/* MDAL - Mesh Data Abstraction Library (MIT License) Copyright (C) 2018 Peter Petrik (zilolv at gmail dot com) */ #ifndef MDAL_GDAL_HPP #define MDAL_GDAL_HPP #include "gdal.h" #include #include #include #include "mdal_data_model.hpp" #include "mdal.h" #include "mdal_utils.hpp" #include "mdal_driver.hpp" namespace MDAL { class GdalDataset { public: GdalDataset(): mHDataset( nullptr ) {} ~GdalDataset() { if ( mHDataset ) GDALClose( mHDataset ); } void init( const std::string &dsName ); std::string mDatasetName; std::string mProj; GDALDatasetH mHDataset; unsigned int mNBands; /* number of bands */ unsigned int mXSize; /* number of x pixels */ unsigned int mYSize; /* number of y pixels */ unsigned int mNPoints; /* nodes count */ unsigned int mNVolumes; /* Faces count */ double mGT[6]; /* affine transform matrix */ private: void parseParameters(); void parseProj(); }; class DriverGdal: public Driver { public: DriverGdal( const std::string &name, const std::string &description, const std::string &filter, const std::string &gdalDriverName ); virtual ~DriverGdal() override = default; bool canReadMesh( const std::string &uri ) override; std::unique_ptr< Mesh > load( const std::string &fileName, const std::string &meshName = "" ) override; protected: typedef std::map metadata_hash; // KEY, VALUE /* return true on failure */ virtual bool parseBandInfo( const GdalDataset *cfGDALDataset, const metadata_hash &metadata, std::string &band_name, MDAL::RelativeTimestamp *time, bool *is_vector, bool *is_x ) = 0; virtual double parseMetadataTime( const std::string &time_s ); virtual std::string GDALFileName( const std::string &fileName ); /* some formats require e.g. adding driver name at the beginning */ virtual std::vector parseDatasetNames( const std::string &fileName ); virtual void parseGlobals( const metadata_hash &metadata ) {MDAL_UNUSED( metadata );} virtual void parseBandIsVector( std::string &band_name, bool *is_vector, bool *is_x ); private: typedef std::map > timestep_map; //TIME (sorted), [X, Y] typedef std::map data_hash; //Data Type, TIME (sorted), [X, Y] typedef std::vector> gdal_datasets_vector; //GDAL (Sub)Datasets, void registerDriver(); void initFaces( Vertices &nodes, Faces &Faces, bool is_longitude_shifted ); bool initVertices( Vertices &vertices ); //returns is_longitude_shifted const GdalDataset *meshGDALDataset(); bool meshes_equals( const GdalDataset *ds1, const GdalDataset *ds2 ) const; metadata_hash parseMetadata( GDALMajorObjectH gdalBand, const char *pszDomain = nullptr ); void addDataToOutput( GDALRasterBandH raster_band, std::shared_ptr tos, bool is_vector, bool is_x ); bool addSrcProj(); void addDatasetGroups(); void createMesh(); void parseRasterBands( const GdalDataset *cfGDALDataset ); void fixRasterBands(); virtual MDAL::DateTime referenceTime() const; std::string mFileName; const std::string mGdalDriverName; /* GDAL driver name */ double *mPafScanline; /* temporary buffer for reading one raster line */ std::unique_ptr< MemoryMesh > mMesh; gdal_datasets_vector gdal_datasets; data_hash mBands; /* raster bands GDAL handle */ }; } // namespace MDAL #endif // MDAL_GDAL_HPP