/* MDAL - Mesh Data Abstraction Library (MIT License) Copyright (C) 2018 Peter Petrik (zilolv at gmail dot com) */ #include "mdal_3di.hpp" MDAL::Loader3Di::Loader3Di( const std::string &fileName ) : LoaderCF( fileName ) { } MDAL::CFDimensions MDAL::Loader3Di::populateDimensions() { CFDimensions dims; size_t count; int ncid; // 2D Mesh mNcFile.getDimension( "nMesh2D_nodes", &count, &ncid ); dims.setDimension( CFDimensions::Face2D, count, ncid ); mNcFile.getDimension( "nCorner_Nodes", &count, &ncid ); dims.setDimension( CFDimensions::MaxVerticesInFace, count, ncid ); // Vertices count is populated later in populateFacesAndVertices // it is not known from the array dimensions // Time mNcFile.getDimension( "time", &count, &ncid ); dims.setDimension( CFDimensions::Time, count, ncid ); return dims; } void MDAL::Loader3Di::populateFacesAndVertices( Vertices &vertices, Faces &faces ) { assert( vertices.empty() ); size_t faceCount = mDimensions.size( CFDimensions::Face2D ); faces.resize( faceCount ); size_t verticesInFace = mDimensions.size( CFDimensions::MaxVerticesInFace ); size_t arrsize = faceCount * verticesInFace; std::map xyToVertex2DId; // X coordinate int ncidX = mNcFile.getVarId( "Mesh2DContour_x" ); double fillX = mNcFile.getFillValue( ncidX ); std::vector faceVerticesX( arrsize ); if ( nc_get_var_double( mNcFile.handle(), ncidX, faceVerticesX.data() ) ) throw MDAL_Status::Err_UnknownFormat; // Y coordinate int ncidY = mNcFile.getVarId( "Mesh2DContour_y" ); double fillY = mNcFile.getFillValue( ncidY ); std::vector faceVerticesY( arrsize ); if ( nc_get_var_double( mNcFile.handle(), ncidY, faceVerticesY.data() ) ) throw MDAL_Status::Err_UnknownFormat; // now populate create faces and backtrack which vertices // are used in multiple faces for ( size_t faceId = 0; faceId < faceCount; ++faceId ) { Face face; for ( size_t faceVertexId = 0; faceVertexId < verticesInFace; ++faceVertexId ) { size_t arrId = faceId * verticesInFace + faceVertexId; Vertex vertex; vertex.x = faceVerticesX[arrId]; vertex.y = faceVerticesY[arrId]; vertex.z = 0; if ( MDAL::equals( vertex.x, fillX ) || MDAL::equals( vertex.y, fillY ) ) break; size_t vertexId; std::string key = std::to_string( vertex.x ) + "," + std::to_string( vertex.y ); const auto it = xyToVertex2DId.find( key ); if ( it == xyToVertex2DId.end() ) { // new vertex vertexId = vertices.size(); xyToVertex2DId[key] = vertexId; vertices.push_back( vertex ); } else { // existing vertex vertexId = it->second; } face.push_back( vertexId ); } faces[faceId] = face; } // Only now we have number of vertices, since we identified vertices that // are used in multiple faces mDimensions.setDimension( CFDimensions::Vertex2D, vertices.size() ); } void MDAL::Loader3Di::addBedElevation( MDAL::Mesh *mesh ) { assert( mesh ); if ( 0 == mesh->facesCount() ) return; size_t faceCount = mesh->facesCount(); // read Z coordinate of 3di computation nodes centers int ncidZ = mNcFile.getVarId( "Mesh2DFace_zcc" ); double fillZ = mNcFile.getFillValue( ncidZ ); std::vector coordZ( faceCount ); if ( nc_get_var_double( mNcFile.handle(), ncidZ, coordZ.data() ) ) return; //error reading the array std::shared_ptr group = std::make_shared< DatasetGroup >( mesh, mesh->uri(), "Bed Elevation" ); group->setIsOnVertices( false ); group->setIsScalar( true ); std::shared_ptr dataset = std::make_shared< MemoryDataset >( group.get() ); dataset->setTime( 0.0 ); double *values = dataset->values(); for ( size_t i = 0; i < faceCount; ++i ) { values[i] = MDAL::safeValue( coordZ[i], fillZ ); } dataset->setStatistics( MDAL::calculateStatistics( dataset ) ); group->setStatistics( MDAL::calculateStatistics( group ) ); group->datasets.push_back( dataset ); mesh->datasetGroups.push_back( group ); } std::string MDAL::Loader3Di::getCoordinateSystemVariableName() { return "projected_coordinate_system"; } std::set MDAL::Loader3Di::ignoreNetCDFVariables() { std::set ignore_variables; ignore_variables.insert( "projected_coordinate_system" ); ignore_variables.insert( "time" ); std::vector meshes; meshes.push_back( "Mesh1D" ); meshes.push_back( "Mesh2D" ); for ( const std::string &mesh : meshes ) { ignore_variables.insert( mesh ); ignore_variables.insert( mesh + "Node_id" ); ignore_variables.insert( mesh + "Node_type" ); ignore_variables.insert( mesh + "Face_xcc" ); ignore_variables.insert( mesh + "Face_ycc" ); ignore_variables.insert( mesh + "Face_zcc" ); ignore_variables.insert( mesh + "Contour_x" ); ignore_variables.insert( mesh + "Contour_y" ); ignore_variables.insert( mesh + "Face_sumax" ); ignore_variables.insert( mesh + "Line_id" ); ignore_variables.insert( mesh + "Line_xcc" ); ignore_variables.insert( mesh + "Line_ycc" ); ignore_variables.insert( mesh + "Line_zcc" ); ignore_variables.insert( mesh + "Line_type" ); } return ignore_variables; } std::string MDAL::Loader3Di::nameSuffix( MDAL::CFDimensions::Type type ) { MDAL_UNUSED( type ); return ""; } void MDAL::Loader3Di::parseNetCDFVariableMetadata( int varid, const std::string &variableName, std::string &name, bool *is_vector, bool *is_x ) { *is_vector = false; *is_x = true; std::string long_name = mNcFile.getAttrStr( "long_name", varid ); if ( long_name.empty() ) { std::string standard_name = mNcFile.getAttrStr( "standard_name", varid ); if ( standard_name.empty() ) { name = variableName; } else { if ( MDAL::contains( standard_name, "_x_" ) ) { *is_vector = true; name = MDAL::replace( standard_name, "_x_", "" ); } else if ( MDAL::contains( standard_name, "_y_" ) ) { *is_vector = true; *is_x = false; name = MDAL::replace( standard_name, "_y_", "" ); } else { name = standard_name; } } } else { if ( MDAL::contains( long_name, " in x direction" ) ) { *is_vector = true; name = MDAL::replace( long_name, " in x direction", "" ); } else if ( MDAL::contains( long_name, " in y direction" ) ) { *is_vector = true; *is_x = false; name = MDAL::replace( long_name, " in y direction", "" ); } else { name = long_name; } } }