/** \ingroup core * \class QgsBlurEffect * \brief A paint effect which blurs a source picture, using a number of different blur * methods. * * \note Added in version 2.9 */ class QgsBlurEffect : QgsPaintEffect { %TypeHeaderCode #include %End public: /** Available blur methods (algorithms) */ enum BlurMethod { StackBlur, /*!< stack blur, a fast but low quality blur. Valid blur level values are between 0 - 16.*/ GaussianBlur /*!< Gaussian blur, a slower but high quality blur. Blur level values are the distance in pixels for the blur operation. */ }; /** Creates a new QgsBlurEffect effect from a properties string map. * @param map encoded properties string map * @returns new QgsBlurEffect */ static QgsPaintEffect *create( const QgsStringMap &map ) /Factory/; QgsBlurEffect(); virtual ~QgsBlurEffect(); virtual QString type() const; virtual QgsStringMap properties() const; virtual void readProperties( const QgsStringMap &props ); virtual QgsBlurEffect *clone() const /Factory/; /** Sets blur level (strength) * @param level blur level. Depending on the current @link blurMethod @endlink, this parameter * has different effects * @see blurLevel * @see blurMethod */ void setBlurLevel( const int level ); /** Returns the blur level (strength) * @returns blur level. Depending on the current @link blurMethod @endlink, this parameter * has different effects * @see setBlurLevel * @see blurMethod */ int blurLevel() const; /** Sets the blur method (algorithm) to use for performing the blur. * @param method blur method * @see blurMethod */ void setBlurMethod( const BlurMethod method ); /** Returns the blur method (algorithm) used for performing the blur. * @returns blur method * @see setBlurMethod */ BlurMethod blurMethod() const; /** Sets the transparency for the effect * @param transparency double between 0 and 1 inclusive, where 0 is fully opaque * and 1 is fully transparent * @see transparency */ void setTransparency( const double transparency ); /** Returns the transparency for the effect * @returns transparency value between 0 and 1 inclusive, where 0 is fully opaque * and 1 is fully transparent * @see setTransparency */ double transparency() const; /** Sets the blend mode for the effect * @param mode blend mode used for drawing the effect on to a destination * paint device * @see blendMode */ void setBlendMode( const QPainter::CompositionMode mode ); /** Returns the blend mode for the effect * @returns blend mode used for drawing the effect on to a destination * paint device * @see setBlendMode */ QPainter::CompositionMode blendMode() const; protected: virtual void draw( QgsRenderContext &context ); virtual QRectF boundingRect( const QRectF &rect, const QgsRenderContext &context ) const; };