SFSTextureExtraction otbcli_SFSTextureExtraction SFS Texture Extraction Feature Extraction Computes Structural Feature Set textures on every pixel of the input image selected channel ParameterRaster in Input Image The input image to compute the features on. False ParameterNumber channel Selected Channel The selected channel index 1 ParameterNumber ram Available RAM (Mb) Available memory for processing (in MB) 128 ParameterNumber parameters.spethre Spectral Threshold Spectral Threshold 50 ParameterNumber parameters.spathre Spatial Threshold Spatial Threshold 100 ParameterNumber parameters.nbdir Number of Direction Number of Direction 20 ParameterNumber parameters.alpha Alpha Alpha 1 ParameterNumber parameters.maxcons Ratio Maximum Consideration Number Ratio Maximum Consideration Number 5 OutputRaster out Feature Output Image Output image containing the SFS texture features.