This application compute for each studied polyline, contained in the input VectorData, the chosen descriptors.
Feature Extraction
Long Description
The first step in the classifier fusion based validation is to compute, for each studied polyline, the chosen descriptors.
[param] -in <string> An image to compute the descriptors on.. Mandatory: True. Default Value: ""
[param] -vd <string> Vector data containing the polylines where the features will be computed.. Mandatory: True. Default Value: ""
[param] -elev <string> This group of parameters allows managing elevation values. Supported formats are SRTM, DTED or any geotiff processed by the DEM import application. Mandatory: True. Default Value: "0"
[param] -expr <string> The feature formula (b1 < 0.3) where b1 is the standard name of input image first band. Mandatory: True. Default Value: ""
[param] -field <string> The field name corresponding to the feature codename (NONDVI, ROADSA...). Mandatory: True. Default Value: ""
[param] -out <string> The output vector data containing polylines with a new field. Mandatory: True. Default Value: ""
Since it does not rely on streaming process, take care of the size of input image before launching application.