class QgsVectorDataProvider : QgsDataProvider { %TypeHeaderCode #include %End public: QgsVectorDataProvider* __iter__(); %MethodCode sipRes = sipCpp; %End SIP_PYOBJECT __next__(); %MethodCode QgsFeature* f = new QgsFeature; if (sipCpp->nextFeature(*f)) sipRes = sipConvertFromInstance(f, sipClass_QgsFeature, Py_None); else { delete f; PyErr_SetString(PyExc_StopIteration,""); } %End // If you add to this, please also add to capabilitiesString() /** * enumeration with capabilities that providers might implement */ enum Capability { NoCapabilities = 0, AddFeatures = 1, DeleteFeatures = 2, ChangeAttributeValues = 4, AddAttributes = 8, DeleteAttributes = 16, SaveAsShapefile = 32, CreateSpatialIndex = 64, SelectAtId = 128, ChangeGeometries = 256, SelectGeometryAtId = 512, RandomSelectGeometryAtId = 1024, SequentialSelectGeometryAtId = 2048, CreateAttributeIndex = 4096, SetEncoding = 8192, }; /** bitmask of all provider's editing capabilities */ static const int EditingCapabilities; /** * Constructor of the vector provider * @param uri uniform resource locator (URI) for a dataset */ QgsVectorDataProvider( QString uri = QString() ); /** * Destructor */ virtual ~QgsVectorDataProvider(); /** * Returns the permanent storage type for this layer as a friendly name. */ virtual QString storageType() const; /** Select features based on a bounding rectangle. Features can be retrieved with calls to nextFeature. * @param fetchAttributes list of attributes which should be fetched * @param rect spatial filter * @param fetchGeometry true if the feature geometry should be fetched * @param useIntersect true if an accurate intersection test should be used, * false if a test based on bounding box is sufficient */ virtual void select( QList fetchAttributes = QList(), QgsRectangle rect = QgsRectangle(), bool fetchGeometry = true, bool useIntersect = false ) = 0; /** * This function does nothing useful, it's kept only for compatibility. * @todo to be removed */ virtual long updateFeatureCount() /Deprecated/; /** * Gets the feature at the given feature ID. * @param featureId id of the feature * @param feature feature which will receive the data * @param fetchGeometry if true, geometry will be fetched from the provider * @param fetchAttributes a list containing the indexes of the attribute fields to copy * @return True when feature was found, otherwise false * * Default implementation traverses all features until it finds the one with correct ID. * In case the provider supports reading the feature directly, override this function. */ virtual bool featureAtId( qint64 featureId, QgsFeature& feature, bool fetchGeometry = true, QList fetchAttributes = QList()); /** * Get the next feature resulting from a select operation. * @param feature feature which will receive data from the provider * @return true when there was a feature to fetch, false when end was hit */ virtual bool nextFeature( QgsFeature& feature ) = 0; /** * Get feature type. * @return int representing the feature type */ virtual QGis::WkbType geometryType() const = 0; /** * Number of features in the layer * @return long containing number of features */ virtual long featureCount() const = 0; /** * Number of attribute fields for a feature in the layer */ virtual uint fieldCount() const = 0; /** * Return a map of indexes with field names for this layer * @return map of fields * @see QgsFieldMap */ virtual const QMap &fields() const = 0; /** * Return a short comment for the data that this provider is * providing access to (e.g. the comment for postgres table). */ virtual QString dataComment() const; /** Restart reading features from previous select operation */ virtual void rewind() = 0; /** * Returns the minimum value of an attribute * @param index the index of the attribute * * Default implementation walks all numeric attributes and caches minimal * and maximal values. If provider has facilities to retrieve minimal * value directly, override this function. */ virtual QVariant minimumValue( int index ); /** * Returns the maximum value of an attribute * @param index the index of the attribute * * Default implementation walks all numeric attributes and caches minimal * and maximal values. If provider has facilities to retrieve maximal * value directly, override this function. */ virtual QVariant maximumValue( int index ); /** * Return unique values of an attribute * @param index the index of the attribute * @param uniqueValues values reference to the list to fill * @param limit maxmum number of the values to return (added in 1.4) * * Default implementation simply iterates the features */ virtual void uniqueValues( int index, QList &uniqueValues /Out/, int limit = -1 ); /**Returns the possible enum values of an attribute. Returns an empty stringlist if a provider does not support enum types or if the given attribute is not an enum type. * @param index the index of the attribute * @param enumList reference to the list to fill @note: added in version 1.2*/ virtual void enumValues( int index, QStringList& enumList /Out/ ); /** * Adds a list of features * @return true in case of success and false in case of failure */ virtual bool addFeatures( QList & flist /In,Out/ ); /** * Deletes one or more features * @param id list containing feature ids to delete * @return true in case of success and false in case of failure */ virtual bool deleteFeatures( const QSet &id ); /** * Adds new attributes * @param attributes list of new attributes * @return true in case of success and false in case of failure * @note added in 1.2 */ virtual bool addAttributes( const QList &attributes ); /** * Add new attributes * @param attributes map of attributes name as key and type as value * @return true in case of success and false in case of failure * @deprecated */ virtual bool addAttributes( const QMap &attributes ) /Deprecated/; /** * Deletes existing attributes * @param attributes a set containing indices of attributes * @return true in case of success and false in case of failure */ virtual bool deleteAttributes( const QSet &attributes ); /** * Changes attribute values of existing features. * @param attr_map a map containing changed attributes * @return true in case of success and false in case of failure */ virtual bool changeAttributeValues( const QMap > &attr_map ); /** * Returns the default value for field specified by @c fieldId */ virtual QVariant defaultValue( int fieldId ); /** * Changes geometries of existing features * @param geometry_map A std::map containing the feature IDs to change the geometries of. * the second map parameter being the new geometries themselves * @return true in case of success and false in case of failure */ virtual bool changeGeometryValues( QMap & geometry_map ); /** * Creates a spatial index on the datasource (if supported by the provider type). * @return true in case of success */ virtual bool createSpatialIndex(); /**Create an attribute index on the datasource*/ virtual bool createAttributeIndex( int field ); /** Returns a bitmask containing the supported capabilities Note, some capabilities may change depending on whether a spatial filter is active on this provider, so it may be prudent to check this value per intended operation. */ virtual int capabilities() const; /** * Returns the above in friendly format. */ QString capabilitiesString() const; /** * Set encoding used for accessing data from layer */ virtual void setEncoding( const QString& e ); /** * Get encoding which is used for accessing data */ QString encoding() const; /** * Returns the index of a field name or -1 if the field does not exist */ int fieldNameIndex( const QString& fieldName ) const; /**Return a map where the key is the name of the field and the value is its index*/ QMap fieldNameMap() const; /** * Return list of indexes to fetch all attributes in nextFeature() */ QList attributeIndexes(); /** * Set whether provider should also return features that don't have * associated geometry. false by default */ void enableGeometrylessFeatures( bool fetch ); /** * check if provider supports type of field * @note added in 1.2 */ bool supportedType( const QgsField &field ) const; struct NativeType { NativeType( QString typeDesc, QString typeName, QVariant::Type type, int minLen = 0, int maxLen = 0, int minPrec = 0, int maxPrec = 0 ); }; /** * Returns the names of the supported types * @note added in 1.2 */ const QList< QgsVectorDataProvider::NativeType > &nativeTypes() const; /** * Returns the names of the supported types * @deprecated use nativeTypes() */ const QMap &supportedNativeTypes() const /Deprecated/; /** Returns true if the provider is strict about the type of inserted features (e.g. no multipolygon in a polygon layer) @note: added in version 1.4*/ bool doesStrictFeatureTypeCheck() const; /** Returns a list of available encodings */ static const QStringList &availableEncodings(); /* provider has errors to report * @note added in 1.7 */ bool hasErrors(); /* clear recorded errors * @note added in 1.7 */ void clearErrors(); /* get recorded errors * @note added in 1.7 */ QStringList errors(); protected: QVariant convertValue( QVariant::Type type, QString value ); void clearMinMaxCache(); void fillMinMaxCache(); void pushError( QString msg ); };