding processed features back into the layer. Villa við að bæta unnum fitjum aftur á lagið. {0} files (*.{1}) ParameterRaster {0} skrár (*.{1}) {0} files (*.{1}) ParameterVector {0} skrár (*.{1}) Default extension Sjálfgefin skráarending <h2>Input parameters</h2> <h2>Inntaksbreytur</h2> <h2>Outputs</h2> <h2>Frálög</h2> <p align="right">Algorithm author: {0}</p> <p align="right">Höfundur reiknirits: {0}</p> <p align="right">Help author: {0}</p> <p align="right">Höfundur hjálpar: {0}</p> <p align="right">Algorithm version: {0}</p> <p align="right">Útgáfa reiknirits: {0}</p> Error Villa Seems some outputs are temporary files. To create test you need to redirect all algorithm outputs to files APIsDialogPythonConsole Generating prepared API file (please wait)… Er að búa til forunnið API-forritaviðmót (bíddu aðeins)… AddModelFromFileAction Add Model to Toolbox… Bæta líkani við verkfærakassa… Tools Verkfæri Open Model AddModelFromFileAction Opna líkan Processing models (*.model3 *.MODEL3) AddModelFromFileAction Vinnslulíkön (*.model3 *.MODEL3) The selected file does not contain a valid model AddModelFromFileAction Valin skrá inniheldur ekki gilt líkan AddScriptFromFileAction Add Script to Toolbox… Bæta skriftu við verkfærakassa… Tools Verkfæri Add script(s) Bæta við skriftu(m) Processing scripts (*.py *.PY) Vinn með skriftur (*.py *.PY) Could not copy script '{}' {} Gat ekki afritað skriftu '{}' {} AddScriptFromTemplate Create New Script from Template… Útbý nýja skriftu út frá sniðmáti… AddScriptFromTemplateAction Tools Verkfæri AddTableField Integer Heiltala Float Fleytitala String Textastrengur Vector table Vektortafla Field name Heiti gagnasviðs Field type Tegund gagnasviðs Field length Lengd gagnasviðs Field precision Nákvæmni gagnasviðs Added Bætt við Add field to attributes table Bæta gagnasviði við eigindatöflu Aggregate Vector geometry Vektorlögun Aggregate Samtölur Input layer Inntakslag Group by expression (NULL to group all features) AggregatesModel Input expression Inntakssegð Aggregate function Samtölufall Delimiter Afmarkari Output field name Heiti frálagssviðs Type Tegund Length Lengd Precision Nákvæmni AlgorithmClassification Polygon intersection algnames Skörun fláka Vectorize raster layer algnames Setja rastalag yfir í vektorform Interpolate (Inverse distance weighting) algnames Brúa (öfugt vægi vegalengdar) RGB to PCT algnames RGB í PCT Rasterize vector layer algnames Gera vektorlag að rasta Polygon identity algnames Auðkenni fláka Polygon dissolve (all polygons) algnames Bræða fláka saman (alla fláka) Polygon union algnames Sameining fláka Interpolate (Natural neighbor) algnames Brúa (eðlilegur nágranni) Merge raster layers algnames Sameina rastalög Remove small pixel clumps (nearest neighbour) algnames Fjarlægja smáa mynddílaklumpa (næsti nágranni) Interpolate (Nearest Neighbor) algnames Brúa (næsti nágranni) Interpolate (Cubic spline) algnames Brúa (fernings-fjaðurbrúun) Interpolate (Data metrics) algnames Brúa (mælistærðir gagna) Reproject raster layer algnames Endurvarpa rastalagi Export raster layer algnames Flytja út rastalag PCT to RGB algnames PCT í RGB Export vector layer algnames Flytja út vektorlag Polygon dissolve (by attribute) algnames Bræða fláka saman (eftir eigindum) Remove small pixel clumps (to no-data) algnames Fjarlægja smáa mynddílaklumpa (sem tómagögn) Interpolate (Modified quadratic shepard) algnames Brúa (Modified quadratic shepard) Merge vector layers algnames Sameina vektorlög Reclassify (simple) algnames Endurflokka (einfalt) Execute SQL on vector layer algnames Keyra SQL-skipun á vektorlag Raster layer information algnames Upplýsingar um rastalag Contour lines algnames Hæðarlínur Create graticule algnames Búa til bauganet Fire spreading simulation algnames Hermun á útbreiðslu elds Polygon difference algnames Mismunur fláka Create graticule from extent algnames Búa til bauganet út frá kortvídd Polygon symmetrical difference algnames Mismunur á samhverfu fláka Vector layer information algnames Upplýsingar um vektorlag Polygon update algnames Uppfæra fláka Interpolate (Average) algnames Brúa (meðaltal) AlgorithmDialog Run as Batch Process… Keyra sem magnvinnsluferli… Unmatching CRS's Viðmiðskerfi sem samsvara engu Unable to execute algorithm Tókst ekki að keyra reiknirit Processing algorithm… Vinn með reiknirit… <b>Algorithm '{0}' starting&hellip;</b> <b>Reiknirit '{0}' ræsist&hellip;</b> Parameters do not all use the same CRS. This can cause unexpected results. Do you want to continue? Færibreyturnar nota ekki sama viðmiðskerfi. Þetta getur haft óvæntar afleiðingar í för með sér. Viltu halda áfram? Modify Selected Features Breyta völdum fitjum Modify All Features Breyta öllum fitjum Cancel Hætta við Input parameters: Inntaksbreytur: Execution completed in {0:0.2f} seconds Keyrslu lauk á {0:0.2f} sekúndum Results: Niðurstöður: Execution failed after {0:0.2f} seconds Keyrsla mistókst eftir {0:0.2f} sekúndur Executing “{}” Framkvæmi “{}” Wrong or missing parameter value: {0} Gildi færibreytu er rangt eða vantar: {0} Algorithm '{0}' finished Reikniritinu '{0}' lauk HTML output has been generated by this algorithm. Open the results dialog to check it. Þetta reiknirit útbjó HTML-frálag. Opnaðu niðurstöðugluggann til að skoða það. AlgorithmExecutor Executing iteration {0}/{1}… Framkvæmi ítrun {0}/{1}… AlgorithmLocatorFilter Processing Algorithms Keyri reiknirit Missing dependency Kerfisákvæði vantar Animation3DWidget Form Form Keyframe Lykilrammi Add keyframe Bæta við lykilramma + + Remove keyframe Fjarlægja lykilramma - - Edit keyframe Breyta lykilramma Duplicate keyframe Tvítaka lykilramma Interpolation Brúun (interpolation) Linear Línulegt InQuad OutQuad InOutQuad OutInQuad InCubic OutCubic InOutCubic OutInCubic InQuart OutQuart InOutQuart OutInQuart InQuint OutQuint InOutQuint OutInQuint InSine OutSine InOutSine OutInSine InExpo OutExpo InOutExpo OutInExpo InCirc OutCirc InOutCirc OutInCirc > > Repeat Endurtaka Export Animation Frames Flytja út hreyfimyndaramma AnimationExport3DDialog Export 3D Animation Flytja út 3D-hreyfimynd Output Height Hæð frálags Frames Per Second Rammar á sekúndu Number of # represents number of digits (e.g. frame###.png -> frame001.png) Fjöldi # stendur fyrir fjölda tölustafa (t.d. rammi###.png -> rammi001.png) Output Directory Úttaksmappa Template Sniðmát Output Width Breidd frálags px px Aspect Raster terrain analysis Yfirborðsgreining rasta Elevation layer Hæðarlag Z factor Z-stuðull Aspect Hallastefna AssignProjection Assign projection Úthluta vörpun Input layer Inntakslag Desired CRS Æskilegt viðmiðskerfi Layer with projection Lag með vörpun Raster projections Varpanir rasta BarPlot Graphics Myndefni Input layer Inntakslag Category name field Gagnasvið fyrir heiti flokka Value field Gagnasvið gilda Bar plot Stöplarit HTML files (*.html) HTML-skrár (*.html) BasicStatisticsForField stats,statistics,date,time,datetime,string,number,text,table,layer,sum,maximum,minimum,mean,average,standard,deviation,count,distinct,unique,variance,median,quartile,range,majority,minority,summary Vector analysis Greining á vektorum Input layer Inntakslag Field to calculate statistics on Gagnasvið þar sem reikna skal tölfræði Statistics Tölfræði HTML files (*.html) HTML-skrár (*.html) Count Fjöldi Number of unique values Fjöldi einkvæmra gilda Number of empty (null) values Fjöldi auðra (núll) gilda Number of non-empty values Fjöldi ekki-auðra gilda Minimum value Lágmarksgildi Maximum value Hámarksgildi Minimum length Lágmarkslengd Maximum length Hámarkslengd Mean length Meðallengd Coefficient of Variation Fráviksstuðull Sum Samtals Mean value Miðgildi Standard deviation Staðalfrávik Range Svið Median Miðgildi Minority (rarest occurring value) Minnihluti (sjaldgæfasta gildi) Majority (most frequently occurring value) Meirihluti (algengasta gildi) First quartile Fyrsta fjórðungsmark Third quartile Þriðja fjórðungsmark Interquartile Range (IQR) Svið miðfjórðunga (IQR) Basic statistics for fields Einföld tölfræði fyrir textasvið Analyzed field: {} Greint gagnasvið: {} Count: {} Fjöldi: {} Unique values: {} Einkvæm gildi: {} NULL (missing) values: {} NÚLL (vantar) gildi: {} Minimum value: {} Lágmarksgildi: {} Maximum value: {} Hámarksgildi: {} Range: {} Svið: {} Sum: {} Samtals: {} Mean value: {} Miðgildi: {} Median value: {} Miðgildi: {} Standard deviation: {} Staðalfrávik: {} Coefficient of Variation: {} Fráviksstuðull: {} Minority (rarest occurring value): {} Minnihluti (sjaldgæfasta gildi): {} Majority (most frequently occurring value): {} Meirihluti (algengasta gildi): {} First quartile: {} Fyrsta fjórðungsmark: {} Third quartile: {} Þriðja fjórðungsmark: {} Interquartile Range (IQR): {} Svið miðfjórðunga (IQR): {} Minimum length: {} Lágmarkslengd: {} Maximum length: {} Hámarkslengd: {} Mean length: {} Meðallengd: {} BatchAlgorithmDialog Batch Processing - {0} Magnvinnsla - {0} Input parameters: Inntaksbreytur: Processing algorithm {0}/{1}… Keyri reiknirit {0}/{1}… <b>Algorithm {0} starting&hellip;</b> <b>Reiknirit {0} ræsist&hellip;</b> Algorithm {0} correctly executed… Reiknirit {0} rétt framkvæmt… Execution completed in {0:0.2f} seconds Keyrslu lauk á {0:0.2f} sekúndum Results: Niðurstöður: Batch execution completed in {0:0.2f} seconds Magnkeyrslu lauk á {0:0.2f} sekúndum <h3>Parameters</h3> <h3>Results</h3> Run as Single Process… BatchInputSelectionPanel Select Files Velja skrár Select from Open Layers… Velja úr opnum lögum… Select Files… Select Directory… Select Directory Veldu möppu BatchOutputSelectionPanel Save File Vista skrá Output Directory Úttaksmappa BatchPanel Autofill… Calculate by Expression… Add Values by Expression… Add Files by Pattern… BatchPanelFillWidget Fill Down Copy the first value down to all other rows Calculates parameter values by evaluating an expression Adds new parameter values by evaluating an expression Adds files by a file pattern match Add Files by Pattern An array of values corresponding to each new row to add BooleanWidgetWrapper Yes No Nei BoxPlot Graphics Myndefni Input layer Inntakslag Category name field Gagnasvið fyrir heiti flokka Value field Gagnasvið gilda Show Mean Birta miðgildi Show Standard Deviation Birta staðalfrávik Don't show Mean and Standard Deviation Ekki birta miðgildi og staðalfrávik Additional Statistic Lines Auka tölfræðilínur Box plot Súlurit HTML files (*.html) HTML-skrár (*.html) Buffer Input layer Inntakslag Geometry column name Heiti rúmfræðidálks Buffer distance Fjarlægð jaðars Dissolve by attribute Bræða saman eftir eigindum Dissolve all results Bræða allar niðurstöður saman Produce one feature for each geometry in any kind of geometry collection in the source file Additional creation options Viðbótarvalkostir við gerð Buffer Jaðar Buffer vectors Setja jaðar á vektora Vector geoprocessing Vektor-landgagnavinnsla CharacterWidget <p>Character: <span style="font-size: 24pt; font-family: %1">%2</span><p>Decimal: %3<p>Hex: 0x%4 CheckValidity Vector geometry Vektorlögun valid,invalid,detect gilt,ógilt,greina,finna The one selected in digitizing settings Það sem valið er í hnitunarstillingum Input layer Inntakslag Method Aðferð Valid output Gilt frálag Count of valid features Heildarfjöldi gildra fitja Invalid output Ógilt frálag Count of invalid features Heildarfjöldi ógildra fitja Error output Villa í frálagi Count of errors Heildarfjöldi villna Check validity Sannreyna gildi Ignore ring self intersections CheckboxesPanel Select All Velja allt Clear Selection Hreinsa val ClipRasterByExtent Input layer Inntakslag Clipping extent Afmarka kortvídd Assign a specified nodata value to output bands Úthluta skilgreindu tómagildi (nodata) á úttakstíðnisvið Additional creation options Viðbótarvalkostir við gerð Output data type Gerð frálagsgagna Clipped (extent) Afmarkað (kortvídd) Clip raster by extent Afmarka rasta við kortvídd Raster extraction Afleiðsla rasta Use Input Layer Data Type ClipRasterByMask Input layer Inntakslag Mask layer Laghula Assign a specified nodata value to output bands Úthluta skilgreindu tómagildi (nodata) á úttakstíðnisvið Create an output alpha band Búa til gegnsæis-frálagstíðnisvið Match the extent of the clipped raster to the extent of the mask layer Láta kortvídd afmarkaða rastans samsvara kortvídd laghulunnar Use multithreaded warping implementation Additional creation options Viðbótarvalkostir við gerð Output data type Gerð frálagsgagna Clipped (mask) Afmarkað (hula) Clip raster by mask layer Afmarka rasta við laghulu Raster extraction Afleiðsla rasta Source CRS Upprunalegt viðmiðskerfi Target CRS Markmiðs-viðmiðskerfi Keep resolution of input raster Halda upplausn inntaksrasta Set output file resolution Setja upplausn frálagsskrár X Resolution to output bands X-upplausn í frálagstíðnum Y Resolution to output bands Y-upplausn í frálagstíðnum Use Input Layer Data Type ClipVectorByExtent Input layer Inntakslag Clipping extent Afmarka kortvídd Additional creation options Viðbótarvalkostir við gerð Clipped (extent) Afmarkað (kortvídd) Clip vector by extent Afmarka vektor með kortvídd Vector geoprocessing Vektor-landgagnavinnsla ClipVectorByMask Input layer Inntakslag Mask layer Laghula Additional creation options Viðbótarvalkostir við gerð Clipped (mask) Afmarkað (hula) Clip vector by mask layer Afmarka vektor við laghulu Vector geoprocessing Vektor-landgagnavinnsla ColorRelief Use strict color matching Nota nákvæma samsvörun lita Use closest RGBA quadruplet Nota nálægasta RGBA-ferningsdíl Use smoothly blended colors Nota jafnt blandaða liti Input layer Inntakslag Band number Númer tíðnisviðs Compute edges Reikna jaðra Color configuration file Litastillingaskrá Matching mode Samsvörunarhamur Additional creation options Viðbótarvalkostir við gerð Color relief Upphleyping í lit Raster analysis Greining rasta ConcaveHull Vector geometry Vektorlögun Input point layer Inntaks punktalag Threshold (0-1, where 1 is equivalent with Convex Hull) Þolvik (0-1, þar sem 1 er jafnt og ávalur hjúpur) Allow holes Leyfa göt Split multipart geometry into singleparts geometries Skipta marghluta lögun (geometry) upp í einhluta útlínur Concave hull Íhvolfur hjúpur Concave hull (alpha shapes) Íhvolfur hjúpur (alpha shapes) Creates a concave hull using the alpha shapes algorithm. Býr til íhvolfan hjúp með því að nota 'alpha shapes' reiknirit. Creating Delaunay triangles… Bý til Delaunay-þríhyrninga… Computing edges max length… Reikna hámarkslengd brúna… Removing features… Fjarlægi fitjur… Dissolving Delaunay triangles… Leysi upp Delaunay-þríhyrninga… Saving data… Vista gögn… No Delaunay triangles created. Engir Delaunay þríhyrningar gerðir. ConfigDialog Search… Leita… Setting Stillingar Value Gildi General Almennt Models Líkön Scripts Skriftur Providers Þjónustuveitur Menus Valmyndir Reset to defaults Frumstilla á sjálfgefin gildi Wrong value for parameter "{0}": {1} Rangt gildi fyrir færibreytuna "{0}": {1} Wrong value Rangt gildi ContextGenerator Iterate over this layer, creating a separate output for every feature in the layer Ítra yfir þessu lagi, útbúa aðskilið frálag fyrir hverja fitju á laginu (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax) (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax) (x, y) (x, y) [optional] [valfrjálst] Open Batch Opna runu JSON files (*.json) JSON-skrár (*.json) An error occurred while reading your file. Villa kom upp við að lesa skrána þína. Wrong or missing parameter value: {0} (row {1}) Gildi færibreytu er rangt eða vantar: {0} (röð {1}) Wrong or missing output value: {0} (row {1}) Gildi frálags er rangt eða vantar: {0} (röð {1}) Save Batch Vista runu Yes No Nei Description Lýsing Show advanced parameters Birta ítarlegar færibreytur [Enter name if this is a final result] [Settu inn heiti ef þetta er endanleg útkoma] Parent algorithms Forverandi reiknirit Hide advanced parameters Fela ítarlegar færibreytur '{0}' from algorithm '{1}' '{0}' úr reikniritinu '{1}' Error Villa Wrong or missing value for parameter '{}' Rangt eða vantar gildi fyrir breytuna '{}' CoordinateCapture Coordinate Capture Grípa hnit Click on the map to view coordinates and capture to clipboard. Smelltu á kortið til að sjá hnit og grípa á klippispjaldið. Click to select the CRS to use for coordinate display Smelltu til að velja hnitaviðmiðskerfi sem nota á við birtingu hnita Coordinate in your selected CRS (lat,lon or east,north) Hnit í hnitaviðmiðskerfi sem valið var (breidd,lengd eða austur,norður) Coordinate in map canvas coordinate reference system (lat,lon or east,north) Hnit í hnitaviðmiðskerfi myndflatar korts (breidd,lengd eða austur,norður) Copy to Clipboard Afrita á klippispjald Click to enable mouse tracking. Click the canvas to stop Smelltu til að virkja rakningu músarbendils. Smelltu á myndflötinn til að stöðva Start Capture Byrja upptöku Click to enable coordinate capture Smella til að byrja grip á hnitum CreateAttributeIndex Vector general Almennt fyrir vektora Input Layer Inntakslag Attribute to index Eigindi í lykil (vísi) Indexed layer Lyklað lag Create attribute index Búa til eigindalykil Can not create attribute index on "{}" Gat ekki búið til eigindalykil á "{}" Could not create attribute index Gat ekki búið til eigindalykil Layer's data provider does not support creating attribute indexes CreateConstantRaster Raster tools Verkfæri fyrir rasta Desired extent Æskileg kortvídd Target CRS Markmiðs-viðmiðskerfi Pixel size Stærð mynddíls Constant value Fastgildi Constant Fasti Create constant raster layer Búa til fast rastalag Could not create raster output: {} Tókst ekki að búa til rastafrálag: {} Could not create raster output {}: {} Tókst ekki að búa til rastafrálag {}: {} CreateNewModelAction Create New Model… Búa til nýtt líkan… Tools Verkfæri CreateNewScriptAction Create New Script… Búa til nýja skriftu… Tools Verkfæri CrsWidgetWrapper Select CRS Veldu viðmiðskerfi DBManager No database selected or you are not connected to it. Engin gagnagrunnur valinn eða þú ert ekki tengd/ur við hann. Select the table you want export to file. Veldu töfluna sem þú vilt flytja út í skrá. Select a vector or a tabular layer you want export. Veldu vektor eða töflulag sem þú vilt flytja út. Query ({0}) Fyrirspurn ({0}) Layer ({0}) Lag ({0}) Query Fyrirspurn DB Manager Gagnagrunnsstýring Info Upplýsingar Table Tafla Preview Forskoða Providers Þjónustuveitur &Database &Gagnagrunnur &Schema &Skema &Table &Tafla Default Sjálfgefið &Refresh &Endurnýja &SQL Window &SQL-gluggi &Import Layer/File… Flytja &inn lag/skrá… &Export to File… &Flytja út í skrá… &Exit &Loka DBManagerPlugin Unable to find a valid unique field Gat ekki fundið gilt einkvæmt gagnasvið Copy Afrita DB Manager Gagnagrunnsstýring Select an empty schema for deletion. Veldu tóma skipan til að eyða. Select a table/view for deletion. Veldu töflu/sýn til að eyða. Select a table to empty it. Veldu töflu til að tæma hana. Select a table/view. Veldu töflu/sýn. Server version: Útgáfa þjóns: Host: Hýsilvél: User: Notandi: Library: Safn: <warning> geometry_columns table doesn't exist! This table is essential for many GIS applications for enumeration of tables. <warning> geometry_columns taflan er ekki til! Þessi tafla er nauðsynleg mörgum GIS/LUK-forritum fyrir upptalningu á töflum. create new schemas Búa til nýjar skipanir create temporary tables búa til bráðabirgðatöflur Not connected Ekki tengt Connection details Lýsing tengingar General info Almennar upplýsingar <warning> This user has no privileges! <warning> Þessi notandi er ekki með neinar heimildir! User has privileges: Þessi notandi er með heimildir: Privileges Réttindi Owner: Eigandi: Comment: Athugasemd: Materialized View information Upplýsingar um geymt sjónarhorn (e: materialized view) create new objects búa til nýja hluti access objects aðgangur að hlutum Schema details Nánar um skipan <warning> This user has no privileges to access this schema! <warning> Þessi notandi hefur ekki réttindi til að skoða þessa skipan! Relation type: Tegund vensla: View Skoða Table Tafla Rows: Raðir: Unknown (<a href="action:rows/count">find out</a>) Óþekkt (<a href="action:rows/count">finna út</a>) Name Heiti Type Tegund Null Núll Default Sjálfgefið Column(s) Dálkar Function Fall <warning> This is not a spatial table. <warning> Þetta er ekki staðtafla. Fields Gagnasvið Constraints Hömlur Indexes Lyklar Triggers Vekjarar View definition Skoða skilgreiningu Column: Dálkur: &Delete (Empty) Schema… &Eyða (auðri) skipan… Geometry: Lögun (geometry): Qgis Geometry type: Gerð rúmfræði QGIS: Dimension: Málsetning: Undefined Óskilgreint Spatial ref: Staðvísun: Estimated extent: Áætluð kortvídd: (unknown) (<a href="action:extent/get">find out</a>) (óþekkt) (<a href="action:extent/get">finna út</a>) Extent: Kortvídd: <warning> {0} support not enabled! <warning> Stuðningur við {0} er ekki virkur! <warning> No spatial index defined (<a href="action:spatialindex/create">create it</a>) <warning> Enginn staðlykill skilgreindur (<a href="action:spatialindex/create">búa til</a>) Materialized view Geymt sjónarhorn &Create Schema… &Búa til skipan… &Delete (Empty) Schema &Eyða (auðri) skipan Delete Selected Item Eyða völdu atriði &Create Table… &Búa til töflu… &Edit Table… Br&eyta töflu… &Delete Table/View… &Eyða töflu/sýn… &Empty Table… &Tóm tafla… &Move to Schema &Færa í skipan &Change Logging… &Breyta aðgerðaskráningu… Pages: Síður: Rows (estimation): Raðir (áætlað): Privileges: Réttindi: <warning> This user doesn't have usage privileges for this schema! <warning> Þessi notandi hefur ekki réttindi til að nota þessa skipan! Rows (counted): Raðir (talið): <warning> This user has read-only privileges. <warning> Þessi notandi er einungis með heimildir til lestrar. <warning> There's a significant difference between estimated and real row count. Consider running <a href="action:vacuumanalyze/run">VACUUM ANALYZE</a>. <warning> Það er umtalsverður munur á áætluðum fjölda raða og raunfjölda. Íhugaðu að keyra hreinsun á gagnagrunni með <a href="action:vacuumanalyze/run">VACUUM ANALYZE</a> greiningunni. <warning> No primary key defined for this table! <warning> Enginn aðallykill skilgreindur fyrir þessa töflu! Scripts: Skriftur: <warning> Version of installed scripts doesn't match version of released scripts! This is probably a result of incorrect PostGIS upgrade. <warning> Útgáfa uppsettra skrifta samsvarar ekki útgáfum á útgefnum skriftum! Þetta er að öllum líkindum vegna PostGIS-uppfærslu sem hefur misfarist. <warning> This user doesn't have privileges to read contents of geometry_columns table! This table is essential for many GIS applications for enumeration of tables. <warning> Þessi notandi er ekki með réttindi til að lesa innihald geometry_columns töflunnar! Þessi tafla er nauðsynleg mörgum GIS/LUK-forritum fyrir upptalningu á töflum. Length Lengd Enabled Virkt Yes No Nei <a href="action:triggers/enable">Enable all triggers</a> / <a href="action:triggers/disable">Disable all triggers</a> <a href="action:triggers/enable">Virkja alla vekjara</a> / <a href="action:triggers/disable">Gera alla vekjara óvirka</a> Definition Skilgreining Rules Reglur &Table &Tafla "{0}" not found "{0}" fannst ekki Filename: Skráarheiti: SQLite version: Útgáfa SQLite: &Re-connect Endu&rtengjast &Database &Gagnagrunnur &Schema &Skipan Cannot delete the selected item. Get ekki eytt völdu atriði. No database selected or you are not connected to it. Engin gagnagrunnur valinn eða þú ert ekki tengd/ur við hann. New schema Ný skipan Enter new schema name Settu inn nýtt heiti á skipan Table triggers Vekjarar fyrir töflur Table trigger Vekjari fyrir töflu Spatial Index Staðlykill Check Athuga Primary key Aðallykill Foreign key Framandlykill Unique Einstakt Exclusion Útilokun Unknown Óþekkt Table Index Töfluvísir Database: Gagnagrunnur: {0} is not supported yet {0} er ekki stutt ennþá Error: {0} Villa: {0} Query: {0} Fyrirspurn: {0} Really remove connection to {0}? Virkilega fjarlægja tengingu við {0}? Really delete schema {0}? Virkilega eyða skipaninni {0}? Select a table to edit. Veldu töflu til að breyta. Really delete table/view {0}? Virkilega eyða töflu/sýn {0}? Really delete all items from table {0}? Virkilega eyða öllum atriðum úr töflu {0}? Do you want to {0} all triggers? Viltu {0} öllum vekjurum? Do you want to {0} trigger {1}? Viltu {0} vekjarann {1}? Do you want to {0} spatial index for field {1}? Viltu búa til staðlykil {0} fyrir sviðið {1}? SQLite list tables cache: SQLite yfirlit yfir töflur í skyndiminni: Oracle Spatial: Oracle Spatial: Object type: Tegund hlutar: Creation Date: Upprunadagsetning: Last Modification Date: Síðasta breytingardagsetning: Comment Athugasemd Column Dálkur Status Staða Validated Sannvottað Generated Útbúið Check condition Athuga skilyrði Foreign Table Framandtafla Foreign column Framanddálkur On Delete Við eyðingu Index Type Tegund vísis Last analyzed Síðast greint Compression Þjöppun Uniqueness Einkvæmni Action Aðgerð Event Atburður Refresh Mode: Endurlestrarhamur: Refresh Method: Aðferð við endurlestur: Build Mode: Byggingarhamur: Last Refresh Date: Dagsetning síðasta endurlestrar: Last Refresh Type: Tegund síðasta endurlestrar: Fast Refreshable: Hratt endurlesanlegt: Staleness: Staða endurlestrar: Stale since: Ólesið síðan: Compile State: Staða vistþýðingar: Use no index: Nota engan vísi: Executing SQL Keyri SQL DB Manager… Gagnagrunnsstýring… Update SQL Layer… Uppfæra SQL-lag… <warning> There is no entry in geometry_columns! <warning> Það er engin færsla í geometry_columns! "{dbname}" not recognized as GPKG ({shortname} reported instead.) DBModel Databases Gagnagrunnar Invalid layer Ógilt lag Unable to load the layer {0} Gat ekki hlaðið inn laginu {0} DBTree Rename… Endurnefna… Delete… Eyða… Add to Canvas Bæta á myndflöt Re-connect endurtengjast Remove Fjarlægja New Connection… Ný tenging… %1 is an invalid layer - not loaded %1 er ógilt lag - hlóðst ekki %1 is an invalid layer and cannot be loaded. Please check the <a href="#messageLog">message log</a> for further info. %1 er ógilt lag of því ekki hægt að hlaða því inn. Skoðaðu <a href="#messageLog">skilaboðaannálinn</a> til að sjá nánari upplýsingar. Datasources2Vrt Vector general Almennt fyrir vektora Input datasources Inntaks-gagnagjafar Create "unioned" VRT Búa til "sameinað" VRT DbManagerDlgAddGeometryColumn Add geometry column Bæta við rúmfræðidálki Name Heiti Type Tegund Dimensions Víddir SRID Staðviðmiðskerfis-auðkenni (SRID) DbManagerDlgCreateConstraint Add constraint Bæta við afmörkun Column Dálkur Primary key Aðallykill Unique Einstakt DbManagerDlgCreateIndex Create index Búa til lykil Column Dálkur Name Heiti DbManagerDlgCreateTable Create Table Búa til töflu Schema Skipan Name Heiti Add field Bæta við gagnasviði Delete field Eyða gagnasviði Up Upp Down Niður Primary key Aðallykill Create geometry column Búa til rúmfræðidálk Dimensions Víddir SRID Staðviðmiðskerfis-auðkenni (SRID) Create spatial index Búa til staðlykil DbManagerDlgDbError Database Error Gagnagrunns villa An error occurred Villa kom upp An error occurred when executing a query Villa kom upp við að keyra fyrirspurn Query Fyrirspurn DbManagerDlgExportVector Export to vector file Flytja út í vektorskrá Save as Vista sem Options Valkostir Replace destination file (if exists) Skipta út frálagsskrá (ef hún er til) Source SRID Upprunalegt SRID staðviðmiðskerfsauðkenni Target SRID Markmiðs-SRID staðviðmiðskerfisauðkenni Encoding Kóðun Format Snið DbManagerDlgFieldProperties Field properties Eiginleikar gagnasviðs Name Heiti Type Tegund Can be NULL Getur verið NÚLL Default value expression Segð sjálfgefins gildis <html><head/><body><p>Properly quoted PostgreSQL expression (e.g. <code>4</code>, <code>'text'</code> or <code>nextval('foo_id_seq')</code><br/></p></body></html> <html><head/><body><p>Rétt afmörkuð PostgreSQL-segð (e.g. <code>4</code>, <code>'text'</code> eða <code>nextval('foo_id_seq')</code><br/></p></body></html> Length Lengd Comment Athugasemd DbManagerDlgImportVector Import vector layer Flytja inn vektorlag Input Inntak Import only selected features Aðeins flytja inn valdar fitjur Update options Uppfæra valkosti Output table Frálagstafla Schema Skipan Table Tafla Options Valkostir Primary key Aðallykill Geometry column Rúmfræðidálkur Source SRID Upprunalegt SRID staðviðmiðskerfsauðkenni Comment Athugasemd Target SRID Markmiðs-SRID staðviðmiðskerfisauðkenni Encoding Kóðun Create single-part geometries instead of multi-part Búa til einhluta laganir (geometries) í stað marghluta Create spatial index Búa til staðlykil Replace destination table (if exists) Skipta út frálagstöflu (ef hún er til) Convert field names to lowercase Umbreyta heitum sviða í lágstafi DbManagerDlgSqlLayerWindow <html><head/><body><p>Avoid selecting feature by id. Sometimes - especially when running expensive queries/views - fetching the data sequentially instead of fetching features by id can be much quicker.</p></body></html> <html><head/><body><p>Forðastu að velja fitjur eftir ID-auðkennum. Stundum - sérstaklega þegar verið er að keyra flóknar fyrirspurnir eða sýnir - getur verið mun hraðvirkara að sækja gögnin runubundið (sequential) frekar en að ná í fitjur eftir auðkennum.</p></body></html> Avoid selecting by feature id Forðast að velja eftir auðkenni fitju Update Uppfæra Name Heiti Delete Eyða &Clear &Hreinsa Column(s) with unique values Dálkur/dálkar með einkvæm gildi Geometry column Rúmfræðidálkur Retrieve columns Sækja dálka SQL Window SQL-gluggi Saved query Vistuð fyrirspurn Save Vista Execute query (Ctrl+R) Keyra fyrirspurn (Ctrl+R) Execute Framkvæma Ctrl+R Ctrl+A Layer name (prefix) Heiti lags (forskeyti) Type Tegund Vector Vektor Raster Rastar Set filter Setja síu DbManagerDlgSqlWindow Column(s) with unique values Dálkur/dálkar með einkvæm gildi Set filter Setja síu Delete Eyða Create a view Búa til sýn &Clear &Hreinsa Load as new layer Hlaða sem nýju lagi Geometry column Rúmfræðidálkur Retrieve columns Sækja dálka SQL Window SQL-gluggi <html><head/><body><p>Load SQL file</p></body></html> Load File Lesa inn skrá <html><head/><body><p>Save the query as SQL file</p></body></html> Save As File Vista sem skrá Query Fyrirspurn Rows affected Raðir sem koma við sögu Duration (secs) Tímalengd (sekúndur) Query History Leita í ferli Load Lesa inn Layer name (prefix) Heiti lags (forskeyti) Type Tegund Vector Vektor Raster Rastar Saved query Vistuð fyrirspurn Save Vista Execute query (Ctrl+R) Keyra fyrirspurn (Ctrl+R) Execute Framkvæma Ctrl+R Ctrl+A Cancel query (ESC) Hætta við fyrirspurn (ESC) Cancel Hætta við <html><head/><body><p>Avoid selecting feature by id. Sometimes - especially when running expensive queries/views - fetching the data sequentially instead of fetching features by id can be much quicker.</p></body></html> <html><head/><body><p>Forðastu að velja fitjur eftir ID-auðkennum. Stundum - sérstaklega þegar verið er að keyra flóknar fyrirspurnir eða sýnir - getur verið mun hraðvirkara að sækja gögnin runubundið (sequential) frekar en að ná í fitjur eftir auðkennum.</p></body></html> Avoid selecting by feature id Forðast að velja eftir auðkenni fitju Name Heiti DbManagerDlgTableProperties Table properties Eiginleikar töflu Columns Dálkar Table columns: Töflu dálkar: Add column Bæta við dálki Add geometry column Bæta við rúmfræðidálki Edit column Breyta dálki Delete column Eyða dálki Constraints Hömlur Primary, foreign keys, unique and check constraints: Aðal-, framandlyklar, einkvæmni og athugunarhömlur: Add primary key / unique Bæta við aðallykli / einkvæmur Delete constraint Eyða hömlum Indexes Lyklar Indexes defined for this table: Lyklar sem skilgreindir eru fyrir þessa töflu: Add index Bæta við lykli Add spatial index Bæta við staðlykli Delete index Eyða lykli Comment Athugasemd Comment defined for this table: Add comment Bæta við athugasemd Delete comment Eyða athugasemd DbManagerQueryBuilderDlg Columns Dálkar Group by Hópa eftir Order by Raða eftir Data Gögn Show system tables Birta kerfistöflur Tables Töflur SQL Query Builder SQL fyrirspurnasmiðja Where Þar sem Aggregates Samtölur Functions Föll Math Stærðfræði Strings functions Strengjaföll Operators Virkjar Columns' values Gildi dálks Only 10 first values Einungis 10 fyrstu gildin Spatial index Staðlykill Table (with spatial index) Tafla (með staðlykli) Table (Target) Tafla (markmið) Use spatial index Nota staðlykil &Reset Endu&rstilla DefineProjection Vector general Almennt fyrir vektora Input Layer Inntakslag Layer with projection Lag með vörpun Define layer projection Skilgreina vörpun lags Data source isn't a shapefile, skipping .prj/.qpj creation Gagnagjafi er ekki shapefile-skrá, sleppi gerð á .prj/.qpj Delaunay Vector geometry Vektorlögun Input layer Inntakslag Delaunay triangulation Delaunay þríhyrningamæling Input file should contain at least 3 points. Choose another file and try again. Inntaksskrá ætti að innihalda a.m.k. 3 punkta. Veldu aðra skrá og reyndu aftur. DeleteColumn drop,delete,remove,fields,columns,attributes fjarlægja,eyða,henda,gagnasvið,dálkar,eigindi Vector table Vektortafla Fields to drop Gagnasvið sem á að henda Drop field(s) Henda gagnasvið(um) Remaining fields Gagnasvið sem eftir eru Field “{}” does not exist in input layer Gagnasvið “{}” er ekki til staðar í inntakslagi DeleteDuplicateGeometries Vector general Almennt fyrir vektora drop,remove,same,points,coincident,overlapping,filter Input layer Inntakslag Cleaned Hreinsað Count of retained records Count of discarded duplicate records Delete duplicate geometries Eyða tvíteknum lögunum {} duplicate features removed DeleteModelAction Delete Model… Eyða líkani… Are you sure you want to delete this model from the current project? DeleteModelAction Ertu viss um að þú viljir eyða þessu líkani úr núverandi verkefni? Delete Model DeleteModelAction Eyða líkani Are you sure you want to delete this model? DeleteModelAction Ertu viss um að þú viljir eyða þessu líkani? DeletePreconfiguredAlgorithmAction Delete Preconfigured Algorithm… Eyða forstilltu reikniriti… Delete Algorithm DeletePreconfiguredAlgorithmAction Eyða reikniriti Are you sure you want to delete this algorithm? DeletePreconfiguredAlgorithmAction Ertu viss um að þú viljir eyða þessu reikniriti? DeleteScriptAction Delete Script… Eyða skriftu… Delete Script Eyða skriftu Are you sure you want to delete this script? Ertu viss um að þú viljir eyða þessari skriftu? Can not find corresponding script file. Fann ekki samsvarandi skriftuskrá. DensifyGeometries add,vertex,vertices,points,nodes bæta við,brotpunktar,punktar,hnútar Vector geometry Vektorlögun Vertices to add Brotpunktar sem á að bæta við Densify by count Þéttleiki miðað við fjölda Densified Þéttað DestinationSelectionPanel [Save to temporary file] [Vista í bráðabirgðaskrá] [Save to temporary folder] [Vista í bráðabirgðamöppu] [Create temporary layer] [Búa til bráðabirgðalag] [Skip output] [sleppa frálagi] Save to GeoPackage… Vista í GeoPackage… Skip Output Sleppa frálagi Create Temporary Layer Búa til bráðabirgðalag Save to a Temporary File Vista í bráðabirgðaskrá Save to File… Vista í skrá… Save to PostGIS Table… Vista í PostGIS töflu… Change File Encoding ({})… Breyta kóðun skráar ({})… GeoPackage files (*.gpkg);;All files (*.*) OutputFile GeoPackage-skrár (*.gpkg);;Allar skrár (*.*) Save to GeoPackage Vista í GeoPackage Layer name Heiti lags Save file Vista skrá File encoding Kóðun skráar Select Directory Veldu möppu Dialog Parameters Færibreytur Dialog Samskiptagluggi Log Vinnsluferill Cancel Hætta við output table frálagstafla Select connection and schema Veldu tengingu og skipan Table name Heiti töflu New expression Ný segð Name Heiti Expression Segð Predefined formula Forákvörðuð formúla Variables Breytur DirectorySelectorDialog Add Bæta við Remove Fjarlægja Remove all Fjarlægja allt Select directory Veldu möppu Dissolve Input layer Inntakslag Dissolve field Bræða gagnasvið saman eftir sundrun Geometry column name Heiti rúmfræðidálks Produce one feature for each geometry in any kind of geometry collection in the source file Keep input attributes Halda inntakseigindum Count dissolved features Telja sambræddar fitjur Compute area and perimeter of dissolved features Reikna flöt og umgjörð fyrir sambræddar fitjur Compute min/max/sum/mean for attribute Reikna lágm/hám/summu/miðgildi fyrir eigindi Numeric attribute to calculate statistics on Töluleg eigindi þar sem reikna skal tölfræði Additional creation options Viðbótarvalkostir við gerð Dissolved Sambrætt Dissolve Bræða saman Vector geoprocessing Vektor-landgagnavinnsla DistanceInputPanel Distance is in geographic degrees. Consider reprojecting to a projected local coordinate system for accurate results. DlgAddGeometryColumn DB Manager Gagnagrunnsstýring Field name must not be empty. Heiti gagnasviðs má ekki vera autt. DlgAutofill Autofill settings Stillingar sjálfvirkrar útfyllingar Autofill mode Sjálfvirk útfylling Do not autofill Ekki fylla sjálfvirkt Fill with numbers Fylla með tölum Fill with parameter values Fylla með gildum færibreytu Parameter to use Breyta sem á að nota DlgCancelTaskQuery Dialog Samskiptagluggi Executing SQL… Keyri SQL… Cancel Hætta við DlgConfig Processing options Valmöguleikar vinnslu Enter setting name to filter list Settu heiti á stillingu inn í síulista DlgCreateIndex Error Villa Please enter a name for the index. Settu inn eitthvað nafn fyrir lykil. DlgCreateTable &Create &Búa til DB Manager Gagnagrunnsstýring No field selected. Ekkert gagnasvið valið. Field is already at the top. Gagnasviðið er þegar efst. Field is already at the bottom. Gagnasviðið er þegar neðst. A valid schema must be selected first. Gild skipan verður að vera valin fyrst. A valid table name is required. Krafist er gilds heitis á töflu. At least one field is required. Það þarf allavega eitt gagnasvið. A name is required for the geometry column. Table created successfully. Það tókst að búa til töflu. DlgExportVector Choose where to save the file Veldu hvar á að vista skrá Export to file Flytja út í skrá Output file name is required Skilgreina þarf heiti á frálagsskrá Invalid source srid: must be an integer Ógilt upprunalegt SRID: verður að vera heiltala Invalid target srid: must be an integer Ógilt markmiðs-SRID: verður að vera heiltala Error {0} {1} Villa {0} {1} Export finished. Útflutningi lokið. DlgFieldProperties DB Manager Gagnagrunnsstýring Field name must not be empty. Heiti gagnasviðs má ekki vera autt. Field type must not be empty. Tegund gagnasviðs má ekki vera auð. DlgFixedTable Fixed table Föst tafla DlgHelpEdition Help Editor Hjálparritill Select element to edit Veldu stak til að breyta Element description Lýsing á staki DlgHistory History Vinnsluferill DlgImportVector Choose the file to import Veldu skrána sem á að flytja inn Import to Database Flytja inn í gagnagrunn Input layer missing or not valid. Inntakslag vantar eða er ógilt. Output table name is required. Skilgreina þarf heiti á frálagstöflu. Invalid source srid: must be a valid crs. Ógilt upprunalegt SRID: verður að vera gilt viðmiðskerfi. Invalid target srid: must be a valid crs. Ógilt SRID frálags: verður að vera gilt viðmiðskerfi. Error {0} {1} Villa {0} {1} Import was successful. Innflutningur tókst. DlgModeler Export as image Flytja út sem mynd Export as PDF… Flytja út sem PDF… Export as SVG… Flytja út sem SVG… Edit model help… Breyta hjálp fyrir líkan… Edit model help Breyta hjálp fyrir líkan Processing Modeler Vinnsla með líkanagerð Navigation Flakk Open model (Ctrl+O) Opna líkan (Ctrl+O) Ctrl+O Ctrl+O Save model Vista líkan Save model (Ctrl+S) Vista líkan (Ctrl+S) Ctrl+S Ctrl+S Open model… Opna líkan… Save model as… Vista líkan sem… Save model as (Ctrl+S) Vista líkan sem (Ctrl+S) Ctrl+Shift+S Ctrl+Shift+S Zoom to &100% Aðdráttur í &100% Ctrl+1 Ctrl+1 Zoom in Renna að Ctrl++ Ctrl++ Zoom out Renna frá Ctrl+- Ctrl+P Export as image… Flytja út sem mynd… Export as Python Script… Flytja út sem Python-skriftu… Export as Python Script Flytja út sem Python-skriftu Run model… Keyra líkan… Zoom full Fullur aðdráttur Ctrl+0 Ctrl+O Export as PDF Flytja út sem PDF Export as SVG Flytja út sem SVG Run model (F5) Keyra líkan (F5) F5 F5 Save model in project Vista líkan í verkefni DlgMultipleSelection Multiple selection Fjölval DlgNumberInput Enter number or expression Settu inn tölu eða segð <html><head/><body><p>Enter expression in the text field. Double-click on elements in the tree to add their values to the expression.</p></body></html> <html><head/><body><p>Settu segð í textareitinn. Tvísmelltu á atriðin í greinunum til að bæta gildum þeirra í segðina.</p></body></html> <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">Warning</span>: if expression result is float value, but integer required, result will be rounded to integer.</p></body></html> <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">Aðvörun</span>: ef niðurstöður segðarinnar eru fleytitölur, en krafist sé heiltalna, munu niðurstöðurnar verða námundaðar við heiltölur.</p></body></html> DlgRenderingStyles Dialog Samskiptagluggi Output Frálag Style Stíll DlgSqlLayerWindow QueryLayer Column(s) with unique values Dálkur/dálkar með einkvæm gildi Column with unique values Dálkur með einkvæm gildi {0} rows, {1:.3f} seconds {0} raðir, {1:.3f} sekúndur DlgSqlWindow {0} - {1} [{2}] {0} - {1} [{2}] QueryLayer Column(s) with unique values Dálkur/dálkar með einkvæm gildi Column with unique values Dálkur með einkvæm gildi Save SQL Query Vista SQL-fyrirspurn SQL File (*.sql, *.SQL) SQL-skrá (*.sql, *.SQL) Load SQL Query Hlaða inn SQL-fyrirspurn {0} rows, {1:.3f} seconds {0} raðir, {1:.3f} sekúndur There was an error creating the SQL layer, please check the logs for further information. View Name Heiti sýnar View name Heiti sýnar DlgTableProperties DB Manager Gagnagrunnsstýring No columns were selected. Engir dálkar voru valdir. Delete Column Eyða dálki Are you sure you want to delete column '{0}'? Ertu viss um að þú viljir eyða dálknum '{0}'? Delete Constraint Eyða hömlum Are you sure you want to delete constraint '{0}'? Ertu viss um að þú viljir eyða hömlunum '{0}'? No constraints were selected. Engar hömlur voru valdar. The selected table has no geometry. Valin tafla inniheldur enga lögun. Create Spatial Index Búa til staðlykil Create spatial index for field {0}? Búa til staðlykil fyrir sviðið {0}? No indices were selected. Engir lykilvísar voru valdir. Delete Index Eyða lykli Are you sure you want to delete index '{0}'? Ertu viss um að þú viljir eyða lyklinum '{0}'? Add comment Bæta við athugasemd Table successfully commented Delete comment Eyða athugasemd Comment deleted Athugasemd var eytt DlgVersioning Schema Skipan Table Tafla New columns Nýjir dálkar Add Change Logging Support to a Table Bæta stuðningi við breytingar á aðgerðaskráningum í töflu Table should be empty, with a primary key Tafla ætti að vera tóm, með aðallykli Create a view with current content (<TABLE>_current) búa til sýn með núverandi efni (<TABLE>_current) Primary key Aðallykill id_hist id_hist Start time Tími upphafs time_start tími_upphafs End time Tími endis time_end tími_endis User role Hlutverk notanda user_role SQL to be executed SQL sem á að framkvæma DnDTree Base configuration Grunnuppsetning Configure Container Stilla gám Control visibility by expression Stýra sýnileika með reglulegri segð Visibility Expression Regluleg segð sýnileika Title Titill Column count Dálkafjöldi Show as group box Birta sem valreitahóp Style Stíll Container Background Color Background color Litur bakgrunns Configure Relation Editor Stilla venslaritil Show link button Birta hnapp til að tengja Show unlink button Birta hnapp til að aftengja Configure QML Widget Stilla QML-viðmótshluta Insert QML code here… Settu QML-kóða inn hér… Free text… Frjáls texti… Rectangle Rétthyrningur Pie chart Kökurit Bar chart Stöplarit QML Code QML-kóði Configure HTML Widget HTML Code Configure Field Stilla gagnasvið DockWidget Results Viewer Niðurstöðuskoðun DualEdgeTriangulation Reading points… Les punkta… Warning Aðvörun File could not be written. Ekki var hægt að skrifa skrána. EditModelAction Edit Model… Breyta líkani… Cannot edit model: {} Get ekki breytt líkani: {} EditScriptAction Edit Script… Breyta skriftu… Edit Script Breyta skriftu Can not find corresponding script file. Fann ekki samsvarandi skriftuskrá. EffectPropertiesWidget Form Form Effect type Gerð sjónhverfingar This effect doesn't have any editable properties Þessi sjónhverfing hefur enga eiginleika sem hægt er að stilla EliminateSelection Vector geometry Vektorlögun Largest Area Stærsti flötur Smallest Area Minnsti flötur Largest Common Boundary Stærstu sameiginlegu svæðismörk Input layer Inntakslag Merge selection with the neighbouring polygon with the Sameina valið við nágrannafláka með Eliminated Útrúmt Eliminate selected polygons Útrýma völdum flákum {0}: (No selection in input layer "{1}") {0}: (ekkert er valið í inntakslaginu "{1}") Could not replace geometry of feature with id {0} Gat ekki skipt út lögun í fitju með auðkennið {0} Could not commit changes Gat ekki beitt breytingum EnumModelerWidget Clear? Hreinsa? Are you sure you want to delete all items? Ertu viss um að þú viljir eyða öllum atriðum? ExampleProcessingAlgorithm My Script Skriftan mín Example scripts Dæmi um skriftur Example algorithm short description Lýsing á dæmi um reiknirit Input layer Inntakslag Output layer Frálagslag ExecuteSQL Execute SQL Keyra SQL Vector general Almennt fyrir vektora Additional input datasources (called input1, .., inputN in the query) Auka inntaksgagnagjafar (kallaðir input1, .., inputN í fyrirspurn) SQL query SQL-fyrirspurn Unique identifier field Einkvæmt auðkennissvið Geometry field Rúmfræðisvið Autodetect Finna sjálfvirkt No geometry Engin lögun Geometry type Gerð lögunar CRS Hnitaviðmiðskerfi (CRS) SQL Output SQL-frálag Empty SQL. Please enter valid SQL expression and try again. Auð SQL-skipun. Settu inn gilda SQL-segð og reydu aftur. ExecuteSql None Ekkert OGR SQL OGR SQL SQLite SQLite Input layer Inntakslag SQL expression SQL-segð SQL dialect SQL-tilbrigði Additional creation options Viðbótarvalkostir við gerð SQL result SQL-niðurstaða Execute SQL Keyra SQL Vector miscellaneous Ýmislegt vektortengt Empty SQL. Please enter valid SQL expression and try again. Auð SQL-skipun. Settu inn gilda SQL-segð og reydu aftur. ExportGeometryInfo export,add,information,measurements,areas,lengths,perimeters,latitudes,longitudes,x,y,z,extract,points,lines,polygons,sinuosity,fields Vector geometry Vektorlögun Layer CRS Viðmiðskerfi lags Project CRS Viðmiðskerfi verkefnis Ellipsoidal Sporvala Input layer Inntakslag Calculate using Reikna með Added geom info Bætti við rúmfræðiupplýsingum Add geometry attributes ExportModelAsPythonScriptAction Export Model as Python Algorithm… ExtentFromLayer Layer tools Verkfæri fyrir lög Input layer Inntakslag Extract layer extent Ná í kortvídd lags Extent Kortvídd polygon,vector,raster,extent,envelope,bounds,bounding,boundary,layer,round,rounded Round values to ExtentSelectionPanel [Leave blank to use min covering extent] [Skildu eftir autt til að nota lágmarkskortvídd þekju] Use Canvas Extent Nota kortvídd myndflatar Use Layer Extent… Nota kortvídd lags… Select Extent on Canvas Veldu kortvídd á myndfleti Use Min Covering Extent from Input Layers Nota lágmarkskortvídd þekju frá inntakslögum ExtractProjection Input file Inntaksskrá Create also .prj file Einnig búa til .prj-skrá World file Skrá með kortheimi ESRI Shapefile prj file Extract projection Finna vörpun Raster projections Varpanir rasta This algorithm can only be used with GDAL raster layers ExtractSpecificVertices Vector geometry Vektorlögun Input layer Inntakslag Vertex indices Lyklar (vísar) brotpunkta Vertices Brotpunktar Extract specific vertices Finna tiltekna brotpunkta points,vertex,nodes brotpunktar,punktar,hnútar '{}' is not a valid vertex index '{}' er ekki gildur vísir fyrir brotpunkt FeatureSourceWidgetWrapper Select file Velja skrá FieldsCalculator Field calculator Svæðareiknir Create a new field Búa til nýtt gagnasvið Output field name Heiti frálagssviðs Output field type Tegund frálagssviðs Output field width Breidd frálagssviðs Width of complete output. For example 123,456 means 6 as field width. Breidd tilbúins frálags. T.d. 123,456 þarf 6 sem vídd svæðis. Precision Nákvæmni Input layer Inntakslag Update existing field Uppfæra fyrirliggjandi gagnasvið Output file Frálagsskrá Vector table Vektortafla Float Fleytitala Integer Heiltala String Texti Date Dagsetning Result field name Heiti niðurstöðusviðs Field type Tegund gagnasviðs Field length Lengd gagnasviðs Field precision Nákvæmni gagnasviðs Create new field Búa til nýtt gagnasvið Formula Formúla Calculated Reiknað Field name is not set. Please enter a field name Nafn gagnasviðs er ekki sett. Settu inn heiti á gagnasvið FieldsCalculatorDialog [Save to temporary file] [Vista í bráðabirgðaskrá] Save file Vista skrá Unable to execute algorithm Tókst ekki að keyra reiknirit Processing Vinnsla FieldsMapper attributes,table eigindi,tafla Fields mapping Vörpun gagnasviða Refactored Parser error in expression "{}": {} Þáttunarvilla í segð "{}": {} Evaluation error in expression "{}": {} Matsvilla í segð "{}": {} Refactor fields Vector table Vektortafla FieldsMappingModel Source expression Upprunasegð Field name Heiti gagnasviðs Type Tegund Length Lengd Precision Nákvæmni FieldsMappingPanel Do you want to reset the field mapping? Viltu frumstilla vörpun gagnasviðanna? FieldsPyculator Vector table Vektortafla Integer Heiltala Float Fleytitala String Texti Input layer Inntakslag Result field name Heiti niðurstöðusviðs Field type Tegund gagnasviðs Field length Lengd gagnasviðs Field precision Nákvæmni gagnasviðs Global expression Víðvær segð Formula Formúla Calculated Reiknað FieldPyculator code execute error.Global code block can't be executed! {0} {1} FieldPyculator code execute error. Field code block can't be executed! {0} {1} FieldPyculator code execute error Field code block does not return '{0}' variable! Please declare this variable in your code! Advanced Python field calculator Þróaður Python svæðareiknir FileDirectorySelector Select directory Veldu möppu Select file Velja skrá All files (*.*) Allar skrár (*.*) FileSelectionPanel Select Folder Veldu möppu Select File Veldu skrá {} files {} skrár );;All files (*.*) );;Allar skrár (*.*) FileWidgetWrapper Select file Velja skrá {} files {} skrár );;All files (*.*) );;Allar skrár (*.*) All files (*.*) Allar skrár (*.*) Select File Veldu skrá FindProjection crs,srs,coordinate,reference,system,guess,estimate,finder,determine crs,hnitviðmiðskerfi,srs,hnit,viðmið,kerfi,áætlun,mat,finna,ákvarða Vector general Almennt fyrir vektora Input layer Inntakslag Target area for layer Marksvæði á lagi CRS candidates Möguleg viðmiðskerfi Find projection Finna vörpun Found candidate CRS: {} Fann mögulegt viðmiðskerfi: {} No matching projections found Engar samsvarandi varpanir fundust FixedTableDialog Add row Bæta við röð Remove row(s) Fjarlægja röð/raðir Remove all Fjarlægja allt FixedTablePanel Fixed table {0}x{1} Föst tafla {0}x{1} Form Form Form Insert Setja inn ( ( sqrt sqrt ) ) ^ ^ - - / / > > * * AND OG <= <= Layers Lag Operators Virkjar acos acos asin asin < < sin sin tan tan >= >= atan atan cos cos log10 log10 OR EÐA ln ln Add… Bæta við… Save… Vista… = = != != + + Expression Segð Predefined expressions Forákvarðaðar segðir Vector layer Vektorlag Interpolation attribute Eigindi brúunar (interpolation) Attribute Eigind Type Tegund Use Z-coordinate for interpolation Nota Z-hnit fyrir brúun Toggle advanced mode Víxla ítarlegum ham af/á Lower bound Neðri mörk Upper bound Efri mörk Color Litur Add row Bæta við röð Remove row Fjarlægja röð Move up Flytja upp Move down Flytja niður Load colors from file Hlaða litum inn úr skrá Save colors to file Vista liti í skrá Generate color table automatically Útbúa litatöflu sjálfvirkt Remove row(s) Fjarlægja röð/raðir Open Opna Save Vista Load layers on completion Hlaða inn lögum við klárun Iterate over this layer Ítra yfir þessu lagi Advanced parameters Ítarlegar færibreytur Min Lágmark Max Hámark Fields Gagnasvið Add new field Bæta við nýju gagnasviði add bæta við Delete selected field Eyða völdu gagnasviði delete eyða Move selected field up Færa valið gagnasvið upp up upp Move selected field down Færa valið gagnasvið niður down niður Reset all fields Frumstilla öll gagnasvið reset frumstilla Load fields from layer Lesa inn gagnasvið frá lagi Load fields from selected layer Lesa inn gagnasvið frá völdu lagi Load Fields equals jafnt og contains inniheldur touches snertir intersects skarast við within innan overlaps fellur yfir crosses krossar disjoint aftengt Number of rows (pixels) in output raster Fjöldi raða (mynddílar) í frálagsrasta Columns Dálkar Resolution of each pixel in output raster, in layer units Upplausn hvers mynddíls í frálagsrasta, í einingum lagsins Pixel size X X-stærð mynddíls Number of columns (pixels) in output raster Fjöldi dálka (mynddílar) í frálagsrasta Rows Raðir Pixel size Y Y-stærð mynddíls Remove item Fjarlægja hlut Add item Bæta við hlut Clear all Hreinsa allt Allow multiple selection Leyfa fjölval Fixed number of rows Fastur fjöldi raða Add column Bæta við dálki Remove column Fjarlægja dálk GPKGDBPlugin There is no defined database connection "{0}". Það er engin skilgreind gagnagrunnstenging "{0}". GPKGDatabase Run &Vacuum Keyra &Vacuum hreinsun &Database &Gagnagrunnur No database selected or you are not connected to it. Engin gagnagrunnur valinn eða þú ert ekki tengd/ur við hann. GdalAlgorithmProvider Activate Virkja GdalParametersPanel GDAL/OGR console call GDAL/OGR stjórnskjásbeiðni [temporary file] [bráðabirgðaskrá] Invalid value for parameter '{0}' Rangt gildi fyrir færibreytuna '{0}' GeometryByExpression Vector geometry Vektorlögun Polygon Fláki Output geometry type Gerð frálagslögunar Output geometry has z dimension Frálagslögun er með z-vídd Output geometry has m values Frálagslögun er með m gildi Geometry expression Segð fyrir lögun (geometry) Geometry by expression Lögun eftir segð Modified geometry Breytt lögun Evaluation error: {0} Matsvilla: {0} {} is not a geometry {} er ekki lögun (geometry) GeometryConvert Vector geometry Vektorlögun Centroids Þyngdarpunktar Nodes Hnútar Linestrings Línustrengir Multilinestrings Marglínustrengir Polygons Flákar Input layer Inntakslag New geometry type Ný gerð rúmfræði Converted Umbreytt Cannot convert from {0} to LineStrings Get ekki umbreytt úr {0} í LineStrings Cannot convert from {0} to MultiLineStrings Get ekki umbreytt úr {0} í MultiLineStrings Cannot convert from Point to Polygon Get ekki umbreytt úr punkti í marghyrning Convert geometry type Umbreyta rúmfræðigerð GeometryGeneratorWidgetBase Form Form Geometry type Gerð lögunar GlobePlugin Launch Globe Ræsa hnött &Globe &Hnöttur Grass7Algorithm Could not open GRASS GIS 7 algorithm: {0} {1} Ekki tókst að opna GRASS GIS 7 reiknirit: {0} {1} Processing Vinnsla GRASS GIS 7 region extent GRASS GIS 7 svæðiskortvídd GRASS GIS 7 region cellsize (leave 0 for default) GRASS GIS 7 stærð svæðisreita (setja sem 0 fyrir sjálfgefið) Output Rasters format options (createopt) Output Rasters format metadata options (metaopt) v.in.ogr snap tolerance (-1 = no snap) v.in.ogr min area v.out.ogr output type v.out.ogr output data source options (dsco) v.out.ogr output layer options (lco) Also export features without category (not labeled). Otherwise only features with category are exported GRASS GIS 7 folder is not configured. Please configure it before running GRASS GIS 7 algorithms. Ekki er búið að stilla möppu fyrir GRASS GIS 7. Settu hana upp áður en þú reynir að keyra GRASS GIS 7 reiknirit. GRASS GIS 7 execution commands GRASS GIS 7 keyrsluskipanir processInputs end. Commands: {} processCommands end. Commands: {} Grass7AlgorithmProvider Activate Virkja GRASS7 folder GRASS7 mappa Log execution commands Skrá keyrsluskipanir í vinnsluferil Log console output Skrá skipanalínufærslur í vinnsluferil Location of GRASS docs Staðsetning GRASS-skjala For vector layers, use v.external (faster) instead of v.in.ogr Fyrir vektorlög, notaðu v.external (hraðvirkara) í stað v.in.ogr Could not open GRASS GIS 7 algorithm: {0} Ekki tókst að opna GRASS GIS 7 reiknirit: {0} Processing Vinnsla Could not open GRASS GIS 7 algorithm: {0} {1} Ekki tókst að opna GRASS GIS 7 reiknirit: {0} {1} Grass7Utils GRASS GIS 7 execution console output GRASS GIS 7 keyrsluúttak á skipanalínu GRASS command crashed :( Try a different set of input parameters and consult the GRASS algorithm manual for more information. Suggest disabling the experimental "use v.external" option from the Processing GRASS Provider options. GRASS GIS 7 folder is not configured. Please configure it before running GRASS GIS 7 algorithms. Ekki er búið að stilla möppu fyrir GRASS GIS 7. Settu hana upp áður en þú reynir að keyra GRASS GIS 7 reiknirit. GRASS GIS 7 binary {0} can't be found on this system from a shell. Please install it or configure your PATH {1} environment variable. GRASS 7 can't be found on this system from a shell. Please install it or configure your PATH environment variable. The specified GRASS 7 folder "{}" does not contain a valid set of GRASS 7 modules. Please, go to the Processing settings dialog, and check that the GRASS 7 folder is correctly configured Tiltekna GRASS 7 mappan "{}" inniheldur ekki gilt sett af GRASS 7 forritseiningum. Farðu í stillingagluggann merktan 'Vinnsla', og athugaðu hvort GRASS 7 mappan sé rétt uppsett GrassAlgorithm r.horizon.height - Horizon angle computation from a digital elevation model. r.horizon.height r.sunmask.datetime - Calculates cast shadow areas from sun position and elevation raster map. r.sunmask.datetime r.sunmask.datetime - Reiknar skuggavörpun svæða út frá sólstöðu og röstuðu hæðarlagi. r.sunmask.position - Calculates cast shadow areas from sun position and elevation raster map. r.sunmask.position r.sunmask.position - Reiknar skuggavörpun svæða út frá sólstöðu og röstuðu hæðarlagi. r.in.lidar.info - Extract information from LAS file r.in.lidar.info r.in.lidar.info - Veiða upplýsingar LAS-skrá Performs bilinear or bicubic spline interpolation with Tykhonov regularization. r.resamp.bspline Outputs raster map layer values lying along user defined transect line(s). r.transect Calculates solar elevation, solar azimuth, and sun hours. r.sunhours Reiknar sólarhæð, áttarhorn sólar og sólarstundir. Calculates patch number index on a raster map, using a 4 neighbour algorithm. r.li.patchnum r.li.renyi.ascii - Calculates Renyi's diversity index on a raster map r.li.renyi.ascii r.blend.combine - Blends color components of two raster maps by a given ratio and export into a unique raster. r.blend.combine Performs contextual image classification using sequential maximum a posteriori (SMAP) estimation. i.smap Generates spectral signatures for land cover types in an image using a clustering algorithm. i.cluster i.eb.hsebal01.coords - Computes sensible heat flux iteration SEBAL 01. Inline coordinates i.eb.hsebal01 Computes biomass growth, precursor of crop yield calculation. i.biomass Calculates Optimum-Index-Factor table for spectral bands i.oif Reiknar Optimum-Index-Factor töflu fyrir litatíðnisvið Calculates shape index on a raster map r.li.shape Calculates Pielou's diversity index on a raster map r.li.pielou Computes potential evapotranspiration calculation with hourly Penman-Monteith. i.evapo.pm r.li.shape.ascii - Calculates shape index on a raster map r.li.shape.ascii Identifies segments (objects) from imagery data. i.segment Ber kennsl á búta (hluti) úr myndgögnum. Computes topographic correction of reflectance. i.topo.corr Reiknar landslagsleiðréttingu endurvarps. Computes evapotranspiration calculation Priestley and Taylor formulation, 1972. i.evapo.pt Calculates different types of vegetation indices. i.vi Generates statistics for i.smap from raster map. i.gensigset Skilar tölfræði fyrir i.smap af rastalögum. Computes evaporative fraction (Bastiaanssen, 1995) and root zone soil moisture (Makin, Molden and Bastiaanssen, 2001). i.eb.evapfr Actual evapotranspiration for diurnal period (Bastiaanssen, 1995). i.eb.eta r.mask.rast - Creates a MASK for limiting raster operation. r.mask.rast r.mask.rast - Býr til HULU til að takmarka aðgerðir rasta. i.topo.coor.ill - Creates illumination model for topographic correction of reflectance. i.topo.corr.ill Calculates dominance's diversity index on a raster map r.li.dominance r.walk.points - Creates a raster map showing the anisotropic cumulative cost of moving between different geographic locations on an input raster map whose cell category values represent cost from point vector layers. r.walk.points Computes broad band albedo from surface reflectance. i.albedo Imports SPOT VGT NDVI data into a raster map. i.in.spotvgt Performs Landsat TM/ETM+ Automatic Cloud Cover Assessment (ACCA). i.landsat.acca Performs auto-balancing of colors for RGB images. i.colors.enhance Computes evapotranspiration calculation modified or original Hargreaves formulation, 2001. i.evapo.mh Principal components analysis (PCA) for image processing. i.pca Principal components analysis (PCA) fyrir myndvinnslu. Calculates top-of-atmosphere radiance or reflectance and temperature for Landsat MSS/TM/ETM+/OLI i.landsat.toar Classifies the cell spectral reflectances in imagery data. i.maxlik Performs Tasseled Cap (Kauth Thomas) transformation. i.tasscap Computes temporal integration of satellite ET actual (ETa) following the daily ET reference (ETo) from meteorological station(s). i.evapo.time Net radiation approximation (Bastiaanssen, 1995). i.eb.netrad r.li.pielou.ascii - Calculates Pielou's diversity index on a raster map r.li.pielou.ascii Regroup multiple mono-band rasters into a single multiband raster. i.group Hópa marga eins-tíðnisviðs-rasta í einn fjöltíðnisviða-rasta Rapidly fills 'no data' cells (NULLs) of a raster map with interpolated values (IDW). r.fill.stats Image fusion algorithms to sharpen multispectral with high-res panchromatic channels i.pansharpen Soil heat flux approximation (Bastiaanssen, 1995). i.eb.soilheatflux Mosaics several images and extends colormap. i.image.mosaic Calculates Top of Atmosphere Radiance/Reflectance/Brightness Temperature from ASTER DN. i.aster.toar r.li.simpson.ascii - Calculates Simpson's diversity index on a raster map r.li.simpson.ascii r.stats.quantile.out - Compute category quantiles using two passes and output statistics r.stats.quantile.out Calculates mean pixel attribute index on a raster map r.li.mpa Calculates multiple linear regression from raster maps. r.regression.multi r.topmodel.topidxstats - Builds a TOPMODEL topographic index statistics file. r.topmodel.topidxstats r.category.out - Exports category values and labels associated with user-specified raster map layers. r.category.out Calculates Shannon's diversity index on a raster map r.li.shannon Finds shortest path using timetables. v.net.timetable Converts a raster map layer into a height-field file for POV-Ray r.out.pov Imports E00 file into a vector map v.in.e00 Exports a vector map to a GRASS ASCII vector representation. v.out.ascii Exports a vector map layer to PostGIS feature table. v.out.postgis Converts raster maps into the VTK-ASCII format r.out.vtk A simple utility for converting bearing and distance measurements to coordinates and vice versa. It assumes a Cartesian coordinate system m.cogo Exports a GRASS raster to a binary MAT-File r.out.mat Split lines to shorter segments by length. v.split r.li.edgedensity.ascii - Calculates edge density index on a raster map, using a 4 neighbour algorithm r.li.edgedensity.ascii Converts (rasterize) a vector layer into a raster layer. v.to.rast Computes bridges and articulation points in the network. v.net.bridge Export a raster layer into a GRASS ASCII text file r.out.ascii Exports a raster map to a text file as x,y,z values based on cell centers r.out.xyz Selects vector objects from a vector layer and creates a new layer containing only the selected objects. v.extract Converts 3 GRASS raster layers (R,G,B) to a PPM image file r.out.ppm3 Uploads raster values at positions of vector centroids to the table. v.what.rast Creates a vector map from an ASCII points file or ASCII vector file. v.in.ascii Performs network maintenance v.net Calculates category or object oriented statistics (accumulator-based statistics) r.stats.zonal Reclassifies a raster layer, selecting areas lower than a user specified size r.reclass.area Export a GRASS raster map as a non-georeferenced PNG image r.out.png Converts 2D vector features to 3D by sampling of elevation raster map. v.drape r.walk.coords - Creates a raster map showing the anisotropic cumulative cost of moving between different geographic locations on an input raster map whose cell category values represent cost from a list of coordinates. r.walk.coords Fills lake at given point to given level. r.lake Re-projects a vector map from one location to the current location v.proj Performs surface interpolation from vector points map by splines. v.surf.rst Converts raster map series to MPEG movie r.out.mpeg Performs cluster identification v.cluster Produces a vector map of specified contours from a raster map. r.contour Exports a vector map to SVG file. v.out.svg Flytur út vektorkort í SVG-skrá. Decimates a point cloud v.decimate r.li.shannon.ascii - Calculates Shannon's diversity index on a raster map r.li.shannon.ascii Calculates patch density index on a raster map, using a 4 neighbour algorithm r.li.patchdensity Calculates mean patch size index on a raster map, using a 4 neighbour algorithm r.li.mps Calculates standard deviation of patch area a raster map r.li.padsd Calculate new raster map from a r.mapcalc expression. r.mapcalc.simple r.what.coords - Queries raster maps on their category values and category labels on a point. r.what.coords Calculates edge density index on a raster map, using a 4 neighbour algorithm r.li.edgedensity Creates/modifies the color table associated with a raster map. r.colors r.li.padcv.ascii - Calculates coefficient of variation of patch area on a raster map r.li.padcv.ascii Splits a raster map into tiles r.tile Skiptir rastakorti upp í tígla Creates a fractal surface of a given fractal dimension. r.surf.fractal r.li.mps.ascii - Calculates mean patch size index on a raster map, using a 4 neighbour algorithm r.li.mps.ascii Generates random surface(s) with spatial dependence. r.random.surface r.what.points - Queries raster maps on their category values and category labels on a layer of points. r.what.points Creates a raster map layer showing buffer zones surrounding cells that contain non-NULL category values (low-memory alternative). r.buffer.lowmem Calculates contrast weighted edge density index on a raster map r.li.cwed Manages category values and labels associated with user-specified raster map layers. r.category Calculates range of patch area size on a raster map r.li.padrange v.surf.rst.cvdev - Performs surface interpolation from vector points map by splines. v.surf.rst.cvdev Calculates richness index on a raster map r.li.richness r.stats.quantile.rast - Compute category quantiles using two passes and output rasters. r.stats.quantile.rast Creates a buffer around vector features of given type. v.buffer r.blend.rgb - Blends color components of two raster maps by a given ratio and exports into three rasters. r.blend.rgb Calculates coefficient of variation of patch area on a raster map r.li.padcv Generates rate of spread raster maps. r.ros Calculates Simpson's diversity index on a raster map r.li.simpson Makes each output cell value an accumulation function of the values assigned to the corresponding cells in the input raster map layers. r.series.accumulate Computes USLE R factor, Rainfall erosivity index. r.usler Interpolates raster maps located (temporal or spatial) in between input raster maps at specific sampling positions. r.series.interp Imagery (i.*) i.zc Myndefni (i.*) r.li.cwed.ascii - Calculates contrast weighted edge density index on a raster map r.li.cwed.ascii r.mask.vect - Creates a MASK for limiting raster operation with a vector layer. r.mask.vect r.mask.vect - Býr til HULU með vektorlagi til að takmarka aðgerðir rasta. Creates topographic index layer from elevation raster layer r.topidx Calculates Renyi's diversity index on a raster map r.li.renyi Resamples raster map layers using an analytic kernel. r.resamp.filter Exports the color table associated with a raster map. r.colors.out Queries colors for a raster map layer. r.what.color Splits a raster map into red, green and blue maps. r.rgb Computes USLE Soil Erodibility Factor (K). r.uslek r.li.dominance.ascii - Calculates dominance's diversity index on a raster map r.li.dominance.ascii Locates the closest points between objects in two raster maps. r.distance r.li.padsd.ascii - Calculates standard deviation of patch area a raster map r.li.padsd.ascii r.walk.rast - Creates a raster map showing the anisotropic cumulative cost of moving between different geographic locations on an input raster map whose cell category values represent cost from a raster. r.walk.rast r.li.patchnum.ascii - Calculates patch number index on a raster map, using a 4 neighbour algorithm. r.li.patchnum.ascii r.li.patchdensity.ascii - Calculates patch density index on a raster map, using a 4 neighbour algorithm r.li.patchdensity.ascii Numerical calculation program for transient, confined and unconfined solute transport in two dimensions r.solute.transport Creates a latitude/longitude raster map. r.latlong Simulates TOPMODEL which is a physically based hydrologic model. r.topmodel Simulates elliptically anisotropic spread. r.spread Drapes a color raster over an shaded relief or aspect map. r.shade Exports GRASS vector map layers to DXF file format. v.out.dxf Flytur út lög úr GRASS-vektorkorti í DXF-skráasnið. Generates a raster layer with contiguous areas grown by one cell. r.grow Converts a raster layer to a PPM image file at the pixel resolution of the currently defined region. r.out.ppm Generates random cell values with spatial dependence. r.random.cells Stream network extraction r.stream.extract Miscellaneous (m.*) m.cogo Ýmislegt (m.*) Create a new vector map layer by combining other vector map layers. v.patch Performs an affine transformation on a vector layer. v.transform Reinterpolates using regularized spline with tension and smoothing. r.resamp.rst Recursively traces the least cost path backwards to cells from which the cumulative cost was determined. r.spreadpath Creates parallel line to input vector lines. v.parallel Recodes categorical raster maps. r.recode Horizon angle computation from a digital elevation model. r.horizon Exports GRASS raster map to GRIDATB.FOR map file (TOPMODEL) r.out.gridatb Indices for quadrat counts of vector point lists. v.qcount Detects the object's edges from a LIDAR data set. v.lidar.edgedetection Thins non-zero cells that denote linear features in a raster layer. r.thin Import GetFeature from WFS v.in.wfs Produces a raster layer of uniform random deviates whose range can be expressed by the user. r.surf.random Produces the quantization file for a floating-point map. r.quant Creates a GRASS vector layer of a user-defined grid. v.mkgrid Extracts terrain parameters from a DEM. r.param.scale Sækir yfirborðsbreytur úr DEM-skrá. Creates a composite raster layer by using one (or more) layer(s) to fill in areas of "no data" in another map layer. r.patch Raster (r.*) r.what.points Rasti (r.*) Transforms raster maps from RGB (Red-Green-Blue) color space to HIS (Hue-Intensity-Saturation) color space. i.rgb.his Correction of the v.lidar.growing output. It is the last of the three algorithms for LIDAR filtering. v.lidar.correction Generates watershed subbasins raster map. r.basins.fill Outputs a covariance/correlation matrix for user-specified raster layer(s). r.covar Compute quantiles using two passes. r.quantile Reikna hlutfallsmörk í tveimur umferðum Vector (v.*) v.what.vect Vektor (v.*) Classifies attribute data, e.g. for thematic mapping. v.class Random location perturbations of GRASS vector points v.perturb Changes vector category values for an existing vector map according to results of SQL queries or a value in attribute table column. v.reclass Reports statistics for raster layers. r.report Skilar tölfræði fyrir rastalög. r.relief.scaling - Creates shaded relief from an elevation layer (DEM). r.relief.scaling Randomly generate a 2D/3D vector points map. v.random Resamples raster layers to a coarser grid using aggregation. r.resamp.stats Calculates category or object oriented statistics. r.statistics Create points along input lines v.to.points Búa til punkta meðfram inntakslínum Computes minimum spanning tree for the network. v.net.spanningtree Computes the shortest path between all pairs of nodes in the network v.net.allpairs Computes vertex connectivity between two sets of nodes in the network. v.net.connectivity Creates Steiner tree for the network and given terminals v.net.steiner v.net.report - Reports lines information of a network v.net.report Performs visibility graph construction. v.net.visibility Calculate error matrix and kappa parameter for accuracy assessment of classification result. r.kappa Flow computation for massive grids. r.terraflow Computes emissivity from NDVI, generic method for sparse land. i.emissivity Calculates univariate statistics from the non-null cells of a raster map. r.univar Surface interpolation from vector point data by Inverse Distance Squared Weighting. v.surf.idw Construction of flowlines, flowpath lengths, and flowaccumulation (contributing areas) from a raster digital elevation model (DEM). r.flow Generates raster layers of slope, aspect, curvatures and partial derivatives from a elevation raster layer. r.slope.aspect Tests for normality for points. v.normal Calculates linear regression from two raster layers : y = a + b*x. r.regression.line Finds the mode of values in a cover layer within areas assigned the same category value in a user-specified base layer. r.mode Reports geometry statistics for vectors. v.report Skilar tölfræði fyrir rúmfræði vektora. Bicubic or bilinear spline interpolation with Tykhonov regularization. v.surf.bspline Watershed basin creation program. r.water.outlet Resamples raster map to a finer grid using interpolation. r.resamp.interp Generates red, green and blue raster layers combining hue, intensity and saturation (HIS) values from user-specified input raster layers. r.his Produces tilings of the source projection for use in the destination region and projection. r.tileset r.li.richness.ascii - Calculates richness index on a raster map r.li.richness.ascii r.li.mpa.ascii - Calculates mean pixel attribute index on a raster map r.li.mpa.ascii Sets color rules based on stddev from a raster map's mean value. r.colors.stddev Generate images with textural features from a raster map. r.texture r.li.padrange.ascii - Calculates range of patch area size on a raster map r.li.padrange.ascii Creates a Delaunay triangulation from an input vector map containing points or centroids. v.delaunay Generates area statistics for raster layers. r.stats Traces a flow through an elevation model on a raster map. r.drain Produces a convex hull for a given vector map. v.hull Creates points/segments from input vector lines and positions. v.segment Samples a raster layer at vector point locations. v.sample Creates a new map layer whose category values are based upon a reclassification of the categories in an existing raster map layer. r.reclass Transforms raster maps from HIS (Hue-Intensity-Saturation) color space to RGB (Red-Green-Blue) color space. i.his.rgb Toolset for cleaning topology of vector map. v.clean Calculates univariate statistics for attribute. Variance and standard deviation is calculated only for points if specified. v.univar Zero-crossing "edge detection" raster function for image processing. i.zc Prints vector map attributes v.db.select Performs raster map matrix filter. r.mfilter Prints terse list of category values found in a raster layer. r.describe Overlays two vector maps. v.overlay Yfirleggur tvö vektorkort. Builds polylines from lines or boundaries. v.build.polylines Byggir bútalínur úr línum eða útjöðrum. Imports geonames.org country files into a GRASS vector points map. v.in.geonames Converts vector polygons or points to lines. v.to.lines Converts LAS LiDAR point clouds to a GRASS vector map with libLAS. v.in.lidar Import ASCII x,y[,z] coordinates as a series of lines. v.in.lines v.kernel.vector - Generates a vector density map from vector points on a vector network. v.kernel.vect Rectifies a vector by computing a coordinate transformation for each object in the vector based on the control points. v.rectify v.kernel.rast - Generates a raster density map from vector points map. v.kernel.rast Change the type of geometry elements. v.type Breyta tegund rúmfræðistaka. Imports Mapgen or Matlab-ASCII vector maps into GRASS. v.in.mapgen Exports a vector map as GRASS GIS specific archive file. v.pack Removes outliers from vector point data. v.outlier Edits a vector map, allows adding, deleting and modifying selected vector features. v.edit Converts a vector map to VTK ASCII output. v.out.vtk Extrudes flat vector object to 3D with defined height. v.extrude Performs transformation of 2D vector features to 3D. v.to.3d v.build.check - Checks for topological errors. v.build.check Creates a raster map from LAS LiDAR points using univariate statistics. r.in.lidar Calculates univariate statistics from a raster map based on vector polygons and uploads statistics to new attribute columns. v.rast.stats Count points in areas and calculate statistics. v.vect.stats Uploads vector values at positions of vector points to the table. v.what.vect Surface area estimation for rasters. r.surf.area Combines red, green and blue raster maps into a single composite raster map. r.composite Converts a raster into a vector layer. r.to.vect Creates a cross product of the category values from multiple raster map layers. r.cross Fills no-data areas in raster maps using spline interpolation. r.fillnulls Visualization and animation tool for GRASS data. nviz Myndbirting og hreyfymyndatól fyrir GRASS-gögn. Canonical components analysis (CCA) program for image processing. i.cca Canonical components analysis (CCA) forrit fyrir myndvinnslu. Extracts quality control parameters from MODIS QC layers. i.modis.qc Generates statistics for i.maxlik from raster map. i.gensig Computes the maximum flow between two sets of nodes in the network. v.net.flow v.net.nreport - Reports nodes information of a network v.net.nreport Creates raster plane layer given dip (inclination), aspect (azimuth) and one point. r.plane Splits network by cost isolines. v.net.iso Output basic information about a raster layer. r.info Dissolves boundaries between adjacent areas sharing a common category number or attribute. v.dissolve Leysir upp mörk á milli samliggjandi svæða þegar þau eru með sama flokksnúmer eða eigindi (e: dissolve). Allocates subnets for nearest centers (direction from center) v.net.alloc Computes shortest distance via the network between the given sets of features. v.net.distance Finds the nearest element in vector map 'to' for elements in vector map 'from'. v.distance Computes strongly and weakly connected components in the network. v.net.components Computes degree, centrality, betweeness, closeness and eigenvector centrality measures in the network. v.net.centrality Creates a cycle connecting given nodes (Traveling salesman problem) v.net.salesman Finds shortest path on vector network v.net.path Creates a raster map layer showing buffer zones surrounding cells that contain non-NULL category values. r.buffer Filters and generates a depressionless elevation layer and a flow direction layer from a given elevation raster layer. r.fill.dir GRASS raster map layer data resampling capability using nearest neighbors. r.resample Creates shaded relief from an elevation layer (DEM). r.relief Rescales histogram equalized the range of category values in a raster layer. r.rescale.eq Manages NULL-values of given raster map. r.null Makes each cell category value a function of the category values assigned to the cells around it r.neighbors Sediment transport and erosion/deposition simulation using path sampling method (SIMWE). r.sim.sediment Generates a raster layer of distance to features in input layer. r.grow.distance Tabulates the mutual occurrence (coincidence) of categories for two raster map layers. r.coin Watershed basin analysis program. r.watershed Creates a raster layer of Gaussian deviates. r.surf.gauss Creates a raster layer and vector point map containing randomly located points. r.random Selects features from vector map (A) by features from other vector map (B). v.select Creates a raster map containing concentric rings around a given point. r.circle Recategorizes data in a raster map by grouping cells that form physically discrete areas into unique categories. r.clump Creates a Voronoi diagram from an input vector layer containing points. v.voronoi Outputs the raster layer values lying on user-defined line(s). r.profile Outputs basic information about a user-specified vector map. v.info Randomly partition points into test/train sets. v.kcv Takes vector stream data, transforms it to raster and subtracts depth from the output DEM. r.carve Building contour determination and Region Growing algorithm for determining the building inside v.lidar.growing Overland flow hydrologic simulation using path sampling method (SIMWE). r.sim.water Creates a raster layer of cumulative cost of moving across a raster layer whose cell values represent cost. r.cost Rescales the range of category values in a raster layer. r.rescale Computes the viewshed of a point on an elevation raster map. r.viewshed Calculates the volume of data "clumps". r.volume Inverse Fast Fourier Transform (IFFT) for image processing. i.ifft Inverse Fast Fourier Transform (IFFT) fyrir myndvinnslu. Vector based generalization. v.generalize Surface generation program from rasterized contours. r.surf.contour Forrit sem útbýr yfirborð út frá röstuðum hæðarlínum. Converts to POV-Ray format, GRASS x,y,z -> POV-Ray x,z,y v.out.pov Umbreytir á POV-Ray-snið, GRASS x,y,z -> POV-Ray x,z,y Surface interpolation utility for raster layers. r.surf.idw Visualization(NVIZ) nviz Myndbirting (NVIZ) Makes each cell value a function of attribute values and stores in an output raster map. v.neighbors Converts files in DXF format to GRASS vector map format. v.in.dxf Umbreytir skrám á DXF-sniði yfir í GRASS-vektorkortasnið. Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) for image processing. i.fft Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) fyrir myndvinnslu. Performs atmospheric correction using the 6S algorithm. i.atcorr Export a raster layer to the Virtual Reality Modeling Language (VRML) r.out.vrml Flytja rastalag út í Virtual Reality Modeling Language (VRML) Numerical calculation program for transient, confined and unconfined groundwater flow in two dimensions. r.gwflow Profile r.profile Snið Vector layer v.extract Vektorlag The leakage coefficient of the river bed in [1/s] r.gwflow Output format v.out.ascii Snið frálags Create 3D vector map v.in.mapgen Búa til 3D-vektorkort Normalize (center and scale) input maps i.pca Attribute table column with values to interpolate v.surf.idw Combine tools with recommended follow-up tools v.clean Raster map containing live fuel moisture (%) r.ros Output Map r.fill.stats Frálagskort Map coordinates of starting point(s) (E,N) r.drain Value to write for "grown" cells r.grow Name of input file with control points v.rectify Tykhonov regularization parameter (affects smoothing) v.surf.bspline Problem areas r.fill.dir Vandamálasvæði Input vector to layer (to) v.net.distance Name of input network vector map v.kernel.vect A single value of the ground albedo coefficient r.sun.insoltime Raster map containing midflame wind speed (ft/min, required with -s) r.spread Conversion factor from units to meters in destination projection r.tileset Raster layer to select the cells which should be processed r.neighbors Name of input raster maps i.albedo Quadrats v.qcount Do not skip features without category v.select Name of input 2D vector map v.extrude Set1 WHERE conditions of SQL statement without 'where' keyword v.net.connectivity Use raster values as categories instead of unique sequence r.to.vect Name of input raster map r.water.outlet Category r.category Flokkur Input layer v.report Inntakslag Export numeric attribute table fields as VTK scalar variables v.out.vtk Output RRR:GGG:BBB color values for each profile point r.profile Input rasters (2 to 8) i.cca Name of the surface skin temperature [K] i.eb.eta Classification v.class Flokkun Name of time of satellite overpass raster map [local time in UTC] i.eb.soilheatflux Write output as original input segments, not each path as one line v.net.path Calculated r.mapcalc.simple Reiknað Name of real-sky diffuse radiation coefficient input raster map r.sun.insoltime Year r.sunhours Ár Import all objects into one layer v.in.dxf Flytja alla hluti inn í eitt lag Input vector layer (v.lidar.growing output) v.lidar.correction Value of DOY for ETo first day i.evapo.time Import only n points v.in.lidar TOPMODEL topographic index statistics file r.topmodel.topidxstats Easting coordinate (point of interest) r.sunmask.position Name of input raster map(s) for view no.2 r.out.mpeg Use Night-time i.evapo.pm Number of walkers, default is twice the number of cells r.sim.water Enhanced Blue i.pansharpen Only import points of selected return type Options: first, last, mid r.in.lidar Radius is in map units rather than cells r.grow Output color values as RRR:GGG:BBB r.what.points Filtered r.mfilter Síað The x-part of the diffusion tensor in [m^2/s] r.solute.transport Names of satellite ETa Day of Year (DOY) raster maps [0-400] [-] i.evapo.time Lake r.lake Stöðuvatn Groundwater sources and sinks in [m^3/s] r.solute.transport Repeat the starting coordinate at the end to close a loop m.cogo Y shift v.transform Number of classes in the cloud temperature histogram i.landsat.acca Goodness Raster i.segment Name of attribute column to store value r.to.vect Input rasters i.smap Inntaksrastar Seconds r.sunhours Sekúndur Name for input raster map with starting seeds i.segment Network Timetable v.net.timetable Sink WHERE conditions of SQL statement without 'where' keyword v.net.flow Apply filter only to zero data values r.mfilter Value of nearest cell r.grow.distance B56composite (step 6) i.landsat.acca Time is local sidereal time, not Greenwich standard time r.sunhours Goodness_of_fit i.smap Spacecraft sensor i.landsat.toar For horizon rasters, read from the DEM an extra buffer northward the present region r.horizon Shape r.li.shape Form Comma separated value list (for float rasters). Example: 1.4,3.8,13 r.category.out Number of partitions v.kcv Filled (flooded) elevation r.terraflow Create an integer raster layer r.surf.random Name of the runoff infiltration rate raster map [mm/hr] r.sim.water Name of the single-way atmospheric transmissivitymap [-] i.eb.netrad Do not build topology for the output vector v.clean Net Radiation i.eb.netrad File containing recode rules r.recode Print the stats in shell script style v.univar Type of vegetation index i.vi Snakes alpha parameter v.generalize Print raster history instead of info r.info Name of input 5th channel surface reflectance map [0.0-1.0] i.vi String representing NULL value r.what.points Threshold for connecting centers to the network (in map unit) v.net Name of raster map(s) for Color nviz Preserve original cell values (By default original values are smoothed) r.fill.stats Raster layer r.resamp.rst Rastalag Dynamic label coefficients. Two pairs of category multiplier and offsets, for $1 and $2 r.category Patch Area SD r.li.padsd Use dnorm independent tension r.resamp.rst Input vector from points layer (from) v.net.distance year r.sunmask.datetime ár Name of raster map r.what.points Heiti rastakortS Raster value (for use=val) v.to.rast Print APPROXIMATE percents (total percent may not be 100%) r.stats Rasterized v.to.rast Rastað Name of the output walkers vector points layer r.sim.water Column name(s) where values specified by 'upload' option will be uploaded v.distance SpanningTree v.net.spanningtree Scale output to input and copy color rules i.topo.corr Name of raster map(s) r.univar Image acquisition date (yyyy-mm-dd) i.landsat.toar Field separator (Special characters: pipe, comma, space, tab, newline) r.distance Source Category values v.net.flow Topographic index r.topidx Runoff infiltration rate unique value [mm/hr] r.sim.water Raster map containing base ROS (cm/min) r.spread Maximum bits for digital numbers i.vi Create NULL-value bitmap file validating all data cells r.null Number of walkers r.sim.sediment Modifier for z coordinates, this string is appended to each z coordinate v.out.pov Effective porosity [-] r.solute.transport Size of submatrix to process at one time i.smap method r.statistics aðferð Truncate floating point data r.quant Maximum distance of spatial correlation r.random.surface 'upload': Values describing the relation between two nearest features v.distance Neighborhood v.neighbors Name of first raster map for blending r.blend.rgb Number of azimuth directions categorized i.zc Name of column to use for buffer distances v.buffer Page length r.report Lengd síðu Groundwater budget for each cell [m^3/s] r.gwflow DXF vector v.out.dxf Reclass rule file v.reclass Basic information r.info Grunnupplýsingar Quantiles r.quantile Dreyfifall (Quantiles) Network_Connectivity v.net.connectivity Tenging við netkerfi Use start raster map values in output spread time raster map r.spread Percentile to calculate v.univar Name of altitude corrected surface temperature raster map [K] i.eb.hsebal01 Coordinates v.net.visibility Hnit Initial time for current simulation (0) (min) r.spread Water sources and sinks in [m^3/s] r.gwflow Points along lines v.to.points Punktar eftir línum Input layer (A) v.select Inntakslag (A) Spline interpolation algorithm v.surf.bspline Maximum number of iterations to compute eigenvector centrality v.net.centrality Adjusted stream points r.carve Inline category label rules r.category Name of input arcs file v.net Method i.pansharpen Aðferð Topographic convergence index (tci) r.terraflow Distance threshold (default: in cells) for interpolation r.fill.stats Regularization weight in reclassification evaluation v.lidar.correction Enhanced Red i.pansharpen Time step. Generate output for this time step r.topmodel Do not include column names in output v.db.select File containing segment rules v.segment Color layer r.out.vrml Raster layer containing classification result r.kappa File containing spectral signatures i.cca Feature type to convert from v.type Use less memory, at a performance penalty r.flow Rotation around z axis in degrees counterclockwise v.transform SWIR is High Gain i.aster.toar Text delimiter v.in.ascii Afmarkari texta Create old (version 4) ASCII file v.out.ascii Create Voronoi diagram for input areas v.voronoi.skeleton Neighborhood size r.neighbors Name of MODIS product type i.modis.qc Ignore values outside this range (lo,hi) r.series Final Report File i.cluster Number of Steiner points v.net.steiner Groundwater filter velocity vector part in x direction [m/s] r.gwflow Sort output statistics by cell counts r.stats Input imagery range [0,255] i.atcorr Resampled Filter r.resamp.filter Use z in grid decimation v.decimate Slope length and steepness (LS) factor for USLE r.watershed Maximum distance between points in map units v.to.points Name of attribute column used for height v.to.3d No header in the report r.kappa Input raster layers r.cross Name of input red channel surface reflectance map [0.0-1.0] i.vi GROUP BY conditions of SQL statement without 'group by' keyword v.db.select Number of quadrats v.qcount Priestley-Taylor coefficient i.evapo.pt Number of header lines to skip at top of input file v.in.ascii Threshold for the outliers v.outlier Rainfall excess rate unique value [mm/hr] r.sim.water Combined v.patch Samsett Do not align output with the input r.neighbors Filter range for z data v.in.lidar Vectorized r.to.vect Vektorgert Raster layer containing reference classes r.kappa Resampled NN r.resample Feature ids v.edit Evapotranspiration i.evapo.pt Aggregation method r.resamp.stats Input elevation raster map r.out.vtk Lesser or greater than specified value r.reclass.area Gaussian deviates r.surf.gauss Raster map containing fine fuel moisture of the cell receiving a spotting firebrand (%, required with -s) r.spread Threshold distance (coords,snap,query) v.edit Rows/columns overlap for segmentation r.resamp.rst Pad Range r.li.padrange Character to represent no data cell r.profile Output vertical record separator v.db.select Width of tiles (columns) r.tile Number of rows and columns in grid v.mkgrid Name of input file in Mapgen/Matlab format v.in.mapgen SWIR is Low Gain 1 i.aster.toar Input vector point layer (nodes) v.net Number of floating-point subranges to collect stats from r.stats Backward least cost r.spreadpath Name of reflectance raster maps to be corrected topographically i.topo.corr Name of the elevation raster map [m] r.sim.water List available layers and exit v.in.dxf Convex hull v.hull Ávalur hjúpur Read floating-point map as integer (use map's quant rules) r.report Units r.surf.area Einingar Input raster(s) r.out.xyz Random_Surface r.random.surface Minimum number of points for approximation in a segment (>segmax) v.surf.rst List of cell values to be set to NULL r.null Filter kernel(s) r.resamp.filter Name of the sun zenith angle map [degrees] i.eb.netrad pth percentile of the values (between 1 and 100) r.in.lidar Name of blue channel i.pansharpen Name of input temperature raster map [C] i.evapo.pm Name for input raster map (blue) i.rgb.his Where to place the grid v.mkgrid Name of input raster map(s) for view no.3 r.out.mpeg Slope tolerance that defines a 'flat' surface (degrees) r.param.scale Output format is invisible = NULL, else current elev - viewpoint_elev r.viewshed Name of second raster map for blending r.blend.rgb The status for each cell, = 0 - inactive cell, 1 - active cell, 2 - dirichlet- and 3 - transfer boundary condition r.solute.transport Name of input soil heat flux raster map [W/m2] i.evapo.pt Transport capacity [kg/ms] r.sim.sediment Maximum memory to be used with -m flag (in MB) r.watershed Soil Heat Flux i.eb.soilheatflux Data type of resulting layer r.plane Raster layer(s) to report on r.report Operation to be performed v.net Only do the work if the map is floating-point r.null Source of raster values v.to.rast Second order partial derivative dxx r.slope.aspect Multiply the result by number of input points v.kernel.vect Correct the coordinates to fit the VTK-OpenGL precision v.out.vtk Names of meteorological station ETo raster maps [0-400] [mm/d or cm/d] i.evapo.time Raster map to be sampled v.what.rast X shift v.transform Name of NDVI raster map [-] i.emissivity Simulating time duration LAG (fill the region) (min) r.spread Maximum memory to be used in MB r.walk.rast Raster layer E r.mapcalc.simple Basic sampling window size needed to meet certain accuracy (3) r.spread Input lines layer v.to.points Direction in which you want to know the horizon height r.horizon Rayleigh atmosphere (diffuse sky irradiance) i.landsat.toar Soft mode (MODIS) i.albedo Geonames v.in.geonames Name of input net radiation raster map [W/m2] i.evapo.pt Landsat input rasters i.landsat.toar Color Table r.colors.out Litatafla Report for cats fp ranges (fp maps only) r.stats Name of soil sand fraction raster map [0.0-1.0] r.uslek Raster layer D r.mapcalc.simple Column name to upload points count (integer, created if doesn't exists) v.vect.stats Method for aggregate statistics v.vect.stats The size of moving window (odd and >= 3) r.texture Switch the compression off v.pack Name of light use efficiency raster map (UZB:cotton=1.9) i.biomass Use this number of time loops if the CFL flag is off. The timestep will become dt/loops. r.solute.transport Grid v.mkgrid Hnitanet Name of Day of Year raster map [1-366] i.biomass Errors v.generalize Villur Statistics v.univar Tölfræði Use Z values for filtering, but intensity values for statistics r.in.lidar Name of column used as raster category labels v.to.rast Anisotropy scaling factor v.surf.rst Sort output by distance r.distance Groundwater filter velocity vector part in y direction [m/s] r.gwflow Name of raster map to be used for <blue> r.out.ppm3 Partition v.kcv Uppskipting Name of the Mannings n raster map r.sim.water Maximum number of columns for a tile in the source projection r.tileset Name of vector map to use as mask r.mask.vect Segments v.segment Bútar Name of aerodynamic resistance to heat momentum raster map [s/m] i.eb.hsebal01 Find the best Tykhonov regularizing parameter using a "leave-one-out" cross validation method r.resamp.bspline Name of input DXF file v.in.dxf Offset for target elevation above the ground r.viewshed WHERE conditions of SQL statement without 'where' keyword v.what.rast Base raster r.stats.zonal Horizon r.horizon.height Sjóndeildarhringur Non-zero data only r.cross Resampled BSpline r.resamp.bspline Shift factor for input r.series.accumulate Allocate a full quadratic linear equation system, default is a sparse linear equation system r.gwflow Name of raster map for which to edit null values r.null 'from' feature type v.distance Name of raster map to use as mask r.mask.rast Disable loop support v.generalize Use the Courant-Friedrichs-Lewy criteria for time step calculation r.solute.transport Betweeness threshold in network generalization v.generalize Maximum distance between theoretical arc and polygon segments as multiple of buffer v.buffer Field separator for RMS report v.rectify Closeness threshold in network generalization v.generalize Factor for output smoothness v.voronoi Second order partial derivative dxy r.slope.aspect File containing category label rules r.category Renyi r.li.renyi Sampling method v.drape Söfnunaraðferð Topographic index class. Generate output for this topographic index class r.topmodel Raster layer(s) to be quantized r.quant ASCII v.in.ascii ASCII High gradient threshold for edge classification v.lidar.edgedetection Cleaned v.clean Hreinsað Sampling locations vector points r.sim.water Vertical output (instead of horizontal) v.db.select Remove NULL-value bitmap file r.null Column name to upload statistics (double, created if doesn't exists) v.vect.stats Lists of tests (1-15): e.g. 1,3-8,13 v.normal Transfer categories and attributes v.buffer Input map: accumulation map r.stream.extract Simpson r.li.simpson To WHERE conditions of SQL statement without 'where' keyword v.net.distance Print range only r.info Name of input raster map(s) for view no.4 r.out.mpeg East positive, offset from GMT r.sunmask.datetime Solar Elevation Angle r.sunhours Raster layers to be patched together r.patch Hue r.his Litblær Folder to get horizon rasters r.horizon Output raster resolution r.in.lidar Barrier r.flow Number of levels to be used for <red> r.composite Height of tiles (rows) r.tile Mean curvature raster r.resamp.rst Percentage of the points in the output of 'douglas_reduction' algorithm v.generalize Unit cost layer r.cost Value of the factor of reduction of soil noise (MSAVI2 only) i.vi Color to use instead of NULL values. Either a standard color name, R:G:B triplet, or "none" r.shade Factor for exaggerating relief r.relief Default label or format string for dynamic labeling. Used when no explicit label exists for the category r.category Maximum random value r.surf.random Angle of major axis in degrees v.parallel Raster map specifying the lower accumulation limit r.series.accumulate Minimum random value r.surf.random Maximum number of cells to be created r.random.cells Viewing elevation above the ground r.viewshed 'to' vector map v.distance Number of levels to be used for each component r.composite Resolution of output raster map r.proj Minimum number of data cells within search radius r.fill.stats Print in shell script style i.oif Multiplicative factor to convert elevation units to meters r.slope.aspect Half-basins r.watershed Input text file with category numbers/number ranges to be extracted v.extract Spread Time r.spread Row value of the dry pixel i.eb.hsebal01 Name of column with stop ids v.net.timetable The transversal dispersivity length. [m] r.solute.transport Scale factor for converting horizontal units to elevation units r.relief Name of rainfall and potential evapotranspiration data file r.topmodel Do not create attribute tables v.in.dxf Raster map containing the 100-hour fuel moisture (%) r.ros Map(s) for x coefficient r.regression.multi Perturbed v.perturb Extract skeletons for input areas v.voronoi.skeleton Name of vector points overlay file(s) nviz Use original Hargreaves (1985) i.evapo.mh Quantized raster(s) r.quant Name of raster map to calculate statistics from v.rast.stats Name of the y-derivatives raster map [m/m] r.sim.water Fixed height for 3D vector features v.to.3d Read floating-point map as integer r.describe Name of input file containing coordinate pairs r.profile Raster map from which to copy category table r.category Accumulate input values along the path r.drain Generate unformatted report r.volume Input vector layer v.transform Inntaks-vektorlag Parallel lines v.parallel Name of input diurnal net radiation raster map [W/m2/d] i.evapo.mh Name for new PPM file r.out.ppm3 Output aspect direction format r.fill.dir Inverse Fast Fourier Transform i.ifft Generalization algorithm v.generalize Use negative depth values for lake raster layer r.lake 'from' vector map v.distance Minutes r.sunhours Mínútur Montgomery exponent for slope r.stream.extract Name of existing vector map v.type Distance zone(s) (e.g. 100,200,300) r.buffer Input file format v.in.ascii Snið inntaksskráar Scale factor affects the origin (if no elevation map is given) r.out.vtk x-y extent of the Gaussian filter i.zc Use only valid points r.in.lidar Name of the diurnal net radiation map [W/m2] i.eb.eta Name of shaded relief or aspect raster map r.shade Rebalance blue channel for LANDSAT i.pansharpen Imaginary part arrays i.fft Shannon r.li.shannon Output raster map as integer i.atcorr Name of Net Radiation raster map [W/m2] i.eb.soilheatflux Name of column for 'attr' parameter (data type must be numeric) v.to.rast Only print the range of the data r.describe Threshold for double pulse in region growing v.lidar.growing Create VTK point data instead of VTK cell data r.out.vtk Disable wrapping to -180,180 for latlon output v.proj Textural measurement method(s) r.texture Name of input raster map(s) for view no.1 r.out.mpeg Do not use SOLPOS algorithm of NREL r.sunhours Random seed (SEED_MIN >= value >= SEED_MAX) (default [random]) r.random.cells Do not report no data cells r.report Name of real-sky beam radiation coefficient input raster map r.sun.insoltime Sensitivity of Gaussian filter i.zc Do not copy attribute table v.to.3d units v.report einingar The value to replace the null value by r.null Blue r.rgb Blátt For horizon rasters, read from the DEM an extra buffer westward the present region r.horizon Filter range for intensity values (min, max) r.in.lidar Name of input raster map (image fft, real part) i.ifft Bridge v.net.bridge Name of input wind speed raster map [m/s] i.evapo.pm Unique label for each watershed basin r.watershed Data value multiplier r.circle Spline tension value r.resamp.rst Time used for iterations [minutes] r.sim.water Composite r.composite Length of each spline step in the north-south direction v.surf.bspline Assign unique categories to new points v.net Output type v.out.svg Power parameter; greater values assign greater influence to closer points v.surf.idw QC Classification i.modis.qc Color rules r.colors Input layer (A) Type v.select Low threshold for terrain to object reclassification v.lidar.correction Calculate all textural measurements r.texture Category values. Example: 1,3,7-9,13 r.mask.vect Expanded r.grow Útliðað Logarithmic scaling r.colors Print averaged values instead of intervals r.stats Print minimal region extent of selected vector features instead of attributes v.db.select Water discharge [m3/s] r.sim.water Name of input vector map with training points v.kernel.vect File containing reclass rules r.reclass Preserve only every n-th point v.decimate Clump also diagonal cells r.clump Time step when computing all-day radiation sums [decimal hours] r.sun.insoltime Dip of plane r.plane Create buffer-like parallel lines v.parallel Do not create table in points mode v.in.ascii Number of quantiles r.stats.quantile.rast The coordinate of the center (east,north) r.circle Base layer to take quant rules from r.quant Stop points r.walk.points Edited v.edit Breytt Azimuth of the sun in degrees from north r.sunmask.position Name of column with route ids v.net.timetable Hour r.sunhours Klukkustund Name of output eigenvector centrality column v.net.centrality Only write new color table if it does not already exist r.colors Report v.report Skýrsla Print raw indexes of fp ranges (fp maps only) r.stats Output Directory r.stats.quantile.rast Úttaksmappa SPOT NDVI Raster i.in.spotvgt Calculate distance to nearest NULL cell r.grow.distance Rescaled r.rescale Endurkvarðað Tangential curvature raster r.resamp.rst Calculate extended statistics v.univar Tolerance of arc polylines in map units v.parallel Base layer to be reclassified r.mode LAS information r.in.lidar.info Title for error matrix and kappa r.kappa Quadrat radius v.qcount File containing weights r.neighbors Input vector line layer (arcs) v.net.visibility The type of solver which should solve the symmetric linear equation system r.gwflow Maximum number of segments per flowline r.flow Pielou r.li.pielou Do not build topology in points mode v.in.ascii Raster layer B r.mapcalc.simple Name of color table r.colors Elevation units (overrides scale factor) r.relief Copy input cell values on output r.drain Input vector point layer (flow nodes) v.net.flow Do not import every n-th point v.in.lidar Name of output degree centrality column v.net.centrality Output partial derivatives instead of topographic parameters v.surf.rst Spline smoothing parameter r.fillnulls Use the low-memory version of the program r.sun.insoltime Name of illumination input base raster map i.topo.corr Generate n points for each individual area v.random Size of processing window (odd number only, max: 69) r.param.scale Concentration of inner sources and inner sinks in [kg/s] (i.e. a chemical reaction) r.solute.transport Column value of the wet pixel i.eb.hsebal01 Raster map containing aspect (degree, CCW from E) r.ros Interpolated IDW v.surf.idw Brúað IDW Count cell numbers along the path r.drain Beautify flat areas r.watershed Aspect layer [decimal degrees] r.sun.insoltime SWIR is Low Gain 2 i.aster.toar Accumulated r.series.accumulate Uppsafnað Coordinates of outlet point r.water.outlet Output world file r.out.png Name of the flow controls raster map (permeability ratio 0-1) r.sim.water Name of raster map containing slope (degree) r.ros Classified v.lidar.correction VRML r.out.vrml VRML Use maximum likelihood estimation (instead of smap) i.smap Use geodesic calculation for longitude-latitude locations v.net.steiner VNIR is High Gain i.aster.toar TOPMODEL output r.topmodel Output file holding node sequence v.net.salesman Estimate point density and distance v.outlier Map for y coefficient r.regression.multi Calculate sun position only and exit r.sunmask.position Do not build vector topology r.to.vect Shifting value for z coordinates v.extrude Name of soil clay fraction raster map [0.0-1.0] r.uslek Output easting and northing in first two columns of four column output r.transect Blended r.blend.combine Smoothing parameter v.surf.rst Minimum radius for ring/circle map (in meters) r.circle Method used for point interpolation v.to.lines Neighbors r.neighbors Nærliggjandi Packed archive v.pack Reverse transformation; 3D vector features to 2D v.to.3d Do not copy attributes v.generalize Name of vector layer v.edit Exponent for distance weighting (0.0-4.0) r.param.scale Arc forward/both direction(s) cost column (name) v.net.bridge Flow accumulation r.terraflow Aggressive mode (Landsat) i.albedo Percent convergence i.cluster Minimum number of pixels in a class i.cluster Coordinate precision v.out.svg Nákvæmni hnita Name of albedo raster map [0.0;1.0] i.eb.soilheatflux Apply grid-based decimation v.decimate Amount of memory to use in MB r.viewshed Discard <trim> percent of the smallest and <trim> percent of the largest observations (0-50) r.in.lidar Buffer distance along minor axis in map units v.buffer Bottom surface of the aquifer in [m] r.solute.transport Use colors from color tables for NULL values r.shade Name of the transport capacity coefficient raster map [s] r.sim.sediment Unique stream ids (vect) r.stream.extract Destination projection r.tileset Suppress reporting of NULLs when all values are NULL r.stats One cell (range) per line r.stats Y-part of the hydraulic conductivity tensor in [m/s] r.gwflow GetFeature URL starting with 'http' v.in.wfs Water level (head) of the river with leakage connection in [m] r.gwflow Error matrix and kappa r.kappa Maximum radius for ring/circle map (in meters) r.circle Lines v.to.lines Línur Output distances in meters instead of map units r.grow.distance Desired north-south resolution r.resamp.rst Network_Salesman v.net.salesman Output vector map v.proj List of contour levels r.contour Sampled raster values will be multiplied by this factor v.sample Scale factor for output i.landsat.toar Create hexagons (default: rectangles) v.mkgrid Wide report (132 columns) r.kappa Name of input raster map (saturation) i.his.rgb Weighted input, do not perform the default scaling of input raster maps i.segment Raster map to query colors r.what.color Masked r.mask.vect Name of raster to drape over relief raster map r.shade hour r.sunmask.datetime klukkustund Base ROS r.ros Coordinates of starting point(s) (a list of E,N) r.walk.coords Number of column used as category v.in.ascii coordinate r.spreadpath hnit Uncompressed geonames file from (with .txt extension) v.in.geonames The piezometric head in [m] r.solute.transport Output format is invisible = 0, visible = 1 r.viewshed Maximum cumulative cost r.walk.rast Split by length v.split relate v.select Name of input E00 file v.in.e00 Dither r.composite Input from ETM+ image taken before July 1, 2000 i.atcorr Groundwater flow r.gwflow Flæði grunnvatns Feature type to convert to v.type Tiles Directory r.tile Mappa undir kortatigla Number of bins to use r.stats.quantile.rast Boundary condition status, 0-inactive, 1-active, 2-dirichlet r.gwflow Random raster r.random Calculate geometric distances instead of attribute statistics v.univar Input file with one output raster map name and sample point position per line, field separator between name and sample point is 'pipe' r.series.interp Number of cells that drain through each cell r.watershed Input points layer v.voronoi Day r.sunhours Dagur Name for sampling points output text file. r.sim.water Snap added or modified features in the given threshold to the nearest existing feature v.edit Correct the coordinates to match the VTK-OpenGL precision r.out.vtk Transport limited erosion-deposition [kg/m2s] r.sim.sediment ASTER (6 input bands:1,3,5,6,8,9) i.albedo ASTER (6 inntakstíðnir:1,3,5,6,8,9) Interpolation Grid r.resamp.bspline Name of instantaneous soil heat flux raster map [W/m2] i.eb.hsebal01 Network_Flow v.net.flow Interpolate points between line vertices v.to.points Name for output file to hold the report r.report Name of attribute column with object heights v.extrude Diffusion increase constant r.sim.water Raster map containing starting sources r.spread Name of the raster map used as mask v.surf.rst Input map is in Matlab format v.in.mapgen Modified elevation r.carve Scientific format r.report Normalize values by sum of density multiplied by length of each segment. v.kernel.vect Patch Number r.li.patchnum Flow line r.flow Histogram equalization r.colors First order partial derivative dx (E-W slope) r.slope.aspect day r.sunmask.datetime dagur Aggregated r.series Samsafnað Fractal Surface r.surf.fractal Patch Density r.li.patchdensity Create a 'flat' 2D hull even if the input is 3D points v.hull Height for sampled raster NULL values v.extrude Rast stats v.rast.stats Name of existing vector map with points v.vect.stats To Category values v.net.distance month r.sunmask.datetime mánuður Maximal tolerance value v.generalize Input rasters. Landsat4-7: bands 1,2,3,4,5,7; Landsat8: bands 2,3,4,5,6,7; MODIS: bands 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 i.tasscap Vector layer attribute column to use for comparison v.sample Coordinate for which you want to calculate the horizon r.horizon.height Input input raster layer r.grow.distance Random vector r.random Low gradient threshold for edge classification v.lidar.edgedetection Input vector v.decimate Name of the rainfall excess rate (rain-infilt) raster map [mm/hr] r.sim.water Number of levels to be used for <green> r.composite Morphometric parameter in 'size' window to calculate r.param.scale Report for cats floating-point ranges (floating-point maps only) r.report Raster map from which to copy color table r.colors Name of the Linke atmospheric turbidity coefficient input raster map r.sun.insoltime Rectified v.rectify Title for output raster map r.clump Type of column for z values v.random Stddev Colors r.colors.stddev Use intensity values rather than Z values r.in.lidar Random v.random Handahóf Only import points falling within current region (points mode) v.in.ascii Number of column used as y coordinate v.in.ascii Maximum cell value of distribution r.random.surface Print extended metadata info in shell script style v.info Always use cloud signature (step 14) i.landsat.acca POV vector v.out.pov VNIR is Low Gain 1 i.aster.toar Input raster layer with data gaps to fill r.fill.stats Month r.sunhours Mánuður Network_Distance v.net.distance Raster map containing fuel models r.ros Layer for y coefficient r.regression.line Create 3D output v.random PNG File r.out.png PNG-skrá Threshold (comma separated for each tool) v.clean From Category values v.net.distance Find unresolved areas only r.fill.dir Layer without outliers v.outlier Discretization error in map units v.kernel.vect Use SFD above this threshold r.stream.extract Threshold water depth [m] r.sim.water Inline control points v.rectify Name of input 7th channel surface reflectance map [0.0-1.0] i.vi Start angle for multidirectional horizon r.horizon OIF File i.oif Bypass second-pass processing, and merge warm (not ambiguous) and cold clouds i.landsat.acca Use formfeeds between pages r.report Raster map containing elevation (m, required for spotting) r.ros Standard deviation r.surf.gauss Staðalfrávik Name of soil silt fraction raster map [0.0-1.0] r.uslek Regularization weight in gradient evaluation v.lidar.edgedetection This method will be applied to compute the accumulative values from the input maps r.series.accumulate Number of topographic index classes r.topmodel.topidxstats For horizon rasters, read from the DEM an extra buffer eastward the present region r.horizon Aggregate operation r.series Raster map containing directions of maximal ROS (degree) r.spread Name of the attribute column with smoothing parameters v.surf.rst Direction ROS r.ros Name of vector lines/areas overlay map(s) nviz Top surface of the aquifer in [m] r.solute.transport Make NULL cells transparent r.out.png Output greyscale instead of color r.out.ppm Trace elevation v.extrude Sigma (in cells) for Gaussian filter r.neighbors Z scale v.transform Z-kvarði Refraction coefficient r.viewshed Flow path length r.flow Value to write for input cells which are non-NULL (-1 => NULL) r.grow Simulation error [m] r.sim.water Only interpolate null cells in input raster map r.resamp.bspline Number of column used as z coordinate v.in.ascii Input coded stream network raster layer r.basins.fill Increment between contour levels r.contour Method used for reclassification r.reclass.area Contours r.contour Útlínur minute r.sunmask.datetime mínúta Column name or expression v.class Name of input text file i.atcorr Raster map used for zoning, must be of type CELL r.univar Name of input movement direction map associated with the cost surface r.drain Filter radius for each filter (comma separated list of float if multiple) r.resamp.filter Ground truth training map i.gensigset Unit of measure r.coin Mælieining Network Steiner v.net.steiner Force 2D output even if input is 3D v.out.postgis Name of starting raster points map (all non-NULL cells are starting points) r.walk.rast Weighting factor for water flow velocity vector r.sim.water Resampled aggregated r.resamp.stats Sampling point position for each output map (comma separated list) r.series.interp Network Alloction v.net.alloc Vector layer containing stream(s) r.carve Biomass i.biomass Lífmassi Recharge map e.g: 6*10^-9 per cell in [m^3/s*m^2] r.gwflow Smooth corners of area features r.to.vect Threshold for cell object frequency in region growing v.lidar.growing Stream width (in meters). Default is raster cell width r.carve Name of two or more input raster maps i.pca Interpolation spline step value in east direction v.outlier Topographic correction method i.topo.corr Convert from coordinates to bearing and distance m.cogo Weigh by line length or area size v.univar Raster values to use for mask. Format: 1 2 3 thru 7 * r.mask.rast Do not build topology v.rectify Consider the effect of atmospheric refraction r.viewshed Minimum size of exterior watershed basin r.watershed Transformed v.transform Shaded r.shade Skyggt Kernel v.kernel.vect Use the current region r.describe Nota fyrirliggjandi svæði Name of annual precipitation raster map [mm/year] r.usler Column prefix for new attribute columns v.rast.stats ASCII file for add tool v.edit Minimum slope val. (in percent) for which aspect is computed r.slope.aspect Name of existing vector map with areas v.vect.stats Raster layer C r.mapcalc.simple Read the input files in this number of chunks r.sun.insoltime Set2 Category values v.net.connectivity Gain (H/L) of all Landsat ETM+ bands (1-5,61,62,7,8) i.landsat.toar Consider earth curvature (current ellipsoid) r.viewshed Network Centrality v.net.centrality MPEG file r.out.mpeg MPEG-skrá point vector defining sample points v.normal Override projection check (use current location's projection) r.in.lidar Column definition in SQL style (example: 'x double precision, y double precision, cat int, name varchar(10)') v.in.ascii Do not report cells where all maps have no data r.report Write output in degrees (default is radians) r.horizon Plane r.plane Flötur Alpha value is the order of the generalized entropy r.li.renyi Manning's n unique value r.sim.water Lower and upper accumulation limits (lower,upper) r.series.accumulate PADCV r.li.padcv PADCV Kernel function v.kernel.vect Cumulative cost r.walk.rast Uppsafnaður kostnaður Comma separated names of data layers to download v.in.wfs Neighborhood operation v.neighbors Name for new column to which partition number is written v.kcv Root Mean Square errors file v.rectify Spline tension parameter r.fillnulls Perform orthogonal 3D transformation v.rectify Node cost column (number) v.net.timetable Name of single-way transmissivity raster map [0.0-1.0] i.biomass Length (float) of each spline step in the east-west direction r.resamp.bspline Intervisibility r.viewshed Maximum query distance in map units v.what.vect Number of column used as x coordinate v.in.ascii Write each output path as one line, not as original input segments v.net.distance Atmospheric correction i.atcorr Name of attribute column(s) used as transformation parameters (Format: parameter:column, e.g. xshift:xs,yshift:ys,zrot:zr) v.transform Generalized v.generalize Second order partial derivative dyy r.slope.aspect Make outside corners straight v.buffer Set computation region to match the new raster map r.in.lidar Write output in compass orientation (default is CCW, East=0) r.horizon Force segments to be exactly of given length, except for last one v.split Sensible Heat Flux i.eb.hsebal01 Write SURFER (Golden Software) ASCII grid r.out.ascii Snapping threshold for boundaries v.overlay Quality factor (1 = highest quality, lowest compression) r.out.mpeg Print area totals r.stats Output field separator v.db.select Intensity r.his Styrkur Texture files directory r.texture Input raster map to be used as mask r.resamp.rst Category values (for Integer rasters). Example: 1,3,7-9,13 r.category.out Circles r.circle Hringir Input raster r.out.vtk Use 8 neighbors (3x3 neighborhood) instead of the default 4 neighbors for each pixel i.segment Generate vector points as 3D points r.random Name of input raster map (intensity) i.his.rgb Value of DOY for the first day of the period studied i.evapo.time Percent of disturbed land, for USLE r.watershed Name of raster map as a display backdrop r.spread Interpolation method, currently only linear interpolation is supported r.series.interp The maximum distance to consider when finding the horizon height r.horizon Input map: map with real depressions r.stream.extract Starting coordinate pair m.cogo Output at-sensor radiance instead of reflectance for all bands i.landsat.toar Clumps r.clump Type of solver which should solve the symmetric linear equation system v.surf.bspline Add comments to describe the region r.out.ppm3 Zero crossing i.zc XYZ File r.out.xyz XYZ-skrá Profile curvature v.surf.rst Converted v.in.wfs Umbreytt VTK File v.out.vtk VTK-skrá Anisotropy angle (in degrees counterclockwise from East) v.surf.rst Copy only n points v.decimate Afrita eingöngu n punkta Name of the ground albedo coefficient input raster map r.sun.insoltime Depressionless DEM r.fill.dir Sampling density for additional computing (range: 0.0 - 1.0 (0.5)) r.spread Attribute(s) to include in output SVG v.out.svg Include a category for cloud shadows i.landsat.acca 3D vector v.drape 3D-vektor Convergence factor for MFD (1-10) r.watershed Percentile to calculate (comma separated list if multiple) (requires extended statistics flag) r.univar Values to query colors for (comma separated list) r.what.color Drain r.drain Sink Category values v.net.flow Field separator. Special characters: pipe, comma, space, tab, newline r.univar Do not expect a header when reading in standard format v.in.ascii Elevation bias r.out.pov Separate output for each angle (0, 45, 90, 135) r.texture Include category labels in the output r.distance Number of passes through the dataset r.basins.fill Elevation raster map for height extraction v.drape Residual Map r.regression.multi Cover raster r.stats.zonal Height-field type (0=actual heights 1=normalized) r.out.pov Name of input atmospheric pressure raster map [millibars] i.evapo.pt Force center at zero r.colors.stddev Output integer category values, not cell values r.what.points Offset along minor axis in map units v.parallel The output data range r.rescale Object modifier (OBJECT_MODIFIER in POV-Ray documentation) v.out.pov lognormal v.normal Radius of sphere for points and tube for lines v.out.pov Bounding box for selecting features v.edit Lines are labelled m.cogo Network_Components_Point v.net.components Number of quantization steps r.describe The input data range to be rescaled r.rescale Input vector line layer (network) v.net.flow Scaling factor for attribute column values v.buffer First order partial derivative dy (N-S slope) r.slope.aspect Interpolated spline v.surf.bspline Alternate spatial reference system v.in.wfs Name of attribute column(s) to be exported v.out.ascii Value of DOY for the last day of the period studied i.evapo.time Sampling intervals (by row and col) i.cluster The name of the column whose values are to be used as new categories v.reclass Use only first point in grid cell during grid-based decimation v.decimate y_input r.spreadpath Elevation layer [meters] r.sun.insoltime Round floating point data r.quant The number of points to allocate r.random Civil time zone value, if none, the time will be local solar time r.sun.insoltime Weight according to area (slower) r.resamp.stats Clustered v.cluster Read fp map as integer (use map's quant rules) r.stats Name of input raster map containing longitudes [decimal degrees] r.sun.insoltime Only import points of selected class(es) (comma separated integers) v.in.lidar Lambda coefficients for combining walking energy and friction cost r.walk.rast Evaporative Fraction i.eb.evapfr Sampled v.what.rast Arc type v.net String to represent null cell (GRASS grid only) r.out.ascii Ignore values outside this range (min,max) r.series.accumulate Sort the result (ascending, descending) v.report Operator to use v.select Mapgen v.in.mapgen Name of instantaneous net radiation raster map [W/m2] i.eb.hsebal01 Do not align the current region to the elevation layer r.slope.aspect Fractal dimension of surface (2 < D < 3) r.surf.fractal B45ratio: Desert detection (step 10) i.landsat.acca The distance between two samples (>= 1) r.texture Threshold for connecting nodes to the network (in map unit) v.net.distance Names of satellite ETa raster maps [mm/d or cm/d] i.evapo.time Dissolved v.dissolve Sambrætt Only do the work if the map is integer r.null Overlay v.overlay Yfirlag Elevation layer r.out.vrml Hæðarlag Null value indicator v.db.select Output is the interpolation error r.surf.idw Image creation date (yyyy-mm-dd) i.landsat.toar Name of background vector map v.edit Typed v.type Print map region only v.info Set the flow stabilizing scheme (full or exponential upwinding). r.solute.transport Input thinned ridge network raster layer r.basins.fill Column to be updated with the query result v.what.vect X Back Coordinates r.spread Input vector line layer containing visible points v.net.visibility Number of intermediate images to produce r.surf.fractal Raster layer A r.mapcalc.simple WHERE condition of SQL statement without 'where' keyword' v.net.allpairs Solute Transport r.solute.transport Albedo i.albedo Cluster separation i.cluster Percent of map to keep in memory r.in.lidar Print category labels r.stats Page width r.report Breidd síðu Feature type v.net.bridge Tegund fitju Number of cells between flowlines r.flow Name of attribute column(s), comma separated v.db.select Maximum dangle length of skeletons (-1 will extract the center line) v.voronoi.skeleton Name for output raster map (comma separated list if multiple) r.series.interp Scale to apply to intensity values r.in.lidar Basin r.water.outlet Drainage direction r.watershed Blended Blue r.blend.rgb No flat areas allowed in flow direction r.carve Import subregion only v.in.lidar Value to calculate v.report Only 'terrain' points v.lidar.correction Use closest color r.composite Buildings v.lidar.growing Byggingar Name of input elevation raster map r.walk.rast Only one point per cat in grid cell v.decimate Width and height of boxes in grid v.mkgrid Name of input elevation raster map [m a.s.l.] i.evapo.pm Area r.surf.area Svæði Name of soil organic matter raster map [0.0-1.0] r.uslek Constrain model through central window cell r.param.scale Morphometric parameter r.param.scale Conversion factor from units to meters in source projection r.tileset Formula r.mapcalc.simple Formúla Filled r.fillnulls Fyllt Max ROS r.ros Column name of points map to use for statistics v.vect.stats Distance v.distance Fjarlægð Segmentation method i.segment Data is Landsat-5 TM i.landsat.acca Print cell counts r.stats Minimum input data value to include in interpolation r.fill.stats Quantile to calculate for method=quantile r.series Maximum distance to neighbors v.cluster Stream power index a * tan(b) r.watershed Name of raster map to be used for <green> r.out.ppm3 Output header row r.what.points Azimuth of the plane r.plane Name of the difference map of temperature from surface skin to about 2 m height [K] i.eb.netrad Clustering method v.cluster From WHERE conditions of SQL statement without 'where' keyword v.net.distance Mean Patch Size r.li.mps Estimates Map r.regression.multi Invert selection by layers (don't import layers in list) v.in.dxf X scale v.transform X-kvarði Real part arrays i.fft Layer to clean v.clean Lag sem á að hreinsa Character representing no data cell value r.report Maximum number of iteration used to solver the linear equation system r.gwflow Print only class breaks (without min and max) v.class Name of degree latitude raster map [dd.ddd] i.biomass Report null objects as * r.distance Use the 'Knight's move'; slower, but more accurate r.walk.rast Reprojected raster r.proj Name of file containing start and end points v.net.path Distance filter remains flat before beginning exponent r.random.surface Name for input raster map (green) i.rgb.his Print raster array information in shell script style r.info Input layer (B) Type v.select Name of fPAR raster map i.biomass Constant elevation (if no elevation map is specified) r.out.vtk Coordinates of starting point(s) (E,N) r.cost Minimum number of cells in a segment i.segment The initial piezometric head in [m] r.gwflow Network_Allpairs v.net.allpairs Maximum memory to be used (in MB) v.to.rast Landsat 5+7 (6 input bands:1,2,3,4,5,7) i.albedo Landsat 5+7 (6 inntakstíðnir:1,2,3,4,5,7) Category number mode v.build.polylines Make outside corners round v.parallel Name for output ASCII file or ASCII vector name if '-o' is defined v.out.ascii Name of color definition column (with RRR:GGG:BBB entries) v.to.rast Name of input file containing signatures i.smap Name of input blue channel surface reflectance map [0.0-1.0] i.vi Elevation coordinate of a point on the plane r.plane Percentage weight of first map for color blending r.blend.rgb Name of second raster map r.coin Northing coordinate (point of interest) r.sunmask.position Name of the detachment capacity coefficient raster map [s/m] r.sim.sediment Import only every n-th point v.in.lidar Floating point range: dmin,dmax r.quant Raster layer with starting point(s) (at least 1 cell > 0) r.lake Thinned r.thin Þynnt Output values as percentages r.colors.out Use polydata-vertices for elevation grid creation r.out.vtk Multiply the density result by this number v.kernel.vect MAT File r.out.mat MAT-skrá CWED r.li.cwed CWED Use a full filled quadratic linear equation system, default is a sparse linear equation system. r.solute.transport Generate recode rules based on quantile-defined intervals r.quantile Logarithmic-absolute scaling r.colors The calculation time in seconds r.gwflow Set1 Category values v.net.connectivity Input cover raster layer r.random Metric r.grow Metrakerfi Name of sensible heat flux raster map [W/m2] i.eb.evapfr Slope factor determines travel energy cost per height step r.walk.rast Add points on nodes v.net.components Produces shell script output r.tileset No. of day of the year (1-365) r.sun.insoltime Reclassified v.reclass Produces web map server query string output r.tileset Data point position for each input map r.series.interp Updated v.what.vect Uppfært Generate binary raster map r.circle Edges v.lidar.edgedetection Brúnir Write MODFLOW (USGS) ASCII array r.out.ascii Input feature type v.what.rast Angle step size for multidirectional horizon r.horizon Satellite sensor i.tasscap Name of input minimum air temperature raster map [C] i.evapo.mh Only do the work if the map doesn't have a NULL-value bitmap file r.null Use circular neighborhood r.neighbors Buffer distance in map units v.buffer Landscape structure configuration file r.li.simpson Patched r.patch Number of times to repeat the filter r.mfilter Filter radius (vertical) for each filter (comma separated list of float if multiple) r.resamp.filter Name of input green channel surface reflectance map [0.0-1.0] i.vi Calculate and store the groundwater filter velocity vector part in y direction [m/s] r.solute.transport Attribute column v.normal Spotting Distance r.ros Maximum length of surface flow, for USLE r.watershed The y-part of the hydraulic conductivity tensor in [m/s] r.solute.transport Temporal integration i.evapo.time Arc backward direction cost column (number) v.net.timetable Desired east-west resolution r.resamp.rst Turn on cache reporting r.what.points Export PostGIS topology instead of simple features v.out.postgis Storage type for resultant raster map r.in.lidar Locations of real depressions r.watershed Rescaling range for output maps. For no rescaling use 0,0 i.pca Raster Values File r.what.points Length (float) of each spline step in the north-south direction r.resamp.bspline Band number of MODIS product (mod09Q1=[1,2],mod09A1=[1-7],m[o/y]d09CMG=[1-7], mcd43B2q=[1-7]) i.modis.qc Difference in x,y,z direction for moving feature or vertex v.edit LiDAR input files in LAS format (*.las or *.laz) v.in.lidar LiDAR-inntaksskrár á LAS-sniði (*.las or *.laz) Name of raster map to which apply the mask r.mask.vect Slope raster r.resamp.rst Look-ahead parameter v.generalize Degree threshold in network generalization v.generalize Number of significant digits r.out.vtk Report zero distance if rasters are overlapping r.distance Output triangulation as a graph (lines), not areas v.delaunay Additional stream depth (in meters) r.carve Name of the critical shear stress raster map [Pa] r.sim.sediment Maximum visibility radius. By default infinity (-1) r.viewshed Scale to apply to z data r.in.lidar Automatic wet/dry pixel (careful!) i.eb.hsebal01 Write raster values as z coordinate r.to.vect The leakage coefficient of the drainage bed in [1/s] r.gwflow 3D v.to.3d 3D Slope v.surf.rst Hallatala Type of components v.net.components Name of two input raster for computing inter-class distances r.distance Name of precipitation raster map [mm/month] i.evapo.mh Use scale dependent tension v.surf.rst Maximum segment length v.split Try to calculate an optimal radius with given 'radius' taken as maximum (experimental) v.kernel.vect Starting value and step for z bulk-labeling. Pair: value,step (e.g. 1100,10) v.edit Raster layer F r.mapcalc.simple Name of input maximum air temperature raster map [C] i.evapo.mh Name of input average air temperature raster map [C] i.evapo.mh Red r.rgb Rautt Restrict points to areas in input vector v.random Minimum pixels to consider digital number as dark object i.landsat.toar Arc forward/both direction(s) cost column (number) v.net.timetable PPM r.out.ppm PPM 3D Vector v.extrude Enhanced Green i.pansharpen Apply post-processing filter to remove small holes i.landsat.acca Delete stream segments shorter than cells r.stream.extract Statistic to use for raster values r.in.lidar For horizon rasters, read from the DEM an extra buffer southward the present region r.horizon Vector points layer v.qcount Delaunay triangulation v.delaunay Delaunay þríhyrningamæling Invert colors r.colors Reset to standard color range i.colors.enhance Cleaning tool v.clean Name of raster map to use for masking. Only cells that are not NULL and not zero are interpolated r.resamp.bspline Cropping intensity (upper brightness level) i.colors.enhance Information v.info Upplýsingar Name of input relative humidity raster map [%] i.evapo.pm Cover values extracted from the category labels of the cover map r.stats.zonal Input vector to reproject v.proj Clumps layer (preferably the output of r.clump) r.volume Water level r.lake Vatnsyfirborð second r.sunmask.datetime sekúnda Solar Azimuth Angle r.sunhours Stefnuhorn sólar Solar azimuth in degrees i.topo.corr.ill Stefnuhorn sólar í gráðum Color rules file r.colors Filtering option v.outlier Name of vector map v.build.check Heiti vektorkorts Print extended metadata information in shell script style r.info Lower left easting and northing coordinates of map v.mkgrid Length units v.split Lengdareiningar New coordinate reference system v.proj Interpolation spline step value in north direction v.outlier Shadows r.sunmask.position Skuggar Name of output closeness centrality column v.net.centrality Value of the slope of the soil line (MSAVI2 only) i.vi Elevation raster layer [meters] r.sunmask.position Centroids r.volume Þyngdarpunktar Name of TOPMODEL parameters file r.topmodel Network_Iso v.net.iso Allow only horizontal and vertical flow of water r.watershed Sediment flux [kg/ms] r.sim.sediment Input visibility raster map in km (optional) i.atcorr Use only points in current region v.normal Compute upslope flowlines instead of default downhill flowlines r.flow Coefficients for walking energy formula parameters a,b,c,d r.walk.rast Y Back Coordinates r.spread Query tool v.edit Neighborhood diameter in map units v.neighbors Filter range for z data (min, max) r.in.lidar Vector points to be spatially perturbed v.perturb Tileset r.tileset Tíglasett Interpolated rasters r.series.interp Maximum number of sub-signatures in any class i.gensigset Also import quality map (SM status map layer) and filter NDVI map i.in.spotvgt Snakes beta parameter v.generalize Flow direction r.terraflow Input layers v.patch Inntakslög Subtract raster values from the Z coordinates r.in.lidar Create inverse mask r.mask.vect Number of cells tiles should overlap in each direction r.tileset Name for output PostGIS datasource v.out.postgis Enable disk swap memory option (-m): Operation is slow r.watershed Minimum number of points to create a cluster v.cluster The relaxation parameter used by the jacobi and sor solver for speedup or stabilizing r.solute.transport Output shaded relief layer r.relief Resultant raster r.stats.zonal Ignore the map extent of DXF file v.in.dxf Name of red channel i.pansharpen Name of input air temperature raster map [K] i.evapo.pt Name of USLE R equation r.usler Layer number or name with walking connections v.net.timetable Maximum z height for 3D output v.random Input point layer (nodes) v.net.spanningtree Maximum number of iteration used to solve the linear equation system v.surf.bspline Desired new category value (enter -1 to keep original categories) v.extract Exclude border edges r.li.edgedensity Elevation raster for height extraction v.extrude Raster Value File r.what.coords GRIDATB r.out.gridatb Watersheds r.basins.fill The horizon information input map basename r.sun.insoltime The height of the river bed in [m] r.gwflow Dry/Wet pixels coordinates are in image projection, not row/col i.eb.hsebal01 Units of distance r.buffer Do not create attribute table v.voronoi NOAA AVHRR (2 input bands:1,2) i.albedo NOAA AVHRR (2 inntakstíðnir:1,2) Kernel radius in map units v.kernel.vect Name of QC type to extract i.modis.qc Nearest v.distance Method of object-based statistic r.stats.zonal The value of the patch type r.li.edgedensity Movement Directions r.walk.rast Skip earlier feature IDs and start downloading at this one v.in.wfs Raster map containing maximal spotting distance (m, required with -s) r.spread MODIS (7 input bands:1,2,3,4,5,6,7) i.albedo MODIS (7 inntakstíðnir:1,2,3,4,5,6,7) Scale factor for input r.series.accumulate Format for reporting the slope r.slope.aspect Skip first n points v.in.lidar Name of raster map containing wind directions (degree) r.ros Number of points to be created v.random Y scale v.transform Ignore zero (0) data cells instead of NULL cells r.buffer Enable Single Flow Direction (D8) flow (default is Multiple Flow Direction) r.watershed Altitude of the sun in degrees above the horizon r.sunmask.position Landsat 8 (7 input bands:1,2,3,4,5,6,7) i.albedo Landsat 8 (7 inntakstíðnir:1,2,3,4,5,6,7) Three (r,g,b) raster maps to create RGB values r.out.vtk Routing using SFD (D8) direction r.terraflow Color using standard deviation bands r.colors.stddev Sampling distance step coefficient r.horizon Minimum flow accumulation for streams r.stream.extract Erosion-deposition [kg/m2s] r.sim.sediment The x-part of the hydraulic conductivity tensor in [m/s] r.solute.transport Rescale output raster map [0,255] i.atcorr Distribution mean r.surf.gauss Perform 3D transformation v.rectify Maximum number of rows for a tile in the source projection r.tileset Source projection r.tileset Slide of computed point toward the original point v.generalize Create grid of points instead of areas and centroids v.mkgrid Input vector point layer (first set of nodes) v.net.connectivity Size of point cache r.what.points Seed for random number generation v.random Regression coefficients r.regression.multi Maximum input data value to include in interpolation r.fill.stats Sampling interpolation method v.sample Mean curvature v.surf.rst Mosaic Raster i.image.mosaic Set negative ETa to zero i.evapo.pt Raster map to be queried r.transect Output is radiance (W/m2) i.aster.toar End angle for multidirectional horizon r.horizon Column name of nearest feature (used with upload=to_attr) v.distance Output text file m.cogo Resampled interpolated r.resamp.interp Fixed height for 3D vector objects v.extrude Name of the water depth raster map [m] r.sim.sediment Sun elevation in degrees i.landsat.toar X-part of the hydraulic conductivity tensor in [m/s] r.gwflow Name of input file m.cogo Interpolated RST v.surf.rst Modify only first found feature in bounding box v.edit Generate points also for NULL category r.random Blended Green r.blend.rgb Copy also attribute table v.patch Node method v.kernel.vect Raster map containing the 1-hour fuel moisture (%) r.ros Suppress reporting of any NULLs r.stats Include no data values r.out.xyz Costs for isolines v.net.iso Column for Z values v.random ASCII file to be imported v.in.lines Store only the coordinates, throw away categories v.decimate Creation options v.out.postgis Valkostir fyrir gerð Raster map containing the 10-hour fuel moisture (%) r.ros Create reclass map with statistics as category labels r.stats.zonal Buffer v.buffer Jaðar Input from ETM+ image taken after July 1, 2000 i.atcorr Input raster layer to fill r.fillnulls Network_Path v.net.path Print topology information only v.info Day of Year of satellite overpass [0-366] i.aster.toar Lidar v.in.lidar Sink-watershed r.terraflow USLE R Raster r.usler Scale factor sampled raster values v.extrude Filter radius (horizontal) for each filter (comma separated list of float if multiple) r.resamp.filter Name of starting raster points map r.cost Parameter(s) of distribution (uniform: maximum; normal: mean and stddev) v.perturb Type of output aspect and slope layer r.slope.aspect Cross product r.cross Length of each spline step in the east-west direction v.surf.bspline The input raster map is a cost surface (direction surface must also be specified) r.drain Power coefficient for IDW interpolation r.fill.stats Category values v.net.steiner Name of the attribute column with values to be used for approximation v.surf.rst Name of the x-derivatives raster map [m/m] r.sim.water Recoded r.recode Reverse selection v.select Multiband raster i.group Margtíðnisviða rasti Preserve only n points per grid cell v.decimate Algorithm to use for classification v.class 3-D lengths instead of 2-D r.flow Name of input bounding/constraining raster map i.segment Number of levels to be used for <blue> r.composite Network Visibility v.net.visibility Easting coordinate of a point on the plane r.plane Do not export attribute table v.out.postgis Keep null values in output raster layer r.walk.rast Force 2D clustering v.cluster Consider spotting effect (for wildfires) r.spread Emissivity i.emissivity 'to' feature type v.distance Time-series output r.sim.water List of percentiles r.stats.quantile.rast Raster map containing maximal ROS (cm/min) r.spread The methods to use v.rast.stats Field separator. Special characters: pipe, comma, space, tab, newlineString representing NULL value r.what.points Name of input net solar radiation raster map [MJ/m2/h] i.evapo.pm Scale factor for elevation v.out.vtk Cost allocation map r.cost Vector map to be queried v.what.vect Filter file r.mfilter Calculation time (in seconds) r.solute.transport Coordinates of stopping point(s) (a list of E,N) r.walk.coords Input layer (B) v.select Distance decay exponent r.random.surface Voronoi v.voronoi Name of vector polygon map v.rast.stats Do not automatically add unique ID as category to each point v.in.lidar First pulse vector layer v.lidar.growing Terrain blocking overland surface flow, for USLE r.watershed Cover raster layer r.statistics Align the current region to the input raster map r.recode Saturation r.his Litmettun Output will be filtered input bands i.pca Richness r.li.richness Do not make caps at the ends of polylines v.buffer Univariate results r.univar Throw away every n-th point v.decimate Topological errors v.build.check Resampled RST r.resamp.rst Minimum distance or -1.0 for no limit v.distance Width of hole edge used for interpolation (in cells) r.fillnulls Perform cross-validation procedure without raster approximation [leave this option as True] v.surf.rst.cvdev Root Zone Soil Moisture i.eb.evapfr Random seed (SEED_MIN >= value >= SEED_MAX) r.random.surface Illumination Model i.topo.corr.ill Vegetation Index i.vi Input vector map v.db.select Name of topographic index statistics file r.topmodel Maximum distance from point to network v.kernel.vect Interpolation method to use r.proj Vertical scale r.surf.area Lóðréttur kvarði Angle of rotation (in degrees counter-clockwise) v.mkgrid Suppress warnings m.cogo Print correlation matrix r.covar Print x and y (column and row) r.stats Name of the emissivity map [-] i.eb.netrad Radius of buffer in raster cells r.grow Lidar Raster r.in.lidar A single value of the orientation (aspect), 270 is south r.sun.insoltime Concentration sources and sinks bounded to a water source or sink in [kg/s] r.solute.transport Name of the Mannings n value r.sim.sediment Percent of solar radiance in path radiance i.landsat.toar Maximum segment length in meters in output vector map v.proj Name of file that contains the weight to calculate the index r.li.cwed Input map: elevation map r.stream.extract Start points r.walk.points Filter range for z data (min,max) v.decimate Elevation r.watershed Hæð Input altitude raster map in m (optional) i.atcorr Polygon for selecting features v.edit Network_Components_Line v.net.components Name of output povray file (TGA height field file) r.out.pov Statistic for interpolated cell values r.fill.stats List of point coordinates v.edit High threshold for object to terrain reclassification v.lidar.correction Name of input crop height raster map [m] i.evapo.pm Use line nodes or vertices only v.to.points Input raster layer r.to.vect Name of base raster map r.stats.quantile.rast Integer range: min,max r.quant Input raster layer(s) r.series Preserve relative colors, adjust brightness only i.colors.enhance Z shift v.transform List of layers to import v.in.dxf Calculate and store the groundwater filter velocity vector part in x direction [m/s] r.solute.transport Name of input raster map containing latitudes [decimal degrees] r.sun.insoltime Use positive flow accumulation even for likely underestimates r.watershed Coordinates for query (east, north) r.what.coords Raster layer with rasterized contours r.surf.contour Ignore broken line(s) in points mode v.in.ascii Name of column with walk lengths v.net.timetable Tool v.edit Set2 WHERE conditions of SQL statement without 'where' keyword v.net.connectivity Name of column with stop timestamps v.net.timetable Process bands serially (default: run in parallel) i.pansharpen Vinna tíðnisvið hliðrænt (sjálfgefið: keyra samhliða) Name of vector points map for which to edit attributes v.what.vect Value of water availability raster map [0.0-1.0] i.biomass Attributes v.db.select Eigindi Name of input vector map to pack v.pack Name of raster maps(s) r.colors Name of soil heat flux raster map [W/m2] i.eb.evapfr Name of input vector map v.univar Raster map specifying the upper accumulation limit r.series.accumulate Maximum distance between points on isoline (to insert additional points) v.surf.rst Number of values printed before wrapping a line (only SURFER or MODFLOW format) r.out.ascii GRASS Ascii r.out.ascii Column name v.univar Heiti dálks Sediment concentration [particle/m3] r.sim.sediment incidence angle raster map r.sun.incidout x_input r.spreadpath Maximum distance or -1.0 for no limit v.distance DTM from contours r.surf.contour Coordinates of stopping point(s) (E,N) r.cost Minimum z height for 3D output v.random Force output to 'double' raster map type (DCELL) r.recode Weighting factor for each input map, default value is 1.0 r.series Aspect raster r.resamp.rst Remove existing color table r.colors Signature File i.gensigset Uncertainty Map r.fill.stats Minimum contour level r.contour Cumulative percent importance for filtering i.pca Normality v.normal Segmented Raster i.segment Vector layer defining sample points v.sample Input file with one input raster map name and data point position per line, field separator between name and sample point is 'pipe' r.series.interp Error break criteria for iterative solvers (jacobi, sor, cg or bicgstab) r.gwflow Transect definition: east,north,azimuth,distance[,east,north,azimuth,distance,...] r.transect Maximum contour level r.contour Wide report, 132 columns (default: 80) r.coin Input elevation layer r.topidx Maximum distance of spatial correlation (value(s) >= 0.0) r.random.cells Name of the Day Of Year (DOY) map [-] i.eb.netrad SFD (D8) flow (default is MFD) r.terraflow Coordinate identifying the viewing position r.viewshed Covariance report r.covar Use the extent of the input for the raster extent r.in.lidar HAPEX-Sahel empirical correction (Roerink, 1995) i.eb.soilheatflux Value of the height independent friction velocity (u*) [m/s] i.eb.hsebal01 Minimum angle between two consecutive segments in Hermite method v.generalize Overlapping Windows v.surf.rst Use polydata-trianglestrips for elevation grid creation r.out.vtk Transect file r.transect Declination value (overriding the internally computed value) [radians] r.sun.insoltime Name of input raster layer r.surf.idw Layer Number v.db.select Number of vertex points per grid cell v.mkgrid Name of input nir channel surface reflectance map [0.0-1.0] i.vi Stream segments r.watershed Centers point layer (nodes) v.net.timetable Selected v.select Valið Quadtree Segmentation v.surf.rst The type of solver which should solve the linear equation system r.solute.transport Name of Surface temperature raster map [K] i.eb.soilheatflux Layer for x coefficient r.regression.line Input raster to reproject r.proj Solar zenith in degrees i.topo.corr Categories layer r.mode Name of input SPOT VGT NDVI HDF file i.in.spotvgt Arc backward direction cost column (name) v.net.bridge Sampling distance step coefficient (0.5-1.5) r.sun.insoltime Movement directions r.cost Compression level of PNG file (0 = none, 1 = fastest, 9 = best) r.out.png Name of first raster map r.coin Maximum distance to the network v.net.path Initial number of classes (1-255) i.cluster Dominance r.li.dominance Include column names in output (points mode) v.out.ascii Profile coordinate pairs r.profile Don't index points by raster cell v.surf.idw Curvature tolerance that defines 'planar' surface r.param.scale Coincidence report r.coin Longitude output r.latlong Tension parameter v.surf.rst Name of input raster map containing friction costs r.walk.rast Name of input raster map (hue) i.his.rgb String representing no data cell value r.stats Input raster map converted to reflectance (default is radiance) i.atcorr Aspect v.surf.rst Ásýnd Network_Cut v.net.flow Information report v.info LatLong r.latlong Do not ignore zero elevation r.sunmask.position Multiplier for z-values r.resamp.rst Categories r.describe Flokkar Name of green channel i.pansharpen Value option that sets the area size limit [hectares] r.reclass.area Create a FCELL map (floating point single precision) as output r.series.accumulate Tykhonov regularization weight v.outlier Cross Validation Errors v.surf.rst.cvdev The initial concentration in [kg/m^3] r.solute.transport NReport v.net.nreport Print types/names of table columns for specified layer instead of info v.info Name of input raster map representing data that will be summed within clumps r.volume Number of fp subranges to collect stats from r.report Output format (printf-style) r.what.color Show the category labels of the grid cell(s) r.what.points Atmospheric correction method i.landsat.toar The type of groundwater flow r.gwflow Percent to brighten r.shade Vertical scaling factor r.param.scale Name of input raster map(s) i.oif Green r.rgb Grænt Name of existing 3d raster map nviz Cost assigned to null cells. By default, null cells are excluded r.walk.rast LAS input file r.in.lidar Northing coordinate of a point on the plane r.plane Maximum memory to be used (in MB). Cache size for raster rows r.resamp.bspline Runtime statistics r.terraflow Conversion factor for values used for approximation v.surf.rst Field separator v.out.ascii Blended Red r.blend.rgb Propagate NULLs r.series Import polyface meshes as 3D wire frame v.in.dxf SVG File v.out.svg input raster layer r.grow Do not perform region cropping optimization r.proj Name of the input slope raster map (terrain slope or solar panel inclination) [decimal degrees] r.sun.insoltime Bounding boxes v.patch Umgjarðir Maximum length of segment on network v.kernel.vect Input raster maps use as extension the number of the band instead the code i.landsat.toar The y-part of the diffusion tensor in [m^2/s] r.solute.transport Unique stream ids (rast) r.stream.extract Overlap of tiles r.tile Water depth [m] r.sim.water Name of output vector v.in.e00 Output tessellation as a graph (lines), not areas v.voronoi Mean Pixel Attribute r.li.mpa Raster map containing midflame wind velocities (ft/min) r.ros Assume z coordinate is ellipsoidal height and transform if possible v.proj Mode r.mode Hamur Maximum number of points in a segment v.surf.rst Name of surface temperature raster map [K] i.eb.netrad Row value of the wet pixel i.eb.hsebal01 Name of column used to dissolve common boundaries v.dissolve Only import points of selected return type v.in.lidar Angle range for same direction detection v.lidar.edgedetection Name of file containing initial signatures i.cluster Base raster layer r.statistics Input raster map containing smoothing r.resamp.rst Difference threshold between 0 and 1 i.segment Sparse points layer v.surf.bspline Slope steepness (S) factor for USLE r.watershed Colors file r.what.color The height of the drainage bed in [m] r.gwflow Reclass rules text (if rule file not used) r.reclass Name for output PostGIS layer v.out.postgis Number of iterations v.generalize Name of Landsat metadata file (.met or MTL.txt) i.landsat.toar Extend colors to full range of data on each channel i.colors.enhance Offset along major axis in map units v.parallel Insolation time [h] r.sun.insoltime Maximum number of vertices in segment v.split Maximum number of features to download v.in.wfs Angle step size for multidirectional horizon [degrees] r.sun.insoltime Network v.net Netkerfi Name of input raster map (image fft, imaginary part) i.ifft Print grid coordinates (east and north) r.stats Number of significant digits (floating point only) v.out.vtk Similarity calculation method i.segment Name of elevation raster map r.terraflow Cumulative error tolerance for eigenvector centrality v.net.centrality ACCA Raster i.landsat.acca Minimum deviation in map units v.perturb Use base raster resolution instead of computational region r.in.lidar Polylines v.build.polylines Name of NDVI raster map [-1.0;+1.0] i.eb.soilheatflux Source WHERE conditions of SQL statement without 'where' keyword v.net.flow Input lines v.parallel Name of vector points layer for query r.what.points Amount of overland flow per cell r.watershed Name of cover raster map r.stats.quantile.rast Number of random categories matching vector objects to extract v.extract Rescaled equalized r.rescale.eq Sunshine Hours r.sunhours Use zero (0) for transparency instead of NULL r.patch Rectification polynomial order v.rectify Input vector (v.lidar.edgedetection output) v.lidar.growing Minimum number of points for a contour line (0 -> no limit) r.contour Profile curvature raster r.resamp.rst Dissolve common boundaries v.extract Interpolate values from the nearest four cells v.what.rast Distribution of perturbation v.perturb Name of the evaporative fraction map i.eb.eta Value to represent no data cell r.out.vtk Outliers v.outlier Column value of the dry pixel i.eb.hsebal01 Maximum number of iterations r.thin Name for input raster map (red) i.rgb.his Landscape structure configuration r.li.simpson Water diffusion constant r.sim.water Side v.parallel Hlið Three (x,y,z) raster maps to create vector values r.out.vtk Least cost path r.drain Input raster layer to thin r.thin Edge Density r.li.edgedensity Time interval for creating output maps [minutes] r.sim.water Uniformly distributed cell values r.random.surface Close added boundaries (using threshold distance) v.edit Retardation factor [-] r.solute.transport To feature type v.net.distance Snap points to network v.net For horizon rasters, read from the DEM an extra buffer around the present region r.horizon Reject Threshold i.maxlik Name of input surface reflectance QC layer [bit array] i.modis.qc Number of classes to define v.class Vertical exaggeration r.out.vrml Name of input topographic index raster map r.topmodel.topidxstats NullRaster r.null Azimuth of the sun in degrees to the east of north r.relief Value of the actual vapour pressure (e_act) [KPa] i.eb.hsebal01 Layer number or name ('-1' for all layers) v.buffer Add new vertices, but do not split v.split Name of output betweenness centrality column v.net.centrality Statistics File r.stats.quantile.out Number of interpolation points v.surf.idw Tangential curvature v.surf.rst Sun elevation angle (degrees, < 90.0) i.aster.toar Error break criteria for iterative solver v.surf.bspline Topographic index ln(a / tan(b)) r.watershed Deviations v.surf.rst Resolution along profile r.profile Output vector v.surf.bspline Suppress page headers r.report Do not incorporate the shadowing effect of terrain r.sun.insoltime Specific yield in [1/m] r.gwflow Regularization weight in residual evaluation v.lidar.edgedetection Seed point coordinates r.lake Use structured grid for elevation (not recommended) r.out.vtk Minimal difference of z values v.decimate Names of ASTER DN layers (15 layers) i.aster.toar Vector layer containing starting point(s) r.drain Name of raster map to be used for <red> r.out.ppm3 Do not expect header of input data v.edit Use Hargreaves-Samani (1985) i.evapo.mh Name of attribute column to be updated with the query result v.what.rast Name of raster map to be used for high resolution panchromatic channel i.pansharpen Force output of integer values r.out.ascii Interpret distance as map units, not number of cells (Do not select with geodetic coordinates) r.fill.stats Minimum distance between points (to remove almost identical points) v.surf.rst Column to be queried v.what.vect Makes each output cell value a function of the values assigned to the corresponding cells in the input raster layers. Input rasters layers/bands must be separated in different data sources. r.series A single value of inclination (slope) r.sun.insoltime Calculates geomorphons (terrain forms) and associated geometry using machine vision approach. r.geomorphon Use extended form correction r.geomorphon Use meters to define search units (default is cells) r.geomorphon Inner search radius r.geomorphon Most common geomorphic forms r.geomorphon Input polygons layer v.voronoi.skeleton Creates a Voronoi diagram (or compute the center line or the skeleton) from an input vector layer containing polygons. v.voronoi.skeleton Outer search radius r.geomorphon Flatness distance, zero for none r.geomorphon Flatness threshold (degrees) r.geomorphon r.sun.insoltime - Solar irradiance and irradiation model (daily sums). r.sun.insoltime Beam irradiance [W.m-2] r.sun.incidout Global (total) irradiance/irradiation [W.m-2] r.sun.incidout Irradiation raster map [Wh.m-2.day-1] r.sun.insoltime r.sun.incidout - Solar irradiance and irradiation model ( for the set local time). r.sun.incidout Local (solar) time (decimal hours) r.sun.incidout Diffuse irradiance [W.m-2] r.sun.incidout Ground reflected irradiance [W.m-2] r.sun.incidout Irradiance/irradiation raster map [Wh.m-2.day-1] r.sun.insoltime The longitudinal dispersivity length. [m] r.solute.transport Grid Create grid grid,lines,polygons,vector,create,fishnet,diamond,hexagon Vector creation Gerð vektora Point Punktur Line Lína Rectangle (polygon) Rétthyrningur (fláki) Diamond (polygon) Tígull (fláki) Hexagon (polygon) Sexhyrningur (fláki) Grid type Gerð hnitanets Grid extent Kortvídd nets Horizontal spacing Lárétt millibil Vertical spacing Lóðrétt millibil Horizontal overlay Lárétt yfirlögn Vertical overlay Lóðrétt yfirlögn Grid Hnitanet Invalid grid spacing: {0}/{1} Ógild bil hnitanets: {0}/{1} Horizontal spacing is too large for the covered area Invalid overlay: {0}/{1} Ógild yfirlögn: {0}/{1} Vertical spacing is too large for the covered area To preserve symmetry, hspacing is fixed relative to vspacing hspacing is fixed at: {0} and hoverlay is fixed at: {1} hoverlay cannot be negative. Increase hoverlay. GridAverage Point layer Punktalag Z value from field The first radius of search ellipse The second radius of search ellipse Angle of search ellipse rotation in degrees (counter clockwise) Minimum number of data points to use NODATA marker to fill empty points Additional creation options Viðbótarvalkostir við gerð Output data type Gerð frálagsgagna Interpolated (moving average) Grid (Moving average) Hnitanet (hlaupandi meðaltal) Raster analysis Greining rasta GridDataMetrics Minimum Lágmark Maximum Hámark Range Svið Count Fjöldi Average distance Average distance between points Point layer Punktalag Z value from field Data metric to use The first radius of search ellipse The second radius of search ellipse Angle of search ellipse rotation in degrees (counter clockwise) Minimum number of data points to use NODATA marker to fill empty points Additional creation options Viðbótarvalkostir við gerð Output data type Gerð frálagsgagna Interpolated (data metrics) Grid (Data metrics) Hnitanet (mælistærðir gagna) Raster analysis Greining rasta GridInverseDistance Point layer Punktalag Z value from field Weighting power Smoothing Mýking The first radius of search ellipse The second radius of search ellipse Angle of search ellipse rotation in degrees (counter clockwise) Maximum number of data points to use Minimum number of data points to use NODATA marker to fill empty points Additional creation options Viðbótarvalkostir við gerð Output data type Gerð frálagsgagna Interpolated (IDW) Brúað (IDW) Grid (Inverse distance to a power) Hnitanet (öfugt vægi vegalengdar) Raster analysis Greining rasta GridInverseDistanceNearestNeighbor Point layer Punktalag Z value from field Weighting power Smoothing Mýking The radius of the search circle Maximum number of data points to use Minimum number of data points to use NODATA marker to fill empty points Additional creation options Viðbótarvalkostir við gerð Output data type Gerð frálagsgagna Interpolated (IDW with NN search) Grid (IDW with nearest neighbor searching) Raster analysis Greining rasta GridLinear Point layer Punktalag Z value from field Search distance Fjarlægð leitar NODATA marker to fill empty points Additional creation options Viðbótarvalkostir við gerð Output data type Gerð frálagsgagna Interpolated (Linear) Brúað (línulegt) Grid (Linear) Hnitanet (línulegt) Raster analysis Greining rasta GridNearestNeighbor Point layer Punktalag Z value from field The first radius of search ellipse The second radius of search ellipse Angle of search ellipse rotation in degrees (counter clockwise) NODATA marker to fill empty points Additional creation options Viðbótarvalkostir við gerð Output data type Gerð frálagsgagna Interpolated (Nearest neighbor) Grid (Nearest neighbor) Hnitanet (næsti nágranni) Raster analysis Greining rasta Heatmap heatmap,kde,hotspot Interpolation Brúun (interpolation) Heatmap (Kernel Density Estimation) Hitakort (áætlaður kjarnaþéttleiki) Quartic Triangular Þríhyrningslaga Uniform Einsleitt Triweight Epanechnikov Epanechnikov Raw Scaled Kvarðað Point layer Punktalag Radius Radíus Radius from field Radíus frá gagnasviði HeatmapPixelSizeWidgetWrapper Resolution of each pixel in output raster, in layer units Upplausn hvers mynddíls í frálagsrasta, í einingum lagsins HelpEditionDialog Cannot open help file: {0} Get ekki opnað hjálparskrá: {0} Processing Vinnsla <h2>Algorithm description</h2> <h2>Lýsing á reikniriti</h2> <h2>Input parameters</h2> <h2>Inntaksbreytur</h2> <h2>Outputs</h2> <h2>Frálög</h2> Algorithm description Lýsing á reikniriti Short description Input parameters Inntaksbreytur Outputs Frálög Algorithm created by Reiknirit útbúið af Algorithm help written by Hjálparskjöl reiknirits útbúin af Algorithm version Útgáfa reiknirits Documentation help URL Hillshade Raster terrain analysis Yfirborðsgreining rasta Elevation layer Hæðarlag Z factor Z-stuðull Azimuth (horizontal angle) Stefnuhorn (lárétt horn) Vertical angle Lóðrétt hotn Hillshade Hæðaskygging HistoryDialog Clear Hreinsa Confirmation Staðfesting Clear history Hreinsa vinnsluferil Save As… Vista sem... Save history Vista vinnsluferil Are you sure you want to clear the history? Ertu viss um að þú viljir eyða vinnsluferlinum? Save File Vista skrá Create Test… Búa til prófun… Log files (*.log *.LOG) Vinnsluferilskrár (*.log *.LOG) Help Hjálp Show help HistoryDialogPythonConsole Dialog Samskiptagluggi Reload Endurhlaða Save Vista HubDistanceLines Vector analysis Greining á vektorum Meters Metrar Feet Fet Miles Mílur Kilometers Kílómetrar Layer units Mælieiningar lags Source points layer Upprunapunktalag Destination hubs layer Hub layer name attribute Measurement unit Mælieining Hub distance Distance to nearest hub (line to hub) Same layer given for both hubs and spokes HubDistancePoints Vector analysis Greining á vektorum Meters Metrar Feet Fet Miles Mílur Kilometers Kílómetrar Layer units Mælieiningar lags Source points layer Upprunapunktalag Destination hubs layer Hub layer name attribute Measurement unit Mælieining Hub distance Distance to nearest hub (points) Same layer given for both hubs and spokes HypsometricCurves Raster terrain analysis Yfirborðsgreining rasta DEM to analyze DEM sem á að greina Boundary layer Svæðismarkalag Step Skref Use % of area instead of absolute value Nota % svæðis í stað algildis Hypsometric curves Hæðarlínur (hypsometric) Feature {0} does not intersect raster or entirely located in NODATA area Fitjan {0} skarast ekki við rasta eða er öll innan NODATA tómagildissvæðis Feature {0} is smaller than raster cell size Fitjan {0} er minni en reitastærð rasta Area Svæði Elevation Hæð IdwInterpolation Interpolation Brúun (interpolation) Input layer(s) Inntakslag(lög) Distance coefficient P Fjarlægðarstuðull P Output raster size Stærð frálagsrasta Number of columns Fjöldi dálka Number of rows Fjöldi raða Extent Kortvídd Interpolated Brúað IDW interpolation IDW-brúun (interpolation) You need to specify at least one input layer. Þú verður að skilgreina a.m.k. eitt inntakslag. ImportIntoPostGIS Database Gagnagrunnur Layer to import Lag sem á að flytja inn Database (connection name) Gagnagrunnur (heiti tengingar) Schema (schema name) Skipan (heiti á skipan) Table to import to (leave blank to use layer name) Tafla sem á að flytja inn í (skildu eftir autt til að nota heiti lagsins) Primary key field Gagnasvið aðallykils Geometry column Rúmfræðidálkur Encoding Kóðun Overwrite Yfirskrifa Create spatial index Búa til staðlykil Convert field names to lowercase Umbreyta heitum sviða í lágstafi Drop length constraints on character fields Create single-part geometries instead of multi-part Búa til einhluta laganir (geometries) í stað marghluta Export to PostgreSQL Exports a vector layer to a PostgreSQL database import,postgis,table,layer,into,copy Error importing to PostGIS {0} Villa við innflutning í PostGIS {0} ImportIntoSpatialite Database Gagnagrunnur Layer to import Lag sem á að flytja inn File database Gagnagrunnur í skrá Table to import to (leave blank to use layer name) Tafla sem á að flytja inn í (skildu eftir autt til að nota heiti lagsins) Primary key field Gagnasvið aðallykils Geometry column Rúmfræðidálkur Encoding Kóðun Overwrite Yfirskrifa Create spatial index Búa til staðlykil Convert field names to lowercase Umbreyta heitum sviða í lágstafi Drop length constraints on character fields Create single-part geometries instead of multi-part Búa til einhluta laganir (geometries) í stað marghluta Export to SpatiaLite Flytja út í SpatiaLite Exports a vector layer to a SpatiaLite database Flytur vektorlag út í SpatiaLite gagnagrunn import,table,layer,into,copy flytja inn,tafla,lag,inn,afrita Error importing to Spatialite {0} Villa við innflutning í SpatiaLite {0} InPlaceAlgorithmLocatorFilter Edit Selected Features Breyta völdum fitjum Missing dependency Kerfisákvæði vantar InfoViewer DB Manager Gagnagrunnsstýring InterpolationDataWidget Points Punktar Structure lines Uppbyggingarlínur Break lines Roflínur KNearestConcaveHull Concave hull (k-nearest neighbor) Íhvolfur hjúpur (k-næsti nágranni) Creates a concave hull using the k-nearest neighbor algorithm. Býr til íhvolfan hjúp með því að nota 'k-næsti nágranni' reiknirit. Vector geometry Vektorlögun Input layer Inntakslag Number of neighboring points to consider (a lower number is more concave, a higher number is smoother) Field (set if creating concave hulls by class) Gagnasvið (stillt ef verið er að gera ávala hjúpi út frá flokkum) Concave hull Íhvolfur hjúpur KeepNBiggestParts Vector geometry Vektorlögun Polygons Flákar Parts to keep Hlutar sem á að halda Parts Hlutar Keep N biggest parts Halda N stærstu hlutunum Konsole::TerminalDisplay <qt>Output has been <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flow_control">suspended</a> by pressing Ctrl+S. Press <b>Ctrl+Q</b> to resume.</qt> <qt>Frálag var <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flow_control">stöðvað</a> með því að ýta á Ctrl+S. Ýttu á <b>Ctrl+Q</b> til að halda áfram.</qt> Konsole::Vt102Emulation No keyboard translator available. The information needed to convert key presses into characters to send to the terminal is missing. LayerPropertiesWidget Form Form Symbol layer type Tegund táknalags This layer doesn't have any editable properties Þetta lag hefur enga eiginleika sem hægt er að stilla Enable layer Virkja lag LayerSelectionDialog Select Extent Veldu kortvídd Use extent from Nota kortvídd frá Line3DSymbolWidget Form Form Height Hæð Extrusion Útpressun Absolute Algilt Relative Afstætt Terrain Yfirborð Altitude clamping Festing hæðar Altitude binding Binding hæðar Vertex Brotpunktur Centroid Þyngdarpunktur Width Breidd Render as simple 3D lines Myndgera sem einfaldar þrívíddarlínur LinesToPolygons line,polygon,convert lína,fláki,umbreyta Vector geometry Vektorlögun Lines to polygons Línur í fláka Polygons Flákar One or more line ignored due to geometry not having a minimum of three vertices. MainWindow &Edit Br&eyta &View S&koða Select Velja Measure Mæla Save To Vista í Open From Opna úr Import/Export Flytja inn/út &Decorations &Skreytingar &Layer &Lag &Plugins Við&bætur &Help &Hjálp &Settings &Stillingar &Raster &Rasti Vect&or Vekt&or Ctrl+N Ctrl+N Case sensitive Gera greinarmun á hástöfum/lágstöfum Whole word Heil orð Replace Skipta út Find what: Finna hvað: Replace with: Setja í staðinn: Find Finna Processing Script Editor Ritill fyrir vinnsluskriftur Toolbar Valmyndastika Open Script… Opna skriftu… Open Script Opna skriftu Save Script… Vista skriftu… Save Script Vista skriftu Save Script as… Vista skriftu sem… Save Script as Vista skriftu sem Run Script Keyra skriftu Increase Font Size Auka stærð texta Decrease Font Size Minnka stærð texta Find && &Replace Finna og ski&pta út Ctrl+O Ctrl+O Ctrl+S Ctrl+S Ctrl+Shift+S Ctrl+Shift+S Cut Klippa Copy Afrita Paste Líma Undo Afturkalla Redo Endurgera Ctrl+P Ctrl+P Menu Toolbar Valmyndastika Preview Mode Forskoðunarhamur Create Layer Búa til lag Add Layer Bæta við lagi Statusbar Stöðustika Manage Layers Toolbar Stika fyrir umsýslu laga Digitizing Toolbar Hnitunarstika Advanced Digitizing Toolbar Ítarlegri hnitunarstika Map Navigation Toolbar Stika fyrir kortaflakk Attributes Toolbar Eigindastika Plugins Toolbar Viðbótastika Help Toolbar Hjálparstika Raster Toolbar Rastastika Label Toolbar Merkingastika Vector Toolbar Vektorstika Database Toolbar Gagnagrunnastika Web Toolbar Veftólastika &New &Nýtt &Save &Vista Exit QGIS Loka QGIS Ctrl+Q Ctrl+S &Undo &Hætta við Ctrl+Z Ctrl+Z &Redo &Framkvæma aftur Ctrl+Shift+Z Ctrl+Shift+Z Cut Features Klippa fitjur Ctrl+X Ctrl+X Copy Features Afrita fitjur Ctrl+C Ctrl+C Paste Features Líma fitjur Ctrl+V Ctrl+V Add Feature Bæta við fitju Ctrl+. Ctrl+. Move Feature(s) Flytja fitju(r) Reshape Features Endurforma fitjur Split Features Kljúfa fitjur Split Parts Skipta hlutum Delete Selected Eyða völdu Add Ring Bæta við hring Add Part Bæta við hluta Simplify Feature Einfalda fitju Delete Ring Eyðingarhringur Delete Part Eyða hluta Merge Selected Features Sameina valdar fitjur Merge Attributes of Selected Features Sameina eigindi valinna fitja Rotate Point Symbols Snúa táknum punkta Offset Point Symbol Tákn fyrir hliðraðan punkt Reverse line Snúa við stefnu línu Trim/Extend Feature &Snapping Options… &Valkostir grips… Pan Map Hliðra korti Zoom In Renna að Zoom Out Renna frá Select Features by Polygon Velja fitjur eftir fláka Select Features by Freehand Velja fitjur eftir frjálsri teikningu Select Features by Radius Velja fitjur eftir radíus Deselect Features from All Layers Afvelja fitjur af öllum lögum Select All Features Velja allar fitjur Ctrl+A Ctrl+P Invert Feature Selection Umhverfa vali á fitjum Identify Features Bera kennsl á fitjur Ctrl+Shift+I Ctrl+Shift+I Measure Line Mæla línu Ctrl+Shift+M Ctrl+Shift+M Measure Area Mæla flatarmál Ctrl+Shift+J Ctrl+Shift+J Measure Angle Mæla horn Ctrl+Shift+F Ctrl+Shift+F Ctrl+J Ctrl+J Zoom Last Síðasti aðdráttur Zoom Next Næsti aðdráttur Show information about a feature when the mouse is hovered over it Birta upplýsingar um fitju þegar músarbendill er í yfirsvifi Ctrl+B Ctrl+B Show Bookmarks Birta bókamerki Ctrl+Shift+B Ctrl+Shift+B Refresh Endurnýja Text Annotation Textaglósa Form Annotation Formglósa Move Annotation Færsluglósa Labeling Merki Layer Labeling Options Valkostir merkja á lagi F6 F6 Save Layer As Vista lag sem Layer &Properties… Layer Properties Stillingar lags Show in Overview Birta í yfirliti Show All in Overview Birta allt í yfirliti Hide All from Overview Fela allt í yfirliti Toggle Full Scr&een Mode Ví&xla skjáfylli af/á Toggle Panel &Visibility &Víxla sýnileika hliðarspjaldsins Ctrl+Tab Ctrl+Tab Toggle Map Only Víxla aðeins korti af/á Ctrl+Shift+Tab Ctrl+Shift+Tab &Properties… &Eiginleikar… Project Properties Eiginleikar verkefnis Move Label and Diagram Færa merki og skýringamynd Rotate Label Ctrl (Cmd) increments by 15 deg. Snúa merki Ctrl (Cmd) þrepar um 15 gráður. &Copyright Label… Merking &höfundarréttar… Copyright Label Merking höfundarréttar &North Arrow… &Norðurör… North Arrow Norðurör &Scale Bar… Kvarða&stika… Scale Bar Kvarðastika Copy Style Afrita stíl Paste Style Líma stíl &Grid… &Hnitanet… Ctrl+Alt+V Export Project to DXF… Flytja verkefni út í DXF… Import Layers from DWG/DXF… Flytja inn lög úr DWG/DXF… &Add Circle by a Center Point and Another Point Bæt&a við hring með miðpunkti og öðrum punkti &Add Rectangle from Extent Bæt&a við rétthyrningi út frá kortvídd Add &Rectangle from Center and a Point Bæta við &rétthyrningi út frá miðju og punkti &Add Regular Polygon from Center and a Point Bæt&a við venjulegum marghyrningi út frá miðju og punkti Add &Regular Polygon from 2 Points Bæta við venjulegum ma&rghyrningi út frá 2 punktum Add Rectangle &from 3 Points (Distance from 2nd and 3rd point) Add rectangle from 3 points (Distance from 2nd and 3rd point) Add Rectangle &from 3 Points (Distance from projected point on segment p1 and p2) Add rectangle from 3 points (Distance from projected point on segment p1 and p2) Mesh Calculator… Add Mesh Layer... New Virtual Layer… New Virtual Layer Add Circle &from 2 Tangents and a Point Bæta við hring út &frá 2 tangentum og punkti Add Regular &Polygon from Center and a Corner Bæta við venjulegum &marghyrningi frá miðju og horni New &Print Layout… Ný &prentuppsetning… New &Report… Ný ský&rsla… Close Loka Revert… Endurlesa… Copy Layer Afrita lag Paste Layer/Group Líma lag/hóp &Vertex Tool (Current Layer) &Brotpunktaverkfæri (núverandi lag) Vertex Tool (Current Layer) Brotpunktaverkfæri (núverandi lag) Ctrl+F3 Ctrl+F3 Hide Deselected Layers Fela óvalin lög New GeoPackage Layer… Nýtt GeoPackage-lag… Ctrl+Shift+N Ctrl+Shift+N Add Arc&GIS MapServer Layer… Bæta við lagi frá Arc&GIS-kortaþjóni… Add Ar&cGIS FeatureServer Layer… Bæta við lagi frá Ar&cGIS-fitjuþjóni… Select Features by Value… Velja fitjur eftir gildi… Select Features by Value Velja fitjur eftir gildi Copy and Move Feature(s) Afrita og færa fitju(r) &Layout Extents… &Kortvídd framsetningar… Layout Extents Kortvídd framsetningar &Data Source Manager &Gagnagjafastýring Open Data Source Manager Opna gagnagjafastýringu Ctrl+L Ctrl+L Add Circle from &2 Points Bæta við hring með &2 punktum Add circle from 2 points Bæta við hring með 2 punktum Add Circle from &3 Points Bæta við hring með &3 punktum Add circle from 3 points Bæta við hring með 3 punktum Add Circle by a center point and another point Bæta við hring með miðpunkti og öðrum punkti &Add Ellipse from Center and 2 Points &Bæta við sporbaug út frá miðju og 2 punktum Add Ellipse from center and 2 points Bæta við sporbaug út frá miðju og 2 punktum Add Ellipse from &Center and a Point Bæta við s&porbaug út frá miðju og punkti Add Ellipse from center and a point Bæta við sporbaug út frá miðju og punkti Add Ellipse from &Extent Bæta við sporbaug út frá &kortvídd Add Ellipse from extent Bæta við sporbaug út frá kortvídd Add Ellipse from &Foci Bæta við sporbaug út frá &brennipunkti Add Ellipse from foci Bæta við sporbaug út frá brennipunkti Add rectangle from extent Bæta við rétthyrningi út frá kortvídd Add rectangle from center and a point Bæta við rétthyrningi út frá miðju og punkti Add regular polygon from center and a point Bæta við venjulegum marghyrningi út frá miðju og punkti Add regular polygon from 2 points Bæta við venjulegum marghyrningi út frá 2 punktum Add &Circle from 3 Tangents Bæta við hring með 3 &tangentum Add circle from 3 tangents Bæta við hring með 3 tangentum Add circle from 2 tangents and a point Bæta við hring út frá 2 tangentum og punkti Add regular polygon from center and a corner Bæta við venjulegum marghyrningi frá miðju og horni New &3D Map View Ný &3D kortasýn New 3D Map View Ný 3D kortasýn Layout Manager… Framsetningastjórnun… Show Layout Manager Birta framsetningastjórnun New Print Layout Ný prentuppsetning New Report Ný skýrsla Close Project Loka verkefni Revert Project to Saved version Endurhlaða verkefni úr vistaðri útgáfu Add Circular String Bæta við hringlaga streng Paste Features As Líma fitjur sem &Mesh New Project Nýtt verkefni &Open… &Opna… Open Project Opna verkefni Save Project Vista verkefni Save &As… Vist&a sem… Save Project As Vista verkefni sem Export Map to &Image… Flytja landakort út í &mynd… Save Map as Image Vista kort sem mynd Export Map to &PDF… Flytja landakort út í &PDF… Save Map as PDF Vista kort sem PDF &Vertex Tool (All Layers) &Brotpunktaverkfæri (öll lög) Vertex Tool (All Layers) Brotpunktaverkfæri (öll lög) Show Map Tips Birta ábendingar á landakortum New Bookmark… Nýtt bókamerki… New Shapefile Layer… Nýtt Shapefile-lag… New SpatiaLite Layer… Nýtt Spatialite-lag… Raster Calculator… Rastareiknir… Add Vector Layer… Bæta við vektorlagi… Add Raster Layer… Bæta við rastalagi… Add PostGIS Layers… Bæta við PostGIS-lagi… Add SpatiaLite Layer… Bæta við SpatiaLite-lagi… Add MSSQL Spatial Layer… Bæta við MSSQL Spatial staðlagi… Add DB2 Spatial Layer… Bæta við DB2 Spatial staðlagi… Add Oracle Spatial Layer… Bæta við Oracle Spatial staðlagi… Add WMS/WMTS Layer… Bæta við WMS/WMTS-lagi… &Save As… Vi&sta sem… Filter… Sía… Manage and Install Plugins… Sýsla með og setja inn viðbætur… &Options… &Valkostir… Custom Projections… Sérsniðnar varpanir… Keyboard Shortcuts… Flýtivísanir á lyklaborði… Style Manager… Stílsstjóri… Interface Customization… Sérsníðing viðmóts… Embed Layers and Groups… Ívefja lög og hópa… &Title Label… Title Label Creates a title label that is displayed on the map canvas. Add WFS Layer… Bæta við WFS-lagi… Add WCS Layer… Bæta við WCS-lagi… Select Features by Expression… Velja fitjur eftir reglulegri segð… Open Field Calculator… Opna svæðareikni… Add Delimited Text Layer… Bæta við lagi úr afmörkuðum texta… Add/Edit Virtual Layer… Bæta við/breyta sýndarlagi… New Vector Layer… Nýtt vektorlag… Temporary Scratch Layer… Nýtt bráðabirgða-krasslag… Add from Layer Definition File… Bæta við skilgreiningarskrá lags… Save As Layer Definition File… Vista skilgreiningarskrá lags… New Temporary Scratch Layer… Nýtt bráðabirgða-krasslag… Align Rasters… Samstilla/jafna rasta… Add Circular String by Radius Bæta við hringlaga streng með radíus Diagram Options Valkostir skýringamynda Layer Diagram Options Valkostir skýringamyndalaga Modify Attributes of Selected Features Breyta eigindum valinna fitja Modify the Attributes of all Selected Features Simultaneously Breyta eigindum allra valinna fitja samtímis F3 F3 Ctrl+Shift+A Ctrl+Shift+A Layouts Framsetningar Add Circle Bæta við hring Add Ellipse Bæta við sporbaug Add Rectangle Bæta við rétthyrningi Add Regular Polygon Bæta við venjulegum marghyrningi Snapping Toolbar Gripstika Data Source Manager Toolbar Stika fyrir gagnagjafastýringu New &Map View Ný &kortasýn New Map View Ný kortasýn Ctrl+Shift+V Ctrl+Shift+V Ctrl+Shift+R Ctrl+Shift+R Ctrl+Shift+D Ctrl+Shift+D Ctrl+Shift+L Ctrl+Shift+L Ctrl+Shift+O Ctrl+Shift+O Ctrl+Shift+W Ctrl+Shift+W Toggle Editing Byrja á breytingum Toggles the editing state of the current layer Víxlar breytingastöðu núverandi lags af/á Save for Selected Layer(s) Vista fyrir valið lag/lög Save edits to current layer, but continue editing Vista breytingar í núverandi lag, en halda áfram að breyta Remove Layer/Group Fjarlægja lag/hóp API Documentation API handbækur Full Histogram Stretch Full strekking tíðnirits Show/Hide Labels And Diagrams Click or marquee on feature to show label and diagram Shift+click or marquee on label or diagram to hide it Acts on currently active editable layer Birta/Fela merkingar og skýringamyndir Smelltu á eða notaðu valferil á fitju til að birta merkingu og skýringamynd. Shift+smella eða velja með valferli felur atriðin Virkar á núverandi virku breytanlegu lagi HTML Annotation HTML-glósa SVG Annotation SVG-glósa Increase Brightness Auka birtustig Decrease Brightness Minnka birtustig Increase Contrast Auka birtuskil Decrease Contrast Minnka birtuskil Need Commercial Support? Viltu kaupa aðstoð? Paste features in clipboard into a new temporary scratch layer. Límdu fitjur af klippispjaldi inn í nýtt bráðabirgða-krasslag. Normal Venjulegt Normal preview mode Venjulegur forskoðunarhamur Simulate Photocopy (Grayscale) Líkja eftir ljósriti (grátóna) Simulate photocopy (grayscale) Líkja eftir ljósriti (grátóna) Simulate Fax (Mono) Líkja eftir faxi (einlitt) Simulate fax (mono) Líkja eftir faxi (einlitt) Simulate Color Blindness (Protanope) Líkja eftir litblindu (protanope) Simulate color blindness (protanope) Líkja eftir litblindu (protanope) Simulate Color Blindness (Deuteranope) Líkja eftir litblindu (deuteranope) Simulate color blindness (deuteranope) Líkja eftir litblindu (deuteranope) Set Scale Visibility of Layer(s) Stilla kvarðasýnileika lags/laga Show Selected Layers Birta valin lög Hide Selected Layers Fela valin lög Statistical Summary Tölfræðilegt yfirlit Show statistical summary Birta tölfræðilegt yfirlit Add circular string Bæta við hringlaga streng Add circular string by radius Bæta við hringlaga streng með radíus Report an issue Tilkynna um vandamál Ctrl+D Ctrl+D New from Template Nýtt úr sniðmáti Shape Digitizing Toolbar Set CRS of Layer(s) Stilla viðmiskerfi lags(laga) Ctrl+Shift+C Ctrl+Shift+C Set Project CRS from Layer Stilla viðmiðskerfi verkefnis eftir lagi Show All Layers Birta öll lög Ctrl+Shift+U Ctrl+Shift+U Hide All Layers Fela öll lög Ctrl+Shift+H Ctrl+Shift+H Open Field Calculator Opna svæðareikni Add Delimited Text Layer Bæta við lagi úr afmörkuðum texta Paste features in clipboard into a new OGR vector layer. Límdu fitjur af klippispjaldi inn í nýtt OGR-vektorlag. Project Toolbar Verkefnisstika Ctrl+Alt++ Ctrl+Alt++ Ctrl+Alt+- Ctrl+Alt+- Select Feature(s) Veldu fitju(r) Select Features by area or single click Velja fitjur eftir svæði eða með einsmell Zoom to Native Resolution (100%) Aðdráttur í innbyggða upplausn (100%) F5 F5 Ctrl+Shift+2 Ctrl+Shift+2 Ctrl+F Ctrl+F F11 F11 Ctrl+Shift+P Ctrl+Shift+P Local Histogram Stretch Staðvær strekking tíðnirits Stretch histogram of active raster to view extents Strekkja tíðnirit virks rasta í umfang sjónarhorns Help Contents Efnisyfirlit hjálpar F1 F1 QGIS Home Page Heimasíða QGIS Ctrl+H Ctrl+W Check QGIS Version Athuga með útgáfu QGIS Check if your QGIS version is up to date (requires internet access) Athuga hvort QGIS útgáfa sé sú nýjasta (þarfnast internet aðgangs) About Um forritið QGIS Sponsors Stuðningsaðilar QGIS Rotate Label Snúa merki Change Label Breyta merki Python Console Python stjórnskjár Stretch Histogram to Full Dataset Strekkja tíðnirit að öllu gagnasafninu This is here just to avoid shortcut conflicts, the shortcut is caught in QgsCustomization Þetta er hér einungis til að koma í veg fyrir árekstra milli flýtilykla, flýtilykillinn er skynjaður í QgsCustomization Ctrl+M Ctrl+M Embed layers and groups from other project files Ívefja lög og hópa úr öðrum verkefnaskrám Creates a copyright label that is displayed on the map canvas. Býr til merkingu höfundarréttar og birtir hana á myndfleti kortsins. "Creates a north arrow that is displayed on the map canvas" "Býr til norðurör og birtir hana á myndfleti kortsins" Creates a scale bar that is displayed on the map canvas Býr til kvarðastiku og birtir hana á myndfleti kortsins Add WFS Layer Bæta við WFS-lagi Feature Action Aðgerð fitju Run Feature Action Keyra aðgerð á fitju Pan Map to Selection Hliðra korti á valið Offset Curve Hliðra ferli Grid Hnitanet Pin/Unpin Labels and Diagrams Festa/Losa merkingar og skýringamyndir Pin/Unpin Labels and Diagrams Click or marquee on label/diagram to pin Shift unpins, Ctrl (Cmd) toggles state Acts on all editable layers Festa/Losa merkingar og skýringamyndir Smelltu á eða notaðu valferil á merkingu/skýringamynd sem á að festa, Shift losar, Ctrl (Cmd) breytir stöðu Virkar á öllum breytanlegum lögum Highlight Pinned Labels and Diagrams Áherslulita festar merkingar og skýringamyndir New Blank Project Nýtt autt verkefni Local Cumulative Cut Stretch Strekking staðværrar uppsöfnunar Local cumulative cut stretch using current extent, default limits and estimated values. Full Dataset Cumulative Cut Stretch Strekking staðværrar uppsöfnunar úr öllu gagnasafni Cumulative cut stretch using full dataset extent, default limits and estimated values. Show/Hide Labels and Diagrams Birta/Fela merkingar og skýringamyndir Duplicate Layer(s) Tvítaka lag(lög) Save for All Layers Vista fyrir öll lög Rollback for All Layers Taka aftur fyrir öll lög Cancel for All Layers Hætta við fyrir öll lög Rollback for Selected Layer(s) Taka aftur fyrir valið lag/lög Current Edits Núgildandi breytingar Cancel for Selected Layer(s) Hætta við fyrir valið lag (eða lög) Save Layer Edits Vista breytingar á lag Rotate Feature(s) Snúa fitju(m) Select features using an expression Velja fitjur eftir reglulegri segð Add/Edit Virtual Layer Bæta við/breyta sýndarlagi Fill Ring Fylla hring Add ArcGIS MapServer Layer Bæta við lagi frá ArcGIS-kortaþjóni Add ArcGIS FeatureServer Layer Bæta við lagi frá ArcGIS-fitjuþjóni Open &Recent O&pna nýlegt Pro&ject Verke&fni Zoom &Full &Fullur aðdráttur Zoom to &Layer Renna að &lagi Zoom to &Selection Renna að &vali Open &Attribute Table Opn&a eigindatöflu Ctrl+Alt+P Ctrl+Alt+P New temporary scratch layer Nýtt bráðabirgða-krasslag Processing Algorithms Keyri reiknirit Processing Algorithms Toolbar Verkfærastika fyrir keyrslu reiknirita ManageConnectionsDialog Manage Connections Stjórna tengingum Save to file Vista í skrá Browse Fletta Load from file Hlaða inn úr skrá Load Lesa inn Save Vista eXtensible Markup Language (*.xml *.XML) eXtensible Markup Language (*.xml *.XML) Load Connections Lesa inn tengingar Saved to {0}. Vistaði í {0}. File {0} exists. Overwrite? Skráin {0} er þegar til. Yfirskrifa? Save Connections Vista tengingar Loading Connections Lesa inn tengingar Map3DConfigWidget Configure 3D Map Rendering Stilla þrívíddarmyndgerð korts Terrain Yfirborð Tile resolution Upplausn tígla Elevation Hæð Vertical scale Lóðréttur kvarði px px Skirt height Hæð falds map units mælieiningar korts Map theme Þema korts Terrain shading Lights Max. ground error Hámarksskekkja yfirborðs Map tile resolution Upplausn kortatígla Max. screen error Hámarksskekkja skjás Zoom levels Aðdráttarstig 0 0 Show labels Sýna merkingar Show map tile info Sýna upplýsingar kortatígla Show bounding boxes Birta umgjarðir Show camera's view center Sýna miðju sjónarhorns myndavélar Camera Field of View ° ° Type Tegund MapLayerWidgetWrapper Select file Velja skrá MatrixModelerWidget Clear? Hreinsa? Are you sure you want to clear table? Ertu viss um að þú viljir hreinsa töfluna? Enter column name Settu inn heiti dálks Column name Heiti dálks MeanAndStdDevPlot Graphics Myndefni Input table Inntakstafla Category name field Gagnasvið fyrir heiti flokka Value field Gagnasvið gilda Plot Teikna HTML files (*.html) HTML-skrár (*.html) Mean and standard deviation plot Línurit yfir miðgildi og staðalfrávik Mesh3DSymbolWidget Form Form Height Hæð Altitude clamping Festing hæðar Absolute Algilt Relative Afstætt Terrain Yfirborð Add back faces Bæta við bakflötum MessageBarProgress Executing algorithm <i>{0}</i> Keyri reiknirit <i>{0}</i> Problem executing algorithm Vandamál við að keyra reiknirit MetaSearch MetaSearch plugin MetaSearch-viðbót Search Metadata Catalogs Leita í efnisskrám lýsigagna MetaSearch plugin help Hjálp með MetaSearch-viðbót Get Help on MetaSearch Fá hjálp á MetaSearch MetaSearchDialog MetaSearch MetaSearch Search Leita Find Finna Set global Setja sem víðvært Map extent Kortvídd -180 -180 90 90 -90 -90 180 180 From Frá Keywords Stikkorð Xmax X hámark Ymax Y hámark Xmin X-lágmark Ymin Y-lágmark Results Niðurstöður View Search Results as XML Skoða leitarniðurstöður sem XML > > Service Info Upplýsingar um þjónustu GetCapabilities Response Svar við GetCapabilities getubeiðni New… Nýtt… Edit… Breyta… Delete… Eyða… Save… Vista… Add Default Services Bæta við sjálfgefnum þjónustum Load… Hlaða inn… Server Timeout Tímamörk þjóns Results Paging Fletting niðurstaða << << Add WCS Bæta við WCS Add WMS/WMTS Bæta við WMS/WMTS < < Add WFS Bæta við WFS Type Tegund Title Titill Double-click to see full record information Tvísmelltu til að sjá allar upplýsingar færslu >> >> Add Data Bæta við gögnum Add ArcGIS MapServer Bæta við ArcGIS-kortaþjóni Add ArcGIS FeatureServer Bæta við ArcGIS-fitjuþjóni Add GIS File Bæta við GIS-skrá Services Þjónustur Settings Stillingar Show Birta results at a time niðurstöður í einu No services/connections defined. To get started with MetaSearch, create a new connection by clicking 'New' or click 'Add default services'. Engar þjónustur/tengingar eru skilgreindar. Til að byrja að nota MetaSearch-leit, útbúðu þá nýja tengingu með því að smella á 'Nýtt' eða smella á 'Bæta við sjálfgefnum þjónustum'. Loading connections Les inn tengingar Search error Villa í leit Connection error Tengingarvilla Search keywords Stikkorð leitar New Catalog Service Ný efnisskrárþjónusta Edit Catalog Service Ný efnisskrárþjónusta Remove service {0}? Fjarlægja þjónustu {0}? Delete Service Eyða þjónustu {0} exists. Overwrite? {0} er þegar til. Yfirskrifa? Search error: {0} Villa í leit: {0} Connection error: {0} Tengingarvilla: {0} 0 results 0 niðurstöður Showing {0} - {1} of %n result(s) number of results Birti {0} - {1} af %n niðurstöðum Birti {0} - {1} af %n niðurstöðum Coordinate Transformation Error Villa í umvörpun hnita End of results. Go to start? Síðustu niðurstöður. Fara á byrjun? Navigation Flakk Start of results. Go to end? Fyrstu niðurstöður. Fara á enda? Connection {0} exists. Overwrite? Tenging {0} er þegar til. Yfirskrifa? Error getting response: {0} Villa við að sækja svar: {0} Unable to locate record identifier Tókst ekki að finna auðkenni færslu Error connecting to service: {0} Villa í tengingu við þjónustu: {0} Value Error: {0} Villa í gildi: {0} Unknown Error: {0} Óþekkt villa: {0} Saving server Vista þjón GetRecords error GetRecords villa CSW Connection error CSW tengivilla seconds sekúndur Record parsing error Skrá þáttunarvillu MinimumBoundingGeometry Vector geometry Vektorlögun Envelope (Bounding Box) Umgjörð svæðismarka (Bounding Box) Minimum Oriented Rectangle Lágmarks stefnuvísandi rétthyrningur Minimum Enclosing Circle Lágmarks umlykjandi hringur Convex Hull Ávalur hjúpur Input layer Inntakslag Field (optional, set if features should be grouped by class) Gagnasvið (valkvætt, stillt ef fitjur eru hópaðar út frá flokkum) Geometry type Gerð lögunar Bounding geometry Umgjörð fyrir geometríu Minimum bounding geometry bounding,box,bounds,envelope,minimum,oriented,rectangle,enclosing,circle,convex,hull,generalization ModelerAlgorithmProvider Models folder ModelerAlgorithmProvider Mappa fyrir líkön Models ModelerAlgorithmProvider Líkön Could not load model {0} ModelerAlgorithmProvider Gat ekki hlaðið inn líkani {0} Processing Vinnsla Could not load model {0} {1} ModelerAlgorithmProvider Gat ekki hlaðið inn líkani {0} {1} ModelerDialog Search… Leita… Enter model name here Settu hér inn heiti á líkani Name Heiti Group Hópur Enter group name here Settu hér inn heiti á hópi Inputs Inntök Algorithms Reiknirit Enter algorithm name to filter list Settu heiti á reikniriti inn í síulista Save Model? Vista líkan? There are unsaved changes in this model. Do you want to keep those? Það eru óvistaðar breytingar í þessu líkani, viltu halda þeim? Model doesn't contain any algorithm and/or parameter and can't be executed Líkan inniheldur ekkert reiknirit né/eða færibreytu og er því ekki hægt að keyra það Model was saved inside current project Líkan var vistað inni í núverandi verkefni Save Model As Image Vista líkan sem mynd PNG files (*.png *.PNG) PNG-skrár (*.png *.PNG) Save Model As PDF Vista líkan sem PDF PDF files (*.pdf *.PDF) PDF-skrár (*.pdf *.PDF) Save Model As SVG Vista líkan sem SVG SVG files (*.svg *.SVG) SVG-skrár (*.svg *.SVG) Save Model As Python Script Vista líkan sem Python-skriftu Please a enter model name before saving Gefðu upp heiti líkans áður en þú vistar Unable to save edits. Reason: {0} Gat ekki vistað breytingar. Ástæða: {0} Model was correctly saved Líkan var rétt vistað Save Model Vista líkan I/O error I/O villa Can't save model Get ekki vistað líkan The selected model could not be loaded. See the log for more information. Ekki var hægt að hlaða inn völdu líkani. Skoðaðu vinnsluferilinn til að sjá nánari upplýsingar. Open Model Opna líkan Processing models (*.model3 *.MODEL3) Vinnslulíkön (*.model3 *.MODEL3) Successfully exported model as image to <a href="{}">{}</a> Tókst að flytja líkan út sem mynd í <a href="{}">{}</a> Export as Script Algorithm… Successfully exported model as PDF to <a href="{}">{}</a> Tókst að flytja líkan út sem PDF í <a href="{}">{}</a> Successfully exported model as SVG to <a href="{}">{}</a> Tókst að flytja líkan út sem SVG í <a href="{}">{}</a> Processing scripts (*.py *.PY) Vinnsluskriftur (*.py *.PY) Successfully exported model as python script to <a href="{}">{}</a> Tókst að flytja líkan út sem python-skriftu í <a href="{}">{}</a> Model was correctly saved to <a href="{}">{}</a> Líkan var rétt vistað í <a href="{}">{}</a> Could not load model {0} Gat ekki hlaðið inn líkani {0} Processing Vinnsla Parameters Færibreytur Model Properties Variables Breytur Model Variables ModelerNumberInputPanel Expression Based Input Inntak byggt á reglulegum segðum ModelerParameterDefinitionDialog Parameter name Heiti viðfangs Checked Athugað Parent layer Yfirlag Allowed data type Leyfilegar tegundir gagna Any Hvað sem er Number Tala String Texti Date/time Dags/Tími Accept multiple fields Taka við mörgum sviðum Default field name, or ; separated list of field names for multiple field parameters Sjálfgefið heiti gagnasviðs, eða aðgreindur listi með heitum gagnasviða fyrir viðföng með mörgum gagnasviðum Geometry type Gerð lögunar Geometry Not Required Engrar lögunar krafist Point Punktur Line Lína Polygon Fláki Any Geometry Type Hvaða gerð lögunar sem er Data type Tegund gagna Raster Rastar Default value Sjálfgefið gildi 0 0 Type Tegund File Skrá Any Map Layer Eitthvað kortalag Vector (No Geometry Required) Vektor (engrar lögunar krafist) Vector (Point) Vektor (punktur) Vector (Line) Vektor (lína) Vector (Polygon) Vektor (fláki) Vector (Any Geometry Type) Vektor (hvaða gerð lögunar sem er) Linked input Min value Lágmarksgildi Max value Hámarksgildi None Ekkert Folder Mappa Mandatory Verður að vera Unable to define parameter Gat ekki skilgreint viðfang Invalid parameter name Ógilt heiti viðfangs Wrong or missing parameter values Gildi viðfangs er rangt eða vantar The parameter `{}` is not registered, are you missing a required plugin? færibreytan `{}` er óskráð, vantar þig nauðsynlega forritsviðbót? {} Parameter Definition Parent layout Number type Float Fleytitala Integer Heiltala MultilineTextPanel [Use text below] [Nota texta hér fyrir neðan] MultipleFileInputDialog All files (*.*) Allar skrár (*.*) Add file Bæta við skrá Remove file(s) Fjarlægja skrá(r) Remove all Fjarlægja allt Select File(s) Veldu skrá(r) MultipleInputDialog Select All Velja allt Clear Selection Hreinsa val Toggle Selection Víxla vali af/á Add File(s)… Bæta við skrá(m)… All files (*.*) Allar skrár (*.*) {0} files (*.{1}) {0} skrár (*.{1}) Select File(s) Veldu skrá(r) Add Directory… MultipleInputPanel 0 elements selected 0 stök valin {0} elements selected {0} stök valin NearestNeighbourAnalysis Vector analysis Greining á vektorum Input layer Inntakslag Nearest neighbour Næsti nágranni HTML files (*.html) HTML-skrár (*.html) Observed mean distance Sjáanleg meðalvegalengd Expected mean distance Áætluð meðalvegalengd Nearest neighbour index Vísir næsta nágranna Number of points Fjöldi punkta Z-Score Z-stig Nearest neighbour analysis Greining næsta nágranna NewConnectionDialog Create a new Catalog connection Búa til nýja efnisskrártengingu Name Heiti URL URL Authentication Auðkenning If the service requires basic authentication, enter a user name and optional password Ef þjónustan notar grunnauðkenningu, settu inn notandanafn og lykilorð ef við á User name Notandanafn Password Lykilorð Save Connection Vista tengingu Both Name and URL must be provided. Bæði nafn og slóð verða að vera til staðar. Name cannot contain '/'. Heiti má ekki innihalda '/'. Overwrite {0}? Skrifa yfir {0}? NewPreconfiguredAlgorithmAction Create Preconfigured Algorithm… Búa til forstillt reiknirit… NumberInputPanel Not set Ekki skilgreint OffsetCurve Input layer Inntakslag Geometry column name Heiti rúmfræðidálks Offset distance (left-sided: positive, right-sided: negative) Vegalengd hliðrunar (til vinstri: jákvæð, til hægri: neikvæð) Additional creation options Viðbótarvalkostir við gerð Offset curve Hliðra ferli Vector geoprocessing Vektor-landgagnavinnsla Ogr2OgrTableToPostGisList Database (connection name) Gagnagrunnur (heiti tengingar) Input layer Inntakslag Shape encoding Stafkóðun forms Schema name Heiti á skipan Table name, leave blank to use input name Heiti töflu, skildu eftir autt til að nota inntaksheiti Primary key Aðallykill Primary key (existing field, used if the above option is left empty) Aðallykill (fyrirliggjandi gagnasvið, notað ef valkosturinn fyrir ofan er skilinn eftir auður) Group N features per transaction (Default: 20000) Overwrite existing table Skrifa yfir fyrirliggjandi töflu Append to existing table Bæta við fyrirliggjandi töflu Append and add new fields to existing table Bæta nýjum gagnasviðum við fyrirliggjandi töflu Do not launder columns/table names Continue after a failure, skipping the failed record Halda áfram þegar ekki tekst, með því að sleppa misheppnaðri færslu Keep width and precision of input attributes Halda breidd og nákvæmni inntakseiginda Additional creation options Viðbótarvalkostir við gerð Import layer/table as geometryless table into PostgreSQL database Flytja lag/töflu inn sem rúmfræðilausa töflu í PostgreSQL-gagnagrunn Vector miscellaneous Ýmislegt vektortengt Select features using a SQL "WHERE" statement (Ex: column='value') Ogr2OgrToPostGisList Database (connection name) Gagnagrunnur (heiti tengingar) Input layer Inntakslag Shape encoding Stafkóðun forms Output geometry type Gerð frálagslögunar Geometry column name Heiti rúmfræðidálks Vector dimensions Stærðir vektors Distance tolerance for simplification Þolviksgildi vegalengdar fyrir einföldun Maximum distance between 2 nodes (densification) Hámarksfjarlægð milli 2 hnúta (þétting) Select features by extent (defined in input layer CRS) Velja fitjur eftir kortvídd (skilgreindri í viðmiðskerfi inntakslags) Clip the input layer using the above (rectangle) extent Group N features per transaction (Default: 20000) Overwrite existing table Skrifa yfir fyrirliggjandi töflu Append to existing table Bæta við fyrirliggjandi töflu Append and add new fields to existing table Bæta nýjum gagnasviðum við fyrirliggjandi töflu Do not launder columns/table names Do not create spatial index Ekki búa til staðlykil Continue after a failure, skipping the failed feature Halda áfram þegar ekki tekst, með því að sleppa misheppnaðri fitju Additional creation options Viðbótarvalkostir við gerð Export to PostgreSQL (available connections) Flytja út í PostgreSQL (tiltækar tengingar) Exports a vector layer to an existing PostgreSQL database connection Flytur vektorlag út í fyrirliggjandi PostgreSQL gagnagrunnstengingu import,into,postgis,database,vector flytja inn,inn í,postgis,gagnagrunnur,vektor Vector miscellaneous Ýmislegt vektortengt Assign an output CRS Úthluta viðmiðskerfi fyrir frálag Reproject to this CRS on output Endurvarpa í þetta viðmiðskerfi við frálag Override source CRS Rétthærra en upprunalegt vviðmiðskerfi Schema (schema name) Skipan (heiti á skipan) Table to import to (leave blank to use layer name) Tafla sem á að flytja inn í (skildu eftir autt til að nota heiti lagsins) Primary key (new field) Aðallykill (nýtt gagnasvið) Primary key (existing field, used if the above option is left empty) Aðallykill (fyrirliggjandi gagnasvið, notað ef valkosturinn fyrir ofan er skilinn eftir auður) Promote to Multipart Uppfæra í marghluta Keep width and precision of input attributes Halda breidd og nákvæmni inntakseiginda Select features using a SQL "WHERE" statement (Ex: column='value') OgrToPostGis Input layer Inntakslag Shape encoding Stafkóðun forms Output geometry type Gerð frálagslögunar Assign an output CRS Úthluta viðmiðskerfi frálags Reproject to this CRS on output Endurvarpa í þetta viðmiðskerfi við frálag Override source CRS Rétthærra en upprunalegt viðmiðskerfi Host Miðlari Port Gátt Username Notandanafn Database name Nafn gagnagrunns Password Lykilorð Schema name Heiti á skipan Table name, leave blank to use input name Heiti töflu, skildu eftir autt til að nota inntaksheiti Primary key (new field) Aðallykill (nýtt gagnasvið) Primary key (existing field, used if the above option is left empty) Aðallykill (fyrirliggjandi gagnasvið, notað ef valkosturinn fyrir ofan er skilinn eftir auður) Geometry column name Heiti rúmfræðidálks Vector dimensions Stærðir vektors Distance tolerance for simplification Þolviksgildi vegalengdar fyrir einföldun Maximum distance between 2 nodes (densification) Distance maximum entre 2 nœuds (densification) Select features by extent (defined in input layer CRS) Velja fitjur eftir kortvídd (skilgreindri í viðmiðskerfi inntakslags) Clip the input layer using the above (rectangle) extent Fields to include (leave empty to use all fields) Select features using a SQL "WHERE" statement (Ex: column='value') Group N features per transaction (Default: 20000) Overwrite existing table Skrifa yfir fyrirliggjandi töflu Append to existing table Bæta við fyrirliggjandi töflu Append and add new fields to existing table Bæta nýjum gagnasviðum við fyrirliggjandi töflu Do not launder columns/table names Do not create spatial index Ekki búa til staðlykil Continue after a failure, skipping the failed feature Halda áfram þegar ekki tekst, með því að sleppa misheppnaðri fitju Promote to Multipart Uppfæra í marghluta Keep width and precision of input attributes Halda breidd og nákvæmni inntakseiginda Additional creation options Viðbótarvalkostir við gerð Export to PostgreSQL (new connection) Exports a vector layer to a new PostgreSQL database connection import,into,postgis,database,vector flytja inn,inn í,postgis,gagnagrunnur,vektor Vector miscellaneous Ýmislegt vektortengt OneSideBuffer Right Hægri Left Vinstri Input layer Inntakslag Geometry column name Heiti rúmfræðidálks Buffer distance Fjarlægð jaðars Buffer side Hlið jaðars Dissolve by attribute Bræða saman eftir eigindum Dissolve all results Bræða allar niðurstöður saman Produce one feature for each geometry in any kind of geometry collection in the source file Additional creation options Viðbótarvalkostir við gerð One-sided buffer Einhliða jaðar One side buffer Einhliða jaðar Vector geoprocessing Vektor-landgagnavinnsla OpenModelFromFileAction Open Existing Model… Opna fyrirliggjandi líkan… Tools Verkfæri Open Model AddModelFromFileAction Opna líkan Processing models (*.model3 *.MODEL3) AddModelFromFileAction Vinnslulíkön (*.model3 *.MODEL3) OpenScriptFromFileAction Open Existing Script… Opna fyrirliggjandi skriftu… Tools Verkfæri Open Script AddScriptFromFileAction Opna skriftu Processing scripts (*.py *.PY) AddScriptFromFileAction Vinnsluskriftur (*.py *.PY) OracleDBPlugin There is no defined database connection "{0}". Það er engin skilgreind gagnagrunnstenging "{0}". OrderByDialogBase Define Order Skilgreina röð Expression Segð Asc / Desc Hækk / Lækk NULLs handling Meðhöndlun núllgilda (tómagilda) Orthogonalize rectangle,perpendicular,right,angles,square,quadrilateralise Vector geometry Vektorlögun Maximum angle tolerance (degrees) Hámarksþolvik horns (gráður) Maximum algorithm iterations Hámarks endurtekningar reiknirits Orthogonalize Orthogonalized Error orthogonalizing geometry OtbAlgorithm Processing Vinnsla Incorrect value for parameter '{}'. No EPSG code found in '{}' OTB currently support only gdal and ogr provider. Parameter '{}' uses '{}' provider OtbAlgorithmProvider Activate Virkja OTB folder OTB application folder SRTM tiles folder Mappa undir SRTM-tígla Geoid file Geoid-skrá Maximum RAM to use Logger level Processing Vinnsla Loading OTB '{}'. '{}' is not valid. Possible values are '{}' Cannot activate OTB provider '{}' does not exist. OTB provider will be disabled No OTB algorithms found in '{}'. OTB will be disabled Cannot find '{}'. OTB will be disabled OtbUtils Processing Vinnsla PGDatabase &Table &Tafla Run &Vacuum Analyze Keyra &Vacuum Analyze ruslgreiningu Run &Refresh Materialized View Key&ra uppfært geymt sjónarhorn Select a table for vacuum analyze. Veldu töflu til að greina rusl (vacuum). Select a materialized view for refresh. Veldu geymt sjónarhorn sem á að uppfæra. PGTable Do you want to {0} rule {1}? Viltu {0} reglu {1}? Table rule Töflu regla ParameterAggregates Aggregates Samtölur Aggregated Samsafnað Parser error in expression "{}": {} Þáttunarvilla í segð "{}": {} Evaluation error in expression "{}": {} Matsvilla í segð "{}": {} ParameterHeatmapPixelSize Output raster size Stærð frálagsrasta Weight from field Vægi frá gagnasviði Kernel shape Lögun kjarna Decay ratio (Triangular kernels only) Output value scaling Kvörðun á frálagsgildum Heatmap Hitakort Could not create destination layer Gat ekki búið til móttökulag Error adding feature with ID {} to heatmap Villa við að bæta fitju með auðkennið {} við hitakort Could not save destination layer Gat ekki vistað móttökulag ParameterRasterCalculatorExpression Expression Segð Reference layer(s) (used for automated extent, cellsize, and CRS) Cell size (use 0 or empty to set it automatically) Stærð reits (nota 0 eða autt til að setja það sjálfvirkt) Output extent Kortvídd frálags Output Frálag Raster calculator Rastareiknir No reference layer selected nor CRS provided No reference layer selected nor extent box provided No reference layer selected nor cellsize value provided Output '%1' from algorithm '%2' Frálag '%1' úr reikniritinu '%2' Error parsing formula Villa við að þátta formúlu ParameterVectorVrtDestination Virtual vector Sýndarvektor Virtual string Sýndarstrengur Build virtual vector Byggja sýndarvektor Invalid datasource: {} Ógildur gagnagjafi: {} ParameterVrtDestination Input layers Inntakslög Resolution Upplausn Place each input file into a separate band Setja hverja inntaksskrá á sérstakt tíðnisvið Allow projection difference Leyfa mismunandi vörpun Add alpha mask band to VRT when source raster has none Bæta alfa-gegnsæishulusviði við VRT þegar upprunarastinn er ekki með neitt Override projection for the output file Resampling algorithm Reiknirit endurreiknunar (grisjun - resampling) Nodata value(s) for input bands (space separated) Virtual Sýndar Nearest Neighbour Næsti nágranni Bilinear Tvílínulegt Cubic Convolution B-Spline Convolution Lanczos Windowed Sinc Average Meðaltal Mode Hamur Highest Hæsta Lowest Lægsta ParametersPanel [Not selected] [ekki valið] Python identifier: ‘{}’ Python kenni: ‘{}’ Open output file after running algorithm Opna frálagsskrá eftir keyrslu reiknirits PhongMaterialWidget Form Form Diffuse Dreifing Ambient Umhverfis Specular Endurvarp Shininess Gljái PixelSizeWidgetWrapper Resolution of each pixel in output raster, in layer units Upplausn hvers mynddíls í frálagsrasta, í einingum lagsins Point3DSymbolWidget Form Form Shape Form Radius Radíus Size Stærð Length Lengd Model Líkan Overwrite model material Yfirskrifa efni líkans Minor radius Aukaradíus Top radius Radíus efst Bottom radius Radíus neðst Altitude clamping Festing hæðar Absolute Algilt Relative Afstætt Terrain Yfirborð X X Y Y Z Z Translation Flutningur Scale Kvarði Rotation Snúningur PointDistance Vector analysis Greining á vektorum Linear (N*k x 3) distance matrix Línuleg (N*k x 3) fjarlægðarfylki Standard (N x T) distance matrix Stöðluð (N x T) fjarlægðarfylki Summary distance matrix (mean, std. dev., min, max) Input point layer Inntaks-punktalag Input unique ID field Einkvæmt auðkennissvið inntaks Target point layer Marks punktalag Target unique ID field Miða á einkvæm auðkennissvið Output matrix type Tegnud frálagsfylkis Use only the nearest (k) target points Nota einungis næstu (k) markpunkta Distance matrix Fjarlægðafylki Input point layer is a MultiPoint layer - first convert to single points before using this algorithm. Target point layer is a MultiPoint layer - first convert to single points before using this algorithm. PointsAlongLines Input layer Inntakslag Geometry column name Heiti rúmfræðidálks Distance from line start represented as fraction of line length Additional creation options Viðbótarvalkostir við gerð Points along lines Punktar eftir línum Vector geoprocessing Vektor-landgagnavinnsla PointsDisplacement Vector geometry Vektorlögun Input layer Inntakslag Minimum distance to other points Lágmarksfjarlægð í aðra punkta Displacement distance Vegalengd tilfærslu Horizontal distribution for two point case Lárétt dreifing í tveggja punkta dæmi Displaced Fært til Points displacement Tilfærsla punkta PointsFromLines Vector creation Gerð vektora Raster layer Rastalag Vector layer Vektorlög Points along lines Punktar eftir línum Generate points (pixel centroids) along line PointsFromPolygons Vector creation Gerð vektora Raster layer Rastalag Vector layer Vektorlög Points inside polygons Punktar innan fláka Generate points (pixel centroids) inside polygons PointsInPolygon Vector analysis Greining á vektorum Polygons Flákar Points Punktar Weight field Vægissvið Class field Gagnasvið klasa Count field name Heiti gagnasviðs fyrir fjölda Count Fjöldi Count points in polygon Telja punkta í fláka PointsLayerFromTable points,create,values,attributes Vector creation Gerð vektora Input layer Inntakslag X field X svið Y field Y svið Z field Z svið M field M svið Target CRS Markmiðs-viðmiðskerfi Points from table Punktar úr töflu Create points layer from table Búa til punktalag út frá töflu PointsToPaths Input point layer Inntaks-punktalag Group field Gagnasvið hóps Order field Röðunarsvið Vector creation Gerð vektora join,points,lines,connect Date format (if order field is DateTime) Snið á dagsetningu (ef röðunarsvið er DateTime) Paths Slóðir Directory for text output Mappa fyrir textaúttak Points to path Punktar í feril PolarPlot Graphics Myndefni Input layer Inntakslag Category name field Gagnasvið fyrir heiti flokka Value field Gagnasvið gilda Polar plot HTML files (*.html) HTML-skrár (*.html) PoleOfInaccessibility furthest,point,distant,extreme,maximum,centroid,center,centre Vector geometry Vektorlögun Input layer Inntakslag Tolerance Þolvik Point Punktur Pole of inaccessibility Error calculating pole of inaccessibility Polygon3DSymbolWidget Form Form No culling Engin grisjun (culling) Front Framan Back Aftan Height Hæð Extrusion Útpressun Absolute Algilt Invert normals (experimental) Snúa við þverlínum (á tilraunastigi) Altitude binding Binding hæðar Relative Afstætt Terrain Yfirborð Altitude clamping Festing hæðar Culling mode Hamur grisjunar (culling mode) Add back faces Bæta við bakflötum Vertex Brotpunktur Centroid Þyngdarpunktur Edges Brúnir Width Breidd px px Color Litur Polygonize create,lines,polygons,convert Vector geometry Vektorlögun Processing lines… Vinn með línur… Noding lines… Set hnúta á línur… Polygonizing… Geri að flákum… Saving polygons… Vista fláka… No polygons were created! Engir flákar voru búnir til! Input layer Inntakslag Keep table structure of line layer Halda töfluuppbyggingu línulags Polygons from lines Flákar úr línum Polygonize Gera að flákum PostGIS There is no defined database connection "{0}". Það er engin skilgreind gagnagrunnstenging "{0}". Action canceled by user Hætt við aðgerð af notanda PostGISExecuteAndLoadSQL Database Gagnagrunnur Database (connection name) Gagnagrunnur (heiti tengingar) SQL query SQL-fyrirspurn Unique ID field name Geometry field name Output layer Frálagslag PostgreSQL execute and load SQL Executes a SQL command on a PostgreSQL database and loads the result as a table postgis,table,database This layer is invalid! Please check the PostGIS log for error messages. PostGISExecuteSQL Database Gagnagrunnur Database (connection name) Gagnagrunnur (heiti tengingar) SQL query SQL-fyrirspurn PostgreSQL execute SQL Executes a SQL command on a PostgreSQL database postgis,database postgis,gagnagrunnur Error executing SQL: {0} Villa við að keyra SQL: {0} PostGisDBPlugin There is no defined database connection "{0}". Það er engin skilgreind gagnagrunnstenging "{0}". Postprocessing Loading resulting layers Hleð inn útkomulögum Error loading result layer: Villa við að hlaða inn útkomulagi: The following layers were not correctly generated. Eftirfarandi lög voru ekki rétt útbúin. You can check the 'Log Messages Panel' in QGIS main window to find more information about the execution of the algorithm. PreconfiguredAlgorithmDialog OK Í lagi Unable to execute algorithm Tókst ekki að keyra reiknirit Missing parameter value: {0} Gildi færibreytu vantar: {0} Wrong or missing parameter values Gildi færibreytu er rangt eða vantar PreconfiguredAlgorithmProvider Preconfigured algorithms PreconfiguredAlgorithmProvider Forstillt reiknirit PrepareAPIDialog Error Villa Done Lokið Processing Error: Algorithm {0} not found Villa: Reikniritið {0} fannst ekki Processing Vinnsla Unable to execute algorithm {0} Tókst ekki að keyra reiknirit {0} Warning: Not all input layers use the same CRS. This can cause unexpected results. Viðvörun: Lögin nota ekki sama viðmiðskerfi. Þetta getur haft óvæntar afleiðingar í för með sér. There were errors executing the algorithm. Það kom upp villa við að keyra reikniritið. [Preconfigure] Fields Mapper A mapping of field names to field type definitions and expressions. Used for the refactor fields algorithm. Error: Provider {0} could not be activated Villa: Ekki tókst að virkja {0} þjónustuveitu Results: {} Niðurstöður: {} &Analysis Tools &Greiningarverkfæri &Research Tools &Rannsóknaverkfæri &Geoprocessing Tools Verkfæri fyrir land&gagnavinnslu G&eometry Tools V&erkfæri fyrir rúmfræði (geometry) &Data Management Tools Verkfæri fyrir &gagnaumsýslu Missing Algorithm Reiknirit vantar The algorithm "{}" is no longer available. (Perhaps a plugin was uninstalled?) Reikniritið "{}" er ekki lengur tiltækt. (Hugsanlega var forritsviðbót fjarlægð?) Missing Dependency Kerfisákvæði vantar Projections Varpanir Conversion Umbreyting Extraction Afleiðsla Analysis Greining Miscellaneous Ýmislegt Invalid algorithm ID for menu: {} Ógilt ID-auðkenni fyrir valmynd: {} <h3>Missing dependency. This algorithm cannot be run :-( </h3> {0} <h3>Kerfisákvæði vantar. Það er ekki hægt að keyra þetta reiknirit :-( </h3> {0} A numeric parameter, including float or integer values. Töluleg færibreyta, inniheldur fleyti- eða heiltölugildi. A raster layer parameter. A vector layer parameter, e.g. for algorithms which change layer styles, edit layers in place, or other operations which affect an entire layer. Map Layer Kortalag An expression parameter, to add custom expressions based on layer fields. Expression Segð An enumerated type parameter. A file or folder parameter, for use with non-map layer file sources or folders. File/Folder Skrá/Mappa Vector Field Vektorsvið A vector layer destination parameter. A generic file based destination parameter. A folder destination parameter. A raster layer destination parameter. Multiple Input Margþætt ílag A vector feature parameter, e.g. for algorithms which operate on the features within a layer. Vector Features Vektorfitjur A feature sink destination parameter. Feature Sink A freeform string parameter. A boolean parameter, for true/false values. A vector field parameter, for selecting an existing field from a vector source. A map extent parameter. A geographic point parameter. A coordinate reference system (CRS) input parameter. Raster Layer Rastalag A mesh layer parameter. Mesh Layer Vector Layer Vektorlag Boolean Bólskt CRS Hnitaviðmiðskerfi (CRS) A numeric range parameter for processing algorithms. Range Svið Point Punktur Enum Extent Kortvídd A table (matrix) parameter for processing algorithms. Matrix Fylki Vector Destination Áfangastaður vektors File Destination Áfangastaður skrár Folder Destination Áfangastaður möppu Raster Destination Áfangastaður rasta String Textastrengur A authentication configuration parameter. Authentication Configuration Stillingar auðkenningar An input allowing selection of multiple sources, including multiple map layers or file sources. Number Tala A numeric parameter representing a distance measure. Distance Fjarlægð A numeric parameter representing a map scale. Scale Kvarði A raster band parameter, for selecting an existing band from a raster source. Raster Band Tíðnisvið rasta A print layout parameter. Print Layout Prenta framsetningu A print layout item parameter. Print Layout Item A generic map layer parameter, which accepts either vector or raster layers. Could not load parameter %1 of type %2. Gat ekki hlaðið inn færibreytu %1 af tegund %2. ProcessingConfig General Almennt Keep dialog open after running an algorithm Halda glugga opnum eftir keyrslu reiknirits Use filename as layer name Nota skráarheiti sem nafn á lagi Show tooltip when there are disabled providers Birta áhaldavísbendingar þegar þjónustuveitur eru óvirkar Output folder Frálagsmappa Show layer CRS definition in selection boxes Sýna skilgreiningu hnitviðmiðskerfis laga í valreitum Warn before executing if parameter CRS's do not match Aðvara áður en vinnsla fer af stað ef hnitviðmiðskerfi færibreyta stemma ekki Style for raster layers Stíll fyrir rastalag Style for point layers Stíll fyrir punktalög Style for line layers Stíll fyrir línulög Style for polygon layers Stíll fyrir flákalög Pre-execution script For-keyrslu skriftur Post-execution script Eftir-keyrslu skriftur Do not filter (better performance) Ekki sía (betri afköst) Skip (ignore) features with invalid geometries Stop algorithm execution when a geometry is invalid Invalid features filtering Síun ógildra fitja Show algorithms with known issues ProcessingPlugin &Run Model… &Keyra líkan… &Edit Model… &Breyta líkani… Processing Vinnsla Pro&cessing Vinns&la &Toolbox Verkfæra&kassi Graphical &Modeler… &Myndrænn líkanasmiður… &History… Vinnslu&ferill… &Results Viewer Niðu&rstöðuskoðun Edit Features In-Place Breyta fitjum á staðnum Options Valkostir ProcessingToolbox Processing Toolbox Vinnsluverkfærakassi Enter algorithm name to filter list Settu heiti á reikniriti inn í síulista <html><head/><body><p>You can add more algorithms to the toolbox, <a href="enable"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#0000ff;">enable additional providers.</span></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="close"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#0000ff;">[close]</span></a></p></body></html> <html><head/><body><p>Þú getur bætt fleiri reikniritum við verkfærakassann, <a href="enable"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#0000ff;">virkjað auka gagnaveitur.</span></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="close"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#0000ff;">[loka]</span></a></p></body></html> Search… Leita… Execute… Framkvæma… Execute as Batch Process… Framkvæma sem magnvinnsluferli… Edit Rendering Styles for Outputs… Breyta myndgerðarstílum frálags… {} complete {} lokið Error executing algorithm Villa við að keyra reiknirit <h3>This algorithm cannot be run :-( </h3> {0} <h3>Það er ekki hægt að keyra þetta reiknirit :-( </h3> {0} ProjectProvider Project models ProjectProvider Líkön verkefnis Models embedded in the current project ProjectProvider Líkön ívafin í þetta verkefni Could not load model from project ProjectProvider Gat ekki hlaðið líkani inn úr verkefni Processing Vinnsla PropertyAssistantBase Output Frálag Input Inntak to til Source Uppruni Values from Gildi frá Fetch value range from layer Lesa inn gildissvið frá lagi Apply transform curve PropertyColorAssistant Color when NULL Litur þegar er NULL Color ramp Litastigi PropertyGenericNumericAssistant Output from Úttak frá Output when NULL Frálag þegar er NULL Exponent Veldisvísir to til PropertySizeAssistant Size from Stærð frá Size when NULL Stærð þegar er NULL Exponent Veldisvísir to til Scale method Kvörðunaraðferð Python Python warning Python viðvörun Python version: Python útgáfa: QGIS version: QGIS útgáfa: Couldn't load plugin '{0}' Gat ekki hlaðið inn viðbótinni '{0}' {0} due to an error when calling its classFactory() method {0} due to an error when calling its initGui() method Error while unloading plugin {0} Villa við að afhlaða viðbótina {0} Couldn't load server plugin {0} Gat ekki hlaðið inn vefþjónsviðbótinni {0} {0} due to an error when calling its serverClassFactory() method Python error Python villa An error has occurred while executing Python code: Villa átti sér stað við keyrslu á Python-kóða: See message log (Python Error) for more details. Skoðaðu skilaboðaannálinn (Python Error) til að sjá nánari upplýsingar. Stack trace Staflarakning (stack trace) View message log Skoða skilaboðaannál Python Path: Python slóð: {0} - plugin has no initProcessing() method {0} due to an error when calling its initProcessing() method PythonConsole Python Console Python stjórnskjár Compile APIs Vistþýða API-forritaviðmót Saved Vistað Done Lokið Hide Editor Fela ritil Check Syntax Athuga málskipan Run Script Keyra skriftu Undo Afturkalla Redo Endurgera Find Text Finna texta Open in External Editor Opna með utanaðkomandi ritli Cut Klippa Copy Afrita Paste Líma Comment Athugasemd Uncomment Eyða athugasemd Hide/Show Object Inspector Select All Velja allt Open Script… Opna skriftu… Save As… Vista sem… Object Inspector… Options… Valkostir… Help… Hjálp… Enter text to find… Settu inn texta sem á að finna… Saving prepared file… Vista undirbúna skrá… Error preparing file… Villa við að undirbúa skrá… <b>"{0}"</b> was not found. <b>"{0}"</b> fannst ekki. URL copied to clipboard. URL-slóð afrituð á klippispjaldið. Connection error: Tengingarvilla: [Temporary file saved in {0}] [Bráðabirgðaskrá vistuð í {0}] ## Script error: {0} ## Villa í skriftu: {0} ## Script executed successfully: {0} ## Tókst að keyra skriftu: {0} Cannot execute file {0}. Error: {1} Get ekki keyrt skrá {0}. Villa: {1} Hey, type something to run! Settu eitthvað inn til að keyra! Python Console: Save file Python stjórnskjár: Vista skrá Script was correctly saved. Skriftan var vistuð rétt. Click on button to restore all tabs from last session. Smelltu á hnappinn til að endurheimta alla flipa frá síðustu setu. Restore tabs Endurheimta flipa Close Loka List all tabs Gera lista yfir flipa New Editor Nýr ritill Close Tab Loka flipa Close All Loka öllu Close Others Loka öðrum Save As Vista sem The file {0} could not be opened. Error: {1} Ekki var hægt að opna skrána {0}. Villa: {1} Untitled-{0} Ónefnt-{0} Python Console: Save File Python stjórnskjár: Vista skrá The file <b>'{0}'</b> has been modified, save changes? Skránni <b>'{0}'</b> hefur verið breytt. Viltu vista breytingar? Unable to restore the file: {0} Gat ekki endurheimt skrána: {0} Python Console Use iface to access QGIS API interface or Type help(iface) for more info Security warning: typing commands from an untrusted source can lead to data loss and/or leak Hide/Show Toolbar Birta/fela verkfærastiku Double-click on item to execute Tvísmella á hlut til að framkvæma Show Editor Birta ritil Clear Console Hreinsa stjórnskjá Run Command Keyra skipun Enter Selected Setja inn valið Object Inspector Save Vista Find Next Finna næsta Find Previous Finna fyrra Case Sensitive Háð há/lágstöfum Whole Word Heil orð Wrap Around Umvefja kringum Open File Opna skrá The file <b>{0}</b> could not be saved. Error: {1} Ekki var hægt að vista <b>{0}</b> skrána. Villa: {1} Save File As Vista skrá sem Run Selected Keyra valið Share on Codepad Deila á Codepad History saved successfully. Það tókst að vista vinnsluferil. Session and file history cleared successfully. Búið er að hreinsa lotu- og skráaferil. History cleared successfully. Það tókst að hreinsa vinnsluferil. Command History Ferill skipana Show Birta Clear File Fjarlægja skrá Clear Session Hreinsa lotu Python Console - Command History Python stjórnskjár - Ferill skipana Add API path Bæta við slóð á API-forritaviðmót Remove API path Fjarlægja slóð á API-forritaviðmót The file <b>"{0}"</b> has been deleted or is not accessible Skránni <b>"{0}"</b> hefur verið eytt eða hún er ekki aðgengileg The file <b>"{0}"</b> is read only, please save to different file first. Skráin <b>"{0}"</b> er aðeins til lestrar, vistaðu fyrst í aðra skrá. QCoreApplication Count Fjöldi Count Distinct Fjöldi (stök) Count Missing Fjöldi (vantar) Min Lágmark Max Hámark Sum Samtals Mean Meðaltal Median Miðgildi Stdev staðalfrávik Stdev Sample StDev (sýnishorn) Range Svið Minority Minnihluti Majority Meirihluti Q1 Ársfj.1 Q3 Ársfj.3 InterQuartileRange InterQuartileRange (svið miðfjórðunga) Min Length Lágmarkslengd Max Length Hámarkslengd Concatenate Setja saman Collect Safna Array Aggregate Samtölur fylkis QCoreApplication.QCoreApplication.QCoreApplication.QCoreApplication.QCoreApplication.self Idle Hvílandi QCoreApplication.QCoreApplication.QCoreApplication.QCoreApplication.self Idle Hvílandi QCoreApplication.self Error Villa QGISAlgorithm This algorithm creates a new point layer with a given number of random points, all of them within the extent of a given layer. A distance factor can be specified, to avoid points being too close to each other. qgis This algorithm takes a line or polygon layer and attempts to orthogonalize all the geometries in the layer. This process shifts the nodes in the geometries to try to make every angle in the geometry either a right angle or a straight line. The angle tolerance parameter is used to specify the maximum deviation from a right angle or straight line a node can have for it to be adjusted. Smaller tolerances mean that only nodes which are already closer to right angles will be adjusted, and larger tolerances mean that nodes which deviate further from right angles will also be adjusted. The algorithm is iterative. Setting a larger number for the maximum iterations will result in a more orthogonal geometry at the cost of extra processing time. qgis This algorithm takes a polygon layer and creates a new polygon layer in which multipart geometries have been removed, leaving only the n largest (in terms of area) parts. qgis This algorithm generates a histogram with the values of a raster layer. The raster layer must have a single band. qgis This algorithm imports a vector layer into a PostGIS database, creating a new table. Prior to this a connection between QGIS and the PostGIS database has to be created (for example with the DB Manager). qgis This algorithm takes a vector layer and generates a new one that contains only a subset of the features in the input layer. The subset is defined randomly, using a percentage or count value to define the total number of features in the subset. The percentage/count value is not applied to the whole layer, but instead to each category. Categories are defined according to a given attribute, which is also specified as an input parameter for the algorithm. qgis This algorithm takes a vector layer and generate a new one with the minimum enclosing circle that covers all the input features. As an alternative, the output layer can contain not just a single circle, but one for each input feature, representing the minimum enclosing circle that covers each of them. qgis This algorithm creates a polygon layer with the delaunay triangulation corresponding to a points layer. qgis This algorithm updates existing geometries (or creates new geometries) for input features by use of a QGIS expression. This allows complex geometry modifications which can utilize all the flexibility of the QGIS expression engine to manipulate and create geometries for output features. For help with QGIS expression functions, see the inbuilt help for specific functions which is available in the expression builder. qgis Creates an index to speed up access to the features in a layer based on their spatial location. Support for spatial index creation is dependent on the layer's data provider. qgis This algorithm moves the geometries within a layer, by offsetting them with a specified x and y displacement. qgis This algorithm takes a polygon or line layer and generates a new one in which the geometries have a larger number of vertices than the original one. The geometries are densified by adding regularly placed extra nodes inside each segment so that the maximum distance between any two nodes does not exceed the specified distance. E.g. specifying a distance 3 would cause the segment [0 0] -> [10 0] to be converted to [0 0] -> [2.5 0] -> [5 0] -> [7.5 0] -> [10 0], since 3 extra nodes are required on the segment and spacing these at 2.5 increments allows them to be evenly spaced over the segment. If the geometries have z or m values present then these will be linearly interpolated at the added nodes. The distance is expressed in the same units used by the layer CRS. qgis This algorithm allows performing algebraic operations using raster layers. The resulting layer will have its values computed according to an expression. The expression can contain numerical values, operators and references to any of the layers in the current project. The following functions are also supported: - sin(), cos(), tan(), atan2(), ln(), log10() The extent, cell size, and output CRS can be defined by the user. If the extent is not specified, the minimum extent that covers selected reference layer(s) will be used. If the cell size is not specified, the minimum cell size of selected reference layer(s) will be used. If the output CRS is not specified, the CRS of the first reference layer will be used. The cell size is assumed to be the same in both X and Y axes. Layers are referred by their name as displayed in the layer list and the number of the band to use (based on 1), using the pattern 'layer_name@band number'. For instance, the first band from a layer named DEM will be referred as DEM@1. When using the calculator in the batch interface or from the console, the files to use have to be specified. The corresponding layers are referred using the base name of the file (without the full path). For instance, if using a layer at path/to/my/rasterfile.tif, the first band of that layer will be referred as rasterfile.tif@1. qgis This algorithm takes a points layer and generates a polygon layer containing the voronoi polygons corresponding to those input points. qgis This algorithm creates geometries which enclose the features from an input layer. Numerous enclosing geometry types are supported, including bounding boxes (envelopes), oriented rectangles, circles and convex hulls. Optionally, the features can be grouped by a field. If set, this causes the output layer to contain one feature per grouped value with a minimal geometry covering just the features with matching values. qgis This algorithm reprojects a vector layer. It creates a new layer with the same features as the input one, but with geometries reprojected to a new CRS. Attributes are not modified by this algorithm. qgis This algorithm computes a buffer area for all the features in an input layer. The size of the buffer for a given feature is defined by an attribute, so it allows different features to have different buffer sizes. qgis This algorithm generates a concave hull polygon from a set of points. If the input layer is a line or polygon layer, it will use the nodes. The number of neighbours to consider determines the concaveness of the output polygon. A lower number will result in a concave hull that follows the points very closely, while a higher number will have a smoother shape. The minimum number of neighbour points to consider is 3. A value equal to or greater than the number of points will result in a convex hull. If a field is selected, the algorithm will group the features in the input layer using unique values in that field and generate individual polygons in the output layer for each group. qgis This algorithm takes a vector layer and an attribute and generates a set of vector layers in an output folder. Each of the layers created in that folder contains all features from the input layer with the same value for the specified attribute. The number of files generated is equal to the number of different values found for the specified attribute. qgis This algorithm counts the different values that appear in a specified attributes for features of the same class. Classes are defined according to a given attribute. For all layers that share the same value of this attribute, the values of a second attribute are analyzed. The resulting layer contains the same features as the input layer, but with an additional attribute containing the count of unique values for that class. qgis This algorithm truncates a layer, by deleting all features from within the layer. Warning - this algorithm modifies the layer in place, and deleted features cannot be restored! qgis This algorithm generates a table with frequency analysis of the values of a selected attribute from an input vector layer qgis This algorithm generates a histogram with the values of the attribute of a vector layer. The attribute to use for computing the histogram must be a numeric attribute. qgis This algorithm takes a vector layer with multipart geometries and generates a new one in which all geometries contain a single part. Features with multipart geometries are divided in as many different features as parts the geometry contain, and the same attributes are used for each of them. qgis This algorithm computes geometric properties of the features in a vector layer. It generates a new vector layer with the same content as the input one, but with additional attributes in its attributes table, containing geometric measurements. Depending on the geometry type of the vector layer, the attributes added to the table will be different. qgis This algorithm creates a new point layer with random points inside the polygons of a given layer. The number of points in each polygon can be defined as a fixed count or as a density value. The count/density value is taken from an attribute, so it can be different for each polygon in the input layer. qgis Creates points at regular intervals along line or polygon geometries. Created points will have new attributes added for the distance along the geometry and the angle of the line at the point. An optional start and end offset can be specified, which controls how far from the start and end of the geometry the points should be created. qgis This algorithm performs a SQL database query on a PostGIS database connected to QGIS and loads the query results as a new layer. qgis This algorithm creates a new vector layer that only contains matching features from an input layer. The criteria for adding features to the resulting layer is defined based on the values of an attribute from the input layer. qgis This algorithm adds a new attribute to a vector layer. The name and characteristics of the attribute are defined as parameters. The new attribute is not added to the input layer but a new layer is generated instead. qgis This algorithm calculates the pole of inaccessibility for a polygon layer, which is the most distant internal point from the boundary of the surface. This algorithm uses the 'polylabel' algorithm (Vladimir Agafonkin, 2016), which is an iterative approach guaranteed to find the true pole of inaccessibility within a specified tolerance (in layer units). More precise tolerances require more iterations and will take longer to calculate. The distance from the calculated pole to the polygon boundary will be stored as a new attribute in the output layer. qgis This algorithm sets the style of a vector layer. The style must be defined in a QML file. qgis This algorithm creates a new point layer with a given number of random points, all of them within a given extent. A distance factor can be specified, to avoid points being too close to each other. qgis This algorithm computes a buffer area for all the features in an input layer, using a fixed distance. The segments parameter controls the number of line segments to use to approximate a quarter circle when creating rounded offsets. The end cap style parameter controls how line endings are handled in the buffer. The join style parameter specifies whether round, miter or beveled joins should be used when offsetting corners in a line. The miter limit parameter is only applicable for miter join styles, and controls the maximum distance from the offset curve to use when creating a mitered join. qgis This algorithm takes a line or polygon layer and generates a point layer with points representing specific vertices in the input lines or polygons. For instance, this algorithm can be used to extract the first or last vertices in the geometry. The attributes associated to each point are the same ones associated to the line or polygon that the point belongs to. The vertex indices parameter accepts a comma separated string specifying the indices of the vertices to extract. The first vertex corresponds to an index of 0, the second vertex has an index of 1, etc. Negative indices can be used to find vertices at the end of the geometry, e.g., an index of -1 corresponds to the last vertex, -2 corresponds to the second last vertex, etc. Additional fields are added to the points indicating the specific vertex position (e.g., 0, -1, etc), the original vertex index, the vertex’s part and its index within the part (as well as its ring for polygons), distance along the original geometry and bisector angle of vertex for the original geometry. qgis This algorithm computes basic statistics from the values in a given band of the raster layer. qgis This algorithm creates a new point layer with random points inside the polygons of a given layer. The number of points in each polygon can be defined as a fixed count or as a density value, and it will be the same for all polygons. qgis This algorithm performs a SQL database query on a SpatiaLite database. qgis This algorithm computes the concave hull of the features in an input layer. qgis This algorithm snaps the geometries in a layer. Snapping can be done either to the geometries from another layer, or to geometries within the same layer. A tolerance is specified in layer units to control how close vertices need to be to the reference layer geometries before they are snapped. Snapping occurs to both nodes and edges. Depending on the snapping behavior, either nodes or edges will be preferred. Vertices will be inserted or removed as required to make the geometries match the reference geometries. qgis This algorithm takes a vector layer and selects a subset of its features. No new layer is generated by this algorithm. The subset is defined randomly, using a percentage or count value to define the total number of features in the subset. The percentage/count value is not applied to the whole layer, but instead to each category. Categories are defined according to a given attribute, which is also specified as an input parameter for the algorithm. qgis Returns the closure of the combinatorial boundary of the input geometries (ie the topological boundary of the geometry). For instance, a polygon geometry will have a boundary consisting of the linestrings for each ring in the polygon. Only valid for polygon or line layers. qgis This algorithm imports a vector layer into a SpatiaLite database, creating a new table. qgis This algorithm takes a polygon layer and removes holes in polygons. It creates a new vector layer in which polygons with holes have been replaced by polygons with only their external ring. Attributes are not modified. An optional minimum area parameter allows removing only holes which are smaller than a specified area threshold. Leaving this parameter as 0.0 results in all holes being removed. qgis This algorithm creates a new vector layer with the same attributes of the input layer and the raster values corresponding on the point location. If the raster layer has more than one band, all the band values are sampled. qgis This algorithm removes any features which do not have a geometry from a vector layer. All other features will be copied unchanged. qgis This algorithm takes an input vector layer and creates a new vector layer that is an extended version of the input one, with additional attributes in its attribute table. The additional attributes and their values are taken from a second vector layer. A spatial criteria is applied to select the values from the second layer that are added to each feature from the first layer in the resulting one. The algorithm calculates a statistical summary for the values from matching features in the second layer (e.g. maximum value, mean value, etc). qgis This algorithm clips a vector layer using the polygons of an additional polygons layer. Only the parts of the features in the input layer that falls within the polygons of the clipping layer will be added to the resulting layer. The attributes of the features are not modified, although properties such as area or length of the features will be modified by the clipping operation. If such properties are stored as attributes, those attributes will have to be manually updated. qgis This algorithm creates a selection in a vector layer. The criteria for selected features is defined based on the values of an attribute from the input layer. qgis This algorithm takes a polygon or line layer and generates a new one in which the geometries have a larger number of vertices than the original one. If the geometries have z or m values present then these will be linearly interpolated at the added nodes. The number of new vertices to add to each feature geometry is specified as an input parameter. qgis This algorithm generates basic statistics from the analysis of a values in a field in the attribute table of a vector layer. Numeric, date, time and string fields are supported. The statistics returned will depend on the field type. Statistics are generated as an HTML file. qgis This algorithm takes a vector layer and generates a new one that contains only a subset of the features in the input layer. The subset is defined randomly, using a percentage or count value to define the total number of features in the subset. qgis This algorithm allows editing the structure of the attributes table of a vector layer. Fields can be modified in their type and name, using a fields mapping. The original layer is not modified. A new layer is generated, which contains a modified attribute table, according to the provided fields mapping. qgis This algorithm modifies the type of a given attribute in a vector layer, converting a text attribute containing numeric strings into a numeric attribute. qgis This algorithm sets the M value for geometries in a layer. If M values already exist in the layer, they will be overwritten with the new value. If no M values exist, the geometry will be upgraded to include M values and the specified value used as the initial M value for all geometries. qgis This algorithm creates a virtual layer that contains a set of vector layer. The output virtual layer will not be open in the current project. qgis This algorithm creates a new point layer, with points placed in the lines of another layer. For each line in the input layer, a given number of points is added to the resulting layer. A minimum distance can be specified to avoid point being too close to each other. qgis This algorithm sets an existing layer's projection to the provided CRS. Contrary to the "Assign projection" algorithm, it will not output a new layer. For shapefile datasets, the .prj and .qpj files will be overwritten - or created if missing - to match the provided CRS. qgis This algorithm combines selected polygons of the input layer with certain adjacent polygons by erasing their common boundary. The adjacent polygon can be either the one with the largest or smallest area or the one sharing the largest common boundary with the polygon to be eliminated. Eliminate is normally used to get rid of sliver polygons, i.e. tiny polygons that are a result of polygon intersection processes where boundaries of the inputs are similar but not identical. qgis This algorithm buffers lines by a specified distance on one side of the line only. The segments parameter controls the number of line segments to use to approximate a quarter circle when creating rounded buffers. The join style parameter specifies whether round, miter or beveled joins should be used when buffering corners in a line. The miter limit parameter is only applicable for miter join styles, and controls the maximum distance from the buffer to use when creating a mitered join. qgis Offsets nearby point features by moving nearby points by a preset amount to minimize overlapping features. qgis This algorithm takes a polygon layer and a line layer and measures the total length of lines and the total number of them that cross each polygon. The resulting layer has the same features as the input polygon layer, but with two additional attributes containing the length and count of the lines across each polygon. The names of these two fields can be configured in the algorithm parameters. qgis This algorithm finds duplicated geometries and removes them. Attributes are not checked, so in case two features have identical geometries but different attributes, only one of them will be added to the result layer. qgis This algorithm creates a selection in a vector layer. The criteria for selecting features is based on a QGIS expression. For more information about expressions see the <a href ="{qgisdocs}/user_manual/working_with_vector/expression.html">user manual</a> qgis This algorithm sets the Z value for geometries in a layer. If Z values already exist in the layer, they will be overwritten with the new value. If no Z values exist, the geometry will be upgraded to include Z values and the specified value used as the initial Z value for all geometries. qgis This algorithm takes a points layer and a polygon layer and counts the number of points from the first one in each polygons of the second one. A new polygons layer is generated, with the exact same content as the input polygons layer, but containing an additional field with the points count corresponding to each polygon. An optional weight field can be used to assign weights to each point. If set, the count generated will be the sum of the weight field for each point contained by the polygon. Alternatively, a unique class field can be specified. If set, points are classified based on the selected attribute, and if several points with the same attribute value are within the polygon, only one of them is counted. The final count of the point in a polygon is, therefore, the count of different classes that are found in it. Both the weight field and unique class field cannot be specified. If they are, the weight field will take precedence and the unique class field will be ignored. qgis This algorithm rasterizes map canvas content. A map theme can be selected to render a predetermined set of layers with a defined style for each layer. Alternatively, a single layer can be selected if no map theme is set. If neither map theme nor layer is set, the current map content will be rendered. The minimum extent entered will internally be extended to be a multiple of the tile size. qgis This algorithm takes a polygon layer and creates a line layer, with lines representing the rings of the polygons in the input layer. qgis This algorithm generates a report with information about the unique values found in a given attribute (or attributes) of a vector layer. qgis This algorithm generates a points layer based on the values from an input table. The table must contain a field with the X coordinate of each point and another one with the Y coordinate. A CRS for the output layer has to be specified, and the coordinates in the table are assumed to be expressed in the units used by that CRS. The attributes table of the resulting layer will be the input table. qgis This algorithm sets the style of a raster layer. The style must be defined in a QML file. qgis This algorithm creates a new point layer, with points representing the centroid of polygons of an input layer. The attributes associated to each point in the output layer are the same ones associated to the original polygon. NOTE: This algorithm is deprecated and the generic "centroids" algorithm (which works for line and multi geometry layers) should be used instead. qgis This algorithm creates point features where the lines in the Intersect layer intersect the lines in the Input layer. An ID field is specified for each of the input layers. Each point in the resulting layer will have the ID's of both input layers, allowing to identify them. If no Input Unique and Intersect Unique ID fields are specified then the point features are given the values of the last field (i.e. the last field/column in the attribute table) of the intersecting lines. qgis This algorithm performs a SQL database query on a PostGIS database connected to QGIS. qgis This algorithm combines multiple vector layers of the same geometry type into a single one. If attributes tables are different, the attribute table of the resulting layer will contain the attributes from all input layers. New attributes will be added for the original layer name and source. The layers will all be reprojected to match the coordinate reference system of the first input layer. qgis This algorithm takes a vector layer and selects a subset of its features. No new layer is generated by this algorithm. The subset is defined randomly, using a percentage or count value to define the total number of features in the subset. qgis This algorithm computes a new vector layer with the same features of the input layer, but with an additional attribute. The values of this new attribute are computed from each feature using a mathematical formula, based on the properties and attributes of the feature. qgis This algorithm generates a new layer based on an existing one, with a different type of geometry. Not all conversions are possible. For instance, a line layer can be converted to a point layer, but a point layer cannot be converted to a line layer. See the "Polygonize" or "Lines to polygons" algorithm for alternative options. qgis Given a layer with source point and another one representing destination points, this algorithm computes the distance between each source point and the closest destination one. The resulting layer can contain only source points with an additional field indicating the distance to the nearest point and the name of the destination point, or lines linking each source point with its nearest destination point. qgis This algorithm creates a new point layer, with points representing the centroid of the geometries in an input layer. The attributes associated to each point in the output layer are the same ones associated to the original features. qgis This algorithm splits the lines or polygons in one layer using the lines in another layer to define the breaking points. Intersection between geometries in both layers are considered as split points. Output will contain multi geometries for split features. qgis This algorithm performs nearest neighbor analysis for a point layer. Output is generated as an html file with the computed statistical values. qgis This algorithm creates a new vector layer that only contains matching features from an input layer. The criteria for adding features to the resulting layer is based on a QGIS expression. For more information about expressions see the <a href ="{qgisdocs}/user_manual/working_with_vector/expression.html">user manual</a> qgis This algorithm takes a vector layer and an attribute and adds a new numeric field. Values in this field correspond to values in the specified attribute, so features with the same value for the attribute will have the same value in the new numeric field. This creates a numeric equivalent of the specified attribute, which defines the same classes. The new attribute is not added to the input layer but a new layer is generated instead. qgis This algorithm generates a polygon layer using as polygon rings the lines from an input line layer. The attribute table of the output layer is the same as the one from of the input line layer. qgis This algorithm adds a new attribute to a vector layer, with values resulting from applying an expression to each feature. The expression is defined as a Python function. qgis This algorithm takes a polygon or line vector layer and combines their geometries into new geometries. One or more attributes can be specified to dissolve only geometries belonging to the same class (having the same value for the specified attributes), alternatively all geometries can be dissolved. If the geometries to be dissolved are spatially separated from each other the output will be multi geometries. In case the input is a polygon layer, common boundaries of adjacent polygons being dissolved will get erased. qgis This algorithm creates a table containing a distance matrix, with distances between all the points in a points layer. qgis This algorithm creates a vector layer with a grid covering a given extent. Elements in the grid can be points, lines or polygons. The size and/or placement of each element in the grid is defined using a horizontal and vertical spacing. The CRS of the output layer must be defined. The grid extent and the spacing values must be expressed in the coordinates and units of this CRS. The top-left point (minX, maxY) is used as the reference point. That means that, at that point, an element is guaranteed to be placed. Unless the width and height of the selected extent is a multiple of the selected spacing, that is not true for the other points that define that extent. qgis This algorithm takes a vector layer and generates a new one that has the exact same content but without the selected columns. qgis This algorithm takes a lines layer and creates a polygon layer, with polygons generated from the lines in the input layer. qgis This algorithm generates a polar plot based on the value of an input vector layer. Two fields must be entered as parameters: one that define the category (to group features) and another one with the variable to plot (this has to be a numeric one) qgis This algorithm computes hypsometric curves for an input Digital Elevation Model. Curves are produced as table files in an output folder specified by the user. qgis Given an input raster layer and a value, this algorithm generates a new layer with the same extent and cell size as the input one, and all cells with the specified value. qgis Creates an index to speed up queries made against a field in a table. Support for index creation is dependent on the layer's data provider and the field type. qgis This algorithm takes an input vector layer and creates a new vector layer that is an extended version of the input one, with additional attributes in its attribute table. The additional attributes and their values are taken from a second vector layer. A spatial criteria is applied to select the values from the second layer that are added to each feature from the first layer in the resulting one. qgis Converts a point layer to a line layer, by joining points in a defined order. Points can be grouped by a field to output individual line features per group. qgis This algorithm take a vector or table layer and aggregate features based on a group by expression. Features for which group by expression return the same value are grouped together. It is possible to group all source features together using constant value in group by parameter, example: NULL. It is also possible to group features using multiple fields using Array function, example: Array("Field1", "Field2"). Geometries (if present) are combined into one multipart geometry for each group. Output attributes are computed depending on each given aggregate definition. qgis This algorithm assigns a color index to polygon features in such a way that no adjacent polygons share the same color index, whilst minimizing the number of colors required. An optional minimum distance between features assigned the same color can be set to prevent nearby (but non-touching) features from being assigned equal colors. The algorithm allows choice of method to use when assigning colors. The default method attempts to assign colors so that the count of features assigned to each individual color index is balanced. The 'by assigned area' mode instead assigns colors so that the total area of features assigned to each color is balanced. This mode can be useful to help avoid large features resulting in one of the colors appearing more dominant on a colored map. The 'by distance between colors' mode will assign colors in order to maximize the distance between features of the same color. This mode helps to create a more uniform distribution of colors across a map. A minimum number of colors can be specified if desired. The color index is saved to a new attribute named color_id. qgis This algorithm performs a validity check on the geometries of a vector layer. The geometries are classified in three groups (valid, invalid and error), and a vector layer is generated with the features in each of these categories. By default the algorithm uses the strict OGC definition of polygon validity, where a polygon is marked as invalid if a self-intersecting ring causes an interior hole. If the "Ignore ring self intersections" option is checked, then this rule will be ignored and a more lenient validity check will be performed. qgis This algorithm allows creation of a shortlist of possible candidate coordinate reference systems for a layer with an unknown projection. The expected area which the layer should reside in must be specified via the target area parameter. The algorithm operates by testing the layer's extent in every known reference system and listing any in which the bounds would fall near the target area if the layer was in this projection. qgis This algorithm generates raster XYZ tiles of map canvas content. Tile images can be saved as individual images in directory structure, or as single file in MBTiles format. Tile size is fixed to 256x256. qgis This algorithm takes a map layer and generates a new vector layer with the minimum bounding box (rectangle polygon with N-S orientation) that covers the input layer. Optionally, the extent can be enlarged to a rounded value. qgis QOCISpatialDriver Unable to initialize QOCISpatialDriver Tókst ekki að frumstilla Unable to logon Gat ekki skráð inn Unable to begin transaction Mistókst að byrja færsluaðgerð Unable to commit transaction Mistókst að senda færsluaðgerð Unable to rollback transaction Mistókst að taka aftur síðustu færsluaðgerð QOCISpatialResult Unable to bind column for batch execute Unable to execute batch statement Unable to goto next Gat ekki farið á næsta Unable to alloc statement Unable to prepare statement Mistókst að undirbúa setningu Unable to get statement type Unable to bind value Unable to execute statement Mistókst að keyra setningu QObject QGIS starting in non-interactive mode not supported. You are seeing this message most likely because you have no DISPLAY environment variable set. Invalid globalsettingsfile path: %1 Successfully loaded globalsettingsfile path: %1 Moved vertices Færðir brotpunktar No active vector layer Ekkert virkt vektorlag To select features, choose a vector layer in the layers panel CRS Exception Frávik viðmiðskerfis Selection extends beyond layer's coordinate system Valið fer út fyrir hnitaviðmiðskerfi lagsins Python is not enabled in QGIS. Python er ekki virkt í QGIS. Plugins Viðbætur Plugin "%1" is not compatible with this version of QGIS. It will be disabled. "%1" viðbótin er ósamrýmanleg við þessa útgáfu af QGIS. Hún verður gerð óvirk. Loaded %1 (package: %2) Hlaðið inn %1 (pakki: %2) Library name is %1 Heiti aðgerðasafns er %1 Failed to load %1 (Reason: %2) Mistókst að hlaða inn %1 (ástæða: %2) Attempting to resolve the classFactory function Loaded %1 (Path: %2) Hlaðið inn %1 (slóð: %2) Loading Plugins Hleð inn viðbótum There was an error loading a plugin. The following diagnostic information may help the QGIS developers resolve the issue: %1. Það kom upp villa við að hlaða inn viðbót. Eftirfarandi greiningarupplýsingar gætu hjálpað forriturum QGIS til að leysa vandamálið: %1. Unable to find the class factory for %1. Plugin %1 did not return a valid type and cannot be loaded Plugin %1 %1-viðbót The plugin will be disabled because it crashed QGIS during last startup. Please report an issue and re-enable the plugin when the problem has been solved. Viðbótin verður gerð óvirk því hún lét QGIS hrynja í síðustu ræsingu. Endilega tilkynntu þetta vandamál og gerður síðan viðbótina virka aftur þegar búið er að leysa þetta. Error when reading metadata of plugin %1 Villa við lestur lýsigagna fyrir viðbót %1 Could not open CRS database %1 Error(%2): %3 Gat ekki opnað gagnagrunn hnitaviðmiðskerfa %1 Villa (%2): %3 CRS Hnitaviðmiðskerfi (CRS) Project points (Cartesian) Varpaðir punktar (Cartesian) bearing,azimuth,distance,angle Projected Varpað This algorithm projects point geometries by a specified distance and bearing (azimuth), creating a new point layer with the projected points. The distance is specified in layer units, and the bearing in degrees clockwise from North. Bearing (degrees from North) Stefna (gráður frá norðri) Projection distance Vegalengd vörpunar Generated CRS A CRS automatically generated from layer info get this prefix for description Útbúið viðmiðskerfi Saved user CRS [%1] Vistaði viðmiðskerfi notanda [%1] Imported from GDAL Flutt inn úr GDAL Caught a coordinate system exception while trying to transform a point. Unable to calculate line length. Fékk meldingu um frábrigði (exception) þegar reynt var að ummynda punkt. Tekst ekki að reikna lengd línu. Caught a coordinate system exception while trying to transform linestring. Unable to calculate break point. Caught a coordinate system exception while trying to transform a point. Unable to calculate geodesic line. Caught a coordinate system exception while trying to transform a point. Caught a coordinate system exception while trying to transform a point. Unable to calculate polygon area. Fékk meldingu um frábrigði (exception) þegar reynt var að ummynda punkt. Tekst ekki að reikna flatarmál fláka. Cannot convert '%1' to double Cannot convert '%1' to int Cannot convert '%1' to native int Cannot convert '%1' to DateTime Cannot convert '%1' to Date Cannot convert '%1' to Time Cannot convert '%1' to interval Cannot convert '%1' to gradient ramp Get ekki umbreytt '%1' í litastiga Cannot convert '%1' to array Cannot convert '%1' to map Cannot convert '%1' to boolean Domain max must be greater than domain min Exponent must be greater than 0 Veldisvísir verður að vera hærri en 0 Cannot find layer with name or ID '%1' Finn ekki lag með heiti eða auðkenninu '%1' No such aggregate '%1' Engin slík samtala '%1' Could not calculate aggregate for: %1 Gat ekki reiknað samtölur: %1 Cannot use relation aggregate function in this context Cannot find relation with id '%1' Cannot use aggregate function in this context Invalid pair of array, length not identical Function replace requires 2 or 3 arguments Invalid regular expression '%1': %2 Ógild regluleg segð '%1': %2 Function `raster_value` requires a valid raster layer. Function `raster_value` requires a valid raster band number. Function `raster_value` requires a valid point geometry. Function `attribute` requires one or two parameters. %1 given. Function `is_selected` requires no more than two parameters. %1 given. Function `num_selected` requires no more than one parameter. %1 given. Could not extract file path from layer `%1`. Could not open sqlite database %1. Error %2. Invalid formatting parameter: '%1'. It must be empty, or 'suffix' or 'aligned'. Invalid axis name: '%1'. It must be either 'x' or 'y'. Point index is out of range Lykill punkts er ekki innan skilgreinds sviðs Function make_point requires 2-4 arguments Function make_polygon requires an argument Segment must be greater than 2 Number of edges/sides must be greater than 2 Option can be 0 (inscribed) or 1 (circumscribed) Option can be 0 (distance) or 1 (projected) Index is out of range Lykill er ekki innan skilgreinds sviðs Function `wedge_buffer` requires a point value for the center. Function `tapered_buffer` requires a line geometry. Function `buffer_by_m` requires a line geometry. Function `azimuth` requires exactly two parameters. %1 given. Function `azimuth` requires two points as arguments. line_substring requires a curve geometry input Number of places must be positive Cannot convert '%1:%2:%3' to color Get ekki umbreytt '%1:%2:%3' í lit Cannot convert '%1:%2:%3:%4' to color Get ekki umbreytt '%1:%2:%3:%4' í lit "%1" is not a valid color ramp "%1" er ekki gildur litastigi Cannot convert '%1:%2:%3:%4:%5' to color Get ekki umbreytt '%1:%2:%3:%4:%5' í lit Cannot convert '%1' to color Get ekki umbreytt '%1' í lit Unknown color component '%1' Óþekktur litþáttur '%1' A minimum of two colors is required to create a ramp Minnst tvo liti þarf til að útbúa litastiga Transform error caught in transform() function: %1 Cannot find layer %1 Finn ekki lagið %1. {1?} Layer %1 has invalid data provider Invalid band number %1 for layer %2 Ógilt tíðnisviðsnúmer %1 fyrir lagið %2 Invalid raster statistic: '%1' Exception: %1 Frávik: %1 GEOS GEOS segment %1 of ring %2 of polygon %3 intersects segment %4 of ring %5 of polygon %6 at %7 ring %1 with less than four points hringur %1 með minna en fjórum punktum ring %1 not closed hringur %1 ekki lokaður line %1 with less than two points lína %1 með minna en tveimur punktum line %1 contains %n duplicate node(s) at %2 number of duplicate nodes lína %1 inniheldur %n tvítekinn hnút á %2 lína %1 inniheldur %n tvítekna hnúta á %2 segments %1 and %2 of line %3 intersect at %4 bútar %1 og %2 á línunni %3 skerast við %4 Ring %1 of polygon %2 not in exterior ring Topology validation error GEOS Error Repeated point GEOS Error Hole lies outside shell GEOS Error Holes are nested GEOS Error Interior is disconnected GEOS Error Self-intersection GEOS Error Ring self-intersection GEOS Error Nested shells GEOS Error Duplicate rings GEOS Error Too few points in geometry component GEOS Error Invalid coordinate GEOS Error Ring is not closed GEOS Error Polygon %1 has no rings Polygon %1 lies inside polygon %2 Unknown geometry type %1 Óþekkt gerð rúmfræði %1 Geometry validation was aborted. Geometry has %1 errors. Lögunin er með %1 villur. Geometry is valid. Lögunin er gild. invalid line ógild lína Shape Form Node Item Hnútatriði Map Kort Picture Mynd Label Merki Lorem ipsum Lorem ipsum Scale Bar Kvarðastika North Arrow Norðurör North Arrow %1 Rectangle Rétthyrningur Ellipse Sporbaugur Triangle Þríhyrningur Polygon Fláki Polyline Fjöllína HTML HTML Attribute Table Eigindatafla Console Stjórnskjár infinite óendanlegt - - W V E A S S N N No QGIS data provider plugins found in: %1 Engar QGIS-gagnagjafaviðbætur fundust í: %1 No vector layers can be loaded. Check your QGIS installation Ekki var hægt að hlaða inn neinum vektorlögum. Athugaðu QGIS-uppsetninguna þína. No Data Providers Engar gagnaveitur No data provider plugins are available. No vector layers can be loaded Engar gagnagjafaviðbætur eru tiltækar. Ekki er hægt að hlaða inn neinum vektorlögum Invalid data provider %1 Ógild gagnaveita %1 Unable to instantiate the data provider plugin %1 No QGIS auth method plugins found in: %1 Engar QGIS-auðkenningaraðferðir fundust í: %1 No authentication methods can be used. Check your QGIS installation Engar auðkenningaraðferðir er hægt að nota. Athugaðu uppsetningu þína á QGIS No Authentication Methods Engar auðkenningaraðferðir No authentication method plugins are available. Engar auðkenningaraðferðarviðbætur eru tiltækar. Failed to load %1: %2 Mistókst að hlaða inn %1: %2 Unable to instantiate the auth method plugin %1 OGR driver for '%1' not found (OGR error: %2) unsupported type for field %1 Invalid variant type for field %1[%2]: received %3 with type %4 OGR OGR Reserved attribute name ogc_fid replaced with %1 By default, BNA files are created in multi-line format. For each record, the first line contains the identifiers and the type/number of coordinates to follow. Each following line contains a pair of coordinates. column_name1[,column_name2, …] A list of (String) columns that must be compressed with ZLib DEFLATE algorithm. This might be beneficial for databases that have big string blobs. However, use with care, since the value of such columns will be seen as compressed binary content with other SQLite utilities (or previous OGR versions). With OGR, when inserting, modifying or querying compressed columns, compression/decompression is done transparently. However, such columns cannot be (easily) queried with an attribute filter or WHERE clause. Note: in table definition, such columns have the 'VARCHAR_deflate' declaration type. If the database is of the SpatiaLite flavor, and if OGR is linked against libspatialite, this option can be used to control if a spatial index must be created. If the format of the geometry BLOB is of the SpatiaLite flavor, this option can be used to control if the compressed format for geometries (LINESTRINGs, POLYGONs) must be used. column_name1[,column_name2, …] A list of (String) columns that must be compressed with ZLib DEFLATE algorithm. This might be beneficial for databases that have big string blobs. However, use with care, since the value of such columns will be seen as compressed binary content with other SQLite utilities (or previous OGR versions). With OGR, when inserting, modifying or queryings compressed columns, compression/decompression is done transparently. However, such columns cannot be (easily) queried with an attribute filter or WHERE clause. Note: in table definition, such columns have the 'VARCHAR_deflate' declaration type. Path to the GCT: the GCT file describes the GeoConcept types definitions: In this file, every line must start with //# followed by a keyword. Lines starting with // are comments. Defines the feature to be created. The TYPE corresponds to one of the Name found in the GCT file for a type section. The SUBTYPE corresponds to one of the Name found in the GCT file for a sub-type section within the previous type section. By default, the driver will read the first lines of each sheet to detect if the first line might be the name of columns. If set to FORCE, the driver will consider the first line as the header line. If set to DISABLE, it will be considered as the first feature. Otherwise auto-detection will occur. MS Office Open XML spreadsheet [XLSX] MS Office Open XML töflureiknir [XLSX] Open Document Spreadsheet [ODS] Open Document töflureiknir [ODS] Feature geometry not imported (OGR error: %1) Feature creation error (OGR error: %1) Failed to transform a point while drawing a feature with ID '%1'. Writing stopped. (Exception: %2) Feature write errors: Stopping after %1 errors Stöðva eftir %1 villur Only %1 of %2 features written. Aðeins %1 af %2 fitjum skrifaðar. Arc/Info ASCII Coverage Arc/Info ASCII þekja Atlas BNA Atlaskort BNA Comma Separated Value Gildi aðgreind með kommu ESRI Shapefile ESRI Shapefile-skrá FMEObjects Gateway FMEObjects gátt Empty filename given Autt skráarheiti uppgefið New BNA files are created by the systems default line termination conventions. This may be overridden here. The BNA writer will try to recognize ellipses and circles when writing a polygon. This will only work if the feature has previously been read from a BNA file. As some software packages do not support ellipses/circles in BNA data file, it may be useful to tell the writer by specifying ELLIPSES_AS_ELLIPSES=NO not to export them as such, but keep them as polygons. Limit the number of coordinate pairs per line in multiline format. Set the number of decimal for coordinates. Default value is 10. By default, the geometry of a feature written to a .csv file is discarded. It is possible to export the geometry in its WKT representation by specifying GEOMETRY=AS_WKT. It is also possible to export point geometries into their X,Y,Z components by specifying GEOMETRY=AS_XYZ, GEOMETRY=AS_XY or GEOMETRY=AS_YX. Create the associated .csvt file to describe the type of each column of the layer and its optional width and precision. Double-quote strings. IF_AMBIGUOUS means that string values that look like numbers will be quoted. Write a UTF-8 Byte Order Mark (BOM) at the start of the file. Comma Separated Value [CSV] Gildi aðgreind með kommu [CSV] Set to YES to resize fields to their optimal size. Settu þetta sem JÁ til að breyta stærð sviða í ákjósanlega stærð. DBF File DBF-skrá Set to YES to write a bbox property with the bounding box of the geometries at the feature and feature collection level. GeoJSON GeoJSON Whether to start records with the RS=0x1E character (RFC 8142 standard). Defaults to NO: Newline Delimited JSON (geojsonl). If set to YES: RFC 8142 standard: GeoJSON Text Sequences (geojsons). GeoJSON - Newline Delimited whether the document must be in RSS 2.0 or Atom 1.0 format. Default value : RSS The encoding of location information. Default value : SIMPLE. W3C_GEO only supports point geometries. SIMPLE or W3C_GEO only support geometries in geographic WGS84 coordinates. If defined to NO, only <entry> or <item> elements will be written. The user will have to provide the appropriate header and footer of the document. Value put inside the <title> element in the header. If not provided, a dummy value will be used as that element is compulsory. Value put inside the <description> element in the header. If not provided, a dummy value will be used as that element is compulsory. Value put inside the <link> element in the header. If not provided, a dummy value will be used as that element is compulsory. Value put inside the <updated> element in the header. Should be formatted as a XML datetime. If not provided, a dummy value will be used as that element is compulsory. Value put inside the <author><name> element in the header. If not provided, a dummy value will be used as that element is compulsory. Value put inside the <id> element in the header. If not provided, a dummy value will be used as that element is compulsory. GeoRSS GeoRSS If provided, this URI will be inserted as the schema location. Note that the schema file isn't actually accessed by OGR, so it is up to the user to ensure it will match the schema of the OGR produced GML data file. This writes a GML application schema file to a corresponding .xsd file (with the same basename). If INTERNAL is used the schema is written within the GML file, but this is experimental and almost certainly not valid XML. OFF disables schema generation (and is implicit if XSISCHEMAURI is used). This is the prefix for the application target namespace. Can be set to TRUE to avoid writing the prefix of the application target namespace in the GML file. Defaults to 'http://ogr.maptools.org/'. This is the application target namespace. If not specified, GML2 will be used. only valid when FORMAT=GML3/GML3Degree/GML3.2) Default to YES. If set to NO, the <gml:boundedBy> element will not be written for each feature. Default to YES. If YES, the output will be indented with spaces for more readability, but at the expense of file size. Sjálfgefið er JÁ. Ef þetta er JÁ, mun frálag verða inndregið með bilum til að auðvelda lestur, en skráastærð verður þá meiri. Geography Markup Language [GML] Geography Markup Language [GML] Human-readable identifier (e.g. short name) for the layer content Auðkenni (t.d. stutt heiti) fyrir innihald lags sem lesanleg sé fyrir mannfólk Human-readable description for the layer content Lýsing á innihaldi lags sem lesanleg sé fyrir mannfólk Name for the feature identifier column Name for the geometry column If a spatial index must be created. Ef þarf að búa til staðlykil. Generic Mapping Tools [GMT] Generic Mapping Tools [GMT] By default when writing a layer whose features are of type wkbLineString, the GPX driver chooses to write them as routes. If FORCE_GPX_TRACK=YES is specified, they will be written as tracks. By default when writing a layer whose features are of type wkbMultiLineString, the GPX driver chooses to write them as tracks. If FORCE_GPX_ROUTE=YES is specified, they will be written as routes, provided that the multilines are composed of only one single line. If GPX_USE_EXTENSIONS=YES is specified, extra fields will be written inside the <extensions> tag. Only used if GPX_USE_EXTENSIONS=YES and GPX_EXTENSIONS_NS_URL is set. The namespace value used for extension tags. By default, 'ogr'. Only used if GPX_USE_EXTENSIONS=YES and GPX_EXTENSIONS_NS is set. The namespace URI. By default, 'http://osgeo.org/gdal'. By default files are created with the line termination conventions of the local platform (CR/LF on win32 or LF on all other systems). This may be overridden through use of the LINEFORMAT layer creation option which may have a value of CRLF (DOS format) or LF (Unix format). GPS eXchange Format [GPX] GPS eXchange skiptiskráasnið [GPX] INTERLIS 1 INTERLIS 1 INTERLIS 2 INTERLIS 2 Allows you to specify the field to use for the KML <description> element. Allows you to specify the AltitudeMode to use for KML geometries. This will only affect 3D geometries and must be one of the valid KML options. Keyhole Markup Language [KML] Keyhole Markup Language [KML] Use this to turn on 'quick spatial index mode'. In this mode writing files can be about 5 times faster, but spatial queries can be up to 30 times slower. Mapinfo TAB Mapinfo TAB Mapinfo MIF Mapinfo MIF Determine whether 2D (seed_2d.dgn) or 3D (seed_3d.dgn) seed file should be used. This option is ignored if the SEED option is provided. Override the seed file to use. Indicate whether the whole seed file should be copied. If not, only the first three elements will be copied. Indicates whether the color table should be copied from the seed file. Override the master unit name from the seed file with the provided one or two character unit name. Override the sub unit name from the seed file with the provided one or two character unit name. Override the number of subunits per master unit. By default the seed file value is used. Override the number of UORs (Units of Resolution) per sub unit. By default the seed file value is used. ORIGIN=x,y,z: Override the origin of the design plane. By default the origin from the seed file is used. Microstation DGN Microstation DGN Should all the low level geometry primitives be returned as special IsolatedNode, ConnectedNode, Edge and Face layers. If enabled, numeric attributes assigned an empty string as a value will be preserved as a special numeric value. This option should not generally be needed, but may be useful when translated S-57 to S-57 losslessly. Should LNAM and LNAM_REFS fields be attached to features capturing the feature to feature relationships in the FFPT group of the S-57 file. Should additional attributes relating features to their underlying geometric primitives be attached. These are the values of the FSPT group, and are primarily needed when doing S-57 to S-57 translations. Should attribute values be recoded to UTF-8 from the character encoding specified in the S57 DSSI record. S-57 Base file S-57 Base skrá Spatial Data Transfer Standard [SDTS] Spatial Data Transfer Standard [SDTS] Can be used to avoid creating the geometry_columns and spatial_ref_sys tables in a new database. By default these metadata tables are created when a new database is created. By default when creating new .csv files they are created with the line termination conventions of the local platform (CR/LF on Win32 or LF on all other systems). This may be overridden through the use of the LINEFORMAT option. Creation of data source failed (OGR error: %1) Opening of data source in update mode failed (OGR error: %1) Overwriting of existing layer failed (OGR error: %1) Creation of layer failed (OGR error: %1) Opening of layer failed (OGR error: %1) No available replacement for internal fieldname ogc_fid found Creation of field %1 failed (OGR error: %2) Created field %1 not found (OGR error: %2) BNA records may contain from 2 to 4 identifiers per record. Some software packages only support a precise number of identifiers. You can override the default value (2) by a precise value. Field separator character. Override the type of shapefile created. Can be one of NULL for a simple .dbf file with no .shp file, POINT, ARC, POLYGON or MULTIPOINT for 2D, or POINTZ, ARCZ, POLYGONZ or MULTIPOINTZ for 3D; POINTM, ARCM, POLYGONM or MULTIPOINTM for measured geometries and POINTZM, ARCZM, POLYGONZM or MULTIPOINTZM for 3D measured geometries. MULTIPATCH files are supported since GDAL 2.2. Set the encoding value in the DBF file. The default value is LDID/87. It is not clear what other values may be appropriate. Maximum number of figures after decimal separator to write in coordinates. Defaults to 15. Truncation will occur to remove trailing zeros. If defined to YES, extension fields will be written. If the field name not found in the base schema matches the foo_bar pattern, foo will be considered as the namespace of the element, and a <foo:bar> element will be written. Otherwise, elements will be written in the <ogr:> namespace. XML content that will be put between the <channel> element and the first <item> element for a RSS document, or between the xml tag and the first <entry> element for an Atom document. Only valid when FORMAT=GML3/GML3Degree/GML3.2. Default to YES. If YES, SRS with EPSG authority will be written with the 'urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG::' prefix. In the case the SRS is a geographic SRS without explicit AXIS order, but that the same SRS authority code imported with ImportFromEPSGA() should be treated as lat/long, then the function will take care of coordinate order swapping. If set to NO, SRS with EPSG authority will be written with the 'EPSG:' prefix, even if they are in lat/long order. Allows you to specify the field to use for the KML <name> element. The DOCUMENT_ID datasource creation option can be used to specified the id of the root <Document> node. The default value is root_doc. (multiples of 512): Block size for .map files. Defaults to 512. MapInfo 15.2 and above creates .tab files with a blocksize of 16384 bytes. Any MapInfo version should be able to handle block sizes from 512 to 32256. xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax: Define custom layer bounds to increase the accuracy of the coordinates. Note: the geometry of written features must be within the defined box. Should update files be incorporated into the base data on the fly. Should multipoint soundings be split into many single point sounding features. Multipoint geometries are not well handled by many formats, so it can be convenient to split single sounding features with many points into many single point features. Should a DEPTH attribute be added on SOUNDG features and assign the depth of the sounding. This should only be enabled when SPLIT_MULTIPOINT is also enabled. Controls the format used for the geometry column. Defaults to WKB. This is generally more space and processing efficient, but harder to inspect or use in simple applications than WKT (Well Known Text). Controls whether layer and field names will be laundered for easier use in SQLite. Laundered names will be converted to lower case and some special characters(' - #) will be changed to underscores. SQLite SQLite Insert the content of the EPSG CSV files into the spatial_ref_sys table. Set to NO for regular SQLite databases. Used to force the SRID number of the SRS associated with the layer. When this option isn't specified and that a SRS is associated with the layer, a search is made in the spatial_ref_sys to find a match for the SRS, and, if there is no match, a new entry is inserted for the SRS in the spatial_ref_sys table. When the SRID option is specified, this search (and the eventual insertion of a new entry) will not be done: the specified SRID is used as such. SpatiaLite SpatiaLite Override the header file used - in place of header.dxf. Override the trailer file used - in place of trailer.dxf. AutoCAD DXF AutoCAD DXF Indicates the GeoConcept export file extension. TXT was used by earlier releases of GeoConcept. GXT is currently used. Geoconcept Geoconcept When this option is set, the new layer will be created inside the named FeatureDataset folder. If the folder does not already exist, it will be created. Set name of geometry column in new layer. Defaults to 'SHAPE'. Name of the OID column to create. Defaults to 'OBJECTID'. ESRI FileGDB ESRI FileGDB By default, the driver will try to detect the data type of fields. If set to STRING, all fields will be of String type. Cannot overwrite a OGR layer in place Get ekki yfirskrifað OGR-lag á stað Failed to transform, writing stopped. (Exception: %1) Unable to load %1 provider Gat ekki hlaðið inn %1 þjónustuveitu Provider %1 has no %2 method Þjónustuveita %1 er ekki með neina %2 aðferð Loaded from Provider Hlaðið inn frá þjónustuveitu Loading of layer failed Innhleðsla lags mistókst Creation error for features from #%1 to #%2. Provider errors was: %3 Import was canceled at %1 of %2 Hætt var við innflutning á %1 af %2 Vector import Flytja inn vektor Only %1 of %2 features written. Aðeins %1 af %2 fitjum voru skrifaðar. Write access denied. Adjust the file permissions and try again. Building Pyramids The file was not writable. Some formats do not support pyramid overviews. Consult the GDAL documentation if in doubt. Skráin er ekki skrifanleg. Sum skráasnið styðja ekki pýramídayfirlit. Skoðaðu hjálparskjöl GDAL ef þú ert í vafa um eitthvað. Building pyramid overviews is not supported on this type of raster. Bygging yfirlitspýramída er ekki studd á þessari tegund rasta. Multiband color Margtíðnisviða litur Paletted/Unique values Litskráð/Einkvæm gildi Singleband gray Einfalt grátt tíðnisvið Singleband pseudocolor Einfalt gervilitað tíðnisvið Singleband color data Einfalt litað tíðnisvið Hillshade Hæðaskygging All Ramps Allir litastigar No symbols Engin tákn Single symbol Stök tákn Categorized Flokkað Graduated Litstiglað Rule-based Byggt á reglum Point displacement Tilfærsla punkts Point cluster Punktaklasi Inverted polygons Umhverfðir flákar 2.5 D 2.5 D Simple line Einföld lína Marker line Markalína Arrow Ör Hashed line Simple marker Einfalt mark Filled marker Fyllt mark SVG marker SVG-mark Raster image marker Font marker Leturmark Ellipse marker Sporbaugsmark Vector field marker Mark vektorsviðs Simple fill Einföld fylling Gradient fill Litstigulsfylling Shapeburst fill Litstigulsfylling sem fylgir formi (shapeburst) SVG fill SVG-fylling Centroid fill Miðlæg fylling Line pattern fill Línumynsturfylling Point pattern fill Punktamynsturfylling Geometry generator Raster Histogram Tíðnirit rasta Pixel Value Gildi mynddíls Frequency Tíðni Internal Compass Innbyggður áttaviti Shows a QtSensors compass reading Birtir áttavitaaflestur frá QtSensors Version 0.9 Útgáfa 0.9 Coordinate Capture Grípa hnit Capture mouse coordinates in different CRS Grípur músarhnit í mismunandi viðmiðskerfum Vector Vektor Version 0.1 Útgáfa 0.1 eVis eVis An event visualization tool - view images associated with vector features Package layers geopackage,collect,merge,combine,styles Database Gagnagrunnur Destination GeoPackage GeoPackage files (*.gpkg) GeoPackage-skrár (*.gpkg) Overwrite existing GeoPackage Skrifa yfir fyrirliggjandi GeoPackage Save layer styles into GeoPackage Layers within new package This algorithm collects a number of existing layers and packages them together into a single GeoPackage database. No output file specified. Engin frálagsskrá tilgreind. Removing existing file '%1' Fjarlægi fyrirliggjandi skrá '%1' Could not remove existing file '%1' Gat ekki fjarlægt fyrirliggjandi skrána '%1' GeoPackage driver not found. GeoPackage-rekill fannst ekki. Creation of database failed (OGR error: %1) Packaging raster layers is not supported. Packaging plugin layers is not supported. Packaging mesh layers is not supported. Error obtained while packaging one or more layers. Packaging layer failed: %1 Could not retrieve existing layer style: %1 Could not set existing layer style: %1 Could not save layer style: %1 Could not save layer style -- error loading: %1 %2 Version 1.1.0 Útgáfa 1.1.0 Warning Viðvörun Georeferencer GDAL GDAL-landtilvísunartól Georeferencing rasters using GDAL Raster Rasti Could not reproject view extent: %1 Gat ekki endurvarpað kortvídd sýnar: %1 Could not reproject layer extent: %1 Gat ekki endurvarpað kortvídd lags: %1 Version 3.1.9 Útgáfa 3.1.9 Fit to a linear transform requires at least 2 points. Fit to a Helmert transform requires at least 2 points. Fit to an affine transform requires at least 4 points. Fitting a projective transform requires at least 4 corresponding points. Globe Hnöttur Overlay data on a 3D globe Leggja gögn yfir þrívíddarhnött Version 1.0 Útgáfa 1.0 GPS Tools GPS verkfæri Tools for loading and importing GPS data Verkfæri til að lesa inn og breyta GPS gögnum Heatmap Hitakort OfflineEditing Ónettengdar breytingar Allow offline editing and synchronizing with database Leyfa breytingar og samræmingu við gagnagrunn án nettengingar Equal to (=) Er jafnt og (=) Greater than (>) Stærra en (>) Less than (<) Minna en (<) Not equal to (≠) Ekki jafnt og (≠) Greater than or equal to (≥) Stærra en eða jafnt og (≥) Less than or equal to (≤) Minna en eða jafnt og (≤) Between (inclusive) Á milli (meðtalið) Not between (inclusive) Ekki á milli (meðtalið) Case insensitive Óháð há-/lágstöfum Contains Inniheldur Does not contain Inniheldur ekki Is missing (null) Vantar (núll) Is not missing (not null) Vantar ekki (ekki núll) Starts with Byrjar á Ends with Endar á GDAL/OGR VSIFileHandler GDAL/OGR VSIFileHandler This raster file has no bands and is invalid as a raster layer. Þessi rastaskrá er ekki með neinum tíðnisviðum (bönd) og er því ekki nothæf sem rastalag. Cannot get GDAL raster band: %1 Get ekki náð í GDAL rastatíðnisvið:%1 Nearest Neighbour Næsti nágranni Average Meðal Gauss Gauss Cubic Fernings Cubic Spline Fernings-fjaðurbrúun (spline) Lanczos Lanczos Mode Hamur None Ekkert Couldn't open the data source: %1 Gat ekki opnað gagnagjafann: %1 Parse error at line %1 : %2 Þáttunarvilla í línu %1 : %2 GPS eXchange format provider GPX skiptisniðsveita Choose GRASS installation path (GISBASE) GISBASE is not set. GISBASE er ekki stillt. %1 is not a GRASS mapset. %1 er ekki GRASS kortasafn. Cannot start %1 Get ekki ræst %1 Mapset is already in use. Kortasafnið er þegar í notkun. Mapset lock failed (%1) Temporary directory %1 exists but is not writable Cannot create temporary directory %1 Ekki tókst að búa til bráðabirgðamöppuna %1 Cannot create %1 Get ekki búið til %1 Cannot remove mapset lock: %1 Cannot create table: %1 Cannot read vector map region Cannot find module %1 Get ekki fundið einingu %1 Cannot open GISRC file Get ekki opnað GISRC-skrá Cannot run module Get ekki keyrt einingu command: %1 %2 stdout: %3 stderr: %4 skipun: %1 %2 stdout: %3 stderr: %4 Attempt to copy from different location. Delete confirmation Staðfesta eyðingu Are you sure you want to delete %1 %2? Ertu viss um að þú viljir eyða %1 %2? Cannot insert, statement: '%1' error: '%2' Loading of the MSSQL provider failed Mistókst að hlaða inn MSSQL-þjónustuveitu Unsupported type for field %1 Creation of fields failed Gerð gagnasviða mistókst OGR[%1] error %2: %3 OGR[%1] villa %2: %3 Unable to create the datasource. %1 exists and overwrite flag is false. Getur ekki búið til gagnalind. %1 er til og yfirskrifs leyfi er ekki gilt. Unable to get driver %1 Gat ekki náð í rekilinn %1 Arc/Info Binary Coverage Arc/Info tvíundarkerfisþekja DODS DODS CouchDB CouchDB GeoJSON Newline Delimited JSON OpenFileGDB Opna FileGDB ESRI Personal GeoDatabase ESRI Personal GeoDatabase Layer %2 of %1 exists and overwrite flag is false. ESRI ArcSDE ESRI ArcSDE ESRI Shapefiles ESRI Shapefile-skrár GeoPackage GeoPackage Grass Vector Grass vektor Informix DataBlade Informix DataBlade Ingres Ingres Mapinfo File Mapinfo-skrá MySQL MySQL MSSQL MSSQL Oracle Spatial Oracle Spatial ODBC ODBC OGDI Vectors OGDI vektor PostgreSQL PostgreSQL Systematic Organization of Spatial Information [SOSI] Systematic Organization of Spatial Information [SOSI] SQLite/SpatiaLite SQLite/SpatiaLite Storage and eXchange Format Geymsla og eXchange skiptiskráasnið UK. NTF2 UK. NTF2 U.S. Census TIGER/Line U.S. Census TIGER/Lína VRT - Virtual Datasource VRT - sýndargagnagjafi (virtual datasource) X-Plane/Flightgear X-Plane/Flightgear Open Document Spreadsheet Open Document töflureiknir MS Office Open XML spreadsheet MS Office Open XML töflureiknir MS Excel format MS Excel skráasnið EDIGEO EDIGEO NAS - ALKIS NAS - ALKIS WAsP WAsP PCI Geomatics Database File PCI Geomatics gagnagrunnsskrá GPSTrackMaker GPSTrackMaker Czech Cadastral Exchange Data Format Tékkneska fasteignaskrár-skiptigagnasniðið (Czech Cadastral) OpenStreetMap OpenStreetMap Special Use Airspace Format OpenAir Special Use Airspace Format Planetary Data Systems TABLE Hydrographic Transfer Format Scalable Vector Graphics SVG vektorteikningar (Scalable Vector Graphics) Arc/Info Generate Geospatial PDF Land-PDF (geospatial) SEG-Y SEG-Y SEG-P1 SEG-P1 UKOOA P1/90 UKOOA P1/90 URI %1 doesn't end with .shp Error updating style Villa við uppfærslu á stíl Connection to database failed: %1 Error executing the delete query. Cannot find layer_styles layer Finn ekki layer_styles lagið Invalid style identifier Ógilt auðkenni stíls No style corresponding to style identifier Enginn stíll samsvarar stílauðkenni Not enough data to deserialize Not enough memory Ekki nægilegt minni Unsupported geometry type Unsupported operation Aðgerð ekki studd Corrupt data Skemmd gögn Failure Bilun Unsupported SRS Óstutt SRS Invalid handle Non existing feature Fitja sem er ekki til Success Tókst GDAL result code: %1 Layer not found: %1 Lagið fannst ekki: %1 GeoPackage Database (*.gpkg) GeoPackage gagnagrunnur (*.gpkg) Cannot open transaction on %1, since it is is not currently opened All files Allar skrár Duplicate field (10 significant characters): %1 Creating the data source %1 failed: %2 Mistókst að búa til gagnagjafann %1: %2 Unknown vector type of %1 Óþekkt vektortegund of %1 field %1 with unsupported type %2 skipped creation of field %1 failed gerð gagnasviðsins %1 mistókst Couldn't create file %1.qpj Gat ekki búið til skrána %1.qpj Fetching features failed. SQL: %1 Error: %2 Oracle Oracle Connection to database failed Tenging við gagnagrunn mistókst No owner name found Ekkert nafn á eiganda fannst Creation of data source %1 failed: %2 Gerð gagnagjafans %1 mistókst: %2 Loading of the layer %1 failed Innhleðsla lagsins %1 mistókst Field name clash found (%1 not remappable) %1 not owner of the table %2. %1 er ekki eigandi töflunnar %2. Unable to determine number of geometry columns of layer %1.%2: %3 Unable to delete layer %1.%2: %3 Get ekki eytt laginu %1.%2: %3 Unable to clean metadata %1.%2: %3 Tekst ekki að hreinsa lýsigögn %1.%2: %3 Could not connect to database Gat ekki tengst gagnagrunni Unable to check layer style existence [%1] Unable to create layer style table [%1] Unable to check style existence [%1] Unable to find layer style table [%1] Layer style table does not exist [%1] Could not load layer style table [%1] Cannot fetch new layer style id. Could not prepare insert/update [%1] Could not execute insert/update [%1] Could not reset default status [%1] Could not retrieve style [%1] Style not found Stíll fannst ekki Could not verify existence of layer style table [%1] No style for layer found Enginn stíll fannst fyrir lagið No styles found in layer table [%1] no result buffer Fetching from cursor %1 failed Database error: %2 PostGIS PostGIS Infinite filter rectangle specified Unable to delete layer %1: %2 Get ekki eytt laginu %1: %2 Unable to delete schema %1: %2 Get ekki eytt skipan %1: %2 Unable to save layer style. It's not possible to create the destination table on the database. Maybe this is due to table permissions (user=%1). Please contact your database admin Unable to save layer style. It's not possible to create the destination table on the database. Maybe this is due to table permissions. Please contact your database admin Save style in database Vista stíl í gagnagrunni A style named "%1" already exists in the database for this layer. Do you want to overwrite it? Stíll með heitinu "%1" er þegar til í gagnagrunni fyrir þetta lag. Viltu yfirskrifa það? Operation aborted. No changes were made in the database Unable to save layer style. It's not possible to insert a new record into the style table. Maybe this is due to table permissions. Please contact your database administrator. No styles available on DB, or there is an error connecting to the database. Unable to delete view %1: %2 Unable to save layer style. It's not possible to insert a new record into the style table. Maybe this is due to table permissions (user=%1). Please contact your database administrator. Connection to database failed using username: %1 Tenging við gagnagrunn mistókst með notandanafninu: %1 Error executing query: %1 Villa við að keyra fyrirspurn: %1 Error executing the select query for related styles. The query was logged Error executing the select query for unrelated styles. The query was logged Error executing the delete query. The query was logged Error executing the select query. The query was logged Consistency error in table '%1'. Style id should be unique SQLite error: %2 SQL: %1 SQLite villa: %2 SQL: %1 SQLite error getting feature: %1 SQLite villa við að sækja fitju: %1 creation of data source %1 failed. %2 gerð gagnagjafans %1 mistókst: %2 loading of the layer %1 failed innhleðsla lagsins %1 mistókst creation of fields failed gerð gagnasviða mistókst Unable to initialize SpatialMetadata: Tókst ekki að frumstilla SpatialMetadata: Could not create a new database Gat ekki búið til nýjan gagnagrunn Unable to activate FOREIGN_KEY constraints [%1] Tókst ekki að virkja hömlur á FOREIGN_KEY [%1] Unable to delete table %1 Gat ekki eytt töflu %1 Could not load styles from %1 (Query: %2) Style with id %1 not found in %2 (Query: %3) Error looking for style. The query was logged Unable to save layer style. It's not possible to create the destination table on the database. Cannot find layer %1. Finn ekki lagið %1. Cannot open %1. Get ekki opnað %1. Operation aborted Hætt við aðgerð Error executing loading style. The query was logged No styles available on DB Error loading styles. The query was logged The extra plugin path '%1' does not exist! Couldn't load SIP module. Gat ekki hlaðið inn SIP-forritseiningu. Python support will be disabled. Stuðningur við Python verður gerður óvirkur. Couldn't set SIP API versions. Gat ekki stillt útgáfur SIP API-forritaviðmóta. Couldn't load PyQt. Gat ekki hlaðið inn PyQt. Couldn't load PyQGIS. Gat ekki hlaðið inn PyQGIS. Couldn't load QGIS utils. Gat ekki hlaðið inn QGIS nytjatólum. An error occurred during execution of following code: Villa kom upp við keyrslu á eftirfarandi kóða: Python version: Python útgáfa: QGIS version: QGIS útgáfa: Python path: Python slóð: Python error Python villa Undefined Óskilgreint Hidden Falið Title Titill Group Hópur Frame Rammi Scalebar Kvarðastika Text Table Subgroup Undirhópur Symbol Tákn Symbol label Táknmerki Topology Checker Grannfræðiyfirferð A Plugin for finding topological errors in vector layers Using fix %1. Topology plugin Grannfræðiviðbót Select automatic fix Veldu sjálfvirka viðgerð intersecting geometries Move blue feature Flytja bláa fitju Move red feature Flytja rauða fitju Delete blue feature Eyða blárri fitju Delete red feature Eyða rauðri fitju Union to blue feature Sameina við bláa fitju Union to red feature Sameina við rauða fitju features too close fitjur of nálægt Snap to segment Grípa í bút point not covered by segment punktur ekki hulinn af bút Delete point Eyða punkti segment too short bútur of stuttur Delete feature Eyða fitju invalid geometry dangling end lafandi endi duplicate geometry pseudo node overlaps fellur yfir gaps bil point not covered line ends not covered by point point not in polygon polygon does not contain point multipart feature marghluta fitja Save style to DB (%1) Vista stíl í gagnagrunni (%1) Delete Auxiliary Field Unable to remove auxiliary field (%1) Could not save metadata Could not save symbology because: %1 Gat ekki vistað táknun vegna: %1 Attribute index %1 out of bounds [0;%2] Error Villa Global Víðvært Form Form Project Verkefni Load layer into project Hlaða lagi inn í verkefni load,open,layer,raster,vector,project Modeler tools Vverkfæri fyrir líkön This algorithm loads a layer to the current project. Layer Lag Loaded layer name Invalid input layer Invalid (empty) layer name Map Settings Stillingar korts Map Tool Capture Layout Framsetning Atlas Atlaskort Layout Item Algorithm Reiknirit Model Líkan Feature ID Fitjukenni linear línulegt radial frá miðju conical keilulaga feature fitja viewport sýnisgluggi pad repeat endurtaka reflect spegla Could not allocate sufficient memory for shapeburst fill No renderer for drawing. Enginn myndgerðarteiknari fyrir teikninguna. Simplify transform error caught: %1 Villa fannst í einföldunarumvörpun: %1 empty capabilities document tómt getuupplýsingaskjal Dom Exception DOM-frávik Could not get WMS capabilities: %1 at line %2 column %3 This is probably due to an incorrect WMS Server URL. Response was: %4 Gat ekki sótt upplýsingar um getu WMS: %1 á línu %2, dálki %3 Þetta er líkast til vegna rangrar URI-slóðar á WMS-þjón. Svarað var: %4 Could not get WMS capabilities in the expected format (DTD): no %1 or %2 found. This might be due to an incorrect WMS Server URL. Tag: %3 Response was: %4 Generated default style Style was missing in capabilities Stíl vantaði í getuupplýsingar Field contains a color. Gagnasvið inniheldur lit. Combo box with values that can be used within the column's type. Must be supported by the provider. Read-only field that generates a UUID if empty. Legend Skýring Raster image fill Fylling rastamyndar Couldn't load PyQGIS Server. Gat ekki hlaðið inn PyQGIS-þjóni. Couldn't load qgis.user. Gat ekki hlaðið inn qgis.user. NOTICE: %1 ATHUGASEMD: %1 Blur Afskerpa Drop Shadow Undirskuggi Inner Shadow Innri skuggi Stack Stafli Outer Glow Ytri geislun Inner Glow Innri geislun Source Uppruni Transform Umvörpun Colorise Litþrykkja GRASS %1 GRASS %1 GRASS %1 (Geographic Resources Analysis Support System) GRASS %1 (Geographic Resources Analysis Support System) Version 2.0 Útgáfa 2.0 GRASS edit GRASS breyting Extract by attribute Afleiða eftir eigindum extract,filter,attribute,value,contains,null,field útdráttur,afleiða,sía,eigindi,gildi,inniheldur,núll,tómagildi,svið,gagnasvið Vector selection Val vektora Selection attribute Eigindi vals Operator Virki = = > > < < begins with byrjar á contains inniheldur is null er núll is not null er ekki núll does not contain inniheldur ekki Value Gildi Extracted (attribute) Afleitt (eigindi) Extracted (non-matching) This algorithm creates a new vector layer that only contains matching features from an input layer. The criteria for adding features to the resulting layer is defined based on the values of an attribute from the input layer. Field '%1' was not found in INPUT source Operator '%1' can be used only with string fields. Count Fjöldi Count (distinct) Fjöldi (stakt) Count (missing) Fjöldi (vantar) Minimum (earliest) Lágmark (fyrst) Maximum (latest) Hámark (síðast) Range (interval) Svið (bil) Sum Samtals Mean Meðaltal Median Miðgildi St dev (pop) Stað.fráv. (þýði) St dev (sample) Stað.fráv. (sýni) Output no data value Range boundaries min < value <= max min <= value < max min <= value <= max min < value < max Use no data when no range matches value Output data type Gerð frálagsgagna Reclassified raster Invalid band number for RASTER_BAND (%1): Valid values for input raster are 1 to %2 logical,boolean Treat nodata values as false Overlap analysis vector,overlay,area,percentage,intersection Overlay layers Output layer Frálagslag This algorithm calculates the area and percentage cover by which features from an input layer are overlapped by features from a selection of overlay layers. New attributes are added to the output layer reporting the total area of overlap and percentage of the input feature overlapped by each of the selected overlay layers. Preparing %1 True pixel count False pixel count Could not create raster output: %1 Could not create raster output %1: %2 Raster boolean OR Calculates the boolean OR for a set of input raster layers This algorithm calculates the boolean OR for a set of input rasters. If any of the input rasters have a non-zero value for a pixel, that pixel will be set to 1 in the output raster. If all the input rasters have 0 values for the pixel it will be set to 0 in the output raster. The reference layer parameter specifies an existing raster layer to use as a reference when creating the output raster. The output raster will have the same extent, CRS, and pixel dimensions as this layer. By default, a nodata pixel in ANY of the input layers will result in a nodata pixel in the output raster. If the 'Treat nodata values as false' option is checked, then nodata inputs will be treated the same as a 0 input value. Raster boolean AND Calculates the boolean AND for a set of input raster layers This algorithm calculates the boolean AND for a set of input rasters. If all of the input rasters have a non-zero value for a pixel, that pixel will be set to 1 in the output raster. If any of the input rasters have 0 values for the pixel it will be set to 0 in the output raster. The reference layer parameter specifies an existing raster layer to use as a reference when creating the output raster. The output raster will have the same extent, CRS, and pixel dimensions as this layer. By default, a nodata pixel in ANY of the input layers will result in a nodata pixel in the output raster. If the 'Treat nodata values as false' option is checked, then nodata inputs will be treated the same as a 0 input value. Reclassify by layer raster,reclassify,classes,calculator This algorithm reclassifies a raster band by assigning new class values based on the ranges specified in a vector table. Layer containing class breaks Minimum class value field Maximum class value field Output value field Invalid field specified for MIN_FIELD: %1 Invalid field specified for MAX_FIELD: %1 Invalid field specified for VALUE_FIELD: %1 Invalid value for minimum: %1 Invalid value for maximum: %1 Invalid output value: %1 Reclassify by table This algorithm reclassifies a raster band by assigning new class values based on the ranges specified in a fixed table. Reclassification table Filtered Síað Filters away vertices based on their %1, returning geometries with only vertex points that have a %1 ≥ the specified minimum value and ≤ the maximum value. If the minimum value is not specified than only the maximum value is tested, and similarly if the maximum value is not specified than only the minimum value is tested. Depending on the input geometry attributes and the filters used, the resultant geometries created by this algorithm may no longer be valid. Minimum Lágmark Minimum value Lágmarksgildi Maximum Hámark Maximum value Hámarksgildi Filter vertices by M value Filter vertices by Z value filter,points,vertex,m m-value filter,points,vertex,z z-value Z-gildi Invalid value for TABLE: list must contain a multiple of 3 elements (found %1) Range Svið Minority Minnihluti Majority Meirihluti Variety Breytileiki Q1 Ársfj.1 Q3 Ársfj.3 IQR IQR First Fyrsta Last Rename GRASS %1 Endurnefna GRASS %1 Cannot delete %1 Get ekki eytt %1 Cannot rename %1 to %2 Get ekki endurnefnt %1 sem %2 Recent colors Nýlegir litir Standard colors Staðallitir Project colors Litir verkefnis Delete Connection Eyða tengingu Are you sure you want to delete the connection to %1? Ertu viss um að þú viljir eyða tengingunni við %1? Delete Object Eyða hlut Delete Table Eyða töflu Are you sure you want to delete [%1].[%2]? Are you sure you want to truncate [%1].[%2]? This will delete all data within the table. Are you sure you want to delete %1.%2? Ertu viss um að þú viljir eyða %1.%2? Truncate Table Klippa af töflu Are you sure you want to truncate %1.%2? This will delete all data within the table. Ertu viss um að þú viljir stytta %1.%2? Þetta mun eyða öllum gögnum innan töflunnar. Refresh Materialized View Are you sure you want to refresh the materialized view %1.%2? This will update all data within the table. Delete Schema Eyða skipan Schema '%1' contains objects: %2 Are you sure you want to delete the schema and all these objects? Skipanin '%1' inniheldur hluti: %2 Ertu viss um að þú viljir eyða skipaninni og öllum þessum hlutum? Are you sure you want to delete the schema '%1'? Ertu viss um að þú viljir eyða skipaninni '%1'? Are you sure you want to delete %1? Ertu viss um að þú viljir eyða %1? Unable to reproject. Get ekki endurvarpað. Cell size must not be zero. Stærð reits má ekki vera núll. No common intersecting area. Ekkert sameiginlegt skörunarsvæði. Unable to open input file: %1 Get ekki opnað inntaksskrá: %1 Unable to create output file: %1 Tókst ekki að búa til frálagsskrá: %1 Un-named Color Scheme Litastef án heitis Accessible Color Scheme Aðgengileg litastef Open Link Opna tengil Copy Link Address Afrita vistfang tengils Send Email To… Senda tölvupóst á… Copy Email Address Afrita tölvupóstfang Cannot open database %1 by driver %2 Get ekki opnað gagnagrunn %1 með reklinum %2 Cannot describe table %1 Get ekki lýst töflu %1 GRASS vector map %1 does not have topology. Build topology? GRASS vektorkort %1 hefur ekki grannfræði. Búa til grannfræði? Key column '%1' not found in the table '%2' Lykildálkur '%1' fannst ekki í töflu '%2' SecureProtocols TlsV1SslV3 TlsV1SslV3 TlsV1 TlsV1 SslV3 SslV3 SslV2 SslV2 (Organization not defined) (Fyrirtæki/stofnun ekki skilgreint) System Root CA Root-CA rót kerfis System Root Authorities Vottunaraðilar kerfisrótar File CA Vottunaraðili skrár Authorities from File Vottunaraðilar úr skrá Database CA Vottunaraðili gagnagrunns Authorities in Database Vottunaraðilar í gagnagrunni Connection CA Vottunaraðili tengingar Authorities from connection Vottunaraðilar úr tengingu Default Sjálfgefið Trusted Treyst Untrusted Ótreyst Certificate is valid. Skilríkið er gilt. Root CA rejected the certificate purpose. Rótarvottunaraðili skilríkis (Root-CA) hafnaði tilgangi skilríkis. Certificate is not trusted. Skilríki er ekki treyst. Signature does not match. Undirritanir samsvara ekki. Certificate Authority is invalid or not found. Skilríkisisumboð (CA) er ógilt eða fannst ekki. Purpose does not match the intended usage. Tilgangur samsvarar ekki ætlaðri notkun. Certificate is self-signed, and is not found in the list of trusted certificates. Skilríkið er sjálfundirritað (af handhafa) og er ekki í listanum yfir skilríki sem er treyst. Certificate has been revoked. Skilríkið hefur verið afturkallað. Path length from the root CA to this certificate is too long. Slóðin frá rótarvottunaraðila skilríkis (Root-CA) að þessu skilríki er of löng. Certificate has expired or is not yet valid. Skilríkið er útrunnið eða ekki ennþá orðið gilt. Certificate Authority has expired. Skilríkisisumboð (CA) er útrunnið. Validity is unknown. Lögmæti er óþekkt. SHA1, with EMSA1 SHA1, með EMSA1 SHA1, with EMSA3 SHA1, með EMSA3 MD5, with EMSA3 MD5, með EMSA3 MD2, with EMSA3 MD2, með EMSA3 RIPEMD160, with EMSA3 RIPEMD160, með EMSA3 EMSA3, without digest EMSA3, án gátsummu SHA224, with EMSA3 SHA224, með EMSA3 SHA256, with EMSA3 SHA256, með EMSA3 SHA384, with EMSA3 SHA384, með EMSA3 SHA512, with EMSA3 SHA512, með EMSA3 Unknown (possibly Elliptic Curve) Óþekkt (hugsanlega sporbaugsferill) Digital Signature Stafræn undirritun Non-repudiation Key Encipherment Dulritun lykils Data Encipherment Dulritun gagna Key Agreement Notkunarskilmálar lykils Key Certificate Sign Undirritun skilríkislykils CRL Sign CRL undirritun Encipher Only Aðeins dulrita Decipher Only Aðeins afkóða Server Authentication Auðkenning þjóns Client Authentication Auðkenning forrits Code Signing Undirritun kóða Email Protection Verndun tölvupósts IPSec Endpoint IPSec-endapunktur IPSec Tunnel IPSec-göng IPSec User IPSec-notandi Time Stamping Tímamerking OCSP Signing OCSP-undirritun Any or unspecified Eitthvað eða óskilgreint Certificate Authority Vottunaraðili skilríkis (CA) Certificate Issuer Útgefandi skilríkis TLS/SSL Server TLS/SSL-þjónn TLS/SSL Server EV TLS/SSL-þjónn EV TLS/SSL Client TLS/SSL-biðlari CRL Signing CRL-undirritun Undetermined usage Ótilgreind notkun Unable to Get Issuer Certificate Ekki tókst að ná í skilríki útgefanda Unable to Decrypt Certificate Signature Ekki tókst að afkóða undirritun skilríkis Unable to Decode Issuer Public Key Get ekki afkóðað dreifilykil útgefanda Unable to Get Local Issuer Certificate Ekki tókst að ná í skilríki staðværs útgefanda Unable to Verify First Certificate Ekki tókst að yfirfara fyrsta skilríkið Certificate Signature Failed Undirritun skilríkis mistókst Certificate Not Yet Valid Skilríkið er ekki ennþá orðið gilt Certificate Expired Skilríki er útrunnið Invalid Not Before Field Ógilt 'Ekki fyrir' gagnasvið Invalid Not After Field Ógilt 'Ekki eftir' gagnasvið Self-signed Certificate Skilríki undirritað af handhafa Self-signed Certificate In Chain Skilríki undirritað af handhafa í keðju Certificate Revoked Skilríki afturkallað Invalid CA Certificate Ógilt CA skilríki Path Length Exceeded Farið yfir lengd slóðar Invalid Purpose Ógildur tilgangur Certificate Untrusted Skilríki ekki treyst Certificate Rejected Skilríki hafnað Subject Issuer Mismatch Misræmi í efnislínu útgefanda Authority Issuer Serial Number Mismatch Raðnúmer útgefanda vottunar samsvara ekki No Peer Certificate Ekkert jafningjaskilríki Host Name Mismatch Vélarheiti hýsils samsvara ekki Unspecified Error Óskilgreind villa Certificate Blacklisted Skilríki er á svörtum lista No Error Engin villa No SSL Support Enginn SSL stuðningur Client certificate is NULL. Client certificate key is NULL. Private key does not match client certificate public key. Authentication Manager Auðkenningarstýring Master Password <-> KeyChain storage plugin. Store and retrieve your master password in your KeyChain Master Password <-> Password Manager storage plugin. Store and retrieve your master password in your Password Manager Master Password <-> Wallet/KeyRing storage plugin. Store and retrieve your master password in your Wallet/KeyRing Master Password <-> KeyChain storage plugin. Store and retrieve your master password in your Wallet/KeyChain/Password Manager Authentication method Auðkenningaraðferð Could not set trust policy for imported certificates Gat ekki sett vottunarstefnu (CP) fyrir innflutt skilríki Authorities Manager Sýsla með vottunaraðila Could not store sort by preference Could not store default trust policy. Could not store 'CA file path' in authentication database. Could not store 'CA file allow invalids' setting in authentication database. Could not set trust policy for imported certificates. Could not remove 'CA file path' from authentication database. Could not remove 'CA file allow invalids' setting from authentication database. Authentication System Auðkenningarkerfi DISABLED. Resources authenticating via the system can not be accessed Master password already set. Aðallykilorð er þegar sett. Master password not cleared because it is not set. Master password cleared (NOTE: network connections may be cached). Master password FAILED to be cleared. Master password reset Endursetning aðallykilorðs Master password reset: NO current password hash in database Master password FAILED to be reset (database backup: %1) (öryggisafrit gagnagrunns: %1) Cached authentication configurations for session cleared Remove Configurations Fjarlægja uppsetningar Are you sure you want to remove ALL authentication configurations? Operation can NOT be undone! Authentication configurations removed. Authentication configurations FAILED to be removed. Active authentication database erased. Authentication database FAILED to be erased. Delete Password Eyða lykilorði Do you really want to delete the master password from your %1? Master password was successfully deleted from your %1 Password helper delete Master password is not set and cannot be stored in your %1. Master password has been successfully stored in your %1. Password helper write Your %1 will be <b>used from now</b> on to store and retrieve the master password. Your %1 will <b>not be used anymore</b> to store and retrieve the master password. Erase Database Hreinsa gagnagrunn Are you sure you want to ERASE the entire authentication database? Operation can NOT be undone! (Current database will be backed up and new one created.) (backup: %1) (öryggisafrit: %1) RESTART QGIS ENDURRÆSA QGIS File not found Skrá fannst ekki Could not store sort by preference. Authentication Identities Authentication SSL Configs Configuration loaded from database Uppsetningu hlaðið inn úr gagnagrunni Configuration not found in database Uppsetningin fannst ekki í gagnagrunni Trusted Authorities/Issuers Traustir vottunaraðilar/útgefendur Entry token invalid : '%1'. The token will not be saved to file. Project translation A hidden field will be invisible - the user is not able to see its contents. VLayer Expression Sorter Displays a combo box containing values of attributes used for classification. Only available when the layer uses a categorized symbol renderer. Error: %1 on line %2, column %3 Villa: %1 á línu %2, dálki %3 WFS WFS unable to convert '%1' element to a valid expression: it is not supported yet or it has invalid arguments '%1' binary operator not supported. invalid left operand for '%1' binary operator invalid right operand for '%1' binary operator only one operand for '%1' binary operator No OGC Geometry found %1:PropertyName expected, got %2 %1:Literal expected, got %2 '%1' is an invalid or not supported content for %2:Literal invalid operand for '%1' unary operator Node type not supported: %1 This use of unary operator not implemented yet <BBOX> is currently supported only in form: bbox($geometry, geomFromWKT('…')) Unary operator %1 not implemented yet Binary operator %1 not implemented yet Node type not supported in expression translation: %1 Unary operator '%1' not implemented yet Literal type not supported: %1 Unable to translate spatial operator: at least one must refer to geometry. spatial operator: the other operator must be a geometry constructor function geom_from_wkt: argument must be string literal geom_from_gml: argument must be string literal geom_from_gml: unable to parse XML spatial operator: unknown geometry constructor function Special columns/constants are not supported. %1: Last argument must be string or integer literal Function %1 should have 1 or 2 arguments %1: First argument must be string literal %1: invalid WKT Function %1 should have 4 or 5 arguments %1: Argument %2 must be numeric literal %1 Argument %2 must be numeric literal Function %1 should have 1 argument %1: Argument must be string literal ST_GeomFromGML: unable to parse XML Function %1 should have 2 arguments Function %1 should have 3 arguments Function %1 3rd argument should be a numeric value or a string made of a numeric value followed by a string Joins are only supported with WFS 2.0 %1:Function expected, got %2 missing some required sub-elements in %1:PropertyIsBetween second|seconds list of words separated by | which reference years sekúnda|sekúndur minute|minutes list of words separated by | which reference minutes mínúta|mínútur hour|hours list of words separated by | which reference minutes hours klukkustund|klukkustundir day|days list of words separated by | which reference days dagur|dagar week|weeks wordlist separated by | which reference weeks vika|vikur month|months list of words separated by | which reference months mánuður|mánuðir year|years list of words separated by | which reference years ár|ár Minimum length Lágmarkslengd Split lines by maximum length segments,parts,distance,cut,chop This algorithm takes a line (or curve) layer and splits each feature into multiple parts, where each part is of a specified maximum length. Z and M values at the start and end of the new line substrings are linearly interpolated from existing values. Splits lines into parts which are no longer than a specified length. Maximum line length Maximum length Hámarkslengd Mean length Meðallengd Function '%1' is not declared by the WFS server Column '%1' references a non existing table Column '%1' references a non existing field %1 to %2 arguments %1 til %2 viðföng 1 argument 1 viðfang %1 arguments %1 viðföng %1 arguments or more %1 viðföng eða fleiri 1 argument or more 1 viðfang eða fleiri 0 argument or more 0 viðfang eða fleiri Style Manager Stílsstjóri Tessellate 3d,triangle Vector geometry Vektorlögun Tessellated This algorithm tessellates a polygon geometry layer, dividing the geometries into triangular components. The output layer consists of multipolygon geometries for each input feature, with each multipolygon consisting of multiple triangle component polygons. Feature ID %1 could not be divided into triangular components. Height Hæð ExtrusionHeight Add autoincremental field Bæta við sjálf stighækkandi gagnasviði This algorithm adds a new integer field to a vector layer, with a sequential value for each feature. This field can be used as a unique ID for features in the layer. The new attribute is not added to the input layer but a new layer is generated instead. The initial starting value for the incremental series can be specified. Optionally, grouping fields can be specified. If group fields are present, then the field value will be reset for each combination of these group field values. The sort order for features may be specified, if so, then the incremental field will respect this sort order. add,create,serial,primary,key,unique,fields Vector table Vektortafla Incremented Stighækkandi Field name Heiti gagnasviðs Start values at Byrja gildi við Group values by Hópa gildi eftir Sort expression Sort ascending Raða hækkandi Sort nulls first Assign projection Úthluta vörpun assign,set,transform,reproject,crs,srs,warp Vector general Almennt fyrir vektora Assigned CRS Úthlutað viðmiðskerfi This algorithm assigns a new projection to a vector layer. It creates a new layer with the exact same features and geometries as the input one, but assigned to a new CRS. E.g. the geometries are not reprojected, they are just assigned to a different CRS. This algorithm can be used to repair layers which have been assigned an incorrect projection. Attributes are not modified by this algorithm. Boundary Svæðismörk boundary,ring,border,exterior Returns the closure of the combinatorial boundary of the input geometries (ie the topological boundary of the geometry). For instance, a polygon geometry will have a boundary consisting of the linestrings for each ring in the polygon. Only valid for polygon or line layers. No boundary for feature %1 (possibly a closed linestring?)' Bounding boxes Umgjarðir bounding,boxes,envelope,rectangle,extent Bounds Svæðismörk This algorithm calculates the bounding box (envelope) for each feature in an input layer. See the 'Minimum bounding geometry' algorithm for a bounding box calculation which covers the whole layer or grouped subsets of features. Buffer Jaðar buffer,grow,fixed,variable,distance Input layer Inntakslag Distance Fjarlægð Buffer distance Fjarlægð jaðars Segments Bútar End cap style Endastíll Round Hringlaga Flat Flatt Square Ferkantað Join style Stíll tenginga Miter Hornskurður Bevel Flái Miter limit Mörk hornskeytingar Dissolve result Bræða saman niðurstöður Buffered This algorithm computes a buffer area for all the features in an input layer, using a fixed or dynamic distance. The segments parameter controls the number of line segments to use to approximate a quarter circle when creating rounded offsets. The end cap style parameter controls how line endings are handled in the buffer. The join style parameter specifies whether round, miter or beveled joins should be used when offsetting corners in a line. The miter limit parameter is only applicable for miter join styles, and controls the maximum distance from the offset curve to use when creating a mitered join. Could not load source layer for INPUT Error calculating buffer for feature %1 Processing Vinnsla Centroids Þyngdarpunktar centroid,center,average,point,middle This algorithm creates a new point layer, with points representing the centroid of the geometries in an input layer. The attributes associated to each point in the output layer are the same ones associated to the original features. Create point on surface for each part Error calculating centroid for feature %1 part %2: %3 Error calculating centroid for feature %1: %2 Clip Afmarka clip,intersect,intersection,mask afmarka,skurðflötur,skörun,hula Vector overlay Vektoryfirlag Overlay layer Yfirlagslag This algorithm clips a vector layer using the features of an additional polygon layer. Only the parts of the features in the Input layer that fall within the polygons of the Overlay layer will be added to the resulting layer. The attributes of the features are not modified, although properties such as area or length of the features will be modified by the clipping operation. If such properties are stored as attributes, those attributes will have to be manually updated. Clipped Afmarkað Could not create the combined clip geometry: %1 Convex hull Ávalur hjúpur convex,hull,bounds,bounding Convex hulls Ávalir hjúpar This algorithm calculates the convex hull for each feature in an input layer. See the 'Minimum bounding geometry' algorithm for a convex hull calculation which covers the whole layer or grouped subsets of features. Cannot calculate convex hull for a single Point feature (try 'Minimum bounding geometry' algorithm instead). Dissolve Bræða saman dissolve,union,combine,collect Dissolve field(s) This algorithm takes a vector layer and combines their features into new features. One or more attributes can be specified to dissolve features belonging to the same class (having the same value for the specified attributes), alternatively all features can be dissolved in a single one. All output geometries will be converted to multi geometries. In case the input is a polygon layer, common boundaries of adjacent polygons being dissolved will get erased. Unique ID fields Einkvæm auðkenni sviða Dissolved Sambrætt GEOS exception: taking the slower route ... The algorithm returned no output. Collect geometries union,combine,collect,multipart,parts,single Collected This algorithm takes a vector layer and collects its geometries into new multipart geometries. One or more attributes can be specified to collect only geometries belonging to the same class (having the same value for the specified attributes), alternatively all geometries can be collected. All output geometries will be converted to multi geometries, even those with just a single part. This algorithm does not dissolve overlapping geometries - they will be collected together without modifying the shape of each geometry part. See the 'Promote to multipart' or 'Aggregate' algorithms for alternative options. Drop geometries remove,drop,delete,geometry,objects fjarlægja,henda,eyða,lögun,geómetría,hlutir,atriði Dropped geometries This algorithm removes any geometries from an input layer and returns a layer containing only the feature attributes. Drop M/Z values Henda M/Z gildum drop,set,convert,m,measure,z,25d,3d,values henda,setja,umbreyta,m,mæla,z,25d,3d,gildi Z/M Dropped Z/M hent This algorithm can remove any measure (M) or Z values from input geometries. Drop M Values Henda M-gildum Drop Z Values Henda Z-gildum Extent Kortvídd This algorithm creates a new vector layer that contains a single feature with geometry matching an extent parameter. It can be used in models to convert an extent into a layer which can be used for other algorithms which require a layer based input. Create layer from extent Búa til lag út frá kortvídd extent,layer,polygon,create,new Extract by expression Afleiða eftir reglulegri segð extract,filter,expression,field útdráttur,afleiða,sía,segð,svið,gagnasvið Expression Segð Matching features Samsvarandi fitjur Non-matching Mismunandi This algorithm creates a new vector layer that only contains matching features from an input layer. The criteria for adding features to the resulting layer is based on a QGIS expression. For more information about expressions see the <a href ="{qgisdocs}/user_manual/working_with_vector/expression.html">user manual</a> Extract/clip by extent clip,extract,intersect,intersection,mask,extent afmarka,afþjappa,skurðflötur,skörun,hula,kortvídd Clip features to extent Extracted This algorithm creates a new vector layer that only contains features which fall within a specified extent. Any features which intersect the extent will be included. Optionally, feature geometries can also be clipped to the extent. If this option is selected, then the output geometries will automatically be converted to multi geometries to ensure uniform output geometry types. Where the features (geometric predicate) intersect skarast contain innihalda disjoint aftengt equal er jafnt og touch snerta overlap leggjast yfir are within eru innan cross þverast creating new selection bý til nýtt val adding to current selection bæta við núverandi val selecting within current selection velja innan í núverandi vali removing from current selection fjarlægja úr núverandi vali Select features from Veldu fitjur úr By comparing to the features from Modify current selection by Select by location Velja eftir staðsetningu select,intersects,intersecting,disjoint,touching,within,contains,overlaps,relation This algorithm creates a selection in a vector layer. The criteria for selecting features is based on the spatial relationship between each feature and the features in an additional layer. Extract features from Extracted (location) Afleitt (staðsetning) Extract by location Afleiða eftir staðsetningu extract,filter,intersects,intersecting,disjoint,touching,within,contains,overlaps,relation This algorithm creates a new vector layer that only contains matching features from an input layer. The criteria for adding features to the resulting layer is defined based on the spatial relationship between each feature and the features in an additional layer. All files (*.*) Allar skrár (*.*) Fix geometries Laga rúmfræði repair,invalid,geometry,make,valid Fixed geometries This algorithm attempts to create a valid representation of a given invalid geometry without losing any of the input vertices. Already-valid geometries are returned without further intervention. Always outputs multi-geometry layer. NOTE: M values will be dropped from the output. makeValid failed for feature %1 Fixing geometry for feature %1 resulted in %2, geometry has been dropped. Join attributes by field value join,connect,attributes,values,fields,tables Create separate feature for each matching feature (one-to-many) Take attributes of the first matching feature only (one-to-one) Table field Töflusvið Input layer 2 Inntakslag 2 Table field 2 Töflusvið 2 Layer 2 fields to copy (leave empty to copy all fields) Join type Gerð samsetningar Discard records which could not be joined Joined field prefix Joined layer Tengt lag Unjoinable features from first layer Number of joined features from input table Number of unjoinable features from input table This algorithm takes an input vector layer and creates a new vector layer that is an extended version of the input one, with additional attributes in its attribute table. The additional attributes and their values are taken from a second vector layer. An attribute is selected in each of them to define the join criteria. %1 feature(s) from input layer were successfully matched %1 feature(s) from input layer could not be matched Invalid join fields Join by lines (hub lines) Vector analysis Greining á vektorum join,connect,lines,points,hub,spoke,geodesic,great,circle Hub layer Hub ID field Hub layer fields to copy (leave empty to copy all fields) Spoke layer Spoke ID field Spoke layer fields to copy (leave empty to copy all fields) Create geodesic lines Distance between vertices (geodesic lines only) Distance between vertices Split lines at antimeridian (±180 degrees longitude) Hub lines This algorithm creates hub and spoke diagrams by connecting lines from points on the Spoke layer to matching points in the Hub layer. Determination of which hub goes with each point is based on a match between the Hub ID field on the hub points and the Spoke ID field on the spoke points. If input layers are not point layers, a point on the surface of the geometries will be taken as the connecting location. Optionally, geodesic lines can be created, which represent the shortest path on the surface of an ellipsoid. When geodesic mode is used, it is possible to split the created lines at the antimeridian (±180 degrees longitude), which can improve rendering of the lines. Additionally, the distance between vertices can be specified. A smaller distance results in a denser, more accurate line. Creates lines joining two point layers, based on a common attribute value. Same layer given for both hubs and spokes Invalid ID field Line intersections Skaranir á línum line,intersection Intersect layer Skörunar lag Intersect fields prefix Intersection Skurðflötur This algorithm extracts the overlapping portions of features in the Input and Overlay layers. Features in the output Intersection layer are assigned the attributes of the overlapping features from both the Input and Overlay layers. Overlay fields to keep (leave empty to keep all fields) Overlay fields prefix Input fields to keep (leave empty to keep all fields) Intersect fields to keep (leave empty to keep all fields) GEOS geoprocessing error: intersection failed. GEOS geoprocessing error: difference failed. GEOS geoprocessing error: unary union failed. Intersections Skaranir This algorithm creates point features where the lines in the Intersect layer intersect the lines in the Input layer. Mean coordinate(s) Meðaltalshnit mean,average,coordinate Weight field Vægissvið Unique ID field Einkvæmt auðkennissvið Mean coordinates Meðaltalshnit This algorithm computes a point layer with the center of mass of geometries in an input layer. An attribute can be specified as containing weights to be applied to each feature when computing the center of mass. If an attribute is selected in the <Unique ID field> parameter, features will be grouped according to values in this field. Instead of a single point with the center of mass of the whole layer, the output layer will contain a center of mass for the features in each category. Negative weight value found. Please fix your data and try again. Merge lines Sameina línur line,merge,join,parts lína,sameina,tengja,hlutar,bútar Merged Sameinað This algorithm joins all connected parts of MultiLineString geometries into single LineString geometries. If any parts of the input MultiLineString geometries are not connected, the resultant geometry will be a MultiLineString containing any lines which could be merged and any non-connected line parts. Error merging lines for feature %1 Merge vector layers Sameina vektorlög vector,layers,collect,merge,combine Input layers Inntakslög Destination CRS Markmiðs-viðmiðskerfi This algorithm combines multiple vector layers of the same geometry type into a single one. If attributes tables are different, the attribute table of the resulting layer will contain the attributes from all input layers. New attributes will be added for the original layer name and source. If any input layers contain Z or M values, then the output layer will also contain these values. Similarly, if any of the input layers are multi-part, the output layer will also be a multi-part layer. Optionally, the destination coordinate reference system (CRS) for the merged layer can be set. If it is not set, the CRS will be taken from the first input layer. All layers will all be reprojected to match this CRS. Using specified destination CRS %1 Error retrieving map layer. All layers must be vector layers! Taking destination CRS %1 from layer All layers must have same geometry type! Encountered a %1 layer when expecting a %2 layer. Found a layer with M values, upgrading output type to %1 Found a layer with Z values, upgrading output type to %1 Found a layer with multiparts, upgrading output type to %1 Setting output type to %1 %1 field in layer %2 has different data type than in other layers (%3 instead of %4) Packaging layer %1/%2: %3 Error obtained while merging one or more layers. Minimum enclosing circles minimum,circle,ellipse,extent,bounds,bounding Number of segments in circles This algorithm calculates the minimum enclosing circle which covers each feature in an input layer. See the 'Minimum bounding geometry' algorithm for a minimal enclosing circle calculation which covers the whole layer or grouped subsets of features. Multipart to singleparts Marghluta í einhluta multi,single,multiple,split,dump Single parts Stakir hlutar This algorithm takes a vector layer with multipart geometries and generates a new one in which all geometries contain a single part. Features with multipart geometries are divided in as many different features as parts the geometry contain, and the same attributes are used for each of them. Order by expression orderby,sort,expression,field Ordered Raðað This algorithm sorts a vector layer according to an expression. Be careful, it might not work as expected with some providers, the order might not be kept every time. Oriented minimum bounding box bounding,boxes,envelope,rectangle,extent,oriented,angle This algorithm calculates the minimum area rotated rectangle which covers each feature in an input layer. See the 'Minimum bounding geometry' algorithm for a oriented bounding box calculation which covers the whole layer or grouped subsets of features. Promote to multipart multi,single,multiple,convert,force,parts Multiparts This algorithm takes a vector layer with singlepart geometries and generates a new one in which all geometries are multipart. Input features which are already multipart features will remain unchanged. This algorithm can be used to force geometries to multipart types in order to be compatible with data providers with strict singlepart/multipart compatibility checks. See the 'Collect geometries' or 'Aggregate' algorithms for alternative options. Raster layer unique values report count,area,statistics Raster analysis Greining rasta Updated Uppfært Band number Númer tíðnisviðs Value for nodata or non-intersecting vertices Scale factor Kvörðunargildi Transform error while reprojecting feature {} Drape (set Z value from raster) Set M value from raster This algorithm sets the M value for every vertex in the feature geometry to a value sampled from a band within a raster layer. Sets the M value for vertices to values sampled from a raster layer. 3d,vertex,vertices,elevation,height,sample,dem,update,feature This algorithm sets the z value of every vertex in the feature geometry to a value sampled from a band within a raster layer. The raster values can optionally be scaled by a preset amount. Sets the z value for vertices to values sampled from a raster layer. drape,vertex,vertices,sample,dem,update,feature,measure Unique values report HTML files (*.html) HTML-skrár (*.html) Unique values table CRS authority identifier Width in pixels Breidd í mynddílum Height in pixels Hæð í mynddílum Total pixel count Heildarfjöldi mynddíla NODATA pixel count Fjöldi NODATA-mynddíla This algorithm returns the count and area of each unique value in a given raster layer. Invalid band number for BAND (%1): Valid values for input raster are 1 to %2 Analyzed file Greind skrá band tíðnisvið <p>%1: %2</p> <p>%1: %2</p> <p>%1: %2 (%3)</p> <p>%1: %2 (%3)</p> Projection Vörpun <p>%1: %2 (%3 %4)</p> <p>%1: %2 (%3 %4)</p> units per pixel einingar á mynddíl Pixel count Fjöldi mynddíla Area Svæði Cleaned Hreinsað Remove duplicate vertices Fjarlægja tvítekna brotpunkta points,valid,overlapping,vertex,nodes This algorithm removes duplicate vertices from features, wherever removing the vertices does not result in a degenerate geometry. The tolerance parameter specifies the tolerance for coordinates when determining whether vertices are identical. By default, z values are not considered when detecting duplicate vertices. E.g. two vertices with the same x and y coordinate but different z values will still be considered duplicate and one will be removed. If the Use Z Value parameter is true, then the z values are also tested and vertices with the same x and y but different z will be maintained. Note that duplicate vertices are not tested between different parts of a multipart geometry. E.g. a multipoint geometry with overlapping points will not be changed by this method. Tolerance Þolvik Tolerance distance Vegalengd þolvika Use Z Value Remove null geometries remove,drop,delete,empty,geometry fjarlægja,henda,eyða,tóm,lögun,geómetría Non null geometries Null geometries This algorithm removes any features which do not have a geometry from a vector layer. All other features will be copied unchanged. Optionally, the features with null geometries can be saved to a separate output. Rename layer Endurnefna lag change,layer,name,title This algorithm renames a layer. Þetta reiknirit endurnefnir lag. New name Nýtt nafn Selected features Valdar fitjur Extract selected features Veiða valdar fitjur selection,save,by This algorithm creates a new layer with all the selected features in a given vector layer. If the selected layer has no selected features, the newly created layer will be empty. Simplify Einfalda simplify,generalize,douglas,peucker,visvalingam Simplified Einfaldað This algorithm simplifies the geometries in a line or polygon layer. It creates a new layer with the same features as the ones in the input layer, but with geometries containing a lower number of vertices. The algorithm gives a choice of simplification methods, including distance based (the "Douglas-Peucker" algorithm), area based ("Visvalingam" algorithm) and snapping geometries to a grid. Distance (Douglas-Peucker) Fjarlægð (Douglas-Peucker) Snap to grid Grípa í net Area (Visvalingam) Svæði (Visvalingam) Simplification method Aðferð við einföldun Smooth Mýkt smooth,curve,generalize,round,bend,corners Smoothed Mýkt This algorithm smooths the geometries in a line or polygon layer. It creates a new layer with the same features as the ones in the input layer, but with geometries containing a higher number of vertices and corners in the geometries smoothed out. The iterations parameter dictates how many smoothing iterations will be applied to each geometry. A higher number of iterations results in smoother geometries with the cost of greater number of nodes in the geometries. The offset parameter controls how "tightly" the smoothed geometries follow the original geometries. Smaller values results in a tighter fit, and larger values will create a looser fit. The maximum angle parameter can be used to prevent smoothing of nodes with large angles. Any node where the angle of the segments to either side is larger than this will not be smoothed. For example, setting the maximum angle to 90 degrees or lower would preserve right angles in the geometry. If input geometries contain Z or M values, these will also be smoothed and the output geometry will retain the same dimensionality as the input geometry. Iterations Ítranir Offset lines Hliðra línum offset,linestring Offset Hliðrun This algorithm offsets lines by a specified distance. Positive distances will offset lines to the left, and negative distances will offset to the right of lines. The segments parameter controls the number of line segments to use to approximate a quarter circle when creating rounded offsets. The join style parameter specifies whether round, miter or beveled joins should be used when offsetting corners in a line. The miter limit parameter is only applicable for miter join styles, and controls the maximum distance from the offset curve to use when creating a mitered join. Offsets lines by a specified distance. Maximum node angle to smooth Error smoothing geometry %1 Snap points to grid snapped,grid,simplify,round,precision Snapped This algorithm modifies the coordinates of geometries in a vector layer, so that all points or vertices are snapped to the closest point of the grid. If the snapped geometry cannot be calculated (or is totally collapsed) the feature's geometry will be cleared. Note that snapping to grid may generate an invalid geometry in some corner cases. Snapping can be performed on the X, Y, Z or M axis. A grid spacing of 0 for any axis will disable snapping for that axis. X Grid Spacing X-bil hnitanets Y Grid Spacing Y-bil hnitanets Z Grid Spacing Z-bil hnitanets M Grid Spacing M-bil hnitanets Error snapping geometry %1 Split with lines Skipta upp með línum split,cut,lines skipta,klippa,kljúfa,línur Split layer Skipta upp lagi Geodesic line split at antimeridian break,cut,dateline,180,-180,longitude,geographic,ellipsoid Splits lines into multiple geodesic segments when the line crosses the antimeridian (±180 degrees longitude). This algorithm splits a line into multiple geodesic segments, whenever the line crosses the antimeridian (±180 degrees longitude). Splitting at the antimeridian helps the visual display of the lines in some projections. The returned geometry will always be a multi-part geometry. Whenever line segments in the input geometry cross the antimeridian, they will be split into two segments, with the latitude of the breakpoint being determined using a geodesic line connecting the points either side of this segment. The current project ellipsoid setting will be used when calculating this breakpoint. If the input geometry contains M or Z values, these will be linearly interpolated for the new vertices created at the antimeridian. Split Skipta upp This algorithm splits the lines or polygons in one layer using the lines in another layer to define the breaking points. Intersection between geometries in both layers are considered as split points. String concatenation Keðjumyndun strengja string,concatenation,merge This algorithm concatenates two strings together. Input 1 Inntak 1 Input 2 Inntak 2 Concatenation Keðjumyndun Maximum nodes in parts Subdivide Deila upp subdivide,segmentize,split,tessellate Subdivides the geometry. The returned geometry will be a collection containing subdivided parts from the original geometry, where no part has more then the specified maximum number of nodes. This is useful for dividing a complex geometry into less complex parts, which are better able to be spatially indexed and faster to perform further operations such as intersects on. The returned geometry parts may not be valid and may contain self-intersections. Curved geometries will be segmentized before subdivision. Subdivided Uppdeilt Error calculating subdivision for feature %1 Transect transect,station,lines,extend, Length of the transect Angle in degrees from the original line at the vertices Angle in degrees Horn í gráðum Side to create the transects Left Vinstri Right Hægri Both Bæði This algorithm creates transects on vertices for (multi)linestring. A transect is a line oriented from an angle (by default perpendicular) to the input polylines (at vertices). Field(s) from feature(s) are returned in the transect with these new fields: - TR_FID: ID of the original feature - TR_ID: ID of the transect. Each transect have an unique ID - TR_SEGMENT: ID of the segment of the linestring - TR_ANGLE: Angle in degrees from the original line at the vertex - TR_LENGTH: Total length of the transect returned - TR_ORIENT: Side of the transect (only on the left or right of the line, or both side) Target CRS Markmiðs-viðmiðskerfi Reprojected Endurvarpað Reproject layer Endurvarpa lagi transform,reprojection,crs,srs,warp This algorithm reprojects a vector layer. It creates a new layer with the same features as the input one, but with geometries reprojected to a new CRS. Attributes are not modified by this algorithm. Translate Tilfærsla move,shift,transform,z,m,values,add Translated Þýtt This algorithm moves the geometries within a layer, by offsetting them with a specified x and y displacement. Z and M values present in the geometry can also be translated. Array of translated features translate,parallel,offset,duplicate,grid,spaced,moved,copy,features,objects,step,repeat This algorithm creates copies of features in a layer, by creating multiple translated versions of each feature. Each copy is incrementally displaced by a preset amount in the x/y/z/m axis. Creates multiple translated copies of features in a layer. Number of features to create Step distance (x-axis) Offset distance (x-axis) Vegalengd hliðrunar (x-ás) Step distance (y-axis) Offset distance (y-axis) Vegalengd hliðrunar (y-ás) Step distance (z-axis) Offset distance (z-axis) Vegalengd hliðrunar (z-ás) Step distance (m values) Offset distance (m values) Vegalengd hliðrunar (m-gildi) DWG/DXF import DWG/DXF innflutningur Not yet implemented %1 Ekki búið að útfæra %1 Page Síða Delete style %1 from %2 Eyða stílnum %1 úr %2 Delete Style Eyða stíl Are you sure you want to delete the style %1? Ertu viss um að þú viljir eyða stílnum %1? Paper size Pappírsstærð string strengur Page width Breidd síðu Page height Hæð síðu Number of pages Fjöldi síðna Symbol size Stærð tákns Page number Síðunúmer Position (X) Staðsetning (X) Position (Y) Staðsetning (Y) Width Breidd Rotation angle Snúningshorn Transparency Gegnsæi Opacity Gagnsæi Blend mode Blöndunarhamur Exclude item from exports Undanskilja atriði frá útflutningi Frame color Litur ramma Background color Litur bakgrunns Print layout map extent to layer layout,composer,composition,visible Creates a polygon layer containing the extent of a print layout map item. Print layout Prenta framsetningu Map item Override CRS Map width Map height Map rotation Snúningur korts This algorithm creates a polygon layer containing the extent of a print layout map item (or items), with attributes specifying the map size (in layout units), scale and rotatation. If the map item parameter is specified, then only the matching map extent will be exported. If it is not specified, all map extents from the layout will be exported. Optionally, a specific output CRS can be specified. If it is not specified, the original map item CRS will be used. Cannot find layout with name "%1" Cannot find matching map item with ID %1 Error reprojecting map to destination CRS Map scale Kvarði korts Extent minimum X X-lágmark kortvíddar Extent minimum Y Y-lágmark kortvíddar Extent maximum X X hámark kortvíddar Extent maximum Y Y hámark kortvíddar Atlas margin Spássía atlaskorts Picture source (URL) Uppruni myndar (URL-slóð) Source URL Upprunaslóð SVG background color SVG bakgrunnslitur SVG stroke color Litur SVG útlínu SVG stroke width Breidd SVG útlínu Legend title Titill skýringar Number of columns Fjöldi dálka Fill color Litur fyllingar Secondary fill color Auka fyllilitur Line color Litur á línu Line width Línubreidd list of map layer names separated by | characters Grid %1 Hnitanet %1 No matching records Engar samsvarandi færslur Distribute Items by Left Dreifa atriðum miðað við vinstri Distribute Items by Horizontal Center Distribute Horizontal Spacing Equally Distribute Items by Right Dreifa atriðum miðað við hægri Distribute Items by Top Dreifa atriðum miðað við efst Distribute Items by Vertical Center Dreifa atriðum miðað við lárétta miðju Distribute Vertical Spacing Equally Distribute Items by Bottom Dreifa atriðum miðað við neðst Resize Items to Narrowest Breyta stærð atriða í mjósta Resize Items to Widest Breyta stærð atriða í breiðasta Resize Items to Shortest Breyta stærð atriða í stysta Resize Items to Tallest Breyta stærð atriða í hæsta Resize Items to Square Breyta stærð atriða í ferninga Align Items to Left Hliðjafna atriði til vinstri Align Items to Center Jafna atriði við miðju Align Items to Right Hliðjafna atriði til hægri Align Items to Top Hliðjafna atriði efst Align Items to Vertical Center Miðjujafna atriði lóðrétt Align Items to Bottom Hliðjafna atriði neðst Exporting %1 of %2 Flyt út %1 af %2 Exporting section %1 Flyt út hlutann %1 Cannot write to %1. This file may be open in another application or may be an invalid path. Printing %1 of %2 Prenta %1 af %2 Printing section %1 Prenta hlutann %1 Layer %1 Lag %1 Change Grid Resolution Breyta upplausn nets Change Grid Offset Breyta hliðrun nets A6 A6 A5 A5 A4 A4 A3 A3 A2 A2 A1 A1 A0 A0 B6 B6 B5 B5 B4 B4 B3 B3 B2 B2 B1 B1 B0 B0 Legal US löggilt Letter US bréfsefni ANSI A ANSI A ANSI B ANSI B ANSI C ANSI C ANSI D ANSI D ANSI E ANSI E Arch A Arch A Arch B Arch B Arch C Arch C Arch D Arch D Arch E Arch E Arch E1 Arch E1 Arch E2 Arch E2 Arch E3 Arch E3 1920×1080 1920×1080 1280×800 1280×800 1024×768 1024×768 Report Skýrsla Group: %1 - %2 Hópur: %1 - %2 Section Hluti identifier auðkenni Identifier element is required. language tungumál Language element is required. tungumálseininisins er krafist type Type element is required. title titill Title element is required. abstract Abstract element is required. license notkunarleyfi At least one license is required. crs A valid CRS element is required. extent A valid CRS element for the spatial extent is required. A valid spatial extent is required. author A project author is required. creation The project creation date/time is required. contacts At least one contact is required. links tenglar At least one link is required. keywords stikkorð Keyword vocabulary cannot be empty. Keyword list cannot be empty. Contact name cannot be empty. Link name cannot be empty. Link type cannot be empty. Link url cannot be empty. model líkan Prepare algorithm: %1 undirbúa reiknirit: %1 Running %1 [%2/%3] Keyri %1 [%2/%3] Input Parameters: Inntaksbreytur: Error encountered while running %1 OK. Execution took %1 s (%2 outputs). Model processed OK. Executed %1 algorithms total in %2 s. Output '%1' from algorithm '%2' Frálag '%1' úr reikniritinu '%2' Minimum X of %1 Lágmark X af %1 Minimum Y of %1 Lágmark Y af %1 Maximum X of %1 Hámark X af %1 Maximum Y of %1 Hámark Y af %1 The model you are trying to run contains an algorithm that is not available: <i>%1</i> Error creating algorithm from createInstance() Incorrect parameter value for %1 Duplicate parameter %1 registered for alg %2 Duplicate output %1 registered for alg %2 Could not load source layer for %1: no value specified for parameter Could not load source layer for %1: %2 not found Could not load source layer for %1: invalid value Could not create destination layer for %1: no value specified for parameter Could not create destination layer for %1: %2 Could not create destination layer for %1: invalid value Encountered a transform error when reprojecting feature with id %1. Feature (%1) has invalid geometry. Please fix the geometry or change the Processing setting to the "Ignore invalid input features" option. Fitja (%1) með ógildri lögun fannst. Gerðu við þessar villur eða tiltaktu "Hunsa ógildar inntaksfitjur" merkinguna. Feature (%1) has invalid geometry and has been skipped. Please fix the geometry or change the Processing setting to the "Ignore invalid input features" option. Fitja (%1) með ógildri lögun fannst og var því sleppt. Gerðu við þessar villur eða tiltaktu "Hunsa ógildar inntaksfitjur" merkinguna. Error transforming extent geometry Error transforming point geometry Python identifier: ‘%1’ Python kenni: ‘%1’ Invalid number parameter "%1": min value %2 is >= max value %3! Minimum value: %1 Lágmarksgildi: %1 Maximum value: %1 Hámarksgildi: %1 Default value: %1 Sjálfgefið gildi: %1 Could not create memory layer Could not create layer %1: %2 <html><body><h2>Algorithm description</h2> <html><body><h2>Lýsing á reikniriti</h2> <h2>Input parameters</h2> <h2>Inntaksbreytur</h2> <h2>Outputs</h2> <h2>Frálög</h2> <p align="right">Algorithm author: %1</p> <p align="right">Höfundur reiknirits: %1</p> <p align="right">Help author: %1</p> <p align="right">Höfundur hjálpar: %1</p> <p align="right">Algorithm version: %1</p> <p align="right">Útgáfa reiknirits: %1</p> Feature could not be written to %1 Ekki var hægt að skrifa fitju í %1 %1 feature(s) could not be written to %2 Features could not be written to %1 Unable to zip content Gat ekki þjappað efninu í ZIP-skrá Unable to save zip file '%1' Get ekki vistað ZIP-skrá '%1' Unable to execute Tókst ekki að keyra %1 '%2': %3 %1 '%2': %3 Could not create transform to calculate true north Gat ekki búið til umvörpun til að reikna réttvísandi norður Could not transform bounding box to target CRS The source spatial reference system (CRS) is not valid. The coordinates can not be reprojected. The CRS is: %1 The destination spatial reference system (CRS) is not valid. The coordinates can not be reprojected. The CRS is: %1 forward transform inverse transform %1 of %2PROJ: %3 Error: %4 %1 of %2PROJ: %3 +to %4 Error: %5 Stroke color Útlínulitur Stroke width Breidd útlínu Placement distance Placement priority Placement z-index Diagram is an obstacle Show diagram Birta skýringamynd Always show diagram Alltaf birta skýringamynd Pie chart start angle KB KB MB MB GB GB TB TB bytes bæti %1: Not a vector layer. Cannot get memory layer. %1: Not a raster layer. %1: Not a mesh layer. Font size Leturstærð Bold style Feitletrað Italic style Skáletrað Draw underline Undirstrikað Text color Litur á texta Draw strikeout Yfirstrikað Font family Leturfjölskylda [<b>family</b>|<b>family[foundry]</b>],<br>e.g. Helvetica or Helvetica [Cronyx] Font style Leturstíll [<b>font style name</b>|<b>Ignore</b>],<br>e.g. Bold Condensed or Light Italic Font size units Eining leturstærðar Text transparency Gegnsæi texta Text opacity Ógegnsæi texta Font case Stafstaða Letter spacing Stafabil Word spacing Orðabil Text blend mode Wrap character Línuskipta við staftákn Automatic word wrap line length Line height Línuhæð Line alignment Jöfnun línu Draw direction symbol Teikna tákn fyrir stefnu Left direction symbol Tákn fyrir vinstri-stefnu Right direction symbol Tákn fyrir hægri-stefnu Direction symbol placement Staðsetning stefnutákns Reverse direction symbol Snúa við stefnutákni Format as number Sníða sem tölur Number of decimal places Fjöldi aukastafa Draw + sign Teikna + merki Draw buffer Teikna jaðar Buffer units Einingar jaðars Buffer color Litur jaðars Buffer transparency Gegnsæi jaðars Buffer opacity Ógegnsæi jaðars Buffer join style Stíll jaðratenginga Buffer blend mode Blöndunarhamur jaðra Draw shape Teikna lögun Shape type Gerð forms Shape SVG path Shape size type Shape size (X) Shape size (Y) Shape size units Shape rotation type Shape rotation Shape offset Shape offset units Shape radii Symbol radii units Shape transparency Shape opacity Shape blend mode Shape fill color Litur fyllingar lögunar Shape stroke color Útlínulitur lögunar Shape stroke width Shape stroke width units Shape join style Draw shadow Teikna skugga Shadow offset angle Horn hliðrunar skugga Shadow offset distance Vegalengd hliðrunar skugga Shadow offset units Einingar hliðrunar skugga Shadow blur radius Radíus afskerpingar skugga Shadow blur units Einingar afskerpingar skugga Shadow transparency Gegnsæi skugga Shadow opacity Ógegnsæi skugga Shadow scale Kvarði skugga Shadow color Litur skugga Shadow blend mode Blöndunarhamur skugga Centroid of whole shape Offset quadrant int<br> heiltala<br> Offset units Label distance Fjarlægð merkis Label distance units Offset rotation Curved character angles double coord [<b>in,out</b> as 20.0-60.0,20.0-95.0] Repeat distance Repeat distance unit Label priority double [0.0-10.0] double [0.0-10.0] Feature is a label obstacle Obstacle factor Predefined position order Comma separated list of placements in order of priority<br> Line placement options Comma separated list of placement options<br> Horizontal alignment Lárétt afstilling Vertical alignment Lóðrétt afstilling Label rotation (deprecated) Label rotation Scale based visibility Minimum scale (denominator) Maximum scale (denominator) Limit font pixel size Takmarka stærð mynddíla leturs Minimum pixel size Maximum pixel size Label z-index Z-lykill merkis Show label Birta merkingu Always show label Labeling Merki bool [<b>1</b>=True|<b>0</b>=False] bool [<b>1</b>=True|<b>0</b>=False] int [&lt;= 0 =&gt;] heiltala [&lt;= 0 =&gt;] int [&gt;= 0] heiltala [&gt;= 0] int [&gt;= 1] heiltala [&gt;= 1] double [&lt;= 0.0 =&gt;] double [&lt;= 0.0 =&gt;] double [&gt;= 0.0] double [&gt;= 0.0] double [0.0-1.0] double [0.0-1.0] double [0.0-360.0] double [0.0-1.0] {0.0-360.0]?} string of variable length strengur með breytilegri lengd int [0-100] heiltala [0-100] string [<b>r,g,b,a</b>] as int 0-255 or #<b>AARRGGBB</b> as hex or <b>color</b> as color's name string [<b>r,g,b</b>] as int 0-255 or #<b>RRGGBB</b> as hex or <b>color</b> as color's name strengur [<b>r,g,b</b>] sem heiltala 0-255 eða #<b>RRGGBB</b> sem hex eða <b>litur</b> sem heiti litar double coord [<b>X,Y</b>] double size [<b>width,height</b>] double offset [<b>x,y</b>] meters distance metrar kilometers distance kílómetrar feet distance fet yards distance yardar miles distance mílur degrees distance gráður centimeters distance sentímetrar millimeters distance millímetrar <unknown> distance <óþekkt> nautical miles distance sjómílur mm render mm px render px % render % pt render pt in render í unknown render óþekkt m render m m distance m km distance km ft distance fet yd distance yd mi distance mi deg distance deg cm distance sm mm distance mm NM distance NM square meters area fermetrar square kilometers area ferkílómetrar square feet area ferfet square yards area feryardar square miles area fermílur hectares area hektarar acres area ekrur square nautical miles area fersjómílur square degrees area fergráður square millimeters area fermillímetrar square centimeters area fersentímetrar <unknown> area <óþekkt> area km² area km² ft² area ft² yd² area yd² mi² area mi² ha area ha ac² area ac² NM² area NM² deg² area deg² cm² area sm² mm² area mm² degrees angle gráður radians angle radíanar gon angle gon minutes of arc angle bogmínútur seconds of arc angle bogsekúndur turns angle umferðir <unknown> angle <óþekkt> ° angle ° rad angle rad gon angle gon angle minutes angle seconds tr angle turn tr millimeters render millímetrar meters at scale render metrar í kvarða in unit inch í map units render mælieiningar korts pixels render mynddílar percent render prósent points render punktar inches render tommur <unknown> render <óþekkt> px px mm mm cm sm m m ft fet pt pt pica pica pixels mynddílar millimeters millímetrar centimeters sentímetrar meters metrar inches tommur feet fet points punktar picas picas Profile folder doesn't exist qgis.db doesn't exist in the user's profile folder Unable to open qgis.db for update. Could not save alias to database: %1 Geometry error: One or more input features have invalid geometry. failed mistókst add features delete features change geometry change attribute value add attribute delete attribute rename attribute custom transaction parser error: %1 þáttunarvilla: %1 evaluation error: %1 matsvilla: %1 %1 check failed %1 prófun mistókst value is NULL Gildi er NÚLL value is not unique gildi er ekki einstakt Error zip file does not exist: '%1' Error zip filename is empty Error output dir does not exist: '%1' Error output dir is not a directory: '%1' Error output dir is not writable: '%1' Failed to create a subdirectory %1/%2 Could not write to %1 Ekki tókst að skrifa í %1. {1?} Error reading file: '%1' Error getting files: '%1' Error opening zip archive: '%1' (Error code: %2) Error input file does not exist: '%1' Error adding file '%1': %2 Error creating data source '%1': %2 Error creating zip archive '%1': %2 Symbol name Heiti tákns Symbol fill color Litur fyllingar tákns Symbol stroke color Útlínulitur tákns Symbol stroke width Symbol stroke style Symbol offset Marker character(s) Symbol width Breidd tákns Symbol height Hæð tákna Preserve aspect ratio between width and height Symbol fill style Outline join style Angle for line fills Gradient type Tegund litstiguls Gradient mode Gradient spread Reference point 1 (X) Viðmiðunarpunktur 1 (X) Reference point 1 (Y) Viðmiðunarpunktur 1 (Y) Reference point 2 (X) Viðmiðunarpunktur 2 (X) Reference point 2 (Y) Viðmiðunarpunktur 2 (Y) Reference point 1 follows feature centroid Reference point 2 follows feature centroid Blur radius Radíus afskerpingar Integer between 0 and 18 Heiltala á milli 0 og 18 Distance between lines Shade whole shape Skyggja allt formið Maximum distance for shapeburst fill Ignore rings in feature Hunsa hringi í fitjum Symbol file path Horizontal distance between markers Vertical distance between markers Horizontal displacement between rows Vertical displacement between columns Custom dash pattern Sérsniðið strikmynstur [<b><dash>;<space></b>] e.g. '8;2;1;2' [<b><strik>;<bil></b>] t.d. '8;2;1;2' Line cap style Marker placement Staðsetning marks Marker interval Offset along line Hliðrun eftir línu Average line angles over Horizontal anchor point Vertical anchor point Layer enabled Arrow line width Breidd línu örvar Arrow line start width Upphafsbreidd línu örvar Arrow head length Lengd örvarodds Arrow head thickness Þykkt örvarodds Arrow head type Gerð örvarodds Arrow type Gerð örvar Root path string of variable length representing root path to attachment Document viewer content string strengur Key/Value field Gagnasvið lykils/gildis List field ArcGIS Feature Server ArcGIS fitjuþjónn ArcGIS Map Server ArcGIS kortaþjónn DB2 DB2 Delimited Text Afmarkaður texti GeoNode GeoNode Delete %1… Eyða %1… Delete GeoPackage Eyða GeoPackage Are you sure you want to delete '%1'? Ertu viss um að þú viljir eyða '%1'? The GeoPackage '%1' cannot be deleted because it is in the current project as '%2', remove it from the project and retry. Delete Layer Eyða lagi The layer <b>%1</b> exists in the current project <b>%2</b>, do you want to remove it from the project and delete it? Are you sure you want to delete layer <b>%1</b> from GeoPackage? The layer <b>%1</b> was successfully deleted. Compact database (VACUUM) <b>%2</b> now? The layer <b>%1</b> cannot be renamed because this feature is not yet implemented for this kind of layers. The layer <b>%1</b> cannot be deleted because this feature is not yet implemented for this kind of layers. Rename Layer The layer <b>%1</b> is loaded in the current project with name <b>%2</b>, do you want to remove it from the project and rename it? Layer URI %1 is not valid! The layer <b>%1</b> exists in the current project <b>%2</b>, do you want to remove it from the project and rename it? There was an error opening %1! Error renaming layer Failed to open source layer %1! See the OGR panel in the message logs for details. Failed to import layer %1! See the OGR panel in the message logs for details. Delete File Eyða skrá Delete Layer “%1”… Eyða lagi “%1”… Are you sure you want to delete layer '%1' from datasource? Delete %1 “%2”… Eyða %1 “%2”… Delete %1 Eyða %1 The %1 '%2' cannot be deleted because it is in the current project as '%3', remove it from the project and retry. Delete File “%1”… Eyða skrá “%1”… Are you sure you want to delete file '%1'? The layer '%1' cannot be deleted because it is in the current project as '%2', remove it from the project and retry. Virtual Layer Sýndarlag Add Virtual Layer Bæta við sýndarlagi WCS WCS Layer '%1' not found Lagið '%1' fannst ekki Add unique value index field categorize,categories,category,reclassify,classes,create Class field Gagnasvið klasa Output field name Heiti frálagssviðs Layer with index field Lag með lykilsvið Class summary This algorithm takes a vector layer and an attribute and adds a new numeric field. Values in this field correspond to values in the specified attribute, so features with the same value for the attribute will have the same value in the new numeric field. This creates a numeric equivalent of the specified attribute, which defines the same classes. The new attribute is not added to the input layer but a new layer is generated instead. Optionally, a separate table can be output which contains a summary of the class field values mapped to the new unique numeric value. Invalid field name %1 Extract vertices Finna brotpunkta points,vertex,nodes brotpunktar,punktar,hnútar This algorithm takes a line or polygon layer and generates a point layer with points representing the vertices in the input lines or polygons. The attributes associated to each point are the same ones associated to the line or polygon that the point belongs to. Additional fields are added to the point indicating the vertex index (beginning at 0), the vertex’s part and its index within the part (as well as its ring for polygons), distance along original geometry and bisector angle of vertex for original geometry. Vertices Brotpunktar Help location is not configured! QGIS Help QGIS hjálp Trying to open help using key '%1'. Full URI is '%2'… geometry simplification failed - skipping geometry's coordinates are too close to each other and simplification failed - skipping polygon rings self-intersect or intersect each other - skipping Triangulation failed. Skipping polygon… 3D 3D Missing Relation in configuration Vantar vensl í uppsetningu Invalid relation representValue() with inconsistent layer parameter w.r.t relation referencingLayer representValue() with inconsistent fieldIndex parameter w.r.t relation referencingFieldIdx Cannot find referenced layer Invalid referenced field (%1) configured in relation %2 Transform error caught: %1 Villa fannst í umvörpun: %1 %1 unavailable layers found: * %1 * %1 Multi-ring buffer (constant distance) buffer,grow,multiple,rings,distance,donut This algorithm computes multi-ring ('donuts') buffer for all the features in an input layer, using a fixed or dynamic distance and rings number. Number of rings Fjöldi hringja Distance between rings Fjarlægð milli hringja Point on surface Punktur á yfirborði centroid,inside,within Point Punktur Returns a point guaranteed to lie on the surface of a geometry. Error calculating point on surface for feature %1 part %2: %3 Error calculating point on surface for feature %1: %2 Rotate Snúa rotate,around,center,point Rotated Snúið This algorithm rotates feature geometries, by the specified angle clockwise Optionally, the rotation can occur around a preset point. If not set the rotation occurs around each feature's centroid. Rotation (degrees clockwise) Snúningur (gráður réttsælis) Rotation anchor point Festipunktur snúnings Could not transform anchor point to destination CRS Could not calculate centroid for feature %1: %2 Segmentize by maximum distance straighten,linearize,densify,curves,curved,circular Segmentized This algorithm segmentizes a geometry by converting curved sections to linear sections. The segmentization is performed by specifying the maximum allowed offset distance between the originalcurve and the segmentized representation. Non-curved geometries will be retained without change. Maximum offset distance Segmentize by maximum angle straighten,linearize,densify,curves,curved,circular,angle This algorithm segmentizes a geometry by converting curved sections to linear sections. The segmentization is performed by specifying the maximum allowed radius angle between vertices on the straightened geometry (e.g the angle of the arc created from the original arc center to consecutive output vertices on the linearized geometry). Non-curved geometries will be retained without change. Maximum angle between vertices (degrees) Edit form config eVis Event Id Tool This tool only supports vector data. Þetta verkfæri styður aðeins vektorgögn. No active layers found. Engin virk lög fundust. Label margin Map Layers Lög á korti Map theme Þema korts Table source layer Delete holes Eyða götum remove,delete,drop,holes,rings,fill fjarlægja,eyða,henda,holur,hringir,fylling This algorithm takes a polygon layer and removes holes in polygons. It creates a new vector layer in which polygons with holes have been replaced by polygons with only their external ring. Attributes are not modified. An optional minimum area parameter allows removing only holes which are smaller than a specified area threshold. Leaving this parameter as 0.0 results in all holes being removed. Remove holes with area less than Fjarlægja holur með minna flatarmál en Import geotagged photos exif,metadata,gps,jpeg,jpg Vector creation Gerð vektora Input folder Inntaksmappa Scan recursively Leita í undirmöppum Photos Ljósmyndir Invalid photos table Creates a point layer corresponding to the geotagged locations from JPEG images from a source folder. Optionally the folder can be recursively scanned. The point layer will contain a single PointZ feature per input file from which the geotags could be read. Any altitude information from the geotags will be used to set the point's Z value. Optionally, a table of unreadable or non-geotagged photos can also be created. Directory %1 does not exist! Could not open %1 Tókst ekki að opna %1 Could not retrieve geotag for %1 No metadata found in %1 Insert Expression Setja inn reglulega segð Explode lines Sprengja línur segments,parts This algorithm takes a lines layer and creates a new one in which each line is replaced by a set of lines representing the segments in the original line. Each line in the resulting layer contains only a start and an end point, with no intermediate nodes between them. If the input layer consists of CircularStrings or CompoundCurves, the output layer will be of the same type and contain only single curve segments. Exploded Sprengt Feature filter filter,proxy,redirect,route This algorithm filters features from the input layer and redirects them to one or several outputs. Swap X and Y coordinates invert,flip,swap,latitude,longitude Swapped This algorithm swaps the X and Y coordinate values in input geometries. It can be used to repair geometries which have accidentally had their latitude and longitude values reversed. Invalid URI for PostgreSQL provider: There was an error opening the database <b>%1</b>: %2 There was an error querying the database <b>%1</b>: %2 Invalid URI for GeoPackage OGR provider: Could not connect to the database: Unable to save project. It's not possible to create the destination table on the database. <b>%1</b>: %2 Unable to insert or update project (project=%1) in the destination table on the database: %2 Invalid URI for GeoPackage OGR provider: %1 Could not connect to the database: %1 Could not remove project %1: %2 Could not rename project %1: %2 Table qgis_projects does not exist or it is not accessible. The project '%1' does not exist in schema '%2'. Unable to save project. It's not possible to create the destination table on the database. Maybe this is due to database permissions (user=%1). Please contact your database admin. Unable to insert or update project (project=%1) in the destination table on the database. Maybe this is due to table permissions (user=%2). Please contact your database admin. Difference Mismunur This algorithm extracts features from the Input layer that fall outside, or partially overlap, features in the Overlay layer. Input layer features that partially overlap feature(s) in the Overlay layer are split along those features' boundary and only the portions outside the Overlay layer features are retained. Attributes are not modified, although properties such as area or length of the features will be modified by the difference operation. If such properties are stored as attributes, those attributes will have to be manually updated. Symmetrical difference Mismunur á samhverfu This algorithm extracts the portions of features from both the Input and Overlay layers that do not overlap. Overlapping areas between the two layers are removed. The attribute table of the Symmetrical Difference layer contains original attributes from both the Input and Difference layers. Tapered buffers variable,distance,length,line,buffer This algorithm creates tapered buffers along line geometries, using a specified start and end buffer diameter corresponding to the buffer diameter at the start and end of the linestrings. Start width Upphafsbreidd End width Lokabreidd Error buffering geometry %1: %2 Variable width buffer (by M value) This algorithm creates variable width buffers along lines, using the M value of the line geometries as the diameter of the buffer at each vertex. Union Sameina This algorithm checks overlaps between features within the Input layer and creates separate features for overlapping and non-overlapping parts. The area of overlap will create as many identical overlapping features as there are features that participate in that overlap. An Overlay layer can also be used, in which case features from each layer are split at their overlap with features from the other one, creating a layer containing all the portions from both Input and Overlay layers. The attribute table of the Union layer is filled with attribute values from the respective original layer for non-overlapping features, and attribute values from both layers for overlapping features. Create wedge buffers arc,segment,circular,circle,slice Buffers This algorithm creates wedge shaped buffers from input points. The azimuth parameter gives the angle (in degrees) for the middle of the wedge to point. The buffer width (in degrees) is specified by the width parameter. Note that the wedge will extend to half of the angular width either side of the azimuth direction. The outer radius of the buffer is specified via outer radius, and optionally an inner radius can also be specified. The native output from this algorithm are CurvePolygon geometries, but these may be automatically segmentized to Polygons depending on the output format. Azimuth (degrees from North) Wedge width (in degrees) Outer radius Ytri radíus Inner radius Innri radíus Zonal histogram raster,unique,values,count,area,statistics Raster layer Rastalag Vector layer containing zones Vektorlag sem inniheldur svæði Summaries to calculate Output column prefix Forskeyti frálagsdálks Extract Z values add,z,value,elevation,height,attribute,statistics,stats Extracts z values from geometries into feature attributes. By default only the z value from the first vertex of each feature is extracted, however the algorithm can optionally calculate statistics on all of the geometry's z values, including sums, means, and minimums and maximums Extracts z values (or z value statistics) from geometries into feature attributes. Extract M values add,m,value,measure,attribute,statistics,stats Extracts m values from geometries into feature attributes. By default only the m value from the first vertex of each feature is extracted, however the algorithm can optionally calculate statistics on all of the geometry's m values, including sums, means, and minimums and maximums Extracts m values (or m value statistics) from geometries into feature attributes. Output zones This algorithm appends fields representing counts of each unique value from a raster layer contained within zones defined as polygons. a|an|and|as|at|but|by|en|for|if|in|nor|of|on|or|per|s|the|to|vs.|vs|via .|: .|: Reset to Defaults Frumstilla á sjálfgefin gildi str: layer ID str: layer name str: layer source Path to a raster layer Path to a mesh layer Path to a vector layer Path to a vector, raster or mesh layer 1 for true/yes 0 for false/no A valid QGIS expression string, e.g "road_name" = 'MAIN RD' str: CRS auth ID (e.g. 'EPSG:3111') str: CRS PROJ4 (e.g. 'PROJ4:…') str: CRS PROJ4 (t.d. 'PROJ4:…') str: CRS WKT (e.g. 'WKT:…') str: CRS WKT (t.d. 'WKT:…') str: layer ID. CRS of layer is used. str: layer name. CRS of layer is used. str: layer source. CRS of layer is used. QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem QgsMapLayer: CRS of layer is used QgsProcessingFeatureSourceDefinition: CRS of source is used QgsProcessingFeatureSourceDefinition: CRS hnitaviðmið uppruna er notað CRS as an auth ID (e.g. 'EPSG:3111') CRS as a PROJ4 string (e.g. 'PROJ4:…') CRS as a WKT string (e.g. 'WKT:…') Path to a layer. The CRS of the layer is used. list[float]: list of 2 float values list[str]: list of strings representing floats str: as two comma delimited floats, e.g. '1,10' Two comma separated numeric values, e.g. '1,10' str: as an 'x,y' string, e.g. '1.5,10.1' Point coordinate as an 'x,y' string, e.g. '1.5,10.1' str: as string representation of int, e.g. '1' Number of selected option, e.g. '1' Comma separated list of options, e.g. '1,3' str: as comma delimited list of x min, x max, y min, y max. E.g. '4,10,101,105' str: layer ID. Extent of layer is used. str: layer name. Extent of layer is used. str: layer source. Extent of layer is used. QgsMapLayer: Extent of layer is used QgsProcessingFeatureSourceDefinition: Extent of source is used QgsProcessingFeatureSourceDefinition: Kortavídd uppruna er notuð A comma delimited string of x min, x max, y min, y max. E.g. '4,10,101,105' Path to a layer. The extent of the layer is used. str: as comma delimited list of values A comma delimited list of values Path to a file The name of an existing field ; delimited list of existing field names Path for new vector layer Path for new file Path for an existing or new folder Path for new raster layer String value An existing QGIS authentication ID string list[str]: list of layer IDs list[str]: list of layer names list[str]: list of layer sources A numeric value A numeric value representing the scale denominator Integer value representing an existing raster band number str: destination vector file, e.g. 'd:/test.shp' str: 'memory:' to store result in temporary memory layer str: using vector provider ID prefix and destination URI, e.g. 'postgres:…' to store result in PostGIS table str: name of print layout in current project Name of print layout in current project str: UUID of print layout item str: id of print layout item UUID or item id of layout item Using classes: Warning: Class %1 (%2) overlaps with class %3 (%4) K-means clustering clustering,clusters,kmeans,points Number of clusters Cluster field name DBSCAN clustering Clusters point features using a density based scan algorithm. clustering,clusters,density,based,points Minimum cluster size Maximum distance between clustered points Treat border points as noise (DBSCAN*) Clusters Clusters point features based on a 2D implementation of Density-based spatial clustering of applications with noise (DBSCAN) algorithm. The algorithm requires two parameters, a minimum cluster size (“minPts”), and the maximum distance allowed between clustered points (“eps”). Building spatial index Analysing clusters Feature %1 is a %2 feature, not a point. Calculates the 2D distance based k-means cluster number for each input feature. If input geometries are lines or polygons, the clustering is based on the centroid of the feature. Collecting input points Number of geometries is less than the number of clusters requested, not all clusters will get data Calculating clusters There are at least %1 duplicate inputs, the number of output clusters may be less than was requested Clustering did not converge after %1 iterations Clustering converged after %1 iterations Raster pixels to polygons Rasta mynddíla yfir í fláka vectorize,polygonize,raster,convert,pixels This algorithm converts a raster layer to a vector layer, by creating polygon features for each individual pixel's extent in the raster layer. Any nodata pixels are skipped in the output. Creates a vector layer of polygons corresponding to each pixel in a raster layer. Vector polygons Vektorflákar Raster pixels to points Rasta mynddíla yfir í punkta vectorize,polygonize,raster,convert,pixels,centers This algorithm converts a raster layer to a vector layer, by creating point features for each individual pixel's center in the raster layer. Any nodata pixels are skipped in the output. Creates a vector layer of points corresponding to each pixel in a raster layer. Vector points Vektorpunktar Map Canvas Myndflötur korts Extend lines Framlengja línur linestring,continue,grow,extrapolate Extended Útvíkkað This algorithm extends line geometries by a specified amount at the start and end of the line. Lines are extended using the bearing of the first and last segment in the line. Extends LineString geometries by extrapolating the start and end segments. Start distance Upphafsvegalengd End distance Lokavegalengd Error calculating extended line Villa við að reikna framlengingu á línu Reverse line direction Snúa við stefnu línu swap,reverse,switch,flip,linestring,orientation Reversed Viðsnúið This algorithm reverses the direction of curve or LineString geometries. Reverses the direction of curve or LineString geometries. Error reversing line Villa við að snúa við línu Algorithm ID: ‘%1’ Auðkenni reiknirits: ‘%1’ Warning: Algorithm has known issues Mesh Möskvi Network analysis Greining netkerfis Vector layer representing network Path type to calculate Shortest Stysta Fastest Hraðasta Direction field Stefnusvið Value for forward direction Gildi fyrir stefnu áfram Value for backward direction Gildi fyrir stefnu aftur á bak Value for both directions Gildi fyrir stefnu í báðar áttir Default direction Sjálfgefin stefna Forward direction Stefna áfram Backward direction Stefna aftur á bak Both directions Stefna í báðar áttir Speed field Hraðasvið Default speed (km/h) Sjálfgefinn hraði (km/klst) Topology tolerance Þolvik grannfræði Loading points… Hleð inn punktum… Array of offset (parallel) lines offset,parallel,duplicate,create,spaced,copy,features,objects,step,repeat This algorithm creates copies of line features in a layer, by creating multiple offset versions of each feature. Each copy is offset by a preset distance. Creates multiple offset copies of lines from a layer. Offset step distance Step distance Shortest path (layer to point) network,path,shortest,fastest This algorithm computes optimal (shortest or fastest) route from multiple start points defined by vector layer and given end point. Vector layer with start points End point Endapunktur Shortest path Stysta leið Building graph… Calculating shortest paths… Reikna stystu ferla… There is no route from start point (%1) to end point (%2). Shortest path (point to layer) This algorithm computes optimal (shortest or fastest) route between given start point and multiple end points defined by point vector layer. Start point Upphafspunktur Vector layer with end points Shortest path (point to point) This algorithm computes optimal (shortest or fastest) route between given start and end points. Travel cost Calculating shortest path… Reikna stysta feril… There is no route from start point to end point. Writing results… Skrifa niðurstöður… Running OpenCL program: %1 Error running OpenCL program: %1 - %2 Error loading OpenCL program sources Error loading OpenCL library: %1 Error %1 initializing OpenCL device: %2 No OpenCL device could be found. No OpenCL platform found. Error setting default platform. Active OpenCL device: %1 Virkt OpenCL-tæki: %1 Error %1 searching for OpenCL device: %2 Could not load OpenCL program from path %1. Build logs not available! Error building OpenCL program: %1 Error %1 building OpenCL program in %2 Error loading OpenCL program source from path %1 OpenCL has been disabled, you can re-enable it in the options dialog. Interpolate point on line linestring,reference,referencing,distance,interpolate Interpolated points This algorithm creates a point geometry interpolated at a set distance along line or curve geometries. Z and M values are linearly interpolated from existing values. If a multipart geometry is encountered, only the first part is considered when interpolating the point. If the specified distance is greater than the curve's length, the resultant feature will have a null geometry. Interpolates a point along lines at a set distance. Line substring linestring,curve,split,shorten,shrink,portion,part,reference,referencing,distance,interpolate Substring This algorithm returns the portion of a line (or curve) which falls between the specified start and end distances (measured from the beginning of the line). Z and M values are linearly interpolated from existing values. If a multipart geometry is encountered, only the first part is considered when calculating the substring. Returns the substring of lines which fall between start and end distances. 3D Map 3D-kort No 3D maps defined Engin þrívíddarkort tilgreind Can not open srs database (%1): %2 Gat ekki opnað SRS-gagnagrunn (%1): %2 %1 [optional] %1 [valfrjálst] Categorize using expression Style database (leave blank to use saved symbols) Use case-sensitive match to symbol names Ignore non-alphanumeric characters while matching Categorized layer Non-matching categories Non-matching symbol names Create categorized renderer from styles file,database,symbols,names,category,categories Cartography Kortagerð Sets a vector layer's renderer to a categorized renderer using matching symbols from a style database. If no style file is specified, symbols from the user's current style library are used instead. The specified expression (or field name) is used to create categories for the renderer. A category will be created for each unique value within the layer. Each category is individually matched to the symbols which exist within the specified QGIS XML style database. Whenever a matching symbol name is found, the category's symbol will be set to this matched symbol. The matching is case-insensitive by default, but can be made case-sensitive if required. Optionally, non-alphanumeric characters in both the category value and symbol name can be ignored while performing the match. This allows for greater tolerance when matching categories to symbols. If desired, tables can also be output containing lists of the categories which could not be matched to symbols, and symbols which were not matched to categories. Sets a vector layer's renderer to a categorized renderer using symbols from a style database. An error occurred while reading style file: %1 Matched %1 categories to symbols from file. No categories could be matched to symbols in file. %1 categories could not be matched: %1 symbols in style were not matched: No raster layer for entry %1 Band number %1 is not valid for entry %2 Tíðnisviðsnúmerið %1 er ekki gilt fyrir færsluna %2 Could not allocate required memory for %1 Could not obtain driver for %1 Could not create output %1 Request started [url: %1] Request failed [error: no reply - url: %1] Request failed [error: %1 - url: %2] Request error [status: %1 - reason phrase: %2] for %3 Request finished [url: %1] Error %1 Villa %1 ASF label %1 Delete duplicates by attribute drop,remove,field,value,same,filter Field to match duplicates by Filtered (no duplicates) Filtered (duplicates) Count of retained records Count of discarded duplicate records Removes duplicate rows by a field value (or multiple field values). The first matching row will be retained, and duplicates will be discarded. Optionally, these duplicate records can be saved to a separate output for analysis. Removes duplicate rows by a field value (or multiple field values). Field %1 not found in INPUT layer, skipping No input fields found Explode HStore Field field,explode,hstore,osm,openstreetmap This algorithm creates a copy of the input layer and adds a new field for every unique key in the HStore field. The expected field list is an optional comma separated list. By default, all unique keys are added. If this list is specified, only these fields are added and the HStore field is updated. HStore field Expected list of fields separated by a comma Invalid HStore field Force right-hand-rule clockwise,counter,orientation,ring,repair,invalid,geometry,make,valid Reoriented This algorithm forces polygon geometries to respect the Right-Hand-Rule, in which the area that is bounded by a polygon is to the right of the boundary. In particular, the exterior ring is oriented in a clockwise direction and the interior rings in a counter-clockwise direction. Forces polygon geometries to respect the Right-Hand-Rule. Extract binary field This algorithm extracts contents from a binary field, saving them to individual files. Filenames can be generated using values taken from an attribute in the source table or based on a more complex expression. This algorithm extracts contents from a binary field, saving them to individual files. blob,binaries,save,file,contents,field,column Binary field File name Skráarnafn Destination folder Invalid binary field Destination folder %1 does not exist Error evaluating filename: %1 Could not open %1 for writing Extracted %1 BLOB A widget for interacting with binary (BLOB) fields. Content Innihald Image Mynd SVG SVG Raster layer zonal statistics count,area,statistics,stats,zones,categories,minimum,maximum,mean,sum,total Zones layer Zones band number Númer tíðnisviðs svæða Reference layer Viðmiðunarlag Statistics Tölfræði Calculates statistics for a raster layer's values, categorized by zones defined in another raster layer. This algorithm calculates statistics for a raster layer's values, categorized by zones defined in another raster layer. If the reference layer parameter is set to "Input layer", then zones are determined by sampling the zone raster layer value at the centroid of each pixel from the source raster layer. If the reference layer parameter is set to "Zones layer", then the input raster layer will be sampled at the centroid of each pixel from the zones raster layer. If either the source raster layer or the zone raster layer value is NODATA for a pixel, that pixel's value will be skipped and not including in the calculated statistics. Invalid band number for ZONES_BAND (%1): Valid values for input raster are 1 to %2 Scalebar is not linked to a map The scalebar “%1” is not linked to a map item. This scale will be misleading. North arrow is not linked to a map The north arrow “%1” is not linked to a map item. The arrow orientation may be misleading. Overview is not linked to a map The map “%1” includes an overview (“%2”) which is not linked to a map item. Picture source is missing or corrupt The source for picture “%1” could not be loaded or is corrupt:<p>%2 Densify by interval Þéttleiki miðað við millibil add,vertex,vertices,points,nodes bæta við,brotpunktar,punktar,hnútar Geometries are densified by adding additional vertices on edges that have a maximum distance of the interval parameter in map units. Creates a densified version of geometries. Interval between vertices to add Bil milli brotpunkta sem á að bæta við Interval Millibil Densified Þéttað Polygons to lines Flákar í línur line,polygon,convert lína,fláki,umbreyta Lines Línur Converts polygons to lines Converts polygons to lines. Raster surface volume sum,volume,area,height,terrain,dem,elevation Base level Method Aðferð Count Only Above Base Level Count Only Below Base Level Subtract Volumes Below Base Level Add Volumes Below Base Level Surface volume report Surface volume table Volume This algorithm calculates the volume under a raster grid's surface. Several methods of volume calculation are available, which control whether only values above or below the specified base level are considered, or whether volumes below the base level should be added or subtracted from the total volume. The algorithm outputs the calculated volume, the total area, and the total number of pixels analysed. If the 'Count Only Above Base Level' or 'Count Only Below Base Level' methods are used, then the calculated area and pixel count only includes pixels which are above or below the specified base level respectively. Units of the calculated volume are dependent on the coordinate reference system of the input raster file. For a CRS in meters, with a DEM height in meters, the calculated value will be in meters³. If instead the input raster is in a geographic coordinate system (e.g. latitude/longitude values), then the result will be in degrees² × meters, and an appropriate scaling factor will need to be applied in order to convert to meters³. Calculates the volume under a raster grid's surface. <p>%1: %2 %3</p> <p>%1: %2</p> {1:?} {2 %3<?} Authentication required Auðkenningar krafist Geometry type not recognised Resolving newEmptyDataSource(...) failed No SLD1.0 conversion yet for stretch algorithm %1 Unable to export 3D animation. Add at least 2 keyframes Unable to export 3D animation (invalid duration). Filename template is empty Wrong filename template format (must contain #) Filename template must contain all # placeholders in one continuous group. Export canceled Layer has unknown CRS Add X/Y fields to layer Adds X and Y (or latitude/longitude) fields to a point layer. The X/Y fields can be calculated in a different CRS to the layer (e.g. creating latitude/longitude fields for a layer in a project CRS). Adds X and Y (or latitude/longitude) fields to a point layer. add,create,latitude,longitude,columns,attributes Added fields Coordinate system Hnitakerfi Field prefix Multipoint features are not supported - please convert to single point features first. Could not transform point to destination CRS Join attributes by nearest join,connect,attributes,values,fields,tables,proximity,closest,neighbour,neighbor,n-nearest,distance Maximum nearest neighbors Maximum distance Hámarksfjarlægð This algorithm takes an input vector layer and creates a new vector layer that is an extended version of the input one, with additional attributes in its attribute table. The additional attributes and their values are taken from a second vector layer, where features are joined by finding the closest features from each layer. By default only the single nearest feature is joined,but optionally the join can use the n-nearest neighboring features instead. If a maximum distance is specified, then only features which are closer than this distance will be matched. The output features will contain the selected attributes from the nearest feature, along with new attributes for the distance to the near feature, the index of the feature, and the coordinates of the closest point on the input feature (feature_x, feature_y) to the matched nearest feature, and the coordinates of the closet point on the matched feature (nearest_x, nearest_y). This algorithm uses purely Cartesian calculations for distance, and does not consider geodetic or ellipsoid properties when determining feature proximity. Joins a layer to another layer, using the closest features (nearest neighbors). Points along geometry create,interpolate,points,lines,regular,distance,by This algorithm creates a points layer, with points distributed along the lines of an input vector layer. The distance between points (measured along the line) is defined as a parameter. Start and end offset distances can be defined, so the first and last point will not fall exactly on the line's first and last nodes. These start and end offsets are defined as distances, measured along the line from the first and last nodes of the lines. Creates regularly spaced points along line features. Start offset Upphafshliðrun End offset Lokahliðrun Could not use operation specified in project between %1 and %2. (Wanted to use: %3). No coordinate operations are available between these two reference systems Cannot create transform between %1 and %2, missing required grid %3 Cannot normalize transform between %1 and %2 Using non-preferred coordinate operation between %1 and %2. Using %3, preferred %4. Cannot create transform between %1 and %2: %3 QTermWidget Color Scheme Error Villa í litastefi Cannot load color scheme: %1 Get ekki hlaðið inn litastefi: %1 QgisApp Multiple Instances of QgisApp Mörg tilvik af QgisApp Checking database Athuga gagnagrunn Reading settings Les uppsetningar Setting up the GUI Set upp myndrænt viðmót Ctrl+5 Ctrl+5 Show Undo/Redo Panel Birta spjald fyrir Afturkalla/Endurgera Ctrl+4 Ctrl+4 Show Advanced Digitizing Panel Birta spjald fyrir ítarlega hnitun Ctrl+6 Ctrl+6 Show Statistics Panel Birta tölfræðispjald Ctrl+7 Ctrl+7 Show Bookmarks Panel Birta bókamerkjaspjald Ctrl+3 Ctrl+3 Show Style Panel Birta stílaspjald Snapping and Digitizing Options Valkostir grips og hnitunar Project Snapping Settings Valkostir grips í verkefni Checking provider plugins Athuga viðbætur frá þjónustuveitum Starting Python Ræsi Python Restoring loaded plugins Endurheimti innlesnar viðbætur Initializing file filters Ræsi skráasíur Restoring window state Endurheimti stöður glugga Populate saved styles Fylla inn í vistaða stíla QGIS Ready! QGIS er tilbúið! Zoom in to canvas Renna að myndfleti Zoom in to canvas (secondary) Renna að myndfleti (viðbótar) Zoom out of canvas Renna frá myndfleti Zoom in (secondary) Renna að (viðbótar) Shift+F6 Shift+F6 Open Attribute Table (Selected Features) Opna eigindatöflu (valdar fitjur) Ctrl+F6 Ctrl+F6 Open Attribute Table (Visible Features) Opna eigindatöflu (sýnilegar fitjur) Loading layers Hleð inn lögum Minimize Minnka Ctrl+M Minimize Window Ctrl+M Minimizes the active window to the dock Lágmarkar virkan glugga í stikuna Zoom Aðdráttur Toggles between a predefined size and the window size set by the user Víxlar á milli forskilgreindrar stærðar glugga og stærðar sem notandinn hefur stillt Bring All to Front Kalla alla fram Bring forward all open windows Kalla fram alla opna glugga Current Edits Núgildandi breytingar Error Villa Failed to open Python console: Gat ekki opnað Python stjórnskjá: Multiple instances of QGIS application object detected. Please contact the developers. Mörg tilvik af QGIS-forritshlutanum fundust. Endilega hafðu samband við forritarana. Ctrl+2 Ctrl+2 Show Browser Panel Birta vafurspjald Ctrl+0 Ctrl+O Show GPS Information Panel Birta spjald fyrir GPS-upplýsingar QGIS - %1 ('%2') QGIS - %1 ('%2') Panels Hliðarspjöld Toolbars Verkfærastikur Window Gluggi &Database &Gagnagrunnur &Web &Vefur Render Myndgera Toggle map rendering Víxla myndgerð korta af/á CRS status - Click to open coordinate reference system dialog Ready Tilbúið Private qgis.db Einka-qgis.db QGIS QGIS Layer Styling Stílar lags Ctrl++ Ctrl++ Ctrl+= Ctrl+= Ctrl+- Ctrl+P Ctrl+Alt+= Ctrl+Alt+= &User Profiles &Notendasnið ° ° Ctrl+K Ctrl+K Trigger Locator Transforms are not installed: %1 Missing datum transforms Overview Yfirlit Layers Lag Manage Map Themes Sýsla með kortaþemu Layer Order Röð laga Ctrl+9 Ctrl+9 Show Layer Order Panel Birta spjald fyrir röð laga < Blank > < Autt > http://qgis.org/en/site/about/sponsorship.html http://qgis.org/en/site/about/sponsorship.html QGIS version Útgáfa QGIS QGIS code revision Undirútgáfa QGIS kóða Compiled against Qt Vistþýtt með Qt Running against Qt Keyrir með Qt Compiled against GDAL/OGR Vistþýtt með GDAL/OGR Running against GDAL/OGR Keyrir með GDAL/OGR PostgreSQL Client Version Útgáfa PostgreSQL-biðlara SpatiaLite Version Útgáfa SpatiaLite QWT Version Útgáfa QWT PROJ.4 Version Útgáfa PROJ.4 QScintilla2 Version Útgáfa QScintilla2 This copy of QGIS writes debugging output. Þetta eintak af QGIS skrifar villuleitarfrálag. Invalid Data Source Ógildur gagnagjafi %1 is not a valid or recognized data source %1 er ekki gildur eða þekktur gagnagjafi Vector Vektor %1 is an invalid layer - not loaded %1 er ógilt lag - hlóðst ekki %1 is an invalid layer and cannot be loaded. Please check the <a href="#messageLog">message log</a> for further info. %1 er ógilt lag of því ekki hægt að hlaða því inn. Skoðaðu <a href="#messageLog">skilaboðaannálinn</a> til að sjá nánari upplýsingar. QGIS files QGIS-skrár Diagram Properties Eiginleikar skýringamyndar Cannot create new layer. Get ekki búið til nýtt lag. Cannot copy style Get ekki afritað stíl Cannot parse style Get ekki þáttað stíl Cannot paste style Get ekki límt stíl No legend entries selected Engar skýringafærslur valdar Select the layers and groups you want to remove in the legend. Remove layers and groups Fjarlægja lög og hópa Remove %n legend entries? number of legend items to remove Fjarlægja %n skýringafærslu? Fjarlægja %n skýringafærslur? %n legend entries removed. number of removed legend entries %n skýringafærsla fjarlægð. %n skýringafærslur fjarlægðar. %1 (%2 type unsupported) %1 (%2 tegund óstudd) Cannot copy style to duplicated layer. Get ekki afritað stíl á tvítekna lagið. https://qgis.org/en/site/getinvolved/development/bugreporting.html https://qgis.org/en/site/getinvolved/development/bugreporting.html The layer %1 is not a valid layer and can not be added to the map. Reason: %2 Lagið %1 er ekki gilt lag og ekki hægt að bæta því við kortið. Ástæða: %2 Map %1 Kort %1 Project extent is not valid. 3D view currently does not support unprojected coordinate reference systems (CRS). Please switch project's CRS to a projected CRS. 3D Map %1 3D-kort %1 Do you want to save the current project? %1 Vildu í vista núverandi verkefni? %1 Active Tasks Virk verkefni Untitled Project Ónefnt verkefni Undo/Redo Afturkalla/Endurgera Advanced Digitizing Ítarleg hnitun Browser Vafri Browser (2) Vafri (2) GPS Information GPS Upplýsingar Log Messages Skrá annálsboð QGIS starting… QGIS ræsist… Preferences… Kjörstillingar… Open Active Profile Folder New Profile… Nýtt notandasnið… Filter Legend by Map Content Open the Layer Styling panel Opna spjald fyrir lagstíla Compiled against PROJ Vistþýtt með PROJ Running against PROJ Keyrir með PROJ Add Virtual Layer Bæta við sýndarlagi Calculating raster expression… Revert Project Endurhlaða verkefni frá grunni Are you sure you want to discard all unsaved changes the current project? Ertu viss um að þú viljir henda öllum óvistuðum breytingum í þessu verkefni? Save Project As Vista verkefni sem Layer Exported Lag flutt út Save Raster Vista rasta Cannot write raster. Error code: %1 Get ekki skrifað rasta. Villukóði: %1 Merging features… Sameina fitjur… Create %1 Title No features could be successfully pasted. Ekki tókst að líma neinar fitjur. Error copying layer Villa við að afrita lag Error pasting layer Villa við að líma lag Stop Editing Hætta breytingum The following tasks are currently running which depend on layers in this project: %1 Please cancel these tasks and retry. Current CRS: %1 Núverandi CRS-viðmiðskerfi: %1 No projection Engin vörpun Add Point Feature Bæta við punktfitju Add Line Feature Bæta við línufitju Add Polygon Feature Bæta við flákafitju Add Record Bæta við færslu Map Views Kortasýnir A view with this name already exists Sýn með þessu nafni er þegar til staðar Invalid Layer Ógilt lag Default failed to open: %1 Mistókst að opna sjálfgefið: %1 Default not found: %1 Sjálfgefið fannst ekki: %1 Open Template Project Opna sniðmátsverkefni Auto-open Project Opna verkefni sjálfvirkt Failed to open: %1 Mistókst að opna: %1 Not valid project file: %1 Ekki gild verkefnisskrá: %1 Project failed to open: %1 Mistókst að opna verkefni: %1 Default template has been reopened: %1 Sjálfgefið sniðmát var enduropnað: %1 File not found: %1 Skrá fannst ekki: %1 Loading project: %1 Hleð inn verkefni: %1 Unable to open project Gat ekki opnað verkefni Security warning Öryggisviðvörun project macros have been disabled. fjölvar verkefnisins hafa verið gerð óvirkir. Ctrl+8 Ctrl+8 Show Overview Panel Birta yfirlitsspjald Ctrl+1 Ctrl+1 Show Layers Panel Birta lagaspjald Project loaded Verkefni hlaðið inn Choose a QGIS project file Veldu QGIS verkefnisskrá Saved project to: %1 Vistaði verkefni í: %1 Unable to save project %1 Gat ekki vistað verkefnið %1 Unable to load %1 Gat ekki hlaðið inn %1 Default system font substituted. Skipti út sjálfgefnu kerfisletri. Labeling Merki Font for layer <b><u>%1</u></b> was not found (<i>%2</i>). %3 Letur fyrir lagið <b><u>%1</u></b> fannst ekki (<i>%2</i>). %3 Open labeling dialog Opna merkingaglugga CRS was undefined Viðmiðskerfi var óskilgreint defaulting to project CRS %1 - %2 sjálfgefið er viðmiðskerfi verkefnis %1 - %2 defaulting to CRS %1 - %2 sjálfgefið er viðmiðskerfið %1 - %2 Rotation Snúningur Add Group Bæta við hópi Filter legend by expression Sía skýringar eftir reglulegri segð Expand All Fletta allt út Collapse All Fella allt saman QGIS code branch Undirgreinar QGIS kóða Compiled against GEOS Vistþýtt með GEOS Running against GEOS Keyrir með GEOS No support Enginn stuðningur %1 doesn't have any layers. %1 er ekki með nein lög. %1 is not a valid or recognized data source. %1 er ekki gildur eða þekktur gagnagjafi. Raster Rastar Cannot get virtual layer select dialog from provider. Get ekki fengið valglugga fyrir sýndarlög frá þjónustuveitu. Raster calculator Rastareiknir Calculation complete. Útreikningi lokið. Could not create destination file. Gat ekki búið til móttökuskrá. Could not read input layer. Gat ekki lesið inntakslag. Could not parse raster formula. Ekki tókst að þátta rastaformúlu. Insufficient memory available for operation. Ekki nóg minni fyrir aðgerðina. Invalid band number for input layer. Ógilt tíðnisviðsnúmer fyrir inntakslagið. Choose a QGIS Project File to Open Veldu QGIS verkefnisskrá til að opna Do you want to open the backup file %1 instead? Viltu opna öryggisafritsskrána %1 í staðinn? QGZ files QGZ-skrár Open a Project Opna verkefni The loaded project file on disk was meanwhile changed. Do you want to overwrite the changes? Last modification date on load was: %1 Current last modification date is: %2 Insufficient permissions Ekki nægar heimildir The project file is not writable. Verkefnisskráin er ekki skrifanleg. DXF export completed DXF útflutningi lokið DXF export failed DXF útflutningi mistókst Load template Lesa inn sniðmát Could not read template file Gat ekki lesið sniðmátsskrána Could not load template file Gat ekki hlaðið inn sniðmátsskrá No action selected Engin aðgerð valin Run feature action<br><b>%1</b> Keyra aðgerð á fitju<br><b>%1</b> Commit Errors Villur í innsendingu Commit errors Villur í innsendingu Could not commit changes to layer %1 Gat ekki beitt breytingum á lagið %1 Errors: %1 Villur: %1 Show more Birta meira Please select a vector layer first Veldu fyrst vektorlag Export to vector file failed. Error: %1 Útflutningur í vektorskrá mistókst. Villa: %1 No Layer Selected Ekkert lag valið To delete features, you must select a vector layer in the legend Til að eyða fitjum verður að velja vektorlag í skýringum No Vector Layer Selected Ekkert vektorlag valið Deleting features only works on vector layers Að eyða fitjum virkar aðeins á vektorlög Provider does not support deletion Þjónustuveita styður ekki eyðingu Data provider does not support deleting features Gagnaveita styður ekki eyðingu fitja Layer not editable Lag er óbreytanlegt The current layer is not editable. Choose 'Start editing' in the digitizing toolbar. Núverandi lagi er ekki hægt að breyta. Veldu 'Byrja að breyta' í hnitunartólastikunni. No Features Selected Engar fitjur valdar Features deleted Fitjum eytt Problem deleting features Vandamál við að eyða fitjum %n feature(s) deleted. number of features deleted %n fitju eytt. %n fitjum eytt. Abort Hætta við Title can not be empty! Titill getur ekki verið auður! Title already exists! Titill er þegar til! No active layer Ekkert virkt lag No active layer found. Please select a layer in the layer list Ekkert virkt lag fannst. Veljið lag í listanum Not enough features selected Ekki nógu margar fitjur valdar The merge tool requires at least two selected features Sameiningartólið krefst þess að minnsta kosti að tvær fitjur séu valdar Merged feature attributes Sameinaði eigindi fitja • %1 • %1 The following tasks are currently running in the background: %1 Do you want to try canceling these active tasks? Layer Diagram Properties Eiginleikar skýringamyndalags Successfully saved raster layer to <a href="%1">%2</a> Tókst að vista rastalag í <a href="%1">%2</a> Error saving layer definition file Villa við að vista skilgreiningaskrá lags Save as QGIS Layer Style File Vista sem QGIS-stílskrá fyrir lög QGIS Layer Style File QGIS-stílskrá fyrir lög Successfully saved vector layer to <a href="%1">%2</a> Tókst að vista vektorlag í <a href="%1">%2</a> Save Error Vistunarvilla Loading “%1” Hleð inn “%1” Security warning: executing a script from an untrusted source can lead to data loss and/or leak. Continue? Don't show this again. Ekki birta þetta aftur. Layer Saved Lag var vistað Successfully saved scratch layer to <a href="%1">%2</a> Tókst að vista krasslag í <a href="%1">%2</a> Could not make temporary scratch layer permanent. Error: %1 Tókst ekki að gera bráðabirgða-krasslag varanlegt. Villa: %1 Save Scratch Layer Vista krasslag Delete %n feature(s) from layer "%1" Some of the selected features are outside of the current map view. Would you still like to continue? A problem occurred during deletion from layer "%1". %n feature(s) not deleted. print layout prentuppsetning report skýrsla Enter a unique %1 title (a title will be automatically generated if left empty) %1 copy %1 afrit Set as atlas feature for %1 Duplicate feature Tvítaka fitju Duplicate feature and digitize The merge tool requires at least two selected features. Invalid result Ógild niðurstaða Could not store value '%1' in field of type %2 Modifying features can only be done for layers in editing mode. Merge failed Sameining mistókst An error occurred during the merge operation. Merged features Sameinaði fitjur Could not store value '%1' in field of type %2. No active vector layer Ekkert virkt vektorlag To invert selection, choose a vector layer in the legend Til að snúa við valinu, verður að velja vektorlag í skýringum Features cut Fitjur klipptar Features pasted Fitjur límdar Paste features Líma fitjur %1 features were successfully pasted. Það tókst að líma %1 fitjur. Geometry Validation Edit first feature in attribute table Edit previous feature in attribute table Edit next feature in attribute table Edit last feature in attribute table OS Version Remote layer loading %1, please wait … Download with "Protocol" source type has failed, do you want to try the "File" source type? Layer creation failed: %1 Calculating mesh expression… Mesh calculator Could not evaluate the formula. Invalid or incompatible datasets used. Could not parse mesh formula. Enable Macros Original source URI: %1 %1 of %2 features could be successfully pasted. %1 af %2 fitjum tókst að líma. Geometry collapsed due to intersection avoidance. %1 geometries collapsed due to intersection avoidance. Pasted Límt Paste as Scratch Layer Layer name Heiti lags No features in clipboard. Engar fitjur á klippispjaldi. Multiple geometry types found, features with geometry different from %1 will be created without geometry. Cannot create field %1 (%2,%3) Get ekki búið til gagnasvið %1 (%2,%3) Start editing failed Það mistókst að hefja breytingar Provider cannot be opened for editing Ekki hægt að opna þjónustuveitu til breytinga Do you want to save the changes to layer %1? Viltu vista breytingar á laginu %1? Problems during roll back Vandamál við að taka aftur Could not %1 changes to layer %2 Errors: %3 Gat ekki %1 breytingar á laginu %2 Villur: %3 rollback tekið aftur cancel hætt við Save Vista all allt Rollback Taka aftur Cancel Hætta við Current edits Núgildandi breytingar %1 current changes for %2 layer(s)? %1 núgildandi breytingar fyrir %2 lag/lög? Filter on Joined Fields You are about to set a subset filter on a layer that has joined fields. Joined fields cannot be filtered, unless you convert the layer to a virtual layer first. Would you like to create a virtual layer out of this layer first? Required Layers Nauðsynleg lög The following layers are marked as required by the project: %1 Please deselect them (or unmark as required) and retry. The following tasks are currently running which depend on this layer: %1 Please cancel these tasks and retry. copy afrita Plugin layer Lag viðbótar Memory layer Minnislag Duplicate layer: Tvítaka lag: %1 (duplication resulted in invalid layer) %1 (tvítekning olli því að lag er ógilt) Layer duplication complete Note that it's using the same data source. Set scale visibility for selected layers Stilla kvarðasýnileika fyrir valin lög Couldn't load Python support library: %1 Gat ekki hlaðið inn Python aðgerðasafni: %1 Couldn't resolve python support library's instance() symbol. Python support ENABLED :-) Stuðningur við Python er virkur :-) There is a new version of QGIS available Það er nýrri útgáfa af QGIS til You are running a development version of QGIS Þú er að nota þróunarútgáfu af QGIS You are running the current version of QGIS Þú ert að nota studda útgáfu af QGIS QGIS Version Information Upplýsingar um útgáfu QGIS Unable to get current version information from server Style Manager Stílsstjóri Keyboard Shortcuts Flýtileiðir á lyklaborði Custom Projections Sérsniðnar varpanir Interface Customization Sérsníðing viðmóts To perform a full histogram stretch, you need to have a raster layer selected. Til að strekkja tíðnirit til fulls, verðurðu að hafa valið rastalag. To change brightness or contrast, you need to have a raster layer selected. Til að breyta birtustigi eða birtuskilum, verðurðu að hafa valið rastalag. Save Project Vista verkefni Close Project Loka verkefni This project includes one or more temporary scratch layers. These layers are not saved to disk and their contents will be permanently lost. Are you sure you want to proceed? Þetta verkefni inniheldur eitt eða fleiri bráðabirgða-krasslög. Slík lög eru ekki vistuð á disk og efni þeirra tapast endanlega þegar verkefninu er lokað. Ertu viss um að þú viljir halda áfram? Task failed Verk mistókst Network request to %1 timed out, any data received is likely incomplete. QGIS Authentication QGIS-auðkenning %1 Panel %1 spjald Transaction Færsluaðgerð Cannot duplicate feature in not editable mode on layer %1 %1 children on layer %2 duplicated %1 features on layer %2 duplicated %3 Digitize the duplicate on layer %1 Duplicate digitized Feature on layer %2 duplicated %3 Templates Template Name Name for the template Template not saved The template can not have an empty name. Overwrite template The template %1 already exists, do you want to replace it? Overwrite Yfirskrifa Template saved Template %1 was saved Save as Local File Vista sem skrá á tölvunni https://qgis.org/en/site/forusers/commercial_support.html https://qgis.org/en/site/forusers/commercial_support.html Layer is not valid Lag er ekki gilt Layer %1 Lag %1 The merge features tool only works on vector layers. Verkfærið til að sameina fitjur virkar aðeins á vektorlög. Merging features can only be done for layers in editing mode. Sameining á fitjum er aðeins möguleg á lögum sem eru í breytingaham. Please select a layer in the layer list Veldu lag af lagalistanum Invalid layer Ógilt lag To select all, choose a vector layer in the legend. Til að velja allt, verður að velja vektorlag í skýringum. To select features, choose a vector layer in the legend. Til að velja fitjur verður að velja vektorlag í skýringum. The layer is not a valid layer and can not be added to the map Lagið er ekki gilt lag og ekki hægt að bæta því við kortið Project has layer(s) in edit mode with unsaved edits, which will NOT be saved! Verkefnið er með lag/lög í breytingaham með óvistuðum breytingum, sem verða EKKI vistaðar! %n feature(s) selected on layer %1. number of selected features %n fitja valin á laginu %1. %n fitjur valdar á laginu %1. Open a GDAL Supported Raster Data Source Error adding valid layer to map canvas Villa við að bæta gildu lagi á myndflöt korts Raster layer Rastalag %1 is not a supported raster data source %1 er ekki studdur gagnagjafi fyrir rasta Unsupported Data Source Óstuddur gagnagjafi Exit QGIS Loka QGIS Do you really want to quit QGIS? Ertu viss um að þú viljir hætta í QGIS? New profile name Nýtt heiti sniðs Task complete Verki lokið This project file was saved by an older version of QGIS. When saving this project file, QGIS will update it to the latest version, possibly rendering it useless for older versions of QGIS. Þessi verkefnisskrá var vistuð með eldri útgáfu QGIS. Við það að vista verkefnisskrána mun QGIS uppfæra hana í snið nýjustu útgáfu, og hugsanlega gera hana þannig ónothæfa í eldri útgáfum QGIS. Project file is older Verkefnisskrá er eldri Please check the <a href="#messageLog">message log</a> for further info. Skoðaðu <a href="#messageLog">skilaboðaannálinn</a> til að sjá nánari upplýsingar. Warning Viðvörun This layer doesn't have a properties dialog. Þetta lag hefur engan eiginleikaglugga. Proxy authentication required Auðkenningar krafist á milliþjóni Failed to run Python script: Mistókst að keyra Python-skriftu: The current layer has no selected features Núverandi lag er ekki með neinar valdar fitjur Current clockwise map rotation in degrees Núverandi réttsælis snúningur korts í gráðum Messages Skilaboð Error loading layer definition Villa við að hlaða inn skilgreiningu lags QgisAppInterface Attributes changed Eigindum breytt QgisCustomWidgets QGIS custom widgets Sérsniðnir QGIS-viðmótshlutar Qgs25DRendererWidget The 2.5D renderer only can be used with polygon layers. '%1' is not a polygon layer and cannot be rendered in 2.5D. Select Wall Color Veldu lit á vegg Select Roof Color Veldu lit á þak Select Shadow Color Veldu lit á skugga Qgs25DRendererWidgetBase Form Form Height Hæð Angle Horn Advanced Configuration Ítarlegar stillingar Roof color Litur á þak Wall color Litur á vegg <html><head/><body><p>Walls will have a different color based on their aspect to make them appear to differently reflect the solar radiation.</p><p><br/></p><p>If this option is enabled, make sure that <span style=" font-style:italic;">simplification </span>is disabled on the rendering tab or some colors may be wrong at small scales.</p></body></html> Shade walls based on aspect Shadow Skuggi Color Litur Size Stærð ° ° <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">Advanced Styling</span><br/>This page helps to configure the 2.5D effect as easily as possible with some basic parameters.</p><p>Once you have finished the basic styling, you can convert this to another renderer (single, categorized, graduated) and fine-tune the appearance to your liking.</p><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">Overlay problems</span></p><p>Features are rendered based on their distance to the camera. It is sometimes possible that parts of a feature are in front of another feature by mistake. This happens if any part of the overlapped feature is closer to the camera than the overlapping feature.</p><p>In such cases you can avoid rendering problems by cutting the feature in front into smaller pieces.</p></body></html> Qgs3DAlgorithms QGIS (3D) QGIS (3D) Qgs3DAnimationExportDialog Select directory for 3D animation frames Qgs3DAnimationWidget <none> <ekkert> Export Animation Unable to export 3D animation Exporting frames... Abort Hætta við Keyframe time Tími lykilramma Keyframe time [seconds]: Tími lykilramma [sekúndur]: There is already a keyframe at the given time Qgs3DMapCanvasDockWidget Zoom Full Þysja í fulla stærð Save as Image… Vista sem mynd… Configure… Stilla… Animations Hreyfingar Identify Bera kennsl á Save as Image Vista sem mynd Successfully saved the 3D map to <a href="%1">%2</a> Tókst að vista 3D-kortið í <a href="%1">%2</a> Choose a file name to save the 3D map canvas to an image 3D Configuration Uppsetning þrívíddar Loading %1 tiles Hleð inn %1 kortatíglum Qgs3DMapConfigWidget Flat terrain DEM (Raster layer) Online Qgs3DRendererRulePropsWidget Rule Properties Reglustillingar Description Lýsing Filter Sía Else annars Catch-all for other features Test Prófa Symbol Tákn Test Filter Prófa síu Filter expression parsing error: Filter returned %n feature(s) number of filtered features Sía skilaði %n fitju Sía skilaði %n fitjum QgsAbout About Um hugbúnaðinn About QGIS Um QGIS License Notkunarleyfi <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css"> p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } </style></head><body style=" font-family:'Lucida Grande'; font-size:13pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;"> <p style=" margin-top:16px; margin-bottom:12px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px; font-size:x-large; font-weight:600;"><span style=" font-size:x-large;">QGIS</span></p></body></html> <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css"> p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } </style></head><body style=" font-family:'Lucida Grande'; font-size:13pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;"> <p style=" margin-top:16px; margin-bottom:12px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px; font-size:x-large; font-weight:600;"><span style=" font-size:x-large;">QGIS</span></p></body></html> QGIS is licensed under the GNU General Public License Notkunarleyfi QGIS er samkvæmt almenna GNU hugbúnaðarleyfinu http://www.gnu.org/licenses http://www.gnu.org/licenses QGIS Home Page Heimasíða QGIS Join our user mailing list Skráðu þig á póstlista notendanna okkar about:blank about:blank What's New Nýtt á döfinni Providers Þjónustuveitur Developers Hönnuðir Contributors Framlög frá Translators Þýðendur Donors Styrktaraðilar <p>For a list of individuals and institutions who have contributed money to fund QGIS development and other project costs see <a href="http://qgis.org/en/site/about/sponsorship.html#list-of-donors">http://qgis.org/en/site/about/sponsorship.html#list-of-donors</a></p> <p>Til að sjá lista yfir þá einstaklinga og stofnanir sem lagt hafa fjárframlög til þróunar QGIS er hægt að fara á <a href="http://qgis.org/en/site/about/sponsorship.html#list-of-donors">http://qgis.org/en/site/about/sponsorship.html#list-of-donors</a></p> Available QGIS Data Provider Plugins Tiltækar QGIS-gagnagjafaviðbætur Available QGIS Authentication Method Plugins Tiltækar QGIS-auðkenningaraðferðarviðbætur Available Qt Database Plugins Tiltækar Qt-gagnagrunnsviðbætur Available Qt Image Plugins Tiltækar Qt-myndviðbætur Qt Image Plugin Search Paths <br> Leitarslóðir Qt-myndviðbóta <br> Developers Map Kort yfir hönnuði QgsAbstractDataSourceWidget &Add &Bæta við Add selected layers to map Bæta völdum lögum við kort Close this dialog without adding any layer Loka þessum glugga án þess að bæta við nokkru lagi QgsAbstractFileContentSourceLineEdit Select File… Veldu skrá… Embed File… Ívefja skrá… Extract Embedded File… Afþjappa ívafða skrá… From URL… Úr slóð (URL)… Embedded file Successfully extracted file to <a href="%1">%2</a> QgsActionLocatorFilter Actions Aðgerð Active QgsActionMenu &Actions &Aðgerðir Not supported on your platform Ekki stutt á stýrikerfinu þínu QgsActionScopeRegistry Canvas Myndflötur Available for the action map tool on the canvas. Field Scope Available for individual fields. For example in the attribute table. Feature Scope Available for individual features. For example on feature forms or per row in the attribute table. Layer Scope Available as layer global action. For example on top of the attribute table. QgsActiveLayerFeaturesLocatorFilter Active Layer Features Virkar fitjur á lagi QgsAddAttrDialog Add Field Bæta við gagnasviði Invalid field name. This field name is reserved and cannot be used. Ógilt heiti gagnasviðs. Þetta gagnasvið er frátekið og ekki er hægt að úthluta því. No name specified. Please specify a name to create a new field. Ekkert heiti tilgreint. Tilgreindu nafn til að búa til nýtt gagnasvið. QgsAddAttrDialogBase N&ame N&afn Comment Athugasemd Type Tegund Add Field Bæta við gagnasviði Precision Nákvæmni Length Lengd Provider type Gerð þjónustuveitu Maximum number of digits after the decimal place. For example 123.45 requires a field precision of 2. Total length of field (including the number of digits after the decimal place for decimal fields).<br>For example 123.45 requires a decimal field length of 5, and 123456 requires an integer field length of 6. QgsAddTabOrGroup Add Tab or Group for %1 QgsAddTabOrGroupBase Dialog Samskiptagluggi Create category Búa til flokk as sem a tab flipa a group in container hóp í gámi Number of columns Fjöldi dálka QgsAdvancedDigitizingDockWidget Some constraints are incompatible. Resulting point might be incorrect. Do Not Snap to Common Angles Ekki grípa í algeng horn %1, %2, %3, %4°… %1, %2, %3, %4°… Construction mode press c to toggle on/off ýttu á c til að víxla af/á Distance Fjarlægð press d for quick access Lock distance Læsa vegalengd press Ctrl + d for quick access Continuously lock distance Toggles relative angle to previous segment press Shift + a for quick access Angle Horn press a for quick access Lock angle Læsa horni press Ctrl + a for quick access Continuously lock angle Toggles relative x to previous node press Shift + x for quick access X coordinate X hnit press x for quick access Lock x coordinate Læsa X-hniti press Ctrl + x for quick access Continuously lock x coordinate Toggles relative y to previous node press Shift + y for quick access Y coordinate Y hnit press y for quick access Lock y coordinate Læsa Y-hniti press Ctrl + y for quick access Continuously lock y coordinate Snapping must be enabled to utilize perpendicular mode Snapping must be enabled to utilize parallel mode Perpendicular Hornrétt press p to switch between perpendicular, parallel and normal mode Parallel Samhliða CAD tools are not enabled for the current map tool CAD-verkfæri eru ekki virk fyrir núverandi kortatól CAD tools can not be used on geographic coordinates. Change the coordinates system in the project properties. QgsAdvancedDigitizingDockWidgetBase Advanced Digitizing Ítarleg hnitun Error Villa <html><head/><body><p>Enable advanced digitizing tools</p></body></html> d d a a x x y Y Toggle Floater QgsAdvancedDigitizingFloaterBase d d a a x x - - y y QgsAfsConnectionItem Connection failed: %1 Tenging mistókst: %1 Refresh Endurnýja Edit Connection… Breyta tengingu… Delete Connection… Modify ArcGIS Feature Server Connection Breyta tengingu ArcGIS-fitjuþjóns QgsAfsFolderItem Connection failed: %1 Tenging mistókst: %1 QgsAfsItemGuiProvider View Service Info QgsAfsProvider getLayerInfo failed getLayerInfo brást Could not retrieve layer extent Gat ekki nálgast kortvídd lags Could not parse spatial reference Failed to determine geometry type getObjectIds failed: %1 - %2 getObjectIds mistókst: %1 - %2 Failed to determine objectIdFieldName and/or objectIds Tókst ekki að ákvarða objectIdFieldName og/eða objectIds Source Uppruni QgsAfsRootItem New Connection… Ný tenging… Create a New ArcGIS Feature Server Connection Búa til nýja tengingu við ArcGIS-fitjuþjón QgsAfsServiceItem Connection failed: %1 Tenging mistókst: %1 QgsAfsSourceSelect Error Villa Failed to retrieve service capabilities: %1: %2 Mistókst að sækja getuupplýsingar um þjónustu: %1: %2 QgsAggregateToolButton Exclude Undanskilja QgsAlignRasterDialog Align Rasters Samstilla/jafna rasta Raster layers to align Rastalög til að samstilla/jafna + + / / - - Output size Stærð frálags Reference layer Viðmiðunarlag Cell size Stærð reits Grid offset Hliðrun hnitanets Add aligned rasters to map canvas Bæta stefnuleiðréttum rasta á myndflöt korts CRS Hnitaviðmiðskerfi (CRS) Clip to Extent Afmarka við kortvídd [best reference] [besta viðmið] Failed to align rasters: Mistókst að samstilla/jafna rasta: QgsAlignRasterLayerConfigDialog Configure Layer Resampling Stilla endurreiknun lags Nearest neighbour Næsti nágranni Bilinear (2x2 kernel) Tvílínulegt (2x2 kjarni) Cubic (4x4 kernel) Fernings (4x4 kjarni) Cubic B-Spline (4x4 kernel) Fernings B-spline fjaðurbrúun (4x4 kjarni) Lanczos (6x6 kernel) Lanczos (6x6 kjarni) Average Meðaltal Mode Hamur Maximum Hámark Minimum Lágmark Median Miðgildi First Quartile (Q1) Fyrsta fjórðungsmark (Q1) Third Quartile (Q3) Þriðja fjórðungsmark (Q3) Browse… Fletta… Rescale values according to the cell size Endurkvarða gildi til samræmis við stærð reits Input raster layer: Inntaks-rastalag: Output raster filename: Skráarheiti frálagsrasta: Resampling method: Aðferð við endurreiknun (resampling): Select output file Veldu frálagsskrá GeoTIFF GeoTIFF QgsAllLayersFeaturesLocatorFilter Features In All Layers Fitjur af öllum lögum Open form… Attributes changed Eigindum breytt QgsAmsConnectionItem Connection failed: %1 Tenging mistókst: %1 Refresh Endurnýja Edit Connection… Breyta tengingu… Delete Connection… Modify ArcGIS Map Server Connection Breyta tengingu ArcGIS-kortaþjóns QgsAmsFolderItem Connection failed: %1 Tenging mistókst: %1 QgsAmsItemGuiProvider View Service Info QgsAmsProvider Could not parse spatial reference Source Uppruni Service Info Upplýsingar um þjónustu Layer Info Upplýsingar um lag Unexpected image size for block. Expected %1x%2, got %3x%4 QgsAmsRootItem New Connection… Ný tenging… Create a New ArcGIS Map Server Connection Búa til nýja tengingu við ArcGIS-kortaþjón QgsAmsServiceItem Connection failed: %1 Tenging mistókst: %1 QgsAmsSourceSelect Error Villa Failed to retrieve service capabilities: %1: %2 Mistókst að sækja getuupplýsingar um þjónustu: %1: %2 QgsAmsTiledImageDownloadHandler network request update failed for authentication config Uppfærsla á netbeiðni um auðkenningaruppsetningu mistókst Network Netkerfi Tile request error (Status: %1; Content-Type: %2; Length: %3; URL: %4) WMS WMS Returned image is flawed [Content-Type: %1; URL: %2] QgsAngleMagnetWidget ° ° Snap to Grípa í No snapping Ekkert grip QgsAnnotationWidgetBase Form Form Frame style Stíll ramma Fixed map position Staðsetning korts föst Contents Margins Spássíur efnis Top Efst mm mm Bottom Neðst Left Vinstri Right Hægri Allows the annotation to be associated with a map layer. If set, the annotation will only be visible when the layer is visible. Map marker Kortamörk Linked layer Tengt lag QgsAppDirectoryItemGuiProvider New Nýtt Directory… Create Directory Búa til möppu Directory name Heiti skráamöppu The path “%1” already exists. Could not create directory “%1”. GeoPackage… New GeoPackage Created <a href="%1">%2</a> ShapeFile… New ShapeFile Layer creation failed: %1 Add as a Favorite Bæta við sem eftirlæti Rename Favorite… Endurnefna eftirlæti… Remove Favorite Fjarlægja eftirlæti Hide from Browser Fela fyrir vafra Fast Scan this Directory Hraðskanna þessa möppu Open Directory… Opna möppu… Open in Terminal… Properties… Eiginleikar… Directory Properties… Eiginleikar möppu… favorite “%1” eftirlæti “%1” Rename Favorite Endurnefna eftirlæti QgsAppLayerTreeViewMenuProvider &Expand All &Fletta allt út &Collapse All &Fella allt saman &Stretch Using Current Extent &Strekkja með núverandi kortvídd Zoom to &Visible Scale Aðdráttur að sýnilegum &kvarða Set &Project CRS from Layer Stilla viðmiðskerfi &verkefnis eftir lagi Make Permanent… Gera varanlegt… Save Features As… Vista fitjur sem… Save Selected Features As… Vista valdar fitjur sem… Edit Symbol… Breyta tákni… &Open Attribute Table &Opna eigindatöflu Paste Layer/Group Líma lag/hóp Copy Group Afrita hóp &Remove Group… Fja&rlægja hóp… &Set Group CRS… &Setja viðmiðskerfi hóps… &Set Group WMS Data… &Setja WMS-gögn hóps… Export Flytja út Copy Layer Afrita lag &Duplicate Layer &Tvítaka lag &Remove Layer… Fja&rlægja lag… Change Data Source… &Set Layer Scale Visibility… &Stilla kvarðasýnileika lags… Set CRS Setja viðmiðskerfi (CRS) Set Layer CRS… Setja viðmiðskerfi lags… Save as QGIS Layer Style File… Vista sem QGIS-stílskrá fyrir lög… &Properties… &Eiginleikar… Save as Layer Definition File… Vista sem skilgreiningarskrá lags… &Filter… &Sía… Save As… Vista sem… Edit Virtual Layer… Breyta sýndarlagi… &Toggle Items &Show All Items &Birta öll atriði &Hide All Items &Fela öll atriði Symbol Selector Táknaval &Zoom to Native Resolution (100%) &Aðdráttur í innbyggða upplausn (100%) Copy Style Afrita stíl Paste Style Líma stíl Styles Stílar QgsAppMissingGridHandler No transform available between %1 and %2 This grid is part of the “<i>%1</i>” package, available for download from <a href="%2">%2</a>. This grid is available for download from <a href="%1">%1</a>. <p>No transform is available between <i>%1</i> and <i>%2</i>.</p><p>This transformation requires the grid file “%3”, which is not available for use on the system.%4</p> Details Nánar No Transformations Available Cannot use preferred transform between %1 and %2 This transformation requires the grid file “%1”, which is not available for use on the system. This grid is part of the <i>%1</i> package, available for download from <a href="%2">%2</a>. <p>Current transform “<i>%1</i>” has an accuracy of %2 meters, while the preferred transformation “<i>%3</i>” has accuracy %4 meters.</p> <p>Current transform “<i>%1</i>” has an unknown accuracy, while the preferred transformation “<i>%2</i>” has accuracy %3 meters.</p> <p>The preferred transform between <i>%1</i> and <i>%2</i> is not available for use on the system.</p> Preferred Transformation Not Available <p>No transform is available between <i>%1</i> and <i>%2</i>.</p><p style="color: red">%3</p> Cannot use project transform between %1 and %2 <p>This project specifies a preset transform between <i>%1</i> and <i>%2</i>, which is not available for use on the system.</p> <p>The operation specified for use in the project is:</p><p><code>%1</code></p> Project Transformation Not Available QgsApplication Exception Frávik unknown exception óþekkt frávik Application state: QGIS_PREFIX_PATH env var: %1 Prefix: %2 Plugin Path: %3 Package Data Path: %4 Active Theme Name: %5 Active Theme Path: %6 Default Theme Path: %7 SVG Search Paths: %8 User DB Path: %9 Auth DB Path: %10 Staða forrits: QGIS_PREFIX_PATH env var: %1 Forskeyti: %2 Slóð á viðbætur: %3 Slóð á pakkagögn: %4 Heiti virks þema: %5 Slóð á virkt þema: %6 Slóð á sjálfgefið þema: %7 SVG leitarslóðir: %8 Slóð á gagnagrunn notanda: %9 Slóð á gagnagrunn auðkenningar: %10 match indentation of application state match indentation of application state [ERROR] Can not make qgis.db private copy [VILLA] Gat ekki útbúið einkaafrit af qgis.db Can not make '%1' user writable Get ekki gert '%1' skrifanlegt fyrir notandann Could not open qgis.db Gat ekki opnað qgis.db Migration of private qgis.db failed. %1 Yfirfærsla einkaeintaks qgis.db mistókst. %1 Update of view in private qgis.db failed. %1 Uppfærsla sýnar í einkaeintaki qgis.db mistókst. %1 QgsArcGisAsyncParallelQuery network request update failed for authentication config Uppfærsla á netbeiðni um auðkenningaruppsetningu mistókst Network Netkerfi QgsArcGisAsyncQuery network request update failed for authentication config Uppfærsla á netbeiðni um auðkenningaruppsetningu mistókst QgsArcGisServiceSourceSelect &Build query &Búa til fyrirspurn Create a New %1 Connection Búa til nýja %1 tengingu Modify %1 Connection Breyta %1 tengingu Are you sure you want to remove the %1 connection and all associated settings? Ertu viss um að þú viljir fjarlægja %1 tenginguna og viðkomandi stillingar? Confirm Delete Staðfesta eyðingu No Layers Engin lög The query returned no layers. Fyrirspurnin skilaði engum lögum. QgsArcGisServiceSourceSelectBase Server Connections Tengingar þjóns Connect to selected database Tengjast völdum gagnagrunni C&onnect &Tengja Create a new database connection Búa til nýja gagnagrunnstengingu &New &Nýtt Edit selected database connection Breyta gagnagrunnstengingu Edit Breyta Remove connection to selected database Fjarlægja tengingu við valinn gagnagrunn Remove Fjarlægja Load connections from file Lesa inn tengingar frá skrá Load Lesa inn Save connections to file Vista tengingu í skrá Save Vista Fi&lter Sí&a Display WFS FeatureTypes containing this word in the title, name or abstract Birta WFS FeatureTypes sem innhalda þetta orð í titli, nafni eða útdrætti Use title for layer name Nota titil sem heiti á lagi Only request features overlapping the current view extent Aðeins biðja um fitjur sem skarast við kortvídd núverandi sýnar Image Encoding Kóðun myndar Coordinate Reference System Hnitaviðmiðskerfi Change… Skipta um… QgsArrowSymbolLayerWidgetBase Form Form Curved arrows Bognar örvar Single Einföld Single, reversed Einföld, viðsnúin Double Tvöföld Offset Hliðrun Arrow type Gerð örvar Head thickness Þykkt örvarodds Head length Lengd örvarodds <html><head/><body><p>Plain: the arrow will be displayed entirely</p><p>Left/Exterior half: only the half of the head that is on the left of the arrow for straight arrows, or the one toward the exterior for curved arrows will be displayed</p><p>Right/Interior half: only the half of the head that is on the right of the arrow for straight arrows, or the one toward the interior for curved arrows will be displayed</p></body></html> Plain Einfalt Left/Exterior half Vinstri/Ytri helmingur Right/Interior half Hægri/Innri helmingur Arrow width at start Breidd örvar í upphafi <html><head/><body><p>If checked, one arrow will be rendered for each consecutive points (each 2 points for a straight arrow or 3 points for a curved arrow).</p><p>If unchecked, the arrow will be defined by extermum points of the line (the middle point will be used as a control point for a curved arrow)</p></body></html> Repeat arrow on each segment Endurtaka ör á hverjum bút Head type Gerð örvarodds Arrow width Breidd örvar QgsAttributeActionDialog Generic Almennt Python Python Mac Mac Windows Windows Unix Unix Open URL Opna slóð (URL) Add New Action Bæta við nýrri aðgerð Echo attribute's value Attribute Value Eigindargildi Run an application Keyra forrit Run application Keyra forrit Get feature id Ná í fitjukenni Feature ID Fitjukenni Selected field's value (Identify features tool) Field Value Gildi gagnasviðs Clicked coordinates (Run feature actions tool) Ásmellt hnit (Keyra aðgerð á fitju verkfærið) Clicked Coordinate Ásmellt hnit Open file Opna skrá Search on web based on attribute's value Search Web Leita á vefnum List feature ids Duplicate selected features Duplicate selected Edit Action QgsAttributeActionDialogBase Attribute Actions Aðgerðir eiginda This list contains all actions that have been defined for the current layer. Add actions by entering the details in the controls below and then pressing the Add to action list button. Actions can be edited here by double clicking on the item. Type Tegund Description Lýsing Short Title Stuttur titill Action Scopes Virknisvið aðgerðar On Notification <html><head/><body><p>If not empty, this will enable provider notification listening and the action will be executed when the notification message matched the specified value. </p></body></html> Only when editable Add a new action Bæta við nýrri aðgerð Show in Attribute Table Birta í eigindatöflu Layout Framsetning Separate Buttons Aðskildir hnappar Combo Box Fjölvalsreitur Action Aðgerð Action List Create Default Actions Capture Grípa Remove the selected action Fjarlægja völdu aðgerðina Move the selected action up Færa valda aðgerð upp Move the selected action down Færa valda aðgerð niður QgsAttributeActionPropertiesDialog Select an action File dialog window title Veljið aðgerð Images( %1 ); All( *.* ) Myndir( %1 ); Allar( *.* ) Choose Icon… Veldu táknmynd… Additional variables Viðbótarbreytur QgsAttributeActionPropertiesDialogBase Form Form Inserts the selected field into the action Setur valið gagnasvið inn í aðgerðina Insert Setja inn Browse for action Vafra eftir aðgerð Click to browse for an action Smelltu hér til að vafra eftir aðgerð Clicking the button will let you select an application to use as the action <html><head/><body><p>The action text defines what happens if the action is triggered.<br/>The content depends on the type.<br/>For the type <span style=" font-style:italic;">Python</span> the content should be python code<br/>For other types it should be a file or application with optional parameters</p></body></html> Type Tegund Description Lýsing Icon Táknmynd Short Name Stutt nafn Generic Almennt Enter the name of an action here. The name should be unique (QGIS will make it unique if necessary). Execute if notification matches Action Text <html><head/><body><p>If specified, listen to data source notification and performs action if notification message matches the specified value.</p><p>E.g. to match message beginning with <span style=" font-weight:600;">whatever </span>use <span style=" font-weight:600;">^whatever</span></p></body></html> Enable only when editable Python Python Mac Mac Windows Windows Unix Unix Open Opna Action Scopes Virknisvið aðgerðar Captures any output from the action Grípur allt frálag frá aðgerðinni Captures the standard output or error generated by the action and displays it in a dialog box Capture output Grípa frálag Enter the action name here Settu hér inn heiti á aðgerð Mandatory description Nauðsynleg lýsing Leave empty to use only icon QgsAttributeDialog %1 - Feature Attributes %1 - Eigindi fitju QgsAttributeForm Attributes changed Eigindum breytt Apply changes to edited features? Virkja breytingar á breyttar fitjur? No matching features found Engar samsvarandi fitjur fundust Updated multiple feature attributes Unsaved multiedit changes: <a href="#apply">apply changes</a> or <a href="#reset">reset changes</a>. &Reset Form &Flash Features &Zoom to Features &Select Features Select Features Veldu fitjur Add to Current Selection Bæta við fyrirliggjandi val Remove from Current Selection Fjarlægja úr fyrirliggjandi vali Filter Current Selection Sía núverandi val Filter Features Filter Within ("AND") Sía innan ("OG") Extend Filter ("OR") Útvíkka síu ("EÐA") The python init function (<code>%1</code>) does not accept three arguments as expected!<br>Please check the function name in the <b>Fields</b> tab of the layer properties. No feature joined Join settings do not allow editing Join settings do not allow upsert on edit Joined layer is not toggled editable Multiedit Attributes %n matching feature(s) selected matching features Edits will be applied to all selected features. Attribute changes for multiple features applied. Changes could not be applied. Failed to create widget with type '%1' Close Loka The python init function (<code>%1</code>) could not be found!<br>Please check the function name in the <b>Fields</b> tab of the layer properties. QgsAttributeLoadValues Load Values from Layer Layer Lag Description Lýsing Value Gildi Select data from attributes in selected layer. Lesa inn gögn frá eigindum í völdu lagi. View All Birta allt Insert NULL value on top QgsAttributeRelationEdit Form Form Relation Vensl Cardinality For a many to many (N:M) relation, the direct link has to be selected. The in-between table will be hidden. QgsAttributeTableDelegate Attribute changed Eigindum breytt QgsAttributeTableDialog Attribute Table Eigindatafla Invert selection (Ctrl+R) Umhverfa vali (Ctrl+R) Copy selected rows to clipboard (Ctrl+C) Afrita valdar raðir á klippispjald (Ctrl+C) Ctrl+C Ctrl+C Zoom map to the selected rows (Ctrl+J) Aðdráttur korts á valdar raðir (Ctrl+J) Ctrl+J Ctrl+J Pan map to the selected rows (Ctrl+P) Hliðra korti á valdar raðir (Ctrl+P) Ctrl+P Ctrl+P Toggle editing mode (Ctrl+E) Víxla breytingaham af/á (Ctrl+E) Ctrl+E Ctrl+E Reload the table Endurhlaða töfluna Select features using an expression Velja fitjur eftir reglulegri segð Deselect all (Ctrl+Shift+A) Afvelja allt (Ctrl+Shift+A) Ctrl+Shift+A Ctrl+Shift+A Select all (Ctrl+A) Velja allt (Ctrl+A) Toggle multi edit mode Víxla fjölbreytingaham af/á Ctrl+A Ctrl+P Select/filter features using form (Ctrl+F) Paste features from clipboard (Ctrl+V) Líma fitjur af klippispjaldi (Ctrl+V) Ctrl+V Ctrl+V New field Nýtt gagnasvið Ctrl+W Ctrl+W Filter Sía Filters the visible features according to the current filter selection and filter string. Apply Virkja Table View Töflusýn = = Update All Uppfæra allt Advanced Filter (Expression) Nákvæm sía (regluleg segð) Use the Expression Builder to define the filter Select/filter features using form Ctrl+F Ctrl+F Show All Features Birta allar fitjur Show Selected Features Birta valdar fitjur Field Filter Síun gagnasviðs Show Edited and New Features Birta breyttar og nýjar fitjur Show Features Visible On Map Birta fitjur sem eru sýnilegar á korti Delete field (Ctrl+L) Eyða gagnasviði (Ctrl+L) New field (Ctrl+W) Nýtt gagnasvið (Ctrl+W) The filter defines which features are currently shown in the list or on the table Switch to form view Form View Switch to table view Skipta yfir í töflusýn Filter all the features which have been edited but not yet saved Toggle editing mode Byrja á breytingarham Save edits Vista breytingar Save edits (Ctrl+S) Vista breytingar (Ctrl+S) Delete selected features Eyða völdum fitjum Select all Velja allt Invert selection Umhverfa vali Deselect all Afvelja allt Move selection to top Færa valið efst Pan map to the selected rows Hliðra korti á valdar raðir Zoom map to the selected rows Aðdráttur korts á valdar raðir Cut selected rows to clipboard Cut selected rows to clipboard (Ctrl+X) Ctrl+X Ctrl+X Copy selected rows to clipboard Paste features from clipboard Líma fitjur af klippispjaldi Delete field Eyða gagnasviði Conditional formatting Skilyrt forsníðing Dock Attribute Table Actions Aðgerð Add feature Bæta við fitju Open field calculator Opna svæðareikni Open field calculator (Ctrl+I) Opna svæðareikni (Ctrl+I) Ctrl+I Ctrl+I %1 :: Features Total: %2, Filtered: %3, Selected: %4 An error occurred while trying to update the field %1 An error occurred while evaluating the calculation string: %1 Update Attributes Expression Based Filter Sía byggð á reglulegum segðum Failed to add field '%1' of type '%2'. Is the field name unique? Parsing error Þáttunarvilla Evaluation error Matsvilla Delete feature Eyða fitju Update Filtered Uppfæra síað Multiedit is not supported when using custom UI forms Search is not supported when using custom UI forms Calculating field Reikna gagnasvið Attribute added Eigind bætt við Add Field Bæta við gagnasviði Deleted attribute Eytt eigindi The attribute(s) could not be deleted Ekki var hægt að eyða eigind(um) Attribute error Villa í eigind Error filtering Sía villur Geometryless feature added Update Selected Uppfæra valið Ctrl+R Ctrl+A QgsAttributeTableFilterModel Actions Aðgerð QgsAttributeTableModel extra column aukadálkur Feature ID: %1 Auðkenni fitju: %1 QgsAttributeTableView Select All Velja allt QgsAttributeTypeDialog Edit Widget Properties Breyta eiginleikum viðmótshluta General Almennt Alias Samnefni Comment Athugasemd Editable Hægt að breyta Label on top Merki efst Widget Type Gerð viðmótshluta (widget) Constraints Hömlur Unique Einstakt Not null Ekki núll <p>Enforcing the unique constraint prevents committing features which do not meet the constraint.</p><p>Unenforced constraints display a warning to users, but do not prevent committing the feature.</p> Enforce unique constraint Expression description Optional descriptive name for expression constraint <p>Enforcing the not null constraint prevents committing features which do not meet the constraint.</p><p>Unenforced constraints display a warning to users, but do not prevent committing the feature.</p> Enforce not null constraint Expression Segð <p>Enforcing the expression constraint prevents committing features which do not meet the constraint.</p><p>Unenforced constraints display a warning to users, but do not prevent committing the feature.</p> Enforce expression constraint Defaults Sjálfgefin gildi Default value Sjálfgefið gildi Preview Forskoða <p>With this option checked, the default value will not only be used when the feature is first created, but also whenever a feature's attribute or geometry is changed.</p><p>This is often useful for a last_modified timestamp or to record the username that last modified the feature.</p> Apply default value on update The provider for this layer has a NOT NULL constraint set on the field. The provider for this layer has a UNIQUE constraint set on the field. QgsAttributesFormInitCode Python Init Code Configuration The function code of the function can be loaded from the source code entered in this dialog, from an external python file or from the environment (for example from a plugin or from startup.py). An example is: from qgis.PyQt.QtWidgets import QWidget def my_form_open(dialog, layer, feature): geom = feature.geometry() control = dialog.findChild(QWidget,"MyLineEdit") Reference in function name: my_form_open Python Init function The function code of the function can be loaded from the source code entered in this dialog, from an external python file or from the environment (for example from a plugin or from startup.py). An example is: from qgis.PyQt.QtWidgets import QWidget def my_form_open(dialog, layer, feature): geom = feature.geometry() control = dialog.findChild(QWidget,"MyLineEdit") Reference in function name: my_form_open External file Utanaðkomandi skrá Function name Enter the name of the form init function. Load from external file Hlaða inn úr utanaðkomandi skrá Provide code in this dialog Settu kóða inn í þennan samskiptaglugga Load from the environment Select Python File Veldu Python-skrá Python files (*.py *.PY) Python-skrár (*.py *.PY) QgsAttributesFormProperties Form Form Select attribute layout editor Autogenerate Útbúa sjálfvirkt Drag and drop designer Draga og sleppa hönnun Provide ui-file Settu inn ui-skrá QGIS forms can have a Python function that is called when the form is opened. Use this function to add extra logic to your forms. QGIS-útfyllingarform geta verið með Python-falli sem kallað er fram þegar formið er opnað. Notaðu þetta fall til að bæta viðbótaraðgerðum við formið þitt. Edit UI Breyta myndrænu viðmóti Available Widgets Tiltækir viðmótshlutar Form Layout Framsetning útfyllingarforms %1 (%2) %1 (%2) Relations Vensl Other Widgets Aðrir viðmótshlutar QML Widget QML-viðmótshluti HTML Widget Hide form on add feature (global settings) Show form on add feature (global settings) Hide form on add feature Show form on add feature # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ QGIS forms can have a Python function that is called when the form is opened. Use this function to add extra logic to your forms. Enter the name of the function in the "Python Init function" field. An example follows: """ from qgis.PyQt.QtWidgets import QWidget def my_form_open(dialog, layer, feature): geom = feature.geometry() control = dialog.findChild(QWidget, "MyLineEdit") Many to one relation Margir-í-einn vensl Select edit form UI file UI-viðmótsskrá Invert selection Umhverfa vali QgsAuthAuthoritiesEditor Certificate Authorities Editor Ritill fyrir vottunaraðila skilríkja (CA) Certificate Authorities and Issuers <i>(Root/File certificates are read-only)</i> Vottunaraðili skilríkis (CA) og útgefendur <i>(Rótar/Skráaskilríki eru skrifvarin)</i> Certificates file Skilríkjaskrá File of concatenated CAs and/or Issuers Skrá með samsafni vottunaraðila og/eða útgefenda Import certificate(s) to authentication database Flytja skilríki inn í auðkenningargagnagrunn Remove certificate from authentication database Fjarlægja skilríki úr auðkenningargagnagrunni Show information for certificate Birta upplýsingar um skilríki Group by organization Hópa eftir stofnun Refresh certificate tree view Endurlesa greinasýn skilríkja Common Name Samheiti (CN) Serial # Raðnúmer # Expiry Date Rennur út Trust Policy Vottunarstefna (CP) ERROR storing CA(s) in authentication database Villa við að geyma CA-skilríki í auðkenningargagnagrunni Certificate id missing Auðkenni skilríkis vantar Remove Certificate Authority Fjarlægja vottunaraðila skilríkis (CA) Are you sure you want to remove the selected Certificate Authority from the database? Operation can NOT be undone! Ertu viss um að þú viljir fjarlægja valda vottunaraðila skilríkja (CA) úr gagnagrunninum? EKKI er hægt að afturkalla aðgerðina! Certificate could not be found in database for id %1: ERROR removing cert(s) trust policy from authentication database. ERROR removing CA from authentication database for id %1: VILLA við að fjarlægja CA-skilríki úr auðkenningargagnagrunni fyrir auðkennið %1: ERROR removing cert trust policy from authentication database for id %1: VILLA við að fjarlægja vottunarstefnu skilríkja (CP) úr auðkenningargagnagrunni fyrir auðkennið %1: Default Trust Policy Sjálfgefin vottunarstefna (CP) Changing the default certificate authority trust policy to 'Untrusted' can cause unexpected SSL network connection results. Ef sjálfgefinni vottunarstefnu (CP) er breytt í 'Ótreyst' getur það haft óvæntar afleiðingar fyrir SSL-tengingar. Default policy Sjálfgefin stefnumörkun QgsAuthBasicEdit Optional Valfrjálst Required Krafist Realm Umráðasvæði (Realm) Show Birta Username Notandanafn Password Lykilorð QgsAuthBasicMethod Basic authentication Einföld auðkenning QgsAuthCertInfo Certificate Info Upplýsingar um skilríki Certificate Hierarchy Stigskipun skilríkja TextLabel Textamerki Certificate Information Upplýsingar um skilríki Trust policy Vottunarstefna (CP) Save certificate trust policy change to database Vista breytingu á vottunarstefnu (CP) í gagnagrunn Save Vista <b>Setup ERROR:</b> <b>VILLA í uppsetningu:</b> Could not populate QCA certificate collection Gat ekki fyllt inn í QCA-skilríkjasafn Could not set QCA certificate Gat ekki stillt QCA-skilríki Invalid population of QCA certificate chain.<br><br>Validity message: %1 Ógild útfylling í QCA-skilríkjakeðju.<br><br>Sannvottunarmelding: %1 Missing CA Vantar CA vottunaraðila Field Gagnasvið Value Gildi General Almennt Details Nánar Subject Info Upplýsingar um viðfangsefni Issuer Info Upplýsingar um útgefanda Public Key Info Upplýsingar um dreifilykil Extensions Viðbætur PEM Text PEM-texti Type Tegund Missing CA (incomplete local CA chain) Vantar CA vottunaraðila (ófullgerð staðvær CA-keðja) self-signed undirritað af handhafa Root Rót Usage type Tegund notkunar Subject Viðfangsefni Issuer Útgefandi Not valid after Ekki gilt eftir Public key Dreifilykill Signature algorithm Undirritunarreiknirit Country (C) Land (C) State/Province (ST) Ríki/Fylki/Svæði (ST) Locality (L) Sveitarfélag (L) Organization (O) Fyrirtæki/stofnun (O) Organizational unit (OU) Deild (OU) Common name (CN) Samheiti (CN) Email address (E) Tölvupóstfang (E) Distinguished name Sérheiti Email Legacy Eldra tölvupóstfang Incorporation Country Land lögheimilis Incorporation State/Province Ríki/Fylki/Svæði lögheimilis Incorporation Locality Sveitarfélag lögheimilis URI URI DNS DNS IP Address IP-vistfang XMPP XMPP Email: Tölvupóstur: DNS: DNS: Alternate names Önnur nöfn Version Útgáfa Serial # Raðnúmer # Not valid before Ekki gilt fyrir MD5 fingerprint MD5 fingrafar SHA1 fingerprint SHA1 fingrafar CRL locations CRL staðsetningar Issuer locations Staðsetningar útgefanda OCSP locations Staðsetningar OCSP Algorithm Reiknirit Key size Stærð lykils Exponent Veldisvísir Verify Sannreyna Encrypt Dulrita Decrypt Afkóða Key agreement Notkunarskilmálar lykils Export Flytja út Key usage Notkun lykils Certificate Authority: %1 Vottunaraðili skilríkis (CA): %1 Yes No Nei Chain Path Limit: %1 Takmörk á lengd skilríkjakeðju: %1 Basic constraints Einfaldar hömlur Extended key usage Útvíkkuð notkun lykils Subject key ID Auðkenni efnislykils Authority key ID Auðkenni lykils vottunaraðila QgsAuthCertInfoDialog Certificate Information Upplýsingar um skilríki QgsAuthCertManager Authentication Certificate Editors Ritstjórn auðkenningarskilríkja Identities Persónuauðkenni Servers Þjónar Authorities Vottunaraðilar Note: Editing writes directly to authentication database Athugaðu: Breytingar eru skrifaðar beint í gagnagrunn auðkenningar Certificate Manager Skilríkjastjórnun QgsAuthConfigEdit Authentication Auðkenning Clear Hreinsa Optional URL resource Valkvæð aðfangaslóð Note: Saving writes directly to authentication database Athugaðu: Vistun skrifar beint í gagnagrunn auðkenningar Required Krafist Id Auðkenni Resource Tilfang Name Heiti Authentication config id not loaded: %1 QgsAuthConfigEditor Edit Authentication Configurations Breyta uppsetningum á auðkenningu Add new authentication configuration Remove selected authentication configuration Edit selected authentication configuration Authentication Configurations Uppsetningar á auðkenningu ID Auðkenni (ID) Name Heiti URI URI Type Tegund Version Útgáfa Config Uppsetning Remove Configuration Fjarlægja uppsetningu Are you sure you want to remove '%1'? Operation can NOT be undone! Ertu viss um að þú viljir fjarlægja '%1'? EKKI er hægt að afturkalla aðgerðina! QgsAuthConfigIdEdit Form Form Generated Útbúið <html><head/><body><p>Unlock to edit the ID</p><p><span style=" font-style:italic;">7-character alphanumeric only</span></p><p><span style=" font-weight:600; color:#a80b0a;">Editing may break things!</span></p></body></html> QgsAuthConfigSelect Authentication Configuration Stillingar auðkenningar Edit selected configuration Delete selected configuration Delete Eyða Dismiss Hafna Create a new authentication configuration New Nýtt Edit Breyta Authentication config id not loaded: %1 Missing authentication method description Lýsing á auðkenningaraðferð sem vantar <ul><li><b>Method type:</b> %1</li><li><b>Configuration ID:</b> %2</li></ul> Configuration '%1' not in database Uppsetningin '%1' er ekki í gagnagrunni No authentication Engin auðkenning Remove Authentication Fjarlægja auðkenningu Are you sure that you want to permanently remove this configuration right now? Operation can NOT be undone! Ertu viss um að þú viljir fjarlægja þessa uppsetningu núna? EKKI er hægt að afturkalla aðgerðina! QgsAuthConfigUriEdit Dialog Samskiptagluggi Edit Authentication Configuration ID Note: Button actions above affect authentication database Athugaðu: Hnappaaðgerðir hér fyrir ofan hafa áhrif á gagnagrunn auðkenningar Authentication Config ID String Editor No authcfg in Data Source URI Adding authcfg to URI not supported QgsAuthEditorWidgets Input master password Clear cached master password Reset master password Clear cached authentication configurations Remove all authentication configurations Erase authentication database Clear network authentication access cache Automatically clear network authentication access cache on SSL errors Store/update the master password in your %1 Clear the master password from your %1 Integrate master password with your %1 Enable password helper debug log Auth cache cleared Network authentication cache has been cleared QgsAuthEditors Authentication Editors Ritstjórn auðkenningar Configurations Uppsetningar Management Stjórnun Installed Plugins Uppsettar viðbætur Manage Certificates Sýsla með skilríki Utilities Nytjatól Note: Editing writes directly to authentication database Athugaðu: Breytingar eru skrifaðar beint í gagnagrunn auðkenningar QgsAuthEsriTokenEdit Token Teikn Required Krafist QgsAuthEsriTokenMethod ESRI token based authentication QgsAuthIdentCertEdit Identity Perónuauðkenni Select identity… Veldu persónuauðkenni… Organization not defined Fyrirtæki/stofnun ekki skilgreint QgsAuthIdentCertMethod PKI stored identity certificate Persónuauðkenningarskilríki geymt í PKI QgsAuthIdentitiesEditor Identity Certificates Editor Ritill persónuauðkennaskilríkja User Identity Bundles Perónuauðkennavöndlar notanda Import identity bundle to authentication database Flytja persónuauðkennavöndul inn í auðkenningargagnagrunn Remove identity bundle from authentication database Fjarlægja persónuauðkennavöndul úr auðkenningargagnagrunni Show information for bundle Birta upplýsingar um vöndul Group by organization Hópa eftir stofnun Refresh identity bundle tree view Endurlesa greinasýn persónuaukennavönduls Common Name Samheiti (CN) Serial # Raðnúmer # Expiry Date Rennur út Certificate Bundles Skilríkjavöndlar ERROR storing identity bundle in authentication database. Certificate id missing. Remove Certificate Identity Fjarlægja auðkenni skilríkis Are you sure you want to remove the selected certificate identity from the database? Operation can NOT be undone! Ertu viss um að þú viljir fjarlægja valið auðkenni skilríkis úr gagnagrunninum? EKKI er hægt að afturkalla aðgerðina! ERROR removing cert identity from authentication database for id %1: VILLA við að fjarlægja persónuauðkennaskilríki úr auðkenningargagnagrunni fyrir auðkennið %1: QgsAuthImportCertDialog Import Certificate(s) Flytja inn skilríki PEM/DER-formatted PEM/DER-sniðið Import(s) can contain multiple certificates Innflutningur getur innihaldið mörg skilríki PEM text PEM-texti File Skrá Trust policy Vottunarstefna (CP) Validation Results Niðurstöður sannvottunar Allow invalid certificates Leyfa ógild skilríki Import Certificate Authorities Flytja inn vottunaraðila skilríkja (CA) Import Innflutningur Certificates found: %1 Certificates valid: %2 Skilríki fundust: %1 Gild skilríki: %2 Authorities/Issuers: %1%2 Vottunaraðilar/útgefendur: %1%2 Open Certificate File Opna skilríkjaskrá All files (*.*);;PEM (*.pem);;DER (*.der) Allar skrár (*.*);;PEM (*.pem);;DER (*.der) QgsAuthImportIdentityDialog Import Identity Flytja inn perónuauðkenni Key Lykill Cert Skilríki Required Krafist Validation Results Niðurstöður sannvottunar Optional passphrase Valkvætt lykilorð Show Birta Bundle Vöndull PKI PEM/DER Certificate Paths PKI PEM/DER skilríkjaslóðir PKI PKCS#12 Certificate Bundle PKI PKCS#12 skilríkjavöndull Valid: %1 Gilt: %1 Invalid: %1 Ógilt: %1 Open Client Certificate File Opna skilríkjaskrá forrits All files (*.*);;PEM (*.pem);;DER (*.der) Allar skrár (*.*);;PEM (*.pem);;DER (*.der) Open Private Key File Opna einkalykilskrá Open PKCS#12 Certificate Bundle Opna PKCS#12 skilríkjavöndul PKCS#12 (*.p12 *.pfx) PKCS#12 (*.p12 *.pfx) Missing components Vantar hluta Failed to read client certificate from file Mistókst að lesa skilríki forrits úr skrá Failed to load client certificate from file Mistókst að hlaða skilríki forrits inn úr skrá Extra certificates found with identity Fleiri skilríki fundust með auðkenni %1 thru %2 %1 til %2 Failed to load client private key from file Mistókst að hlaða einkalykli forrits inn úr skrá Private key password may not match Lykilorð einkalykils samsvara ekki QCA library has no PKCS#12 support QCA-aðgerðasafnið er ekki með stuðning við PKCS#12 Failed to read bundle file Mistókst að lesa vafningsskrá Incorrect bundle password Rangt lykilorð vafnings Failed to decode (try entering password) Mistókst að afkóða (reyndu að setja inn lykilorð) Bundle empty or can not be loaded Vöndull er tómur eða ekki hægt að hlaða inn Bundle client cert can not be loaded Ekki var hægt að hlaða inn skilríki biðlara úr vöndli Qt cert could not be created from QCA cert Ekki var hægt að útbúa Qt-skilríki út frá QCA-skilríki Qt private key could not be created from QCA key Ekki var hægt að útbúa Qt-einkalykil út frá QCA-lykli File not found Skrá fannst ekki QgsAuthManager Opening of authentication db FAILED QCA's OpenSSL plugin (qca-ossl) is missing OpenSSL-viðbótina frá QCA (qca-ossl) vantar No authentication method plugins found Engar auðkenningaraðferðarviðbætur fundust No authentication method plugins could be loaded Engum auðkenningaraðferðarviðbætur var hægt að hlaða inn Auth db directory path could not be created Auth db is not readable or writable by user Auth db could not be created and opened Authentication system is DISABLED: %1 Master password set: FAILED to verify, reset to previous Gerð aðallykilorðs: MISTÓKST að sannreyna, endurstilli á fyrra Master password: FAILED to access database Master password: FAILED to find just one master password record in database Master password: FAILED to verify against hash in database Master password: failed 5 times authentication system DISABLED Master password: hash FAILED to be stored in database Master password reset FAILED: could not clear current password from database Master password reset FAILED: could not store new password in database Master password reset FAILED: could not verify new password in database Master password reset FAILED: could not re-encrypt configs in database Master password reset FAILED: could not verify password can decrypt re-encrypted configs Master password reset FAILED: could not re-encrypt settings in database Master password reset FAILED: could not re-encrypt identities in database Master password reset: could not remove old database backup Config ID is empty Store config: FAILED because config is invalid Store config: FAILED because pre-defined config ID is not unique Store config: FAILED because config string is empty Update config: FAILED because config is invalid Update config: FAILED because config is empty Update config: FAILED to prepare query Authentication database contains duplicate configuration IDs No authentication database found Could not back up authentication database Authentication database could not be deleted Authentication database could not be initialized FAILED to create auth database config tables FAILED to create auth database cert tables Authentication database contains duplicate settings Authentication database contains duplicate certificate identity Gagnagrunnur auðkenningar inniheldur tvítekin auðkenningarskilríki Retrieve certificate identity bundle: FAILED to create private key Sækja persónuauðkennavöndul: MISTÓKST að útbúa einkalykil Retrieve certificate identity bundle: FAILED to create certificate Sækja persónuauðkennavöndul: MISTÓKST að útbúa skilríki Authentication database contains duplicate certificate bundles Gagnagrunnur auðkenningar inniheldur tvítekna skilríkjavafninga Authentication database contains duplicate SSL cert custom configs for host:port, id: %1, %2 Authentication database contains duplicate SSL cert custom configs for host:port: %1 Authentication database contains duplicate certificate authorities Gagnagrunnur auðkenningar inniheldur tvítekna vottunaraðila skilríkja Authentication database contains duplicate cert trust policies Gagnagrunnur auðkenningar inniheldur tvíteknar vottunarstefnur skilríkja (CP) Password Helper Opening %1 for DELETE… Opening %1 for READ… Opening %1 for WRITE… Delete password failed: %1. Eyðing lykilorðs mistókst: %1. Retrieving password from your %1 failed: %2. Empty password retrieved from your %1. Storing password in your %1 failed: %2. Your %1 will be <b>used from now</b> on to store and retrieve the master password. Your %1 will <b>not be used anymore</b> to store and retrieve the master password. There was an error and integration with your %1 system has been disabled. You can re-enable it at any time through the "Utilities" menu in the Authentication pane of the options dialog. %2 Error in %1: %2 Villa í %1: %2 Master password has been successfully read from your %1 Master password stored in your %1 is not valid Master password has been successfully written to your %1 Master password could not be written to your %1 Authentication database contains duplicate setting keys Authentication database contains duplicate identity IDs Gagnagrunnur auðkenningar inniheldur tvítekin persónuauðkenni Unable to establish authentication database connection Auth db query exec() FAILED Auth db query FAILED Auth db FAILED to start transaction Auth db FAILED to rollback changes Auðkenningargagnagrunni MISTÓKST að taka aftur breytingar QgsAuthMethodPlugins Dialog Samskiptagluggi Installed authentication method plugins Uppsettar auðkenningaraðferðarviðbætur Method Aðferð Description Lýsing Works with Virkar með QgsAuthOAuth2Config Custom Sérsnið Predefined Forákvarðað Authorization Code Auðkenningarkóði Implicit Resource Owner Eigandi tilfangs Header Haus Form (POST only) URL Query URL-fyrirspurn QgsAuthOAuth2Edit Configure Stilla Grant Flow Export configuration Flytja út uppsetningu Import configuration Flytja inn uppsetningu Scope Gildissvið Request Timeout Tímamörk beiðna Redirect URL Endurbeiningarslóð Authorization-related timeout Tímamörk á auðkenningarferli seconds sekúndur Description Lýsing Optional Valfrjálst API Key API-forrritsviðmótslykill Required Krafist Request URL Beiðnislóð Optional (space delimiter) Valfrjálst (bilafmarkari) Access Method Aðgangsaðferð Username Notandanafn Advanced Meira Password Lykilorð Resource access token method Persist between launches Token URL Slóð á teikn Client Secret Leyniorð biðlara Client ID Auðkenni biðlara Token Session Seta teikns Refresh Token URL Endurlesa slóð á teikn Port number Númer gáttar / / Subdirectory Undirmappa Defined Skilgreint Defined configurations are JSON-formatted files, with a single configuration per file. This allows configurations to be swapped out via filesystem tools without affecting user configurations. It is recommended to use the Configure tab’s export function, then edit the resulting file. See QGIS documentation for further details. Add extra config directory to parse Software Statement Configuration Url Slóð á uppsetningu Register Skráning Extra initial request parameters Key Lykill Value (unencoded) Gildi (ókóðað) Tokens Teikn Remove cached tokens Select extra directory to parse Select software statement file JSON Web Token (*.jwt) JSON vefteikn (*.jwt) ID: %1 Grant flow: %2 Description: %3 No predefined configurations found on disk Save OAuth2 Config File Vista OAuth2 uppsetningarskrá Select OAuth2 Config File Veldu OAuth2 uppsetningarskrá Downloading configuration failed with error: %1 Configurations files can be placed in the directories: Configuration files can be placed in the directories: %1 QgsAuthOAuth2Method OAuth2 authentication OAuth2 auðkenning Authenticator linking (login) has failed Linking succeeded, but authenticator access FAILED: null object Linking apparently succeeded, but authenticator FAILED to verify it is linked Linking succeeded Open browser requested Beðið um að opna vafra Close browser requested Beðið um að loka vafra Network reply finished Svari á neti lokið Network reply finished but no reply object accessible Results: %1 Niðurstöður: %1 Network error but no reply object accessible Network error: %1 Villa í nettengingu: %1 Network error but no reply object attributes found Network error, HTTP status: %1 Villa í nettengingu, staða HTTP: %1 Attempting token refresh… Reyni að endurnýja teikn... Token refresh FAILED: authcfg empty Background token refresh underway for authcfg: %1 Background token refresh FAILED for authcfg %1: could not get authenticator object Token refresh finished but no reply object accessible Token refresh error: %1 QgsAuthPkcs12Edit Optional passphrase Valkvætt lykilorð Show Birta Required Krafist Bundle Vöndull CAs Vottunaraðilar (CA) Key Lykill Add bundle CAs to the connection Add Bæta við Add also root (self-signed) CA Root Rót Missing components Vantar hluta QCA library has no PKCS#12 support QCA-aðgerðasafnið er ekki með stuðning við PKCS#12 Failed to read bundle file Mistókst að lesa vafningsskrá Incorrect bundle password Rangt lykilorð vafnings Failed to decode (try entering password) Mistókst að afkóða (reyndu að setja inn lykilorð) Bundle empty or can not be loaded Vöndull er tómur eða ekki hægt að hlaða inn Bundle client cert can not be loaded Ekki var hægt að hlaða inn skilríki biðlara úr vöndli %1 thru %2 %1 til %2 Valid: %1 Gilt: %1 Invalid: %1 Ógilt: %1 Open PKCS#12 Certificate Bundle Opna PKCS#12 skilríkjavöndul PKCS#12 (*.p12 *.pfx) PKCS#12 (*.p12 *.pfx) <ul><li>Serial #: %1</li><li>Expiry date: %2</li></ul> <ul><li>Raðnúmer #: %1</li><li>Rennur út: %2</li></ul> QgsAuthPkcs12Method PKI PKCS#12 authentication PKI PKCS#12 auðkenning QgsAuthPkiPathsEdit Required Krafist CAs Vottunaraðilar (CA) Optional passphrase Valkvætt lykilorð Show Birta Add bundle CAs to the connection Add Bæta við Add also root (self-signed) CA Root Rót Key Lykill Cert Skilríki Missing components Vantar hluta Failed to load certificate from file Mistókst að hlaða skilríki inn úr skrá %1 thru %2 %1 til %2 Valid: %1 Gilt: %1 Invalid: %1 Ógilt: %1 Open Client Certificate File Opna skilríkjaskrá forrits All files (*.*);;PEM (*.pem);;DER (*.der) Allar skrár (*.*);;PEM (*.pem);;DER (*.der) <ul><li>Serial #: %1</li><li>Expiry date: %2</li></ul> <ul><li>Raðnúmer #: %1</li><li>Rennur út: %2</li></ul> Open Private Key File Opna einkalykilskrá QgsAuthPkiPathsMethod PKI paths authentication PKI auðkenning með slóðum QgsAuthServersEditor Server Exceptions/SSL Configs Editor Undanþágur þjóna / Ritill SSL-uppsetninga Server Certificate Exceptions and SSL Configurations Undanþágur skilríkja þjóna og SSL-uppsetningar Add new server certificate configuration Remove selected server certificate configuration Edit selected server certificate configuration Group by organization Hópa eftir stofnun Common Name Samheiti (CN) Host Þjónn Expiry Date Rennur út SSL Server Configurations Uppsetningar SSL-þjóna SSL custom config id missing Auðkenni sérsniðinnar SSL-uppsetningar vantar SSL custom config host:port missing Hýsilvél:gátt sérsniðinnar SSL-uppsetningar vantar Remove SSL Custom Configuration Are you sure you want to remove the selected SSL custom configuration from the database? Operation can NOT be undone! ERROR removing SSL custom config from authentication database for host:port, id %1: VILLA við að fjarlægja sésniðna SSL-uppsetningu úr auðkenningargagnagrunni fyrir hýsilvél:gátt,auðkenni %1: SSL custom config id missing. SSL custom config host:port missing. QgsAuthSettingsWidget Form Form Configurations Uppsetningar Choose or create an authentication configuration Configurations store encrypted credentials in the QGIS authentication database. Basic Einfalt Convert to configuration Store Geyma Warning text! Aðvörunartexti! Optional Valfrjálst Passwor&d Ly&kilorð &User name &Notandanafn <div>Warning: credentials stored as plain text in %1.</div> project file verkefnisskrá user settings notandastillingar Converted config %1 Couldn't create a Basic authentication configuration! QgsAuthSslConfigDialog Custom Certificate Configuration Uppsetning sérsniðins skilríkis QgsAuthSslConfigWidget Form Form Certificate Skilríki Name Heiti host:port (required) vél:gátt (krafist) Show information for certificate Birta upplýsingar um skilríki ? ? Server Þjónn Custom SSL configuration Sérsniðin SSL-uppsetning Field Gagnasvið Protocol Samskiptaháttur Peer verification Sannprófun jafningja Verify peer certs Sannreyna jafningjaskilríki Do not verify peer certs Ekki sannreyna jafningjaskilríki Peer verification depth (0 = complete cert chain) Stig athugunar á jafningjaskilríkjum (0 = öll skilríkjakeðjan) Ignore errors Hunsa villur QgsAuthSslErrorsDialog Custom Certificate Configuration Uppsetning sérsniðins skilríkis SSL Errors occurred accessing URL: SSL-villur komu í ljós við að opna slóðina: SSL Errors SSL-villur Show information for certificate chain Birta upplýsingar um skilríkjakeðju Connection certificates Skilríki tengingar Connection trusted CAs Treystir vottunaraðilar (CA) tengingar Save SSL server e&xception Vista undanþágu SSL-þ&jóns WARNING: Only save SSL configurations when necessary. AÐVÖRUN: Aðeins ætti að vista SSL-uppsetningar þegar það er nauðsynlegt. QgsAuthSslImportDialog Connected to %1: %2 Tengt við %1: %2 Socket CONNECTED Sökkull er TENGDUR Socket DISCONNECTED Sökkull er AFTENGDUR Socket ENCRYPTED Sökkull er DULRITAÐUR Protocol Samskiptaháttur Session cipher Dulritunarlykill setu (cipher) Socket ERROR Villa í SÖKKLI Socket unavailable or not encrypted Sökkull er ekki tiltækur eða ekki dulritaður Open Server Certificate File Opna skilríkjaskrá þjóns All files (*.*);;PEM (*.pem);;DER (*.der) Allar skrár (*.*);;PEM (*.pem);;DER (*.der) Could not load any certs from file Gat ekki hlaðið neinum skilríkjum inn úr skrá Could not load server cert from file Gat ekki hlaðið skilríkjum þjóna inn úr skrá Certificate does not appear for be for an SSL server. You can still add a configuration, if you know it is the correct certificate. Skilríkið lítur ekki út fyrir að vera ætlað SSL-þjóni. Þú getur samt bætt við uppsetningu, ef þú veist að þetta sé rétta skilríkið. QgsAuthSslTestDialog Custom Certificate Configuration Uppsetning sérsniðins skilríkis <html><head/><body><p>Save a custom SSL server configuration, importing certificate from server or file. WARNING: Only save configurations when necessary.</p></body></html> <html><head/><body><p>Vista sérsniðna uppsetningu SSL-þjóns, flyt inn skilríki frá þjóni eða úr skrá. AÐVÖRUN: Aðeins ætti að vista uppsetningar þegar það er nauðsynlegt.</p></body></html> Import Certificate Flytja inn skilríki From server Frá þjóni https:// https:// www.example.com http://www.dæmi.is : : Connect Tengja Timeout Tímamörk sec sek From file Úr skrá PEM/DER formatted file PEM/DER sniðin skrá QgsAuthTrustedCAsDialog Trusted Certificate Authorities Treystir vottunaraðilar skilríkja (CA) Trusted Certificate Authorities/Issuers (used in secure connections) Treystir vottunaraðilar skilríkja (CA) eða útgefendur (notað í öruggum tengingum) Group by organization Hópa eftir stofnun Common Name Samheiti (CN) Serial # Raðnúmer # Expiry Date Rennur út Authorities/Issuers Vottunaraðilar/útgefendur QgsBinaryWidgetWrapper Embed File… Ívefja skrá… Clear Contents… Save Contents to File… Binary (%1) Save Contents to File All files Allar skrár Saved content to <a href="%1">%2</a> Embed File Clear Contents Are you sure you want the clear this field's content? QgsBlendModeComboBox Normal Venjulegt Lighten Lýsa Screen Rastar Dodge Upplita Addition Samlagning Darken Dekkja Multiply Margfalda Burn Brenna Overlay Yfirlag Soft light Mjúk lýsing Hard light Hörð lýsing Difference Mismunur Subtract Frádráttur QgsBlockingNetworkRequest Network Netkerfi Redirect loop detected: %1 Hringtenging fannst: %1 empty response: %1 tómt svar: %1 network request update failed for authentication config Uppfærsla á netbeiðni um auðkenningaruppsetningu mistókst QgsBlurWidget Stack blur (fast, doesn't support high dpi) Gaussian blur (quality, supports high dpi) QgsBookmarkLocatorFilter Spatial Bookmarks Staðbókamerki QgsBookmarks Import/Export Bookmarks Flytja bókamerki inn/út Unable to open bookmarks database. Database: %1 Driver: %2 Database: %3 Gat ekki opnað bókamerkjagagnagrunninn. Gagnagrunnur: %1 Rekill: %2 Gagnagrunnur: %3 ID Auðkenni (ID) Name Heiti Project Verkefni xMin X-lágmark yMin Y-lágmark xMax xHámark yMax yHámark SRID Staðviðmiðskerfis-auðkenni (SRID) New bookmark Nýtt bókamerki Add Bookmark Bæta við bókamerki Export Bookmarks Flytja út bókamerki XML files (*.xml *.XML) XML skrár (*.xml *.XML) Are you sure you want to delete %n bookmark(s)? number of rows Ertu viss um að þú viljir eyða %n bókamerki? Ertu viss um að þú viljir eyða %n bókamerkjum? Reprojected extent is empty. Endurvörpuð kortvídd er tóm. &Export &Flytja út &Import Flytja &inn Spatial Bookmarks Staðbókamerki Delete Bookmarks Eyða bókamerkjum Empty Extent Tóm kortvídd Import Bookmarks Flytja inn bókamerki Unable to create the bookmark. Driver: %1 Database: %2 Gat ekki búið til bókamerkið. Rekill: %1 Gagnagrunnur: %2 QgsBookmarksBase Spatial Bookmarks Staðbókamerki Add Bæta við Add bookmark Bæta við bókamerki Delete Eyða Delete bookmark Eyða bókamerki Zoom to Renna að Zoom to bookmark Renna að bókamerki QgsBrowserDirectoryPropertiesBase Path Slóð QgsBrowserDockWidget Type here to filter visible items… Skrifaðu hér til að sía sýnileg atriði… Case Sensitive Háð há/lágstöfum Filter Pattern Syntax Málskipan síunarmynsturs Normal Venjulegt Wildcard(s) Algildistákn Regular Expression Regluleg segð Add directory to favorites Bæta möppu í eftirlæti QgsBrowserDockWidgetBase Browser Vafri Refresh Endurnýja Add Layers Bæta við lögum Add Selected Layers Bæta við völdum lögum Filter Browser Síuvafri Show Properties Birta eiginleika Enable/disable properties widget Virkja/afvirkja viðmótshluta fyrir eiginleika Collapse All Fella allt saman Options Valkostir QgsBrowserLayerProperties Error Villa QgsBrowserLayerPropertiesBase Metadata Lýsigögn Preview Forskoðun Attributes Eigindi notice tilkynning QgsBrowserModel Project Home Upphafsstaða verkefnis Home Heim Favorites Eftirlæti QgsBrowserPropertiesDialog Layer Properties Stillingar lags Directory Properties Eiginleikar möppu QgsBrowserPropertiesDialogBase Dialog Samskiptagluggi QgsBrushStyleComboBox Solid Gegnheilt No Brush Enginn pensill Horizontal Lárétt Vertical Lóðrétt Cross Kross BDiagonal BSkálína FDiagonal FSkálína Diagonal X Skálína X Dense 1 Þétt 1 Dense 2 2 Dense 3 Þétt 3 Dense 4 Þétt 4 Dense 5 Þétt 5 Dense 6 Þétt 6 Dense 7 Þétt 7 QgsBusyIndicatorDialog QGIS QGIS QgsCalendarConfigDlgBase Form Form A calendar widget to enter a date. Dagatalsviðmót til að setja inn dagsetningu. Date format Snið á dagsetningu <html><head/><body><p>Example formats:</p><table border="0" style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px;" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0" bgcolor="#f6f6f6"><thead><tr><td style=" vertical-align:top; padding-left:10; padding-right:15; padding-top:5; padding-bottom:5;"><p align="center"><span style=" font-family:'Open Sans,sans-serif'; font-size:12px; font-weight:600; color:#363534;">Format</span></p></td><td style=" vertical-align:top; padding-left:10; padding-right:15; padding-top:5; padding-bottom:5;"><p align="center"><span style=" font-family:'Open Sans,sans-serif'; font-size:12px; font-weight:600; color:#363534;">Result</span></p></td></tr></thead><tr><td bgcolor="#f6f6f6" style=" vertical-align:top; padding-left:10; padding-right:10; padding-top:3; padding-bottom:3;"><p><span style=" font-family:'Open Sans,sans-serif'; font-size:11px; color:#66666e; background-color:#f6f6f6;">dd.MM.yyyy</span></p></td><td bgcolor="#f6f6f6" style=" vertical-align:top; padding-left:10; padding-right:10; padding-top:3; padding-bottom:3;"><p><span style=" font-family:'Open Sans,sans-serif'; font-size:11px; color:#66666e; background-color:#f6f6f6;">21.05.2001</span></p></td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="#ffffff" style=" vertical-align:top; padding-left:10; padding-right:10; padding-top:3; padding-bottom:3;"><p><span style=" font-family:'Open Sans,sans-serif'; font-size:11px; color:#66666e; background-color:#ffffff;">ddd MMMM d yy</span></p></td><td bgcolor="#ffffff" style=" vertical-align:top; padding-left:10; padding-right:10; padding-top:3; padding-bottom:3;"><p><span style=" font-family:'Open Sans,sans-serif'; font-size:11px; color:#66666e; background-color:#ffffff;">Tue May 21 01</span></p></td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="#f6f6f6" style=" vertical-align:top; padding-left:10; padding-right:10; padding-top:3; padding-bottom:3;"><p><span style=" font-family:'Open Sans,sans-serif'; font-size:11px; color:#66666e; background-color:#f6f6f6;">hh:mm:ss.zzz</span></p></td><td bgcolor="#f6f6f6" style=" vertical-align:top; padding-left:10; padding-right:10; padding-top:3; padding-bottom:3;"><p><span style=" font-family:'Open Sans,sans-serif'; font-size:11px; color:#66666e; background-color:#f6f6f6;">14:13:09.042</span></p></td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="#ffffff" style=" vertical-align:top; padding-left:10; padding-right:10; padding-top:3; padding-bottom:3;"><p><span style=" font-family:'Open Sans,sans-serif'; font-size:11px; color:#66666e; background-color:#ffffff;">h:m:s ap</span></p></td><td bgcolor="#ffffff" style=" vertical-align:top; padding-left:10; padding-right:10; padding-top:3; padding-bottom:3;"><p><span style=" font-family:'Open Sans,sans-serif'; font-size:11px; color:#66666e; background-color:#ffffff;">2:13:9 pm</span></p></td></tr></table><p><a href="http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-5.0/qtcore/qdatetime.html#toString"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#0000ff;">Reference documentation</span></a></p></body></html> <html><head/><body><p>Dæmi um snið:</p><table border="0" style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px;" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0" bgcolor="#f6f6f6"><thead><tr><td style=" vertical-align:top; padding-left:10; padding-right:15; padding-top:5; padding-bottom:5;"><p align="center"><span style=" font-family:'Open Sans,sans-serif'; font-size:12px; font-weight:600; color:#363534;">Snið</span></p></td><td style=" vertical-align:top; padding-left:10; padding-right:15; padding-top:5; padding-bottom:5;"><p align="center"><span style=" font-family:'Open Sans,sans-serif'; font-size:12px; font-weight:600; color:#363534;">Útkoma</span></p></td></tr></thead><tr><td bgcolor="#f6f6f6" style=" vertical-align:top; padding-left:10; padding-right:10; padding-top:3; padding-bottom:3;"><p><span style=" font-family:'Open Sans,sans-serif'; font-size:11px; color:#66666e; background-color:#f6f6f6;">dd.MM.yyyy</span></p></td><td bgcolor="#f6f6f6" style=" vertical-align:top; padding-left:10; padding-right:10; padding-top:3; padding-bottom:3;"><p><span style=" font-family:'Open Sans,sans-serif'; font-size:11px; color:#66666e; background-color:#f6f6f6;">21.05.2001</span></p></td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="#ffffff" style=" vertical-align:top; padding-left:10; padding-right:10; padding-top:3; padding-bottom:3;"><p><span style=" font-family:'Open Sans,sans-serif'; font-size:11px; color:#66666e; background-color:#ffffff;">ddd d. MMMM, yy</span></p></td><td bgcolor="#ffffff" style=" vertical-align:top; padding-left:10; padding-right:10; padding-top:3; padding-bottom:3;"><p><span style=" font-family:'Open Sans,sans-serif'; font-size:11px; color:#66666e; background-color:#ffffff;">Þri 21. maí, 01</span></p></td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="#f6f6f6" style=" vertical-align:top; padding-left:10; padding-right:10; padding-top:3; padding-bottom:3;"><p><span style=" font-family:'Open Sans,sans-serif'; font-size:11px; color:#66666e; background-color:#f6f6f6;">hh:mm:ss.zzz</span></p></td><td bgcolor="#f6f6f6" style=" vertical-align:top; padding-left:10; padding-right:10; padding-top:3; padding-bottom:3;"><p><span style=" font-family:'Open Sans,sans-serif'; font-size:11px; color:#66666e; background-color:#f6f6f6;">14:13:09.042</span></p></td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="#ffffff" style=" vertical-align:top; padding-left:10; padding-right:10; padding-top:3; padding-bottom:3;"><p><span style=" font-family:'Open Sans,sans-serif'; font-size:11px; color:#66666e; background-color:#ffffff;">h:m:s ap</span></p></td><td bgcolor="#ffffff" style=" vertical-align:top; padding-left:10; padding-right:10; padding-top:3; padding-bottom:3;"><p><span style=" font-family:'Open Sans,sans-serif'; font-size:11px; color:#66666e; background-color:#ffffff;">2:13:9 fh</span></p></td></tr></table><p><a href="http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-5.0/qtcore/qdatetime.html#toString"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#0000ff;">Heimildir</span></a></p></body></html> QgsCategorizedSymbolRendererModel all other values Symbol Tákn Value Gildi Legend Skýring QgsCategorizedSymbolRendererWidget Column Dálkur Symbol Tákn Change… Skipta um… Color ramp Litastigi Classify Flokka Add Bæta við Delete Eyða Delete All Eyða öllu Advanced Meira Match to Saved Symbols Samsvara vistuðum táknum Match to Symbols from File… Samsvara táknum úr skrá… Symbol Levels… Stigun tákna… Data-defined Size Legend… Merge Categories Unmerge Categories Classify Categories High number of classes. Classification would yield %1 entries which might not be expected. Continue? Delete Classification Eyða flokkun The classification field was changed from '%1' to '%2'. Should the existing classes be deleted before classification? Flokkun gagnasviðs var breytt úr '%1' í '%2'. Á að eyða fyrirliggjandi flokkum áður en endurflokkun hefst? Matched Symbols Samsvarandi tákn Matched %1 categories to symbols. No categories could be matched to symbols in library. Match to Symbols from File XML files (*.xml *.XML) XML skrár (*.xml *.XML) An error occurred while reading file: %1 Matched %1 categories to symbols from file. No categories could be matched to symbols in file. QgsCharacterSelectorBase Character Selector Stafaval Font Letur Current font family and style Núverandi leturgerð og stíll QgsCheckBoxConfigDlgBase Form Form Representation for checked state Representation for unchecked state QgsCheckableComboBox Select All Velja allt Deselect All Afvelja allt QgsCodeEditorCSS CSS Editor CSS-ritill QgsCodeEditorExpression Expression Editor QgsCodeEditorHTML HTML Editor HTML-ritill QgsCodeEditorPython Python Editor Python-ritill QgsCodeEditorSQL SQL Editor SQL-ritill QgsCollapsibleGroupBoxBasic Shift-click to expand, then collapse others Smella til að fella út, síðan fella annað saman Ctrl (or Alt)-click to toggle all Ctrl (eða Alt)-smella til að víxla öllu af/á QgsCollapsibleGroupBoxPlugin A collapsible group box Samfellanlegur valreitahópur A collapsible group box with save state capability Samfellanlegur valreitahópur með möguleika á vistun stöðu QgsColorBrewerColorRampDialog ColorBrewer Ramp Litastigi úr litblandara QgsColorBrewerColorRampWidgetBase ColorBrewer Ramp Litastigi úr litblandara Colors Litir Scheme name Heiti á skipan Preview Forskoða QgsColorButton Select Color Velja lit No color Enginn litur Linked color Clear Color Hreinsa lit Default Color Sjálfgefinn litur Unlink Color Copy Color Afrita lit Paste Color Líma lit Pick Color Plokka lit Choose Color… Veldu lit… QgsColorButtonPlugin Select color Veldu lit QgsColorDialog Reset Endurstilla Select Color Veldu lit QgsColorDialogBase Color Picker Litaplokkari Import colors from file Flytja liti inn úr skrá Import Colors… Flytja inn liti… Export Colors… Flytja út liti… Export colors to file Flytja liti út í skrá Paste Colors Líma liti Paste colors from clipboard Líma liti af klippispjaldi Import Palette… Flytja inn litaspjald… New Palette… Nýtt litaspjald… Import palette from file Flytja litaspjald inn úr skrá Remove Palette Fjarlægja litaspjald Remove current palette Fjarlægja núverandi litaspjald Create a new palette Búa til nýtt litaspjald Copy Colors Afrita liti Copy selected colors Afrita valda liti QgsColorEffectWidget Off Ekki notað By lightness Eftir ljósleika By luminosity Eftir skærleika By average Eftir meðaltali QgsColorRampButton Select Color Ramp Veldu litastiga Edit Ramp Breyta litastiga All Color Ramps Allir litastigar Invert Color Ramp Snúa við litastiga Clear Current Ramp Hreinsa núverandi litastiga Default Color Ramp Sjálfgefinn litastigi Random Color Ramp Handahófskenndur litastigi Shuffle Random Colors Stokka slembna litir Create New Color Ramp… Búa til nýjan litastiga… Edit Color Ramp… Breyta litastiga… Save Color Ramp… Vista litastiga… Gradient Litstigull Catalog: cpt-city Efnisskrá: cpt-city Color presets Forstilltir litir Random Handahóf Catalog: ColorBrewer Efnisskrá: ColorBrewer Color ramp type Gerð litastiga Please select color ramp type: Veldu gerð litastiga: Save Color Ramp Vista litastiga Color ramp with name '%1' already exists. Overwrite? Litastigi með nafninu '%1' er þegar til. Viltu yfirskrifa? QgsColorRampShaderWidget Options Valkostir Change Color… Breyta lit… Change Opacity… Breyta ógegnsæi… Discrete Óáberandi Linear Línulegt Exact Nákvæmt Continuous Samfellt Equal Interval Jöfn bil Quantile Hlutfallsmark Load Color Map Opna litakort The color map for band %1 has no entries. Litakortið fyrir tíðnisviðið %1 er ekki með neinar færslur. Load Color Map from File Hlaða litakorti inn úr skrá Textfile (*.txt) Textaskrá (*.txt) The following lines contained errors Eftirfarandi línur innihéldu villur Read access denied. Adjust the file permissions and try again. Save Color Map as File Vista litakort sem skrá QGIS Generated Color Map Export File Write access denied. Adjust the file permissions and try again. Skrifaðgangi hafnað. Lagaðu skráaheimildirnar og prófaðu svo aftur. Value Gildi Value for color stop Gildi litastopps Value <= Gildi <= Maximum value for class Value = Gildi = Value for color Gildi litar Opacity Gagnsæi Change color opacity [%] Breyta ógegnsæi litar [%] QgsColorRampShaderWidgetBase Form Form Value Gildi Color Litur Label Merki Color ramp Litastigi Interpolation Brúun (interpolation) Classify Flokka Add values manually Bæta við gildum handvirkt Remove selected row(s) Fjarlægja valdar raðir Load color map from band Hlaða litakorti inn úr tíðnisviði Load color map from file Hlaða litakorti inn úr skrá Export color map to file Flytja litakort út í skrá If checked, any pixels with a value out of range will not be rendered Clip out of range values Mode Hamur Classes Klasar Unit suffix Viðskeyti mælieiningar Label unit suffix Mælieining merkis viðskeyti QgsColorSchemeList Select Palette File Veldu litaspjaldsskrá Import Colors Flytja inn liti Error, file does not exist or is not readable. Villa, skráin er ekki til eða er ólæsileg. Error, no colors found in palette file. Villa, engir litir fundust í litaspjaldsskrá. Palette file Litaspjaldsskrá Export Colors Flytja út liti Error writing palette file. Villa kom upp við að skrifa litaspjaldsskrá. QgsColorSchemeModel Color Litur Label Merki QgsColorSliderWidget % % QgsColorSwatchDelegate Select Color Veldu lit Select color Veldu lit QgsColorTextWidget rgb( %1, %2, %3 ) rgb( %1, %2, %3 ) rgba( %1, %2, %3, %4 ) rgba( %1, %2, %3, %4 ) #RRGGBB #RRGGBB #RRGGBBAA #RRGGBBAA rgb( r, g, b ) rgb( r, g, b ) rgba( r, g, b, a ) rgba( r, g, b, a ) QgsCompassPlugin Show compass Birta áttavita &About Um &hugbúnaðinn QgsCompassPluginGui Pixmap not found Mynd fannst ekki QgsCompassPluginGuiBase Internal Compass Innbyggður áttaviti Azimut Stefnuhorn QgsCompoundColorWidget Select Palette File Veldu litaspjaldsskrá Import Color Palette Flytja inn litaspjald Error, file does not exist or is not readable. Villa, skráin er ekki til eða er ólæsileg. Palette file is not readable. Litaspjaldsskráin er ekki læsileg. No colors found in palette file. Engir litir fundust í litaspjaldsskrá. Remove Color Palette Fjarlægja litaspjald Are you sure you want to remove %1? Ertu viss um að þú viljir fjarlægja %1? Create New Palette Búa til nýtt litaspjald Enter a name for the new palette: Settu nafn fyrir nýja litaspjaldið: New palette Nýtt litaspjald new_palette nýtt litaspjald QgsCompoundColorWidgetBase H H S S V V R R G G B B Opacity Ógegnsæi HTML notation HTML litkóði Color ramp Litastigi Color wheel Litahringur Color swatches Litaprufur Add current color Bæta við núverandi lit Remove selected color Fjarlægja valinn lit Color picker Litaplokkari Sample average radius Meðalradíus sýnis px px Sample color Litasýni <i>Press space to sample a color from under the mouse cursor</i> <i>Ýttu á bilslána til að taka litsýni undan músarbendlinum</i> Current Núverandi Old Fyrri Add color to swatch Bæta lit í litaprufu Import Colors… Flytja inn liti… Export Colors… Flytja út liti… Import Palette… Flytja inn litaspjald… New Palette… Nýtt litaspjald… Import colors from file Flytja liti inn úr skrá Export colors to file Flytja liti út í skrá Paste Colors Líma liti Paste colors from clipboard Líma liti af klippispjaldi Import palette from file Flytja litaspjald inn úr skrá Remove Palette Fjarlægja litaspjald Remove current palette Fjarlægja núverandi litaspjald Create a new palette Búa til nýtt litaspjald Copy Colors Afrita liti Copy selected colors Afrita valda liti Show in Color Buttons Birta í litahnöppum QgsConfigCache Error when loading project file '%1': %2 QgsConfigureShortcutsDialog Keyboard Shortcuts Flýtileiðir á lyklaborði Search… Leita… Action Aðgerð Shortcut Flýtilyklar Change Skipta um Set None Setja ekkert Set Default Setja sjálfgefið Load… Hlaða inn… Save… Vista… XML file XML-skrá All files Allar skrár Cannot write file %1: %2. Get ekki skrifað í skrá %1: %2. Save Shortcuts Vista flýtilykla Saving Shortcuts Vista flýtilykla Load Shortcuts Lesa inn flýtilykla Loading Shortcuts Les inn flýtilykla Cannot read file %1: %2. Get ekki lesið skra %1: %2. Parse error at line %1, column %2: %3 Þáttunarvilla í línu %1 dálki %2: %3 The file is not an shortcuts exchange file. Skráin er ekki gild skiptiskrá flýtilykla. The file contains shortcuts created with different locale, so you can't use it. Skráin inniheldur flýtilykla sem gerðir hafa verið í annarri staðfærslu, þannig að þú getur ekki notað hana. None Ekkert Set default (%1) Gera sjálfgefið (%1) Input: Inntak: Change Shortcut Skipta um flýtilykil This shortcut is already assigned to action %1. Reassign? Þessi flýtilykill hefur nú þegar verið skilgreindur %1. Endurúthluta? QgsCptCityBrowserModel Name Heiti Info Upplýsingar QgsCptCityColorRampDialog Error - cpt-city gradient files not found. You have two means of installing them: 1) Install the "Color Ramp Manager" python plugin (you must enable Experimental plugins in the plugin manager) and use it to download latest cpt-city package. You can install the entire cpt-city archive or a selection for QGIS. 2) Download the complete archive (in svg format) and unzip it to your QGIS settings directory [%1] . This file can be found at [%2] and current file is [%3] Selections by theme Val eftir þema All by author Allt eftir höfund All Ramps (%1) Allir litastigar (%1) %1 Directory Details Nánar um %1 möppu %1 Gradient Details Nánar um %1 litstigul You can download a more complete set of cpt-city gradients by installing the "Color Ramp Manager" plugin (you must enable Experimental plugins in the plugin manager). Download More Cpt-city Gradients Sækja fleiri Cpt-city litstigla QgsCptCityColorRampDialogBase Cpt-city Color Ramp Cpt-city litastigi Selection and Preview Val og forskoðun License Notkunarleyfi Palette Litaspjald Path Slóð Information Upplýsingar Author(s) Höfundur(ar) Source Uppruni Details Nánar Save as standard gradient Vista sem staðlaðan stigul QgsCptCityColorRampItem colors litir discrete óáberandi continuous samfellt continuous (multi) samfellt (margþátta) variants tilbrigði QgsCrashDialog Dialog Samskiptagluggi Copy Report Afrita skýrslu Tell us something about when you got the crash Segþu okkur eitthvað um það sem þú varst að gera þegar forritið hrundi Report Details Nánari skýrsla Reload QGIS Endurhlaða QGIS Quit Hætta Header Haus Message Skilaboð Help Message Hjálparskilaboð Oh Uh! Úbbs! :( QGIS Crashed :( QGIS hrundi Sorry. It looks something unexpected happened that we didn't handle and QGIS crashed. Keen to help us fix bugs? <a href="http://qgis.org/en/site/getinvolved/development/bugreporting.html#bugs-features-and-issues">Follow the steps to help our developers.</a><br><br>You can also send us a helpful bug report using the Copy Report button <br>and opening a ticket at <a href="https://github.com/qgis/QGIS/issues">QGIS Issue Tracker</a> QgsCredentialDialog Enter Credentials Settu inn auðkenni Username Notandanafn Password Lykilorð Verify password Staðfesta lykilorð Store master password in your password manager Do not forget it: NOT retrievable! Saved for session, until app is quit. Password attempts: # Fjöldi tilrauna við innsetningu lykilorðs: # Erase authentication database? Hreinsa gagnagrunn auðkenningar? TextLabel Textamerki Realm Umráðasvæði (Realm) Required Krafist Store/update the master password in your %1 Enter CURRENT master authentication password Set NEW master authentication password Password attempts: %1 Fjöldi tilrauna við innsetningu lykilorðs: %1 QgsCustomLayerOrderWidget Control rendering order Stýra röð myndgerðar QgsCustomProjectionDialog QGIS Custom Projection Sérsniðin QGIS vörpun new CRS Nýtt viðmiðskerfi (CRS) The proj4 definition of '%1' is not valid. Skilgreining proj4 á '%1' er ekki gild. This proj projection definition is not valid. Northing and Easting must be in decimal form. Internal Error (source projection invalid?) Innbyggð villa (vörpun gagna ógild?) Error Villa QgsCustomProjectionDialogBase Custom Coordinate Reference System Definition Skilgreining á sérsniðnu viðmiðskerfi (CRS) Define Skilgreina ID Auðkenni (ID) You can define your own custom Coordinate Reference System (CRS) here. The definition must conform to the proj4 format for specifying a CRS. Þú getur skilgreint þín eigin sérsniðin hnitaviðmiðskerfi (CRS - Coordinate Reference System) hér. Skilgreiningin verður að vera í samræmi við proj4-sniðið fyrir skilgreiningu á CRS-viðmiðskerfum. Name Heiti Parameters Breytur Copy parameters from existing CRS Afrita breytur úr fyrirliggjandi viðmiðskerfi (CRS) Test Prófa Use the text boxes below to test the CRS definition you are creating. Enter a coordinate where both the lat/long and the transformed result are known (for example by reading off a map). Then press the calculate button to see if the CRS definition you are creating is accurate. Notaðu textareitina hér fyrir neðan til að prófa viðmiðskerfið sem þú ert að búa til. Settu inn hnit þar sem bæði breidd/lengd og umvörpuð útkoma eru þekkt (til dæmis með því að lesa af korti). Ýttu síðan á reiknihnappinn til að sjá hvort viðmiðsskilgreiningin sem þú ert að búa til sé nákvæm. Geographic / WGS84 Landfræðilegt / WGS84 Destination CRS Markmiðs-viðmiðskerfi North Norður East Austur Add new CRS Bæta við nýju viðmiðskerfi (CRS) Calculate Reikna Remove CRS Fjarlægja viðmiðskerfi (CRS) QgsCustomizationDialog Object name Heiti hlutar Label Merki Choose a customization INI file Veldu INI-sérsníðingarskrá Customization files (*.ini) Sérsníðingarskrár (*.ini) QgsCustomizationDialogBase Interface Customization Sérsníðing viðmóts Enable customization Virkja sérsníðingu toolBar VerkfæraStika Catch Grípa Switch to catching widgets in main application Skipta yfir í að grípa viðmótshluta í aðalforritinu Save Vista Save to file Vista í skrá Load Lesa inn Load from file Lesa úr skrá Expand All Fletta allt út Collapse All Fella allt saman Check All Haka við allt QgsDashSpaceDialog Custom Dash Pattern QgsDashSpaceWidget Dash Strik Space Bil QgsDashSpaceWidgetBase Dash Space Pattern Mynstur strika og bila Dash Strik Space Bil QgsDataDefinedRotationDialog Rotation Snúningur QgsDataDefinedSizeDialog Size Stærð QgsDataDefinedSizeLegendWidget Data-defined Size Legend Legend not enabled Separated legend items Aðskilin skýringaratriði Collapsed legend Samfallin skýring Title Titill Manual size classes Add a class Legend Symbol… Skýringartákn… Remove selected class Options (collapsed only) Align symbols Hliðjafna tákn Bottom Neðst Center Miðjað Value Gildi Label Merki Add Size Class Enter value for a new class QgsDataDefinedValueBaseDialog Dialog Samskiptagluggi Label Merki QgsDataDefinedWidthDialog Width Breidd QgsDataSourceManagerDialog Data Source Manager Gagnagjafastýring Browser Vafri Cannot get %1 select dialog from source select provider %2. Data Source Manager | %1 Gagnagjafastýring | %1 Add %1 layer Bæta við %1 lagi QgsDataSourceSelectDialog Dialog Samskiptagluggi Options Valkostir Refresh Endurnýja Filter Browser Síuvafri Collapse All Fella allt saman Select a Data Source Type here to filter visible items… Skrifaðu hér til að sía sýnileg atriði… Case Sensitive Háð há/lágstöfum Filter Pattern Syntax Málskipan síunarmynsturs Normal Venjulegt Wildcard(s) Algildistákn Regular Expression Regluleg segð QgsDateTimeEdit clear hreinsa QgsDateTimeEditConfig Form Form Date Dagsetning Time Tími Date time Dagsetningarsnið ISO date time ISO dagsetningarsnið Qt ISO Date format Qt ISO dagsetningarsnið ISO 8601 ISO 8601 extended format: either <code>yyyy-MM-dd</code> for dates or <code>yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss</code> (e.g. 2017-07-24T15:46:29), or with a time-zone suffix (Z for UTC otherwise an offset as [+|-]HH:mm) where appropriate for combined dates and times. ítarlegt snið: annað hvort <code>yyyy-MM-dd</code> fyrir dagsetningar eða <code>yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss</code> (t.d. 2017-07-24T15:46:29), eða með viðskeyti fyrir tímabelti (Z fyrir UTC, annars sem hliðrun/tímamunur [+|-]HH:mm) þar sem við á fyrir samtvinnaðar dagsetningar og tíma. Format Snið Examples result Dæmi um útkomu Expression Segð Date output Dagsetningarúttak the day as number without a leading zero (1 to 31) dagur sem tala án núlls fyrir framan (1 til 31) the day as number with a leading zero (01 to 31) dagur sem tala með núlli fyrir framan (01 til 31) the abbreviated localized day name (e.g. 'Mon' to 'Sun'). Uses the system locale to localize the name, i.e. stytt og staðfært nafn vikudags (td. 'Mán' til 'Sun'). Notar staðfærslu kerfisins til að staðfæra nafnið, t.d. the long localized day name (e.g. 'Monday' to ' fullt staðfært heiti vikudags (t.d. 'Mánudagur' til ' Uses the system locale to localize the name, i.e. Nota staðfærslu kerfisins til að staðfæra nafnið, t.d. the month as number without a leading zero (1-12) mánuður sem tala án núlls fyrir framan (1 til 12) the month as number with a leading zero (01-12) mánuður sem tala með núlli fyrir framan (01 til 12) the abbreviated localized month name (e.g. 'Jan' to 'Dec'). Uses the system locale to localize the name, i.e. stytt og staðfært nafn mánaðar (t.d. 'Jan' til 'Des'). Notar staðfærslu kerfisins til að staðfæra nafnið, t.d. the long localized month name (e.g. 'January' to 'December'). Uses the system locale to localize the name, i.e. fullt og staðfært nafn mánaðar (td. 'Janúar' til 'Desember'). Notar staðfærslu kerfisins til að staðfæra nafnið, t.d. the year as two digit number (00-99) árið sem tveggja stafa tala (00-99) the year as four digit number árið sem fjögurra stafa tala Time output Tímaúttak the hour without a leading zero (0 to 23 or 1 to 12 if AM/PM display) klukkustundir án núlls fyrir framan (0 til 23 eða 1 til 12 ef FH/EH er birt) the hour with a leading zero (00 to 23 or 01 to 12 if AM/PM display) klukkustundir með núlli fyrir framan (00 til 23 eða 01 til 12 ef FH/EH er birt) the hour without a leading zero (0 to 23, even with AM/PM display) klukkustundir án núlls fyrir framan (0 til 23, jafnvel þó FH/EH sé birt) the hour with a leading zero (00 to 23, even with AM/PM display) klukkustundir ámeð núlli fyrir framan (00 til 23, jafnvel þó FH/EH sé birt) the minute without a leading zero (0 to 59) mínútur án núlls fyrir framan (0 til 59) the minute with a leading zero (00 to 59) mínútur með núlli fyrir framan (00 til 59) the second without a leading zero (0 to 59) sekúndur án núlls fyrir framan (0 til 59) the second with a leading zero (00 to 59) sekúndur með núlli fyrir framan (00 til 59) the milliseconds without leading zeroes (0 to 999) millísekúndur án núlla fyrir framan (0 til 999) the milliseconds with leading zeroes (000 to 999) millísekúndur með núllum fyrir framan (000 til 999) use AM/PM display. nota FH/EH við birtingu. will be replaced by either verður skipt út fyrir annað hvort or eða use am/pm display. nota fh/eh við birtingu. will be replaced by either verður skipt út fyrir annað hvort the timezone (for example &quot;CEST&quot;) tímabeltið (til dæmis &quot;CEST&quot;) Field Format Snið gagnasviðs Widget Display Birting viðmótshlutar Default Sjálfgefið Custom Sérsnið Calendar popup Dagatalsgluggi Allow NULL values Leyfa NÚLL-gildi Preview Forskoða QgsDateTimeEditPlugin Define date Skilgreina dagsetningu QgsDateTimeEditWrapper Date/time edit widget could not be initialized because provided widget is not a QDateTimeEdit. UI forms Notandaviðmótsform The usual date/time widget QDateTimeEdit cannot be configured to allow NULL values. For that the QGIS custom widget QgsDateTimeEdit needs to be used. field widgets QgsDatumTransformDialog Transformation Accuracy (meters) Source Transform Destination Transform Unknown Óþekkt File '%1' not found in directory '%2' Skráin '%1' fannst ekki í möppunni '%2' QgsDatumTransformDialogBase Select Datum Transformations Veldu umvarpanir viðmiða (datum) Destination CRS Markmiðs-viðmiðskerfi Source CRS Upprunalegt viðmiðskerfi Hide deprecated transformations If checked, the selected transformation will become the default choice in all new projects Make default QgsDatumTransformTableModel Source CRS Upprunalegt viðmiðskerfi Operation Aðgerð Source Datum Transform Destination Datum Transform Destination CRS Markmiðs-viðmiðskerfi QgsDatumTransformTableWidgetBase Form Form QgsDb2ConnectionItem DB2 Spatial Extender is not enabled or set up. Refresh Connection Endurnýja tengingu Edit Connection… Breyta tengingu… Delete Connection Eyða tengingu %1: Not a valid layer! %1: Ekki gilt lag! %1: Not a vector layer! %1: Ekki vektorlag! Import to DB2 database Flytja inn í DB2 gagnagrunn Failed to import some layers! Mistókst að flytja inn einhver lög! Import was successful. Innflutningur tókst. QgsDb2NewConnection Saving Passwords Vista lykilorð WARNING: You have opted to save your password. It will be stored in plain text in your project files and in your home directory on Unix-like systems, or in your user profile on Windows. If you do not want this to happen, please press the Cancel button. AÐVÖRUN: Þú hefur valið að vista lykilorðið þitt. Það verður geymt sem hreinn texti í verkefnaskránum þínum og í heimamöppunni þinni á Unix-afleiddum kerfum, eða í notandasniðinu þínu á Windows. Ef þú vilt ekki að þetta gerist, ýttu þá á 'Hætta við' hnappinn. Save Connection Vista tengingu Error: %1. Villa: %1. Connection to %1 was successful. Tenging við %1 tókst. Connection failed: %1. Tenging mistókst: %1. Should the existing connection %1 be overwritten? Á að skrifa yfir eldri tengingu %1? QgsDb2NewConnectionBase Connection Information Upplýsingar um tengingu Driver Rekill Host Þjónn Port Gátt &Test Connection &Prófa tengingu Database Gagnagrunnur Create a New DB2 Connection Búa til nýja DB2 tengingu Name Heiti Service/DSN Þjónusta/DSN Authentication Auðkenning QgsDb2Provider 8 Bytes integer 8 bæta heiltölur 4 Bytes integer 4 bæta heiltölur 2 Bytes integer 2 bæta heiltölur Decimal number (numeric) Rauntala (numeric) Decimal number (decimal) Rauntala (decimal) Decimal number (real) Rauntala (real) Decimal number (double) Rauntala (double) Date Dagsetning Time Tími Date & Time Dagsetning og tími Text, fixed length (char) Texti, föst lengd (char) Text, variable length (varchar) Texti, breytileg lengd (varchar) Text, variable length large object (clob) Texti, breytileg lengd stórra hluta (clob) Text, variable length large object (dbclob) Texti, breytileg lengd stórra hluta (dbclob) QgsDb2RootItem New Connection… Ný tenging… QgsDb2SchemaItem DB2 *** %1 as %2 in %3 DB2 *** %1 sem %2 í %3 as geometryless table sem rúmfræðilaus tafla QgsDb2SourceSelect Add Db2 Table(s) Bæta við Db2-töflu(m) &Set Filter &Setja síu Set Filter Setja síu Wildcard Algildistákn RegExp ReglSegð All Allt Schema Skipan Table Tafla Type Tegund Geometry column Rúmfræðidálkur Primary key column Aðallykilsdálkur SRID Staðviðmiðskerfis-auðkenni (SRID) Sql Sql Are you sure you want to remove the %1 connection and all associated settings? Ertu viss um að þú viljir fjarlægja %1 tenginguna og viðkomandi stillingar? Confirm Delete Staðfesta eyðingu Load Connections Lesa inn tengingar XML files (*.xml *.XML) XML skrár (*.xml *.XML) Select Table Velja töflu You must select a table in order to add a layer. Þú verður að velja töflu til að geta bætt við lagi. DB2 Provider DB2 þjónustuveita DB2GSE.ST_GEOMETRY_COLUMNS Not Found DB2GSE.ST_GEOMETRY_COLUMNS fannst ekki DB2GSE.ST_GEOMETRY_COLUMNS not found. The DB2 Spatial Extender is not enabled or set up. Stop Stöðva Connect Tengja QgsDb2SourceSelectDelegate Select… Velja… QgsDb2TableModel Schema Skipan Table Tafla Type Tegund Geometry column Rúmfræðidálkur SRID Staðviðmiðskerfis-auðkenni (SRID) Primary key column Aðallykilsdálkur Select at id Velja við auðkenni Sql Sql Detecting… Kanna… Select… Velja… Enter… Setja inn… Disable 'Fast Access to Features at ID' capability to force keeping the attribute table in memory (e.g. in case of expensive views). QgsDbSourceSelectBase Add PostGIS Layers Bæta við PostGIS-lögum Connections Tengingar Connect to selected database Tengjast völdum gagnagrunni Connect Tengja Create a new database connection Búa til nýja gagnagrunnstengingu New Nýtt Edit selected database connection Breyta gagnagrunnstengingu Edit Breyta Remove connection to selected database Fjarlægja tengingu við valinn gagnagrunn Remove Fjarlægja Load Load connections from file Lesa inn Save connections to file Vista tengingar í skrá Save Vista Also list tables with no geometry Einnig birta töflur án rúmfræði Keep dialog open Halda glugga opnum Search options Leitarmöguleikar Search Leita Search mode Leitarhamur Search in columns Leita í dálkum QgsDecorationCopyrightDialog Copyright Label Decoration Skraut á merkingu höfundarréttar Insert an Expression… Setja inn reglulega segð… &Placement Staðsetnin&g Margin from edge Spássía frá hlið Horizontal Lárétt Enable Copyright Label Virkja merkingu höfundarréttar Copyright label text Texti fyrir merkingu höfundarréttar Vertical Lóðrétt Font Letur Top Left Top Center Top Right Bottom Left Bottom Center Bottom Right Copyright Label Text Format Snið texta fyrir merkingu höfundarréttar QgsDecorationGrid No active layer Ekkert virkt lag Get Interval from Layer Please select a raster layer. Veldu rastalag. Layer CRS must be equal to project CRS. Hnitviðmiðskerfi lagsins verður að samsvara hnitviðmiðskerfi verkefnis. Invalid raster layer Ógilt rastalag QgsDecorationGridDialog Interval X Millibil X Interval Y Millibil Y Grid Properties Eiginleikar hnitanets Enable Grid Virkja hnitanet Draw Annotation Teikna glósu Grid type Gerð hnitanets Line symbol Tákn línu Annotation direction Átt Distance to map frame Fjarlægð að ramma korts Coordinate precision Nákvæmni hnita Font Letur Marker symbol Marktákn Offset X Hliðrun X Offset Y Hliðrun Y Update Interval / Offset from Bil milli uppfærslna / Hliðrun frá Canvas Extents Kortvídd myndflatar Active Raster Layer Virkt rastalag Line Lína Marker Mark Horizontal Lárétt Vertical Lóðrétt Boundary direction Stefna svæðismarka Horizontal and Vertical Lárétt og lóðrétt QgsDecorationLayoutExtent %1: %2 %1: %2 QgsDecorationLayoutExtentDialog Layout Extents Properties Eiginleikar kortvíddar framsetningar Show Layout Extents Birta kortvídd framsetningar Font Letur Symbol Tákn Label extents QgsDecorationNorthArrowDialog North Arrow Decoration Skreyting á norðurör Size Stærð mm mm Custom SVG Sérsniðið SVG Color Litur Fill Fylla Horizontal Lárétt Vertical Lóðrétt Automatic Sjálfvirkt Preview of north arrow Forskoðun norðurörvar Angle Horn Enable North Arrow Virkja norðurör Stroke Útlína Placement Staðsetning Margin from edge Spássía frá hlið Placement on screen Staðsetning á skjá Top Left Top Right Bottom Left Bottom Right Select SVG file Veldu SVG skrá Select North Arrow Fill Color Veldu lit fyllingar á norðurör Select North Arrow Outline Color Veldu lit útlínu á norðurör File not found Skrá fannst ekki Pixmap not found Mynd fannst ekki QgsDecorationScaleBar Tick Down Tick Up Bar Stika Box Kassi km km mm mm cm sm m m miles mílur mile míla inches tommur foot fet feet fet degree gráða degrees gráður QgsDecorationScaleBarDialog Scale Bar Decoration Skreyting kvarðastiku Scale bar style Stíll kvarðastiku Select the style of the scale bar Veldu stíl kvarðastikunnar Margin from edge Spássía frá hlið Tick Down Enable Scale Bar Fill Fylla Outline Útlína Tick Up Box Kassi Bar Stika Font of bar Font Letur Horizontal Lárétt Vertical Lóðrétt Color of bar Litur stiku Size of bar Stærð stiku Placement Staðsetning Automatically snap to round number on resize meters/km metrar/km feet/miles fet/mílur degrees gráður Top Left Top Right Bottom Left Bottom Right Select Scale Bar Fill Color Veldu lit fyllingar á kvarðastiku Select Scale Bar Outline Color Veldu lit útlínu á kvarðastiku QgsDecorationTitleDialog Title Label Decoration Enable Title Label Title label text Horizontal Lárétt Vertical Lóðrétt Insert an Expression… Setja inn reglulega segð… &Placement Staðsetnin&g Margin from edge Spássía frá hlið Background bar color Font Letur Select Background Bar Color Top Left Top Center Top Right Bottom Left Bottom Center Bottom Right Title Label Text Format QgsDefaultRasterLayerLegend following %1 items not displayed QgsDelAttrDialogBase Delete Fields Eyða gagnasviðum Provider fields can only be deleted when the layer is in edit mode. Provider does not support deleting fields. Þjónustuveita styður ekki eyðingu gagnasviða. QgsDelimitedTextProvider File type string in %1 is not correctly formatted File cannot be opened or delimiter parameters are not valid %0 field %1 is not defined in delimited text file Invalid record format at line %1 Invalid WKT at line %1 Invalid X or Y fields at line %1 %1 records discarded due to invalid format %1 records have missing geometry definitions %1 records discarded due to invalid geometry definitions %1 records discarded due to incompatible geometry types Errors in file %1 Villur í skrá %1 The following lines were not loaded into QGIS due to errors: There are %1 additional errors in the file Delimited text file errors Villa í skrá með afmörkuðum texta Invalid subset string %1 for %2 The file has been updated by another application - reloading Whole number (integer) Heiltala (integer) Decimal number (double) Rauntala (double) Text, unlimited length (text) Texti, ótakmörkuð lengd (text) Whole number (integer - 64 bit) Heiltala (integer -64bita) QgsDelimitedTextSourceSelect No layer name Ekkert nafn á lagi Please enter a layer name before adding the layer to the map Settu inn nafn á lagið áður en laginu er bætt á kort No delimiters set Engir afmarkarar settir Use one or more characters as the delimiter, or choose a different delimiter type Invalid regular expression Ógild regluleg segð Please enter a valid regular expression as the delimiter, or choose a different delimiter type Invalid delimited text file Ógild skrá með afmörkuðum texta Please enter a valid file and delimiter Settu inn gilda skrá og afmarkara Choose a Delimited Text File to Open Text files Textaskrár Please select an input file Veldu inntaksskrá File %1 does not exist Skráin %1 er ekki til Please enter a layer name Settu inn heiti á lagi At least one delimiter character must be specified Að minnsta kosti einn afmörkunarstafur verður að vera tilgreindur Regular expression is not valid ^.. expression needs capture groups Definition of filename and delimiters is not valid Skilgreining skráarheitis og afmarkara er ekki gild No data found in file Engin gögn fundust í skrá %1 badly formatted records discarded X and Y field names must be selected X and Y field names cannot be the same The WKT field name must be selected The CRS must be selected %1 badly formatted records discarded from sample data All files Allar skrár QgsDelimitedTextSourceSelectBase Create a Layer from a Delimited Text File Búa til lag úr skrá með afmörkuðum texta Layer name Heiti lags Name to display in the map legend Heiti sem á að birta kortskýringunni Name displayed in the map legend Heiti sem birtist í kortskýringunni Field names are read from the first record. If not selected then fields are numbered The file is a comma separated value file, fields delimited by commas and quoted by " Each line in the file is split using a regular expression to define the end of each field Tab Flipi Space Bil Comma Komma File name Skráarnafn Encoding Kóðun Select the file encoding Veldu kóðun skráarinnar Record and Fields Options X and Y coordinates are expressed in degrees/minutes/seconds X og Y hnit eru skilgreind í gráðum/mínútum/sekúndum DMS coordinates DMS hnit Geometry field Rúmfræðisvið Name of the field containing well known text value Geometry type Gerð lögunar Detect Skynja Point Punktur Line Lína Polygon Fláki Number of header lines to discard Fjöldi lína í haus sem á að hunsa The number of lines to discard from the beginning of the file Fjöldi lína í upphafi skrár sem ekki á að nota First record has field names Fyrsta færsla inniheldur heiti gagnasviða CSV (comma separated values) CSV (gildi aðskilin með kommum) File Format Skráasnið Fields are defined by the specified delimiter, quote, and escape characters Custom delimiters Sérsniðnir afmarkarar Regular expression delimiter Afmörkun með reglulegri segð Others Annað Detect field types Geometry Definition Well known text (WKT) Vel-þekktur-texti (WKT) <p align="left">X field</p> <p align="left">X svið</p> <p align="left">Y field</p> <p align="left">Y svið</p> Geometry CRS Layer Settings Use a spatial index to improve performance of displaying and spatially selecting features Use spatial index Nota staðlykil Use an index to improve performance of subset filters (set in layer properties) Use subset index Nota lykil undirsetts Watch for changes to the file by other applications while QGIS is running Watch file Vakta skrá Sample Data Geometry is a point defined by X and Y coordinate fields Point coordinates Hnit punkts Geometry is read as a well known text string from the selected fields The file contains only attribute information - it will not be displayed on the map No geometry (attribute only table) Engin lögun (tafla einungis með eigindum) Trim leading and trailing spaces from fields Henda bilum á undan og aftan við úr gagnasviðum Trim fields Stytta gagnasvið Discard empty fields in each record Henda auðum sviðum í hverri færslu Discard empty fields Henda auðum sviðum Number fields use comma for a decimal separator Talnasvið nota kommu til að aðskilja tugabrot Decimal separator is comma Tugabrotatákn er komma Comma character is one of the delimiters Komma er einn þeirra stafa sem geta afmarkað Tab character is one of the delimiters Dálklykill (Tab) er einn þeirra stafa sem geta afmarkað Space character is one of the delimiters Stafabil er einn þeirra stafa sem geta afmarkað Colon character is one of the delimiters Tvípunktur er einn þeirra stafa sem geta afmarkað Semicolon character is one of the delimiters Semíkomma er einn þeirra stafa sem geta afmarkað Semicolon Semíkomma Delimiters to use when splitting fields in the text file. The delimiter can be more than one character. These characters are used in addition to the comma, tab, space, colon, and semicolon options. The escape character(s) force the next character to be treated as a normal character (that is not a delimiter, quote, or new line character). If the escape character is the same as a quote character, it only escapes itself and only within quotes. Quote Gæsalappir The quote character(s) enclose fields which may include delimiters and new lines " " Escape Lausnarruna (escape) Expression Regluleg segð Regular expression used to split each line into fields Sample data Gagnadæmi Colon Tvípunktur Name of the field containing x values Heiti gagnasviðsins sem inniheldur X gildi Name of the field containing y values Heiti gagnasviðsins sem inniheldur Y gildi QgsDetailedItemWidgetBase Form Form Heading Label Merki hauss Detail label Upplýsingamerki Category label Merking flokks QgsDiagramProperties Pie chart Kökurit No diagrams Engar skýringamyndir Text diagram Textaskýring Histogram Tíðnirit Select Background Color Veldu bakgrunnslit Select Pen Color Veldu lit penna Height Hæð x-height x-hæð Area Svæði Diameter Þvermál Diagram Properties Eiginleikar skýringamyndar Expression Based Attribute Eigind byggð á segðum Top Efst Transparent Background Gegnsær bakgrunnur Transparent Stroke Gegnsæ stroka Right Hægra Bottom Neðst Left Vinstra The diagram type '%1' is unknown. A default type is selected for you. Bar length: Scale linearly, so that the following value matches the specified bar length: Bar length Lengd stiku Size Stærð Scale linearly between 0 and the following attribute value / diagram size: Kvarða línulega milli 0 og eftirfarandi eigindagilda / skýringarmyndastærða: Diagrams: No attributes added. Skýringamyndir: Engum eigindum bætt við. You did not add any attributes to this diagram layer. Please specify the attributes to visualize on the diagrams or disable diagrams. QgsDiagramPropertiesBase Low Lágt High Hátt Background color Litur bakgrunns Line color Línulitur Line width Breidd línu Bar width Breidd stiku Scale dependent visibility Sýnileiki háður kvarða Show all diagrams Birta allar skýringamyndir Size Stærð Fixed size Föst stærð Size units Eining stærðar Attribute Eigind Opacity Gagnsæi Font Letur Controls how diagrams are drawn on top of each other. Diagrams with a higher z-index are drawn above diagrams and labels with a lower z-index. Always show Alltaf birta Discourage diagrams and labels from covering features Forðast að skýringamyndir og merkingar hylji fitjur Show diagram Birta skýringamynd Controls whether specific diagrams should be shown Controls whether specific diagrams should always be rendered, even when they overlap other diagrams or map labels Always show all diagrams, even when they overlap with each other or other map labels Scale linearly between 0 and the following attribute value / diagram size Kvarða línulega milli 0 og eftirfarandi eigindagilda / skýringarmyndastærða Scale Kvarði Increase size of small diagrams Stækka litlar skýringamyndir Minimum size Lágmarksstærð Placement Staðsetning X X Y Y Distance Fjarlægð Options Valkostir Coordinates Hnit Around point Kringum punkt Over point Yfir punkt Label placement Staðsetning merkis Bar Orientation Stefna stiku Legend Skýring Format Snið Start angle Upphafshorn Visibility Sýnileiki Maximum value Hámarks gildi Find Finna Scaled size Kvörðuð stærð Diagram z-index Z-lykill skýringamyndar Above line Fyrir ofan línu Below line Fyrir neðan línu On line Á línu Line orientation dependent position Staðsetning háð stefnu línu Priority Forgangur Labels are placed in an equal radius circle around point features. Labels are placed at a fixed offset from the point. Over Line Yfir línu Around Line Kringum línu Inside Polygon Innan fláka Around Centroid Kringum þyngdarpunkt Over Centroid Yfir þyngdarpunkti Using Perimeter Nota umgjörð Up Upp Down Niður Right Hægra Left Vinstra Show legend entries for diagram attributes Legend Entries for Diagram Size… Attributes Eigindi Automated placement settings (apply to all layers) Rendering Myndgerð Available attributes Tiltæk eigindi Add expression Bæta við segð Add selected attributes Remove selected attributes Assigned attributes Úthlutuð eigindi Drag and drop to reorder Draga og sleppa til að endurraða Color Litur QgsDirectoryParamWidget Name Heiti Size Stærð Date Dagsetning Permissions Heimildir Owner Eigandi Group Hópur Type Tegund folder mappa file skrá QgsDiscoverRelationsDlgBase Discover Relations Finna vensl Name Heiti Referencing Layer Tilvísandi lag Referencing Field Tilvísandi svið Referenced Layer Tilvísað lag Referenced Field Tilvísað svið Strength Styrkur QgsDisplayAngleBase Angle Horn QgsDockWidgetPlugin A dock widget Tengjanlegur viðmótshluti (dock) QgsDualView Sort by preview expression Expression Based Preview Forskoðun byggð á reglulegum segðum Column Preview Forskoðun dálks Could not set column '%1' as preview column. Parser error: %2 &Sort… &Raða… &Autosize S&jálfvirk stærð Copy Cell Content Afrita innihald reits Zoom to Feature Renna að fitju Pan to Feature Hliðra að fitju Flash Feature Run Layer Action Keyra aðgerð lags Open Form Opna form &Hide Column &Fela dálk &Set Width… &Setja breidd… &Organize Columns… Ski&puleggja dálka… Set column width Setja breidd dálks Enter column width Settu inn breidd dálks Configure Attribute Table Sort Order Stilla röðun í eigindatöflu Loading features… Hleð inn fitjum… Attribute Table Eigindatafla Defined sort order in attribute table Skilgreind röðun í eigindatöflu Sort ascending Raða hækkandi Abort Hætta við %1 features loaded. %1 fitjum hlaðið inn. QgsDualViewBase Expression Regluleg segð Column Preview Forskoðun dálks TextLabel Textamerki Highlight currently edited feature on map Automatically pan to currently edited feature Automatically zoom to currently edited feature QgsDummyConfigDlgBase Form Form Dummy Text Prufutexti QgsDwgImportBase DWG/DXF Import DWG/DXF innflutningur Layer Lag Visible Sýnilegt Group name Heiti hóps Merge layers Sameina lög Import Innflutningur Source drawing Upprunateikning Target package Frálagspakki Select GeoPackage Database Veldu GeoPackage-gagnagrunn Reload Endurhlaða Layers to Import into Project Lög sem á að flytja inn í verkefni Deselect All Afvelja allt Select All Velja allt Import Drawing into GeoPackage Flytja teikningu inn í GeoPackage CRS Hnitaviðmiðskerfi (CRS) Load layers Hlaða inn lögum Expand block references Use curves Nota ferlillínur QgsDwgImportDialog Select the coordinate reference system for the dxf file. The data points will be transformed from the layer coordinate reference system. Veldu hnitaviðmiðskerfi fyrir dxf-skrána. Gagnapunktunum verður umbreytt úr viðmiðunarkerfi lagsins. Drawing file was meanwhile updated (%1 > %2). Drawing file unavailable. Teikningaskrá ekki tiltæk. Could not open layer list Tókst ekki að opna lista yfir lög Select DWG/DXF file Veldu DWG/DXF-skrá DXF/DWG files DXF/DWG-skrár Drawing import completed. Innflutningi teikningar lokið. Drawing import failed (%1) Innflutningur teikningar mistókst (%1) QgsDwgImporter SQL statement failed Database: %1 SQL: %2 Error: %3 Could not start transaction Database: %1 Error: %2 Could not commit transaction Database: %1 Error: %2 Drawing %1 is unreadable Could not open database [%1] Gat ekki opnað gagnagrunn [%1] Query for drawing %1 failed. Could not retrieve drawing name from database [%1] Recorded last modification date unreadable [%1] Drawing already uptodate in database. Imported drawings Innfluttar teikningar Headers Hausar Line types Línugerðir Layer list Lagalisti Dimension styles Málsetningastílar Text styles Textastílar Application data Forritsgögn BLOCK entities POINT entities LINE entities POLYLINE entities TEXT entities HATCH entities INSERT entities Could not load geopackage driver Creating database… Creation of datasource failed [%1] Creating tables… Creation of drawing layer %1 failed [%2] Creation of field definition for %1.%2 failed [%3] Creation of field %1.%2 failed [%3] Importing drawing… Could not update drawing record [%1] Updating database from %1 [%2]. File %1 is not a DWG/DXF file Skráin %1 er ekki DWG/DXF-skrá No error. Engin villa. Unknown error. Óþekkt villa. error opening file. villa við að opna skrá. unsupported version. óstudd útgáfa. error reading metadata. villa við lestur lýsigagna. error in file header read process. error in header vars read process. error in object map read process. error in classes read process. error in tables read process. error in block read process. error in entities read process. error in objects read process. Could not update comment in drawing record [%1] Could not add %3 %1 [%2] Gat ekki bætt við %3 %1 [%2] header record færsla í haus dotted linetypes - dot ignored line type línutegund layer lag Field %1 not found Gagnasvið %1 fannst ekki Line width default dimension style stíll málsetningar text style textastíll Could not create geometry [%1] Could not add %2 [%1] Gat ekki bætt við %2 [%1] block blokk %1 entities processed. point punktur RAY entities XLINE entities Could not create circular string from %2 [%1] arc bogi circle hringur line string bútalína polygon fláki Could not create line from %2 [%1] spline fjaðurbrúun KNOT entities TRACE entities 3DFACE entities DIMALIGN entities DIMLINEAR entities DIMRADIAL entities DIMDIAMETRIC entities DIMANGULAR entities DIMANGULAR3P entities DIMORDINAL entities LEADER entities 0x%1: %2 instead of %3 loops found VIEWPORT entities IMAGE entities image links slóðir mynda comments athugasemdir Expanding block reference %1/%2… Could not copy feature of block %2 from layer %1 [Errors: %3] DWG/DXF import DWG/DXF innflutningur Not logging more errors Skrái ekki fleiri villur í vinnsluferil %1 write errors during block expansion %1 block insertion expanded. QgsDxfExportDialog DXF files DXF-skrár Select the coordinate reference system for the dxf file. The data points will be transformed from the layer coordinate reference system. Veldu hnitaviðmiðskerfi fyrir dxf-skrána. Gagnapunktunum verður umbreytt úr viðmiðunarkerfi lagsins. Export as DXF Flytja út sem DXF QgsDxfExportDialogBase Symbology mode Hamur táknunar Symbology scale Kvarði táknunar Save as Vista sem DXF Export DXF útflutningur No symbology Engin táknun Feature symbology Táknun fitju Symbol layer symbology Táknun táknalags CRS Hnitaviðmiðskerfi (CRS) Select All Velja allt Deselect All Afvelja allt Map themes Kortaþemu Export features intersecting the current map extent Flytja út fitjur sem skarast við núverandi kortvídd Force 2d output (eg. to support polyline width) Þvinga frálag í tvívídd (t.d. til stuðnings breiddar á fjöllínum) Export labels as MTEXT elements Flytja merkingar út sem MTEXT-einindi Encoding Kóðun Use layer title as name if set Nota titil lags sem heiti ef það er stillt QgsEditorWidgetRegistry Classification Flokkun Range Svið Unique Values Einkvæm gildi Value Map Enumeration Talning Hidden Falið Text Edit Breyta texta Checkbox Gátreitur Value Relation Vensl gilda Uuid Generator Attachment Viðhengi Key/Value Lykill/Gildi List Listi Binary (BLOB) QgsEditorWidgetRegistry: Factory not valid. QgsEditorWidgetRegistry: Factory with id %1 already registered. Color Litur Relation Reference Tilvísun vensla Date/Time Dags/Tími QgsEditorWidgetWrapper Not NULL Ekki NÚLL Unique Einstakt Constraint checks passed Stóðst prófanir á hömlum QgsEffectDrawModeComboBox Render only Einungis myndgera Modifier only Einungis breyta Render and modify Myndgera og laga QgsEffectStackCompactWidget Draw effects Sjónhverfingar í teikningu Customize effects Sérsníða viðmótsbrellur QgsEffectStackPropertiesDialog Effect Properties Eiginleikar sjónhverfingar QgsEffectStackPropertiesWidget Effects Properties Eiginleikar sjónhverfinga QgsEffectStackPropertiesWidgetBase Effects Sjónhverfingar Add new effect Bæta við nýrri sjónhverfingu Remove effect Fjarlægja sjónhverfingu Move up Flytja upp Move down Flytja niður QgsEllipseSymbolLayerWidget Select Fill Color Veldu lit fyllingar Transparent Fill Gegnsæ fylling Transparent Stroke Gegnsæ stroka Select Stroke Color Veldu lit útlínu QgsEmbeddedLayerSelectDialog Select Layers to Embed Veldu lög til að ívefja QgsEncodingFileDialog Encoding: Kóðun: Cancel &All Hætta við &allt QgsEncodingSelectionDialog Encoding Kóðun Select Encoding Veldu stafatöflu System Kerfið QgsErrorDialog Error Villa QgsErrorDialogBase Dialog Samskiptagluggi Always show details Alltaf birta ítarlegar upplýsingar Details >> Nánar >> <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd"> <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css"> p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } </style></head><body style=" font-family:'Ubuntu'; font-size:11pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;"> <p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-family:'DejaVu Sans'; font-size:10pt;">Summary</span></p></body></html> <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd"> <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css"> p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } </style></head><body style=" font-family:'Ubuntu'; font-size:11pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;"> <p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-family:'DejaVu Sans'; font-size:10pt;">Samantekt</span></p></body></html> <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd"> <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css"> p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } </style></head><body style=" font-family:'Ubuntu'; font-size:11pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;"> <p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-family:'DejaVu Sans'; font-size:10pt;">Detailed report.</span></p></body></html> <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd"> <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css"> p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } </style></head><body style=" font-family:'Ubuntu'; font-size:11pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;"> <p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-family:'DejaVu Sans'; font-size:10pt;">Ítarleg skýrsla.</span></p></body></html> QgsExpression No root node! Parsing failed? Enginn rótarhnútur! Þáttun mistókst? function help for %1 missing group hópur %1 %2 %1 %2 Syntax Málskipun operator virkinn function fallið Arguments Viðföng Examples Dæmi Notes Minnispunktar Rasters Rastar Record and Attributes empty geometry geometry: %1 map layer kortalag feature: %1 fitja: %1 interval: %1 days millibil: %1 dagar gradient ramp litastigi date: %1 dagsetning: %1 time: %1 tími: %1 datetime: %1 dagsetningartími: %1 General Almennt Operators Virkjar Conditionals Skilyrðingar Fields and Values Gagnasvið og gildi Math Stærðfræði Conversions Umbreytingar Date and Time Dagsetning og tími String Texti Color Litur Geometry Rúmfræði Variables Breytur Fuzzy Matching Loðin samsvörun [ ] marks optional components Recent (%1) Nýlegt (%1) <i>NULL</i> '%1…' '%1…' %1… %1… expression regluleg segð Aggregates Samtölur Arrays Fylki Map Layers Lög á korti Maps Files and Paths If represent_value is called with 1 parameter, it must be an attribute. represent_value must be called with exactly 1 or 2 parameters. QgsExpressionBuilderDialogBase Expression String Builder QgsExpressionBuilderWidget Search… Leita… """Define a new function using the @qgsfunction decorator. The function accepts the following parameters : param [any]: Define any parameters you want to pass to your function before the following arguments. : param feature: The current feature : param parent: The QgsExpression object : param context: If there is an argument called ``context`` found at the last position, this variable will contain a ``QgsExpressionContext`` object, that gives access to various additional information like expression variables. E.g. ``context.variable( 'layer_id' )`` : returns: The result of the expression. The @qgsfunction decorator accepts the following arguments: : param args: Defines the number of arguments. With ``args = 'auto'`` the number of arguments will automatically be extracted from the signature. With ``args = -1``, any number of arguments are accepted. : param group: The name of the group under which this expression function will be listed. : param handlesnull: Set this to True if your function has custom handling for NULL values. If False, the result will always be NULL as soon as any parameter is NULL. Defaults to False. : param usesgeometry : Set this to True if your function requires access to feature.geometry(). Defaults to False. : param referenced_columns: An array of attribute names that are required to run this function. Defaults to [QgsFeatureRequest.ALL_ATTRIBUTES]. """ Show Values Show Help New File New file name: Recent (%1) Nýlegt (%1) Map Layers Lög á korti Relations Vensl Parser Errors Eval Error Expression is invalid <a href=more>(more info)</a> Inserts the relation ID for the relation named '%1'. Current value: '%1' Inserts the layer ID for the layer named '%1'. More Info on Expression Error Load First 10 Unique Values Load All Unique Values Saving… Vista… QgsExpressionBuilderWidgetBase Form Form Equal operator Samsvörunarvirki = = Addition operator Samlagningarvirki + + Subtraction operator Frádráttarvirki - - Division operator Deilingarvirki / / Multiplication operator Margföldunarvirki * * Power operator Veldisvirki ^ ^ String Concatenation Keðjumyndun strengja || || Open Bracket Opna sviga ( ( Close Bracket Loka sviga ) ) '\n' '\n' Show Help Run the current editor text in QGIS (also saves current script). Use this when testing your functions. Saved scripts are auto loaded on QGIS startup. Save and Load Functions Help Hjálp Output preview is generated <br> using the first feature from the layer. Output preview: Forskoðun frálags: Expression Regluleg segð New Line Ný lína Expected Format: Snið sem vænst er: string [r,g,b,a] as int 0-255 or #RRGGBBAA as hex or color as color's name strengur [r,g,b,a] sem heiltala 0-255 eða #RRGGBBAA sem hex eða litur sem heiti litar Values Gildi All Unique Allt einstakt 10 Samples 10 sýni Function Editor Fallaritill Create a new function file based on the template file. Change the name of the script and save to allow QGIS to auto load on startup. QgsExpressionBuilderWidgetPlugin Edit expression Breyta reglulegri segð QgsExpressionCalculatorLocatorFilter Copy “%1” to clipboard Afrita “%1” á klippispjald Calculator Reiknivél QgsExpressionLineEdit Expression Dialog QgsExpressionNodeBinaryOperator Can't perform /, *, or % on DateTime and Interval QgsExpressionNodeColumnRef Column '%1' not found Dálkur '%1' fannst ekki QgsExpressionNodeIndexOperator [] can only be used with map or array values, not %1 QgsExpressionNodeLiteral [unsupported type: %1; value: %2] QgsExpressionNodeUnaryOperator Unary minus only for numeric values. QgsExpressionSelectionDialog %n matching feature(s) selected matching features Zoomed to %n matching feature(s) number of matching features Rennt að %n samsvarandi fitju Rennt að %n samsvarandi fitjum No matching features found Engar samsvarandi fitjur fundust QgsExpressionSelectionDialogBase Select by Expression Velja eftir reglulegri segð &Close &Loka Zoom to Features Renna að fitjum Select Features Veldu fitjur Add to Current Selection Bæta við fyrirliggjandi val Remove from Current Selection Fjarlægja úr fyrirliggjandi vali Filter Current Selection Sía núverandi val QgsExtentGroupBox Extent Kortvídd layer Lag map view kortsýn user defined skilgreint af notanda drawn on canvas teikna á myndflöt none ekkert %1 (current: %2) %1 (núverandi: %2) QgsExtentGroupBoxPlugin A group box to enter a map extent Valreitahópur til að setja inn kortvídd QgsExtentGroupBoxWidget Form Form West Vestur East Austur Map Canvas Extent Kortvídd myndflatar Calculate from Layer Reikna út frá lagi Draw on Canvas Teikna á myndflöt Current Layer Extent Kortvídd núverandi lags North Norður South Suður QgsExternalResourceConfigDlg Form Form Path Slóð Default path Sjálfgefin slóð <html><head/><body><p>When not empty, always open the file selector at the root of this path for searching new files. If empty, the last used path of this editor widget will be used. If this editor widget has never been used by the user, the project path will be used.</p></body></html> <html><head/><body><p>If you want to make the attribute to store only relative paths, toggle one of these options.</p></body></html> Relative paths Afstæðar slóðir <html><head/><body><p>Set exclusive file selection methods.</p></body></html> <html><head/><body><p>If this option is checked, the attribute can only store filenames (this is the default choice).</p></body></html> <html><head/><body><p>If this option is checked, the attribute can only store directories and not filenames. The file selector will let you choose only directories and not files.</p></body></html> Relative to project path Afstætt miðað við slóð verkefnis <html><head/><body><p>If possible, this option makes the storage of the filenames with relative paths from the current QGIS project path.</p><p>For example, if your QGIS project is in <span style=" font-style:italic;">&quot;/home/user/my_project.qgs&quot;</span> and your filename is <span style=" font-style:italic;">&quot;/home/user/data/files/test.pdf&quot;</span>, the attribute will only store <span style=" font-style:italic;">&quot;data/files/test.pdf&quot;</span>.</p></body></html> <html><head/><body><p>If possible, this option makes the storage of the filenames with relative paths from the default path set just above.</p><p>For example, if your default path is <span style=" font-style:italic;">&quot;/home/user/data/&quot;</span> and your filename is <span style=" font-style:italic;">&quot;/home/user/data/files/test.pdf&quot;</span>, the attribute will only store <span style=" font-style:italic;">&quot;files/test.pdf&quot;</span>.</p></body></html> Relative to default path Afstætt miðað við sjálfgefna slóð Storage Mode File paths Skráaslóðir Directory paths Möppuslóðir <html><head/><body><p>This option displays file paths as clickable hyperlinks. When you click on the file path, the file should normally be opened by the default viewer defined in your operating system.</p></body></html> Use a hyperlink for document path (read-only) <html><head/><body><p>By default, the hyperlink is only displayed with the name of the file and not the full path. If you check this option, hyperlinks will be displayed with the complete path.</p></body></html> Display the full path Birta fulla slóð Display button to open file dialog Birta hnapp til að opna skráaglugga Filter Sía <html><head/><body><p>Filter syntax is borrowed from Qt <a href="http://doc.qt.io/qt-4.8/qfiledialog.html#getOpenFileName"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#0000ff;">QFileDialog::getOpenFileName</span></a><span style=" font-family:'Courier New,courier';">.</span></p><p>If you want simple filter on all pdf files, just use:</p><p><span style=" font-family:'Courier New,courier';">*.pdf</span></p><p>If you want one filter for multiple file extensions (on .pdf, .odt and .doc files):</p><p><span style=" font-family:'Courier New,courier';">*.pdf *.odt *.doc</span></p><p>If you want to describe your filter, use parentheses:</p><p><span style=" font-family:'Courier New,courier';">Text documents (*.pdf, *.odt, *.doc)</span></p><p>If you want multiple filters, separate them with ';;':</p><p><span style=" font-family:'Courier New,courier';">&quot;Images (*.png *.xpm *.jpg);;Text files (*.txt);;XML files (*.xml)&quot;</span></p></body></html> Height Hæð Auto Sjálfvirkt Display Resource Path Birta slóð tilfangs Integrated Document Viewer Innbyggður skjalaskoðari px px Width Breidd Specify the size of the preview. If you leave it set to Auto, an optimal size will be calculated. Settu hér inn stærð forskoðuninnar. Ef þú hefur það á 'Sjálfvirkt' verður reiknuð bestuð stærð. Type Tegund No content Ekkert efni Image Mynd Web view Vefur Select a directory Veldu möppu QgsFavoritesItemGuiProvider Add a Directory… Bæta við möppu… Add Directory to Favorites QgsFeatureAction Run Actions Keyra skipanir QgsFeatureListComboBox Just start typing what you are looking for. Byrjaðu bara að skrifa inn það sem þú ert að leita að. QgsFeatureSelectionDlg Dialog Samskiptagluggi QgsFieldCalculator Not available for layer Ekki tiltækt fyrir lagið Only update %1 selected features Aðeins uppfæra %1 valdar fitjur Could not add the new field to the provider. Gat ekki bætt nýja gagnasviðinu við þjónustuveituna. Evaluation Error Matsvilla Create New Field Búa til nýtt gagnasvið Calculating field Reikna gagnasvið An error occurred while evaluating the calculation string: %1 Whole number (integer) Heiltala (integer) Decimal number (double) Rauntala (double) Text (string) Texti (strengur) Date Dagsetning Time Tími Date & Time Dagsetning og tími Text, unlimited length (text) Texti, ótakmörkuð lengd (text) Boolean Bólskt Binary object (BLOB) Tvíundakerfihlutur (binary object - BLOB) <geometry> <geometry> Please enter a field name Settu inn heiti á gagnasvið The expression is invalid see (more info) for details QgsFieldCalculatorBase Only update selected features Aðeins uppfæra valdar fitjur This layer does not support adding new provider fields. You can only add virtual fields. Create a new field Búa til nýtt gagnasvið Output field name Heiti frálagssviðs Output field length Lengd frálagssviðs Output field type Tegund frálagssviðs <p>A virtual field will be recalculated every time it is used. Its definition will be saved in the project file. It will not be saved in the dataprovider and therefore its values not be available in other software.</p> Create virtual field Búa til sýndargagnasvið Precision Nákvæmni Field Calculator You are editing information on this layer but the layer is currently not in edit mode. If you click OK, edit mode will automatically be turned on. Update existing field Uppfæra fyrirliggjandi gagnasvið Maximum number of digits after the decimal place. For example 123.45 requires a field precision of 2. Total length of field (including the number of digits after the decimal place for decimal fields).<br>For example 123.45 requires a decimal field length of 5, and 123456 requires an integer field length of 6. QgsFieldComboBoxPlugin A combo box to list the fields of a layer Fjölvalsreitur sem sýnir öll gagnasvið í lagi A combo box to list the fields of a layer. QgsFieldConditionalFormatWidget Conditional Style Rule Expression QgsFieldConditionalWidget Form Form Field Gagnasvið New Rule Ný regla Condition Skilyrði @value @value Conditional Format Rules Reglur fyrir skilyrt snið Background Bakgrunnur Text Texti Icon Táknmynd Bold text (data defined only, overrides Style) Feitletraður texti (einungis skilgreind gögn, tekur yfir stíl) B B Italic text (data defined only, overrides Style) Skáletraður texti (einungis skilgreind gögn, tekur yfir stíl) I I Underlined text Undirstrikaður texti U U Strikeout text Yfirstrikaður texti S S Name Heiti Preset Forstilling Done Lokið Full row Full röð Cancel Hætta við Delete Eyða QgsFieldExpressionWidget Expression Dialog QgsFieldExpressionWidgetPlugin An editable combo box to enter an expression Ritanlegur fjölvalsreitur til að setja inn segð An editable combo box to enter an expression. A button allows opening the expression dialog. Expression are evaluated to detect errors. QgsFileDownloader Network request %1 timed out Netbeiðni %1 rann út á tíma No output filename specified Cannot open output file: %1 Gat ekki opnað frálagsskrá: %1 Download failed: %1 Niðurhal mistókst: %1 QgsFileDownloaderAlgorithm Download file Sækja skrá file,downloader,internet,url,fetch,get,https File tools Skráatól This algorithm downloads a URL on the file system. URL Slóð File destination Áfangastaður skrár No URL specified Ekkert veffang var tilgreint Output file doesn't exist. %1 downloaded. %1 sótt. %1 of %2 downloaded. %1 af %2 hafa verið sótt. QgsFileDownloaderDialog Download Niðurhal Downloading %1. Sæki %1. Download File Sækja skrá Downloading %1 of %2 %3. Sæki %1 af %2 %3. QgsFileWidget Full path to the file(s), including name and extension Browse Fletta Selected files:<br><ul><li>%1</li></ul><br> Valdar skrár:<br><ul><li>%1</li></ul><br> Select a file Veldu skrá Select one or more files Veldu eina eða fleiri skrár Select a directory Veldu möppu Create or select a file Veldu eða útbúðu skrá QgsFilterAlgorithmConfigurationWidget Output Name Heiti frálags Filter Expression Regluleg segð síu Final Output Endanlegt frálag Outputs and filters Frálög og síur Add Output Bæta við frálagi Remove Selected Outputs Fjarlægja valin frálög QgsFindFilesByPatternDialog Find Files by Pattern QgsFindFilesByPatternWidget File Skrá Directory Mappa Cancel Hætta við Find Files QgsFindFilesByPatternWidgetBase Form Form Find Files File pattern Pattern to match, e.g. *.shp Look in Search recursively QgsFirstRunDialog Welcome to QGIS Velkomin í QGIS Let's get started! Hefjumst handa! Welcome to QGIS 3 Velkomin í QGIS 3 <html><head/><body><p><a href="http://changelog.qgis.org/en/qgis/version/3.4-LTR/"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#2a76c6;">Check out </span></a>the change log for all the new stuff.</p></body></html> <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-style:italic;">You are running a dev version. We would love your feedback and testing.</span></p></body></html> <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-style:italic;">Þú er að nota þróunarútgáfu af QGIS. Við værum til í að heyra hvernig þér gengur með að prófa hana.</span></p></body></html> Ready to go? Klár í slaginn? Import settings from QGIS 2. Flytja inn stillingar úr QGIS 2. I want a clean start. Don't import my QGIS 2 settings. Ég vil byrja með hreint borð. Ekki flytja inn stillingar mínar úr QGIS 2. Settings will be imported into the default profile and you will only see this screen once. Stillingar verða fluttar inn í sjálfgefið notandasnið og þú munt aðeins sjá þennan glugga einu sinni. Welcome to QGIS %1 Velkomin í QGIS %1 QgsFontButton Text Format Snið texta Font Letur Aa Aa Font size (%1) Leturstærð (%1) Font size (pt) Leturstærð (pt) Recent Fonts Nýlegt letur Configure Format… Stilla snið… Copy Format Afrita snið Paste Format Líma snið Copy Color Afrita lit Paste Color Líma lit QgsFontButtonPlugin Select font Veldu letur QgsFontMarkerSymbolLayerWidget Select Symbol Fill Color Veldu lit fyllingar tákns Select Symbol Stroke Color Veldu lit útlínu tákns QgsFormAnnotationDialog Delete Eyða Qt designer file Qt-designer skrá QgsFormAnnotationDialogBase Form Annotation Formglósa QgsGCPListModel map units mælieiningar korts pixels mynddílar Visible Sýnilegt ID Auðkenni Source X Uppruna-X Source Y Uppruna-Y Dest. X Frálags-X Dest. Y Frálags-Y dX (%1) dX (%1) dY (%1) dY (%1) Residual (%1) Afgangs (%1) QgsGCPListWidget Recenter Miðja aftur Remove Fjarlægja QgsGPXProvider Bad URI - you need to specify the feature type. Röng slóð - Þú verður að skilgreina tegund fitju. GPS eXchange file GPS eXchange skiptiskrá Digitized in QGIS Hnitað í QGIS QgsGdalLayerItem Could not delete file. File deleted successfully. Tókst að eyða skránni. QgsGdalProvider Dataset Description Lýsing á gagnasetti Band %1 Tíðnisvið %1 X: %1 Y: %2 Bands: %3 X: %1 Y: %2 tíðnisvið: %3 Dimensions Víddir GDAL Driver Description GDAL Driver Metadata Compression Þjöppun More information Nánari upplýsingar Mask band (exposed as alpha band) Hulusvið (birt sem alfa-gegnsæissvið) Origin Uppruni Pixel Size Stærð mynddíla Band Tíðnisvið Format not supported Snið er ekki stutt Cannot read data Get ekki lesið gögn Cannot get GDAL raster band: %1 Get ekki náð í GDAL rastatíðnisvið:%1 QgsGdalSourceSelect Additional credential options are required as documented <a href="%1">here</a>. Open GDAL Supported Raster Dataset(s) Add raster layer Bæta við rastalagi No layers selected. Engin lög valin. No protocol URI entered. Enginn samskiptamáti var settur inn. No protocol bucket and/or key entered. QgsGdalSourceSelectBase Add Raster Layer(s) Bæta við rastalagi/lögum Source type Tegund uppruna F&ile S&krá Protoco&l: HTTP(S), cloud, etc. Source Uppruni Raster Dataset(s) Protocol Samskiptaháttur Type Tegund &URI Slóð (&URI) Bucket or container Object key Authentication Auðkenning QgsGenericProjectionSelectorBase Coordinate Reference System Selector Val á hnitaviðmiðskerfi QgsGeoNodeConnectionItem Edit Connection… Breyta tengingu… Delete Connection Eyða tengingu Modify GeoNode connection QgsGeoNodeNewConnection Create a New GeoNode Connection Test connection Prófa tengingu Connection to %1 was successful, %1 is a valid GeoNode instance. Connection failed, please check whether %1 is a valid GeoNode instance. Invalid URL Ógild slóð Your URL doesn't contain a protocol (e.g. http or https). Please add the protocol. QgsGeoNodeRequest %1 of %2 bytes of request downloaded. %1 af %2 bætum beiðnar hafa verið sótt. Redirect loop detected: %1 Hringtenging fannst: %1 GeoNode GeoNode Empty capabilities: %1 Auðar getuupplýsingar: %1 Request failed: %1 Beiðni mistókst: %1 QgsGeoNodeRootItem New Connection… Ný tenging… QgsGeoNodeSourceSelect Title Titill Name Heiti Type Tegund Web Service Vefþjónusta Modify GeoNode Connection Breyta GeoNode-tengingu Are you sure you want to remove the %1 connection and all associated settings? Ertu viss um að þú viljir fjarlægja %1 tenginguna og viðkomandi stillingar? Delete GeoNode Connection Eyða GeoNode-tengingu GeoNode GeoNode Layer Lag WMS WMS WFS WFS XYZ XYZ Connect to GeoNode Tengjast við GeoNode Cannot get any feature services. Náði ekki neinum fitjuþjónustum. Load Connections Lesa inn tengingar XML files (*.xml *.XML) XML skrár (*.xml *.XML) Map Kort QgsGeoPackageAbstractLayerItem Rename Layer '%1'… Delete Layer Eyða lagi The layer <b>%1</b> was successfully deleted. QgsGeoPackageCollectionItem Remove Connection Fjarlægja tengingu Add Connection Bæta við tengingu Create a New Layer or Table… Búa til nýtt lag eða töflu… Compact Database (VACUUM) Could not delete GeoPackage. GeoPackage deleted successfully. GeoPackage import GeoPackage innflutningur You cannot import layer %1 over itself! Þú getur ekki flutt lagið %1 inn yfir sjálft sig! %1: %2 %1: %2 Cannot Overwrite Layer Destination layer <b>%1</b> already exists. Overwriting with raster layers is not currently supported. Overwrite Layer Skrifa yfir lag Destination layer <b>%1</b> already exists. Do you want to overwrite it? Úttakslagið <b>%1</b> er þegar til staðar. Viltu skrifa yfir það? Import to GeoPackage database Flytja inn í GeoPackage-gagnagrunn Import was successful. Innflutningur tókst. Failed to import some vector layers! Mistókst að flytja inn einhver vektorlög! Failed to import some raster layers! Mistókst að flytja inn einhver rastalög! %1: Not a valid layer! %1: Ekki gilt lag! Failed to import some layers! Mistókst að flytja inn einhver lög! Database compact (VACUUM) Vacuuming %1 There was an error compacting (VACUUM) the database <b>%1</b>: %2 Layer path is empty: layer cannot be deleted! There was an error deleting the layer %1: %2 Það kom upp villa við að eyða laginu %1: %2 Layer URI is empty: layer cannot be deleted! Slóðin á lagið er tóm: ekki er hægt að eyða laginu! QgsGeoPackageConnectionItem Remove Connection Fjarlægja tengingu Create a New Layer or Table… Búa til nýtt lag eða töflu… Compact Database (VACUUM) QgsGeoPackageProjectStorageDialog Connection Tenging Project Verkefni Manage Projects Remove Project Save project to GeoPackage Load project from GeoPackage Overwrite project A project with the same name already exists. Would you like to overwrite it? Remove project Do you really want to remove the project "%1"? QgsGeoPackageRasterWriterTask Saving %1 Vista %1 QgsGeoPackageRootItem New Connection… Ný tenging… Create Database… Búa til gagnagrunn… QgsGeomColumnTypeThread Retrieving tables of %1… Sæki töflur úr %1… Scanning column %1.%2.%3… Skanna dálk %1.%2.%3… Table retrieval finished. Table retrieval stopped. QgsGeometryAngleCheck Resulting geometry is degenerate Failed to delete vertex Tókst ekki að eyða brotpunkti Unknown method Óþekkt aðferð Delete node with small angle No action Engin aðgerð Minimal angle Lágmarkshorn QgsGeometryAreaCheck Failed to merge with neighbor: %1 Mistókst að sameina við nágranna: %1 Unknown method Óþekkt aðferð Merge with neighboring polygon with longest shared edge Merge with neighboring polygon with largest area Merge with neighboring polygon with identical attribute value, if any, or leave as is Delete feature Eyða fitju No action Engin aðgerð Minimal area Lágmarksflötur QgsGeometryCheckerDialog Check Geometries Athuga rúmfræði lagana Setup Uppsetning Result Niðurstaða QgsGeometryCheckerFixDialog Fix Errors Laga villur Next Næsta Fix Laga Skip Sleppa Select how to fix error "%1": Veldu hvernig á að laga villuna "%1": <b>Fixed:</b> %1 <b>Lagað:</b> %1 <span color="red"><b>Fixed failed:</b> %1</span> <span color="red"><b>Viðgerð mistókst:</b> %1</span> <b>Error is obsolete</b> <b>Villan er úrelt</b> QgsGeometryCheckerFixSummaryDialog Summary Samantekt Layer Lag Object ID Auðkenni hlutar Error Villa Coordinates Hnit Value Gildi The following checks reported errors: Eftirfarandi prófanir skiluðu villum: %1 errors were fixed %1 villur voru lagaðar %1 new errors were found %1 nýjar villur fundust %1 errors were not fixed %1 villur voru ekki lagaðar %1 errors are obsolete %1 villur eru úreltar QgsGeometryCheckerPlugin Geometry Checker Prófun á rúmfræði Check geometries for errors Athuga með villur í rúmfræði lagana Vector Vektor Version 0.1 Útgáfa 0.1 Check Geometries… Athuga rúmfræði lagana… QgsGeometryCheckerResultTab Form Form <b>Geometry check result:</b> <b>Niðurstöður rúmfræðiprófunar:</b> Object ID Auðkenni hlutar Error Villa When a row is selected, move canvas to Þegar röð er valin, færa myndflöt á Layer Lag Coordinates Hnit Value Gildi Resolution Upplausn Attribute Eigindi Export Flytja út Total errors: 0 Villur alls: 0 Feature Fitja Don't &move E&kki færa Highlight contour of selected features Áherslulita útlínur valinna fitja Fix selected errors using default resolution Laga valdar villur með því að nota sjálfgefna lausn Fix selected errors, prompt for resolution method Laga valdar villur, spyrja um aðferð fyrir upplausn Error resolution settings Stillingar á lausnum fyrir villur Show selected features in attribute table Birta valdar fitjur í eigindatöflu Attribute to use when merging features by attribute value: Eigindi sem á að nota þegar fitjur eru bræddar saman eftir eigindagildum: The following checks reported errors: Eftirfarandi prófanir skiluðu villum: Total errors: %1, fixed errors: %2 Villur alls: %1, viðgerðar villur: %2 Fixed: %1 Lagað: %1 Fix failed: %1 Viðgerð mistókst: %1 Select Output File Veldu frálagsskrá Remove Layer Fjarlægja lag Check Errors Occurred Villur komu í ljós við athugun Export Errors Flytja út villur Failed to export errors to %1. Mistókst að flytja villur út í %1. Do you want to fix %1 errors? Viltu laga %1 villur? Fix Errors Laga villur Set Error Resolutions Stilltu hvað á að gera við villur Select default error resolutions: Veldu sjálfgefna lausn á villum: One or more layers have been removed. Eitt eða fleiri lög hafa verið fjarlægð. QgsGeometryCheckerSetupTab Form Form Only selected features Aðeins valdar fitjur Self intersections Skaranir við sjálft sig Duplicate nodes Tvítaka hnúta Polygon with less than 3 nodes Fláki með minna en 3 hnúta Input vector layers Inntaks-vektorlög Allowed geometry types Leyfilegar gerðir rúmfræði Point Punktur Multipoint Fjölpunkta Line Lína Multiline Fjöllínu Polygon Fláki Multipolygon Fjölfláki Geometry validity Réttmæti lögunar Self contacts Snertingar við sjálft sig Geometry properties Eiginleikar rúmfræði Lines must not have dangles Línur mega ekki vera með lafandi enda Geometry conditions Skilyrði rúmfræði Minimum angle between segments (deg) Lágmarkshorn milli búta (gráður) Minimal segment length (map units) Lágmarkslengd búts (í einingum korts) Minimal polygon area (map units sqr.) Lágmarksflötur fláka (í flatareiningum korts) No sliver polygons Engir flaskaflákar Maximum thinness Hámarksþynning Max. area (map units sqr.) Hámarksflötur (í flatareiningum korts) Topology checks Athuganir á grannfræði Points must be covered by lines Lines must not intersect with features of layer Check for overlaps smaller than (map units sqr.) Points must properly lie inside a polygon <i>Note: Topology checks are performed in the current map CRS.</i> Polygons must follow boundaries of layer Tolerance Þolvik Output vector layers Frálags-vektorlög Create &new layers Búa til &ný lög &Modify input layers &Breyta inntakslögum Format Snið Output directory Frálagsmappa Filename prefix Forskeyti skráarheitis Polygons and multipolygons may not contain any holes Multipart objects must consist of more that one part <html><head/><body><p>Thinness is the ratio between the area of the minimum square containing the polygon and the area of the polygon itself. A square has thinness 1. Default: 20.</p></body></html> Check for duplicates Athuga með tvítök Lines must not intersect any other lines Check for gaps smaller than (map units sqr.) Check for features within other features Athuga með fitjur innan annarra fitja Browse Fletta Run Keyra Abort Hætta við checked_ athugað Select Output Directory Veldu frálagsmöppu Check Geometries Athuga rúmfræði lagana The selected input layers cannot contain a layer also selected for a topology check. <b>Building spatial index…</b> <b>Bý til staðlykil…</b> <b>Waiting for running checks to finish…</b> <b>Bíð þess að prófunum ljúki…</b> The chosen output directory contains one or more input layers. Input layer '%1' is not allowed to be in editing mode. <b>Preparing output…</b> <b>Undirbý frálag…</b> Failed to create one or more output layers: %1 The following output layers are in a format that does not support editing features: %1 The geometry check can be performed, but it will not be possible to fix any errors. Do you want to continue? The specified output format cannot be recognized. QgsGeometryContainedCheck Contained check failed for (%1): the geometry is invalid Contained check failed for (%1, %2): %3 Unknown method Óþekkt aðferð Delete feature Eyða fitju No action Engin aðgerð Within Innan QgsGeometryDangleCheck Unknown method Óþekkt aðferð No action Engin aðgerð Dangle Lafandi QgsGeometryDegeneratePolygonCheck Unknown method Óþekkt aðferð Delete feature Eyða fitju No action Engin aðgerð Polygon with less than three nodes Fláki með minna en 3 hnúta QgsGeometryDuplicateCheck Duplicate check failed for (%1): the geometry is invalid Duplicate check failed for (%1, %2): %3 Unknown method Óþekkt aðferð No action Engin aðgerð Remove duplicates Fjarlægja tvítök Duplicate Tvítaka QgsGeometryDuplicateNodesCheck Resulting geometry is degenerate Failed to delete vertex Tókst ekki að eyða brotpunkti Unknown method Óþekkt aðferð Delete duplicate node Eyða tvíteknum hnúti No action Engin aðgerð Duplicate node Tvöfalda hnút QgsGeometryFollowBoundariesCheck Unknown method Óþekkt aðferð No action Engin aðgerð Polygon does not follow boundaries QgsGeometryGapCheck Gap check: %1 Failed to merge with neighbor: %1 Mistókst að sameina við nágranna: %1 Unknown method Óþekkt aðferð Add gap area to neighboring polygon with longest shared edge No action Engin aðgerð Gap Skarð QgsGeometryGeneratorSymbolLayerWidget Polygon / MultiPolygon Fláki / Fjölfláka LineString / MultiLineString Línutrengur / Marglínustrengur Point / MultiPoint Punktur / Fjölpunkta QgsGeometryHoleCheck Unknown method Óþekkt aðferð Remove hole Fjarlægja gat No action Engin aðgerð Polygon with hole Fláki með holu QgsGeometryIsValidCheck Is Valid QgsGeometryLineIntersectionCheck Unknown method Óþekkt aðferð No action Engin aðgerð Intersection Skurðflötur QgsGeometryLineLayerIntersectionCheck Unknown method Óþekkt aðferð No action Engin aðgerð Intersection Skurðflötur QgsGeometryMissingVertexCheck Unknown method Óþekkt aðferð No action Engin aðgerð Add missing vertex Missing Vertex QgsGeometryMultipartCheck Unknown method Óþekkt aðferð Convert to single part feature Delete feature Eyða fitju No action Engin aðgerð Multipart object with only one feature QgsGeometryOverlapCheck Overlap check failed for (%1): the geometry is invalid Overlap check between features %1 and %2 %3 Failed to compute intersection between overlapping features: %1 Could not find shared edges between intersection and overlapping features Unknown method Óþekkt aðferð Remove overlapping area from neighboring polygon with shortest shared edge No action Engin aðgerð Overlap Skörun QgsGeometryPointCoveredByLineCheck Unknown method Óþekkt aðferð No action Engin aðgerð Point not covered by line QgsGeometryPointInPolygonCheck Point in polygon check failed for (%1): the geometry is invalid Unknown method Óþekkt aðferð No action Engin aðgerð Point not in polygon QgsGeometrySegmentLengthCheck Unknown method Óþekkt aðferð No action Engin aðgerð Minimal segment length Lágmarkslengd búts QgsGeometrySelfContactCheck Unknown method Óþekkt aðferð No action Engin aðgerð Self contact Snertir sjálft sig QgsGeometrySelfIntersectionCheck Resulting geometry is degenerate Unknown method Óþekkt aðferð Split feature into a multi-object feature Split feature into multiple single-object features No action Engin aðgerð Self intersection Skörun við sjálft sig QgsGeometrySliverPolygonCheck Sliver polygon Flaskafláki QgsGeometryTypeCheck Unknown geometry type Óþekkt gerð lögunar Unknown method Óþekkt aðferð Convert to corresponding multi or single type if possible, otherwise delete feature Delete feature Eyða fitju No action Engin aðgerð Geometry type Gerð lögunar QgsGeometryTypeCheckError Overlap with %1 at feature %2 QgsGeometryValidationDockBase Geometry Validation Next Næsta Previous Fyrri Zoom To Feature Renna að fitju Zoom To Problem Renna að vandamáli Detailed Description Nánari lýsing QgsGeometryValidationModel %1: %2 %1: %2 %1: %n Errors %1: %n villur %1: %n villur QgsGeometryValidationService Running geometry validation checks before saving… Geometry Validation Geometry errors have been found. Please fix the errors before saving the layer. Geometry errors have been found. QgsGeonodeSourceSelectBase Add GeoNode Layer Bæta við GeoNode-lagi GeoNode Connections Connect to selected service Tengjast valinni þjónustu C&onnect &Tengja Create a new service connection Búa til nýja tengingu við þjónustu &New &Nýtt Edit selected service connection Breyta valinni tengingu við þjónustu Edit Breyta Remove connection to selected service Fjarlægja tengingu við valda þjónustu Remove Fjarlægja Load connections from file Lesa inn tengingar frá skrá Load Lesa inn Save connections to file Vista tengingu í skrá Save Vista Use title for layer name Nota titil sem heiti á lagi Filter Sía Display WFS FeatureTypes containing this word in the title, name or abstract Birta WFS FeatureTypes sem innhalda þetta orð í titli, nafni eða útdrætti QgsGeorefConfigDialog A5 (148x210 mm) A5 (148x210 mm) A4 (210x297 mm) A4 (210x297 mm) A3 (297x420 mm) A3 (297x420 mm) A2 (420x594 mm) A2 (420x594 mm) A1 (594x841 mm) A1 (594x841 mm) A0 (841x1189 mm) A0 (841x1189 mm) B5 (176 x 250 mm) B5 (176 x 250 mm) B4 (250 x 353 mm) B4 (250 x 353 mm) B3 (353 x 500 mm) B3 (353 x 500 mm) B2 (500 x 707 mm) B2 (500 x 707 mm) B1 (707 x 1000 mm) B1 (707 x 1000 mm) B0 (1000 x 1414 mm) B0 (1000 x 1414 mm) Legal (8.5x14 inches) Legal (8.5x14 inches) ANSI A (Letter; 8.5x11 inches) ANSI A (Letter; 8.5x11 inches) ANSI B (Tabloid; 11x17 inches) ANSI B (Tabloid; 11x17 inches) ANSI C (17x22 inches) ANSI C (17x22 inches) ANSI D (22x34 inches) ANSI D (22x34 inches) ANSI E (34x44 inches) ANSI E (34x44 inches) Arch A (9x12 inches) Arch A (9x12 inches) Arch B (12x18 inches) Arch B (12x18 inches) Arch C (18x24 inches) Arch C (18x24 inches) Arch D (24x36 inches) Arch D (24x36 inches) Arch E (36x48 inches) Arch E (36x48 inches) Arch E1 (30x42 inches) Arch E1 (30x42 inches) QgsGeorefConfigDialogBase Configure Georeferencer Stilla landtilvísunartól Show IDs Show coordinates Birta hnit Pixels Mynddílar Use map units if possible Nota mælieiningar korts ef mögulegt Point Tip PDF Map PDF Report Left margin Vinstri spássía mm mm Right margin Hægri spássía Residual Units Show Georeferencer window docked Paper size Pappírsstærð QgsGeorefDescriptionDialog <h2>Description</h2><p>This plugin can georeference raster files and set projection. You select points on the raster and give their world coordinates, and the plugin will compute the world file parameters. The more coordinates you can provide the better the result will be.</p> QgsGeorefDescriptionDialogBase Description georeferencer Landtilvísun lýsingar <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd"> <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css"> p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } </style></head><body style=" font-family:'Droid Sans'; font-size:11pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;"> <p style="-qt-paragraph-type:empty; margin-top:12px; margin-bottom:12px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px; font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:10pt;"></p></body></html> <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd"> <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css"> p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } </style></head><body style=" font-family:'Droid Sans'; font-size:11pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;"> <p style="-qt-paragraph-type:empty; margin-top:12px; margin-bottom:12px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px; font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:10pt;"></p></body></html> QgsGeorefPlugin &Georeferencer… &Landtilvísunartól… QgsGeorefPluginGui Georeferencer Landtilvísunartól All other files (*) Allar aðrar skrár (*) Raster loaded: %1 Rasti lesinn inn: %1 Georeferencer - %1 Landtilvísunartól - %1 Georeference Successful Landtilvísun tókst Raster was successfully georeferenced. Transform: Umvörpun: Invalid Transform Ógild umvörpun GDAL scripting is not supported for %1 transformation. No GCP points are available to save. Raster Properties Eiginleikar rasta Please load raster to be georeferenced. Write Error Skrifvilla Could not write to GCP points file %1. Transform Failed Umvörpun mistókst Failed to calculate linear transform parameters. Failed to compute GCP transform: Transform is not solvable. Could not write to %1. Ekki tókst að skrifa í %1. Copy to Clipboard Afrita á klippispjald GDAL Script GDAL-skrifta No Raster Loaded Enginn rasti lesinn inn Not Enough GCPs %1 transformation requires at least %2 GCPs. Please define more. GCP file GCP-skrá Help Hjálp Reset Georeferencer Endurstilla landtilvísunartól Reset georeferencer and clear all GCP points? GCP file successfully loaded. Það tókst að hlaða inn GCP-skrá. Panels Hliðarspjöld Toolbars Verkfærastikur Current transform parametrisation Coordinate: Hnit: Current map coordinate Núverandi hnit á korti None Ekkert Coordinate of image(column/line) Hnit myndar (dálkur/lína) Save GCPs Vista GCP Save GCP points? Vista GCP-punkta? <p>The selected file already seems to have a world file! Do you want to replace it with the new world file?</p> <p>Valda skráin lítur út fyrir að vera þegar með kortheimsskrá! Viltu skipta henni út með nýju kortheimsskránni?</p> Open Raster Opna rasta %1 is not a supported raster data source. %1 er ekki studdur gagnagjafi fyrir rasta. Load GCP Points Hlaða inn GCP-punktum Invalid GCP file. File could not be read. Ógild GCP-skrá. Ekki tókst að lesa skrána. Save GCP Points Vista GCP-punkta Georeference Landtilvísun Save World File Vista skrá með kortheimi map units mælieiningar korts pixels mynddílar Transformation parameters Viðföng umvörpunar Translation x Tilfærsla X Translation y Tilfærsla Y Scale x X-kvarði Scale y Y-kvarði Rotation [degrees] Snúningur [gráður] Mean error [%1] Meðalvilla [%1] Residuals ID Auðkenni (ID) Enabled Virkt Pixel X X mynddíls Pixel Y Y mynddíls Map X X korts Map Y Y korts Res X (%1) Res Y (%1) Res Total (%1) yes no nei Translation (%1, %2) Tilfærsla (%1, %2) Scale (%1, %2) Kvarði (%1, %2) Rotation: %1 Snúningur: %1 Mean error: %1 Meðalvilla: %1 %1 %1 Please set transformation type. Veldu tegund umvörpunar. Please set output raster name. Skráðu heiti frálagsrasta. Linear Línulegt Helmert Helmert Polynomial 1 Margliða 1 Polynomial 2 Margliða 2 Polynomial 3 Margliða 3 Thin plate spline (TPS) Thin plate spline (TPS) Projective Not set Ekki skilgreint QgsGeorefPluginGuiBase Georeferencer Landtilvísunartól File Skrá View Skoða Edit Breyta Settings Stillingar GCP table GCP tafla Histogram Tíðnirit Open raster Opna rasta Ctrl+O Ctrl+O Zoom In Renna að Ctrl++ Ctrl++ Zoom Out Renna frá Ctrl+- Ctrl+P Zoom to Layer Renna að lagi Ctrl+Shift+F Ctrl+Shift+F Pan Hliðra Transformation settings Stillingar umvörpunar Add Point Bæta við punkti Add point Bæta við punkti Ctrl+A Ctrl+A Delete Point Eyða punkti Delete point Eyða punkti Ctrl+D Ctrl+D Close Georeferencer Loka landtilvísunartóli Close georeferencer Loka landtilvísunartóli Quit Hætta Start Georeferencing Byrja landtilvísun (georeferencing) Start georeferencing Byrja landtilvísun (georeferencing) Ctrl+G Ctrl+G Generate GDAL Script Útbúa GDAL-skriftu Generate GDAL script Útbúa GDAL-skriftu Ctrl+C Ctrl+C Link Georeferencer to QGIS Tengja landtilvísunartól við QGIS Link QGIS to Georeferencer Tengja QGIS við landtilvísunartól Ctrl+S Ctrl+S Load GCP points Hlaða inn GCP-punktum Ctrl+L Ctrl+L Move GCP Point Færa GCP punkt Local Histogram Stretch Staðvær strekking tíðnirits Full Histogram Stretch Full strekking tíðnirits Reset Georeferencer Endurstilla landtilvísunartól Ctrl+P Ctrl+P Open Raster… Opna rasta… Transformation Settings… Stillingar umvörpunar… Save GCP Points as… Vista GCP-punkta sem… Save GCP points as… Vista GCP-punkta sem… Load GCP Points… Hlaða inn GCP-punktum… Configure Georeferencer… Stilla landtilvísunartól… Raster Properties… Eiginleikar rasta… Move GCP point Færa GCP punkt Zoom Next Næsti aðdráttur Zoom Last Síðasti aðdráttur QgsGlobeLayerPropertiesFactory Globe Hnöttur QgsGlobePluginDialog Custom… Sérsniðið… TMS TMS WMS WMS world.tif heimur.tif Raster Rastar Timeout Tímamörk Add TMS Imagery Bæta við TMS myndefni TMS URL: Slóð TMS: Add WMS Imagery Bæta við VMS myndefni URL: URL-slóð: Add Raster Imagery Bæta við rastamyndefni Add TMS Elevation Bæta við TMS fyrir hæð Add Raster Elevation Bæta við rasta fyrir hæð QgsGlobePluginDialogGuiBase Globe Settings Stillingar á hnetti Elevation Hæð Map Kort Override Date / Time (UTC) Rétthærri dagsetning / tími (UTC) dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm dd.MM.áááá HH:mm Add Bæta við Remove Fjarlægja Vertical scale Lóðréttur kvarði Video Myndskeið Anti Aliasing Afstöllun Samples Sýni [Leave empty for maximum] [Skilja eftir autt fyrir hámark] Stereo Víðóma Stereo Mode Þrívíddardýptarhamur Screen distance (m) Fjarlægð skjás (m) Screen width (m) Breidd skjás (m) Split stereo horizontal separation (px) Kljúfa láréttan aðskilnað þrívíddardýptar (px) Split stereo vertical separation (px) Kljúfa lóðréttan aðskilnað þrívíddardýptar (px) Split stereo vertical eye mapping Kljúfa lóðrétta þrívíddardýptarvörpun augna Sensitivity Næmni Screen height (m) Hæð skjás (m) Sk&y &Himinn Ambient lighting Umhverfislýsing Imagery Myndefni <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-style:italic;">Change requires a restart of the globe plugin</span></p></body></html> <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-style:italic;">Breytingar krefjast endurræsingar á Hnattviðbótinni</span></p></body></html> Eye separation (m) Aðskilnaður augna (m) Reset to defaults Frumstilla á sjálfgefin gildi Advanced Meira Scrolling Skrun Invert scroll wheel Snúa við skrunhjóli Enable feature identification Virkja auðkenningu á fitjum Enable frustum highlighting Split stereo horizontal eye mapping QgsGlobeVectorLayerPropertiesPage Form Form Altitude Hæð Clamping Festing Terrain following behavior Yfirborð fylgir hegðun Terrain following technique Yfirborð fylgir tækni Technique Tækni Granularity at which to sample the terrain Binding Binding Elevation data resolution at which to sample terrain height Resolution Upplausn Vertical offset to apply to geometry Z Offset Hliðrun Scale factor to apply to geometry Z Scale Kvarði E&xtrusion U&ppteyging Height [m] Hæð [m] Extrusion height, either a numeric value, or a field expression 0 0 Wall gradient Litstigull veggjar Wall coloring gradient Litstigull veggjar Whether the top cap of the extruded geometry should be flat Flatten Fletja út Enable &labeling Vir&kja merkingar Declutter Lighting Lýsing Rendering mode: Myndgerðarhamur: Rendering method for the layer Myndgerðarhamur lagsins Rasterized Rastað Model (Simple) Líkan (einfalt) Model (Advanced) Líkan (ítarlegt) Rasterize the layer to a texture, and drape it on the terrain Render the layer features as models None Ekkert Terrain Yfirborð Relative Afstætt Absolute Algilt Do not clamp Z values to the terrain (but still apply the offset, if applicable) Sample the terrain under the point, and set the feature's Z to the terrain height, ignoring the feature's original Z value Sample the terrain under the point, and add the terrain height to the feature's original Z value The feature's Z value describes its height above "height zero", which is typically the ellipsoid or MSL Map Kort Drape Sveipa GPU GPU Scene Myndsvið Clamp geometry to the map model's elevation data Clamp geometry to the terrain's scene graph Clamp geometry to the terrain as they are rendered by the GPU Clamp geometry at draw time using projective texturing Vertex Brotpunktur Centroid Þyngdarpunktur Clamp every vertex independently Clamp to the centroid of the entire geometry QgsGlobeWidget Globe Hnöttur Layers Lag Sync extent Samstilla kortvídd Reload scene Endurhlaða senu Globe settings Stillingar á hnetti Close Loka QgsGlowWidget Select Glow Color Veldu lit bjarma QgsGml GML Getfeature network request update failed for authcfg %1 GML Getfeature network reply update failed for authcfg %1 Loading GML data %1 Hleð inn GML-gögnum%1 Abort Hætta við GML Getfeature network request failed with error: %1 Network Netkerfi QgsGmlSchema Cannot guess schema Get ekki giskað á skipan QgsGpsDetector internal GPS Innbyggt GPS local gpsd staðbundin gpsd %1: %2 %1: %2 QgsGpsDeviceDialog New device %1 Nýtt tæki %1 Delete Device Eyða tæki Are you sure that you want to delete this device? Ertu viss um að þú viljir eyða þessu tæki? QgsGpsDeviceDialogBase GPS Device Editor Ritill GPS tækis Devices Tæki Delete Eyða New Nýtt Update Uppfæra Device name Heiti tækis This is the name of the device as it will appear in the lists Þetta er heiti tækisins eins og það mun birtast á listunum Commands Skipanir Track download Sækja slóð Route upload Senda inn leið Waypoint download Sækja leiðarpunkta The command that is used to download routes from the device Skipunin sem notuð er til að sækja leiðir af tækinu Route download Sækja leið The command that is used to upload waypoints to the device Skipunin sem notuð er til að senda leiðarpunkta inn á tækið Track upload Senda slóð The command that is used to download tracks from the device Skipunin sem notuð er til að sækja slóðir af tækinu The command that is used to upload routes to the device Skipunin sem notuð er til að senda leiðir inn á tækið The command that is used to download waypoints from the device Skipunin sem notuð er til að sækja leiðarpunkta af tækinu The command that is used to upload tracks to the device Skipunin sem notuð er til að senda slóðir inn á tækið Waypoint upload Innsending leiðarpunkta <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd"> <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css"> p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } </style></head><body style=" font-family:'MS Shell Dlg 2'; font-size:8.25pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;"> <p style=" margin-top:12px; margin-bottom:12px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:9pt;">In the download and upload commands there can be special words that will be replaced by QGIS when the commands are used. These words are:</span><span style=" font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:9pt; font-style:italic;">%babel</span><span style=" font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:9pt;"> - the path to GPSBabel<br /></span><span style=" font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:9pt; font-style:italic;">%in</span><span style=" font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:9pt;"> - the GPX filename when uploading or the port when downloading<br /></span><span style=" font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:9pt; font-style:italic;">%out</span><span style=" font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:9pt;"> - the port when uploading or the GPX filename when downloading</span></p></body></html> QgsGpsInformationWidget /gps /gps No path to the GPS port is specified. Please enter a path then try again. Engin slóð á GPS-gátt er skilgreind. Settu inn slóð og reyndu svo aftur. Timed out! Féll á tíma! Failed to connect to GPS device. Tenging við GPS tæki mistókst. Connected! Tengt! Dis&connect A&ftengjast Connected to GPS device. Tengjast GPS tæki. Error opening log file. Villa við að opna vinnsluferilsskrá. Connecting… Tengist… Track Color Litur ferils Connecting to GPS device %1… Tengist GPS-tæki %1… Disconnected… Aftengt… &Connect &Tengjast Disconnected from GPS device. Aftengt frá GPS tæki. %1 m %1 m %1 km/h %1 km/klst Not available Ekki tiltækt Automatic Sjálfvirkt Manual Handvirkt 3D 3D 2D 2D No fix Engin aðlögun Differential Diffurfall Non-differential Ekki-samanburðarmælt (non-differential) No position Engin staðsetning Valid Gildir Invalid Ógilt Add Feature Bæta við fitju Save Layer Edits Vista breytingar á lag The feature could not be added because removing the polygon intersections would change the geometry type. An error was reported during intersection removal. Cannot close a line feature until it has at least two vertices. Get ekki lokað línufitju fyrr en hún hefur að minnsta kost tvo punkta. Cannot close a polygon feature until it has at least three vertices. Get ekki lokað flákafitju nema að hún hafi að minnsta kosti þrjá punkta. Feature added Fitju bætt við Could not commit changes to layer %1 Errors: %2 Gat ekki beitt breytingum á lagið %1 Villur: %2 Cannot add feature. Unknown WKB type. Choose a different layer and try again. Gat ekki bætt við fitju. Óþekkt tegund WKB. Veldu annað lag og prófaðu aftur. NMEA files NMEA-skrár Save GPS log file As Vista GPS vinnsluferilsskrá sem &Add feature &Bæta við fitju &Add Point Bæt&a við punkti &Add Line Bæt&a við línu &Add Polygon Bæt&a við fláka QgsGpsInformationWidgetBase GPS Connect GPS Tengja &Add feature &Bæta við fitju Quick status indicator: green = good or 3D fix yellow = good 2D fix red = no fix or bad fix gray = no data 2D/3D depends on this information being available Flýtivísir á stöðu: grænt = góð eða 3D aðlögun gult = góð 2D aðlögun rautt = engin eða röng aðlögun grátt = engin gögn 2D/3D fer eftir hvort þessar upplýsingar séu tiltækar Add track point Bæta við slóðarpunkti Reset track Endurstilla slóð 00000 00000 Log file Vinnsluferilsskrá Map Centering Miðjun korts When leaving Þegar farið er út af Never Aldrei Always Alltaf Line width Línubreidd px px Line color Litur á línu Filtering Síun Distance threshold (meters) Þolvik fjarlægðar (metrar) Acquisition interval (seconds) Tíðni mælinga (sekúndur) Position Staðsetning Signal Merki Satellite Gervitungl Options Valkostir Debug Aflúsa &Connect &Tengjast latitude of position fix (degrees) breidd staðsetningaraðlögunar (gráður) Longitude Lengdargráða longitude of position fix (degrees) lengd staðsetningaraðlögunar (gráður) antenna altitude with respect to geoid (mean sea level) hæð loftnets miðað við jarðsporvölu (meðalsjávarmál) Altitude Hæð Latitude Breiddargráða Time of fix Tími fasta date/time of position fix (UTC) dagsetning/tími staðsetningaraðlögunar (UTC) speed over ground Hraði ofanjarðar Speed Hraði track direction (degrees) stefna slóðar (gráður) Direction Stefna Horizontal Dilution of Precision Lárétt útþynning á nákvæmni HDOP HDOP Vertical Dilution of Precision Lóðrétt útþynning á nákvæmni VDOP VDOP Position Dilution of Precision Staðbundin útþynning á nákvæmni PDOP PDOP GPS receiver configuration 2D/3D mode: Automatic or Manual 2D/3D-hamur GPS-móttakara: sjálfvirkur eða handvirkur Mode Hamur position fix dimensions: 2D, 3D or No fix víddir staðsetningaraðlögunar: 2D, 3D eða engin aðlögun Dimensions Víddir quality of the position fix: Differential, Non-differential or No position gæði staðsetningaraðlögunar: samanburðarmælt (differential), ekki-samanburðarmælt (non-differential) eða engin staðsetning Quality Gæði position fix status: Valid or Invalid staða staðsetningaraðlögunar: gild eða ógild Status Staða number of satellites used in the position fix fjöldi gervitungla sem notuð í staðsetningarfasta Satellites Gervitungl H accuracy H nákvæmni V accuracy V nákvæmni Connection Tenging Autodetect Finna sjálfvirkt Serial device Raðtengistæki Refresh serial device list Endurlesa lista yfir raðtengistæki Port Gátt Host Miðlari Device Tæki gpsd gpsd Internal Innbyggt Digitizing Hnitun Track Slóð Automatically add points Bæta sjálfvirkt við punktum Track width in pixels Breidd slóðar í mynddílum save layer after every feature added vista lag eftir hverja fitju sem bætt er við Automatically save added feature Vista sjálfvirkt viðbættar fitjur save GPS data (NMEA sentences) to a file vista GPS-gögn (NMEA-setningar) í skrá browse for log file leita að vinnsluferilsskrá % of map extent % af kortvídd korts Cursor Bendill Small Lítill Large Stór QgsGpsPlugin &GPS Tools &GPS tæki &Create new GPX layer &Búa til nýtt GPX-lag Creates a new GPX layer and displays it on the map canvas Býr til nýtt GPX-lag og birtir það á myndfleti kortsins Import GPS File Flytja inn GPS-skrá Could not start GPSBabel. Gat ekki ræst GPSBabel. Convert GPS File Umbreyta GPS-skrá GPS eXchange file GPS eXchange skiptiskrá Unable to create a GPX file with the given name. Try again with another name or in another directory. Get ekki búið til GPX skrá með þessu nafni. Veljið nýtt nafn eða í annarri möppu. GPX Loader GPX leasari Unable to read the selected file. Please reselect a valid file. Get ekki lesið valda skrá. Veldu aftur gilda skrá. Save New GPX File As Vista nýja GPX skrá sem Save New GPX File Vista nýja GPX-skrá Could not start GPSBabel! Gat ekki ræst GPSBabel! Download from GPS Sækja frá GPS Downloading data… Næ í gögn… Upload to GPS Lesa inn i GPS Uploading data… Upphleðsla gagna… Cancel Hætta við Importing data… Flyt inn gögn… Could not import data from %1! Gat ekki lesið inn gögn frá %1! Could not convert data from %1! Gat ekki breytt gögnum frá %1! This device does not support downloading of %1. Tækið styður ekki niðurhal á %1. Could not download data from GPS! Gat ekki lesið inn gögn frá GPS tæki! This device does not support uploading of %1. Þetta tæki styður ekki upphleðslu %1. Error while uploading data to GPS! Villa við upphleðslu gagna í GPS tæki! QgsGpsPluginGui GPX files (*.gpx) GPX-skrár (*.gpx) Waypoints Vegpunktar Routes Leiðir Tracks Slóðir Choose a file name to save under Veljið skráarnafn til að vista í GPS eXchange format GPS eXchange skiptiskráasnið Select GPX file Veljið GPX file Select file and format to import Veljið skrá og snið til að flytja inn Waypoints from a route Vegpunktar frá leið Waypoints from a track Vegpunktar frá slóð Route from waypoints Leið frá vegpunktum Track from waypoints Slóð frá vegpunktum GPS eXchange format (*.gpx) GPS eXchange skiptiskráasnið (*.gpx) QgsGpsPluginGuiBase GPS Tools GPS verkfæri Load GPX file Lesa inn GPX skrá File Skrá Feature types Tegundir fitja Waypoints Vegpunktar Routes Leiðir Tracks Slóðir Import other file Flytja inn aðra skrá File to import Skrá til að flytja inn Browse… Fletta… Save As… Vista sem… Edit devices… Breyta tækjum… Feature type Tegund fitju Layer name Heiti lags GPX output file GPX-frálagsskrá (Note: Selecting correct file type in browser dialog important!) (Athugaðu: Mikilvægt er að velja rétta skráategund í vafraglugga!) Download from GPS Sækja frá GPS GPS device GPS tæki Port Gátt Refresh Endurnýja Output file Frálagsskrá Upload to GPS Lesa inn i GPS Data layer Gagnalag Edit devices Breyta tækjum GPX Conversions GPX umbreytingar GPX input file GPX-inntaksskrá Conversion Umbreyting QgsGradientColorRampDialog Select Ramp Color Veldu lit í litastiga Transparent Gegnsætt Discrete Óáberandi Continuous Samfellt Gradient file : %1 Litstigulskrá : %1 License file : %1 Notkunarleyfisskrá : %1 QgsGradientColorRampDialogBase Gradient Color Ramp Litstigulsstigi Color &1 Litur &1 Color &2 Litur &2 &Type &Tegund Gradient Stop Stopp í litstigli Relative &position Afstæð staðsetnin&g % % &Delete Stop &Eyða stoppi Plot Teikna Hue Litblær Saturation Litmettun Lightness Ljósleiki Opacity Gagnsæi &Information &Upplýsingar QgsGradientFillSymbolLayerWidget Select Gradient Color Veldu lit á litstigul Transparent Gegnsætt QgsGraduatedHistogramWidget Ranges are overlapping and can't be edited by the histogram Ranges have gaps and can't be edited by the histogram QgsGraduatedSymbolRendererModel Symbol Tákn Values Gildi Legend Skýring QgsGraduatedSymbolRendererWidget Column Dálkur Symbol Tákn Change… Skipta um… Legend format Template for the legend text associated with each classification. Use "%1" for the lower bound of the classification, and "%2" for the upper bound. Precision of upper and lower values in label text. Positive is number of decimal places Negative rounds to powers of 10 Precision Nákvæmni Check to remove trailing zeroes after the decimal point from the upper and lower values in the legend. Trim Utanskera Method Aðferð <html><head/><body><p>Choose between color and size graduation. </p><p><br/></p><p>If you want to combine both, use a data-defined size for the symbol and graduate by color.</p></body></html> Color ramp Litastigi Size from Stærð frá to Til Classes Klasar Mode Hamur Symmetric Classification Around Create class astride symmetry value Delete All Eyða öllu Equal Interval Jöfn bil Quantile (Equal Count) Hlutfallsmark (jöfn talning) Natural Breaks (Jenks) Standard Deviation Staðalfrávik Pretty Breaks Classify Flokka Add class Bæta við flokk Delete Eyða Advanced Meira Link class boundaries Histogram Tíðnirit Symbol Levels… Stigun tákna… Data-defined Size Legend… Select Method Veldu aðferð Apply Classification Link Class Boundaries No color ramp defined. Enginn litastigi skilgreindur. Natural break classification (Jenks) is O(n2) complexity, your classification may take a long time. Press cancel to abort breaks calculation or OK to continue. Rows will be reordered before linking boundaries. Continue? QgsGrass GRASS was not found in '%1' (GISBASE), provider and plugin will not work. GRASS error GRASS villa Cannot add mapset %1 to search path: Get ekki bætt kortasafninu %1 í leitarslóð: Cannot close mapset. %1 Get ekki lokað kortasafni. %1 Cannot create new mapset directory Get ekki búið til möppu fyrir nýtt kortasafn Cannot copy %1 to %2 Get ekki afritað %1 í %2 Cannot write region Get ekki skrifað núverandi svæði no mapset open ekkert kortasafn opið Cannot query raster %1 Get ekki skoðað rasta %1 Cannot delete %1 %2: %3 Get ekki eytt %1 %2: %3 Cannot start module Get ekki ræst einingu command: %1 %2 skipun: %1 %2 Problem in GRASS initialization, GRASS provider and plugin will not work : %1 Cannot remove mapset %1 from search path: %2 Get ekki fjarlægt kortasafnið %1 úr leitarslóð: %2 Cannot read raster map region (%1/%2/%3) Cannot get projection Get ekki fengið vörpun Cannot get raster extent Getur ekki fengið kortvídd rasta Cannot get map info Get ekki fengið kortsupplýsingar Cannot get colors Get ekki fengið liti Cannot create new vector: %1 Get ekki búið til nýjan vektor: %1 QgsGrassElementDialog Cancel Hætta við OK Í lagi <font color='red'>Enter a name!</font> <font color='red'>Settu inn nafn!</font> <font color='red'>This is name of the source!</font> <font color='red'>Þetta er heitið á upprunanum!</font> <font color='red'>Exists!</font> <font color='red'>Er þegar til!</font> Overwrite Yfirskrifa QgsGrassFeatureIterator <not editable (layer %1)> <ekki breytanlegt (lag %1)> QgsGrassImportItem Cancel Hætta við canceling hætti við QgsGrassImportProgress Progress: %1 Framvinda: %1 QgsGrassItemActions GRASS Options GRASS valkostir New mapset Nýtt kortasafn Open mapset Opna kortasafn Add mapset to search path Bæta kortasafni í leitarslóð Remove mapset from search path Fjarlægja kortasafn úr leitarslóð Rename Endurnefna Delete Eyða New Point Layer Nýtt punktalag New Line Layer Nýtt línulag New Polygon Layer Nýtt flákalag Cannot create new mapset: %1 Get ekki búið til nýtt kortasafn: %1 QgsGrassMapcalc Mapcalc tools Verkfæri fyrir Mapcalc Add map Bæta við korti Add constant value Bæta við fastgildi Add operator or function Bæta við virkja eða falli Add connection Bæta við tengingu Select item Velja hlut Delete selected item Eyða valinn hlut Open Opna Save Vista Save as Vista sem Addition Samlagning Subtraction Frádráttur Multiplication Margföldun Division Deiling Modulus Exponentiation Veldisvísir Equal jafnt og Not equal ekki jafnt og Greater than stærra en Greater than or equal stærra en eða jafnt og Less than minna en Less than or equal minna en eða jafnt og And I Or EÐA Absolute value of x Inverse tangent of x (result is in degrees) Inverse tangent of y/x (result is in degrees) Current column of moving window (starts with 1) Cosine of x (x is in degrees) Convert x to double-precision floating point Current east-west resolution Exponential function of x x to the power y Convert x to single-precision floating point Decision: 1 if x not zero, 0 otherwise Decision: a if x not zero, 0 otherwise Decision: a if x not zero, b otherwise Decision: a if x > 0, b if x is zero, c if x < 0 Convert x to integer [ truncates ] Umbreyta x í heiltölu [ styttir ] Check if x = NULL Athuga hvort x = NÚLL Natural log of x Náttúrulegur lógarithmi af x Log of x base b Largest value Hámark Median value Miðgildi Smallest value Minnsta gildi Mode value 1 if x is zero, 0 otherwise 1 af x er núll, 0 annars Current north-south resolution Núverandi upplausn norður-suður NULL value NÚLL-gildi Random value between a and b Round x to nearest integer Rúna x að næstu heiltölu Current row of moving window (Starts with 1) Sine of x (x is in degrees) sin(x) Sínus af x (x er í gráðum) Square root of x sqrt(x) Kvaðratrót af x Tangent of x (x is in degrees) tan(x) Tangens af x (x er í gráðum) Current x-coordinate of moving window Current y-coordinate of moving window Output Frálag Warning Viðvörun Cannot check region of map %1 Cannot get region of map %1 No GRASS raster maps available Cannot create 'mapcalc' directory in current mapset. New mapcalc Nýtt mapcalc Enter new mapcalc name: Settu inn nýtt mapcalc heiti: Enter vector name Settu inn heiti á vektor The file already exists. Overwrite? Skráin er nú þegar til. Viltu yfirskrifa? Save mapcalc Vista mapcalc File name empty Skráarheiti er autt Cannot open mapcalc file Get ekki opnað mapcalc-skrá The mapcalc schema (%1) not found. Mapcalc skipanin (%1) fannst ekki. Cannot open mapcalc schema (%1) Get ekki opnað mapcalc skipan (%1) Cannot read mapcalc schema (%1): Get ekki lesið mapcalc skipan (%1): %1 at line %2 column %3 %1 í línu %2 dálki %3 QgsGrassMapcalcBase Main Window Aðalgluggi Output Frálag Enter constant value QgsGrassMapsetItem topology missing topology version not supported topology version 6 empty tómt %1 layer type not supported Cannot create provider %1 : %2 Get ekki útbúið þjónustuveitu %1 : %2 Provider is not valid %1 : %2 Þjónustuveita er ekki gild %1 : %2 Cannot get default location region. Cannot delete %1 Get ekki eytt %1 Import to GRASS mapset Flytja inn í GRASS kortasafn Failed to import some layers! Mistókst að flytja inn einhver lög! Import to GRASS mapset failed Innflutningur í GRASS kortasafn mistókst Failed to import %1 to %2: %3 Mistókst að flytja %1 inn í %2: %3 QgsGrassModule Module: %1 Eining: %1 Warning Viðvörun The module file (%1) not found. Cannot open module file (%1) Cannot read module file (%1) %1 at line %2 column %3 %1 í línu %2 dálki %3 Module %1 not found Forritseiningin %1 fannst ekki Cannot find man page %1 Please ensure you have the GRASS documentation installed. Not available, description not found (%1) Not available, cannot open description (%1) Not available, incorrect description (%1) Run Keyra Cannot get input region Fæ ekki inntakssvæði Input %1 outside current region! Use Input Region Output %1 exists! Overwrite? Frálagið %1 er þegar til staðar! Yfirskrifa? Cannot find module %1 Get ekki fundið einingu %1 Cannot start module: %1 Stop Stöðva <B>Successfully finished</B> <B>Lokið villulaust</B> <B>Finished with error</B> <B>Lokið með villu</B> <B>Module crashed or killed</B> QgsGrassModuleBase GRASS Module GRASS eining Options Valkostir Output Frálag Manual Handvirkt TextLabel Textamerki Run Keyra View output Skoða frálag Close Loka QgsGrassModuleFile File Skrá %1:&nbsp;missing value %1:&nbsp;gildi vantar %1:&nbsp;directory does not exist %1:&nbsp;mappan er ekki til QgsGrassModuleGdalInput OGR/PostGIS/GDAL Input OGR/PostGIS/GDAL inntak Cannot find layeroption %1 Cannot find whereoption %1 Password Lykilorð Select a layer Velja lag %1:&nbsp;no input %1:&nbsp;ekkert inntak QgsGrassModuleInput Input Inntak Cannot find typeoption %1 Cannot find values for typeoption %1 Cannot find layeroption %1 GRASS element %1 not supported Use region of this map Sublayer no input ekkert inntak current map does not contain features of required type geometry type not selected QgsGrassModuleOption Unknown outputType Óþekkt outputType Browse Fletta Output file Frálagsskrá GeoTIFF GeoTIFF Cannot parse version_min %1 Cannot parse version_max %1 Get ekki þáttað útgáfu_hámark %1 %1:&nbsp;missing value %1:&nbsp;gildi vantar QgsGrassModuleSelection Selected categories Valdir flokkar Manual entry layer selection valið lag Add to canvas layer Bæta á myndflatarlag QgsGrassModuleStandardOptions Cannot get region of map %1 Cannot find module %1 Get ekki fundið einingu %1 Cannot start module %1 command skipun Cannot read module description (%1): %1 at line %2 column %3 %1 í línu %2 dálki %3 Region Svæði Input layers Inntakslög Current map canvas Núverandi myndflötur korts Cannot find key %1 Option '%1' should be configured as field This module has no options << Hide advanced options Show advanced options >> Item with key %1 not found Item with id %1 not found QgsGrassModuleVectorField Attribute field Eigindasvið 'layer' attribute in field tag with key= %1 is missing. QgsGrassNewMapset Database Gagnagrunnur No writable locations, the database is not writable! Enter location name! Settu inn heiti á staðsetningu! The location exists! Selected projection is not supported by GRASS! Cannot create projection. Cannot reproject previously set region, default region set. North must be greater than south Norður verður að vera stærra en suður East must be greater than west Regions file (%1) not found. Cannot open locations file (%1) Cannot read locations file (%1): %1 at line %2 column %3 %1 í línu %2 dálki %3 Cannot create QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem Cannot reproject selected region. Cannot reproject region Location Staðsetning Mapset Kortasafn Cannot create new GRASS database directory Ekki tókst að búa til nýja GRASS gagnagrunnsmöppu Cannot create new mapset: %1 Get ekki búið til nýtt kortasafn: %1 New mapset successfully created Nýtt kortasafn var búið til The mapset already exists Kortasafnið þegar til Cannot create new location: %1 Get ekki búið til nýja staðsetningu: %1 New mapset Nýtt kortasafn New mapset successfully created, but cannot be opened: %1 Nýtt kortasafn var búið til, en ekki er hægt að opna það: %1 New mapset successfully created and set as current working mapset. QgsGrassNewMapsetBase New Mapset Nýtt kortasafn GRASS Database GRASS gagnagrunnur Browse… Fletta… Database Error Gagnagrunnsvilla The GRASS location is a collection of maps for a particular territory or project. North Norður West Vestur East Austur South Suður The GRASS region defines a workspace for raster modules. The default region is valid for one location. It is possible to set a different region in each mapset. It is possible to change the default location region later. New mapset Nýtt kortasafn Existing mapsets Fyrirliggjandi kortasöfn The GRASS mapset is a collection of maps used by one user. A user can read maps from all mapsets in the location but he can open for writing only his mapset (owned by user). Database Gagnagrunnur Location Staðsetning Open new mapset Opna nýtt kortasafn GRASS Location Staðsetning GRASS Database directory Gagnagrunnsmappa <html><head/><body><p>GRASS data are stored in tree directory structure. The GRASS database is the top-level directory in this tree structure.</p></body></html> Select location Veljið staðsetningu Create new location Búa til nýja staðsetningu Location Error Villa í staðsetningu Projection Vörpun Projection Error Villa í vörpun Not defined Ekki skilgreint Default GRASS Region Set current QGIS extent Stilla núverandi QGIS kortvídd Set Setja Region Error Mapset Kortasafn Mapset Error Villa í kortasafni Owner Eigandi Create New Mapset Búa til nýtt kortasafn QgsGrassOptions GRASS version Default Sjálfgefið Select Color Veldu lit Currently selected GRASS installation is not valid Choose a directory with configuration files (default.qgc, *.qgm) Veldu möppu með stillingaskrám (default.qgc, *.qgm) QgsGrassOptionsBase GRASS Options GRASS valkostir Modules Forritseiningar Browser Vafri Region Svæði Modules interface configuration Default Sjálfgefið General Almennt The version of GRASS which was used to build the GRASS provider and plugin in QGIS. Exactly the same version must be used on runtime. GRASS installation Custom Sérsnið Browse Fletta GIsbase error Debug mode Import Innlestur CRS transformation Umvörpun viðmiðskerfis Approximate CRS transformation is fast but it may be inaccurate. Create a link to the external data for GDAL data sources with the same CRS as target mapset by r.external, instead of making copy of data. Create link to external data if possible Tengja við utanaðkomandi gögn ef mögulegt Layers Lag Show virtual topological layers Region border Útjaðar svæðis Color Litur Width Breidd QgsGrassPlugin Open GRASS tools Opna GRASS verkfæri Display Current Grass Region Birta núverandi GRASS svæði Open Mapset Opna kortasafn New Mapset Nýtt kortasafn Close Mapset Loka kortasafni Open GRASS Tools Opna GRASS verkfæri Displays the current GRASS region as a rectangle on the map canvas Birtir núverandi GRASS-svæði sem rétthyrning á myndfleti kortsins &GRASS &GRASS GRASS GRASS Add Closed Boundary Bæta við lokuðum svæðismörkum GRASS init error Warning Viðvörun New vector name Nýtt vektorheiti GRASS Options GRASS valkostir Add Point Bæta við punkti Add Line Bæta við línu Add Boundary Bæta við svæðismörkum Add Centroid Bæta við þyngdarpunkti Cannot create new vector: %1 Get ekki búið til nýjan vektor: %1 New vector created but cannot be opened by data provider. Cannot open the mapset. %1 Get ekki opnað kortasafnið. %1 Cannot open GRASS mapset. %1 Get ekki opnað GRASS kortasafn. %1 QgsGrassProvider Whole number (integer) Heiltala (integer) Decimal number (real) Rauntala (real) Text Texti Cannot restore record with cat %1 Cannot delete orphan record with cat %1 GRASS %1 vector provider Þjónustuveita GRASS %1 vektora QgsGrassRasterImport Data type %1 not supported Gagnategund %1 ekki studd Writing band %1/%2 Skrifa tíðnisvið %1/%2 Cannot convert block (%1) to data type %2 QgsGrassRasterProvider cellhd file %1 does not exist Groups not yet supported Hópar eru studdir enn sem komið er Cannot read raster Get ekki lesið rasta %1 bytes expected but %2 byte were read from qgis.d.rast Format not supported Snið er ekki stutt Cannot read data Get ekki lesið gögn GRASS raster provider Þjónustuveita GRASS rasta QgsGrassRegionBase Extent kortvídd North Norður West Vestur Region Svæði East Austur Select the extent by dragging on canvas Veldu kortvíddina með því að draga á myndfleti Size Stærð N-S N-S E-W A-V South Suður Resolution Upplausn Columns Dálkar Rows Raðir QgsGrassSelect Select GRASS Vector Layer Veljið GRASS vektorlag Select GRASS Raster Layer Veljið GRASS rastalag Select GRASS Mapcalc Schema Veldu GRASS Mapcalc skipan Select GRASS Mapset Veljið GRASS kortasafn Choose existing GISDBASE Veldu fyrirliggjandi GISDBASE Wrong GISDBASE, no locations available. Rangur GISDBASE, engar staðsetningar tiltækar. Wrong GISDBASE Rangur GISDBASE Select a map. Veldu kort. No map Ekkert kort No layer Ekkert lag No layers available in this map Engin lög tiltæk í þessu korti QgsGrassSelectBase Add GRASS Layer Bæta við GRASS-lagi Gisdbase Landfræðigrunnur Location Staðsetning Mapset Kortasafn Map name Nafn korts Select or type map name (wildcards '*' and '?' accepted for rasters) Veldu eða skrifaðu heiti á korti (algildistáknin '*' og '?' ganga fyrir rasta) Layer Lag Browse… Fletta… QgsGrassShell Ctrl+Shift+V Ctrl+Shift+V Ctrl+Shift+C Ctrl+Shift+C Warning Viðvörun Cannot rename the lock file %1 Gat ekki endurnefnt læsiskrána %1 QgsGrassTools GRASS Tools GRASS verkfæri GRASS Tools: %1/%2 GRASS verkfæri: %1/%2 Close mapset Loka kortasafni Region Svæði Cannot start command shell (%1) Get ekki opnað skipanaskel (%1) Warning Viðvörun GRASS Shell is not compiled. GRASS skel hefur ekki verið þýdd. The config file (%1) not found. Stjórnskráin (%1) finnst ekki. Cannot open config file (%1). Get ekki opnað stjórnskra (%1). Cannot read config file (%1): Get ekki lesið stjórnskrána (%1): %1 at line %2 column %3 %1 í línu %2 dálki %3 %1 errors found %1 villur fundust %1 errors %1 villur QgsGrassToolsBase &GRASS Tools &GRASS verkfæri <html><head/><body><p>No mapset is open. You can open a GRASS mapset from the browser using the mapset item's context menu action <span style=" font-style:italic;">Open mapset</span>.</p></body></html> Modules Forritseiningar Reload tree Endurhlaða greinar Run debug Keyra aflúsun (kembingu) Close debug Loka aflúsun Filter Sía QgsGrassVector Cannot open vector on level 2 Get ekki opnað vektor á stigi 2 Cannot open vector Get ekki opnað vektor QgsGrassVectorImport Writing features Skrifa fitjur QgsGrassVectorMapLayer No field info Engar uppl um gagnasvið Virtual topology symbol field Driver is not open Rekill er ekki opinn The table for this field already exists Cannot create field info Cannot create link to the table. Get ekki búið til tengil í töfluna. Created table %1 could not be deleted Errors updating restored column, update interrupted %1 field cannot be deleted, it is temporary virtual field used for topology symbol. no table engin tafla Table does not exist Taflan er ekki til Feature invalid Ógild fitja Cannot select record from table Get ekki valið færslu í töflu Cannot check if record exists Get ekki athugað hvort færsla sé til Field %1 not found in cached attributes Gagnasvið %1 fannst ekki í eigindum í skyndiminni QgsGroupWMSDataDialogBase Short name Stutt nafn A name used to identify the group layer. The short name is a text string used for machine-to-machine communication. Heiti sem notað er til að auðkenna hóplagið. Stutta nafnið er textastrengur sem notast í samskiptum milli véla/kerfa. The title is for the benefit of humans to identify group layer. Titillinn er til að mannverur eigi betur með að þekkja hóplagið. The abstract is a descriptive narrative providing more information about the group layer. Title Titill Set Group WMS Data Setja WMS-gögn hóps Abstract Útdráttur QgsGuiVectorLayerTools Add feature Bæta við fitju Start editing failed Það mistókst að hefja breytingar Provider cannot be opened for editing Ekki hægt að opna þjónustuveitu til breytinga Do you want to save the changes to layer %1? Viltu vista breytingar á laginu %1? Error Villa Problems during roll back Vandamál við að taka aftur Commit Errors Villur í innsendingu Commit errors Villur í innsendingu Could not commit changes to layer %1 Gat ekki beitt breytingum á lagið %1 Stop Editing Hætta breytingum Errors: %1 Villur: %1 Show more Birta meira QgsHandleBadLayers Browse Fletta Apply fixes to unavailable layers (remaining unavailable layers will be removed from the project). Layer name Heiti lags Type Tegund Provider Þjónustuveita Auth config Uppsetning auðkenningar Datasource Gagnagjafi none ekkert Edit Breyta Select File to Replace '%1' Veljið skrá til að skipta út fyrir '%1' Select New Directory of Selected Files Veldu nýja möppu fyrir valdar skrár There are still %n unhandled layer(s). If they are not fixed, they will be disabled/deactivated until the project is opened again. unhandled layers Please select exactly one file. Veldu nákvæmlega eina skrá. Apply Changes Unhandled layer will be lost. Ómeðhöndlað lag mun tapast. QgsHandleBadLayersBase Handle Unavailable Layers QgsHandleBadLayersHandler Import all unavailable layers unmodified (you can fix them later). Remove all unavailable layers from the project Keep Unavailable Layers Remove Unavailable Layers Handle unavailable layers %1 of %2 unavailable layers were not fixable. QgsHashedLineSymbolLayerWidget All Rings Exterior Ring Only Interior Rings Only QgsHeatmapRendererWidget The heatmap renderer only applies to point and multipoint layers. '%1' is not a point layer and cannot be rendered as a heatmap. QgsHeatmapRendererWidgetBase Form Form Automatic Sjálfvirkt Radius Radíus Rendering quality Gæði myndgerðar <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-style:italic;">Best</span></p></body></html> <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-style:italic;">Best</span></p></body></html> <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-style:italic;">Fastest</span></p></body></html> <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-style:italic;">Hraðast</span></p></body></html> Color ramp Litastigi Maximum value Hámarksgildi Weight points by Vega punkta eftir QgsHillShadeWidget Form Form ˚ ° Altitude Hæð Azimuth Stefnuhorn Z Factor Z-stuðull Band Tíðnisvið Multidirectional Fjölstefnu QgsHillshadeRenderer Rendering Myndgerð QgsHistogramWidgetBase Form Form Load Values Lesa inn gildi Histogram bins Show mean value Sýna meðalgildi Show standard deviation Birta staðalfrávik QgsHtmlAnnotationDialog HTML Annotation HTML-glósa Delete Eyða html html QgsIdentifyMenu Identify Bera kennsl á %1 All (%2) %1 allt (%2) QgsIdentifyResultsBase Identify Results Kenna niðurstöður Layer Lag FID FID Attribute Eigind Value Gildi Expand New Results by Default Fletta sjálfgefið út nýjum niðurstöðum Clear Results Hreinsa niðurstöður Print Selected HTML Response Prenta valið HTML-svar Identify Feature(s) Bera kennsl á fitju(r) Identify Features by area or single click Bera kennsl á fitjur miðað við svæði eða með einsmelli Identify Features by Polygon Bera kennsl á fitjur miðað við marghyrning Identify Features by Freehand Bera kennsl á fitjur miðað við frjálsa teikningu Identify Features by Radius Bera kennsl á fitjur miðað við radíus Help Hjálp Select identify mode Veldu kennslaham Mode Hamur Select view mode for raster layers Veldu skoðunarham fyrir rastalög View Skoða Auto open form Expand Tree Fletta út greinum Collapse Tree Fella greinar saman Expand New Results Fletta út nýjum niðurstöðum Open Form Opna form Copy Feature Afrita fitju Copy Selected Feature to Clipboard Print Response Prenta svar QgsIdentifyResultsDialog Identify Results Auðkenna niðurstöður Feature Fitja Value Gildi Current layer Núverandi lag Top down, stop at first Ofan og niður, stöðva við fyrsta Top down Ofan og niður Layer selection Valið lag (Derived) (Afleitt) (Actions) (Aðgerðir) Edit feature form Breyta lögun fitju View feature form Skoða form fitju Edit Feature Form… Breyta lögun fitju… View Feature Form… Skoða form fitju… Zoom to Feature Renna að fitju Copy Feature Afrita fitju Toggle Feature Selection Víxla vali fitju af/á Copy Attribute Value Afrita eigindagildi Copy Feature Attributes Afrita eigindi fitju Clear Results Hreinsa niðurstöður Clear Highlights Hreinsa áherslulitað Highlight All Áherslulita allt Highlight Layer Áherslulita lag Activate Layer Virkja lag Layer Properties… Eiginleikar lags… Expand All Fletta allt út Collapse All Fella allt saman Table Tafla Tree Tré Graph Graf Title Titill Format Snið No attributes. Engin eigindi. Copy GetFeatureInfo request URL Afrita slóð GetFeatureInfo beiðnar Print HTML Response Prenta HTML-svar Cannot print this item. Get ekki prentað þetta atriði. Attributes changed Eigindum breytt QgsIdentifyResultsWebView Invalid URL Ógild slóð The download URL is not valid: %1 Niðurhalsslóðin er ekki gild: %1 Save As Vista sem Print Prenta QgsIdentifyResultsWebViewItem Loading… Hleð inn… QgsImageSourceLineEdit All files Allar skrár Select Image File Image From URL Enter image URL Embed Image File Extract Image File QgsImageWarper Progress Indication Framvinduvísir QgsInvertedPolygonRendererWidget The inverted polygon renderer only applies to polygon and multipolygon layers. '%1' is not a polygon layer and then cannot be displayed QgsInvertedPolygonRendererWidgetBase Form Form Sub renderer Merge polygons before rendering (slow) QgsJoinDialog This option allows values of the joined fields to be automatically reloaded when the "Target Field" is changed This option allows values of the joined layers to be editable if they're themselves editable Automatically adds a matching row to the joined table, but if one already exists then update that matching row instead Automatically delete the corresponding feature of the linked layer if one exists QgsJoinDialogBase Add Vector Join Join layer Tengja lag Join field Tengja gagnasvið Target field Gagnasvið í sigti &Joined Fields Custom Field &Name Prefix Dynamic form Edi&table join layer Upsert on edit Delete cascade Cache join layer in virtual memory Create attribute index on join field QgsLUDialogBase Enter Class Bounds Settu inn mörk flokka Lower value Lægra gildi Upper value Hærra gildi QgsLabelEngineConfigDialog Automated Placement Engine Search method Leitaraðferð Chain (fast) Keðja (hraðvirkt) Popmusic Tabu Popmusic Tabu Popmusic Chain Popmusic Chain Popmusic Tabu Chain Popmusic Tabu Chain FALP (fastest) FALP (hraðast) Number of candidates Fjöldi möguleika Point Punktur Line Lína Polygon Fláki Text rendering Allow truncated labels on edges of map Show candidates (for debugging) Birta möguleika (til aflúsunar) Show all labels for all layers (i.e. including colliding objects) Birta allar merkingar fyrir öll lög (þ.m.t. hluti sem rekast saman) Always Render Labels as Paths (Recommended) Always Render Labels as Text QgsLabelPropertyDialog Expression result Niðurstaða reglulegrar segðar Layer default (%1) Sjálfgefið fyrir lagið (%1) Font Color Litur á letri Buffer Color Litur jaðars Left Vinstra Center Miðjað Right Hægra Bottom Neðst Base Grunn Half Cap Top Efst QgsLabelPropertyDialogBase Text Texti Font Leturgerð Available typeface styles Tiltækir stílar á letur Size Stærð Label Properties Stillingar merkja Minimum scale, i.e. most "zoomed out". Lágmarkskvarði, þ.e. mesti "aðdráttur út". Style Stíll Underlined text Undirstrikaður texti U U Strikeout text Yfirstrikaður texti S S Bold text (data defined only, overrides Style) Feitletraður texti (einungis skilgreind gögn, tekur yfir stíl) B B Italic text (data defined only, overrides Style) Skáletraður texti (einungis skilgreind gögn, tekur yfir stíl) I I ˚ ° Display Skjár Scale-based Byggt á kvarða Show label Birta merkingu Ignores priority and permits collisions/overlaps Always show (exceptions above) Alltaf birta (undantekningar eru hér fyrir ofan) Buffer Jaðar Position Staðsetning Label distance Fjarlægð merkis X Coordinate X hnit Y Coordinate Y hnit Horizontal alignment Lárétt afstilling Vertical alignment Lóðrétt afstilling Rotation Snúningur Default Sjálfgefið QgsLabelingGui In edit mode, layer's relevant labeling map tool is:<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;Defined attribute field -&gt; <i>enabled</i><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;Defined expression -&gt; <i>disabled</i> Value &lt; 0 represents a scale closer than 1:1, e.g. -10 = 10:1<br>Value of 0 disables the specific limit. This option is not compatible with line direction symbols. Follow label placement Fylgja staðsetningu merkis Result of the expression is not a geometry Result of the expression does not match configured geometry type. Change to %1 QgsLabelingRulePropsWidget Description Lýsing Filter Sía Rule Properties Reglustillingar Else annars Catch-all for other features Test Prófa Scale range Svið kvarða Labels Merkingar Filter expression parsing error: Test Filter Prófa síu Filter returned %n feature(s) number of filtered features Sía skilaði %n fitju Sía skilaði %n fitjum QgsLabelingWidget No labels Engar merkingar Single labels Rule-based labeling Merkingar byggðar á reglum Blocking Hindranir Automated placement settings (applies to all layers) QgsLayerCapabilitiesModel Layer Lag Identifiable Auðkennanlegt Read-only Searchable Required Krafist Layers which are protected from inadvertent removal from the project. QgsLayerItemGuiProvider Export Layer To File… Í skrá… Add Layer to Project Add Selected Layers to Project Delete Layer Eyða lagi Delete Selected Layers Layer Properties… Eiginleikar lags… File Properties… Eiginleikar skráar… Item with path %1 no longer exists. Item Layer %1 cannot be deleted. QgsLayerMetadataFormatter Fees Gjöld Licenses Notkunarleyfi Rights Réttindi Constraints Hömlur No contact yet. Engar upplýsingar ennþá um tengilið. ID Auðkenni (ID) Name Heiti Position Staðsetning Organization Stofnun Role Hlutverk Email Tölvupóstur Voice Talskilaboð Fax Símbréf Addresses Heimilisföng CRS Hnitaviðmiðskerfi (CRS) Geographic Landfræðilegt Projected Varpað Spatial Extent X Minimum: X-lágmark: Y Minimum: Y-lágmark: X Maximum: X-hámark: Y Maximum: Y-hámark: Z Minimum: Z-lágmark: Z Maximum: Z-hámark: Temporal Extent Bráðabirgðakortvídd Instant: Samstundis: Start: Upphaf: End: Endir: Identifier Auðkenni Parent Identifier Title Titill Type Tegund Language Tungumál Abstract Útdráttur Categories Flokkar Keywords Stikkorð Vocabulary Orðaforði Items Atriði No history yet. Enginn ferill ennþá. Action Aðgerð No links yet. Engir tenglar ennþá. URL Slóð (URL) Description Lýsing Format Snið MIME Type MIME-tegund Size Stærð QgsLayerPropertiesWidget Outline: %1 Útlína: %1 QgsLayerStylingWidget Symbology Táknun Labels Merkingar 3D View Þrívíddarsýn Transparency Gegnsæi Histogram Tíðnirit History Vinnsluferill QgsLayerStylingWidgetBase Form Form Not supported or no layer Ekki stutt eða ekkert lag Undo Afturkalla Redo Endurgera If checked, the map canvas will automatically update whenever an option has been changed without the requirement to click Apply Live update Síuppfærsla QgsLayerTreeEmbeddedConfigWidgetBase Form Form Available widgets Tiltækir viðmótshlutar Used widgets Notaðir viðmótshlutar Add selected widgets Bæta við völdum viðmótshlutum -> -> Remove selected widgets Fjarlægja valda viðmótshluta <- <- QgsLayerTreeLocatorFilter Project Layers Lög í verkefni QgsLayerTreeModel (%1 - %2) (%1 - %2) (%1) (%1) QgsLayerTreeOpacityWidget Opacity slider Gegnsæissleði QgsLayerTreeViewBadLayerIndicatorProvider <b>Unavailable layer!</b><br>Layer data source could not be found. Click to set a new data source QgsLayerTreeViewDefaultActions &Add Group &Bæta við hópi &Remove &Fjarlægja &Show in Overview &Birta í yfirliti Re&name Group Endur&nefna hóp Re&name Layer Endur&nefna lag Show Feature Count Birta fjölda fitja &Zoom to Layer &Renna að lagi &Zoom to Selection Renna að &vali &Zoom to Group &Renna að hópi &Move to Top-level Færa á &efsta stig Move Out of &Group Færa út úr &hópi Move to &Top Færa efs&t &Group Selected &Hópur valinn Mutually Exclusive Group Check and All its Children (⌘-click) Check and All its Children (Ctrl-click) Uncheck and All its Children (⌘-click) Uncheck and All its Children (Ctrl-click) Check and All its Parents QgsLayerTreeViewEmbeddedIndicatorProvider Embedded from <b>%1</b> QgsLayerTreeViewFilterIndicatorProvider Filter Sía QgsLayerTreeViewMemoryIndicatorProvider <b>Temporary scratch layer only!</b><br>Contents will be discarded after closing this project <b>Einungis bráðabirgða-krasslag!</b><br>Efni þess verður hent þegar verkefninu er lokað QgsLayerTreeViewNonRemovableIndicatorProvider Layer required by the project QgsLayout Create %1 Búa til %1 Create Item Búa til atriði Delete Items Eyða atriðum Delete Item Eyða atriði Group Items Hópa atriði Ungroup Items Skipta atriðum upp úr hóp Change Item Stacking Breyta stöflun atriða QgsLayout3DMapWidgetBase 3D Map 3D-kort Scene Settings Copy Settings from a 3D View… Afrita stillingar úr þrívíddarsýn… Camera Pose Center X Center Z Center Y ° ° Heading Fyrirsögn Pitch Distance Fjarlægð Set from a 3D View… Stilla úr þrívíddarsýn… QgsLayoutAddPagesDialog Portrait Lóðrétt Landscape Lárétt Custom Sérsnið QgsLayoutAppMenuProvider Group Hópur Ungroup Skipta upp hóp Copy Afrita Cut Klippa Paste Líma Page Properties… Eiginleikar síðu… Remove Page Fjarlægja síðu Remove page from layout? Item Properties… Eiginleikar atriðis… QgsLayoutAtlas Atlas name eval error: %1 Layout Framsetning Atlas sort eval error: %1 Atlas filename evaluation error: %1 No matching atlas features Atlas feature %1 of %2 Atlasfitja %1 af %2 QgsLayoutAtlasWidget Change Atlas Layer Skipta um atlaskortalag Change Atlas Filename Breyta skráarheiti atlaskorts Atlas Atlaskort Could not set filename expression to '%1'. Parser error: %2 Expression Based Filename Toggle Atlas Layer Víxla atlaskortalagi af/á Toggle Atlas Sorting Víxla röðun atlaskorts Change Atlas Sort No matching atlas features found! Engar samsvarandi atlasfitjur fundust! Change Atlas Filter Change Atlas Name Could not set filter expression to '%1'. Parser error: %2 Expression Based Filter Sía byggð á reglulegum segðum QgsLayoutAtlasWidgetBase Atlas Generation Gerð atlaskorta Generate an atlas Útbúa atlaskort Configuration Uppsetning Sort direction Stefna röðunar Filter with Sía með Hidden coverage layer Falið þekjulag Coverage layer Þekjulag Page name Heiti síðu Sort by Raða eftir Output Frálag Single file export when possible Flytja út í einni skrá þegar það er mögulegt Image export format Myndsnið fyrir útflutning Output filename expression Regluleg segð fyrir frálagsskrá QgsLayoutAttributeSelectionDialog Ascending Rísandi Descending Lækkandi QgsLayoutAttributeSelectionDialogBase Select Attributes Veldu eigindi Columns Dálkar Reset Endurstilla Clear Hreinsa Sorting Raða QgsLayoutAttributeTableColumnModel Top center Efst fyrir miðju Bottom center Neðst fyrir miðju Middle center Miðjað fyrir miðju Top right Efst til hægri Bottom right Neðst til hægri Middle right Miðjað til hægri Top left Efst til vinstri Bottom left Neðst til vinstri Middle left Miðjað til vinstri Automatic Sjálfvirkt %1 mm %1 mm Attribute Eigind Heading Fyrirsögn Alignment Jöfnun Width Breidd QgsLayoutAttributeTableWidget Table Properties Eiginleikar töflu Use existing frames Nota fyrirliggjandi ramma Extend to next page Framlengja á næstu síðu Repeat until finished Endurtaka til loka Draw headers only Hide entire table Fela alla töfluna Show set message Truncate text Klippa af texta Wrap text Línuskipta texta Layer features Fitjur á lagi Select Header Font Color Veldu leturs á fyrirsögn Select Content Font Color Veldu lit leturs í innihaldi Select Grid Color Veldu lit á net Select Background Color Veldu bakgrunnslit No Background Enginn bakgrunnur Show only features intersecting %1 feature Change Table Attributes Breyta eigindum töflu Change Table Map Change Table Rows Change Table Margin Change Table Font Change Font Color Change Table Line Width Change Table Grid Color Toggle Table Grid Víxla töflulínum af/á Toggled Table Grid Change Table Color Current atlas feature Relation children Afleiður vensla Toggle Visible Features Only Toggle Table Filter Duplicates Toggle Empty Frame Mode Toggle Background Display Toggle Table Atlas Filter Toggle Table Feature Filter Change Table Feature Filter Expression Based Filter Sía byggð á reglulegum segðum Change Table Alignment Change Table Header Mode Change Table Wrap String Change Table Layer Change Resize Mode Change Table Source Change Table Source Relation Change Empty Table Behavior Change Table Wrap Mode Change Show Empty Rows Change Empty Table Message QgsLayoutAttributeTableWidgetBase Attribute Table Eigindatafla Attribute table Eigindatafla Source Uppruni Layer Lag Relation Vensl Maximum rows Hámarksfjöldi raða Remove duplicate rows from table Eyða tvíteknum röðum úr töflunni Show only features visible within a map Einungis birta fitjur sem eru sýnilegar innan korts Linked map Tengt kort Show only features intersecting atlas feature Einungis birta fitjur sem skarast við fitjur atlaskorts Filter with Sía með Main Properties Aðaleiginleikar Refresh Table Data Endurnýja töflugögn Attributes… Eigindi… Feature Filtering Síun fitja Appearance Útlit Oversized text Texti í yfirstærð Wrap text on Línuskipta texta á On first frame Á fyrsta ramma On all frames Á öllum römmum No header Engin haus Display header Birta haus Message to display Skilaboð sem birtast Empty tables Tómar töflur mm mm Show empty rows Birta tómar raðir Background color Litur bakgrunns Cell margins Spássíur reits Show Grid Birta hnitanet Fonts and Text Styling Stílar á letri og texta Table Heading Fyrirsögn töflu Table Contents Innihald töflu Line width Línubreidd Advanced Customization… Nánari sérsníðing… Color Litur Draw horizontal lines Teikna láréttar línur Draw vertical lines Teikna lóðréttar línur Alignment Jöfnun Follow column alignment Fylgja jöfnun dálks Left Vinstri Center Miðjað Right Hægri Font Letur Heading font Letur fyrirsagna Contents font Letur athugasemda Frames Rammar Resize mode Stærðarbreytingahamur Add Frame Bæta við ramma Don't export page if frame is empty Ekki flytja út síðu ef rammi er tómur Don't draw background if frame is empty Ekki teikna bakgrunn ef rammi er tómur QgsLayoutColumnAlignmentDelegate Top left Efst til vinstri Top center Efst fyrir miðju Top right Efst til hægri Middle left Miðjað til vinstri Middle center Miðjað fyrir miðju Middle right Miðjað til hægri Bottom left Neðst til vinstri Bottom center Neðst fyrir miðju Bottom right Neðst til hægri QgsLayoutColumnSortOrderDelegate Ascending Rísandi Descending Lækkandi QgsLayoutColumnWidthDelegate mm mm Automatic Sjálfvirkt QgsLayoutDesignerBase Toolbox Verkfærakassi &Layout &Framsetning Layouts Framsetningar &Add Item Bæta við &atriði &View S&koða &Toolbars Verkfæras&tikur &Panels &Hliðarspjöld &Preview &Forskoðun &Edit Br&eyta &Items &Atriði &Align Items &Jafna atriði &Distribute Items &Dreifa atriðum Re&size Breyta &stærð Atlas Atlaskort Report Skýrsla Settings Stillingar Main Window Aðalgluggi Layout Toolbar Framsetningarstika Navigation Toolbar Flakkstika Actions Toolbar Aðgerðastika Atlas Toolbar Atlaskortastika Report Toolbar Skýrslustika &Close &Loka Close designer Loka hönnunarglugga Ctrl+Q Ctrl+L Pan Layout Hliðra á framsetningu P P Zoom Aðdráttur Z Z Select/Move Item Velja/Færa atriði Select/Move item Velja/Færa merki V V Zoom &Full &Fullur aðdráttur Zoom full Fullur aðdráttur Ctrl+0 Ctrl+O Zoom &In Renna &að Zoom in Renna að Ctrl++ Ctrl++ Zoom &Out Renna &frá Zoom out Renna frá Ctrl+- Ctrl+P Zoom to &100% Aðdráttur í &100% Zoom to 100% Aðdráttur í 100% Ctrl+1 Ctrl+1 Zoom to Width Aðdráttur að breidd Show Ru&lers Birta mæ&listikur Show rulers Birta mælistikur Ctrl+R Ctrl+A Toggle Full Scr&een Ví&xla skjáfylli af/á Toggle full screen mode Víxla heilskjásham af/á F11 F11 Add Pages… Bæta við síðum… Show &Grid Birta &hnitanet Show grid Birta hnitanet Ctrl+' Ctrl+' S&nap to Grid Grípa í h&nitanet Snap to grid Grípa í net Ctrl+Shift+' Ctrl+Shift+' Manage Guides… Sýsla með stoðlínur… Show G&uides Sýna s&toðlínur Show guides Sýna stoðlínur Ctrl+; Ctrl+; &Snap to Guides &Grípa í stoðlínur Snap to guides Grípa í stoðlínur Ctrl+Shift+; Ctrl+Shift+; &Clear Guides &Hreinsa stoðlínur Clear guides Hreinsa stoðlínur Layout Properties… Eiginleikar framsetningar… Show Bounding Boxes Birta umgjarðir Show bounding boxes Birta umgjarðir Ctrl+Shift+B Ctrl+Shift+B S&mart Guides S&njallar stoðlínur Smart guides Snjallar stoðlínur Ctrl+Alt+; Ctrl+Alt+; D&eselect All Afv&elja allt Deselect all Afvelja allt Ctrl+Shift+A Ctrl+Shift+A &Select All &Velja allt Select all items Velja öll atriði Ctrl+A Ctrl+P &Invert Selection &Umhverfa vali Invert selection Umhverfa vali Select Next Item &Below Velja næsta atriði fyrir &neðan Select next item below Velja næsta atriði fyrir neðan Ctrl+Alt+[ Ctrl+Alt+[ Select Next Item &Above Velja næsta &atriði fyrir ofan Select next item above Velja næsta atriði fyrir ofan Ctrl+Alt+] Ctrl+Alt+] Loc&k Selected Items Læsa völ&dum atriðum Ctrl+L Ctrl+L Unl&ock All A&flæsa öllu Unlock All Items Aflæsa öllum atriðum Ctrl+Shift+L Ctrl+Shift+L Toggle Panel &Visibility &Víxla sýnileika hliðarspjaldsins Hide panels Fela hliðarspjöld Ctrl+Tab Ctrl+Tab &Raise Hæ&kka Raise selected items Lyfta valda hluti Ctrl+] Ctrl+] &Lower &Lækka Lower selected items Lækka valda hluti Ctrl+[ Ctrl+[ Bring to &Front Færa &fremst Move selected items to top Flytja valda hluti efst Ctrl+Shift+] Ctrl+Shift+] Send to &Back S&etja aftast Move selected items to bottom Flytja valda hluti neðst Ctrl+Shift+[ Ctrl+Shift+[ Align &Left Jafna ti&l vinstri Align selected items left Hliðjafna valin atriði til vinstri Align &Center &Miðjujafna Align center horizontal Hliðjafna valin atriði lárétt á miðju Align &Right Jafna til hæg&ri Align selected items right Hliðjafna valin atriði til hægri Align &Top Jafna &upp Align selected items to top Hliðjafna valin atriði efst Align Center &Vertical Miðj&ujafna lóðrétt Align center vertical Miðjujafna lóðrétt Align &Bottom Jafna &niður Align selected items bottom Hliðjafna valin atriði neðst Distribute &Left Edges Dreifa vinstri &jöðrum Distributes left edges of items equidistantly Distributes horizontal centers of items equidistantly Distribute &Right Edges Dreifa hæg&ri jöðrum Distributes right edges of items equidistantly Distribute &Top Edges Dreifa &efri jöðrum Distributes top edges of items equidistantly Distribute &Vertical Centers Dreifa lóðréttum m&iðjum Distributes vertical centers of items equidistantly Distribute &Bottom Edges Dreifa &neðri jöðrum Distributes bottom edges of items equidistantly Resize to &Narrowest Breyta stærð í m&jósta Resizes item width to match the narrowest selected item Resize to &Widest Resizes item width to match the widest selected item Resize to &Shortest Resizes item height to match the shortest selected item Resize to &Tallest Resizes item height to match the tallest selected item &Delete &Eyða Delete selected items Eyða völdum atriðum Resize to S&quare Resizes items to squares &Normal &Venjulegt Normal Venjulegt Simulate Photocopy (&Grayscale) Líkja eftir ljósriti (&grátóna) Simulate Fax (&Mono) Líkja eftir faxi (ei&nlitt) Simulate Color Blindness (&Protanope) Líkja eftir litblindu (&protanope) Simulate Color Blindness (&Deuteranope) Líkja eftir litblindu (&deuteranope) Show Pages Birta síður Show pages Birta síður &Group &Hópa Group items Setja hluti í hóp Ctrl+G Ctrl+G &Ungroup Skipta &upp hóp Ungroup items Reka hluti úr hóp Ctrl+Shift+G Ctrl+Shift+G &Refresh &Endurnýja Refresh view Endurnýja sjónarhorn F5 F5 Edit Nodes Item Move &Content Flytja &innihald Move item content Flytja innihald hlutar C C Paste in P&lace &Líma á staðnum Paste in place Líma á stað Ctrl+Shift+V Ctrl+Shift+V Save as &Template… Vista sem sniðmát… Save as template Vista sniðmát &Add Items from Template… Bæt&a við atriðum úr sniðmáti… Add items from template Bæta við atriðum úr sniðmáti &Duplicate Layout… &Tvítaka framsetningu… Duplicate layout Tvítaka framsetningu &Save Project &Vista verkefnið Save project Vista verkefni Ctrl+S Ctrl+S &New Layout… &Ný framsetning… New layout Ný framsetning Ctrl+N Ctrl+N Layout &Manager… &Framsetningastjórnun… &Print Atlas… &Prenta atlaskort… Export Atlas as &Images… Flytja atlaskort út sem m&yndir… Export Atlas as S&VG… Flytja atlaskort út sem S&VG… &Export Atlas as PDF… &Flytja atlaskort út sem PDF… Export Report as &Images… Flytja skýrslu út sem m&yndir… Export Report as S&VG… Flytja skýrslu út sem S&VG… &Export Report as PDF… &Flytja skýrslu út sem PDF… &Print… &Prenta… &Print Report… &Prenta skýrslu… Layout manager Framsetningastjórnun Rename Layout… Endurnefna framsetningu… Rename layout Endurnefna framsetningu Delete Layout… Eyða framsetningu… Delete layout Eyða framsetningu Export as &Image… Flytja út sem m&ynd… Export as image Flytja út sem mynd &Export as PDF… &Flytja út sem PDF… Export as S&VG… Flytja út sem S&VG… &First Feature &Fyrsta fitja Ctrl+< Ctrl+< P&revious Feature Fy&rri fitja Ctrl+, Ctrl+, &Next Feature &Næsta fitja Ctrl+. Ctrl+. &Last Feature Síðas&ta fitja Ctrl+> Ctrl+> Export Atlas as PDF Flytja atlaskort út sem PDF Atlas &Settings &Stillingar á atlaskortum Preview &Atlas Forskoða &atlaskort Ctrl+Alt+/ Ctrl+Alt+/ Export Report as Images Flytja skýrslu út sem myndir Export Report as SVG Flytja skýrslu út sem SVG Export Report as PDF Flytja skýrslu út sem PDF Report &Settings &Stillingar skýrslu Report Settings &Stillingar skýrslu Print Layout Prentuppsetning Ctrl+P Ctrl+P Print Report Prenta skýrslu Pa&ge Setup… Uppsetnin&g síðu… Page setup Uppsetning síðu Ctrl+Shift+P Ctrl+Shift+P Layout &Options… Valk&ostir framsetningar… Layout Options Valkostir framsetningar Distributes the horizontal spacing equally between all items Distributes items equidistantly with respect to their vertical edges Distribute Horizontal &Centers Distribute &Horizontal Spacing Equally Distribute Vertical Spacing &Equally QgsLayoutDesignerDialog QGIS Layout Designer Hönnun QGIS-framsetningar Export Atlas Flytja atlaskort út Cu&t &Klippa Cut Klippa &Copy &Afrita Copy Afrita &Paste &Líma Paste Líma %1% %1% Fit Layout Passa við framsetningu Fit Layout Width Passa á breidd framsetningar Zoom level Aðdráttarstig Layout Framsetning Guides Stoðlínur Items Atriði Atlas Atlaskort Item Properties Eiginleikar atriðis Report Organizer Skipulag skýrslu Add %1 Bæta við %1 Adds a new %1 to the layout Bætir nýju %1 við framsetninguna x: %1 %2 x: %1 %2 y: %1 %2 y: %1 %2 page: %1 síða: %1 Add Pages Bæta við síðum Save template Vista sniðmát Layout templates Sniðmát framsetningar Error creating template file. Villa við að búa til sniðmátsskrá. Save Template Vista sniðmát Load template Lesa inn sniðmát Could not read template file. Gat ekki lesið sniðmátsskrána. %1 copy %1 afrit Duplicating layout… Tvítek framsetningu… Save Report As Vista skýrslu sem <p>The SVG export function in QGIS has several problems due to bugs and deficiencies in the underlying Qt SVG library. In particular, there are problems with layers not being clipped to the map bounding box.</p> Duplicate layout Tvítaka framsetningu Layout duplication failed. Það mistókst að tvítaka framsetningu. Delete Layout Eyða framsetningu Are you sure you want to delete the layout “%1”? Ertu viss um að þú viljir eyða framsetningunni '%1'? Print layout Prenta framsetningu Memory Allocation Error Minnisúthlutun mistókst Printing the layout resulted in a memory overflow. Please try a lower resolution or a smaller paper size. Prentun framsetningarinnar olli yfirflæði í minni. Prófaðu að nota lægri upplausn eða minni stærð pappírs. Export layout Flytja út framsetningu Successfully exported layout to <a href="%1">%2</a> Tókst að flytja framsetningu út í <a href="%1">%2</a> Image Export Error Villa í útflutningi myndar Cannot write to %1. This file may be open in another application. Get ekki skrifað í %1. Þessi skrá gæti verið opin í öðru forriti. Trying to create image %1 (%2×%3 @ %4dpi ) resulted in a memory overflow. Please try a lower resolution or a smaller paper size. Að útbúa myndina %1 (%2×%3 @ %4pát ) olli yfirflæði í minni. Prófaðu að nota lægri upplausn eða minni stærð pappírs. Export to PDF Flytja út í PDF PDF Format PDF skráasnið Could not create print device. Tókst ekki að búa til útprentunartæki. Undo History Ferill afturkallana %1 Panel %1 spjald Load from Template Lesa inn úr sniðmáti Duplicate Layout Tvítaka framsetningu Successfully printed layout to %1. Tókst að prenta framsetningu út á %1. Successfully printed layout. Tókst að prenta út framsetningu. Could not create print device for %1. Tókst ekki að búa til útprentunartæki fyrir %1. Print Layout Prenta framsetningu Exporting the PDF resulted in a memory overflow. Please try a lower resolution or a smaller paper size. Útflutningur í PDF olli yfirflæði í minni. Prófaðu að nota lægri upplausn eða minni stærð pappírs. Export to SVG Flytja út í SVG SVG Format SVG-snið Cannot create layered SVG file %1. Get ekki búið til SVG-skrána %1 með lögum. Exporting the SVG resulted in a memory overflow. Please try a lower resolution or a smaller paper size. Útflutningur í SVG olli yfirflæði í minni. Prófaðu að nota lægri upplausn eða minni stærð pappírs. Atlas is not enabled for this layout! No matching atlas features found! Engar samsvarandi atlasfitjur fundust! Abort Hætta við Printing maps… Prenta kort… Printing Atlas Prenta atlaskort Print atlas Prenta atlaskort Print Atlas Prenta atlaskort The filename expression is empty. A default one will be used instead. Export Atlas to Directory Flytja atlaskort út í möppu Exporting Atlas Flyt út atlaskort Export atlas Flytja atlaskort út Successfully exported atlas to <a href="%1">%2</a> Tókst að flytja atlaskort út í <a href="%1">%2</a> Error encountered while exporting atlas Villa kom upp við að flytja út atlaskort Trying to create image of %2×%3 @ %4dpi resulted in a memory overflow. Please try a lower resolution or a smaller paper size. Að útbúa mynd með %2×%3 @ %4pát olli yfirflæði í minni. Prófaðu að nota lægri upplausn eða minni stærð pappírs. Panels Hliðarspjöld Toolbars Verkfærastikur Printing “%1” Prenta “%1” Save Layout As Vista framsetningu sem Exporting “%1” Flyt út “%1” Successfully printed atlas to %1. Tókst að prenta atlaskort út á %1. Successfully printed atlas. Tókst að prenta atlaskort. Error encountered while printing atlas. Villa kom upp við prentun atlaskorts. Export Atlas as Image Flytja atlaskort út sem mynd Unable to write into the given output directory. Canceling. Gat ekki skrifað í uppgefna frálagsmöppu. Hætti við. Rendering maps… Myndgeri landakort… Error encountered while exporting atlas. Villa kom upp við að flytja út atlaskort. Export Atlas as SVG Flytja atlaskort út sem SVG Cannot create layered SVG file. Get ekki búið til SVG-skrá með lögum. Exporting Report Flyt út skýrslu Export report Flytja út skýrslu Successfully exported report to <a href="%1">%2</a> Tókst að flytja skýrslu út í <a href="%1">%2</a> Error encountered while exporting report Villa kom upp við að flytja út skýrslu Printing Report Prenta skýrslu Print report Prenta skýrslu Printing the report resulted in a memory overflow. Please try a lower resolution or a smaller paper size. Prentun skýrslunnar olli yfirflæði í minni. Prófaðu að nota lægri upplausn eða minni stærð pappírs. Print Report Prenta skýrslu Export Atlas as PDF Flytja atlaskort út sem PDF Rendering report… Myndgeri skýrslu… Export Report as Image Flytja skýrslu út sem mynd Export Report as SVG Flytja skýrslu út sem SVG Error encountered while exporting report. Villa kom upp við að flytja út skýrslu. Export Report as PDF Flytja skýrslu út sem PDF Successfully printed report to %1. Tókst að prenta skýrslu út á %1. Successfully printed report. Tókst að prenta skýrslu út. Error encountered while printing report. Villa kom upp við prentun skýrslu. Project Contains WMS Layers Verkefnið inniheldur WMS lög Some WMS servers (e.g. UMN mapserver) have a limit for the WIDTH and HEIGHT parameter. Printing layers from such servers may exceed this limit. If this is the case, the WMS layer will not be printed Don't show this message again Ekki birta þessi skilaboð aftur Export as SVG Flytja út sem SVG If you require a vector-based output file from QGIS it is suggested that you try exporting to PDF if the SVG output is not satisfactory.</p> Composition Effects Sjjónhverfingar í samsetningu Advanced composition effects such as blend modes or vector layer transparency are enabled in this layout, which cannot be printed as vectors. Printing as a raster is recommended. Print as raster Prenta sem rasta Force Vector Þvinga vektor This layout has the "Always export as vectors" option enabled, but the layout contains effects such as blend modes or vector layer transparency, which cannot be printed as vectors. The generated file will differ from the layout contents. Never show this message again Ekki birta þessi skilaboð aftur Export Layout Flytja út framsetningu To create an image of %1x%2 requires about %3 MB of memory. Proceed? Til að útbúa mynd með %1x%2 mynddílum þarf um það bil %3 MB af minni. Halda áfram? Always Export Text as Paths (Recommended) Always Export Text as Text Objects atlas atlaskort report skýrsla &Duplicate Layout… &Tvítaka framsetningu… Delete Layout… Eyða framsetningu… Delete layout Eyða framsetningu Rename Layout… Endurnefna framsetningu… Rename layout Endurnefna framsetningu New Layout… Ný framsetning… New layout Ný framsetning &Duplicate Report… &Tvítaka skýrslu… Duplicate report Tvítaka skýrslu Delete Report… Eyða skýrslu… Delete report Eyða skýrslu Rename Report… Endurnefna skýrslu… Rename report Endurnefna skýrslu New Report… Ný skýrsla… New report Ný skýrsla Checking Layout The layout generated the following warnings. Please review and address these before proceeding with the layout export. QgsLayoutFrame <Frame> <Rammi> QgsLayoutGuideCollection Move Guide Flytja stoðlínu Remove Guide(s) Fjarlægja stoðlínu(r) Create Guide Búa til stoðlínu Clear Guides Hreinsa stoðlínur Apply Guides Virkja stoðlínur Change Guide Visibility Breyta sýnileika stoðlína QgsLayoutGuideWidget Guides Stoðlínur Remove Horizontal Guides Fjarlægja láréttar stoðlínur Remove Vertical Guides Fjarlægja lóðréttar stoðlínur Guides for page %1 Stoðlínur á síðu %1 Remove All Guides Fjarlægja allar stoðlínur QgsLayoutGuideWidgetBase Composition Samsetning Guides for page 1 Stoðlínur á síðu 1 Horizontal Guides Láréttar stoðlínur Add new guide Bæta nýrri við stoðlínu Remove selected guide Fjarlægja valdar stoðlínur Vertical Guides Lóðréttar stoðlínur Resets all other pages' guides to match this page Endurstillir stoðlínur á öllum öðrum síðum þannig að þær samsvari þessari síðu Apply to All Pages Nota á allar síður Removes all guides from the current page Fjarlægir allar stoðlínur af núverandi síðu Clear All Guides Hreinsa allar stoðlínur QgsLayoutHtmlWidget HTML Properties Eiginleikar HTML Use existing frames Nota fyrirliggjandi ramma Extend to next page Framlengja á næstu síðu Repeat on every page Endurtaka á hverri síðu Repeat until finished Endurtaka til loka Change HTML Url Select HTML document Veldu HTML-skjal Change Resize Mode Change Evaluate Expressions Change Smart Breaks Change Page Break Distance Change HTML Change User Stylesheet Toggle User Stylesheet Víxla stílblaði notanda af/á Toggle Empty Frame Mode Toggle Hide Background Change HTML Source Insert Expression Setja inn reglulega segð QgsLayoutHtmlWidgetBase HTML Frame HTML-rammi HTML frame HTML-rammi HTML Source HTML-frumkóði If checked, expressions inside [% %] tags will be evaluated prior to rendering the HTML Evaluate QGIS expressions in HTML source Refresh HTML Endurnýja HTML Source Uppruni URL Slóð Insert an Expression Use Smart Page Breaks User Stylesheet Frames Rammar Don't export page if frame is empty Ekki flytja út síðu ef rammi er tómur Add Frame Bæta við ramma Resize mode Stærðarbreytingahamur Don't draw background if frame is empty Ekki teikna bakgrunn ef rammi er tómur Maximum distance Hámarksfjarlægð mm mm Update HTML Uppfæra HTML QgsLayoutImageExportOptionsDialog Image Export Options Export resolution Upplausn fyrir útflutning Page height Hæð síðu dpi pát Auto Sjálfvirkt px px Page width Breidd síðu Top margin (px) Export Options Crop to Content Left Vinstri Right Hægri Bottom Neðst If checked, a separate world file which georeferences exported images will be created Generate world file Búa til kortheimsskrá If unchecked, the generated images will not be antialiased Enable antialiasing QgsLayoutItem <%1> <%1> <item> <item> Change Item ID Show Item Hide Item Lock Item Unlock Item QgsLayoutItem3DMap 3D Map %1 3D-kort %1 Scene not set Loading QgsLayoutItemAttributeTable <Attribute table frame> QgsLayoutItemGroup <Group> Set Group Visibility Move group Resize Group QgsLayoutItemHtml Layout HTML item <HTML frame> <HTML-rammi> QgsLayoutItemLabel Layout label item <HTML Label> <Label> %1… %1… QgsLayoutItemLegend <Legend> %1… %1… Legend Settings QgsLayoutItemMap Map %1 Kort %1 Grid %1 Hnitanet %1 Overview %1 Yfirlit %1 Rendering map Myndgeri landakort Map Settings Stillingar korts QgsLayoutItemMapGrid Grid Hnitanet QgsLayoutItemPicture Picture expression eval error QgsLayoutItemPolygon <Polygon> QgsLayoutItemPolyline <Polyline> QgsLayoutItemPropertiesWidget Layout Item Change Frame Color Change Background Color Move Item Flytja hlut Change Item Reference Resize Item Change Frame Stroke Width Change Frame Join Style Enable Frame Disable Frame Enable Background Disable Background Select Background Color Veldu bakgrunnslit Select Frame Color Veldu lit á ramma Change Blend Mode Change Opacity Change Item ID Rotate Snúa Exclude from Exports Include in Exports QgsLayoutItemShape <Ellipse> <Rectangle> <Triangle> <Shape> QgsLayoutItemTextTable <Text table frame> QgsLayoutItemWidgetBase Global Options Altækir valkostir Position and Size Y Y Page Síða Height Hæð Lock aspect ratio (including while drawing extent onto canvas) Læsa stærðarhlutföllum (einnig þegar kortvídd er teiknuð á myndflöt) X X Width Breidd Reference point Viðmiðunarpunktur Rotation Snúningur ° ° Frame Rammi Color Litur Thickness Þykkt Join style Stíll tenginga Background Bakgrunnur Item ID Auðkenni atriðis Id Auðkenni Rendering Myndgerð Blending mode Blöndunarhamur Exclude item from exports Undanskilja atriði frá útflutningi Opacity Gagnsæi Variables Breytur QgsLayoutItemsListView Copy Item Delete Item Eyða atriði Item Properties… Eiginleikar atriðis… QgsLayoutLabelWidget Label Properties Stillingar merkja Select Font Color Veldu lit á letur Change Label Mode Change Label Text Change Label Font Change Label Alignment Change Label Margin Change Label Color Insert Expression Setja inn reglulega segð Insert expression Setja inn reglulega segð QgsLayoutLabelWidgetBase Label Options Valkostir merkja Label Merki Render as HTML Myndgera sem HTML Main Properties Aðaleiginleikar Insert an Expression… Setja inn reglulega segð… Appearance Útlit Horizontal alignment Lárétt afstilling mm mm Top Efst Middle Miðjað Bottom Neðst Vertical margin Lóðrétt spássía Horizontal margin Lárétt spássía Font color Litur á letri Left Vinstri Justify Right Hægri Center Miðjað Vertical alignment Lóðrétt afstilling Font Letur QgsLayoutLegendLayersDialogBase Add Layer to Legend Search Leita If checked, only layers visible within the map will be listed Show visible layers only QgsLayoutLegendWidget Legend Properties Select Font Color Veldu lit á letur Select Stroke Color Veldu lit útlínu Change Legend Wrap Change Legend Title Change Title Alignment Change Column Count Split Legend Layers Legend Column Width Resize Symbol Width Resize Symbol Height Resize WMS Width Resize WMS Height Change Title Space Change Group Space Change Layer Space Change Symbol Space Change Label Space Change Title Font Change Group Font Change Layer Font Change Item Font Change Font Color Change Box Space Change Column Space Change Line Space Moved Legend Item Down Move Legend Item Up Change Auto Update Change Legend Map Resize Legend to Contents Change Legend Borders Resize Legend Borders Change Legend Border Color Add Legend Item(s) Remove Legend Item Update Legend Add Legend Group Group Hópur Only show items inside current %1 feature Filter out legend elements that lie outside the current %1 feature. Item text Texti hlutar Legend Item Properties Edit Legend Item QgsLayoutLegendWidgetBase Legend Options Valkostir skýringar Legend Skýring &Title &Titill Title alignment Jöfnun titils Map Kort Resize to fit contents Breyta stærð til að passa að innihaldi Wrap text on Línuskipta texta á Left Vinstri Center Miðjað Right Hægri Auto update Uppfæra sjálfvirkt Update whole legend. Layers are added/removed according to main application legend. User defined labels will be deleted. Add group Bæta við hóp Show feature count for each class of vector layer. Birta fjölda fitja fyrir hvern klassa vektorlags. Main Properties Aðaleiginleikar Legend Items Keeps the legend contents synchronized with the main application legend. Customization is not possible and must be done in the main application. Update All Uppfæra allt Filter Legend by Map Content Filter out legend elements that lie outside the current atlas feature. Only show items inside current atlas feature Fonts Letur Title font Group font Subgroup font Item font Font color Litur á letri Columns Dálkar Count Fjöldi Equal column widths Jöfn dálkabreidd Allow splitting layer items into multiple columns. Split layers Skipta lögum Symbol Tákn Symbol width Breidd tákns mm mm Symbol height Hæð tákna Draw stroke for raster symbols Stroke color Útlínulitur Thickness Þykkt Hairline Hárlína WMS LegendGraphic Legend width Breidd skýringar Legend height Hæð skýringar Spacing Millibil Space above text using group style. Group space Space above text using subgroup style. Subgroup space Rými undirhóps Space above symbol and symbol label. Bil fyrir ofan táknmynd og skýringu á tákni. Symbol space Rými tákns Space between symbol icon and symbol label (symbol label left margin). Bil á milli táknmyndar og skýringar á tákni (vinstri spássía skýringar). Icon label space Rými táknmyndaskýringa Box space Column space Rými dálks Line space Space below title. Bil fyrir neðan titil. Title space Rými titils QgsLayoutLocatorFilter Project Layouts QgsLayoutManager Layout %1 Report %1 QgsLayoutManagerBase Layout Manager Framsetningastjórnun &Duplicate… &Tvítaka… Re&name… Endur&nefna… &Remove… Fja&rlægja… &Show &Birta New from Template Nýtt úr sniðmáti Create… Búa til… Open template directory Opna sniðmátamöppu User Notandi Default Sjálfgefið QgsLayoutManagerDialog Layout templates Sniðmát framsetningar Select a Template Empty layout Empty report Specific Tiltekið verkefni Open Directory Opna möppu Remove Layout Remove Layouts Duplicate Layout Tvítaka framsetningu Template file “%1” not found. Use <i>Settings --> Options --> Layouts --> Layout Paths</i> to configure the folders in which QGIS will search for print layout templates. Create Layout Could not read template file “%1”. Invalid template file “%1”. Could not open or create local directory “%1”. Gat ekki opnað eða búið til staðværa möppu “%1”. Do you really want to remove the print layout “%1”? Do you really want to remove all selected print layouts? %1 copy %1 afrit Duplicating layout… Tvítek framsetningu… Layout duplication failed. Það mistókst að tvítaka framsetningu. QgsLayoutManagerModel There is already a layout named “%1”. Rename Layout QgsLayoutMapGridWidget Map Grid Properties Solid Gegnheilt Cross Kross Markers Mörk Frame and annotations only Decimal Tugakerfi Decimal with suffix Tugakerfi með viðskeyti Degree, minute Gráður, mínútur Degree, minute with suffix Gráður, mínútur með viðskeyti Degree, minute aligned Gráður, mínútur afstillt Degree, minute, second Gráður, mínútur, sekúndur Degree, minute, second with suffix Gráður, mínútur, sekúndur með viðskeyti Degree, minute, second aligned Gráður, mínútur, sekúndur afstillt Custom Sérsnið Select Font Color Veldu lit á letur Select Grid Frame Color Veldu lit á hnitanetsramma Select Grid Frame Fill Color Veldu lit fyllingar hnitanetsramma Transparent Frame No Frame Zebra (Nautical) Interior Ticks Exterior Ticks Interior and Exterior Ticks Line Border Line Border (Nautical) Transparent Fill Gegnsæ fylling Change Frame Divisions Change Annotation Format Show all Birta allt Show latitude only Birta einungis breiddargráður Show longitude only Birta einungis lengdargráður Inside frame Innan ramma Outside frame Utan ramma Horizontal Lárétt Vertical ascending Hækkandi lóðrétt Vertical descending Lækkandi lóðrétt Disabled Óvirkt Change Annotation Position Change Annotation Direction All Allt Latitude/Y only Einungis breiddargráður/Y Longitude/X only Einungis lengdargráður/X Map unit Mælieining korts Millimeter Millímetri Centimeter sentímetri Change… Skipta um… Change Grid Interval Change Grid Offset Breyta hliðrun nets Change Cross Width Change Frame Width Change Grid Frame Margin Change Frame Left Change Frame Right Change Frame Top Change Frame Bottom Change Frame Thickness Change Frame Color Change Frame Fill Color Change Frame Style Zebra Sebra Change Grid Unit Change Grid Blend Mode Change Grid Type Change Grid CRS Toggle Annotations Expression Based Annotation Change Annotation Distance Change Annotation Font Change Grid Line Style Change Grid Marker Style Change Annotation Color Change Annotation Precision QgsLayoutMapGridWidgetBase Map Options Korta valkostir Appearance Útlit Grid type Gerð hnitanets CRS Hnitaviðmiðskerfi (CRS) Change… Skipta um… Interval units Einingar millibils Map unit Mælieining korts Millimeter Millímetri Centimeter sentímetri Interval Millibil X X Y Y Offset Hliðrun Cross width Breidd kross mm mm Line style Línustíll Marker style Stíll marka Blend mode Blöndunarhamur Frame Rammi Frame style Stíll ramma Frame size Stærð ramma Frame line thickness Frame fill colors Fyllilitir ramma Left side Vinstri hlið Right side Hægri hlið Top side Topphlið Bottom side Botnhlið Right divisions Left divisions Top divisions Bottom divisions Frame margin Draw Coordinates Teikna hnit Format Snið Left Vinstri Right Hægri Top Efst Bottom Neðst Font Letur Font color Litur á letri Distance to map frame Fjarlægð að ramma korts Coordinate precision Nákvæmni hnita QgsLayoutMapItemBlocksLabelsModel Change Label Blocking Items QgsLayoutMapLabelingWidget Label Settings Change Label Margin Change Label Visibility QgsLayoutMapLabelingWidgetBase Map Options Korta valkostir Placement Staðsetning No labels will be placed within this distance of the map’s edges, or from any label-blocking items which are checked below. <b>Margin from map edges</b> Allow truncated labels on edges of map Label Blocking Items Avoid placing labels under these items QgsLayoutMapWidget Map Properties Eiginleikar korts Below Map Below Map Layer Above Map Layer Below Map Labels Above Map Labels Use project CRS Nota viðmiðskerfi (CRS) verkefnis Set layer list from a map theme Setja lagalista út frá kortaþema Controlled by %1 Stýrt af %1 atlas atlaskort Atlas Atlaskort Report Skýrsla Use one of the predefined scales of the project where the %1 feature best fits. No presets defined Engar forstillingar tilteknar Change Map Preset (none) (ekkert) Change Map CRS Skipta um viðmiðskerfi korts Change Overview Style Set Atlas Driven Change Atlas Mode Change Atlas Margin Change Atlas Scales Change Map Scale Change Map Rotation Change Map Extent Change Overview Position Map Preset Changed Toggle Map Item Grid %1 Hnitanet %1 Add Map Grid Remove Grid Move Grid Up Move Grid Down Draw "%1" grid Teikna "%1" hnitanet Rename Grid Toggle Grid Display Overview %1 Yfirlit %1 Add Map Overview Remove Map Overview Move Overview Up Move Overview Down Draw "%1" overview Teikna yfirlit "%1" Overview Display Toggled Change Overview Map Change Overview Blend Mode Toggle Overview Inverted Toggle Overview Centered QgsLayoutMapWidgetBase Map Options Korta valkostir Map Kort CRS Hnitaviðmiðskerfi (CRS) ° ° Draw map canvas items Teikna atriði á myndfleti korts Scale Kvarði Map rotation Snúningur korts Layers Lag Follow map theme Fylgja kortaþema Lock layers Læsa lögum Lock styles for layers Extents Kortvídd X min X-lágmark Y min Y-lágmark X max X-hámark Y max Y-hámark Change… Skipta um… Main Properties Aðaleiginleikar Update Preview Controlled by Atlas Margin around feature % % Use one of the predefined scales of the project where the atlas feature best fits. Predefined scale (best fit) Forskilgreindur kvarði (passar best) Fixed scale Fastur kvarði Grids Hnitanet Add a new grid Remove selected grid Move selected grid up Move selected grid down Draw grid Teikna hnitanet Modify Grid… Overviews Yfirlit Add a new overview Remove selected overview Move selected overview up Move selected overview down Draw overview Teikna yfirlit Position Staðsetning Map frame Frame style Stíll ramma Blending mode Blöndunarhamur Invert overview Center on overview Stacking layer Update Map Preview Set to Map Canvas Extent Set Map Extent to Match Main Canvas Extent View Extent in Map Canvas View Current Map Extent in Main Canvas Move Map Content Interactively Edit Map Extent View Scale in Map Canvas Set Main Canvas to Match Current Map Scale Set to Map Canvas Scale Set Map Scale to Match Main Canvas Scale Label Settings Labeling Settings QgsLayoutModel Item Atriði QgsLayoutMouseHandles Move Items Resize Items %1 items selected %1 atriði valin 1 item selected 1 atriði valið dx: %1 mm dy: %2 mm dx: %1 mm dy: %2 mm width: %1 mm height: %2 mm breidd: %1 mm hæð: %2 mm QgsLayoutMultiFrame Change Resize Mode <Multiframe> QgsLayoutNewItemPropertiesDialog New Item Properties Eiginleikar nýs atriðis Reference Point Position and Size Height Hæð Width Breidd Y Y X X Lock aspect ratio (including while drawing extent onto canvas) Læsa stærðarhlutföllum (einnig þegar kortvídd er teiknuð á myndflöt) Page Síða QgsLayoutNewPageDialog Insert Pages Page Size Size Stærð Width Breidd Orientation Stefna Height Hæð Lock aspect ratio (including while drawing extent onto canvas) Læsa stærðarhlutföllum (einnig þegar kortvídd er teiknuð á myndflöt) page(s) Insert Setja inn Before Page After Page At End QgsLayoutObject list of map layer names separated by | characters name of an existing map theme (case-sensitive) QgsLayoutPageCollection Resize to Contents Move Item Flytja hlut Move Guides Add Page Remove Page Fjarlægja síðu Remove Pages QgsLayoutPagePropertiesWidget New Item Properties Eiginleikar nýs atriðis Background Bakgrunnur Page Size Width Breidd Lock aspect ratio (including while drawing extent onto canvas) Læsa stærðarhlutföllum (einnig þegar kortvídd er teiknuð á myndflöt) Height Hæð Size Stærð Orientation Stefna If checked, this page will not be included when exporting the layout Exclude page from exports Portrait Lóðrétt Landscape Lárétt Custom Sérsnið Change Page Size Change Page Background Include Page in Exports Exclude Page from Exports QgsLayoutPictureWidget Picture Properties Select Fill Color Veldu lit fyllingar Select Stroke Color Veldu lit útlínu Grid north Norður hnitanets True north Réttvísandi norður Change Picture Change Picture Rotation Select SVG or Image File Select New Preview Directory Veldu nýja möppu undir forskoðun Change Resize Mode Change Placement Toggle Rotation Sync Change Rotation Map Adding Icons… Bæti við táknmyndum… Abort Hætta við Creating icon for file %1 Bý til tákn fyrir skrá %1 Change Picture Fill Color Change Picture Stroke Color Change Picture Stroke Width Change Picture North Offset Change Picture North Mode QgsLayoutPictureWidgetBase Picture Options Valkostir myndar Picture Mynd Main Properties Aðaleiginleikar Image source Uppruni myndar Resize mode Stærðarbreytingahamur Zoom Aðdráttur Stretch Teygja Clip Afmarka Zoom and resize frame Stilla aðdrátt og breyta stærð ramma Resize frame to image size Aðlaga stærð ramma að myndstærð Placement Staðsetning Top left Efst til vinstri Top center Efst fyrir miðju Top right Efst til hægri Middle left Miðjað til vinstri Middle Miðjað Middle right Miðjað til hægri Bottom left Neðst til vinstri Bottom center Neðst fyrir miðju Bottom right Neðst til hægri Search Directories Loading previews… Hleð inn forskoðunum… Add… Bæta við… Image Rotation Image search paths Leitarslóðir mynda Remove Fjarlægja SVG Parameters SVG-færibreytur mm mm Stroke color Útlínulitur Stroke width Breidd útlínu Fill color Litur fyllingar North alignment Afstilling miðað við norður Sync with map Samstilla með korti ° ° Offset Hliðrun QgsLayoutPolygonWidget Polygon Properties Change Shape Style QgsLayoutPolygonWidgetBase Form Form Polygon Fláki Main Properties Aðaleiginleikar Change… Skipta um… QgsLayoutPolylineWidget Polyline Properties Arrow Properties Eiginleikar örvar Select Arrow Head Stroke Color Veldu lit útlínu á örvaroddi Select Arrow Head Fill Color Veldu lit fyllingar á örvaroddi Transparent Stroke Gegnsæ stroka Transparent Fill Gegnsæ fylling Change Shape Style Change Arrow Head Skipta um örvarodd Change Arrow Width Breyta örvarbreidd Change Arrow Fill Color Breyta lit örvarfyllingar Change Arrow Stroke Color Breyta lit örvarútlínu Set Arrow Marker Setja endamark örvar Set Line Marker Set SVG Marker Change Start Marker File Change End Marker File Start marker svg file SVG-skrá upphafsmarks End marker svg file SVG-skrá endamarks QgsLayoutPolylineWidgetBase Form Form Polyline Fjöllína Main Properties Aðaleiginleikar Line Style… Línustíll… Line Markers Arrow stroke color Litur útlínu á ör mm mm Arrow head width Breidd örvarodds Start marker Upphafsmark None Ekkert Arrow Ör SVG SVG Arrow stroke width Breidd útlínu örvar End marker Endamark Arrow fill color Litur örvarfyllingar SVG path QgsLayoutPropertiesWidget Layout Properties Resize to Contents Set Reference Map Set Default DPI Setja sjálfgefna upplausn QgsLayoutQptDropHandler Could not read template file. Gat ekki lesið sniðmátsskrána. Load from Template Lesa inn úr sniðmáti QgsLayoutScaleBarWidget Scalebar Properties Single Box Einfaldur kassi Double Box Tvöfaldur kassi Line Ticks Middle Line Ticks Down Line Ticks Up Numeric Tölugildi Left Vinstri Middle Miðjað Right Hægri Map units Mælieiningar korts Meters Metrar Kilometers Kílómetrar Feet Fet Yards Yardar Miles Mílur Nautical Miles Sjómílur Centimeters Sentímetrar Millimeters Millímetrar Select Fill Color Veldu lit fyllingar Transparent Fill Gegnsæ fylling Select Alternate Fill Color Veldu aukalit fyllingar Transparent Line Scalebar Font Select Line Color Veldu lit á línu Set Scalebar Line Width Set Scalebar Segment Size Set Scalebar Segments Set Scalebar Height Set Scalebar Font Set Scalebar Fill Color Set Scalebar Stroke Color Set Scalebar Unit Text Set Scalebar Map Units per Segment Set Scalebar Style Set Scalebar Label Space Set Scalebar Box Space Set Scalebar Alignment Set Scalebar Units Set Scalebar Join Style Set Scalebar Cap Style Set Scalebar Size Mode Set Scalebar Map QgsLayoutScaleBarWidgetBase Scalebar Options Valkostir kvarðastiku Scalebar Kvarðastika St&yle &Stíll &Map &Kort Units Einingar Scalebar units Einingar kvarðastiku &Label for units Merki fyrir mæ&lieiningar Specifies how many scalebar units per labeled unit. For example, if your scalebar units are set to "meters", a multiplier of 1000 will result in the scalebar labels in kilometers. Specifies the underlying units used for scalebar calculations, e.g., "meters" or "feet" Label unit multiplier Segments Bútar Number of scalebar units per scalebar segment Fjöldi eininga kvarðastiku á hvern kvarðastikubút units einingar Height Hæð right hægri left vinstri Fi&xed width Jöfn &breidd Fit segment width Aðlögun á breidd bútar mm mm Display Skjár Box margin Spássía reits Alignment Jöfnun Labels margin Spássía merkinga Line width Línubreidd Cap style Endastíll Join style Stíll tenginga Secondary fill color Auka fyllilitur Fill color Litur fyllingar Main Properties Aðaleiginleikar Text used for labeling the scalebar units, e.g., "m" or "km". This should be matched to reflect the multiplier above. Fonts and Colors Line color Litur á línu Font Letur QgsLayoutShapeWidget Shape Properties Rectangle Rétthyrningur Ellipse Sporbaugur Triangle Þríhyrningur Change Shape Style Change Shape Radius Change Shape Type QgsLayoutShapeWidgetBase Form Form Shape Form Main Properties Aðaleiginleikar Corner radius Radíus horns Style Stíll Change… Skipta um… QgsLayoutTable No matching records Engar samsvarandi færslur QgsLayoutTableBackgroundColorsDialog Change Table Background Breyta bakgrunni töflu Select Background Color Veldu bakgrunnslit No Background Enginn bakgrunnur QgsLayoutTableBackgroundDialog Table Background Colors Bakgrunnslitur töflu First row Fyrsta röð Header row Fyrirsagnarröð Even columns Jafntöludálkar First column Fyrsti dálkur Even rows Jafntöluraðir Odd columns Oddatöludálkar Last row Síðasta röð Last column Síðasti dálkur Default cell background Sjálfgefinn bakgrunnur reita Odd rows Oddatöluraðir <html><head/><body><p>Check options to enable shading for matching cells. Options lower in this list will take precedence over higher options. For example, if both &quot;<span style=" font-style:italic;">First row</span>&quot; and &quot;<span style=" font-style:italic;">Odd rows</span>&quot; are checked, the cells in the first row will be shaded using the color specified for &quot;<span style=" font-style:italic;">First row</span>&quot;.</p></body></html> QgsLayoutTableSortColumnsProxyModel Descending Lækkandi Ascending Rísandi Attribute Eigind Sort Order Röðunarátt QgsLayoutView Cut Items Klippa atriði Paste Items Líma atriði Lock Items Læsa atriðum Unlock Items Aflæsa atriðum Delete Items Eyða atriðum Move Item Flytja atriði QgsLayoutViewEllipticalRubberBand width: %1 %3 height: %2 %3 breidd: %1 %3 hæð: %2 %3 QgsLayoutViewRectangularRubberBand width: %1 %3 height: %2 %3 breidd: %1 %3 hæð: %2 %3 QgsLayoutViewToolAddItem Add item Bæta við hlut Create %1 Búa til %1 Create Item Búa til atriði QgsLayoutViewToolAddNodeItem Add item Bæta við hlut QgsLayoutViewToolEditNodes Select Velja Remove Item Node Fjarlægja hnút af atriði Move Item Node Færa hnút atriðis Add Item Node Bæta hnút við atriði QgsLayoutViewToolMoveItemContent Select Velja Move Item Content Flytja innihald atriðis Zoom Item Content Renna að innihaldi atriðis QgsLayoutViewToolPan Pan Hliðra QgsLayoutViewToolSelect Select Velja QgsLayoutViewToolTemporaryKeyPan Pan Hliðra QgsLayoutViewToolTemporaryMousePan Pan Hliðra QgsLayoutViewToolZoom Pan Hliðra QgsLayoutViewTriangleRubberBand width: %1 %3 height: %2 %3 breidd: %1 %3 hæð: %2 %3 QgsLayoutWidgetBase Composition Samsetning General Settings Reference map Viðmiðunarkort Specifies the master map for this composition, which is used to georeference composer exports and for scale calculation for item styles. Guides and Grid Stoðlínur og hnitanet x: x: y: y: px px Grid spacing Bil hnitanets Grid offset Hliðrun hnitanets Snap tolerance Þolvik grips Export Settings Resize Layout to Content If checked, a separate world file which georeferences exported images will be created Save world file Vista skrá með kortheimi Export resolution Upplausn fyrir útflutning dpi pát If checked, exports from this layout will be rasterized. Print as raster Prenta sem rasta If checked, the layout will always be kept as vector objects when exported to a compatible format, even if the appearance of the resultant file does not match the layouts settings. If unchecked, some elements in the layout may be rasterized in order to keep their appearance intact. Always export as vectors Margin units Top margin Efri spássía Left Vinstri Right Hægri Bottom Neðst Resize layout Variables Breytur QgsLegendFilterButton Edit Filter Expression… Breyta reglulegri segð síu… Clear Filter Expression Edit filter expression Edit filter expression (current: %1) QgsLightsWidget Form Form ... ... X X Z Z Y Y Intensity Styrkur <html><head/><body><p>Attenuation (A<span style=" vertical-align:sub;">0</span>+A<span style=" vertical-align:sub;">1</span>*D+A<span style=" vertical-align:sub;">2</span>*D<span style=" vertical-align:super;">2</span>)</p></body></html> Color Litur <html><head/><body><p>A<span style=" vertical-align:sub;">0</span></p></body></html> <html><head/><body><p>A<span style=" vertical-align:sub;">1</span></p></body></html> <html><head/><body><p>A<span style=" vertical-align:sub;">2</span></p></body></html> Add Light It is not possible to add more than 8 lights to the scene. Light %1 QgsLimitedRandomColorRampDialog Random Color Ramp Handahófskenndur litastigi QgsLimitedRandomColorRampWidgetBase Random Color Ramp Handahófskenndur litastigi Hue Litblær to til Saturation mettun Value Gildi Classes Flokkar Preview Forskoða QgsLocatorFiltersModel Filter Sía Prefix Forskeyti Enabled Virkt Default Sjálfgefið Configuration Uppsetning QgsLocatorWidget Type to locate (⌘K) Skrifa til að finna (⌘K) Type to locate (Ctrl+K) Skrifa til að finna (Ctrl+K) <type here> <skrifaðu hér> Configure… Stilla… QgsLockedFeature Validation started. Sannvottun hafin. Validation finished (%n error(s) found). number of geometry errors QgsManageConnectionsDialog Select all Velja allt Clear selection Hreinsa val Select connections to import Veldu tengingar til að flytja inn Import Innlestur Export Flytja út Export/Import Error Innflutnings/Útflutningsvilla Save Connections Vista tengingar Saving Connections Vista teningar Loading Connections Lesa inn tengingar The file is not a WMS connections exchange file. Skráin er ekki gild skiptiskrá WMS-tenginga. The file is not a WFS connections exchange file. Skráin er ekki gild skiptiskrá WFS-tenginga. The file is not a WCS connections exchange file. Skráin er ekki gild skiptiskrá WCS-tenginga. The file is not a PostGIS connections exchange file. Skráin er ekki gild skiptiskrá PostGIS-tenginga. The file is not a MSSQL connections exchange file. Skráin er ekki gild skiptiskrá MSSQL-tenginga. The file is not a DB2 connections exchange file. Skráin er ekki gild skiptiskrá DB2-tenginga. The file is not a GeoNode connections exchange file. Skráin er ekki gild skiptiskrá GeoNode-tenginga. The file is not a XYZ Tiles connections exchange file. The file is not a %1 connections exchange file. Skráin er ekki gild skiptiskrá %1-tenginga. You should select at least one connection from list. Þú verður að velja a.m.k. eina tengingu úr lista. XML files (*.xml *.XML) XML skrár (*.xml *.XML) Cannot write file %1: %2. Get ekki skrifað í skrá %1: %2. Cannot read file %1: %2. Get ekki lesið skrá %1: %2. Parse error at line %1, column %2: %3 Þáttunarvilla í línu %1 dálki %2: %3 The file is not an Oracle connections exchange file. Skráin er ekki gild skiptiskrá Oracle-tenginga. Connection with name '%1' already exists. Overwrite? Tenging við nafnið '%1' er þegar til. Viltu yfirskrifa? QgsManageConnectionsDialogBase Manage Connections Stjórna tengingum Select connections to export Veldu tengingar til að flytja út QgsMapCanvas Map Canvas Myndflötur korts Rendering Myndgerð Canvas refresh: %1 ms Endurnýjun myndflatar: %1 ms Cannot zoom to selected feature(s) No extent could be determined. Pan to feature id failed Feature does not have a geometry Feature geometry is empty Zoom to feature id failed Feature not found Fitja fannst ekki Cannot pan to selected feature(s) QgsMapCanvasDockWidget Set View Theme Setja þema fyrir sýn View Settings Stillingar sýnar Change Map CRS (%1)… Skipta um viðmiðskerfi korts (%1)… No projection Engin vörpun (default) (sjálfgefið) QgsMapCanvasDockWidgetBase Map Canvas Myndflötur korts Set Map CRS… Setja viðmiðskerfi korts… Set Map CRS Setja viðmiðskerfi korts Rename View… Endurnefna sýn… Rename View Endurnefna sýn Zoom to &Selection Renna að &vali Zoom to &Layer Renna að &lagi Zoom &Full &Fullur aðdráttur Show Annotations Birta glósur Show Cursor Position Sýna staðsetningu bendils Show Main Canvas Extent Show Labels Sýna merkingar QgsMapCanvasSnappingUtils Indexing data… Lykla gögn… QgsMapCanvasTracer Disabled - there are too many features displayed. Try zooming in or disable some layers. Tracing may not work correctly. Please check topology of the input layers. Tracing Rakning QgsMapCoordsDialog From Map Canvas QgsMapCoordsDialogBase Enter Map Coordinates Sláðu inn hnit korts <html><head/><body><p>Enter X and Y coordinates (DMS (<span style=" font-style:italic;">dd mm ss.ss</span>), DD (<span style=" font-style:italic;">dd.dd</span>) or projected coordinates (<span style=" font-style:italic;">mmmm.mm</span>)) which correspond with the selected point on the image. Alternatively, click the button with icon of a pencil and then click a corresponding point on map canvas of QGIS to fill in coordinates of that point.</p></body></html> Y / North Y / Norður Automatically hide georeferencer window X / East X / Austur QgsMapLayer Specify CRS for layer %1 Tilgreindu viðmiðskerfi fyrir lagið %1 %1 at line %2 column %3 %1 í línu %2 dálki %3 Loading style file %1 failed because: %2 Innlestur stílskráar %1 mistókst vegna: %2 Cannot apply style with symbology to layer with a different geometry type Could not save symbology because: %1 Gat ekki vistað táknun vegna: %1 The directory containing your dataset needs to be writable! Mappan sem inniheldur gagnasafnið verður að vera skrifanleg! Layer Lag Style not found in database Still fannst ekki í gagnagrunni Metadata not found in database Lýsigögn fundust ekki í gagnagrunni Loading metadata file %1 failed because: %2 Created default metadata file as %1 Created default style file as %1 Sjálfgefin stílskrá búin til sem %1 ERROR: Failed to created default metadata file as %1. Check file permissions and retry. ERROR: Failed to created default style file as %1. Check file permissions and retry. Villa: Mistókst að búa til sjálfgefna stílskrá sem %1. Athugaðu heimildir skráar og prófaðu aftur. User database could not be opened. Gat ekki opnað gagnagrunn notanda. The metadata table could not be created. The style table could not be created. Ekki tókst að búa til stíltöflu. The metadata %1 was saved to database The style %1 was saved to database Stíllinn %1 var vistaður í gagnagrunn The metadata %1 was updated in the database. The style %1 was updated in the database. Stillinn %1 var uppfærður í gagnagrunni. The metadata %1 could not be updated in the database. The style %1 could not be updated in the database. Ekki tókst að uppfæra stílinn %1 í gagnagrunni. The metadata %1 could not be inserted into database. The style %1 could not be inserted into database. Ekki tókst að bætta stílnum %1 í gagnagrunn. Only vector and raster layers are supported ERROR: Failed to created SLD style file as %1. Check file permissions and retry. Villa: Mistókst að búa til SLD-stílskrá sem %1. Athugaðu heimildir skráar og prófaðu aftur. Unable to open file %1 Get ekki opnað skrána %1 Root <qgis> element could not be found Rótarstak <qgis> fannst ekki QgsMapLayerComboBoxPlugin A combo box to list the layers Fjölvalsreitur sem sýnir öll lögin A combo box to list the layers registered in QGIS. Layers might be filtered according to their type. Fjölvalsreitur sem sýnir öll lögin sem skráð eru í QGIS. Lögin geta verið síuð eftir tegund þeirra. QgsMapLayerModel %1 [%2] %1 [%2] %1 (%2 - %3) %1 (%2 - %3) %1 (%2) %1 (%2) QgsMapLayerStyleCategoriesModel Layer Configuration Identifiable, removable, searchable, display expression, read-only Symbology Táknun 3D Symbology Labels Merkingar Fields Gagnasvið Aliases, widgets, WMS/WFS, expressions, constraints, virtual fields Forms Actions Aðgerð Map Tips Ábendingar á landakortum Diagrams Skýringamyndir Attribute Table Settings Choice and order of columns, conditional styling Rendering Myndgerð Scale visibility, simplify method, opacity Custom Properties Geometry Options Geometry constraints and validity checks All Style Categories QgsMapLayerStyleGuiUtils Remove Current Fjarlægja núverandi Add… Bæta við… Rename Current… Endurnefna núverandi… New Style Rename Style Style name: Heiti stíls: QgsMapLayerStyleManager default sjálfgefið QgsMapLayerStyleManagerWidget Add Bæta við Remove Current Fjarlægja núverandi Load Style Hlaða inn stíl Save as Default Vista sem sjálfgefið Restore Default Endurheimta sjálfgefið New Style Style name: Heiti stíls: Save Style Vista stíl Save default style to: Vista sjálfgefinn stíl í: Cancel Hætta við Local Database Datasource Database Default Style Sjálfgefinn still Load default style from: Hlaða sjálfgefnum stíl inn úr: Loaded from Provider Hlaðið inn frá þjónustuveitu No default style was found for this layer Enginn sjálfgefinn stíll fannst fyrir þetta lag Load layer properties from style file QGIS Layer Style File QGIS-stílskrá fyrir lög SLD File SLD-skrá QgsMapRendererJob There was a problem transforming the layer's extent. Layer skipped. Insufficient memory for image %1x%2 Ekki nóg minni fyrir mynd %1x%2 Insufficient memory for label image %1x%2 Labeling Merki %1 ms: %2 %1 msek: %2 Rendering Myndgerð QgsMapRendererTask Saving as image Vista sem mynd Rendering to painter QgsMapSaveDialog Save Map as Image Vista kort sem mynd Advanced effects such as blend modes or vector layer transparency cannot be exported as vectors. Rasterizing the map is recommended when such effects are used. Rasterize map Rasta kortið Save world file Vista skrá með kortheimi Draw annotations Teikna glósur Draw active decorations Output height Hæð frálags Output width Breidd frálags px px Lock aspect ratio (including while drawing extent onto canvas) Læsa stærðarhlutföllum (einnig þegar kortvídd er teiknuð á myndflöt) Resolution Upplausn dpi pát Scale Kvarði Extent Kortvídd Draw active decorations: %1 none ekkert The following layer(s) use advanced effects: %1 Rasterizing map is recommended for proper rendering. Save Map as PDF Vista kort sem PDF Copy to Clipboard Afrita á klippispjald Save as image Vista sem mynd Could not allocate required memory for image Gat ekki tekið frá minni fyrir myndina Successfully copied map to clipboard Afritun korts á klippispjald tókst Save as PDF Vista sem PDF Could not copy the map to clipboard Gat ekki afritað kortið á klippispjald Choose a file name to save the map image as Veldu skráarheiti til að vista mynd af kortinu Successfully saved map to <a href="%1">%2</a> Tókst að vista kortið í <a href="%1">%2</a> Could not save the map to file Gat ekki vistað kortið í skrá PDF Format PDF skráasnið Save Map As Could not save the map to PDF Gat ekki vistað myndina í PDF QgsMapSettingsAction Synchronize View Center with Main Map Synchronize View to Selection Scale Kvarði ° ° Current clockwise map rotation in degrees Núverandi réttsælis snúningur korts í gráðum Rotation Snúningur Magnifier level Stækkunarstig Magnification Stækkun Synchronize scale × × Multiplication factor for main canvas scale to view scale Scale Factor Kvörðunargildi QgsMapThemes Replace Theme Skipta út þema Add Theme… Bæta við þema… Remove Current Theme Fjarlægja núverandi þema theme þema Theme Þema Map Themes Kortaþemu Name of the new theme Heiti á nýju þema A theme with this name already exists. Þema með þessu nafni er þegar til staðar. Are you sure you want to replace the existing theme “%1”? Ertu viss að þú viljir skipta út fyrirliggjandi þemanu “%1”? Remove Theme Fjarlægja þema Are you sure you want to remove the existing theme “%1”? Ertu viss að þú viljir fjarlægja fyrirliggjandi þemað “%1”? QgsMapToolAddFeature add feature Bæta við fitju Add feature Bæta við fitju QgsMapToolAddPart No feature selected. Please select a feature with the selection tool or in the attribute table Several features are selected. Please select only one feature to which an part should be added. Part added Hluta bætt við Could not add part. %1 Add part Bæta við hluta Coordinate transform error. Cannot transform the point to the layers coordinate system Add part: Feature geom is single part and you've added more than one Selected feature is not multi part. New part's geometry is not valid. New polygon ring not disjoint with existing polygons. Several features are selected. Please select only one feature to which an island should be added. Selected geometry could not be found QgsMapToolAddRegularPolygon Number of sides: QgsMapToolAddRing Add ring Bæta við hring Cannot transform the point to the layers coordinate system. Ring added Bætti við hring a problem with geometry type occurred the inserted ring is not closed the inserted ring is not a valid geometry the inserted ring crosses existing rings the inserted ring is not contained in a feature an unknown error occurred óþekkt villa átti sér stað Could not add ring since %1. QgsMapToolChangeLabelProperties Changed properties for label Breytti eiginleikum merkis QgsMapToolCircle2TangentsPoint Error Villa Segments are parallels Bútar eru samsíða Radius of the circle: Radíus hringsins: QgsMapToolCircle3Tangents Error Villa At least two segments are parallels Að minnsta kosti tveir bútar eru samsíða QgsMapToolCircularStringRadius Radius: Radíus: QgsMapToolDeletePart Delete part Eyða hluta Part of multipart feature deleted Hluti marghluta fitju eytt Couldn't remove the selected part. Gat ekki fjarlægt valinn hlut. QgsMapToolDeleteRing Delete ring Eyðingarhringur Delete ring can only be used in a polygon layer. Eyðingarhring er aðeins hægt að nota á flákalagi. Ring deleted Hring eytt QgsMapToolDigitizeFeature Digitize feature The data provider for this layer does not support the addition of features. Wrong editing tool, cannot apply the 'capture point' tool on this vector layer Cannot transform the point to the layers coordinate system Wrong editing tool, cannot apply the 'capture line' tool on this vector layer Wrong editing tool, cannot apply the 'capture polygon' tool on this vector layer The feature cannot be added because it's geometry collapsed due to intersection avoidance QgsMapToolEdit No active vector layer Ekkert virkt vektorlag Layer not editable Lag er óbreytanlegt QgsMapToolFeatureAction To run an action, you must choose an active vector layer. The active vector layer has no defined actions No features at this position found. Engar fitjur fundust á þessari staðsetningu. All Features QgsMapToolFillRing Cannot transform the point to the layers coordinate system Ring added and filled Fylltum hring var bætt við a problem with geometry type occurred the inserted Ring is not closed the inserted Ring is not a valid geometry the inserted Ring crosses existing rings the inserted Ring is not contained in a feature an unknown error occurred óþekkt villa átti sér stað could not add ring since %1. Ring filled Hringur fylltur No ring found to fill. QgsMapToolIdentify No active layer. To identify features, you must choose an active layer. Identifying on %1… Greini á %1… Identifying done. Auðkenningu lokið. Scalar Value Vector Value Vector Magnitude Vector x-component Vector y-component (clicked coordinate X) (clicked coordinate Y) (clicked coordinate Z) new feature ný fitja Feature ID Fitjukenni Closest vertex number Closest vertex X Closest vertex Y Closest vertex Z Closest vertex M Closest X Closest Y Interpolated Z Interpolated M Parts Hlutar Part number Númer hlutar Length (Ellipsoidal, %1) Length (Cartesian) Area (Ellipsoidal, %1) Area (Cartesian) Perimeter (Ellipsoidal, %1) Perimeter (Cartesian) X X Y Y Z Z M Vertices Brotpunktar firstX attributes get sorted; translation for lastX should be lexically larger than this one Fyrsta X firstY Fyrsta Y lastX attributes get sorted; translation for firstX should be lexically smaller than this one Síðasta X lastY Síðasta Y no data engin gögn Error Villa Identify error Bera kennsl á villu QgsMapToolIdentifyAction Identify Bera kennsl á Show Attribute Table No features at this position found. Engar fitjur fundust á þessari staðsetningu. QgsMapToolIdentifyFeature Identify feature Bera kennsl á fitju QgsMapToolMeasureAngle Measure angle Mæla horn QgsMapToolMoveFeature Move feature Flytja fitju Move features Some of the selected features are outside of the current map view. Would you still like to continue? Feature moved Fitja flutt Feature copied and moved Fitja afrituð og færð QgsMapToolMoveLabel Move label Færa merki Moved label Færði merki QgsMapToolOffsetCurve Could not find a nearby feature in any vector layer. Generated geometry is not valid. Offset curve Hliðra ferli Creating offset geometry failed: %1 QgsMapToolOffsetPointSymbol The selected point does not have an offset attribute set. Offset symbol Tákn fyrir hliðrun QgsMapToolPan Pan Hliðra QgsMapToolPinLabels Pin labels Festa merkingar Pinned label Fest merking Unpinned label Laus merking Pinned diagram Fest skýringamynd Unpinned diagram Laus skýringamynd QgsMapToolPointSymbol No point feature was detected at the clicked position. Please click closer to the feature or enhance the search tolerance under Settings->Options->Digitizing->Search radius for vertex edits QgsMapToolReshape Cannot transform the point to the layers coordinate system Reshape Endurforma An error was reported during intersection removal The feature cannot be reshaped because the resulting geometry is empty QgsMapToolReverseLine Reverse line geometry Reverse line Snúa við stefnu línu Line reversed. Couldn't reverse the selected part. QgsMapToolRotateFeature Could not find a nearby feature in the current layer. Gat ekki fundið nálæga fitju á núverandi lagi. Features Rotated Fitjum snúið QgsMapToolRotateLabel Rotated label Snúið merki QgsMapToolRotatePointSymbols The selected point does not have a rotation attribute set. Rotate symbol Snúa merki QgsMapToolSelect Select features Veldu fitjur QgsMapToolSelectionHandler Selection radius: QgsMapToolShowHideLabels Show/hide labels Birta/Fela merkingar Hid labels Faldi merkingar Showed labels Birti merkingar CRS Exception: selection extends beyond layer's coordinate system. QgsMapToolSimplify Geometry simplified Lögun einfölduð Could not find a nearby feature in the current layer. Gat ekki fundið nálæga fitju á núverandi lagi. %1 feature(s): %2 to %3 vertices (%4%) Simplification failed! Einföldun mistókst! QgsMapToolSplitFeatures Coordinate transform error Villa tengd umvörpun hnita Cannot transform the point to the layers coordinate system Features split Fitjum skipt No features were split Engum fitjum var skipt If there are selected features, the split tool only applies to those. If you would like to split all features under the split line, clear the selection. No feature split done Engar skiptingar á fitjum framkvæmdar An error occurred during splitting. Cut edges detected. Make sure the line splits features into multiple parts. Split features Kljúfa fitjur The geometry is invalid. Please repair before trying to split it. QgsMapToolSplitParts Coordinate transform error Villa tengd umvörpun hnita Cannot transform the point to the layers coordinate system Parts split Skipta hlutum No parts were split Engum hlutum var skipt If there are selected parts, the split tool only applies to those. If you would like to split all parts under the split line, clear the selection. No part split done An error occurred during splitting. Cut edges detected. Make sure the line splits parts into multiple parts. Split parts Skipta hlutum The geometry is invalid. Please repair before trying to split it. Split error Villa í skiptingu QgsMapToolTrimExtendFeature Trim/Extend feature Feature trimmed/extended. Couldn't trim or extend the feature. QgsMapToolZoom Zoom Aðdráttur QgsMapUnitScaleDialog Adjust Scaling Range Aðlaga kvarðasvið QgsMapUnitScaleWidgetBase Adjust Scaling Range Aðlaga kvarðasvið Scale only within the following map unit scale range Minimum scale Lágmarkskvarði Maximum scale Hámarkskvarði Scale Range Size Range Minimum size Lágmarksstærð Maximum size Hámarksstærð mm mm Scale only within the following size range Kvarða einungis innan eftirfarandi stærðarsviðs QgsMarkerLineSymbolLayerWidget All Rings Exterior Ring Only Interior Rings Only QgsMasterPasswordResetDialog Reset Master Password Endursetja aðallykilorð Enter CURRENT master authentication password Required Krafist Enter NEW master authentication password Keep backup of current database Halda öryggisafriti af núverandi gagnagrunni Your authentication database will be duplicated and re-encrypted using new password QgsMdalSourceSelect Open MDAL Supported Mesh Dataset(s) Add mesh layer No layers selected. Engin lög valin. QgsMdalSourceSelectBase Add Mesh Layer(s) Source Uppruni Mesh dataset QgsMeasureBase Measure Mæla Total Samtals Segments Bútar Info Upplýsingar Cartesian Cartesian Ellipsoidal Sporvala QgsMeasureDialog &New &Nýtt &Configuration &Uppsetning The calculations are based on: Cartesian calculation selected, so area is calculated using Cartesian calculations. No map projection set, so area is calculated using Cartesian calculations. Units are unknown. Both project CRS (%1) and measured area are in degrees, so area is calculated using Cartesian calculations in square degrees. Project ellipsoidal calculation is selected. Project ellipsoidal calculation is not selected. Measure Mæla Both project CRS (%1) and measured length are in degrees, so distance is calculated using Cartesian calculations in degrees. Distance is calculated in %1, based on project CRS (%2). The value is converted from %1 to %2. Area is calculated in %1, based on project CRS (%2). The coordinates are transformed to the chosen ellipsoid (%1), and the area is calculated in %2. The coordinates are transformed to the chosen ellipsoid (%1), and the distance is calculated in %2. Segments [%1] Bútar [%1] Segments Bútar map units mælieiningar korts QgsMeasureTool Incorrect Measure Results <p>This map is defined with a geographic coordinate system (latitude/longitude) but the map extents suggests that it is actually a projected coordinate system (e.g., Mercator). If so, the results from line or area measurements will be incorrect.</p><p>To fix this, explicitly set an appropriate map coordinate system using the <tt>Settings:Project Properties</tt> menu. <p>Þetta landakort er skilgreint í landfræðilegu hnitakerfi (lengd/breidd) en mörk kortsins líta út fyrir að vera í raun varpað hnitakerfi (t.d. Mercator). Ef það er raunin, verða niðurstöður mælinga á línum og flatarmáli rangar.</p><p>Til að laga þetta, verður að stilla viðeigandi hnitakerfi í valmyndinni <tt>Stillingar:Eiginleikarar verks</tt>. Transform error caught at the MeasureTool: %1 QgsMemoryProvider Whole number (integer) Heiltala (integer) Decimal number (real) Rauntala (real) Text (string) Texti (strengur) Date Dagsetning Time Tími Date & Time Dagsetning og tími Whole number (smallint - 16bit) Heiltala (smallint- 16 bita) Whole number (integer - 32bit) Heiltala (integer -32bita) Whole number (integer - 64bit) Heiltala (integer -64bita) Decimal number (numeric) Rauntala (numeric) Decimal number (decimal) Rauntala (decimal) Decimal number (double) Rauntala (double) Text, unlimited length (text) Texti, ótakmörkuð lengd (text) Boolean Bólskt Binary object (BLOB) Tvíundakerfihlutur (binary object - BLOB) Feature has too many attributes (expecting %1, received %2) Could not add feature with geometry type %1 to layer of type %2 QgsMergeAttributesDialog Skip attribute Sleppa eigindi Id Auðkenni Merge Sameina Feature %1 Fitja %1 Concatenation Keðjumyndun Manual value Handvirkt gildi Skipped Sleppt QgsMergeAttributesDialogBase Merge Feature Attributes Sameina eigindi fitja Take attributes from selected feature Taka eigindi frá valinni fitju Remove feature from selection Fjarllægja fitju úr vali Resets all fields to "Skip" Frumstillir öll gagnasvið á 'Sleppa' Skip all fields Sleppa öllum gagnasviðum QgsMergedBookmarksTableModel In Project Í verkefni QgsMeshCalculatorDialog Enter mesh dataset file Expression Valid Expression invalid or datasets type not supported QgsMeshCalculatorDialogBase Mesh calculator Datasets Result Layer X min X-lágmark X max X-hámark Y max Y-hámark Y min Y-lágmark Selected Layer Extent Current extent Núverandi kortvídd Mask layer Laghula Mask Layer Output dataset All Selected Dataset Times End time Tími endis Start time Tími upphafs Mesh Calculator Expression Operators Virkjar <= <= >= >= / / * * + + max hámark = = > > < < abs abs != != min lágmark ( ( ) ) IF AND OG OR EÐA NOT EKKI ^ ^ sum (aggr) max (aggr) min (aggr) average (aggr) - - NODATA QgsMeshDatasetGroupTreeModel Groups Hópar QgsMeshLayer3DRendererWidget 3D View Þrívíddarsýn Enable 3D Renderer QgsMeshLayerProperties Layer Properties - %1 Eiginleikar lags - %1 Uri Vertex count Face count Dataset groups count Invalid data provider Not assigned Load mesh datasets Datasets successfully added to the mesh layer Could not read mesh dataset. QgsMeshLayerPropertiesBase Raster Layer Properties Eiginleikar rastalags Information Upplýsingar Source Uppruni 3D View Þrívíddarsýn Layer name Heiti lags displayed as birt sem Set source coordinate reference system Uri Assign Extra Dataset to Mesh Symbology Táknun QgsMeshMemoryDataProvider Invalid mesh definition, does not contain 2 sections Invalid mesh definition, vertex definition does not contain x, y Invalid mesh definition, face must contain at least 3 vertices Invalid mesh definition, vertex index must be positive value Invalid mesh definition, missing vertex id defined in face Invalid dataset definition, does not contain 3+ sections Invalid type definition, must be Vertex/Face Vector/Scalar Name Unable to add dataset group to invalid mesh Invalid dataset definition, dataset metadata does not contain key: value Invalid dataset definition, must contain at least 1 line (time) Invalid dataset definition, dataset scalar values must be x Invalid dataset definition, dataset vector values must be x, y Dataset defined on vertices has {} values, but mesh {} Dataset defined on faces has {} values, but mesh {} QgsMeshRendererActiveDatasetWidget Yes Is valid Invalid mesh layer selected Scalar dataset Vector dataset No mesh dataset selected No Nei Time Tími Data Type Tegund gagna Defined on vertices Defined on faces Is vector QgsMeshRendererActiveDatasetWidgetBase Form Form Dataset in Selected Group(s) >| >| > > < < |< |< Metadata Lýsigögn Time Format Options QgsMeshRendererMeshSettingsWidgetBase Form Form Line Width and Color QgsMeshRendererScalarSettingsWidgetBase Form Form Opacity Gagnsæi Min Lágmark 0 0 Max Hámark 1 1 Load Lesa inn QgsMeshRendererVectorSettingsWidgetBase Form Form Line Width and Color Filter by Magnitude Min Lágmark Max Hámark Display Vectors on User Grid X Spacing Y Spacing px px Head Options Width Breidd % of Shaft Length Length Lengd Arrow Length Defined by Min and Max Scaled to Magnitude Fixed Fast Minimum Lágmark Maximum Hámark Scale by a Factor of QgsMeshTimeFormatDialog Time Display Options Use absolute time Use relative time Use absolute time Reference date/time Date/time Format dd.MM.yyyy hh:mm:ss dd.MM.yyyy hh:mm dd.MM.yyyy hh dd.MM.yyyy dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm:ss dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm dd/MM/yyyy hh dd/MM/yyyy MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm MM/dd/yyyy hh MM/dd/yyyy Offset by hours Time Format hh:mm:ss hh:mm:ss.zzz hh d hh:mm:ss d hh d d ss QgsMessageBar Remaining messages Eftirliggjandi skilaboð Close All Loka öllu Close Loka Messages Skilaboð Show more Birta meira %n more unread messages %n til viðbótar %n til viðbótar QgsMessageLogViewer QGIS Log QGIS vinnsluferill General Almennt QgsMessageViewer QGIS Message QGIS skilaboð Don't show this message again Ekki birta þessi skilaboð aftur QgsMetadataWidget Type Tegund Name Heiti Farming Landbúnaður Climatology Meteorology Atmosphere Location Staðsetning Intelligence Military Transportation Samgöngur Structure Uppbygging Boundaries Svæðismörk Inland Waters Ferskvatn Planning Cadastre Skipulagskort Geoscientific Information Elevation Hæð Health Heilsutengt Biota Oceans Úthöf Environment Kerfisumhverfi Utilities Communication Economy Hagfræði Society Imagery Base Maps Earth Cover Constraint URL URL Description Lýsing Format Snið MIME MIME-tegund Size Stærð dataset Dataset Gagnasafn project verkefni Project Verkefni This page describes the basic attribution of the %1. Please use the tooltips for more information. %1 categories. Contacts related to the %1. Links describe ancillary resources and information related to this %1. History about the %1. <html><head/><body><p>Keywords are optional, and provide a way to provide additional descriptive information about the %1. Edits made in the categories tab will update the category entry below. For the concept, we suggest to use a standard based vocabulary such as <a href="https://www.eionet.europa.eu/gemet/en/inspire-themes/"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#0000ff;">GEMET.</span></a></p></body></html> Set from %1 layer lag undefined %1 óskilgreint %1 New Licence Nýtt notkunarleyfi New Right Ný réttindi CRS: %1 - %2 Hnitaviðmiðskerfi: %1 - %2 Same as layer properties and provider. Same as layer properties but different than the provider. Same as the provider but different than the layer properties. Does not match either layer properties or the provider. CRS: Not set. postal póstur New History Ok, it seems valid according to the QGIS Schema. New Category Nýr flokkur New Category: Nýr flokkur: QgsMetadataWidgetBase Form Form Identification Auðkenning A reference, URI, URL or some other mechanism to identify the parent resource that this resource is a part (child) of. Parent identifier A reference, URI, URL or some other mechanism to identify the resource. Identifier Auðkenni Set from Layer Returns the human readable name of the resource, typically displayed in search results. Title Titill While a formal vocabulary is not imposed, it is advised to use the ISO 19115 MD_ScopeCode values. E.g. 'dataset' or 'series'. If unsure about which type to select, use 'dataset'. Type Tegund Creation date yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss Author Höfundur Usually the returned string will follow either the ISO 639.2 or ISO 3166 specifications, e.g. 'ENG' or 'SPA', however this is not a hard requirement and the caller must account for non compliant values. Language Tungumál Free-form description of the resource Abstract Útdráttur Encoding Kóðun Categories Flokkar ISO categories ISO-flokkar Categories chosen will be added as a new entry in the keywords tab. Add selected ISO categories to metadata Add a new custom category to the metadata Remove selected categories from metadata Chosen categories Valdir flokkar Keywords Stikkorð Adds a list of descriptive keywords for a specified vocabulary. Removes a specified vocabulary. A set of descriptive keywords associated with the resource for a specified concept. Concept Access Aðgangur The fees, licences and rights for this dataset. Any fees associated with using the resource Fees Gjöld A list of licenses associated with the resource Licenses Notkunarleyfi Add license Bæta við notkunarleyfi Remove license Fjarlægja notkunarleyfi Label Merki List of attribution or copyright strings associated with the resource Rights (attribution or copyright) Réttindi (tilvísun eða höfundarréttur) Add Right Remove Right Constraints Hömlur Extent Kortvídd Coordinate Reference System and spatial extent for this dataset. The coordinate reference system described by the layer's metadata Coordinate Reference System Hnitaviðmiðskerfi Set CRS from Layer Set CRS from Provider Z maximum Z minimum Temporal extent for this dataset. From Nei To Til Contact Tengiliður Position/title of contact Staða/titill tengiliðar Name of contact Nafn tengiliðar Role of contact Hlutverk tengiliðar Role Hlutverk Position Staðsetning Organization contact belongs to/represents Name Heiti Phone number Símanúmer Fax number Faxnúmer Fax Símbréf Organization Stofnun Electronic mail address Rafrænt póstfang Voice Talskilaboð Address Heimilisfang Type of address, e.g 'postal' Tegund heimilisfangs, t.d. 'postal' Free-form physical address component Postal Code Póstnúmer Postal (or ZIP) code Póstnúmer/kóði City Borg City or locality name Nafn borgar eða sveitarfélags Administrative Area Stjórnsýsluumdæmi Administrative area (state, province/territory, etc.) Country Land Free-form country Email Tölvupóstur Add address Bæta við heimilisfangi Remove Address Fjarlægja heimilisfang Links Tenglar a list of online resources associated with the resource. Add link Bæta við tengli Remove link Fjarlægja tengil History Vinnsluferill Validation Fullgilding Validation is not enforced, but it's recommended to resolve any validation issues listed here. QgsMssqlConnectionItem Edit Connection… Breyta tengingu… Delete Connection Eyða tengingu %1: Not a valid layer! %1: Ekki gilt lag! %1: Not a vector layer! %1: Ekki vektorlag! Refresh Endurnýja Show Non-spatial Tables Create Schema… Búa til skipan… Create Schema Búa til skipan Schema name: Heiti á skipan: Unable to create schema %1 %2 Gat ekki búið til skipan %1 %2 Import to MSSQL database Flytja inn í MSSQL gagnagrunn Failed to import some layers! Mistókst að flytja inn einhver lög! Import was successful. Innflutningur tókst. QgsMssqlLayerItem Delete Table Eyða töflu Table deleted successfully. Tókst að eyða töflu. Truncate Table Klippa af töflu Table truncated successfully. QgsMssqlNewConnection Save Connection Vista tengingu Should the existing connection %1 be overwritten? Á að skrifa yfir eldri tengingu %1? Testing connection Prófa tengingu …… …… Connection Failed Tenging mistókst Host name hasn't been specified. Error opening connection Villa við að opna tengingu QgsMssqlNewConnectionBase Provider/DSN Þjónustuveita/DSN Host Þjónn HEADS UP: You have opted to save your password. It will be stored in plain text in your project files and in your home directory on Unix-like systems, or in your user profile on Windows Untick save if you don't wish to be the case. If checked, tables without a geometry column attached will also be shown in the available table lists. If checked, only estimated table metadata will be used. This avoids a slow table scan, but may result in incorrect layer properties such as layer extent. If checked, only tables which are present in the "geometry_columns" metadata table will be available. This speeds up table scanning, but requires users to manually manage the geometry_columns table and ensure that layers are correctly represented in the table. Test Connection Prófa tengingu List Databases Telja upp gagnagrunna Database Gagnagrunnur If checked, all handling of records with invalid geometry will be disabled. This speeds up the provider, however, if any invalid geometries are present in a table then the result is unpredictable and may include missing records. Only check this option if you are certain that all geometries present in the database are valid, and any newly added geometries or tables will also be valid. Skip invalid geometry handling Username Notandanafn Create a New MSSQL Connection Búa til nýja MSSQL tengingu Connection Details Nánar um tengingu Connection name Heiti tengingar Login Innskráning Trusted connection Save Vista Password Lykilorð Name of the new connection Nafn á nýju tengingunni Database Details Only look in the geometry_columns metadata table Also list tables with no geometry Einnig birta töflur án rúmfræði Use estimated table parameters QgsMssqlProvider 8 Bytes integer 8 bæta heiltölur 4 Bytes integer 4 bæta heiltölur 2 Bytes integer 2 bæta heiltölur 1 Bytes integer 1 bætis heiltölur Decimal number (numeric) Rauntala (numeric) Decimal number (decimal) Rauntala (decimal) Decimal number (real) Rauntala (real) Decimal number (double) Rauntala (double) Date Dagsetning Time Tími Date & Time Dagsetning og tími Text, fixed length (char) Texti, föst lengd (char) Text, limited variable length (varchar) Texti, takmörkuð breytileg lengd (varchar) Text, fixed length unicode (nchar) Text, limited variable length unicode (nvarchar) Text, unlimited length (text) Texti, ótakmörkuð lengd (text) Text, unlimited length unicode (ntext) Texti, ótakmörkuð lengd unicode (ntext) Could not add feature with geometry type %1 to layer of type %2 Table [%1].[%2] already exists QgsMssqlRootItem New Connection… Ný tenging… QgsMssqlSchemaItem Refresh Endurnýja %1 as %2 in %3 %1 sem %2 í %3 as geometryless table sem rúmfræðilaus tafla QgsMssqlSourceSelect Add MSSQL Table(s) Bæta við MSSQL-töflu(m) &Set Filter &Setja síu Set Filter Setja síu Wildcard Algildistákn RegExp ReglSegð All Allt Schema Skipan Table Tafla Type Tegund Geometry column Rúmfræðidálkur Primary key column Aðallykilsdálkur SRID Staðviðmiðskerfis-auðkenni (SRID) Sql Sql Are you sure you want to remove the %1 connection and all associated settings? Ertu viss um að þú viljir fjarlægja %1 tenginguna og viðkomandi stillingar? Confirm Delete Staðfesta eyðingu Load Connections Lesa inn tengingar XML files (*.xml *.XML) XML skrár (*.xml *.XML) Select Table Velja töflu You must select a table in order to add a layer. Þú verður að velja töflu til að geta bætt við lagi. MSSQL Provider MSSQL þjónustuveita Stop Stöðva Connect Tengjast QgsMssqlSourceSelectDelegate Select… Velja… QgsMssqlTableModel Schema Skipan Table Tafla Type Tegund Geometry column Rúmfræðidálkur SRID Staðviðmiðskerfis-auðkenni (SRID) Primary key column Aðallykilsdálkur Select at id Velja við auðkenni Sql SQL Detecting… Kanna… Select… Velja… Enter… Setja inn… Disable 'Fast Access to Features at ID' capability to force keeping the attribute table in memory (e.g. in case of expensive views). QgsMultiBandColorRendererWidget No enhancement Engin bæting Stretch to MinMax Strekkja í lágmark/hámark Stretch and clip to MinMax Strekkja og afmarka við lágmark/hámark Clip to MinMax Afmarka við lágmark/hámark Red Rautt Green Grænt Blue Blátt QgsMultiBandColorRendererWidgetBase Form Form Contrast enhancement Bæting birtuskila Red band Rautt tíðnisvið Min Lágmark Max Hámark Green band Grænt tíðnisvið Blue band Blátt tíðnisvið QgsMultiEditToolButton Set field for all selected features No Changes to Commit Set %1 for All Selected Features Reset to Original Values All features in selection have equal value for '%1' Some features in selection have different values for '%1' Values for '%1' have unsaved changes QgsNativeAlgorithms QGIS (native c++) QGIS (innbyggt c++) QgsNetworkAccessManager Network request %1 timed out Netbeiðni %1 rann út á tíma Network Netkerfi QgsNetworkContentFetcher HTTP fetch %1 failed with error %2 QgsNetworkContentFetcherTask Fetching %1 QgsNetworkReplyParser Cannot find boundary in multipart content type QgsNewAuxiliaryFieldDialog String Textastrengur Real Integer Heiltala New Auxiliary Field Invalid name. Auxiliary field '%1' already exists. Name is a mandatory parameter. QgsNewAuxiliaryFieldDialogBase Auxiliary Storage : New Auxiliary Field New auxiliary field parameters Type Tegund Name Heiti QgsNewAuxiliaryLayerDialogBase Auxiliary Storage : Choose Primary Key Select the primary key to use for joining with internal data storage QgsNewGeoPackageLayerDialog Point Punktur Line Lína Polygon Fláki Text data Textagögn Whole number (integer) Heiltala (integer) Whole number (integer 64 bit) Heiltala (integer -64bita) Decimal number (real) Rauntala (real) Date Dagsetning GeoPackage GeoPackage Select Existing or Create a New GeoPackage Database File… Creation of database failed (OGR error: %1) Opening of database failed (OGR error: %1) Opening of file succeeded, but this is not a GeoPackage database. A table with the same name already exists. Do you want to overwrite it? Overwrite Yfirskrifa No geometry Engin lögun MultiPoint Fjölpunkta MultiLine MultiPolygon CircularString CompoundCurve CurvePolygon MultiCurve MultiSurface Date & time Dagsetning og tími Boolean Bólskt Binary (BLOB) Add Field Bæta við gagnasviði The field cannot have the same name as the feature identifier. New GeoPackage Layer The File already exists. Do you want to overwrite the existing file with a new database or add a new layer to it? Add New Layer Layer creation failed. GeoPackage driver not found. Creation of layer failed (OGR error: %1) Creation of field %1 failed (OGR error: %2) %1 is an invalid layer and cannot be loaded. %1 er ógilt lag og ekki hægt að lesa inn. QgsNewGeoPackageLayerDialogBase New GeoPackage Layer Create a spatial index Búa til staðlykil Maximum length Hámarkslengd Name Heiti Add field to list Bæta gagnasviði á lista Type Tegund <html><head/><body><p>Field length / width</p></body></html> <html><head/><body><p>Lengd / breidd sviðs</p></body></html> Include Z dimension Include M values <html><head/><body><p>Human-readable identifier (e.g. short name) for the layer content</p></body></html> <html><head/><body><p>Auðkenni (t.d. stutt heiti) fyrir innihald lags sem lesanleg sé fyrir mannfólk</p></body></html> <html><head/><body><p>Name of the geometry column</p></body></html> Create a spatial index for this layer <html><head/><body><p>Existing or new GeoPackage database file name</p></body></html> Layer description Lýsing á lagi Geometry type Gerð lögunar Geometry column Rúmfræðidálkur <html><head/><body><p>Table name in the database</p></body></html> <html><head/><body><p>Nafn á töflu í gagnagrunni</p></body></html> <html><head/><body><p>Human-readable description for the layer content</p></body></html> <html><head/><body><p>Lýsing á innihaldi lags sem lesanleg sé fyrir mannfólk</p></body></html> Database Gagnagrunnur New Field Add to Fields List Table name Heiti töflu Fields List Remove Field Advanced Options Ítarlegir valkostir Layer identifier Kenni lags <html><head/><body><p>Geometry type</p></body></html> Feature id column <html><head/><body><p>Name of the feature id column</p></body></html> Delete selected field Eyða völdu gagnasviði Length Lengd QgsNewHttpConnection Create a New %1 Connection Búa til nýja %1 tengingu all allt off ekki notað QGIS QGIS UMN UMN GeoServer GeoServer Maximum Hámark 1.0 1.0 1.1 1.1 2.0 2.0 WCS Options Save Connection Vista tengingu Saving Passwords Vista lykilorð WARNING: You have entered a password. It will be stored in unsecured plain text in your project files and your home directory (Unix-like OS) or user profile (Windows). If you want to avoid this, press Cancel and either: a) Don't provide a password in the connection settings — it will be requested interactively when needed; b) Use the Configuration tab to add your credentials in an HTTP Basic Authentication method and store them in an encrypted database. Ignore GetCoverage URI reported in capabilities Hunsa URI-slóð GetCoverage sem tiltekin er í getuupplýsingum Ignore axis orientation Hunsa stefnu áss Should the existing connection %1 be overwritten? Á að skrifa yfir eldri tengingu %1? QgsNewHttpConnectionBase Authentication Auðkenning URL URL Version Útgáfa Max. number of features Hámarksfjöldi fitja Name Heiti Name of the new connection Nafn á nýja tengingu HTTP address of the Web Map Server HTTP vistfang fyrir WMS-þjóninn Ignore GetFeatureInfo URI reported in capabilities Hunsa URI-slóð GetFeatureInfo sem tiltekin er í getuupplýsingum WFS Options Ignore axis orientation (WFS 1.1/WFS 2.0) Hunsa stefnu áss (WFS 1.1/WFS 2.0) &Test Connection &Prófa tengingu HTTP Referer Tilvísandi Ignore GetMap/GetTile URI reported in capabilities Hunsa URI-slóð GetMap/GetTile sem tiltekin er í getuupplýsingum Ignore axis orientation (WMS 1.3/WMTS) Hunsa stefnu áss (WMS 1.3/WMTS) Invert axis orientation Snúa við stefnu áss Create a New Connection Connection Details Nánar um tengingu <html><head/><body><p>Enter a number to limit the maximum number of features retrieved per feature request. If let to empty, no limit is set.</p></body></html> Detect Skynja Enable feature paging Page size Blaðsíðustærð <html><head/><body><p>Enter a number to limit the maximum number of features retrieved in a single GetFeature request when paging is enabled. If let to empty, server default will apply.</p></body></html> WMS/WMTS Options Smooth pixmap transform Mýkt umvörpun bitamynda DPI-&Mode &Referer QgsNewMemoryLayerDialog New scratch layer Nýtt krasslag No geometry Engin lögun Point Punktur LineString / CompoundCurve Polygon / CurvePolygon MultiPoint Fjölpunkta MultiLineString / MultiCurve MultiPolygon / MultiSurface QgsNewMemoryLayerDialogBase New Temporary Scratch Layer Nýtt bráðabirgða-krasslag Include M values Geometry type Gerð lögunar Layer name Heiti lags Include Z dimension <i><b>Warning:</b> Temporary scratch layers are not saved and will be discarded when QGIS is closed.</i> <i><b>Aðvörun:</b> Bráðabirgða krasslög eru ekki vistuð og verður hent þegar QGIS er lokað.</i> QgsNewNameDialog New Name name heiti base name grunnheiti Enter new %1 Settu inn nýtt %1 Enter new %1 for %2 Settu inn nýtt %1 fyrir %2 Full names Full nöfn %n Name(s) %1 exists %n nafn %1 er til staðar %n nöfn %1 eru til staðar Overwrite Yfirskrifa QgsNewOgrConnection Connection failed - Check settings and try again. Extended error information: %1 Tenging mistókst - yfirfarðu stillingar og prófaðu aftur. Frekari villuupplýsingar: %1 Test Connection Prófa tengingu Connection to %1 was successful. Tenging við %1 tókst. Save Connection Vista tengingu Should the existing connection %1 be overwritten? Á að skrifa yfir eldri tengingu %1? QgsNewOgrConnectionBase Create a New OGR Database Connection Connection Information Upplýsingar um tengingu &Test Connection &Prófa tengingu Authentication Auðkenning &Type &Tegund &Name &Database &Gagnagrunnur Name of the new connection Nafn á nýju tengingunni Host Þjónn Port Gátt QgsNewSpatialiteLayerDialog No geometry Engin lögun Point Punktur Line Lína Polygon Fláki MultiPoint Fjölpunkta MultiLine MultiPolygon Text data Textagögn Whole number Heiltala Decimal number Rauntala New SpatiaLite Database File Ný SpatiaLite gagnagrunnsskrá SpatiaLite SpatiaLite SpatiaLite Database SpatiaLite gagnagrunnur Unable to open the database Gat ekki opna gagnagrunn Error Villa Failed to load SRIDS: %1 Mistókst að hlaða SRID-staðviðmiðskerfsauðkennum: %1 New SpatiaLite Layer The file already exists. Do you want to overwrite the existing file with a new database or add a new layer to it? Overwrite Yfirskrifa Add New Layer @ @ Unable to open the database: %1 Get ekki opnað gagnagrunn: %1 Error Creating SpatiaLite Table Villa kom upp við gerð SpatiaLite töflu Failed to create the SpatiaLite table %1. The database returned: %2 Error Creating Geometry Column Villa við að bæta við rúmfræðidálki Failed to create the geometry column. The database returned: %1 Error Creating Spatial Index Villa við að búa til staðlykil Failed to create the spatial index. The database returned: %1 Mistókst að búa til staðlykil. Gagnagrunnurinn svaraði: %1 %1 is an invalid layer and cannot be loaded. %1 er ógilt lag og ekki hægt að lesa inn. QgsNewSpatialiteLayerDialogBase Database Gagnagrunnur Layer name Heiti lags Name for the new layer Nafn á nýja lagið Geometry column Rúmfræðidálkur Type Tegund Spatial Reference Id Specify the coordinate reference system of the layer's geometry. Tilgreinið hnitaviðmiðskerfi fyrir rúmfræði lagsins. Add an integer id field as the primary key for the new layer Bæta við heiltölu-auðkenni sem aðallykli í nýja laginu Create an autoincrementing primary key Búa til stighækkandi aðallykil New SpatiaLite Layer Create a new SpatiaLite database Geometry type Gerð lögunar <html><head/><body><p>Geometry type</p></body></html> Include Z dimension Include M values New Field A field name Heiti gagnasviðs Add field to list Bæta gagnasviði á lista Add to Fields List Remove Field Fields List Delete selected field Eyða völdu gagnasviði Advanced Options Ítarlegir valkostir Name of the geometry column Name Heiti QgsNewVectorLayerDialog Text data Textagögn Whole number Heiltala Decimal number Rauntala Date Dagsetning Point Punktur MultiPoint Fjölpunkta Line Lína Polygon Fláki ESRI Shapefile ESRI Shapefile Comma Separated Value Gildi aðgreind með kommu GML GML Mapinfo File Mapinfo-skrá Save Layer As Vista lag sem New ShapeFile Layer The layer already exists. Are you sure you want to overwrite the existing file? QgsNewVectorLayerDialogBase File format Skráasnið Type Tegund Length Lengd Add field to list Bæta gagnasviði á lista Delete selected field Eyða völdu gagnasviði File name Skráarnafn Name Heiti New Shapefile Layer Nýtt shapefile-lag New Field Precision Nákvæmni Add to Fields List Fields List Remove Field Geometry type Gerð lögunar File encoding Kóðun skráar Additional dimensions None Ekkert Z (+ M values) M values QgsNullSymbolRendererWidget No symbols will be rendered for features in this layer. QgsOWSConnectionItem Edit… Breyta… Delete Eyða QgsOWSRootItem New Connection… Ný tenging… QgsOWSSourceSelect Add Layer(s) from a %1 Server Bæta við lögum frá %1-þjóni Always cache Alltaf í skyndiminni Prefer cache Hygla skyndiminni Prefer network Hygla netkerfi Always network Alltaf netkerfi Are you sure you want to remove the %1 connection and all associated settings? Ertu viss um að þú viljir fjarlægja %1 tenginguna og viðkomandi stillingar? Delete Connection Eyða tengingu XML files (*.xml *.XML) XML skrár (*.xml *.XML) Add WMS Servers Bæta við WMS-þjónum Several WMS servers have been added to the server list. Note that if you access the Internet via a web proxy, you will need to set the proxy settings in the QGIS options dialog. Load Connections Lesa inn tengingar Coordinate Reference System (%n available) crs count Hnitaviðmiðskerfi (%n tiltækt) Hnitaviðmiðskerfi (%n tiltæk) Coordinate Reference System Hnitaviðmiðskerfi Could not understand the response: %1 Skildi ekki svarið: %1 parse error at row %1, column %2: %3 þáttunarvilla í línu %1, dálki %2: %3 network error: %1 villa í nettengingu: %1 QgsOWSSourceSelectBase Add Layer(s) from a Server Bæta við lögum frá þjóni Ready Tilbúið Layers Lag Connect to selected service Tengjast valinni þjónustu C&onnect &Tengja Create a new service connection Búa til nýja tengingu við þjónustu &New &Nýtt Edit selected service connection Breyta valinni tengingu við þjónustu Edit Breyta Load connections from file Lesa inn tengingar frá skrá Load Lesa inn Save connections to file Vista tengingu í skrá Save Vista Adds a few example WMS servers Bæta við nokkrum WMS dæmaþjónum ID Auðkenni Name Heiti Title Titill Abstract Útdráttur Time Tími Remove connection to selected service Fjarlægja tengingu við valda þjónustu Remove Fjarlægja Add Default Servers Coordinate Reference System Hnitaviðmiðskerfi Selected Coordinate Reference System Valið hnitaviðmiðskerfi Change… Skipta um… Format Snið Options Valkostir Layer name Heiti lags Tile size Stærð tígla Feature limit for GetFeatureInfo Fitjutakmörk fyrir GetFeatureInfo Cache Skyndiminni Cache preference Always cache: load from cache, even if it expired Prefer cache: load from cache if available, otherwise load from network. Note that this can return possibly stale (but not expired) items from cache Prefer network: default value; load from the network if the cached entry is older than the network entry Always network: always load from network and do not check if the cache has a valid entry (similar to the "Reload" feature in browsers) Layer Order Röð laga Move selected layer UP Flytja valið lag UPP Up Upp Move selected layer DOWN Flytja valið lag NIÐUR Down Niður Layer Lag Style Stíll Tilesets Tíglasett Styles Stílar Size Stærð CRS Hnitaviðmiðskerfi (CRS) Server Search Leit að netþjónum Search Leita Description Lýsing URL URL Add Selected Row to WMS List QgsOfflineEditing Could not open the SpatiaLite database Unable to initialize SpatialMetadata: Tókst ekki að frumstilla SpatialMetadata: Creation of database failed. GeoPackage driver not found. Creation of database failed (OGR error: %1) Could not create a new database Gat ekki búið til nýjan gagnagrunn Unable to activate FOREIGN_KEY constraints Tókst ekki að virkja hömlur á FOREIGN_KEY Layer %1 has unsupported geometry type %2. Layer %1 has unsupported Coordinate Reference System (%2). Filling SpatiaLite for layer %1 failed %1 (offline) Cannot make FID-name for GPKG Creation of layer failed (OGR error: %1) Creation of field %1 failed (OGR error: %2) Feature cannot be copied to the offline layer, please check if the online layer '%1' is still accessible. Offline Editing Plugin Viðbót fyrir ónettengdar breytingar Could not open the SpatiaLite logging database Gat ekki opnað SpatiaLite gagnagrunn fyrir aðgerðaskráningu %1: Unknown data type %2. Not using type affinity for the field. QgsOfflineEditingPlugin Create offline copies of selected layers and save as offline project &Offline Editing Synchronize Samstilla Synchronize offline project with remote layers Convert to Offline Project… Umbreyta í ónettengt verkefni… Converting to Offline Project Synchronizing to Remote Layers %v / %m features copied %v / %m fitjur afritaðar %v / %m features processed %v / %m fitjur unnar %v / %m fields added %v / %m features added %v / %m fitjum var bætt við %v / %m features removed %v / %m fitjur fjarlægðar %v / %m feature updates %v / %m fitjur uppfærðar %v / %m feature geometry updates QgsOfflineEditingPluginGui Select target database for offline data SpatiaLite DB SpatiaLite gagnagrunnur All files Allar skrár GeoPackage GeoPackage Offline Editing Plugin Viðbót fyrir ónettengdar breytingar Converting to offline project. Umbreyti í ónettengt verkefni. Offline database file '%1' exists. Overwrite? Utan netkerfis gagnagrunnsskrá '%1' er til. Viltu yfirskrifa? QgsOfflineEditingPluginGuiBase Create Offline Project Storage type GeoPackage GeoPackage SpatiaLite SpatiaLite Offline data Ótengd gögn Browse… Fletta… Select remote layers Veldu fjartengd lög Select all Velja allt Deselect all Afvelja allt Only synchronize selected features if a selection is present Aðeins samstilla valdar fitjur ef val er til staðar QgsOfflineEditingProgressDialog Layer %1 of %2.. Lag %1 af %2.. QgsOfflineEditingProgressDialogBase Dialog Samskiptagluggi TextLabel Textamerki QgsOffsetUserInputBase Form Form Offset Hliðrun Join style Stíll tenginga Quadrant segments Fjórðungsbútar Miter limit Mörk hornskeytingar Cap style Endastíll QgsOffsetUserWidget Round Hringlaga Miter Hornskurður Bevel Flái Flat Flatt Square Ferkantað QgsOgrDataCollectionItem Add Connection Bæta við tengingu A connection with the same name already exists, please provide a new name: Tenging með þessu heiti er þegar til, settu inn eitthvað annað nafn: Open %1 Opna %1 Folder Mappa File Skrá folder mappa file skrá Could not delete %1. %1 deleted successfully. QgsOgrDbSourceSelect Add %1 Layer(s) Bæta við %1 lagi/lögum &Set Filter &Setja síu Wildcard Algildistákn RegExp ReglSegð All Allt Table Tafla Type Tegund Geometry column Rúmfræðidálkur Sql SQL @ @ Are you sure you want to remove the %1 connection and all associated settings? Ertu viss um að þú viljir fjarlægja %1 tenginguna og viðkomandi stillingar? Confirm Delete Staðfesta eyðingu Select Table Velja töflu You must select a table in order to add a Layer. Þú verður að velja töflu til að geta bætt við lagi. QgsOgrDbTableModel Table Tafla Type Tegund Geometry column Rúmfræðidálkur Sql SQL QgsOgrLayerItem Layer deleted successfully. Tókst að eyða lagi. File deleted successfully. Tókst að eyða skránni. QgsOgrProvider OGR OGR Boolean Bólskt Autogenerate Útbúa sjálfvirkt OGR error committing transaction: %1 Data source is invalid (%1) Gagnagjafi er ógildur (%1) Whole number (integer) Heiltala (integer) Whole number (integer 64 bit) Heiltala (integer -64bita) Decimal number (real) Rauntala (real) Text (string) Texti (strengur) Date Dagsetning Time Tími Date & Time Dagsetning og tími OGR[%1] error %2: %3 OGR[%1] villa %2: %3 JSON (string) Binary object (BLOB) Tvíundakerfihlutur (binary object - BLOB) String List OGR error creating wkb for feature %1: %2 Feature has too many attributes (expecting %1, received %2) type %1 for attribute %2 not found OGR error creating feature %1: %2 type %1 for field %2 not found OGR error creating field %1: %2 Cannot delete feature id column OGR error deleting field %1: %2 Invalid attribute index Ógildur eigindalykill Error renaming field %1: name '%2' already exists OGR error renaming field %1: %2 Feature %1 for attribute update not found. Changing feature id of feature %1 is not allowed. Field %1 of feature %2 doesn't exist. Type %1 of attribute %2 of feature %3 unknown. OGR error setting feature %1: %2 OGR error syncing to disk: %1 OGR error changing geometry: feature %1 not found OGR error creating geometry for feature %1: %2 OGR error in feature %1: geometry is null OGR error setting geometry of feature %1: %2 Cannot reopen datasource %1 Cannot reopen datasource %1 in update mode Unbalanced call to leaveUpdateMode() w.r.t. enterUpdateMode() Cannot reopen datasource %1 in read-only mode Possible corruption after REPACK detected. %1 still exists. This may point to a permission or locking problem of the original DBF. Original layer could not be reopened. OGR error deleting feature %1: %2 Shapefiles without attribute are considered read-only. QgsOgrSourceSelect Additional credential options are required as documented <a href="%1">here</a>. Open OGR Supported Vector Dataset(s) Gagnasett vektorlags með OGR-stuðningi Are you sure you want to remove the %1 connection and all associated settings? Ertu viss um að þú viljir fjarlægja %1 tenginguna og viðkomandi stillingar? Confirm Delete Staðfesta eyðingu Add vector layer Bæta við vektorlagi No database selected. Enginn gagnagrunnur valinn. Password for Lykilorð fyrir Please enter your password: Settu inn lykilorðið þitt: No protocol URI entered. Enginn samskiptamáti var settur inn. No protocol bucket and/or key entered. No layers selected. Engin lög valin. No directory selected. Engin mappa valin. Open an OGR Supported Vector Layer Opna vektorlag með OGR-stuðningi Open Directory Opna möppu QgsOgrSourceSelectBase Add Vector Layer Bæta við vektorlagi F&ile S&krá &Directory &Mappa Da&tabase &Gagnagrunnur Encoding Kóðun Protocol Samskiptaháttur &URI Slóð (&URI) Type Tegund Source Type Tegund uppruna Protoco&l: HTTP(S), cloud, etc. Bucket or container Object key Authentication Auðkenning Source Uppruni Vector Dataset(s) Gagnasett vektora Database Gagnagrunnur Connections Tengingar New Nýtt Edit Breyta Delete Eyða QgsOpacityWidget % % QgsOpacityWidgetPlugin A widget for specifying an opacity value. Viðmótshluti til að tilgreina gildi gegnsæis. QgsOptionDialogTemplate Options Dialog Template Sniðmát fyrir valkostaglugga GroupBox ValreitaHópur QgsOptions not present ekki til staðar System value: %1 Kerfisgildi: %1 Show all features Birta allar fitjur Show selected features Birta valdar fitjur Remember last view Muna síðustu sýn Table view Töflusýn Form view Formsýn All Allt Always Alltaf If needed Þegar þarf Never Aldrei Load all Hlaða öllu inn Check file contents Athuga innihald skráar Check extension Athuga skráarendingu No Nei Basic scan Einföld skönnun Full scan Full skönnun No projection (or unknown/non-Earth projection) <h1>Default projection for new projects</h1>Select a projection that should be used for new projects that are created in QGIS. Meters Metrar Kilometers Kílómetrar Feet Fet Yards Yardar Miles Mílur Nautical miles Sjómílur Centimeters Sentímetrar Millimeters Millímetrar Degrees Gráður Map units Mælieiningar korts Square meters Fermetrar Square kilometers Ferkílómetrar Square feet Ferfet Square yards Feryardar Square miles Fermílur Hectares Hektarar Acres Ekrur Square nautical miles Fersjómílur Square centimeters Square millimeters Square degrees Fergráður Radians Radíanar Gon/gradians Gon/gradíanar Minutes of arc Bogmínútur Seconds of arc Bogsekúndur Turns/revolutions Snúningar/umferðir Maximum angle Hámarkshorn Maximum difference Hámarksmunur Distance Fjarlægð SnapToGrid GrípaÍHnitanet Visvalingam Visvalingam Plain text, no geometry Hreinn texti, engin rúmfræði Plain text, WKT geometry Hreinn texti, WKT rúmfræði GeoJSON GeoJSON Set Selection Color Settu lit á vali Set Canvas Color Settu lit myndflatar Set Measuring Tool Color Settu lit á mælitæki Select Grid Color Veldu lit á net Vertex Brotpunktur Vertex and segment Brotpunktur og bútur Segment Bútur Dialog Samskiptagluggi Dock Spjald Miter Hornskurður Acceleration Hröðun Save Default Project Vista sjálfgefið verkefni Restore UI Defaults Endurheimta sjálfgefið forritsviðmót Stretch to MinMax Strekkja í lágmark/hámark Stretch and Clip to MinMax Strekkja og afmarka við lágmark/hámark Clip to MinMax Afmarka við lágmark/hámark Sample date: %1 money: %2 int: %3 float: %4 Dæmi um dagsetningu: %1 gjaldmiðill: %2 heiltala: %3 fleytitala: %4 Set Scale Stilla kvarða Cumulative pixel count cut Skerðing á uppsöfnuðum fjölda mynddíla Minimum / maximum Lágmark / Hámark Mean +/- standard deviation Miðgildi +/- staðalfrávik Solid Gegnheilt Dots Dílar Crosses Krossar Detected active locale on your system: %1 Fann virka staðfærslu á kerfinu þínu: %1 map units mælieiningar korts pixels mynddílar Semi transparent circle Hálfgegnsær hringur Cross Kross None Ekkert QGIS files QGIS-skrár Select color Veldu lit The text you entered is not a valid scale. Textinn sem þú slóst inn er ekki gildur kvarði. Off Ekki notað Identify Highlight Color Greina áherslulit QGIS QGIS GEOS GEOS Round Hringlaga Bevel Flái You must set a default project Þú verður að setja sjálfgefið verkefni Current project saved as default Þetta verkefni var vistað sem sjálfgefið Error saving current project as default Villa við að vista þetta verkefni sem sjálfgefið Choose a directory to store project template files Veldu möppu til að geyma í sniðmátsskrár verkefnisins Show features visible on map Birta fitjur sem eru sýnilegar á korti QGIS restart required No OpenCL compatible devices were found on your system.<br>You may need to install additional libraries in order to enable OpenCL.<br>Please check your logs for further details. Choose project file to open at launch Veldu verkefnisskrá til að opna í ræsingu Create Options - %1 Driver Valkostir frágangs - %1 rekill Create Options - pyramids Valkostir frágangs - pýramídar Are you sure to reset the UI to default (needs restart)? Ertu viss um að þú viljir endurstilla forritsviðmótið á sjálfgefið (krefst endurræsingar)? Overwrite Yfirskrifa If Undefined Ef óskilgreint Unset Endurstilla Prepend Bæta framan við Append Bæta aftan við Choose a directory Veldu möppu Clear Cache Hreinsa skyndiminni Content cache has been cleared. Connection authentication cache has been cleared. Enter scale Settu inn kvarða Scale denominator Nefnari kvarða Load scales Lesa inn kvarða XML files (*.xml *.XML) XML skrár (*.xml *.XML) Save scales Vista kvarða No Stretch Engin teyging None / Planimetric Ekkert / Flatarmæling QgsOptionsBase Options Valkostir General Almennt System Kerfið Data Sources Gagnagjafar Data sources Gagnagjafar Rendering Myndgerð Colors Litir Canvas & Legend Myndflötur og skýringar Canvas and legend Myndflötur og skýringar Map Tools Kortaverkfæri Map tools Kortaverkfæri Digitizing Hnitun GDAL GDAL CRS Hnitaviðmiðskerfi (CRS) Network Netkerfi Application Forrit Style <i>(QGIS restart required)</i> Stíll <i>(nauðsynlegt að endurræsa QGIS)</i> Icon size Táknmyndastærð 16 16 24 24 32 32 Font Letur Size Stærð Timeout for timed messages or dialogs Tímamörk fyrir tímabundin skilaboð eða glugga s sek Hide splash screen at startup Fela upphafsskjá við ræsingu Project files Verkefnaskrár New Nýtt Most recent Nýlegast Specific Tiltekið verkefni Open project on launch Opna verkefni við ræsingu Create new project from default project Búa til nýtt verkefni út frá sjálfgefnu verkefni Set current project as default Setja þetta verkefni sem sjálfgefið Reset default Endurstilla sjálfgefið Template folder Mappa fyrir sniðmát Reset Endurstilla Prompt to save project and data source changes when required Spyrja hvort eigi að vista verkefni og gagnagjafa þegar þess er þörf Prompt for confirmation when a layer is to be removed Spyrja um staðfestingu ef eyða á lagi Warn when opening a project file saved with an older version of QGIS Vara við þegar verkefni er opnað sem vistað hefur verið í eldri útgafu af QGIS Enable macros Gera fjölva virka Never Aldrei Ask Spyrja For this session only Aðeins í þessari setu Always (not recommended) Alltaf (ekki mælt með því) Environment Kerfisumhverfi Apply Virkja Variable Breyta Value Gildi Current environment variables (read-only - bold indicates modified at startup) Núverandi umhverfisbreytur (skrifvarið - feitletrað þýðir breytingu í ræsingu) Show only QGIS-specific variables Birta einungis sértækar QGIS-umhverfisbreytur Use custom variables (restart required - include separators) Nota sérsniðnar umhverfisbreytur (krefst endurræsingar - hafðu með aðgreiningartákn) Plugin paths Slóðir á viðbætur Path(s) to search for additional C++ plugins libraries Slóð(ir) þar sem leitað er að auka C++ aðgerðasöfnum fyrir viðbætur SVG paths SVG-ferlar Authentication Auðkenning Variables Breytur Advanced Meira UI Theme Viðmótsþema 48 48 64 64 &Qt default Sjálfgefið í &Qt Check QGIS version at startup Athuga við ræsingu með útgáfu QGIS Use native color chooser dialogs Nota innbyggða litavalsglugga Welcome Page Upphafssíða Path(s) to search for Scalable Vector Graphic (SVG) symbols Slóð(ir) þar sem leitað er að Scalable Vector Graphic (SVG) táknum Reset user interface to default settings (restart required) Endurstilla notandaviðmót á sjálfgefið (krefst endurræsingar) Feature attributes and table Eigindi fitju og tafla Attribute table row cache Skyndiminni raða í eigindatöflu Representation for NULL values Framsetning NULL-gilda Layouts Framsetningar Print layouts Locator Override system &locale &Gera rétthærri en staðfærslu kerfis <b>Note:</b> Enabling / changing override on locale requires an application restart <b>Athugaðu:</b> Virkjun eða breyting á rétthærri staðfærslu krefst endurræsingar forritsins Detected active locale on your system Fann virka staðfærslu á kerfinu þínu Modeless data source manager dialog A modeless dialog allows you to interact with QGIS main window and dialogs. Acceleration Hröðun Configure GPU for processing algorithms Setja GPU-skjákortsörgjörva upp fyrir keyrslu reiknirits Locale (numbers, date and currency formats) Staðfærsla (snið á tölur, dagssetningar og gjaldmiðla) User Interface Translation Þýðing notandaviðmóts Show group (thousand) separator Birta hópunaraðgreini (þúsundir) This locale is used for number representation. Þessi staðfærsla er notuð við framsetningu á tölum. Sample text for locale formatting Sýnitexti fyrir snið staðfærslu Select file Velja skrá Select folder Veldu möppu Add new path Bæta við nýrri slóð Remove path Fjarlægja slóð Documentation paths Slóðir á hjálparskjöl Lower selected path priority Path(s) to search for QGIS help Slóð(ir) þar sem leitað er að hjálp fyrir QGIS Raise selected path priority Settings Stillingar Remove variable Fjarlægja breytu Add new variable Bæta við nýrri breytu &Use a default CRS &Nota sjálfgefið viðmiðskerfi Enter default datum transformations which will be used in any newly created project Ask for datum transformation if several are available Biðja um umvörpun viðmiðs þegar margar eru í boði Attribute table behavior Hegðun eigindatöflu Default view Sjálfgefin sýn Copy features as Afrita fitjur sem Data source handling Meðhöndlun gagnagjafa Scan for valid items in the browser dock Skanna gild atriði í vafraspjaldi Scan for contents of compressed files (.zip) in browser dock Skanna innihald þjappaðra skráa (.zip) í vafraspjaldi Prompt for raster sublayers when opening Spyrja um undirlög rasta við opnun Map Tips Ábendingar á landakortum Delay (ms) Töf (msek) Color schemes Litastef Don't update rubber band during vertex editing Ekki uppfæra valmörk (rubberband) á meðan brotpunktum er breytt Enable snapping on invisible features (not shown on the map canvas) Layout defaults Sjálfgefin gildi framsetningar Layout Paths Slóðir framsetningar <html><head/><body><p>Changes on this page are dangerous and can break your QGIS installation in various ways. Any change you make is applied immediately, without clicking the <span style=" font-style:italic;">OK</span> button.</p></body></html> <html><head/><body><p>Breytingar hér í þessum glugga eru hættulegar og geta skemmt QGIS uppsetninguna á ýmsa vegu. Allar breytingar sem þú gerir verða virkar samstundis, án þess að smellt sé á <span style=" font-style:italic;">Í lagi</span> hnappinn.</p></body></html> <html><head/><body><p>Some of the internal C++ processing core algorithms and renderers can take advantage of an OpenCL compatible device to increase the performances.<br/><span style=" font-weight:600;">QGIS OpenCL support is highly experimental and can crash QGIS because of bugs in the underlying libraries, enable at your own risk!</span></p></body></html> The following OpenCL devices were found on this system (changing the default device requires QGIS to be restarted). Enable OpenCL acceleration Virkja OpenCL-hröðun Import Palette… Flytja inn litaspjald… New Palette… Nýtt litaspjald… Import palette from file Flytja litaspjald inn úr skrá <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd"> <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css"> p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } </style></head><body style=" font-family:'Noto Sans'; font-size:10pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;"> <p style="-qt-paragraph-type:empty; margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><br /></p></body></html> Remove Palette Fjarlægja litaspjald Remove current palette Fjarlægja núverandi litaspjald Create a new palette Búa til nýtt litaspjald Show in Color Buttons Birta í litahnöppum Hidden browser paths Faldar vafraslóðir Paths hidden from browser panel Slóðir faldar fyrir vafurspjaldi Rendering behavior Hegðun myndgerðar By default new la&yers added to the map should be displayed Sjálfgefið á að &birta ný lög sem bætt er við kortið Use render caching where possible to speed up redraws Nota skyndiminni fyrir myndgerð til að hraða endurteikningu ef það er mögulegt Render layers in parallel using many CPU cores Myndgera lög samhliða á mörgum GPU-kjörnum skjákortsörgjörva Enable feature si&mplification by default for newly added layers Vir&kja sjálfgefna einföldun á fitjum fyrir nýviðbætt lög Magnification level Stækkunarstig Rendering quality Gæði myndgerðar Make lines appear less jagged at the expense of some drawing performance Gera línur minna stallaðar á kostnað einhverra afkasta við teikningu Curve segmentation Uppskipting ferils Segmentation tolerance Þolvik uppskiptingar Tolerance type Gerð þolvika Rasters Rastar RGB band selection Val RGB tíðnisviða Red band Rautt tíðnisvið Green band Grænt tíðnisvið Blue band Blátt tíðnisvið Contrast enhancement Bæting birtuskila Single band gray Einfalt grátt tíðnisvið Multi band color (byte / band) Margtíðnisviða litað (bæti / band) Multi band color (> byte / band) Margtíðnisviða litað (> bæti / band) Limits (minimum/maximum) Mörk (lágmark/hámark) Open new attribute tables as docked windows Add PostGIS layers with double-click and select in extended mode Bæta við PostGIS-lögum með því að tvísmella og velja í ítarlegum ham Add Oracle layers with double-click and select in extended mode Bæta við Oracle-lögum með því að tvísmella og velja í ítarlegum ham <html><head/><body><p>When digitizing a new feature, default values are retrieved from the database. With this option turned on, the default values will be evaluated at the time of digitizing. With this option turned off, the default values will be evaluated at the time of saving.</p></body></html> Evaluate default values Meta sjálfgefin gildi Max cores to use Hámarksfjöldi kjarna sem á að nota Simplification threshold (higher values result in more simplification) Þolvik einföldunar (hærri gildi leiða til meiri einföldunar) This algorithm is only applied to simplify on local side Simplification algorithm Reiknirit einföldunar Maximum scale at which the layer should be simplified (1:1 always simplifies) Hámarkskvarði þar sem lagið ætti að vera einfaldað (1:1 einfaldar alltaf) Algorithm Reiknirit Cumulative pixel count cut limits Takmörk skerðingar á uppsöfnuðum fjölda mynddíla - - % % Standard deviation multiplier Margföldun staðalfráviks Debugging Aflúsun (villuleit) Show these events in the Log Message panel (under Rendering tab) Birta þessa atburði á spjaldi fyrir annálsboð (undir myndgerðarflipa) Map canvas refresh Endurnýjun myndflatar korts Double-click action in legend Aðgerð við tvísmell í merki Display classification attribute in layer titles Minimum line / stroke width in millimeters. Lágmarksbreidd línu / útlínu í millímetrum. Zooming Aðdráttur Specifies the change in zoom level with each move of the mouse wheel. The bigger the number, the faster zooming with the mouse wheel will be. Remove selected scale Fjarlægja valinn kvarða Paste colors Líma liti Add color Bæta við lit Remove color Fjarlægja lit Copy colors Afrita liti Default map appearance (overridden by project properties) Sjálfgefið útlit korts (yfirskrifað af eiginleikum verkefnis) Selection color Vallitur Open layer styling dock Opnar stiku fyrir lagstíla Highlight color Áherslulitun <html><head/><body><p>The color used to highlight identified feature. The alpha channel is only used for polygons fill, lines and outlines are fully opaque.</p></body></html> Buffer Jaðar Lines / outlines buffer in millimeters. Minimum width Lágmarksbreidd If unchecked large numbers will be converted from m. to km. and from ft. to miles Ef ekki er hakað við þetta, verður stórum tölum umbreytt úr metrum í kílómetra og úr fetum í mílur Reset to default scales Endursetja á sjálfgefna kvarða Default Z value Sjálfgefið Z-gildi Enable snapping by default Sjálfgefið virkja grip Display main dialog as (restart required) Birta aðalglugga sem (nauðsynlegt að endurræsa) Snapping marker color Litur gripmerkja Show snapping tooltips Birta vísbendingar grips Marker size (in millimeter) Grid color Litur nets Grid and guide defaults Sjálfgefin gildi hnitanets og stoðlína Grid spacing Bil hnitanets px px Path(s) to search for extra print templates Slóð(ir) þar sem leitað er að auka prentsniðmátum Suppress attribute form pop-up after feature creation Sleppa því að sprettgluggi með formi fyrir eigindi komi upp í hvert sinn sem fitjur eru búnar til Fill color Litur fyllingar Pro&mpt for CRS Biðja u&m viðmiðskerfi Use pro&ject CRS N&ota viðmiðskerfi verkefnis Default expiration period for WMS capabilities (hours) Sjálfgefinn endingartími WMS-getuupplýsinga (klst) Max retry in case of tile or feature request errors Hámarksfjöldi skipta sem á að reyna aftur komi upp villa í beiðnum um tígla eða fitjur Clear cache Hreinsa skyndiminni <html><head/><body><p>The connection cache stores all authentication connections data even when the connection fails.<br/>If you make any change to the authentication configurations or to the certification authorities, you should clear the authentication cache or<br/>restart QGIS. <br/>When this option is checked, the authentication cache will be automatically cleared every time an SSL error occurs and you choose to abort the connection.<br/></p></body></html> Automatically clear the connection authentication cache on SSL errors (recommended) Clear authentication connection cache Use pro&xy for web access Nota milliþjón (pro&xy - vefsel) fyrir vefaðgang Remove selected URL Fjarlægja valda slóð Add URL to exclude Bæta við slóð til að útiloka Expression Variables Breytur fyrir reglulegar segðir Locator Filters Advanced Settings Editor Ritill fyrir ítarlegar stillingar I will be careful, I promise! Ég fer varlega, lofa upp á tíu fingur! Background color Litur bakgrunns Ignore shapefile encoding declaration Hunsa yfirlýsta kóðun shapefile-skráa Disable OGR on-the-fly conversion from declared encoding to UTF-8 Execute expressions on server-side if possible Keyra segðir miðlara megin ef hægt er <b>Note:</b> Feature simplification may speed up rendering but can result in rendering inconsistencies <b>Athugaðu:</b> Einföldun á fitjum gæti gert myndgerð hraðvirkari en getur valdið misræmi í myndgerð Higher values result in more simplification Hærri gildi leiða til meiri einföldunar Simplify on provider side if possible Einfalda útgefandans megin ef hægt er Export colors Flytja út liti Import colors from file Flytja liti inn úr skrá Layer legend Merki á lagi Open layer properties Opnar eiginleika lags Open attribute table Opnar eigindatöflu WMS getLegendGraphic Resolution Upplausn WMS getLegendGraphic Identify Bera kennsl á Search radius for identifying features and displaying map tips Radíus leitar vegna greiningar fitja og birtingar ábendinga á landakorti Measure tool Mælingatól Preferred distance units Ákjósanlegar einingar fyrir vegalengdir Rubberband color Litur valmarka Preferred angle units Ákjósanlegar einingar horna Map update interval Uppfærslutíðni korts ms msek Decimal places Tugabrotasæti Keep base unit Halda grunneiningu Zoom factor Aðdráttarhlutfall Predefined scales Forskilgreindir kvarðar Add predefined scale Bæta við forskilgreindum kvarða Import from file Flytja inn úr skrá Export to file Flytja út í skrá Default font Sjálfgefið letur Grid appearance Framsetning hnitanets Grid style Stíll nets mm mm Grid offset Hliðrun hnitanets x: x: y: y: Snap tolerance Þolvik grips Feature creation Búa til fitjur Validate geometries Sannreyna rúmfræði Reuse last entered attribute values Nota aftur síðustu gildi eiginda Rubberband Valmörk (rubberband) Line color Litur á línu Line width in pixels Breidd línu í mynddílum Line width Breidd línu Snapping Grip Default snap mode Sjálfgefinn griphamur Default snapping tolerance Sjálfgefin þolvik grips Search radius for vertex edits Radíus leitar fyrir breytingar á brotpunktum map units mælieiningar korts pixels mynddílar Preferred area units Ákjósanlegar einingar flatarmáls Vertex markers Mörk brotpunkta Marker style Stíll marka Show markers only for selected features Birta mörk einungis fyrir valdar fitjur Curve offset tool Verkfæri til hliðrunar ferla Miter limit Mörk hornskeytingar Join style Stíll tenginga Quadrant segments Fjórðungsbútar GDAL driver options Valkostir GDAL-rekils Edit Pyramids Options Breyta valkostum pýramída Edit Create Options Breyta valkostum frágangs GDAL drivers GDAL reklar In some cases more than one GDAL driver can be used to load the same raster format. Use the list below to specify which to use. Í einhverjum tilfellum er hægt að nota fleiri en einn GDAL-rekil til að hlaða inn sama rastalaginu. Notaðu listann hér fyrir neðan til að tilgreina hvern þeirra á að nota. Name Heiti Flags Flögg Description Lýsing When a new layer is created, or when a layer is loaded that has no CRS Þegar nýtt lag er búið til, eða þegar lagi er hlaðið inn sem ekki er með skilgreint viðmiðskerfi WMS search address WMS leitarvistfang Timeout for network requests (ms) Tímamörk fyrirspurna á netkerfi (msek) Default expiration period for WMS-C/WMTS tiles (hours) Sjálfgefinn endingartími WMS-C/WMTS tígla (klst) User-Agent Kennistrengur vafra Cache settings Stillingar skyndiminnis Content Innihald Directory Mappa Size [KiB] Stærð [KiB] Host Þjónn Port Gátt Proxy type Tegund milliþjóns (proxy) Exclude URLs (starting with) Útiloka slóðir (sem byrja á) Default uses system's proxy Sjálfgefið er að nota milliþjón kerfisins CRS for New Projects When a new project is created Use CRS from first layer added Default Datum Transformations CRS for New Layers Extension Skráarnafnsviðbót QgsOptionsDialogBase Missing Objects Hluti vantar Base options dialog could not be initialized. Missing some of the .ui template objects: QgsOracleColumnTypeThread Retrieving tables of %1… Sæki töflur úr %1… Scanning column %1.%2.%3… Skanna dálk %1.%2.%3… Table retrieval finished. QgsOracleConn Connection to database failed Tenging við gagnagrunn mistókst Oracle Oracle Could not switch to workspace %1 [%2] Gat ekki skipt yfir á vinnusvæði %1 [%2] Database connection was successful, but the accessible tables could not be determined. Unable to get list of spatially enabled tables from the database Unsupported geometry type %1 in %2.%3.%4 ignored View %1.%2 doesn't have integer columns for use as keys. Sjónarhorn %1.%2 hefur ekki heiltöludálk til að nota sem lykla. Connection failed %1s ago - skipping retry SQL: %1 [owner: %2 table_name: %3] error: %4 Querying available tables failed. SQL: %1 error: %2 SQL: %1 error: %2 Point Punktur Multipoint Fjölpunkta Line Lína Multiline Fjöllínu Polygon Fláki Multipolygon Fjölfláki No Geometry Engin rúmfræði Unknown Geometry QgsOracleConnectionItem Refresh Endurnýja Scanning tables for %1 Edit Connection… Breyta tengingu… Delete Connection Eyða tengingu %1: Not a valid layer! %1: Ekki gilt lag! %1: Not a vector layer! %1: Ekki vektorlag! Import to Oracle database Flytja inn í Oracle gagnagrunn Failed to import some layers! Mistókst að flytja inn einhver lög! Import was successful. Innflutningur tókst. QgsOracleLayerItem Delete Table Eyða töflu Table deleted successfully. Tókst að eyða töflu. QgsOracleNewConnection Saving Passwords Vista lykilorð WARNING: You have opted to save your password. It will be stored in plain text in your project files and in your home directory on Unix-like systems, or in your user profile on Windows. If you do not want this to happen, please press the Cancel button. AÐVÖRUN: Þú hefur valið að vista lykilorðið þitt. Það verður geymt sem hreinn texti í verkefnaskránum þínum og í heimamöppunni þinni á Unix-afleiddum kerfum, eða í notandasniðinu þínu á Windows. Ef þú vilt ekki að þetta gerist, ýttu þá á 'Hætta við' hnappinn. Save Connection Vista tengingu Connection to %1 was successful. Tenging við %1 tókst. Connection failed - consult message log for details. Should the existing connection %1 be overwritten? Á að skrifa yfir eldri tengingu %1? QgsOracleNewConnectionBase Connection Information Upplýsingar um tengingu Password Lykilorð Username Notandanafn Name of the new connection Nafn á nýju tengingunni Save password Only look in metadata table Database Gagnagrunnur Schema Skipan If specified, only tables from the matching schema will be fetched and listed for the provider Create a New Oracle Connection Name Heiti Restrict the displayed tables to those that are in the all_sdo_geom_metadata table Save username When searching for spatial tables restrict the search to tables that are owned by the user. <html><head/><body><p>When searching for spatial tables restrict the search to tables that are owned by the user.</p></body></html> Only list the existing geometry types and don't offer to add others. Only existing geometry types Workspace Vinnusvæði Include additional geometry attributes <html><head/><body><p>Restricts the displayed tables to those that are in the all_sdo_geom_metadata view. This can speed up the initial display of spatial tables.</p></body></html> Only look for user's tables Also list tables with no geometry Einnig birta töflur án rúmfræði Port Gátt 1521 1521 &Test Connect &Prufa tengingu Host Þjónn Use estimated table statistics for the layer metadata. <html><head/><body><p>When the layer is setup various metadata is required for the Oracle table. This includes information such as the table row count, geometry type and spatial extents of the data in the geometry column. If the table contains a large number of rows determining this metadata is time consuming.</p><p>By activating this option the following fast table metadata operations are done:</p><p>1) Row count is determined from all_tables.num_rows.</p><p>2) Table extents are always determined with the SDO_TUNE.EXTENTS_OF function even if a layer filter is applied.</p><p>3) The table geometry is determined from the first 100 non-null geometry rows in the table.</p></body></html> Use estimated table metadata Options Valkostir QgsOracleOwnerItem %1 as %2 in %3 %1 sem %2 í %3 as geometryless table sem rúmfræðilaus tafla QgsOracleProvider Whole number Heiltala Whole big number Stór heiltala Decimal number (numeric) Rauntala (numeric) Decimal number (decimal) Rauntala (decimal) Decimal number (real) Rauntala (real) Decimal number (double) Rauntala (double) Text, fixed length (char) Texti, föst lengd (char) Text, limited variable length (varchar2) Text, unlimited length (long) Date Dagsetning Date & Time Dagsetning og tími FAILURE: Field %1 not found. Oracle Oracle Read attempt on an invalid oracle data source Loading comment for table %1.%2 failed [%3] Loading comment for columns of table %1.%2 failed [%3] Loading field types for table %1.%2 failed [%3] Invalid spatial index %1 on column %2.%3.%4 found - expect poor performance. Probing for spatial index on column %1.%2.%3 failed [%4] Retrieving fields from '%1' failed [%2] Mistókst að sækja gagnasvið úr '%1' [%2] Unable to determine geometry column access privileges for column %1.%2. The error message from the database was: %3. SQL: %4 Unable to determine table access privileges for the table %1. The error message from the database was: %2. SQL: %3 The custom query is not a select query. Unable to execute the query. The error message from the database was: %1. SQL: %2 Primary key field %1 not found in %2 Aðallykilssvið %1 fannst ekki í %2 Primary key field '%1' for view not unique. Aðallykilssvið '%1' fyrir sjónarhorn er ekki einkvæmt. Key field '%1' for view not found. No key field for view given. No key field for query given. Evaluation of default value failed Retrieval of updated primary keys from versioned tables not supported Could not start transaction Could not prepare get feature id statement Could not prepare insert statement Could not insert feature %1 Could not retrieve feature id %1 Could not commit transaction Oracle error while adding features: %1 Could not rollback transaction Mistókst að taka aftur síðustu færsluaðgerð Deletion of feature %1 failed Oracle error while deleting features: %1 Adding attribute %1 failed Setting comment on %1 failed Oracle error while adding attributes: %1 Could not reload fields. Dropping column %1 failed Mistókst að sleppa %1 dálki Oracle error while deleting attributes: %1 Invalid attribute index: %1 Ógildur eigindalykill: %1 Error renaming field %1: name '%2' already exists Renaming column %1 to %2 failed Oracle error while renaming attributes: %1 Update of feature %1 failed Oracle error while changing attributes: %1 Could not update metadata for %1.%2. SQL: %3 Error: %4 Could not insert metadata for %1.%2. SQL: %3 Error: %4 Creation spatial index failed. SQL: %1 Error: %2 Rebuild of spatial index failed. SQL: %1 Error: %2 Drop created table %1 failed. SQL: %2 Error: %3 Lookup of Oracle SRID %1 failed. SQL: %2 Error: %3 Could not prepare update statement. No spatial index on column %1.%2.%3 found - expect poor performance. Oracle error while changing geometry values: %1 Could not retrieve extents: %1 SQL: %2 Could not execute query. The error message from the database was: %1. SQL: %2 Could not retrieve SRID of %1. The error message from the database was: %2. SQL: %3 Gat ekki sótt SRID úr %1. Villuskilaboð úr gagnagrunninum voru: %2. SQL: %3 Could not determine SRID of %1. The error message from the database was: %2. SQL: %3 Gat ekki ákvarðað SRID staðviðmiðskerfi-auðkenni %1. Villuskilaboð úr gagnagrunni voru: %2. SQL: %3 %1 has no valid geometry types. SQL: %2 Could not determine geometry type of %1. The error message from the database was: %2. SQL: %3 Geometry type and srid for empty column %1 of %2 undefined. Rúmfræðitegund og auðkenni staðviðmiðskerfis fyrir tóman dálk %1 af %2 er óskilgreint. Feature type or srid for %1 of %2 could not be determined or was not requested. Fitjutegund eða staðviðmiðskerfisauðkenni fyrir %1 af %2 var ekki hægt að ákvarða eða voru ekki umbeðin. Editing and adding disabled for 2D+ layer (%1; %2) Could not determine table existence. Table %1 could not be dropped. Ekki var hægt að henda %1 töflu. Table %1 already exists. Table creation failed. Could not lookup authid %1:%2 Could not lookup WKT. Could not determine new srid. Gat ekki ákvarða nýtt SRID staðviðmiðskerfis-auðkenni. CRS not found and could not be created. Viðmiðskerfi fannst ekki og var ekki hægt að útbúa það. Could not insert metadata. Ekki tókst að setja inn lýsigögn. Oracle SRID %1 not found. Oracle staðviðmiðskerfis-auðkenni %1 fannst ekki. Oracle error: %1 SQL: %2 Error: %3 Oracle villa: %1 SQL: %2 Villa: %3 Oracle error: %1 Error: %2 Oracle villa: %1 Villa: %2 QgsOracleRootItem New Connection… Ný tenging… QgsOracleSourceSelect Add Oracle Table(s) Bæta við Oracle-töflu(m) &Set Filter &Setja síu Set Filter Setja síu Wildcard Algildistákn RegExp ReglSegð All Allt Owner Eigandi Table Tafla Type Tegund Geometry column Rúmfræðidálkur Primary key column Aðallykilsdálkur SRID Staðviðmiðskerfis-auðkenni (SRID) Sql SQL Are you sure you want to remove the %1 connection and all associated settings? Ertu viss um að þú viljir fjarlægja %1 tenginguna og viðkomandi stillingar? Confirm Delete Staðfesta eyðingu Load Connections Lesa inn tengingar XML files (*.xml *.XML) XML skrár (*.xml *.XML) Select Table Velja töflu You must select a table in order to add a layer. Þú verður að velja töflu til að geta bætt við lagi. Scanning tables for %1 Stop Stöðva Connect Tengja QgsOracleSourceSelectDelegate Select… Velja… Enter… Setja inn… QgsOracleTableModel Owner Eigandi Table Tafla Type Tegund Geometry column Rúmfræðidálkur SRID Staðviðmiðskerfis-auðkenni (SRID) Primary key column Aðallykilsdálkur Select at id Velja við auðkenni Sql SQL Specify a geometry type Tilgreindu gerð lögunar Enter a SRID Settu inn SRID staðviðmiðskerfis-auðkenni Select a primary key Veldu aðallykil Select… Velja… Enter… Setja inn… Disable 'Fast Access to Features at ID' capability to force keeping the attribute table in memory (e.g. in case of expensive views). QgsOrderByDialog Ascending Rísandi Descending Lækkandi NULLs last NULLs first QgsOrganizeTableColumnsDialog [Action Widget] Organize Table columns Select All Velja allt Deselect All Afvelja allt QgsPGConnectionItem Refresh Endurnýja Delete Connection Eyða tengingu Edit Connection… Breyta tengingu… Create Schema… Búa til skipan… Create Schema Búa til skipan Schema name: Heiti á skipan: Unable to create schema. Gat ekki búið til skipan. Unable to create schema %1 %2 Gat ekki búið til skipan %1 %2 %1: %2 %1: %2 %1: Not a valid layer! %1: Ekki gilt lag! Import to PostGIS database Flytja inn í PostGIS gagnagrunn Failed to import some layers! Mistókst að flytja inn einhver lög! Import was successful. Innflutningur tókst. Connection failed Tenging mistókst Failed to get schemas Mistókst að ná í skipan QgsPGLayerItem View Skoða Table Tafla Rename %1… Endurnefna %1… Truncate %1 Klippa af %1 Refresh Materialized View Delete %1 Eyða %1 %1 deleted successfully. view sýn table tafla %1 %2.%3 %1 %2.%3 Rename %1 Endurnefna %1 Unable to rename %1. Ekki tókst að endurnefna %1. Unable to rename %1 %2 %3 Ekki tókst að endurnefna %1 %2 %3 Truncate Table Klippa af töflu Unable to truncate table. Unable to truncate %1 %2 Table truncated successfully. Refresh View Unable to refresh the view. Unable to refresh view %1 %2 Materialized view refreshed successfully. QgsPGRootItem New Connection… Ný tenging… QgsPGSchemaItem as geometryless table sem rúmfræðilaus tafla Connection failed Tenging mistókst Failed to get layers Refresh Endurnýja Rename Schema… Endurnefna skipan… Delete Schema Eyða skipan Unable to delete schema. Get ekki eytt skipan. Schema deleted successfully. Tókst að eyða skipan. schema '%1' skipan '%1' Rename Schema Endurnefna skipan Unable to rename schema. Get ekki endurnefnt skipan. Unable to rename schema %1 %2 Get ekki endurnefnt skipan %1 %2 Schema renamed successfully. Tókst að endurnefna skipan. View Skoða Materialized view Geymt sjónarhorn Table Tafla %1 as %2 (srid %1) (unknown srid) QgsPalettedRendererModel Value Gildi Color Litur Label Merki QgsPalettedRendererWidget Options Valkostir Change label Breyta merki Change Color… Breyta lit… Change Opacity… Breyta ógegnsæi… Change Label… Breyta merki… Advanced Options Ítarlegir valkostir Load Classes from Layer Load Color Map from File… Hlaða litakorti inn úr skrá… Export Color Map to File… Flytja litakort út í skrá… Load Color Table from File Hlaða litatöflu inn úr skrá Load Color Table Hlaða inn litatöflu Save Color Table as File Vista litatöflu sem skrá Delete Classification Eyða flokkun Select Color Veldu lit Opacity Gagnsæi Change color opacity [%] Breyta ógegnsæi litar [%] Label Merki Could not interpret file as a raster color table. Gat ekki túlkað skrána sem litatöflu frá rasta. Text (*.clr) Texti (*.clr) Write access denied. Adjust the file permissions and try again. Skrifaðgangi hafnað. Lagaðu skráaheimildirnar og prófaðu svo aftur. Calculating… Reikna… The classification band was changed from %1 to %2. Should the existing classes be deleted? Flokkun gagnasviðs var breytt úr %1 í %2. Á að eyða fyrirliggjandi flokkum? Classify Flokka QgsPalettedRendererWidgetBase Form Form Adds all missing unique values from the raster Bætir inn öllum einkvæmum gildum frá rastanum Classify Flokka Add values manually Bæta við gildum handvirkt Remove selected row(s) Fjarlægja valdar raðir Delete All Eyða öllu Advanced options Ítarlegir valkostir Cancel Hætta við Band Tíðnisvið Color ramp Litastigi QgsPasswordLineEdit Hide text Show text QgsPasteTransformationsBase Paste Transformations Líma umvarpanir <b>Note: This function is not useful yet!</b> <b>Athugaðu: Þessi aðgerð er ekki ennþá orðin nothæf!</b> Source Uppruni Destination Markmið QgsPdfExportOptionsDialog PDF Export Options Export Options Export RDF metadata Advanced Options Ítarlegir valkostir Disables tiled rendering of raster layers. This setting may improve the export quality in some circumstances, at the cost of much greater memory usage during exports. Disable tiled raster layer exports Text export If checked, the layout will always be kept as vector objects when exported to a compatible format, even if the appearance of the resultant file does not match the layouts settings. If unchecked, some elements in the layout may be rasterized in order to keep their appearance intact. Always export as vectors QgsPenCapStyleComboBox Square Ferkantað Flat Flatt Round Hringlótt QgsPenJoinStyleComboBox Bevel Flái Miter Hornskurður Round Hringlaga QgsPenStyleComboBox Solid Line Gegnheil lína No Pen Enginn penni Dash Line Strikalína Dot Line punktalína Dash Dot Line Brotalína Dash Dot Dot Line Strik punktur punktur lína QgsPgNewConnection disable óvirkt allow leyft prefer hygla require krafist verify-ca verify-full Saving Passwords Vista lykilorð WARNING: You have opted to save your password. It will be stored in unsecured plain text in your project files and in your home directory (Unix-like OS) or user profile (Windows). If you want to avoid this, press Cancel and either: a) Don't save a password in the connection settings — it will be requested interactively when needed; b) Use the Configuration tab to add your credentials in an HTTP Basic Authentication method and store them in an encrypted database. Save Connection Vista tengingu Connection to %1 was successful. Tenging við %1 tókst. Connection failed - consult message log for details. Should the existing connection %1 be overwritten? Á að skrifa yfir eldri tengingu %1? QgsPgNewConnectionBase Connection Information Upplýsingar um tengingu Authentication Auðkenning Service Þjónusta Port Gátt Name of the new connection Nafn á nýja tengingu 5432 5432 Restrict the displayed tables to those that are in the layer registries. Restricts the displayed tables to those that are found in the layer registries (geometry_columns, geography_columns, topology.layer). This can speed up the initial display of spatial tables. Only show layers in the layer registries &Test Connection &Prófa tengingu Create a New PostGIS Connection &Name Hos&t &Database &Gagnagrunnur SSL &mode Restrict the search to the public schema for spatial tables not in the geometry_columns table Takmarka leit við opinbera skipan (public schema) fyrir staðtöflur sem eru ekki í geometry_columns töflunni When searching for spatial tables that are not in the geometry_columns tables, restrict the search to tables that are in the public schema (for some databases this can save lots of time) Þegar leitað er að staðtöflum sem eru ekki í geometry_columns töflunni, er leit takmörkuð við töflur í opinbera skipan (public schema - fyrir suma gagnagrunna sparar þetta mikinn tíma) Only look in the 'public' schema Leita aðeins í 'public' schema Use estimated table statistics for the layer metadata. <html> <body> <p>When the layer is setup various metadata is required for the PostGIS table. This includes information such as the table row count, geometry type and spatial extents of the data in the geometry column. If the table contains a large number of rows determining this metadata is time consuming.</p> <p>By activating this option the following fast table metadata operations are done:</p> <p>1) Row count is determined from results of running the PostgreSQL Analyze function on the table.</p> <p>2) Table extents are always determined with the estimated_extent PostGIS function even if a layer filter is applied.</p> <p>3) If the table geometry type is unknown and is not exclusively taken from the geometry_columns table, then it is determined from the first 100 non-null geometry rows in the table.</p> </body> </html> Allow saving/loading QGIS projects in the database Use estimated table metadata Also list tables with no geometry Einnig birta töflur án rúmfræði Don't resolve type of unrestricted columns (GEOMETRY) QgsPgSourceSelect Add PostGIS Table(s) Bæta við PostGIS töflu &Set Filter &Setja síu Set Filter Setja síu Wildcard Algildistákn RegExp ReglSegð All Allt Schema Skipan Table Tafla Comment Athugasemd Type Tegund Geometry column Rúmfræðidálkur Feature id Fitjukenni SRID Staðviðmiðskerfis-auðkenni (SRID) Sql SQL Are you sure you want to remove the %1 connection and all associated settings? Ertu viss um að þú viljir fjarlægja %1 tenginguna og viðkomandi stillingar? Confirm Delete Staðfesta eyðingu Load Connections Lesa inn tengingar XML files (*.xml *.XML) XML skrár (*.xml *.XML) Select Table Velja töflu You must select a table in order to add a layer. Þú verður að velja töflu til að geta bætt við lagi. Scanning tables for %1 Stop Stöðva Connect Tengja QgsPgSourceSelectDelegate Select… Velja… Enter… Setja inn… QgsPgTableModel Schema Skipan Table Tafla Comment Athugasemd Column Dálkur Data Type Tegund gagna Spatial Type Staðtegund SRID Staðviðmiðskerfis-auðkenni (SRID) Feature id Fitjukenni Check PK unicity Enable check for primary key unicity when loading views and materialized views. This option can make loading of large datasets significantly slower. Specify a geometry type in the '%1' column Enter a SRID into the '%1' column Settu SRID staðviðmiðskerfis-auðkenni inn í '%1' dálkinn Select columns in the '%1' column that uniquely identify features of this layer This option is only available for views and materialized views. Select at id Velja við auðkenni Sql SQL Select… Velja… Enter… Setja inn… Disable 'Fast Access to Features at ID' capability to force keeping the attribute table in memory (e.g. in case of expensive views). QgsPluginDependenciesDialog Plugin Dependencies Manager Plugin dependencies for <b>%s</b> Name Heiti Installed Uppsettar Required Krafist Available Action Aðgerð Install Upgrade Fix manually QgsPluginDependenciesDialogBase Dialog Samskiptagluggi Plugin dependencies QgsPluginInstaller There is a new plugin available Það eru nýjar viðbætur tiltækar There is a plugin update available Það eru uppfærslur fyrir viðbætur tiltækar QGIS Python Plugin Installer QGIS Python viðbótastjóri Server response is 200 OK, but doesn't contain plugin metatada. This is most likely caused by a proxy or a wrong repository URL. You can configure proxy settings in QGIS options. Status code: Stöðukóði: Missing metadata file Vantar lýsigagnaskrá Error reading metadata Villa við lestur lýsigagna Uninstall (recommended) Fjarlægja (mælt er með þessu) I will uninstall it later Ég mun fjarlægja þetta seinna Obsolete plugin: Úrelt viðbót: QGIS has detected an obsolete plugin that masks its more recent version shipped with this copy of QGIS. This is likely due to files associated with a previous installation of QGIS. Do you want to remove the old plugin right now and unmask the more recent version? QGIS hefur fundið úrelta forritsviðbót sem felur nýrri útgáfu sína í þessari útgáfu af QGIS. Þetta gerist líklega út af skrám sem tilheyra eldri uppsetningu af QGIS. Viltu fjarlægja gömlu útgáfu forrritsviðbótarinnar og reyna þannig að kalla fram nýju útgáfuna? Error reading repository: Villa kom upp við lestur geymslusafns: Are you sure you want to downgrade the plugin to the latest available version? The installed one is newer! Ertu viss um að þú viljir niðurfæra þessa viðbót í síðustu tiltæku útgáfuna? Sú sem er uppsett núna er nýrri! Plugin installation failed Mistókst að fjarlægja viðbót Plugin has disappeared Viðbótin er horfin The plugin seems to have been installed but I don't know where. Probably the plugin package contained a wrong named directory. Please search the list of installed plugins. I'm nearly sure you'll find the plugin there, but I just can't determine which of them it is. It also means that I won't be able to determine if this plugin is installed and inform you about available updates. However the plugin may work. Please contact the plugin author and submit this issue. Plugin installed successfully Það tókst að setja upp viðbót Plugin reinstalled successfully Það tókst að setja aftur upp viðbót Python plugin reinstalled. You need to restart QGIS in order to reload it. The plugin is not compatible with this version of QGIS. It's designed for QGIS versions: The plugin depends on some components missing on your system. You need to install the following Python module in order to enable it: The plugin is broken. Python said: Þessi viðbót er gölluð. Python tilkynnti: Plugin uninstall failed Mistókst að fjarlægja viðbót Are you sure you want to uninstall the following plugin? Ert þú viss um að þú viljir fjarlægja eftirfarandi viðbót? Warning: this plugin isn't available in any accessible repository! Plugin uninstalled successfully Það tókst að fjarlægja viðbót Unable to add another repository with the same URL! This repository is blocked due to incompatibility with your QGIS version You can't remove the official QGIS Plugin Repository. You can disable it if needed. Þú getur ekki fjarlægt opinbera hugbúnaðarsafnið fyrir QGIS-viðbætur. Þú getur gert það óvirkt, ef þess er þörf. Are you sure you want to remove the following repository? Ertu viss um að þú viljir fjarlægja eftirfarandi hugbúnaðarsafn? Aborted by user Stöðvað af notanda Wrong password. Please enter a correct password to the zip file. The zip file is encrypted. Please enter password. Enter password Failed to unzip the plugin package {}. Probably it is broken Update of network request with authentication credentials FAILED for configuration '{0}' If you haven't canceled the download manually, it was most likely caused by a timeout. In this case consider increasing the connection timeout value in QGIS options window. Too many redirections Of margar endurbeiningar Missing __init__.py If you haven't canceled the download manually, it might be caused by a timeout. In this case consider increasing the connection timeout value in QGIS options. QGIS Official Plugin Repository Opinbert hugbúnaðarsafn QGIS-viðbóta Nothing to remove! Plugin directory doesn't exist: Ekkert til að fjarlægja! Viðbótasafnið er ekki til: Failed to remove the directory: Mistókst að fjarlægja möppuna: Check permissions or remove it manually Athugaðu aðgangsheimildir eða fjarlægðu þetta handvirkt Plugin dependency <b>%s</b> successfully installed Plugin dependency <b>%s</b> successfully upgraded Error installing plugin dependency <b>%s</b>: %s Error upgrading plugin dependency <b>%s</b>: %s QgsPluginInstallerFetchingDialog Success Tókst Resolving host name… Leita eftir nafni þjóns… Connecting… Tengist… Host connected. Sending request… Þjónn tengdur. Sendi fyrirspurn… Downloading data… Næ í gögn… Closing connection… Loka tengingu… QgsPluginInstallerFetchingDialogBase Fetching repositories Næ í upplýsingar um hugbúnaðarsöfn Overall progress Abort Fetching Repository Hugbúnaðarsafn State Staða QgsPluginInstallerInstallingDialog Update of network request with authentication credentials FAILED for configuration '{0}' Installing… Set upp… Resolving host name… Leita eftir nafni þjóns… Connecting… Tengist… Host connected. Sending request… Þjónn tengdur. Sendi fyrirspurn… Downloading data… Næ í gögn… Closing connection… Loka tengingu… Failed to unzip the plugin package. Probably it's broken or missing from the repository. You may also want to make sure that you have write permission to the plugin directory: Gat ekki afpakkað viðbótarpakka. Sennilega er pakkinn skemmdur eða ekki í hugbúnaðarsafninu. Þú ættir líka að athuga hvort þú hafir skrifréttindi í viðbótamöppuna: Aborted by user Stöðvað af notanda QgsPluginInstallerInstallingDialogBase QGIS Python Plugin Installer QGIS Python viðbótastjóri Installing plugin: Set inn viðbót: Connecting… Tengist… QgsPluginInstallerPluginErrorDialog no error message received engin villuboð móttekin QgsPluginInstallerPluginErrorDialogBase Error loading plugin Villa við lestur viðbótar The plugin seems to be invalid or have unfulfilled dependencies. It has been installed, but can't be loaded. If you really need this plugin, you can contact its author or <a href="http://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/qgis-user">QGIS users group</a> and try to solve the problem. If not, you can just uninstall it. Here is the error message below: Viðbótin lítur út fyrir að vera ógild eða vera með óuppfylltar kerfiskröfur (dependencies). Hún hefur verið sett upp, en ekki er hægt að hlaða henni inn. Ef þú þarft sárlega á þessari viðbót að halda, ættiðu að hafa samband við höfund hennar eða <a href="http://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/qgis-user">notendahóp QGIS</a> og reyna að leysa vandamálið. Ef ekki, geturðu einfaldlega fjarlægt hana. Hér fyrir neðan er villumeldingin: Do you want to uninstall this plugin now? If you're unsure, probably you would like to do this. Ertu viss um að þú viljir fjarlægja viðbótina núna? Ef þú ert ekki viss, þá ættirðu líklega að gera það. QgsPluginInstallerRepositoryDetailsDialogBase Repository details Nánar um gagnasafn Enter a name for the repository Settu inn heiti á hugbúnaðarsafnið Name Heiti Enter the repository URL, beginning with "http://" or "file:///" Settu inn URL-slóð hugbúnaðarsafnsins, sem byrjar á "http://" eða "file:///" Authentication Auðkenning Clear Hreinsa Edit Breyta Enable or disable the repository (disabled repositories will be omitted) Virkjaðu eða afvirkjaðu hugbúnaðarsafnið (óvirkum hugbúnaðarsöfnum er sleppt) Parameters Breytur ?qgis= ?qgis= URL URL Enabled Virkt QgsPluginManager Plugins Viðbætur Plugin packages (*.zip *.ZIP) No Plugins Engar viðbætur No QGIS plugins found in %1 Engar QGIS-viðbætur fundust í %1 Only locally available category: plugins that are only locally available Einungis tiltækt staðvært Reinstallable category: plugins that are installed and available Enduruppsetjanlegt Upgradeable category: plugins that are installed and there is a newer version available Uppfæranlegt Downgradeable category: plugins that are installed and there is an OLDER version available Niðurfæranlegt Installable category: plugins that are available for installation Uppsetjanlegt This plugin is incompatible with this version of QGIS Þessi viðbót er ósamrýmanleg við þessa útgáfu af QGIS Plugin designed for QGIS %1 compatible QGIS version(s) Viðbót hönnuð fyrir QGIS %1 This plugin requires a missing module Þessi viðbót krefst einingar sem vantar This plugin is broken Þessi viðbót er biluð There is a new version available Það er til nýrri útgáfa This is a new plugin Þetta er ný viðbót Installed version of this plugin is higher than any version found in repository Uppsett útgáfa þessarar viðbótar er nýrri en nokkur sú útgáfa sem finnst í hugbúnaðarsafni This plugin is experimental Þessi viðbót er á tilraunastigi This plugin is deprecated Þessi viðbót er úrelt bug tracker code repository Installed version Available version Changelog Plugin dependencies Upgrade Plugin Downgrade Plugin Install Plugin Reinstall Plugin Reload all Repositories Only Show Plugins from Selected Repository Clear Filter Security warning: installing a plugin from an untrusted source can lead to data loss and/or leak. Continue? Don't show this again. Ekki birta þetta aftur. Average rating %1 Meðaleinkunn %1 Category Flokkur Tags Merkimiðar Author Höfundur More info Nánari upplýsingar Search… Leita… Sort by Name Sort by Downloads Sort by Vote Sort by Status This is a core plugin, so you can't uninstall it %1 rating vote(s) %1 einkunnagjöf/einkunnagjafir %1 downloads %1 sóttar skrár homepage heimasíða connected tengt The repository is connected Hugbúnaðarsafnið er tengt unavailable ekki tiltækt The repository is enabled, but unavailable Hugbúnaðarsafnið er virkt, en ekki tiltækt disabled óvirkt The repository is disabled Hugbúnaðarsafnið er óvirkt The repository is blocked due to incompatibility with your QGIS version Lokað er á hugbúnaðarsafnið vegna ósamhæfni við þína útgáfu af QGIS Vote sent successfully Það tókst að senda atkvæðið Sending vote to the plugin repository failed. Sending atkvæðis á hugbúnaðarsafn mistókst. <h3>Upgradable plugins</h3><p>Here are <b>upgradeable plugins</b>. It means more recent versions of installed plugins are available in the repositories.</p> <h3>Uppfæranlegar viðbætur</h3><p>Hér eru <b>uppfæranlegar viðbætur</b>. Það þýðir að nýjar útgáfur af þegar uppsettum viðbótum eru tiltækar í hugbúnaðarsöfnum.</p> <h3>All Plugins</h3><p>On the left you see the list of all plugins available for your QGIS, both installed and available for download. Some plugins come with your QGIS installation while most of them are made available via the plugin repositories.</p><p>You can temporarily enable or disable a plugin. To <i>enable</i> or <i>disable</i> a plugin, click its checkbox or double-click its name…</p><p>Plugins showing in <span style='color:red'>red</span> are not loaded because there is a problem. They are also listed on the 'Invalid' tab. Click on the plugin name to see more details, or to reinstall or uninstall this plugin.</p> <h3>Allar viðbætur</h3><p>Hér til vinstri sérðu lista yfir allar þær viðbætur sem tiltækar eru fyrir þína útgáfu af QGIS, bæði uppsettar og tiltækar fyrir niðurhal. Sumar viðbætur eru settar upp um leið og QGIS, á meðan flestar aðrar viðbætur eru gerðar tiltækar í gegnum virkjuð hugbúnaðarsöfn.</p><p>Þú getur tímabundið virkjað viðbót eða gert óvirka. Til að <i>virkja</i> eða <i>afvirkja</i> viðbót, er hakað í reit eða tvísmellt á heiti hennar…</p><p>Viðbótum sem birtast með <span style='color:red'>rauðu</span> letri er ekki hlaðið inn, því upp er komið vandamál með þær. Þær eru þá líka á flipanum yfir 'Ógildar viðbætur'. Smelltu á heiti viðbótar til að sjá nánari upplýsingar um hana, eða til að setja hana upp aftur eða fjarlægja hana.</p> <h3>Installed Plugins</h3><p>Here you only see plugins <b>installed on your QGIS</b>.</p><p>Click on the name to see details. </p><p>Click the checkbox or double-click the name to <i>activate</i> or <i>deactivate</i> the plugin.</p><p>You can change the sorting via the context menu (right click).</p> <h3>Not installed plugins</h3><p>Here you see the list of all plugins available in the repositories, but which are <b>not yet installed</b>.</p><p>Click on the name to see details.</p><p>You can change the sorting via the context menu (right click).</p><p>A plugin can be downloaded and installed by clicking on it's name, and then click the 'Install plugin' button.</p> <h3>Óuppsettar viðbætur</h3><p>Hér sérðu lista yfir allar viðbætur sem tiltækar eru í hugbúnaðarsöfnum, en sem eru <b>ekki ennþá uppsettar</b>.</p><p>Smelltu á heiti viðbótar til að sjá nánari upplýsingar um hana. </p><p>Þú getur breytt röðun í gegnum samhengisvalmyndina (hægrismella).</p><p>Hægt er að sækja viðbót og setja upp með því að smella á nafn hennar og smella síðan á hnappinn 'Setja inn viðbót'.</p> <h3>New plugins</h3><p>Here you see brand <b>new</b> plugins which can be installed.</p> <h3>Nýjar viðbætur</h3><p>Hér geturðu séð <b>glænýjar</b> viðbætur sem hægt er að setja upp.</p> <h3>Invalid plugins</h3><p>Plugins in this list here are <b>broken or incompatible</b> with your version of QGIS.</p><p>Click on an individual plugin; if possible QGIS shows you more information.</p><p>The main reasons to have invalid plugins is that this plugin is not build for this version of QGIS. Maybe you can download another version from <a href="http://plugins.qgis.org">plugins.qgis.org</a>.</p><p>Another common reason is that a python plugin needs some external python libraries (dependencies). You can install them yourself, depending on your operating system. After a correct install the plugin should work.</p> <h3>Ógildar viðbætur</h3><p>Viðbætur á þessum lista eru <b>gallaðar eða ósamhæfðar</b> við þína útgáfu af QGIS.</p><p>Smelltu á staka viðbót; ef hægt er mun QGIS birta nánari upplýsingar um hana.</p><p>Algengasta ástæða þess að viðbót sé ógild er að hún sé ekki byggð fyrir þessa útgáfu af QGIS. Hugsanlegt er að hægt sé að finna samhæfða útgáfu á <a href="http://plugins.qgis.org">plugins.qgis.org</a>.</p><p>Önnur algeng ástæða er að Python-viðbót sé háð utanaðkomandi Python-aðgerðasöfnum (library dependency). Þú getur sett slíkt upp sjálfur, fer það eftir stýrikerfum hvernig það er gert. Eftir að öll réttu aðgerðasöfnin hafa verið sett inn, ætti viðbótin að virka.</p> QgsPluginManagerBase Plugin Manager Viðbótastýring All Allt Installed Uppsettar Installed plugins Uppsettar viðbætur Not installed plugins available for download Óuppsettar viðbætur sem tiltækar eru fyrir niðurhal Upgradeable Uppfæranlegar Installed plugins with more recent version available for download Uppsettar viðbætur þar sem nýrri útgáfur eru tiltækar fyrir niðurhal New Nýtt Not installed plugins seen for the first time Óuppsettar viðbætur sem eru að koma inn í fyrsta skipti Invalid Ógilt Broken and incompatible installed plugins Gallaðar og ósamhæfðar uppsettar viðbætur Settings Stillingar Not installed Ekki uppsettar Install from ZIP about:blank about:blank Vote! Greiða atkvæði! Your Vote Atkvæðið þitt Current vote Núverandi atkvæði Upgrade all upgradeable plugins Uppfæra allar uppfæranlegar viðbætur Uninstall the selected plugin Taka út valda viðbót Install, reinstall or upgrade the selected plugin Setja inn, setja inn aftur eða uppfæra valda viðbót Upgrade All Uninstall Plugin Reinstall Plugin <html><head/><body><p>If you are provided with a zip package containing a plugin to install, please select the file below and click the <span style=" font-style:italic;">Install plugin</span> button.</p><p>Please note for most users this function is not applicable, as the preferable way is to install plugins from a repository.</p></body></html> ZIP file: Install Plugin The settings on this tab are only applicable for Python Plugins. No Python support detected, thus no settings available. Stillingarnar á þessum flipa gilda einvörðungu fyrir Python-viðbætur. Finnist enginn stuðningur við Python, eru engar stillingar tiltækar. Check for updates on startup Athuga með uppfærslur í ræsingu every time QGIS starts í hvert sinn sem QGIS ræsist once a day einu sinni á dag every 3 days þriðja hvern dag every week einu sinni í viku every 2 weeks aðra hverja viku every month einu sinn á mánuði <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd"> <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css"> p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } </style></head><body style=" font-family:'DejaVu Sans'; font-size:9pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;"> <p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-weight:600;">Note:</span> If this function is enabled, QGIS will inform you whenever a new plugin or plugin update is available. Otherwise, fetching repositories will be performed during opening of the Plugin Manager window.</p></body></html> <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd"> <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css"> p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } </style></head><body style=" font-family:'DejaVu Sans'; font-size:9pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;"> <p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-weight:600;">Athugaðu:</span> Ef þessi aðgerð er virkjuð, mun QGIS gefa þér til kynna í hvert sinn sem ný viðbót eða uppfærsla á viðbót er tiltæk. Annars eru hugbúnaðarsöfn uppfærð um leið Viðbótastýringin er opnuð.</p></body></html> Show also experimental plugins Sýna einnig viðbætur á tilraunastigi <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd"> <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css"> p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } </style></head><body style=" font-family:'DejaVu Sans'; font-size:9pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;"> <p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-weight:600;">Note:</span> Experimental plugins are generally unsuitable for production use. These plugins are in early stages of development, and should be considered 'incomplete' or 'proof of concept' tools. QGIS does not recommend installing these plugins unless you intend to use them for testing purposes.</p></body></html> <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd"> <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css"> p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } </style></head><body style=" font-family:'DejaVu Sans'; font-size:9pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;"> <p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-weight:600;">Athugaðu:</span> Viðbætur á tilraunastigi henta venjulega ekki til notkunar í almennu starfsumhverfi. Slíkar viðbætur teljast yfirleitt vera á forstigum þróunar og ætti að líta á þær sem 'ófullgerð' eða 'dæmi um virkni'. QGIS mælir ekki með að slíkar viðbætur séu settar inn nema að ætlunin sé að prófa nýjar aðferðir.</p></body></html> Show also deprecated plugins Sýna einnig úreltar viðbætur <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd"> <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css"> p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } </style></head><body style=" font-family:'Droid Sans'; font-size:10pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;"> <p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-family:'DejaVu Sans'; font-size:9pt; font-weight:600;">Note:</span><span style=" font-family:'DejaVu Sans'; font-size:9pt;"> Deprecated plugins are generally unsuitable for production use. These plugins are unmaintained, and should be considered 'obsolete' tools. QGIS does not recommend installing these plugins unless you still need it and there are no other alternatives available.</span></p></body></html> <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd"> <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css"> p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } </style></head><body style=" font-family:'Droid Sans'; font-size:10pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;"> <p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-family:'DejaVu Sans'; font-size:9pt; font-weight:600;">Athugaðu:</span><span style=" font-family:'DejaVu Sans'; font-size:9pt;"> Úreltar viðbætur eru yfirleitt taldar ónothæfar til notkunar í almennu starfsumhverfi. Enginn sér um viðhald þeirra, og ætti að hætta notkun þeirra sem fyrst. QGIS mælir ekki með uppsetningu slíkra viðbóta, nema að þú þarfnist þeirra ennþá og eigir ekki aðra möguleika til að ná fram samsvarandi virkni.</span></p></body></html> Plugin repositories Gagnasöfn með viðbótum Status Staða Name Heiti URL URL Reload repository contents (useful when you uploaded a plugin there) Endurlesa innihald hugbúnaðarsafns (nýtist þegar þú sendir sjálf(ur) viðbót þangað inn) Reload Repository Configure an additional plugin repository Stilla aukahugbúnaðarsafn viðbóta Add a new plugin repository Bæta við nýju viðbótasafni Add… Bæta við… Edit… Breyta… Edit the selected repository Breyta völdu hugbúnaðarsafni Remove the selected repository Fjarlægja valið hugbúnaðarsafn Delete Eyða QgsPoint3DSymbolWidget Sphere Cylinder Cube Cone Plane Flötur Torus 3D Model Open 3d Model File Invalid File Error, file does not exist or is not readable. Villa, skráin er ekki til eða er ólæsileg. QgsPointClusterRendererWidget Cluster symbol Klasatákn Renderer Settings The point cluster renderer only applies to (single) point layers. '%1' is not a (single) point layer and cannot be displayed by the point cluster renderer. QgsPointClusterRendererWidgetBase Form Form Distance Fjarlægð Renderer Settings… Stillingar myndgerðar… Renderer Teiknari Cluster symbol Klasatákn QgsPointDisplacementRendererWidget Ring Hringur Concentric rings Sammiðja hringir Grid Hnitanet None Ekkert Select Color Veldu lit Transparent Stroke Gegnsæ stroka Center symbol Miðjutákn Renderer Settings The point displacement renderer only applies to (single) point layers. '%1' is not a (single) point layer and cannot be displayed by the point displacement renderer. QgsPointDisplacementRendererWidgetBase Form Form Label attribute Eigindi merkis Label font Leturgerð merkis Label color Litur merkis Use scale dependent labeling Minimum map scale Font Letur Displacement Lines Size adjustment Stroke width Breidd útlínu Stroke color Útlínulitur Center symbol Miðjutákn Renderer Settings… Stillingar myndgerðar… mm mm Renderer Teiknari Point distance tolerance Placement method Aðferð við staðsetningu Distance Fjarlægð Labels Merkingar Label distance factor QgsPostgresConn Connection to database failed Tenging við gagnagrunn mistókst PostGIS PostGIS error in setting encoding Villa kom upp við stillingu kóðunar undefined return value from encoding setting Your PostGIS installation has no GEOS support. Feature selection and identification will not work properly. Please install PostGIS with GEOS support (http://geos.refractions.net) Database connection was successful, but the accessible tables could not be determined. Database connection was successful, but the accessible tables could not be determined. The error message from the database was: %1 Cannot set WriteOwner permission to cert: %0 to allow removing it Client security failure Cannot remove cert: %0 SQL: %1 result: %2 error: %3 SQL: %1 niðurstaða: %2 villa: %3 Unsupported spatial column type %1 Database connection was successful, but the accessible tables could not be determined. The error message from the database was: %1 Unable to get list of spatially enabled tables from the database No PostGIS support in the database. Enginn stuðningur við PostGIS í gagnagrunninum. Could not parse postgis version string '%1' Gat ekki þáttað postgis-útgáfustrenginn '%1' Connection error: %1 returned %2 [%3] Tengingarvilla: %1 skilar %2 [%3] Erroneous query: %1 returned %2 [%3] Query failed: %1 Error: no result buffer Query: %1 returned %2 [%3] Fyrirspurn: %1 skilaði %2 [%3] %1 cursor states lost. SQL: %2 Result: %3 (%4) resetting bad connection. retry after reset succeeded. retry after reset failed again. connection still bad after reset. tenging er enn slæm eftir endurstillingu. bad connection, not retrying. None Ekkert Geometry Lögun Geography Landafræði TopoGeometry TopoGeometry PcPatch PcPatch Query could not be canceled [%1] Ekki var hægt að hætta við fyrirspurn [%1] PQgetCancel failed PQgetCancel mistókst QgsPostgresProjectStorageDialog Connection Tenging Schema Skipan Project Verkefni Storage of QGIS projects is not enabled for this database connection. Manage Projects Remove Project Save project to PostgreSQL Load project from PostgreSQL Error Villa Connection failed Tenging mistókst Failed to get schemas Mistókst að ná í skipan Overwrite project A project with the same name already exists. Would you like to overwrite it? Remove project Do you really want to remove the project "%1"? QgsPostgresProvider invalid PostgreSQL layer ógilt PostgreSQL-lag PostGIS PostGIS invalid PostgreSQL topology layer ógilt PostgreSQL-grannfræðilag PostgreSQL layer has no primary key. PostgreSQL-lag hefur engan aðallykil. Whole number (smallint - 16bit) Heiltala (smallint - 16 bita) Whole number (integer - 32bit) Heiltala (integer - 32bita) Whole number (integer - 64bit) Heiltala (integer - 64bita) Decimal number (numeric) Rauntala (numeric) Decimal number (decimal) Rauntala (decimal) Decimal number (real) Rauntala (real) Decimal number (double) Rauntala (double) Text, fixed length (char) Texti, föst lengd (char) Text, limited variable length (varchar) Texti, takmörkuð breytileg lengd (varchar) Text, unlimited length (text) Texti, ótakmörkuð lengd (text) Date Dagsetning Time Tími Date & Time Dagsetning og tími Array of number (integer - 32bit) Fylki talna (integer - 32bita) Array of number (integer - 64bit) Fylki talna (integer - 64bita) Array of number (double) Fylki talna (double) Array of text Fylki texta Boolean Bólskt JSON (json) JSON (jsonb) PostgreSQL layer has unknown primary key type. PostgreSQL-lag hefur óþekkta aðallykilstegund. FAILURE: Field %1 not found. unexpected formatted field type '%1' for field %2 Field %1 ignored, because of unsupported type %2 Duplicate field %1 found Unable to access the %1 relation. The error message from the database was: %2. SQL: %3 PostgreSQL is still in recovery after a database crash (or you are connected to a (read-only) slave). Write accesses will be denied. Unable to determine table access privileges for the %1 relation. The error message from the database was: %2. SQL: %3 The custom query is not a select query. Unable to execute the query. The error message from the database was: %1. SQL: %2 The table has no column suitable for use as a key. QGIS requires a primary key, a PostgreSQL oid column or a ctid for tables. Unique column '%1' doesn't have a NOT NULL constraint. Key field '%1' for view/query not found. Primary key field '%1' for view/query not unique. Keys for view/query undefined. No key field for view/query given. Cannot find end of double quoted string: %1 Cannot find separator: %1 Error parsing hstore: %1 Error parsing array: %1 Error parsing array, missing curly braces: %1 Unexpected relation type '%1'. Map (hstore) Read attempt on an invalid PostgreSQL data source Cannot parse widget configuration for field %1.%2.%3 Ignoring key candidate because of NULL values or inheritance Could not execute query Could not find topology of layer %1.%2.%3 PostGIS error while adding features: %1 PostGISvilla þegar fitjur voru sóttar: %1 PostGIS error while deleting features: %1 PostGISvilla þegar fitjum var eytt: %1 PostGIS error while truncating: %1 PostGIS error while adding attributes: %1 PostGISvilla þegar eigindum var bætt við: %1 PostGIS error while deleting attributes: %1 PostGISvilla þegar eigindum var eytt: %1 Invalid attribute index: %1 Ógildur eigindalykill: %1 Error renaming field %1: name '%2' already exists PostGIS error while renaming attributes: %1 PostGIS error while changing attributes: %1 PostGISvilla þegar eigindum var breytt: %1 PostGIS error while changing geometry values: %1 PostGISvilla þegar rúmfræðigildum var breytt: %1 result of extents query invalid: %1 Geometry type and srid for empty column %1 of %2 undefined. Rúmfræðitegund og staðviðmiðskerfisauðkenni fyrir tóma dálka %1 of %2 óskilgreint. Feature type or srid for %1 of %2 could not be determined or was not requested. Fitjutegund eða staðviðmiðskerfis-auðkenni fyrir %1 af %2 gat ekki verið skilgreint eða var ekki umbeðið. PostgreSQL version: unknown Útgáfa PostgreSQL: óþekkt unknown óþekkt PostgreSQL not connected PostgreSQL er ekki tengt PostgreSQL/PostGIS provider %1 PostGIS %2 PostgreSQL/PostGIS-veita %1 PostGIS %2 Primary key is ctid - changing of existing features disabled (%1; %2) QgsPresetColorRampDialog Color Presets Ramp QgsPresetColorRampWidget Select Color Veldu lit QgsPresetColorRampWidgetBase Color Presets Ramp Add color Bæta við lit Remove color Fjarlægja lit Copy colors Afrita liti Paste colors Líma liti Import colors Flytja inn liti Export colors Flytja út liti Preview Forskoða QgsProcessingAlgRunnerTask Executing “%1” Framkvæmi “%1” QgsProcessingAlgorithmDialogBase Run Keyra Text files Textaskrár HTML files HTML-skrár Save Log to File Vista vinnsluferil í skrá QgsProcessingBooleanWidgetWrapper Yes No Nei QgsProcessingCrsWidgetWrapper Use project CRS Nota viðmiðskerfi (CRS) verkefnis Always use the current project CRS when running the model string as EPSG code, WKT or PROJ format, or a string identifying a map layer QgsProcessingDialogBase Dialog Samskiptagluggi Parameters Breytur Log Vinnsluferill Save Log to File Vista vinnsluferil í skrá Copy Log to Clipboard Afrita vinnsluferil á klippispjald Clear Log Hreinsa vinnsluferil Cancel Hætta við QgsProcessingDistanceWidgetWrapper Distance is in geographic degrees. Consider reprojecting to a projected local coordinate system for accurate results. QgsProcessingEnumCheckboxPanelWidget Select All Velja allt Clear Selection Hreinsa val QgsProcessingEnumPanelWidget %1 options selected QgsProcessingEnumWidgetWrapper [Not selected] [ekki valið] selected option index (starting from 0), array of indices, or comma separated string of options (e.g. '1,3') QgsProcessingExpressionWidgetWrapper string representation of an expression QgsProcessingFeedback Processing Vinnsla QGIS version: %1 QGIS code revision: %1 Qt version: %1 GDAL version: %1 GEOS version: %1 PROJ version: %1 %1 version: %2 QgsProcessingFileWidgetWrapper %1 files string representing a path to a file or folder QgsProcessingLayoutItemWidgetWrapper UUID or ID of an existing print layout item string representing the UUID or ID of an existing print layout item QgsProcessingLayoutWidgetWrapper Name of an existing print layout string representing the name of an existing print layout QgsProcessingMapLayerComboBox Select file Velja skrá Selected features only Aðeins valdar fitjur QgsProcessingMatrixParameterDialog Add Row Remove Row(s) Remove All Fjarlægja allt QgsProcessingMatrixParameterDialogBase Fixed table Föst tafla QgsProcessingMatrixParameterPanel Fixed table (%1x%2) QgsProcessingMatrixWidgetWrapper comma delimited string of values, or an array of values QgsProcessingModelerParameterWidget Using model input Nota inntak líkans Using algorithm output Nota frálag reiknirits Value Gildi Pre-calculated Value For-reiknað gildi Model Input Inntak líkans Algorithm Output Frálag reiknirits “%1” from algorithm “%2” '%1' úr reikniritinu '%2' QgsProcessingMultipleSelectionDialog Select All Velja allt Clear Selection Hreinsa val Toggle Selection Víxla vali af/á QgsProcessingMultipleSelectionDialogBase Multiple selection Fjölval QgsProcessingNumericWidgetWrapper Not set Ekki skilgreint QgsProcessingPointWidgetWrapper Point as 'x,y' string of the format 'x,y' or a geometry value (centroid is used) QgsProcessingProgressDialogBase Dialog Samskiptagluggi QgsProcessingProvider Duplicate algorithm name %1 for provider %2 Tvítak á heiti reiknirits %1 fyrir þjónustuveitu %2 Missing parameter value %1 This algorithm only supports disk-based outputs “.%1” files are not supported as outputs for this algorithm QgsProcessingRangeWidgetWrapper Min Lágmark Max Hámark string as two comma delimited floats, e.g. '1,10' strengur sem tvær fleytitölur aðgreindar með kommu, t.d. '1,10' QgsProcessingToolboxModel Recently used Nýlega notað QgsProject Loading layer %1 Hleð inn lag %1 Unable to open %1 Gat ekki opnað %1 %1 at line %2 column %3 %1 í línu %2 dálki %3 %1 for file %2 %1 af skrá %2 Project Variables Invalid The project contains invalid variable settings. Translated project saved with locale prefix %1 Þýtt verkefni vistað með staðfærsluforskeytinu %1 Error saving translated project with locale prefix %1 Villa við að vista þýtt verkefni með staðfærsluforskeytinu %1 Unable to read file %1 Unable to save project to storage %1 Unable to create backup file %1 Ekki gekk að búa til öryggisafritunarskrá %1 Unable to save to file %1 Get ekki vistað í skrá %1 Unable to unzip file '%1' Zip archive does not provide a project file Cannot read unzipped qgs project file Unable to write temporary qgs file Unable to perform zip %1 is not writable. Please adjust permissions (if possible) and try again. %1 er ekki yfirskrifanleg. Leiðréttið heimilidir (ef það er hægt) og reynið aftur. Read Project File Project file read error in file %1: %2 at line %3 column %4 Unable to save auxiliary storage ('%1') Unable to save to file %1. Your project may be corrupted on disk. Try clearing some space on the volume and check file permissions before pressing save again. Gat ekki vistað %1. Verkefnið getur verið skemmt á disknum. Prófið að útbúa meira pláss á disknum og athuga réttindi áður en verkið er vistað aftur. QgsProjectHomeItemGuiProvider Set Project Home… Set upphafsstöðu verkefnis… Select Project Home Directory Veldu möppu undir heimasvæði verkefnis QgsProjectItemGuiProvider Open Project Opna verkefni File Properties… Eiginleikar skráar… QgsProjectLayerGroupDialog QGIS files QGIS-skrár Select Project File Embed Layers and Groups Recursive embedding is not supported. It is not possible to embed layers / groups from the current project. QgsProjectLayerGroupDialogBase Select Layers and Groups to Embed Project file Verkefnisskrá QgsProjectProperties Coordinate System Restriction Takmarkanir hnitakerfis No coordinate systems selected. Disabling restriction. Engin hnitakerfi valin. Geri takmarkanir óvirkar. Decimal degrees Gráður í tugakerfi Degrees, minutes Gráður, mínútur Degrees, minutes, seconds Gráður, mínútur, sekúndur Meters Metrar Feet Fet Nautical miles Sjómílur Degrees Gráður Map units Mælieiningar korts Kilometers Kílómetrar Yards Yardar Miles Mílur Centimeters Sentímetrar Millimeters Millímetrar Square meters Fermetrar Square kilometers Ferkílómetrar Square feet Ferfet Square yards Feryardar Square miles Fermílur Hectares Hektarar Acres Ekrur Square nautical miles Fersjómílur Square centimeters Square millimeters Square degrees Fergráður Layers are in edit mode. Stop edit mode on all layers to toggle transactional editing. Select Project Home Path Selection Color Vallitur Filter layers… Sía lög… Custodian Ábyrgðaraðili Owner Eigandi User Notandi Distributor Dreifingaraðili Originator Uppruni Point of contact Tengiliður Principal investigator Aðalrannsóknaraðili Processor Vinnsluaðili Publisher Útgefandi Author Höfundur Conditions unknown Óþekkt skilyrði No conditions apply Engin skilyrði eiga við None Ekkert Copyright Höfundarréttur Patent Einkaleyfi Patent pending Sótt um einkaleyfi Trademark Vörumerki License Notkunarleyfi Intellectual property rights Hugverkaréttur Restricted Takmarkað Other restrictions Aðrar takmarkanir In case of no other information to evaluate the map unit sized symbols, it uses default scale (on projected CRS) or default map units per mm (on geographic CRS). Default scale for legend Unknown units Map units (%1) Mælieiningar korts (%1) CRS %1 was already selected Viðmiðskerfið %1 var þegar valið Coordinate System Restrictions Takmarkanir á hnitakerfi The current selection of coordinate systems will be lost. Proceed? Select layout Layout Title Set Scale Stilla kvarða General TS file generated TS file generated with source language %1. - open it with Qt Linguist - translate strings - save it with the postfix of the target language (eg. de) - release to get qm file including postfix (eg. aproject_de.qm) When you open it again in QGIS having set the target language (de), the project will be translated and saved with postfix (eg. aproject_de.qgs). Select Restricted Layers and Groups Custom Sérsnið Start checking QGIS Server Use short name for "%1" Some layers and groups have the same name or short name Duplicate names: Tvítekin heiti: All names and short names of layer and group are unique Some layer short names have to be updated: All layer short names are well formed Some layer encodings are not set: All layer encodings are set Enter scale Settu inn kvarða Scale denominator Nefnari kvarða Load scales Lesa inn kvarða XML files (*.xml *.XML) XML skrár (*.xml *.XML) Save scales Vista kvarða Select a valid symbol Veldu gilt tákn Invalid symbol : Ógilt tákn : Update layer "%1" encoding Uppfæra kóðun "%1" lagsins Select %1 from pull-down menu to adjust radii Select Color Velja lit The text you entered is not a valid scale. Textinn sem þú slóst inn er ekki gildur kvarði. QgsProjectPropertiesBase Project Properties Eiginleikar verkefnis General Almennt Project title Nafn verkefnis Descriptive project name Lýsandi heiti á verkefni Default project title Sjálfgefið heiti á verkefni Selection color Vallitur absolute algilt relative afstætt Semi-minor Hálfur skammás Semi-major Hálfur langás CRS Hnitaviðmiðskerfi (CRS) Coordinate Reference System Hnitaviðmiðskerfi Default styles Sjálfgefnir stílar Variables Breytur Checking this setting avoids visible edge artifacts when rendering this project as separate map tiles. Rendering performance will be degraded. Ef hakað er við þetta er forðast myndun á trufluðum jaðardílum (artifacts) þegar verkefnið er myndgert sem aðskildir kortatíglar. Þetta minnkar afköst í myndgerð. Avoid artifacts when project is rendered as map tiles (degrades performance) Forðast að mynda truflaða díla (artifacts) þegar verkefnið er myndgert sem kortatíglar (minnkar afköst) Precision Nákvæmni Project Predefined Scales Source language Datum Transformations Default Symbols Project Colors Layers Capabilities Toggle Selection Víxla vali af/á Show spatial layers only Service Capabilities Position Staðsetning Short name Stutt nafn Add layout to exclude Remove selected layout Published layers Grids Hnitanet Top Efst Left Vinstri Min. scale Lágmarkskvarði Last level Max. scale Hámarkskvarði Deselect All Afvelja allt Select All Velja allt Test Configuration Launch Ræsa When enabled, layers from the same database connection will be put into a transaction group. Their edit state will be synchronized and changes to these layers will be sent to the provider immediately. Only supported on postgres provider. Automatically create transaction groups where possible Búa sjálfvirkt til aðgerðahópa (transaction groups) þegar það er hægt When enabled, default values will be evaluated as early as possible. This will fill default values in the add feature form already and not only create them on commit. Only supported for postgres provider. Evaluate default values on provider side Meta sjálfgefin gildi hjá þjónustuveitanda Expression Variables Breytur fyrir reglulegar segðir Manual Handvirkt The number of decimal places for the manual option decimal places tugabrotasæti Layer Lag Marker Mark Line Lína Fill Fylling Color Ramp Litastigi Style Manager Stílsstjóri Options Valkostir Relations Vensl Assign random colors to symbols Úthluta slembnum litum á tákn Copy colors Afrita liti Add color Bæta við lit Paste colors Líma liti Remove color Fjarlægja lit The web site URL of the service provider. Vefslóð þjónustuveitunnar. Title Titill Online resource Tilfang á neti E-Mail Tölvupóstur Phone Sími Abstract Útdráttur Fees Gjald Access constraints Aðgangsskorður Keyword list Stikkorðalisti WMS capabilities Geta WMS Add geometry to feature response Bæta við rúmfræði við svar vegna fitju Coordinate Display Max. X X-hámark Max. Y Y-hámark Use Current Canvas Extent Nota núverandi kortvídd myndflatar Used Notað WCS capabilities Geta WCS Exclude layers Útiloka lög Quality for JPEG images ( 10 : smaller image - 100 : best quality ) Gæði JPEG mynda (10: minni myndir - 100: bestu gæði) Use layer ids as names Nota auðkenni laga sem heiti Data Sources Gagnagjafar &Project home Sa&ve paths Measurements Mælingar Units for distance measurement Mælieiningar fyrir fjarlægðir Units for area measurement Mælieiningar fyrir flatarmál Display coordinates using Birta hnit með því að nota Automatically sets the number of decimal places to use when displaying coordinates Manually set the number of decimal places to use when displaying coordinates Import colors Flytja inn liti Metadata Lýsigögn Default Styles Data sources Gagnagjafar QGIS Server QGIS-þjónn WMS/WFS/WCS Server Configuration Uppsetning WMS/WFS/WCS-þjóns General Settings Open folder containing the project Pro&ject file Back&ground color Project home path. Leave blank to use the current project file location. Set the project home path Ellipsoid (for distance and area calculations) Sporvala (fyrir útreikninga á vegalengdum og svæðum) A&utomatic Add predefined scale Bæta við forskilgreindum kvarða Remove selected scale Fjarlægja valinn kvarða Import from file Flytja inn úr skrá Save to file Vista í skrá Generate Project Translation File Generate TS File Project Coordinate Reference System (CRS) Hnitaviðmiðskerfi verkefnis (CRS) Ask for datum transformation if several are available (defined in global setting) Edit symbol Opacity Gagnsæi Export colors Flytja út liti Trust project when data source has no metadata &Python Macros &Person The contact person e-mail for the service. Tölvupóstfang tengiliðar fyrir þjónustuna. The contact person name for the service. Nafn tengiliðar fyrir þjónustuna. The name of the service provider. Nafn þjónustuveitunnar. The title should be brief yet descriptive enough to identify this service. Titillinn ætti að vera sem stystur en þó nógu lýsandi til að auðkenna þessa þjónustu. The contact person phone for the service. Símanúmer tengiliðar fyrir þjónustuna. The abstract is a descriptive narrative providing more information about the service. List of keywords separated by comma to help catalog searching. Listi stikkorða aðskildum með kommu til að hjálpa til við leit og flokkun í efnisskrám. Or&ganization Fees applied to the service. Access constraints applied to the service. Aðgangstakmarkanir sem beitt er á þjónustuna. The contact person position for the service. Staða tengiliðar fyrir þjónustuna. A name used to identify the root layer. The short name is a text string used for machine-to-machine communication. Heiti sem notað er til að auðkenna rótarlagið. Stutta nafnið er textastrengur sem notast í samskiptum milli véla/kerfa. Ad&vertised extent Min. &X Min. &Y Excl&ude layouts Add layer to exclude Remove selected layer Add new CRS Bæta við nýju viðmiðskerfi (CRS) Fetch all CRS's from layers Remove selected CRS GetFeatureInfo geometry precision (decimal places) Nákvæmni í rúmfræði GetFeatureInfo (tugabrotasæti) INSPIRE (European directive) INSPIRE (Evróputilskipun) Service language Tungumál þjónustu Metadata date Dagsetning lýsigagna Last revision date Síðasta endurskoðun Metadata URL Slóð lýsigagna application/vnd.iso.19139+xml application/vnd.iso.19139+xml application/vnd.ogc.csw.GetRecordByIdResponse_xml application/vnd.ogc.csw.GetRecordByIdResponse_xml application/vnd.ogc.csw_xml application/vnd.ogc.csw_xml URL mime/type URL-slóð mime/type Segmentize feature info geometry Scenario &2 - INSPIRE related fields using embedded service metadata Scenario &1 - INSPIRE related fields using referenced external service metadata Maximum features for Atlas print requests WMTS capabilities PNG JPEG Minimum scale Lágmarkskvarði WFS capabilities (also influences DXF export) Geta WFS (hefur einnig áhrif á útflutning DXF) Published Útgefið Geometry precision (decimal places) Nákvæmni í rúmfræði (tugabrotasæti) Update Uppfæra Insert Setja inn Delete Eyða Macros Fjölvar Advertised URL Uppgefin slóð Width Breidd Height Hæð Maximums for GetMap request Hámörk fyrir GetMap-beiðni CRS restrictions Takmarkanir viðmiðskerfis Default map units per mm in legend Speed up project loading by skipping data checks in PostgreSQL layers. Useful in QGIS server context or project with huge database views or materialized views. QgsProjectPropertyKey Failed to save project property %1 QgsProjectSnappingSettings Cannot read individual settings. Unexpected tag '%1' Get ekki lesið stakar stillingar. Óvæntur merkimiði '%1' QgsProjectionSelectionDialog Define this layer's coordinate reference system: Skilgreina hnitaviðmiðskerfi fyrir þetta lag: This layer appears to have no projection specification. Þetta lag virðist ekki hafa neina skilgreinda vörpun. By default, this layer will now have its projection set to that of the project, but you may override this by selecting a different projection below. QgsProjectionSelectionTreeWidget Resource Location Error Error reading database file from: %1 Because of this the projection selector will not work… User Defined Coordinate Systems Hnitaviðmiðskerfi skilgreint af notanda Geographic Coordinate Systems Landfræðilegt hnitakerfi Projected Coordinate Systems Varpað hnitakerfi Other Extent not known Extent Kortvídd <dt><b>%1</b></dt><dd>%2</dd> Proj4 QgsProjectionSelectionWidget invalid projection Ógild vörpun Select CRS Veldu viðmiðskerfi Layer CRS: %1 - %2 Viðmiðskerfi lags: %1, %2 Project CRS: %1 - %2 Viðmiðskerfi (CRS) verkefnis: %1 - %2 Default CRS: %1 - %2 Sjálfgefið viðmiðskerfi: %1 - %2 %1 - %2 %1 - %2 QgsProjectionSelectionWidgetPlugin A widget to select a generic projection system. QgsProjectionSelectorBase Coordinate Reference System Selector Val á hnitaviðmiðskerfi Filter Sía Recently used coordinate reference systems Nýlega notuð hnitaviðmiðskerfi Use this option to treat all coordinates as Cartesian coordinates in an unknown reference system. No projection (or unknown/non-Earth projection) Coordinate Reference System Hnitaviðmiðskerfi Authority ID Auðkenni vottunaraðila ID Auðkenni (ID) Coordinate reference systems of the world Hnitaviðmiðskerfi heimsins Hide deprecated CRSs Fela úrelt viðmiðskerfi (deprecated CRS) QgsPropertyColorAssistantWidget Color For Null Values Litur NULL-gilda Transparent Gegnsætt QgsPropertyGenericNumericAssistantWidget ° ° Angle from Angle when NULL QgsPropertyOverrideButton Variable Breyta Paste Líma Copy Afrita Clear Hreinsa Description… Lýsing… Color Litur Store Data in the Project Edit… Breyta… Assistant… Leiðarvísir… boolean int heiltala double double string strengur Field type: Tegund gagnasviðs: integer heiltala integer64 unknown type óþekkt tegund Data defined override Forgangur skilgreindur af gögnum expression regluleg segð field svið Deactivate Afvirkja Activate Virkja Attribute Field No matching field types found Engar samsvarandi tegundir sviða fundust Project Color No colors set Expression Segð No variables set Engar breytur skilgreindar Current: Núverandi: Data Definition Description Lýsing á skilgreiningu gagna undefined óskilgreint project color Parse error: %1 Þáttunarvilla: %1 '%1' field missing '%1' gagnasvið vantar <b><u>Data defined override</u></b><br> <b><u>Forgangur skilgreindur af gögnum</u></b><br> <b>Active: </b>%1&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<i>(ctrl|right-click toggles)</i><br> <b>Virkt: </b>%1&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<i>(ctrl|hægrismella víxlar)</i><br> yes no nei <b>Usage:</b><br>%1<br> <b>Notkun:</b><br>%1<br> <b>Expected input:</b><br>%1<br> <b>Áætlað inntak:</b><br>%1<br> <b>Valid input types:</b><br>%1<br> <b>Gild inntakstegund:</b><br>%1<br> <b>Current definition (%1):</b><br>%2 QgsPropertyOverrideButtonPlugin A widget to define override for a corresponding property A widget to define override for a corresponding property. QgsPropertySizeAssistantWidget Flannery Flannery Surface Yfirborð Radius Radíus Exponential Veldisfall Linear Línulegt QgsPuzzleWidget QGIS QGIS Well done! Now let's get back to work, shall we? QgsPyDataItem &Run Script Open in External &Editor QgsQmlWidgetWrapper Failed to open temporary QML file QgsQptDataItem New Layout from Template QgsQueryBuilder &Test &Prófa &Clear &Hreinsa Set provider filter on %1 Search… Leita… Query Result Niðurstaða fyrirspurnar The where clause returned %n row(s). returned test rows Where-leitin skilaði %n röð. Where-leitin skilaði %n röðum. Error in query. The subset string could not be set. An error occurred when executing the query. The data provider said: %1 Gagnaþjónustan tilkynnti: %1 QgsQueryBuilderBase Query Builder Fyrirspurnasmiður Datasource Gagnagjafi Fields Gagnasvið <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css"> p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } </style></head><body style=" font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:9pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;"> <p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">List of fields in this vector file</p></body></html> <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css"> p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } </style></head><body style=" font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:9pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;"> <p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">Listi yfir gagnasvið í þessari vektorskrá</p></body></html> Values Gildi <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css"> p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } </style></head><body style=" font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:9pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;"> <p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">List of values for the current field.</p></body></html> <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css"> p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } </style></head><body style=" font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:9pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;"> <p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">Listi yfir gildi fyrir núverandi gagnasvið.</p></body></html> <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css"> p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } </style></head><body style=" font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:9pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;"> <p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">Take a <span style=" font-weight:600;">sample</span> of records in the vector file</p></body></html> <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css"> p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } </style></head><body style=" font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:9pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;"> <p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">Taka <span style=" font-weight:600;">sýni</span> af færslum í vektorskránni</p></body></html> Sample Taka sýni <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css"> p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } </style></head><body style=" font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:9pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;"> <p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">Retrieve <span style=" font-weight:600;">all</span> the record in the vector file (<span style=" font-style:italic;">if the table is big, the operation can consume some time</span>)</p></body></html> <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css"> p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } </style></head><body style=" font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:9pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;"> <p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">Sækja <span style=" font-weight:600;">alla</span> færsluna í vektorskránni (<span style=" font-style:italic;">ef taflan er stór, getur aðgerðin tekið drjúgan tíma</span>)</p></body></html> All Allt Use unfiltered layer Nota ósíað lag Operators Virkjar = = < < NOT EKKI OR EÐA AND Y % % IN ER Í NOT IN ER EKKI Í != != > > LIKE EINS OG ILIKE >= >= <= <= Provider specific filter expression QgsQuickAttributeModel Value "%1" %4 could not be converted to a compatible value for field %2(%3). Cannot update feature Feature %1 could not be fetched after commit Cannot delete feature Default value expression for %1:%2 has parser error: %3 Default value expression for %1:%2 has evaluation error: %3 Feature could not be added Could not save changes. Rolling back. Cannot start editing QgsQuickMapCanvasMap Rendering Myndgerð QgsQuickMapSettings Map Canvas rotation is not supported. Resetting from %1 to 0. QgsQuickPositionKit Unable to create default GPS Position Source QgsQuickUtils screen resolution: %1x%2 px skjáupplausn: %1x%2 px screen DPI: %1x%2 skjár PÁT: %1x%2 px screen size: %1x%2 mm skjástærð: %1x%2 mm screen density: %1 þéttleiki skjás: %1 QgsRangeConfigDlg Editable Hægt að breyta Slider Sleði Dial Skífa Current minimum for this value is %1 and current maximum is %2. Attribute has no integer or real type, therefore range is not usable. Eigindi hefur engar heiltölur eða rauntölu tegund, þess vega er ekki hægt að nota tölubil. QgsRangeConfigDlgBase Form Form Allows setting of numeric values from a specified range. The edit widget can be either a slider or a spin box. Advanced Options Ítarlegir valkostir Step Skref Suffix Viðskeyti Inactive Óvirkt Precision Nákvæmni Number of decimal places Fjöldi aukastafa Maximum Hámark Allow NULL Leyfa NÚLL Minimum Lágmark Local minimum/maximum = 0/0 QgsRasterBandComboBox Not set Ekki skilgreint QgsRasterBandComboBoxPlugin A combo box to list the bands from a raster layer Fjölvalsreitur sem sýnir tíðnisvið í rastalagi A combo box to list the bands from a raster layer. Fjölvalsreitur sem sýnir tíðnisvið í rastalagi. QgsRasterCalcDialog Enter result file Sláið inn skrá fyrir niðurstöður Expression valid Regluleg segð er gild Expression invalid Regluleg segð er ógild QgsRasterCalcDialogBase Output layer Frálagslag X min X-lágmark Y min Y-lágmark Y max Y-hámark Columns Dálkar Raster Calculator Raster Bands Tíðnisvið rasta Result Layer Rows Raðir X max X-hámark Output format Snið frálags Raster Calculator Expression Add result to project Bæta niðurstöðu í verkefni Output CRS Viðmiðskerfi frálags Operators Virkjar != != + + * * sqrt sqrt sin sin ^ ^ acos acos ( ( - - / / cos cos Selected Layer Extent asin asin tan tan atan atan ) ) < < > > = = OR EÐA AND Y <= <= >= >= log10 log10 ln ln QgsRasterDataProvider Format not supported Snið er ekki stutt Value Gildi Text Texti Html HTML Feature Fitja QgsRasterFileWriterTask Saving %1 Vista %1 QgsRasterFormatSaveOptionsWidget Default Sjálfgefið No Compression Low Compression High Compression JPEG Compression Cannot get create options for driver %1 Get ekki náð í valkosti frágangs fyrir rekilinn %1 For details on pyramids options please see the following pages Til að skoða nánari upplýsingar um pýramída má benda á eftirfarandi síður No help available Engin hjálp tiltæk cannot validate pyramid options get ekki sannvottað valkosti pýramída Cannot validate creation options. Valid Gild Invalid %1: %2 Click on help button to get valid creation options for this format. pyramid creation option valkostir byggingar pýramída creation option valkostir fyrir gerð Profile name: Heiti sniðs: Use simple interface Use table interface QgsRasterFormatSaveOptionsWidgetBase Form Form New Nýtt Remove Fjarlægja Reset Endurstilla Profile Snið Name Heiti Value Gildi Validate Sannreyna Help Hjálp Insert KEY=VALUE pairs separated by spaces QgsRasterHistogramWidget Visibility Sýnileiki Min/Max options Always show min/max markers Alltaf birta mörk fyrir lágmark/hámark Zoom to min/max Renna að lágmark/hámark Update style to min/max Show all bands Birta öll tíðnisvið Show RGB/Gray band(s) Birta RGB/grátónatíðnisvið Show selected band Birta valð tíðnisvið Display Birta Draw as lines Teikna sem línur Draw as lines (only int layers) Actions Aðgerð Reset Endurstilla Load min/max Hlaða lágmark/hámark Estimate (faster) Áætluð (hraðvirkt) Actual (slower) Raunveruleg (hægvirkt) Current extent Núverandi kortvídd Use stddev (1.0) Use stddev (custom) Nota stddev (sérsniðið) Load for each band Hlaða inn fyrir hvert tíðnisvið Recompute Histogram Endurreikna tíðnirit Band %1 Tíðnisvið %1 Choose a file name to save the map image as Veldu skráarheiti til að vista mynd af kortinu QgsRasterHistogramWidgetBase Form Form Set min/max style for Save as image… Vista sem mynd… Min Lágmark Pick Min value on graph Max Hámark Pick Max value on graph Veldu hámarksgildi á grafi Prefs/Actions Save plot Compute Histogram Reikna tíðnirit QgsRasterInterface Identify Kenna Build Pyramids Búa til pýramída Create Datasources Búa til gagnagjafa Remove Datasources Fjarlægja gagnagjafa Band Tíðnisvið QgsRasterLayer Not Set Ekki skilgreint QgsRasterLayer created Information from provider Upplýsingar frá þjónustuveitu Name Heiti Source Uppruni Path Slóð URL Slóð (URL) CRS Hnitaviðmiðskerfi (CRS) Geographic Landfræðilegt Projected Varpað Extent Kortvídd Unit Eining Width Breidd n/a ekki tiltækt Height Hæð Data type Tegund gagna Identification Auðkenning Access Aðgangur Bands Tíðnisvið Band count Fjöldi tíðnisviða Number Tala No-Data Min Lágmark Max Hámark Contacts Tengiliðir References History Vinnsluferill Raster Rastar Could not determine raster data type. Byte - Eight bit unsigned integer Bæti - Átta-bita jákvæðar heiltölur UInt16 - Sixteen bit unsigned integer UInt16 - Sextán bita jákvæðar heiltölur Int16 - Sixteen bit signed integer Int16 - Sextán bita jákvæðar heiltölur UInt32 - Thirty two bit unsigned integer UInt32 - Þrjátíu og tveggja bita jákvæðar heiltölur Int32 - Thirty two bit signed integer Int32 - Þrjátíu og tveggja bita jákvæðar heiltölur Float32 - Thirty two bit floating point Float32 - Þrjátíu og tveggja bita fleytitölur Float64 - Sixty four bit floating point Float64 - Sextíu og fjögurra bita fleytitölur CInt16 - Complex Int16 CInt32 - Complex Int32 CFloat32 - Complex Float32 CFloat64 - Complex Float64 Band Tíðnisvið Cannot instantiate the '%1' data provider Provider is not valid (provider: %1, URI: %2 Þjónustuveita er ekki gild (þjónustuveita: %1, slóð: %2 <maplayer> not found. <maplayer> fannst ekki. QgsRasterLayerProperties Not Set Ekki skilgreint Load Style… Hlaða inn stíl… Save Style… Vista stíl… Metadata Lýsigögn Load Metadata… Hlaða inn lýsigögnum… Save Metadata… Vista lýsigögn… Description Lýsing Large resolution raster layers can slow navigation in QGIS. By creating lower resolution copies of the data (pyramids) performance can be considerably improved as QGIS selects the most suitable resolution to use depending on the level of zoom. Með því að búa til mörg afrit gagna í lægri upplausn (pýramída) er hægt að auka afköst verulega, þar sem QGIS velur að nota hentugustu upplausnina í samræmi við aðdráttarstig. You must have write access in the directory where the original data is stored to build pyramids. Please note that building internal pyramids may alter the original data file and once created they cannot be removed! Please note that building internal pyramids could corrupt your image - always make a backup of your data first! Select Color Veldu lit Layer Properties - %1 Eiginleikar lags - %1 Building Pyramids Import Transparent Pixels Save Style Vista stíl Save Layer Metadata as QMD Save Metadata Nearest neighbour Næsti nágranni Save as Default Vista sem sjálfgefið Bilinear Tvílínulegt Cubic Fernings Average Meðal None Ekkert Red Rautt Green Grænt Blue Blátt Percent Transparent Prósent gegnsæi Gray Grátt Indexed Value Lyklað gildi From Nei To Til not defined ekki skilgreint Write access denied. Adjust the file permissions and try again. The file was not writable. Some formats do not support pyramid overviews. Consult the GDAL documentation if in doubt. Skráin er ekki skrifanleg. Sum skráasnið styðja ekki pýramídayfirlit. Skoðaðu hjálparskjöl GDAL ef þú ert í vafa um eitthvað. Building pyramid overviews is not supported on this type of raster. Bygging yfirlitspýramída er ekki studd á þessari tegund rasta. Building internal pyramid overviews is not supported on raster layers with JPEG compression and your current libtiff library. Bygging innri yfirlitspýramída er ekki studd á rastalögum með JPEG-þjöppun, með núverandi libtiff-aðgerðasafninu þínu. Textfile Textaskrá Save File Vista skrá QGIS Generated Transparent Pixel Value Export File Value Gildi Write access denied. Adjust the file permissions and try again. Skrifaðgangi hafnað. Lagaðu skráaheimildirnar og prófaðu svo aftur. Export Transparent Pixels Open file Opna skrá The following lines contained errors %1 Read access denied. Adjust the file permissions and try again. Default Style Sjálfgefinn still Load layer properties from style file QGIS Layer Style File QGIS-stílskrá fyrir lög Save layer properties as style file Styled Layer Descriptor Load layer metadata from metadata file QGIS Layer Metadata File Load Metadata QMD File Default Metadata Style Stíll Restore Default Endurheimta sjálfgefið QgsRasterLayerPropertiesBase Raster Layer Properties Eiginleikar rastalags Resolutions Upplausnir Render type Gerð myndgerðar Resampling Endurreiknun (grisjun) Oversampling Umframsýnataka Transparency Gegnsæi Description Lýsing Keyword list Stikkorðalisti List of keywords separated by comma to help catalog searching. Listi stikkorða aðskildum með kommu til að hjálpa til við leit og flokkun í efnisskrám. Format Snið Data Url Slóð á gögn Refresh layer at interval (seconds) Higher values result in more simplification Hærri gildi leiða til meiri einföldunar Short name Stutt nafn Attribution Tilvísun Attribution's title indicates the provider of the layer. Titill tilvísunar gefur til kynna útgefanda lagsins. Url URL Attribution's url gives a link to the webpage of the provider of the data layer. Vefslóð tilvísunar gefur upp tengil á vefsíðu útgefanda gagnalagsins. MetadataUrl Slóð lýsigagna The URL of the metadata document. Slóð á lýsigagnaskjal. Type Tegund LegendUrl Slóð merkja Saturation mettun Off Ekki notað By lightness Eftir ljósleika By luminosity Eftir skærleika By average Eftir meðaltali Hue Litblær Information Upplýsingar Source Uppruni Symbology Táknun Rendering Myndgerð QGIS Server QGIS-þjónn Edit QGIS Server settings Breyta stillingum QGIS-þjóns Set source coordinate reference system Band Rendering Myndgerð í tíðnisviðum Color Rendering Blending mode Blöndunarhamur Brightness Birtustig Contrast Birtuskil Grayscale Grátóna Colorize Litþrykkja Strength Styrkur % % Reset all color rendering options to default Endurstilla valkosti litmeðhöndlunar með sjálfgefnum gildum Reset Endurstilla Zoomed: in Aðdráttur: inn out út A URL of the data presentation. A URL of the legend image. WMS Print layer Publish WMS/WMTS data source uri Advertise as background layer No data value No data gildi Use original source no data value. Original data source no data value, if exists. <src no data value> Additional user defined no data value. Additional no data value Aukagildi þegar engin eru gögn Transparency band Gegnsæistíðnisvið Add values from display Transparent pixel list Listi yfir gegnsæja díla The abstract is a descriptive narrative providing more information about the layer. A name used to identify the layer. The short name is a text string used for machine-to-machine communication. Heiti sem notað er til að auðkenna lagið. Stutta nafnið er textastrengur sem notast í samskiptum milli véla/kerfa. Embedded widgets in legend Ívafðir viðmótshlutar í skýringum Add values manually Bæta við gildum handvirkt Remove selected row Fjarlægja valdar raðir Default values Sjálfgefin gildi Import from file Flytja inn úr skrá Export to file Flytja út í skrá Layer name Heiti lags displayed as birt sem Thumbnail Smámynd Legend Skýringar Palette Litaspjald Metadata Lýsigögn Title Titill The title is for the benefit of humans to identify layer. Titillinn er til að mannverur eigi betur með að þekkja lagið. Abstract Útdráttur Pyramids Pýramídar Global Opacity No Data Value Gildi þegar engin eru gögn Custom Transparency Options Scale Dependent Visibility <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd"> <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css"> p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } </style></head><body style=" font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:9pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;"> <p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-family:'Cantarell'; font-size:11pt;"><br /></span></p></body></html> Build Pyramids Búa til pýramída Average Meðal Nearest Neighbour Næsti nágranni Resampling method Aðferð við endurreiknun (resampling) Overview format Yfirlitssnið External Utanaðkomandi Internal (if possible) Innbyggt (ef mögulegt) External (Erdas Imagine) Utanaðkomandi (Erdas Imagine) Histogram Tíðnirit QgsRasterLayerSaveAsDialog From Nei To Til Select Output Directory Veldu frálagsmöppu Select output directory Veldu frálagsmöppu The layer %1 already exists in the target file, and overwriting layers in GeoPackage is not supported. Do you want to overwrite the whole file? Save Layer As Vista lag sem Save Raster Layer The directory %1 contains files which will be overwritten: %2 Mappan %1 inniheldur skrár sem verður skrifað yfir: %2 All files (*.*) Allar skrár (*.*) layer Lag user defined skilgreint af notanda Resolution (current: %1) QgsRasterLayerSaveAsDialogBase Save Raster Layer as… Vista rastalag sem… Output mode Frálagshamur Write out raw raster layer data. Optionally user defined no data values may be applied. Raw data Write out 3 bands RGB image rendered using current layer style. Skrifa út 3 tíðna RGB-mynd miðað við núverandi stíl lags. Rendered image Frágengin mynd Format Snið Create GDAL Virtual Format composed of multiple datasets with maximum width and height specified below. Create VRT CRS Hnitaviðmiðskerfi (CRS) File name Skráarnafn Add saved file to map Bæta vistaðri skrá við kort Layer name Heiti lags Extent Kortvídd Resolution Upplausn Horizontal Lárétt Columns Dálkar Rows Raðir Vertical Lóðrétt VRT Tiles Maximum number of columns in one tile. Hámarksfjöldi dálka í einum tígli. Max columns Hámarks fjöldi dálka Maximum number of rows in one tile. Hámarksfjöldi raða í einum tígli. Max rows Hámarksfjöldi raða Create Options Valkostir frágangs Pyramids Pýramídar Resolutions Upplausnir Pyramid resolutions corresponding to levels given Use existing Nota fyrirliggjandi Additional no data values. The specified values will be set to no data in output raster. No data values Gildi þegar engin eru gögn Add values manually Bæta við gildum handvirkt Load user defined fully transparent (100%) values Remove selected row Fjarlægja valdar raðir Layer Resolution Layer Size Clear all Hreinsa allt QgsRasterMinMaxWidgetBase Form Form Min / Max Value Settings Use&r defined Skilg&reint af notanda Cumula&tive count cut - - % % Mean +/- standard de&viation × &Min / max Whole raster Current canvas Updated canvas Statistics extent Accuracy Nákvæmni Actual (slower) Raunveruleg (hægvirkt) Estimate (faster) Áætluð (hraðvirkt) QgsRasterProjector Approximate Nálgað Exact Nákvæmt QgsRasterPyramidsOptionsWidgetBase Form Form Insert positive integer values separated by spaces Settu inn jákvæö heiltölugildi sem eru aðskilin með bilum External (GTiff .ovr) Utanaðkomandi (GTiff .ovr) Internal (if possible) Innbyggt (ef mögulegt) External (Erdas Imagine .aux) Utanaðkomandi (Erdas Imagine .aux) Levels Stig Create Options Valkostir frágangs Resampling method Aðferð við endurreiknun (resampling) Average Meðal Nearest Neighbour Næsti nágranni Custom levels Sérsniðin stig Overview format Yfirlitssnið QgsRasterTransparencyWidget Form Form No data value No data gildi Use original source no data value. Original data source no data value, if exists. <src no data value> Additional user defined no data value. Additional no data value Aukagildi þegar engin eru gögn None Ekkert Transparency band Gegnsæistíðnisvið Export to file Flytja út í skrá Global Opacity No Data Value Gildi þegar engin eru gögn Custom Transparency Options Transparent Pixel List Import from file Flytja inn úr skrá Default values Sjálfgefin gildi Remove selected row Fjarlægja valdar raðir Add values from display Add values manually Bæta við gildum handvirkt Not Set Ekki skilgreint not defined ekki skilgreint Textfile Textaskrá Save Pixel Values as File QGIS Generated Transparent Pixel Value Export File Red Rautt Green Grænt Blue Blátt Percent Transparent Prósent gegnsæi Value Gildi Load Pixel Values from File Write access denied. Adjust the file permissions and try again. Skrifaðgangi hafnað. Lagaðu skráaheimildirnar og prófaðu svo aftur. The following lines contained errors %1 Read access denied. Adjust the file permissions and try again. Gray Grátt Indexed Value Lyklað gildi From Nei To Til QgsRelReferenceConfigDlgBase Dialog Samskiptagluggi On map identification (for geometric layers only) Use a read-only line edit instead of a combobox Filters Síur When activated, the filters will restrict the choices of fields to options that are Chain filters Setja síur í keðju Allow adding new features Allow NULL value Leyfa NÚLL-gildi Show embedded form Show open form button Relation Vensl Order by value Raða eftir gildi Display expression Ⓘ This setting is not saved in the style. It is changing the display name on the referenced layer. QgsRelation Cannot create relation. Unexpected tag '%1' Get ekki búið til vensl. Óvæntur merkimiði '%1' Relation defined for layer '%1' which does not exist. Relation defined for layer '%1' which is not of type VectorLayer. QgsRelationAddDlg [Generated automatically] [útbúið sjálfvirkt] QgsRelationAddDlgBase Add Relation Bæta við venslum Referenced field Referencing layer (Child) Referenced layer (Parent) Referencing field Relationship strength Name Heiti Id Auðkenni QgsRelationAggregateSearchWidgetWrapper Relation not valid QgsRelationEditorWidget Toggle editing mode for child layer Víxla breytingaham af/á fyrir afleidd lög Save child layer edits Vista breytingar á afleiddu lagi Add child feature Bæta við afleiddri fitju Duplicate child feature Delete child feature Eyða afleiddri fitju Link existing child features Tengja fyrirliggjandi afleiddar fitjur Unlink child feature Aftengja afleidda fitju Zoom To Feature Renna að fitju Zoom to child feature Switch to form view Toggle Editing Byrja á breytingum Save Child Layer Edits Add Child Feature Duplicate Child Feature Delete Child Feature Link Existing Features Form View Table View Töflusýn Switch to table view Skipta yfir í töflusýn Really delete entry? The entry on %1 is still linked to %2 features on %3. Do you want to delete it? Delete Eyða Really delete entries? The %1 entries on %2 are still linked to %3 features on %4. Do you want to delete them? Delete Feature Unlink Feature QgsRelationEditorWidgetPlugin Relation editor Venslaritill QgsRelationManagerDialogBase Dialog Samskiptagluggi Name Heiti Referencing Layer Tilvísandi lag Referencing Field Tilvísandi svið Referenced Layer Tilvísað lag Referenced Layer (Parent) Tilvísað lag (forveri) Referenced Field Tilvísað svið Referencing Layer (Child) Tilvísandi lag (afleitt) Id Auðkenni Strength Styrkur Add Relation Bæta við venslum Discover Relations Finna vensl Remove Relation Fjarlægja vensl QgsRelationReferenceWidget Highlight feature Áherslulita fitju Scale and highlight feature Kvarða og áherslulita fitju Pan and highlight feature Hliðra og áherslulita fitju Open Related Feature Form Add New Entry Select on Map No Selection The relation is not valid. Please make sure your relation definitions are OK. %1 (no selection) Relation %1 for %2. Identify a feature of %1 to be associated. Press &lt;ESC&gt; to cancel. QgsRelationReferenceWidgetPlugin Relation reference Tilvísun vensla QgsRendererMeshPropsWidgetBase Form Form Layer Rendering Blending mode Blöndunarhamur Show Contours Native Mesh Rendering Show Vectors Triangular Mesh Rendering QgsRendererPropsDialogBase Renderer Settings This renderer doesn't implement a graphical interface. Þetta myndgerðartól er ekki með myndrænt viðmót. Layer Rendering Layer Lag Feature Fitja Opacity Gagnsæi Control feature rendering order Stýra röð myndgerðar á fitjum Blending mode Blöndunarhamur QgsRendererRasterPropertiesWidget Nearest neighbour Næsti nágranni Bilinear Tvílínulegt Cubic Fernings Average Meðal Select Color Veldu lit QgsRendererRasterPropsWidgetBase Form Form This renderer doesn't implement a graphical interface. Þetta myndgerðartól er ekki með myndrænt viðmót. Layer Rendering Blending mode Blöndunarhamur Brightness Birtustig Saturation mettun Contrast Birtuskil Grayscale Grátóna Off Ekki notað By lightness Eftir ljósleika By luminosity Eftir skærleika By average Eftir meðaltali Hue Litblær Colorize Litþrykkja Strength Styrkur % % Reset all color rendering options to default Endurstilla valkosti litmeðhöndlunar með sjálfgefnum gildum Reset Endurstilla Resampling Endurreiknun (grisjun) Zoomed in Rennt að Zoomed out Rennt frá Oversampling Umframsýnataka QgsRendererRulePropsWidget Form Form Else annars Label Merki Filter Sía Catch-all for other features Test Prófa Description Lýsing Scale range Svið kvarða Symbol Tákn Filter expression parsing error: Test Filter Prófa síu Filter returned %n feature(s) number of filtered features Sía skilaði %n fitju Sía skilaði %n fitjum QgsRendererWidget Renderer Options Valkostir myndgerðar Copy Afrita Paste Líma Change Color… Breyta lit… Change Opacity… Breyta ógegnsæi… Change Output Unit… Breyta frálagseiningum… Change Width… Breyta breidd… Change Size… Breyta stærð… Change Angle… Breyta horni… Opacity Gagnsæi Change symbol opacity [%] Symbol unit Einingar tákns Select symbol unit Veldu einingu tákns Millimeter Millímetri Map unit Mælieining korts Symbol Levels Stigun tákna Data-defined Size Legend Data-defined size is not enabled! QgsRendererWidgetContainerBase Form Form Go back QgsReportLayoutSectionWidget Body: %1 QgsReportOrganizerBase Layout Manager Framsetningastjórnun Add section Remove selected section QgsReportOrganizerWidget Report Skýrsla A static layout report section which consists of a single layout inserted into the report Static Layout Section Field Group Section A report section which is repeated for every matching feature within a layer Remove Section Are you sure you want to remove the report section? QgsReportSectionFieldGroupWidget Header: %1 Footer: %1 Body: %1 QgsReportSectionModel Section Hluti QgsReportSectionWidget Report Header Report Footer QgsReportWidgetFieldGroupSectionBase Layout Manager Framsetningastjórnun Edit Breyta Field Gagnasvið Sort ascending Raða hækkandi Edit the field group header layout Sort features ascendingly by field value Layer Lag Edit the field group footer layout Include a footer layout after the last matching feature Include footer Source field to iterate over If unchecked, the header will only be shown when at least one matching feature is found Source layer to iterate over Include a header layout before the first matching feature Include a separate layout for every matching feature found Edit the field group body layout If unchecked, the footer will only be shown when at least one matching feature is found Show footer when no matching features are found Include header Show header when no matching features are found Include body QgsReportWidgetLayoutSectionBase Layout Manager Framsetningastjórnun Edit the static layout Edit Breyta Include a static layout inserted into the report Include section QgsReportWidgetSectionBase Layout Manager Framsetningastjórnun Edit the report header layout Edit Breyta Include a layout at the very beginning of the report Include report header Include a layout at the very end of the report Include report footer Edit the report footer layout QgsRuleBased3DRendererModel (no filter) (engin sía) Label Merki Rule Regla QgsRuleBased3DRendererWidget Add rule Bæta við reglu Edit rule Breyta reglu Remove rule Fjarlægja reglu Copy Afrita Paste Líma Remove Rule Fjarlægja reglu Edit Rule QgsRuleBasedLabelingModel (no filter) (engin sía) Label Merki Rule Regla Min. scale Lágmarkskvarði Max. scale Hámarkskvarði Text Texti QgsRuleBasedLabelingWidget Add rule Bæta við reglu Edit rule Breyta reglu Remove rule Fjarlægja reglu Copy Afrita Paste Líma Remove Rule Fjarlægja reglu Edit Rule QgsRuleBasedRendererModel (no filter) (engin sía) <li><nobr>%1 features also in rule %2</nobr></li> Label Merki Rule Regla Min. scale Lágmarkskvarði Max. scale Hámarkskvarði Count Fjöldi Duplicate count Fjöldi tvítaka Number of features in this rule. Number of features in this rule which are also present in other rule(s). QgsRuleBasedRendererWidget Add rule Bæta við reglu Remove selected rules Edit current rule Breyta núverandi reglu Count features Symbol Levels… Stigun tákna… Refine Selected Rules Remove Rule Fjarlægja reglu Refine Current Rule Add Scales to Rule Add Categories to Rule Add Ranges to Rule Edit Rule Add Categories to Rules Add Ranges to Rules Parent rule %1 must have a symbol for this operation. Scale Refinement Please enter scale denominators at which will split the rule, separate them by commas (e.g. 1000,5000): "%1" is not valid scale denominator, ignoring it. Symbol Levels Stigun tákna Calculating feature count. Reikna fjölda fitja. Abort Hætta við QgsRunProcess <b>Starting %1…</b> <b>Ræsi %1…</b> Action Aðgerð Unable to run command %1 Get ekki keyrt skipun %1 Done Lokið Unable to run command %1 Get ekki keyrt skipun %1 QgsSLConnectionItem Database does not exist Failed to open database Mistókst að opna gagnagrunn Failed to check metadata Tókst ekki að yfirfara lýsigögn Failed to get list of tables Unknown error Óþekkt villa Delete Eyða %1: %2 %1: %2 Failed to import layer! %1: Not a valid layer! %1: Ekki gilt lag! Import to SpatiaLite database Failed to import some layers! Mistókst að flytja inn einhver lög! Import was successful. Innflutningur tókst. QgsSLLayerItem Delete Layer Eyða lagi Layer deleted successfully. Tókst að eyða lagi. QgsSLRootItem New Connection… Ný tenging… Create Database… Búa til gagnagrunn… New SpatiaLite Database File Ný SpatiaLite gagnagrunnsskrá SpatiaLite SpatiaLite Create SpatiaLite database Búa til SpatiaLite gagnagrunn Failed to create the database: Mistókst að búa til gagnagrunn: QgsSQLComposerDialog An error occurred during evaluation of the SQL statement. SQL Evaluation This is the SQL query editor. The SQL statement can select data from several tables, but it must compulsory include the main typename%1 in the selected tables, and only the geometry column of the main typename can be used as the geometry column of the resulting layer. QgsSQLComposerDialogBase SQL Query Composer SQL Statement <html><head/><body><p>This is the SQL query editor.</p></body></html> Columns Dálkar Table(s) Tafla/Töflur Joins Tengingar Joint layer Tengt lag ON condition Where Þar sem Order by Röðun eftir Data Gögn Tables Töflur Aggregates Samtölur Functions Föll Spatial predicates Strings functions Strengjaföll Operators Virkjar Columns' values Gildi dálks Only 10 first values Einungis 10 fyrstu gildin QgsSQLStatement (no root) No root node Table %1 is referenced by column %2, but not selected in FROM / JOIN. [unsupported type: %1; value: %2] QgsSVGFillSymbolLayerWidget Select Fill Color Veldu lit fyllingar Select Stroke Color Veldu lit útlínu QgsScaleRangeWidget Minimum (exclusive) Minimum scale, i.e. most "zoomed out". This limit is exclusive, that means the layer will not be displayed on this scale. Lágmarkskvarði, þ.e. mesti "aðdráttur út". Þessi takmörk eru frátalin, það er að lagið verður ekki birt í þessum kvarða. Maximum scale, i.e. most "zoomed in". This limit is inclusive, that means the layer will be displayed on this scale. Hámarkskvarði, þ e. mesti "aðdráttur inn". Þessi takmörk eru meðtalin, það er að lagið verður birt í þessum kvarða. Maximum (inclusive) QgsScaleRangeWidgetPlugin A widget to define the scale range Viðmótshluti til að skilgreina svið kvarða A widget to define the scale range. Viðmótshluti til að skilgreina svið kvarða. QgsScaleVisibilityDialog Scale visibility Sýnileiki kvarða QgsScaleWidget Set to current canvas scale Setja á núverandi kvarða myndflatar QgsScaleWidgetPlugin A widget to define the scale Viðmótshluti til að skilgreina kvarða A widget to define the scale. Viðmótshluti til að skilgreina kvarða. QgsScrollAreaWidgetPlugin Scroll area QgsSearchQueryBuilder Search Query Builder &Test &Prófa &Clear &Hreinsa Test Query Query Result Niðurstaða fyrirspurnar Save Query to File Vista fyrirspurn í skrá Could not open file for writing. Gat ekki opnað skrá í skrifham. Load Query from File Hlaða fyrirspurn inn úr skrá Could not open file for reading. Get ekki opnað skrá til lestrar. File is not a valid xml document. Skráin er ekki gilt XML-skjal. File is not a valid query document. Select Attribute Veldu eigind There is no attribute '%1' in the current vector layer. Please select an existing attribute. Save query to an xml file Vista fyrirspurn í XML-skrá &Save… &Vista… &Load… &Hlaða inn… Load query from xml file Hlaða fyrirspurn inn úr XML-skrá Found %n matching feature(s). test result Fann %n samsvarandi fitju. Fann %n samsvarandi fitjur. The query you specified results in zero records being returned. Query files All files Allar skrár QgsSearchWidgetToolButton Exclude Field QgsSelectByFormDialog Select Features by Value Velja fitjur eftir gildi Zoomed to %n matching feature(s) number of matching features Rennt að %n samsvarandi fitju Rennt að %n samsvarandi fitjum No matching features found Engar samsvarandi fitjur fundust QgsSelectLayerTreeModel The source of this layer is a <b>WFS</b> server.<br>Some WFS layers are not suitable for offline<br>editing due to unstable primary keys<br>please check with your system administrator<br>if this WFS layer can be used for offline<br>editing. QgsSettingsLocatorFilter Options Valkostir Project Properties Eiginleikar verkefnis Settings Stillingar QgsSettingsTree Setting Stillingar Type Tegund Value Gildi Description Lýsing Delete Group… Delete Group Are you sure you want to delete the %1 group? Delete Setting… Delete Setting Are you sure you want to delete the %1 setting? QgsShadowEffectWidget Select Shadow Color Veldu lit á skugga QgsShapeburstFillSymbolLayerWidget Select Gradient Color Veldu lit á litstigul Transparent Gegnsætt QgsSimpleFillSymbolLayerWidget Select Fill Color Veldu lit fyllingar Transparent Fill Gegnsæ fylling Transparent Stroke Gegnsæ stroka Select Stroke Color Veldu lit útlínu QgsSimpleLineSymbolLayerWidget Select Line Color Veldu lit á línu All Rings Exterior Ring Only Interior Rings Only Custom Dash Pattern QgsSimpleMarkerSymbolLayerWidget Select Fill Color Veldu lit fyllingar Transparent Fill Gegnsæ fylling Select Stroke Color Veldu lit útlínu Transparent Stroke Gegnsæ stroka QgsSimplifyUserInputWidget Simplify by distance Simplify by snapping to grid Simplify by area (Visvalingam) Smooth Mýkt Layer units Mælieiningar lags Pixels Mynddílar Map units Mælieiningar korts QgsSingleBandGrayRendererWidget Black to white Svart í hvítt White to black Hvítt í svart No enhancement Engin bæting Stretch to MinMax Strekkja í lágmark/hámark Stretch and clip to MinMax Strekkja og afmarka við lágmark/hámark Clip to MinMax Afmarka við lágmark/hámark QgsSingleBandGrayRendererWidgetBase Form Form Contrast enhancement Bæting birtuskila Gray band Grátónatíðnisvið Min Lágmark Max Hámark Color gradient Litstigull QgsSingleBandPseudoColorRendererWidgetBase Form Form Band Tíðnisvið Min Lágmark Max Hámark QgsSingleSymbolRendererWidget Symbol Levels… Stigun tákna… Data-defined Size Legend… QgsSmartGroupCondition has the tag er með merkimiðann has a part of name matching does NOT have the tag er EKKI með merkimiðann has NO part of name matching QgsSmartGroupConditionWidget Form Form The symbol QgsSmartGroupEditorDialog ALL the constraints ALLAR hömlurnar any ONE of the constraints einhver EIN af hömlunum Edit Smart Group Breyta snjallhópi The smart group name field is empty. Kindly provide a name. QgsSmartGroupEditorDialogBase Smart Group Editor Ritill fyrir snjallhópa Smart group name Condition matches Skilyrði samsvarar Add Condition Bæta við skilyrði Conditions Skilyrði QgsSnappingLayerDelegate vertex brotpunkt vertex and segment brotpunkt og bút segment bútur px px QgsSnappingLayerTreeModel Layer Lag Type Tegund Tolerance Þolvik Units Einingar Avoid overlap vertex brotpunkt vertex and segment brotpunkt og bút segment bútur pixels mynddílar QgsSnappingWidget Filter layers… Sía lög… Toggle Snapping Enable Snapping (S) S Keyboard shortcut: toggle snapping S Snapping Mode Set Snapping Mode All Layers Active Layer Advanced Configuration Ítarlegar stillingar Open Snapping Options… Opna valkosti grips… Vertex and Segment Topological Editing Snapping on Intersection Enable Tracing Virkja rakningu Snapping Type Vertex Brotpunktur Segment Bútur Snapping Tolerance in Defined Units px px Snapping Unit Type: Pixels (px) or Map Units (mu) Edit advanced configuration Enable Topological Editing Leyfa breytingar á grannfræði Enable Snapping on Intersection Enable Tracing (T) T Keyboard shortcut: Enable tracing T QgsSourceFieldsProperties Form Form Toggle editing mode Byrja á breytingarham Click to toggle table editing Smella á til að kveikja á töflubreytingum New field Nýtt gagnasvið Ctrl+N Ctrl+N Delete field Eyða gagnasviði Ctrl+X Ctrl+X Field calculator Svæðareiknir Id Auðkenni Name Heiti Type Tegund Type name Heiti tegundar Length Lengd Precision Nákvæmni Comment Athugasemd Alias Samnefni Edit alias in the Form config tab Added attribute Viðbætt eigindi Rename Field Failed to add field '%1' of type '%2'. Is the field name unique? Add Field Bæta við gagnasviði Deleted attributes Eydd eigindi Rename attribute Endurnefna eigindi Failed to rename field to '%1'. Is the field name unique? QgsSpatiaLiteConnection unknown error cause óþekkt ástæða fyrir villu obsolete libspatialite: AbstractInterface is unsupported table info on %1 failed UNKNOWN ÓÞEKKT GEOMETRY RÚMFRÆÐI POINT PUNKTUR LINESTRING POLYGON Fláki MULTIPOINT FJÖLPUNKTA MULTILINESTRING MULTIPOLYGON Fjölfláki GEOMETRYCOLLECTION QgsSpatiaLiteProvider Binary object (BLOB) Tvíundakerfihlutur (binary object - BLOB) Text Texti Decimal number (double) Rauntala (double) Whole number (integer) Heiltala (integer) Array of text Fylki texta Array of decimal numbers (double) Fylki með rauntölum (double) Array of whole numbers (integer) Retrieval of spatialite version failed SpatiaLite SpatiaLite Could not parse spatialite version string '%1' Autogenerate Útbúa sjálfvirkt SQLite error: %2 SQL: %1 SQLite villa: %2 SQL: %1 unknown cause óþekkt ástæða JSON value must be an array Field type is JSON but the value cannot be converted to JSON array: %1 SQLite composite keys are not supported in query layer, using the first component only. %1 SQLite error while trying to inject ROWID: %2 SQL: %1 FAILURE: Field %1 not found. QgsSpatiaLiteSourceSelect Add SpatiaLite Layer(s) Bæta við SpatiaLite-lagi/lögum &Update Statistics &Uppfæra tölfræði &Set Filter &Setja síu Wildcard Algildistákn RegExp ReglSegð All Allt Table Tafla Type Tegund Geometry column Rúmfræðidálkur Sql SQL Are you sure you want to update the internal statistics for DB: %1? This could take a long time (depending on the DB size), but implies better performance thereafter. Confirm Update Statistics Staðfesta uppfærslu á tölfræði Update Statistics Uppfæra tölfræði Internal statistics successfully updated for: %1 Error while updating internal statistics for: %1 @ @ Choose a SpatiaLite/SQLite DB to open Veldu SpatiaLlite/SQLite gagnagrunn til að opna SpatiaLite DB SpatiaLite gagnagrunnur All files Allar skrár Add Connection Bæta við tengingu A connection with the same name already exists, please provide a new name: Tenging með þessu heiti er þegar til, settu inn eitthvað annað nafn: Are you sure you want to remove the %1 connection and all associated settings? Ertu viss um að þú viljir fjarlægja %1 tenginguna og viðkomandi stillingar? Confirm Delete Staðfesta eyðingu Select Table Velja töflu You must select a table in order to add a Layer. Þú verður að velja töflu til að geta bætt við lagi. SpatiaLite DB Open Error Villa við opnun á SpatiaLite-gagnagrunni Database does not exist: %1 Gagnagrunnur er ekki til: %1 Failure while connecting to: %1 %2 SpatiaLite getTableInfo Error Failure exploring tables from: %1 %2 SpatiaLite metadata check failed Failure getting table metadata. Is %1 really a SpatiaLite database? %2 SpatiaLite Error Villa í SpatiaLite Unexpected error when working with %1 %2 QgsSpatiaLiteTableModel Table Tafla Type Tegund Geometry column Bæta við rúmfræðidálki Sql SQL Point Punktur Multipoint Fjölpunkta Line Lína Multiline Fjöllínu Polygon Fláki Multipolygon Fjölfláki QgsSpatialiteSridsDialogBase Select a SpatiaLite Spatial Reference System SRID Staðviðmiðskerfis-auðkenni (SRID) Authority Vottunaraðili Reference Name Heiti tilvísunar Search Leita Filter Sía Name Heiti QgsStatisticalSummaryDockWidget Missing (null) values Vantar (núll) gildi %1 seconds %1 sekúndur QgsStatisticalSummaryWidgetBase Statistics Tölfræði Cancel Hætta við Statistic Tölfræði Value Gildi Selected features only Aðeins valdar fitjur Copy Statistics to Clipboard Recalculate Statistics Endurreikna tölfræði QgsStatisticsValueGatherer Fetching statistic values Sæki tölfræðigildi QgsStatusBarCoordinatesWidget Coordinate: Hnit: Current map coordinate Núverandi hnit á korti Coordinate Hnit Current map coordinate (longitude,latitude or east,north) Núverandi hnit á korti (lengd/breidd eða austur/norður) Toggle extents and mouse position display Víxla af/á birtingu á kortvídd og staðsetningu músar QGIS Contributors World Map QGIS Hackfests Map coordinates for the current view extents Kortahnit fyrir núverandi kortvídd sýnar Map coordinates at mouse cursor position Kortahnit við staðsetningu músarbendils Extents: Kortvídd: QgsStatusBarMagnifierWidget Magnifier Stækkun Magnifier level Stækkunarstig Lock the scale to use magnifier to zoom in or out. Læstu kvarðanum til að nota stækkunartólið við að renna að eða frá. QgsStatusBarScaleWidget Scale Kvarði Current map scale Núverandi kvarði kortsins Current map scale (formatted as x:y) Núverandi kvarði kortsins (sniðinn sem x:y) QgsStyleExportImportDialog Import Innflutningur Export Flytja út Import Item(s) File Skrá URL Slóð (URL) Select items to import Export Item(s) Export/import Item(s) Save Styles Import Symbols or Color Ramps Select Item(s) by Group Load Styles Select All Velja allt Clear Selection Hreinsa val Import from URL HTTP Error! Download failed: %1. HTTP-villa! Niðurhal mistókst: %1. You should select at least one symbol/color ramp. Þú verður að velja a.m.k. eitt tákn eða litastiga. XML files (*.xml *.XML) XML skrár (*.xml *.XML) Select by Group… Export Symbols Error when saving selected symbols to file: %1 Villa við að vista valin tákn í skrá: %1 The selected symbols were successfully exported to file: %1 An error occurred during import: %1 Villa kom upp við innflutning: %1 Downloading style… Sæki stíl… QgsStyleExportImportDialogBase Styles Import/Export Import from Flytja inn úr Location Staðsetning Additional tag(s) Viðbótarmerki Add to favorites Bæta í Eftirlæti Do not import embedded tags Ekki flytja inn ívafða merkimiða Tip: separate multiple tags with commas Ábending: aðgreindu marga merkimiða með kommum Fetch Items Select items to export QgsStyleGroupSelectionDialog All Allt Tags Merkimiðar Smart Groups Snjallhópar QgsStyleManagerDialog Filter symbols… Sía tákn… Gradient Litstigull Color presets Forstilltir litir Random Handahóf Catalog: cpt-city Efnisskrá: cpt-city Catalog: ColorBrewer Efnisskrá: ColorBrewer Share Menu Export Item(s)… Flytja út atriði… Import Item(s)… Flytja inn atriði… Group Actions Add to Tag Filter color ramps… Sía litastiga… new symbol nýtt tákn new marker nýtt mark new line ný lína new fill symbol nýtt fyllitákn Save Symbol Vista tákn Color Ramp Type Gerð litastiga Remove Symbol Fjarlægja tákn Export Selected Symbols as PNG Flytja valin tákn út sem PNG Export Selected Symbols as SVG Flytja valin tákn út sem SVG All Allt Add Tag Bæta við merkimiða The tag “%1” already exists. New tag could not be created — There was a problem with the symbol database. Remove Group Fjarlægja hóp Invalid selection. Cannot delete system defined categories. Kindly select a group or smart group you might want to delete. Create New Tag… Búa til nýjan merkimiða… Edit Smart Group Breyta snjallhópi Cannot save symbol without name. Enter a name. Get ekki vistað tákn án nafns. Sláðu inn nafn. Copy Selection to Default Style… Marker Mark Line Lína Fill Fylla Import Items Additional tags to add (comma separated) Successfully imported %1 items. Successfully imported item. Import Symbol Export Symbol A symbol with the name “%1” already exists. Overwrite? Import Color Ramp Export Color Ramp A color ramp with the name “%1” already exists. Overwrite? Symbol with name '%1' already exists. Overwrite? Tákn með nafninu '%1' er þegar til. Viltu yfirskrifa? Symbol Name Heiti tákns Please enter a name for new symbol: Settu inn nafn fyrir nýja táknið: Please select color ramp type: Veldu gerð litastiga: new ramp nýr litastigi new gradient ramp nýr litstigulsstigi new random ramp nýr handahófskenndur litastigi new preset ramp nýr forstilltur litastigi Save Color Ramp Vista litastiga Cannot save color ramp without name. Enter a name. Get ekki vistað litastiga án nafns. Sláðu inn heiti. Color ramp with name '%1' already exists. Overwrite? Litastigi með nafninu '%1' er þegar til. Viltu yfirskrifa? Color Ramp Name Heiti litastiga Please enter a name for new color ramp: Settu inn heiti fyrir nýjan litastiga: Remove Items Do you really want to remove %n item(s)? Do you really want to remove %n symbol(s)? Remove Color Ramp Fjarlægja litastiga Do you really want to remove %n ramp(s)? Ertu viss um að þú viljir fjarlægja %n litastiga? Ertu viss um að þú viljir fjarlægja %n litastiga? Favorites Eftirlæti Tags Merkimiðar Smart Groups Snjallhópar Please enter name for the new tag: Settu inn heiti á nýja merkimiðann: New tag Nýr merkimiði There was an error while editing the smart group. You have not selected a Smart Group. Kindly select a Smart Group to edit. QgsStyleManagerDialogBase Style Manager Stílsstjóri Modify selected tag or smart group Breyta völdu merkimiða eða snjallhópi Marker Mark Line Lína Fill Fylling Add item Bæta við hlut Remove item Fjarlægja hlut Edit item Breyta hlut Copies the selected items to the default style library Copy to Default Style… Icon View Táknmyndasýn PushButton Ýtihnappur List View Listasýn All Allt Color Ramp Litastigi Remove Item(s)… Fjarlægja atriði… Remove Item(s) Edit Item… Breyta atriði… Edit Item Add to Favorites Remove from Favorites Clear Tags Edit Smart Group… Breyta snjallhópi… Edit Smart Group Breyta snjallhópi Add Tag… Bæta við merkimiða… Add Tag Bæta við merkimiða Add Smart Group… Bæta við snjallhópi… Modify Group Import / Export Add Smart Group Attach Selected Tag to Symbols Finish Tagging Export Selected Symbol(s) as PNG… Flytja valin tákn út sem PNG… Export Selected Symbol(s) as PNG Export Selected Symbol(s) as SVG… Flytja valin tákn út sem SVG… Export Selected Symbol(s) as SVG Remove Fjarlægja QgsStyleModel Not tagged Ekki merkt Name Heiti Tags Merkimiðar QgsStyleSaveDialog Save New Style Vista nýjan stíl Name Heiti Add to favorites Bæta í Eftirlæti Tag(s) Merkimiðar Tip: separate multiple tags with commas Ábending: aðgreindu marga merkimiða með kommum Save New Symbol Vista nýtt tákn Save New Color Ramp Vista nýjan litastiga QgsStyleXmlDataItem QGIS style library &Open Style… &Import Style… QgsSublayersDialog Select Vector Layers to Add… Veldu vektorlög til að bæta við… Layer ID Auðkenni lags Layer name Heiti lags Number of features Fjöldi fitja Geometry type Gerð lögunar Select Raster Layers to Add… Veldu rastalög til að bæta við… Select Layers to Add… Veldu lög til að bæta við… Add layers to a group Bæta lögum í hóp Unknown Óþekkt Type Tegund Select All Velja allt QgsSublayersDialogBase Select Layers to Load Velja lög til innlestrar 1 1 QgsSubstitutionListDialog Substitutions Útskiptingar QgsSubstitutionListWidget XML files (*.xml *.XML) XML skrár (*.xml *.XML) Import substitutions Flytja inn útskiptingar Save Substitutions Vista útskiptingar Export Substitutions Flytja út útskiptingar Cannot write file %1: %2 Get ekki skrifað í skrá %1: %2 Load Substitutions Lesa inn útskiptingar Import Substitutions Flytja inn útskiptingar Cannot read file %1: %2 Get ekki lesið skrá %1: %2 Parse error at line %1, column %2: %3 Þáttunarvilla í línu %1 dálki %2: %3 The selected file is not a substitution list. Valda skráin er ekki útskiptingalisti. QgsSubstitutionListWidgetBase Form Form Text Texti Substitution Útskipting Case Sensitive Háð há/lágstöfum Whole Word Heil orð If checked, only whole word matches are replaced QgsSvgAnnotationDialog SVG Annotation SVG-glósa Delete Eyða Select SVG file Veldu SVG skrá SVG files SVG-skrár QgsSvgCache SVG SVG Unexpected MIME type %1 received for %2 QgsSvgExportOptionsDialog SVG Export Options Útflutningsvalkostir SVG Export map layers as SVG groups (may affect label placement) Export Options Text export If checked, the layout will always be kept as vector objects when exported to a compatible format, even if the appearance of the resultant file does not match the layouts settings. If unchecked, some elements in the layout may be rasterized in order to keep their appearance intact. Always export as vectors Export RDF metadata Crop to Content Left Vinstra Right Hægra Bottom Neðst Top margin (mm) Efri spássía (mm) Advanced Options Ítarlegir valkostir Disables tiled rendering of raster layers. This setting may improve the export quality in some circumstances, at the cost of much greater memory usage during exports. Disable tiled raster layer exports QgsSvgMarkerSymbolLayerWidget Select Fill color Veldu lit fyllingar Select Stroke Color Veldu lit útlínu QgsSvgSelectorGroupsModel App Symbols Tákn forrits User Symbols Tákn notanda QgsSvgSourceLineEdit SVG files SVG-skrár Select SVG File SVG From URL Enter SVG URL Embed SVG File Extract SVG File QgsSymbol3DWidget Sorry, this symbol is not supported. QgsSymbolButton Symbol Settings Stillingar tákns Configure Symbol… Stilla tákn… Copy Symbol Paste Symbol Copy Color Afrita lit Paste Color Líma lit QgsSymbolButtonPlugin Select symbol Veldu tákn QgsSymbolLegendNode N/A Ekki tiltækt QgsSymbolLevelsDialog Symbol Levels Stigun tákna QgsSymbolLevelsDialogBase Symbol Levels Stigun tákna Enable symbol levels Virkja stigun tákna Define the order in which the symbol layers are rendered. The numbers in the cells define in which rendering pass the layer will be drawn. QgsSymbolLevelsWidget Layer %1 Lag %1 QgsSymbolSelectorDialog Symbol Selector Táknaval QgsSymbolSelectorDialogBase Form Form Add symbol layer Bæta við táknalagi Remove symbol layer Fjarlægja táknalag Lock layer's color Læsa lit táknalags Duplicates the current layer Tvítekur núverandi lag Move up Flytja upp Move down Flytja niður QgsSymbolSelectorWidget Symbol Selector Táknaval QgsSymbolsListWidget Clip Features to Canvas Extent Force Right-Hand-Rule Orientation Filter symbols… Sía tákn… Select Color Veldu lit Favorites Eftirlæti All Symbols Öll tákn Save Symbol Vista tákn Please enter name for the symbol: Settu inn nafn fyrir táknið: New symbol Nýtt tákn Symbol with name '%1' already exists. Overwrite? Tákn með nafninu '%1' er þegar til. Viltu yfirskrifa? QgsTableWidgetUiBase Form Form Add entry Bæta við færslu Remove entry Fjarlægja færslu QgsTaskManagerModel Queued Í biðröð On hold Í bið Running (cannot cancel) Keyrandi (ekki hægt að hætta við) Running Keyrandi Complete Fullklárað Terminated Hætt %1:%2 minutes %1 seconds %1 sekúndur Estimated time remaining: %1 (%1) (%1) Time elapsed: %1 %1<br>%2 QgsTaskManagerStatusBarWidget %1 active tasks running %1 virk verkefni í gangi QgsTextAnnotationDialog Select Font Color Veldu lit á letur Delete Eyða QgsTextAnnotationDialogBase Annotation Text Texti áletrunar B B I I QgsTextEditConfigDlg Form Form Multiline Fjöllínu HTML HTML QgsTextFormatDialog Text Settings Stillingar texta QgsTextFormatWidget Over the feature's interior Yfir innihald fitjunnar Over the feature's boundary Yfir svæðismörk fitjunnar From point Frá punkti From symbol bounds Frá mörkum tákns Select Fill Color Veldu lit fyllingar Select Text Color Veldu lit á texta Select Buffer Color Veldu lit á jaðar Select Stroke Color Veldu lit útlínu Select Shadow Color Veldu lit á skugga Polygon / MultiPolygon Fláki / Fjölfláka LineString / MultiLineString Línutrengur / Marglínustrengur Point / MultiPoint Punktur / Fjölpunkta Text Texti Formatting Sniðmótun Buffer Jaðar Background Bakgrunnur Shadow Skuggi Placement Staðsetning Rendering Myndgerð %1 not found. Default substituted. %1 fannst ekki. Skipti út sjálfgefnu. Chosen font Valið letur No change Engin breyting All uppercase Allt í hástöfum All lowercase Allt í lágstöfum Capitalize first letter Byrja á hástaf Size%1 Stærð%1 X X File not found Skrá fannst ekki Select SVG file Veldu SVG skrá Left of line Vinstra megin við línu Right of line Hægra megin við línu Above line Fyrir ofan línu Below line Fyrir neðan línu Substitutions Útskiptingar QgsTextFormatWidgetBase Layer Labeling Settings Stillingar merkja á lagi Label with Merki með Text Sample Textadæmi Lorem Ipsum Lorem ipsum Sample text Textadæmi Reset sample text Frumstilla textadæmi Preview text at specific map scale Sample background color Taka sýni af lit bakgrunns Text Texti Text style Textastíll Formatting Sniðmótun Buffer Jaðar Background Bakgrunnur Shadow Skuggi Placement Staðsetning Rendering Myndgerð Spacing Millibil Underlined text Undirstrikaður texti U U Strikeout text Yfirstrikaður texti S S Bold text (data defined only, overrides Style) Feitletraður texti (einungis skilgreind gögn, tekur yfir stíl) B B Italic text (data defined only, overrides Style) Skáletraður texti (einungis skilgreind gögn, tekur yfir stíl) I I letter stafa Space in pixels or map units, relative to size unit choice word orða Style Stíll Available typeface styles Tiltækir stílar á letur Size Stærð Type case Stafstaða Capitalization style of text Stíll stafstöðu texta Color Litur Blend mode Blöndunarhamur Font is missing. Leturgerð vantar If enabled, the label text will automatically be modified using a preset list of substitutes Ef þetta er virkt, mun texta merkis verða breytt sjálfvirkt með forunnum lista yfir útskiptingar Apply label text substitutes Virkja útskiptingu á texta í merkjum Configure substitutes Stilla útskiptingar Font Letur Opacity Gagnsæi Multiple lines Margar línur Wrap on character Línuskipta við staftákn Line height Línuhæð Line height spacing for multi-line text Línuhæðarbil fyrir marglínutexta line lína Alignment Jöfnun Wrap lines to Paragraph style alignment of multi-line text Left Vinstri Center Miðjað Right Hægri If set, label text will automatically be wrapped to match the specified number of characters per line (if possible) No automatic wrapping characters Controls whether lines are automatically wrapped using the maximum number of characters in a line, or the minimum Maximum line length Minimum line length Line direction symbol Tákn fyrir stefnu línu > > Reverse direction Öfug stefna < < left/right vinstri/hægri above fyrir ofan below fyrir neðan Formatted numbers Forsniðnar tölur Decimal places Tugabrotasæti Show plus sign Birta plús-tákn Draw text buffer Teikna textajaðar Pen join style Stíll pennasamsetninga Color buffer's fill Lita fyllingu jaðars Draw background Teikna bakgrunn Radius X,Y Radíus X,Y symbol units einingar tákns Stroke width Breidd útlínu Fixed Fast Size Y Stærð Y Load symbol parameters Hlaða inn viðföngum tákna Shape Form Size X Stærð X Offset X,Y Hliðrun X,Y Sync with label Samstilla við merki Offset of label Hliðrun merkis Size type Tegund stærðar Stroke color Útlínulitur Fill color Litur fyllingar Rotation Snúningur Rectangle Rétthyrningur Square Ferkantað Ellipse Sporbaugur Circle Hringur SVG SVG Draw drop shadow Teikna undirskugga Scale Kvarði Blur radius Radíus afskerpingar Blur only alpha pixels Einungis afskerpa gegnsæja mynddíla (alfa) Label's rotation is ignored Snúningur merkis er hunsaður Use global shadow Nota víðværan skugga ˚ ° Lowest label component Draw under Teikna undir % % Offset Hliðrun Labels are placed in an equal radius circle around point features. Around point Kringum punkt Labels are placed at a fixed offset from the point. Offset from point Hliðrun frá punkti Uses 'ideal' cartographic placements, prioritizing label placement with best visual relationship with the point feature Cartographic Kortagerðar Curved Sveigt Parallel Samhliða Horizontal Lárétt Offset from centroid Hliðrun frá þyngdarpunkti Horizontal (slow) Lárétt (hægvirkt) Around centroid Kringum þyngdarpunkt Free (slow) Frjálst (hægvirkt) Using perimeter Nota umgjörð Using perimeter (curved) Nota umgjörð (sveigða) Allowed label placement for lines. At least one position must be selected. Allowed positions Leyfðar staðsetningar Above line Fyrir ofan línu On line Á línu Below line Fyrir neðan línu Line orientation dependent position Staðsetning háð stefnu línu Centroid Þyngdarpunktur visible polygon sýnilegur fláki whole polygon allur flákinn Force point inside polygon Þvinga punkt inn í fláka Distance Fjarlægð Distance offset from abc abc Quadrant Fjórðungsgeiri Position priority Forgangur staðsetningar Repeat Endurtaka No repeat Engin endurtekning inside innan outside utan Maximum angle between curved characters Hámarkshorn milli sveigðra stafa Data defined Skilgreint í gögnum X X Y Y Coordinate Hnit Uncheck to write labeling engine derived rotation on pin and NULL on unpin Preserve data rotation values horizontal Lárétt vertical lóðrétt Priority Forgangur Low Lágt High Hátt Label options Valkostir merkja Scale dependent visibility Sýnileiki háður kvarða Maximum scale, i.e. most "zoomed in". Hámarkskvarði, þ.e. mesti "aðdráttur inn". Minimum scale, i.e. most "zoomed out". Lágmarkskvarði, þ.e. mesti "aðdráttur út". Labels will not show if smaller than this on screen Merkingar munu ekki birtast ef minni en þetta á skjá px px Minimum Lágmark Labels will not show if larger than this on screen Merkingar munu ekki birtast ef stærri en þetta á skjá Maximum Hámark Pixel size-based visibility (labels in map units) Sýnileiki byggður á mynddílum (merkingar í einingum korts) Label z-index Z-lykill merkis Controls how labels are drawn on top of each other. Labels with a higher z-index are drawn above labels and diagrams with a lower z-index. Show all labels for this layer (including colliding labels) Birta allar merkingar fyrir þetta lag (þ.m.t. merkingar sem rekast saman) Always show Alltaf birta Show label Birta merkingu always alltaf never aldrei when rotation defined þegar snúningur er skilgreindur Show upside-down labels Sýna merkingar á hvolfi Feature options Valkostir fitju Label every part of multi-part features Merkja alla hluta marghluta fitju Merge connected lines to avoid duplicate labels Sameina tengdar línur til að koma í veg fyrir fjölföldun merkinga Number of features sent to labeling engine, though not all may be labeled Limit number of features to be labeled to Takmarka fjölda fitja sem á að merkja við mm mm Suppress labeling of features smaller than Sleppa merkingum á fitjum sem eru minni en Only draw labels which fit completely within feature Aðeins teikna merkingar sem passa alveg innan í fitju Obstacles Hindranir Discourage labels from covering features Forðast að merkingar hylji fitjur Low weight Lágt vægi Controls how likely labels are to cover features in this layer High weight Hátt vægi Minimize placing labels Lágmarka staðsetningu merkinga <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">Generates or transforms the geometry to be used for labeling</span></p><p><br/></p><p>The expression will be applied to each feature while rendering and the label will be placed based on the expression result.</p></body></html> Geometry generator ... ... QgsTileScaleWidget Form Form Zoom level: %1 Resolution: %1 Tile Scale Kvarði tígla QgsTipGuiBase QGIS Tips! Ábending frá QGIS! <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd"> <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css"> p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } </style></head><body style=" font-family:'Lucida Grande'; font-size:13pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;"> <p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-family:'Ubuntu'; font-size:10pt;">A nice tip goes here…</span></p></body></html> <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd"> <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css"> p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } </style></head><body style=" font-family:'Lucida Grande'; font-size:13pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;"> <p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-family:'Ubuntu'; font-size:10pt;">Skemmtileg ábending fer hingað…</span></p></body></html> I've had enough tips, don't show this on start up any more! Ég er búinn að sjá nægar ábendingar, ekki birta þetta lengur í ræsingu forritsins! QgsTransaction Could not create savepoint (%1) QgsTransformOptionsDialog Dialog Samskiptagluggi Transformation type Tegund umvörpunar Linear Línulegt Polynomial 1 Margliða 1 Polynomial 2 Margliða 2 Polynomial 3 Margliða 3 Thin plate spline (TPS) Thin plate spline (TPS) Generate ESRI world file (.tfw) Búa til ESRI-kortheimsskrá (.tfw) QgsTransformSettingsDialog Transformation Settings Stillingar umvörpunar Transformation type Tegund umvörpunar Nearest neighbour Næsti nágranni Linear Línulegt Cubic Fernings Cubic Spline Fernings-fjaðurbrúun (spline) Lanczos Lanczos Resampling method Aðferð við endurreiknun (resampling) Target SRS Markmiðs SRS staðviðmiðskerfi Output raster Frálagsrastar Set target resolution Setja upplausn frálags Create world file only (linear transforms) Aðeins búa til kortheimsskrá (línulegar umvarpanir) Output Settings Save GCP points Vista GCP-punkta Reports Skýrslur Generate PDF map Útbúa PDF-kort Generate PDF report Útbúa PDF-skýrslu Horizontal Lárétt Vertical Lóðrétt Compression Þjöppun Use 0 for transparency when needed Notaðu 0 fyrir gegnsæi þegar þess er þörf Transformation Parameters Load in QGIS when done Hlaða inn í QGIS þegar aðgerð er lokið Helmert Helmert Polynomial 1 Margliða 1 Polynomial 2 Margliða 2 Polynomial 3 Margliða 3 Thin Plate Spline Thin Plate Spline Projective Destination Raster Móttökurasti TIF files TIF-skrár PDF files PDF-skrár Save Map File As Save Report File As Invalid output file name. Ógilt heiti frálagsskrár. Input raster can not be overwritten. _modified Georeferencer:QgsOpenRasterDialog.cpp - used to modify a user given file name _breytt QgsUniqueValuesConfigDlgBase Form Form The user can select one of the values already used in the field. If editable, a line edit is shown with autocompletion support, otherwise a combo box is used. Editable Hægt að breyta QgsUnitSelectionWidget Form Form Adjust scaling range Aðlaga kvarðasvið Millimeter Millímetri Points Punktar Pixels Mynddílar Meters at Scale Metrar í kvarða Adjust Scaling Range Aðlaga kvarðasvið Map Units Mælieiningar korts Inches Tommur Percentage Prósentuhlutfall QgsUserProfileManager Unable to fully delete user profile folder Get ekki eytt að fullu möppu með notandasniði QgsUserProfileManagerWidget Form Form Add Bæta við Remove Fjarlægja Profiles Folder Mappa undir notendasnið Profiles Notendasnið QgsValidityCheckResultsBase TextLabel Textamerki QgsValidityCheckResultsWidget Running Checks… Abort Hætta við Running Checks Critical errors prevent this task from proceeding. Please address these issues and then retry. QgsValueMapConfigDlg Select a File Veldu skrá Load Value Map from File Could not open file %1 Error was: %2 QgsValueMapSearchWidgetWrapper Please select Veldu QgsValueMapWidget Form Form Combo box with predefined items. Value is stored in the attribute, description is shown in the combo box. Load Data from Layer Lesa inn gögn frá lagi Add "NULL" value Load Data from CSV File Lesa inn gögn úr CSV-skrá Value Gildi Description Lýsing Remove Selected Fjarlægja valið QgsValueRelationConfigDlg Edit Filter Expression QgsValueRelationConfigDlgBase Form Form Select layer, key column and value column Layer Lag Key column Lykildálkur Value column Order by value Raða eftir gildi Allow NULL value Leyfa NÚLL-gildi Number of columns Fjöldi dálka Allow multiple selections Use completer Filter expression QgsValueRelationSearchWidgetWrapper Please select Veldu (no selection) (ekkert valið) QgsValueRelationWidgetWrapper (no selection) (ekkert valið) QgsVariableEditorTree Variable Breyta Value Gildi Overridden by value from %1 QgsVariableEditorWidget Add variable Remove variable Fjarlægja breytu QgsVectorDataProvider Codec %1 not found. Falling back to system locale Kóðunarlykill %1 fannst ekki. Nota í staðinn staðfærslu kerfisins Add Features Bæta við fitju Delete Features Eyða fitju Change Attribute Values Breyta gildum eiginda Add Attributes Bæta við eigind Delete Attributes Eyða eigindum Rename Attributes Endurnefna eigindi Create Spatial Index Búa til staðlykil Create Attribute Indexes Fast Access to Features at ID Change Geometries Skipta um laganir Presimplify Geometries Foreinfalda rúmfræði Presimplify Geometries with Validity Check Foreinfalda rúmfræði með gildisprófun Simultaneous Geometry and Attribute Updates Samhliða uppfærsla á rúmfræði og eigindum Transactions Færslur Curved Geometries Sveigðar laganir QgsVectorFieldSymbolLayerWidget X attribute X eigindi Y attribute Y eigindi Length attribute Lengdareigindi Angle attribute Horneigindi Height attribute Hæðareigindi QgsVectorFileWriterTask Saving %1 Vista %1 QgsVectorLayer ERROR: no provider VILLA: engin þjónustuveita ERROR: layer not editable VILLA: Lag er óbreytanlegt Commit errors: %1 Primary key attributes Eigindi aðallykils Symbology Táknun Information from provider Upplýsingar frá þjónustuveitu Name Heiti Path Slóð URL Slóð (URL) Source Uppruni Storage Geymsla Encoding Kóðun Geometry Lögun CRS Hnitaviðmiðskerfi (CRS) Geographic Landfræðilegt Projected Varpað Extent Kortvídd Unit Eining Feature count Fjöldi fitja unknown óþekkt Identification Auðkenning Access Aðgangur Fields Gagnasvið Count Fjöldi Field Gagnasvið Type Tegund Length Lengd Precision Nákvæmni Contacts Tengiliðir Links Tenglar History Vinnsluferill Comment Athugasemd QgsVectorLayer3DRendererWidget 3D View Þrívíddarsýn No symbols Engin tákn Single symbol Stök tákn Rule-based Byggt á reglum QgsVectorLayerAndAttributeModel Layer Lag Output layer attribute Attribute containing the name of the destination layer in the DXF output. QgsVectorLayerEditBuffer SUCCESS: %n attribute(s) deleted. deleted attributes count TÓKST: %n eigindi eytt. TÓKST: %n eigindum eytt. ERROR: %n attribute(s) not deleted. not deleted attributes count VILLA: %n eigindi ekki eytt. VILLA: %n eigindum ekki eytt. SUCCESS: %n attribute(s) added. added attributes count TÓKST: %n eigindi bætt við. TÓKST: %n eigindum bætt við. ERROR: %n new attribute(s) not added not added attributes count VILLA: %n nýju eigindi ekki bætt við VILLA: %n nýjumk eigindum ekki bætt við SUCCESS: %n attribute(s) renamed. renamed attributes count TÓKST: endurnefndi %n eigindi. TÓKST: endurnefndi %n eigindi. ERROR: %n attribute(s) not renamed not renamed attributes count VILLA: endurnefndi ekki %n eigindi VILLA: endurnefndi ekki %n eigindi ERROR: the count of fields is incorrect after addition/removal of fields! ERROR: field with index %1 is not the same! Provider: %1 Þjónustuveita: %1 Storage: %1 Geymsla: %1 expected field retrieved field SUCCESS: %1 attribute value(s) and %2 geometries changed. SUCCESS: %n attribute value(s) changed. changed attribute values count TÓKST %n gildi eiginda breyttist. TÓKST: %n gildi eiginda breyttust. ERROR: %n attribute value change(s) not applied. not changed attribute values count VILLA: %n gildi eiginda ekki beitt. VILLA: %n gildum eiginda ekki beitt. SUCCESS: %n feature(s) deleted. deleted features count TÓKST: %n fitju eytt. TÓKST: %n fitjum eytt. ERROR: %n feature(s) not deleted. not deleted features count VILLA: %n fitju ekki eytt. VILLA: %n fitjum ekki eytt. SUCCESS: %n feature(s) added. added features count TÓKST: %n fitju bætt við. TÓKST: %n fitjum bætt við. ERROR: %n feature(s) not added. not added features count VILLA: %n fitju ekki bætt við. VILLA: %n fitjum ekki bætt við. ERROR: %n feature(s) not added - provider doesn't support adding features. not added features count VILLA: %n fitju ekki bætt við - þjónustuveita styður ekki að bæta við fitjum. VILLA: %n fitjum ekki bætt við - þjónustuveita styður ekki að bæta við fitjum. ERROR: %n feature(s) not added - geometry type is not compatible with the current layer. not added features count SUCCESS: %n geometries were changed. changed geometries count ERROR: %n geometries not changed. not changed geometries count Provider errors: Villur frá þjónustuveitu: QgsVectorLayerExporterTask Exporting %1 QgsVectorLayerFeatureCounter Counting features in %1 QgsVectorLayerLegendWidget Legend Text Format Text Format Snið texta Set Labels from Expression… Text on Symbols Symbol Tákn Text Texti QgsVectorLayerLoadStyleDialog Load Layer Style Styles related to the layer Stílar tengdir laginu Other styles on the database Aðrir stílar í í gagnagrunni Categories Flokkar Delete Style Eyða stíl Load Style Hlaða inn stíl Load style File Skrá from file from database (%1) QGIS Layer Style File, SLD File %1: fail. %2 %1: mistókst. %2 %1: success %1: tókst Error occurred while retrieving styles from database Villa kom upp við að reyna að ná í stíla úr gagnagrunni QgsVectorLayerProperties Layer Properties - %1 Eiginleikar lags - %1 QGIS Layer Metadata File Load Metadata QMD File Default Metadata Stop editing mode to enable this. Metadata Lýsigögn Load Metadata… Hlaða inn lýsigögnum… Save Metadata… Vista lýsigögn… Create Clear Hreinsa Delete Eyða Export Flytja út Not supported Ekki stutt Distance Fjarlægð SnapToGrid GrípaÍHnitanet Visvalingam Visvalingam Save Dependency This configuration introduces a cycle in data dependencies and will be ignored. Local Database Datasource Database No default style was found for this layer. Load Layer Metadata from Metadata File Save Layer Metadata as QMD Save Metadata Load Styles from Database Spatial Index Staðlykill Creation of spatial index successful Gerð staðlykils tókst Creation of spatial index failed Gerð staðlykils mistókst Load default style from: Hlaða sjálfgefnum stíl inn úr: Cancel Hætta við Default Style Sjálfgefinn stíll Loaded from Provider Hlaðið inn frá þjónustuveitu Save default style to: Vista sjálfgefinn stíl í: Edit Vector Join Are you sure you want to clear auxiliary data for %1? Are you sure you want to delete auxiliary storage for %1? Are you sure you want to delete auxiliary field %1 for %2? Load Style Hlaða inn stíl Save as Default Vista sem sjálfgefið Style saved Stíll vistaður The retrieved style is not a valid named style. Error message: %1 Save Style Vista stíl Style Stíll Load Style… Hlaða inn stíl… Save Style… Vista stíl… Restore Default Endurheimta sjálfgefið all allt QgsVectorLayerPropertiesBase Layer Properties Stillingar lags Legend Skýringar Description Lýsing Keyword list Stikkorðalisti List of keywords separated by comma to help catalog searching. Listi stikkorða aðskildum með kommu til að hjálpa til við leit og flokkun í efnisskrám. DataUrl Information Upplýsingar Source Uppruni Symbology Táknun 3D View Þrívíddarsýn Source Fields Attributes Form Form Form Auxiliary Storage Dependencies Kerfiskröfur QGIS Server QGIS-þjónn Edit QGIS Server settings Breyta stillingum QGIS-þjóns Digitizing Hnitun Control geometry and topology constraints for digitizing operations. Settings Stillingar Geometry and Coordinate Reference System Set source coordinate reference system Create Spatial Index Búa til staðlykil Update Extents Provider Feature Filter Setting Stillingar Value Gildi Add new join Remove selected join Edit selected join Features Fitjur Key Lykill Auxiliary Layer Add new field Bæta við nýju gagnasviði Remove selected field Target Property Eiginleiki Name Heiti Full Name Auxiliary storage tables can contain additional data that should only belong to the project file. For instance, specific location or rotation for labels. Auxiliary data are saved in qgd files. New fields can be added from any data-defined widget when needed. Be aware that this information will NOT be saved in the data source but only in the project file. The feature display name is used in identify results, locator searches and the attribute table's dual view list. Lower values result in more data refreshing. Canvas updates are deferred in order to avoid refreshing multiple times if more than one layer has an auto update interval set. Automatic Fixes <html><head/><body><p>The geometry precision defines the maximum precision to of geometry coordinates that should be stored on this layer. A snap to grid algorithm will be applied on every geometry entering this layer, resulting in coordinates being rounded to multiples of this value. The operation is applied in this layer's coordinate reference system.</p></body></html> Geometry precision Remove duplicate nodes Fjarlægja tvítekna hnúta [Units] [No precision restriction] Geometry checks Topology checks Athuganir á grannfræði Inserts the selected field or expression into the map tip Setur valið gagnasvið eða segð inn í aðgerðina Insert Setja inn The HTML map tips are shown when moving mouse over features of the currently selected layer when the 'Show Map Tips' action is toggled on. If no HTML code is set, the feature display name is used. Simplification threshold (higher values result in more simplification) Þolvik einföldunar (hærri gildi leiða til meiri einföldunar) Simplification algorithm Reiknirit einföldunar Maximum scale at which the layer should be simplified (1:1 always simplifies) Hámarkskvarði þar sem lagið ætti að vera einfaldað (1:1 einfaldar alltaf) Refresh layer at interval (seconds) <html><head/><body><p>Some data providers can notify QGIS (e.g. PostgreSQL) with a message. If this is the case for this layer's data provider, notification will refresh the layer. </p></body></html> Refresh layer on notification <html><head/><body><p>Check if only a specific message must refresh the layer (i.e. not all data source notifications)</p></body></html> Only if message is <html><head/><body><p>Notification message that will refresh the layer.</p></body></html> Features in this layer may be updated when the layers selected below are changed Selected dependent layers should include any layers which may externally alter the data in this layer. For instance, layers with database triggers or custom PyQGIS scripting which alter this layer should be selected. Correctly specifying dependent layers allows QGIS to invalidate caches for this layer when the dependent layers are altered. Embedded Widgets in Legend A URL of the data presentation. Format Snið Short name Stutt nafn Attribution Tilvísun Attribution's title indicates the provider of the layer. Titill tilvísunar gefur til kynna útgefanda lagsins. Attribution's title indicates the provider of the data layer. Titill tilvísunar gefur til kynna útgefanda gagnalagsins. Url URL Attribution's url gives a link to the webpage of the provider of the data layer. Vefslóð tilvísunar gefur upp tengil á vefsíðu útgefanda gagnalagsins. MetadataUrl Slóð lýsigagna The URL of the metadata document. Slóð lýsigagna skjalsins. A URL of the legend image. Type Tegund LegendUrl LegendUrl image/png image/png image/jpeg image/jpeg Labels Merkingar Fields Gagnasvið Query Builder Fyrirspurnasmiðja Display Birta Rendering Myndgerð Variables Breytur Data source encoding Kóðun gagnagjafa <b>Note:</b> Feature simplification may speed up rendering but can result in rendering inconsistencies <b>Athugaðu:</b> Einföldun á fitjum gæti gert myndgerð hraðvirkari en getur valdið misræmi í myndgerð Higher values result in more simplification Hærri gildi leiða til meiri einföldunar pixels mynddílar This algorithm only is applied to simplify on local side Simplify on provider side if possible Einfalda útgefandans megin ef hægt er Force layer to render as a raster (may result in smaller export file sizes) Þvinga lag til að myndgerast sem rasti (getur minnkað skráastærð í útflutningi) The valid attribute names for this layer The abstract is a descriptive narrative providing more information about the layer. A name used to identify the layer. The short name is a text string used for machine-to-machine communication. Heiti sem notað er til að auðkenna lagið. Stutta nafnið er textastrengur sem notast í samskiptum milli véla/kerfa. Layer name Heiti lags displayed as birt sem Metadata Lýsigögn <html><head/><body><p>If the remove duplicate nodes option is activated, duplicate vertices will automatically be removed from geometries which are edited on this layer.</p></body></html> Display Name HTML Map Tip HTML-ábendingar á landakorti Scale Dependen&t Visibility Simplify &Geometry Data Dependencies Title Titill The title is for the benefit of humans to identify layer. Titillinn er til að mannverur eigi betur með að þekkja lagið. Abstract Útdráttur Actions Aðgerð Joins Tengingar Diagrams Skýringamyndir QgsVectorLayerSaveAsDialog Automatic Sjálfvirkt No geometry Engin lögun No symbology Engin táknun Feature symbology Táknun fitju Symbol layer symbology Táknun táknalags Save Layer As Vista lag sem Save Vector Layer As The layer already exists. Do you want to overwrite the whole file or overwrite the layer? Overwrite File Overwrite Layer Skrifa yfir lag The file already exists. Do you want to overwrite it? The layer already exists. Do you want to overwrite the whole file, overwrite the layer or append features to the layer? Append to Layer The layer already exists. Do you want to overwrite the whole file or append features to the layer? The existing layer has different fields. Do you want to add the missing fields to the layer? <Default> <Sjálfgefið> Name Heiti Type Tegund Replace with displayed values Use %1 Nota %1 Select the coordinate reference system for the vector file. The data points will be transformed from the layer coordinate reference system. Veldu hnitaviðmiðskerfi fyrir vektorskrána. Gagnapunktunum verður umbreytt úr viðmiðunarkerfi lagsins. QgsVectorLayerSaveAsDialogBase Encoding Kóðun CRS Hnitaviðmiðskerfi (CRS) File name Skráarnafn Layer name Heiti lags Select fields to export and their export options Replace all selected raw field values by displayed values Symbology export Útflutningur táknunar Geometry Lögun Geometry type Gerð lögunar Force multi-type Include z-dimension Hafa með z-vídd Extent Kortvídd Datasource Options Valkostir gagnagjafa Custom Options Sérsniðnir valkostir Layer Options Valkostir lags Save Vector Layer as… Vista vektorlag sem… Format Forsnið Save only selected features Vista aðeins valdar fitjur Select All Velja allt Deselect All Afvelja allt Data source Uppruni gagna Layer Lag Add saved file to map Bæta vistaðri skrá við kort Scale Kvarði QgsVectorLayerSaveStyleDialog Style name Description Lýsing Optionally pick an input form for attribute editing (QT Designer UI format), it will be stored in the database UI Viðmót (UI) Save Layer Style Use as default style for this layer Nota sem sjálfgefinn stíl fyrir þetta lag File Skrá Categories Flokkar Save style Vista stíl QGIS Layer Style File (*.qml) SLD File (*.sld) As QGIS QML style file As SLD style file In database (%1) Qt Designer UI file (*.ui) Attach UI File The selected file does not appear to be a valid Qt Designer UI file. Skráin sem þú hefur valið virðist ekki vera gild Qt-Designer viðmótsskrá. QgsVectorLayerTools Only %1 out of %2 features were copied. Aðeins %1 af %2 fitjum voru afritaðar. Some features have no geometry. Sumar fitjur eru ekki með neina lögun (geometry). Some could not be created on the layer. QgsVersionInfo Connection refused - server may be down Tengingu hafnað - þjónn gæti verið bilaður The host name %1 could not be resolved. Check your DNS settings or contact your system administrator. QgsVertexEditor Vertex Editor Brotpunktaritill Right click on an editable feature to show its table of vertices. When a feature is bound to this panel, dragging a rectangle to select vertices on the canvas will only select those of the bound feature. QgsVertexEditorModel x x y y z z m m r r Vertex %1 X Coordinate X hnit Y Coordinate Y hnit Z Coordinate M Value Radius Value QgsVertexTool Moved vertex Deleted vertex Geometry has been cleared. Use the add part tool to set geometry for this feature. Validation finished (%n error(s) found). number of geometry errors QgsVirtualLayerSourceSelect Virtual layer test Prófun á sýndarlagi No error Engin villa Warning Viðvörun A virtual layer of this name already exists, would you like to overwrite it? QgsVirtualLayerSourceSelectBase Create a Virtual Layer Layer name Heiti lags Embedded layers Ívafin lög Embedded layers can be added to have SQL queries with layers that are independent from layers loaded by the current QGIS project. In particular, saving a virtual layer with embedded layers to a QLR file can be done to reuse its definition in another project. Local name Staðvært heiti Provider Þjónustuveita Encoding Kóðun Source Uppruni Add a new embedded layer Bæta við nýju ívöfðu lagi Add Bæta við Import layer definition from loaded layers of the current project Import Flytja inn Remove the selected embedded layer Remove Fjarlægja Query Fyrirspurn <html><head/><body><p>This is the SQL query editor. You can edit here an SQL query referring to any existing vector layers or embedded layers.</p><p>Virtual layers rely on SQLite and SpatiaLite. Any functions from SQLite or SpatiaLite can then be used in the query. To add or access geometries of a table, you can use "tablename.geometry", regardless of original geometry column's name.</p><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">Special comments:</span></p><p>Because it is not always possible to autodetect the data type of each column in a query, special comments can be used in the query to force a specific type.</p><p>Special comments must be placed on the right of a column name and have the form <tt>/*:type*/</tt> where type can be any of <span style=" font-style:italic;">int</span>, <span style=" font-style:italic;">real</span> or <span style=" font-style:italic;">text</span>. They can also be used to specify the type and SRID of the geometry column with the following syntax: <tt>/*:gtype:srid*/</tt> where <span style=" font-style:italic;">gtype</span> can be <span style=" font-style:italic;">point</span>, <span style=" font-style:italic;">linestring</span> or <span style=" font-style:italic;">polygon</span> (with an optional <span style=" font-style:italic;">multi</span> prefix) and <span style=" font-style:italic;">srid</span> is an integer identifier.</p><p>Example:</p><p><tt>SELECT id + 1 as id /*:int*/, ST_Centroid(geometry) as geom /*:point:4326*/ FROM tab</tt></p></body></html> Unique identifier column Geometry Lögun Autodetect Finna sjálfvirkt No geometry Engin lögun Geometry column Rúmfræðidálkur geometry rúmfræði Type Tegund Point Punktur LineString Polygon Fláki MultiPoint Fjölpunkta MultiLineString MultiPolygon CRS Hnitaviðmiðskerfi (CRS) Test Prófa QgsWCSConnectionItem Edit… Breyta… Delete Eyða QgsWCSRootItem New Connection… Ný tenging… QgsWCSSourceSelect Select a layer Velja lag No CRS selected Ekkert viðmiðskerfi valið QgsWFSDescribeFeatureType Download of feature type failed: %1 Niðurhal fitjugerðar mistókst: %1 QgsWFSFeatureDownloader Loading features for layer %1 Hleð inn fitjum fyrir lagið %1 Abort Hætta við QGIS QGIS Error when parsing GetFeature response WFS WFS Server generated an exception in GetFeature response Retrying request %1: %2/%3 Reyni aftur við beiðni %1: %2/%3 Download of features failed: %1 Niðurhal á fitjum mistókst: %1 QgsWFSFeatureHitsAsyncRequest WFS WFS Download of feature count failed: %1 Niðurhal fitjufjölda mistókst: %1 QgsWFSFeatureHitsRequest Download of feature count failed: %1 Niðurhal fitjufjölda mistókst: %1 QgsWFSNewConnection Error Villa Could not get capabilities Network Error Villa í nettengingu Capabilities document is not valid Getuupplýsingaskjal er ekki gilt Server Exception Undanþága þjóns QgsWFSProgressDialog Hide Fela QgsWFSProvider WFS WFS Syntax error. Villa í málskipan. Missing content at end of string. %1 is unexpected. %1 is expected instead. %1 or %2 %1 eða %2 comma komma an identifier auðkenni SQL query is invalid: %1 SQL- fyrirspurn er ógild: %1 Typename '%1' is ambiguous without prefix Typename '%1' is unknown JOINs are not supported by this server FROM or JOIN clause should contain the table name '%1' DescribeFeatureType failed for url %1: %2 Analysis of DescribeFeatureType response failed for url %1, typeName %2: %3 Column '%1' is not a direct reference to a table column. Field '%1': a field with the same name already exists. The geometry field of a typename that is not the main typename is ignored in the selected fields. Max Features Supports Paging Supports Joins not provided fylgir ekki supported stutt unsupported óstutt DescribeFeatureType network request failed for url %1: %2 DescribeFeatureType XML parse failed for url %1: %2 It is probably a schema for Complex Features. Cannot find schema indicated in DescribeFeatureType response. Empty response WFS service exception: %1 Unsuccessful service response: %1 Unhandled response: %1 Analysis of DescribeFeatureType response failed for url %1: %2 Cannot find schema root element Cannot find element '%1' Get ekki fundið stakið '%1' Cannot find ComplexType element '%1' Cannot find attribute elements GetCapabilities failed for url %1: %2 Getubeiðnin GetCapabilities brást fyrir slóðina %1: %2 Could not find typename %1 in capabilities for url %2 WFS exception report (code=%1 text=%2) missing vantar QgsWFSSharedData SQL statement to OGC Filter error: Expression to OGC Filter error: Cannot create temporary SpatiaLite cache WFS WFS Cannot connect to temporary SpatiaLite cache Cannot create temporary id cache Problem when updating WFS id cache: %1 -> %2 Layer extent reported by the server is not correct. You may need to zoom again on layer while features are being downloaded Download of features for layer %1 failed or partially failed: %2. You may attempt reloading the layer with F5 Layer extent reported by the server is not correct. You may need to zoom on layer and then zoom out to see all features %1: The download limit has been reached. %1: Takmörkum niðurhals hefur verið náð. Zoom in to fetch all data. Renndu að til að ná í öll gögn. You may want to check the 'Only request features overlapping the view extent' option to be able to zoom in to fetch all data. Þú gætir viljað haka við 'Aðeins biðja um fitjur sem skarast við kortvídd sýnar' til að geta rennt nægilega að og sótt öll gögn. QgsWFSSingleFeatureRequest Download of feature failed: %1 Niðurhal á fitju mistókst: %1 QgsWFSSourceSelect &Build query &Búa til fyrirspurn Build query Búa til fyrirspurn Network Error Villa í nettengingu Capabilities document is not valid Getuupplýsingaskjal er ekki gilt Server Exception Undanþága þjóns Error Villa No Layers Engin lög capabilities document contained no layers. getuupplýsingaskjal innihélt engin lög. Create a New WFS Connection Modify WFS Connection Load Connections Lesa inn tengingar XML files (*.xml *.XML) XML skrár (*.xml *.XML) Are you sure you want to remove the %1 connection and all associated settings? Ertu viss um að þú viljir fjarlægja %1 tenginguna og viðkomandi stillingar? Confirm Delete Staðfesta eyðingu Server exception Undanþága þjóns DescribeFeatureType failed QgsWFSSourceSelectBase Add WFS Layer from a Server Bæta við WFS-lagi frá þjóni Remove connection to selected service Fjarlægja tengingu við valda þjónustu Remove Fjarlægja Display WFS FeatureTypes containing this word in the title, name or abstract Birta WFS FeatureTypes sem innhalda þetta orð í titli, nafni eða útdrætti Only request features overlapping the view extent Aðeins biðja um fitjur sem skarast við kortvídd sýnar Server Connections Tengingar þjóns Connect to selected service Tengjast valinni þjónustu C&onnect &Tengja Create a new service connection Búa til nýja tengingu við þjónustu &New &Nýtt Edit selected service connection Breyta valinni tengingu við þjónustu Edit Breyta Load connections from file Lesa inn tengingar frá skrá Load Lesa inn Save connections to file Vista tengingar í skrá Save Vista Filter Sía Coordinate Reference System Hnitaviðmiðskerfi Change… Skipta um… Use title for layer name Nota titil sem heiti á lagi Keep dialog open Halda glugga opnum QgsWFSTransactionRequest Sending of transaction failed: %1 QgsWMSConnectionItem Failed to parse WMS URI Mistókst að þátta WMS-slóð Failed to download capabilities Mistókst að sækja getuupplýsingar Failed to parse capabilities Mistókst að þátta getuupplýsingar Edit… Breyta… Delete Eyða QgsWMSRootItem New Connection… Ný tenging… QgsWMSSourceSelect Are you sure you want to remove the %1 connection and all associated settings? Ertu viss um að þú viljir fjarlægja %1 tenginguna og viðkomandi stillingar? Confirm Delete Staðfesta eyðingu Load Connections Lesa inn tengingar XML files (*.xml *.XML) XML skrár (*.xml *.XML) Encoding %1 not supported. WMS Provider WMS-þjónustuveita Failed to parse WMS URI Mistókst að þátta WMS-slóð Failed to download capabilities: Mistókst að sækja getuupplýsingar: The server you are trying to connect to does not seem to be a WMS server. Please check the URL. Instead of the capabilities string that was expected, the following response has been received: %1 Options (%n coordinate reference systems available) crs count Valkostir (%n hnitaviðmiðskerfi tiltækt) Valkostir (%n hnitaviðmiðskerfi tiltæk) Select layer(s) Veldu lag/lög Select layer(s) or a tileset Veldu lag/lög eða tíglasett Select either layer(s) or a tileset Veldu annað hvort lag/lög eða tíglasett Coordinate Reference System (%n available) crs count Hnitaviðmiðskerfi (%n tiltækt) Hnitaviðmiðskerfi (%n tiltæk) No common CRS for selected layers. Engin sameiginleg viðmiðskerfi fyrir valin lög. No CRS selected Ekkert viðmiðskerfi valið No image encoding selected Engin myndkóðun valin %n Layer(s) selected selected layer count %n lag valið %n lög valin Tileset selected Valið tíglasett Could not understand the response. The %1 provider said: %2 Skildi ekki svarið. %1 þjónustuveitan svaraði: %2 WMS proxies WMS-milliþjónar Several WMS servers have been added to the server list. Note that if you access the internet via a web proxy, you will need to set the proxy settings in the QGIS options dialog. parse error at row %1, column %2: %3 þáttunarvilla í línu %1, dálki %2: %3 network error: %1 villa í nettengingu: %1 The %1 connection already exists. Do you want to overwrite it? %1 tengingin er þegar til. Viltu yfirskrifa hana? Confirm Overwrite Staðfestu yfirskrift QgsWMSSourceSelectBase Ready Tilbúið Layers Lög C&onnect &Tengja &New &Nýtt Edit Breyta Adds a few example WMS servers Bæta við nokkrum WMS dæmaþjónum ID Auðkenni Name Heiti Title Titill Abstract Útdráttur Save connections to file Vista tengingar í skrá Save Vista Load connections from file Lesa inn tengingar frá skrá Load Lesa inn Options Valkostir Add Selected Row to WMS List Layer name Heiti lags Coordinate Reference System Hnitaviðmiðskerfi Add Layer(s) from a WM(T)S Server Bæta við lagi(lögum) úr WM(T)S-þjóni Connect to selected service Tengjast valinni þjónustu Create a new service connection Búa til nýja tengingu við þjónustu Edit selected service connection Breyta valinni tengingu við þjónustu Remove connection to selected service Fjarlægja tengingu við valda þjónustu Remove Fjarlægja Add Default Servers Image Encoding Kóðun myndar Tile size Stærð tígla Feature limit for GetFeatureInfo Fitjutakmörk fyrir GetFeatureInfo 10 10 Change… Skipta um… Request step size Layer Order Röð laga Move selected layer UP Flytja valið lag UPP Up Upp Move selected layer DOWN Flytja valið lag NIÐUR Down Niður Layer Lag Style Stíll Tilesets Tíglasett Format Snið Tileset Tíglasett CRS Hnitaviðmiðskerfi (CRS) Server Search Leit að netþjónum Search Leita Description Lýsing URL URL Use contextual WMS Legend Nota samhengislegan WMS-skýringatexta QgsWcsCapabilities empty capabilities document tómt getuupplýsingaskjal Tried URL: %1 Prófaði URL-slóðina: %1 Capabilities request redirected. Beiðni um getuupplýsingar var endurbeint. empty of capabilities: %1 engar getuupplýsingar: %1 Download of capabilities failed: %1 Niðurhal getuupplýsinga mistókst: %1 WCS WCS Download of capabilities failed: network request update failed for authentication config Niðurhal getuupplýsinga mistókst: Uppfærsla á netbeiðni um auðkenningaruppsetningu mistókst Download of capabilities failed: network reply update failed for authentication config Niðurhal getuupplýsinga mistókst: Uppfærsla á svari um net fyrir auðkenningaruppsetningu mistókst %1 of %2 bytes of capabilities downloaded. %1 af %2 bætum getuupplýsinga hafa verið sótt. Exception Frávik Could not get WCS capabilities: %1 Gat ekki sótt upplýsingar um getu WCS: %1 Dom Exception DOM-frávik Could not get WCS capabilities in the expected format (DTD): no %1 found. This might be due to an incorrect WCS Server URL. Tag: %3 Response was: %4 Gat ekki sótt upplýsingar um getu WCS á réttu sniði (DTD): ekkert %1 fannst. Þetta er líkast til vegna rangrar URl-slóðar á WCS-þjón. Merkimiði: %3 Svarað var: %4 Version not supported Útgáfa ekki studd WCS server version %1 is not supported by QGIS (supported versions: 1.0.0, 1.1.0, 1.1.2) WCS-þjónn útgáfa %1 er ekki studd af QGIS (studdar útgáfur: 1.0.0, 1.1.0, 1.1.2) Could not get WCS capabilities: %1 at line %2 column %3 This is probably due to an incorrect WCS Server URL. Response was: %4 Gat ekki sótt upplýsingar um getu WCS: %1 á línu %2, dálki %3 Þetta er líkast til vegna rangrar URI-slóðar á WCS-þjón. Svarað var: %4 QgsWcsDownloadHandler WCS WCS Network request update failed for authentication config Uppfærsla á netbeiðni um auðkenningaruppsetningu mistókst Network reply update failed for authentication config Uppfærsla á svari um net fyrir auðkenningaruppsetningu mistókst Map request error (Status: %1; Reason phrase: %2; URL: %3) Map request error:<br>Title: %1<br>Error: %2<br>URL: <a href='%3'>%3</a>) Villa í kortabeiðni:<br>Titill: %1<br>Villa: %2<br>URL-slóð: <a href='%3'>%3</a>) Map request error (Status: %1; Response: %2; URL: %3) Map request error (Title: %1; Error: %2; URL: %3) Map request error (Response: %1; URL: %2) Map request failed [error: %1 url: %2] Cannot parse multipart response: %1 Expected 2 parts, %1 received Átti von á 2 hlutum, hef fengið %1 More than 2 parts (%1) received Hef tekið á móti 2 hlutum (%1) Content-Transfer-Encoding %1 not supported Content-Transfer-Encoding %1 ekki stutt Not logging more than 100 request errors. Skrái ekki fleiri en 100 beiðnavillur í vinnsluferil. QgsWcsProvider Cannot describe coverage Get ekki lýst þekju Coverage not found Þekja fannst ekki Cannot calculate extent Gat ekki reiknað kortvídd Cannot get test dataset. Get ekki fengið prófunar-gagnasett. Received coverage has wrong extent %1 (expected %2) Móttekin þekja er með ranga kortvídd %1 (átti von á %2) WCS WCS Received coverage has wrong size %1 x %2 (expected %3 x %4) Móttekin þekja er með ranga stærð %1 x %2 (átti von á %3 x %4) Getting map via WCS. Sæki kort með WCS. No data received Engin gögn móttekin Cannot create memory file Get ekki búið til minnisskrá Dom Exception DOM-frávik Could not get WCS Service Exception at %1 at line %2 column %3 Response was: %4 Gat ekki sótt upplýsingar um þjónustufrávik WCS á %1, á línu %2, dálki %3 Svarað var: %4 Service Exception Þjónustufrávik Request contains a format not offered by the server. Beiðni inniheldur snið sem ekki er í boði á netþjóni. Request is for a Coverage not offered by the service instance. Beiðni er um þekju sem ekki er í boði á netþjónustu. Value of (optional) UpdateSequence parameter in GetCapabilities request is equal to current value of service metadata update sequence number. Value of (optional) UpdateSequence parameter in GetCapabilities request is greater than current value of service metadata update sequence number. Request does not include a parameter value, and the server instance did not declare a default value for that dimension. Request contains an invalid parameter value. No other exceptionCode specified by this service and server applies to this exception. Operation request contains an output CRS that can not be used within the output format. Aðgerðin sem beðið var um inniheldur viðmiðskerfi frálags sem ekki er hægt að nota innan frálagssniðs. Operation request specifies to "store" the result, but not enough storage is available to do this. (No error code was reported) (Enginn villukóði tilkynntur) (Unknown error code) (Óþekktur villukóði) The WCS vendor also reported: composed error message '%1'. Cannot verify coverage full extent: %1 Get ekki sannreynt fulla kortvídd þekju: %1 Property Eiginleiki Value Gildi Name (identifier) Nafn (auðkenni) Title Titill Abstract Útdráttur Fixed Width Föst breidd Fixed Height Föst hæð Native CRS Innbyggt viðmiðskerfi Native Bounding Box Innbyggð umgjörð WGS 84 Bounding Box Umgjörð svæðismarka WGS 84 Available in CRS Tiltækt í viðmiðskerfi (and %n more) crs (og %n til viðbótar) (og %n til viðbótar) Available in format Tiltækt á sniðinu WCS Info Coverages Þekjur Cache Stats Tölfræði skyndiminnis Server Properties Eiginleikar þjóns Keywords Stikkorð Online Resource Tilfang á neti Contact Person Tengiliður Fees Gjald Access Constraints Aðgangsskorður Image Formats Myndasnið GetCapabilitiesUrl GetCapabilitiesUrl Get Coverage Url Slóð til að ná í þekjur &nbsp;<font color="red">(advertised but ignored)</font> &nbsp;<font color="red">(uppgefið en hunsað)</font> And %1 more coverages Og %1 þekjur til viðbótar Format not supported Snið er ekki stutt Read data error Villa við lestur gagna RasterIO error: I/O villa rasta: QgsWebPage Line %1: %2 Lína %1: %2 JavaScript %1 (line %2): %3 %1 (lína %2): %3 QgsWelcomePage Recent Projects Nýleg verkefni New QGIS version available Pin to List Unpin from List Open Directory… Opna möppu… Refresh Endurnýja Open “%1”… Opna “%1”… Remove from List QgsWfsCapabilities WFS version %1 not supported WFS útgáfa %1 ekki studd Download of capabilities failed: %1 Niðurhal getuupplýsinga mistókst: %1 QgsWfsConnectionItem Edit… Breyta… Delete Eyða Modify WFS Connection QgsWfsLayerItem Styles Stílar Copy Style Afrita stíl Cannot copy style Get ekki afritað stíl QgsWfsRequest WFS WFS Redirect loop detected: %1 Hringtenging fannst: %1 empty response: %1 tómt svar: %1 network request update failed for authentication config Uppfærsla á netbeiðni um auðkenningaruppsetningu mistókst QgsWfsRootItem New Connection… Ný tenging… Create a New WFS Connection QgsWmsCapabilitiesDownload %1 of %2 bytes of capabilities downloaded. %1 af %2 bætum getuupplýsinga hafa verið sótt. Capabilities request redirected. Beiðni um getuupplýsingar var endurbeint. Redirect loop detected: %1 Hringtenging fannst: %1 WMS WMS Download of capabilities failed: network request update failed for authentication config Niðurhal getuupplýsinga mistókst: Uppfærsla á netbeiðni um auðkenningaruppsetningu mistókst Download of capabilities failed: network reply update failed for authentication config Niðurhal getuupplýsinga mistókst: Uppfærsla á svari um net fyrir auðkenningaruppsetningu mistókst empty of capabilities: %1 engar getuupplýsingar: %1 Download of capabilities failed: %1 Niðurhal getuupplýsinga mistókst: %1 QgsWmsImageDownloadHandler WMS WMS Map request error (Status: %1; Reason phrase: %2; URL: %3) Returned image is flawed [Content-Type: %1; URL: %2] Map request error (Title: %1; Error: %2; URL: %3) Map request error (Status: %1; Response: %2; Content-Type: %3; URL: %4) Map request failed [error: %1 url: %2] Not logging more than 100 request errors. Skrái ekki fleiri en 100 beiðnavillur í vinnsluferil. QgsWmsLegendDownloadHandler Redirect loop detected: %1 Hringtenging fannst: %1 WMS WMS GetLegendGraphic request error Status: %1 Reason phrase: %2 Staða: %1 Ástæða: %2 Returned legend image is flawed [URL: %1] Skýringamynd sem barst er gölluð [URL-slóð: %1] QgsWmsProvider Cannot parse URI Get ekki þáttað URI-slóð Cannot calculate extent Gat ekki reiknað kortvídd Cannot set CRS Get ekki sett viðmiðskerfi Number of layers and styles don't match Fjöldi laga og stíla stemmir ekki WMS WMS Number of tile layers must be one Ekki geta verið fleiri en eitt tíglalag Tile layer not found Tíglalagið fannst ekki Tile layer or tile matrix set not found Getting map via WMS. Sæki kort með WMS. Getting tiles. Næ í tígla. %n tile requests in background tile request count %n tíglabeiðni í bakgrunni %n tíglabeiðnir í bakgrunni , %n cache hits tile cache hits , %n fannst í skyndiminni , %n fundust í skyndiminni , %n cache misses. tile cache missed , %n vantar í skyndiminni. , %n vantar í skyndiminni. , %n errors. errors , %n villa. , %n villur. image is NULL unexpected image size óvænt stærð myndar Dom Exception DOM-frávik Service Exception Þjónustufrávik Request contains a format not offered by the server. Beiðni inniheldur snið sem ekki er í boði á netþjóni. Request contains a CRS not offered by the server for one or more of the Layers in the request. Request contains a SRS not offered by the server for one or more of the Layers in the request. GetMap request is for a Layer not offered by the server, or GetFeatureInfo request is for a Layer not shown on the map. GetMap-beiðni er um lag sem ekki er í boði á netþjóni, eða að GetFeatureInfo-beiðni er um lag sem ekki er birt á kortinu. Request is for a Layer in a Style not offered by the server. Beiðni um lag í stil sem ekki er í boð á netþjóni. GetFeatureInfo request is applied to a Layer which is not declared queryable. GetFeatureInfo request contains invalid X or Y value. Value of (optional) UpdateSequence parameter in GetCapabilities request is equal to current value of service metadata update sequence number. Value of (optional) UpdateSequence parameter in GetCapabilities request is greater than current value of service metadata update sequence number. Request does not include a sample dimension value, and the server did not declare a default value for that dimension. Request contains an invalid sample dimension value. Request is for an optional operation that is not supported by the server. (No error code was reported) (Enginn villukóði tilkynntur) (Unknown error code) (Óþekktur villukóði) The WMS vendor also reported: Property Eiginleiki Value Gildi Name Heiti Visibility Sýnileiki Visible Sýnilegt Hidden Falið Title Titill Abstract Útdráttur Can Identify Getur auðkennt Yes No Nei Can be Transparent Getur verið gegnsætt Can Zoom In Getur þysjað inn Cascade Count Fjöldi stafla Fixed Width Föst breidd Fixed Height Föst hæð Available in CRS Tiltækt í viðmiðskerfi (and %n more) crs (og %n til viðbótar) (og %n til viðbótar) Available in style Tiltækt í stíl LegendURLs LegendURLs WMS Info Server Properties Eiginleikar þjóns Get feature info request error (Title: %1; Error: %2; URL: %3) Selected Layers Valin lög Other Layers Önnur log Tile Layer Properties Eiginleikar tíglalags Cache Stats Tölfræði skyndiminnis WMS Version WMS útgáfa Keywords Stikkorð Online Resource Tilfang á neti Contact Person Tengiliður Fees Gjöld Access Constraints Aðgangsskorður Image Formats Myndasnið Identify Formats Bera kennsl á snið Layer Count Fjöldi laga Tile Layer Count Fjöldi tíglalaga Could not get WMS Service Exception: %1 at line %2 column %3 Response was: %4 Gat ekki sótt upplýsingar um þjónustufrávik WMS: %1 , á línu %2, dálki %3 Svarað var: %4 GetCapabilitiesUrl GetCapabilitiesUrl GetMapUrl &nbsp;<font color="red">(advertised but ignored)</font> &nbsp;<font color="red">(uppgefið en hunsað)</font> GetFeatureInfoUrl GetLegendGraphic GetLegendGraphic GetTileUrl Tile templates Sniðmát tígla FeatureInfo templates Tileset Properties Eiginleikar tíglasetts Identifier Auðkenni Tile mode Tíglahamur WMTS WMTS WMS-C WMS-C XYZ XYZ Invalid tile mode Ógildur tíglahamur Selected Valið Available Styles Tiltækir stílar CRS Hnitaviðmiðskerfi (CRS) Bounding Box Umgjörð Available Tilesets Tiltæk tíglasett Selected tile matrix set Valið tíglagrindarsett Scale Kvarði Tile size [px] Stærð tígla [px] Tile size [mu] Stærð tígla [mu] Matrix size Stærð grindar Matrix extent [mu] Kortvídd grindar [mu] Bounds Svæðismörk Width Breidd Height Hæð Top Efst Left Vinstra Bottom Neðst Right Hægra %n missing row(s) %n röð vantar %n raðir vantar Layer's upper bound: %1 Efri mörk lags: %1 %n missing column(s) %n dálk vantar %n dálka vantar Layer's left bound: %1 Vinstri mörk lags: %1 Layer's lower bound: %1 Neðri mörk lags: %1 Layer's right bound: %1 Hægri mörk lags: %1 Cache stats Tölfræði skyndiminnis Hits Fundust Misses Vantar Errors Villur Format not supported Snið er ekki stutt Context not fully specified (extent was defined but width and/or height was not). Cannot identify Get ekki auðkennt Result parsing failed. %1 feature types were guessed from gml (%2) but no features were parsed. identify request redirected. Beiðni um kennslaupplýsingar var endurbeint. Map getfeatureinfo error %1: %2 Cannot parse getfeatureinfo: %1 Map getfeatureinfo error: %1 [%2] %1 of %2 bytes of GetLegendGraphic downloaded. %1 af %2 bætum GetLegendGraphic hafa verið sótt. QgsWmsTiledImageDownloadHandler Tile request error Villa í tíglabeiðni Status: %1 Reason phrase: %2 Staða: %1 Ástæða: %2 WMS WMS Tile request error (Title: %1; Error: %2; URL: %3) Tile request error (Status: %1; Content-Type: %2; Length: %3; URL: %4) Returned image is flawed [Content-Type: %1; URL: %2] %n tile requests in background tile request count %n tíglabeiðni í bakgrunni %n tíglabeiðnir í bakgrunni , %n cache hits tile cache hits , %n fannst í skyndiminni , %n fundust í skyndiminni , %n cache misses. tile cache missed , %n vantar í skyndiminni. , %n vantar í skyndiminni. , %n errors. errors , %n villa. , %n villur. Not logging more than 100 request errors. Skrái ekki fleiri en 100 beiðnavillur í vinnsluferil. Tile request max retry error. Failed %1 requests for tile %2 of tileRequest %3 (url: %4) repeat tileRequest %1 tile %2(retry %3) endurtaka tileRequest fyrir %1 tígul %2(endurtaka %3) QgsWmtsDimensionsBase Select Dimensions Dimension Málsetning Value Gildi Abstract Útdráttur Default Sjálfgefið QgsXyzConnectionDialog XYZ Connection Connection Details Nánar um tengingu Referer Tilvísandi Optional custom referer Max. Zoom Level URL of the connection, {z}, {y}, and {z} will be replaced with actual values. Use {-y} for inverted y axis. http://example.com/{z}/{x}/{y}.png http://dæmi.is/{z}/{x}/{y}.png Name Heiti Name of the new connection Nafn á nýju tengingunni Authentication Auðkenning URL URL Min. Zoom Level Tile Resolution Unknown (not scaled) Standard (256x256 / 96 DPI) High (512x512 / 192 DPI) QgsXyzLayerItem Edit… Breyta… Delete Eyða QgsXyzTileRootItem New Connection… Ný tenging… Save Connections… Vista tengingar… Load Connections… Lesa inn tengingar… Load Connections Lesa inn tengingar XML files (*.xml *.XML) XML skrár (*.xml *.XML) RandomExtract Vector selection Val vektora Number of selected features Fjöldi valinna fitja Percentage of selected features Prósentuhlutfall af völdum fitjum Input layer Inntakslag Method Aðferð Number/percentage of selected features Fjöldi/Prósentuhlutfall af völdum fitjum Extracted (random) Afleitt (slembið) Selected number is greater than feature count. Choose a lower value and try again. Valin tala er meiri en fjöldi fitja. Veldu lægra gildi og reyndu aftur. Percentage can't be greater than 100. Set a different value and try again. Prósentuhlutfall getur ekki verið meira en 100. Settu annað gildi og reyndu aftur. Random extract Afleiða slembið RandomExtractWithinSubsets Vector selection Val vektora Number of selected features Fjöldi valinna fitja Percentage of selected features Prósentuhlutfall af völdum fitjum Input layer Inntakslag ID field Auðkennissvið Method Aðferð Number/percentage of selected features Fjöldi/Prósentuhlutfall af völdum fitjum Extracted (random stratified) Selected number is greater that feature count. Choose lesser value and try again. Valin tala er meiri en fjöldi fitja. Veldu lægra gildi og reyndu aftur. Percentage can't be greater than 100. Set correct value and try again. Prósentuhlutfall getur ekki verið meira en 100. Settu rétt gildi og reyndu aftur. Subset "{}" is smaller than requested number of features. Random extract within subsets RandomPointsAlongLines Vector creation Gerð vektora Input layer Inntakslag Number of points Fjöldi punkta Minimum distance between points Could not generate requested number of random points. Maximum number of attempts exceeded. Random points Handahófskenndir punktar Random points along line Handahófskenndir punktar eftir línu RandomPointsExtent Vector creation Gerð vektora Input extent Kortvídd inntaks Number of points Fjöldi punkta Minimum distance between points Target CRS Markmiðs-viðmiðskerfi Could not generate requested number of random points. Maximum number of attempts exceeded. Random points Handahófskenndir punktar Random points in extent RandomPointsLayer Vector creation Gerð vektora Input layer Inntakslag Number of points Fjöldi punkta Minimum distance between points Could not generate requested number of random points. Maximum number of attempts exceeded. Random points Handahófskenndir punktar Random points in layer bounds RandomPointsPolygons Vector creation Gerð vektora Points count Fjöldi punkta Points density Þéttleiki punkta Input layer Inntakslag Sampling strategy Stefna við sýnasöfnun Expression Segð Minimum distance between points Random points Handahófskenndir punktar Random points inside polygons Evaluation error for feature ID {}: {} Could not generate requested number of random points. Maximum number of attempts exceeded. RandomSelection Vector selection Val vektora Number of selected features Fjöldi valinna fitja Percentage of selected features Prósentuhlutfall af völdum fitjum Input layer Inntakslag Method Aðferð Number/percentage of selected features Fjöldi/Prósentuhlutfall af völdum fitjum Selected (random) Selected number is greater than feature count. Choose a lower value and try again. Valin tala er meiri en fjöldi fitja. Veldu lægra gildi og reyndu aftur. Percentage can't be greater than 100. Set a different value and try again. Prósentuhlutfall getur ekki verið meira en 100. Settu annað gildi og reyndu aftur. Random selection Handahófskennt val RandomSelectionWithinSubsets Vector selection Val vektora Number of selected features Fjöldi valinna fitja Percentage of selected features Prósentuhlutfall af völdum fitjum Input layer Inntakslag ID field Auðkennissvið Selected (stratified random) Subset "{}" is smaller than requested number of features. Method Aðferð Number/percentage of selected features Fjöldi/Prósentuhlutfall af völdum fitjum Selected number is greater that feature count. Choose lesser value and try again. Valin tala er meiri en fjöldi fitja. Veldu lægra gildi og reyndu aftur. Percentage can't be greater than 100. Set a different value and try again. Prósentuhlutfall getur ekki verið meira en 100. Settu annað gildi og reyndu aftur. Random selection within subsets Handahófsval innan úttektarmengi RasterCalculator Raster analysis Greining rasta RasterLayerHistogram Graphics Myndefni Input layer Inntakslag Band number Númer tíðnisviðs number of bins HTML files (*.html) HTML-skrár (*.html) Histogram Litatíðnirit Raster layer histogram Tíðnirit rastalags RasterLayerStatistics Raster analysis Greining rasta Input layer Inntakslag Band number Númer tíðnisviðs Statistics Tölfræði HTML files (*.html) HTML-skrár (*.html) Minimum value Lágmarksgildi Maximum value Hámarks gildi Range Svið Sum Samtals Mean value Meðalgildi Analyzed file: {} (band {}) Greind skrá: {} (tíðnisvið {}) Minimum value: {} Lágmarksgildi: {} Maximum value: {} Hámarksgildi: {} Range: {} Svið: {} Sum: {} Samtals: {} Mean value: {} Meðalgildi: {} Standard deviation: {} Staðalfrávik: {} Sum of the squares: {} Standard deviation Staðalfrávik Sum of the squares Raster layer statistics Tölfræði rastalags RasterSampling Sample raster values Raster analysis Greining rasta Input Point Layer Raster Layer to sample Output column prefix Forskeyti frálagsdálks Sampled Points Impossible to sample data of multipart feature {}. Could not reproject feature {} to raster CRS RasterizeAlgorithm Minimum extent to render Tile size Stærð tígla Map units per pixel Make background transparent Map theme to render Single layer to render Output layer Frálagslag Convert map to raster Raster tools Verkfæri fyrir rasta layer,raster,convert,file,map themes,tiles,render RecordDialog Record Metadata Skrá lýsigögn RectanglesOvalsDiamondsFixed Rectangles, ovals, diamonds (fixed) Rétthyrningar, sporöskjur, tíglar (fast) Vector geometry Vektorlögun Rectangles Rétthyrningar Diamonds Tíglar Ovals Sporbaugar Input layer Inntakslag Buffer shape Form jaðars Width Breidd Height Hæð Rotation Snúningur Number of segments Fjöldi búta Output Frálag RectanglesOvalsDiamondsVariable Rectangles, ovals, diamonds (variable) Rétthyrningar, sporöskjur, tíglar (breytilegt) Vector geometry Vektorlögun Rectangles Rétthyrningar Diamonds Tíglar Ovals Sporbaugar Input layer Inntakslag Buffer shape Form jaðars Width field Breiddarsvið Height field Hæðarsvið Rotation field Snúningssvið Number of segments Fjöldi búta Output Frálag Feature {} has empty angle. Skipping… Fitja {} er með autt horn. Sleppi henni… Feature {} has empty width or height. Skipping… Fitja {} er með auða breidd eða hæð. Sleppi henni… RegularPoints Vector creation Gerð vektora Input extent Kortvídd inntaks Point spacing/count Initial inset from corner (LH side) Apply random offset to point spacing Use point spacing Output layer CRS Viðmiðskerfi frálagslags Regular points Venjulegir punktar Relief Raster terrain analysis Yfirborðsgreining rasta Elevation layer Hæðarlag Z factor Z-stuðull Generate relief classes automatically Relief colors Litir í upphleypingu Relief Upphleyping Frequency distribution Tíðnidreifing Specify relief colors or activate "Generate relief classes automatically" option. ReliefColorsWidget Import Colors and elevations from XML Flytja liti og hæðargögn inn úr XML XML files (*.xml *.XML) XML skrár (*.xml *.XML) Error parsing XML Villa við að þátta XML The XML file could not be loaded Ekki var hægt að hlaða inn XML-skránni Export Colors and elevations as XML Flytja liti og hæðargögn út sem XML Enter lower elevation class bound Elevation Hæð Enter upper elevation class bound Select color for relief class RenderingStyleFilePanel Select Style File Veldu stílskrá QGIS Layer Style File (*.qml *.QML) QGIS-stílskrá fyrir lög (*.qml *.QML) Ruggedness Raster terrain analysis Yfirborðsgreining rasta Elevation layer Hæðarlag Z factor Z-stuðull Ruggedness Hrjúfleiki Ruggedness index Hrjúfleikalykill SAGAAlgorithm This algorithm allows performing algebraic operations on raster layers It requires a base layer, and a set of additional layers. The base layer is identified as "a" in the formula, while the additional layers are identified as "b, c, d...", using the order in which they appear in the multiple selection dialog. The resulting layer has the extent and cell size of the main layer. The following operators and functions are available. - Addition (+) - Subtraction ( - ) - Multiplication (*) - Division (/) - Power (^) - ln(x): returns natural logarithm of x. - sin(x): returns the sine of x. x must be in radians - cos(x): returns the cosine of x. x must be in radians - tan(x): returns the tangent of x. x must be in radians - asin(x): returns the arcsine of x, in radians - acos(x): returns the arccosine of x, in radians - atan(x): returns the arctangent of x, in radians - atan2(x,y): returns the arctangent y/x, in radians - abs(x): return the absolute value of x. abs(- 5)=5 - int(x): returns the integer part of x. int(5.4)=5 - mod(x,y): returns the modulus of x/y. mod(7,4)=3 - gt(x,y): true if x is greater than y - lt(x,y): true if x is lower than y - eq(x,y): true if x equals y. When using this function SAGA evaluates it in a per–cell basis. Therefore, eq(a,b) will not return 1 if grid a equals grid b. It will return 1 for those cells that have the same value in both grids, and zero otherwise. - ifelse(condition, x, y) returns x if condition evaluates to true (condition=1) or y if it evaluates to false saga SLDatabase Run &Vacuum Keyra &Vacuum hreinsun &Database &Gagnagrunnur No database selected or you are not connected to it. Engin gagnagrunnur valinn eða þú ert ekki tengd/ur við hann. SagaAlgorithm Unsupported file format Óstutt skráasnið SAGA execution commands SAGA keyrsluskipanir Processing Vinnsla Input layer {0} has more than one band. Multiband layers are not supported by SAGA Input layers do not have the same grid extent. SagaAlgorithmProvider Enable SAGA Import/Export optimizations Log execution commands Skrá keyrsluskipanir í vinnsluferil Log console output Skrá skipanalínufærslur í vinnsluferil Processing Vinnsla Problem with SAGA installation: unsupported SAGA version (found: {}, required: {}). Could not open SAGA algorithm: {} Ekki tókst að opna SAGA reiknirit: {} Could not open SAGA algorithm: {} {} Ekki tókst að opna SAGA reiknirit: {} {} Activate Virkja Problem with SAGA installation: SAGA was not found or is not correctly installed Vandamál með uppsetningu SAGA: SAGA fannst ekki eða er ekki rétt uppsett SagaUtils SAGA execution console output ScriptAlgorithmProvider Scripts folder(s) Skriftumappa/möppur Scripts Skriftur ScriptEditorDialog Untitled Script Ónefnd skrifta {} - Processing Script Editor {} - Ritill fyrir vinnsluskriftur Save Script? Vista skriftu? There are unsaved changes in this script. Do you want to keep those? Það eru óvistaðar breytingar í þessari skriftu, viltu halda þeim? There are unsaved changes in the script. Continue? Það eru óvistaðar breytingar í skriftunni. Halda áfram? Open script Opna skriftu Processing scripts (*.py *.PY) Vinnsluskriftur (*.py *.PY) Save script Vista skriftu I/O error I/O villa Unable to save edits: {} Gat ekki vistað breytingar: {} Execution error Keyrsluvilla No script found Engin skrifta fannst Seems there is no valid script in the file. Unsaved changes Óvistaðar breytingar ScriptUtils Could not import script algorithm '{}' from '{}' {} Processing Vinnsla SearchBar Search Bar Leitarstika X X Find: Finna: < < > > Match case Passa við stafstöðu Regular expression Regluleg segð Highlight all matches Áherslulita allar samsvaranir SelectByAttribute contains inniheldur select,attribute,value,contains,null,field Vector selection Val vektora begins with byrjar á is null er núll is not null er ekki núll does not contain inniheldur ekki creating new selection bý til nýtt val adding to current selection bæta við núverandi val removing from current selection fjarlægja úr núverandi vali selecting within current selection velja innan í núverandi vali Input layer Inntakslag Selection attribute Eigindi vals Operator Virki Value Gildi Modify current selection by Selected (attribute) Valið (eigindi) Field '{}' was not found in layer Operators {0} can be used only with string fields. Select by attribute Velja eftir eigindum SelectByExpression Vector selection Val vektora creating new selection bý til nýtt val adding to current selection bæta við núverandi val removing from current selection fjarlægja úr núverandi vali selecting within current selection velja innan í núverandi vali Input layer Inntakslag Selected (attribute) Valið (eigindi) Expression Regluleg segð Modify current selection by Select by expression Velja eftir reglulegri segð ServiceAreaFromLayer Network analysis Greining netkerfis Forward direction Stefna áfram Backward direction Stefna aftur á bak Both directions Stefna í báðar áttir Shortest Stysta Fastest Hraðasta Vector layer representing network Vector layer with start points Path type to calculate Travel cost (distance for "Shortest", time for "Fastest") Direction field Stefnusvið Value for forward direction Gildi fyrir stefnu áfram Value for backward direction Gildi fyrir stefnu aftur á bak Value for both directions Gildi fyrir stefnu í báðar áttir Default direction Sjálfgefin stefna Speed field Hraðasvið Default speed (km/h) Sjálfgefinn hraði (km/klst) Topology tolerance Þolvik grannfræði Include upper/lower bound points Service area (lines) Service area (boundary nodes) Service area (from layer) Loading start points… Hleð inn upphafspunktum... Building graph… Calculating service areas… ServiceAreaFromPoint Network analysis Greining netkerfis Forward direction Stefna áfram Backward direction Stefna aftur á bak Both directions Stefna í báðar áttir Shortest Stysta Fastest Hraðasta Vector layer representing network Start point Upphafspunktur Path type to calculate Travel cost (distance for "Shortest", time for "Fastest") Direction field Stefnusvið Value for forward direction Gildi fyrir stefnu áfram Value for backward direction Gildi fyrir stefnu aftur á bak Value for both directions Gildi fyrir stefnu í báðar áttir Default direction Sjálfgefin stefna Speed field Hraðasvið Default speed (km/h) Sjálfgefinn hraði (km/klst) Topology tolerance Þolvik grannfræði Include upper/lower bound points Service area (lines) Service area (boundary nodes) Service area (from point) Building graph… Calculating service area… Writing results… Skrifa niðurstöður… SetMValue Vector geometry Vektorlögun Set M value M Added set,add,m,measure,values M Value SetRasterStyle Raster tools Verkfæri fyrir rasta Raster layer Rastalag Style file Stílskrá Styled Stílað Set style for raster layer Setja stíl fyrir rastalag SetVectorStyle Vector general Almennt fyrir vektora Vector layer Vektorlög Style file Stílskrá Styled Stílað Set style for vector layer Setja stíl fyrir vektorlag SetZValue Vector geometry Vektorlögun Set Z value Z Added set,add,z,25d,3d,values Z Value Setting Wrong parameter value: {0} Rangt gildi breytu: {0} Specified path does not exist: {0} Tiltekna slóðin er ekki til: {0} SettingsDialogPythonConsole Editor Ritill Auto-save script before running Vista skriftu sjálfkrafa áður en hún er keyrð Font and Colors Letur og litir Reset to default colors Endurstilla á sjálfgefna liti Typing Innsláttur Automatic insertion of the 'import' string on 'from xxx' Autocompletion Sjálfvirk útfylling Get autocompletion from current document Get autocompletion from current document and installed APIs Get autocompletion from installed APIs Autocompletion threshold Automatic parentheses insertion Sjálfvirk innsetning sviga Font Leturgerð Size Stærð Enable Object Inspector (switching between tabs may be slow) Console Stjórnskjár Console settings Stillingar stjórnskjás Editor settings Stillingar ritils APIs API-forritaviðmót APIs file settings for autocompletion Default Sjálfgefið Keyword Stikkorð Class name Heiti klasa Function Fall Decorator Number Tala Comment Athugasemd Comment block Cursor Bendill Caretline Bendilslína Single quote Einföld gæsalöpp Double quote Tvöföld gæsalöpp Triple single quote Þrítekin einföld gæsalöpp Triple double quote Þrítekin tvöföld gæsalöpp Background Bakgrunnur Margin background Bakgrunnur spássíu Margin foreground Forgrunnur spássíu Error Villa Selection background Bakgrunnur vals Selection foreground Forgrunnur vals Brace background Bakgrunnur sviga Brace foreground Forgrunnur sviga characters stafir From doc and APIs Úr skjölum og API-skrám From API files Úr API-skrám From document Úr skjali Run and Debug Keyra og aflúsa Edge Kantur Fold guide Using preloaded APIs file Nota forhlaðna API-skrá Path Slóð Using prepared APIs file Nota undirbúna API-skrá Compile APIs… Vistþýða API-forritaviðmót… Python Console Settings Stillingar Python-stjórnskjás ShowTestDialog Unit Test SimplifyUserInputWidgetBase Simplification Tool Einföldunartól Method Aðferð Tolerance Þolvik Iterations Ítranir Number of smooth iterations. More iterations results in smoother geometries, at the expense of greatly increasing the number of vertices in those geometries. Offset Hliðrun Offset from existing vertices at which to insert smoothed vertices. Larger values result in "looser" smoothing, smaller values result in "tight" smoothing. % % SingleSidedBuffer Vector geometry Vektorlögun Left Vinstra Round Hringlaga Distance Fjarlægð Side Hlið Segments Bútar Join style Stíll tenginga Miter limit Mörk hornskeytingar Single sided buffer Einhliða jaðar Buffer Jaðar Error calculating single sided buffer Villa við að reikna einhliða jaðar Slope Raster terrain analysis Yfirborðsgreining rasta Elevation layer Hæðarlag Z factor Z-stuðull Slope Hallatala SnapGeometriesToLayer Vector geometry Vektorlögun Input layer Inntakslag Reference layer Viðmiðunarlag Tolerance Þolvik Prefer aligning nodes, insert extra vertices where required Prefer closest point, insert extra vertices where required Prefer aligning nodes, don't insert new vertices Prefer closest point, don't insert new vertices Move end points only, prefer aligning nodes Move end points only, prefer closest point Snap end points to end points only Snap to anchor nodes (single layer only) Behavior Hegðun Snapped geometry Snap geometries to layer This mode applies when the input and reference layer are the same. Snapped {} geometries. SpatiaLiteDBPlugin There is no defined database connection "{0}". Það er engin skilgreind gagnagrunnstenging "{0}". SpatialIndex Create spatial index Búa til staðlykil Vector general Almennt fyrir vektora Input Layer Inntakslag Indexed layer Lyklað lag Could not create spatial index Layer's data provider does not support spatial indexes SpatialJoin Geometric predicate Rúmfræðileg rökyrðing Vector general Almennt fyrir vektora intersects skarast við contains inniheldur equals jafnt og touches snertir overlaps fellur yfir within innan crosses krossar Create separate feature for each located feature (one-to-many) Take attributes of the first located feature only (one-to-one) Input layer Inntakslag Join layer Tengja lag Fields to add (leave empty to use all fields) Join type Gerð samsetningar Discard records which could not be joined Joined field prefix Joined layer Tengt lag Unjoinable features from first layer Number of joined features from input table Join attributes by location Tengja eigindi eftir staðsetningu join,intersects,intersecting,touching,within,contains,overlaps,relation,spatial SpatialJoinSummary Vector general Almennt fyrir vektora intersects skarast við contains inniheldur equals jafnt og touches snertir overlaps fellur yfir within innan crosses krossar count fjöldi unique einstakt min lágmark max hámark range svið sum summa mean meðaltal median miðgildi stddev staðalfrávik minority minnihluti majority meirihluti q1 q1 q3 q3 iqr iqr empty tómt filled fyllt min_length max_length mean_length meðal_lengd Input layer Inntakslag Join layer Tengja lag Geometric predicate Rúmfræðileg rökyrðing Fields to summarise (leave empty to use all fields) Summaries to calculate (leave empty to use all available) Discard records which could not be joined Joined layer Tengt lag Join attributes by location (summary) summary,aggregate,join,intersects,intersecting,touching,within,contains,overlaps,relation,spatial,stats,statistics,sum,maximum,minimum,mean,average,standard,deviation,count,distinct,unique,variance,median,quartile,range,majority,minority,histogram,distinct SpatialiteExecuteSQL Database Gagnagrunnur File Database Gagnagrunnur í skrá SQL query SQL-fyrirspurn SpatiaLite execute SQL Executes a SQL command on a SpatiaLite database Error executing SQL: {0} Villa við að keyra SQL: {0} SplitRGBBands Split RGB bands Kljúfa RGB-tíðnisvið Input layer Inntakslag Output R band layer Frálagslag fyrir R-tíðnisvið Output G band layer Frálagslag fyrir G-tíðnisvið Output B band layer Frálagslag fyrir B-tíðnisvið Raster tools Verkfæri fyrir rasta SslErrors Unable to Validate the Connection <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:11pt; font-weight:600; color:#ff0000;">Warning</span><span style=" font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:11pt; color:#ff0000;">:</span><span style=" font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:8pt; color:#000000;"> One or more SSL errors have occurred validating the host you are connecting to. Review the following list of errors and click Ignore to continue, or Cancel to abort the connection.</span></p></body></html> View Certificate Chain Skoða skilríkjakeðju Ignore Hunsa Cancel Hætta við StatisticsByCategories Input vector layer Inntaks-vektorlag Vector analysis Greining á vektorum groups,stats,statistics,table,layer,sum,maximum,minimum,mean,average,standard,deviation,count,distinct,unique,variance,median,quartile,range,majority,minority,histogram,distinct,summary Field to calculate statistics on (if empty, only count is calculated) Field(s) with categories Gagnasvið með flokkum Statistics by category Tölfræði eftir flokk Statistics by categories Tölfræði eftir flokkum StringWidgetWrapper Expression based input Inntak byggt á reglulegum segðum SumLines Vector analysis Greining á vektorum Lines Línur Polygons Flákar Lines length field name Lines count field name Line length Lengd línu Sum line lengths Leggja saman línulengdir SymbolLayerItem Marker Mark Fill Fylla Line Lína SymbolsGroupSelectionDialogBase Group Selection Dialog Valgluggi hópa Close Loka SymbolsListWidget Form Form Open Library… Opna safn… Save Symbol Vista tákn Unit Eining Opacity Ógegnsæi Filter Symbols Sía tákn Style Manager Stílsstjóri Icon View Táknmyndasýn PushButton Ýtihnappur List View Listasýn Color Litur Size Stærð Rotation Snúningur Width Breidd Symbol Name Heiti tákns Save symbol Vista tákn Advanced Meira ° ° T %3 request failed [error: %1 - url: %2] %4 request error [status: %1 - reason phrase: %2] for %3 TableFieldWidgetWrapper Input parameter, or name of field (separate field names with ; for multiple field parameters) Could not load selected layer/table. Dependent field could not be populated TextToFloat Vector table Vektortafla Text attribute to convert to float Float from text Text to float TilesXYZAlgorithmBase Extent Kortvídd Minimum zoom Maximum zoom DPI Tile format Invalid zoom levels range. Quality (JPG only) TilesXYZAlgorithmDirectory Use inverted tile Y axis (TMS convention) Output directory Frálagsmappa Output html (Leaflet) HTML files (*.html) HTML-skrár (*.html) Generate XYZ tiles (Directory) You need to specify output directory. Tile width Breidd tíguls Tile height Hæð tíguls Raster tools Verkfæri fyrir rasta TilesXYZAlgorithmMBTiles Output file (for MBTiles) MBTiles files (*.mbtiles) Generate XYZ tiles (MBTiles) You need to specify output filename. Raster tools Verkfæri fyrir rasta TinInterpolation Interpolation Brúun (interpolation) Linear Línulegt Clough-Toucher (cubic) Clough-Toucher (fernings) Input layer(s) Inntakslag(lög) Interpolation method Aðferð brúunar Output raster size Stærð frálagsrasta Number of columns Fjöldi dálka Number of rows Fjöldi raða Extent Kortvídd Interpolated Brúað Triangulation Þríhyrningamæling TIN interpolation TIN-brúun (interpolation) You need to specify at least one input layer. Þú verður að skilgreina a.m.k. eitt inntakslag. TopoColor topocolor,colors,graph,adjacent,assign Cartography Kortagerð Input layer Inntakslag Minimum number of colors Lágmarksfjöldi lita Minimum distance between features Lágmarksfjarlægð milli fitja By feature count Eftir fjöldi fitja By assigned area By distance between colors Eftir fjarlægð milli lita Balance color assignment Colored Litað Topological coloring Litun grannfræði {} colors required {} litir nauðsynlegir Topol Topology Checker for vector layer TruncateTable empty,delete,layer,clear,features Vector general Almennt fyrir vektora Input Layer Inntakslag Truncated layer Afskorið lag Truncate table Klippa af töflu Could not truncate table. Gat ekki klippt af töflu. UndoWidget Undo/Redo Afturkalla/Endurgera Undo Afturkalla Redo Endurgera UniqueValues Input layer Inntakslag Vector analysis Greining á vektorum Target field(s) Gagnasvið í sigti Unique values Einkvæm gildi HTML report HTML-skýrsla HTML files (*.html) HTML-skrár (*.html) Total unique values Samtals einkvæm gildi Invalid field name {} Ógilt heiti gagnasviðs {} <p>Total unique values: <p>Samtals einkvæm gildi: <p>Unique values:</p> <p>Einkvæm gildi:</p> List unique values Gera lista yfir einkvæm gildi UserExpressions User expressions Segðir notanda The user expression {0} is not valid Regluleg segð notanda {0} er ekki gild VariableDistanceBuffer Vector geometry Vektorlögun Input layer Inntakslag Distance field Vegalengdasvið Segments Bútar Dissolve result Bræða saman niðurstöður Round Hringlaga End cap style Endastíll Join style Stíll tenginga Miter limit Mörk hornskeytingar Buffer Jaðar Variable distance buffer Jaðar með breytilegri fjarlægð VariableEditorDelegate A variable with the name "%1" already exists in this context. Rename Variable Endurnefna breytu VectorLayerHistogram Graphics Myndefni Input layer Inntakslag Attribute Eigind number of bins Histogram Tíðnirit HTML files (*.html) HTML-skrár (*.html) Vector layer histogram Tíðnirit vektorlags VectorLayerScatterplot Graphics Myndefni Input layer Inntakslag X attribute X eigindi Y attribute Y eigindi Scatterplot Tvístrunargraf HTML files (*.html) HTML-skrár (*.html) Vector layer scatterplot Tvístrunargraf vektorlags VectorLayerScatterplot3D Graphics Myndefni Input layer Inntakslag X attribute X eigindi Y attribute Y eigindi Z attribute Z eigindi Histogram Tíðnirit HTML files (*.html) HTML-skrár (*.html) Vector layer scatterplot 3D 3D-tvístrunargraf vektorlags VectorLayerWidgetWrapper Select file Velja skrá VectorSplit Vector general Almennt fyrir vektora Input layer Inntakslag Unique ID field Einkvæmt auðkennissvið Output directory Frálagsmappa Output layers Frálagslög Split vector layer Skipta vektorlagi Creating layer: {} Bý til lag: {} Added {} features to layer Bætti {} fitjum á lagið VoronoiPolygons Vector geometry Vektorlögun Input layer Inntakslag Buffer region (% of extent) Voronoi polygons Voronoi flákar There were no polygons created. Engir flákar voru búnir til. Input file should contain at least 3 points. Choose another file and try again. Inntaksskrá ætti að innihalda meira en 3 punkta. Veldu aðra skrá og reyndu aftur. WidgetBlur Form Form Opacity Gagnsæi Blend mode Blöndunarhamur Blur type Gerð afskerpingar Blur strength Styrkur afskerpingar Draw mode Teiknihamur WidgetCentroidFill Form Form Force point inside polygon Þvinga punkt inn í fláka Draw point on every part of multi-part features Teikna punkt á alla hluta marghluta fitju When unchecked, a single point will be drawn on the biggest part of multi-part features WidgetColorEffect Form Form Colorize Litþrykkja Contrast Birtuskil Brightness Birtustig Saturation mettun % % Opacity Gagnsæi Blend mode Blöndunarhamur Draw mode Teiknihamur Grayscale Grátóna WidgetDrawSource Form Form Blend mode Blöndunarhamur Opacity Gagnsæi Draw mode Teiknihamur WidgetEllipseBase Form Form Left Vinstra HCenter Lóðr.miðja Right Hægra x x y y Top Efst VCenter Lár.miðja Bottom Neðst Fill color Litur fyllingar Stroke style Stíll útlínu Stroke color Litur útlínu Stroke width Breidd útlínu Hairline Hárlína Join style Stíll tenginga Rotation Snúningur Anchor point Festipunktur Symbol width Breidd tákns Symbol height Hæð tákna Offset Hliðrun ° ° WidgetFilledMarker Form Form Size Stærð Rotation Snúningur ° ° Offset Hliðrun y y x x Anchor point Festipunktur Left Vinstra HCenter Lóðr.miðja Right Hægra Top Efst VCenter Lár.miðja Bottom Neðst WidgetFontMarker Form Form Join style Stíll tenginga Rotation Snúningur Anchor point Festipunktur Offset Hliðrun x x y y Fill color Litur fyllingar Stroke color Útlínulitur Left Vinstra HCenter Lóðr.miðja Right Hægra Top Efst VCenter Lár.miðja Bottom Neðst Stroke width Breidd útlínu No stroke Engin útlína Size Stærð Font family Leturfjölskylda ° ° Character(s) Type in characters directly, or enter a character's hexadecimal value. WidgetGlow Form Form Color ramp Litastigi Spread Dreifing Blur radius Radíus afskerpingar Opacity Gagnsæi Single color Einn litur Blend mode Blöndunarhamur Draw mode Teiknihamur WidgetGradientFill Form Form Two color Tveggja lita Color ramp Litastigi Gradient type Tegund litstiguls Linear Línulegt Radial Frá miðju Conical Keilulaga Coord mode Hnitahamur Object Hlutur Offset Hliðrun Viewport Sýnisgluggi Reference point 2 Viðmiðunarpunktur 2 Spread Dreifing Reference point 1 Viðmiðunarpunktur 1 Rotation Snúningur Pad Repeat Endurtaka Reflect Endurkasta x x y Y ° ° Centroid Þyngdarpunktur WidgetHashedLine Form Form Hash placement with interval on last vertex only aðeins á síðasta brotpunkt on first vertex only aðeins á fyrsta brotpunkt on central point á miðjupunkti on every curve point á hverjum punkti ferils on every vertex á hvern brotpunkt Line offset Hliðrun línu ° ° Hash rotation Offset along line Hliðrun eftir línu Hash length Rings Average angle over Rotate hash to follow line direction WidgetLinePatternFill Form Form Spacing Millibil Offset Hliðrun ° ° Rotation Snúningur WidgetMarkerLine Form Form Marker placement Staðsetning marks with interval on every vertex á hvern brotpunkt Rings on last vertex only aðeins á síðasta brotpunkt on first vertex only aðeins á fyrsta brotpunkt Offset along line Hliðrun eftir línu on every curve point á hverjum punkti ferils Rotate marker Snúa marki Line offset Hliðrun línu on central point á miðjupunkti Average angle over WidgetPointPatternFill Form Form Distance Fjarlægð Displacement Tilfærsla Horizontal Lárétt Vertical Lóðrétt Offset Hliðrun WidgetRasterFill Form Form x x y y Image width Breidd myndar Coord mode Hnitahamur Object Hlutur Viewport Sýnisgluggi Offset Hliðrun Rotation Snúningur Original Upprunalegt Opacity Gagnsæi ° ° WidgetRasterMarker Form Form Anchor point Festipunktur x x y y Lock aspect ratio Læsa stærðarhlutföllum Width Breidd Height Hæð Left Vinstri HCenter Lóðr.miðja Right Hægri Rotation Snúningur Size Stærð Opacity Gagnsæi Top Efst VCenter Lár.miðja Bottom Neðst Offset Hliðrun ° ° Unit Eining WidgetSVGFill Form Form Stroke color Útlínulitur No stroke Engin útlína Stroke width Breidd útlínu Fill color Litur fyllingar Rotation Snúningur Texture width Breidd áferðar SVG Groups SVG hópar SVG Symbols SVG tákn ° ° WidgetShadowEffect Form Form Color Litur Opacity Gagnsæi Offset Hliðrun Blend mode Blöndunarhamur Blur radius Radíus afskerpingar ˚ ° Draw mode Teiknihamur WidgetShapeburstFill Form Form Two color Tveggja lita Gradient Colors Litir í litstigli Set distance Setja vegalengd Offset Hliðrun Color ramp Litastigi x x y y Whole shape Shading Style Stíll skyggingar Ignore rings in polygons while shading Hunsa hringi í flákum við skyggingu Blur strength Styrkur afskerpingar WidgetSimpleFill Form Form Hairline Hárlína Fill style Stíll fyllingar Offset Hliðrun Stroke color Útlínulitur x x y y Join style Stíll tenginga Stroke style Stíll útlínu Fill color Litur fyllingar Stroke width Breidd útlínu WidgetSimpleLine Form Form Color Litur Hairline Hárlína Offset Hliðrun Join style Stíll tenginga Rings Cap style Endastíll Stroke width Breidd útlínu Stroke style Stíll útlínu Use custom dash pattern Nota sérsniðið strikmynstur Draw line only inside polygon Teikna línu einungis innan fláka WidgetSimpleMarker Form Form Rotation Snúningur Size Stærð Anchor point Festipunktur Hairline Hárlína Left Vinstra Stroke width Breidd útlínu Stroke color Útlínulitur Stroke style Stíll útlínu Fill color Litur fyllingar Offset Hliðrun x x y y HCenter Lóðr.miðja Right Hægra Top Efst VCenter Lár.miðja Bottom Neðst Join style Stíll tenginga ° ° WidgetSvgMarker Form Form Anchor point Festipunktur Left Vinstra HCenter Lóðr.miðja Right Hægra Top Efst VCenter Lár.miðja Bottom Neðst Size Stærð Rotation Snúningur Offset Hliðrun Stroke width Breidd útlínu Width Breidd Height Hæð Lock aspect ratio Læsa stærðarhlutföllum x x y y Stroke color Útlínulitur No stroke Engin útlína Fill color Litur fyllingar SVG Groups SVG hópar SVG Image SVG mynd ° ° Unit Eining WidgetSvgSelector Form Form SVG Images SVG myndir SVG Groups SVG hópar WidgetTransform Form Form Shear X,Y Skekking X,Y Rotation Snúningur ° ° Reflect horizontal Endurkasta lárétt Reflect vertical Endurkasta lóðrétt Translate X,Y Hliðra X,Y % % Scale X,Y Kvarði X,Y Draw mode Teiknihamur WidgetVectorFieldBase Form Form Y attribute Y eigindi Scale Kvarði X attribute X eigindi Vector field type Tegund vektorsviðs Height only Aðeins hæð Polar Pólhnit Cartesian Cartesian Angle units Stefnueining Degrees Gráður Radians Bogaeining Angle orientation Stefna horns Counterclockwise from east Rangsælis frá austri Clockwise from north Réttsælis frá norðri Distance unit Lengdareining WidgetWrapper (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax) (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax) (x, y) (x, y) [optional] [valfrjálst] Select File Veldu skrá XMLDialog XML Request / Response XML beiðni / svar Request Beiðni Response Svar ZonalStatistics Raster analysis Greining rasta Count Fjöldi Sum Samtals Mean Meðaltal Median Miðgildi Std. dev. Staðalfrávik. Min Lágmark Max Hámark Range Svið Minority Minnihluti Majority (mode) Meirihluti (hamur) Variety Fjölbreytni Variance Breytileiki All Allt Raster layer Rastalag Raster band Tíðnisvið rasta Vector layer containing zones Vektorlag sem inniheldur svæði Output column prefix Forskeyti frálagsdálks Statistics to calculate Tölfræði sem á að reikna Zonal statistics Tölfræði svæða alg You need to set either inline data positions or an input data positions file! You need to set either sampling data positions or an output sampling data positions file! You need to set input and output data positions parameters! You need to set at least source/sink_where or source/sink_cats parameters for each set! You need to set either inline configuration or a configuration file! Your configuration needs to be a "moving window" configuration! Your configuration needs to be a non "moving window" configuration! You need to set either start coordinates OR a start points vector layer! -c, -a, -n parameters are mutually exclusive! The step must be greater than zero! GRASS GIS 7 v.net requires a lines layer! You can't use original Hargreaves flag and precipitation parameter together! If you don't use original Hargreaves flag, you must set the precipitation raster parameter! The number of columns and the number of upload parameters should be equal! You need to set at least 'setnull' or 'null' parameters for this algorithm! You need to set either a rules file or write directly the rules! The start position must be inferior to the end position! You need to set either radius or x_radius and y_radius! You need to set x_radius and y_radius! You need to set either rules or a raster from which to copy categories! You need to set either inline rules or a rules file! You need to set either an input control point file or inline control points! You need to set either a fixed height value or the height column! You need to set either an input ASCII file or inline data! You need to set at least setX_where or setX_cats parameters for each set! algorithm_id Unique ID for algorithm. appinfo QGIS Desktop <p>QGIS is a user friendly Open Source Geographic Information System (GIS) licensed under the GNU General Public License. QGIS is an official project of the Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo). It runs on Linux, Unix, Mac OSX, Windows and Android and supports numerous vector, raster, and database formats and functionalities.</p> Geographic Information System A Free and Open Source Geographic Information System aspect Input layer Inntakslag Band number Númer tíðnisviðs Return trigonometric angle instead of azimuth Skila hornafræðilegu horni í stað stefnuhorns Return 0 for flat instead of -9999 Skila 0 fyrir flatt í stað -9999 Compute edges Reikna jaðra Use Zevenbergen&Thorne formula instead of the Horn's one Nota Zevenbergen&Thorne formúlu í stað Horn's-formúlu Additional creation options Viðbótarvalkostir við gerð Aspect Ásýnd Raster analysis Greining rasta buildvrt Build virtual raster Byggja sýndarrasta Raster miscellaneous Ýmislegt rastað checkDock Validate All Sannvotta allt Validate Extent Sannvotta kortvídd Topology not checked yet Configure Stilla Show topology errors Birta villur í grannfræði Topology Checker Panel Spjald fyrir þolvik grannfræði Show errors Birta villur Select automatic fix Veldu sjálfvirka viðgerð Fix! Laga! No errors were found Engar villur fundust Invalid first layer Ógilt fyrsta lag Topology plugin Grannfræðiviðbót Invalid first geometry Topology test Prófun á grannfræði Feature not found in the layer. The layer has probably changed. Run topology check again. Invalid second layer Ógilt annað lag Invalid second geometry Invalid conflict %1 errors were found %1 villur fundust Topology fix error Fixing failed! Mistókst að laga! Layer %1 not found in registry. Abort Hætta við cluster_color Color of symbols within a cluster, or NULL if symbols have mixed colors. cluster_size Number of symbols contained within a cluster. contour Contour Hæðarlína Input layer Inntakslag Band number Númer tíðnisviðs Interval between contour lines Bil á milli hæðarlína Attribute name (if not set, no elevation attribute is attached) Produce 3D vector Treat all raster values as valid Input pixel value to treat as "nodata" Offset from zero relative to which to interpret intervals Additional creation options Viðbótarvalkostir við gerð Raster extraction Afleiðsla rasta Contours Útlínur current_feature Represents the feature currently being edited in the form or the table row. Can be used in a form/row context to filter the related features. current_geometry Represents the geometry of the feature currently being edited in the form or the table row. Can be used in a form/row context to filter the related features. dataobject Could not load layer: {0} Check the processing framework log to look for errors. db_manager PostGIS PostGIS SpatiaLite SpatiaLite GeoPackage GeoPackage Virtual Layers Sýndarlög Project layers Lög í verkefni Oracle Spatial Oracle Spatial eVis eVis Database Connection eVis gagnagrunnstenging eVis Event Id Tool eVis Event Browser Create layer from a database query Búa til lag út frá fyrirspurn í gagnagrunn Open an Event Browser and display the selected feature Open an Event Browser to explore the current layer's features eVisDatabaseConnectionGui Undefined Óskilgreint No predefined queries loaded Engar fyrirfram skilgreindar fyrirspurnir lesnar inn Open File Opna skrá New Database connection requested… Nýrrar gagnagrunnstengingar óskað… Error: You must select a database type Villa: Þú verður að tilgreina tegund gagnagrunns Error: No host name entered Villa: Ekkert nafn á þjóni skilgreint Error: No database name entered Villa: Ekkert nafn á gagnagrunni skilgreint Connection to [%1.%2] established Tengingu við [%1.%2] hefur náðst connected tengt Tables Töflur Connection to [%1.%2] failed: %3 Tenging við [%1.%2] gekk ekki: %3 Error: Parse error at line %1, column %2: %3 Villa: Þáttunarvilla í línu %1, dálki %2: %3 Error: Unable to open file [%1] Villa: Get ekki opnað skrá [%1] Error: Query failed: %1 Villa: Fyrirspurn tókst ekki: %1 Error: Could not create temporary file, process halted Villa: Gat ekki opnað bráðabirgðaskrá, vinnslu hætt Error: A database connection is not currently established Villa: Gagnagrunnstenging ekki virk eVisDatabaseConnectionGuiBase Database Connection Gagnagrunnstenging Predefined Queries Fyrirfram skilgreindar fyrirspurnir Load predefined queries Lesa inn fyrirfram skilgreindar fyrirspurnir Loads an XML file with predefined queries. Use the Open File window to locate the XML file that contains one or more predefined queries using the format described in the user guide. The description of the selected query. Lýsing á valinni fyrirspurn. Select the predefined query you want to use from the drop-down list containing queries identified from the file loaded using the Open File icon above. To run the query you need to click on the SQL Query tab. The query will be automatically entered in the query window. not connected ekki tengt <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css"> p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } </style></head><body style=" font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:9pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal; text-decoration:none;"> <p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-style:italic;">Connection Status: </span></p></body></html> <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css"> p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } </style></head><body style=" font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:9pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal; text-decoration:none;"> <p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-style:italic;">Staða tengingar: </span></p></body></html> Database Host Gagnagrunnsþjónn Enter the database host. If the database resides on your desktop you should enter ¨localhost¨. If you selected ¨MSAccess¨ as the database type this option will not be available. Password to access the database. Lykilorð til að tengjast gagnagrunni. Enter the name of the database. Sláðu inn nafnið á gagnagrunninum. Username Notandanafn Enter the port through which the database must be accessed if a MYSQL database is used. Connect to the database using the parameters selected above. If the connection was successful a message will be displayed in the Output Console below saying the connection was established. Connect Tengja User name to access the database. Notandanafn til að tengjast gagnagrunni. Select the type of database from the list of supported databases in the drop-down menu. Database Name Nafn gagnagrunns Password Lykilorð Database Type Gagnagrunnstegund Port Gátt SQL Query SQL-fyrirspurn Run the query entered above. The status of the query will be displayed in the Output Console below. Run Query Framkvæma fyrirspurn Enter the query you want to run in this window. A window for status messages to be displayed. Output Console eVisDatabaseLayerFieldSelectionGuiBase Database File Selection The name of the field that contains the Y coordinate of the points. The name of the field that contains the X coordinate of the points. Enter the name for the new layer that will be created and displayed in QGIS. Y Coordinate Y hnit X Coordinate X hnit Name of New Layer Nafn á nýja lagið eVisGenericEventBrowserGui Generic Event Browser Field Gagnasvið Value Gildi This tool only supports vector data. Þetta verkfæri styður aðeins vektorgögn. No active layers found. Engin virk lög fundust. Unable to connect to either the map canvas or application interface. An invalid feature was received during initialization. Event Browser - Displaying Records 01 of %1 Event Browser - Displaying Records %1 of %2 Attribute Contents Innihald eiginda Select Application Veljið forrit All ( * ) Allt (*) eVisGenericEventBrowserGuiBase Display Birta Use the Previous button to display the previous photo when more than one photo is available for display. Use the Next button to display the next photo when more than one photo is available for display. All of the attribute information for the point associated with the photo being viewed is displayed here. If the file type being referenced in the displayed record is not an image but is of a file type defined in the “Configure External Applications” tab then when you double-click on the value of the field containing the path to the file the application to open the file will be launched to view or hear the contents of the file. If the file extension is recognized the attribute data will be displayed in green. 1 1 Image display area Display area for the image. Options Valkostir File path Slóð skráar Attribute containing path to file Path is relative Slóð er afstæð If checked, the relative path values will be saved for the next session. Remember this Muna þetta Reset to default Endurstilla á sjálfgefið Resets the values on this line to the default setting. Endurstilla gildin á þessari línu á sjálfgefin. Reset Endursetja <html><head/><body><p>Use the drop-down list to select the field containing a directory path to the image. This can be an absolute or relative path.</p></body></html> <html><head/><body><p>If checked the path to the image will be defined appending the attribute in the field selected from the “Attribute Containing Path to Image” drop-down list to the “Base Path” defined below.</p></body></html> Compass bearing Áttavitastefna <html><head/><body><p>Use the drop-down list to select the field containing the compass bearing for the image.</p><p>This bearing usually references the direction the camera was pointing when the image was acquired. </p></body></html> Attribute containing compass bearing Eigindi sem inniheldur áttavitastefnu Display compass bearing Birta áttavitastefnu If checked, the Display Compass Bearing values will be saved for the next session. Ef hakað er við þetta, verða gildi fyrir birta áttavitastefnu vistuð fyrir næstu setu. Compass offset Misvísun áttavita Define the compass offset manually. Skilgreindu handvirkt misvísun áttavitans. Manual Handvirkt Define the compass offset using a field from the vector layer attribute table. Skilgreindu misvísun áttavitans út frá gagnasviði í eigindatöflu vektorlagsins. From Attribute Frá eigindi If checked, the compass offset values will be saved for the next session. Ef hakað er við þetta, verða gildi fyrir misvísun áttavitastefnu vistuð fyrir næstu setu. Resets the compass offset values to the default settings. Endurstillir gildi misvísunar áttavitastefnu á sjálfgefin gildi. Relative paths Afstæðar slóðir The base path or url from which images and documents can be “relative” Base Path Grunnslóð The Base Path onto which the relative path defined above will be appended. If checked, the Base Path will be saved for the next session. Enters the default “Base Path” which is the path to the directory of the vector layer containing the image information. Replace entire path/url stored in image path attribute with user defined Base Path (i.e. keep only filename from attribute) Apply Path to Image rules when loading docs in external applications <html><head/><body><p>If checked an arrow pointing in the direction defined by the attribute in the field selected from the drop-down list</p><p>to the right will be displayed in the QGIS window on top of the point for this image.</p></body></html> <html><head/><body><p>A value to be added to the compass bearing.</p><p>This allows you to compensate for declination (adjust bearings collected using magnetic bearings to true north bearings). East declinations should be entered using positive values and west declinations should use negative values. </p></body></html> <html><head/><body><p>Use the drop-down list to select the field containing the compass bearing offset.</p><p>This allows you to compensate for declination (adjust bearings collected using magnetic bearings to true north bearings). East declinations should be entered using positive values and west declinations should use negative values. </p></body></html> <html><head/><body><p>If checked, the Base Path will append only the file name instead of the entire relative path (defined above) to create the full directory path to the file. </p></body></html> If checked, the current checkbox setting will be saved for the next session. Clears the checkbox on this line. <html><head/><body><p>If checked, the same path rules that are defined for images will be used for non-image documents such as movies, text documents, and sound files.</p><p>If not checked the path rules will only apply to images and other documents will ignore the Base Path parameter.</p></body></html> <html><head/><body><p>Clicking on Save will save the settings without closing the Options pane.</p><p>Clicking on Restore Defaults will reset all of the fields to their default settings.</p><p>It has the same effect as clicking all of the “Reset to default” buttons. </p></body></html> Configure External Applications Stilla utanaðkomandi forrit File extension and external application in which to load a document of that type A table containing file types that can be opened using eVis. Each file type needs a file extension and the path to an application that can open that type of file. This provides the capability of opening a broad range of files such as movies, sound recording, and text documents instead of only images. Extension Skráarnafnsviðbót Application Forrit Add new file type Bæta við nýrri skráartegund Add a new file type with a unique extension and the path for the application that can open the file. Delete current row Eyða núverandi röð Delete the file type highlighted in the table and defined by a file extension and a path to an associated application. eVisImageDisplayWidget Zoom in Renna að Zoom in to see more detail. Renna að til að sjá fleiri smáatriði. Zoom out Renna frá Zoom out to see more area. Renna frá til að sjá stærra svæði. Zoom to full extent Renna frá til að sjá allt vinnusvæðið Zoom to display the entire image. Renna frá til að sjá alla myndina. expression %1: Field not found %2 %1: Gagnasvið fannst ekki %2 %1: function cannot be evaluated without a context. expressions Vector Vektor Raster Rastar Mesh Möskvi Plugin Viðbót fillnodata Input layer Inntakslag Validity mask Fullgildingarhula Band number Númer tíðnisviðs Maximum distance (in pixels) to search out for values to interpolate Number of smoothing iterations to run after the interpolation Do not use the default validity mask for the input band Ekki nota sjálfgefnu fullgildingarhuluna á inntakstíðnisviðið Filled Fyllt Fill nodata Fylla tómagildi Raster analysis Greining rasta form_mode What the form is used for, like AddFeatureMode, SingleEditMode, MultiEditMode, SearchMode, AggregateSearchMode or IdentifyMode as string. fullextent_maxx Maximum x-value from full canvas extent (including all layers). fullextent_maxy Maximum y-value from full canvas extent (including all layers). fullextent_minx Minimum x-value from full canvas extent (including all layers). fullextent_miny Minimum y-value from full canvas extent (including all layers). gdal2tiles gdal2tiles gdal2tiles Input layer Inntakslag Tile cutting profile Copyright of the map Höfundarréttur kortsins Resampling method Aðferð við endurreiknun (resampling) The spatial reference system used for the source input data Zoom levels to render Aðdráttarstig til myndgerðar Avoid automatic generation of KML files for EPSG:4326 URL address where the generated tiles are going to be published Mercator Mercator Geodetic Raster Rasti Average Meðaltal Nearest neighbour Næsti nágranni Bilinear Tvílínulegt Cubic Fernings Cubic spline Fernings-fjaðurbrúun (spline) Lanczos windowed sinc Antialias Afstöllun All Allt GoogleMaps GoogleMaps OpenLayers OpenLayers Leaflet None Ekkert Web viewer to generate Title of the map Titill þessa korts Transparency value to assign to the input data Gegnsæisgildi sem úthluta á í inntaksgögnin Google Maps API key (http://code.google.com/apis/maps/signup.html) Google Maps API-lykill (http://code.google.com/apis/maps/signup.html) Bing Maps API key (https://www.bingmapsportal.com/) Bing Maps API-lykill (https://www.bingmapsportal.com/) Generate only missing files Útbúa einungis skrár sem vantar Generate KML for Google Earth Búa til KML-skrá fyrir Google Earth Output directory Frálagsmappa Raster miscellaneous Ýmislegt rastað gdal2xyz Input layer Inntakslag Band number Númer tíðnisviðs Output comma-separated values Setja út gildi aðskilin með kommum XYZ ASCII file XYZ ASCII-skrá CSV files (*.csv) CSV-skrár (*.csv) Raster conversion Umbreyting rasta gdal2xyz gdal2xyz gdaladdo Average Meðaltal Gaussian Gaussísk Average MP Mode Hamur Internal (if possible) Innbyggt (ef mögulegt) External (GTiff .ovr) Utanaðkomandi (GTiff .ovr) External (ERDAS Imagine .aux) Input layer Inntakslag Overview levels Remove all existing overviews Resampling method Aðferð við endurreiknun (resampling) Overviews format Raster miscellaneous Ýmislegt rastað Pyramidized Pýramídagert Build overviews (pyramids) Byggja yfirlit (pýramída) Nearest Neighbour Næsti nágranni Cubic Convolution B-Spline Convolution Lanczos Windowed Sinc Average in Mag/Phase Space gdalcalc Input layer A Inntakslag A Input layer B Inntakslag B Input layer C Inntakslag C Input layer D Inntakslag D Input layer E Inntakslag E Input layer F Inntakslag F Number of raster band for A Númer tíðnisviðs rasta fyrir rasta A Number of raster band for B Númer tíðnisviðs rasta fyrir rasta B Number of raster band for C Númer tíðnisviðs rasta fyrir rasta C Number of raster band for D Númer tíðnisviðs rasta fyrir rasta D Number of raster band for E Númer tíðnisviðs rasta fyrir rasta E Number of raster band for F Númer tíðnisviðs rasta fyrir rasta F Calculation in gdalnumeric syntax using +-/* or any numpy array functions (i.e. logical_and()) Set output nodata value Settu gildi tómagildis í frálagi Output raster type Tegund frálagsrasta Additional creation options Viðbótarvalkostir við gerð Calculated Reiknað Raster calculator Rastareiknir Raster miscellaneous Ýmislegt rastað gdalinfo Input layer Inntakslag Force computation of the actual min/max values for each band Read and display image statistics (force computation if necessary) Lesa og birta tölfræði myndar (þvinga fram útreikning ef nauðsynlegt) Suppress GCP info Sleppa GCP-upplýsingum Suppress metadata info Sleppa upplýsingum úr lýsigögnum Layer information Upplýsingar um lag HTML files (*.html) HTML-skrár (*.html) Raster information Upplýsingar um rasta Raster miscellaneous Ýmislegt rastað gdaltindex Auto Sjálfvirkt Well-known text (WKT) Vel-þekktur-texti (WKT) EPSG EPSG Proj.4 Proj.4 Input files Inntaksskrár Field name to hold the file path to the indexed rasters Store absolute path to the indexed rasters Skip files with different projection reference Transform geometries to the given CRS The name of the field to store the SRS of each tile The format in which the CRS of each tile must be written Tile index Tíglalykill Raster miscellaneous Ýmislegt rastað grasslabels (1-256) (1-256) (Optional) column to read labels 3D-Viewer (NVIZ) 3d Visualization Myndbirting í 3D Add a value to the current category values Add elements to layer (ALL elements of the selected layer type!) Add missing centroids to closed boundaries Add one or more columns to attribute table Bæta einum eða fleiri dálkum í eigindatöflu Aggregates data of an existing space time raster dataset using the time intervals of a second space time dataset Aggregates temporally the maps of a space time raster dataset by a user defined granularity Aggregation Samsöfnun Allocate network Úthluta netkerfi Assign constant value to column Assign new constant value to column only if the result of query is TRUE Assign new value as result of operation on columns to column in attribute table Assign new value to column as result of operation on columns only if the result of query is TRUE Assigns a color table from an existing raster or raster3d map to each raster map of the space time raster dataset Assigns a predefined color table to each raster map of the space time raster dataset Attribute field Eigindasvið Attribute field (interpolated values) Attribute field to (over)write Eigindasvið til að yfirskrifa Attribute field to join Eigindasvið til að tengja Auto-balancing of colors for LANDSAT-TM raster Auto-balancing of colors for RGB images Bicubic or bilinear spline interpolation with Tykhonov regularization Bilinear interpolation utility for raster maps Blend color components for two rasters by given ratio Blend red, green, raster layers to obtain one color raster Break (topologically clean) polygons (imported from non topological format, like ShapeFile). Boundaries are broken on each point shared between 2 and more polygons where angles of segments are different Break lines at each intersection of vector Brovey transform to merge multispectral and high-res panchromatic channels Buffer Jaðar Build polylines from lines Byggja bútalínur úr línum Calculate average of raster within areas with the same category in a user-defined base map Calculate covariance/correlation matrix for user-defined rasters Calculate error matrix and kappa parameter for accuracy assessment of classification result Calculate geometry statistics for vectors Calculate linear regression from two rasters: y = a + b*x Reikna línulegt aðhvarf tveggja rasta: y = a + b*x Calculate median of raster within areas with the same category in a user-defined base map Calculate mode of raster within areas with the same category in a user-defined base map Calculate optimal index factor table for LANDSAT-TM raster Calculate raster surface area Calculate shadow maps from exact sun position Reikna skuggavarp út frá nákvæmri staðsetningu sólar Calculate shadow maps from sun position determinated by date/time Reikna skuggavarp út frá staðsetningu sólar miðað við dagsetningu/tíma Calculate statistics for raster Calculate univariate statistics for numeric attributes in a data table Calculate univariate statistics from raster based on vector objects Calculate univariate statistics from the non-null cells of raster Calculate univariate statistics of vector map features Calculate volume of data clumps, and create vector with centroids of clumps Calculates category or object oriented statistics Calculates different types of vegetation indices Calculates multiple linear regression from raster maps Calculates univariate statistics from the non-null cells for each registered 3D raster map of a space time 3D raster dataset Calculates univariate statistics from the non-null cells for each registered raster map of a space time raster dataset Calculates univariate statistics of attributes for each registered vector map of a space time vector dataset Category or object oriented statistics Cats Cats (select from the map or using their id) Change category values and labels Change field Skipta um gagnasvið Change layer number Skipta um númer lags Change resolution Breyta upplausn Change the type of boundary dangle to line Change the type of bridges connecting area and island or 2 islands from boundary to line Change the type of geometry elements Choose appropriate format Column to store height values Column with height values Columns management Stjórnun dálka Compares bit patterns with raster Ber bitamynstur saman við rasta Compress and decompress raster Compress raster Þjappa rasta Compute category quantiles using two passes. Reikna hlutfallsmörk flokka í tveimur umferðum Computes a coordinate transformation based on the control points Computes biomass growth, precursor of crop yield calculation Computes broad band albedo from surface reflectance Computes cyclic accumulations of a space time raster dataset Computes emissivity from NDVI, generic method for sparse land Concentric circles Sammiðja hringir Connect nodes by shortest route (traveling salesman) Connect selected nodes by shortest tree (Steiner tree) Connect vector to database Tengja vektor við gagnagrunn Convert 2D vector to 3D by sampling raster Convert 2D vector to 3D vector by sampling of elevation raster. Default sampling by nearest neighbour Convert GRASS binary vector to GRASS ASCII vector Convert a raster to vector within GRASS Breyta rasta í vektor innan GRASS Convert a vector to raster within GRASS Breyta vigri í rasta innan GRASS Convert bearing and distance measurements to coordinates and vice versa Breyta stefnu og vegalengdarmælingum í hnit og öfugt Convert boundaries to lines Convert centroids to points Breyta þyngdarpunktum í punkta Convert coordinates Breyta hnitum Convert coordinates from one projection to another (cs2cs frontend) Convert lines to boundaries Convert points to centroids Breyta punktum í þyngdarpunkta Convert raster to vector areas Breyta rasta í vektorfláka Convert raster to vector lines Breyta rasta í vektorlínur Convert raster to vector points Breyta rasta í vektorpunkta Convert vector to raster using attribute values Convert vector to raster using constant Nota fasta til að umbreyta vektor í rasta Converts LAS LiDAR point clouds to a GRASS vector map with libLAS. Converts a space time raster dataset into a 3D raster map Convex hull Ávalur hjúpur Copy a table Afrita töflu Copy also attribute table (only the table of layer 1 is currently supported) Count of neighbouring points Fjöldi nágrannapunkta Create 3D volume map based on 2D elevation and value rasters Create a MASK for limiting raster operation Búa til HULU til að takmarka aðgerðir rasta Create a MASK from raster map for limiting raster operation Búa til HULU úr rastakorti til að takmarka aðgerðir rasta Create a MASK from vector map for limiting raster operation Búa til HULU úr vektorkorti til að takmarka aðgerðir rasta Create a map containing concentric rings Create a raster plane Búa til rastaplan Create and add new table to vector Búa til og bæta við nýrri töflu í vektor Create and/or modify raster support files Búa til/eða breyta stuðningsskrár rasta Create aspect raster from DEM (digital elevation model) Create cross product of category values from multiple rasters Create fractal surface of given fractal dimension Create grid in current region Búa til net í núverandi svæði Create new GRASS location and transfer data into it Create new GRASS location from metadata file Create new GRASS location from raster data Create new GRASS location from vector data Create new layer with category values based upon user's reclassification of categories in existing raster Create new location from .prj (WKT) file Create new raster by combining other rasters Create new vector by combining other vectors Create new vector with current region extent Create nodes on network Create parallel line to input lines Búa til línu samhliða inntakslínum Create points Búa til punkta Create points along input lines Búa til punkta meðfram inntakslínum Create points/segments from input vector lines and positions Búa til punkta/búta úr inntaksvektorlínum og staðsetningum Create quantization file for floating-point raster Create random 2D vector points Create random 3D vector points Create random cell values with spatial dependence Create random points Búa til handahófskennda punkta Create random raster Búa til handahófskenndan rasta Create random vector point contained in raster Búa til handahófskennda vektorpunkta innan rasta Create raster images with textural features from raster (first series of indices) Create raster of distance to features in input layer Búa til rasta sem sýnir fjarlægð í fitjur í inntaksskrá Create raster of gaussian deviates with user-defined mean and standard deviation Create raster of uniform random deviates with user-defined range Create raster with contiguous areas grown by one cell Create raster with textural features from raster (second series of indices) Create red, green and blue rasters combining hue, intensity, and saturation (his) values from rasters Create shaded map Búa til skyggt kort Create slope raster from DEM (digital elevation model) Create standard vectors Búa til staðlaða vektora Create surface from rasterized contours Búa til yfirborð út frá röstuðum hæðarlínum Create vector contour from raster at specified levels Búa til vektorhæðarlínur út frá rasta í sértaklega tilgreindum hæðum Create vector contour from raster at specified steps Búa til vektorhæðarlínur út frá rasta í sértaklega tilgreindum þrepum Create watershed basin Create watershed subbasins raster Creates / modifies the color table for each raster map of the space time raster dataset according to user defined rules Creates a latitude raster map Creates a longitude raster map Creates a raster map from LAS LiDAR points using univariate statistics. Creates a space time dataset Creates, edits, and lists groups of imagery data. Býr til, breytir og telur upp hópa af myndgögnum. Cut network by cost isolines DXF vector layer DXF-vektorlag Database Gagnagrunnur Database connection Gagnagrunnstengingar Database file Gagnagrunnsskrá Database management Stjórnun gagnagrunna Delaunay triangulation (areas) Delaunay triangulation (lines) Delaunay triangulation, Voronoi diagram and convex hull Delete category values Detects accumulation patterns in temporally accumulated space time raster datasets created by t.rast.accumulate Develop images and group Framkalla myndir og hópa þær Develop map Directory of rasters to be linked Disconnect vector from database Display general DB connection Display list of category values found in raster Display projection information from PROJ.4 projection description file Display projection information from PROJ.4 projection description file and create a new location based on it Display projection information from a georeferenced file (raster, vector or image) and create a new location based on it Display projection information from georeferenced ASCII file containing WKT projection description Display projection information from georeferenced ASCII file containing WKT projection description and create a new location based on it Display projection information from georeferenced file (raster, vector or image) Display projection information of the current location Display raster category values and labels Display results of SQL selection from database Display the HTML manual pages of GRASS Display vector attributes Display vector map attributes with SQL Dissolves boundaries between adjacent areas sharing a common category number or attribute Download and import data from WMS server Drapes a color raster over an shaded relief or aspect map Drop column from attribute table Henda dálki úr eigindatöflu E00 vector layer E00 vektorlag Elevation raster for height extraction (optional) Execute any SQL statement Keyra einhverja SQL-fullyrðingu Export Flytja út Export 3 GRASS rasters (R,G,B) to PPM image at the resolution of the current region Flytja 3 GRASS-rasta (R,G,B) út sem PPM-mynd með upplausn núverandi svæðis Export from GRASS Flytja út úr GRASS Export raster as non-georeferenced PNG image format Export raster from GRASS Flytja rasta út úr GRASS Export raster series to MPEG movie Flytja rasta út sem MPEG-myndskeið Export raster to 8/24bit TIFF image at the resolution of the current region Flytja rasta út sem 8/24bita TIFF-mynd með upplausn núverandi svæðis Export raster to ASCII text file Flytja rasta út sem ASCII textaskrá Export raster to ESRI ARCGRID Flytja rasta út í ESRI ARCGRID Export raster to GRIDATB.FOR map file (TOPMODEL) Flytja rasta út sem GRIDATB.FOR kortaskrá (TOPMODEL) Export raster to Geo TIFF Flytja rasta út sem Geo TIFF Export raster to POVRAY height-field file Flytja rasta út sem POVRAY-hæðarsviðaskrá Export raster to PPM image at the resolution of the current region Flytja rasta út sem PPM-mynd með upplausn núverandi svæðis Export raster to VTK-ASCII Flytja rasta út sem VTK-ASCII Export raster to Virtual Reality Modeling Language (VRML) Flytja rasta út í Virtual Reality Modeling Language (VRML) Export raster to binary MAT-File Export raster to binary array Export raster to text file as x,y,z values based on cell centers Export raster to various formats (GDAL library) Export vector from GRASS Flytja vektor úr GRASS Export vector table from GRASS to database format Flytja vektortöflu úr GRASS í gagnagrunnsformat Export vector to DXF Flytja úr vektor í DXF Export vector to GML Flytja úr vektor í GML Export vector to Mapinfo Flytja úr vektor í Mapinfo Export vector to POV-Ray Flytja úr vektor í POV-Ray Export vector to PostGIS (PostgreSQL) database table Flytja úr vektor í PostGIS (PostgreSQL) gagnagrunnstöflu Export vector to SVG Flytja úr vektor í SVG Export vector to Shapefile Flytja úr vektor í shapefile-skrá Export vector to VTK-ASCII Flytja úr vektor í VTK-ASCII Export vector to various formats (OGR library) Flytja úr vektor í ýmis snið (OGR safn) Exports a raster map as GRASS GIS specific archive file Exports a space time vector dataset as GRASS GIS specific archive file Exports a vector map as GRASS GIS specific archive file Exports attribute tables into various format Exports space time raster dataset Exports space time raster dataset as VTK time series Extract features from vector Veiða fitjur úr vektor Extract selected features Veiða valdar fitjur Extraction Afleiðsla Extracts a subset of a space time 3D raster dataset Extracts a subset of a space time raster dataset Extracts a subset of a space time vector dataset Extracts quality control parameters from MODIS QC layers Extracts terrain parameters from DEM Sækir yfirborðsbreytur úr DEM-skrá Extrudes flat vector object to 3D with fixed height Extrudes flat vector object to 3D with height based on attribute Fast fourier transform for image processing Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) fyrir myndvinnslu Feature type (for polygons, choose Boundary) File management Skráastjórnun Fill lake from seed at given level Fill lake from seed point at given level Fill no-data areas in raster using v.surf.rst splines interpolation Filter and create depressionless elevation map and flow direction map from elevation raster Filter image Sía mynd Find nearest element in vector 'to' for elements in vector 'from'. Various information about this relation may be uploaded to attribute table of input vector 'from' Find shortest path on vector network GRASS MODULES GRASS shell Gaussian kernel density Generalization Generate raster of cumulative cost of moving between locations based on cost input raster and starting point(s) coordinates Generate raster of cumulative cost of moving between locations based on cost input raster and starting point(s) raster Generate raster of cumulative cost of moving between locations based on cost input raster and starting point(s) vector Generate raster of cumulative cost of moving between locations, based on elevation and friction input rasters and starting point(s) coordinates Generate raster of cumulative cost of moving between locations, based on elevation and friction input rasters and starting point(s) vector Generate surface Framkalla yfirborð Generate vector contour lines Byggir vektorhæðarlínur Generates area statistics for rasters Georeferencing, rectification, and import Terra-ASTER imagery and DEM using gdalwarp Graphical raster map calculator Myndrænn rastakortareiknir Help Hjálp Hue Intensity Saturation (HIS) to Red Green Blue (RGB) raster color transform function Hydrologic modelling Identifies segments (objects) from imagery data. Ber kennsl á búta (hluti) úr myndgögnum. Image fusion algorithms to sharpen multispectral with high-res panchromatic channels Imagery Myndefni Import Innflutningur Import ASCII raster Flytja inn ASCII-rasta Import DXF vector Flytja inn DXF vektor Import ESRI ARC/INFO ASCII GRID Flytja inn ESRI ARC/INFO ASCII GRID Import ESRI E00 vector Flytja inn ESRI E00 vektor Import GDAL supported raster Flytja inn GDAL-studdan rasta Import GDAL supported raster and create a fitted location Import GRIDATB.FOR (TOPMODEL) Flytja inn GRIDATB.FOR (TOPMODEL) Import MapGen or MatLab vector Flytja inn MapGen eða MatLab vektor Import OGR vector Flytja inn OGR vektor Import OGR vector and create a fitted location Import OGR vectors in a given data source combining them in a GRASS vector Import SPOT VGT NDVI Flytja inn SPOT VGT NDVI Import SRTM HGT Flytja inn SRTM HGT Import US-NGA GEOnet Names Server (GNS) country file Flytja inn landaskrá frá US-NGA GEOnet nafnaþjóni (GNS) Import all OGR/PostGIS vectors in a given data source and create a fitted location Import attribute tables in various formats Import binary MAT-File(v4) Flytja inn MAT-tvíundarkerfisskrá (v4) Import binary raster Flytja inn tvíundarkerfisrasta Import from database into GRASS Flytja úr gagnagrunni inn í GRASS Import geonames.org country files Flytja inn geonames.org landaskrár Import into GRASS Flytja inn í GRASS Import loaded raster Import loaded raster and create a fitted location Import loaded vector Import loaded vector and create a fitted location Import only some layers of a DXF vector Flytja inn aðeins sum lög úr DXF-vektor Import raster from ASCII polygon/line Import raster from coordinates using univariate statistics Import raster into GRASS Flytja rasta inn í GRASS Import raster into GRASS from QGIS view Flytja rasta inn í GRASS úr QGIS-sýn Import raster into GRASS from external data sources in GRASS Import text file Flytja inn textaskrá Import vector from gps using gpsbabel Import vector from gps using gpstrans Import vector into GRASS Flytja vektor inn í GRASS Import vector points from database table containing coordinates Imports a raster map as GRASS GIS specific archive file (packed with r.pack). Imports a space time vector dataset from a GRASS GIS specific archive file Imports a vector map as GRASS GIS specific archive file (packed with v.pack). Imports space time raster dataset Input nodes Input table Inntakstafla Interpolate surface Brúa yfirborð Inverse distance squared weighting raster interpolation Inverse distance squared weighting raster interpolation based on vector points Inverse fast fourier transform for image processing Inverse Fast Fourier Transform (IFFT) fyrir myndvinnslu Join table to existing vector table Landsat 4 bands 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7 Landsat 4 tíðnisvið 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7 Landsat 5 bands 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7 Landsat 5 tíðnisvið 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7 Landsat 7 bands 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7 Landsat 7 tíðnisvið 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7 Landsat 8 bands 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 Landsat 8 tíðnisvið 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 Layers categories management LiDAR input files in LAS format (*.las or *.laz) LiDAR-inntaksskrár á LAS-sniði (*.las or *.laz) Line-of-sight raster analysis Link GDAL supported raster as GRASS raster Link GDAL supported raster loaded in QGIS as GRASS raster Link all GDAL supported rasters in a directory as GRASS rasters Lists information about space time datasets and maps Lists registered maps of a space time raster dataset Lists registered maps of a space time raster3d dataset Lists space time datasets and maps registered in the temporal database Lists temporal topology of a space time dataset Loaded layer Hlaðið lag Locate the closest points between objects in two raster maps MODIS bands 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 MODIS tíðnisvið 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 Make each output cell function of the values assigned to the corresponding cells in the input rasters Manage datasets Sýsla með gagnasett Manage features Sýsla með fitjur Manage image colors Sýsla með liti í mynd Manage map colors Sýsla með liti í korti Manage maps in datasets Sýsla með kort í gagnasettum Manage raster cells value Manage training dataset Map algebra Map type conversion Umbreyting á tegund korts MapGen or MatLab vector layer MapGen eða MatLab vektorlag Mask Hula Maximal tolerance value (higher value=more simplification) Hámarks þolviksgildi (hærra gildi = meiri einföldun) Merges several space time datasets into a single space time dataset. Metadata support Stuðningur við lýsigögn Minimum size for each basin (number of cells) Modifies the metadata of a space time dataset. Mosaic up to 4 images Name for new raster file (specify file extension) Name for new vector file (specify file extension) Nafn fyrir nýja vektorskrá (skilgreina skráarendingu) Name for output vector map (optional) Name for the output file Name for the output raster map (optional) Name of the output latitude raster map Name of the output longitude raster map Neighborhood analysis Network analysis Greining netkerfis Network maintenance Viðhald netkerfis Number of rows to be skipped Fjöldi raða sem á að sleppa Observes specific locations in a space time raster dataset over a period of time using vector points Others Annað Output GML file GML-frálagsskrá Output Shapefile Shapefile-frálagskrá Output file for regression coefficients Output layer name (used in GML file) Heiti frálagslags (notað í GML-skrá) Output raster values along user-defined transect line(s) Outputs basic information about a raster map Outputs basic information about a vector map Overlay Yfirlag Overlay maps Yfirlagskort Path to GRASS database of input location (optional) Path to the OGR data source Percentage of first layer (0-99) Prósentuhlutfall af fyrstu fitju (0-99) Perform affine transformation (shift, scale and rotate, or GPCs) on vector Performs a neighborhood analysis for each map in a space time raster dataset Performs different aggregation algorithms from r.series on all or a subset of raster maps in a space time raster dataset Performs spatio-temporal mapcalc expressions on temporally sampled maps of space time raster datasets Performs spatio-temporal r3.mapcalc expressions on temporally sampled maps of space time 3D raster datasets Performs transformation of 2D vector features to 3D with fixed height Performs transformation of 2D vector features to 3D with height based on attribute Performs transformation of 3D vector features to 2D Print projection information from a georeferenced file Print projection information from a georeferenced file and create a new location based on it Print projection information of the current location Prints attributes of vector maps registered in a space time vector dataset Prints/sets general temporal GIS database connection for current mapset Projection conversion of vector Projection management Stjórnun vörpunar Put geometry variables in database Query raster maps Query rasters on their category values and labels Random location perturbations of vector points Randomly partition points into test/train sets Raster Rasti Raster buffer Jaðar rasta Raster file matrix filter Raster neighbours analysis Raster support Stuðningur við rasta Re-project raster from a location to the current location Rebuild topology of a vector in mapset Rebuild topology of all vectors in mapset Endurbyggja grannfræði allra vektora í kortasettinu Recategorize contiguous cells to unique categories Reclass category values Reclass category values using a column attribute (integer positive) Endurflokka flokkunargildi með því að nota dálka eigindi (jákvæðar heiltölur) Reclass category values using a rules file Reclass raster using reclassification rules Reclass raster with patches larger than user-defined area size (in hectares) Reclass raster with patches smaller than user-defined area size (in hectares) Enduflokka rasta með plástrum sem eru minni en notanda skilgreint svæðis stærð (í hekturum) Reclassify raster greater or less than user-defined area size (in hectares) Recode categorical raster using reclassification rules Recode raster Reconnect vector to a new database Red Green Blue (RGB) to Hue Intensity Saturation (HIS) raster color transformation function Region settings Register external data sources in GRASS Skrá utanaðkomandi gagnagjafa í GRASS Registers raster, vector and raster3d maps in a space time dataset Regularized spline with tension raster interpolation based on vector points Reinterpolate and compute topographic analysis using regularized spline with tension and smoothing Remove all lines or boundaries of zero length Remove bridges connecting area and island or 2 islands Remove dangles Fjarlægja lafandi enda Remove duplicate area centroids Remove duplicate lines (pay attention to categories!) Remove existing attribute table of vector Remove outliers from vector point data Remove small angles between lines at nodes Remove small areas, the longest boundary with adjacent area is removed Remove vertices in threshold from lines and boundaries, boundary is pruned only if topology is not damaged (new intersection, changed attachment of centroid), first and last segment of the boundary is never changed Removes space time datasets from temporal database. Rename column in attribute table Endurnefna dálk í eigindatöflu Renames a space time dataset Replaces gaps in a space time raster dataset with interpolated raster maps Report and statistics Skýrslur og tölfræði Reports Skýrslur Reports and statistics Skýrslur og tölfræði Reproject raster from another Location Resample raster using aggregation Endurreikna rasta með samsöfnun Resample raster using interpolation Endurreikna rasta með brúun Resample raster. Set new resolution first Endurreikna rasta. Stilltu fyrst upplausn. Rescale the range of category values in raster Sample a space time raster dataset at specific coordinates and write the output to file using different layouts Sample raster at site locations Samples the input space time dataset(s) with a sample space time dataset and print the result to stdout Sampling Söfnun sýna Save the current region as a named region Select features by attributes Veldu fitjur eftir eigindum Select features overlapped by features in another map Select maps from space time datasets by topological relationships Separator (| , \t etc.) Aðgreinir (| , \t o.s.frv.) Set PostgreSQL DB connection Stilla PostgreSQL gagnagrunnstengingu Set boundary definitions by edge (n-s-e-w) Setja skilgreiningar svæðismarka miðað við brún (n-s-a-v) Set boundary definitions for raster Setja skilgreiningar svæðismarka fyrir rasta Set boundary definitions from raster Setja skilgreiningar svæðismarka miðað við rasta Set boundary definitions from vector Setja skilgreiningar svæðismarka miðað við vektor Set boundary definitions to current or default region Setja skilgreiningar svæðismarka á núverandi eða sjálfgefið svæði Set color rules based on stddev from a map's mean value Set general DB connection Stilla almenna gagnagrunnstengingu Set general DB connection with a schema (PostgreSQL only) Set raster color table Set raster color table from existing raster Set raster color table from set tables Set raster color table from user-defined rules Set region to align to raster Set the region to match multiple rasters Set the region to match multiple vectors Set user/password for driver/database Setja notanda/lykilorð fyrir rekil/gagnagrunn Sets the boundary definitions for a raster map Setur skilgreiningar svæðismarka fyrir rastakort Shifts temporally the maps of a space time dataset Show database connection for vector Shrink current region until it meets non-NULL data from raster Simple map algebra Simplify vector Einfalda vektor Snap lines to vertex in threshold Línur grípa í brotpunkta innan þolvika Snaps temporally the maps of a space time dataset Solar and irradiation model Spatial analysis Svæðisgreining Spatial models Staðlíkön Split lines to shorter segments Statistics Tölfræði Stores raster map values at spatial and temporal positions of vector points as vector attributes Sum raster cell values Surface management Tables management Stjórnun taflna Tabulate mutual occurrence (coincidence) of categories for two rasters Take vector stream data, transform it to raster, and subtract depth from the output DEM Tasseled Cap (Kauth Thomas) transformation for LANDSAT-ETM 7 raster Tasseled Cap (Kauth Thomas) transformation for LANDSAT-OLI 8 raster Tasseled Cap (Kauth Thomas) transformation for LANDSAT-TM 4 raster Tasseled Cap (Kauth Thomas) transformation for LANDSAT-TM 5 raster Tasseled Cap (Kauth Thomas) transformation for MODIS raster Temporal Temporal WHERE conditions without 'where' keyword Terrain analysis Tests of normality on vector points Text file Textaskrá Thin no-zero cells that denote line features Toolset for cleaning topology of vector map Topology management Trace a flow through an elevation model Transform cells with value in null cells Transform features Umvarpa fitjum Transform image Umvarpa mynd Transform null cells in value cells Transform or reproject vector from another Location Transform value cells in null cells Type in map names separated by a comma Unregisters raster, vector and raster3d maps from the temporal database or a specific space time dataset Update raster statistics Uppfæra tölfræði rasta Update vector map metadata Upgrade all vectors from GRASS 6 to GRASS 7 Uppfæra alla vektora úr GRASS 6 yfir í GRASS 7 Upgrade from GRASS 6 Upload raster values at positions of vector points to the table Upload vector values at positions of vector points Vector Vektor Vector buffer Vektorjaðar Vector geometry analysis Greining á rúmfræði vektora Vector intersection Skörun vektora Vector non-intersection Vector subtraction Frádráttur vektora Vector supervised classification tool which uses attributes as classification parameters Vector union Sameining vektora Vector update by other maps Vegetation indices Visibility graph construction Voronoi diagram (area) Voronoi skýringamynd (svæði) Voronoi diagram (lines) Voronoi skýringamynd (línur) Watershed Analysis Which column for the X coordinate? The first is 1 Which column for the Y coordinate? Which column for the Z coordinate? If 0, z coordinate is not used Work with vector points Vinna með vektorpunkta Write only features link to a record Zero-crossing edge detection raster function for image processing Calculates geomorphons (terrain forms) and associated geometry using machine vision approach hillshade Input layer Inntakslag Band number Númer tíðnisviðs Scale (ratio of vertical units to horizontal) Kvarði (hlutfall lóðréttra eininga á móti láréttum) Compute edges Reikna jaðra Z factor (vertical exaggeration) Z-stuðull (lóðrétt ýking) Azimuth of the light Stefnuhorn ljóssins Altitude of the light Hæð ljóssins Use Zevenbergen&Thorne formula instead of the Horn's one Nota Zevenbergen&Thorne formúlu í stað Horn's-formúlu Combined shading Samsett skygging Multidirectional shading Fjölstefnu skygging Additional creation options Viðbótarvalkostir við gerð Hillshade Hæðaskygging Raster analysis Greining rasta loadAlgorithms Script folder {} does not exist Processing Vinnsla Script folder changed into {} merge Merge Sameina Input layers Inntakslög Grab pseudocolor table from first layer Place each input file into a separate band Setja hverja inntaksskrá á sérstakt tíðnisvið Input pixel value to treat as "nodata" Assign specified "nodata" value to output Additional creation options Viðbótarvalkostir við gerð Output data type Gerð frálagsgagna Raster miscellaneous Ýmislegt rastað Merged Sameinað nearblack Input layer Inntakslag How far from black (white) Hve langt frá svörtu (eða hvítu) Search for nearly white pixels instead of nearly black Leita að næstum-hvítum mynddílum í stað næstum-svartra Additional creation options Viðbótarvalkostir við gerð Nearblack Næstumsvart Near black Næstum svart Raster analysis Greining rasta notification_message Content of the notification message sent by the provider (available only for actions triggered by provider notifications). ogr2ogr Input layer Inntakslag Additional creation options Viðbótarvalkostir við gerð Converted Umbreytt Convert format Umbreyta sniði Vector conversion Umbreyting vektora Output file "{}" already exists. Frálagsskráin "{}" er þegar til. ogrinfo Input layer Inntakslag Summary output only Suppress metadata info Sleppa upplýsingum úr lýsigögnum Layer information Upplýsingar um lag HTML files (*.html) HTML-skrár (*.html) Vector information Upplýsingar um vektor Vector miscellaneous Ýmislegt vektortengt optionsDialog Warning! Aðvörun! You need to add some APIs file in order to compile Please specify API file or check "Use preloaded API files" The APIs file was not compiled, click on "Compile APIs…" pansharp Bilinear Tvílínulegt Cubic Fernings Average Meðaltal Spectral dataset Panchromatic dataset Resampling algorithm Reiknirit endurreiknunar (grisjun - resampling) Additional creation options Viðbótarvalkostir við gerð Output Frálag Pansharpening Raster miscellaneous Ýmislegt rastað Nearest Neighbour Næsti nágranni Cubic Spline Fernings-fjaðurbrúun (spline) Lanczos Windowed Sinc parent Invalid CSW connections XML. Ógilt XML í CSW-tengingum. Cannot parse XML file: {0} Get ekki þáttað XML-skrá: {0} Cannot open file: {0} Get ekki opnað skrá: {0} Loading Connections Les inn tengingar Choose GeoPackage file Veldu GeoPackage-skrá pct2rgb Input layer Inntakslag Band number Númer tíðnisviðs Generate a RGBA file Útbúa RGBA-skrá Raster conversion Umbreyting rasta PCT to RGB PCT í RGB polygonize Input layer Inntakslag Band number Númer tíðnisviðs Name of the field to create Use 8-connectedness Vectorized Vektorgert Polygonize (raster to vector) Gera að flákum (rasti í vektor) Raster conversion Umbreyting rasta proximity Georeferenced coordinates Pixel coordinates Hnit mynddíls Input layer Inntakslag Band number Númer tíðnisviðs A list of pixel values in the source image to be considered target pixels The maximum distance to be generated Value to be applied to all pixels that are within the -maxdist of target pixels Nodata value to use for the destination proximity raster Additional creation options Viðbótarvalkostir við gerð Output data type Gerð frálagsgagna Proximity map Raster analysis Greining rasta Distance units Einingar fyrir vegalengdir Proximity (raster distance) Nánd (fjarlægð rasta) qgsquickdatetime Ok Í lagi (no date) qgsquickexternalresource Take a photo Add from gallery Image is not available: qgsquickfeatureform Add feature on <i>%1</i> Edit feature on <i>%1</i> View feature on <i>%1</i> Delete feature Eyða fitju Really delete this feature? rasterize Input layer Inntakslag Additional creation options Viðbótarvalkostir við gerð Vector conversion Umbreyting vektora Pixels Mynddílar Georeferenced units Field to use for a burn-in value A fixed value to burn Output raster size units Stærðareiningar frálagsrasta Width/Horizontal resolution Breidd/lárétt upplausn Height/Vertical resolution Hæð/lóðrétt upplausn Output extent Kortvídd frálags Assign a specified nodata value to output bands Úthluta skilgreindu tómagildi (nodata) á úttakstíðnisvið Output data type Gerð frálagsgagna Pre-initialize the output image with value Invert rasterization Rasterized Rastað Rasterize (vector to raster) Rastagera (vektor í rasta) rasterize_over Input layer Inntakslag Attribute field Eigindasvið Existing raster layer Fyrirliggjandi rastalag Rasterize (write over existing raster) Rastagera (skrifa yfir fyrirliggjandi lag) Vector conversion Umbreyting vektora rearrange_bands Input layer Inntakslag Selected band(s) Valin tíðnisvið Additional creation options Viðbótarvalkostir við gerð Output data type Gerð frálagsgagna Converted Umbreytt Rearrange bands Endurraða tíðnisviðum Raster conversion Umbreyting rasta This algorithm creates a new raster using selected band(s) from a given raster layer. The algorithm also makes it possible to reorder the bands for the newly-created raster. Use Input Layer Data Type retile Retile Endurtígla Bilinear Tvílínulegt Cubic Fernings Input files Inntaksskrár Tile width Breidd tíguls Tile height Hæð tíguls Overlap in pixels between consecutive tiles Number of pyramids levels to build Fjöldi pýramídaþrepa sem á að byggja Source coordinate reference system Resampling method Aðferð við endurreiknun (resampling) Additional creation options Viðbótarvalkostir við gerð Output data type Gerð frálagsgagna Build only the pyramids Aðeins búa til pýramída Use separate directory for each tiles row Output directory Frálagsmappa CSV file containing the tile(s) georeferencing information Raster miscellaneous Ýmislegt rastað Column delimiter used in the CSV file Aðgreinir dálka í CSV-skránni Nearest Neighbour Næsti nágranni Cubic Spline Fernings-fjaðurbrúun (spline) Lanczos Windowed Sinc rgb2pct Input layer Inntakslag Number of colors Fjöldi lita RGB to PCT RGB í PCT Raster conversion Umbreyting rasta roughness Input layer Inntakslag Band number Númer tíðnisviðs Compute edges Reikna jaðra Additional creation options Viðbótarvalkostir við gerð Roughness Ýfing Raster analysis Greining rasta rulesDialog Topology Rule Settings Current Rules Núverandi reglur Add Rule Bæta við reglu Rule Regla Layer #1 Lag #1 Layer #2 Lag #2 Layer1ID Lag1ID Layer2ID Lag2ID No layer Ekkert lag Delete Rule Eyða reglu Test Prófa sieve Sieve Sigtun Input layer Inntakslag Threshold Þolvik Use 8-connectedness Do not use the default validity mask for the input band Ekki nota sjálfgefnu fullgildingarhuluna á inntakstíðnisviðið Validity mask Fullgildingarhula Raster analysis Greining rasta Sieved Sigtað slope Input layer Inntakslag Band number Númer tíðnisviðs Ratio of vertical units to horizontal Hlutfall lóðréttra eininga á móti láréttum Slope expressed as percent instead of degrees Halli birtur í prósentum í staðinn fyrir gráður Compute edges Reikna jaðra Use Zevenbergen&Thorne formula instead of the Horn's one Nota Zevenbergen&Thorne formúlu í stað Horn's-formúlu Additional creation options Viðbótarvalkostir við gerð Slope Hallatala Raster analysis Greining rasta symbol_angle Angle of symbol used to render the feature (valid for marker symbols only). symbol_color Color of symbol used to render the feature. topolTest Topology plugin Grannfræðiviðbót First geometry invalid in dangling line test. Failed to import first geometry into GEOS in dangling line test. Invalid second geometry in duplicate geometry test. Failed to import second geometry into GEOS in duplicate geometry test. Invalid second geometry in overlaps test. Failed to import second geometry into GEOS in overlaps test. Skipping invalid second geometry of feature %1 in overlaps test. Skipping invalid first geometry in pseudo line test. Failed to import first geometry into GEOS in pseudo line test. Invalid geometry in validity test. Invalid geometry in covering test. Second geometry missing. Second geometry missing or GEOS import failed. Missing geometry in multipart check. First layer not found in registry. Second layer not found in registry. must not have invalid geometries must not have dangles mega ekki vera með lafandi enda must not have duplicates mega ekki eiga sér tvítök must not have pseudos must not overlap must not have gaps must not have multi-part geometries must not overlap with má ekki skarast við must be covered by verður að vera þakið af must be covered by endpoints of verður að vera þakið af endapunktum end points must be covered by endapunktar verða að vera þaktir af must be inside verður að vera innan must contain verður að innihalda tpi Input layer Inntakslag Band number Númer tíðnisviðs Compute edges Reikna jaðra Additional creation options Viðbótarvalkostir við gerð Terrain Ruggedness Index Hrjúfleikalykill landslags Topographic Position Index (TPI) Staðsetningarvísir landslags (TPI) Raster analysis Greining rasta translate Input layer Inntakslag Override the projection for the output file Assign a specified nodata value to output bands Úthluta skilgreindu tómagildi (nodata) á úttakstíðnisvið Copy all subdatasets of this file to individual output files Additional creation options Viðbótarvalkostir við gerð Output data type Gerð frálagsgagna Converted Umbreytt Raster conversion Umbreyting rasta Translate (convert format) Þýða (umbreyta sniði) Use Input Layer Data Type tri Input layer Inntakslag Band number Númer tíðnisviðs Compute edges Reikna jaðra Additional creation options Viðbótarvalkostir við gerð Terrain Ruggedness Index Hrjúfleikalykill landslags Terrain Ruggedness Index (TRI) Hrjúfleikalykill landslags (TRI) Raster analysis Greining rasta variable_help Current QGIS version string. Núverandi útgáfulína QGIS. Current QGIS version number. Núverandi útgáfunúmer QGIS. Current QGIS release name. Heiti núverandi útgáfu QGIS. Short QGIS version string. Operating system name, e.g., 'windows', 'linux' or 'osx'. Heiti stýrikerfis, t.d. 'windows', 'linux' eða 'osx'. QGIS platform, e.g., 'desktop' or 'server'. QGIS-kerfi, t.d., 'desktop' eða 'server'. Two letter identifier for current QGIS locale. Current user's operating system account name. Nafn á notandaaðgangi þessa notanda á stýrikerfinu. Current user's operating system user name (if available). Nafn þessa notanda á stýrikerfinu (ef tiltækt). Title of current project. Nafn þessa verkefnis. Full path (including file name) of current project. Full slóð (skráarheiti meðtalið) fyrir þetta verkefni. Folder for current project. Mappa fyrir þetta verkefni. Filename of current project. Skráarheiti fyrir þetta verkefni. Base name of current project's filename (without path and extension). Grunn-skráarheiti fyrir þetta verkefni (án slóðar og skráarendingar). Home path of current project. Upprunaslóð núverandi verkefnis. Coordinate reference system of project (e.g., 'EPSG:4326'). Hnitviðmiðskerfi verkefnis (t.d., 'EPSG:4326'). Coordinate reference system of project (full definition). Hnitviðmiðskerfi verkefnis (full skilgreining). Project author, taken from project metadata. Höfundur verkefnis, tekið úr lýsigögnum verkefnis. Project abstract, taken from project metadata. Lýsing verkefnis, tekið úr lýsigögnum verkefnis. Project creation date, taken from project metadata. Upprunadagsetning verkefnis, tekið úr lýsigögnum verkefnis. Project identifier, taken from project metadata. Auðkenni verkefnis, tekið úr lýsigögnum verkefnis. Project keywords, taken from project metadata. Stikkorð verkefnis, tekið úr lýsigögnum verkefnis. Area unit for current project, used when calculating areas of geometries. Distance unit for current project, used when calculating lengths of geometries. Name of ellipsoid of current project, used when calculating geodetic areas and lengths of geometries. Name of current layer. Heiti núverandi lags. ID of current layer. Auðkenni núverandi lags. The current layer. Núverandi lag. Name of composition. Heiti samsetningar Number of pages in composition. Fjöldi síðna í samsetningu. Current page number in composition. Núverandi síðunúmer í samsetningu. Composition page height in mm. Hæð samsetningarsíðu í millímetrum. Composition page width in mm. Breidd samsetningarsíðu í millímetrum. Composition resolution (DPI). Upplausn samsetningar [PÁT). Current atlas coverage layer ID. Auðkenni núverandi þekjulags atlaskorts. Current atlas coverage layer name. Heiti núverandi þekjulags atlaskorts. Total number of features in atlas. Heildarfjöldi fitja í atlaskorti. Current atlas feature number. Fitjunúmer núverandi atlaskorts. Current atlas file name. Skráarheiti núverandi atlaskortaskrár. Current atlas page name. Skráarheiti núverandi atlaskortasíðu. Current atlas feature (as feature object). Núverandi atlasfitja (sem fitjuhlutur). Current atlas feature ID. Auðkenni núverandi fitju atlaskorts. Current atlas feature geometry. Layout item user ID (not necessarily unique). layout item unique ID. Left position of layout item (in mm). Top position of layout item (in mm). Width of layout item (in mm). Height of layout item (in mm). ID of current map destination. This will be 'canvas' for canvas renders, and the item ID for layout map renders. Current rotation of map. Núverandi snúningur kortsins. Current scale of map. Núverandi kvarði kortsins. Geometry representing the current extent of the map. Center of map. Miðja korts. Width of map. Breidd korts. Height of map. Hæð korts. Coordinate reference system of map (e.g., 'EPSG:4326'). Hnitviðmiðskerfi kortsins (t.d., 'EPSG:4326'). Name of the coordinate reference system of the map. Coordinate reference system of map (full definition). Hnitviðmiðskerfi kortsins (full skilgreining). Units for map measurements. Einingar fyrir málsetningar korts. Acronym of the coordinate reference system of the map. Acronym of the ellipsoid of the coordinate reference system of the map. Proj4 definition of the coordinate reference system. WKT definition of the coordinate reference system. List of map layer IDs visible in the map. Listi yfir auðkenni kortalaga sem sýnileg eru á kortinu. List of map layers visible in the map. Listi yfir kortalög sem sýnileg eru á kortinu. Stores the number of the current row. Geymir númer núverandi raðar. Current grid annotation value. Current grid annotation axis (e.g., 'x' for longitude, 'y' for latitude). Last cursor position on the canvas in the project's geographical coordinates. Title of the legend. Number of column in the legend. Boolean indicating if layers can be split in the legend. Characters used to wrap the legend text. Boolean indicating if the content of the legend is filtered by the map. Boolean indicating if the Atlas is filtered out of the legend. <p>An array with an item for each snapped point.</p><p>Each item is a map with the following keys:</p><dl><dt>valid</dt><dd>Boolean that indicates if the snapping result is valid</dd><dt>layer</dt><dd>The layer on which the snapped feature is</dd><dt>feature_id</dt><dd>The feature id of the snapped feature</dd><dt>vertex_index</dt><dd>The index of the snapped vertex</dd><dt>distance</dt><dd>The distance between the mouse cursor and the snapped point at the time of snapping</dd></dl> Number of parts in rendered feature's geometry. Current geometry part number for feature being rendered. Number of points in the rendered geometry's part. It is only meaningful for line geometries and for symbol layers that set this variable. Current point number in the rendered geometry's part. It is only meaningful for line geometries and for symbol layers that set this variable. Full path (including file name) of current model (or project path if model is embedded in a project). Folder containing current model (or project folder if model is embedded in a project). Name of current model. Heiti á fyrirliggjandi líkani. Group for current model. Hópur fyrirliggjandi líkans. not set ekki stillt <p>Current value: %1</p> <p>Núverandi gildi: %1</p> warp Bilinear Tvílínulegt Cubic Fernings Average Meðaltal Mode Hamur Maximum Hámark Minimum Lágmark Median Miðgildi Input layer Inntakslag Source CRS Upprunalegt viðmiðskerfi Target CRS Markmiðs-viðmiðskerfi Nodata value for output bands Tómagildi (nodata) í úttakstíðnisviðum Output file resolution in target georeferenced units Resampling method to use Aðferð við endurreiknun (resampling) sem á að nota Additional creation options Viðbótarvalkostir við gerð Output data type Gerð frálagsgagna Georeferenced extents of output file to be created CRS of the target raster extent Viðmiðskerfi kortvíddar frálagsrasta Use multithreaded warping implementation Additional command-line parameters Raster projections Varpanir rasta transform,reproject,crs,srs Warp (reproject) Völsun (endurvörpun) Reprojected Endurvarpað Nearest Neighbour Næsti nágranni Cubic Spline Fernings-fjaðurbrúun (spline) Lanczos Windowed Sinc First Quartile Third Quartile Use Input Layer Data Type