HooverCompareSegmentation otbcli_HooverCompareSegmentation Hoover compare segmentation Segmentation Compare two segmentations with Hoover metrics ParameterRaster ingt Input ground truth A partial ground truth segmentation image. False ParameterRaster inms Input machine segmentation A machine segmentation image. False ParameterNumber bg Background label Label value of the background in the input segmentations 0 ParameterNumber th Overlapping threshold Overlapping threshold used to find Hoover instances. 0.75 OutputRaster outgt Colored ground truth output The colored ground truth output image. OutputRaster outms Colored machine segmentation output The colored machine segmentation output image. ParameterNumber rc Correct detection score Overall score for correct detection (RC) 0.0 ParameterNumber rf Over-segmentation score Overall score for over segmentation (RF) 0.0 ParameterNumber ra Under-segmentation score Overall score for under segmentation (RA) 0.0 ParameterNumber rm Missed detection score Overall score for missed detection (RM) 0.0