/* MDAL - Mesh Data Abstraction Library (MIT License) Copyright (C) 2016 Lutra Consulting Copyright (C) 2018 Peter Petrik (zilolv at gmail dot com) */ #include "mdal_flo2d.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "mdal_utils.hpp" #include "mdal_hdf5.hpp" #include "mdal_logger.hpp" #define FLO2D_NAN 0.0 struct VertexCompare { bool operator()( const MDAL::Vertex &lhs, const MDAL::Vertex &rhs ) const { double resX = 0; resX += lhs.x * 1000000; resX += lhs.y * 1000; double resY = 0; resY += rhs.x * 1000000; resY += rhs.y * 1000; return resX < resY; } }; static std::string fileNameFromDir( const std::string &mainFileName, const std::string &name ) { std::string dir = MDAL::dirName( mainFileName ); return MDAL::pathJoin( dir, name ); } static double getDouble( double val ) { if ( MDAL::equals( val, FLO2D_NAN, 1e-8 ) ) { return MDAL_NAN; } else { return val; } } static double toFlo2DDouble( double val ) { if ( std::isnan( val ) ) { return FLO2D_NAN; } else { return val; } } static double getDouble( const std::string &val ) { double valF = MDAL::toDouble( val ); return getDouble( valF ); } void MDAL::DriverFlo2D::addStaticDataset( std::vector &vals, const std::string &groupName, const std::string &datFileName ) { std::shared_ptr group = std::make_shared< DatasetGroup >( name(), mMesh.get(), datFileName, groupName ); group->setDataLocation( MDAL_DataLocation::DataOnFaces ); group->setIsScalar( true ); std::shared_ptr dataset = std::make_shared< MemoryDataset2D >( group.get() ); assert( vals.size() == dataset->valuesCount() ); dataset->setTime( MDAL::RelativeTimestamp() ); double *values = dataset->values(); memcpy( values, vals.data(), vals.size() * sizeof( double ) ); dataset->setStatistics( MDAL::calculateStatistics( dataset ) ); group->datasets.push_back( dataset ); group->setStatistics( MDAL::calculateStatistics( group ) ); mMesh->datasetGroups.push_back( group ); } void MDAL::DriverFlo2D::parseCADPTSFile( const std::string &datFileName, std::vector &cells ) { std::string cadptsFile( fileNameFromDir( datFileName, "CADPTS.DAT" ) ); if ( !MDAL::fileExists( cadptsFile ) ) { throw MDAL::Error( MDAL_Status::Err_FileNotFound, "Could not find file " + cadptsFile ); } std::ifstream cadptsStream( cadptsFile, std::ifstream::in ); std::string line; // CADPTS.DAT - COORDINATES OF CELL CENTERS (ELEM NUM, X, Y) while ( std::getline( cadptsStream, line ) ) { line = MDAL::rtrim( line ); std::vector lineParts = MDAL::split( line, ' ' ); if ( lineParts.size() != 3 ) { throw MDAL::Error( MDAL_Status::Err_UnknownFormat, "Error while loading CADPTS file, wrong lineparts count (3)" ); } CellCenter cc; cc.id = MDAL::toSizeT( lineParts[1] ) - 1; //numbered from 1 cc.x = MDAL::toDouble( lineParts[1] ); cc.y = MDAL::toDouble( lineParts[2] ); cc.conn.resize( 4 ); cells.push_back( cc ); } } void MDAL::DriverFlo2D::parseFPLAINFile( std::vector &elevations, const std::string &datFileName, std::vector &cells ) { elevations.clear(); // FPLAIN.DAT - CONNECTIVITY (ELEM NUM, ELEM N, ELEM E, ELEM S, ELEM W, MANNING-N, BED ELEVATION) std::string fplainFile( fileNameFromDir( datFileName, "FPLAIN.DAT" ) ); if ( !MDAL::fileExists( fplainFile ) ) { throw MDAL::Error( MDAL_Status::Err_FileNotFound, "Could not find file " + fplainFile ); } std::ifstream fplainStream( fplainFile, std::ifstream::in ); std::string line; while ( std::getline( fplainStream, line ) ) { line = MDAL::rtrim( line ); std::vector lineParts = MDAL::split( line, ' ' ); if ( lineParts.size() != 7 ) { throw MDAL::Error( MDAL_Status::Err_UnknownFormat, "Error while loading Fplain file, wrong lineparts count (7)" ); } size_t cc_i = MDAL::toSizeT( lineParts[0] ) - 1; //numbered from 1 for ( size_t j = 0; j < 4; ++j ) { cells[cc_i].conn[j] = MDAL::toInt( lineParts[j + 1] ) - 1; //numbered from 1, 0 boundary Vertex } elevations.push_back( MDAL::toDouble( lineParts[6] ) ); } } static void addDatasetToGroup( std::shared_ptr group, std::shared_ptr dataset ) { if ( group && dataset && dataset->valuesCount() > 0 ) { dataset->setStatistics( MDAL::calculateStatistics( dataset ) ); group->datasets.push_back( dataset ); } } void MDAL::DriverFlo2D::parseTIMDEPFile( const std::string &datFileName, const std::vector &elevations ) { // TIMDEP.OUT // this file is optional, so if not present, reading is skipped // time (separate line) // For every Vertex: // FLO2D: ELEM NUMber (indexed from 1), depth, velocity, velocity x, velocity y // FLO2DPro: ELEM NUMber (indexed from 1), depth, velocity, velocity x, velocity y, water surface elevation std::string inFile( fileNameFromDir( datFileName, "TIMDEP.OUT" ) ); if ( !MDAL::fileExists( inFile ) ) { return; } std::ifstream inStream( inFile, std::ifstream::in ); std::string line; size_t nVertexs = mMesh->verticesCount(); size_t ntimes = 0; RelativeTimestamp time = RelativeTimestamp(); size_t face_idx = 0; std::shared_ptr depthDsGroup = std::make_shared< DatasetGroup >( name(), mMesh.get(), datFileName, "Depth" ); depthDsGroup->setDataLocation( MDAL_DataLocation::DataOnFaces ); depthDsGroup->setIsScalar( true ); std::shared_ptr waterLevelDsGroup = std::make_shared< DatasetGroup >( name(), mMesh.get(), datFileName, "Water Level" ); waterLevelDsGroup->setDataLocation( MDAL_DataLocation::DataOnFaces ); waterLevelDsGroup->setIsScalar( true ); std::shared_ptr flowDsGroup = std::make_shared< DatasetGroup >( name(), mMesh.get(), datFileName, "Velocity" ); flowDsGroup->setDataLocation( MDAL_DataLocation::DataOnFaces ); flowDsGroup->setIsScalar( false ); std::shared_ptr flowDataset; std::shared_ptr depthDataset; std::shared_ptr waterLevelDataset; while ( std::getline( inStream, line ) ) { line = MDAL::rtrim( line ); std::vector lineParts = MDAL::split( line, ' ' ); if ( lineParts.size() == 1 ) { time = RelativeTimestamp( MDAL::toDouble( line ), RelativeTimestamp::hours ); ntimes++; if ( depthDataset ) addDatasetToGroup( depthDsGroup, depthDataset ); if ( flowDataset ) addDatasetToGroup( flowDsGroup, flowDataset ); if ( waterLevelDataset ) addDatasetToGroup( waterLevelDsGroup, waterLevelDataset ); depthDataset = std::make_shared< MemoryDataset2D >( depthDsGroup.get() ); flowDataset = std::make_shared< MemoryDataset2D >( flowDsGroup.get() ); waterLevelDataset = std::make_shared< MemoryDataset2D >( waterLevelDsGroup.get() ); depthDataset->setTime( time ); flowDataset->setTime( time ); waterLevelDataset->setTime( time ); face_idx = 0; } else if ( ( lineParts.size() == 5 ) || ( lineParts.size() == 6 ) ) { // new Vertex for time if ( !depthDataset || !flowDataset || !waterLevelDataset ) throw MDAL::Error( MDAL_Status::Err_UnknownFormat, "Depth, flow or water level dataset is not valid (null)" ); if ( face_idx == nVertexs ) throw MDAL::Error( MDAL_Status::Err_IncompatibleMesh, "Invalid face id" ); // this is magnitude: getDouble(lineParts[2]); flowDataset->setVectorValue( face_idx, getDouble( lineParts[3] ), getDouble( lineParts[4] ) ); double depth = getDouble( lineParts[1] ); depthDataset->setScalarValue( face_idx, depth ); if ( !std::isnan( depth ) ) depth += elevations[face_idx]; waterLevelDataset->setScalarValue( face_idx, depth ); face_idx ++; } else { throw MDAL::Error( MDAL_Status::Err_UnknownFormat, "Unable to load TIMDEP file, found unknown format" ); } } if ( depthDataset ) addDatasetToGroup( depthDsGroup, depthDataset ); if ( flowDataset ) addDatasetToGroup( flowDsGroup, flowDataset ); if ( waterLevelDataset ) addDatasetToGroup( waterLevelDsGroup, waterLevelDataset ); depthDsGroup->setStatistics( MDAL::calculateStatistics( depthDsGroup ) ); flowDsGroup->setStatistics( MDAL::calculateStatistics( flowDsGroup ) ); waterLevelDsGroup->setStatistics( MDAL::calculateStatistics( waterLevelDsGroup ) ); mMesh->datasetGroups.push_back( depthDsGroup ); mMesh->datasetGroups.push_back( flowDsGroup ); mMesh->datasetGroups.push_back( waterLevelDsGroup ); } void MDAL::DriverFlo2D::parseDEPTHFile( const std::string &datFileName, const std::vector &elevations ) { // this file is optional, so if not present, reading is skipped std::string depthFile( fileNameFromDir( datFileName, "DEPTH.OUT" ) ); if ( !MDAL::fileExists( depthFile ) ) { return; //optional file } std::ifstream depthStream( depthFile, std::ifstream::in ); std::string line; size_t nFaces = mMesh->facesCount(); std::vector maxDepth( nFaces ); std::vector maxWaterLevel( nFaces ); size_t vertex_idx = 0; // DEPTH.OUT - COORDINATES (ELEM NUM, X, Y, MAX DEPTH) while ( std::getline( depthStream, line ) ) { line = MDAL::rtrim( line ); if ( vertex_idx == nFaces ) throw MDAL::Error( MDAL_Status::Err_IncompatibleMesh, "Error while loading DEPTH file, invalid vertex index" ); std::vector lineParts = MDAL::split( line, ' ' ); if ( lineParts.size() != 4 ) { throw MDAL::Error( MDAL_Status::Err_UnknownFormat, "Error while loading DEPTH file, wrong lineparts count (4)" ); } double val = getDouble( lineParts[3] ); maxDepth[vertex_idx] = val; //water level if ( !std::isnan( val ) ) val += elevations[vertex_idx]; maxWaterLevel[vertex_idx] = val; vertex_idx++; } addStaticDataset( maxDepth, "Depth/Maximums", datFileName ); addStaticDataset( maxWaterLevel, "Water Level/Maximums", datFileName ); } void MDAL::DriverFlo2D::parseVELFPVELOCFile( const std::string &datFileName ) { // these files are optional, so if not present, reading is skipped size_t nFaces = mMesh->facesCount(); std::vector maxVel( nFaces ); { std::string velocityFile( fileNameFromDir( datFileName, "VELFP.OUT" ) ); if ( !MDAL::fileExists( velocityFile ) ) { return; //optional file } std::ifstream velocityStream( velocityFile, std::ifstream::in ); std::string line; size_t vertex_idx = 0; // VELFP.OUT - COORDINATES (ELEM NUM, X, Y, MAX VEL) - Maximum floodplain flow velocity; while ( std::getline( velocityStream, line ) ) { if ( vertex_idx == nFaces ) throw MDAL::Error( MDAL_Status::Err_IncompatibleMesh, "Error while loading VELFP file, invalid vertex index" ); line = MDAL::rtrim( line ); std::vector lineParts = MDAL::split( line, ' ' ); if ( lineParts.size() != 4 ) { throw MDAL::Error( MDAL_Status::Err_UnknownFormat, "Error while loading VELFP file, wrong lineparts count (4)" ); } double val = getDouble( lineParts[3] ); maxVel[vertex_idx] = val; vertex_idx++; } } { std::string velocityFile( fileNameFromDir( datFileName, "VELOC.OUT" ) ); if ( !MDAL::fileExists( velocityFile ) ) { return; //optional file } std::ifstream velocityStream( velocityFile, std::ifstream::in ); std::string line; size_t vertex_idx = 0; // VELOC.OUT - COORDINATES (ELEM NUM, X, Y, MAX VEL) - Maximum channel flow velocity while ( std::getline( velocityStream, line ) ) { if ( vertex_idx == nFaces ) throw MDAL::Error( MDAL_Status::Err_IncompatibleMesh, "Error while loading VELOC file, invalid vertex index" ); line = MDAL::rtrim( line ); std::vector lineParts = MDAL::split( line, ' ' ); if ( lineParts.size() != 4 ) { throw MDAL::Error( MDAL_Status::Err_UnknownFormat, "Error while loading VELOC file, wrong lineparts count (4)" ); } double val = getDouble( lineParts[3] ); if ( !std::isnan( val ) ) // overwrite value from VELFP if it is not 0 { maxVel[vertex_idx] = val; } vertex_idx++; } } addStaticDataset( maxVel, "Velocity/Maximums", datFileName ); } double MDAL::DriverFlo2D::calcCellSize( const std::vector &cells ) { // find first cell that is not izolated from the others // and return its distance to the neighbor's cell center for ( size_t i = 0; i < cells.size(); ++i ) { for ( size_t j = 0; j < 4; ++j ) { int idx = cells[i].conn[0]; if ( idx > -1 ) { if ( ( j == 0 ) || ( j == 2 ) ) { return fabs( cells[static_cast( idx )].y - cells[i].y ); } else { return fabs( cells[static_cast( idx )].x - cells[i].x ); } } } } throw MDAL::Error( MDAL_Status::Err_IncompatibleMesh, "Did not find izolated cell" ); } MDAL::Vertex MDAL::DriverFlo2D::createVertex( size_t position, double half_cell_size, const CellCenter &cell ) { MDAL::Vertex n; n.x = cell.x; n.y = cell.y; switch ( position ) { case 0: n.x += half_cell_size; n.y -= half_cell_size; break; case 1: n.x += half_cell_size; n.y += half_cell_size; break; case 2: n.x -= half_cell_size; n.y += half_cell_size; break; case 3: n.x -= half_cell_size; n.y -= half_cell_size; break; } return n; } void MDAL::DriverFlo2D::createMesh( const std::vector &cells, double half_cell_size ) { // Create all Faces from cell centers. // Vertexs must be also created, they are not stored in FLO-2D files // try to reuse Vertexs already created for other Faces by usage of unique_Vertexs set. Faces faces; Vertices vertices; std::map unique_vertices; //vertex -> id size_t vertex_idx = 0; for ( size_t i = 0; i < cells.size(); ++i ) { Face e( 4 ); for ( size_t position = 0; position < 4; ++position ) { Vertex n = createVertex( position, half_cell_size, cells[i] ); const auto iter = unique_vertices.find( n ); if ( iter == unique_vertices.end() ) { unique_vertices[n] = vertex_idx; vertices.push_back( n ); e[position] = vertex_idx; ++vertex_idx; } else { e[position] = iter->second; } } faces.push_back( e ); } mMesh.reset( new MemoryMesh( name(), vertices.size(), 0, faces.size(), 4, //maximum quads computeExtent( vertices ), mDatFileName ) ); mMesh->faces = faces; mMesh->vertices = vertices; } bool MDAL::DriverFlo2D::parseHDF5Datasets( MemoryMesh *mesh, const std::string &timedepFileName ) { //return true on error size_t nFaces = mesh->facesCount(); if ( !fileExists( timedepFileName ) ) return true; HdfFile file( timedepFileName, HdfFile::ReadOnly ); if ( !file.isValid() ) return true; HdfGroup timedataGroup = file.group( "TIMDEP NETCDF OUTPUT RESULTS" ); if ( !timedataGroup.isValid() ) return true; std::vector groupNames = timedataGroup.groups(); for ( const std::string &grpName : groupNames ) { HdfGroup grp = timedataGroup.group( grpName ); if ( !grp.isValid() ) return true; HdfAttribute groupType = grp.attribute( "Grouptype" ); if ( !groupType.isValid() ) return true; HdfAttribute timeUnitAttribute = grp.attribute( "TimeUnits" ); std::string timeUnitString = timeUnitAttribute.readString(); /* Min and Max arrays in TIMDEP.HDF5 files have dimensions 1xntimesteps . HdfDataset minDs = grp.dataset("Mins"); if (!minDs.isValid()) return true; HdfDataset maxDs = grp.dataset("Maxs"); if (!maxDs.isValid()) return true; */ HdfDataset timesDs = grp.dataset( "Times" ); if ( !timesDs.isValid() ) return true; size_t timesteps = timesDs.elementCount(); HdfDataset valuesDs = grp.dataset( "Values" ); if ( !valuesDs.isValid() ) return true; bool isVector = MDAL::contains( groupType.readString(), "vector", ContainsBehaviour::CaseInsensitive ); // Some sanity checks size_t expectedSize = mesh->facesCount() * timesteps; if ( isVector ) expectedSize *= 2; if ( valuesDs.elementCount() != expectedSize ) return true; // Read data std::vector times = timesDs.readArrayDouble(); std::vector values = valuesDs.readArray(); // Create dataset now std::shared_ptr ds = std::make_shared< DatasetGroup >( name(), mesh, timedepFileName, grpName ); ds->setDataLocation( MDAL_DataLocation::DataOnFaces ); ds->setIsScalar( !isVector ); for ( size_t ts = 0; ts < timesteps; ++ts ) { std::shared_ptr< MemoryDataset2D > output = std::make_shared< MemoryDataset2D >( ds.get() ); output->setTime( times[ts], parseDurationTimeUnit( timeUnitString ) ); if ( isVector ) { // vector for ( size_t i = 0; i < nFaces; ++i ) { size_t idx = 2 * ( ts * nFaces + i ); double x = getDouble( static_cast( values[idx] ) ); double y = getDouble( static_cast( values[idx + 1] ) ); output->setVectorValue( i, x, y ); } } else { // scalar for ( size_t i = 0; i < nFaces; ++i ) { size_t idx = ts * nFaces + i; double val = getDouble( static_cast( values[idx] ) ); output->setScalarValue( i, val ); } } addDatasetToGroup( ds, output ); } // TODO use mins & maxs arrays ds->setStatistics( MDAL::calculateStatistics( ds ) ); mesh->datasetGroups.push_back( ds ); } return false; } void MDAL::DriverFlo2D::parseOUTDatasets( const std::string &datFileName, const std::vector &elevations ) { // Create Depth and Velocity datasets Time varying datasets parseTIMDEPFile( datFileName, elevations ); // Maximum Depth and Water Level parseDEPTHFile( datFileName, elevations ); // Maximum Velocity parseVELFPVELOCFile( datFileName ); } MDAL::DriverFlo2D::DriverFlo2D() : Driver( "FLO2D", "Flo2D", "*.nc", Capability::ReadMesh | Capability::ReadDatasets | Capability::WriteDatasetsOnFaces ) { } MDAL::DriverFlo2D *MDAL::DriverFlo2D::create() { return new DriverFlo2D(); } bool MDAL::DriverFlo2D::canReadMesh( const std::string &uri ) { std::string cadptsFile( fileNameFromDir( uri, "CADPTS.DAT" ) ); if ( !MDAL::fileExists( cadptsFile ) ) { return false; } std::string fplainFile( fileNameFromDir( uri, "FPLAIN.DAT" ) ); if ( !MDAL::fileExists( fplainFile ) ) { return false; } return true; } bool MDAL::DriverFlo2D::canReadDatasets( const std::string &uri ) { if ( !fileExists( uri ) ) return false; HdfFile file( uri, HdfFile::ReadOnly ); if ( !file.isValid() ) return false; HdfGroup timedataGroup = file.group( "TIMDEP NETCDF OUTPUT RESULTS" ); if ( !timedataGroup.isValid() ) return false; return true; } void MDAL::DriverFlo2D::load( const std::string &uri, MDAL::Mesh *mesh ) { MDAL::Log::resetLastStatus(); MDAL::MemoryMesh *memoryMesh = dynamic_cast( mesh ); if ( !memoryMesh ) { MDAL::Log::error( MDAL_Status::Err_IncompatibleMesh, name(), "Mesh is not valid (null)" ); return; } if ( !MDAL::fileExists( uri ) ) { MDAL::Log::error( MDAL_Status::Err_FileNotFound, name(), "Could not find file " + uri ); return; } bool err = parseHDF5Datasets( memoryMesh, uri ); if ( err ) { MDAL::Log::error( MDAL_Status::Err_InvalidData, name(), "Could not parse HDF5 datasets" ); } } std::unique_ptr< MDAL::Mesh > MDAL::DriverFlo2D::load( const std::string &resultsFile, const std::string & ) { mDatFileName = resultsFile; MDAL::Log::resetLastStatus(); mMesh.reset(); std::vector cells; try { // Parse mMesh info parseCADPTSFile( mDatFileName, cells ); std::vector elevations; parseFPLAINFile( elevations, mDatFileName, cells ); double cell_size = calcCellSize( cells ); // Create mMesh createMesh( cells, cell_size / 2.0 ); // create output for bed elevation addStaticDataset( elevations, "Bed Elevation", mDatFileName ); // check if we have HDF5 file std::string TIMDEPFileName = fileNameFromDir( mDatFileName, "TIMDEP.HDF5" ); if ( parseHDF5Datasets( mMesh.get(), TIMDEPFileName ) ) { // some problem with HDF5 data, try text files parseOUTDatasets( mDatFileName, elevations ); } } catch ( MDAL_Status error ) { MDAL::Log::error( error, name(), "error occurred while loading file " + resultsFile ); mMesh.reset(); } catch ( MDAL::Error err ) { MDAL::Log::error( err, name() ); } return std::unique_ptr( mMesh.release() ); } bool MDAL::DriverFlo2D::addToHDF5File( DatasetGroup *group ) { assert( MDAL::fileExists( group->uri() ) ); HdfFile file( group->uri(), HdfFile::ReadWrite ); if ( !file.isValid() ) return true; HdfGroup timedataGroup = file.group( "TIMDEP NETCDF OUTPUT RESULTS" ); if ( !timedataGroup.isValid() ) return true; return appendGroup( file, group, timedataGroup ); } bool MDAL::DriverFlo2D::saveNewHDF5File( DatasetGroup *dsGroup ) { // Create file HdfFile file( dsGroup->uri(), HdfFile::Create ); // Unable to create if ( !file.isValid() ) return true; // Create float dataset File Version HdfDataset dsFileVersion( file.id(), "/File Version", H5T_NATIVE_FLOAT ); dsFileVersion.write( 1.0f ); // Create string dataset File Type HdfDataset dsFileType( file.id(), "/File Type", HdfDataType::createString() ); dsFileType.write( "Xmdf" ); // Create group TIMDEP NETCDF OUTPUT RESULTS HdfGroup groupTNOR = HdfGroup::create( file.id(), "/TIMDEP NETCDF OUTPUT RESULTS" ); // Create attribute HdfAttribute attTNORGrouptype( groupTNOR.id(), "Grouptype", HdfDataType::createString() ); // Write string value to attribute attTNORGrouptype.write( "Generic" ); return appendGroup( file, dsGroup, groupTNOR ); } bool MDAL::DriverFlo2D::appendGroup( HdfFile &file, MDAL::DatasetGroup *dsGroup, HdfGroup &groupTNOR ) { assert( dsGroup->dataLocation() == MDAL_DataLocation::DataOnFaces ); HdfDataType dtMaxString = HdfDataType::createString(); std::string dsGroupName = dsGroup->name(); const size_t timesCount = dsGroup->datasets.size(); const size_t facesCount = dsGroup->mesh()->facesCount(); size_t valCount = facesCount; HdfDataspace dscValues; if ( dsGroup->isScalar() ) { std::vector dimsForScalarValues = { timesCount, facesCount }; dscValues = HdfDataspace( dimsForScalarValues ); } else { valCount *= 2; std::vector dimsForVectorValues = { timesCount, facesCount, 2 }; dscValues = HdfDataspace( dimsForVectorValues ); } std::vector timesCountVec = {timesCount}; HdfDataspace dscTimes( timesCountVec ); std::vector maximums( timesCount ); std::vector minimums( timesCount ); std::vector times( timesCount ); std::vector values( timesCount * valCount ); // prepare data for ( size_t i = 0; i < dsGroup->datasets.size(); i++ ) { const std::shared_ptr &dataset = dsGroup->datasets.at( i ); std::vector singleRowValues( valCount ); if ( dsGroup->isScalar() ) { dataset->scalarData( 0, facesCount, singleRowValues.data() ); } else { dataset->vectorData( 0, facesCount, singleRowValues.data() ); } for ( size_t j = 0; j < valCount; j++ ) { double doubleValue = toFlo2DDouble( singleRowValues[j] ); values[i * valCount + j] = static_cast( doubleValue ); } const Statistics st = dataset->statistics(); maximums[i] = static_cast( st.maximum ); minimums[i] = static_cast( st.minimum ); times[i] = dataset->time( RelativeTimestamp::hours ) ; } // store data int i = 0; while ( file.pathExists( "/TIMDEP NETCDF OUTPUT RESULTS/" + dsGroupName ) ) { dsGroupName = dsGroup->name() + "_" + std::to_string( i ); // make sure we have unique group name } HdfGroup group = HdfGroup::create( groupTNOR.id(), "/TIMDEP NETCDF OUTPUT RESULTS/" + dsGroupName ); HdfAttribute attDataType( group.id(), "Data Type", H5T_NATIVE_INT ); attDataType.write( 0 ); HdfAttribute attDatasetCompression( group.id(), "DatasetCompression", H5T_NATIVE_INT ); attDatasetCompression.write( -1 ); /* HdfDataspace dscDatasetUnits( dimsSingle ); HdfAttribute attDatasetUnits( group.id(), "DatasetUnits", true ); attDatasetUnits.writeString( dscDatasetUnits.id(), "unknown" ); */ HdfAttribute attGrouptype( group.id(), "Grouptype", dtMaxString ); if ( dsGroup->isScalar() ) attGrouptype.write( "DATASET SCALAR" ); else attGrouptype.write( "DATASET VECTOR" ); HdfAttribute attTimeUnits( group.id(), "TimeUnits", dtMaxString ); attTimeUnits.write( "Hours" ); HdfDataset dsMaxs( file.id(), "/TIMDEP NETCDF OUTPUT RESULTS/" + dsGroupName + "/Maxs", H5T_NATIVE_FLOAT, timesCountVec ); dsMaxs.write( maximums ); HdfDataset dsMins( file.id(), "/TIMDEP NETCDF OUTPUT RESULTS/" + dsGroupName + "/Mins", H5T_NATIVE_FLOAT, timesCountVec ); dsMins.write( minimums ); HdfDataset dsTimes( file.id(), "/TIMDEP NETCDF OUTPUT RESULTS/" + dsGroupName + "/Times", H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE, timesCountVec ); dsTimes.write( times ); HdfDataset dsValues( file.id(), "/TIMDEP NETCDF OUTPUT RESULTS/" + dsGroupName + "/Values", H5T_NATIVE_FLOAT, dscValues ); dsValues.write( values ); return false; //OK } bool MDAL::DriverFlo2D::persist( DatasetGroup *group ) { if ( !group || ( group->dataLocation() != MDAL_DataLocation::DataOnFaces ) ) { MDAL::Log::error( MDAL_Status::Err_IncompatibleDataset, name(), "flo-2d can store only 2D face datasets" ); return true; } try { // Return true on error if ( MDAL::fileExists( group->uri() ) ) { // Add dataset to a existing file return addToHDF5File( group ); } else { // Create new HDF5 file with Flow2D structure return saveNewHDF5File( group ); } } catch ( MDAL_Status error ) { MDAL::Log::error( error, name(), "error occurred" ); return true; } catch ( MDAL::Error err ) { MDAL::Log::error( err, name() ); return true; } }