/** * Wraps a search widget. Default form is just a QgsLineFilterEdit */ class QgsDefaultSearchWidgetWrapper : QgsSearchWidgetWrapper { %TypeHeaderCode #include %End public: explicit QgsDefaultSearchWidgetWrapper( QgsVectorLayer *vl, int fieldIdx, QWidget *parent /TransferThis/ = 0 ); // QgsSearchWidgetWrapper interface public: QString expression(); bool applyDirectly(); FilterFlags supportedFlags() const; FilterFlags defaultFlags() const; virtual QString createExpression( FilterFlags flags ) const; public slots: virtual void clearWidget(); virtual void setEnabled( bool enabled ); protected slots: void setExpression( QString exp ); protected: QWidget *createWidget( QWidget *parent ); void initWidget( QWidget *editor ); bool valid() const; /** Returns a pointer to the line edit part of the widget. * @note this method is in place for unit testing only, and is not considered * stable API */ QgsFilterLineEdit *lineEdit(); /** Returns a pointer to the case sensitivity check box in the widget. * @note this method is in place for unit testing only, and is not considered * stable API */ QCheckBox *caseSensitiveCheckBox(); };