%ModuleHeaderCode #include %End /** * \ingroup networkanalysis * \class QgsGraphDirector * \brief Determine making the graph. QgsGraphBuilder and QgsGraphDirector is a builder patter. */ class QgsGraphDirector : QObject { %TypeHeaderCode #include %End %ConvertToSubClassCode if ( dynamic_cast< QgsLineVectorLayerDirector* > ( sipCpp ) != NULL ) sipClass = sipClass_QgsLineVectorLayerDirector; else sipClass = NULL; %End signals: void buildProgress( int, int ) const; void buildMessage( QString ) const; public: //! Destructor virtual ~QgsGraphDirector(); /** * Make a graph using RgGraphBuilder * * @param builder The graph builder * * @param additionalPoints Vector of points that must be tied to the graph * * @param tiedPoints Vector of tied points * * @note if tiedPoints[i]==QgsPoint(0.0,0.0) then tied failed. */ virtual void makeGraph( QgsGraphBuilderInterface* builder, const QVector< QgsPoint >& additionalPoints, QVector< QgsPoint>& tiedPoints /Out/ ); void addProperter( QgsArcProperter* prop /Transfer/ ) ; /** * return Director name */ virtual QString name() const = 0; };