IHACRES Version 1.0
copyrights (c) 2008 Stefan Liersch
The Rainfall-Runoff Model IHACRES
Jakeman, A.J. / Hornberger, G.M. (1993).
How Much Complexity Is Warranted in a Rainfall-Runoff Model?
Water Resources Research, (29), NO. 8 (2637-2649)
Croke, B. F. W. et al.(2004).
A dynamic model for predicting hydrologic response to land cover changes in gauged and ungauged catchments.
Journal Of Hydrology 291(1-2): 115-131.
- Table
Input Table
- Date Column
Table field
- Select the column containing the Date
- Streamflow Column
Table field
- Select the Column containing Discharge Values
- Precipitation Column
Table field
- Select the Column containing precipitation Values
- Temperature Column
Table field
- Select the Column containing Temperature Values
- Using temperature data?
- If checked, then temperature data are used.
- Area of the Watershed in [km2]
Floating point
- Area of the Watershed in [km2] used for unit conversion
Minimum: 1e-05
- Non-Linear Module
- Parameter (c)
Floating point
- Parameter (c) to fit streamflow volume
Maximum: 1.0
- (Tw) wetness decline time constant
Floating point
- Tw is approximately the time constant, or inversely,the rate at which the catchment wetness declines in the absence of rainfall
Minimum: 0.01; Maximum: 150.0
- Storage Configuration
- Storage
Available choices: Single Storage, Two Parallel Storages, Two Storages in Series !!! not yet implemented !!!
- IHACRES Version
- IHACRES Version
Available choices: Jakeman & Hornberger (1993), Croke et al. (2005)
- Using the snow-melt module?
- If checked, snow-melt module is used.
- Write all calculated Time Series in a table?
- If checked, then a second output table with all Time Series data is created.
- Table
Output Data Object
- Table
Output Data Object
- Table
Output Data Object